aecho-rambles · 2 years
This here is a collection of drawings of my other main characters from the first story arc and the friends of Expugnatrix.
The first one is Estian, her trusted best friend and sunshine of the group. He loves baking and makes the best cupcakes. (2020)
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I remember drawing him more than just twice, but I can't find the other images. (WIP from 2021)
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Then there was Om, the Chosen One who joins the heroes halfway through the story. They are my absolute favorite character and my precious child. They are shy because their parents did not want them to waste time on socializing so they had to spend all their spare time training to become the perfect warrior that should one day save the planet from prophesied demise.
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They and Rhiza, the fourth member to join the team have a little rivalry going on, but they become best friends. I'm not sure what that pose is, but I love the colors of her armor.
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Last but not least is Polarfront, their professor/mentor figure who tags along just to make sure his students don't cause any trouble which never works.
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And a collage with the heroes.
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aecholapis · 11 months
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Cringetober Day 19: Dolls/Puppets/etc.
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gradible · 2 years
kill or be killed, jack - team 2 iron round
Spring too, is banished from their sight. Such is the way of nature; no one season can last forever.
Industrialization sprouts from the ground. Metallic tiles begin to cover up lush grass and trample over flowers, paving endless streets with their slick cover. Every tree is replaced by a skyscraper, each a thousand times thicker and infinitely tall. Signs begin to advertise products and technologies none from Fodlan would even understand, their holographic light a dazzling contrast to the rustic setting they’re used to. Vehicles that hover just above the ground begin to decorate the scene, with holographic street lights mimicking the billboards high above. Together they paint a picture of busyness. The world is transformed into something incomprehensible; machines have come to transform Eden.
It is raining, but that seems to have little impact here. 
Sirius’ mouth is left ajar when his new arena unfolds before him. His robes and magic bow have been traded for the garb of a warrior and a pair of weapons, intimidating as they are ominous. He takes a moment to gaze up at the sky--noticing how it is now a pale gray--before examining his equipment. Though not visible underneath his stygian gauntlets, a ring wraps round his finger. It feels warm, much like the warmth he shared in the tundra. 
This melancholy silence, however, is broken by the approach of their enemy. A gigantic creature of metallic flesh clings to one of the buildings before him. Multiple limbs crush the glass and concrete of a skyscraper to keep it suspended, seemingly uncaring of the damage they cause to their surroundings. It lets loose its robotic cry: a deafening shockwave no man or beast could possibly reproduce on its own. It has his attention. 
But before Sirius can rush in to attack, its spare limb smashes the ground in front of him. A door on the machine slides open, and from it emerge three smaller entities. They immediately scatter, seeking to terrorize the landscape with shrapnel fire and weighted chops. The main beast roars again, and the cores of all three scouts light up in response. A similarly-colored light cloaks the bigger bot, and it becomes clear to Sirius that they are protecting it. 
This land is not his to call home; this is not his battle to fight. But Sirius cannot stand idly by while four great terrors put countless lives in danger.
He makes for the first scout. It is an easy task, given how preoccupied it is with wreaking aimless havoc. Black energies surround his fist as he closes in, and...
Sirius uses Devil Gauntlets! Roll 1d20 = 10, hit! -2.5 HP; Radio Scout: Bulwark A 7.5/10 HP
Black Ice Node activates! Roll 1d3 = 1, Radio Scout: Bulwark A is deactivated!
The light fades. His fist slams into its hard body, knocking it flat on the ground with a single punch. What’s left is a soulless husk, no better than a large tin can thrown on by the wayside. It is not destroyed, for when Sirius hits it again, no further damage can be done, but the main foe roars again and its protective coat flickers. That’s his sign that progress has been made--that something similar must be done to each smaller enemy. 
Devil Gauntlets activate! Roll 1d10 = 10, -10 HP! Miracle activates! Sirius 0.5/10 HP
As he turns for the other two, tragedy strikes. His gauntlets demonstrate to Sirius that all power comes at a cost. The same black energy that amplified his hit against the monster assaults his arms. It causes him to gasp out in pain, dropping to his knees when the searing spreads to his chest. For a moment, it appears as though this power would take him, but then he feels it: the ring. From beneath his cursed weapons it breaks, and he is spared further harm. The warm healing still ebbs throughout his body, but as he stands, he fears whatever divine force kept him alive would not be inclined to do so again. 
Sure as the sun will rise, the slaughter will continue. 
UP NEXT: @diadic @lualamina @estians
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lualamina · 2 years
Howl of Northern Winds | Team 2 - Bronze Round
Arena starter for @diadic, @gradible, & @estians
Another dream. The last one was still fresh. The knight, the shifting landscapes, the blood that would not spill, the same starting place again and again and again. That one had been the product of an enchanted book, they said. This one, as far as Jeritza could tell, had sprung from the darkness of his own mind: a winter tundra as far as the eye could see. Glacial mountains made shadows against the night sky like giant spectators, screaming with the wind that blew from the north.
There were others with him this time. He glanced left and right, assessing whether they were friend or foe and finding that their visages fit holes in his vague memory. Two he knew were students. Nonthreatening. The third was a stranger, and wearing a mask like he did around the monastery. Had Jeritza been concerned with the secrets one kept, he might have suspected the other man of treachery from the start, but the bow he carried was not pointed at him, nor the students.
A roar suddenly shook the mountains all around them and pulled Jeritza’s attention to the northernmost line. The winds had begun to pick up, sending flurries of light snow skimming the flat, frozen earth. Through it padded a four-legged beast, neither wolf nor cougar nor any other animal Jeritza had met in waking life. Water seemed to stream from it, flowing into a crown of ice and hardening in patches along its vulnerable spots like armor. Lowering his stance, gloved fingers tightening around the hilt of the thin, blood-red rapier in his hand, he watched and waited. Then the creature thundered off at lightning speed, its massive claws hardly seeming to touch the ice underneath. It took everything Jeritza had simply to keep it in his line of sight.
As another howl shook the mountains, the beast skidded to a stop some distance away and the water that flowed from it began to cascade in waves across the tundra. 
Aurora Beast uses Surging Waves! Gains +8 avoid for next round Jeritza takes -2HP Current HP: 8/10
Jeritza began to run. Head down, left arm raised to shield his face against the onslaught, he met the surge straight on simply to stay on his feet. The ocean had been a novel sight to him when he had been relocated to the coastal Hrym territory some years earlier, but he had become fascinated with the tremendous power of the sea. It was an entity that crushed and swept away anything too weak to stand before it. If one desired to conquer the waves, one had to be like the rocks that stood against them and churned the tides into white foam. A facet of nature worthy of his rarely-earned respect.
The wave crashed down over him, soaking him through from head to foot, but he emerged from it spitting water and running his hand through his hair. He noted dimly that he wasn’t cold - the excitement that had ignited in his veins held the hypothermia at bay for now  - and kept wading forward. The beast was there, right in front of him, staring him down with wild eyes that glowed in the winter night. As the water retreated, he lunged out with his blade, cutting through the icy armor to make a shallow cut across its thinly-furred hide.
Jeritza barely hits with Crimson Rapier! Roll: 10 - 8 = 2 Aurora Beast takes -0.5HP Current HP: 9.5/10
It dashed away like the wind, then turned sharply back toward him again and threw its head back to cry for the stars.
Aurora Beast misses with Howling Wind! Roll: 3 - 2 = 1 Jeritza takes -0HP Current HP: 8/10
Jeritza jumped forward, landing on his shoulder and rolling as the last of the water condensed into an icicle and shattered against the ground behind him.
Next: @estians
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aimlessarchery · 2 years
Forage in the forest outside of the village [Max 4 muses per thread] - Receive 1 basket of resource (berries, nuts, mushrooms, herbs, flowers) per post [Can now choose which type]
The buzzing song of insects hangs in the air, accompanied by the sharp crack of a branch snapped underfoot and a grumbled swear. Python kicks the offending stick aside out of the path, cursing the soft cloth shoes that have replaced his usual boots. If he had his clothes and his bow, he could be bringing in pounds of meat to feed the village—if these people were normal. Instead, he trudges through the underbrush with a woven basket on his hip and mutters under his breath.
He's not alone, either. Three sets of hands are better than one, especially when they're expected to contribute to the whole town's larder now. One of the faces with him is...slightly familiar, but he can never be too sure. Not after the way his little chore session got derailed last time. He gestures to each of the girls accompanying him, empty basket swaying off his elbow. "Alright. If either if you are secretly a princess or a queen or something, just get it out of the way and tell me now. Got it?"
@estians / @asphuxia 
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ashenprofessor · 2 years
Huff, Puff, Blow your house down
Following the revelations of the true nature of the village, Byleth opened their eyes once more to find themselves outside the defensive walls. A humongous shadow could be seen at the centre of the village in the distance. Looking to the side, Byleth could see the familiar shadowy shapes of the all to familiar nightmares making their attack. They reached for their weapon before noticing that the monsters held no interest in them. 
Andrei, Caeda and Est were alongside the Professor and a quick assessment showed their various states of health. Andrei looked the worst, Byleth could do something about that. “Here, let’s patch you up a bit” They said walking over to the archer while casting psychic. 
Byleth cast Physic on Andrei. 1d20 roll: 3 Bad Heal! (+1HP) Andrei’s HP: 3/10 Byleth cast Physic on Andrei. 1d20 roll: 6 Standard Heal! (+2HP) Andrei’s HP: 5/10
There was a soft light thrown out by the faith spell. By the time it was complete, Andrei looked a little less ‘on the brink of death’. “That’s better” They commented before turning back to the direction of the village. 
A discussion arose among the group of the best plan of action. It was clear they needed to head for Celephais. They still were unsure if they were truly doing the right thing, but it was the path they’d chosen to walk. Byleth only hoped they survived to see the eventual dawn. 
Decision made, the party started the long trek towards the walls they’d spent so much time and resources maintaining and defending. The irony as now they had to attack them. 
Team 1 uses 2AP to move from (0,14) to (2, 14) Byleth heals using Prayer Ring (+1HP) Byleth’s HP: 5/10
@estians @ulircursed @arcaeda
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ultraestonianblog · 2 years
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black-suns-rim · 6 months
Strange things
I have some more adoptable characters up for grabs on my ko-fi shop! These ones are cheaper than my normal ones since they were made quickly
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cherchersketch · 2 years
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A Villainess for the Tyrant /A Villain is a good match for a Tyrant
It’s so freaking meta. I love it!  ;w; Also the art does a huge glow up over time which is amazing. 
Yes, of course I read this because I’m a sucker for anything with “villainess” and “tyrant” in the title.
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Summary As the illegitimate youngest princess, Cecile is randomly selected specially chosen to be the war-hungry tyrant, Emperor Estian’s, wife. Amazing, it’s just like the books she’s read. She tries to rebel but OH NO! HE’S ACTUALLY HOT! Yay marriage~  Of course, it’s all a plan for the emperor to get rid of his enemies by using her as bait. Time to act as a villainess, girl, so people will think the ~evil emperor~ has been tamed! ... is only the first part of the plot. But then it becomes an even more intriguing mystery about the world of stories with a bit of magic sprinkled in. Yes, there’s a side-plot about the author reincarnating into her own novel, even though somehow she’s not the main character this time. Wow!
Tropes   - it’s hot/funny in manhwa but a tyrant would not be this attractive IRL   - 50% crack 50% srs plot   - you get a love interest! you get a love interest! Everyone gets a love interest!!!
FL - Princess Empress Cecile Franvier Nabitan
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- of course the FL is beautiful (unfortunately she also knows this) - yo the ~plot twist~ once we learn who she really is though
ML - Emperor Estian
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- when in doubt, kill first, ask questions later - of course there’s always a depressing backstory - richer than you’ll ever be
waitaminute why am I not the FL - Saintess
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- isekai-ed but I’m just an extra!??!? (but wait it’s the ACTUAL NOVEL AUTHOR) - the embodiment of “gdi I wish that were me” (don’t worry she gets better)
Rating: Yes PLEASE READ THIS Status (as of 12 Jan 2023) 100% complete~
Same Same but Different  - Beware the Villainess!  - Author of my Own Destiny  - Isn’t the Villainess’s Punishment to enter into a Political Marriage with an Autocrat too Lenient? (yes, with this long of a title, it is a JP LN that has a manga)
full rec list
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aubins · 1 year
EST  ( @estians ) est is a golden deer student & i’m happy to offer her for any of the mission board tasks if you’d like one o7
riding / flying +1 (w/ chrom)
escape the courtyard (w/ sakura)
any skill +1
YURI  ( @aubins )
any skill +1 (needs a golden deer)
sword +1
crest stones
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aecholapis · 2 years
To train my muscle memory I did seven five artworks for the OCkiss23 challenge.
1. Dance - Nightjet gives his sad bf Helios a kiss on the helmet to cheer him up (Helios has to stand on a pedestal to reach up to NJ because of the height difference)
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2. Food - Estian has baked muffins for Expugnatrix and earned himself a kiss
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3. Nostalgia - Helios gets a kiss on each cheek from Nightjet and Ironwing while they hang out (set in an AU where everything is alright)
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4. Charm - Altitude kisses Ironwing's servo during a performance on stage
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5. Yearning - Scyre misses her fiancé and kisses a picture of her instead (the last panel is just me fr, heh) Didn't have the time to work on it.
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6. Adventure - Azimuth and Exopulse are hanging on for dear life and kissing
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7. Sloppy - Time ran out - Firecry and Anvil are very in love, ok. Just trust me on that.
You can tell how the effort I put into this decreased with each day
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gradible · 2 years
the truth - team 2 gold round
For a moment, there is peace. A humbling quiet falls over the ragtag group of heroes, and they are given the rare opportunity for personal reflection. In the vastness of a black void, what else is there to do? Perhaps they are being shown a small comfort to make their upcoming struggle worse, or perhaps it simply takes the universe a second or two to generate the next dream for them. Whatever the case may be, Sirius looks at his allies from the safety of his mask. All of them stand with him in this strange plane, the aura of their lances now emanating from their entire bodies. He is merely a traveler: homebound and unwilling to anchor himself to the academy’s personnel. But this group, despite its general lack of conversation, has shown character through action.
That’s the kind of language he can get used to.
The scene changes again, this time filling their void with a thick fog before they’re allowed the gift of light. They stand in a square shaped arena, its floor a red-and-blue checkerboard with some kind of strange emblem decorating its center. Metal pillars sprawl up and away from their box, trailing into the infinite expanse of fog until they can no longer be seen. Stairs and ladders, too, seem to lead into this unending yellow abyss, but what they’re connected to is anyone’s guess. 
Sirius’ first instinct is to touch his face, and doing so reveals that his mask has manifested as a pair of tinted shades this time. They let him see through the fog, if only just what’s in front of him. They’ll be good enough for close-quarters combat.
For lack of a shining Harmony Lance, he has been gifted something extra special: the divine Gradivus. Holding it in his hands almost makes him feel like he’s hallucinating, but its grip is indeed the one he’d familiarized himself with long ago. “We meet again, old friend,” he whispers, just low enough that the others can barely hear it. With this lance, he is all but invincible. 
His steed, too, has been returned to him, though now it sports a pair of wings. If it is anything like the sturdy mares of Grust or the swift mounts of Rigel, he should have no trouble maneuvering himself this fight.
But to fight, one requires a foe. And at first glance, one does not present itself. Rather than creating a sense of security in the knight, it breeds unease, for there is always a great beast to battle in these dreams, and the lack of one only means it could be hiding. 
“...In the fog!” He’s spotted the enemy, and this time it appears as a lion wreathed in shadow. Its movements blend in well with the heavy cloud blotting the air around them, but squinting closer reveals four stalking paws circling round its prey. Sirius takes to the skies, quick to deliver the first, revealing blow,
Sirius uses Gradivus! Roll 1d20+4 = 11, hit! -7 HP; Shadow Self 1: Chosen 8/15 HP
His thrust is strong and true, piercing through cloud and darkness to strike the enemy in the heart. But as he pulls Gravidus’ shining point from the warped body it stabbed, the umbra coalesces around him and assault him in the same way he did it; a Shadow Gravidus is formed from the beast’s midsection to harm him back,
Reflect activates! -7 HP; Sirius 5/12 HP
Shadow Self 1: Chosen uses Mauling Strike! Roll 1d20 = 19, crit! -4 HP; Sirius 1/12 HP
Sirius is inflicted with -2 def for one round!
The stygian point of his spear’s counterpart also strikes strong and true, forcing the Grustian to reel back and gasp. Blood spills onto his saddle, and before he can grab hold of it to steady himself on his mount, the monster follows up, enlarging one of its claws to bat both pegasus and rider.
Each fall to the colored floor with a loud thud, their bodies hanging on by a thread. Sirius winces as he remounts, and looks again to the battlefield. He knows his allies have not caught up or seen the shadow yet, knows they may fall victim to its trick if they are not warned. And the beast moves closer, and though it has no eyes, Sirius can tell it intends to take him down before its secret is spilled. So he turns away from them, not daring to utter another word. With the holy lance in his hands, only he has the power to end this fight before it even begins.
Sirius uses Gradivus! Roll 1d20+4 = 23, crit! -24 HP; Shadow Self 1: Chosen 0/15 HP
Reflect activates! -24 HP; Sirius 0/15 HP
“May this battle be your last!” And again, he charges straight into the action. There is a wordless agreement sown between him and his mount, that should they miss, or should his heavy spear not pierce the enemy far enough or spill all of its black blood, they would surely die on retaliation. And they’re both okay with that. A death as a proud knight beats a life lived in solitude; if they can give their allies the upper hand with their sacrifice, then so be it.
The lion’s head is cleaved from its body when Sirius puts all of his power into his last slash. His eyes go wide, sure that they’ve done it and earned themselves survival, but again he is stuck. Tendrils emerge from the decapitated shadow and assault his torso, bringing him once more to his knees.
Only this time, he has been robbed of the strength to stand.
The world he had only just been introduced to starts to go black. He knows it is not the enemy covering his eyes. Consciousness is fading--a sensation he’s already met with before. Perhaps it is fate that he would end his dream like this. But he would not change if it he could. He watches as the enemy melts into a puddle of black, and they fall together. “Tatiana...” he whispers, and “Nyna...” and then, everything is void again. It’s cold, almost like the sea. He’s been swept from this battle by a force beyond human comprehension, his cobbled form made into a mere pebble to be washed by the tide. But surely they’ve won... Right?
The puddle stands again, this time a crude reconstruction of Sirius’ body. It sports wings--the same wings his mount had--and uses them to ascend to the center of the arena. “I am a shadow... The true self,” it says in a harrowing version of the knight’s voice, “...What a shame. As long as I have Gradivus, I will not fall... You are out of luck; give it up.”
To round out its introduction, it immediately starts charging an attack. It holds its vile imitation of Sirius’ lance in front of its body, and its wings begin to fold in on themselves. Then it glows, a thrum of black almost like a heartbeat. A dark power starts to build up at its core... Ready to be unleashed!
UP NEXT: @diadic @estians @lualamina
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justices-blade · 2 years
thread trackin' // 14.03.23
// hello hello, here's a quick thread tracking post for edward (@justices-blade) and chad (@lycianlynx)!
// first off: sorry for the ping jumpscares! the intention of this isn't to rush, but just to tally; especially since there's a couple event ones i've found gathering dust that i'm not sure of the status on. threads i think might be active are listed in order started for the most part, but i've tried to bundle muns.
// if you'd like to drop a thread that's listed here, lemme know! (mastery's mastery, baby!) also, if i missed anything... whoops. please drop me a line! i admittedly did this cleanout pretty spontaneously, so i'm bound to have overlooked something.
// for future reference, im manually tracking my threads on this spreadsheet! it won't always be up to date, but it'll probably be a good waypoint.
edward (@justices-blade)
reunion long awaited - leonardo (@freedomarrow)
now you too can be the 3-13 archer - leonardo (freedomarrow)
hug all your friends - micaiah (@frauleindermorgen)
back at it again at garreg mach - edain (@ulirblood) - my turn
no (tea)leaf unturned - lyon (@sacretic)
friends on the frigid frontier - seliph (@virtuoustyrfing)
red riding hood's basket - maria (@princessmacedon)
[hands you a weed] [hands you a weed] [ha— - camilla (@maligknightsthorns)
blackboard dust - soren (@atypicalsenerio)
too close counter - soren (atypicalsenerio)
binding blade of love - roy (@lionsword)
the bean bites back - kurth (@goldoanheart)
lord sombron's puppy daycare - zephia (@melusinezephyr)
a 'perfect' fit - pelleas (@pirrhyc)
a bug for you - tharja (@grimstalkr)
howling at the moon - laslow (@laslow)
follow the city's ribbon - larcei (@swiftscion)
chad (@lycianlynx)
sun's shine - maria (princessmacedon) - my turn
good luck, break a leg - chrom (@ylisseanstar)
amalgamate - lucina (@exclted) - my turn
slice through life - idunn (@inferniso) - my turn
a spoonful of sugar - est (@estians) - my turn
just grin and bear it a while - leanne (@allegreta) - my turn
self *defense* - zelkov (@elusivia)
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arcaeda · 2 years
gaslight gatekeep girlboss
@estians @litaum
just as she has always been, caeda is ready almost the moment that new enemies descend upon them. “monsters!” someone cries out, and caeda grips her wing spear, practically flying outside of the building she’d previously resided in. she takes command almost immediately, calling out to her closest two allies.
allies who she just happens to know from home back in archanea— making it all the more easier for her to lead.
“est, elice, with me! we must protect the village and our allies, quickly now!” a booming voice, she rushes towards the walls where their enemies await for them. their enemies this time are different, nothing she’s ever seen before. large shadowy masses with piercing red eyes. what in the world..?
they have no time to second guess whatever it is they’re fighting. her lance still feels the usual in her grip and that is all that matters. twirling it around in her hand, she moves to strike both the shadowy masses in her immediate vicinity with a spin and a flourish.
[ caeda rolls to attack (x3, y13) miasmic slime, 4, hit! ]
[ (x3, y13) miasmic slime takes 1.5 damage, 1.5/3HP remaining ]
[ caeda rolls to attack (x4, y14) miasmic slime, 12, hit! ]
[ (x4, y14) miasmic slime takes 1.5 damage, 1.5/3HP remaining ]
they seem to have the consistency of some sort of slime, caeda notes as she pulls her body and lance away from them. her eyes narrow as both the miasmic slime try and attack her.
[ (x3, y13) miasmic slime and  (x4, y14) miasmic slime counter for 1 damage each, caeda 8/10HP remaining ]
without her pegasus, she is too slow to avoid them. she grits her teeth, holding her lance defensively in front of her to try and mitigate some of the damage.
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aecho-again · 2 years
OC asks!! 1, 2, 14, 17, 43, go!
1. Your first OC ever?
This question has already been answered here.
2. Do you have a personal favorite among your OCs?
I love all of them almost equally, but Helios from one story and Om from another are dearest to me.
Helios is such a sweet cinnamon bun, loyal to a fault, selfless (I'm repeating myself) and the one character I want to protect the most, but I'm the writer of his story and I make him suffer instead.
Om is my attempt at subverting the Chosen One trope. They are said to be the Chosen One and they train their entire life to meet everyone's expectations and purge the world from evil, but they are lonely and full of doubt. Their parents never cared for their emotional well-being as long as their physical performance was flawless, but once they join the band of heroes (they're not the protagonist), they finally find friends who value their intellect, their mere presence, as much as their physical prowess.
I guess I love mentally troubled darlings with a heart/spark of gold.
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory.
I don't give a majority of my OC really tragic backstories and I can't answer everyhing with Helios (even though he has the saddest sob story of all OCs), so I'll say something about Firecry instead. I'll focus on his TF backstory, not the Brave one.
Firecry was built in a lab by scientists who wanted to create a batch of sturdy war machines who can wield elemental weapons. Their sparks weren't fit to handle such a draining frame, so many died upon activation. But some of his "brothers" survived alongside him and they were written off as obsolete by the council because of their high energon consumption.
He didn't let that discourage him and found a new job in logistics, hauling heavy loads of metal from and to a construction site. This is also where he met his future conjunx, Anvil, a drillformer who leads a team that operates a giant tunnel boring machine which is used to excavate a new tunnel in Cybertron's crust. They have only seen each other a few times whenever Anvil has been cleared to visit the surface after working many shifts. They look at each other through the fence that separates the loading area from the construction entrance, exchanging a friendly smile (Firecry) and a curious glance (Anvil).
After Firecry's shift ends, he and his coworkers go visit a shuttleformer they view as their caretaker (#1 Dad). He is a gentle giant and loves to tell them about all the places he has been and everything he has seen and they like to hear his stories. They gather around him. Some even climb into his lap and he loves to cuddle them, because they're toy sized to him and this is getting too fluffy so I'll just say when the war breaks out and the enforcers storm the construction site, almost all workers go down fighting them, except Firecry and Anvil who have gone in the other direction and escaped this place.
The shuttleformer is waiting for them outside, but then the enforcers attack them and he protects them, getting shot and decimated to bits in the process. Firecry watches his parent figure die and Anvil has to drag him from the fight. The two of them flee from Cybertron and offer their services to work as officers of the Space Police Organization directly under the Galactic Council.
Then their actual story begins.
17. Any OC OTPs?
Firecry/Anvil :-D
Dataduct/Acceleris (combiner polycule)
Scyre/her nameless fiancé
Bravo Volta/Etra
Echo Volta/Ancoralux
Honorable mention OT3: Helios/Nightjet/Ironwing
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favor some certain traits or looks? It's time to confess.
I lovelovelove characters that are nice to others just because they can be. Life's not fair but that doesn't mean you don't have to be either. There is a significant amount of characters who share one or two traits with me, as I give each of them a part of myself. My doubts, my worries, my thoughts, one thing that fits them and adds to their personality and the rest pretty much builds itself.
All of them are mechanical in one way or another. They're either robots or cyborgs - and if not, then they're aliens.
Also, I favor to give them bell-shaped helmet types. Their color schemes are either a reference to real life objects or to other media. I prefer green optics/eyes and darker faceplate/skin colors because it makes the optics/eyes stick out more. And they need to be spiky, unless it doesn't fit them. I love spiky designs.
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aecho-rambles · 2 years
OC Master List
Transformers & Brave/Yuusha:
All characters have been adapted into both franchises, but their personalities, designations and designs can vary to some extent. Their Cybertronian designation is stated first, the Brave equivalent second (only if it differs), and all aliases (as well as their combiner names) will be mentioned in brackets. If any of the names sound hilarious (cringeworthy) or you recognize a reference, chances are high they were named like this on purpose.
Helios (Helix, Heliayre)
Nightjet || Night Jet (Super Jetter, Helix, Heliayre)
Railjet || Rail Jet (Jetter, Super Jetter)
Acidsplicer || Arrow Jet (Jetter, Super Jetter)
Snowblast || Snow Jet (Jetter, Super Jetter)
Viridian || Viridian Glaze
Azurian || Azure Glaze
Ironwing || Iron Wing (Heliayre)
Firecry || Copper Fire (Bronze Lord)
Anvil || Copper Drill (Bronze Lord)
Dataduct (Artecust) || Copper Turbo (Bronze Lord)
Cryoslope || Copper Diver (Bronze Lord)
Altitude (Berserker)
Swan Song
Triator (Tertius Incubus)
Sonar (Fidelitas, Secundus Incubus)
Torqueris (Acceleris)
Nightshift (Acceleris)
Scintilla (Acceleris)
Cinderclaw (Acceleris)
Sunburst (Acceleris)
Pariah Carry
Missile Tow
Petri High
Brave Police J Decker:
These two are illegally constructed mechs made from Deckerd's stolen blueprints in a daughter-company that was founded by Victim O'Rand. After his second death, the company dissolves and most of its employees go to work for another underground organization that has accumulated all the data they need to make more robots with Super A.I. The two mechs are left behind, but the Scotland Yard Braves find them and they band together.
Point Rue
Sir Lockhart
Super Giant Robot Brothers:
Pointy is one of the failed G.R.I.T.S. contestants. An alien from the empire finds his discarded frame on the scrap yard and steals it to gather more information about the EDF. The empire starts building their own robots and deploys them during their battles against the Resistance in outer space, but they are too ineffective and faulty to last long. After the Overlord Master is defeated and the hand spaceship docks, a surge goes through the entire ship, which activates the brothers Pointy, Crusader and Splendor and grants them sentience. They flee and join the Resistance, searching for the imperial mother ship's location and fighting their other imperial siblings who could not escape the Overlord Master's influence.
Wave Breaker
E.M.P. Error
Iron Leaguer:
A bunch of Leaguers who take part in winter sports (skiing, snowboarding, biathlon, etc.)
Glacier Jet
Frost Burn (Frost Brothers, part of the Dark Knights)
Frost Gale (Frost Brothers, part of the Dark Knights)
Frost Core (Frost Brothers, part of the Dark Knights)
Echo Location
Snow Drift
Light of Aether - Original Story:
This story does not exist yet. Not outside of a large document, that is. It is about the life and struggle of a society of alien cyborgs, inspired by five different franchises (Metroid, Transformers, Astral Chain, Tron, Warrior Cats). The original idea was actually a Transformers x Sailor Moon crossover my cousin and I came up with, and then we just took the parts we contributed to it and made it our own thing. She created a magical girl story, I wrote about cyborgs and space and war.
In the end, I might never publish anything about it, but my OCs still exist and bits of them they carry over to all the other franchises as well, such as their names, their personality, their concept and more. And I intended for the main character to have an over-the-top name, because I found it funny and I really don't want to change it. It is ridiculous, but I love it.
A. Vion
Echo Volta
Bravo Volta
Cryo Volta
Amber Varnice
Malfunction (Vindictus, is actually a robot, not a cyborg)
Flamaclam (Firecry)
Nameless (Light of Aether - personification)
Alien OCs that are part of the Space Pirates.
V. Rita Jocea
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