#especialy when im procrastinating
himbos-hotline · 1 year
Punk walking into WWE like:
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hanban371213 · 2 months
hello Hannah nation! i'm having my 2nd fase History exam soon, and since I already did resumes for the 1st fase I can't exactly re-do it all(i dont even have the school books with me anymore); just reading doesn't really work for me, and copying it would be way too time consuming, which I don't have (totaly not due to procrastination) As such my big solution is to instead re-*tell* it, as if I am teaching. Which is what I will be doing here. All 6 included books as individual posts! this will involve ancient greece and rome, absolutist monarchies, colonialism, enlightenment, liberalism, post-ww1 effects, modernist art vanguards, soviet revolution, fascism, stalinism, post-ww2 effects, cold war, european union, neoliberalism, globalism, other modern stuff, and LOTS OF PORTUGAL across everything
(also from the way exams work not all subjects will be covered, especialy books from 10th and 11th grade) (also im attempting to translate from Portuguese, which may be hard for specific terms)
Book 1 - Mediterranean roots of European civilization - city, citizenship and empire in the Classical Era
Part 1 - the Greek Model
Back in Ancient Greece, the region was divided into multiple city-states, each with their own defined territory, set of laws, and group of citizens, which made each one independent. The most important one for us here is Athens.
As is commonly known, this is known as the birthplace of democracy. Greek democracy was a direct democracy, which, instead of having political parties and candidates to vote for, every citizen directly participated in proposing and voting on laws, and government positions were garanteed to all citizens, regardless of qualification or popularity, usualy done through lottery.
However, unlike nowadays, citizenship was VERY restrictive, as only a minority group in Athens. Only free men over 20 with both parents Athenian were allowed to be citizens. Women, the "Metécos"(permanent residents that didn't have both Athenian parents, and as such were considered foreigners), and Slaves could not have citizenship.
Part 2 - the Roman model
Citizenship progressively evolved throughout the Empire's existence. Inicialy only natives of Rome were granted citizenship. As the Empire expanded, and the conquered peoples slowly accepted Roman rule and adopted Roman culture, they would be granted citizenship. Exceptional individuals, or ones who did great acts of service to the Empire would also frequently obtain citizenship ahead of time. Finaly with Emperor Caracala, all free citizens of the Empire were granted citizenship.
The Iberian Peninsula, known as Hispania, went through a process of Romanization under Roman rule, which was acomplished through various means.
Many iberians served the Roman military, and so when they returned home they'd bring Roman way of life with them; There were many Roman migrations to the peninsula, especialy during periods of civil war; Many iberians adopted Roman culture of their own free will, due to the frequent tolerant and respectful atitude from the Roman Provincial Authorities, which prevented them from resenting the Romans; Language(Latin was the official one), Law(Roman Law mirrored Roman way of thinking, which spreads it to the region), and Religion(local deities were permited, as long as they also worshiped the Emperor as well(Cult of the Emperor), in peaceful coexistence), all served as means of unifying the region under the Romans; the creation of Roman colony cities and a connected road network, also unifying the region under the Romans.
that's all for book 1 from 10th grade, the amount of content only goes up from here. I'm writing this from my notes which were written from my school book, so I can't exactly guarantee total accuracy, please correct any mistakes you may find!
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Talk about your friends? What are they like?
my friends……….. Though leohanan has already described them, lemme give my slice of toast (lemme live with my fake proverbs) on the matter. i will use the same names leohanan mentioned so you know who i am speaking of
There’s SOCCER MOM: I share my morning classes with her this semester, and let me tell you its the best! Her locker is stuffed to the brim so she occasionally uses mine to store things (cuz i store like one (1) thing in there). These things are usually cookies she has made for us friends. THIS ONE TIME SHE WOKE UP AT 5:00 IN THE MORNING TO MAKE PUMPKIN SPICE FILLED PANCAKES AND BOAUGHT SOME AND I HAD THEM IN THE MORNING, IT WAS THE BEST!!! She and the others also decorated my locker on my half birthday! AND SHE GOT ME A FIDGET CUBE! Even though she is barely a day older than I am, she is the ultimate soccer mom. She brings snacks (she brought us cut orange slices once. I ate the most cuz oranges), makes sure we don’t do idiotic things, stares at us with a concerned face when our conversations get weird, and even has good taste in music! She recently put purple dye in her hair, which is hard to notice from the bottom tips because it just makes it darker, but you can notice it from the top. She has cool piercings in her ears, and PLANS TO GET MORE, hopefully. A fan of 5sos to the end. I showed my mom a picture of her in our yearbook and she now has 100% faith in soccer mom’s ability to make sure i don’t do anything stupid.
VODKA AUNT: Lemme tell you about this goddess: her fashion sense is on point, her clothes are always the best, and her makeup is perfect. I know its a saying when someone says the mascara is so sharp it could kill a man, but in this case its true, actually it probably has. She wakes up 4 in the morning my people, FOUR,  so she can look this fabulous. She hosted a Oatmeal party at her place when i mentioned i never had any. She has 2 cats, and they THE CUTEST BABIES IN THE WORLD. I am almost sure most of her phone photos are of memes, she LOVES memes, and the good kind too. She shows me new ones all the time and has a couple saved on my computer too. She is also a hardcore 5sos fan, and has a very good taste in music. A fan of hamilton forever, she has all the songs on her phone and can sing EVERY WORD in them. Was disappointed when i did not know who the beatles were, and proceeded to show me their music. I think she was the first to hear of my pink man theory…….HER HAIR I FORGOT TO MENTION HER HAIR …im not good at descriptions but just know it is a majestic masterpiece, also she very huggable
LEOHANAN (real name: Abdurahman, however you spell it): so if anyone wants to blame a person for introducing me to tumblr, blame this being. She kinda short, but you don’t notice it half the time cuz she got a big presence. She refers to other people as edgy but me and coatrack agree that she is the real edge god who bestows edge upon other beings. She currently in the process of getting her shit together, and not procrastinating (sounds fake i know). She an orange belt in like karate. Refers to me as a smol being. Her all might icon is cool though. She boasted this one time about this non-existent ship she had a blog about that would be the first thing that popped when you wrote the name of the ship. She is my main source for explanations of things i do not know the meanings of or do not get on the internet. Sometimes she tells me i’d rather not know something and then i proceed to ask coatrack who says ti very bluntly. She cool though. We tried to make a scale for how gay our group of friends were but couldnt decide whether leohanan or coatrack would be opposite to soccer mom’s straightness in the scale. She is also my designated rant friend, and the one i complain to alot. She likes to think i can make friends with guys, which is very naive cuz no, dont get me started on that one. Ummmm……. I feel like im forgetting something…………ah whatever
COATRACK: ok so when i first got to know coatrack through my other friends, i thought she was a plain piece of bread, with no character whatsoever. Boy was i wrong. She has good taste in webcomics, actually she just got me into another one called Namesake, its good, check it out! The main reason i got to know her better was because she’s in my last two classes of the day. I need someone to share my suffering with in math, and i also talk to her in TOK and EE. extended essay class (ee) is never productive. This one time we ended up searching names for her character who loves plants, and it was the best. I have also discovered coatrack has a good taste in sweaters, today she was wearing this starry night one and it looked so cool. OH I FORGOT…. She cut her hair, it used to be decently long before, and i could make good braids out of it, but now its as short as velma’s from scooby doo! She looks so adorable! Most of the time it is me complaining about something happening in the shows she makes me watch, which sometimes gets leohanan a little salty. She knows the ins and outs of the internets, at least in comparison to my sorry ass. She makes really good characters, like fergus who loves plants and i am sure she will give an unworthy boyfriend to. She a furry, totally a furry, and is kinda weird sometimes, but she generally a good person….. I think.
SUCCESS COUSIN: she gonna hack the mainframe, better watch out. She;s the person who does everything on time and has a goal for success. She also very small, but her personality is very big. This one time (was it halloween?) she came to school in this lady bug cape which was so amazing. She had it since she was little and it used to be like really long, but now it tiny on her. Her, vodka aunt, and me usually spend ITGS class searching up random stuff we were curious about. We were discussing 3D printers this one time and a few days later she brought these fish things he had made to hold her headphones, they were REALLY fun to play with! She will be the one to bust the success nut. She is like CEO style cool, and should totally come to school one day wearing a suit.
MEME QUEEN SUPREME: sooooooo……… i don’t know her too well to be honest, actually i’ve vaguely met her once, at a skating rink. She friends with leohanan and coatrack, and write4laifu. She goes to a different school with write4laifu, but she is in our group chat. I’ve seen some of her computer drawing, and they ARE THE MOST AMAZING THINGS EVER. like they hardocre really good, especialy this one she has of a circle with like some cool shit going on in the middle, its one of her profile pics for something i think. Also she seems really funny, and her appreciation for memes is very respectable. I would complain to her and coatrack about sherlock, and if she can stand that, she must be a patient person.
WRITE4LAIFU: i dont know her that well either, but her love for voltron is enough to be evidence of her respectableness. She also has cats, which itself elevates her to goddess level. She sends me picture of her cats, and they CUTE, like pinch your cheeks and scratch your belly cute. Her tumblr consists mostly of voltron and b99 posts. I am currently watching voltron, and her love for klance is so cute. Also she’s read the percy jackson series and heroes of olympus too and noticed when i made a jason reference so excuse me but i think that is the BEST.
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