#especially when it's such a clear cover-up for being scrapped for time
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emiqip · 3 days ago
Pt.2 Apocalyptic Ponyo AU ft. Shockwave and his menaces @keferon
If there was something you learned while living in the ugly, rotten and forgotten parts of the city your whole life, it was that trust was to be given away scarcely and returned fiercely. 
Damus learned this lesson fast. Abandoned beside a squalid garbage bin after his guardian couldn't afford to take care of him anymore- not that they tried in the first place anyway. Life got only more complicated from there: food and shelter were always scarce and had to be fought for, especially if you were a scrawny kid like him and had to tussle and shove middle-aged junkies daily, to be able to scavenge inside the most recent load of trash from the local shitty restaurant in hopes for some lukewarm scraps. 
And then years passed and he became less and less alone. Other kids joined him and life became just a tad bit more bearable. He slowly warmed up to them, feeling for maybe the first time the warmth of what could resemble a family, even if his was little and a bit broken. They looked out for each other: yes the older kids obviously held the most authority and weight out of all of them, but it wasn't unusual to see the twins putting on their best intimidating appearances and stand tall in front of any adult after they dared pick on one of their older siblings- he had seen the scratches and bite marks covering the poor soul who tried to steal Windcharger's lunch...
It had always been left unsaid, but it was clear they loved and cared deeply for each other- that sort of care that looked rough and jagged from an outsider perspective, but it was their kind of love and nobody- adult or whatever could ever have a say in this. 
But it was when you cared so intensely that even at the mere prospect of losing something so dear, your body and soul started betraying you.
He felt it when the apocalypse hit and now... as he watched Blue- young, naive and kind Blue, caged behind a massive wall of sharp teeth and even sharper claws, smiling happily, without a care in the world.
The beast followed the gaze of its small prisoner and finally locked eyes with the new arrivals. Sharp cat-like blue eyes curiously took in the presence of the remaining kids, with its mouth slightly open in surprise, the monster tilted its head and from its throat came forward a small melody of clicks and trills. 
Damus felt his heart sink. God, what did he do in a previous life to deserve this? When he caught himself moving forward on shaky legs, it was already too late. His brain was in overdrive. He had to get the kid out of this situation now. 
"...Blue, buddy, I want you to listen to me very carefully." His throat felt dry and the hands that were clutching his weapon were clammy with sweat. 
"Uh? O-okay." The younger kid briefly looked at his captor before returning his focus on his brother. 
"...walk slowly towards me and hide behind us." 
"What?! Dee I'm not in danger yeah I know Sir. Pancake can be a bit intimidating at first even I was scared but he patched up my knee with some sea moss I don't know how he knew how to do that but-" 
"Buddy please- just- sigh come here Blue!" He hated interrupting his littlest brother during one of his spiels, but now was not the right time. Stress and frustration began eating up at him from inside: why couldn't he see how dangerous this thing really was?! 
"I said. No."
Bluestreak huffed, crossing his arms in a pure show of defiance. "I'm perfectly safe where I am, you're being a jerk." To everyone's absolute horror the child lifted his right hand and patted one of the beast clawed fingers to prove his point- in return he got a quiet happy trill. 
"If he really wanted to hurt me he would've done so already and I'm not letting you shoot him." 
He hated to admit he kinda had a point. When the twins left the scene they left the two alone, leaving the youngest completely unprotected against a beast several times bigger than himself. If that thing really wanted to see them all dead, he wouldn't even be here to ponder the possibility. 
Oh for fuck sake, he knew where this was going. They were NOT going to adopt a random fish person. 
Were they?
Well wasn't this quite the situation he found himself in? 
Honestly, he had been only searching for a place to finally experience some peace and quiet, away from the grubby hands of the Senate and, consequently, his very dear colleagues. If he had to speak with esteemed senator Tyrest again and entertain him as he blabbed away about 'Rectitude' and 'Order', while an impressive persistent piece of algae clinged on his front teeth- he was going to lose it and offer himself as lunch to the first frenzied monster he found. 
As he reached the surface he began to notice the utter and total destruction around him. Apparently a massive cataclysm had hit a few days prior, leaving the city in utter squalor- he wondered how many lost their lives in the wreckage. Wondering the landscape now engulfed by water. He passed what were once streets, houses and parks- ordinary places where people like his spent their time just... living. 
He wasn't unfamiliar with humans, of course: little hardy creatures, with a knack for destroying everything they came across, even themselves. But he would be lying if he didn't admit he came to favor them- oh, yes! Their utter lack of self preservation had wholly endeared them to him. How depressing things turned out to be. 
He let his train of thoughts race aimlessly as he finally let himself breach the water and slowly heave himself on a random slab of abandoned concrete, perfectly warmed up by the midday sun and he prepared himself to doze off to the calming lull of the waves around him...
A voice- oh no, a couple whispering voices reached his audial fins. They sounded young, very young, but he could not discern the meaning of their words. Too entranced by the new language he didn't notice that one of the speakers was getting quite close to his face, until he felt a sharp poke on his cheek that abruptly made him open his eyes and stand on alert. 
What came after happened too quickly for his still foggy brain to follow entirely: three small humans, most likely guppies, scrambled away from him. The two he presumed were the oldest sprinted as far as possible, while the runt of the bunch got his tiny final caught on a stray rock and fell miserably on the hard ground. 
The other screeched once more as they hurried away to who-knows-where, leaving him and their tiny companion alone. Surely not the best wake-up call he ever had but it can only go better from here, can it? 
A tiny whimper woke him up from his stupor as he once again focused on the small pile of human still plastered on the floor before him. Poor dear must have hurt himself, well that won't do. Slowly, gently he caressed the back of the little darling as he kept softly hiccuping- it was a shame humans skin wasn't as tough as his, it would prevent such inconveniences to happen, not that he blamed the little thing for his own poor biology, of course. 
"Oh sweetheart, it's going to be okay I promise. You're a very tough small fry, I've got you." He let himself coo softly like he heard parents do to their own off-spring. Still minding his own size and sharp points, he dared to nudge the guppy over and inspect the damage himself- turns out the little one had only grazed his right limb, nothing a small dab of sea moss cannot fix. 
As he tended to the guppy's injury, he witnessed the little thing's mood change completely: from an inconsolable heap on the floor to a lively chatterbox- even if the meaning still escaped from him, the constant stream of sound made for a pleasant background as he continued his ministrations. And anyway, the guppy was happy just talking his audials away, who was he to stop his fun? 
Once he deemed his work acceptable enough, he gently prodded the little one to stand beside him, close enough to cover him with one of his fins as a make-shift blanket, and keep him cozy and warm against the evening ocean breeze. Sleep crept closer to him once more, as he listened to his new small ward rant about this and that, while the last rays of the sun warmed his back. Content and at ease he felt his body betray him as he recognized a familiar pleased rumble start in his throat. 
He let himself relax further, knowing this far out nothing would dare attack him and his little guppy. However, he was pleasantly surprised when from the rubble emerged three more small humans. 
Well, he counted six unattended little ones so far- this was getting quite awkward really, who was leaving all these children lying around? They were clearly sporting some sort of weapons, he guessed- although he felt that was reasonably natural, considering humans didn't have any claws or sharp fangs to defend themselves with. 
He watched as the two parties shared a fairly animated conversation. These were most likely his guppy's little friends or... siblings? No matter really since they were all way too young to be wandering around alone in a place like this. 
It was final then! He ought to protect and care for these little ones, until they wouldn't need him anymore.
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undead-potatoes · 1 year ago
I think if we stop putting certain companies on pedestals for being "better" or "different" from the rest, we'll stop being surprised when they do things just like everyone else
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rottenherbs · 2 months ago
A Weasley Holiday // G.W x reader
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Request: May I ask for a George Weasley x reader where they have been dating for a while and he invites her to spend Christmas at the burrow and it's all fluffy?
Word Count: 2.1k
Author's Note: I’m sorry this actually took me like 7 days to write this and I don't know why. I was having such a hard time with story building it was stupid! Anyway, I hope it's okay, I honestly wanted to scrap it and start it over for like a third time. 
Much Love, Saige 
Lively and warm, George and you were finishing up your dinner in the great hall, both entirely engulfed in each other's presence. Life was bright with him, and you couldn’t get enough of it. 
“No way Sirius would beat Lupin in a fist fight” You chuffed, leaning forward to take another bite of food. 
“Oh please. Lupin has all the height he needs!” George yelped, his voice only slightly more auditable over the bustling students in the hall. “Plus, he is scrappy. I think the scar says it all” He wagged his eyebrows, watching you lean back in laughter. 
George’s heart was full anytime he made you laugh. It became his personal achievement to see you smile every day. It gave him satisfaction in his own ego (of course) that he could make you laugh, but also he melted every time he watched how your entire body reacted, slapping the table and holding your stomach whenever one was particularly good. 
“Alright alright. Well maybe we'll have to pin them against each other just to see.” You came down from your fit, trying to catch your breath. Captivated in your beauty, George sat for a moment, just admiring you. Little did you know he’d been wracking his brain to find a good time to ask you to come home with him over the holiday break. He was terrified that you’d reject the idea, though part of him understood that you’d want to go be with your own family. 
Conflicted, he took a deep breath in, realizing now is as good a time as any to ask. Clearing his throat, he reached across the table, his hand covering yours. The change of energy was startling, your eyes suddenly fixated on him. 
“What’s wron-“ you started
“I’d love for you to spend Christmas with me. At the burrow.” He cut you off, speaking incredibly quickly, the words falling off of his lips. He felt that he needed to say it immediately or he’d lose all confidence in himself. 
The anxiety filled in your chest was replaced with a swell of relief. Your shoulder slumped, the question much less serious than you were anticipating. 
“I'd absolutely love to.” You flipped his hand over, now rubbing the top of his knuckles. A wide smile growing on his face. You swore you could feel the excitement through his fingertips, practically knocking both of your drinks over on the table from shaking your hand dramatically. 
He gripped your hand tightly, bringing it to his lips with a small kiss.
“You’re mine. All winter break” He mumbled. It was more to himself than anything, but the words could have made you packed your bags right then and there. 
Later that month, you were alone in your dormitory, the final morning at Hogwarts before the holiday break. Sitting on the edge of the bed, you looked around your room, silently acknowledging to yourself that when you come back to this room, you and George would have spent an entire month together, outside of school grounds with no interruptions.
Packing your trunk felt different this time around, even though you were packing the same items you came with, the idea that you’d soon be unpacking it in a whole new house made you nervous. You were beyond grateful that George and his family opened their home to you, especially during the holiday season, but you couldn’t help being anxious that they maybe in the slightest chance… might not like you. 
Folding your last set of school robes, you tucked in your undergarments, making it near to impossible for anyone to find amongst your items. Closing the trunk, you stopped and took one more look around the room, looking for anything you may have left behind. Accepting that you were procrastinating the inevitable, you set off for the common room, ready to meet up with George and head out together. 
Stepping down the staircase, you spotted him alone. His hands were tucked in his pockets looking up at you. His neck was swaddled in a colorful handmade scarf along with a matching hat; only his eyes and nose peer through. You giggled quietly as you came down the stairs. He stayed quiet, waiting for you to get closer. 
“Are you warm enough?” You smirked, snaking your arm around his, pulling him towards the door. His laugh was muffled through the scarf, his body limp, making it harder to move him from his spot. 
“Uh, huh - you take one step outside and see for yourself! I ought to get you a hat too for your little ears.” George playfully nudged, finally walking alongside you down the hallway. 
“Little ears?” Spo
“Yes, little ears that will freeze off.” He whispered, leaning down speaking in a low unnerving voice, his breath making the hairs on your neck stand up. 
“At last! I won’t have to hear you snore the whole break!” You declare loudly, looking up at George. With only his eyes visible, you could still see the shock and apawl spread across his face, only making you laugh harder. 
The train ride was pleasant. You, George, and Fred all shared a compartment in the back of the train, both of them huddled together in deep conversation.
For most of the trip you looked out the window, enjoying the snowy landscapes along with George’s hand in yours. Him and his brother exchanged ideas the whole way home about their escapades and plans for their skiving snackbox and the implications of something larger — like a brick and mortar store. It was something that you admire deeply about them both; their ability to work towards their dream, even though the pessimistic feelings of their mother. 
Tuning them out, you rested your head on the window sill, falling asleep to the sound of their voices and the rhythmic bump of the train car. 
You woke up to a light kiss on the cheek, George's lips bringing you back to reality. The train car was empty except you two, Fred already out of the compartment and down the hall. 
“Come on, we can relax more later.” He urged, lifting you lightly from your seat. With his hand still in yours, you both left the train, quickly enveloped with the sounds of reuniting families and laughter as students connected with their loved ones.
”Ah My Boys!” A tall man exclaimed, easily recognizable as Mr.Weasley, his tall frame and red hair mimicking those of the twins. George squeezed your hand, bringing you over to his family. Along with Mr.Weasley was Mrs.Weasley, a large bustling woman, moving around quickly taking in each child with a long strong hug. Turning to face you and George, she smiled sweetly, bringing her hands to your face, cupping your cheeks. 
“Ah. The girl George can't stop talking about. Welcome dear, we are happy to have you.” She pulled you into a hug as well, her perfume powerful yet comforting. 
You glanced at George during the encounter, a pleasant sense of satisfaction across his face as his mother held you close. Your addition to the group felt natural and he couldn't help but imagine future trips home with him, bringing you back to the parents time and time again. 
Soon the whole group was ushered into a fireplace, each witch or wizard taking their turn traveling with floo powder to the burrow. The sensation was abrupt, only using the floo network a few times, you arrived in a clumsy fashion, your knees buckling as you arrived, falling into a pile of ash. Getting your bearings, you stood up, brushing the soot off your clothes as best you could before being captivated by the warmth and chaotic energy of your new environment. 
Stumbling just out the fireplace, you made way for the next weasley family member to arrive, looking around in your own time. Small moving pictures of each sibling were placed neatly above the fireplace, decorated beautifully with holly berries. The house smelt of pine and wood, large hand knit blankets laid haphazardly over each chair, inviting you to sneak under one and fall into a deep sleep. 
Breaking you from your trance, a large crack echoed against the walls informing you that you were not alone anymore. Turning back to the fireplace, your eyes connected with George, his hand already outstretched to meet you. 
“This place is wonderful.” You whispered, wrapping your arms around his torso. He rocked you back and forth slightly,  absolutely absorbed with the reality that you were actually in his childhood home. 
“Here, allow me to give you a tour.” He released his grip from your body, pulling you towards the kitchen, bringing you around the house. Your eyes traveled around the rooms, small objects moving on their own, completing small household tasks. The dishes were washing themselves, a blanket was being knit in the corner of the living room, and a large broom was sweeping up the dirt that dispersed from the fireplace by your footsteps. You listened intently as he brought you to a large staircase, winding up for several floors. You were taken back by how tall the house was, unable to discern that front the inside. 
Taking you up the stairs, your heart raced. You were excited to see his room, how it was decorated, how it was shaped and sized. You always thought one's childhood bedroom said a lot about a person. Climbing the stairs, it felt like you both were out of breath as you arrived in front of a single door. George turned and faced you before opening it.
“Now, just let me say - “ He cleared his throat, “we are trying to get the smell out I promise.” Your eyes widened in suspicion, all of a sudden hesitant of walking in. Creaking the door slightly, your eyes travel over the room, an overwhelming aroma of gunpowder engulfed your nose, stifling a sneeze as you walked in. 
“It’s stuck to the walls I swear but we promised mum we’d do it as soon as we got back.” He shrugged his shoulders, rushing over to the window to open it, wafting the air with his hands as best he could. You laughed, watching him desperately attempt to air out the room. After a few minutes you became accustomed to the smell, taking a seat on his bed, a sweater placed on his and Fred's encrusted with their initials. 
“We probably have a few hours until supper, here, lay down.” George met you around the side of the bed, folding over the quilt ushering you under it. You smiled up at him, taking off your coat and jeans, slithering your legs under the warm blanket. You could’ve swore the duvet was charmed to make you fall asleep immediately, your eyes becoming heavy as soon as your head hit the pillow. You looked up at Goerge one more time, his frame leaning over you to tuck you in.
 You leaned your head up, closing your eyes forming your lips into a comedic pout, begging for a kiss.  He looked down at you, shaking his head and sucking his teeth, teasing you for a moment. He held his body over yours, waiting to see how long he could make you wait. The corners of his mouth twisted into a smirk, watching your eyes scrunch further, waiting for his lips to meet yours. 
“Awe come onnnn.” You mumbled, flopping back into the bed. You kept your eyes closed, pretending to sleep, snoring lightly. George just laughed, turning your face with his hands placing several large kisses across your face, lastly on your lips. He held you, the final kiss lasting a few seconds, before laying your head back down. 
”Ill be back in a little.” His hands rubbed the side of your head lovingly, only the sounds of his feet padding across the floorboards and the door latching, bringing you to a blissful silence. The familiar aroma of the blanket and pillow guiding your body into full relaxation. 
You couldn't wait to wake up and start the holiday break with his family, but for now, you fell asleep in blissful peace. 
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fanficlolsblog · 6 days ago
was it casual?
pairing: jackie taylor x fem!reader
summary: you and jackie taylor have been secretly hooking up, but she refuses to acknowledge it as anything more than a casual fling—especially since she has a boyfriend, jeff. while you’ve fallen in love with her, she only sees you as something temporary, a secret she keeps hidden behind closed doors. one night, you finally ask if this means anything to her, and though she insists it does, her actions prove otherwise. despite knowing she’ll never love you the way you love her, you let her pull you back in—because you’d rather have pieces of her than nothing at all.
warnings: implied cheating, unrequited love, emotional angst, secret relationship, internalised homophobia, heartbreak
w/c: 437
you tell yourself not to get attached.
jackie makes that clear every time she sneaks into your bedroom, her hands tangled in your hair, her lips brushing yours like it means nothing. because to her, it is nothing. just something fun, something temporary. a game she plays behind closed doors, where no one can see, where no one will ever know.
but to you, it’s everything.
every glance she gives you across the school hallways, every brush of her hand against yours when no one’s looking, every time she pulls you into her late at night, her voice soft and breathless in the dark—it all means something. you wish it didn’t.
tonight is like every other night. she comes to you after practice, still smelling like grass and the cheap perfume she wears for jeff. you shouldn’t know that. you shouldn’t know that she reapplies it right before she sees him, like covering up her tracks, like erasing any trace of you.
but you do.
“we shouldn’t do this anymore,” you whisper as she presses herself against you, her lips ghosting over your jaw.
jackie just laughs, low and sweet, like the idea is ridiculous. “why not?”
you hesitate. because if you say it—if you say i love you, if you admit that every touch, every stolen moment, means more to you than it does to her—she’ll leave.
and you can’t lose her, even if she’s never really been yours.
“because of jeff,” you lie instead. “because you have a boyfriend.”
jackie sighs like you’re being difficult. like you’re being dramatic. “he doesn’t have to know.”
and that’s what kills you the most. that you’re nothing but a secret, hidden between the pages of her perfect life.
“does this mean anything to you?” you ask suddenly, your voice small, afraid of the answer.
jackie stills for half a second before she pulls back, just enough to look at you. there’s something unreadable in her eyes.
“of course it does,” she says, and you almost believe her. almost.
but then she kisses you, hard and desperate, like she’s trying to shut you up, like she’s trying to distract you from the truth—this will never be more than casual.
and you let her. because you’re weak for her, because you’ll take whatever scraps she gives you, even if it tears you apart.
even if you’re in love with someone who will never love you back the same way.
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booksmood · 27 days ago
I humbly offer you a (kind of long) sneak peek of the fanfic I’m cooking up following the latest 19 days chapter
(I’m hoping to have the full thing posted on my ao3 @ sun_monsterz later this week, once my midterms are over and I can finish writing it!)
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Mo had kept everything.
The proof was laid out right in front of him, yet it was still so hard for He Tian to believe. His old sweater. Their photos together. The studs Tian chose for him, and the piercing gun along with it. Even the note he’d written on scrap paper in middle school, a confession of sorts: ‘I don’t want you to like me more and more. Those words were lies.’
It was crushingly sentimental for Mo. Their relationship had been built up over the years on wordless affection rather than proper communication, especially surrounding matters of the heart, so Tian always had to assume that the love he felt was mutual.
Now, seeing all of this? It was as close to a confirmation of feelings that he thought he might ever get considering the new distance between them.
Following Tian’s sudden return, Mo seemed to have his guard constantly raised. Any hint of affection was met with immediate pushback, and any playful insinuations shot down with what Tian hoped were just harsh words that lacked truth, meant to hurt him as much as he now knew his departure hurt Mo.
Sometimes, when Tian tried to lighten things between them, he could see hints of the internal battle happening inside Mo. A blush that he tried to hide, or his increasingly delayed annoyance in response to affection. It made Tian hopeful that Mo still wanted him in this way, even if he didn’t trust Tian enough to accept being together again.
He knew everything that was broken between them was his fault, and that he didn’t deserve Mo’s forgiveness. Even still, the idea that he might no longer occupy a part of Mo’s heart remained an ever-growing fear that constantly ate away at him.
They desperately needed to talk, but neither of them wanted to make the leap towards that level of vulnerability. Communication was always where they faltered, but with Mo’s defences raised ever since he returned, and the finding of this box of keepsakes, Tian ached to be near him. To spill the contents of his heart until there was no doubt in Mo’s mind that he loved him unconditionally and always would.
It was all too much.
He couldn’t make himself look away from the box and its contents, the sides taped and re-taped several times over. It was clear that Mo had been through its contents with careful hands; everything was in pristine condition, as if handled delicately, though every remnant of He Tian’s face was carefully covered with thick white tape.
Tian picked up his old middle school ID card, feeling an overwhelming wave of emotion hit his chest. He swallowed down the emerging lump in his throat, his composure slipping away as the realization that he was remembered—that he could mean something important to someone—washed over him.
He knew he shouldn’t be seeing any of this. Mo had told him not to touch anything before leaving for work. It was just Tian’s luck that the first box he’d opened contained likely the most sensitive things of Mo’s that he would find in the apartment.
These were all the fragmented pieces of their past together. The fact that Mo still held on to them proved all of Tian’s desperate hopes, and simultaneously all of his fears. Because this was evidence that at some point and maybe even still, Mo really did love him. He hadn’t forgotten about Tian like he pretended to. The contents of this box proved that Mo treated their memories as something precious, not something to be discarded or forgotten.
But it was also clear that at some point, Mo decided he wanted to forget. The erasure of Tian’s face from every photo was telling of that deep hurt. Mo’s heart had been thoroughly broken by his indefinite departure, yet even still, he never let himself be completely rid of these special pieces of their past.
Tian decided he would never forgive himself for all of this brokenness he’d caused. As much as he feared being forgotten, he hated himself more knowing Mo was struggling with whether to remember him and live with the hurt of his absence, or let go and live peacefully.
When the tightness in his chest eventually became too much to bear, Tian placed the ID card back atop the pile of their memories, and slid himself backwards on the floor, further away from the box.
He buried his head in his arms and rested them on his knees, letting himself feel everything for the first time in years. It was a terrible truth, knowing Mo had been suffering through all the time they were apart. He felt a wash of shame for it, but even worse was the small part of him that grew sickly exhilarated, knowing the desperate love filling his chest was very likely reciprocated.
It felt like his heart would burst with all the warring emotions inside him. He was both desperate to see Mo, and terribly ashamed, wanting to hide from him until he could convincingly pretend he had never seen this memory box and learned the true contents of Mo’s heart. He wanted to kiss Mo until he knew Tian loved him like he would never be able to love another person, and he wanted to fall to his knees and beg for forgiveness knowing he would never truly deserve it.
After a few minutes of sitting in silence, regulating his breathing and scrubbing away the faint traces of wetness on his cheeks, he began moving himself around the tiny apartment unit in a blurry daze.
Minutes turned into hours as he made and remade the bed, cooked something barely edible with the leftover ingredients from last night, and eventually settled himself back on the floor, staring at Mo’s number on his phone as he contemplated calling him just to hear his voice and know that this man—impossibly—still cared about him.
He thought he should probably go outside, take a walk and get some fresh air to clear his mind, though he didn’t want to be away from Mo, and this place held all the traces of his presence. It was selfish, but learning of the box made him need Mo like the air in his lungs. The scary thing was, he didn’t think Mo needed him anymore.
He stared at his phone for another long moment, and then gave in and called.
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scary-grace · 3 months ago
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what I don't remember now (part iii/final) - a shigaraki x f!reader fic
Tomura's life doesn't end when his death sentence is handed down, and he knows damn well that he's innocent. It won't be long before one of his appeals proves it, and he can come home -- back to his friends, and back to you, the girlfriend who stood by him through the trial. But death row is a nightmare Tomura can't wake up from, and as the years behind bars begin to pile up, Tomura starts to question if it really matters whether he did it. If he'll ever be free. And if you and the other people who love him have forgotten him for good. (cross-posted to Ao3)
This is the prequel fic to 'if my heart was a house', and covers what's happened to Tomura since the last time he and the reader saw each other. I did a not-insignificant amount of research into the criminal justice system in Japan, specifically on prison conditions, prisoner treatment, and the administration of the death penalty. There is some dark and potentially triggering content, especially in later chapters(execution, suicide attempt, etc) so please be wary! dividers/banners by @cafekitsune
part i part ii
part iii/final
Chisaki has a new lawyer. Tomura knows because the guards are talking about it. Bitching about it, really. Tomura’s fine with anything that makes their lives harder, even if it’s improving things to Chisaki, who’s been a pain in the ass the entire time he’s been on death row. The guards don’t like Chisaki’s lawyer. “Fucking traitor. Who does he think he is?”
“Some pissant little bastard with a savior complex. Has he even met a murderer in his life?”
“He used to be a prosecutor,” one of the older guards says. He glances Tomura’s way, realizes Tomura’s watching and raises his hand to his baton. “This isn’t a peep show, 230385. Eyes on your business.”
Tomura’s business is giving himself a bath, which is hard to do thoroughly when his left hand is so fucked up, and the only ones getting a peep show are the guards, who are supposed to be watching him to make sure he doesn’t try anything. Tomura’s never been clear on what they think he’s going to try. He goes back to trying to wash his hair, facing away from the guards, and listening to every word they say. He’s not going to look, but he can’t turn off his ears.
“Yeah, I heard. His boss was the best in the business. What the fuck happened to him?”
“He probably read some weepy story about how hard life is for the inmates. He should think about how hard it is for the people they killed. He doesn’t have a clue –”
“He does,” the older guard says. “He’s been here before. I gave him the tour.”
That rings a faint bell in Tomura’s head, but not enough to capture his attention. He’s running out of time to shower, and there are parts of his body that he can’t stand thinking about, let alone touching. He closes his eyes and chases a few faint scraps of memory. There were times when he didn’t hate being touched, even by himself. There were times when being touched was all he wanted, and there was someone who wanted to touch him. Someone with warm hands, hands that were strong even though they were smaller than his. Someone –
Someone who’s long gone, just like everything else from before. The guards’ voices filter back in, and Tomura focuses on that instead. “Anyway, Chisaki’s making a mistake,” the older guard concludes. “If he thinks anyone cares about what happens to him – after what he did – he’s out of his mind. And if his new lawyer causes too much trouble, every prisoner in this place will wish we’d killed him the second he set foot on the block.”
Tomura already wishes that. Chisaki’s the only other inmate who still knows Morse code, and he’s constantly hassling Tomura, trying to get him to respond to whatever stupid idea he’s got in his head. He’s also damn sure that Chisaki’s actually guilty, because Chisaki goes the route of trying to justify the fucked-up things he did rather than claiming that he didn’t do them. Chisaki and Sensei would probably get along, just like Chisaki and the prison doctor would probably get along if the prison doctor wasn’t the one conducting the cavity searches. If Tomura could murder one person in the prison, other than the warden and the doctor, Chisaki would be his top choice.
And at the same time, Chisaki didn’t put Tomura here. Chisaki’s not the reason why Tomura’s been forgotten by everyone who cared about him. If it comes down to siding with Chisaki or the guards, Tomura knows who he’s lining up with.
He gets out of the shower on time, but he’s slow getting back into his clothes, and the guards are rough on him while they hustle him back to the cell block. They’re still bitching about the lawyer, and the older guard turns to Tomura as they’re unlocking the cell, pitching his voice to carry. “What do you think about Chisaki’s little lawyer friend?”
Chisaki must be awake, must be listening. It’s his turn to shower next, and as much as Tomura hates Chisaki, he hates the guards more. He doesn’t answer until he’s already stepped into his cell, until it’s already shut behind him. “I hope his lawyer fucks you sideways.”
Tomura’s used to holes in his memory. Some of them have been there all along, so familiar that he doesn’t question their presence. Some of them he can see into, if he tries, if someone asks him to look. Some of them are just black. And some of them are important. What happened during his interrogation in the detention center, the one where he supposedly confessed to killing his entire family. What happened the night of the murders, before he woke up in the hospital. Not remembering is normal. Tomura knows the drill.
Which is why he knows something’s wrong this time. Not remembering isn’t supposed to hurt.
But it does hurt. Tomura’s whole body hurts, and even as he wrestles himself awake through the pain, he’s aware that nothing else around him is right. The air isn’t cold. The light that leaks in under his eyelids is gentle, not harsh. He’s not lying on concrete, on top of a futon so thin it might as well not be there at all. He’s in a bed with soft blankets pulled over him and a pillow behind his head, and in spite of the fact that he’s more comfortable than he’s been in years, he’s in excruciating pain.
The pain radiates everywhere, but Tomura can pinpoint a source. His left hand is cramped so tight that he can’t move his fingers. Something about it feels wrong. Off-balance. When he forces his eyes open, he can’t focus them well enough to see what’s wrong. And even if he could see, he can’t lift his hand to eye-level for a look. As bad as the pain is, it’s worse when it’s cut with unease. Something’s wrong. He needs to figure out what it is before it gets worse.
Tomura tries to sit up, then slumps back, hissing in pain – only for the bed behind him to shift, tilting to support him. He swears in shock, cringes away, and then curses with pain again. Why can’t he shut up? No one’s given him permission to open his mouth. Any second he’s going to take a guard’s baton to the gut. Tomura’s head is spinning, and he can’t stop making the stupid, pained sounds that only come out when he’s too confused to keep them in.
“You can press that button,” an unfamiliar voice says, and something’s nudged against Tomura’s right hand, the one that’s not twisted in agony. “For pain relief. It’s automatic.”
Tomura jerks his hand away. He turns his head in the direction of the voice. It doesn’t sound like a guard. There’s a tone the guards use when they talk to Tomura and the other inmates, and whoever this is, they aren’t using it. Maybe talking won’t get him hit. “Where am I?”
“You’re at a hospital. I’m not allowed to tell you where, but it is a civilian hospital,” the stranger says. Tomura’s vision isn’t clearing fast enough to give him a good look at the stranger’s face. “How much do you remember?”’
Tomura wants to laugh. “If I could remember, I wouldn’t be here,” he grits out. “You know more than I do.”
“For the last two years, the government has been required to report any inmate injuries or illnesses severe enough to require hospitalization,” the stranger says. “The organization I work for, One’s Justice, responds to those reports.”
“So what?”
“So,” the stranger says carefully, “when you were hospitalized five days ago with sepsis stemming from gangrene of your left index and middle fingers, it was reported to someone. To us. And now I’m here.”
This sounds like bullshit. Tomura’s out of it on sepsis, whatever the fuck that is, but even now he knows when someone’s lying to him. “Why do you care what happens to me?”
“Because you’re a human,” the stranger says. It’s quiet for a second, other than the hum of the hospital’s fluorescent lights and the steady buzz of the machines tracking Tomura’s heart, lungs, everything. “And, um – you might not remember this, but we’ve met before. My name is Midoriya Izuku.”
Now it makes sense. “We didn’t meet,” Tomura says. His mouth feels like sandpaper and tastes even worse, and the pain radiating through his body gives him zero incentive to check his anger. “You learned all about what they do to us in there and you walked away.”
“I couldn’t do anything then. I can do something now,” Midoriya says. Tomura blinks until Midoriya’s face swims into focus – wide-eyed, freckled, topped with messy green hair. “I founded One’s Justice to combat the human rights abuses occurring in maximum security and on death row. I’m here to take your statement and open an investigation on your behalf.”
“You’re out of your mind.” Tomura looks away from Midoriya. “I don’t remember what happened, and if I did, it wouldn’t matter.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Yes, I do.” Tomura twists away from Midoriya, jarring his left arm in the bargain, and a sheet of agony drops over him. “You’re stupid if you think this matters to anyone. All that matters to me is what they’re going to do to me for talking to you – so even if I did remember – fuck!”
The pain relief button taps against Tomura’s right hand again. “Based on the doctors’ assessment, the initial injury to your hand occurred some time ago,” Midoriya says. “I have two sources – a former death row inmate and a current client – confirming that a guard purposely crushed it eleven years ago. Pre-surgical scans revealed at least three old fractures, none of which healed properly, and none of which could have been treated with the supplies on hand in a prison hospital.”
Tomura hears the sound of papers shuffling. “One of the doctors One’s Justice works with reviewed the scans and determined that if you’d received appropriate treatment for the prior injuries, the drastic measures taken this time would have been unnecessary,” Midoriya says. “I want to take your statement, if you’ll share it. But I don’t need it to prove a violation of your human rights.”
It would be great if Midoriya shut up about the human rights thing. Tomura’s tired of having to entertain the delusion that anyone cares about it but him. “Drastic measures?”
“Your, um –” Midoriya breaks off. “Your fingers developed frostbite, then gangrene. In order to save your life, the doctors had to amputate them.”
Tomura’s been trying to lift his hand to eye level this whole time. Now he looks down at his left hand where it lays uselessly on the bed. It’s wrapped in heavy bandages, immobilized into a useless club from the middle of his forearm down, but even through the bandages, he can see what’s missing. He coughs, which hurts. Winces, which also hurts. When he speaks, he sounds like he’s out of his mind. “Both of them?”
“I’m sorry,” Midoriya says, and Tomura laughs, his voice harsh and wavering. “No, I mean it! I’m sorry that we weren’t able to do something sooner, but now that it’s been reported, we can track your recovery – and ensure you’re receiving the standard of medical care –”
“Why, so I can be healthy when they kill me?” Tomura swats the pain relief button away, so hard that it flies off the bed and clatters on the floor. “It’s not my business if you want to waste your time, but you should waste it somewhere else.”
“If it’s not your business, I can waste it wherever I want,” Midoriya says. He picks up the pain relief button and sets it down on the bed. “I’ll open an investigation on your behalf. If you receive a request to meet with me once you’re returned to prison, please accept it.”
Lawyer visits have gotten more common in the last year or two. Chisaki sees his lawyer a lot, for all the good it does him. Tomura figures he’ll say yes. It’ll be something to do. Someone to talk to. A reason to get out of his cell. He nods, hoping Midoriya will leave. Tomura needs time to think about this. Time to think about the fact that he’s down to three fingers on his left hand, and that it didn’t have to be that way. The sooner Midoriya leaves, the better.
But Tomura has a question before he goes. “I know your prison source,” he says. “Who’s the one on the outside? People don’t leave death row.”
“Sometimes they do,” Midoriya says. “My other source is Shirakumo Oboro. That’s the name he goes by now. It’s my understanding that he went by Kurogiri in prison.”
Tomura’s jaw clenches tight, only half of his own accord. “Kurogiri’s dead.”
He pictures Midoriya shaking his head. “He’s on parole,” he says. “For the last two years. I’ve met him several times, and every time, he’s insisted that I try to reach out to you.”
A chair scoots back. “Focus on getting better. You’ll hear from me soon.”
Tomura doesn’t answer, and Midoriya leaves, ending the longest conversation Tomura’s had in seventeen years. Once the door shuts behind him, Tomura shifts gingerly onto his back, staring upwards until even the soft hospital lights start to sting. Someone is investigating. Tomura lost two fingers and he’s been in the hospital for five days. Someone is at least pretending to care what happens to Tomura and people like him. Kurogiri’s alive. There’s still someone in the world who cares what happens to him, who knows what’s happened. If there’s one person ��� if Kurogiri hasn’t forgotten Tomura – then maybe –
Tomura fumbles blindly for the pain-relief button and presses it until his system floods with enough morphine to blunt every feeling and thought. He’s fast and the medicine’s faster, but neither is fast enough to keep out the thought. Kurogiri remembers Tomura, and Tomura barely knew him. The people who knew Tomura best might remember him, too. Magne. Compress. Twice, Dabi, Toga. Spinner. You.
He hasn’t let himself think of you in years. He’s known better than to crack open the door to those memories when he’s so sure you’ve forgotten him. But now it’s unlocked again, and there aren’t enough painkillers in the world to keep the thought of you at bay.
“Are you okay?” Midoriya asks Tomura, before the guards have even shut the door to the visitation room. “You don’t look so good.”
Tomura laughs. Or coughs. “Nobody here looks good.”
“I visited my other client last week. He looks better,” Midoriya says, frowning. “He says you were sent to the protection cell again.”
“Yeah, he and I have been trading off weeks.” Tomura never asked one way or the other to confirm it, but he knows Chisaki is Midoriya’s other death-row client, and the guards are making both of them pay for having the audacity to get a lawyer. “Nothing new.”
“He says they keep you in for longer than him. My other source said the same thing,” Midoriya says. “Do you know why?”
Tomura’s pretty sure he knows, but he’s not bringing that up in here. Midoriya can work out for himself that the warden despises Tomura for supposedly killing a grandmother he never met and uses every chance he can get to make Tomura suffer. He shrugs instead of answering. “You set this meeting up. What do you want?”
“First, I wanted to give an update,” Midoriya says. He has a notebook and a pencil, which is all he’s allowed to bring in. The guards read over it before he leaves and redact anything they don’t like, which in Tomura’s opinion defeats the purpose – but it’s Midoriya’s dumb decision to keep showing up with it. “We’ve collected enough evidence to move forward with legal action with regard to the human-rights violations. Since you, my other client, and the outside source were all incarcerated under the same set of conditions for a period of seven years, you’ll all serve as co-plaintiffs in the case.”
Fine by Tomura. It’s not going to change anything for him, but maybe the next unlucky bastard who ends up in Tomura’s cell will be spared some of the shit Tomura’s gone through. “I wanted to bring the paperwork for you to sign today, but they said I couldn’t without prior verbal approval from you, so I’ll bring it at the next visit,” Midoriya says. Tomura nods. “There’s something else I wanted to talk about, though. How much do you remember about your interrogation?”
“My interrogation was nineteen years ago. How much do you remember about nineteen years ago?”
“I have an eidetic memory,” Midoriya says. Huh. “But even if I didn’t, the moment I confessed to the murders I was sentenced to death for would be hard to forget. You don’t remember it at all?”
“If I remembered it, I’d be able to –” Tomura breaks off, frustrated. “If I remembered it, I’d be able to tell you exactly what I confessed to. Most of the shit they said in the trial was news to me.”
“Okay,” Midoriya says. He adjusts his grip on his pencil. “Tell me what happened during your interrogation. As much of it as you can remember. From the beginning.”
“I don’t remember shit,” Tomura says, but the longer he thinks about that, the less certain he is that it’s true. Maybe it’s not that he doesn’t remember anything. Maybe it’s just that he doesn’t want to. “It was my day off. When they arrested me. And hers –”
It was just a normal day off. Tomura didn’t have big plans for it, except for spending it with you, and taking you to meet Sensei for the first time. Tomura had tried to introduce you to Sensei before, and Sensei hadn’t wanted to meet you, so when Sensei finally said yes, Tomura jumped on the opportunity. Sensei sent a car to pick the two of you up and bring you to the restaurant, to make sure Tomura wouldn’t be late. You got there early. The cops were waiting. Sensei didn’t get there until after Tomura was on the ground. Sensei was the one who stopped you from trying to pull the cops off Tomura and getting handcuffed right alongside him.
Detention center. The first few days it was – not fine, but now that Tomura knows what the rest of it is like, the first few days were easy. He saw you. Spinner, Toga, Twice. You again. Dabi. You – and he still thought it was a mistake, so he was almost more worried about you than he was about himself. They pulled Tomura out of a visit with you and took him away for interrogation, and after that, time slips into a blur Tomura couldn’t pull into focus if his life depended on it.
He can’t remember the interrogator’s faces. They didn’t wear name badges. Tomura was hungry, but they wouldn’t let him eat. He was tired, but they wouldn’t let him sleep or lay down, or even put his head down on the table. Did he get water? He must have, or he’d have died. He wasn’t beaten, but he didn’t feel right. There was a scab on the back of his hand that always seemed fresh, and a painful knot in his upper arm that never relaxed. And none of that matters, because somewhere in the middle of all of that, Tomura confessed to seven murders and stopped being a human being.
“You’re still a human being,” Midoriya says. He never sounds anything but patronizing when he says that, but he looks disturbed as all hell. “What you’ve said about your interrogation is consistent with the reports made by dozens of other prisoners, across all security levels. Your charges and sentences differed wildly, but you had the same interrogators. Those interrogators were arrested and indicted two weeks ago on charges that they utilized multiple so-called truth serums to produce confessions.”
“They drugged you,” Midoriya says. “The scab on your hand and the bruise on your upper arm are consistent with injection sites for sodium thiopental and scopolamine, and those same marks were seen on dozens of other prisoners during their intake exams.”
He’s looking at Tomura like he expects something, and Tomura doesn’t have a fucking clue. Tomura’s going to lose his shit. “What do you want me to say?”
“Standard interrogation practices are already coercive and inhumane, and the validity of any confession produced under those conditions is suspect,” Midoriya says. No shit. “You confessed after twenty days of interrogation, likely under the influence of one or more illegally administered drugs. That confession is inadmissible.”
“So if you take that out of the prosecution’s case, what do they have left on you?” Midoriya asks, leaning forward. His eyes are overbright. “I think I can get you a retrial.”
“That’s the worst idea I’ve ever heard,” Tomura says. “Do you think I want to be here until I die of old age? If they knock my sentences down to life without parole – which is what they’d do –”
“That’s not what a retrial is for,” Midoriya says. “A retrial is a reset. A review of all the evidence, including any that’s come to light since the original trial –”
“Which is nothing –”
“I’ve been looking into it. There’s a lot.”
A lot of what? Tomura’s trial was a blur to start with. Now it’s a black hole, pierced by a few memories here and there, strung together by the image of you in the courtroom, in the first row behind the defense table. You were always there. Tomura wasn’t supposed to look back, but every time he did, you were still there, still watching. You didn’t leave him. You never left him, and it’s been so long since he saw you that he’s not sure he remembers your face.
It crashes down on Tomura all at once – the weight of eighteen years behind bars, eighteen silent, frozen years in hell. He sucks down one frantic breath, then another, before the panic and agony crushes the air from his lungs. Tomura claws at his neck, trying to relieve the pressure, and in spite of the fact that he can’t breathe, his body still manages to throw up. He’s conscious, vaguely, of Midoriya reaching out to help, but the guards are already storming into the room. Tomura winds up back in the protection cell, one arm shackled behind his back and the other shackled in front so he can’t even raise his hands to scratch.
No matter how hard Tomura tries to escape into the blank recesses of his mind, he can’t. You’re there now, waiting for him – you and Spinner and Kurogiri and Toga and Twice and everyone, a whole world he stopped dreaming about a long time ago. Now he knows why he stopped. It fucking hurts. Thinking about what was taken away from him, feeling the places where it was torn out, could drive Tomura insane. It will, if he feels like this long enough. If he does nothing long enough. He can’t do nothing anymore.
The guards let him out of the protection cell some featureless amount of time later, throw him into the showers, and drag him to the meeting room without stopping off at his cell first. Midoriya’s waiting there, again, in his suit that makes him look like he’s playing dress-up with his fucking notebook tucked under his arm. “We need to talk.”
Tomura needs to talk, too. He coughs until his voice clears. “The retrial. What would happen?”
“It would resemble your first trial,” Midoriya says. “The prosecution would present their evidence. Your legal team will provide their own evidence to counter the prosecution’s claims and advance your cause. It won’t just be a judge hearing the case. They’ve changed things. Now there’s a panel – six jurors randomly selected from members of the public, three judges. They’ll hear the case and provide a judgment based on a majority vote.”
The rage humming through Tomura’s veins takes on a new target. “The fucking public decided I was guilty before the trial.”
“Things have changed,” Midoriya says. Tomura starts to argue and Midoriya interrupts. “I’ve been out there. You haven’t. And I know things about your case that you don’t. If I petition the court to rule your confession inadmissible, it’ll force a retrial. Without your confession and with the new evidence I’ve collected, it’ll be almost impossible to uphold the original verdict.”
Tomura remembers hearing the verdict. He remembers the applause from the people observing, but more than that, he remembers the muffled sob he heard from behind him. Remembers twisting around to see you, your hand clamped down over your mouth and tears sliding down your face. “What happens then?”
“You’d be acquitted,” Midoriya says. Tomura doesn’t know that word, and Midoriya spells it out, looking at Tomura with the kind of pity that makes Tomura wish he was back in the protection cell. “You’d be free.”
Tomura can’t remember the last time he thought about being free. Freedom is something abstract, something unreal, something that doesn’t exist on death row. Tomura’s not free to talk. He’s not free to sleep when he wants to sleep or eat when he’s hungry or drink when he’s thirsty. He’s not even free to die on his own terms – the state will kill him, or he’ll die here of natural causes after a life that’s lasted way too long. Freedom is a joke. Tomura’s tired of laughing.
But Tomura wasn’t always here. Tomura was free before. Midoriya’s saying he could be free again. “Do it,” Tomura says, and Midoriya looks up. “I want the retrial.”
Midoriya nods, but there’s a look on his face Tomura doesn’t like. “What?”
“I wouldn’t suggest a retrial if I wasn’t convinced we could win,” Midoriya says, “but I wouldn’t be doing my job as your lawyer if I didn’t warn you that there’s a catch. The government doesn’t like granting retrials, even when they’re warranted. In exchange for the retrial, they’ll demand that you waive your last appeal.”
“So if I win, they’ll let me go,” Tomura says. Midoriya nods. “If I lose, they’ll kill me.”
“And they’ll do it fast,” Midoriya says. He looks like he’s going to be sick. “The last time the original charges were upheld after a retrial, the defendant was executed within a week. So I understand if you –”
“They’re going to kill me anyway,” Tomura says. “I want the retrial.”
“Then we’ll do it.” Midoriya’s expression takes on a hard, determined cast that makes Tomura feel ever so slightly better. So it’s not all bullshit idealism and optimism that’s more likely to get Tomura’s hopes up than get him out of prison. Now he looks like a lawyer. “This is going to be different than your last trial. It’s going to take a lot more from you. Can you handle it?”
“I handled this place.” Tomura gestures with his left hand, sees the evidence of just how much he couldn’t handle it, and clenches his fist at his side. “Whatever else there is. I can do it.”
“Hey!” A guard raps on the door, startling Midoriya and scaring Tomura. “Time’s up!”
“Right. I’ll file the motion, and I’ll be back as soon as I hear,” Midoriya says. Tomura nods. His stomach is tying itself in a knot. “And one more thing. Is there anyone you want me to reach out to? Anybody who should know?”
“Talk to –” There’s a split second where Tomura can’t remember Spinner’s real name. “Iguchi Shuichi. Tell him. And –”
“I said time’s up!” The guards barge into the room. “That’s enough.”
There are four guards. One escorts Midoriya out, or tries to, and three of them grab Tomura, hauling him roughly out of his chair. They know better than to beat Tomura up in front of his lawyer, but one drives a fist into Tomura’s kidneys from behind, and Tomura’s so busy gasping for air as they drag him into the hall that he can’t ask Midoriya to look for you. But he will. The next time Midoriya comes back, Tomura’s going to tell him about you. Tell him that if there’s going to be another trial, he needs you to be there. So you can see it go the right way this time. So Tomura can turn to face you after the verdict and know he’s coming back to you.
Tomura wore his prison uniform to the trial – the prosecution insisted – but for the reading of the verdict, he gets to wear a suit. Or has to wear a suit. He had a suit when he was on the outside – Sensei insisted – but everything Tomura owned on the outside is long gone by now. All he has left to his name is whatever he had on him when he was taken into custody, things he hasn’t seen in almost two decades. Things he’ll never see again, if this goes the wrong way.
Midoriya seems optimistic. The rest of the legal team does, too. Tomura’s in too much shock to be able to tell. Midoriya wasn’t joking when he said he had new evidence. The picture he painted of the night Tomura’s family was murdered rewrote Tomura’s entire life, and Tomura understands now why there are so many things he doesn’t remember. Why Sensei made him see his family again. Why Sensei testified against him like that in the first trial. Tomura went into the retrial still thinking that Sensei had cared about him. Sensei was using him the entire time.
Sensei’s going to be arrested, regardless of what happens to Tomura now. One of Midoriya’s friends – some psycho prosecutor Tomura wouldn’t mind sending on a field trip to death row – is already on the case. They’ll get him, and he’ll pay for what he did, just like Tomura paid for it. Like Tomura’s still paying for it, for another few minutes if he’s acquitted and another week or so if he’s not. Hope still hurts, sharper than the constant ache in Tomura’s bones, harder than the lump that never seems to leave the back of his throat. He’s ready for it to be over.
“It’s all going to be fine,” Midoriya says encouragingly. He and the rest of Tomura’s legal team are hanging out on the other side of the bars of the holding cell, doing everything short of popping champagne like they’ve already won. “None of the new evidence we presented was rejected, you were great on the stand –”
“And Deku absolutely killed it on cross,” the guy who’s in charge of preparing witnesses crows. He has the loudest voice Tomura’s ever heard, and the first time Tomura talked to him, he walked away with a headache. After so long in silence on death row, he can’t handle that kind of noise. “Better start thinking about what you want to do when you get out of here, Shigaraki. You’ll be free as soon as those geniuses on the panel figure out how to count to nine.”
“Your character witnesses were great, too,” Midoriya’s co-counsel says brightly. “It was amazing! Usually people who’ve been locked up as long as you have don’t have people anymore, but your friends were so happy to hear from us. It was like they’d been waiting this whole time.”
Tomura hasn’t had a chance to talk to his friends yet. Not directly. He’s written to them, and Midoriya’s made sure the letters have gone through – and he’s seen them, one after another, as they’ve taken the stand and given evidence about who Tomura really is. They all look good. Toga, Spinner, Twice, Dabi. Even Magne and Compress, who Tomura hadn’t known for all that long before he was arrested, got up and answered Midoriya’s questions about Tomura’s behavior, about what Tomura said about his family and how he sounded when he said it. About Sensei, because they all met him. Apparently Tomura’s the only person who ever met Sensei and wasn’t instantly overcome with bad vibes.
You’d probably have said the same thing, if you’d taken the stand. But you aren’t on the witness list. You aren’t in the courtroom, either. It took Midoriya two months to find any number to reach you by, and that number must be out of service or something. Even though he’s called you every other day, he says you haven’t picked up once.
Tomura waits until the rest of the team is distracted, then catches Midoriya’s attention again. “Did you call today?”
“Not yet,” Midoriya says. “I was going to wait until – after.”
Right. That’s probably smart. Smarter than what Tomura wants Midoriya to do, which is call you right now and keep calling until you pick up or until he’s called back to the courtroom to hear the verdict. “But after the verdict, I think there’s a good chance she’ll call me,” Midoriya says quietly. “Before �� I mean, she has a lot of reasons not to pick up for unfamiliar numbers.”
“What do you mean?”
“Um – oh, I guess you wouldn’t know,” Midoriya says. He looks uncomfortable. “The news coverage of your first trial was – brutal. They were hard on you, obviously, but they were hard on her, too. Really hard on her. There were people following her. Reporters, and stuff. She lost a job – not the one she had before the trial, a new one – because they wouldn’t leave her alone.”
Tomura feels like he’s going to be sick. He clenches his jaw. “So when she sees a number she doesn’t know, and it’s some guy she’s never met who wants to talk to her about you, it probably makes her pretty nervous,” Midoriya concludes. “Once the verdict comes out, she’ll know why I’ve been calling. So I think we’ll hear from her then.”
People were following you because of him. You lost a job because of him. Maybe you’re not just ignoring Midoriya’s calls because he’s a stranger – you’re ignoring them because you know he wants to talk about Tomura, and you don’t want anything to do with Tomura anymore. That doesn’t sound like you. Tomura loves you. What if you don’t love him anymore? Why would you still love him? It’s been nineteen years. You moved on. You must have moved on. Why wouldn’t you –
“Hey,” Midoriya says at once. “Hey. Don’t worry about that right now. Everything’s going to be fine. We’ll get the verdict and then we’ll work everything out.”
“Call her.”
“Oh, um – I don’t know if that’s a good idea –”
“I don’t care if she picks up. Call her now and hold the phone up through the bars,” Tomura says. Midoriya hesitates. “If this goes wrong, I’m dead in a week. Call her.”
Midoriya places the call, then holds it up to Tomura’s ear. Tomura listens as it rings, rings, rings – and then there’s a click, some static, and your voice, for the first time since he told you to leave the courtroom. “Hey there. I’m not able to come to the phone right now, but if you leave me a message, I’ll get back to you when the stars align. Or in one to two business days. Whichever’s faster. So, like I said – name, number, after the beep.”
Tomura shoves the phone away before he can hear it. “Get out.”
“What –”
“I need to be alone,” Tomura says. “Get out.”
“We’re not going to just leave you alone,” the press liaison for One’s Justice says. “There have been concerns in the past with our clients’ safety while waiting for a verdict –”
“I’m not going to kill myself,” Tomura says. “I need to be alone. Get out.”
Once they’re gone, Tomura slumps back against the bars, his eyes burning. That was your voice on the phone. You’re older. You sound older, like Tomura’s older, but you’re still you. You’re out there somewhere – maybe married, maybe single, maybe happy, maybe not – and if Tomura gets out of here, he can find you. Find out what happened to you. What you were doing, all that time you were supposed to be with him.
The list of things Tomura’s scared of has shrunk over the time he’s spent in prison, down to exactly one thing – the idea of spending the rest of his natural life on death row. He thinks he’ll be scared going into his execution, but he won’t know about that until it’s moments away, so he won’t have time to really lose it. Right now, both of those fears feel distant, like he’s looking at them from a bird’s-eye view. The fear that’s immediate, that’s overwhelming, is that he’ll find you again, and you’ll have forgotten all about him. Not that you’ve moved on, not that you’re married, not that you’re so angry at him that you’ve been ignoring Midoriya’s calls. That Tomura’s such an insignificant footnote in your life that you barely remember his name.
That’s what Tomura’s scared of. That’s what he’s always been scared of, ever since your first date – and second date, that same day when you got coffee together instead of freezing outdoors. Even though it went well, even though he got your number, even though the two of you talked until the coffee shop closed and they kicked you out of the building, Tomura was halfway convinced you’d never call him. Things like you didn’t happen to people like Tomura in real life. He was a decent first date, like you said, but someone like you probably had a lot of those. Tomura wouldn’t stand out.
But you did text him. That night. And when he showed up at the library the next day you were happy to see him. When you had a spare second to talk, you asked him out on a third date before he could say a word. You asked about the first two. I figured it was my turn.
Tomura was amazed at how confident you were. Later he found out that you were too worried about losing your chance with him to be anything except blunt, and he was amazed by that, too. Yeah. I guess it can be your turn. What do you want to do?
Let’s go do something fun, you said. The arcade? I suck at games, but maybe you could teach me.
Tomura had had fantasies about something like that. Dumb-ass, cringeworthy gamer fantasies, but the fact that you were going to be in them shot them into overdrive. There was just one problem. I’m not a good teacher.
I bet you’re better than you think you are, you said. When are you free?
Tomorrow, Tomura said, on some weird impulse to play hard to get. Or maybe it was just so he wouldn’t tell you the truth: Any time, if it’s for you.
You weren’t telling the truth, either – there was one arcade game you were really good at, and it was the claw machine. You were good enough at it that you could actually decide what you wanted to grab instead of just grabbing anything, and you wouldn’t have said anything if you hadn’t caught Tomura staring into the machine. See something you like?
The corgi, Tomura said. He wasn’t sure how he knew you wouldn’t laugh at him, but he was right. You weren’t laughing. You were studying the machine like it was a math problem you were trying to solve. Don’t waste your money. That thing’s never coming out of there.
Wanna bet? You already had your wallet out. I’ll get it for you in four turns.
Your confidence was easy to fall for. Tomura still didn’t want you spending all your money. I’m buying the food later. Whether you win or not.
Deal. You fed a coin into the machine and grasped the controls, glancing Tomura’s way with half a smile on your face. You looked mischievous. Looking back, Tomura thinks you were anxious, too. You wanted to impress him, just like he wanted to impress you. Get ready. We might end up with more of these things than we want to have.
It took you four turns to get the corgi Tomura wanted, and on three of those turns, you came up with a plushie. You had them tucked under your arm when you presented the corgi to him, and you were grinning. One torpedo-shaped corgi plush, as requested.
I didn’t ask. As soon as Tomura said it, he kicked himself. You did something nice for him. Why did he react like a jackass? I mean –
I know you didn’t ask, you said. I wanted to get it for you.
Tomura’s mouth went dry. His hands were shaking when he reached out – past the plushie, to you. Why?
You gave him an odd look. I want you to have things that make you happy.
The other plushies were in the way. Tomura couldn’t figure out how to hold onto you, and he couldn’t think of anything to say that wasn’t pure stupidity. Don’t you think it’s dumb?
No, you said. You looked down at the plushie, half a smile on your face – and then you looked back up at Tomura, and your smile got bigger. Nobody looked at Tomura like that. Not if it makes you happy.
Tomura was happy. He wasn’t happy very often, and it was usually cut with something else. The closest he got was with his friends, and this was like that but not, simpler and more complicated at the same time. Complicated because of all the things that lay beneath you liking him, you wanting him to be happy even if it was over something dumb. Simple because you meant it.
Tomura waited too long to say something. He saw some of the anxiety flicker back across your face. Do you want it? you asked, and Tomura kissed you.
Tomura’s kicked himself for that every so often, before he was locked up and after. Kicked himself for giving you that second of doubt that you made him happy, that he wanted you. If he survives this, if he gets out of here, he’s not going to screw around for a second longer. He’ll get his shit together as much as he can, and then he’ll find you. Even if you’re over it, over him, he needs to make sure you know that it was real, all of it. Real enough to last twenty-one years and longer. Real enough to have kept him warm.
The door opens, and Tomura scrubs at his eyes and straightens up. Midoriya’s there, and so is the rest of the team, and so are the guards. “The verdict’s in,” Midoriya says. “Are you ready?”
He’s spent all day reassuring Tomura. Now he’s the one who looks antsy, and as the guards unlock the door, cuff Tomura’s hands, grab him by the shoulders and hustle him along, Tomura finds himself weirdly calm. He heard your voice again. He remembers you again, and it helps as much as it hurts. That’s more than Tomura ever thought he’d get. It’s enough to get him through the next few minutes on his feet.
The courtroom is different this time. The faces of the panel members show nothing as they file in, and although the seats behind Tomura are full, the room is silent. Tomura’s heart is beating painfully hard, and he taps into his memories of you one last time, thinking back to how you never put your hand on his shoulder when you kissed him. Your hand was always over his heart, and he imagines it there now, steady and strong. And warm. Even if he never sees you again, he has that memory for the rest of his life.
“We have returned a verdict,” one of the panel members says. She’s holding a folded piece of paper. “Will the defendant please rise?”
Tomura gets to his feet. He makes eye contact with the panel member and holds it. And then he waits, while she puts on her reading glasses and unfolds the verdict, to find out how long the rest of his life is going to be.
This is the final chapter of this fic! The story continues in if my heart was a house. Thanks for reading, and I hope to see you there!
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kaylatoonz · 3 months ago
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This was originally a scrapped Movie Amy AU but I’m bringing it back for funzies.
I think this AU was inspired by strange things to some extent (which might be one of the reasons I scrapped it).
What if that farmer in Green Hills from the first movie took Amy in.. and failed to tell the Wachowski family?
There is not much known about the farmer from the first movie so I’m just gonna make stuff up🤷🏾‍♀️😋. Also don’t remember if the farmer had a name so I’ll call him Rob for now.
-Rob doesn’t always know when to ask for help or when to tell someone something important. It’s not that he doesn’t want any help or is incapable of saying things that need to be said. He just has horrible timing when it comes to these things. It was a thing that he was working at. Unfortunately for Rob fate was never on his side when it came to this habit evidently when a certain pink hedgehog found her way into his barn.
-Amy Rose is a hedgehog echidna hybrid who resided in Knuckles’ old tribe. She was born from a fortune teller hedgehog and a “traitorous“ echidna warrior. When the tribe learned of their comrade’s treachery both he and the hedgehog were deposed of. Amy would have met the same fate that day if it weren’t for the gift she inherited from her mother. So She was hidden by the chief and elders of the tribe to use for their own gain. Not many of the tribe members outside of the chief and the elders knew of Rose’s existence, though their whispers of her presence. Those whispers never held enough weight to investigate or challenge their respected leader or wise elders.
-Amy was mistreated and used by the tribe for most of her captivity until one of her fortune tellings led to the tribe’s end.
-When she finally realized her captors were no longer there she escaped to the outside world. For a while she fought, hid, and survived in the sometimes unforgiving worlds she traversed until she arrived in Rob’s barn.
-Since the pink hedgehog’s arrival, Rob has been trying to find the right time to tell Tom about her. Unfortunately, it was never the right time or place. First, it was cuz the Wachowski family was adjusting to Sonic then tails and knuckles, and then the shadow incident ( this AU is assuming Ames isn’t in 3). He just couldn’t bring himself to unload another situation on them while the fam was adjusting or handling new problems.
-Eventually, Rob does tell Tom but he unfortunately didn’t consider that it wasn’t the right time for Amy, Especially when a certain blue hedgehog overheard the conversation. Leading said hedgehog to excitedly rush over to the barn where an unprepared, skittish, and slightly feral pink hedgehog resided. Oops.
-Amy arrived a couple days after the events of the first movie.
-Knuckles was not aware of Amy’s existence, though he might’ve had an encounter with Rose in his youth that he suppressed.
-Due to her upbringing Amy is feral and very skittish. Despite being wary of newcomers she’ll fight if she feels backed in a corner or if she feels something/someone she cares for is being threatened. She’ll run or hide first then fight and defend if necessary. (Don’t worry this version of Amy still grows into the bubbly girly hothead that we all know and love. It’ll just take a while to get there).
- I’m not sure if I want it to be intentional or not that Amy led the echidnas and Longclaw to their demise. Either way, Amy would feel extremely guilty about her actions once it becomes clear what her final reading to the tribe had caused.
- Amy has most of the appearance of a hedgehog but she has red hands and feet, clawed knuckles, and a longer tail from her echidna side.
- Amy has central heterochromia.
- due to her hands and feet appearing like they're stained with blood she becomes self-conscious of these features. So she later wears gloves and boots to cover it.
-Rob or Sonic (maybe both) got Amy her first dress while Sonic made her a flower crown.
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karlachismylife · 5 months ago
Masochistic Kid With a Split Lip
CW: gn!sergeant!reader, descriptions of injuries and violence, brief descriptions of hospitals and medication, hurt/comfort.
(Title from Ren's song "Suic*de" , although I'm not sure the asterisk is by author's design. There is nothing about this theme in the fic itself!! Just a really good song with a fitting lyric.)
Also I wrote the fic first, then saw this art and it's kinda fitting. Beware, depiction of injuriess!! Go support the artist, it's beautiful work.
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Usually you didn't have a single complaint about staying on a sniper position, providing cover and watching the main action unfold through a well-tuned scope or a pair of binoculars. Keeping your head clear, hands steady and ready to shoot whenever an order came in or the situation demanded.
However, this meant a lot of things escaped your attention, only coming through the comms as a radio play - and as any radio play, it relied heavily on your own imagination painting the picture, often much more saturated and vivid than reality turned out to be whenever you were re-told the events by your fellow teammates.
Close combat and buildings infiltration stayed outside your sight. And you were content with not witnessing someone's heroics firsthand - up until today.
Today you cursed the order that held you in your place.
Now, looking at Soap's face, beaten to a pulp, blood literally gushing down like a full-water river from his split eyebrow and nose that got almost evened out into a flat surface - that must've been that horrifying wet crack you heard before his microphone got torn off and trampled - you could put every hit, groan and thud to a visual aftermath. Limping and nursing a hand with a wrist that should have never been able to take that angle, he hung off Ghost's shoulder like a flabby, ratted scrap of cloth, but even as his inhumanely bloodshot eye struggled to focus or simply stay open, he still looked at you and tried to grin, teeth painted red behind painfully stretching split lips.
You held his one good hand that didn't get shattered into pieces after being repeatedly stomped on all the way back to the base.
"Get some sleep. You look exhausted," told you your Captain, his big supportive hand squeezing your stiff shoulder. You tried to voice a protest, sitting upright in the uncomfortable chair across from the infirmary bed, where Soap was already out like a light on the generous painkillers cocktail, but Price shoot you a warning, stern glare and furrowed his brows. "That's an order, Sergeant. Soap's gonna sleep for hours straight, and he'll need ya fresh and awake by the time he comes back, not a barely coherent sleep-deprived mess. Take a shower. Grab a bite to eat. Drink a cuppa. Have some sleep."
"Go. I'll stay in case he wakes early, I'll shoot you a message." You nearly snapped your neck as you turned to the source of the gruff voice - how long had Ghost been standing there, arms crossed, hunched back supporting the bleak medical green wall, eyes with some black still clinging around even after a shower glued to what could barely be recognized as Johnny's face.
Leaving this little room reeking of hospital seemed terrifying, but arguing with both your superior officers was a losing game - especially when they were right.
You still could barely sleep, waking up twice to the phantom feeling of blood from a broken nose filling your sinuses and throat, thick, viscous irony mass preventing you from breathing. Your sheets sticked to the wet patch of cold sweat between your shoulderblades, heart racing as you tried to push away the invasive thought of Johnny silently choking on his own blood in a closed off medical wing.
Morning found you with a warm thermos of sweet black tea - liquid energy - clutched in hands hanging between your knees on the same chair you were banished from mere hours ago. Ghost left an hour later after you sat down and showed no intention to move, probably satisfied with the bare minimum of rest you took and unwilling to argue with you when your eyes had that crazed glint of desperation deep inside pulsing pupils.
The first sound Soap produced sent a shockwave down your spine, jolting your whole body and immediately forcing you close to his bedside with the power of a gravity field of the sun that Johnny was.
"Well, good morning to you too," you smiled at him weakly, gripping the healthy hand he outstretched towards you and bringing it to your lips. "You're still handsome, you know?"
"LT said Ah looked lik' shite yesterday, " his own smile was timid, small, constricted by the pain of fresh wounds - his pouty lips were a swollen mess with dried blood stuck in the deep cut in the middle. "Dinnae ken whom tae believe oot of ye two."
Even the softest chuckle, successfully elicited from you, made Johnny's eyes sparkle brighter - beaten or not, he still charged off other people's energy, and now you were grateful to your Captain and Lieutenant for the fact that you weren't an exhusted knot of naked wires ready to shortcircuit and burst into tears due to plain emotional exhaustion.
"So you'll take Simon's word over mine, huh?" An unsaid I'm glad you're alive and laughing fell onto the stale sheet, barely avoiding Johnny's fucked up hand, put together like a puzzle in the course of several hours yesterday. "I want to kiss you, you know."
"I wanntae kiss ye too, bonnie," he rasped, licking his dry, bruised lips and glancing at yours. "Doc didnae say we cannae, ye ken? Gonnae kiss me a'right and Ah'll be good as new, aye?"
"Are you sure I'm not gonna hurt you, sunshine?" Oh how tempting he was, even lying with a broken nose and stitches in random patches of skin - still victorious. Ye shoulda seen th' other guy, bonnie - he told you in his dazed state yesterday. Ghost chuckled darkly and muttered there wasn't anything left to see under his nose.
"Ah'm sure. C'mere, Ah missed ye." Johnny's good hand gripped you almost desperately, barely a shiver of pain in fingers weakened by huge doses of whatever they pumped into him to keep his shocked body stable. He tugged on your wrist insistently, and you gave in, leaning down carefully and timidly touching his lips with yours.
Of course it wouldn't do, it was Johnny you kissed.
He pressed his mouth into yours greedily, breath stuttering with a poorly muffled grunt - startled, you tried to pull away and check on him, stop causing him pain and soothe the wounds you disturbed, but he already cupped the back of your head, digging his fingers into your scalp harshly, and showed no intent of stopping.
"Mmph, Johnny, you're- hurt... mmh!"
No chance. Wincing and grunting like an old man with a broken back, Soap kept kissing you, giggling into your worried mouth like a little troublemaker.
You decided, you were going to tell Ghost.
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absurdthirst · 1 year ago
Kinktober 2023: October 7th
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Day 7: Anonymous Sex, Nonconsensual, Somnophilia
Tim Rockford x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1.8k
Warning: Sex clubs, offers of blowjobs, voyeurism, masturbation, anonymous sex, protected sex, riding, slight tit play
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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The case had sent him down a rabbit hole of sex, drugs, money and murder. Taking him to the seediest places in town and talking to some of the most disreputable types. Following lead after lead, casing any scrap of information down so he can put the criminal behind bars. 
The club had intrigued him. It scared him how much, although he had pretended to not be interested when scantily clad women jiggled their tits in front of him and asked him if he wanted a blow job. They weren’t hookers, he wasn’t going to bust them for solicitation. This was a sex club. 
Sitting hunched over his desk, Tim stubs out another cigarette and reaches for his pack. Last one. The smokey din of the office irritates his eyes, but he needs the nicotine. Or maybe he just needs to sleep. 
Not that he would get any. The case would be playing in his mind, over and over again, like a silent record on repeat as he subconsciously looks for any clue that he might have missed on first glance. It’s why he runs on stale coffee and bad bodega sandwiches. 
Lighting up the cool menthol cigarette, he takes a drag as he stares at the card propped up against his desk phone. He should have thrown it away, or refused it in the first place, but he had shoved it in his jacket pocket, telling himself he would never use it. It was a pass. A card for one visit without a membership. A test drive, as the owner had told him, the smirk on his face one that had made Tim shuffle uncomfortably. Like the guy could see through the detective’s professional exterior and  see what he had really wanted to do while he was asking routine questions. 
Sighing, he rolls his head, feeling his neck pop and lets out a quiet groan. The clock on the wall says that it’s too late to get anything decent to eat, and yet it was still too early for Tim to go pass out on his little bachelor apartment sofa. The bed was too big and lonely since Babs had left him. Or, more accurately, kicked him out. 
Flicking the ashes into the nearly overflowing tray, Tim puts the cigarette between his lips and picks up the card, looking at it carefully as if it were a clue itself. The shiny gold lettering is pretty, professional. Even if what is for wouldn’t be considered that in some circles. 
A test drive, a trial run in a sex club where the only thing that matters is that someone consent. Everything was apparently on the table if the other party was down. He had cleared his throat several times when he had walked by the glory hole stations, the prim suit and tie types on their knees with cocks in their mouths. Nothing wrong with it, especially since the best part of the club was that it was anonymous. No names, no faces. Everyone wears a mask. 
Jumping when the filter starts to burn his lips, Tim realizes he’s been staring at the card for so long the cigarette has completely burned down. Crushing it out and shaking his head as he licks his lips, the jolt to reality makes up his mind. Pushing away from his desk and standing straight, reaching for his jacket and tucking the card into his pants pocket. He’ll leave the badge and the gun in the car when he gets to the club. Tired of the idea of being alone, he wants to see what it’s like to experience it as a visitor, telling himself he might find another lead. 
It’s a nondescript building that looks even gloomier during the nighttime is now in front of him. The covered door mocking him and he heard the faintest sound of music. Wondering if they turn the music up to cover the moans and sometimes screams of the members. 
Once he’s inside, the card is taken away and he is shown to the locker room so he can strip down to nothing and put on the demi-mask that had been provided. Plenty of members brought their own, but there were plain black ones like the one provided. 
It’s jarring, slightly embarrassing to be naked except for a mask, but it’s also freeing. He can be whoever he wants tonight, do whatever he wants. Walking out of the room into the main area of the club, he can feel eyes on him. Assessing, perhaps speculating on who he is, or what he’s there for. 
You spot him from across the room. Lazily lounging as you rub your clit, watching the couple beside you as they pleasure each other with their mouths. Catching your attention as he adjusts his mask and then reaches down to adjust his hardening cock, only to remember that he wasn’t wearing any clothes to adjust. A newbie. 
You smirk as you pull your fingers away, sliding them into your mouth as you stand and your left hand slides along the woman’s hip and you tap it appreciatively as you move away and start to slowly walk up to the man as he looks out over the small weekday crowd. 
“Hey, handsome.” You watch as he turns towards you, apparently distracted as you walk up. Eyes widening behind the mask as he looks you up and down, shuffling his feet slightly and the fact that he is just as naked as you are means he can’t hide the way his cock twitches and bobs as he takes you in. “Me? Uh, I mean, hi.” 
Oh he’s sweet. You smirk slightly as you reach out and touch his arm. “Are you looking for something special or just taking it all in?” You ask, wondering what he thinks of this. He’s obviously here for the first time, and you want to guide him if you aren’t the person he would be interested in. 
“I don’t - I’ve never-” He shakes his head and gestures around. It’s endearing and you can see that he’s truly overwhelmed. 
“Do you want to fuck me?” You ask, giving him a simple question to answer, yes or no. 
“Yes.” His answer is rushed out, almost incredulous as if he couldn’t believe that you would even ask that question. 
“Perfect.” Your hand slides down to his and you take it to guide him towards the couches. “Do you want to be alone, or do you want others to watch?” 
HIs hand squeezes yours as he contemplates before he clears his throat. “Out here is good.” 
Leading him over to the black leather sofa, you urge him to sit down, moving to straddle him as he leans back. “So, is there anything that you really want?” You ask quietly. “Or do you just want to cum?” 
“I want you to cum too.” His hands are slightly unsure, light on your hips and he slides them up your back experimentally. “I - uh, regular sex I guess?” He gives a self deprecating laugh. “Do you - would you want to ride?” 
His cock is thick and gorgeous, laying trapped between his body and your cunt. The head of it mushroomed perfectly and you would love to suck it one day. “I would love to ride that cock, handsome.” You hum, leaning in to kiss his chin and then slowly work your way towards his mouth. Some have rules about not kissing and you don’t want to rush him if that’s not something that he would like. 
Instead of turning his head away, Tim turns into the kiss, desperate for the physical contact that he has been missing for such a long time. He doesn’t know your name, but it doesn’t matter right now when his lips are pressed against yours. 
When initial contact is broken, it never takes long to get to the sex. The bowls of condoms are on every table that isn’t occupied by a body. Always within read and you snag one even while the man’s tongue slips into your mouth to tear open. Doesn’t matter how handsome he is, you aren’t willing to risk your health. He groans when you take his cock, rolling the rubber down his length and pumping it a few times. 
You’re still kissing when you lift your hips, sliding his cock into position to sink down on it. Both of you moan as you take him deep into your body. Groaning when your ass touches his thighs and you circle your hips a few times experimentally. 
“Oh shit.” He pants, breaking off the kiss and starting to move his mouth down your neck and over your chest. 
He likes it, if the way that he’s twitching deep inside you is anything to go by. Both of you adjust to the feeling before you start to ride him. It’s slow to start, up and down and grinding down on him, squeezing him when you do. His hands start to become a little bolder. Racing over your spin and hips, squeezing your ass and then up to your breasts. 
That’s when you get a little quicker, bouncing on his cock. It’s such a good cock, you enjoy the way it stretches you out and fills you every time you fall onto it. Making you moan out wordlessly. It’s not like you have a name you can call out. 
“Oh fuck, it’s so- fuck, you’re so hot.” He starts to ramble right before he leans down and takes your nipple into his mouth. Making you whine since you love when attention is given to your tits. 
“So are you.” You pant out, enjoying how he is biting and sucking on your nipple, taking cues from your reactions and pulling away from things you don’t react as strongly as the other things you obviously like. “Fuck, I love your cock. It’s so thick.” 
He twitches inside you, groaning at the praise and he starts to rock his hips up to meet your thrusts. Both of you chase your pleasure with increasingly unbridled enthusiasm. 
You know people are watching, you enjoy the idea but your focus is on this stranger that is currently starting to rearrange your insides with every rough thrust up into you. Bracing his feet on the ground and using that leverage to make sure you feel every inch of him. 
“Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh fuck!” Your eyes blow wide behind the mask, body locking up in his arms as your cunt clenches down around him. Feeling the ultimate bliss as pleasure courses through you. Taking your breath away and making you collapse against his chest and press your lips to his. 
For him, apparently your orgasm triggers his own. Only thrusting into you, pulling your hips once more before he is groaning into your kiss. You feel the heat of the condom being filled inside you as he throbs deliciously against your wall while he rides out his orgasm. 
Catching your breath after a moment, you lean back and smile at him. “See you next time, handsome.” You hum, placing a soft kiss on his hips and lifting off his cock so you can make your way to the restroom to clean up. You have a feeling as you look over at your shoulder at his slumped, dazed posture, this man would be back. 
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cyanidas · 10 months ago
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🃏 Kokichi Ouma Age-up Timeline 🍇
Here, I've used his initial designs as inspiration! I like looking back at older designs cause for a lot of them, it's like watching them grow up!
Headcanons under cut (HUUUGE SPOILER WARNING FOR DRV3)
(Content Warning for child abuse, mental illness and disorder, self harm, generally dark and unsettling topics ahead)
First off, I'm firm in my take that Tsumugi was lying about everyone being fictional. There's a lot that doesn't match up, and the local V3 fandom celebrity responsible for the Amalgamate fic has helped me tremendously in solidifying my stance. I think they absolutely do belong to the DR universe, but the memories they get that aren't part of their backstory are completely fabricated.
If there's any additional input on V3 in Raincode, don't let me know because I haven't played yet ;w;
That said, there's many things I, like Kokichi, will refuse to clarify or elaborate on. His character demands mystery, and it would be a trivialization of his writing to just. lay it all out there. I think approaching his writing with the mindset of knowing the whole truth would be to bastardize his integrity and simplify him in a distasteful way - so all my headcanons here will be written and are intended to be seen as broad strokes as opposed to finely tuned detail.
I like to think of his past as muddy and confusing, even to him. There's not a lot he can remember clearly, and constantly confuses different takes on his memories. To me, it's clear that lying is a huge trauma thing to him - I would assume multiple sources would be responsible, like authority, family, and peers.
He's been lying as a means of survival, with multiple layers of how he feels about it - despite what he says, there's not actually one truth. Multiple truths exist for one single thing, and I think that mindset is something that scares him tremendously - he'd probably say that reality is just a lie you tell yourself, in order to justify trivializing and minimizing both feelings/emotion and trauma.
In his head, there's so much wrong with him that he can't even begin to unravel himself and understand everything that's happened to him, why he does what he does, why he feels what he feels... so on. He feels multiple things that often contradict each other, and he doesn't know how to understand that, so he often switches his justifications to suit whatever narrative he needs to cope.
In general, however, he claims he's just lying. There are in fact, genuine times he does actually lie... but rather than being a true compulsive liar, he is actually a compulsive method actor. He's so empathetic to everything and everyone, that he can easily switch his masking techniques to suit whatever he or others need, and does so involuntarily most of the time, though he does know how to "switch it on" purposefully.
In his earlier ages, he may have suffered from a guardianship similar to what those who have DID had gone through (not me projecting lol /hj). He's been bred and born into tragedy, not unlike Komaeda but absolutely distinct from him in that I do not believe this boy has had any good luck with anything in his life - not family, not friends, not money, nothing. I might even go so far as to assume that, similar to Yasuhiro having an unnaturally high good luck, Kokichi is suffering from unnaturally high bad luck.
I noticed that, on a lot of his designs, he seems to have always had *something* covering at least one of his hands - and even on his final design, though it could just be a design fluke or something weird with perspective I misunderstood, you can see the smallest scrap of fabric underneath his right sleeve that could be seen as another hand/wrist covering. When lined up with the other designs, it could very easily be taken as a wrist bandage - at least by my eyes. So, I (and a lot of others it seems, especially those who identify with him) have taken this to mean he may in fact be self-harming, and has been for a long while. Anyone who hyperfixates on this guy wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if that turned out to be true.
I think that age 11 is probably what Kokichi himself would think of as his 'turning point', just going off of my little chart here; something tremendously awful happened to him, then. To fuel speculation and abide by his character rules, all I'm going to definitively say is... he likely wouldn't even trust doctors with a needle, let alone his life.
So, the hardest year of any modern kid's life... 12 years old. In my family especially, it's the worst year you'll ever face, and my god was that true for me. So I think this year fits him for gaining his... as the creators put it, 'otherworldly' expressive nature. This is the year he completely stops putting effort into trying to understand the truth, and fully embraces the chaos that is his reality. He's fine!!!!!! :)))))
He mellows out around 15, and I like to think of this year as his cringe-fail-iest year to date. This motherfucker would likely be seen in Hot Topic, jamming to MCR, glomping his friends, verbally roleplaying, so forth. His phone signature is a series of kaomojis. Idk if there's a similar equivalent of being a cringe baby weeb for Japanese who are my age, so I'm really just basing this on my own experience of being 15 in 2011. But whatever the equivalent is, he is absolutely it. 15 year old Kokichi is current Kokichi's most embarrassing time ever.
However, it's also likely the age he started his talent's namesake - of becoming the Ultimate Supreme Leader. Which, I choose to believe is, much like Kokichi in general, both true and false. Same for his actual group, DICE. Both is good ;o)
Following his talent, he has a natural command to his voice that feels as though you're forced to hear him speak. No one can really talk over him unless their ability to do so demands it - say for example, Sonia, the SHSL Princess. Due to the nature of their talents, I think Sonia's voice and ability to command would absolutely trump Kokichi's. However, due to the aforementioned bad luck, people are compelled to not trust him - even if what he's saying is true. (Kokichi voice: oh pythia we're really in it now)
Also, you can't really tell because of all the scarring, but 15 and 19 are the ages where he stopped going outside so he's paler and paler, lol
And my last one, I love to imagine that due to his talent, he's actually intensely adept at fighting, especially dodging. In fact, I think he's even way smarter than he'd like to believe!
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real-jane · 2 years ago
new year, new steve
[steve rogers x f!reader]
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summary: a stranger kisses steve at a new year's party and it ignites something in him that he never lets himself have.
words: 4.5k
notes/warnings: smut, no use of y/n.
a/n: i'm back, baby! please enjoy one of the most unhinged things i've ever written. written especially for @fandoms-writings for her neon party! <3
The door banged against the wall. Steve turned around fast enough to see a panicked woman rush into the room and leap at him–arms akimbo, lips persistent… she kissed him. 
Steve loved kissing. He just didn’t do it very often. Not since his notoriety became a burden, and being attached to Captain America meant more attention than most women were willing to put up with when it came with questions like how’s it feel to suck America’s dick? shouted at you coming out of his apartment building. Natasha Romanov had never once seen an inkling of Steve’s private quarters, but she had come up with a ready answer for nosy paparazzo anyhow–“Patriotic. Now fuck off.” 
Steve liked women, but by nature of his role in the world, he never got within ten feet of a woman who might really know what the country’s preeminent ass looked like outta spandex or khakis.
But this woman clung to his lapels like his tux was made of crepe paper, and kissed him within an inch of his life, and… despite all his assertions to Nat that he wasn’t interested in dating, he sure slipped his fingers into the velvet of this woman’s dress like it was gonna melt in his palms.
“Shit–sorry, Cap–” a surprised man said behind them.
“We didn’t know!” another man piped up.
The woman pulled away enough that Steve could see her aghast expression, but his body shielded her from the view of the men. He cleared his throat, and nodded at her faintly, as if to say… I’ll take it from here.
“Now you know,” Steve said evenly. Lowly. It was the only way his voice would come out after being kissed like he was a CPR dummy in a high school health class. He turned around. 
“We were just talkin’--”
“I’d say she made it pretty clear she wasn’t interested. Or do you make a habit of ignoring basic social cues, such as–say–actively trying to get away from you? Because where I stand… that kinda behavior is about as low as a guy can get. Wouldn’t you agree?” Steve crossed his arms over his chest to keep his hands from shaking. The fury rising in him seemed to come from another time, another era of his life… when soldiers choked out excuses for pursuing the dancers from his USO act, when the suit he wore was sewn from what fabric could be scrapped together in the middle of a world war and not finely woven wool.
He knew the two men before him, but not well enough to have an established rapport. They were both SHIELD recruits from the Air Force who hadn’t been around long enough for Tony to coach the bravado out of them. 
“You’re still standing here, for what?” Steve asked. Neither men had moved an inch; instead, they were both flushed and at a loss for an explanation. The taller of the two looked angry, but not enough to test Steve’s patience. Which was for the best: when it came to bullies, Steve’s patience had been worn to the bone approximately eighty years prior. 
Steved nodded to the door. “You fellas are going home. Aren’t you?” It wasn’t optional.
The angrier man pressed his lips in a thin line and yanked his buddy out of the room by the elbow.
“Cap’s old lady–Jesus, Benny…” one of the men muttered to the other as they beat a hasty retreat back down the hallway, towards the lively sounds of the SHIELD New Year’s bash. The mahogany door shut forcefully, leaving Steve and his new acquaintance alone.
He turned back to the stranger who had kissed the life out of him, and she stepped back. Her hands rose to cover her mouth, and all the anger and frustration fled from his body.
“Shit–I’m sorry–”
“It’s okay,” he said quickly.
“No, I just… they were bothering me and I couldn’t find my sister, and I didn’t realize this place dead-ended back here… you’re–oh my god. I’m so sorry.”
Steve couldn’t help but smile as she dissolved into embarrassment. “No, don’t be. Not every day a lady kisses me for no reason. Well, I suppose you had one–but it doesn’t happen much. These days. So. Happy New Year to me.” He rocked back on his heels and stuffed his hands in his pockets to pretend nonchalance. The woman wasn’t someone he recognized from the roster of agents he worked with, but… she was beautiful. And so very soft and good at kissing. Too good, maybe. Was he even any good at it anymore? Steve didn’t know. 
“Not every day Captain America comes to my rescue, so.”
“I got carried away,” he cringed.
“Agree to disagree. Should’ve heard the shit they were saying out there.”
Steve thumbed at the door. “I can drag ‘em back here for another round–”
“Don’t waste your time. I think the tall guy pissed himself. I’m satisfied.”
Steve covered a smile with a light cough into his fist. 
“You’re hiding in here,” she said softly, less a judgment than an observation. 
Steve toed the ground. “I’m not a party guy. If this wasn’t the penthouse, I probably would’ve crawled out the window.”
“No… but you’re The Guy–”
“Yeah, well,” he sighed. “Hate being looked at.”
“Hate it,” she echoed with a gentle nod. “Looking at you is torture.”
He chuckled. “Sorry to offend, ma’am. Won’t happen again.”
“Nice lips, though.” 
They smiled at one another as if neither was really sure if the other was serious, or if they ought to play it off as a silly mistake. Instead… Steve spied a sideboard with a carafe of some kind of liquor and a set of crystal tumblers. He nodded to it and raised an eyebrow in silent offering. 
“A double?” she asked.
“How about I pour and you tell me when to stop,” he said, pulling the cork from the bottle. 
“Pour it the length of the kiss.”
He peered at her over his shoulder in surprise and something like… amusement, at her candor. But she was sheepish, and just as uncomfortable with reveling in something done in haste. She twisted her hands. Rather than prolong her torture (or his), he handed her over a glass (with a matching amount of whiskey to his own), and clinked them together.
“I know.” She sipped the whiskey and studied him over the rim of the glass.
“It is customary to provide your name in exchange, I believe.” He leaned against the large desk which occupied most of the center of the room.
“Everybody knows you.”
“Your sister works for SHIELD?” he pressed.
She sat in the chair at his knee, crossing her own, which allowed her hem to creep up her leg. Steve definitely didn’t choke on whiskey over a peek of ink on her thigh. 
“We’re not related. Just—my friend didn’t want to come alone so it was the only way to get me on the list. We don’t even look alike, but it worked.”
“These events are a minefield, especially solo. As our two friends demonstrated.”
“No date?”
Steve shook his head. “Not a lot of women lining up to do the song and dance.”
“Which is…?”
“Shaking hands. Kissing babies.”
“Being good enough for Captain America,” she murmured. Her brow furrowed as she studied him. 
“I’m just a guy,” he chuckled. “Put my pants on one leg at a time.”
“Huh. Who’d have thought? I can’t get a bite on any dating app because I don’t hike or take soul-searching trips for enlightenment, and Steve Rogers can’t get a date because he’s too famous.”
“Pathetic,” he said, but it made her throw her head back and laugh warmly. He felt his cheeks flush.
“I’m hungry,” she said, “want to brave the buffet line for some scraps?”
“There’s a new food truck set to arrive every hour on the hour, so. Probably still more than enough for two.”
“Can you bear being seen with me?” 
His head snapped up again at the thought of making her worry, but her face was sanguine. “Be my date?” He countered.
The pleased moue of her lips said it all. Except— “don’t usually kiss a guy until the third date.”
“All the more reason.”
“And… then what?”
Steve shrugged and cleared his throat. “I don’t know.”
“Hmm. Okay.”
“You might want to, um. Adjust yourself. First.”
“I was really hoping you wouldn’t notice,” Steve cringed. His dick was straining in his briefs like he was fresh outta cryosleep seeing a woman for the first time in eighty years.
“I mean. If you wanna walk out into that party like that—“
“No, that’s good, keep it up; the embarrassment will make it go down,” he said, turning his back to her in mortification.
“I’m sorry,” she said quickly, “I’m nervous.”
“You, sweetheart?” Steve huffed, downing the rest of his whiskey. “You got me on the verge of making a fool of myself. I don’t know your name, but my dignity just doesn’t seem to care.”
“You must think I’m desperate,” she said softly. 
Steve shook his head. “Such a thought from me at this moment might be hypocritical.”
Her mouth twisted like she was trying not to laugh, but she looked mortified.
“I’m gonna go. Out there. I’ll meet you. Um. You’re—I haven’t had enough booze to be saying this. You’re uh, a good kisser, Steve Rogers.”
“Love to do it again sometime,” he murmured, once he was alone in the room again. Still didn’t know her name, but he sure as hell was going to follow her to figure it out. Once his trigger-happy awareness cooled down. As long as he didn’t dwell on how good it felt to grasp her waist, to feel her surprised huff of a breath against his mouth when he returned her first kiss, or how good she smelled, or the curve of her calf when she crossed her legs, or… or… or anything. Think of this nameless succubus like an amorphous blob, and not like someone who seemed to map herself to his chest like she was as tailor-made to fit him as his suit.
Which… Steve didn’t remember the last time he let himself indulge in a woman. Maybe he was starved for touch, or some such thing. Regardless, he had to get out of that office, and she was a pretty enticing reason to do so. And everyone at that party had signed an NDA at the door, so he could let himself loose a little. Maybe undo the top button of his shirt. Go wild.
He downed the rest of his drink and hastened out of the haven of Tony’s office.
The hallway was blessedly deserted. Twenty strides to the mouth of the beast, and leaning against the wall on the verge of being swallowed by the throng… a familiar woman waited. He admired her figure, the way she was soft and soft and soft, and–Steve sighed. At that rate, he’d walk into a crowd with dick a-waving, and all for this woman whose name he didn’t know. He calmed his breathing and stepped up beside her. Without peering at her, he brushed his knuckles against the hand which hung at her side. She jumped, and then looped her fingertips with his. Loosely, so he’d have to be diligent about staying beside her if he wanted to keep holding on to her. 
Steve couldn’t think of many things he wanted more than that. 
Someone did catch his eye from across the room, and Steve couldn’t stop what followed. 
“Enjoying the party, Rogers?” Tony patted his shoulder harder than necessary and smiled too brightly at the woman on his arm.
“You know I love your parties.”
“He’s a terrible liar,” Tony mock-whispered to the woman.
“One of his better qualities, I think,” she replied with a tone that made Steve squeeze her fingers to… what, warn her? Stop saying nice things about me, it’s torture! She squeezed back. “I heard talk of a Cubano truck. I hope you aren’t going to let me down, Mr. Stark.”
“Cubanos await you in the front drive, along with just about any cuisine you can think of, other than the pierogis. Gone in ten minutes! I blame Banner. ‘M Tony, by the way,” he said, offering a hand. 
“I know,” she laughed, shaking his hand.
“And you are?”
“You gotta earn it. C’mon, Rogers.” She tugged Steve towards the elevator.
Once they were alone in the lift, Steve wiggled his fingers further into her grasp. She looked up at him. “I haven’t earned it, huh?” he murmured.
“Oh you have. I just like to see you squirm.” Her eyes glinted in amusement. 
Steve straightened so he loomed over her, but she lifted her chin defiantly. And then she leaned against the corner of the lift, and pulled his hand until he shadowed her from the ambient elevator lighting. But it was Steve who felt cornered. By the sweet smile on her lips, and the tug of the plush pink softness between her teeth as she watched the wheels turn in his head, and by his own desperate desire to hold a woman again, to be touched and teased–they were sharing air when he came to, a breath passing between them like it was the last air on earth, and he studied her irises… how her pupils dilated, and slyness dropped from her expression to reveal something like curiosity. She tilted her head as if to say ‘what’s wrong?’ Steve shook his head on floor fifteen, and leaned in on fourteen, and kissed her on thirteen. And twelve. And on down, but never once letting his hands do more than squeeze hers. She was peachy, and sweet like the whiskey they had shared.
She gasped when he ground himself against her, and raised their joined hands to her sides. She arched into the warmth of his fingers. Nipples pebbled. Steve couldn’t decide whether to map her body with his hands or his lips, so he chose both–nipping at the soft skin of her neck and teasing one strap of her dress over the curve of her shoulder until it slid of its own volition. God love a woman, he thought. This one, with her breast exposed to the chilled air and heat of his breath. He wouldn’t let goosebumps go unkissed, or nipples for that matter. The moan at the back of her throat when he fastened his lips around her nipple was his triumph. How much more could he find victory in her pleasure? Was there a limit to such things?
“Kiss me again?” she pleaded. Steve cupped her cheeks like an apology. The drag of her tongue against the seam of his mouth had him cursing inwardly, in language he’d never let himself utter out loud. He wanted to fuck her, but if all he could do for her was kiss her sweet mouth, that might be enough. He’d wrap a hand around his dick driving home, he could take care of himself and not put that pressure on her. She didn’t have to do a thing more than kiss him, but he wanted her to. If she wanted to. If she wanted him, too.
She smiled against his lips when the elevator dinged at their destination. Steve groaned. 
“I–there’s no excuse, I’m so sorry,” he began, but she stopped his words with gentle fingers over his lips.
“Please tell me you’re not drunk,” she whispered, straightening her dress to conceal her body, much to his chagrin.
He chuckled. “Only drink I've had tonight I shared with you, sweetheart.”
“Not one woman in your life?”
Steve shook his head. His answer seemed to satisfy her greatly, if her grin was any indication. She pulled him through the lobby, but on the front drive (despite the fact that the sidewalk was choc-full of agents and party-goers making food selections from a cadre of trucks and mingling), Steve looped her hand through his arm and made a choice. 
She kept stride with him. Away from the party, through the lot, to the over-fancy car Natasha had talked him into buying. She leaned against the passenger door, preventing him from opening it. 
“What do you want?” she whispered. “Hm?” Steve looked down at his shoes sheepishly, but she touched his cheek. “You don’t need to be embarrassed, I–I hope it’s obvious that I want you, Steve. We could go to mine. Nobody even has to know, honestly. I won’t tell. I mean, I’ll tell myself sometimes, but I won’t believe me.”
He chuckled, and then shook his head. “We’ll go to my place.”
Her eyebrows shot up. “Yeah?”
“Yes. What about your friend?”
“I’ll text her.” She whipped a phone from god-knows-where and shot off a quick text. When she looked up at him again, she was flushed. “I don’t do this–”
“Me neither.”
“You don’t even know my name.”
“About that…” Steve levels his eyes with hers. “I gotta know what name I’m supposed to use.”
“Oh? You a talker?”
“A woman gives me the honor of touching her, I’ve got an obligation to a little veneration.”
“Only if you give me your name,” Steve murmured against her neck, making her shiver. 
“Then you’ll fuck me?”
“I’ll fuck you.” 
“Cap’s got a dirty mouth, huh?”
Steve cringed. “Please–if you wanna fuck Captain America, then I can’t do this–”
“No, no.” She grasped his lapels so he wouldn’t step away. “It’s not like that. You’re Steve to me. Okay? I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m–shit, sweetheart. People are going to give you so much guff.”
“Who’s ‘people’?”
“Anybody who knows. I don’t wanna hide you, but you gotta know that. There’s usually a paparazzo outside my apartment, and we’re just asking for a billion stories about ‘Cap’s New Girlfriend’, blah blah blah. You’ll have people dogging you about it–”
Steve blinked. She smiled at him softly.
“You done thinking of reasons why I shouldn’t want you? Because I’m feeling a little jerked around, here–”
“‘M done,” he said. “I just. Want you to know.” She sought the buttons of his coat and undid them so she could snake her hands inside. Steve stepped into the embrace. 
“I’ve seen what you do to bullies, Rogers. I’m not afraid.”
Steve opened the back passenger door and kept eye contact with her as he slid inside. It took her a split second to follow. The moment the door shut behind her, he hit the lock and tossed the keys somewhere and pulled her to straddle him. She nipped his ear lobe and then whispered her name in his ear. Steve rolled the letters around on his tongue and found it most satisfying to see the way her eyes fluttered as he repeated it back to her. And again when he pressed her hips to his.
“N-nice car.”
“I just bought it,” he muttered.
“Happy to help you christen it.”
“Panties off.”
He regretted that it was too dark to see the color of the panties that she shimmied to the floor, but he had every intention of offering her his laundry if they ever made it to his place, so he was confident he’d get to enjoy them on and off her body more than once, god willing. Steve forgot what it was like to slip his fingers between a woman’s thighs and find her wet, and warm–he cursed himself for depriving himself of such things as this beautiful woman shuddered at his touch. Her bundle of nerves swelled as he worried it with gentle circles, and he was in heaven.
“You’re so beautiful, sweetheart. So wet–I’d have no problem working my dick into you and I’ve barely touched you.”
“Kissing–god, kissing makes me so fucking wet,” she breathed. “And you did suck on my nipple in the elevator. You an exhibitionist, Rogers?”
“Maybe I am. Should I roll down the windows so everybody can see you come?”
“I want your fingers. Finger me.”
“I don’t know, you didn’t answer my question.”
“Ugh–crack the windows.”
“You want them to see you.”
“I want you to make me come so hard that I might give us away.”
“Fucking hell, woman.” Steve unzipped his pants in haste. “Roll them down how much you want them, then I’ll make you come.”
As she leaned over to the passenger side window, Steve rucked her skirt up over her hips and moved behind her so her face was inches from the glass. “What’s wrong?” he asked, but his hands made quick work of touching her exactly how he had been dying to since she first kissed him. He sank one finger into her heat as she depressed the window a few inches. 
“Someone might see,” she moaned breathlessly, sitting back to fuck herself on his meaty finger. 
“I hope they do. You’re a goddess.” He stroked her until she was turned on enough to take a second finger, and then he poised her to take them–but only if she sat on them. She worked herself down slowly, head thrown back. Her mouth was open but all coherent words fled from her tongue. Steve yanked her straps off and exposed her breasts. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful.”
“Fuck me, please, please–”
“Soak my hand, sweetheart.” He pushed her shoulders so she had to brace herself on the door. He thrust his fingers into her pussy, taking great care not to touch her clit to prolong her climax. She whined.
“Ruin my suit. Come on. You’re squeezing me like a vice, I know you wanna come.”
“Can’t, can’t.”
“Listen to me. You can.”
“Touch my clit.”
“What do you say?”
“Please?” she breathed.
Steve crowded behind her, pushing his hips against his hand to fuck her harder into his fingers, and then he found the swollen clit again, begging to be touched. Her orgasm hit like a wave; her head fell back against his shoulder, and she keened. Loud enough to be heard from outside, and like it came from guttural pleasure. Steve reveled in the rush of cum which flooded his hand and soaked his cuff. He pressed the window button down again, releasing the glass a few more inches. Their position was shielded by a cadre of SUV’s, but if someone came for the black car beside them, they’d see her tits flushed with a sheen of sweat while she heaved with breaths of relief. Steve flicked her nipple with his free hand and she jolted, but she grinned up at him. 
“Too tired to take my dick?” he growled in her ear. She shook her head.
“Wanna see you,” she said. 
Steve helped her turn to face him, not bothering to wipe his hand or bother with any such thing. How could he think of such things when her soft hands had crept inside his waistband to cup him through his briefs? He rolled his hips as she stroked him through the fabric.
“You’re beautiful.” She bit her lip. “I need you.” She pushed him until he sat back against the seat, and tapped his hip so he’d lift up enough to let her strip his pants down to his ankles. For just a moment, Steve floated out of his body to watch from above as the gorgeous woman who had just come all over his fingers released his dick from his underwear and rubbed his tip between her folds. How lucky–the thought dissipated. She sank down, taking him slowly to savor the stretch. 
Steve blanched. “Fuck–condom–”
“Don’t need it. Birth control.” She rolled her hips and Steve saw stars. It occurred to him how long it had been since he’d felt a woman’s warmth around his dick, but this one was velvet and he didn’t care if he never fucked another woman again. But maybe he could fuck this woman a few more times. Or a lot more. 
“Oh my god, don’t… I’ll come too fast–”
“My bad,” she giggled. She fully seated herself over him and clasped her hands behind his neck with an innocent smile. “Wouldn’t want you to come, would we?” Steve glared at her.
“You think you’re so cute,” he grumbled, nipping her bottom lip.
“Big talk, I can feel you twitching inside me like you wanna come right this second.”
“Keep it up and I might not let you outta my bed for a week.”
She contracted her inner muscles and Steve bit his lip. “You asked for it. Gonna have to fuck that sass right out of you.”
“You can try, big guy.” She rolled her hips and impaled herself on him, riding him hard. She didn’t seem to care if all the world heard them, or saw her, or if he came in three seconds–and for his part, Steve didn’t see a downside. He curled his fingers into her hips and gave her back as good as she gave him. It was fucking, most certainly, but it also felt like time had ceased to tick since he felt her lips touch his for the first time. Maybe the new year wouldn’t come until he did, he thought, but boy if he wasn’t on the verge.
“It’s okay,” she whispered, slowly canting her hips. “You’re allowed to give in.”
“Am I?” His eyes searched her soft gaze, and she nodded. “I don’t get these things, sweetheart.”
“Says who? Who’s been lying to you? You don’t get to be fucked silly in the back of a car like a teenager?” She smiled. “You of all people.”
“Is that what you’re doing?” Steve touched her cheek, almost like he didn’t mean to, but he felt suddenly bashful.
“I’m gonna fuck every doubt outta your head.”
She made good on that promise. When he came, he saw pure light behind his eyelids, like heat through his eyelids on a sunny morning. With every contraction of her inner muscles, he thrust up into her, even though he had nothing left to give. Her second orgasm was his final triumph. Her nails clasped his shoulders, and she moaned into his mouth, and Steve rubbed her clit until she couldn’t take any more. When her fingers found his wrist to pull his hand away, she linked their fingers. They breathed the same air again, foreheads pressed together, and both of them smiled.
“What am I going to tell the dry cleaner?” he murmured.
She laughed, head thrown back in delight. She rolled the window back up and kissed him sweetly. Nobody saw them, that they knew of, and nobody could hear them over the countdown to the New Year, but that didn’t mean that it wasn’t the sexiest moment of his very long life.
Some days or weeks later, when time began to tick again, Steve emerged from his apartment one morning with a woman on his arm. They both wore sunglasses, and they didn’t shy away from smiling at one another like they shared a secret. As promised, there was a paparazzo waiting with indiscreet flashes and even raunchier questions for the woman, but she paused to pose with Steve so the man could get a good photo of them. Then, she dragged her glasses down her nose.
“America can fight me for his dick,” she said brightly to the reporter. Steve shook his head, but he laughed and followed his girlfriend to the car. Try as he might, he just couldn’t fuck the sass out of her.
Sure was fun trying, though.
thanks for reading!
my masterlist - my marvel masterlist
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buttermander · 6 months ago
Buttermander's Craft Sibling Headcanon Masterpost
Goob and Scraps are two of my fav toons and now I'm going to unleash my headcanons so everyone can use them.
Goob's fur will stand on end if you startle or or scare him. It looks ridiculous to behold
When she was first made Scraps had a habit of investigating random inanimate objects around Gardenview by clawing them
If presented with cardboard boxes the craft siblings will attempt to fit themselves into them due to instincts they claim they cannot control.
Scraps enjoys all sorts of arts and crafts projects in her spare time, although having claws means she has to be extremely careful to not tear things up on accident.
Given that goob's hands seem too heavy for him and his arms are literal cables, it is likely Deliliah Keen had to get specially made artifical arms for the craft
Goob originally spent several weeks with no arms after he was made until he was considered healthy enough to get the custom set attached to his body.
Adding onto the previous Headcanon Shelly gave Goob the nickname " G. Rex " during this time.
Goob and Scraps cannot resist the call of the ALMIGHTY RED DOT ( a laser pointer )
Both of the craft siblings are capable of purring when happy and it's adorable.
Scraps has to ensure her brother doesn't ingest too much caffeine in one sitting or else he will go nuts and his arms will get caught in everything in his warpath.
Trace amounts of DNA of actual house cats were used in the creation process of the siblings. Goob lacks a tail due to the Manx breed being his genetic source. Scraps meanwhile, has the genetic material component of a Domestic Shorthair. Only around 15 percent cat DNA makes up the crafts.
Without regular maintenance the craft siblings' claws can become " deadly weapons "
Goob and Pebble actually get along pretty well since the rock dog knows he can get a lot of attention from the younger of the two siblings
Goob used to have biting related issues that got worked out with time
Shrimpo can only really mess with Goob when Scraps is occupied because if he tries it she WILL claw his face.
Goob's fur has historically been a nightmare to maintain. Its required weekly brushing and he constantly ends up getting crumbs caught on his own fluff, especially in the large tuft around his neck.
Scraps' tail will wag around at hyper speed if she's really excited about something, the paper cup will make a lot of noise if she's standing near something by while doing this.
The siblings really enjoy the taste of fish, when Gardenview was still open sometimes they were caught raiding the freezer for an entire box of fish sticks.
Scraps has an entire hidden stash of yarn balls in the siblings' shared room, even if you manage to clear out her side of the room it's going to be covered in yarn again in a matter of minutes.
If you want more headcanons tell me what toon I should do next in the replies, I got some fun ones lying around. I just started with these two because they're my favorites. Also let me know which of my headcanons are your favorites I wanna know which ones the public likes the most.
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fandom-imagines-stories · 2 years ago
Grains of Sand
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Season Two Episode Four
Dr. Spencer Reid x Reader (Aaron Hotchner’s Sister)
Words: 4039
Series Masterlist
Summary: The team drums up ideas to help Spencer and Y/N celebrate their one-year anniversary.
Notes: Oh my god, I can’t believe I accidentally skipped this episode! No wonder my numbers were off. Anyway, this is the actual episode four. I’m so sorry! I promise, I’m really trying to give you guys some fluff this season, but there’s just so much angst haha. 
Warnings: Mild sexual content, alcholism 
You were getting better. Each day, Spence noticed that you smiled a little more than the last, you laughed more, and you resembled the woman he met again. He was right. 
You were the strong one. 
“What are you working on?” He asked, pouring you both your morning coffee. You had your nose in a file, hand scribbling away in your notebook.
“I’m putting together a possible study,” you said. 
“Oh?” He set your mug in front of you and kissed your temple before taking the seat across the table. 
“It’s just an idea,” you shrugged. “I’ll tell you about it when I figure out a little more.” 
“Oh.” He tried not to sound too dejected. You usually couldn’t wait to share your projects with him. 
You put your notes aside and gave him a bright smile. “So, there’s a classic horror marathon on TV this weekend and I was thinking- fingers crossed you’re here- that we can make a big deal out of it. We can get cheap Halloween candy, stay in our pajamas, and have a cozy, creepy weekend all to ourselves.”
Spence grinned. Having already made his own plans for the weekend, this was a good cover to make sure his stayed a surprise. Plus, he was always up for classic monster movies, especially with you. 
You always laughed when he did the voices along with the actors. Everyone else thought it was weird. 
Now he just needed the time to actually plan his plans. With absolutely no idea where to start. No big deal. 
Spencer got up to clear the table and you slurped down the rest of your coffee. 
“I’ll get it,” you blurted, hurriedly grabbing his plate and yours and walking over to the trash. You dumped the food scraps and used napkins on top of the empty bottle at the bottom of the bag. 
That was close.
You made a mental note to take it out as soon as he left for work. 
Spence noted your odd reaction, but decided not to say anything about it. He checked his watch and finished his coffee. 
“I have to get going, but maybe we can get lunch?”
“Actually, I’m getting lunch with JJ today,” you said, making your way back to the table to give him a kiss. “How about I bring you coffee in the afternoon, hm? Sonia wants to meet with SES Strauss anyway, so I can stop by her office and set up a meeting.” 
“She lets you do that?” He asked, surprised. To be completely honest, he had always been just a little afraid of the Section Chief. 
You snickered. “I’m pretty sure she likes me more than my brother, so I should be fine.”
“Strauss really doesn’t seem to like him, does she?” He chuckled and shook his head. You watched him as he left, keeping a sunny grin on your face until the door closed behind him. You fell against the table, face in your hands and shoulders slumped. 
Two weeks had passed since Colorado. Two weeks of splitting yourself in half. One side smiled and laughed and planned fun date weekends. The side that was genuinely getting better. The side that felt normal again. Then there was the other half- the empty one that could only be filled by that numbing liquid. The side that had to suffer in order for the other to recover, like your own personal Omelas. 
But if it meant keeping Spencer and Aaron from worrying- on top of everything else in their lives- then it was worth it. Spence was already dealing with so much after what happened with Ben Cyrus, you couldn’t stand being an added thing. So you learned how to keep the two sides separate, which was exhausting, but in the span of everything, what harm could a few nights a week really do? 
You took a moment to collect yourself and walked to your desk. The little table calendar was decorated with little ghosts and pumpkins that Spencer drew and every time you saw it, you couldn’t help but grin. This year, Halloween meant more than just a holiday of spooks and treats. 
In just over a week it would be you and Spencer’s one year anniversary. 
And that was reason enough to put on a smile. 
Reid had an unusual pep coming into the office that morning and it did not go unnoticed. Morgan watched him set his bag down and then rush off to Garcia’s office with this goofy glow on his face. 
“What’s that about?” Prentiss asked. While the injuries on her face were barely visible, Reid still had a hard time looking her in the eye since they got back. Seeing him excited made her heart happy. 
Morgan stood up with a curious smirk. “I’m gonna go find out.” 
Garcia was setting a new knick knack on her desk when the sweet genius knocked on her door. 
“Vault of the All Knowing, you may enter,” she proclaimed. 
Reid stepped in tentatively, “Hey Garcia,” he said, “you consider yourself to be a romantic, right?” 
She spun around so quickly she almost fell out of her chair. “Are you asking me for love advice?” 
The wild excitement in her eyes was enough to frighten him a little. “Yes?” 
Garcia squealed. “Oh my God, come in, sit down. I have been preparing for this.” She pulled two mugs out from a drawer. “What kind of tea do you like?”
“I really don’t need any-”
“Do you want my help?” She snipped. He nodded, wide eyed. “Then we are doing this the right way.” She picked out two bags and sashayed out to get some hot water. Reid sat awkwardly and waited, toying with one of Garcia’s desk-pets. 
“I am hurt.” The voice from the doorway made him jump. Reid whirled around and felt an embarrassed blush rush to his face as he saw Morgan’s smug grin. “I am deeply offended that you would go to Garcia for advice with the ladies and not me. Sorry, lady. Singular.” 
“It’s not really that I need advice, I just-” 
It was too late. Morgan took the chair across from him. Garcia returned. 
“Yay, now it’s a party,” she beamed, handing Reid the mugful of earl gray. “Okay, ask away my beautiful, brilliant friend.”
The room fell into silence. Reid shrunk under the stares of the two agents before him and nervously sipped the warm tea. 
“I-um- I was just hoping you would have some ideas to help me with- uh-” He stammered. “Okay, I need you both to stop looking at me like you’re my parents and I’m going on my first date.” 
“Alright then, Lover Boy, what do you need help with?” 
Garcia smacked Morgan’s arm. “This is why you weren’t invited.” 
“I’m just trying to get this moving,” he said. “He clearly needs help with something.” 
“Our anniversary is coming up,” Reid finally blurted. The two bickering friends turned back to him. “And I need help figuring out what to do. I don’t really know how to be… romantic, I guess.”
They looked at him, then at each other, then back at him and wide grins spread across their faces. 
“A year already, huh?” Morgan asked.
“That is so sweet!” Garcia cheered. She clapped her hands together. “Oh, there’s so many possibilities. Okay, brainstorm. What are the things that make you think of Y/N?”
Reid answered with little need to think. “Books. Coffee. Research. Homicide. Criminal Psychology. ABBA.”  
“Whoa, slow down, sweetie.”
Morgan held up a hand. “Hold up,” he leaned forward on his elbows. “ABBA?” 
Reid took another sip and shrugged. “She used to put them on and dance around the apartment when she thought I wasn’t home. Now she sometimes gets me to dance with her. It’s actually pretty fun. ABBA’s upbeat tempo and lyrics are quite nice for stress dancing. Plus, it’s really cute when Y/N sings along.” 
He smiled into his mug and Garcia put a hand on her chest, her lower lip jutting out in a pout. 
“That is adorable.” 
Reid set the mug down and let his hands fall helplessly to his lap. “But I still don’t know what to do to make this day special. I mean, so much has happened, and with everything that happened in Colorado, I think she’s been trying really hard to make everything feel normal and I want to do something that would mean a lot.” 
“I think you’re selling yourself a little short, Reid,” Morgan said. “You took the woman to London less than a month ago. That was romantic, right?” 
Reid’s blush returned, his mind conjuring images and feelings of you and nights spent not sleeping. Sheets and skin and sighs…
 He rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah.”
Morgan smirked, sensing the younger agent’s shift in thought. “See? You know what you’re doing. You just have to get out of your head to do it, you know?”
“Follow your heart,” Garcia added. 
Spencer took this in and felt a flurry of ideas pop up in the back of his mind. It wasn’t much, but it might be something to go off of. He stood and smiled. 
“Thanks guys.” 
He bounded out the door with new determination, leaving the other two to sit in satisfied silence. 
Morgan chuckled. “They grow up so fast.” 
The waitress filled your waters and you gazed over the menu. 
JJ wrinkled her nose. “I don’t think I can actually stomach any of this.” She laughed lightly and put the menu aside, committing to her drink instead. “Thanks for being able to do this, by the way. I feel like I haven’t seen you at all lately.” 
“Are you kidding? Your schedule is busier than mine. I’m always happy to see you guys. I barely see the one I live with as it is,” you said. After ordering, you both talked about work and the London trip and other things you’d been meaning to catch up on. “You’re due in just a couple of weeks, right?” 
She nodded. “Yes, and then this will finally be over!” She laid a hand on her middle, laughing. “I gotta say, as excited as I am to have this baby, I’m just as excited to not throw up and waddle and cry from hormones all the time.” 
The both of you snickered for a moment and you looked down at your silverware, twisting your fork back and forth on the table. JJ read you like a book. 
“You and Spence’s anniversary is next week right?” She asked. 
You perked up again. “Yeah. October 30th. It’s kinda crazy to think it’s been a year. I mean… so much has happened.” 
“You two have been through a lot together, that’s for sure,” she said. “But I’ve never seen him happier.” Another few quiet moments passed. JJ watched your gaze dart between her belly and her face, and each time you would take another long gulp of water. There was something in your eyes that she recognized. “Have you thought about it?” 
“Hmm?” You snapped back to the table, having been lost in your thoughts. 
“Have you ever thought about having kids?” She wondered. “If you don’t mind me asking.” 
“No, I don’t mind.” You took another drink. “If I’m being honest, I never have before. When the things that happened to me happen, I don’t know, it doesn’t exactly fuel a maternal drive. Plus the only serious relationship I had after that, the guy twice my age and using me. No, I’ve never really seen myself as a mother.” You got that look in your eye again. A kind of dreaminess. Hope. “But Spence would be such a great dad, wouldn’t he?” 
JJ smiled, but there was almost a sadness in her eyes. A kind of sympathy that you didn’t understand the origin of. But she could tell how heart broken you were at the thought of never being good enough to be a mom because of your past. She wanted to tell you that you would both make great parents, that any kid would be lucky to have you for a mother. But she knew that now wasn’t the right moment. 
“Yeah,” she agreed. “That kid would have the best bedtime stories.” 
Both of you hardly touched your food and Jennifer picked up on other little things throughout the meal. She may not be a profiler, but she could tell that you were on edge, but doing a damn good job of hiding it. Maybe it was nerves about your anniversary or still recovering from Spence almost getting killed in Colorado, but something was definitely up. She just hoped her bringing up having kids hadn’t upset you. 
“We should probably get going,” you said, forcing yourself to have a few more bites despite not being hungry. “I told Spence I’d bring him some coffee this afternoon when I go to talk to Strauss.” 
“You should stop by your brother’s too,” JJ suggested. “I know he would love to see you.” 
“Are we talking about the same Aaron?” You chuckled. While progress had been made concerning your odd connections to his job, he still always seemed very uncomfortable to see you at the BAU. Besides, you still had reason for keeping off your big brother’s radar. “I’ll see you in a bit, I guess?”
She smiled and nodded, wanting to say more but knowing how. Jennifer watched you walk away with an ache in her chest. There was something wrong- something you were desperately trying to hide- but she just didn’t know what.
“Well look who’s decided to grace us with her presence,” Morgan said, getting up from his desk to hug you. 
“It’s good to see you too, Derek,” you laughed, stretching out your arm so the cupholder full of coffee cups wouldn’t fall. “And, I bring gifts.” 
“Oh my god, you’re an angel,” Emily exclaimed, taking her coffee with a grin. 
Derek patted your shoulder. “Professor Hot Stuff strikes again.” He spoke pointedly at Reid, chuckling at the jealous tint in the younger agent’s cheeks. It was all brotherly fun, of course.They both knew that Derek would never cross that line- he only saw you as a good friend. But it was good for the team’s genius to get his blood boiling every once in a while. 
You set a cup on Spencer’s desk and ran a hand through his hair. He gave you a small smile, putting a hand on the small of your back as he set his paperwork aside. 
“How was lunch?” 
You thought of your conversation with JJ and couldn’t help the creeping images of Spence with some little boy or girl, reading to them before bed and helping with their math homework. You pushed the thoughts aside. 
“Good,” you said. “I’ve been craving a little girl-talk.” 
“Which is why we have plans to get coffee next week,” Emily chimed. 
Derek held up his hand. “Alright, now I just feel left out.” 
“From what I hear you get plenty of company,” you teased. His jaw dropped in mock offense. Spencer had to cover his mouth to keep from laughing too loud. “Don’t worry, Muscle Man, I’m sure I can work you into my busy schedule sometime.” 
The four of you conversed merrily for a while before a looming, serious presence appeared over the bullpen. You gave your brother a wide, hiding smile. 
“Aaron, hey. I brought coffee.” You held up the last cup as a peace offering. 
“Hey,” he said. He didn't seem angry or annoyed. He seemed genuinely glad to see you. Still, you knew how to recognize the concern in his gaze. “Can I talk to you for a second?”
You gulped. “Actually, I’m here to see SES Strauss for my boss-”
“It’ll just take a second.” 
Any more resistance would raise questions so you just agreed with a shrug. You gave Spence a parting smile and walked up to Aaron’s office. With every step, you evaluated all of your motions, every tell he would be able to catch. 
“You know, you should really work on your entrance,” you joked as he closed the door. “I mean, every time I’m here, you just appear like the Phantom of the Opera-”
“Why are you avoiding me?” He interrupted. 
Your brows drew together to imitate confusion. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“You haven’t taken my calls, you’ve canceled dinner plans twice, and you stopped staying with Haley when we’re on a case.” 
“I stopped sleepwalking,” you shrugged. “I didn’t want to keep being an inconvenience. Hell, I’m even sleeping through the night now. How does that mean I’m avoiding you?”
“We haven’t spoken since Reid got trapped in the compound.” 
“In case you haven’t noticed, Aaron, we’re both incredibly busy people,” you said. You crossed your arms. “Work has been going really well. I enjoy what I do. Spencer finally doesn’t walk on eggshells around me. Things have started to feel normal. I don’t know why it’s so hard for you to believe that I could actually be doing better.”
“You’re overcompensating,” he argued. He narrowed his eyes. It was clear how hard you were trying to put everything to the way it was before your birthday, but it was more than just not wanting to deal with the trauma. There was something else you were hiding. 
“And you aren’t?” You fired back, turning this ridiculous inquiry on him. “You were back in the field before you were even really cleared. You’ve been burying yourself in your work ever since what happened in New York.” 
“This isn’t about me-”
“Maybe it should be.” 
“The explosion was months ago,” he started, but again you interrupted him.
“So was the anniversary.” You took steps towards him. “You aren’t the only one who’s worried, Aaron. Maybe you should figure out yourself before you jump on me.” 
You started for the door, but he put a hand on your arm. 
“Wait,” he sighed and pulled you into his arms. 
The embrace, at first, made your body go rigid. You wanted to crumble and cry and tell him everything. Inside, you were screaming to tell him about the bar. The bottle at the bottom of the trash can. The burning in your throat you were feeling even now. But you didn’t. You couldn’t. 
“You’re right. I’m sorry,” he said against your shoulder. He held you a little tighter. “I just… I just wish you would talk to me.” 
A crack of guilt shot through your heart. Still, you kept your demon buried, if only to protect him from him. 
“I’m doing better, Aaron. Really,” you smiled, pulling away. “And I worry about you too, you know? You have to take care of yourself every once in a while or you’re going to fall apart.” You hugged him again, hiding your teary eyes from his gaze. “I love you, big brother.” 
His hand cupped the back of your head like you were a little kid and his arms were the one thing protecting you from the monsters. Even if you wouldn’t let him see what the monsters were. 
“I love you too.” 
You pushed away again, putting on a brave face and giving him a small smile. “I’d better get to Strauss’ office before she finds a way to blame you for my tardiness.” 
He chuckled and opened the door. 
You went back to Spencer’s desk to retrieve your cup of coffee. He hooked his finger through your belt loop. 
“Is everything okay?” He asked. 
You nodded and cleared your throat. “Oh that? Yeah. He was just asking if I wanted to come to a late birthday dinner for Jack.” You leaned down to kiss his forehead. “I’ll see you later, yeah?” 
“Okay,” he hesitated. You seemed fine enough, but there was something you weren’t telling him. Before you could go, he pulled you down for one more kiss, to which you both came away beaming. 
As you left, he could sense Morgan’s teasing gaze on him. Reid just smirked and opened a new file. 
“Shut up.” 
Something shifted after the day you came to the BAU. Spencer noticed you working a little harder to be cheery when he came home from a case or to comfort him when he was stressed. It seemed every time he had a nightmare- which were more frequent recently- you were already awake and ready to hold him until he fell asleep again. You were a pillar of strength when he wanted to be one for you. 
All the more reason he wanted to do something extra special when the day of your anniversary finally came.  
He got Garcia to help him go shopping and made sure that dinner was ready by the time you got home. He filled ornate chalices with fruit punch and carefully lit dozens of candles around the table and kitchen until the apartment somewhat resembled the gothic manor he was going for. 
You heard the music before you even reached the door. The low classical sound beckoned your curiosity. You snapped your gum- the minty aroma masking your breath- and continued towards it. 
You opened the door, expecting to see your regular apartment, but instead you were greeted by candlelight and a red carpet leading to the dinner table. 
“What the hell-” You started, mouth agape with surprise. 
“Wait wait wait!” Spence exclaimed, sticking his head out from the kitchen. “You’re home early, just… just give me a second.” 
“Okay?” You spit your gum into the trash and closed the door. Spencer hurried back out, a long black cloak hung around his shoulders. 
“Velcome to o-our an-an-ani,” he sighed. “Hold on.” He took out a pair of plastic fangs. “Welcome to our anniversary dinner.” He held out his hands, displaying the table setting behind him with a bright, goofy grin. 
You laughed, taking in everything. The chalices, the pasta, the candles. “Is this supposed to be… Dracula?” 
He beamed. “‘How blessed are some people, whose lives have no fears, no dreads; to whom sleep is a blessing that comes nightly, and brings nothing but sweet dreams.’ It’s the book you talked about on our first date and I thought, with it being so close to Halloween and all, it would be fitting. I don’t know, I know it seems silly, but it made me think of you and Garcia and Morgan told me to just follow my heart so-”
“I love it,” you blurted before he could get too far in his own head. “But Spence,”Your smile was sweetly surprised, but still confused. “Our anniversary isn’t until next week.” 
“The anniversary of our first date is next week,” he corrected, his eyes filling with such love it made your chest ache. “But today- a year ago today- at 3:35 P.M., I helped a beautiful, brilliant, incredible woman reach Anna Karenina from the top shelf.” He took your hand in both of his and held it up to his lips. He kissed each knuckle gently, helping him focus through his overwhelming emotions. “Y/N, to me, today is our anniversary because I knew from the moment I met you that I wanted to be with you.” 
Your heart swelled and the lump in your throat made it impossible to speak. “Spencer…”
“I love you, Y/N. And I know things are hard right now and I know I haven’t been able to be with you through it all like I want to, but I need you to know how much I love you and how much you’ve changed my life and made this year the best of my life.” 
He pulled you into his arms, wrapping the cape around the both of you and closed the space between your lips. 
You were breathless, overwhelming happiness and surprise still making your chest fill with warmth. The stress of the day melted away quicker than it had when you tried using your flask to forget everything. 
“Happy anniversary, Y/N,” Spencer grinned, pulling away to look at your face. 
You gazed back into the loving, hazel eyes and let yourself drink in his presence. “Happy anniversary, Spencer. I love you.”
The In-Betweens series: @amywright; shesoperfectt;  hereforsmutbcicantgetenough;  violetbossler;  hyper-half-blood;  i-bitch-you-bitch; xcastawayherosx; preciousbabypeter; @jori21; @sol-48;  @murdermornings ; @ staygoldsquatchling02; @ ara-a-bird
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prima-materia-ttrpg · 9 months ago
Shooting for gold and falling flat on your face or How I failed miserably at writing ranged combat.
Not every mechanic is a winner, and designing a ttrpg is hard. First drafts, playtesting, modification, second draft, playtesting, modification. So far all of the systems I've written, while they absolutely needed extensive work, had solid cores. Sometimes, though, like when I wrote Ranged Combat last week, the base it's built upon is faulty and the whole thing needs to be gutted and scrapped for anything salvageable.
After playtesting and modifying melee combat, its core seemed solid and I decided to move on to ranged combat. One of the core principles involves not missing, or missing being rare. This is why when someone comes at you with a melee weapon, you can dodge or block to mitigate some or all of the damage. Armor, while not yet written, will also play an important roll in damage mitigation.
Ranged combat as I wrote it does allow missing, but missing is rare (or so I thought) particularly at close ranges. It didn't make sense to me to be able to dodge projectiles or block them with a weapon, and I haven't written a cover system or put in shields which would be able to block projectiles, so the only real thing that mitigates getting hit by a ranged weapon is armor. This was a mistake.
Before we get into all of that though, let me get into the core of how I wrote the mechanic and how that was bad. I decided that because ranged damage was hard to mitigate, it should have a chance to miss, which means an attack roll to see if you hit. For some reason, I decided that the player should roll a d100 so the Hit Chance (the number you try to roll at or under when rolling the d100) would align with a percentage. In theory, this works, especially since I tied it to the Dexterity attribute on the character sheet. In practice, the very first playtest I ran with these mechanics saw characters with long guns and an 80% chance to hit miss most of the time, and a single Xente character (large amoeba thing - it will get its own species highlight later) nailed two player characters one after the other on one turn with a roughly 18% chance to hit with its revolver due to the distance. My players have dubbed this particular Xente Big Boss after the metal gear character, and it will be making a re-appearance.
The clear issue here, of course, is that rolling a d100 gives you as much a chance to roll a 1 as it does a 100, and even if you play with percentages like I did, weird stuff is going to happen at some point. Perhaps even often within the span of a session. There were other issues with this ranged system as well, one of my players said it felt like it came from a completely different game compared to how melee combat feels. Another player astutely pointed out that a class of weapons that can one-tap most characters with little effort and no real choice for the player to be able to get out of the way or otherwise mechanically try to save themselves, feels bad.
I got some good feedback, and I'm still trying to figure out how to move forward with the ranged mechanics. I have some ideas that will bring it more in-line with melee mechanics but I have to see how it hashes out, and then playtest that. All-in-all, this is a good experience. Not every mechanic is a winner, but failure is incredibly important.
If you read all this, thanks! I appreciate it very much. I'm trying to figure out what to do for the next blog post, it's a toss-up between another species highlight (humans - I promise it will be interesting) or how alchemy (magic) works in detail. This would be the history of alchemy as a field of study, animals that have evolved to use it, and what players will be able to do with it.
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dingbatnix · 1 year ago
Chapter 5
Yessss let's gooooo!!!!! Chapter five is a go!
So here, everything starts rolling, and I've got the beginnings of some plot! Yeee!
And thank you @da3dm for proofreading!! <3 u
Anyway, enjoy!
Chapter 1
Chapter 6
Dream + Tommy reference
Word count: 6,271
Warnings: Mmmm, blood, gore, injuries, fear of death, cussing, fear of injury, death, ehhhh I think that covers it : D
They traveled through the forest for three days, a few uneventful mob attacks happening here and there. Dream chattered, not quite incessantly, about almost every little thing. The birds, the leaves, what types of plants were good to eat, the possible uses of other foliage, everything. Once Tommy had gotten him started, there was no shutting him up, it seemed. Tommy dimly noticed Dream avoided telling anything about himself, though he was willing to part with all sorts of information on other people.
Dream asked nearly thirty times a day if Tommy wanted out of the cage. The answer was always the same. No. Tommy always refused, flashes of the human’s huge hands clamping harshly down over his body plaguing his mind. No. Dream had smallfolk sized stuff. Tommy—Tommy didn't know where–how he managed to get it, and he maybe didn't want to know, but, one thing was for sure–he couldn’t trust Dream. Not when it was plainly clear to see that the human had held smallfolk captive before, and doubly clear what the man was when it was especially obvious that said smallfolk were no longer here.
Tommy wasn’t stupid. Dream was a trafficker of 'exotic beings,' not unlike the men who had caught him before. But, it was glaringly obvious that Dream was far more experienced than his previous captors. Why he wanted Tommy out of the cage, though, why he was asking if Tommy wanted out of the cage was something Tommy couldn’t fathom.
Maybe it was some sort of manipulation tactic, to try and get Tommy to trust him and not try to escape. He’d read about something like that once, in the library of the human’s house he had lived in. It was something about the functions of the mind, and how it responded to things outside of it. Unfortunately, Tommy had stopped reading it after the first page, because it had been so fucking boring. He was regretting that a little now.
Whether it was some kind of manipulation or not, Dream was being unreasonably nice to him, and Tommy didn’t know why. It left him feeling conflicted, especially after a conversation with the seemingly easy-going human. On the one hand, Dream was a human, and more importantly, he was a human holding Tommy captive. On the other hand, Dream made Tommy laugh harder than anyone else he’d ever met. He gave Tommy more food than he could ever hope to eat on his own, and he freely gave information on most of the things Tommy asked about. Dream talking about himself, apparently, was a no-go. No matter how many times Tommy had tried to direct a conversation towards the man’s life, Dream always somehow distracted the teen with something else.
Dream had set up camp for the night, and had a fresh slab of pork spitted over the merrily crackling fire. The smell was lovely, and Tommy was actually letting himself appreciate it. Dream hadn’t neglected feeding him, not even once, so Tommy was confident that he would get a small portion of food from the human.
Relatively small, anyway. Most of what Dream had given him was nearly as big as Tommy's entire arm, if not bigger. He'd even wheedled Dream into giving him a large scrap of cloth so that he could tie together all of the leftovers and not lose them. It was very considerate of the human.
Tommy tried his best not to get swept up in any conversations with Dream, feeling like it would be best if he stayed as distant as he possibly could. The human was so charismatic (even though he was a total bitch,) that in nearly every conversation the teen had with him, he found himself growing more and more attached. 
It wasn’t a good thing, not at all. It would only hurt Tommy more when Dream did whatever he was going to do to him. 
On top of everything, Tommy was mostly afraid of the future. He was dreading the day they arrived at wherever Dream was headed to, because that was the day that Tommy would get sold, or killed, or worse. He’d heard horror stories of what the bigfolk would do to inchlings if they got caught. The nightmares after his family explained to him what big people liked to do to smallfolk had been awful, and had persisted for weeks. The night terrors after his family was taken had been worse. 
Tommy tried not to dwell much on what would happen to him if he was ever caught, but now, with the reality of it looming ever closer, it was nearly all he could think about. The fear and dread had built up over the past few days, horrible ideas and theories spiraling through his head, until it all became too much that night, and it all burst out.
"Alright, fuck this!" Tommy spat suddenly. Dream glanced over to the teen, startled. "What are you gonna do with me?!" He sprang to his feet, angrily jabbing a finger in the human’s direction and propping his other fist on his hip.
“What?” Dream cocked his head curiously, peering down through the bars of the cage he was settled beside. The dancing of the firelight flickered over Tommy’s small frame, bathing him in shifting shadows. “What am I going to…do? With you?” He shifted, stretching his legs out in front of the fire and leaning against the tree.
“Yes,” Tommy yelled, angrily pacing the length of the cage. “You’re taking me somewhere, obviously, because you haven't let me go. You've obviously dealt with my kind before, cause you’re not loud or grabby, and cause you’re not shocked at all, and all of the things you have that are my size are meant for my people, were made by my people,” he paused, heaving in a shaking breath. “You have too much for just a passing find, you had to have caught tons of us before and since they're not here you had to have sold them or killed them or given them to a witch–” He grabbed at his hair, breathing heavily. “And I don't know what you're gonna do to me and I can't stop thinking about it so just tell me, please, so I can at least know what's gonna happen to me!” Tommy’s chest shuddered with each hitching heave of air as he stared pleadingly up at Dream. His eyes glistened with unshed tears which were rapidly blinked away, and his tiny hands were trembling from his outburst.
Dream winced, pushing himself up straighter. He turned more fully to the miniature teenager, considering. He hadn’t really explained what he was going to do with the teen, had he? He’d kinda just forgotten. And now, because of his negligence, Tommy seemed to be having a mental breakdown over things that wouldn’t transpire. 
Dream sighed, reaching down to tap at the bars of the cage. Tommy flinched, scrawny limbs tensing noticeably. “I’m not going to do anything with you, Tommy.” The teen scowled, opening his mouth. Dream held up a finger much larger than he was, cutting him off. “I am heading to Manberg here pretty soon though, so I figured that would be as good a place as any to drop you off at.”
Tommy’s words died in his throat. Manberg! That’s where he was taken from! Maybe he could find Tubbo, or contact Phil, or something! Maybe he’d be able to escape!
But then, the words really sank in. ‘Drop him off.’ The words reminded him of the way someone would talk about a package. Dream was probably taking him to be someone’s exotic pet. Tommy’s temper flared back up, and he snarled.
"Drop me off!? So you’re not even gonna sell me!? You’re just gonna give me to some clueless fuckwad as some sort of pet!?" Tommy balled his fists at his sides, gaze livid. 
Dream splayed his hands disarmingly at the teen’s outburst. “I’m not going to–”
“The fuck you aren’t! I know there’s a market for borrowers!” A snarl adorned Tommy’s face, and he was pressed right up against the mesh of the cage, hands trembling around the wires. “Why the fuck do you think I was kidnapped the first time?! I’m not fucking stupid, Dream!”
The smell of burning pork filled the air as they tore into each other, the air thick with a palpable, violent tension. The night critters that had surrounded the camp had long gone silent, the majority of the forest spectating the hot-tempered scene with a detached sort of interest.
"What?! No, you-!" The human's jawline twisted into a scowl as he leaned closer, looming over Tommy.
"You fucking lying bastard, I know your type, don't you try to trick me-" The teen snapped back face red in a combination of fury and indignation. Why the fuck would Dream try to deny it? Tommy knew the truth. He knew what Dream was going to do to him.
"Oh–you dumb fucking child—" Huge fists balled up from the human's sides, fingerless leather gloves literally creaking under the intense pressure.
Dream shot up abruptly, enormous boots absolutely demolishing the forest debris next to the cage. Tommy stumbled backwards until his bony shoulders hit the iron bars with a clang as the towering, light-blocking frame of Dream stood threateningly over him. 
Tommy’s heart started to pound as the human just stood there, hands twitching, the gaze of the smiling mask boring into his soul. Suddenly, Dream whirled around and stomped away through the underbrush.
What the hell? Why the hell would he just leave? Tommy was left gaping in a confused fury, anger left to steep as apprehension bubbled up. Why the fuck would Dream just run off like that? Surely Tommy hadn’t said anything too terribly offensive? He didn’t fucking know. He didn’t particularly care, either.
Part of Tommy was cheering victoriously. Ha! Stupid bitch boy human can't deal with the great Tommyinnit! He had just won in a verbal battle with Dream! He’d made the human leave, all through the force of his words. He was quick witted, yeah, but he’d never talked a human into running away!
But the most overpowering part of his brain was terrified. He'd just pissed Dream off. What if he stopped feeding him? What if he stopped being nice? What if Tommy had screwed all of this up?!
…He needed to go. He couldn’t stick around when Dream could come back, at any moment, pissed to all extremes. He didn’t know what the human would do to him, but every single thing his mind conjured up was terrifying. He’d never made someone mad without painful repercussions occurring soon after, and he doubted this time would be any different. Dream would hurt him this time, plain and simple, and Tommy needed to be gone before the human could come back and do so.
His first thought was trying to pick the lock of the cage. He’d nearly gotten it, a few days ago before Dream caught him, and now he had the opportunity to try again, but…no matter how he twisted and turned and angled his body, he just couldn’t reach the inside of the lock. Even with a stick he'd grabbed that was near his cage, he couldn’t angle it right. The stick had snapped off inside of the keyhole, trapping him permanently. He’d checked the corners and seams of the wires, and had even tried to squeeze through the gridded bars, but, like the last thirty attempts, he couldn’t find a way out. He was trapped, waiting until his inevitable punishment came in the form of one whole overly-large human, one that he had foolishly pissed off.
Tommy was very, very terrified. Dream was nice, and soon, that illusion would come crashing down on his head, and he didn’t think he was ready for that. Not at all.
Tommy was getting antsy. Dream had been gone for what, four hours now? 
And, even though he was relatively safe in the cage, (it wasn't like an animal could bust through it) the dark forest around him was creepy. He could hear things rustling around and the lonely, echoing calls of animals during their nightly hunting. He'd even heard the choked, gurgling rasp of a zombie once or twice. It made him feel edgy.
The night air was cool. Tommy shivered and wrapped his quilt more securely around his shoulders. The fire was still crackling merrily, but its heat didn’t quite reach Tommy’s cage. The pork that Dream had been cooking was a charred husk that smelled awful, but just the thought of it made Tommy’s stomach growl. 
Absently, he reached over to his stash of leftovers and broke off a piece of (stale, by now, but Tommy didn't really care) bread to munch on. It wasn't as good as meat cooked straight from the fire, but it would do its job.
He ran his fingers over one of the patterns embroidered on his quilt (some kind of brown-and-white spotted animal with four legs and horns on its head. Tommy didn't know what it was, but he really liked it.) He worried the soft stitches between his fingers, staring at the colorful patterns.
His mind was still circling on the possibilities of what would happen when Dream came back, but the sheer terror had dulled somewhat. It was boring, incredibly so, waiting for anticipated pain that hadn’t come yet. There was some lingering anxiety about what would happen after Dream punished him, about how things would be different, but he tried not to think about that. He’d take one thing at a time, and right now, he was just trying to focus on the details of his quilt. It was…soothing, in more ways than one, no matter how Dream had obtained the thing.
There was a sudden, distinct crunch of leaves behind him, and Tommy’s heart spiked. Oh shit. He was back. He whirled around, quilt clutched to his chest, to see a shadowed figure loom into sight. He squinted at it in slight confusion. He couldn’t see too well in the dark, his night vision had been spoiled by the fire, but something felt…off.
“...Dream…?" His voice was weak and wobbly, even to his own ears, and he cringed. The figure moved, then, without answering, and Tommy realized something awful. The approaching form wasn’t Dream. They were too thin, too short, and suddenly, all Tommy wanted was for Dream to come back. Dream was better than an unknown human. 
Dream would probably keep Tommy alive. 
The stranger spoke, voice low and smooth and delighted, and Tommy realized that he was completely and utterly fucked.
“I thought I’d never get the chance to grab you." The human drawled, reaching down and plucking Tommy’s cage into the air. The teen lost his balance and nearly fell at the sudden movement, dropping his quilt in shock and stumbling back until his shoulders hit cold metal. He felt his heel strike against something that clattered away and fell outside of the bars of the cage, but Tommy didn't have the presence of mind to care about it, not right now.
The only thing between him and this new human was the thin wire bars and the small, delicate lock on the cage door. Tommy pressed himself against the back of the cage, glaring distrustfully at the almost overwhelmingly large face. The human grinned, bright and triumphant, before reaching for the cage door. He poked curiously at the lock before frowning and deciding to just yank the door open.
The thin metal bars were snapped open with ease, the small hinges not made to withstand the strength of an entire human. Tommy tried to scramble back, away, as far as he could from the encroaching hand, but it was no use. 
The fingers pinched painfully around his left shin, grinding the bones together so hard they almost cracked. He was dragged screeching out of the cage despite his desperate hands clinging to anything they could grab and dangled upside-down in front of the human’s face.
“I’ve been looking for one of you for a loooong while,” the man grinned, reaching up with his other hand to tug at Tommy’s hair. Warm breath washed over him as he tried and failed to push away the massive, hurtful fingertips. The fingers rose away from his hair and instead moved to poke his stomach, shoving Tommy back and sending him swaying through the air.
He swung dizzily, the blurred ground far, far below him twisting in and out of focus as more foul breath wafted past him, making him gag.
“Get some breath mints, bitch!” Tommy spat, desperately holding back the queasy roiling of his stomach. His leg pinged painfully, calling forth another wave of nausea.
The human scowled, baring his teeth in an ugly snarl, and Tommy realized that he maybe should not have said that. The man plucked the teen’s right arm in a tight pinch and easily twisted it away from his body.
“Shut it,” the human snarled, holding Tommy's arm stretched below his head. “Unless I say otherwise, you don’t speak.” He tugged slightly at the teen’s arm, making him wince.
Tommy’s temper flared up in spite of the warning. “No! Fuck you, you twat! Put me the fuck down—!”
The man’s glower deepened, and suddenly, he pulled the two limbs in his grasp in opposite directions.
Tommy screamed. Pain lanced up and down the whole of his torso, and then some. He could feel it as both his shoulder and hip were slowly pulled from their sockets. His spine and ribs were gradually being drawn apart, and it hurt.
And then, suddenly it didn’t.
A nasty, meaty craak-krunch! sounded off below him as the fingers slipped from his arm. Something hot and viscous splattered all over Tommy’s aching body, and the human holding him wheezed out a wet, gurgling groan. 
Tommy blinked open eyes he didn’t even remember closing and immediately caught sight of the gorey sword-tip that appeared to have sprouted from the man’s chest. He yanked his gaze away, nauseated at the sight of all of the gooey little bits of blood and meat and bone shard glistening wetly in the light of the dying fire.
The fingers crushing his leg suddenly slackened, and Tommy screamed hoarsely when he immediately started to plummet down towards the very much solid ground.
“Oh, shit-” Dream shoved the dying man to the side and dove forward, arms outstretched. He very nearly missed, only just managing to clap his hands around the small teen before tripping and thudding harshly down onto his chest. He wheezed, half in pain, half in embarrassment, because whoops, that was an oversight on his part. Tommy was still belting out ear-piercing shouts and curses and wriggling violently between Dream’s gloved palms.
With another wheeze, Dream pushed himself up with his elbows and settled down onto his knees, bringing his hands up in front of his face. He unfolded them, gently curling his fingers to cup the gore-splattered teen in front of his eyes. He squinted behind his mask, trying to see if Tommy had any injuries with just the dim light of the moon filtering through the trees and the faint light of the campfire.
Tommy scrambled back, as far as he could, until his shoulders were crammed against Dream's curled fingers. Dream could feel the miniscule heart pounding frantically against his fingerpads while the teen’s thin chest heaved, drawing in great, heavy half-breaths.
Dream bit his lip, thinking, before dropping his hands and gently dumping the teen onto the ground maybe a foot from his knees. Tommy tumbled onto the dirt and laid there for barely a second before he shot up and tried to run.
As soon as Tommy tried to put weight on his left leg, he crumpled, a high-pitched yowl of pain escaping his lips. He didn’t manage to get his hands up in front of him in time and ended up skidding facefirst back onto the ground.
Dream winced. “Shit, Tommy, don’t move, okay?” He reached out for the small teen, gently brushing a finger over his thin shoulder blades. Tommy shrieked and flipped himself over, scrambling backwards on his elbows and one good leg. Dream jerked his hands back immediately, splaying them out in an attempt to reassure the boy.
“Hey, hey, hey, Tommy, it’s just me, it’s just me, Dream, okay?” He tried, voice gentle. Moving slowly, he scooted backwards, away from the shaking teen, until he was far enough to lay himself down on his front. He rested his hands on either side of his head, in clear view, and rested his chin on the ground in front of the teenager. From this new perspective, Dream got a closer look at the teen, the closest since he had first found him.
Tommy’s face was scraped up and bleeding, and there were tiny bits of dust and gravel clinging in his hair. A tiny plaster adorned his jawline, and his shirt looked worn, with many patches stitched in a haphazard pattern at nearly every seam. His beige shorts were heavily patched around his knees, and his shoes looked old and like they were about to fall apart. The most concerning of all, though, was how thin he looked. Dream could swear that he could count the boy’s ribs from behind his shirt, and his joints were so knobbly that they looked like legitimate twigs.
Blood was splattered up and down Tommy’s front, and Dream couldn’t help but feel a little guilty over the fact that it was his fault, technically. It was also kind of his fault that Tommy had gotten grabbed in the first place, because he had left the teen unattended, but he wasn’t going to think about that right now. Dwelling on guilt and regret had never gotten him anywhere before, and it wasn’t going to help him now, not when he was trying to calm down a miniature teenager that had just nearly been kidnapped (again) and had just witnessed Dream brutally murder someone.
The teen’s face screwed up in confusion as he watched Dream settle down onto his stomach just shy of two dozen inches away, his chest heaving in an alarmingly staccato rhythm, but the tension in his shoulders did ease up the tiniest bit. Dream had learned, years and years ago, that if he reduced himself in height and wasn’t towering so high over an inchling that was panicking, he would scare them less. It didn’t work all the time, of course, but it usually got the job done.
“Tommy, Tommy, hey, can you try and relax?” Dream asked, voice pushed down to the softest whisper he could manage. His voice could only go so low, though, and Tommy flinched back. Dream frowned, but tried again. “You’re okay, Tommy, you’re safe. That guy is gone, Tommy, he’s not gonna come back, And I won’t hurt you, alright?” The teenager didn’t look like he quite believed Dream, but his breathing had evened out. Dream counted that as a win, and pushed on.
“Can I take a look at you? So I can make sure you’re not hurt?” It took Tommy a long, long moment to reply, but when he did, his answer was a short, jerky nod of his head. Dream thought he heard the slightest whisper of an “okay,” but he couldn’t be sure. It was too breathy, too quiet. It might’ve been the trees.
“Alright,” Dream breathed, glad the teen was responding. That was a good sign, one that told him Tommy wasn’t too far gone into his panic.
"Here, hold on," Dream murmured, reaching back and sticking a hand into one of his many pockets. He dug around for just a moment before pulling out some flint, steel and an unlit torch. 
"Let me get some light here, okay?" Tommy didn't say anything as Dream lit the torch with a bright flare of sparks. The teen winced at the sudden light that burst forth, blinking his eyes rapidly to clear the dots that suddenly danced in his vision.
Dream stretched his arm out to the side and planted the end of the torch in the dirt with a firm hand, the action a bit awkward due to the odd position he was laying in, then turned back to Tommy.
In this light, Dream could see the teen much better, but that just made everything look so much worse. The assassin held back a pitying grimace as he scanned over Tommy’s battered, bloody form. The boy’s cradled right arm was a mottled yellowish green, and from what little Dream could see of his legs, they were scraped and bruised as well, the left leg in particular a nasty shade of violet. 
The human winced sympathetically. “Can I see your leg? It looks…bad.” 
Tommy sent him a scathing glare and shifted to stick his leg out. “Nn–no ff-fucking shit it looks bad, dumbass.” The miniature teen spat vehemently, voice weak and shaking. Dream was glad he decided to speak, though. He had learned, over the past few days, that silence was as natural for Tommy as it was for creepers to fly.
The teen stretched out his leg with a wince, gasping when he caught sight of the huge, deep purple-black bruises spanning the length of his shin and calf. Already his skin was starting to swell, and even the simple movement of moving his knee had his entire leg aching. Against his will, his eyes stung and watered. He scowled, and scrubbed at them with his wrist.
Dream leaned closer, whistling lowly. "That's a hell of a bruise, kid."
“Y-you fucking think?!”  Tommy half hissed, half growled. His face was pinched, and his fingers were twitching from where they were hovering around his shin. “I think–I think it’s fucking broken.” The words were a mix of fury, of pain, of fear, and Dream couldn’t help but pity the teen. A broken leg was practically a death sentence for any inchling, let alone one on his own. 
“Gimme just a second…” Dream trailed off, turning to dig around in his satchel. He knew he had it somewhere, he had just gotten one a few days ago, where’d… “Aha!” Triumphantly, he pulled out a glittering bottle about halfway full of a vibrant red liquid. He shook it gently, inspecting it as it sloshed against the glass walls. This was one of the potions he had pilfered from the five hunters that had Tommy, so he wasn’t entirely sure how effective it would be. It was the only health potion Dream currently had on him, though, so it would have to do.
He slowly propped himself up on his elbows, wary of spooking the teen, and popped open the cork on the bottle. Tommy was watching him, blue eyes absolutely drowning in suspicion, so Dream explained what he was doing.
“This is just a health potion, alright? It’s gonna fix your injuries, okay?” Dream gave the teen a small smile, even though it couldn’t be seen from behind his mask. “You’ll be as good as new in no time.”
Tommy gaped up at Dream, eyes widening in consternation. Dream was going to use a fucking health potion? On Tommy? Why the hell would he waste such a valuable item on him?
The cool magic of the potion splattered against his skin and absorbed into his bruises almost immediately as Dream poured it over his body, chasing out the spiking ache and leaving behind a cool numbness that Tommy appreciated very, very much. He sighed, the tension in his shoulders loosening as the pain rushing jaggedly through his leg washed away.
He'd only ever had a healing potion used on him once, and that had been when he'd broken his leg so badly that the bone had come out. The feeling was familiar, and Tommy found that he enjoyed the warm prickling that ran through his skin.
The remainder of the potion was whisked away into Dream's pockets, leaving Tommy to stare wistfully after it. If only he had a bottle on him. He could definitely use an emergency health potion.
"Here," Dream reached forward and gently curled his fingers around the teen. Tommy cursed with a violent flinch, shoulders hitting the ground from how far he went backwards. The assassin paused at the teen’s reaction, and thought better of just grabbing him. Instead, he pulled his hand back a couple inches and laid it flat on the ground. 
“C’mon,” Dream murmured, voice gentle. He tapped his knuckles against the dirt, indicating towards his hand. “Climb on. I’ve…we need to move the camp, alright?” He sent a meaningful glance towards the bleeding corpse sprawled next to the dim, dying fire and turned his gaze back down to Tommy.
The teen nodded reluctantly, unwilling to come into contact with Dream, much less climb into his hand, but much, much more adverse to spending any more time near a dead body. It would start stinking pretty soon, and Tommy absolutely did not want to be around for that. Dream was the lesser of the two evils, as much as that fact made Tommy's skin crawl.
He pushed himself up on still slightly numb legs and forced himself to walk the few inches over to Dream's splayed palm. There, he balked, body freezing of its own volition. 
Dream's hand was massive, the flat of his palm coming up to just a little below Tommy's waist. Each finger was as thick as Tommy himself was wide, and they were all much, much taller than he was, excluding the thumb, which was only a few centimeters or so higher than Tommy stood.
Tommy clenched his hands into fists, breathing deeply, and forced his legs to move. One step after the other, he climbed onto Dream's hand.
The leather of the glove wasn't very pliant, but Tommy still almost lost his balance. He threw his arms out, wobbling as he regained his footing. He crouched down as soon as he was in the center of the wide palm, balanced over a crease in the leather glove. He wasn't going to outright sit in Dream's hand, but god forbid he stay standing and inevitably fall over. 
Tommy breathed deeply, scrunching his eyes closed. Rarely did being in a human's hold ever lead to a good thing. Tommy had so much experience to back the fact up, and despite his desperate desire not to, all he could see were the bad things that could happen to him.
He saw himself being thrown, he saw himself being dropped, god, he could see himself being crushed between fingers stronger than any sort of struggle he could muster—
Tommy sucked in several breaths of air, more than a little frantically, and forced himself to calm down. Dream wouldn't hurt him so drastically, wouldn't kill him in such a violent manner. Tommy was too valuable whole and alive, and he was sure that Dream knew that, too.
"Ready?" Dream asked, and Tommy was surprised. Nobody'd ever asked him if he were prepared for a rapid ascent through the air via human hand, and Tommy expected it least of all from Dream. Not even the good humans Tommy knew had ever asked.
He sucked in more air and jerked a curt nod, pressing his hands against the leather surface of the glove to stabilize himself. He hated being carried by humans. It always made him nauseous.
"I'm gonna put you in my pocket for now, okay?" The hand started to raise as the words registered, and Tommy’s heart leaped with an enormous desire to just not.
Tommy's eyes snapped open, and he cut Dream off with a vicious shake of his head. “Fuck no! Don’t you dare, don’t you dare.” He hissed, face twisting into a hot glare as he jabbed a finger up at the human's gleaming white mask.
"It'd be safer for you, though…" Dream offered, pausing the hand's ascent. Tommy scowled, mouth forming a snarl, and spat, "I'm claustrophobic, you ass! You wanna give me a goddamn heart attack!?" 
Dream faltered. "...ah. Oh. Okay, okay, alright. I'll just…" He cleared his throat. "Shoulder it is, then." And then Tommy was moving again, up towards Dream's neck.
He was deposited gently onto Dream’s shoulder, underneath the human's hood. The shoulder he stood on was cast in shadow, and despite all of Tommy's reservations, it was…cozy. He could probably even jump down the back, into the pocket the base of the hood made, if he really wanted.
His hands latched onto the black fabric of Dream's raised shirt collar, and his face twisted. Dream was wearing a turtleneck, but his shoulders were bare. What kind of weird outfit was the human wearing?
As Dream kicked out the mostly-dead fire and gathered the few things that had been set out, Tommy’s gaze wandered to the corpse of the human that had attacked him. The corpse was laying on its side, facing away from Tommy, thankfully, but he could see the red, gooey crater in the human’s back, where Dream had stabbed him though.
The image brought a sick twist of nausea to his stomach, and Tommy was suddenly afraid for himself, of what Dream might be willing to do to him. He needed…he needed to convince the human that he didn’t need to punish Tommy. That he’d already…that he’d learned the lesson, or something. Tommy sucked in a steadying breath, fingers tightening in the thick fibers of Dream's shirt.
“I’m…I’m sorry for yelling at you.” Tommy blurted, shoulders hitching up and eyes scrunching shut. His breath shuddered as he exhaled, half convinced that the human would turn violent after being reminded of what had happened.
“Please don’t…don’t…” He trailed off, unable to find the words to beg Dream not to punish him for his (completely justified) anger. 
“Tommy.” Dream’s voice was firm, and the tone made the teen flinch. Was he angry…? 
Dream continued, unaware of Tommy’s whirling thoughts. “I’m not going to hurt you, okay? Not now, not ever, and especially not over something as stupid as an argument, alright?” Tommy seemed doubtful about that, but didn’t comment.
“Why’d you leave…?” The teen murmured, hesitant. The only reason Dream even heard him was because the teen was right next to his ear. 
“I got mad. I…I needed to go blow off some steam, before I did something stupid." The human admitted, voice low and…seemingly regretful. Tommy was perturbed by the remorse in Dream's tone. Why…why did he sound upset? Was he still angry at Tommy?
Dream sighed, a genuinely tired sound, and then, to Tommy's complete and utter shock, apologized.
"Sorry for leaving you for so long," Tommy saw the human's jawline tense in what seemed to be a grimace. Tommy's eyes widened. What the hell? 
Dream's voice came out a little grouchier, a little more strained. "I didn't realize we were being followed, so that's…that's my bad."
Tommy's eyes got wider, if that were at all possible, and his jaw slackened. A human was apologizing!? To him!? What the actual hell was going on!?
If Tommy didn't know any better, he'd say he was having a fever dream. 
Even still, he murmured a quick, confused acceptance of the man's apology and fell silent, contemplating as Dream started moving near-silently through the dark, whispering forest.
The human was so goddamn strange. At nearly every turn, he said or did something that contradicted everything Tommy knew about bigfolk, and the more time Tommy spent with the man, the more confused he became. Dream just didn't make any sense, whatsoever.
Eventually, they found a spot that would make a suitable camp for the remainder of the night. Dream didn't build a fire, instead pulling out some rabbit jerky for them to split for dinner.
Silently, Tommy mourned his stash of bread and meat. He understood why Dream hadn't grabbed it, it hadn't been a priority, but…Tommy felt wrong without some store of food. At least he could start over with the (still too large) chunk of rabbit jerky.
Dream had at least retrieved Tommy’s quilt, but made him sleep inside of his pack maybe a foot away from the man's own sleeping space. Tommy really wasn't complaining, though. If he tried sleeping out in the open like Dream did, any number of night critters could come crawling along to snatch him up for a midnight snack.
And God forbid if he actually tried to sleep with Dream. The human was a light sleeper, and he didn't move much, but even the slight chance that he could be crushed made Tommy cringe. Never mind the fact that he'd have to be in close proximity to the human for the whole night.
He’d tried searching for an exit, once he’d waited long enough for Dream to have fallen asleep, but no matter where he looked, no matter how thoroughly he scoured the walls and seams of the bag, Tommy couldn’t find a viable way out. Not even the top flap was an option, as it was sealed much too tightly for the teen to squeeze through. He was stuck in here, just as much as he had been in the cage. 
At least in the bag he was shielded from the wind, but the thought was little comfort when compared to the fact that he was still trapped, and still traveling to his uncertain future. 
It was slightly easier to sleep at night, though, when he was in a decently warm shelter.
Taglist: @brick-a-doodle-do @i-am-beckyu @da3dm @kayla-crazy-stuffs @local-squishmallow @skullsnbruises @munchkin1156 @jakersdaboss
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livewireprojects · 9 months ago
Nikki & Reala(Bootleg Sonadow)
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I admit my addiction is bad but this isn't the first time I've made shit based on other interests/characters I like. So I decided to make some characters inspired by a ship I like along with AU ideas I saw in the past that I tried messing with before scrapping at one point or another.
This is Reala & Nikki who like the title jokes are inspired by Shadow & Sonic, it might not look like it(not helped by lack of color) especially if you have seen how I draw Shadow & Sonic but when I eventually work on showing their backstories it'll make more sense. Also yeah I named Reala after a certain nightmare clown, I'm not original. These two are also meant to be connected to my OCs Terry & Arthur(Nikki makes that kinda clear) which I'll talk about at another time.
Also these two aren't meant to be in the Sonic universe, they're in their own thing but you can joke that they're alternate Shadow & Sonic if you want cause I find that funny
Reala is a bit of a distant person, he seems a lot like a loner with only some people managing to be around him but in reality he's just an introvert that isn't good with people especially given he's lost people he's cared about in the past. Reala was born in a lab on a space station, there were a few people he cared about & was sadly in two incidents that led to the lose of people important to him with one person's existence being erased from records & their partner's info being corrupted so no one could find anything on them. Though grieving the lose of his family/those close to him along with dealing with changes/the new world he now lives in Reala has slowly accepted he's in a better time & takes comfort in Nikki's help/companionship. He's slowly learning to live for himself & get into hobbies he hadn't gotten the chance to try in the past, he's also gotten help from Nikki to learn about the world they live on as Nikki knows more about it than he does.
Nikki is a friendly person that likes to run around & explore, he can often be seen sky gazing at night before bed staring out a the stars. He does his best to keep up with/understand his friends as he doesn't always understand what they're talking about, despite this he does his best to listen cause he knows it's important to have a shoulder to lean on or someone to talk to. Nikki in the past has struggled especially due to being alone for a long time but is slowly coming to terms with having people that care surround him, it also helps that Reala has been growing closer to him as Nikki use to feel like something was missing but now feels like that feeling is gone as if Reala was what was missing. Nikki can often be seen wearing star themed stuff along with his hat & hoodie poncho, he doesn't always but he's usually seen in them. Nikki isn't affected by temperature, he can feel it & can get hurt depending on what's going(like touching a heated stove or something) but it doesn't effect him much all of this is just to say he doesn't really need to wear these warm clothes. Nikki sometimes says that the poncho feels like someone is hugging him which might be due to being alone in the past. His hat & poncho often make it hard to tell what species of animal he is, not helped by Nikki kind of being unsure himself.
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Drew this a little after drawing Reala & Nikki, here's Nikki with out his hat/poncho that usually cover him. I think I made a mistake drawing the hat in his hand cause I don't exactly like how it looks like that.
Like I mentioned in the first pic Nikki is often seen wandering around in a hat & poncho that make it hard to tell what species he is & makes it seem like he's not to sure either.(He's mostly hedgehog) Nikki has a few outfits he can put on but he usually is in tanks & sports shorts, he also has sports shoes on & some socks/stockings that are rolled at the ankles, I drew one of them slightly unrolled to show they're longer.(Was tempted to have the unrolled one be above the knee but I dunno what to put so it's just partly unrolled) Nikki has one large glove on & one normal sized glove, for some reason I got inspired by this one red ridding hood design I found once & can't find anymore.(Google Image Search failed) Probably doesn't help that I use to have an obsession with red riding hood themed stuff.
I was almost tempted to draw him without his shoes but meh. He also has a few markings on him like his ears, under his eyes, neck & legs.
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