#ethanramsey x mc
mysticaurathings · 2 years
Sweater Weather
Pairing : Ethan Ramsey x Avery Wilshere
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Tags : @choicesmonthlychallenge {Choices October Challenge - Flufftober (Holding Hands)}
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ethanramseyyy · 5 years
Believe me sir we know him VERY well
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just-call-me-miles · 5 years
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The cutest f*cking thing I drew in a long time...
Ethan Ramsey and MC having a Kid.💗💜💕🖤💗
We talked in a discort about the fact that thier child (Jonah) probably calls MC also Rookie because Ethan calls him/her rookie constantly.
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I haven’t been on tumblr in ages but imagine if open heart had ended with like a scene from the future and mc gets a letter from Ethan and it says how proud he is of them and then at the end
“From your biggest fan,Ethan Ramsey”
So it’s a reversal from book 1 if you say “I’m your biggest fan” he writes this in Landry’s book
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estellaelysian · 3 years
28 hours
Ethan x (f!mc) Alishka Roy | Rating: Mature
Angst/Pinning | Words: ~ 4k | Warnings: Curse words, mature themes
Summary: Alishka goes to visit him in Amazon. What has he got to say?
A/N: Literally one if my favourite things I have written, with angst and drama and everything. I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it ❤️
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1st hour
When does one begin to make sense of the word “life”?
Ethan Ramsey had always thought that everyone started making sense of “life” when they were well advanced in it. Yes, the boring fucking cliché where you get old, you reassess all your actions down to the smallest bits and pieces and regret every minute of it except a few parts. A few favourite parts.
But now, as he steps out and surveys the morning sky which is the colour of fire at its seams, he reconsiders that. Maybe a few handful people are live a life where they only think about it when there is nothing left to change. That privilege is not afforded to all.
Especially not him.
He steps out on the earth, cracked and dusty, breathes in the dry air, and thinks about the next fourteen hours he will spend working. That’s one way of keeping his head empty.
He shades his eyes and looks up. A few doctors are returning to camp after working the night. Other than that, the camp is quiet. His other colleague – Dr. Lloyd – who is the only person he is on nodding terms with – already left earlier this morning to the village they are currently working at. No, he doesn’t talk much to the doctors, he finds that exhausting. He does what his time demands of him, goes back to the camp, stands under cold water for twenty minutes and then, spends all his time by himself.
And just like everything else, this is a choice.
Shaking his head, he starts toward the camp border where one Femi – short for Olufemi – waits for him. He drives Ethan and the other doctors to and from the village every day.
It’s time to go now.
Later, he’ll come back and write mindless letters and notes to the few people he knows and throw them into the fire, but now, it’s time to shut off his mind and use his brain.
2nd hour
Using Dr. Ramsey’s brain is much more complicated than it seems though.
For the most part, he can keep everything in check. But when Romy, an eight-year-old boy comes to visit him every day, that’s when stuff starts slipping out of control. Today, the boy has brought him a cookie – and he does bring Ethan something to eat every other day, ranging from something as simple as an apple to a complicated dish his mom made. They’ve bonded over the days after his recovery.
Sometimes though, Ethan wishes Romy didn’t come see him regularly. It reminds him of Alishka with her young patients.
‘Hello doctor,’ Romy says in a tiny voice. ‘Would you like a cookie?’
Smiling ruefully, Ethan accepts the cookie.
4th hour
So far, the day has been pretty dull. The patients are less than usual – which is a good thing, but in times between seeing patients, he doesn’t know what to do with himself.
Taking off his mask, he steps outside, leaving the dull chatter of doctors behind. Charcoal smoke rises up into the southern sky. The sight brings nothing new. Probably just another fire somewhere in the village.
It is crazy how thinking can change in different places. If he was in the States, a fire wouldn’t be a normal occurrence. And now, he isn’t remotely bothered.
‘Alright Ethan?’ James William says loudly behind him. He is a very talkative guy. Almost every day is his big moment, but is just spared because no one is interested, no matter how much they smile and show they are. James William is a cocky person. Wildly hated.
But, Ethan is not interested to give him an ounce of his energy to continue this conversation. ‘Fine, James,’ he answers tersely.
The hushed murmur behind them rises a level.
Ethan ignores, crosses his arms and stares out at the village, at the children who run around without a care in the world, at their parents, who work day and night to give them a good life. He looks at all the smiles and giggles and pain and tears. He sees everything, but says nothing.
A few more voices intercept his thoughts.
At first, he thinks nothing of it. But then, realises that maybe everything is not as fine as it seems.
A piercing scream from behind him proves his point.
5th hour
The patient is not stable. The vitals are declining so fast that she thinks it might be impossible to save him.
but she knows. She has seen all this before. The weak pulse, the plunging numbers of his B.P., the bruise – the situation is nauseatingly familiar.
She knows what she has to do, and she doesn’t let her hands shake this time.
Even though the world is in a frenzy around her (scared people, or more likely one person who she reckons is the man’s wife let out the most blood curdling scream as he collapsed to the ground), she keeps her calm. Thee doctors around her don’t crowd her. They let her do everything – and if she is being honest, it is a little scary.
Especially when her memories keep clouding every damn thing.
‘I need a chest tube,’ she says to the nurse standing closest to her. ‘And a scalpel.’
The nurse rushes away with a nod. There is no time. She has to act fast.
‘We are out of chest tubes,’ comes a loud voice, although Alishka cannot say who is speaking.
Think quick think quick…
‘Then get me a narrow six feet long tube and a baggage handling tape and some gloves NOW!’
And suddenly, there are too many people in action around her. In the rush, she has no idea who hands her what, but she has everything she needs. She vaguely remembers thanking them before cleaning the tube with alcohol, draining a bottle, tapping the tube in.
Taking a deep breath, she grips the scalpel tightly.
She is not a surgeon. She is pretty sure there are plenty of surgeons around.
She is almost about to ask when someone lays a hand on her shoulder.
‘Now is not the time doctor. Do it.’
So, she does. She makes the incision.
Heavy breathes leave her as all of them wait in anticipation. And when she is successful in draining the cavity and the patient breathes again, a loud cheer bursts through the medical camp. Although her legs feel wobbly, she stands near the gurney and watches until he is rushed off into an ambulance. This is not a hospital after all. It’s just a medical camp. For a moment, no one even realises that she is not from here, that she is an outsider.
But then, when her gaze lands on a familiar face, everything else crumbles to the ground.
Finally. She succeeds.
Her fifth hour of being here, of looking for him, and she succeeds.
Succeeds in finding those cerulean eyes she missed so much.
6th hour
Ethan isn’t sure he understands what is happening. He doesn’t realise he is still in a medical camp in Africa the moment he sees the rich emerald eyes, belonging to the person who is not supposed to be here. He doesn’t know what he expects. He just watches the silhouette of a person leaning down to check on one of his patients, someone who is just granted another chance at life, and that’s it. His mind, his sight, everything is blurred. The silhouette looks all too familiar. Perhaps he is losing his mind.
Maybe Amazon wasn’t a good idea after all.
She is not supposed to be here, he keeps repeating to himself. Not supposed to be here.
But when the gurney is gone and she looks up to him, to his face, to his eyes, he knows he is not dreaming. She is here.
He rubs his face, his mind thrown into conflict, and walks out of the room.
And he knows she will follow him outside. God damn it.
Taking long strides, he crosses the little patch of cracked earth that surrounds the camp before taking out full on sprinting the moment his feet touch the worn asphalt. He has to get back to the car. Back to Femi. She couldn’t possibly know where the doctors are staying. Or perhaps this display of evading her presence would atleast prove heartbreaking enough for her to leave, wouldn’t it?
He doesn’t know. All he cares about is putting as much distance as he can between them. But he is sure it still won’t be enough.
8th hour
One thing he knows. There is only so much time you can spend hiding out somewhere. He has to go back to the medical camp sometime. He can stay hidden forever.
He contemplates waiting another hour, but what use is that?
And oh god, how embarrassing is it going to be? He left so ... abruptly, without a word to anyone – someone would think he had had an episode of mania.
Maybe that is justified too, but it is not what happened. Anyway, that could be the least of his concerns.
He cracks his fingers, keeps walking in the small confined space where he is living temporarily and thinks about the best way to handle this. Of course, he could stay here and call in sick, but he won’t do that. He didn’t come here to be a coward. He came here to save lives.
He just has to go back and keep doing that. Continue working and live in ignorance.
So that is what he does.
And although returning isn’t particularly pleasing when Alishka is still there, when she is still checking patients and helping them, when she still hasn’t left out of the humiliation he has caused her, he stays this time, watches her work, talk to little sick kids like he did at the hospital. In a faraway corner of his heart, reserved only for himself, he feels proud of her.
But he doesn’t show it. He can’t show it. He can’t show anything except for contempt – and it isn’t even the real thing.
They continue their stupid game. She doesn’t glance at him even once. No one will know she is here for him.
11th hour
James is talking to her.
And it is infuriating, the way she nods and smiles and listens.
They are working together on this one patient, it seems to him. For between talking, they do find time for diagnosis.
There is no way in hell he is going to get through the day as easily as he thought he would. He is going to need a full bottle of scotch once he gets back.
15th hour
Finally, it seems, they caught a break. The long, tedious and especially painful fourteen-hour shift is over, and he is free to go back. But he doesn’t. He lingers around the patient beds until he makes sure Alishka is ready to leave, then waits outside, wondering what has gotten into him.
And when she steps outside, his voice is terse enough to startle her.
‘What are you doing here?’ he asks bluntly. She tugs at her purse, the way she does when she is usually nervous, but holds his gaze, refusing to back down, as if this isn’t wrong. Maybe she thinks she isn’t wrong, but she is. She is, this time, and he won’t accept this – whatever this is – from her.
When she says nothing, he goes on. ‘Aren’t you going to say anything?’
‘Will it matter what I say? We have you here, who has already decided everything, no matter what I say or do. I know you have already declared me wrong in your mind.’
He sighs. ‘How did you know I was here?’
‘Naveen told me you were leaving for the WHO. Besides, WHO is like a very big organisation, is it not?’
‘What do you mean by that?’
‘Its easy to google? The programs they organise or the camps or donations or whatever.’
Of course. She googled and found out where he was.
‘You can’t possibly say that. There are a thousand WHO camps. How did you know this is exactly where I was? Naveen told you, didn’t he?’
‘Like I said, he only told me that you were leaving for the WHO. I found out the rest.’
‘Yeah, how?’ he insists.
‘You know, WHO is not the only party popular in this situation.’
Oh, how he hates the internet. Of course, it ruins his only chance of setting things right with her.
For a moment, he says nothing. His brain scrambles to come up with another challenge, another curt question, another sarcastic remark, but nothing happens. She just stares at him, and he at her, before she raises her eyebrows. ‘Right, I didn’t come here to have you staring at me like that. I am going back to my stay.’
Before she can get successful at that though, he takes hold of her wrist, warm under his touch, and pulls her back to face him. He expects her to yell at him, maybe even hit him. Probably that would do the trick. That would bring him back to his senses.
But she doesn’t. She doesn’t yell at him, doesn’t hit him – just looks straight at him.
‘What is it exactly that you came here for?’ he demands, diving into the depths of her gaze, challenge for a challenge.
She doesn’t even blink.
‘I came here for answers.’
16th hour
They walk back to the place where she is staying. It’s a bed and breakfast, not very far from where he works in the village. The prospect of being in the same room with her is driving him mad. He keeps his fists closed in in his pockets. Doesn’t want even a sliver of his façade to slip.
It is a dingy little building – or rather a cottage with multiple rooms, made of stucco and wood. A small, flimsy looking compound wall surrounds it. High leaves cover the wall, and they rustle as they walk down the narrow cobblestone pathway to the rear entrance.
Once they are inside the room though, it is a little different. Not big, no. Just different. She sets down her purse on a chair by the door and takes of her jacket. Then pulls of her t-shirt, and he just watches her rich chestnut hair tumble down past her shoulders. Under the t-shirt, she is wearing a tank top. He hopes she doesn’t take that off.
‘So,’ she turns to look at him, brushing off stray strands of hair sticking to her face. ‘How did it feel having to run away and come back?’
‘That is your question?’
‘Yes. Well, among many others, because you know, the way you felt then is exactly the way you would feel when you would return to Boston, without me coming here of course.’
‘How are you so sure?’
She just shrugs. ‘I just am. Because I know you.’
‘And what if I didn’t feel that way?’
‘But you would, there is no fighting that.’
There is no use fighting her.
‘So? How did you feel?’
‘I am not answering that.’
‘I know,’ she says, flopping down on the bed.
What he knows, though, is that he doesn’t want to spend the rest of his time being passive aggressive with her. He would enjoy it some other time – going on and on and on, bantering with her, coaxing the exact same reactions from her which he expects and knows are coming, and winning without winning. But now … he is just not in the right state of mind. That is his excuse.
Her emerald eyes land on him again, and he can feel her gaze burning through every fibre of his being.
‘Aren’t you gonna take a seat?’
‘Why should I?’
She shrugs again. ‘You don’t have to, if you plan on standing all the time.’
He knows she is very good acting, and that she is doing that now. She acts as if she isn’t bothered, as if she doesn’t care, but he knows she does. Her eyes say everything she doesn’t. Maybe this whole process has numbed her, because it sure as hell has numbed him, but she is too good at hiding herself.
Even better than him.
She cocks her eyebrow at him, another invitation to wait, to talk and listen. He doesn’t debate. Silently sits beside her.
17th hour
The evening melts away as he answers all her questions, and she answers his. There are too many, its hard to keep track of all of them.
When did you decide?
Who else knows?
Why here?
Why bother to come down here when you could’ve asked me everything when I was back?
Did anyone else know?
Don’t you trust me?
Why didn’t you tell me?
She answers with surprising ease. He though, tries.
Tries to calmly answers all of them, because he doesn’t want to fight it. She came here for him. At least she feels entitled to know, like she has a right over him. He hasn’t felt that amount of affection from anyone from a long time. He should be grateful.
‘Why did you leave at all?’ she asks finally. The question he has been dreading since the beginning of her interrogation.
‘Because I thought we needed a reset,’ he says, without emotion, without looking at her. ‘I am going to be your boss on the diagnostics team. We needed a fresh start. We needed to forget everything that happened.’
For a minute, he wonders if his blatant honesty is too much. Tears sparkle in her eyes in the dark of the room, where moonlight plays shadows.
‘So, it meant nothing, did it?’
‘No, no,’ he rushes to answer. ‘Alishka, that meant a lot to me, but we couldn’t just…’
‘Go on like that?’
His heart aches at the crack in her voice. But he opts for honesty over comfort again.
‘No, we couldn’t.’
The glisten in her eyes spreads to her cheeks. He really wishes his desire to kiss her tears away fucks off somewhere in the night, but it doesn’t. His fingers curl into a tight fist.
Thankfully though, he doesn’t have to do much. She stands up, crosses the room, opens the door for him and waits.
‘I see no point in stalling you, given that you don’t want to be here in the first place. Go on then, leave again.’
And that is exactly what he should do. A doctor with green eyes and brown hair shouldn’t be strong enough to crumble his resolves in an instant. He surely must be stronger than that.
‘I am not kidding. I get it, I get why you don’t want to be around me anymore, so, leave.’
‘It’s not like that.’
‘It’s not like that? It’s exactly like that!’
‘No, its fucking not!’ he yells, letting go of the little shred of cover he was hiding under. ‘You think I despise you, that I don’t want to be around you, but that is not it. I try to distance myself because I can’t be around you, Alishka, I can’t. You will make an exceptional doctor and I don’t want to ruin your chances of being so. I don’t want to regret what we had in the future. I don’t want you to regret it. I don’t want what we had to become a basis of anguish and pain because you won’tget your full potential, and I am sorry. I am truly sorry.’
He searches for the warmth he knows is there in her eyes. He searches and searches and searches.
‘Right,’ she breathes. ‘Are you ready to leave yet?’
No. He won’t ever be.
19th hour
But he has to leave.
She holds the door open for him. She is close, so close, yet seems like a million miles away.
He feels like he should let go. Sometimes, it’s better that way.
Her grip on the door is tight. Her eyes are tainted with tears because of him. He is making her cry.
He passes her, but she doesn’t look at him. He doesn’t want to break her into anymore pieces. He doesn’t want to say anymore things he can’t take back. He steps out of the room. Turns around to look at her. She blocks his entrance into the room now, standing behind the door, looking at her feet.
‘Right,’ he says. ‘See you then.’
‘Yep. See you at Boston, one and a half month later.’
He looks up at her again, trying to see if she is looking, and she is. The depth of her gaze is fixated on her. He tugs his heart free, but can’t, feeling drunk on that stare.
He is not thinking straight. He should leave, right now, but its as if his feet are stuck to their place.
‘Can I kiss you once?’ she whispers.
No. He should say no. This is not right, this is not why he came here.
And yet, he doesn’t answer. Just presses his lips against hers.
She deepens the kiss, her hands tugging him closer to her.
This is wrong, a distant voice in his head says. Wrong, wrong, wrong. It defies the entire reason of him being at Amazon.
But for once, he let’s go, and tries to be irresponsible. She knows everything – there is not a single fact he has left out. If she wants to, she can back away from this.
He already knows that is not going to happen though, when he steps back in again, when she moves backward, still kissing him, when she tangles her fingers in his hair and he does the same. There is no escaping his wild desire that runs fires in him.
He can let go this once. He’ll save the regret for later.
20th hour
The last shreds of dignity fall into a long bottomless crevice as they get rid of their clothes. For the millionth time, he wishes he could stop this, but doesn’t care as his hands roam her soft skin.
They are losing everything in this slow and torturous process. Might as well snap it all at once.
There is nothing to brace them from their inevitable fall
21st hour
As she lays against him, bare, beautiful, breathing slowly, he feels like she is already slipping away.
And he doesn’t know what to do to keep her to himself. He keeps rubbing small circles onto her arm, but that is not enough. She keeps looking out of the small window. Says nothing.
He shifts to look at her.
She still doesn’t.
‘When do you leave?’ he prompts
‘Tomorrow morning at eight,’ she says, sighing deeply.
She has wrecked him. The thought of going without seeing her for the next one and a half month torments him. The feeling is unfamiliar, unwelcome, and uncalled for, not when he still recalls every minute of the last few hours spent with her.
She rolls over as he eases his arm away from her shoulders.
He turns away too, not knowing what more to say or do. Perhaps he’ll have his answer later.
25th hour
The impending heartbreak of the morning still haunts him, so he wants to spend the night savouring her, watching her, taking her in. She stays on her side of the bed, firmly, full of resolve, refusing to turn to him. Moonlight is spread softly over her serene features, and he relishes the feeling of just being there with her.
And this is all very hard.
She is hard to replace. The feeling of being with her can’t be taken by anything else. Her occupying his mind is not so simple to escape from. She has a grip on him like no other, and he knows he is never gonna love the same way again.
His gaze runs over her for the millionth time. He memorises everything he can – the way her dark hair are splayed across the pillow, the curve of her neck, the slope of her shoulders, her.
The regret doesn’t come yet. He waits for it to hit him in the face like a cold, hard slap, but maybe he doesn’t regret this at all.
Before he can understand what that means, sleep clouds his mind.
Tomorrow, nothing will have changed. He will still be here, and she will be at Boston, and they will both pretend as if this nothing happened.
28th hour
He wakes at dawn, just as the first morning light creeps into the room, and reaches for Alishka, only to realise she isn’t there. Propping himself up on his elbows, he rubs the sleep from his eyes and looks around, a little annoyed. He wanted to drop her off at the airport before she left. He hopes she hasn’t left and is just taking a shower for good measure.
But when he looks around the room, he knows his hopes are of no use. All of her stuff is missing – the jacket she discarded so carelessly, or the t-shirt she had tossed away. Her holdall, her phone, her purse – everything is gone.
He leaves the bed and throws on the jeans and shirt he had been wearing last night, looking, desperately, for any sight of her. He finds it on the bedside table, a small note of torn ruled paper, marked Ethan.
He unfolds it. Few words wait for him there.
Thank you for last night.
I left without saying goodbye because I thought that would be best for both you and me. No, I didn’t want to hear any of your propositions. I am a hard one to please, and you probably know that by now.
I guess you are right. We probably need this shit.
Hope you have a good day at work. I got you a late check out, so you don’t need to rush.
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Thank you so much for reading
I know this is super super random but honestly I have missed writing this way.
Sending lots of love and good vibes
- Sakshi
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squishywizardd · 4 years
Ethan, BOoK 2 CH 1: We can't be together, it could ruin your career.
MC: *nearly dies*
Also Ethan, b00K 2 cH 12:
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fayeswiftie · 4 years
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Is it a bad thing that I'm gonna spend the next hour week daydreaming about that date?
Probably yes
But will I do it anyways?
Of course 😂😂
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mayascherub · 4 years
*mc strips for Ethan*
Ethan: I...You.. What are you doing?????
*also Ethan: doesn’t leave her bedroom*
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just confess your love and marry me already, Ethan also fucking slam me into the fucking wall and destroy this BU$$Y
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thechoicesforrealin · 4 years
Ethan and Casey turn around to find Tobias with another woman with a small young boy
The boy looks so cute and he has no clue where he is
The lady with tobias looks like a gold digger she clearly winking at Ethan
When Ethan saw  her he looks absolutely stunned he doesnt know what to say instead he stood there like he saw a ghost
Casey is so worried abt him . She noticed that Ethan is staring that woman. Her curiosity was so high .
Ethan took a deep breath and took casey in his arms
All around them staarts to whispering
Naveeen and harper also stood there in shock .
Casey saw the look of their faces
She knows something is wrong
Ethan went upto tobias
TOBIAS: What man came to see your lady and your child ?
Hearing  those words Ethan plopped into the ground
Casey stood there  in disbelief
All around people started whisphering
Naveen warned them and dispersed them
The whole party is ruined .
Now casey and her friends with naveen, harper along with tobias that lady and the child standing there
Casey try to process what is going on . She knows Ethan. She felt betrayed. A wave of pain took her .Her eyes starts to tear up.
Ethan look upto her .He saww that she is crying . He wants to hug her and he also wants to cry
ETHAN:Hailey…..Are u sure this my boy? I am sure he is not
Hailey is Ethan ex before Harper. They both lived together for 2 years.Ethan  truly loved her . But she cheated him with Tobias .
When Ethan saw that he was so heart broken
ETHAN:My boy whats your name ?
BOY: My name is ken
ETHAN :Ken….
ETHAN :Ken do u know who iam ?
KEN :Yes , you are Ethan ramsey the most top diagonastic in edenbrook. For many doctors you are a role model.
ETHAN :Do you know that iam ur father ?
KEN:WHATTTT??? Mom said he is my father
Ken points at tobias
Tobias looks confused
TOBIAS : What ????? me but i thought…i um
TOBIAS:What the hellllllll is going on ?
ETHAN :What the fuck ?Hailey what are you planning ? Whose son is this ?
Tell us the truth or i will file a case against you
CASEY :Ethan relax not here
ETHAN :What ?Did you see what he said ? She is cheating both of us ?
How come you are calm casey?
CASEY :Ethan i said be calm
ETHAN :Fine but…
Casey hugs Ethan
CASEY:Shh shh i know you I know u won’t betray me .YOU ALWAYS WANT THE BEST FOR  ME .We will figure this out together
ETHAN :Yes we will but how ?
Casey turns to hailey
CASEY : Look i dont know you but whoever you are you really hurted MY ETHAN .I will never let u hurt him again. If this is ethans child we both as a couple take responsibility if not you should never come or see ethan again
HAILEY :Who are you ?
ETHAN :She is my life ….
ETHAN turns to casey
Her eyes bleamed a smile creeped in her face
CASEY :Ethan we are going to the hospital now
ETHAN :Hospital for what???
CASEY :DNA TEST is the only way to find answers i will arrange them now
CASEY :Sienna,naveen,harper,jackie come with us
CASEY :Bryce,elijiah ,rafael u guys go and check her background along with kyra
All of them nodded
And head back to their ways
They all arrived at hospital
All the way Ethan is tensed .His fingers fidgeted and his eyes are not steady .
However casey is tensioned she trusted ethan but a little percent she is also feared
What if this ethans son?
What if ethan leave her ?
What if  hailey is true ?
Her hands are shaking
Ethan put an arm around her
They both stopped .
Ethan : I know what is in ur mind rookie . I swear i didnt have any… with her..And i promise you that i will never leave you never. I promised your dad that i wont let u cry in any situation and i promised him that i will never leave you .No matter what happens you will be my all for the rest of my life .I love you my baby
They both rested their forehead on each other.Their eyes are full of tears .
Thats the true love
Seeing this naveen and harper smiled and they felt somehow even in tough times they both stand together. A true love will never cheat,never leave their heart even after heart break
On the other hand Tobias and hailey is having a arguement in hallway
Seeing both of them like this his mom is fighting another guy made the child heart broke
Casey noticed this and went upto him
She silently hugged him
Ken looks stumbled at first and eventually he hugged her back also
KEN : Thank u aunty
CASEY :Dont worry i will be there and i will be the one who is going to do the magic?
KEN :A magic ?
CASEY: yeah . i will be taking little amount of ur blood and dont worry it doesnt hurt all u need to do is u have to smile . Even when u are having tough times just smile
Remember ur smile can change anything  ANYTHING .If someone is having bad day ur smile can make them smile. can u do that for me ?
Ken thinks for a while and nodded and hugged Casey .Ethan and Tobias went first in separate rooms
Then Casey take care of ken
Casey urged the lab incharged make it quick .Since Ethan is important in edenbrooke .They tried to make it as soon as they can
In between Bryce and team arrived with some papers
Seeing with them  papers
Casey is worried
Lab results came
Who is kens father ?
What is Bryce and team bringing with them ?
What is Hailey hiding ?
Find out in next chapter
Thank u for reading it
I am sorry for that post earlier it kinda became mess
But now its perfect
@kaavyaethanramsey @lilyvalentine @drethanramslay @drethanbigsoftie @ethansdique @caseyvalentineramsey @ethans-ramsey
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mysticaurathings · 3 years
Happy Valentine's Day @rookiemartin !
I know we haven't really talked before, but I have been reading your stories. And although I still haven't finished reading all of them yet, the ones I read were really good. So thank you for sharing your amazing content with us. Here's a little thank you gift for your role in this fandom. Hope you'll like it. ❤️
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Tag : @choicesfandomappreciation (Secret Admirer Event)
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ethanramseyyy · 5 years
Is it just me who misses hearing ‘ROOKIE’ every 2 seconds and Ethan shouting at us because we did something wrong but we all knew he just wanted to spend time with us because he literally loves us so fuckin much.
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just-call-me-miles · 5 years
Ethan x M!MC
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Let’s play the
“Hope tumblr won’t strike this post”
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I love how the part of the fandom that are excited for more upcoming sex books are the people that joined when PB decided that those ‘books’ were the way they were ‘only going to make profit’.Then the people who have been here for a longer period of time are sick of their shit and are the people waiting for the sequels that were PROMISED and never received and honestly just want the old pixelberry back.
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estellaelysian · 3 years
(Jacket) from your prompt list please!!!
Thank you so much for this request!!
[ JACKET ] : sender gives receiver their jacket after seeing them shiver in the cold. (From this prompt list)
Ethan x (f!mc) Alishka Roy | General / Mild angst /Pinning
Summary - Ethan gives Alishka his jacket when they return from a party. Set in book one.
Follow up to Knots
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Cold inside out
They left an hour before he had said they would. It was an unspoken agreement. Eyes meeting across the ballroom, a small, barely perceptible nod from him and that was it. That was all it took to excuse herself from the bar and make her way across the room, to ignore all the outstretched hands, the heads that turned to gaze her way, and walk out with him.
The event had been truly dazzling, but also exhausting. She was acutely aware of all the attention she harboured whenever she stood with the Ethan Ramey, smiling, nodding, talking sometimes about recent research and sometimes about funds. From all the talking and sweet beaming she had passed to other guests in attendance, a tension had gathered and settled itself in her shoulders. But now, as she trudged down the deserted street with him to God knows where, she felt some of it slip away. Now, she felt as if she had put enough distance between herself and all the intensity that had transpired between them that night, between herself and the memories of the only dance they had shared, between herself and the glances he gave her when he stood across the room.
Away from everything. Drunk on the cold of the night.
And she tried not to think about it, shivering in the biting breeze that brushed past her exposed shoulders, neck and chest. Wherever his car was, it seemed to be a million miles away.
Pewter lamps illuminated the streets in a dim gloom, and everything was silent except for the silent rustling of leaves and their shoes scrapping against the asphalt. She could feel his gaze on her as she shivered again. She cursed silently, holding the tension, trying not to give in to the cold but to no avail.
This was definitely not how Alishka was expecting her night to go.
She looked straight ahead, avoiding his gaze, hoping to save herself from its shattering intensity. The blue of his eyes reminded her of the vast Pacific. Open, unending, and wild. She knew, if she gave in, she couldn’t guarantee it would end well. For either of them.
And she was sure he was thinking the same thing.
She shivered again, then crossed her arms across her chest, another futile attempt against the cold. If she didn’t know better, she’d say she was protecting herself. That was his effect on her.
It was devastating.
Her mind ran back to earlier that evening, when she was doing his tie, the moment drawing itself out in a small forever. A thin delicate string, which could be destroyed in a moment. By anything. The cold night air. The way he glances at her. By everything.
She glanced at him once, a fleeting, quick sweep of her eyes over his face which gives away nothing. And she was proud she gave him a fair competition in that.
Because when her gaze would betray her, she would let him win.
She quickened her step, trying to match his stride. To be honest, she was way more eager to get home than he was. The cold was terrible.
He probably caught her thoughts because he stopped, suddenly, making her turn around and face him.
He was taking off his jacket.
Almost involuntarily, her gaze turned to her feet. As he draped it over her shoulders unceremoniously, she avoided looking up at him. The pleasant waft of his cologne engulfed her just as the warmth from his jacket had. He leaned in a little, just enough to make her shiver again. She pulled the jacket tighter around herself, and he whispered, ‘No use in trying to hide it.’
She knew. It was obvious. He was not just talking about the cold.
And Alishka would let him win this one.
Her eyes followed the smirk on his face as he walked past her. She smiled and followed him into oblivion. She would win soon too.
A/N - Thank you all for reading, I hope you all enjoyed it! I am still in my book one drama period, and I love writing E&A in that time of their relationship (?) 😂
Feel free to drop in a request!
Stay safe and have a good day/night ❤️❤️
Much love
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WIP Wednesday
A little snippet from my upcoming angst fic. I’ll tag the requester when the whole thing gets posted. i’m pretty sure y’all will kill her as well as me for this tho
Three Months Too Long (Ethan X f!MC)
If someone was to ask him how he liked this trip, he would reply with a “the same as other work trips”. However, his heart and brain, both, screamed in denial. It was a lie and he knew it. Ever since a certain intern walked into Edenbrook Hospital on the Intern Orientation Day a year back, his whole life changed. He changed. The many walls that he had erected around himself ever since the betrayal he went through at the hands of Tobias were suddenly torn apart by her. It made Ethan think if they were really that fragile. Kaavya Valentine had a way of opening people up without much effort. Her calm, radiant presence was enough for that to happen.
And the very same intern was the reason that he had to run all the way to the Amazon in order to get his mind off her. And not just because of the fact that they slept together, no. The man who prided himself for his self-control seemed to be losing, both, his heart and his control to her. Kaavya Valentine was the only person who occupied his mind every waking minute of the day. Heck, he even dreamt about her still. 
Tag List: @thechoicesforrealin @tsrookie @ethanramseysrookiexox @caseyvalentineramsey @aarisa-frost @imonlybibecauseofethanramsey @jennerramsey @storyofmychoices @miss-smrxtiee @kenzierookie @drakewalker04 @mvalentine @sanchita012 @edgiestwinter @starrystarrytrouble @choicesficwriterscreations @akshara16 @ramseyboo18 @missmiimiie @nikki-2406 @drariellevalentine @aylaramseycarrera @iemcpbchoices @fayeswiftie @iloveethanramsey @maurine07
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