#ethan Steiner fanfiction
lazywolfwiccan · 1 year
Spoilers for my Teen Wolf - X-Men Evolution au but it's memes
Jackson immediately after meeting Stiles
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Stiles when he see's Derek shirtless
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Talia when Peter says he's not attracted to Chris Argent
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Danny in general
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Lydia in general
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Jackson when no one's looking
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Stiles trying to talk to Derek
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Chris after spending two seconds with the kids
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The kids when they're told to do anything
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Scott trying to flirt with Kira
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(Teen Wolf x reader)
summary: You wanted a normal life, this isn't normal.
warning: reaincarnation, death, mention of death, overpowered reader, mentien of yn, no name to the reader, maybe poly relationshipes, blood.werewolf. some Angst. Futur Spoliers, for both the series and movie. Some changes in the story. First time writting about teen wolf, some characters are out of character
Chapter 1: Not so broken promise.
_You promised!
You looked at God, for the first time since you had become his messager to the "New world". No, not like the old one, where you used to live, a new earth. An earth that hasn't been destroyed by humans, not yet at least.
You were to protect his favorite beens the humans, from all the other creatures that lived inside and outside the planet. That humans didn't known about, and shouldn't know, no matter the consequences, in exchange he would give you a normal life, somewhere in another dimension.
You didn't care where to go, you just wanted a life,no fighting, a life where you can be selfish. Where you can buy a cottage near the ocean or forest, and maybe start a family, adopt a kid or two. You don't want to get marry so adoption was you solition.
_I know, I know...but..
His voice was inside your head, and you didn't know if it was a female or male. All you you could get from it, was how tired it was.
_but what?
You were tired too, but did you stop, NO, you fought for centuries until the humanity was able to protect itself, and he rewarded by trapping you inside a cube, a fucking cube....You know now how Morpheus felt like.
_but you are my best soldier!
The earth benith you start shaking, and you knew he stood up, or maybe just his hands that moved in frustration.It would have scared you, and it should had,if you weren't blinded by rage.
_I never signed up for this!
True you never signed for any of this, one day you just woke up, and boom you become God's soldier. Three years later he come and ask you to do the dirty job, killing and turtoring. The first time you engaged in a fight, you come back bruised and at the verge of death, and the more and more you continue, the more powerfull you become , making you lean more into your sadistic part, and that when God come again, and offored something you had were greedy for.
It started with money, and when you were bored of. He offered to give you a family,and the more time past the more you start craving something normal, and God given it to you, except peace, that was the only thing God couldn't give you. The peace to wake up and not have to fight, and you should have known better than to beleive him, when he promised to let you go, once the humans are able to protect themselves.
The power you hold was immense and unbreakbale but to God, it was nothing.
He could have taken it anytime he wanted,so Haven't he?
You shacked you head disapointed, and soon as you meet his "eyes" you found youself doubting him more and more.
Was the devil right, when he said that God was not what you were seeing. At that time, you called him liar, because at that time centuries had passed, and God, who you saw as a friend was the only thing that didn't leave, die, or change.
Now you found yourself, believing the devil over your "friend". Maybe you should have listened to him, and killed yourself. Instead of getting your heart broken, so loudly, that all heaven could hear it. Just like how they can hear him break his promise.
A loud sigh could be here. Before thunder and storm start to pick up.
He screamed, waving his hand encouraging the storm to get stronger, and if it wasn't for your power, you would have been flying like the little angels...poor them.
Seconds passed, and you closed you eyes waiting for punishment for standing against God. No one defien him, no one dared to, and you just did.
Once the storm calmed, you opened your eyes to find yourself, in the middle of a living room. Your dream living room.
Your face light up, as a smile starr to grow more and more, to a point where you face start to hurt, but you couldn't help it.
Jumping around you inspeckted every peace of the room, before running like a headless chiken to see the other room.
There was one kitchen, six bedroom, and each had it own bathroom and balcony. A garden with it door open to the kitchen.
OMG You were jumping around, shringing.
And it was no longer a wish or a dream!
You couldn't beleive it.
_Thank you, thank you, thank you.
You kept screaming, thanking God, for keeping his promise.
Maybe he really wasn't a liar, after all!
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Being Jackson Whittemore’s Younger Sister Would Include…
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Being born about two years after he was adopted, and him going immediately into protective older brother mode
Watching over your crib while you were asleep
Helping your mum calm you down when you were crying
Going to pre-school together
You sticking next to him until you got home
Him defending you if any of your classmates was being mean to you
Him helping you make new friends
Sneaking into his room at night if you had a nightmare
Him calming you down and soothing you back to sleep
Stealing his clothes
Driving you to school every morning until you got your license
Teaching you how to drive
Stealing his Porsche until your parents bought you your own
Becoming best friends with Lydia
Helping her choose her outfits for their dates
Helping Jackson with gift shopping for their anniversary
Confronting Jackson when he was being an asshole to her
Joking about Lydia dumping him and dating you instead
Supporting him during his lacrosse games
Mat having a crush on you and Jackson threatening to beat the shit out of him if he dared to approach you
Danny backing him up
You having a thing for Danny until you found out he’s not into girls
Jackson trying to protect you from himself once he started losing control over his shifting
You realizing he is the Kanima before anyone else
Him promising he will call and text you every day before leaving Beacon Hills
Him booking you tickets to visit him in London once a month
You being the first to find out about Ethan
Going to dinner dates with them during your visits
Warning him about Gerald’s Hunters going after them
Helping them get free after Tamora captured them
Moving to London with them eventually
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baocean · 1 year
The characters
When the next generation of Beacon Hill’s supernatural teenagers start to wreak havoc, just like their parents. 
Meet the pack
Nicknames + aesthetics
Eli Hale
E, Hale
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Camille Whittemore-Steiner
Cam, Cami, Mills
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Kiernan Whittemore-Steiner
Kiern, Steiner
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Caroline McCall 
Lina, McCall
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James Mccall 
J, McCall
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Aiden Stilinki 
Stilinki, Sheriff
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Marla Brokke
Mar, MB
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“Coach Finstock took one look at Caroline McCall when she walked into his classroom and could only guess what he was getting himself into. Then, in walked her twin brother and the rest of their troublesome gang.” 
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arewordsenough · 2 years
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Rated Explicit - Chapter 6 & 7/? - M/M - Explicit Sexual Content
Summary: Ch 6: Stiles & Derek finally get some personal time together before the Devenford part that night. Stiles gets a little more than he bargained for when he swings by Brett's hotel room for the party. Ch 7: Scott is given a gift by Jackson that Danny made special for him and immediately gets things going for the group.
Featured pairings/groupings: Ch 6: Stiles/Derek, Stiles/Brett Ch 7: Scott/Isaac/Jackson/Ethan/Aiden
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New Kid On The Block
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Gif credit @tim-lucy
Requested by @mypridefulsoul27. I hope you like it. Thanks for the request.
Note (the reader is transgender female to male)
"Hey, watch it". A kid bumped into you and pushed you against the locker with a thud.
"Sorry". You gulped. This year was going to be your year, so you thought. You had just transferred and it was a new start. Things would be different. Not, flash backs of your old school came to surface.
"You okay"? You heard a guy ask, tapping you on the shoulder. Turning your head you saw it was one of the popular kids, Ethan. Why was he talking to you? Oh, crap, did you forget his book report at home by mistake?
"I'm- I'm fine. I gotta go". You squeaked out and ran off to your class. Ethan chuckled and went to his class.
Math class was your favorite, you were good with numbers and got along great in the class.
"Hey, Y/N"? Stiles, one of the guys you started hanging out with whispered to you.
"You wanna come over and play call of duty with Scott and I"?
"Sure". You smiled. This was the first real event you have been asked to do. It was awesome.
"Great. Come over around six. I'll order some pizza and we can game all night. Oh, and if you want to stay over bring a sleeping bag. It's cool". Stiles gave you a thumbs up and turned around. Spend the night? Your heart raced. What if they find out? Will they judge me like the people in my old school? No, they wouldn't do that, would they?
Later that evening, you had started walking to Stiles. He texted his address and you were on your way. The air was calm and quiet. Stiles gave you directions but he didnt say you would have to go through the spooky haunted woods to get to his house.
Gulping as you stepped inside, you were starting to hate yourself for not taking up track. You could be out of the woods by now.
Half way through, you felt like you were being watched. Someone breathing down your neck kinda watched. You picked up your steps and didnt look behind you. It was getting dark and you had to get out before then. Soon you were running and out of the woods. Catching your breath you looked back, a pair of red eyes blinked than vanished. You had to get to Stiles.
"Where ya been"? Stiles answered the door with a slap to the back.
"Running". You chuckled as you came into his house, panting trying to catch your breath.
"Seems like you should practice some more before joining the team. A little bit out of shape there". He laughed leading you to his room.
"I dont see you on the track team".
"Yeah, I cant run. Unless it's to save my life. Then I run like my ass is on fire". Stiles joked, making Scott nod in agreement.
"You didn't bring a sleeping bag"? Scott noticed you came in empty handed.
"Yeah, I can't stay". You nervously, ran your hand threw your hair. 
Scott and Stiles looked at each other.
"Um, my dad has a rule about sleeping at strangers houses". You cleared your throat.
"He wont let you sleep here but he'll let you come, play games and walk home in the middle of the night? Sounds like great parenting". Stiles rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, he's weird like that". You sigh and take a seat on the floor.
The three of you played games until it was around nine. You all kept hearing noises.
"That's my stomach". Stiles paused the game.
"Where's the pizza"? You asked.
"I kinda forgot to get them".
"I'll go get em. My treat. You know for letting me come over". You say getting up from the floor.
"Y/N"? Scott called after you.
"We wanted you to come over. You're one of the guys. Don't be afraid to be you around us. We're your friends". Scott said. Making you smile. You never had anyone tell you that before. It made you feel good.
"Thanks, Scott, Stiles. I appreciate that. I never had anyone understand so soon but um how did you figure it out"?
"Well, we kinda saw you go into the girls bathroom one day and we also might have over heard a teacher explaining to another that you were to use the mens after that. So we knew but we wanted to let you come out first. I can sense that you were nervous that's why you're not spending the night. But you're cool with us. Just be yourself". Scott explained.
"Thanks. I never had friends so accepting. Thank you. Um, can I still spend the night if it's still on the table"?
"Yeah, of course. But get the pizza first". Stiles laughed and threw a pillow at you. His way of affection and for you to get the pizza.
"I'm going". You chuckle.
On the way there you felt uneasy again. Being starred down as you walked. You stopped and turned around. "Anyone there? Stiles, Scott? Hello"?
Nothing. So you went on your way and forgot about the strangeness that followed.
After picking up the pizza, you headed back to Stiles, eating a piece of pizza along the way. You still had this creepy feeling you were being followed. It got to the point where you stopped in the street light and didnt want to move since some of the street lights were out. You had your back against the pole, nibbling on your piece of pizza. Your head turning like a machine watching every angle to make sure there was no one there.
"Hello, Y/N". A voice behind you made you drop your pizza and gulp. A bit of food stuck in your throat as you inched your way around but before you could see who, the light went out and so did yours. Nothing but a sharp pain was left of you.
The next morning, you woke up. Surprisingly in your own bed, in your own house. How were you there, when you couldn't remember getting home.
You went to get up and a lightning bolt of pain shot through you when you moved.  Rushing over to the mirror you lifted your shirt and saw a bite mark on your shoulder.
"What the-"? You questioned as you touched it. "How did this happen"? Hissing at the touch.
"I remember going to Stiles and getting the pizza but everything else is hazy. What happened"? You talked to yourself as you looked into the mirror, running a hand down your face.
Ding dong. The doorbell made you jump. You hurried down the stairs and quickly opened the door. In your wildest dreams, you never thought this person would be standing in front of you.
"Hello, Y/N". Ethan said with a smile. He was looking rather handsome standing at your door. The early morning sun shined on his face making him glow.
"Hi, what are you doing here"? You asked nervously, chewing on your lip.
"I came to see how you were".
"You don't remember"? Ethan raised an eyebrow.
"No! What is going on? Do you know why I have this giant bite mark on my shoulder"?
"Let's go inside and I'll explain everything". You stepped aside and let Ethan in. What he was going to tell you would change your life forever or give you a heart attack.
"Are you insane? Why would you bite me? I'm just a nerd, a geek. I'm a nobody". You yelled pacing back and forth. Ethan just told you he bit you and turned you into a werewolf.
Ethan chuckled. "Arent you more worried about you being a werewolf? Me being a werewolf"?
"Beacon hills is a weird place. I figured there's strange things up here. Why did you do it"? You sat down beside him, calming down.
"I see you in the halls. You're afraid of everything. I wanted to give you power to be yourself. You shouldn't hide who you are from your friends or the idiot's at school. Now you can do what you want, be who you want and not have to worry about who says something. You can easily rip their throats out". Ethan laughed as you stared blankly at him.
"I'm kidding. You could easily beat them up".
"Violence isnt the answer. I didnt ask for this, so why give it to me"?
"Like I've said, to give you power. You need it to be yourself. Cause I know you dont want to hide who you are forever. Plus I may have a crush on you and my twin gets a bit antsy when I date a human". Ethan awkwardly chuckled.
"So you did this for you? Wow, have you thought about my first moon? My everything? I'm not normal".
"Y/N, you are normal. You are you. I will help you and teach you everything I know about being a werewolf. I'm going to be by your side".
"This is some weird syfy crap and I would like to wake up now. Cause in my dreams you arent this selfish". You scoff.
"You dream about me"? Ethan grinned.
"Sometimes. But that's not the point. I cant be a werewolf. I know nothing about being one. Are there rules? Are you my alpha now? What's going to happen to my family"?
"There are rules and I will teach you. If you want me to be your alpha I will but you can choose. Nothing. They're still your family".
"When you say choose? You mean theres more than one alpha  here? Theres more werewolves"?
"Yes. Scott McCall is an Alpha. Issac is a Beta.  Derek Hale and my brother are Alphas and theres many more that you'll learn about or met".
"You gotta be shitting me"?
Ethan laughed. "Woah, the whole werewolf thing turned you into a baddie".
"Sorry. Scott is one? That's crazy but so cool".
"Now, are you okay with being one"?
"No, but I guess theres no going back. Thanks to you and your obsession of giving me power". You laugh. "But I get where you're getting at. Thanks. Maybe this will make me come out of my shell. But you gotta help me. I dont want to hurt anyone".
"You won't. So you ready for school"?
"Crap school". You run back up stairs and grabbed your bookbag. "Let's go". You yell to Ethan and you both leave heading to school.
The first person that saw you was Stiles.
"Where did you go last night"?
"Um, you may or may not believe me".
"Try me". Stiles crossed his arms.
"I was bitten by a werewolf and it turned out to be Ethan".
"Oh" Stiles made a O with his mouth. "That's beginning to be normal around here. Everyone is turning nowadays". Stiles laughed. "Let's go talk to Scott".
Stiles and you found Scott and told him about everything. He said that he would help you with your transition from human to werewolf. He recently went through it so he knows how it will be. Ethan wasnt to eager about that but you insisted. Ethan wanted to make sure you were okay and he wanted what's best for you. He truly did like you and you him. The romance came after your first moon.
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newmih · 3 years
Welcome Home
Prologue: The diary
Summary: Y/N hasn't been back to Beacons Hills in what seems like forever. She wished she had never returned to the town that had destroyed her life, the town that kept so many memories and dark secrets. But destiny had decided otherwise. Beacons Hills prepare yourself, nothing will ever be peaceful again, the Hales are coming back.
Prologue ~ Part 1
AN: I have had this in my drafts for so long. It's a fanfiction I've wanted to write for so long and the announcement of the Teen Wolf movie seems like the right time. If you enjoyed it like the story or just comment so I don't stay in ignorance. Thanks
~Bonne lecture~
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The rain was coming down hard on the city of London. October had never been so dark and grey and the war that was about to take place was a factor. In every house, street corner, restaurant, and car everyone in the know was trembling at the thought of having to take up arms. Even the bravest were resigned. Fighting a hunter or a goblin was nothing compared to the enemy waiting underground. Never in the history of the world had so many demons gathered. It seemed that those days were over.
Aiden walked as fast as he could to try to get home before the lightning started to fall. Under his long coat was a diary, diary he had stolen from the city's main library. If asked, he would surely answer that he had simply retrieved what was rightfully his family's, his pack's.
Years before, his fathers had taken care to hide this book so that no one with evil intentions could find it. Burning it or destroying it would have been impossible. The soul of its author was now living inside. Even though her older brother had refused to allow anything in her room to be touched, the diary was the greatest proof of her existence.
The young man finally entered the large house he lived in. He found himself thinking that it seemed dark and empty without the ironic remarks of his parents or the laughter of their friends. As he hung up his coat and lit a fire in the fireplace his mind went elsewhere, when the days were bright sunshine and blue skies, when he was just a kid running around the garden trying to catch butterflies, or even when his father's best friend yelled at him to watch out for the pond where a few ducks and their children were wading before he fell in head first.
The sound of hail hitting a window made him come to his senses and with a lot of melancholy, he went to the kitchen to prepare something. The evening was going to be long and painful and would surely be more so with an empty stomach.
A plate full of lasagna and a steaming cup of coffee were placed on the table where he sat with the newspaper in his hands. The black velvet cover bore nothing but a heart in which two letters could still be distinguished; an S and a B.
A sad smile appeared on his face at the idea that the two people should finally be reunited after all these years, but a tear fell of its own accord, and he could do nothing about it. Wiping it away angrily, he took a sip of his drink to give himself courage and finally started reading. His words echoed through the manor and so began the story.
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swearwolf-writes · 4 years
Teen Wolf 2020
it’s 2020 and corona is a bitch :) the wolves might not be able to get sick but they still wear their masks bcs they could still be carriers so *clears throat* WEAR YOUR MASKS Y’ALL!! this is very much a no one dies/everybody lives au :)
Scott McCall - age 26
this cute nerd. he studied veterinary medicine which takes about 4 years so he graduated in 2017 and works as Deaton’s partner at the Beacon Hills Animal Clinic. he’s dating Isaac (bcs he came back from France with Argent, remember) and Kira (she came back from the Skinwalkers in 2019 and has a proper grasp on her powers). sorry scalia shippers but it’s not really my thing-
Stiles Stilinski - age 26
NERD. anywho- FBI dork became an agent in 2019 whoo and lives in DC with Lydia, Derek and Braeden. he’s dating Lydia and Derek and things are pretty chill - he yells at arseholes who refuse to wear their masks bcs ‘it’s uncomfortable :(’ like bite me karen no one cares
Derek Hale - age 32
grumpy sourwolf actually knows how to smile!! who knew- he lives in DC with Stiles, Lydia and Braeden most of the time but he and Braeden travel often to fight butthead hunters who need to mind their own business. he’s dating Stiles and he and Braeden are engaged - it’s cute and they’re being dorks about it. he likes to complain that they’d be married by now if it wasn’t for freakin covid
Lydia Martin - age 26
your local genius banshee~ 🥰 still awesome, still a harbinger of death - so yk, the usual. bcs she had extra credits she started as a junior studying maths and graduates in 2016!! 🎉🎉 she moved to DC after she got some money together while working as a tutor - the quartet splits rent (but usually it’s just Stiles and Lydia splitting it bcs the other two don’t technically have jobs and yk Derek is an unsub and Stiles is in the FBI which Lydia finds hilarious). she teaches adults in the local community college and helps supernatural folk on the dl - she runs a grief counselling service at the same place for people who’ve lost someone. she’s also trying to get a degree to become a high school maths teacher and it’s a lot but she’s got it handled.
Allison Argent - 24
accidentally brought back from the dead by the Dread Doctors. everyone could not stop crying bcs she’s back baby!! she died in 2011 age 17 and came back in 2012 so she wasn’t dead long thankfully - wanted to kill Theo bcs he messed with her pack even he did bring her back. she’s a chimera now lads- she needed a kidney transplant when she was young which was why she was kept away from the family business. she was a werewolf-werejaguar chimera like Hayden but stayed a chimera. Chris and Isaac stayed home and bcs she and Isaac never actually broke up, they kept dating - she found it funny that Isaac and Scott were dating at this point,, meanwhile they were panicking wildly :) she went back to school and said she wasn’t dead, just in the hospital for a really long time. she joined Liam’s year and again, wanted to very badly throw hands when she found out about Monroe- she’s the coolest, like she has claws and bow and arrows
Malia Tate - 26
our girl went to France as promised and hooked up with plenty of hot French people *le eyebrow wiggle* she found her beau there in France and it was not a love at first sight sort of thing - she wanted to punch them in the face,, in their very pretty face- she was basically doing her own thing when she smells them, another bloody werewolf and like don’t get me wrong, she’s fond of werewolves, but bloody hell do they cause trouble. and they smell her too and it’s like ‘eh-?’ bcs werecoyotes aren’t so common as werewolves. and they’re just there in a club in Bordeaux and they’re sniffed each other out and they kinda just pause like huh- bcs they were were not expecting to see someone that pretty- but that’s not the point of course- they pretend to leave together and as soon as they’re out of sight from humans, they start fighting in an alley, as you do. it ends up with the wolf tasting the wall bcs who the hell are you- once they figure out they’re both just there to party, things chill and they see more of each other, naturally, it’s all just a big coincidence and doesn’t mean anything. and then they’re dancing and it doesn’t mean anything. and then they’re sleeping together and it doesn’t mean anything. except it does. and they don’t know when it became normal to cuddle or wake up together or have breakfast together but it just was. and when the cute werewolf (who I still don’t have a name for-) plans on moving to the next place, she comes with. the pack are happy for her and they usually road trip from place to place so when the pack comes to visit in Prague? it’s fun to say the least
Kira Yukimura - age 25
she came back from the Skinwalkers in 2019 and she and Allison became good friends. she kept going with school from home and is dating Scott. her powers are strong and when she sneezes bcs yk pollen or wtv, there’s sparks and it’s hilarious and Scott finds it adorable. she doesn’t really know what she wants to do yet and that’s cool of her
Erica Reyes - age 25
they thought she was dead- think again bitch, she slowed her heart rate down so they couldn’t hear and everyone thought she was dead - when the alpha pack got rid of her body and Allison found it, she told her to tell the others to pretend she was dead bcs of the Alpha pack - they beat the Alpha pack but she and Boyd hid with Satomi’s pack while that went down and helped generally after. she kept going with school and bcs she dipped for a while, ended in Liam’s year and eventually became a nurse in 2017. she works with Melissa McCall and joins for family dinner a lot.
Isaac Lahey - age 25
went to France with Chris Argent but kept going with his studies at Chris’ insistence. was dating dating Scott before he had to leave with Chris but they didn’t actually break up,, it was more ‘i’ll miss you :(’. came back to Beacon Hills when Chris came to help with the deadpool business and stayed bcs of Allison and Scott 💞 his studies were mostly uninterrupted and he studied law, becoming a lawyer in 2020!! so at least one good thing came of this infernal year- he wants to specialise in family law.
Vernon Boyd III - age 26
yea no, Derek didn’t mercy kill him bcs he was fine :) de nile ain’t just a river lads he went into hiding with Satomi’s pack and came back when the Alpha pack was dealt with. went back to school and ended up in Liam’s year. he joined the air force when he was 18 and finished his rotc training stuff in 2018 and it’s pretty alright - he’s a pilot but was discharged in 2019 bcs someone started with him and bcs they were a superior, he couldn’t say shit. so now he likes to wear ‘fuck the army’ and ‘fuck the air force’ shirt. he has mad respect for the people out there but the people in charge? fuck em
Aiden Steiner - age 27
he lives bitches 😎 Ethan had a silver chain on so he plugged the wound with it - it counteracted the oni poison and the chain started melting into the would (he had mild silver poisoning but he was fine). school was normal and now he’s an engineer, living in Beacon Hills. he and Ethan left for London for a while bcs that town was crazy af. while Ethan was very happy there, he missed home so went back. he got an online ordination and learnt Japanese bcs why not
Ethan Steiner-Whittemore - age 27
got married!! whoo 🎉🎉 Aiden officiated (this is 2018 btw) and it was cute. the whole pack was there and the wedding was in London bcs as quaint as Beacon Hills is 
‘i’m only planning on getting married once so this is gonna be awesome’ - Jackson Whittemore, 2017
he’s dramatic but yk Ethan was a blushing mess bcs ~life partners~ he’s soft y’all. he’s a primary school teacher in London and they’re part of the South London pack.
Jackson Steiner-Whittemore - age 25
also got married!! whoo 🎉🎉 ngl he’s lowkey a trophey husband/sugar hubby bcs he’s rich af - he does business with his dad but it’s not a big workload. he and Aiden want to adopt and yk being rich will hopefully help
Theo Raeken - age 25
ah yes, the absolute nightmare bi enby returns. (i hc him with he/they pronouns ✌🏽 as you do) so he successfully gained Scott’s trust and is part of the pack - yay! he and Allison have a sort of ‘you’re a bitch’ ‘no u’ *saves each others lives* relationship at this point - it took a while for Allison to warm up to him but he did save Liam’s butt several times so,, anywho, he’s still a werewolf-werecoyote chimera and he’s cool with it. he went to an online school and got his high school diploma - Liam then snuck him into the school and he signed the bookshelf bcs yea he didn’t graduate there but he did go there and now he’s graduated so yay. speaking of, he and Liam are dating, yea ik we been knew. they started dating in 2014 and Theo now works waiting tables at a local restaurants bcs he lives with Liam and his parents (you best bet that when they found out he was living in his car, they made him move in so he pays rent, not at their request but his). that was till 2017 and they moved out into an apartment together. Theo chips in on rent but it usually ends up being split 60:40 (Liam: Theo) so he cooks and cleans a lot,,, mainly bcs Liam can’t cook and does laundry like a maniac-
Liam Dunbar - age 24
this werepup is just as chaotic as always - he cannot be trusted with laundry bcs he doesn’t split colours from whites :) honestly it makes me wanna cry a lil bcs he can’t even fry eggs either- he has Theo to cook for him tho so that’s all good. he’s a history tutor for the high school students bcs he likes history and he knows the pain of high school- *shudder* he got an online Spanish and TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) degree and is now teaching at Beacon Hills High but yk his first year teaching is all online bcs 2020-
Mason Hewitt - age 23
he’s Emissary to the pack when they don’t have Deaton *wipes tear* he’s all grown up- he went to UCLA and majored in biophysics and minored in LGBTQ studies (graduated 2017). he lived on campus (kept the bat next to his bed lmao) and videochatted with Liam almost everyday - he would visit almost every weekend even tho it’s a 6 and half drive but hey. he got an apartment near the uni where he and Corey lived after he graduated. they’ve been engaged since 2018 (it was actually the day after the Steiner-Whittemore wedding). he’s helping work on a new drug delivery system and they moved closer to Beacon Hills (Sacramento)
Corey Bryant - age 24
he also went UCLA, studying comparative literature and LGBTQ studies, and lived on campus (for 3 years before moving in with Mason in 2017) before graduating in 2018. they’re engaged and moved to Sacramento. he’s writing a novel that will thankfully have nothing to do with their confusing ass lives
Cora Hale - age 28
lesbian queen *bows* still part of her pack in Ecuador, South America - she’s got a lady lover who I call Rosa (affectionately nicknamed Rosalita). they met when she first got there age 12 (Rosa being 13 at the time). Rosa taught her Spanish  and made her feel like part of the pack - after all the Alpha pack stuff, when she went back with Derek and Peter, she didn’t realise how much she’d missed them- how much she’d missed her. Derek asks if that’s her girlfriend and she’s like ‘wha- o.o’ and Rosa just goes ‘yup - nice to finally meet you guys’. she still visits DC to see Derek and Beacon Hills to see Erica and Isaac. even tho she lives in a different continent, Peter still looks out for her, sending anonymous donations in Talia’s name to the areas surrounding her pack’s territory
Brett Talbot - 24
*singsongs* ~he did not die~ the car swerved out of the way and the pack took him to Deaton who burnt the poison out of him (it was a long and painful process but he’s fine y’all). he’s the new lacrosse coach at Devenford Prep and he and Liam have a (mostly) friendly rivalry :) he’s a single pringle not bcs of lack of dates but just bcs he hasn’t found the one yet
Lorilee Rohr - age 22
also did not die :) she finished high school (2015) and went on to studying at UC Berkeley (art practice and theatre and performance studies, major and minor), graduating in 2018. she and Brett moved once he reached age 18. she makes and sells art from home
Nolan Holloway - age 25
after proving himself, same as Theo, he was eventually accepted into the pack. he and Gabe were dating and that’s that so he did mourn him for a long while. he works with hunters on the dl, trying to stop them hunting the supernaturals - he’s flipped 23 away from the dark side by 2020. he and Liam are friends which took a while but Nolan has his back (like there was that one time someone from the lacrosse team said they weren’t gonna ‘follow some mongrel’ so he reminded them that Liam was co-captain and if they didn’t wanna follow him, they could kindly fuck off :)) he’s a simp and has a raging crush on Brett like me too bruh
~the end~ for now
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lazywolfwiccan · 1 year
Reblog this if you wanna be tagged in the Teen Wolf: X-Men Evolution au!!!!!
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ssahoodrat · 3 years
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Teen Wolf x Shadowhunter
Formula 1
Tinder but make it your girlfriend (Ethan x Innit!reader)
Cowboy Up pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5 pt6 pt7 pt8 pt9 pt10 pt11 pt12 pt13 pt14 (Ryan x Dutton!reader)
Fandoms I no longer write for
Tease  (Arthur Pendragon x reader)
Mob Down Under (Mob!5sos.  Calum x reader)
Boredom (Ashton Irwin x reader)
Together Again  (Teen Wolf OC)
Pack Protectors (Teen Wolf OC)
Enjoy Yourself (Teen Wolf OC)
Elementary (Mob!Tom Holland x reader)
Mistake (Mob!Tom Holland x reader)
Surprises (Mob!Tom Holland x reader)
Defence Positions (Mob!Tom Holland x reader) Part 2
Not so bad (Mob!Tom x platonic male reader)
Safe (The Originals post-canon)
Being Elijah’s Daughter... (Elijah Mikaelson
For you (summoner reader x Nikolai Lanstov)
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stereksheart · 4 years
"Hey," Scott mumbles. His voice is soft, kind of shrill against the loud, dark thumping in his skull; he thinks it's his heart beating in his throat, but it's too fast for his lethargic being. He thinks maybe it's Scott's heartbeat, so fast because he's scared for him, of him, because he only causes Scott problems, he only causes everyone problems.
Thump, tha-thump- thump, tha-thump-
It's a steady rhythm, a sound that thrums through his head like the most forbidden song of this millenium, and he knows it would stick with him even further, through the end of the world and everything that comes after if he would still be here to roam the world with his empty eyes and loud thoughts, a tune that sits on his tongue so loosely he feels like he could sing it, hum it, scream it from the top of his lungs. It feels like it mends his broken mind back together just for a split second, chains it to the thumping sound like an anchor.
Scott's heartbeat is too fast. He doesn't like that. He really doesn't like how loud it is against the static noise. His voice is nice, though. It's so affectionate and he doesn't even deserve it.
chapter 6 of my story on ao3 :))
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arewordsenough · 3 years
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Here we are! All prompts completed and only one final chapter left to go! Keep an eye out tomorrow for the finale!
Rated: Explicit - Some of the boys of beacon hills share some kinky stories from their past during a friendly game of Never Have I Ever.
This chapter: Xenophilia - Mason/Jackson/Ethan/Corey
Mason gets to have some fun with two types of supernaturals at the same time...
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elliemarchetti · 7 years
Why Isaac Chose France
It’s been a long time since the last time I read an Isaac Lahey fic, and due to the fact that our beloved Daniel Sharman didn’t came back for the end of Teen Wolf, I’m going to fix it with the reason he’s still in France. 
"In fact, like that, it's terribly meaningful." said Isaac. He was sitting in Adeline's living room, waiting for Dr. Bernard. He stepped away from the computer and pushed himself against the desk, and the wheels of the office chair did not scratch the wooden floor for a miracle. If this really were the case, it was a mess.
"Salem's girls accused people of hurting them ... witches, of course." Abigail said. Isaac glanced at her sideways.
"It still makes me strange to think that you were already around at the time, so you can stop repeating it?"
It was a topic that they often treated, to tell the truth, perhaps because of their on-off story. After Allison, it had been difficult to be attached to anyone so much, but Abigail had been a useful help in rebuilding his new life.
Adrien totally ignored what Isaac said, and asked Abigail if the Salem girls were also paranoid. Isaac hated that boy and the feeling was mutual.
“Salem’s girls used to do a lot of strange things, most of them just because some witches hexed them.” Abigail said, trying to close the topic.
“So there’s the possibility there’s another witch here, with stronger powers than your, maybe even older than you?” asked Isaac. Back in Beacon Hills, he faced many things, but witches were a different kind of monsters. They were the most powerful thing he ever saw. Abigail wasn’t this powerful, but when she worked with her coven, the power’s strength were unbelievable even for him.
“There’s the possibility, yes. Or maybe a crazy witch decided to act like some Medieval enchantress and hexed everyone she hated.” suggested Adrien.
“Do you really think someone can hate Adeline?” asked Isaac.
“She’s beautiful, most of the witches consider just this a treat.” explained Abigail.
“Why are you the only reasonable one?” said Isaac, but no one answered. He shut up, don’t wanting to know what she has done in the past.
“We should go upstairs, try to make Agathe eat something.” said Alexandra, re-emerging from her silence. Agathe was Adeline’s grandma, the one who raised her after her parents died. Adeline once told him she could only remember some flash of her youth and any of them was about her parents. It made her sad, and Isaac didn’t knew how to comfort her. His mother died when he was a child too, and his father wasn’t the best.
“I try to prepare something.” said Isaac, getting up from the chair. The air in the room started to feel like poison in his lungs. He remembered when he thought he was about to lose a friend. He saw Stiles slowly going crazy, and even if sometimes the guy made him want to kill him, he liked him and he doesn’t needed what happened to him. Alex’s pack didn’t experienced something like that yet, and now that they were obligated to face it, the possibility to lose a member, they were devastated. They weren’t like Scott’s pack, they weren’t cohesive, ready to do anything to discover the truth. They were just frightened kids trying to come to terms with a mystery bigger than them with only the help of the internet and a thousand-year-old witch who looked like a very busy consultant. Abigail was not a bad person, but certainly could not be defined part of the pack, not with all the energy that she wasted in that coven that did not even seem to want her. Perhaps that too was one of the reasons why their relationship was nothing stable. Being in a pack should be something exclusive, a bond stronger than anything else: Derek was the living example of someone who was, more than once, teared up by the responsibility he thought he had towards his family and the sense of belonging to the pack. The solitary wolves are the first to die, this was true, but not all of them were made for life in a community of that kind.
“What are you doing?” asked, softly, Abigail. He jumped anyway. He always felt guilty when someone here caught him thinking of his life back in America.
“Just some crepes, Adeline told me her grandma loves them and we should eat something too.” even if he had been a werewolf for five years, yet his hunger did not seem to hint at diminishing, even in moments like that.
"I do not think Alexandra will manage to keep anything down." Abigail noted. Isaac knew that the girl was right, but eventually, despite her almost skeletal body, he was sure she would give up. She wasn’t a great Alpha, better than Derek, but not that good anyway, but she was a great person, and he wanted her to stay sane.
Agatha’s room were on the first floor, last room on the left in a long, dark corridor, not that it mattered something to Isaac, his sight made him see like he was in the daylight. One of the virtues of being a werewolf.
Alexandra went up with him, and she knocked when they arrived at the right door.
"Come on." Agatha answered. The old lady looked like a doll, but Isaac had not been fooled since the first time he saw her: Chris had left him at her home, and this could only mean that they were expert hunters who, however, shared the new Argent mentality. Adeline had been very welcoming, immediately making him feel at ease, and her grandmother, despite his age, had immediately put him to train hard. As a werewolf, Isaac felt like he was a better element than when he had left Beacon Hills.
"Isaac, Alexandra, you came to see me." she noted, bowing her head to greet them.
“Yeah” said, cautious, Alexandra, putting the tray on the desk under the window. She was still afraid of the old hunter.
"We came to bring you something to eat, Mrs. Dubois." Isaac said, looking with a touch of disdain for the Alpha backing away to return to the door, trying not to turn away from the former werewolf-slayer.
"How much formalities! Madame ... I thought we had passed that stage." the woman answered, with a good-natured smile. Isaac smiled at her too. He missed living there, but he could not spend the rest of his life in someone else’s house.
"But isn’t it good education?" Alexandra whispered, believing she was not heard. Isaac barely managed to hold back a giggle, already expecting one of the piqued answers of the woman, who, as wanted to demonstrate, arrived.
"But what education and education! Everyone knows that you are a bunch of stray dogs, not like my Adeline! I grew her myself, and if I could grow you too! Jewels, you would been, not dogs! Nevertheless, you know how to cook the crepes, "she admitted, giving another bite to her meal. Isaac smiled, satisfied, he was the one to cook when he was in Beacon Hills, and he continued to do it there in France, now that he lived alone.
"I believe she intends the use of madame as an excessive formality, among friends." Isaac explained, trying to close Alexandra's mouth, which had remained stunned by the woman's reply. Halfway through the crepe, the woman stopped eating and started looking at the couplet with keen interest. "You know, I was raised by hunters, so I'm used to recognizing the danger when I see it, but this story was too different from the others, so I needed to investigate." she began, and Isaac knew that they were about to make a change in their problem. "You know the history of the kitsunes, do not you?"
Isaac nodded, and even Alexandra, although she had only heard about it from her American friend. In any case, what she had to know to understand the hunter was assimilated a long ago.
"Vous avez affaire à un kitsune sombre, un renard se transformant en quelque chose de différent, de plus puissant, en quelque chose de mortel." said the woman, and Isaac wasn’t sure he had understood everything she said. They were dealing with a kitsune that had turned into something different, mortal. Isaac realized maybe too late. Yet the signs coincided. He had thought so much about why he had left Beacon Hills not to notice that the same thing was happening there.
"It's a nogitsune, isn’t it?" Isaac asked, still knowing what answer the old lady would give him. The woman just nodded, every trace of happiness disappeared from her face. He had lost Allison because of one of those monsters, and only the strongest people he knew were able to stop him, and two of them died. Although he was not very fond of Aiden, he did not deserve to die, as his twin did not deserve to remain alone in the world and unable to turn into a wolf again for the rest of his days. He would not allow the same thing to happen again.
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
Teen Wolf Masterlist
*️⃣ I currently don’t write for this fandom anymore
💫 AU | 🖤 Angst | 💚 Angst With A Happy Ending | 🎄 Christmas | 🐻 Familial | 🌟 Fave | 💛 Fluff | 🎁 Gift | 🎃 Halloween | 💙 Hurt / Comfort | 👤 No Reader Insert | 🌼 Platonic | 🌈 Pride | 🎵 Songfic | 💕 Soulmate AU | ❗ Trigger Warning | 💘 Valentine’s Day
Free Spirit [Stiles x OC] [Finished]
Stiles Stilinski
Dating Stiles Stilinski 
Dating Stiles Stilinski Being Scott’s Sister 
Stiles Notebook Headcanon 👤
Stiles Mannerism 👤
Stiles With Glasses 👤
Stiles’ Sister Has Panick Attacks And Depression ❗🐻
Stiles Being Late 🐻
Sweet Tooth Stiles 🐻
“Don’t you roll your golden eyes at me!”
“You turned my girlfriend into a werewolf, you little fucker”
“No, I won’t kill you and drain you dry. You watch too many horror films”
“If I were a character in a book, I’d be shipped with everyone in fanfiction”
“Stiles, I love you. But stop treating me like Lydia ‘cause I’m not her!”
“How is leaving so easy for you?”
“Go away, I don’t want to see you right now…”
“Do you want to talk about my ex or do you want to paint my body?”
“Theo, this is my boyfriend Stiles. And Stiles, this is my brother Theo”
“I killed her… It’s all my fault” “It wasn’t you, it was Void”
“I love you! I love you so much!” “But you love her too…”
“I swear I didn’t mean to touch your butt”
“Hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but I’m not a good girl anymore”
“She never misses, she never quits and never loses”
“Let’s make out, Stiles. Right here, right now” “What if we get caught?”
“I’m one of the assassins, Stiles. I’m very sorry”
“Let’s go on a double date”
“You kissed a girl and it wasn’t Y/N?!” “It was CPR, Scott!”
“Oh, yeah? Fight me!”
“Let’s skinny dip!” “You wanna kiss? My lips are freezing”
“What else do I have to do to prove myself to you?”
“The cold never bothered me anyway!”
“I’m not a Martin, and I’m definitely not Lydia”
“Boo!” “Don’t do that! You have claws and fangs and just… just don’t do that!”
“Don’t cry, I hate when you cry”
“You’re not Stiles” [Gif Submission]
“Just answer it, please. They obviously wanna talk”
“I’m so sorry, but I think I just bled on your Jeep”
“Vampires? There’s vampires in Beacon Hills now?”
Something Else 💛
I’m Batman
Prank War
Friend 💙🖤💛
I Know 💙💛
Just Ask Her! // Part 2 💛
Now You Know 
He’s A Ninja 
Not So Bad // Part 2
I’m Sure  // Part 2
Broken Heart 💙
Save Her 💚💙
Only You 
Surprise! 💛
Still The Same 
Blow Me Away 
No Stiles 
She’s Taken 
You’re The Best
Too Strong 💙
Perfect Bait [Nogitsune!Stiles] 💚
I’m Here For You 💙
Such A Nerd 
Favorite Obi-Wan 💛
Cupid 💛
Our Song 💕
Stay In 💛
Time Bomb 🎵💚
Scott McCall
“I don’t care what you are. I love you, you love me, that’s all that matters”
“I’m going to protect you no matter what”
“I’m mad at you” “I know, but I’ll make it up to you, I promise” [Gif Submission]
You’re a Freaking Werewolf!
Little Notes 💛
Heartbeat 💛
Anchor 💙
In Your Arms 
Lydia Martin
“This is without a doubt the stupidest plan you’ve had. Of course I’m in”
Derek Hale
Gif Imagines
Rainy Day In 🌈
Dating Derek Hale
“You lay your hands on her and I swear I’ll kill you myself”
“They can break me, kill me. But God help them the day they come for her”
“I want a kid” “Mama Hale”
“Did he just… Did you bite me?”
I Hate You
Heart Memory [Young!Derek] 💚 // Part 2
Mr. And Mrs. Hale 
Stop Calling Me That 
Comfort 💙
Theo Raeken 
“All I want is her to love me the way she used to”
“Was I just a pawn to your power scheme, or was it real?”
“Please don’t leave me”
“I wish you had told me sooner. Maybe then you wouldn’t be in all this trouble”
“Why did you help me?”
“You promised you’d never leave me. Where are you now then?”
Don’t Touch Her 💙
Jordan Parrish
“Didn’t you once say that not all monsters do monstrous things? I call bullshit!”
“I’d do anything to protect you, just call my name and I’ll be there”
“I loved you more and you walked away because you were scared!”
He Didn’t Know 🎵💙
Liam Dunbar
Dating Liam Dunbar
Gamer Liam 👤
“You need to wake up ‘cause I can’t do this without you”
“You’re my mate and I love you”
“I didn’t want the world. I just wanted you, don’t you get that?”
I’ll Do It For You 💛
Your Eyes 
Isaac Lahey
Gif Imagines
Road Trip 🎁
Dating Isaac Lahey
“I’m never gonna be good enough for you, am I?”
“Are you really taking his side right now?”
Full of Surprises 💛
Chris Argent
Dating Chris Argent And Being Scott’s Sister 
“I think I’m in love with you”
“So is that a yes?”
“May I have this dance?”
“You mean the world to me, and I know I’m not always the best but I love you”
“So… I can I take you home?”
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you”
“Well, this is awkward”
“You deserve so much better… You deserve to be happy”
“I don’t understand this sport, what’s the point?”
“I hate you!” “No, you don’t”
“You’re drunk. And you’re not gonna like that you said that to me”
“Where else does it hurt? I’ll kiss it too” “Right here”
Aiden Steiner
“What did you do? It should have been me!”
“You have such a hot ass” “And you have such a hot everything”
“You’re cute when you’re jealous” “I wasn’t jealous!”
“So… there is a mistletoe above us…”
“Wait, you’re an alpha too?” “I don’t think this is gonna work out”
Ethan Steiner
“Hey, have you seen the… Oh”
Jackson Whittemore
“I wish I could hate you”
Allison Argent
Dating Allison Argent 
“You look cute when you laugh”
Brett Talbot
“So you’re telling me that you’re a werewolf”
Peter Hale
“You used me! Did you ever even love me?!”
Mason Hewitt
“Tell me a secret”
Gif Imagines
Rivalry With Hayden 
Becoming A Chimera 
How They Cheer You Up
How They Are Protective 
They Catch You Singing 
They Comfort You On Your Period 
What They Like About You 
New Look 
Dance With Me 
Don’t Cry 
I’ll Protect You 
They Scare You 
Merry Christmas 🎄
First Kiss 
Original Pack’s Hogwarts Houses
Dark Side Supernatural Girlfriend 
“It’s all gonna be alright, you’re safe now” ❗
“I feel… out of place”
Don’t Leave Me // Part 2 💚
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