#ethereal sins
etherealsinsau · 2 months
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Chaggie redesign concepts might tweak in the future
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777 - Sins
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(Post header found on Pinterest)
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Honoring demonic deities sins:
(Please let me know if you have other things I should add to this list, these are just off the top of my head)
⟡ Lord Lucifer ⟡ Pride ⟡
Journal about your achievements, no matter how small
Strut your personality with joy, you deserve to be happy being yourself
Masterbation magic for self love and pride
Turn insults into compliments, or try not to let insults break you
⊱ ☆ ⊰
⟡ Lord Mammon ⟡ Greed ⟡
Allow yourself earthly pleasures
Gamble/Drink responsibly
Indulge in your body/your partners body (consensually)
Be greedy with your personal time
⊱ ☆ ⊰
⟡ King Asmodeus ⟡ Lust ⟡
Once again, indulge in your body/your partners body (consensually)
Follow your non-harmful impulsive thoughts
Practice self love and worth
Bath/Mirror magic
⊱ ☆ ⊰
⟡ Lord Leviathan ⟡ Envy ⟡
Plan your desired future state
Affirmations affirmations AFFIRMATIONS
Be petty to those who flaunt their life to break you down
Shadow Work
⊱ ☆ ⊰
⟡ King Beelzebub ⟡ Gluttony ⟡
Heal your relationship with food
Do whatever you need to live your perfect life, spend, save, heal, whatever you need to live happily
Love yourself first/Put your needs first
⊱ ☆ ⊰
Build a positive relationship with your body, any rolls or fat you have is proof that you are alive and fed.
⟡ Lord Satan ⟡ Wrath ⟡
Learn the difference between healthy outbursts vs abusive outbursts (this includes any form of self-harm just as much as harm to other people)
Don't be afraid to fight a bitch for freedom (Learn how to protect yourself and others)
Be an advocate for justice and protection
Learn and practice coping skills
⊱ ☆ ⊰
⟡ King Belphegor ⟡ Sloth ⟡
Allow yourself rest, nothing else is more important than your bodies well being (Ps, its not lazy to do nothing)
Take time to enjoy life and the things around you
Walk away from things that cause you distress, you don't always have to fight or endure
Allow your creativity to flow
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All these things are common upon each of the 7.
Also, ignore all of this if you have mental/physical health struggles, do whatever you need to do to survive, survival is more important than literally anything.
A lot of these demons, especially Satan and Lucifer, were pagan gods and modern religion made them look evil so they could try to gaslight and manipulate pagans into converting.
And to anyone new to demonic worship, never let anyone tell you these demons stand for abuse, sacrifice, or anything harmful.
Demons commonly are known for helping traumatized people, liberating those who are in-slaved in some way, and helping people heal from the past.
No Satanist who hurts people, animals, or nature is an actual Satanist. Satanism is all about freedom, liberation, and standing up to the man.
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bisho-birb · 5 months
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Art card trade for the month of April~ If you enjoy traditional art and trades, consider joining the ACEO group on DeviantArt~ Info here ♥ Character belongs to Sysirauta micron, prismacolor, ink 2.5x3.5 inch cardstock
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shouta-edits · 5 months
Hello! Possible moodboard of Kevin from sin city? With themes of ethereal aesthetics, divinity, feeling blank and cannibalism?
Content warning c@nnibal mention & gore imagery. Scroll past if you dont want to look.
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dutybcrne · 4 months
Who is down to hear me ramble abt the most unholy fucken things my brain has popped up after rewatching the BH trailer jfbfb
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sysirauta · 2 years
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Things to happen when being made of not flesh.
More random humor featuring younger Pride and Envy.
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whumpsical · 1 year
contents: flashback to a minor whumpee, homelessness, discussed homophobia, bio family blues
Some sweet comfort from one the rockiest eras of Jian's past <3 the gays stick together <33
sometime in 2014
taglist!!! @yet-another-heathen @much-ado-about-whumping @minerscanary
“Come here, Jay.”
Jian bristled.
He was only sixteen at the time. He didn’t like nicknames. He’d never liked nicknames. It wasn’t anyone’s fault; no one had beaten or bullied him out of a taste for them, and he had no past relationships to any particular nicknames to turn him off to the concept. He just didn’t like them.
But at Casanova, one of the many gay bars in Jian’s early rotations, the owner liked to call him Jay. And Jian found that it didn’t grate on his nerves the way it usually would, not coming from Cal.
Cal first caught Jian sneaking into Casanova on a chilly, rainy night. It wasn’t the first time Jian had gotten in. He’d just had a harder time blending with the partygoers that night: waterlogged and shivering, too exhausted to even talk, sitting by himself on a leather couch near the bathrooms. His clothes were damp, leeching all the warmth from his small body, but even shedding his wet jacket didn’t feel like an option. He was convinced that the moment he slipped his scrawny, narrow shoulders free, his age would be made even more pathetically obvious than it already was. It was better to keep still and try to pretend that he wasn’t there at all.
Cal was on the floor that night, covering for a sick bartender. He’d wondered how he’d missed the obviously underaged kid’s entrance into his bar. It was a Tuesday night. Not very busy at all. Maybe it was the rain. The patio sat empty, everyone instead gathering inside and cluttering up Cal’s view of the front door.
Jian flinched when Cal approached him. He was a tall, hefty man, comfortably in his fifties. Though with age his ratio of muscle to fat had shifted, he still had an intensely intimidating power in his stature, especially from where Jian was sitting.
“Hey,” Cal said, with just a hint of the stern edge to his voice which he only fully put on for the handsy creeps and mean drunks.
Jian looked up at the man, numb in the face. He had nothing to say, and was too shocked with cold and fear to even try to squeak out a word.
Cal stood tall, unyielding. “You wanna show me some ID?”
Jian looked at his shoes, a lump growing in his throat. His head was too misty to comprehend much, but he understood enough to recognize he’d been caught, which meant that he had to find somewhere else to hide from the rain. He already couldn’t remember how many times this had happened that night. All he knew was that he didn’t want to go back to the shelter, but he was quickly running out of options. With stiff, freezing hands and a weak, trembling effort, he pushed himself off the sticky seat and started on his staggering trek to the exit.
Cal’s large hands stopped him, butting against his shoulders. Not grabbing. Jian couldn’t even muster any awareness of the act, just pushing his empty body against Cal’s hands like they were an invisible wall in a video game. Cal pushed back a little more firmly, and Jian’s feet tripped to a halt. He stood in place, blinking through confused sparks in his eyes, feeling lightheaded.
“Hold on, hold on. Hey,” Cal said, stooping down to meet Jian’s eyes, and, as twenty-something year old Jian suddenly realized with fondness, to shield him from the activity of the bar around them. “Do you need… Would you like something hot to drink? A warm meal, maybe? Someplace dry?”
Jian had no clue what his face was doing. He remembered his body as a hollow wooden vessel. Still, something must have come across in his silence, because Cal softened even more.
“Look, I don’t know your situation,” he said, squeezing Jian’s shoulder. “But I can tell enough that you need help. I have the means. Come on, honey.”
Cal started to usher Jian towards the bar, and a volatile switch flipped in Jian’s gut, instantly rubbing every inch of his skin raw and sucking the air from his lungs.
“No,” Jian managed in a desperate whisper, shrugging his way out of Cal’s hands and stumbling backwards a few feet before blinking the blind terror from his eyes and halfway remembering where he was. Cal’s hands hovered in a deliberately non-threatening airspace, allowing Jian to retreat as far as he needed.
“Okay,” Cal said quickly, in a peaceful, hushed tone. Jian’s focus still whipped around the bar, but Cal let that manic vigilance die down in its own time, keeping his own body still and distant. “Okay. You don’t have to. But I really don’t want to send you back out there, to who knows what, without at least getting you dried off. You can stay here, honey. You don’t have to go.”
The vividness of Jian’s memory drained to an uninviting mist. He knew that at some point he’d started to cry, and that Cal had led him with an open hand -- so broad it nearly spanned Jian’s entire waistline, at least in those days -- to a more secluded area behind the bar, where both Cal and the small kitchen crew could keep an eye on him while he ravenously devoured a warm plate of various bar staples and a few Casanova specialties. Jian remembered being offered an offensively sugary Shirley Temple in that same spot, but that may have been on another night.
Sometime later, a shift change freed Cal up to drag a second black painted chair over to Jian’s, where he’d been working on drying himself off with an only slightly ratty towel, having adamantly refused a change of clothes from Cal’s apartment above the bar.
“Hey there, kiddo. You feeling any better?”
Jian nodded sheepishly, embarrassed at all the drama he’d become the center of tonight, now that the terror had mostly passed. The heat from the crowd and the food had long since stilled his shivering, and an almost contented sleepiness was taking over instead, a feeling so unfamiliar that he was struggling to guard against it, finding himself nodding off every now and then. He’d been focusing his energy on staying upright in the chair, and was glad for Cal’s interruption.
“I’d like to have a little chat with you, if that’s okay,” Cal said, leaning forward in his seat to match Jian’s height. Jian visibly tensed, swallowing nervously and breaking eye contact. Cal’s voice only softened more. “Sweetheart, you’re not in any trouble with me. What’s your name, honey?”
When Jian only gulped again with considerably more effort, his eyebrows starting to knit with growing anxiety, Cal nodded thoughtfully.
“That’s okay, you don’t have to tell me.”
A rush of cool air flowed through Jian’s chest, relief unclenching his jaw before he’d even realized how tight he’d been squeezing it shut.
“I would like to know how old you are, though,” Cal continued lightly. “But don’t tell me that either. I want to guess. Flex my skills. Is that something the kids are saying today?”
One corner of Jian’s mouth lifted a bit.
“See, I’m out of the loop. This’ll be fun,” Cal said. “Hmm,” he hummed, one hand rubbing his chin as he made a show of scrutinizing Jian’s scrappy appearance. “I’ve got nieces in the eighth grade, but they’re all shorter than you. They definitely eat better, though.” Jian couldn’t help but chuckle silently under the heat of the spotlight, feeling himself becoming invested in the game, despite everything. “Fourteen, maybe? No, fifteen.” When Jian shook his head to both, Cal leaned back, worry overtaking his expression. “Oh, sweetheart, please don’t tell me I started too high. I don’t think I could handle it.”
Jian shook his head again, an easy smile finding its way onto his face. “Sixteen,” he said, his delicate voice all but confirming his answer.
Cal nodded, solemnity gently wafting away the air of humor that had eased them to this point. He leaned forward again, hands clasped in front of him, and looked into Jian’s eyes as he spoke. “It was a long time ago, but it was tough for me when I was that age, too. I can’t speak for your experience, honey, but I know what it’s like to feel alone in the world.”
His defenses down, Jian felt the words hit him square in his chest. Fear and apprehension prickled at the edges of the impact, but the crater was deep enough that genuine empathy was what struck Jian the most. He felt breathless and fragile as he listened, but he didn’t look away.
“I’ve seen some very good friends go down dark paths because of that feeling. And it’s hard to find your way back out. It’s hard out there, baby, I know. But no matter how lost you feel, you will never be unworthy of love, and safety, and peace. Do you understand me?”
Jian wasn’t sure that he did, but Cal spoke with such an urgency that Jian felt he should at least nod, though unease was building in his stomach again. Cal watched him with earnest conviction as he waited for Jian to answer, but Jian shied away from the intensity of it, breaking off eye contact and betraying the gnawing guilt he suddenly felt. Cal sighed, too softly to hear beneath the noise of the bar.
“I know that look, sweetheart. Your family?”
Jian hadn’t realized how obvious it could be. His stomach dropped and a flash of heat pushed tears behind his eyes as fresh wounds burst through their haphazard stitches. He could feel the metaphorical slam of the door all over again, the pain of his father’s violent and consummate rejection only compounded by the past year he’d spent trying to stitch himself back together without him. Failing miserably. He bit his cheek to keep the rest from spilling, and locked eyes with Cal to silently implore him to continue.
Cal didn’t falter. He wrapped Jian’s restlessly clenching fists between his warm hands and leaned in.
“There’s not a lot I can do to change the truly fucking awful things that happen in this world,” Cal said. “But what I can do is help lift some of the burdens that fall on us. You are welcome here, honey.” He accented this with a squeeze of Jian’s hands, then paused, blinked a few times, and made an undecided gesture with a tilt of his head. “Not in the bar, mind you.”
At the gentle chiding, Jian found himself laughing with him, vaguely relieved to be acknowledged as something other than a novelty or a criminal. Cal looked at him without hunger. Being the object of someone’s worry instead of their hatred or desire had faded to a memory from another world, and Jian didn’t know what to do with or even how to identify the bubbly feeling which sat high in his chest. The release of pressure set free a cold crop of tears that he had been clinging to. With grace, Cal let them fall without address.
“But any time it’s getting too heavy,” Cal continued, holding Jian’s hands tight, “if you’re ever hungry, tired, need someone to talk to, anything, you come to Casanova and you ask for Cal, okay? I mean it. We make our own families here.”
Jian nodded, with emphatic gratitude this time. His head felt too fuzzy and exhausted to really comprehend the mess of emotions that writhed and tangled inside him, like a rat’s nest of colorful yarn choking his heart, but the mess itself was colorful and soft, and that had to be enough for now. He took a steadying breath.
“My name’s Jian,” he said, feeling shy under the usually anonymizing glow of the blacklights. But Cal beamed.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Jian,” he said. “Now, the big questions: Do you have a place to stay tonight? Is there someone I can help you call, to let them know where you are?”
“No,” Jian said simply, and the scalding, mortified blush that would’ve normally flooded Jian’s entire face and neck just wasn’t there. Instead, Cal’s hands landed on his shoulders, blanketing him in steadiness and warmth without suffocating.
“Now you do, Jay. Now you do.’
From somewhere in the comfortable fog of Jian’s distant memory, Dickass Lee’s voice wormed back into his ears.
“Come here, Jay.”
Jian bristled.
“Ugh, yeah, no. No. I get it,” Dickass Lee said with a comically exaggerated shudder, mimicking the tension in his captive’s shoulders. “I’ll stick to ‘Jian.’”
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avomagazine · 1 year
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Hey, today is Bandcamp Friday!
We have made a new selection of a couple of Japanese artists and one label. You might recognise a few names, but if not and it sounds good to you: please support them. (and also the others we have highlighted previously). In other cases: please support them and share the article! Find the article here.
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etherealsinsau · 2 months
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Lilith redesign art piece 🎶 -bambam
Her design consists of lioness and bird features, along with horns
Funfact: A theater she owns in hell is what we named our AU after
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shimmeriq · 2 years
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nomoreaboutme · 2 years
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metalone · 1 year
Ethereal Sin "Aibetsuriku" from [Time of Requiem - Part 2] 2023 https://www.facebook.com/EtherealSin https://twitter.com/Ethereal_Sin/status/1697882198282809661
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tonycries · 7 months
Exes who…
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Synopsis. Showing up to a party looking like that. What's a man to do when he just can't stay away?
Pairing. Multiple x Reader
Content. MDNI, fem! reader, desperate boys, unprotected sex, NSFW, cunnilingus, pet names (my girl, babe), swearing.
Word count. 1.0k
A/N. This was supposed to be shorter, sorry lovelies. Art by @_3aem on Twitter.
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Exes who know they should stay away, but one whiff of your perfume at some dingy party and he’s dragging you to the nearest bathroom. 
He’s pathetic, he knows, but right now he couldn’t give less of a fuck as he spreads you on that bathroom counter and dives face-first into your dripping cunt.
Greedily lapping at your juices, the taste of your pussy on his tongue was so addictive. Fuck, he missed this so much. 
He feels feral. Groaning lowly at the tug of your hand on his hair which hurts so good. He flicks his tongue harshly over your throbbing clit. More. He needs more.
“Hah- Fuck- Feels so good!”
“Yeah, jus’ like that, my girl.”
Making out with your pussy was almost as addictive as fucking you. You were a drug he couldn’t let up - he couldn’t get enough of. 
Nose-deep in your cunt, he tastes you over and over the way he imagined when he fucked his fist on those lonely nights.
Fingers digging into your thighs, he moves your legs so that they wrap around his head, bringing him impossibly closer to your hot core. He breathes over it - teasing - mouth watering at the sight of it getting wetter just for him.
He’s pretty sure your sinful moans and the squelching sounds could be heard above the overplayed pop on the other side of the door. Good, let them hear. It’ll teach that scrub outside that was eyeing you a thing or two about what he can’t have.
“Hngh- Baby, I’m gonna-”
Once you cum around his tongue, hips bucking wildly and clit catching on his nose as you ride his face, he thinks he’d be happy to die here if it was in-between your legs. 
A final peck to your quivering cunt - not a goodbye, no, he’ll be seeing this pretty pussy again - but a prelude for what was to come. 
Amidst heated kisses, he lets you taste yourself on his tongue as he hurriedly unbuckles his belt. Fucking trousers - they come with too many fucking buttons. He wants to feel you now. Have your wet cunt pulsing around his painfully hard cock as he gets drunk off of your pretty moans.
So he does.
He only has his flushed tip kissing your folds, but already feels like he’ll fucking pass out. He teases your entrance - willing himself to wait like he did all these past few months. This won’t be the last time - he knows - but he sure as hell is going to treat it like it is. 
“Tell me what you want, my sweet girl.” he huffs out, eyes boring into your dazed ones. Beautiful. You were always so beautiful.
“Please. I need you in me so bad.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Please, baby.”
Your lustful whimpers are what makes him snap. You were going to be the death of him. 
Fully sheathing himself in you, he fucks your pussy with a merciless cadence that has your nails digging into his shoulder at how painfully good you were stretched. Tight. So tight.
He feels himself losing his sanity as your cunt struggles to adjust to his size, walls clenching down on his throbbing erection. It’s animalistic - the way your pussy tries to suck him back in when he pulls out fully, only to ram inside you again.
“Shit- Pussy made jus’ for me. Only me.” he moans. 
One strong arm steadying himself on the counter, and the other with an almost-painful grip on your hip, he keeps up a pace that has his abs burning. Heavy balls stinging as they smack relentlessly against your ass. 
He bites down on your exposed neck to muffle the strangled groans ripping from his throat at the ethereal feel of your snug cunt - he needs to better drink in your fucked out yelps at his harsh thrusts.
His dick twitches inside when you start whining out his name as you reach closer and closer to your climax. He could do this forever. You were heaven on Earth.
In his hazy mind, he distinctly registers the jingle of the doorknob. Annoying fuckers can’t take a hint.
“Fuck off.” he barks out, “I’m fuckin’ my future wife in here.”
His heart clenches as you push your face into the crook of his neck in embarrassment. Pulling you closer to him in response - strings of slick and precum connecting you to him - he hopes whoever’s there up above strikes him down if he doesn’t wife you up. 
Ah…he’s so close.
There isn’t even a hair’s breadth between your two bodies as he fucks into you mindlessly, not even a trace of thought for the poor soul on the other side of the door. He’s got more important things to do - you.
“Baby- Shit. I’m so close.” your exhausted mewls are music to his ears. His balls tighten and cock aches for release. 
Teeth clenched and brows furrowed at how your walls were fluttering around him so perfectly, he grits out “Me too, my girl. Me too.”
Your legs tighten around his toned waist as your cunt clamps down on his thick length - sending both of you over the edge. 
He sees stars as he cums. Thick ropes painting your walls white and shaky whimpers of your name leaving his mouth like a prayer. You really were heaven on Earth.
Cum drips down the side when he slows down to shallow grinds of his hips, fucking his cum deeper and deeper into you. He releases a breath he didn’t know he was holding as he pulls his sensitive cock out of you.
With a long finger, he gathers the cum now slowly dripping out of you. Pooling it at his fingertips before popping them into his mouth, half-lidded eyes looking right into your fucked out ones. He moans around them as if tasting a delicacy, elated at the way your mouth drops in disbelief at his lewd act. 
He feels barely lucid as he snaps your panties back on you with a devilish grin and tucks himself back into his trousers. 
Unlocking the door to pointed looks he couldn’t care less about, he can’t keep his eyes off the alluring curve of your hips as you walk away back to the party - pretending like his cum isn’t making a mess of your panties right now. 
Dick twitching to life again, he pulls out his phone - unblocking you once more. 
– GOJO, Choso, Geto, Suna, ATSUMU, KUROO, Oikawa, Sakusa, JEAN, EREN
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A/N. …Gimme a min I’m cooking up something for Suguru…
Plagiarism not authorized.
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slutofpsh · 19 days
brother’s best friend.
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pairings: lee heeseung x reader
synopsis: your brother have one rule, that is to stay away from his friends. and rules are there for you to break them.
wc: 2k
warnings: smut. mdni. p in v. brother’s bestfriend trope. smut with a plot. raw sex (please use protection) dirty talking.
note: this is a short one. it randomly came inside my head and i knew i had to write this one. please stop asking when i’m posting the updates. thank you. anyway, reblogs and replies are highly encouraged. stay safe everyone!
slutofpsh 2024 © all rights reserved.
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“fuck,” a low groan emits from lee heeseung’s sexy lips as he continues rutting his thick cock deep inside you.
one of his large hands took a grip over your hip so he can go even faster. you moaned at the sensation, pleasure overwhelming for you. he just knew how to properly do it and he’s reaching every delicious part inside you.
“h-heeseung,” you moaned his name and held onto his strong arms for support. eyes tightly shut as they kept on rolling at the back of your mind.
heeseung’s eyes darted at you and smirks at the way your face beautifully contorts out of pleaser. he grabbed one of your boob then leans down to nibble on the tip, making you whimper.
he licks, suck and even bite it. making sure he leaves a mark on you. he pulls away when satisfied then dips his head towards yours to attach his hot lips to yours. he started giving you open mouthed kisses, both of you drunk of lust for each other.
your bodies connected like it was made for that. the way his dick slides in and out of you adds to the pleasure he's giving you. lee heeseung is good with a lot of things, specially on fucking you deep and hard. he’s a total expert.
“i love it when you’re being such a slut for my dick, princess.” he whispers, lips a few inches away from you. his lustful eyes staring at yours as you flutter yours open.
heeseung looked ethereal this way. hair’s messy, a few strands sticks onto his forehead due to the beads of sweat from fucking you so good. his nose touching yours affectionately.
you can’t remember for how long you’ve been doing these kind of things with him. you can’t even remember how did it even started. it shouldn’t suppose to be like this, but it just happened.
you can already feel the chills run down your spine just by imagining if ever your brother finds out you’re in bed with lee heeseung, his best friend.
heeseung kisses you on the cheek then glanced down at your connected privates. the way your cunt takes him all just drives him crazy. he used to just fantasizing about burying his cock deep inside you and to actually have him fucking you in every way he wants is fulfilling. it felt so good.
he knew it was wrong. its another level of betrayal for his best friend, but how can he resist such temptation? he’s just a human. a horny human and its getting even more uncontrollable when you’re around.
you are a walking sin for him. he tried. trust him, he really tried. but even after praying to all the saints, he just found himself on his knees and between your legs. deliciously devouring you like you’re his last meal.
“i’m c-close, h-hee.” you moaned sensually that made the grin on his face spread wider.
he loves it whenever you’re like this. a mess and very desperate for him.
“really?” and he started fucking even deeper. you nodded your head frantically, wanting so bad to reach that pleasure.
“y-yes...” your hold to his arm tightened. “please!”
“please what, princess?” he asks, taunting.
you pry your eyes open and stares at him, eyes begging. “please make m-me cum.”
he chuckles and was about to dip his head closer to you when a knock on your door slightly pulled you back to your senses.
“y/n?” the soft voice of your brother from the other side made your stomach drops. eyes bulging and heart thumping faster.
“oh my gosh! that’s my brother, hee!” you whispered at him, in panic.
“y/n?” he repeated after not hearing from you.
on the other hand, the boy hovering above you remains calm. too calm, actually. no panic can be seen from his lustrous eyes and a small smirk plays over his lips.
“calm down, princess. he won’t go inside.” he says, knowing his friend so well.
despite what he said, your chest can’t help pondering out of fear. this isn’t the most ideal position to be seen by him. he’s the sweetest brother, which makes you even scared on how he will react if he saw his best friend dicking his little sister down.
“b-but—” he interrupts and shushes you.
“just talk to him, hm?” and he leans his head, lips giving feathery kisses on your neck.
he started moving once again that strips out a moan from your lips.
“y/n? hey.” this time his tone became a lot stricter.
you heaved a sigh and tries hard to shove off the thought of heeseung’s dick currently sliding in and out from you.
“o-oppa! i’m so sorry. what is it?” you even chuckles. you bet it sounded so awkward.
“what are you doing? i’ve called like three times.” he stated, a hint of suspicion lingers through his voice.
“i was trying on some dress i bought o-online!” you made up and one hand flew on your lips to muffle a gasp.
heeseung sucks on your skin and rut his dick even faster. he’s trying to chase the orgasm both of you lost when you’re brother suddenly knocked on your door.
“oh, okay. i knocked because i ordered some pizza.” he informed you. if you aren’t in such situation where you’re being desperate to cum, you’ll be flying out from the room to devour that pizza. tho, there’s a much important thing you’re focused at the moment.
“o-okay oppa!” and lets out a stiffle moan when heeseung started hitting that spot again.
he groans on your skin, kissing and biting on it. “fuck, feels so good princess.” he whispers.
“are you okay?” your brother asks after hearing like you’re out of breath.
“y-yes! i’ll be down in a bit to join you, oppa.” you shouted, eager to get rid of him so heeseung can fuck you freely.
heeseung chuckles lightly, finding you adorable.
“okay. hurry up or it will get cold.” was his last words before you heard his steps going away from your room.
heeseung inhaled your sweet scent and pulled away slightly to look on your eyes. he smirks dangerously.
“well you heard him. we should hurry up.” he whispers and started fucking you sensely. you can feel every slide of his dick inside of you. he’s so thick and long, feels so delicious.
“i’m c-cumming, heeseung.” you moaned.
he grunts, “me too, fuck.” he curses and rests his forhead on yours.
“this pussy is mine.” he growls lowly. “you hear me?”
you mindlessly nod your head. mind too fuzzy to even comprehend what he’s saying.
“say it.” he ordered.
you didn’t respond and kept on whimpering softly under him.
“say that this pussy is mine, y/n.” he demanded.
your eyes pry open and stared at him with lust in them. “t-this pussy is yours, hee.”
a satisfied smirk spreads across his handsome face before he fucked you hard and deep. the familiar knot on your stomach made you delirious, almost making you see stars.
you came around his dick first, legs shaking and eyes rolling at the depth of your head. heeseung leans down and puts your nipple inside his mouth, trying to reach his own release. the desperation on cumming and painting your insides with his cum is poisoning his mind.
“shit.” he curses after shooting it all inside. he pulls away and attached his lips on yours.
“you did so well for me, princess.” he whispers while still sliding in and out, riding out your high together.
a small smile is what you return to him then place a kiss on his cheek. after snapping back to your senses, with slightly wobbly legs, you tried your best to pull yourself together. he casually put his clothes back and helped you with yours.
“let me fix your hair.” he chuckles and tries to run his fingers through your messy strands.
“i’ll go now. i will text you.” he says and rests both of his hands on your hips.
you nodded, “i’ll go down to my brother.”
he nods then placed a peck on your lips before exiting through your open window. he did it with so much ease that anyone who sees it can tell that isn’t the first time he did that. and just like that, lee heeseung left your room like as if he wasn’t even there.
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“here.” jay, your brother places a plate of pizza in front of you.
“thank you, oppa.” then you even gave him a sweet smile.
he nods and lets you eat in peace. his eyes are carefully watching you while he eats his own slice.
“my friends will be arriving in a few minutes. we’ll play video games and you—”
“and i should stay inside my room.” you finished his own sentence that made him smirk a little.
“yes, please.”
he was clear as the crystals from the start when he warned you not to get involve with any of his friends. your brother is the sweetest and kindest brother in the whole wide universe, but he’s also very strict. he’s good in setting boundaries too.
moments later, somebody rang the doorbell and your brother left to go check it while you enjoy your pizza. now that all the lust worn out, you felt the hunger from all that activity.
you can hear some people heading to your kitchen so your eyes lifted from your phone.
“you’re early, dude.” jay says. he was the first one to enter. behind him towers lee heeseung.
“i told you, i happen to be around the area.” he reasoned out while glancing at your way.
when your gazes met, you glanced away like you’re being burned by it. his reasons to your brothers almost made you laugh. ‘happen to be around the area’ my ass, more like ‘happen to be inside your sister’s room’.
“hey, y/n.” he says then leans over the table.
jay sat down at his seat before swatting his friend’s arm. “fuck off.” he hissed strictly that earned a sexy chuckle from heeseung.
it made you gulp, instantly feeling wet down there just by hearing him laughing. it was unbelievable even for you.
“what? i was just greeting your little sister.” he says with a big smile. it may appear nothing but teasing to your brother, but lee heeseung can’t help smiling. not when he just buried his dick so deep in you and filled you with his hot cum.
the two of them got interrupted when a train of doorbells occurs on your door. jay picks up his phone.
“go inside. its open.” he ordered.
soon, a few more of his familiar friends storms inside the kitchen, crowding it. they’re goofing around and even greeted you despite receiving threatening looks from jay.
heeseung’s eyes are fixed at you, a playful smirk on his lips can’t be wiped off.
“i’ll take my pizza up to my room and i’ll watch some kdrama, oppa.” you said that almost made your brother cheer in joy.
he kissed you by the cheeks and told you to just text him if you needed anything. on the way to the staircase, your eyes caught lee heeseung and he’s giving you that meaningful look. you tried hard to ignore it and just proceeded on going back to your bedroom.
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you’ve lost track on how many episodes you already watched and now you’re on tiktok, mindlessly scrolling over the feed when a faint knock from your door caught your attention.
you glanced at it shortly then eyed the wall clock. seeing that its already 1 am in the morning, it made you wonder who it was.
his friends and your brother has been at it all night after their arrival between your dinner. you can still hear them loudly from downstair so you assume it could be your brother, checking on you.
without thinking much of it, you stood up from the bed then headed towards the door.
your brows furrows hardly when you saw a familiar built standing by your door. it was slightly dark as the hallway to your room is not fully lit as its late already. but despite the lack of lights, you can tell who it was perfectly.
“what are you doing here?” you ask, a little surprise and worried. trying to peak through the door to check if he’s with someone or your brother’s around. but nobody was there.
he pushed the door wider to let himself inside and then closes it behind him.
a light gasp escapes from your mouth when he suddenly pushed your back to the door, pressing his body closer to you.
“my brother and your friends are downstairs! are you out of your mind?”
he lets out a sexy chuckle, “i sneaked out so i only have a few minutes until they notice my absence.” he informs you.
“you shouldn’t be here.” you mumble, shoulder relaxing from his soft touches. his warm hands caressing inside your shirt makes you feel dizzy.
his face leans down to your neck, his pointy big nose nuzzling and inhaling your scent.
“i know baby. but i just can’t stop thinking about last night.” he mumbles, sounding a bit desperate. “i can’t stop thinking about you.”
your lips falls open and heart thumps so loudly. one of your hand raises and plays on his hairs at the lower part of his head. his long, soft hair feels amazing through your fingers. you let out a light moan when his thick, luscious lips starts giving your neck open mouth kisses. sucking the skin.
“i can’t stop thinking about last night too” you inwardly admits and eyes shut when you felt his hand slipping inside your clothes.
“i can’t stop thinking about you too, jake.”
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@stacey-stonem @love4hee
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driverlando · 2 months
synopsis- all the times y/n has been horny on main for Logan
before you continue: suggestive content ahead so minors dni! reblog and follow if you enjoyed <3
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
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liked by yourusername, alex_albon and 64,988 others
logansargeant not a good weekend but we will look ahead to the next race
view all 829 comments
user2 it’s okay logie bear, we’re all rooting for you 🔥
yourusername sorry you had a bad day, you can touch my boobs if you want
↳ logansargeant that’ll actually help a lot, thank you
↳ oscarpiastri urgh brother urgh
↳ user3 I volunteer as well!!
user4 we love you Logan!! don’t worry!! you’ll do better in the next one
user5 bro looks majestic here
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liked by yourusername, user3 and 14,527 others
logansargeantfan I don’t think he realises the power he has over people (me)
view all 526 comments
user6 he got me feeling freaky
↳ yourusername same
yourusername he’s delicious, delectable, luscious, delightful, exquisite, glorious, heavenly, divine, magnificent, fantastic, scrumptious, majestic, mesmerising, captivating, angelic, ethereal, celestial, paradisiacal, magical, enchanting, exquisite, elegant, remarkable, mystical, heavenly, the warmth on pillows, the slight breeze on a sunset, the pinkish purple sky, the stars in the galaxy, the feeling when u actually understand math
↳ user7 thank you for putting my feelings into words
↳ user8 STAND 🫵 UP 🫵 OMG 🫵
user9 need to run my fingers through his hair
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liked by yourusername, user7 and 15,268 others
logansargeantupdates Logan at the gym recently via @/yourusername
view all 628 comments
user10 GOD BLESS AMERICA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅💥💥💥
yourusername he sent me this and I had to share it with yall, it’d be a sin not to
↳ user11 this is why you are my favourite wag
↳ user12 thank you for feeding us 😪
user13 major frat boy vibes
yourusername roses are red (usually) and violets are always blue… I want to have his babies
↳ user14 that don’t even- you know what nvm 😭
�� user15 straight to the point, love that
user16 HIS ARMS!!
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri and 90,863 others
logansargeant Tricky day, things are heating up tomorrow
view all 9863 comments
user17 He’s the American George Russell, always shirtless
↳ user17 I’m not complaining btw 😉
user18 Bro, do me a solid and please delete. My wife is on this app, I can’t let her see this.
yourusername things will be heating up between us tonight
↳ logansargeant good
↳ alex_albon get a room
user19 WTF IS A SHIRT 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅💥💥💥
yourusername can I lick your abs?
bonus: Oscar disapproves
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dutybcrne · 4 months
I ain’t gonna be able to go home anytime soon, but bruh seeing that Bri.dgerton is finally OUT, I am having Thinkings again
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