kiwisandcoconuts · 4 months
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Happy pride month animorph fans have some doomed yaoi (Gafinilan and Mertil)
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princeseerow · 2 years
*plot relevance may vary
for the purposes of this poll i only want to consider characters with relatively little screen time, so no toms, evas, or ereks, but they may show up in a poll of their own depending on how this one goes
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braskide · 6 years
she will admit this to herself and say that she’s not entirely sure about this. regardless of the thoughts in her mind, a book rests against her chest, her arm holding it close -- that, of course, is not hers, but luckly enough she was able to pick it up leaving the almost empty class, noticing how no one had redeemed it back yet. the name on it said ‘ cloud strife ’, and of course she remembered him from another class they shared, and although they had never stopped to talk before, she still had his number saved in her phone, flashing back to that one time she asked for notes on the only day she had not attended class. so she dials the number as her weight shifts from one foot to another, teeth biting her lower lip but releasing the grip when someone on the other line picks up. a breath,  ❝ ah, hello? ---------- is this cloud? ❞
@estrifes​ ; 
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xkuja · 6 years
estrifes replied to your post:       This sorcerer is writing a list of suitable...
“..A wild idea perhaps, but..let her decide on her own?”
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      “...” He looks at Cloud like he has just suggested something very, very stupid, like chicken flavoured icecream or wielding a sword twice ones size.
       A name is crossed off the list.
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herbounty · 6 years
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                    ❛    revenge served cold loses its flavor .    ❜
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notavampirehere · 6 years
“Shouldn’t you take your own advice for a change?” His question roots more from concern than anything else for the older man.
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“I’m never sure if the advice is even my own, or if it’s from one of the demons lurking within me.”
Vincent could only sigh, seeing no other option but to admit to a fault. “...please bear with me.”
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phylxrchus-archive · 7 years
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FITE ME IRL @estrifes
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faeriesboon-a · 6 years
@estrifes​. i can’t believe i’m back on this blog. it’s like an addiction.
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   ❛ Okay, okay ... now, wait a minute! You’re saying we accidentally fixed the accident that you guys ... accidentally created... and now we’re .. back here. ❜ okay! that makes no sense, but he’ll go with it! granted laguna doesn’t have all the nitty gritty, everything looks ugly and he’s totally lost and will admit he’s lost this time ... was this place always a desolate wasteland? something tells him no, and something also tells him he should probably look for squall now that he can recall every last bit of memory he apparently lost before. ❛ Great! You know where you’re going, right Cloud? ❜  ... please say yes, please say yes ...
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braskide · 6 years
‘ for now , i’d rather stay here ’
poetry starters. 
he had showed up at her doorstep unexpected. well, not unwanted, just unannounced, which surprised her to say the least. they had their somehow secret agreement: they would team up against midterms and study together most of the week, except for the days where cloud was otherwise busy or when yuna couldn’t meet him at the coffee shop because of work. so, she suspected when he hadn’t showed up at their usual time that they were not going to study together that day, which made her collect her books and leave the shop to head back to the flat. on her way home she made sure to check the text chat with cloud ( filled with ‘ on my way! ’, ‘ be there in five! get me coffee or i’ll die ’ mostly, but also occasional memes she liked to share, they seemed to do all the talking when face to face ) to see if he had said anything, but she wasn’t exactly surprised either when no text had been received. with rikku and paine probably away on classes or to meet gippal she decided to dedicate the precious time alone to study some more — it wasn’t much later that the doorbell got her attention, loud and clear, which made her huff softly before getting up to reach the door and, her guess was, let in rikku, paine AND gippal. ❝ hey! don’t you have somewhere else to go— ❞ well, yeah. her expression quickly shifted to accomodate concerned yet surprised features, as her weight shifted from one foot to another, eyes locking with the taller one at the other end of her doorstep. for now, i’d rather stay here he had only said to her crude remark ( she quickly made a note to excuse herself about being so blunt? rude? he wasn’t even supposed to hear that — ) which worried her slightly more, and she was just about this close to ask what was wrong, and why he had showed up with no books in his hands - that made her bite her lower lip. for now. ❝ that wasn’t meant for you — now come in, i’ll get you coffee. ❞  
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xkuja · 6 years
For the munday meme: What got you into drawing/art? What moved you to give it a go?
What got you into drawing/art? What moved you to give it a go?
      It’s just something I’ve done for all my life. Even back when I was a tiny, dumb spawn I would be sitting on the floor drawing pictures far more than I’d be doing other things young spawns do...
     Wow, that’s a boring answer. I should have made something up about like, being in the war and drawing idk like the military maps and then I killed Hitler in a giant robot and a won a Nobel peace prize and Van Gogh was so moved by my talent that he gave me his ear on a string as a friendship bracelet...
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etherealsavior-blog · 7 years
@estrifes | quote s.c.
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“ who would have ever thought a failed experiment would prove so useful? ”
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unsoughtguest-blog · 7 years
@estrifes liked for a starter
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it is good to be wary of new worlds , for it is in the unfamiliar that DANGER PERSISTS , the mist faded & fragmented as the strahl’s crash onto the ground , mechanic & fran both looking at the mess with DISMAY . all of the members of the crew had a job to do , & fran’s was looking for suitable parts , for now . ❛ if i were to find ship parts , ❜ she looked down to the hume who seemed to at least know this land , ❛ where would one find them ? ❜
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phylxrchus-archive · 7 years
Talk about Nina!
Sending love to @jjillekkot her way because she deserves nothing but. Nina was in fact one of the very first people that I met when I came to the FF RPC in 2016, we met in the fall of that year while I was still only a few months in. I can proudly say that she is one of my best friends, aside from being one of my best writing partners (we’ll need to actively write again with each other soon again though fam). I’m open about myself with only a very small few in the RPC and Nina is one of them. We talk about our personal lives, the good times and the tough times. Whenever I am down, she’s always there to help me get back on my feet, especially given what’s happened to me in the last few months. Even when I share my accomplishments her, she, along with those few in the RPC as well as those in the real world inspire me to go even further.I could go on and on, but I’m not very good at giving such detailed praise. But Nina know that I love you so much and that you are irreplaceable to me. Wouldn’t have made it this far if it wasn’t for you.
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crystarium-rose · 7 years
@estrifes liked your post.
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jjillekkot · 6 years
"Stop." Sternness resonates from the roots of his voice, his tone firm when speaking to the more than obvious intoxicated royal ninja. "You're drunk and don't know what you want." He holds her wrists should she start to get physical again. "No one wants you to disappear.." Maybe the weight of her title is pressing down on her again; through alcohol a way to escape from that. "..I don't." He speaks quietly, words holding the potential to be missed. "You're dear for a lot of us, Yuffie."
!!! // @estrifes​
As for when she started knocking back glasses quicker than Cloud, it’s unclear. But she does vaguely recall the sound of clanking as drinking glass hit table, enough times before she reached a dazed state. And for a moment she thought it was the sound of emptied cup which hypotized her, or the sound of droning voice as words spilled from her tongue, the language of she remembered not. Common, or Wutai? A constant pull between the two: she never knows which one is better, which one she can be when at cessation of day’s activity.  And she wishes, she wonders, can she not be both? Is she not, at this moment, a blend?
She hears her own voice in waves, a warbled thing which makes her stop in mid-sentence when she does manage to catch something she’s said. Did she truly admit that out loud? How much has Cloud understood, as she slips back and forth between vernaculars? There is no question that by now, given how much time they’ve spent together, that he can pick up slight phrases, words, hints of what she’s saying even if it’s not in his mother tongue. And would she be able to, she would feel shame: yet she cannot remember what all she’s admitted, and in some respects does not care, either. It is Cloud. Even if he says he knows not, she believes he does. He always receives and comprehends her in some capacity, tolerates and cares for her when no one will.
She wants to flail, to scream, to run and resist. Her other option is to climb off and curl away, seclude herself from so much responsibility thrust upon her shoulders. To be born a royal is what some might consider a dream, but she a disaster, a death to anything that she could pursue as personal interest, a private life, a pursuit of personal desire. She wants so badly to be seen, to do things as herself. But as long as this title lingers on her body, this position secured upon her crown: she belongs to the world, to Wutai. Never of her own.
It is an outrage, and she is exasperated; yet when she attempts to lift herself from seat, to walk away, she is stopped. She wants everything, she wants nothing. She seeks significance, she wants ignorance. Yuffie wants to be alone, yet surrounded. There is a void that is not filled within her no matter what she seeks, and her only solution she’s found is by retrieving the temporary, the material, the tangible. Yet it is not a true answer: had it been, she would not be in such situation as now, attempting to wriggle from swordman’s grip, her wrists occupied by fingers stronger than she, his will overpowering her own in rare instance. She is exhausted, she is empty, full only of soju and the reminder that too much sacrifice leaves nothing behind for her.
With Cloud so close to her, she cannot help but make sense of the words he speaks in her ear. Her face is flush already, but if she could fathom any control of her extremities, she would blush further. Instead she grows slack against him, lets him deal with her weight for just a moment, leaning back into strong frame. He is always around in the depths of her weakness. In Junon, in geostigma, in jade-shaded neon lights of Turtle’s Paradise. Why does he care so much? Why is he here, when no one else is? She doesn’t know, will not until he speaks it with his own mouth, though earlier admission is close enough. She is fading, tired, her voice a whisper as she rests, lax against him and only held upward by his grip, her arms held in awkward angles, as if she could wrap them around him. But why would he ever want that? Why would he ever want her?
The logic of that doesn’t matter. She couldn’t follow it anyway if she tried, not in this condition. But she’ll latch on to such an idea, her lips to follow suit.「 Want me, 」she begs softly, words hardly louder than a whisper.「 Want me for me. Not a ninja, not a thief, not a spy, not a princess. Just me. 」
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triggerxhappy · 6 years
Yo! Happy birthday! Have a good one!
// Thank you :D
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