#eternal light | necrozma
refractment · 1 year
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“We’ve been away for how long, exactly?”
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“A year. Give or take.”
“A whole year?!”
Necrozma chuckles. “Relative to someone like me. Besides, the dumb lizard is responsible for a sizeable chunk of that.”
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4ster-bl4ster · 4 months
Aster, need my words well…
I am Meta Vitch, leader of Team Novae. I have taken over my alternate’s blog to spread my crusade across this multi-universal platform.
You have been chosen as someone who can help me in my crusade to save existence.
Your life is being wasted, trying to fit in amongst those who are below you. Their work is meaningless to the span of the cosmos. They will die, and all who remember them will die. Down your sorrowful path, you will mean nothing in due time…
But it doesn’t have to be this way. With the power stolen from the Solar God, I have broken past the chains that bound humanity to the plane that we are stuck to. We have already begun to make our mark, and we crave more.
Existence is tearing at the seams, and the Gods have failed us. It is time to stand up and fight for the continued cycle of the Ether.
With you by our side, you too can share in our revelry, and be remembered and exist forever in the cosmic expanse. The pain of life will be nothing but a nightmare in the face of a reality beyond simple consciousness.
If you accept my offer, then we will fully provide for you. Food, shelter, accommodations, whatever you need. And we will also provide these boons to your close friends and family as well, protecting them when your universe dims.
If you refuse… then you will experience the wrath of the new Solar God as he wipes away the light from your reality, and leave your meaningless existence in the dark.
You have 48 hours to make your choice. I hope you choose the right one…
Meta Vitch, the new Solar God
Didn't you also send this exact ask to Harte as well? +10 points for being original I guess.
First off, I don't appreciate ya tellin' me that I'm wasting my life. I'm chasin' my dreams in the way I see fit regardless of what others say. Fittin' in isn't my forte, I hope ya know. Maybe if ya did a bit of research into who you're tryin to recruit you'd be able to make a more compelling arguement than that.
Second, the concept of bein' eternal and revered as a god for all time is stupid. I've seen what happens to people who try to play god using legendary pokémon. Considering what I've seen— (you killin' your world's Necrozma if I remember correctly) you're just like 'em, n' I hope ya know it'll lead to nothin' but pain and regret.
Though, considering you want to make life as bland as a saltine cracker I can see you prolly want to avoid that. (Unfortunately knowin' how the universe works you're walkin right into what you wanna avoid.)
Anyways, as I was sayin'—
I've faced multiple legendary pokémon, I wouldn't mind addin' one more to the list of gods I've thrown hands with and won against.
You sound a bit too full of yourself anyways, maybe a proper thrashin' oughta do ya some good. Knock that ego down a peg, yea? Whatcha say, maybe you'll impress EVO enough that they'll grace you with their presence in battle.
Or maybe you're jus' a coward who's all bark n' no bite— 'cause you never did anythin' to the others who rejected you.
So what'll it be, "friend"?
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I just had a fucking epiphany in a UQuiz Text Box
You get the whole thing minus some comments to the quiz maker (Edit Note: plus some notes. It'll probably save you a massive headache if you read my previous Unova Lore theories too, I just jump off of that point here like a madwoman.)
I'm pretty sure Pokémon has been connecting its lore since Generation V, and it starts with the father of the two warring brothers, who tamed a regal dragon.
(That dragon likely has a counterpart in Ultra Necrozma, spoilers)
The father wanted his empire to be shared by his two sons, which means they were likely twins. The two brothers could not share the kingdom, 'their ideologies differed so greatly, and the two clashed.' (Edit Note: we'll be keeping this in mind.)
Their father's dragon split itself into two so one half could follow each brother, and left behind a husk. The brothers split their father's domain (which consisted of Galar in the north, Paldea in the south, and Kalos between,) and the central region was caught in the crossfire.
AZ, The Regent of Kalos, tried to keep the area peaceful, but his Pokémon was conscripted by one of the brothers (probably the younger, more idealistic brother, the one that reside in Paldea,) and that brother (likely unwittingly) sent to its death.
So AZ fucking snaps and builds a giant crystal death ray (that can somehow also grant eternal life to those in proximity to the device,) powered by a Legendary pokémon sleeping in a tree.
He fires the weapon exactly once.
There is only one known Great Crater in any region.
The Great Crater of Paldea.
(Okay Edit Note: The Giant Chasm exists, yes, and I get it's technically synonymous, but 'Chasm' suggests it was created from within, whereas 'Crater' suggests creation from without.)
Filled with crystals and paradoxical pokémon, (I have absolutely not gotten to explore it yet but I'M GETTING THERE,) the crystals, at least, make sense.
Pokémon that came from other dimensions, not so much, until you account for Alola's lore.
Ultra Wormholes open and close seemingly at random within the depths of Ultra Space, although the amount of energy that event inputs and outputs is enormous. Like, legendary enormous.
Your player cannot access Ultra Space without a part of a Legendary Pokémon very specifically Created to Do That. That's Ultra Necrozma.
(Edit Note: I don't feel I did a good job explaining Necrozma. It's made of pure crystal not unlike the Regis, but because it sleeps for such long periods it ends up absorbing impurities that darken it's crystals. So the darker the crystal, the older the Necrozma. There is theoretically only one Ultra Necrozma per three universes, because it requires two Cosmog and a Necrozma.)
Its parts, Solgaleo and Lunala, are contradictory to their core. Solgaleo seems artificial and futuristic, but Lunala looks ancient and divine.
Both are a form of light given form, and both, when absorbed by Deep, Dark Crystal, shine brightly enough within to give Necrozma it's original form again. Critically, Necrozma is NOT [considered] an Ultra Beast. Neither is Cosmog. Nebulas are clouds of stellar gasses that form stars. (Edit Note: Because they are not, the implication is that one each of Cosmog and Necrozma are native to your player's universe.)
Necrozma travels the cold of space seeking lost light. (Edit Note: Ultra Necrozma is considered the primal form of Necrozma, only present when a Solgaleo and a Lunala are absorbed into a Necrozma. This state cannot happen natively. But happen it does. I did not manage to fit in the theory of 'Necrozma is responsible for giving light to the universe,' so catch part 2 in six months)
Obviously the idea is that Necrozma opens Ultra Wormholes, and anything else that goes/comes through is unintended. But Necrozma is not the only thing capable of creating Ultra Wormholes. I reckon a strong enough pokémon (or machine powered by one) could open one.
Back to the weapon then. The weapon powered by a legendary pokémon. The weapon that was allegedly fired on Paldea. In the location where pokémon from other universes now reside. Pokémon that might have been experimented on by Team Plasma the same way as Genesect (the Iron Paradoxes.)
There are universes where Ghetsis' plan succeeds.
He gains control of three (or more, bear with me) legendary pokémon, and uses them to conquer his known world. Then, he sets his sights outward, travels outside of his universe, and lands in Pokémon Masters EX apparently.
So we know Ghetsis is willing to try opening Ultra Wormholes, and we know in at least one universe he ends up with the ability to do so. What happens to the Legendary Pokémon he used to do so?
(Edit Note: PAUSE! That was a big jump there, Harmony. Just which legendary pokémon did Ghetsis use?
Oh, nothing special, just his SOUPED UP ULTRA KYUREM WITH FIVE HEADS.
That's an even bigger jump.
So, this is how I imagine Ghetsis' thought process goes: Downfall Timeline -> Catch Kyurem -> Genesect Tech works -> Colress' Fusion Tech works -> Complete The Dragon -> Gene-tech the Complete Dragon -> "Oh hey this thing is cracked it makes wormholes and does everything I say but is hella violent otherwise. Who cares that I basically had to strip it down to its skeletal and nervous system, build it a mechanical exoskeleton, and give it gene therapy before it would stop trying to kill me?"
Oh yeah, anyway, )It winds up Millennia in the past (Edit Note: 'the past,' really being another universe not actually time travel,) and absolutely RUINS the day of two Galarian kings until their wolf pokémon sacrifice their lives to repel it. The kings will bury the wolves with their royal regalia, honoring them as King's Sword and King's Shield.
Those kings? The very same twins. The loss of their dogs sparked an argument on the best way to handle such disasters in the future.
One took an idealistic approach: that surely such an event would not happen twice in their lifetime and, if it did, they would surely be ready for it as they had just been, (Edit Note: Probably even that their regalia might return. Funny story there.)
The other, more realistic, recognized that Eternatus could be back feasibly at any time, and they'd already lost two pokémon to it. (Edit Note: This brother would've taken up Galar, and tried to keep the history of the initial event alive, which is why all the tapestry remains, even if covered up by later royalty.)
The argument devolves until the brothers are at each other's throats. Their late father's dragon, not wanting to see either kill the other, splits itself in two and protects them both.
The fight stays unresolved, and devolves to power struggle, and civil war.
So, in this way, Pokémon is a causal loop. It recurs upon itself. The Darkest Day causes the Brothers' War, the Brothers' War causes the Great Crater, the Great Crater unleashes a Necrozma and its natural prey Cosmog, Necrozma brings attention to Ultra Wormholes, Ghetsis fucks with Ultra Wormholes and causes the Darkest Day.
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ultraericthered · 5 months
One Villainous Scene: My Precious Babies
In all the Pokemon franchise, even to this day I don't think there's been a villain who utilized Realism-Induced Horror better than Lusamine, the President of the Aether Foundation, mother of Lillie and Gladion, and the true chief antagonist of the games set in Alola. And this scene here exemplifies it best, but it is an interesting case where there are two different versions of it, one that features a completely inebriated, unfiltered and crazed Lusamine that really maximizes the horror aspect, and one that downplays that horror due to Lusamine being in a right state of mind this time which might honestly make the moment even more unsettling in that context.
When you first enter this secret top room of Lusamine's manor that's at the heart of Aether Paradise, the silence, the pristine whiteness of the room, the idea that Lillie, Lusamine's child, had no idea this room even existed until just now, and a confidently smirking Lusamine simply telling you to "come this way" is enough to give you a chill. And when you do as she says, it's made clear that these many boxes that line up and decorate this room...are containers for Pokemon that have been cryogenically frozen. The Aether Foundation's stated purpose, Pokemon conservation - this, to Lusamine, is the ultimate expression of that purpose, but it's not meant for the Foundation or for the public to even know of. "What do you think? It's my private collection. My precious babies...they will all be preserved for eternity here!" That this "private collection" exists in both game versions and Lusamine says these exact same lines, speaking so lovingly of the creatures she has condemned to this fate, makes clear that this is something she began doing while not on any toxin. She did it as a response to her grief of losing her husband to something that was completely beyond her ability to control. Her heart's anguish gave way to mental paranoia about how many other loved ones she could suddenly lose and have no control over it happening or where they'd go, so she picked out all of her most cherished Pokemon in the Paradise and had them frozen on the spot. In place, unmoving, not able to go anywhere, completely under her control, all her's to love. Speaks so much to her psychology - if she could go back and freeze Mohn in place before the Ultra Wormhole took him, she would do so. Poor Lillie is visibly horrified to see how far over the edge her mother has fallen, and to learn for how long she'd been falling over the edge.
It's after this point that the scene diverges in some key places - inebriated Lusamine muses that the Ultra Beast she looks to bring out from the wormhole would not be frozen there and that it in fact should not be because, in her rationalization, it will need freedom and an outlet to "express its feelings" of confusion and fury, so she'd be glad to let the beast, and all Ultra Beasts in fact, go out into the Alola region to do as they please....even if "as they please" might pose a danger to everyone and everything else in the region! Clear-headed Lusamine, meanwhile, keeps her focus to her "precious babies" in the room and all those in the Paradise, rationalizing that a loss of light from the world would be akin to a loss of love, or more exactly, her ability to give her love to the Pokemon, again making this a matter of Lusamine desiring control. And to make it clearer that she seeks to assert control and validate the grandiose sense of self she's been losing her grasp of, Lusamine declares that she will personally defeat and capture Necrozma - it's not enough just to protect Alola's light from this threat, she needs to conquer it, capture it, and make it a slave to her love, the crown jewel of her new, improved paradise.
Hau and Gladion then enter in both versions and while in only the second does Gladion bring up their missing father, Lusamine's husband Mohn, in both Lusamine snaps at her children and openly calls them "wretches" who "betrayed her" by leaving her, even though full context of the situation reveals that it was Lusamine's possessive, overly strict and abusive parenting in combination with the unethical things she was using her company to do to Pokemon that drove her son and daughter away from her, but like the classic narcissist she is, Lusamine casts herself as the faultless victim and gaslights her kids to think that they were the problem all along. While inebriated Lusamine has just plain given up on her family and favors putting Nihilego in place of them in her heart, clear-headed Lusamine acts as though they'd disowned her first and so she had to reciprocate in kind, but that even then she will still save them too, going into this sickening self-aggrandizement about how perfectly loving she is.
After the point where Lillie pleads with her mother to not use Nebby to open the wormhole because it will involve potentially killing it to do so (obviously not a very kind and loving thing to do!) but Lusamine goes ahead with it regardless, the scenes just become completely different from each other: inebriated Lusamine gleefully uses the boxed up Nebby to open a wormhole so that Ultra Beasts come out and invade Alola while clear-headed Lusamine just charges up electrical power to zap the Nebby box so that it can open a wormhole only to be met with resistance from Nebby, which she has to admire because love and all that, but her self righteous rationalizations for her selfish actions refuse to yield to this, as she declares she'll use the power of the cage itself to turn Nebby's power against it so that "it cannot resist any further!", essentially condemning the Cosmog to die with a straight face and a cold glare. Guzma then enters in both versions, and you have to battle Lusamine either because she acts like an unhinged womanchild demanding to "love her sweet beast" in peace and for us not to upset the beast so we need to be silenced, or because she wants to prove to her worried children that she's strong enough to face the dangers of Ultra Space and Necrozma on her own, with her own Pokemon. (In the latter, Gladion's concern for what might befall his mother on the other side of the wormhole is met with a despicably guilt trippy "So now you worry for me?" God, I just want to slug her across the face and then kick her across the room!)
Following the battle is how it ends, and I'll admit - the S/M version is pretty lame. Lusamine throws another tantrum, then out of nowhere the wormhole starts to destabilize and vanish, so Lusamine and Guzma hurriedly run towards Nihilego and the wormhole with the intent of catching the beast with a Beast Ball once they're on the other side in Ultra Space. Weird effects happen, Lusamine smirks and waves goodbye, and then she and Guzma are just gone. Just like that, the big, intense event at Aether Paradise is over. US/UM more than makes up for it, with Lusamine, if you defeated her, doubling around and saying "OK, I'm not strong enough on my own, but that's alright since I'll have Guzma with me and we together WILL be strong enough!" just so she can still get her way and go off to capture Necrozma. At Gladion's protest, his mother condescends once again, repeating her earlier line of "children really would all be far happier if they'd only listen to the adults around them!", now said with a spiteful, malicious edge to it. Using Nebby to fully open the wormhole, Lusamine visually displays the core of her character by walking backwards into danger, away from her caring family, her eyes closed and her face calm, her arms outscretched in a strong, saintly, messianic pose. The sheer narcissism levels are off the chart!
While vastly different in service of different directions taken in these games stories, both versions of this scene convey the same basic fundamental flaw of Lusamine: regardless of what befell her husband and how she managed her grief, regardless of whether or not she's doped up on alien parasite jellyfish toxin, she is a sinner who is a saint only in her own mind, a prideful, power-mad womans so obsessed with control and possession that she conflates with the concept of "love", so deranged in her devotion to her public image and self-image as a loving matriarch, that she refuses to recognize that her ways of "giving love" are suffocating rather than nourishing, and it's her own family, whether they be her biological offsprings or her most beloved Pokemon, that end up taking the damage from it. The very family she currently looks to discard in favor of the Ultra Beasts she now obsesses over. So it speaks volumes that in both game sets, her actions only bring darkness to Alola rather than light.
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junk-jester · 9 months
And that's the main story of Indigo Disk wrapped up!
Here's my final team when all's said and done.
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Tomorrow, I'll just grind a bunch of BBQs, upgrade the Club Room, fight some Legendaries and just generally do any other Post-DLC nonsense that comes to mind.
Under the cut, I also got character bios for the team members again, as always. Feel free to check that out. Minor story spoilers below, tho.
First this time is one of the team's newest additions, Terry the Terapagos (He/Him). A bit on the timid and skittish side after being so rudely awakened by Kieran in the Area Zero Underdepths, Terry's grown fond of the other members of Abitha's team, but is somewhat distrusting of Abitha herself. He'll come out his shell (heh) in time, but it won't exactly be soon. His new big sister, Majora the Ogerpon, is more than willing to help warm Terry up, however. Hardy nature and takes plenty of siestas. Moveset is Tera Stastorm, Zen Headbutt, Earth Power and Aura Sphere. Ability is Tera Shift. Held item is Assault Vest.
Second is the starter who's been through and seen it all, Berdly the Quaquaval (He/Him). Between the events of Teal Mask and Indigo Disk, Berdly's become a grizzled old bird who doesn't move as much as he used to, but can still throw on a show for foe and ally alike. Modest nature and likes to scatter things often. Moveset is Aqua Step, Close Combat, Ice Spinner and Liquidation. Ability is Moxie. Held item is Mystic Water.
Third is an old ally from Abitha's Pre-Galar days having come back into the spotlight through spectacular fashion; Leichter the Dusk Mane Necrozma (He/They). Once the scourge of the Alola Region in ages past, Abitha managed to bring peace to his aching heart by willingly sacrificing some of her own life energy to feed them after they were left starving and weak. Leichter has since repaid this kindness tenfold, but vanished without a trace to make amends for their past actions when they stole the light from different universes and plundged them into eternal darkness. His quest having seemingly come to an end, they returned in glorious fashion to help Abitha once more by defeating Lacey and Drayton of the BB League Elite 4 when few other Pokémon could. If he'll stick around or leave once again for parts unknown is only for them to decide. Name is German for "Lighter". Relaxed nature and is somewhat vain. Moveset is Power Gem, Photon Geyser, Sunsteel Strike and Prismatic Laser. Ability is Prism Armor. Held item is Covert Cloak.
Fourth is Freddy the Bloodmoon Ursaluna (He/Him). A weary old man of a bear through and through, Freddy believes he is far too old for the shenanigans of his teammates, but can always be relied upon to pull through in tough situations when others would falter. He's the one who ended Terry's rampage after Kieran had Terastalized him at Briar's request, after all. In spite of this, however, he's earned a reputation on the team for having an unusual taste in food, preferring Pizza over Sandwiches or Berries. Named after Freddy Fazbear from Five Nights at Freddy's. Hardy nature and is somewhat vain. Moveset is Blood Moon, Earth Power, Moonblast and Calm Mind. Ability is Mind's Eye. Held item is Leftovers.
Fifth is Kiryu the Archaludon (She/Her). Originally an ordinary Duraludon Abitha had caught back in Galar, when she heard news of ways to make her stronger beyond Gigantamaxing (something Kiryu was not capable of outside Galar, of course), she leapt at the opportunity with earnest. Now, she feels as if she's on top of the world, with very little able to stop her momentum. Although, on a closer glance, it appears she may be hiding a dark secret, as if there was something lying just beneath her skin none should ever see. A phantom in her mainframe, a specter in her steel... A Ghost in the Machine. Named after the Millennium Incarnation of MechaGodzilla from the Godzilla franchise. Lonely nature and nods off a lot. Moveset is Electro Shot, Flash Cannon, Dragon Claw and Hyper Beam. Ability is Stamina. Held item is Magnet.
And, last but not least, the sixth and final team member is Jörmungandr the Hydrapple (She/They). A bit of a wildcard due to there being 7 Wyrms in one sticky sweet Caramel Apple, Jörmungandr-- or, simply, Jör for short-- is vastly unreadable by their allies, all five heads flipping moods and emotions like a coin toss at random. This behavior has made Abitha a tad frustrated, as they never seem to follow directions, but it's honestly better than nothing. At most, the lead head who does spend a majority of her time out in the open while the other four retreat to the internals of the apple they call home has shown itself to be a suck up, appearing to "apologize" for her cohorts' behavior and getting angry at them when they don't pay attention. Named after The World Serpent from Norse Mythology. Impish nature and is mischievous. Moveset is Syrup Bomb, Fickle Beam, Bullet Seed and Dragon Pulse. Ability is Supersweet Syrup. Held item is Miracle Seed.
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(What are their love languages?)
//mod here, I ain’t gonna type this out from Necrozma’s POV because they would answer this at all…
Necrozma’s love language would be not blinding you to smithereens.
More seriously, they are definitely AroAce, especially after humanity stole their light and cause them eternal pain. Any care it had for others immediately died after that.
The only “love” (or tolerance) it has left for humans is Meta, because in its own head Meta might be the one who gives it a reason to trust humanity again. They are overly protective of them, not wanting their Chosen One to die. (This can be seen through the Muse Mixup Madnesses, where even to this day they wait for the original Meta to show back up. Unfortunately for them, I am too ADHD to stick for one thing for too long)
As for other Pokémon, it has deep respect for its siblings and Arceus along with a few other legendaries, and of course Meta’s own Pokémon. Most others they see or know of are below them. They have no animosity, but sheer indifference to them
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storylocke · 10 months
Alolan Dusk 6
Looks like some kind of hidden recording device, but it's not like one I've ever seen.
He probably made it himself. When Ilima first contacted us about this rescue mission, I even teased him how surprised I was to learn he became a field agent since he was always much better with his machines. [Soberly] It looks like now I was right... 
Depends on who or what got to him. If it's our mystery monster, even the professionals were out of their league with that. [Soft hum as it isn't a very complicated device, but he's still surprised how easy it is to open.] There's only one file that says it stopped after fourteen hours of recording. I assume he left it running before it maxed out. 
[Nervous as she’s not sure she wants to see, but part of her just has to know what’s on it] Can we play it?
[Leans back] Pull the chair around, this could take a while. 
[There's a fuss of static as she drags the guest chair from the other side of the desk. There’s something obscure in the light before it suddenly cuts out. As she settles in, they both huddle closer to the dark screen to see if they can make out anything.]
"Won't be ...he finds the ...here...?"
[Shakes head and goes to mess with the sound mix.]
"Joke's on him. We've got a full battalion..." 
[Sits back and turns it back down a bit] Okay, he came in very clear that time. That must have been when Ilima put it in his pocket.
"Put your fangs away and think for a moment. That thing just took out my house, what do you think it'd do to a Snubbull?"
[They both freeze as the other voice also comes out much clearer than before and Lillie pales at the familiarity of it.]
"We can't just sit here and wait for that, that… OUTSIDER to come down here-"
[As the ensuing argument and plan between the two plays out, there's no denying the voices. Kukui took off for the stairs and the sound goes quiet, except for the increasing hush of the pouring rain as they can assume Ilima stepped outside. For a brief moment the video clears to show a ground level glimpse at the battle about to begin on the beach. Gladion goes back to pause it, and while the rain, distance, and the gray hue of the night vision makes it impossible to distinguish the figures, Lillie clutches a hand to the ribbon on her blouse.]
[Nods] And that's our monster, but is it Necrozma? You're the only one left who's seen it.
[The snapshot is too grainy to tell for sure, but as she leans in to see what she can make out, her eyes widen as the memory strikes her.] I think it is! See that? [Her finger circles a point at the creature's side and he tries to enlarge it.] That's its paw. I distinctly remember these massive claws that didn't seem to fit with the rest of it. And when it took over Nebby, it still had those strange arms hanging off of it. [Curls her fingers as she retakes her seat] Oh… I don't know if I can watch…
I don't think we have to since it went dark again. 
[He fixes the screen and, sure enough, the video is dark for what feels like an eternity. All they can hear was the rush. The storm, the heavy breathing from running, a cry from a Tauros… Gladion starts to skip the tape ahead by thirty-second intervals to see if there was anymore to hear. The ocean, the motor…
The rain eases up as they can only assume from Ilima entering the shelter of the cabin. The light flicks on to a colorless video set to night vision mode and the camera spins to right itself. The fledgling detective breathes a sigh of relief at the screen as he brushes his wet bangs out of his face and tries to steady himself.]
I… I'm still not sure exactly what just happened back there, but I need to say… something. This is either going to make total sense when I watch this later or sound absolutely ludicrous. If anyone besides me should be watching this, I need you to make sure this message gets to the head of Aether Paradise. ...If it's not too late. 
[He looks out the window with some uneasiness and moves the camera to a place it can sit still while he drives.]
You may call me Dauphine, I am a special agent with the E.I.A., on assignment to aid in the evacuation of Alola to escape the threat of an otherworldly predator. The same which I think just took out Professor Kukui. [Deep breath, keep going] He and I were at his lab to discuss plans for the evacuation. Somehow, it appears word has gotten to our predator, [ahem] what we believe to be a monster known as UB Black, and the news of our abandonment has greatly enraged it. Hard to say if it's distressed or being possessive, but I have no doubt in my mind now that THAT is what we are dealing with. This UB has proven to be far more intelligent than previously thought as it isn't attacking out of blind animosity. It can speak, it can plan, and I've got reason to believe now that the targets so far have all been to maintain its greatest secret. To keep any information that would help us to track it from getting out. Our studies have shown that UB Black can take control of other beings in the form of masks, and it is able to morph its own body into a sort of armor for the possessed. However, we've had accounts of it being able to fully absorb and manipulate its victim, though that may be circumstantial to the nature of the Pokemon. What I fear… is can it let itself be absorbed? [He shakes his head, his face graven as he seems held by some train of thought he can't convey.] Let me rephrase that. There was something definitely human about our attacker, and now I've got a hunch that UB Black's latest victim is actually a Trainer that it's using as both a stabilizer and shield since its true form might be incorporeal. But if, [he emphasizes at the screen] IF it's possible that the UB is able to hide itself away in its vessel like other Outsiders have been known to do, then we have to be on the highest alert when bringing people into Paradise. Aether, if you are listening, listen carefully. I don't know if you have a way to detect… 
[Ilima pauses as though he heard or sensed something and gives a subtle glance over his shoulder. He quickly reaches for the camera and slips it back into the blackness of his pocket.] 
But I highly doubt this UB would be bold enough to enter in plain sight.
[Seems to notice it about the same time he did. Grips Gladion's shoulder.] Go back, go back, just, like, ten seconds!
[Gladion rewinds and puts the video at half speed. There's definitely something in the background as an object falls outside the glass doorway, then starts to lift. While it's impossible to make out a form, just as Ilima goes to glance behind him, a bright pair of lights shaped like a huge set of eyes appears in the space behind him. The vision blurs as the camera gets moved and finally goes dark again. Gladion gives a cautionary glance at his sister, seeing the distress on her face, but the temptation is too great. He sets it back to normal speed, curious to know if there's more.
A shrill screech followed by the sound of the door breaking mixes with the startled shout from the young agent. It must have been quick. The shuffle of cloth, the pounding on the boat's hard wooden floor, the metallic claws likely carving into the narrow walls like the president had seen when they went to investigate. Gladion's hand hovers over the mouse but he just can't bring himself to turn it off yet. Lillie turns the chair away to get up and covers her ears as she anticipates the screaming.]
[Even if they couldn't see, her mind reeled as she could well imagine it.] Gladion, please! I think we know what happens from here.
Huh? [Looks over to realize she's not next to him anymore. Stands up to see her just as she steps out the door.] Lillie, come back! We still need to discuss… [He leans out the office and sees her stepping quickly, but not rushed enough to alert anyone passing by that something was wrong. Sighs. He'll catch her later when she's had time to talk to Wicke and calm down. Lillie was right though, after this was likely several hours of drifting at sea and no new information.] 
“Fast, aren't you?”
[A consistent wave of static starts to roll down the screen, varying in thickness, but a strained guttural voice comes in almost clear.]
“There’s nowhere to run here. Why don't you fight back?”
… … …? [That wasn't Ilima. Turns around and slowly approaches the desk again in curiosity.] 
Exactly. [Strained as though under the weight of something and filled with anger as opposed to fear.] We both know what happens now… is inevitable. The plan is… in motion… and you can't stop it. You WILL lose… even… if I can't win. 
[There comes something like… laughter. A hissing sound so close to the mic, it had to have been on top of him. Ilima has nothing to retort with as the only sound is a restrained whine from the pain. The screen suddenly starts to brighten. So bright that the camera is somewhat able to peer at the terrible, twisted face, though it's obscured by its view through the mesh of cloth. Gladion feels his own heart start to race as it appears to look straight at him, the dread to realize this was likely the last thing their guest had seen before passing out. The large glowing eyes set deeply into a black mask that spiked at the edges, ended at the nose, and a pale human mouth with an arrogant grin that opens as if ready to feed before everything suddenly turns into indiscernible static.]
[Jumped back as he hadn't expected the abrupt visual but he's a bit glad Lillie left after all. He cranks down the volume of the static and goes back to pause on the attempted view of the face and thinks on the agent's advice. A human… No, a monster with a human mask. How were they ever going to find him?]
[It had been a long day, but Lillie returned to the quiet of the hospital ward that evening. Having just seen Ilima in the video earlier, it's almost surreal to come back and see him so still. Gently taking his hand, she tries to smile as she gives it a pat.]
Welcome home. [Glances around the room with a bit of a sigh.] I'm not sure if you can hear me, but… Thank you. For trying, at least. It might make you happy to know that we got your message. Even though I'm not sure how much it helps since we don't really have a way to tell Shadows apart from anyone else until something happens. [Let's him go and eases his arm back to his side] … … I'm probably talking to one right now. [Tries to sound hopeful] We'll take care of you though. And Professor Kukui, if we can find him. It may not ideal but… But we'll figure out something. 
[Listens to the monitor beeping as he continues to sleep. She doesn't really expect any sort of response, but after a moment she finally comes out of her daydreaming and goes to sit down in the visitor's seat.]
Lillie: All this planning, it's hard to believe we're finally doing this. [She thought of all her friends in Alola. Of what Gladion said before about bracing herself for even more bad news. She thought of Necrozma's first appearance when her mother fell from the Ultra Wormhole onto the altar, frightened and injured, telling them to run. Run. Run. It's all she ever did, wasn't it? But one person kept coming to mind through all of this. Was Roark still okay? Was he even still out there somewhere?]
A/N: [Static Noises] :)
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So, I made some extra Stands based on Arcana exclusive to Persona
First up we have...
Stand Name: 『Aeon of Light』
Stand Ability: Gives the user the ability to manipulate and control different strengths of light. For example, the user can burn someones skin using a concentrated point of light, damages their skin cells at a rapid rate using ultraviolet light, create a deadly rainbow that can be reflected at will, as with any light attack the user can perform, can sense someone via body heat using infrared light, can absorb refracted light from the sun or moon for power, defense, and speed (think Necrozma), can run at a speed similar to that of light, can outright blind people temporarily or permanently using a bright flash of light, etc.
Power: A
Speed: A
Range: B
Durability: C
Precision: A
Potential: B
Weakness: Powers are suppressed slightly at night (similar to Empress of Light from Terraria)
Next we have...
Stand Name: 『Lustful Hunger』
Stand Ability: First, the user uses their irresistable charisma or seduction to attract their opponent over to them. After, they can bite on the opponent's neck to create a wound that prevents them from using the Stand, which was absorbed by the user and can be used by the user of 『Lustful Hunger』. The user also has the ability to transform someone into food by controlling a mass of food, usually gelatine, and absorb their Stand that way. This lets the user gain what they desire most, more power, by gaining the Stands of others.
Power: D
Speed: B
Range: E
Durability: A
Range: C
Potential: A
More of a utility Stand until the user absorbs another Stand
Weakness: Doesn't work on those who are oblivious, stubborn, or untrusting of others.
Stand Name: 『Maniacal Jester』
Stand Ability: The user tells a joke that the user knows will make the opponent laugh, which causes the opponent to drop their fighting and begin to laugh uproarishly and even tell the same joke to others. It spreads a special poison through the laughter which harms the opponent and anyone affected by the joke until they are entoxicated by laughter, coughing out their tongue and larynx, making them not able to breathe and die a slow, painful death with an eternal smile on their face.
Power: C
Speed: B
Range: A
Durability: C
Precision: E
Potential: D
Yep, this Stand Power is inspired by The Joker (not the Persona one)
The only weakness to this Stand is if someone is deaf or is able to stoneface their way through the joke, making them immune.
Stand Name: 『Faithful Hope』
Stand Ability: When activated, the user will become so determined to overcome the opponent due to the user's own hope for a better future or hope the enemy can be redeemed or a faith in a higher power, that the user gets granted temporary immortality during the fight. The user can also harm other Stands with regular weapons due to their Stand being activated during the fight.
Power: N/A
Speed: A
Range: N/A
Durability: A
Precision: A
Potential: A
The only way to beat the user is to have an equal or higher amount of determination
So basically, this Stand is Undertale/Deltarune
Stand Name: 『The Universe』
Stand Ability: Omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, and omniaction
Power: Infinite
Speed: Infinite
Range: Infinite
Durability: Infinite
Precision: Infinite
Potential: Infinite
Weakness: None
So basically, God Mode
Stand Name: 『The Councillor』
Stand Ability: Leader. The user will have a large group of followers to attack for them, with the user only getting involved once all of the followers have been defeated. These followers influenced by the Stand User can attack opposers in any part of the world. The followers can range from ordinary citizens to Stand Users, no matter how weak or strong. The user also has the ability to increase their strength for every follower defeated.
Power: A
Speed: C
Range: A
Durability: A
Precision: B
Potential: D
Weaknesses: The followers can be anyone, even those who have many flaws or one massive flaw.
So basically, this Stand gives you the ability of Kingambit
Stand Name: 『13 Apostles』
Stand Ability: The user makes it their goal to befriend the opponent and, eventually, backstab them in a usually torturous manner.
Power: C
Speed: D
Range: E
Durability: A
Precision: A
Potential: E
Weakness: Those who are untrusting are unable to fall into the users trap.
At this point, we’ll need a Persona X Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Crossover
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kodakai727 · 6 months
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And the night shall last FOREVER!!
What if Koda was the leader of an evil team? He'd be the leader of Team Blackout, of course! They're dedicated to helping Necrozma swallow up the light all over the world and drown the world in eternal darkness; who needs the sun, anyway? With the power of his Dawn Wings Necrozma, dawn shall never again see the light of day!
Applications open for grunts and admins!
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edgeanescence · 2 years
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Ultra Recon Cyrus AU
Because I don’t have enough AUs rattling about in my skull already.
This is basically an AU in which Cyrus had failed his plan, getting pulled into the Distortion World and stuck there for eternity. But, while venturing about the place, he missed his step off an island and plummeted into an Ultra Wormhole, which inevitably spat him out in Ultra Megalopolis.
As a Faller, Cyrus lost virtually all of his memories, except for his surname, and he struggles to remember his past because of the new environment being so separate from the normal world. He learns to adapt to life in Ultra Megalopolis, which is easy enough since he still retains his inherent skill in technology. His eyes have gotten less used to natural light, earning him headaches if out in it too long, and he’s become a bit near sighted. His skin has turned slightly blue from the time spent there, although he is nowhere on the level of the actual residents of the city.
Once the Recon Squad is formed, he joins it, looking to find a way to contribute his skill. The fact the group would be going through various realities would be a major help, assuming they landed in the world he was from. Cyrus winds up becoming their token battler, as his proficient skill in pokemon battles begins to return to him over the course of their journey.
Inevitably, Cyrus has small memories float back to him as he journeys with the Squad. Sometimes its from creatures he sees, sometimes its from the world around him.. He feels uneasy. Almost as if he’s better off not tapping into his past. Yet, he persists, keeping to the groups goal of assisting Necrozma so it would not consume the light of other worlds.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, for him, there is a duplicate of himself from a world where he won, lurking about a villainous castle after Necrozma is dealt with. A journey back to the Aether Foundation for Beast Balls might chance a meeting..
The man who once wanted to destroy the universe and start it again as its sun is now the sun for a lightless world, working to prevent universal calamity. But would he keep to the good path, with his lack of memory, or remember everything, and return to his plans?
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xaallo · 3 years
Irrelevance? Brokenness? Obsolescence? The alien chaffes at the insults that the entity mulls on, but he does not consider them. Has he not been told since as early as he could remember his importance in the grand scheme of all he's known, society and species? Had it cooed to him by his father, beaten into him by his mother? For years, decades, centuries?
And for some worm, some creature that looked just as foreign as he felt in this world, to tell him it wasn't true.... The insults roll off of Xaallo like water on a duck's back.
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"I am a prince."
He responds evenly, eyes narrowed dangerously. At his stately height of eight feet, he is only half of Necrozma's size, but stares the beast down all the same. Lesser beings might've been tempted. Humans; their lives rushing towards end as if eager. But the young prince's story is only beginning. And he has no wish to twine his tale with the wants and wiles of a worm.
"And you cannot perfect what is already perfect. I would take the light of the fire over your 'house' any day. I am a prince--
-- and I do not kneel."
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refractment · 3 years
@ifbench @ask-team-searchlights​ X
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“I don’t project my voice into random children’s heads. It’s not worth the time or energy.”
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redtoomuchintoit · 3 years
A wormhole opens above the throne as you enter - Red drops through, landing on his feet and sitting on the throne, one arm on an armrest, supporting his head as the other reaches up, like he were trying to touch the wormhole, before he sits up, and the hole in space closes.
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“Magnificent wasn't it? An entity from beyond our own dimension, creating such things and giving power to those that seek to wield it. Were it fall into the wrong hands, humanity and the universe would be utterly doomed.”
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“I have no reason to believe you are anything other than the wrong hand.”
He stands up from the throne, and throws forth a Luxury Ball, clearly custom-made with a name etched into it.
Out bursts an eruption of light, as Ultra Necrozma showers the room, letting no darkness reside in any corner.
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“You now face Godlike Judgement. May it extend eternally.”
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thesodafloatzel · 5 years
This wasn’t right.
The floatzel and his necrozma passenger continued to descend. Seconds and moments became days, weeks, months, years, fractions of Planck times, instances, seconds - in this place, time and relative dimensions in space had no meaning. Boundaries blurred and solidified, energy ebbing and flowing in careful balance as the floatzel climbed downwards. <I feel nauseated,> the necrozma in the shape of a lava lamp faintly echoed. And screamed. Too quiet and yet too loud. One of the many voices that shouldn't be heard in a passage like this, but were anyway and thus needed to be discarded. Pace never ceased, progress remained constant, and after what felt like eternities wrapped into minutes the pair descended onto a pane of hard light, and then another, emerging into 'reality' from a rough square shape above. The ground that Phenos eventually found purchase on was spongey, as if it was held together by many threats but by virtue of being a part of 'land' could handle any weight without the slightest crumbling. Perhaps the most jarring part of this environment was a complete lack of sound. The floatzel seemed capable of breathing, and Jyotis could live in Ultra Space never mind regular Space if he so desired, but there was nothing able to propagate sound. And despite not having eyes, Jyotis could see. It was wrong. It was beautiful, and wrong, and the liquid crystal surrounding his brain prism leaked out of its seamless container in soundless tears and a muffled glassy screech sounded from within- <I'm sorry.> Understatement of Phenos' entire life, really. <I don't talk about these things I can do for a reason. You have no body and yet you must purge yourself of impurities, because the environment demands it of you. I can only keep you together within your physical bounds, not your mental state, but this is the only place I know of that will give us what we need.> <△t ◅༕R〄S> <I know.> Gods above, for there were many, he knew. All that the floatzel could do was begin walking, the 'bump' of hitting an object the game couldn't allow him to pass through sounding in perfect resonance from everywhere and nowhere until he moonwalked sideways and zipped through and around and then into normal space - as far as normal space could be comprehended in here. Sounds began to filter in from the coalesced visual garbage as if the localized environment was normal, but the sights... <We call it Glitch City for many reasons. One of the reasons I like to claim is that due to extended exposure over the years, the tumblr images of my expressions can't be recognized by their image uploading services.> <...> Jyotis was entirely whole, if fundamentally scarred and filled with the alien, tingly warmth that comes from taking out the trash and getting an accidental whiff of condensed refuse. And yet even he had to sit there for a minute in complete incomprehension. <...what?> "Ahem. Never mind. Point is, push the surroundings out of your mind. Right now, we're on Cinnabar Island." <...> Jyotis did not know why he knew where that was, since he had never been here. Or why the only question that came to mind was 'before or after the volcanic eruption.' But after examining the floatzel and his mental state, things clicked and locked into place in directions they never would have under any circumstances, revealing the kind of picture one could only see by looking at it from a single direction. <So let me get this straight. The only time and place you could possibly choose to revive me is in the heat of the eruption of the Cinnabar volcano?> "Right in the middle of the gym, yes. It's suspended over the magma chamber responsible for the eruption that 'destroys everything.' By taking advantage of the properties of Glitch City, the idea was to be your Trainer for the purpose of a Synergy Burst, treating the eruption as a source of Infinity Energy strong enough to... more literally re-forge you." <I know you didn't have enough power to do anything beyond turn me into this, when you first rescued me, but isn't this overcompensating?> "A lot," Phenos admitted, but with his expression hardening he placed his friend on a new floating disk of Light Screen and started walking, Jyotis unable to really resist. "But the real reason is inefficiency. I'm not a Legendary like you, and I can't properly manipulate energy on the magnitude you need it for what we want. This is the only method afforded to me that I know will work without directly tying you to my soul... and I'm a bad enough influence as it is."
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pumpkinspicelyn · 2 years
Whatever helps my girl feel better.
- 💀
*He leaves the room and I grab my laptop and turn it on. I start researching the Ultra Wormholes but there’s very little. I decide to hack into the Aether Foundation mainframe for the info*
“The Ultra Recon Squad visited us for assistance in catching Necrozma, the Light Devourer. Their home in Ultra Space has been enveloped in eternal darkness because of the fearsome Pokémon. Cosmog is the key to opening the wormhole and defeating Necrozma. I will save Alola from Necrozma’s fearsome power. Maybe this will also help me finally find my husband.”
*I log out and delete my trail then shut down my laptop and lay back down, snuggling Guzma’s pillow*
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neonecrozma · 6 years
@ask-the-guardian-of-the-seas continuation from this post
The beast of the sea had every right to be wary. In fact, the collision of thick black armor against it was only the beginning of  what will soon be the the creatures great plan. This world, it was filled with creatures just like Lugia. Giant, magnificent, powerful. Just one simple sweep of this beasts wings could create a storm to last for months if it wanted to. 
That's not what attracts Necrozma to it, however. It wasn't just the powerful wings or the storms, but the silvery light that would glimmer prettily against the legendary's massive form.
Awaiting for its opportunity to strike like a black pit viper, Necrozmas arm shot out of the newly formed wormhole just above the gentle giant. It's claws, massive and ready, dug and grasped into the beast, utilizing what the blackened one did best; drain its energy.
Tumbling down after the struggle, the creature faced it's free claw forward and circled it along the air as they neared the awaiting water. As if on instinct, the water whirled around like a whirlpool, opening up into a pit of nothingness as both beasts went tumbling down into the blackness.
What Bede will see next is unlike anything the beast would have ever seen. Pitch black, the world around it seems very unnatural. Blackened trees reaching up to a gray sky with darkened clouds. The ground, a caked darkened version of clay, stained the beast's feet with its color.
Sound seemed mute in this world, for even wind didn't even tickle the deadened forest around them. Not even a sound, not even a distinct smell. Nothing-
"You... Are awake.... Good." 
The voice piercing through Lugia's mind, the owner of said voice had returned with its claws dragging against the ground . It's face, bright as light, scanned over its captured prey in the same manner a Seviper would a Rattata. Dark energy emanating from its form had long since created darkened chains that wrapped around Bede's body, tightly squeezing and securing the beast from doing anything more than awaken. The chains, as Lugia would feel, not only felt draining, but it also consumed the light all around Lugia's body, creating the effect of appearing duller than usual.
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"Your light... It tastes so good. I have always wondered what its like... To take the sea beast's light as my own...~ Who would have thought... That the seas guardian... Will be my prisoner and eternal slave...~” 
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