setokaiblue · 4 years
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      “Not anymore.”
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setokaiblue · 4 years
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       “Time to unfollow Wheeler”
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setokaiblue · 4 years
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setokaiblue · 4 years
The good ‘ol
Kink test
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setokaiblue · 4 years
Wholesome headcanons
Seto holds tournaments still, yes.
But his favorite tournaments to do nowadays are the ‘tournaments’ he holds at orphanages.
He’ll enter them sometimes if the orphans want him to. Other times he’ll just be a judge. No matter what, the orphans all get a little prize (A toy or card of their choosing!) just so everything is fair.
Also, he’ll let them build his deck/s for him when he participates. Sometimes they like to pick a ‘theme’ for him (all-spells, all-traps, etc.) and see how well he does with them.
And yes. He loses a LOT against them fair and square. He doesn’t water down his playing just for them.
The Kaiba Corp is affiliated with at least five or more orphanages ; this number grows every now and again of course.
He has personally stopped by said orphanages to make sure they treat their kids right and to make sure the orphanages are worthy of his time. (But Obelisk be damned if he doesn’t want to ADOPT ALL THE CHILDREN EVERY-TIME HE STEPS FOOT INTO AN ORPHANAGE NO MATTER WHAT)
He donates to them on a regular basis. Money, good food, toys, cards, duel disks, etc. He even stops in and spends time with the kids – And the kids fuckin’ LOVE him. And of course he takes them to Kaiba Land too!
Someday, he dreams to adopt a set of siblings, even if he has to be a single father (If he is still single by the age of 30 he’s adopting on his own). Nothing will stop him from adopting a pair of siblings and giving them the WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD.
Seto totally has some little mechanical Blue Eyes White Dragons that he’s created. They’re about medium sized. Huggable and hold-able.
And he refuses to make an actual product out of it, hoarding any and all that he creates to himself and Mokuba. Sometimes they like to chase the employees around because Kaiba certainly did NOT program them to do that as a joke oh no no no!
He owns a Blue Eyes White Dragon Kigurumi. No one can change my mind.
As such, he also owns a decent sized Blue Eyes White Dragon plush that he may or may not cuddle with sometimes as it’s normally found on his bed. Can’t have it getting dirty on the floor now can we? Both the Kigurumi and the plush he had made SPECIFICALLY for him.
His room is soundproof. No one can hear from the inside or out. If there’s trouble, there’s ways to contact him other than yelling for him.
His room is SUPER neat and tidy. Always clean. If he makes any sort of mess in that room, he cleans it up. Things are to remain orderly and tidy in his room. No one else really has permission to enter his room.
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setokaiblue · 4 years
DSOD talk
Dimension hopping to the damn afterlife had a REALLY negative effect on Kaiba. At first things were all honkey dorey and he was doing GRAND in that duel against the Pharaoh. But as the time went on, he began to feel less and less stable. Being here was eating away at his brain. Eating away at his sanity and amplifying his already poor mental health issues.
He started to have very vivid flashbacks. The monsters on the field turned to his parents. He re-lived their deaths in full agony right there on the duel field. He couldn’t tell reality from fake. This ultimately caused him to LOSE this duel, much to his demise.
He left with a calm exterior but once he was away from the crowd that had witnessed his duel, he freaked out. Gozaburo was there. Mokuba kept dying. His parents turned into hideous zombies that tried to rip him apart. He couldn’t breathe. His neck felt TIGHT. Where was the way out? This way? That way? Why wouldn’t his mind calm down? Why couldn’t he calm down? Why wouldn’t these flashbacks leave him alone?
He battled past this as best as he could and eventually found his escape pod and returned home. Mokuba tried to happily greet him but Seto just brushed past him and locked himself in his room where he proceeded to have one of his worst break downs in years. His room was an absolute mess after this. HE was an absolute mess over this. He refused to tell Mokuba about any of this aside from vague details of ‘it worked’. He refused to write ANY public information about this Dimension hopping. What he saw there now plays a part in his nightmares.
Ever since then he’s been working on it in secret from time to time, hoping to work out some bugs and kinks in the system. Goes in, explores, sees if he can find others who have passed such as his parents or his past lover. But it all eats at him, still.
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setokaiblue · 4 years
Seto & Sympathizing
Seto finds it VERY HARD to sympathize with people his age and older. (18 and up ; 14-17 are also iffy ages for him to be able to sympathize with) And yet he finds it extremely EASY to sympathize with orphans. Why’s that? WELL.
Children still HAVE A CHANCE to have something he didn’t have. They still HAVE A CHANCE to get adopted by loving parents and grow up with love and affection. They still HAVE A CHANCE to have a childhood.
Others, however? They’ve already lived their childhood. Their past is in the past, much like his is. There’s no changing what has happened to them, to him – Their childhoods have already been lived through and whether or not it was a good or a bad one simply does not concern him.
He tries, at times, to sympathize with others his age and up but it’s hard. It’s a challenge. He has to internally fight himself and an endless stream of thoughts that nag at his mind when he even so much as THINKS about SHOWING a little sliver of kindness.
Kindness = Weakness ; a viewpoint that was, unfortunately, hammered into his head by Gozaburo of course. If people see HIM being kind he’ll get mocked, laughed at and potentially walked all over. That’s why when he shows even a little bit of kindness to someone other than Mokuba or orphans he covers it up quickly with sass.
It’s all about “THEY still have a chance to have a happy childhood. No child deserves to have their childhood stolen from them but there’s a point where it’s too late…”
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setokaiblue · 4 years
Pre-Mindcrush things
CW for dark topics, Suicide mention/baiting, etc. 
Gozaburo did everything in his power to rip Seto apart. His empathy, sympathy, normal HUMAN feelings and so forth. And to this day, there’s still things he struggles with when it comes to connecting with others, understanding why his own reactions/actions to certain situations are bad and so on. He’s a man who gets what he wants, when he wants it, by almost any means necessary. But he’s certainly trying to be better nowadays. He uses his wits more than his violence and heartlessness. His steps towards recovery started AFTER his mind crush, however. (And in the end he’s so glad it was him to be destroyed like this and not Mokuba)
We’ll start with his Blue Eyes White Dragon Cards in which he took TERRIBLE steps to obtain. This is ripped from the wiki and elaborated on by me;
The four "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" cards were possessed by an American, a German, a Hong Konger, and Sugoroku Mutou of Japan. Kaiba took the cards belonging to the former three by forcing one person into bankruptcy, by making deals with the mafia and forcing one person to commit suicide.
First up, the Hong Konger and the Mafia ; Seto set up underground connections with the mafia at some point in his life. They were used primarily to protect him, Mokuba and the Kaiba Corporation. Eventually, Seto started to hire them to do, well, NOT so pleasant things such as kill the competition, kill anyone who Seto TOLD them to kill and lastly but not least, to go kill and retrieve the Blue Eyes he had found the location of. The man they killed over this card was a lovely man, had a wife and family of three. But did Seto care? In that moment, no. He did not.
Next up, the American and the suicide ; Simple. Seto learned of the whereabouts of this one and studied the American. Studied them closely. Their daily routine, their insecurities. He sent them notes, threats, made them afraid. Fear for their life. Eventually Seto had succeeded in making them lose their absolute mind and they offed themselves, not knowing Seto was close by to retrieve that blue eyes.
And last but not least, the Gemran and the Bankruptcy ; Another simple one filled with Seto analyzing and studying up on this business owner. They owned a small, successful, family-run business leading one of the happiest lives imaginable. It’d be a lie to say that spiteful feelings didn’t play a part in him ruining this persons life. But ofc the Blue Eyes was his main goal here.
And of course we all know he ripped that last Blue Eyes up in front of Grandpa. He took INTENSE joy in the old mans pain, by the way. The sentimental value it held to Sugoroku absolutely SICKENED Seto with his current state of mind. and so, he ripped it.
To this day, he doesn’t regret what he did. Hell he doesn’t even think about it all too much because hey! The past is in the damn past even if his c-ptsd kicks his ass with flashback and nightmares all too often. He did that shit, he paid for it eventually with that mind crush and so on. He had to pay greatly for the medias silence and bribed greatly for no records to be kept nor ant heavy consequences to be put against him. Heck some of the shit he did was NEVER caught.
Records of these things are gone. Completely. His ties with the mafia had ended on BAD TERMS and he found a way to get that mafia group killed just to keep himself, Mokuba and KaibaCorp safe. Before his mind crush he forgot his main goal for Kaiba Corp -- And almost kept it a weapon manufacturer. ALMOST. Thanks to that Mind Crush, however, he was able to pull that goal back and succeeded in pulling it off.
Recovery is never easy. Even after his mind crush, he still struggles. Even with his firm belief that ‘the past is in the past’, it still haunts him and reflects on his actions. He still does mean, horrible, hurtful, terrible things from time to time with little to no remorse. He doesn’t understand that, at some times, it’s all so hurtful. He’s so incredibly good at detaching himself from his emotions it’s kinda scary sometimes.
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setokaiblue · 4 years
Trauma HC’s pt 2
He’s multilingual. French, Japanese, Spanish -- You name it he can more than likely speak it. Fluently. 
Under the read-more contains dark themes & abuse mention! Proceed at own risk!
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He also hates collars as in like... Dog collars/collars you’d use for kinky stuff. Gozaburo put him through a LOT, you know. One of those things (Among him hitting/whipping Seto with a whip/etc.) was that he’d make Seto wear a collar. If Seto messed something up or what have you, after his studies, he’d be put through a moment of torture with the collar being tightened. Slowly. Tugged around as well.
He’s also had suicidal ideations and thoughts of self harm before. As to if he has ever acted or tried to act on these before? Well. Who knows.
Pt. 2
Seto does his best to NOT doze off when he’s at his desk. Heck, Seto has troubles falling asleep in general tbh. Flashbacks get the best of him when his eyes are closed.
But it happens more so at his desk, or if he dozes off somewhere other than his bed. This is due to when he was a kid of course. When he’d be forced to study, study, study without breaks. If he DARED to doze off at the desk, he’d get hit (sometimes he got off easy and it was the desk or the book that simply got hit and not him). Be it with a stick, a ruler, even a whip or fists/hands -- The scars on his back are reminders of this. When he dozes off at his work desk, he gets flashbacks and ghost pains that jolt him RIGHT awake. He was worked to exhaustion as a kid.
As such if people try to wake Kaiba up themselves? They best be careful. It is best to let Kaiba wake up on his own. People patting him on the back can also end with him snapping at them or passing them off with a ‘DONT TOUCH ME’. There are occasions where he keeps quiet and just gives them that stoic look of his.
Nightmares are also common with him. Will he ever talk about what happens in said nightmares? More than likely not.
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setokaiblue · 4 years
Trauma HC’s pt 1
This post is going to be a HEAVY ONE.
CW for; Suicide mentions, Abuse mentions and so on. Please truly do proceed at your own risk as this post has a LOT of triggering content in it.
Inspired by this post 
Seto does, indeed, have flashbacks of that day from time to time. Flashbacks ESPECIALLY get triggered if he just so happens to be talking about or some one mentions Gozaburo and they’re on a high-level floor. (P.S if you ever catch him absentmindedly looking out of a window at ANY given time it’s a good idea to gently grab his attention if you can)
The specific room, however, that Gozaburo jumped out of the window of has been blocked off and locked up, unable to be opened up unless Seto does so. There’s also many rooms in his mansion like that – Rooms that were designated for his abuse. If one were to ask “Why can’t we get in this room?” well… It’s just better off you don’t actually ask that.
Now, his birthday? He had already stopped celebrating it thanks to Gozaburo long before his 15th birthday. And after that incident - Isono, Fuguta and Mokuba all began to slowly do small celebrations for him that he rejected at first, but slowly warmed up to. He can handle small celebrations on his birthday but big ones? And lots of attention? He doesn’t like it (despite his usual love for attention) due to the memories attached to this day.
No matter how many times he claims “The past is in the past”, it truly is NOT in the past. It’s simply his way of pushing certain topics, thoughts and feelings aside.
Losing means death. That is a concept that will forever be melded into his brain. Good luck getting him to NOT think that way.
Gozaburo wanted to, and DID, rip everything from Seto. EVERYTHING. Save for his baby brother. That’s the one thing Goza did NOT get to take from him.
Other than he took his toys, his innocence, his childhood, his emotions, his identity, tried to shape him up how he wanted to shape Noah up, Seto literally became the next Noah in a sense. His hair was dyed, he was forced to wear colored contacts, Gozaburo just. Wanted Seto in HIS image and to be HIS heartless heir to the KaibaCorp.
Thank fuck for that mind crush that put him in a year-long Coma to fix himself.
SO. I’ve noticed that he wears long sleeves in every. Single. Design for him. Even as a kid. He wore long sleeves to cover up bruises and even injuries he’d sustain.
At the orphanage, he’d always stand up for his little brother when he got bullied. Some of them would go to throw hits, of course, and Seto would take it. Later on in life, Gozaburo had been the cause of more bruises and even other injuries that’d bleed. If Seto slacked off during his studies? He’d get punished. If Mokuba got in trouble, Seto would take the hits for him. As long as Mokuba didn’t get hurt, Seto was a-okay with all of this.
Scars litter his upper arms. His back. He’s always covered them up. Always. If anyone were to ever see them, he’d be questioned. And such questions he is VERY unwilling to answer, of course. If anyone were to ever see the scars and bring attention to them? He’d brush it all off and change the subject. Seto IS a very secretive man, after all. That and he really does NOT want anyone’s ‘pity’.
/ / / / / /
Over the years he has learned to keep everything locked away. His emotions, his feelings, his smiles -- There’s things even Mokuba doesn’t know nor see from Seto such as him crying. For anyone to see Seto at his weakest, to see him vulnerable, would be absolutely horrible to him.
This all has led up to him having a handful of un-diagnosed issues as he even refuses to talk to any professionals about his past. And he has a very good reason for not talking to professionals - Gozaburo hired a ‘therapist’ to be absolutely awful and dreadful to Seto. The details will not be delved into, however.
He ‘has no problems’ and is ‘perfectly okay’. No one needs to know his problems nor be concerned with them in his eyes. Besides if he doesn’t care about YOU why should you care about HIM?
So it’s 100% canon that Seto & Mokuba’s mom and dad died. Mom is confirmed to have died after giving birth to Mokuba and their dad died in an accident – Both of which Seto was a witness to in some way or another.
Get ready for the ultimate betrayal because not only did the rest of Seto and Mokuba’s family take and spend their inheritance then leave them in an orphanage, but the ‘accident’ their father was in? Planned out by the rest of the family JUST SO they could get that inheritance. Lovely, right?
EVEN MORE lovely that poor little 7 year old Kaiba just so happened to be around to see this accident happen, thus leading Kaiba already developing PTSD to worsen and for him to gain some good ‘ol survivors guilt.
So what had happened, exactly? Well their dad had been on some medications for depression. The loss of his wife after Mokuba was born tore him up so he sought professional help. The medication was doing wonders for him! He was great, coping as well as he could be coping, sticking around for his boys!
But one day… The other relatives had tampered with his medications, using them to instead terribly poison him. To this day it is unknown what was used to poison him but the horrifying scene Seto witnessed isn’t one that’s easily forgotten. Gruesome details? I’m not sharing and neither is Seto. What he witnessed is for him and only him to know. Just know it was NOT pretty at all.
Also to this day it is unknown if Seto’s family got caught with what they did or not.
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setokaiblue · 4 years
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“… I don’t think it’s justifiable given how you tore up the only other Blue Eyes card in the world.”
“You might want too tone it down.”
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          Oh, so he wants to bring THAT into it all, does he?
     “For one, do you know how long ago that happened? Get over it. And two - I was very justified in doing that. You cannot convince me otherwise.”
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setokaiblue · 4 years
Of course he doesn’t run Kaiba Corp alone/just with the help of Mokuba!
But how does the usually stoic and seemingly asshole of a guy treat his workers? Well… He’s a master at keeping personal relationships separated from his work relationships for one. His work relation with Mokuba is far different than his family relation with Mokuba outside of work.
His employees are treated with the utmost respect and only HE is allowed to scold them for when they do wrong or fuck something up. He LETS you know when you’ve done a good job. He praises you, makes you feel as proud as he can make you feel for your success. But, in turn, if you fuck up? He WILL talk down to you. He WILL let you know you’ve fucked up. He’ll point it out, he’ll guilt trip, he’ll stress you. There’s a quiet three-strike system in his head he does before personally calling you into his office. After that he gives you ONE chance to redeem yourself before being officially fired. He’s not afraid to fire ANYONE. There’s PROBABLY even been times where Mokuba has gotten close to being fired because Seto does NOT discriminate when it comes to his business.
Aside from Mokuba, he has two VERY LOYAL employees that have been with him for years through thick and thin and even know him on a bit of a personal level. They for SURE can tell when Seto is simply joking. It’s easier for them to read Seto and sometimes they have to reassure some employees, especially new ones, that Seto was simply joking.
Isono/Roland & Fuguta.
Isono - Right hand man. Fuguta - Bodyguard
Aside from these two he has an abundance of phone workers, technological workers, people who run the Kaiba lands etc. etc. etc. All of which gets the same treatment as everyone else.
Raises are handed out fairly in most cases. He JOKES about paycuts. To him there’s no such thing as a paycut. You mess up? You’re out. Fired. GONE.
TL;DR They are treated with respect until they fuck up. He wants nothing but the best for his company and his success. He’s not afraid to fire anyone, not even Mokuba, Isono or Fuguta. He’s absolutely AMAZING at separating personal relationships with business relationships.
Pt 2 ; 
Some of Seto’s housemaids (And even employees at KaibaCorp) were hired off the streets as in they had no home. They had no place of their own and Seto took them in; it IS mostly housemaids and people who work around the mansion that are off the streets. They ARE allowed to work towards promotions to work at the actual Kaiba Corporation.
ANYWAY. He hires them off of the streets and lets them live at his mansion. He gives the the option of moving out once they get enough money to do as such. Sometimes they wish to STAY there and he is a-okay with that.
If they wish to move on with their life after they make enough money working for him then he fully supports that.
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setokaiblue · 4 years
Seto’s views on Yugi & Them
How DOES Seto really view Yugi and his ‘nerd herd’? Well –
Atem/The Pharaoh ; Best friend, in some odd sense. Never before has he ever had such a formidable opponent nor has he ever dueled side-by-side with someone so flawlessly.
Yuugi ; He respects Yuugi. A friend, at the very least. But Seto doesn’t feel AS attached to him like he does the Pharaoh.
Joey Wheeler/Jonouchi Katsuya ; Thanks I hate it
Honda/Tristan ; Doesn’t care for him, has a secret hate towards his military deck that he’s never mentioned before.
Tea/Anzu ; Doesn’t care too much for her. Finds her annoying, at best.
All in all, he’d protect Joey, Tea & Tristan if it came down to it and Yuugi or Atem wasn’t around to do so. Somewhere in his cold dead heart they’re his friends. He just won’t admit it for various reasons, stubbornness being one of them of course.
Pt 2;
Alright so there’s specific reasons as to WHY he dislikes Joey, Tea & Tristan. Why, you may ask? Well, here’s MY Seto’s reasons why.
Joey Wheeler/Jonouchi Katsuya ; He loses. All the damn time and yet he’s the one that can take a loss with the brightest smile, the most upbeat response to LOSING when to Seto “Losing=Death”. How can he just simply up and? Smile? Like that after losing? He hates it. He’s low-key JEALOUS and such a thing has turned to some form of spite. Plus he’s obnoxious and has piss-poor attempts of antagonizing him and he finds that utterly annoying. (Tho shut up Seto those attempts have a 50/50 chance at working.)
Honda/Tristan ; OH BOY. His. Military stuff REALLY gets Seto so irked. Reminds him of Gozaburo. Kaiba Corp used to be a weaponry company heavily affiliated with military shit. Seto wants absolutely nothing to do with that shit thank you very much.
Tea/Anzu ; FRIENDSHIP SPEECHES! Calling him selfish all the time! Trying to shove friendship down his throat only to turn around and call him mean, selfish etc. etc. etc. REALLY grinds a persons gears, you know. One second she tries to recruit him as a friend then the next seemingly tries to push him away.
All in all, if given the PROPER time and PROPER adult conversations to sort things out WITHOUT ARGUING, Seto is more likely to get along with Joey; followed VERY ROUGHLY by Anzu and. Well. Tristan has it the roughest due to his link to military things.
And even after one of them bonds with him? It’ll be SO EASY to rip that bond right up. Yes. Even with Yugi it could happen if Yugi is not careful enough. Friendships with this man can be tough. Romantic relationships are easier to maintain with him if he is LEGITIMATELY INTERESTED. Otherwise it’s a game and he WILL win by hurting the other first and absolutely destroying their lives.
But in the end Seto doesn’t hate them just to hate them b/c “HUE HUE HUE ANTAGONISTIC” . He has his own personal, valid reasons.
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setokaiblue · 4 years
Hospital HC’s
CW for; Suicide mention, Hospital talk, etc. Proceed at own risk
Lettuce preface this with ; When he is in the hospital NO ONE. Is EVER. Informed except for Mokuba, Isono and Fuguta. They keep it under wraps as to keep the heckin’ MEDIA away and whatnot. He’s been in the hospital quite a few times.
His FIRST TIME EVER ending up in the hospital he was 15 just short of turning 16 after he had gained control of Kaiba Corp. It had taken him two days to fully wake up and be coherent as he had JUST attempted suicide and ALMOST succeeded. The day he had woken up completely was the day he sat up, RIPPED his heckin’ fuckin’ IV’s out of himself and attempted to leave. AND boy oh boy was THAT ever a big fuck shit fest.
There’s been a few more cases of him ending up in the hospital from being SO INCREDIBLY SICK, and then he wakes up, rips his IV’s out and attempts to leave. He’s attempted that trick at least four times before Isono & Fuguta managed to talk some sense into him about it.
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setokaiblue · 4 years
Buying from kids fundraisers
Ok but consider: Seto regularly buys stuff from kids for fundraisers and whatnot, he sees a lemonade stand and buys one cup but leaves a $200 tip, EVERY girl scout stand is bought out of inventory as soon as he sees them (he gives the cookies to his employees mostly) he buys things like pot holders and hand-made candles and popsicle stick birdhouses, goes to children’s charity art auctions and spends 5K on a seven-year-old’s painting of a cat buys tickets to talent shows and “invites” employees, he frequents small businesses and whenever the owners have kids there he lets the kids sell him literally anything they recommend (KC employees end up with a lot of “gifts” from their boss throughout the year, but at least he puts a little effort into matching them to people who can appreciate them) And when it comes to shy kids who have to sell something? Oh boy, oh B O Y, Seto does more than just *buy* the brownies they’re selling for their school band’s fundraiser, he boosts their confidence! He buys some himself, making comments that, well, typically he doesn’t buy sweets, but the sale’s pitch is so convincing that he can’t resist, and then a few cars full of employees drive up and he makes them wait on the kid to get through their pitch first before buying anything, encouraging them the entire time “You’re doing great, this is a good cause and a good product, be proud of it, smile and speak a little louder because you have a very commanding presence and you should show it” etc and the kid doesn’t only walk away sold out of brownies, they’re more confident and the NEXT fundraiser Seto sees them at they FLAG HIM DOWN instead of hiding behind their mom because “WE’RE SELLING CHEESECAKE THIS TIME HAVE YOU EVER TRIED TURTLE CHEESECAKE? IT’S DELICIOUS!” “I’ll take fifty” Seto has accidentally raised a small fleet of future salespeople who all come to work at KaibaCorp when they’re adults
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setokaiblue · 4 years
Okay but how many shrines has kaiba found. Does he have the dlcs. Has he tamed any horses and if so what are their names (I heard he put hours in botw so I gotta know the details)
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{ All of them.
He’s 100% all the games. Very much has the DLC and 100%’ed it too,
He has, horse-wise
Giant Horse ( Phantom)
Royal Horse ( Storm)
Pink Horse ( Confetti )
Blue Horse ( Cake)
Of course they have the best stats possible. Bond 100%. He finds it absolutely hilarious to mount lynels too. He’s mounted everything you can in that game TBH.
Once he mounted a lynel and, in the most deadpan way said: “Yeehaw. Off to fight Ganon.” before promptly getting thrown off by the angered Lynel. He knows every secret, reference and so on in like. All the LoZ games. He’s a bigger LoZ nerd than me adfghn }
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setokaiblue · 4 years
/cough/ nerd /cough cough/ who plays a Zelda game for dragons Kaiba you absolute geek /cough HACK HACK/ could I get some water plz
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        “Suffer fool.”
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