#especially when I would be helping out other people and making jokes to cheer them up u_u teamwork style
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spursthatjinglejanglejingle · 5 months ago
In a perfect world where I would work for fun I genuinely would like to work in food service, I like doing repetitive tasks that I know will make someone's day better by feeding them. But unfortunately since managers know that you work food service because you need money to survive I avoid food service jobs like the plague.
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scented-morker · 2 months ago
Lovesick fools
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Alternatively… enha’s reaction to being on a variety show with their idol!crush
No warnings, 2k words, implied fem!reader.. these took me forever </3
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Fourth gen vocalists on the show ‼️
He was so excited to be there that he totally forgot you would def be there too
Until he was getting his makeup done and you walked in with curlers in your hair and coffees in your hand
He immediately found himself smiling at how cute you looked, and it only got worse when you handed him a cup
"Twitter said this was your order, I hope it's right."
The makeup artist starts laughing and opts out of putting blush on him bc he's all red from you
Once filming starts you all sing a prepared cover, and he's so focused on his own that he stays calm for most of it
Except yours is last, which means his mind is fully empty since he’s done and now all he’s able to focus on is how pretty you sound and the way you smile through the words
You sing 'drinks or coffee' from rose's new album and he swears you wink at him
"We don't have to talk, I know that you want me."
Twitter goes crazy bc you absolutely did wink at him, and they have the slow mo replay to prove it
Him blushing like mad also goes viral
He walks up to you backstage
"So... do you want to get drinks or coffee?" 🤭
It's shuhua's show again, but instead of sunghoon he's paired up with you
Bro gives himself a pep talk in the mirror before filming starts
"You are cool and calm and will not giggle like a school girl at her. Shes going to look pretty and you're just gonna have to deal with it."
Thinks it should be illegal to look good in a work uniform, but there you are
You guys are cooking and you're so impressed by how well he does at separating the fat from the meat
You are so horribly bad at it that Shuhua looks like an expert 💔💔
"Jay I think you need to help her, she's massacring the product."
Ok girl are you a host or a wingman
But he does, telling you to adjust your grip on the knife, reaching over to show you how to do it better which has you blushing like crazy
You guys are partnered up trying to give away samples against shuhua which is where you shine bc people just can't stay away from you especially when you pout and ask 'pretty please?'
Jay doesn't blame them, he's ready to buy everything in the store from you
One of the girls doesn't bat an eye at you when you beg but you're desperate so you yell after her
"Look how handsome my partner is, don't you want to come buy something from us?"
The girl comes back but Jay can't even be flattered bc he's too busy freaking out that you think he's cute
"Did you really mean that?" He asks you after filming
"Of course I did, I'm not blind."
So he asks for your number and ofc you give it to him
It’s some sort of school setting show
You guys are paired up against Jay and another member of your group as the four of you compete with trivia questions
You’re all English speakers, so they make you answer everything in English and since we’re already being delulu let’s say you have an English accent bc we know Jake loves that
You have to yell at him to lock in because when you start trying to reason out the question he’s so focused on your voice that he isn’t listening to a word you say
You guys are getting whooped by the other team
That is until your member makes a joke about you saying how your ideal type is a smart guy
Bro instantly locks tf in
“October 23rd, 2016”
“That is correct! Team Hot Accents gets another point as they make an impressive comeback!”
Yes that’s your team name, you both have hot accents and you know it 🤷‍♀️
You get so excited every time you guys score a point that you’re practically bouncing in your seat cheering and giving him high fives
You answer a few questions after that but he’s definitely carrying you guys and he could not be happier about it
“Don’t worry y/n, I got you. Just sit there and look pretty.” 😍
By the end you guys are tied and the hosts ask you to give your partner a good luck charm as he and Jay face off for the last question
You contemplate kissing his cheek before realizing that would probably get you murdered on twitter so you settle for giving his hand a squeeze after interlocking your fingers post high five
When he gets the question right he runs over and picks you up to spin you around in celebration
The editors definitely put some incriminating caption like [a very overexcited reaction from the golden retriever] that fans laugh at him for afterwards
But he doesn’t care bc you were in his arms and that’s all that matters ‼️
After filming you’re like “wow Jake you’re so smart do you want to hang out sometime?”
You guys were both ex figure skaters, so they had you guys film an episode at a rink
They got both of you a new version of one of your old costumes, and sunghoon was immediately red at the sight of you in the sparkling dress with a little cut out on the side
You both spent the first few minutes just running around on the ice, enjoying being back
The hosts had a list of skills they read out and then made each of you try
It only made sunghoon's crush bigger watching you move so gracefully, and he grinned so big whenever you'd compliment him
"Woah, he's still really good!"
Towards the end they had you try partner moves, everyone cheering when you guys synced up so well in the turns and twists
“Woah they look really good together! It’s like fate they move at the exact same time!”
They even let you try a stunt, and sunghoon became a stuttering mess when he put his hand on your waist where the cut out in your costume was
"Is- is this ok? I don't want to drop you, but we could skip it if you want."
"Of course it's ok!"
He's so touched at the amount of trust you put in him while trying out partner tricks
And it's rightfully placed considering the time you guys mess up he makes sure to change the angle of your fall so that he takes the brunt of the impact instead of of you
You apologize so many times, including going up to him after filming to thank him again
"Is there anything I can do to thank you?"
"How about a date?"
Who knows why the show paired you guys up
Maybe they saw the media attention from your brief waves to each other at an award show and the viral ‘bite me’ challenge you did together
But they bring both of you to a cafe set and you have to make coffees and such before being interviewed
You’d worked at a coffee shop predebut so at one point you reach over and grab his hand to adjust the way he holds the cup under the milk steamer
The editors zoom in on his red face while you turn around and practically sprint away
Your last task before the interview is to make a drink for the other person while they film a confessional about you
You’re sitting there stuttering over your words as an explanation as to why you ran after helping him earlier and how kind he was when you filmed your tiktok together last time
Meanwhile, sunoo is asking the staff for help to make your super specific and stupidly difficult drink order that he knows from watching your interviews
He pretends it was casual and easy once he joins you at the table, setting the cup down in front of you like he didn’t restart it 3 times
“This is my favorite coffee!! I didn’t even remember them teaching us this!”
“Wow that’s so weird, lucky me I guess”
He tried to be nonchalant but it was NOT working
He literally lets out a giggle as soon as you drink it and do a little happy dance when it’s exactly how you like
When the interviewer asks about your relationship (bringing up the award show wave) Sunoo says that you guys are casual friends but he hopes you can become closer after filming together
To which you respond ABSOLUTELY and promise to wave at him at every schedule you see him
That’s enough for his weak heart for one day so he doesn’t end up following up after the cameras stopped
but you kept your promise and after a few months of excited waves and animated conversations at award shows he secures your number and a date
He’s too responsible to risk anything by talking about his crush on you but once in a live you said you really admired him because you couldn’t imagine having to lead your group while being one of the youngest members
(He saved the video and probably replayed it about fifty times afterwards)
But that was enough to make one of the shows want you guys together !!
Which is how you end up trailing behind him through a creepy dark building while scare actors try to freak you guys out
Bro was not excited for this but he is doing his best bc YOU NEED HIM ‼️
You are so close to his back that he can feel your body heat and when someone jumps out you practically climb on his back
You apologize profusely afterwards, but he waves it off, offering you his arm to grasp onto for the rest of the time
You say in a confessional part that you were scared out of your mind but it was bearable bc Jungwon was there
“He was so brave and cool, it made me feel so much better!”
He isn’t even scared anymore, he’s just mad bc they’re intentionally making you upset so his cute angry face pops out and the two of you make it through the whole haunted house in record time
Afterwards he tells you that he hopes he wasn’t mean or anything, he was just upset they were scaring you
He was mad at them for doing their jobs 💔 rip
But that just made you appreciate him more
“Can I treat you to lunch one day? To thank you for taking such good care of me?”
He MELTS, of course you can
You and him were both on a variety show to show the difference between maknaes
He was the image of a cool and mature maknae, while you were the giggly pink maknae of your group
He thought it was gonna be awkward bc the whole point of the show was how different you guys were, but you got along so easily
As soon as you started talking he was a GONER
He'd watch you answer a question and get so distracted looking at your face that the hosts would have to repeat the question for him to respond to after 😭
So much for being cool
They ask him how he feels about aegyo to which he describes how passionately he hates it
So they make you do aegyo for him to see if he reacts
Homeboy starts blushing without even realizing it
It puts the biggest smile on his face that they tease him about for the rest of the show
You tell him you'll give him lessons in it if he wants while live and that's how he approaches you after
"You probably need my number to set up those lessons right?"
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luffydotcom · 25 days ago
love languages
synopsis: what i think the love languages of different one piece characters are (platonic/romantic)
feat: luffy, zoro, usopp, nami, sanji, ace, law
notes: i feel like love languages can be interpreted in both platonic or romantic ways, so i tried to mix it up, but feel free to interpret it how you will!
warnings: slight spoilers for sanji's (full) backstory (?)
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physical touch. LUFFY is big-hearted and compassionate, sending love to everyone he comes across on his journey often without even meaning to. he is very attached to the people he loves - and very much physically.
luffy is always seen hanging off the arms of zoro, wrapping himself around nami, sitting close to robin when she reads, it's his way of making those around him feel loved and protected.
although he isn't massively clingy to the point where he won't allow you to have your own space, expect a degree of clinginess! physical affection is how he expresses his love towards others as well as what brings him comfort. he is a huge hugger: hugging comforts him when he feels sad, but also helps him comfort those he cares about.
quality time + acts of service. due to ZORO being reserved, he doesn't often say much - these love languages don't often require words for showing and receiving love.
quality time matters a lot to zoro. even if it's just sitting in silence, a small conversation, training together, or walking outside, he enjoys having someone by his side in these moments as the time spent together shows a level of love and commitment in the friendship or relationship.
zoro strongly values loyalty. spending quality time with him shows that you care strongly about being together and genuinely enjoy being next to him even in the smallest of moments. he likes that he doesn't always have to say things to keep it interesting, sometimes just having someone there can feel very loving and he appreciates that.
zoro is big on actions - if he seriously loves you, he's always got your back and would go to the greatest lengths to show it. he would practically level an army for someone he loves and then act like it's nothing at all. he treats people he loves with a priority and wants to ensure that they are safe and protected.
giving/receiving gifts. for NAMI, i feel like this is a given, but this doesn't mean she is ultra-materialistic and that gifts are the only way to her heart!
when nami was young, she never asked for or expected anything, and lived in a life of poverty. to receive gifts from someone she loves would make her whole world, as it's something she was never able to experience when she was younger. she loves receiving gifts especially when they are well thought-out and gifted with love and consideration.
however, she also expresses love through giving gifts. although nami always jokes about the crew owing her money and needing to pay her back at high interest, she seriously would never trade friendship or love for money. if it's for someone she loves, she would gladly use the money instead to help them or spoil them affectionately with gifts.
words of affirmation. USOPP feels loved by hearing words that make him feel grounded and secure.
usopp is insecure, unsure of his place in the crew as well as insecure of his lack of strength compared to those around him. he has an inferiority complex - hearing words of affirmation remind him that he is good enough and that there is no need to compare himself to others.
usopp is a liar, yes - but he just wants to be believed in. words of affirmation make him feel sure of himself and that there is no need to lie about who he is. he feels the most loved and validated when someone accepts him for his true self underneath the lies, as this allows him to become more confident in his own skin.
however, he also uses words of affirmation to show his support and care of others. usopp is full of stories (although most of them are fictional), and would use his words to cheer you up in your hardest moments.
words of affirmation + acts of service. SANJI expresses love by giving his all, but never expecting to receive any love in return - words of affirmation and acts of service give him the love he never knew he needed.
sanji's traumatic childhood of being told that he was a failure and that he shouldn't have been born by his biological family caused him to feel unworthy of love. words of affirmation make him feel deserving of love and care after feeling worthless all his life.
sanji is extremely selfless, going to great lengths to protect and give to the people he loves. he goes out of his way to do acts of service for his friends but feels selfish asking for anything in return. acts of service give him the love he has been missing - going out of your way to do things for him, big or small, makes him feel loved as he feels reassured that his existence is not a burden and that it's not selfish to want things for himself, like favours or help.
sanji will always offer words of affirmation and shower you with compliments to remind you of how much he loves and admires you. he is also very emotionally aware and highly sensitive to the needs of others - he expresses this through acts of service (especially with cooking!) to show his care to who he loves, especially if they need it.
physical touch + words of affirmation. ACE resembles luffy in many ways, he is very physical displaying and receiving love. but besides affection, he needs assurance through words that he deserves love.
ace loves physical touch and is very playful when displaying affection. he loves a good hug, kiss, tickle fight, cuddle, hair ruffle, you name it - he finds it fun and feels like it's the easiest way to let someone know he cares about them or loves them. although he is well-mannered and not as rowdy as he was when he was little, he can be when he's affectionate.
however, ace is also similar to sanji in the sense that he is extremely self-sacrificing and would put his life on the line for those he loves. he needs words of affirmation to remind him that his life is valued and that he shouldn't throw it away selflessly because he deserves to live and be loved.
ace also cares deeply about others' happiness, he would definitely use words of affirmation to comfort you during hard times or to build up your confidence and remind you of how much he loves and cares about you.
acts of service + quality time. similar to zoro, LAW s very reserved and introverted. he isn't so sure how to show or receive love in the typical way, and has his own ways of doing so, mainly based on actions opposed to words.
law is very practical. he cares a lot about being efficient and doing things right because of his role as the captain (and doctor) of the crew. acts of service such as favours or giving him a helping hand mean a lot to him as someone who is always busy and working. he also expresses his love towards others through acts of service, such as protecting or aiding others when they are injured. he is not the most emotionally expressive, so his love language is deeply rooted in doing opposed to saying.
law also highly values quality time as he feels as though meaningful interactions with a friend/partner make the relationship strong and connected. having deep, meaningful conversations with him or supporting him in difficult moments let him know that he can trust you and that you care about him.
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chukys-mouthguard · 4 months ago
oscar winning tears
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featuring -> quinn hughes x female reader
genre -> angst, fluff
summary-> inspired by ‘oscar winning tears’ by raye
note -> thinking of this becoming a mini series possibly? If anyone would be interested?
“You’re fucking joking, are you kidding me?”
Quinn’s shouting echoed off the walls of your shared bedroom as he halted his packing. The news caught him off guard as you sat on the bed, arms wrapped around your legs as you held them tight to your chest. Feeling awful for what you’d told him, but you had no choice.
“I wish I was Quinn, but I just got the call an hour ago. I have no choice!”
Quinn let out a snarky laugh as he resumed packing his suitcase, shaking his head as he moved about the room.
“You do have a choice, you’ve had a choice since the day you met me y/n. This is going to be one of the biggest nights of my career, and you’re canceling on me for a meeting?”
“Yes Quinn, a meeting that happens to be one of the biggest in my career! Look, I’m sorry that I refuse to be some stay at home WAG that cooks and cleans the house all day while you’re the one off making money and having a career. But I just don’t understand why you can’t support me in my career like I support you?”
Quinn scoffed as he zipped the suitcase shut, “yeah, some supportive girlfriend you are! I gotta go.”
Pulling his bag from the bed he grabbed his wallet and phone from his dresser as he headed downstairs, his ride waiting to take him to the airport. You knew that it was best to let him go, when fights like this happened it was better to end it once one of you walked away. But you were less stubborn as Quinn, you hated the idea of walking away from one another after saying something hateful. Especially when one of you is about to get on a plane for several hours.
“Quinn, wait!”
Hurrying down the stairs you tried your best to stop him, but he was already loading his things into the car. As he closed the trunk he looked to you, as if waiting for whatever it was you had to say.
“I love you, I’m so proud of you.”
He made his way to the side of the car, climbing in, he didn’t say anything back. Your heart sinking in your chest, though you told yourself it’s just Quinn being Quinn. The sound of the window rolling down stopped you from heading back into the house, a stern look on Quinn’s face as he spoke, “Call you when I land,” and with that he was gone.
Quinn was nervous, you could tell by his body language as his fingers picked at the arm of the couch he was seated on. Impatiently awaiting the announcement this entire night centered around for him. How you wished you could have been there. To hold his hand and keep him calm, to reassure him that whether he won or lost you still loved him and were so incredibly proud of him. But alas work had other plans, and you were left to watch from home on the couch with the rest of the world.
“And the winner of the James Norris Memorial Trophy is…”
You could feel your heart in your throat as you crossed your fingers, praying that his name would be called. The calm look on his face was simply a facade as you knew Quinn was probably laced with anxiety inside. His brothers beside him surely were doing the same as you, rooting for him as they always did.
“From the Vancouver Canucks, Quinn Hughes!”
Your cheers echoed throughout the house as you jumped off the couch, clapping and cheering as you watched Quinn take the stage. You knew it was nothing to get emotional over, but you couldn’t help but shed a tear. Only a few people knew how hard he worked behind closed doors. What he went through day in and day out to be one of the top defenseman in the NHL. And now he could truly say, he was the top defenseman.
Thinking back to the argument the two of you had a few days ago, you started to question if Quinn was right. Despite always telling yourself that you wouldn’t give up your career for the typical WAG stay at home lifestyle, you were thinking of all the moments you could potentially be missing.
Though the NHL awards weren’t the biggest night in Quinn’s career, next it could be the Stanley Cup Final you’d be missing. And simply the idea of missing such a night for Quinn, you couldn’t imagine it. Though Quinn tries to respect your desire for your own career, you know he keeps a lot of his thoughts to himself. But after the last argument, you knew that it was getting harder and harder for him to keep those quiet.
You heard Quinn’s voice echo throughout the house, followed by the sound of him setting down his bags. Quickly you hurried to put the finishing touches on your surprise dinner, the last step being to pour some of his favorite wine.
Just as you’d replaced the cork and set the bottle down Quinn turned the corner, a soft smile on his face as he looked over the candlelit dinner you’d prepared. He let out a sigh as he walked over to you, arms snaking around your waist as he pulled you close.
Taking in the scent of your perfume he loved so much, his hand tracing up and down your back as he took his time appreciating your body in his embrace. Making sure you knew how much he missed you as he pulled back to steal a kiss from you.
“Hi babe.”
You smiled up at him, slightly giggling as you could see how well you pulled off your surprise by the look on his face. He helped you into your seat at the dining table before taking his own.
“So, what is all this about?”
His eyes scanned the table as you took your glass in hand, holding it out for him to cheers you.
“Like you have to ask Mr. Norris Trophy Winner!”
He rolled his eyes embarrassed as he raised his glass, then pulled it to his lips to take a sip.
“Yeah yeah, I know you didn’t do all of this just for me winning that trophy babe.”
His tone caught you a bit off guard, though appreciative it also seemed laced with sarcasm and assumption.
“Really Quinn? Why can’t I do something nice for you? I mean, you want me to be this stay at home type. Cooking dinner, having the house clean for you when you come home. This is what you want right? And now I’m being criticized for it.”
Quinn immediately regretted his comments, not meaning them to come across the way they did. He just wasn’t used to surprise dinners from you, with work usually holding you up at the office and dinner not a common occurrence, Quinn couldn’t help but feel there was more to the act than just a simple dinner. But he certainly didn’t mean to accuse you of buttering him up.
“I’m sorry, honest. I didn’t mean, I just. You’re right, you aren’t this type of girl to surprise me with dinner on the table. And I didn’t think me winning that trophy was enough reason to become that type of girl. So, for that I am sorry.”
He took your hand in his as you tried to let your frustrations subside, not noticing the tears in your eyes until Quinn reached out to wipe one away.
“I’m sorry Quinn.”
“You’re sorry? For what babe?”
Trying to laugh off your emotions, you simply wiped your tears as you served some salad onto Quinn’s plate.
“I just, I thought about that argument we had. And I think that maybe you’re right. Maybe I should consider giving up my job. I’d be able to do things like this more, come to more games, be at award ceremonies and sit next to you and support you. I can’t do that now, and you deserve so much more than that. So I’m sorry, but I’ll figure something out and try to be better.”
Quinn grabbed your wrist and stopped your anxious serving of food, taking the tongs and bowl of salad from you. Setting them down on the table with a sigh as he could tell how much the argument affected you.
“Baby, please. I love you just the way you are. You don’t need to be better, you’re perfect. I’m a dick for ever telling you that your career isn’t important, or for making you think you needed to give that up for me. Would it be nice to have you around more? Of course! But I don’t want you to sacrifice all of that for me, this should be a compromise. And I can let my emotions or frustrations relax a bit when it comes to your schedule. It’s not like the extra stress on you is at all necessary, work puts you through the ringer as it is.”
Nodding your head in agreement, you tried your best to take what Quinn said as facts, but you knew deep down he hated your work schedule. He hated how often you missed games, or how many nights you spent late at the office missing the opportunity for dinner with him at home. Despite him telling you that your career wasn’t an issue, you couldn’t help but feel like he’d be better off with a typical WAG that stuck to social media or was something more flexible like an influencer.
“Quinn, I hear you, I do. But, maybe you’re just trying to justify things. I know you’d prefer it to be different, and, I’m willing to sacrifice because I love you and I-“
“Don’t you have a big work event coming up?”
The question caught you off guard, work wasn’t something Quinn ever asked much about, so you weren’t sure how to respond.
“There’s like a big party or something coming up?”
“Oh, yeah, our company gala. It’s basically to recognize the success of the company over the last year and stuff. Why?”
“You’re being recognized right?”
Quinn laughed at your confused stare, wondering why you thought him being interested in your work was so wrong.
“Can I go?”
“Y-you wanna go?”
“Of course! I don’t think I’ve ever been able to go before, and I wanna support you just as you do for me! I promise I’ll prove to you that you don’t have to be some stay at home trophy WAG for me, okay?”
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valewosomtb · 11 months ago
not a burden|| a. Putellas × platonic!reader
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warnings: literally none
a/n: Lowkey wrote this based on some personal experience and just had to get it out off my system, love the fear of missing out🤪
You always felt like a second choice. Like you were always there just when some of your so-called friends didn't have anyone else to hang out with. But that is also what your love life, or whatever you should call it since there's not even L from your love life in existence, looked like.
When you find someone you like or you're just attracted to, and you try to pursue it to see where the things go, you somehow end up being heartbroken because that person has someone else or they just haven't gotten over their ex OR you're just a distraction. In the most of the cases, you were just a distraction.
It happened too many times you thought it was a reason you were scared of commitment. That was also a reason why you were scared of opening up to people when you just KNOW they're gonna use it against you or just use you.
Another problem was, that you were a people pleaser. You'd always put someone else's happiness before yours. Even if it killed you. As long as you got to please someone.
Everyone on the team knew your fun, smiley, chaotic, spontaneous side. Almost no one knew the real you. You were always the one to make everyone laugh with your incredibly bad jokes or dumb ideas you always came up with. Even after a bad game, you were the one who would try to cheer everyone up and motivate them.
You were closest to Alexia and Keira. Keira helped you when you signed with Barça and Alexia took you under her wing when she saw how adorable you were the first time when you met her and were a big stuttering mess since she was your idol for a long time.
From time to time, you get into your head. There are some periods when you do nothing but overthink everything. From your performances on training or in the game, to just your relationships with everyone around you.
Everyone told you that you were a very likable person and that there can't be many people who don't like you. You strongly disagreed with that statement.
Especially, in this period when you can't help but think about your relationships in the team.
It was another day, another training, you woke up early in the morning like every other morning, had a little breakfast, and went for a 3-mile run. You just loved running it made your mind clean and easy, and your thoughts stopped running as your legs started. This was the only time you felt happy with yourself.
After you finished, your legs burned but you couldn't care less. You got a quick shower and then got ready for the main training of the day. As you were driving to the stadium the overthinking got louder. All you could think about was do you actually belonged there and do others wanted you there.
You were the first one there, as usual, you were thankful for that. You were walking slowly towards the locker room, when you got there you just sat there and stared at the wall across from you. Just sitting there, overthinking, you were so deep in your thoughts that you didn't even realize that the locker room was already full.
You quickly wiped the tear from your cheek and continued to get ready as everyone else. As you were getting ready to go out on the field, you realized that no one greeted you, like you weren't even there. That just confirmed your overthinking… no one cared about you.
What you didn't think about was that your cubby was far from others and that everyone else greeted you, you just didn't hear because you were spaced out.
Another thing that confirmed your overthinking was when you heard everyone else talking about some kind of team building that supposedly happened yesterday. This was the first time you heard something about that. Did they forget to invite you?
„I can't believe you did that! You and Mapi need to stop challenging each other.“ You heard Lucy say. The fear of missing out was triggering slowly.
„You're right about that, I think it's time for us to stop with that bullshit, “ Patri said with a laugh following, „What I'm more surprised about was that Alexia let us do it at her place!“
Alexia's place? Alexia hosted the team building night. And she forgot to invite you? Or she just didn't want you there and that's why she didn't invite you?
Your head started to spin. You quickly rushed to the bathroom, sat down on a toilet, and tried to calm down. It must've been a misunderstanding of some kind. Right?
You tried to convince yourself. You haven't heard from Alexia in a while, since she was still out because of the small injury. Maybe she got bored of you, she didn't want some stupid 20-year-old bothering her all the fucking time. Your head was just getting worse.
When you managed to calm down, you walked back to the locker room you saw that you were the last one there.
After a long day you had, you finally arrived home, you got into your apartment, locked your doors, and just left your training bag on the floor next to the door. You were too emotionally drained to go shower and too tired to go to the bedroom you found your couch and just laid down and just….stared at the ceiling.
At some point in the day, you fell asleep. You woke up the next day, and you were still too tired to move, you just sent a text to Jona that you weren't feeling well and that you wouldn't be attending training today. But you also realized that you didn't get any messages from anyone, literally nobody texted you. No one needed you.
You threw the phone away and continued with what you know best. Overthinking.
As you were just laying there, silent crying, the tears were just flowing out of your eyes, and you realized something.
YOU were the one who always checked up on others when they were missing from training. YOU were always the first one to text someone when you were planning something. YOU were always the one to make sure everyone got home safe after a night out.
That's right there.
That right there was what you kids these days call, your last straw. Your thirteenth reason.
At the Barça's training grounds, Alexia finally got back to train with the team, and she was really happy and excited about it. She greeted everyone on the way to the locked room. When she walked into the locker room, everyone cheered, like the queen just walked in…which she is.
The first question she asked was „Where's y/n?“ that made everyone look around and see that you indeed weren't there.
„Oh, shit, I knew that something was missing here, “Lucy said. After that everyone got on the field and Jona said that you weren't feeling well. Everyone just nodded with understanding but Alexia didn't buy it. Something wasn't right. You never miss training, even when you don't feel good.
At your apartment, you made progress... you went from the couch to the floor, since you always loved laying or sitting on the floor because it was comfortable. Still thinking how you're worthless and that no one wants you to be here. You finally took your phone and scrolled through social media, where were all the photos and videos posted from the team hangout. You saw how much fun they had... without you.
They were better off…without you.
You were a burden.
You saw the recent stories that everyone posted. Even Alexia. But still not one message.
The training finished and Alexia drove straight to your apartment. Fortunately, it wasn't far from the training grounds or her apartment, so she arrived pretty fast.
She walked up to the door and knocked. No answer. That made her knock a little louder.
„Y/n, please open up I know you can hear me.“ Alexia begged.
The knocking and the yelling made you snap out of it. You stood up and slowly walked to the door. You opened them but not fully.
„What are you doing here, Alexia?“ you asked tiredly. You didn't know how to feel about this visit.
„Um, are you gonna let me in or will I have to let myself in?“ she asked with a raised eyebrow.
You just sighed and moved to open the doors fully and let her in. When she walked in, she took a look around your place and then turned back to you and actually at your appearance.
„Are you okay? Are you sick? What's the matter?“ she asked with all seriousness. Every person who looks into her eyes can see that she cares, but not your eyes or your head.
„Why do you care?“ you said with a scoff and walked towards the living room.
That comment made Alexia confused. Why wouldn't she care?
„Of course, I care. You never miss a training even when you're not feeling well, you would attend a training. Even though I sometimes disagree with that you're stubborn“
„Sure you do.“
„Y/n, what is this about? Why are you acting like this?“
„ACTING LIKE WHAT, ALEXIA? Tell me, acting like fucking what?!“ you threw it at her. It took her by surprise, she didn't expect this from you.
„Don't yell at me! I'm your captain, and I ne- „
Of course, Alexia fucking Putellas!! Captain of FC Barcelona. Only cares about her team and the reputation of her team and that HER team makes HER look good in front of everyone else. She's always „busy“ with, so-called captain duties, that she can't even text me, or answer her phone when I call her. ESPECIALLY WHEN I NEED HER THE MOST!!“ you were just spitting everything out. It made you feel good. You couldn't stop, for once you made yourself feel better.
„ I'm so fucking tired Alexia…Why am I such a burden to you? Do you not like me or something? What did I do to you that made you hate me so fucking much? If I bother you so much, you should just tell me. Also, the whole fucking team hates me. I thought that for once I could say that I belonged somewhere, but no. I'm always the second choice or the third most of the time the last choice. No one wants me in this team…I'm a terrible player, I'll never be like you or Mariona or Caro.“ You broke totally. You started to sob. Alexia couldn't watch you like this, she wanted to help you and the first thing she thought of was to pull you in the biggest hug.
When you felt her arms around you, you broke down completely. She held you for a good while, her shirt stained from your tears, she couldn't care less.
You finally stopped shaking and calmed down. When you you were ready, Alexia pulled away but not totally. She put her hands on your shoulders and made you look at her, so you hear her out.
„First of all, I want to apologize for not checking up on you more often, especially now since I understand you're having a hard time. I would also like to apologize for not answering your calls but I have really been busy and I was planning on calling you back I just forgot. Second of all, if I ever hear you talk like that about yourself I'll personally kick your ass,“ as she was telling you this, you finally managed to look at her. You saw her eyes a little glassed because of her tears.
„I see you as my little sister, you're not a burden, y/n. And I want you to remember that. I don't know what made you think that but I'm sorry if I made you feel like that. And also if you want I can talk to the team about that but I can tell you for sure that everyone adores you.“ You listened to her and tried to trust the words that she was saying but your head was a little louder.
„ And I also wanted to say, you'll never be like Mariona, Caro, or me. You'll be way better than us combined, especially if you continue to work as hard as you do now. I idolize your hard-working habits.“ She finished her speech. And you believed her. For once, you think you have someone who will hear you out when you have this kind of episode.
„Do you mean that?“ you asked her hesitantly.
„Yes, I do. And when next time you feel like this, I want you to come to me. Even if I'm busy, I'll make time for you.“ She said and gave you a small smile.
You smiled back at her and pulled her in a hug. You needed one after a few very emotional days.
„Now, will you tell me what made you feel this way?“ she said while pulling away.
You rubbed your neck nervously while trying to form a normal sentence.
„Well, um, I sometimes have these episodes when I get really into my head and just think little of myself. Also, some events from my past just encourage those episodes to come out. And also when I saw some pictures online from the other day from your place…it just made it worse“ you told her.
„Okay, when another episode of this is about to come out, let me know. And what do you mean the picture from my place?“
„Well I heard that there was some kind of a team hangout at your place and I wasn't invited and my fear of missing out was getting the best of me…it made my episode worse“
„Ooh that hangout out“Alexia chuckled after that „It wasn't a real hang out, it was kinda spontaneous because my sister got engaged and she's friends with most of my teammates so we just celebrated at my place.“
You face palmed yourself. Alexia just laughed at you. You couldn't believe yourself right now.
„ It's alright, hermanita. Don't be so hard on yourself“ Alexia tried to comfort you.
„Thank you, Ale. So much, and I'm sorry for bothering you with my shit..again“
„Don't have to thank me, just score my goals for my team so it makes me look good as captain in front of everyone“ she teased you.
„oh god, I don't know how that came out of my mouth, I'm so sorry“ you apologized.
Alexia just laughed at your, „You don't have to say sorry for everything, it's okay you were emotional and you needed to take it out on someone“
You were thankful that Alexia was this understanding. Younger you wouldn't believe you if you told her that you're crying in front of Alexia Putellas and she's comforting you.
„If you don't mind me asking. What exactly happened in the past that made it so bad?“ she asked with a curious look
„If I start now I won't stop until tomorrow. It's a long story“
„Oh, would you look at that I'm free today. So start from the beginning.“
And so you did. You told her everything, from A to Z. You finally opened up to someone after a long time. And it felt good. It made it easier because Alexia was call, patient, and understanding. After that you were more open with everyone and communicated way more than before.
But if it weren't for Alexia, you'd probably be still lying on that floor and staring at the ceiling.
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softomboy · 7 months ago
Jotaro/Kakyoin/Polnareff X Autistic Reader ★HEADCANONS★
How would the Crusaders treat you regarding your special traits?
. ݁₊ ⊹ G/N Reader ݁₊ ⊹ .SFW. ݁₊ ⊹
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Themes: Inappropriate use of stands, Touch sensitivity, Noise sensitivity, Food "pickiness", Photosensitivity, Sense of humor, Overstimulation, Burnout.
As my fellow autistic people might know, we all have different traits. I'll base these HCS based off my general experience. Also, english is my 2nd language so sorry beforehand for weird expressions, if there's any. Enjoy! <3
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. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ Jean Pierre Polnareff
❥ I really think he would be the most understanding (alongside Avdol) and supportive, that's why I'm putting him first
❥ When you two gained a little confidence after meeting eachother, he made sudden physical contact without announcing himself (slapping your back or firmly holding your shoulder out of the blue), which he didn't know would greatly startle you, even if you didn't show it.
❥ Since you explained it to him, he became THE GENTLEST. He tries to be in front of you or at your side whenever he's about to make physical contact, in order for you to anticipate and mentally permit the action.
❥ He caresses your shoulder and back, surrounds you with his arm, occasionally hugs you.
❥ You know the crusaders are trustworthy, and great guys. So you don't feel hesitant to make physical contact with them at all, which is very valuable.
❥ He's the most touchy with you because you two get along very well.
❥ His generally cheerful attitude helps your anxious one.
❥ Not to mention that his simple humor and his goofyness are absolute gold
❥ He makes you laugh a lot with the stupidest puns, and the others can see him inflating his chest with pride from making you feel happy.
❥ Whenever you don't understand a joke, one of the crusaders will always explain it to you. But when Polnareff doesn't understand it as well, you become the clueless duo™️
❥ When you're going to eat at a hotel buffet, restaurant... He always remembers what your go-to foods are, and points them out for you.
❥ "Look, y/n-chan! They have (food) here!"
❥ If you're overstimulated, he'll give you space and tell the others to keep as quiet as possible and not disturb you. He'll literally be your guard knight for the day and remember you he'll help in any way he can.
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. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ Kakyoin Noriaki
✦ He hasn't talked with you about the 'tism a lot, because he thinks it must be a tedious enough thing to live with and doesn't wanna pressure you into informing him about all the details.
✦ However, he'll listen attentively and try to remember everything you point out about yourself. Kakyoin cares, and shows it trough his actions.
✦ He likes to gift you emeralds he creates with Hierophant Green, because fidgeting and watching the light refract in them keeps you entertained and helps a lot with stress.
✦ Whenever he notices you peacefully playing with an emerald, he smiles to himself.
✦ Especially when you're watching the sunlight bounce inside the green gem, which is beautiful. And the emerald's pretty as well.
✦ Regardless if you're good at painting or not, he'll encourage you to paint with him in order to decompress.
✦ Mostly abstract or kindergarten level paintings, nothing serious in order to set your intuition and senses free.
✦ When you forget to put on your sunglasses while it's really bright outside, he knows you'll get gradually overstimulated and pissed off.
✦ So he remembers you to put them on, or offers you his own.
✦ Always tries to get you to eat pieces of fruit when they're available.
✦ If you like fruit he'll pick up your favorites, and if not he'll try to pick the most appetizing looking ones and convince you to try them.
✦ "These dates are amazing, they almost taste like brown sugar. Want to try one?"
✦ He'll not force you to try the ones you have tried and don't like, though.
✦ He has helped you on some occasions to regulate sensorially, simply by tying a straightjacket around you with his stand. The pressure feels like a tight hug, and it is strangely soothing, calming you down completely in a matter of minutes. You're both weirdly into it.
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. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ Jotaro Kujo
★ There's AT LEAST one thing you have in common: You don't like small talk. So being able to sit in comfortable silence with him turns out to be a nice break for both.
★ For that reason, he always listens to you, because he knows you won't talk just for the sake of it. If you bring up something, it's most likely worthy of his attention.
★ His cold behavior makes it seem as if he doesn't care about your sensitivities. However, Star Platinum shows otherwise.
★ As much as an obedient Stand he is, he's always ready to appear against Jotaro's command in order to interact with you.
★ Star has appeared in some occasions to cover your ears with his enormous hands when you're overwhelmed by all the noise in a crowded place.
★ "Give me a break..."
Jotaro whispers, walking by your side while his stand is floating above you. He is concentrating on shielding your ears from the hubbub of the place. Jotaro lets out a sigh with his mouth closed, remotely feeling the soft texture of your hair trough his stand's hands.
★ Star also brings you little gifts. Catches bugs for you to see, picks cool rocks, steals little trinkets to give you. Everything just to make you smile, which warms him to his core.
★ As much as Jotaro acts pissed about his stand manifesting w/o permission, he is actually glad that at least his Stand is able to do things for you he's too embarrassed to do himself.
★ And don't ever bring this up: you've catched him smirking once or twice at his stand's actions. Specifically when he makes you smile.
★"Eat your damn food and drink your goddamn water. If not, don't be complaining about being hungry later, because I'm not letting Star bring you snacks".
★ (Like he can do something to stop him. Seriously SP is out of control ☠️)
★ At some point, you mentioned in front of him that having a bit of weight on top of you normally helps you sleep better. Next thing you know, Star Platinum's snuggling next to you in bed whenever you're struggling to fall asleep.
★ He hugs you with one of his arms and the slight pressure of its weight makes you feel secure. (He's the cutest thing ever I seriously cannot)
I was initially planning to include Avdol and Joseph in this, but I was too lazy to keep writing ☠️😭 I am truly sorry for my sins against Avdol and Joseph fans
Maybe if I get requests for them I'll make another post for them both ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) idk
Please like & repost if you like this ndv crap 😳❤️
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lunatic-pudge · 1 year ago
TF2 Mercs Green Flags (except it's very biased)
I love my boys. Yes, this is biased and questionable. But this is meant to be cute and fun.
-Silly little goober, great person to be around when you need cheering up
-Golden retreiver boyfriend
-Can easily make you laugh without even trying
-Artsy fartsy
-Cutie patootie who makes the cutest drawings of you two together
-Owns an Easy Bake Oven
-Master at baking, never-ending supply of sweets for you to indulge in
-Your biggest supporter. Would literally cheer for you if you rob a bank
-Also your biggest supporter, will demand that other adore you as well
-Will let you own any pet you want no matter what the animal is
-Speeches of why you're the best thing to ever exist and how America is blessed to have such a beauty like you live there
-Will give you anything and everything you could ever want, like human ears. Definitely a good person to be if you like collecting weird stuff
-Precious baby boy is a major cuddle bug
-Def knows how to knit/crochet, will make you whatever you want
-Baby man likes learning about folklore/mythology
-He's essentially a big walking teddy bear. Perfect for cuddles, especially on a cold or rainy day
-Protective baby boy, big scary dog privleges
-Bookworm, can recommend a good book if you don't know what to read
-Perfect person to lay around and cuddle with, he can smother me any day. Dates at home are TOP TIER
-Smart boy, can make you stuff that helps with day to day activities which is helpful if you can't do certain things to having a disability or something
-Dad bod, dad bod, dad bod, dad bod, dad bod, can't get enough of it
-Voice of an angel, will sing for you if you'd like. Can def sing you to sleep
-NERD, he's an adorable nerd! Let him ramble about his hyperfixations!
-Def a good pet owner, would kill someone if they don't take proper care of their pets
-Would make sure you take care of yourself, he's kinda like a dad that cares
-He's such a maniac. I can see him just secretly being up to no good all the time. And he's also very girlypop
-Putting an extra for him cause I can: Medic boobs. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
-Sweet, precious baby boy who can do no wrong. He strikes me as someone who listens to EVERYTHING when it comes to music. He ain't genrephobic
-Also a collector of weird things. Likes making bone jewlery. Bone boy
-I just love the concept of him being feral? This is probably the weirdest thing on the list. Like there's the golden retreiver boyfriend (Scout), and then there's the feral boyfriend (Sniper). Literally acts like a cat, hiding away from people, hissing when people that aren't you tries to touch him, will demand attention/affection from you, ect. I need to make a more detailed idea of a feral boyfriend so work with me plz
-He would absolutely let you wear his clothes, thinking about how adorable you look. He'd do the same with your clothes if they're big enough for his lanky body. You two swap jackets in the winter time so you guys always have a piece of each other when you two are busy and aren't able to see each other
-I know a running joke is that Spy is a smelly French asshole, but I really do think that he wears some of the nicest smelling cologne out there. Expensive af colonge, but damn, it's addicting
-Smarty pants. Not just anyone can be a spy, it takes quite a bit of intellect for it. And not to mentions he knows multiple languages? Love it, even if I hate the French language with a burning passion
-Him having a good taste in fashion? He's gotta know what he's doing by wearing suits all the time. Not only does he look fresh af, but people always look so good in a suit, especially when it fits them. But please also picture him dressed in a more romantic goth aesthetic plz, okay I'll stop now
-Is good at paying attention to even the littlest of details about his partners. Even if you're trying to be cryptic or subtle about things, he'll always find out. He's def a protective type too
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obsessedwrhys · 9 months ago
okokokok HEAR ME OUT !… rottmnt brothers x a gn! younger adopted sibling medusa hcs… whose snakes are lowkey protective of them… sometimes they act on their own but if the reader is feeling an emotion strongly they’ll feel that emotion… yeah… (can you also make the reader calm, collected and reserved?)
(Idk if ur reqs are closed or not so u can do this later or delete it if you want)
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ fluff, bit of angst, reader is gn!! (Look at how cute they are)
As babies he was always so scared of the snakes on your head. Like what do you mean it's supposed to be your hair? How does that even work?
Every now and then when he's passing by your room, he couldn't help but sneak a glance of you pampering to the snakes. It's just so amusing to see you treat them as if they have a mind of their own.
Which they do in some cases.
Growing up together, he has gotten use to the fact that the snakes happen to also feel whatever emotions you feel. Anger. Despair. Joy.
Never in his life would he ever think to see a hundred snakes smiling at him. But oh well, at least you're happy.
He is honestly very astonished with your ability to turn any living or non-living things to stone.
There was this one time where you guys were fighting and a member of the foot clan managed to sneak up behind you, but due to your enhanced reflexes, you were fast enough to turn him into stone. You simply blew at the sculpture and eventually it loses its balance and falls.
Remind him to never mess with you 'cause being turned into stone does not look fun.
Despite your scary appearance, you were the most chill person in the group. You would always be found either in the living room watching tv or in your room doing your thing.
What I'm trying to say is that you're the least expected sibling to create the huge mess of the day for everyone to deal with.
He doesn't find the snakes on your head too much of a deal, he cares and loves you all the more.
He finds the snakes on your head so cool!!
Since ya'll were kids, he's been constantly storming up with stupid tricks or ideas to do with you.
And you obliged each time because you didn't feel like it was anything dangerous. Most of the time you guys end up having fun.
He has once asked you to turn Donnie to stone. Obviously you said no.
Even though your ability to turn people to stone is irreversible, it still doesn't give you the excuse to just do it to anyone or anything as you liked. Which is the same thing you've said to Leo multiple times and he always let's out an annoyed groan at your reminder.
He 100% picks fight with the snakes on your head. Always sneakily poking one or pulling one (obvs not that hard) when it's not looking, what he doesn't realise is that you can feel it too. He's been bit many times for doing that but he never learns.
He just enjoys messing with you :(
It's the sibling energy in him.
Did I forget to mention how he managed to convince you to turn him to stone in order to escape Raph's lecture? Yeah that happened.
I've said this before and I'll say this again, he definitely makes terrible dad jokes related to snakes towards you. It always entertains him and him only.
"You know, people always say snakes are so venomous but I think they're just slitherin around"
"That was terrible Leo"
He likes to hug you because he just loves the feeling of the snakes on your head rubbing against his face. It's like the same feeling you feel when a cat rubs it's face against your face. So relaxing.
He loves to especially bury his face into them.
It weirds out the others but you don't mind as long as he doesn't hurt you or the snakes.
Also the way your eyes glows red alongside the snakes whenever you turn something to stone? You look ethereal!!
And the tiny traces of scales across your skin??? Badass!!
He'll literally wear a cheerleader fit and swing around pong pongs to cheer you on.
Since you were kids, he was always drawn towards the snakes on your head. He always wondered how did it even get there.
He once accidentally pulled on one of the snakes as a kid and the bite on his hand is now scarred to life.
He doesn't tell you but he thinks the snakes looks great on you, the green matching the green in your eyes is like the cherry on top. Not to mention your fashion sense is amazing!!
He doesn't mind having you stay in his lab, you're not loud and don't disturb his work which he appreciates it.
I like to think that whenever he's bored, he'll probably approach you to examine on the snakes on your head. You don't really mind and just continue on doing whatever it is that you were doing in the first place.
Though, there was this one time you caught him waving at the snakes and smiled when they all greet him back.
He definitely asks questions about stuff.
Some of the questions that still stuck to you was "If you used a mirror and activated your power, will you be able to turn yourself to stone?" And "Do the snakes on your head grow like hair?"
The last one might be true in a way. The snakes only extends when you want it to. You just do it when it's convenient, whether to toss a bad guy away or to grab a cup of coffee on the table.
He would hyperfixate on Greek Mythology when he sees the obvious similarity. However it just made his brain spin even more. Were you also cursed? He never knew how to ask you about that since he's afraid to trigger your emotions.
The last time he did that the snakes on your head all began hissing at him, not to mention seconds away from attacking him.
But it doesn't matter, you'll tell everyone when you want to. All he knows is that you grew up together and care about each other, that's already enough.
Oooh snakes.
I just have a feeling that since babies, the snakes on your head has always been so affectionate towards Mikey.
Like out of all the brothers, he's the only one they let him do things with. Helping you do different hairstyles, feeding them and even giving them accessories. Anything he can do to make you look glamorous.
He also happen to name each of the snakes. He says he doesn't have a favourite but it's way too obvious that you're his favourite.
He hates it however when you're sad, the way the snakes on your head pretty much drops with a frown breaks his heart.
Everytime Leo decides to mess with you, Mikey is 100% already there and simply standing menacingly behind him, waiting for him to finally notice him.
"He's standing behind me isn't he?"
A lot of the days where its sunny, he would definitely take you go swimming. He knows how frustrated you get when it's too hot.
Same goes to when it's winter, this boy will go out of his way to make a comfortable beanie for you to use and for the snakes to nestle in.
Also you have a big appetite but do not fear!! He will prepare you the most delicious meal you'll ever eat!!
You're surprisingly good at communicating with animals. You've befriended some of the rats in the sewer and he can't help but call you the "Rat Whisperer"
He loves hanging out with you, whether if it's doing nothing together or having fun, he likes spending every second with you.
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ilovehugslikealotalot · 7 months ago
How She Got That Girl
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little moodboard:
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sum: Rebecca saw you, she wanted you, she got you.
based off of How You Get the Girl (Taylor’s Version) by Taylor Swift
a/n: did I add some Jemily references? Yes. Also did I add a couple other references? Yes. Have fun finding them! :) -V
WARNING: fluff, tiniest bit of angst if you squint, flirty!rebecca (she’s just a girl desperate for love), this is honestly just a lighthearted fic, American!reader, cringey writing :)
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Rebecca knew from the moment she laid her eyes on your very impressive figure, that she wanted you. She definitely knew that you, in fact, were the one after laughing ridiculously loud at one of her jokes. The way your nose scrunched, a snort escaping you as people looked at you, Rebecca, and Keeley. Walking into the café, she was only expecting to walk out with a cappuccino and Keeley. Not with a new crush and a light pink hue gracing her features.
Keeley told Rebecca that you were fit but, the club owner didn’t know you were that fit. “Someone’s smitten!” Keeley smirked, nudging her best friend’s arm.
Rebecca let out a sigh, “Did you have to introduce me to her on the day my hair won’t cooperate?” She let out a groan, letting Keeley get into the car first.
The whole ride to the club was filled with Keeley talking about you, your accomplishments, and how you were so good at your job. You were a Veterinarian, your clinic wasn’t too far from the club.
“I mean, you should shoot your shot. She’s really sweet but, I have to warn you she can be a bit slow.”
Maybe Rebecca would pay you a visit. You mentioned during a conversation, that you loved flowers. Maybe…just maybe…she could bring you some. With a smile, she took Keeley’s advice. She would make a plan to try and get to know you more.
It went a little bit like this:
First, with the unwavering support of Keeley, of course. Rebecca had mustered up the courage to get back into the dating game. It wasn’t a hard decision, especially when you were the one she wanted. Standing there with your charming, flashy smile. The phone was pressed against her ear, gently halting the car to a stop in the parking lot.
“Just be the normal, charming, and wealthy Rebecca I know! Y’know…like be serious but, make sure you don’t sound stuck up because…” Rebecca’s guts did all sorts of flips. Her mind raced, as her thoughts canceled out Keeley’s word.
Maybe it was a bad thing that she took her mother’s Bernese Mountain Dog, Shelley, for a checkup just to see you. It was okay, right? Shell was already overdue for one, anyway. So, why not knock down two birds with one stone?
Keeley hung up the phone, encouraging her friend to be outgoing. She could charm her way into anything.
Rebecca wrapped her coat tighter around her, Shelley was always a good girl she had full trust that the smart dog could help her try to win you over. Rebecca stopped near the door, “Alright, Shell, just like we talked about in the car, okay? I really hope you understood.” She said scratching her head. The dog wagged her tail so violently her body seemed to shake. She was a friendly girl, even if there was an intruder in the home. Shelley would just flip over on her back, begging for belly rubs.
She let out a deep ‘woof’ her tongue sticking out of her snout.
Rebecca let out a small laugh, pushing the door open. She was greeted with the scent of vanilla and what seemed to be coffee. Many people were sitting down, a hushed bustle in the waiting room. Slight chatter from some people who knew each other. The clinic seemed well off. Rebecca filled out the forms, handing them back to the receptionist with a smile.
“Doctor Y/l/n will be you shortly” she said, a cheerful aura was around her as she typed on the computer. She was clearly stressed and trying not to show it.
Rebecca nodded her head, sitting down on one of the sofa’s. Shelley’s head rested on Rebecca’s thigh as the blonde mindlessly scratched the dogs head. The club owner looked through her emails. She really wasn’t in the mood to respond to them. “Rebecca…?” You called out, smiling as you saw her. You didn’t expect to see her here.
Immediately, Rebecca’s head shot up, she stood, Shelley excitedly followed her.
“Y/n! I didn’t know you worked here!” lie.
“Oh, yeah! I’ve been here for a little bit, actually.” You smiled, not aware of the way Rebecca’s heart rate increased. “Let’s head to my office, yeah?” You said, leading them down the hall. Rebecca followed you like a lovesick puppy, ironic isn’t it?
The woman helped you get Shelley on the table, the dog excitedly wagged her tail again. She was licking your hand, excitedly shaking with excitement. “Awh, you’re too sweet! What’s her name, Becca?” You asked, the nickname sort of just slipping out.
Rebecca just blushed a bit, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she stood awkwardly. You really know how to make her feel like the worlds stupidest woman.
How is it that her name rolled off of your tongue so easily? It made her feel like everyone, even her parents, have been saying her name wrong her whole life. How is it that you, a mere veterinarian, made her feel like she was struck by lightning, got up, then struck again.
It wasn’t until you called her name once more that she realized she wasn’t responding.
“Oh! Sorry, her name’s Shelley”
With a smile, you nodded, beginning the checkup. Checking for weight, heart beats, and feeling for any peculiar bumps on Shelley’s body. Rebecca, of course, couldn’t care less about the checkup. She knew Shelley was fine.
She was too focused on the way your hands moved so skillfully. Each movement deriving from, no doubt, years of studying and practice.
Oh, how she wished you could hold her in those very hands.
After a few good minutes, a little bit of awkward tension rose. Rebecca blamed herself, why was she so…awkward around you? Usually she could charm her love interests with ease…but you? That was a question she’d never be able to answer.
She couldn’t form a coherent sentence without sounding like an uneducated teenage boy.
“So, how’s your day?” You asked, flashing a light in the dogs eyes. Checking for any abnormal activity. Rebecca perked up a bit, “Well it’s been slow at the club. I predict it’s not for long, especially with another game coming up. How was yours, love?” The woman said, proud of herself for not stumbling over any words.
You felt a blush itch at your cheek but quickly shooing it away. The Rebecca Welton couldn’t like you like that…right?
“Well, uh…we’ve been insanely busy today. Haven’t even the time to think, my minds just been on autopilot all day.” You confessed, laughing a bit as you sat your stethoscope down. Rebecca looked at you with a raised brow. Poor thing, you seemed like the type to work yourself till you dropped.
“I’ve seen, by the way…have you eaten?” The blonde asked, tilting her head a bit. She was concerned, it was well past 2 o’clock. You had to think for a moment. “No, I haven’t skipped breakfast because I’d be late, I haven’t had lunch yet either. It’s just been so busy I haven’t had the time to think about food.”
Rebecca sighed, you needed to take better care of yourself.
“Well, when does you shift end?”
“Right after I’m done with you. Why?” You asked, raking your hands through Shelley’s hair. “Well, I’d like to take you out for a late lunch. Are you alright with that?”
Not being able to trust your speech. You only smiled nodding, lunch with your dream girl? That was not on your bingo card. You looked at her clothes, not trusting your eyes to give the right message. Her pink blouse looked good on her.
“You look very nice in pink”
Rebecca gave you that adorable smile, you swear you couldn’t move. Just giggle. You almost never did that, yet with Rebecca you felt like a high schooler texting their boyfriend.
Lunch was going to be amazing.
Next, Keeley had invited you to visit AFC Richmond, you used to live near West Ham and even dated a player from there. After the breakup, you didn’t really like to get into soccer football. He always made it clear you were nothing more than nice eye candy for press. An object he can use however her pleases.
Of course, the relationship ended quick.
You were glad you left him. He was a very dull man.
A squeal broke you from your thoughts, Keeley ran down the hallway into your arms. “Y/N!!!” She screamed your name all the way down the hall. Some people giving side eyes or letting out a chuckle knowing how the bubbly woman could be.
“Hello to you too Keels!” You laughed, busy hugging your friend not noticing the other, taller, blonde strutting up to both of you. It wasn’t until her sultry voice reached your ears that you realized she was there.
“Y/n, what a pleasant surprise!” She smirked, standing confidently. Rebecca loved the way she towered over you, smiling as you parted from Keeley. “It’s nice to see you too, Rebecca” You squeaked, not expecting her to open up her arms for a hug. It wasn’t until you were in her arms that you realized it was the most heavenly thing you’ve ever felt.
She was like a warm teddy bear, you never wanted to let go. Yet, you had to or it’d be awkward. Keeley saw the way both of you interacted, she let out a soft sigh, pretending something came up on her phone. “Oh shucks! Looks like my presence is needed elsewhere. I’m so sorry, babes. Maybe Rebecca can show you ‘round?”
Rebecca’s eyes widened letting go of you as you turned around with a slight pout. “Awh, Keels! That’s okay, next time!” You assured, looking at Rebecca. The woman swallowed hard, this was not planned at all. She wasn’t even prepared!
“Sure! I can show this one around. Enjoy your…whatever it is, Keeley!” The blonde said, her eyes boring in Keeley’s head. The other blonde just smiled waving as she walked away, clearly proud of herself.
You turned back to Rebecca with a smile, “Whenever you’re ready, boss lady,” Rebecca let out a laugh. How ironic, the two American’s in her life both calling her boss. She was sure Ted was gonna love you.
Rebecca let you hook your arm through hers. She loved how you looked with her, arm and arm. She’d swear it was meant to be. Keeley would support her, Higgins would call her delusional, Ted would just sigh, put his head in his hands, and swing his legs. That man was really something else.
Continuing down the hall, she showed you the trophy case, bringing you to the lockeroom that smelt of axe body spray and man sweat. Leading you to the coaches office, she told you who sat where.
You looked around in awe, you had always been a Hammer since you moved to the U.K. but now, you just might be a Greyhound.
She showed you the pitch, for some reason the boys weren’t out there. Rebecca thought it was weird but she brushed it off. You could meet them all at a later time.
Leading you upstairs, she showed you her office. She let you walk in first, you gasped. It was so beautiful. Not to mention the windows that had a very clear view of the pitch. The glass desk was gorgeous though, you noticed the biscuit crumbs. You made a mental note a few days ago that she loved biscuits. You should bake her some when you get the chance.
Rushing toward the big windows, you pressed yourself against them lightly looking out onto the pitch. How could any ever be so unhappy to have this view? You heard a chuckle behind you. You knew it was Rebecca. “This place is beautiful!” You beamed turning around to hug her.
“Thanks for showing me around, you didn’t have to. I know you have a tight schedule. Being a football club owner and all…” You said sheepishly, she only smiled, her hand resting on your shoulders.
“I will always find time for you, silly!” She smiled, her hands moving to cup your cheeks.
You blushed, hard.
Third, she invited you over to her house. Both of you agreed on a little movie night since everyone seemed to be with their significant other that weekend. It served as a reminder that the two women were still single.
With a big grin, you let yourself in, Rebecca had told you that she left a key for you in the potted plant. Gently putting it back, you called out to her, “Becca? You home?”
The woman ran through her house, letting out a loud scream as she saw you. You squealed, immediately running into each other’s arms. She gave you a kiss on the cheek, which could mean nothing.
“I’m so glad you’re here! Okay, c’mon. I got every snack in the world over here.” She said, excitedly leading you to the living room.
Her house was a mixture or luxurious and cozy. You could definitely get used to being wrapped up in her strong arms while watching a movie. Even if it wasn’t that time yet, the both of you decided to watch a Christmas movie. Klaus was one of your favorites, though it wasn’t exactly the most popular choice.
As the movie played, you couldn’t help but snuggle closer to Rebecca, sighing contently as you did so. The woman looked down at you, admiring that way you looked so comfortable with her arms wrapped around you. It was like the two of you have done it before.
The movie was delightful, though she couldn’t focus on it much with your adorable laughter and constant need to make her blush. Most of the time she just looked at you, playing with your hair, or drawing invisible shapes on your stomach.
“Would you ever be open to baking biscuits with me?” You asked as the movie rolled to the credits, “Yes, of course! Why not?”
Rebecca smiled, brushing a strand of hair behind her face. You hummed, looking up at her as you sat up. “Alright! We’ll have to do that next time” You said, placing your head on her shoulder. The woman chuckled. “why not do it now? I mean I have everything, at least, I think I do.”
You sat up with a wide smile, the view alone made Rebecca’s stomach do all sorts of flips. “Well, come on!”
The biscuits were now in the oven, you and Rebecca were talking about anything and everything. Rebecca sat on one of the stools next to the kitchen island and you sat on the counter. “Oh really? That’s impressive!” You complimented, Rebecca was telling you the story of how she hired Ted to be the coach because she knew he was a kind man and wanted there to be positivity in the lockeroom. Plus, she added that it took her weeks of calling and emailing to get his attention. It was a load of nonsense but, you ate it right up.
She could tell that you didn’t know much about football, considering how you didn’t even know she owned the club before the both of you met. Plus, she asked you if you knew who the man was in the black and white picture in the trophy case. That meant you didn’t know about Rupert either, maybe this was her clean start. She wanted to make a good impression without other situations defining who or what she was.
“So, did you ever play any sports?” Addison asked, somewhere along their conversation, Addison had wound up with Rebecca’s hand in hers, messing with the older woman’s rings.
“I did, only for a little bit though. I played Tennis until I broke my ankle. After that, I started working as a bartender.” You nodded along, completely enchanted by her. I mean, what person wouldn’t be?
Oh! Well, there goes the biscuits. You were gentle with the whole baking process, Rebecca wasn’t patient enough for it but she definitely tried to act like it for your sake. Pulling out the tray, you fanned them a bit with your hand. The older blonde, watched as you did so, how could someone like you be single?
Wait, she never even asked if you were-
“Alright, be careful they’re still a bit hot” Rebecca wasted no time shoving one into her mouth. She let out a satisfied grumble, “Oh, fuck me…”
You were a damn fine baker that’s for sure.
The lingering feeling in your stomach after the last few encounters and hangouts with Rebecca made your heart flutter. It wasn’t dirty, no. Far from it. It was heartfelt. She’d offered to walk you home insisting that it’d be better for the environment.
Both of you knew that was a lie. She just wanted to get to know you. No one had gone out of their way to do that.
It was safe to say you were slowly falling for the woman. The way she’d text you often, sometimes just to make sure you were having a good day. Made your knees weak and tummy barrel roll. When you weren’t, she’d make sure to cheer you up. She always knew how too.
Not to mention, she’d always call you during your breaks or after shifts. She’d made a point to memorize your schedule so she wouldn’t disturb you. You found it sweet.
“So, y/n what’s up with you and blondie, eh?” Tricia asked, cleaning some medical tools as you leaned on the counter next to her a dreamy look in your eyes. “Huh? Oh! Rebecca? She’s…she’s great! Yeah, totally awesome sauce!” You said a little too confidently, in your head, you were cringing. What did you just say?
Tricia made a face, with a snort she continued. “Okaaaaay, so…Rebecca. Look, I’ve known you long enough to know you only say that when you’re crushing.”
You nodded, sitting up to look at her with a goofy smile. She smirked, “You definitely have the hots for her, I think she might have the hots for you too. I mean, the way she looked at you made it ridiculously obvious.” The nurse stated, making sure to dry the tool before putting it in the cabinet. Turning to her friend, she let out a sigh.
“I mean, I’m not the only one who agrees, Megan, Gia, Koko, a few more have seen her look at you. When she made her appointment she specifically asked for you. She totally want to get to know you.” She woman admitted, crossing her arms with a wink.
The thought made you blush, was that why she came to this clinic? It only made you swoon further. You giggled again, why was it that you giggled at the thought of that. You usually would let out a snort or cackle when laughing. But for some reason she made you feel like an obsessed teenager.
“Well, while you do that. You still up for movie night next week?” Tricia asked, looking at you with a smile. You reciprocated it, nodding. The woman threw a thumbs up before exiting the room. You spent a couple more minutes going over the last few patients you had. Making sure to schedule some of their follow ups.
Suddenly the door burst open, it was Candy one of the younger nurses. “Uh, Y/n? You remember that blonde woman you went out to eat with? Well, uh, she’s upfront. Asking for you, she’s got flowers~” The young woman said with sing song voice, doing a little shimmy. You immediately perked up, running out the door and down the hall. Before entering the waiting room, you fixed everything. Your hair, face, clothes, everything
Pushing the door open, you smiled seeing Rebecca. She was wearing a pink dress and oh goodness…it looked absolutely heavenly on her.
“Hello, love! I thought I’d drop by, you mentioned it was a slow day so…I know it wouldn’t hurt to give you these” Rebecca said softly, handing you a small bouquet of flowers. They were breathtaking. You took them in your hand with a look of gratitude, Rebecca was so sweet.
You heard some snickers and a couple ‘Ooh La La!’s behind you. Turning around, you saw some of your co-workers walking away and giving kissy faces, throwing a couple winks too. Candy made a scissor motion with her hands as she disappeared down the hallway. That girl was going to be the death of you! You made a mental note to strangle her later.
Rotating your head back to Rebecca, you could tell she didn’t see any of that. The woman was just staring nervously at you. With a warm smile, you embraced her mumbling a ‘thank you’ in her shoulder. Looking up, you got on your tip toes, kissing her cheek.
She just gave you a hum, wrapping her arms around you gently, almost as if she would break you if she squeezed too hard. Pulling away a bit, you could see the slight smirk on her face. There was the real playful Rebecca. She kept her hand on your hips, her thumb running up and down.
“Look, I know how slow the clinic is right now but, I know how hard you work so…how about dinner? My treat.” She asked confidently, giving you a wink. You immediately beamed at the offer, though you hesitated a bit, it was still hard to believe Rebecca could just use her precious time on you. “I…Are you sure? That’d be lovely but aren’t you busy with like a game or something?”
Rebecca chuckled lightly, “No, sweet love. Even if there was, I’d cancel for you. You have no plans tonight, yes?”
“No, ma’am!” You responded, clutching the small bouquet to her chest.
”Alright then, I’ll pick you up at 7”
Just as she had planned. The dinner was lovely, Rebecca showered you with nothing but love. The two of you subtly flirted all the way to your home, both of you settled on your couch, sipping on white wine as the two of you talked the night away.
The T.V. was playing but both of you didn’t pay any mind to it.
It was safe to say she had you wrapped around her finger the whole evening, or at least she thought so.
“You mentioned you’ve never actually gone to a game before, why is that..?” Rebecca asked, her voice a tad husky as she scooted a little closer. The woman took it upon herself to figure out everything about you, looking through your socials to see you’ve dated a football layer in the past. You didn’t catch the hungry look in her eyes as you responded, “Well, I don’t know if you know this, my last boyfriend was a football player. He said he didn’t want to show me off for safety reasons but it was all crap.”
The club owner hummed, placing her wine down on the slim, rectangular table behind your couch. Her hand coming up to you face brushing a piece of hair away. Cupping your face in her hands, she caressed your cheek softly, it was only for a brief moment before her hand trailed down to your neck. Stopping at your collarbone, her hand rested at the diamond necklace you wore.
It sparkled brightly, not quite like you did though. She thought you were shiniest gem in the world.
“Well, he’s an idiot, a pretty thing like you should be shown off, darling” She smirked, her thumb resting softly on your bottom lip. You leaned in slightly, your eyes darting to her lips. Oh, how soft they looked.
“You should accompany me during our ‘friendly’ then, it’s all the way in Amsterdam. I wouldn’t mind sharing a room.”
“Oh, I’d love to come! Really, I do. But…” there it was. Rejection.
“I have this event with my girl friend. I haven’t gone out with her in ages, maybe…next week?” You asked, “If that’s okay with you!”
Rebecca felt her heart drop. Girlfriend?
She felt ridiculous, utterly ridiculous. How could such a stunning woman like you be single? It was her fault for not asking. Maybe you thought this was just supposed to some sort of friendly hangout? Was she the side chick this time?
The pit in her stomach grew, she zoned out, not realizing she’d turned pale as a ghost. “Becca? You okay?” You asked, clearly concerned, placing a hand on her thigh. She pulled away.
No, she knew what this felt like. If this was intentional or not. She would not be the side chick. She couldn’t do that to someone. But that was you surely it wouldn’t be that much of a-
“No, Rebecca, get your head out of your arse.” The woman thought, as she got up from the couch. You looked up at her confused and concerned.
“I…uh…I have to get home, I’m not feeling too well. I’ll see you around, y/n” Rebecca said, quickly grabbing her heels and purse, not listening to the sound of your heavenly voice calling out her name.
She shut your front door, her heart rate increasing and not in a good way. She drove off, fighting to keep her mind focused on the road.
That was a two weeks and a half ago now, she trashed her plan. Burned it actually.
She’d been ignoring you for days, it had almost been a full week now. The friendly in Amsterdam didn’t go so well. You had texted her after the match and told her it was alright and that you’d win the next one.
She read it, her stomach wanting to flip inside out. The woman felt bad for leaving you hanging, especially since she knew you meant no harm at all. But, it still hurt.
She just wanted to be loved like she saw those stupidly happy couples on T.V. Or you know any other stupid media platform.
She would be happy with anyone, it was just a bummer it wouldn’t be you. Rebecca thought it was selfish to think like that. To hate someone she hasn’t even met because they have your love and not her. It was selfish yet she couldn’t find it in herself to care.
Every time she’d look on her phone a picture of you, sitting on her lap as you bit into the biscuits you made with a smile. Rebecca stuck out her tongue, arms resting around your waist. Nothing about the two of you was friendly, nothing about the two of you was casual.
She often thought about that time the two of you went on a walk, both giggling and smiling as they talked about who knows what. An Elderly woman walks past, her dog walking happily in front of her panting, you could recognize that cute face anywhere. It was one of your patients Rio and his owner Miss Shirley.
“Ah! Well, isn’t it Doctor Y/l/n!” Miss Shirley smiled, waving at the two. Rebecca gave a polite smile and wave back, you gave the woman a hug. “Miss Shirley! Back from your trip to Poland, I see. How’s your son?” You asked, looking at her with curiosity. You always liked being friendly with your patients owners.
It made the job easier not only for the animals but everyone. Feeling a warm hand reach for yours, fingers intertwining, you didn’t break focus. But Rebecca’s action didn’t go unnoticed by Miss Shirley.
“It was amazing, my granddaughter turned 15, how amazing isn’t it?” She smiled, you nodded tell her to send your love and congratulations. The woman of course nodded, turning to Rebecca you brought her a title closer, “Miss Shirley this is-”
“Rebecca Welton, I’m no stranger to football, my dear. It is an honor to meet you!” Rebecca just held out a hand, shaking the woman’s firmly. “Likewise!”
Miss Shirley leaned back toward you and gave a wink, “I’m also no stranger to romance, now, we’ll talk more at Rio’s next appointment, love. For now, have a very nice evening with your girlfriend. Bye, lovelies!” She waved, you waved back. Rebecca thought you would correct her but, you didn’t. It was surprising but no one was complaining.
A blush appeared on both of your face as Miss Shirley walked off, Rio walking and sniffing in front of her. You turned back to Rebecca, squeezing her hand, “She’s already far gone, what’s the point in correcting her, right?”
She didn’t think that was casual at all, the way you kissed her cheek right after, continuing the walk. Maybe she was the side chick after all.
Though it hurt, she pulled up your contact, and blocking it. She closed the app as fast as she could to try and suppress the clenching of her heart. She stared at her Home Screen for a minute before changing that too. It was a picture of you and her at an amusement park you were holding a teddy bear that Rebecca had won for you in your hands. Rebecca smiled as you kissed her cheek happily arm wrapped around her neck.
It’d be better this way, so she didn’t have to look at you every time she’d change apps. She checked the time on her Lock Screen before realizing it was a picture of you too.
All of them were you and her.
In one you were dozed off, head on her chest as she kissed your hair. The second, one was a little more blurry picture of Rebecca twirling you in her office. She remembers the faint music playing in background.
The third was a picture of you and Shelley, you laughed as the dog excitedly licked at your face. The fourth one was a bit more silly, you had Rebecca’s lipstick on your lips, the makeup product in your hand as you rest your head on the woman’s shoulder puckering up your lips. Rebecca had on a grumpy face, she raised a brow at you while giving a side eye. Her face was littered with pink-red kiss marks.
The fifth and final picture, was one of the two of you in Rebecca’s kitchen wearing matching pj bottoms and black tank tops. The photo was taken by Keeley who was enjoying being the photographer a little too much.
You were in the middle of stirring cookie batter, when Rebecca came up behind you with flour on her hands. What was supposed to be a hug from behind turned into flour hand imprints on your chest. She held her hands up with a smile as you laughed.
Biting her tongue, she replaced all of the photos.
Keeley strutted into the club owner’s office with a big smile, “Rebecca! You didn’t tell me you didn’t invite your girlfriend to the match! Good thing I invited her for you!”
Rebecca’s heart dropped, she did what?
“No you did not! Keeley…me and y/n are together and…I don’t think we ever will”
Keeley tilted her head to the side, wondering if Rebecca was being dramatic again OR there was some thing really wrong this time.
The wealthy blonde had panicked when you had quickly sent her a ‘mk’ instead of your usual ‘Okay!’ She thought you’d lost interest or something. Keeley had spent an hour trying to calm down a sobbing Rebecca.
It wasn’t until you called her with that cheerful voice she loved to hear from you. Asking her how her day was and that you hoped she did have a good day. It was then that Rebecca found out that you had a really busy day and was rushing to surgery for one of your older patients.
Rebecca felt a little better that you weren’t mad at her, also a little ashamed she’d reacted so quickly and boldly. She’s never acted this way for anyone before. She woke up thinking about you and Slept dreaming about you.
“We had an argument, that’s all you can know for now.” Rebecca said softly, looking at her watch, she cursed under her breath. “Oh shit, I have to go…I’ll tell you the rest at the game tomorrow Keeley!” The woman said racing out of her office. Leaving a confused, but plotting Keeley.
She had a good idea of what was happening and was definitely not going to telling the coaches…maybe a few more. Who knows!
With a fast sprint, Keeley tripped over herself as she ran down the stairs, speeding into the lockeroom like a rabid beast. The boys looked at her and complete and utter confusion.
Slamming the office door shut, Keeley looked at the coaches, Trent, and Higgins. Oh good, they were all in the same place. Everyone looked at Keeley with questioning and concerned looks. “I have a big fat dilemma, it’s about Rebecca and Y/n!”
The men quickly assembled the Diamond Dogs and howled, kt he short blonde still didn’t get how the Diamond Dogs came to be but it was a thing and not stopping anytime soon.
“Whatcha got Keeley!” Ted smiled, leaning on his knees, head balanced in his palms.
The blonde took it as she sign to rant, so she did.
“So, basically, we all know how Rebecca and Y/n have a thing right?”
They all nodded along, all of them thought you were very sweet. Turns out some of them already knew you from your clinic. Trent most of all, his cat was just as fabulous, but also high maintenance as him.
Rebecca ended up being right, both you and Ted bonded whenever the both of you met. Talking about how much the two of you hated tea, and various other American things. Rebecca would never fully get the two of you. Beard she could handle, it was you and Ted that she worried about.
If the woman didn’t know better she would’ve mistaken you two for twins.
Keeley continued on telling them her theory and all of them began to devise a plan, “Okay, look, I say if she doesn’t want to talk to her maybe…we could force her too.” Higgins suggested, leaning against the wall. “I say we use the element of surprise” Roy said with his rough voice, everyone agreed, Ted looked at Trent batting his lashes at him. The writer took off his glasses put on his thinking face, with a sigh he made a hypothetical scenario.
“Perhaps, we should invite her to the next game. After all, Keeley said that Rebecca news never brave enough to ask her. So, Keeley I think you should invite Y/n and make her sit next to Rebecca. Therefore they’re forced to sit in each other’s presence.
Knowing Rebecca that woman will crack sooner or later, if she doesn’t crack at the game then she will after.” He said it like it was the most obvious thing, everyone agreed to it with a chorus of ‘I agree’ and ‘that’s smart!’
Keeley smiled, as they revised Trent’s plan a bit and perfected it.
“Wait, wait, wait! We can’t have a mission without a name!” Ted exclaimed, smiling like a kid. “What about…Mission DocBoss! Get it cause Y/n’s a veterinarian and Boss for boss!” He smiled, Keeley laughed agreeing to it. “Well, if we have a mission name we need codes names for them.”
“Easy. Dog is Rebecca and Squirrel for Y/n” Higgins nonchalantly showed a video of a dog and squirrel playing chase. Everyone laughed, settling for the code names.
The game was only one hour away now, Keeley was seriously panicking about the mission and if it’d even work or not. She was pacing the halls, she’d told Rebecca she was inviting a friend but the woman didn’t know it was you.
Many people were in the stadium and she was wondering where you were, the boys were warming up and Keeley could feel the axe body spray changing her brain cells.
Her phone buzzed, a text from you appearing.
Y/N!! 💗: Hey! I’m right outside
She raced out of the doors seeing you hug a woman tightly before waving bye to her. The woman retreated to the car and drove off. Keeley raised a brow as you approached her with a smile, “I’m sorry I’m late, traffic sucks.”
The small woman just smiled, “That’s fine! But…who was that?”
“Oh, my girl friend Tricia”
Keeley’s eyes bulged, “Girlfriend? Excuse me?” You’re eyes widened too, you didn’t mean it that way. “That was Tricia, she’s not my girlfriend, she’s my girl friend.” You s explained, adding emphasis on friend. You always called your friends girlfriends maybe you would lay off on that now. It seems people would keep getting the wrong Idea.
“Oh! Okay, you had me worried that you didn’t tell me!”
You sighed, walking with her inside, “You know Rebecca’s the one I want. I’m a bit upset and confused…she blocked me yesterday. I don’t understand what I’ve done wrong. You promise that she isn’t going to be here, right?”
Rebecca blocked you? That wasn’t something Keeley knew, she felt bad that she was setting you up like this. “Yeah, about that…”
You stood uncomfortably by the Owner’s box entrance. You looked down to see Rebecca’s soft blonde hair. A breeze came in through the door, you shivered. It was much colder than what the forecast said it would be.
Waiting for Keeley to come back from the bathroom, you admired the woman you loved from a few feet away. You didn’t understand stand what you could’ve done to make her mad enough to the point she’d block you. After all the two of you had done together you thought the two of you were as thick as thieves but you clearly thought wrong.
Maybe you should have listen to Gracie, one of your co-workers that told you to be careful. Rebecca Welton a woman that was easily impressed, she had specifically told you to not be too hurt hurt if she finds a new toy to play with. You didn’t believe her, thinking Rebecca was the love of your life. It was embarrassing that she might not think the same of you.
Gracie held you as you cried in your office from the stress and emotional turmoil of it all. You knew that your friend meant well, you just didn’t know she’d be spot on. Tricia rubbed your back as she wiped your tears away.
“Alright, I’m done! Let’s go!” Keeley exclaimed, you smiled opening the door for her. “Ladies first!”
She smirked, stepping down the stairs, “My, my, what a gentlewoman!” You let out a laugh as the short blonde quirked her brows.
Rebecca, who sat in her seat calmly, tensed as she heard the laugh. She’d recognize that laugh anywhere. There was no way. The woman didn’t turn around just facing forward as she saw Keeley and you cross her vision. The woman sat next to Higgins, the two immediately going into a conversation. Leaving y/n to sit next to Rebecca, you stood frozen for a moment.
The woman folded down the seat for you, still not looking at you. You smiled slightly, that was swee-
“Are you gonna sit or stand there with your mouth open?” She said a little too harshly, the words came out of Rebecca’s mouth the exact opposite of how she wanted it to sound. She wanted nothing more than to kiss you and tell you she wouldn’t care if you were married or not. She wanted you and by your actions she could tell you wanted her too.
But no, that was wrong. She kept thinking about your girlfriend, how hurt she’d be. The club owner knew what it was like to be the other woman. Rebecca couldn’t willingly put someone else through that pain.
Her heart clenched as she saw your little smile fade.
The whole game was filled with loud roars as Richmond clearly had the upper hand. Yet, Rebecca and you seemed less interested in the game. The both of you still stood for points and clapped, but the cheering was definitely weak.
At halftime, everyone sort of died down a bit, yet the smell of popcorn and the sound of loud chatter filled your ears as you shivered. Looking over at Rebecca, the woman took out her phone, you took a look at her Lock Screen.
It wasn’t you and her anymore…
She twisted the knife when the Home Screen picture was changed too. You tore your eyes away before you saw anything else you couldn’t handle. Your wrapped your arms around yourself and shivered. It was only getting colder and you cursed yourself for not bringing a better jacket.
Keeley turned to you opening her mouth to speak but was taken aback by Rebecca taking her coat and scarf off, placing them on your lap. The younger blonde backed away and zipped her mouth as you turned to Rebecca, slapping Higgins in the arm to gesture with her head for him to listen in.
Your cheeks and nose were red from the cold, lips cracked slightly. A new heat rose to your face, you know you should be mad, really mad at her. Yet, you couldn’t find it in yourself too.
“Thank you…” You said softly, putting the jacket and scarf on. Enjoying how her perfume still made your stomach flutter. Truly, you couldn’t care less for the perfume, it was Rebecca was the one that wore it. You were sure a lot of people wore the scent yet, none of them were special like Rebecca. You wouldn’t think of them when you smelled it, you would think of Rebecca. Everyone else was just irrelevant to you.
Rebecca. Rebecca. Rebecca.
She was on your mind 24/7, no one else. No one had the effect to affect your mood as quickly as she did. Mom one could make you laugh like she did, no one made you cry like she did when she stopped talking to you. It was weird how single good morning from her made your day better.
“I’m sorry” she blurted, clearing her throat as she fixed her sweater. Only you noticed the way her shoulders tensed and the way she inched a little closer to you. “It was wrong of me to speak to you so harshly, forgive me?”
With a smile you nodded, subconsciously bringing your sleeves down to cover your hands. “Always”
Rebecca could’ve laughed, there were something’s that she’d done that were definitely unforgivable. Yet, she still took your word for it.
“Are you…uh…are you still cold?” The blonde asked, even when a little conflicted she’d always fuss over you. Making sure you were comfortable. “A little..”
The woman sighed, bringing up the arm rest separating you two. She gestured for you to come closer and you did. After weeks of not talking, if felt nice to feel her arm wrap around your waist, her free hand held one of yours. The mood change was enough to give anyone whiplash but, Rebecca Welton wasn’t too good at keeping herself from something she wants. Or I’m this case someone. Maybe she could wait for you. Even if it meant having to do so in other lives.
“Better?” She asked softly, looking down at you head that rested on her shoulder. You nodded, humming as you kissed her cheek. ——
Rebecca had to leave a little early for something, she said it was something for the press, she waved goodbye to you with a smile. One you hadn’t seen in a while. You were sure that it was one of the most beautiful smiles you’ve ever seen.
Walking with Keeley out of the stadium, you phone buzzed. You paused to read it.
My Becca 💗😚: Could you meet me in my office? If you haven’t already left
My N/n 🫶😉: Of course! Just give me a second and I’ll be right up
Quickly, you told Keeley that Rebecca was tell you to come to her office and that you’d meet her for brunch tomorrow. The blonde let out a low whistle, shooting a wink your way.
With a roll of your eyes, you headed back inside walking quickly to Rebecca’s office. The door was wide open, you saw Rebecca pacing while mumbling to herself.
“Becca? You needed me?”
The woman jumped, turning back, she smiled awkwardly, “Y/n! Uh, close the door, come here. Make yourself welcome” She gestured to the couch and waited for you to sit on the couch with her and get comfy. “I…I should told you why I stopped texting and seeing you sooner…I’m really sorry but, I have an explanation okay? Just…hear me out, please” The woman pleaded, holding you hand tightly.
You nodded with a little smile, “We have all night, honey.”
Rebecca took a deep breath, “When we first met each other, you just blew my mind. I kept asking my self how could some be so perfect. I just needed to know you so I started doing all of this and I sort of got what I wanted. I wanted you, Y/n. It sounds cliche but I quite literally have since I laid my eyes on you. The more we hung out, the more I convinced myself that you liked me too.” Tears began to form in her eyes, she quickly wiped them away as she kept talking.
“Then I asked you out to dinner then you hit me with the girlfriend card and I sort of just shut down. I had these thoughts that she wasn’t good enough for you, whoever she is. Then I realized it isn’t my position to think that. So, I left you hanging. That was the best way of being able to not hurt you or your girlfriend.” She let out a small cry and you held her oh and tighter, you knew where this was going. You really should’ve cleared this up sooner.
“I never wanted this to hurt you or anyone for that matter, I hope you know that I don’t like you anymore because I love you. I will wait as long as it takes for you.”
She finally finished and you let out a little chuckled, covering your mouth you immediately started explaining your side too. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you, honey. It’s just…I never had a girlfriend. I do have girl friends if you catch my drift and for the record, you don’t have to wait, I love you too.” You smiled wiping away a tear from Rebecca’s eyes as the woman realized and everything fell into place. “It did hurt when you ghosted me like that but, I get it. Just please warn me next time, I almost went into cardiac arrest. I’m sorry I made you feel like a side chick, baby.”
Rebecca sniffled, pulling you into her arms, stroking your hair gently, pressing kisses to your hair. “Only if you forgive me, Love”
The club owner just smiled, “Then…will you be my girlfriend?” You shot up with a big smile cackling as you wrapped your arms around her neck and squealed. “Yes, of course I will!”
The two of you hugged for a little longer walking to the parking lot, you’d insisted that you could take a cab home. Rebecca, was quick to object, practically dragging you to the passenger door of her very expensive car.
”y’know, we could talk a little more at mine. You still have some clothes there” Rebecca said, finding any excuse to make you sleepover. “You just want me to make biscuits again don’t you?” You said, raising a brow. Rebecca laughed putting a hand in your thigh, “Yes, and because I love you too!”
“Okay fine…I wouldn’t be surprised if I moved in already” You joked, already knowing Rebecca was going to ask you out up a finger to her lips. “Eyes on the road, we’ll talk about it some other day, baby”
Rebecca groaned like a child, “Fine, but you said it!”
The next morning you turned around in Rebecca’s arms, picking up your phone you realized Keeley was calling you. You’d be late for brunch if you didn’t hurry. Picking up the phone you made sure to cover your bare body and Rebecca though she wasn’t too much in view just her head snuggled into your neck.
“Hey, babes!” Your bestfriend exclaimed loudly, your phone was on full blast and Rebecca groaned, holding you tighter as a piece of hair fell. You lowered the volume before responding, “Hi Keels, I’ll be there as soon as I can, okay? I’m sort of stuck right now”
Keeley looked closer at her home and let out a scream, she was undoubtedly running around and flailing her arms, Rebecca let out another whine grumbling something as she kissed your jaw. You hummed, reaching back to scratch her head and giving her a forehead kiss.
“Shh, it’s okay go back to sleep, Baby” you cooed, Keeley returned to her one on and just melted at the two of you. “Okay, did Rebecca knock you up? Because, I see no piece of clothing”
You blushed a bit and nodded, Keeley’s jaw dropped. “My besties have GAME.”
Waving her off you told her to give you Grace if you were late, “Yeah, that’s gonna cost you, I need a full detailed description of last night.”
“Fine, okay bye, love you!” You quickly blurted, not wanting her to add more conditions. Easing out of bed, you were only pulled back by strong arms.
“Becca…c’mon, I’m gonna be late!” You groaned trying again but to no avail. She peppered your neck and shoulder with kisses. She already knew you had five too many hickeys on you so, she went easy. “But you could stay…” she huffed, finally resting her head on your shoulder.
“How about this, you let me go and I sleepover one more night and I’ll be off so you have me all day. How’s that?” You smiled turning back to her and kissing her nose. She thought about it, finally letting you go with a playful sigh.
“Fine,” she replied, watching as you got ready using a sundress from Rebecca’s closet and using a ribbon you found to tie your hair into a half up half down. You refueled the ends and did some light makeup from your makeup bag that you left.
Stealing a pair of Rebecca’s white heels you smiled at yourself in the mirror. “These are nice heels, Becca” you smiled, leaning down to kiss Rebecca sweetly. “Oh, those are Christian Loboutin’s cost me like 800 or something. I don’t really remember…” The club owner yawned, she sighed before pulling you in for one more kiss.
You swallowed, she paid how much for heels? “I’ll take good care of them”
“Don’t worry I have the exact same pair in my storage closet.” Rebecca winked, your jaw dropped as she ushered you out. You’d be late if you didn’t go now.
“Okay, bye baby! I love you!” “Bye, my darling, I love you most!” Rebecca said with a big smile. Waving at you as you got into a cab.
She smiled, project Get That Girl was a success after all.
Of course, Keeley would be telling this story to your children. After all, she was the one that got the two of you to meet.
She would just have to wait. And wait, she did.
Hey guys this took me literal ages. Hope you enjoyed, I definitely think this is a little cringe but it’s been a while!
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deliciousangelfestival · 9 months ago
The Malicious Daughter Is Back! - 4
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Character : Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary: It's just a business marriage. Bucky thought it would be easy until he encountered the stepsister of his fiancée. She turned his world upside down.
The Malicious Daughter Is Back! Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist || Support : Ko-fi 🙏🏻
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Leave a comment and Reblog, please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ❤️
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Bucky was speechless after you kissed his hand, even though it was through the leather gloves.
You let go of his hand. "Was that too much? Sorry, I’m just overwhelmed by the offer you gave."
“I take that as a yes?” Bucky asked, still processing.
“Well yeah, didn’t I seal it by kissing your hand? I thought it was clear.” You smiled, a hint of playfulness in your eyes.
Bucky chuckled softly. "That's a new way to accept an offer, but joke aside, I’m grateful you accepted."
You lowered your guard, leaning back slightly. "So what happens next? I have to say, I won’t do anything that makes me a homewrecker."
“Oh gosh, nothing like that,” Bucky reassured you, his tone earnest.
“That’s a relief.” You let out a breath, feeling more at ease.
Suddenly, Bucky's phone rang. He picked it up and saw the caller ID: "Victoria." He bit the inside of his cheek, not wanting to talk to her at this moment. However, he didn't want to ignore the call either, as his fiancée would quickly learn that he had no feelings for her.
He excused himself to answer the call. "Hello?"
"Hello, my fiancé. I apologize for bothering you, but I heard something that doesn't sit quite right with me. I heard that you are with my older sister?" Victoria asked, her voice calm and cheerful, though her perfectly manicured fingers were crumpling a few papers nervously on the other end.
Bucky felt like he had just been caught cheating. "I am. I have something to discuss with her because of what happened last night."
"Oh, I see. Alright, I won’t bother you. See you soon." Victoria ended the call, smirking as she looked at her phone. She knew Bucky's reputation—quiet and calm but ruthless if disrespected. She remembered how you embarrassed him last night and thought perhaps he was giving you a warning.
Victoria felt a tickle of satisfaction, believing Bucky understood her without her needing to lift a finger. She felt lucky to have him as her fiancé.
Bucky, not entirely sure what had just transpired, felt relieved that Victoria didn't seem suspicious and quickly ended the call.
He returned to you and saw you chatting with the waitress and his secretary. In seconds, you had already become close to new people.
Unlike you, Bucky’s circle of friends all had to undergo background checks before he could trust them.
"Let’s talk in the car. I’ll drop you off," Bucky suggested.
"Sure," you agreed, thinking this would save you transportation money.
Inside the luxurious car, you felt like you were being enveloped by the comfortable seat. Even if you worked for 20 years on your teacher’s salary, you wouldn’t be able to afford this car.
Bucky wore his reading glasses and read a document. He spoke to you without lifting his head. "Tomorrow, after your school is over, I’ll pick you up, and we'll meet my psychiatrist."
You raised your eyebrows in surprise.
Bucky explained, "He knows my condition, and I hope bringing you to meet him will help us find a solution." His voice sounded serious, a little desperate.
"Have you had this disorder since you were little?" you asked.
He flinched, his hand stopping mid-motion as he was about to flip the paper. "It started when I was 12 years old," Bucky replied, his voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability.
His expression turned grieving. You knew this was the moment to stop asking questions; after all, you’d just met him for the second time. There’s a limit to how personal you can get with someone you barely know.
The car stopped in front of a small house. It looked old but cozy, especially the garden with its many flowers. Bucky wondered if it was you who took care of all the roses.
You rolled your eyes, "It was my grandma who has the green thumb."
Bucky glanced at the flowers. "Pretty. I’m grateful for your cooperation, but I hope none of this gets leaked to outsiders."
So he was giving you a warning. You made a gesture of zipping your lips. "My lips are sealed." Then you closed the car door and headed to your house.
After he saw you enter the house, he told his driver to start the car.
You watched the car drive away from behind the curtain.
"Is that your boyfriend, my Ophelia?" The cheerful voice of an older woman startled you. You jumped, turning to see your grandma, Cassandra, standing beside you.
She smiled at you, happiness evident in her eyes, but you couldn't share her joy. To your grandmother, you were her daughter, Ophelia, your mother, who had passed away years ago.
Life had been cruel to her, taking away her only daughter, her son-in-law ignored her, and her business at the same time, which took a significant toll on her. The final blow was dementia.
She didn’t remember you at all. At 70 years old, her mind had regressed to when she was 40. Because of the striking resemblance between you and your mother, she thought you were Ophelia.
You sighed and put on a smile for her. "No, he's just a friend."
Cassandra giggled. "Really? Your father will be jealous when he hears this. Uhuk... uhuk..." She started coughing. You bring her to sit on her chair.
Your heart clenched each time you heard your grandma cough. It was getting worse.
She needed surgery, but you didn't have the money.
Having a rich father like Jonathan was useless because you didn't have access to your money. The reason was clear: Genevieve and Victoria.
She really hated you and wanted you to starve to death.
You quickly put a blanket on Cassandra lap and turned on the air humidifier to help ease her cough.
As you added the eucalyptus and lemongrass essential oil into the humidifier, your eyes caught the family photo on the wall. It was a picture of your family—your dad, your mom, and your grandparents—standing in front of your childhood home. Everyone was gathered to celebrate your birthday. But now, it was all just a memory.
You clenched your fist, feeling a surge of determination. Soon, you would get what was supposed to be yours.
The next day after school, you went with Bucky to see the psychiatrist. But before that, the school was in an uproar because of the clothes you were wearing. You, who always dressed like a vampire hunter in jeans, combat boots, a grey shirt, and a black jacket, were now wearing a casual outfit with a vintage aesthetic.
You wore a cream-colored blouse tucked into a high-waisted plaid skirt paired with brown loafers and a light brown blazer with elbow patches. Your hair was styled in soft waves, and you carried a small leather satchel. The change in your appearance left everyone talking.
Jimmy couldn’t believe you were the same teacher who always yelled at him. “Who are you?”
You replied with a smirk, “Your worst nightmare.”
Everyone nodded in agreement. Despite your elegant outfit, you still commanded authority.
Bucky also noticed the change in your appearance. “You look different.”
You explained, “I don’t want your psychiatrist to think that I could be a bad influence on you.”
“Fair point,” he nodded in agreement.
After a while, both of you arrived at the destination, a fancy clinic. The receptionist, already accustomed to Bucky's appointments, greeted him warmly. “He’s waiting for you.”
Bucky led you to the room, which was bright and comfortable, conducive to a relaxed atmosphere. The walls were painted in calming colors and adorned with abstract art, and the furniture was modern yet inviting.
There was already someone sitting in the chair, holding a pen and a writing board. It was Dr. Javier, who had known Bucky for a long time.
Javier waited until both Bucky and you were seated. "You told me that you had a breakthrough. Is it her?" he inquired.
Bucky nodded, taking off his leather gloves and putting on a pulse oximeter on his finger. He then reached for your hand, and you placed yours in his.
Javier widened his eyes and adjusted his glasses. Bucky showed no signs of panic attacks, and his pulse appeared normal. "Wow. Incredible. How long has this been happening?" Javier asked.
Bucky replied, "Three days."
"After you touched her, you mentioned trying to shake somebody else's hand. Did the panic attacks suddenly reappear then?" Javier inquired further.
Bucky confirmed, "Yes."
Javier wondered what made you so special. Suddenly, he moved closer to you without warning.
You exclaimed, "What the-?"
“Interesting,” Javier nodded. “I can think of one reason: your body fragrance.”
You were taken aback. Did you really smell bad? You started sniffing your clothes. They were still new; you had only worn them three times, and they had been dry cleaned.
Then you remembered, “I am surrounded by buckets of sweat and cigarettes.”
Being around students who smoked and sweated a lot due to their frequent sports activities made you open all the classroom windows to get rid of the smell.
Bucky found it difficult to accept that his disorder could be triggered by your body odor.
Javier felt as though four eyes were judging him. He cleared his throat. “Ahem. Your case is one of a kind, Bucky. Perhaps her scent doesn’t trigger your trauma—” He didn’t continue when he felt someone glaring at him.
Trauma? Bucky’s trauma? You wondered what Javier meant.
Bucky crossed his arms and changed the subject. “So the solution to my disorder is the smell of a locker room?”
Javier raised both arms, trying to calm down his patient's anger. “I’m not saying it’s the solution, but it could be.”
Bucky sighed heavily. What kind of nonsense was this? But the way he met you was also out of the blue. His life is full of surprises now.
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Author Note: Poor Cassandra. 🥺 Also the reader is a non-smoker.
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signedkoko · 1 year ago
Hi hi!
How would Striker, Bee, and poly Stolitz (romantic) react to their chubby s/o being very physically strong and working out a lot?
No pressure to write this, and If you don't write for this many characters, you can choose who to focus on!
Sending lots of love your way 💚💛💙
Beelzebub | Blitzo & Stolas | Striker [Romantic]
In which you are considerably physically stronger than them, and work out plenty to match.
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Naturally, all of the sins are extremely strong in comparison to any overlord or sinner
Even so, you were surprisingly up there, without her magic Beelzebub couldn't begin to carry half the weight you did, and usually had to resort to her larger form- or just asking for your help
It's part of why she found you so attractive, it felt like in some way you could protect her more than anyone she knew
A lot of the people around her were already small, so it was also nice that you compared to her in size, though she found you to be much more curvaceous than her own lanky figure
" Ugh. I'd kill for hips like these, babe. "
She loves to feel you up and down and hold you close because god, you are just sooo comfortable
And when you flex your muscles it drives her crazy! She thinks you're the hottest person she's ever met
She also may be partially to blame for your chubbiness, because she never stops feeding you sweets, oops!
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Both of these fools are physically WEAK, however strong they might be with guns or magic
They recall their first encounter with you was when someone was making fun of Stolas for dating an imp, and you totally rocked their shit with a punch straight to the face
Blitzo is already on you, asking so many questions about who you were, why you did that, making jokes
And Stolas has a faint blush because god, that was so attractive
They kept inviting you over until eventually you were closer than most- present on every date, called by the same sweet nicknames
Stolas likes to go with you when you work out, he especially loves to see you boxing
Being able to cheer you on against an opponent, or imagine you protecting him- oh it was just so exciting
Blitzo enjoys walking around hell with you because he gets to see everyone fuck off
Scary dog privileges
Stolas is always squishing your cheeks and hugging you tightly while speaking of all his fantasies involving you both
Blitzo is sneaking pictures of you after workouts for his office
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Stronger? Than him? Sure thing
Striker first heard it at a place he frequented for drinks, that there was a guard for hire poster put up on their bulletin, someone new
When he hired you to see what'd happen, you sweeped the floor of some royals security team in minutes, and all he had to do was pull the trigger
Admittedly, he didn't feel the need to work with you more than that, as he enjoyed the hunt as much as the kill
But it was certainly fun seeing what someone else pulled
He’s straightforward about that, but also admits that he'd like to keep in touch
OBVIOUSLY so he can hire you on tougher missions, not because he thought you were interesting or fun
Suddenly, he's always popping up in the places you go, always offering you a drink, always getting tipsy enough to invite you to dance
Oh yeah, he certainly wants you
Fortunately for him, you're his lovely significant other only a few weeks later
He enjoys practising sparing with you, though he usually loses with just strength to strength, hsi wits certainly make him a tougher opponent
Striker find your resolve fiery, and something about you ignites something in him that leaves him wanting more
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Author's Note - Actually love these guys sm... good crew you chose bear non I respect it!
Also I CATCH all the love you sent my way and EAT IT 🖤
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jasmineoolongtea · 8 months ago
hihiiii i hope ur doing amazing rn may i req megumi or yuji with a s/o who acts like jade west? you can make it hcs or a one shot idm
a/n: hiiiii anon i hope you're doing well too!! when you say a reader who acts like jade west (man victorious was a trip thinking back on it fdjfjhs) i assume that you're talking about her personality traits and etc so i hope i do your request justice for both of them ☆ ~('▽^人)
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fushiguro megumi
okay, imagine you put two prickly hedgehogs with each other and that's kinda you and megumi's relationship
overall, you guys together exude a very intimidating atmosphere, especially with your shared affinity for wearing dark colours
gojo, yuji and nobara like to joke that you're the resident class emos (much to megumi's chagrin)
you and megumi are similar yet so different because it's like you're the more outspoken version of him in a way
like you and megumi have quite prickly personalities but it's just that you're much more willing to just blatantly push people away verbally
one thing megumi loves about is your rebellious spirit and he thinks that it's deeply admirable that you're so willing to push forward on your own way despite what cards you might have been given or what other people think you should do
both of you are petty people, just one of you is more vocal about it than the other, and this is awful for basically anyone who isn't the two of you but you two could honestly care less for the most part
megumi knows it's bad and that he probably should be better than this but he doesn't really do much to help de-escalate any conflicts you might find yourself in, rather he quietly cheers for you from the sidelines and even steps in to help you if you need it (it's his middle school past that's speaking to him through you)
he's the only person to truly understand you and your fears and insecurities which is part of the reason for why you're so possessive of him and megumi gets this so that's why he doesn't think it's reasonable to give you such a hard time about it
when it's just you and him behind closed doors, you're definitely much more open with your affections and self with him and he loves these quiet moments with you since he feels much more comfortable with expressing himself as well
no one believes that there could be anyone who could rival your sassiness but honestly, megumi could give you a run for your money with his own sassy off-handed comments (except for gojo, that poor man has had first-hand experience with megumi's sassy side from young)
megumi's always there to be your rock and bring you back down whenever your ego gets a bit too much or it just seems like everything is intent on making you angry or more annoyed and ticked off than usual
very few people are aware of this but you have a soft spot for kids and megumi is glad that he's able to witness this side of you
if your friends and all the people who knew you were to rank what they thought were unlikely combinations of things together, you and kids would definitely be somewhere high on that list. unless you were megumi since his opinion strongly differed from everyone else's stance. well, it also helped that he had insider knowledge on this one that everyone else lacked.
you and megumi were out on a date at an amusement park since you both won free tickets from a lucky draw, with you insisting that this was the only reason that you were here and totally not because of anything else, when you suddenly felt a tug coming from the bottom of your pants leg.
looking down to find the source of the sudden disturbance, you notice that two little hands are hanging onto the fabric of your pants for dear life as a small snot-nosed and teary-eyed girl, probably no older than the age of 6, tries her best to get your attention. you and megumi exchange a look of confusion and slight concern as you both wonder what could possibly be the cause of this young kid's distress.
you let of megumi's hand in order to kneel down to the girl's height as you quickly examine her in an attempt to find any obvious cuts or bruises that might need attention. when that angle fails, you decide to just outright ask her, "what's wrong little one?" compared to your usual tone of voice which is biting and aggressive, your question comes off much more careful and gentle as you try your best to offer her some comfort.
"c-can you help me?" the child chokes out, clearly trying her best to articulate her words despite her wobbly lip and red eyes that look like they're about to burst out in tears at any second.
you nod calmly at her, even offering her a small smile to encourage her to keep speaking. she visibly relaxes at your demeanour and tries to compose herself as she mumbles something under her breath, slightly too soft to the point where you're struggling to hear her.
"hmm? you've gotta speak up, sweetheart." you remark softly and she shys away slightly, as if embarrassed that you couldn't hear her. slowly reaching out to her, you gently take her much smaller hand in yours and give it a reassuring squeeze to nudge her to try again, just a little bit louder this time.
she uses her other free hand to wipe away the tears running down her pillowy cheeks before looking back at you with a renewed sense of determination. "c-can you help me find my parents? i-i think i lost them somewhere here."
"of course we can, hon." you reply and you stand up back to your usual height. you make an 'up' motion to her to ask if you can pick her up. she nods and you scoop her up in your arms as you introduce her to megumi, even getting her to laugh a little bit when he lets her play with his hair for a bit, before the two, or well three of you, make your way around the park in the search for her parents.
unbeknownst to you, while you were occupied with the little girl, you had a secret admirer in the form of megumi as he quietly watched on from the sidelines, unable to fight off a smile and look of fondness as he saw firsthand another side of you that only he and a few other people were privileged to find out about, something he deeply cherishes.
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itadori yuji
okay total sunshine x grumpy dynamic or even black cat x golden retriever here
honestly, when people see you guys together out and about there's a lot of confusion from them about how you two even got together in the first place since you seem like such polar opposites
it was kinda a shock for megumi and nobara a bit as well at the beginning of your relationship but as time passed, they eventually began to see how you guys ultimately complement each other
you guys bond over your love for movies, specifically horror movies and surprisingly, you also enjoy watching human earthworm (but you make yuji swear to never reveal this to anyone as it's basically a guilty pleasure of yours)
one thing about you that yuji loves is your unapologetic confident attitude and how you never shy away from most things which is something he admires about you
he's also your no. 1 public defender, ready to come to your defence at any second (even if you might be in the wrong but that's for a very nice convo for only behind closed doors), and this forever warms your heart and helps to quell many of your insecurities
he makes it a point to always reassure you about your relationship since he knows how you can struggle with jealousy alongside the fact that you're scared of losing one of the few people who actually see you for who you are
you're used to people writing you off as one thing, even going so far as to do the complete opposite to spite them, but yuji sees past your initial front and knows how sensitive and hard-working you can be deep down
it's a known fact that you are not a fan of physical touch, even from your close friends, but yuji is the exception to this rule as he can just throw himself onto you at any time and you're completely fine with it (even fighting off a small smile which you swear is just a hallucination on their part)
yuji is one of the very few people able to calm you down when someone or something just ends up inevitably annoying you and puts you in a bad mood
like the effect he has on you is almost instantaneous that it gives whiplash to most people who are there to witness it
out of all the days that the universe chooses to ruin, of course, it has to be the day where you're just trying to enjoy a nice day out with your boyfriend, yuji.
you're sitting on a bench, waiting for yuji who went to buy you and him some drinks from the nearby vending machine, as you attempt to soak in the nice afternoon breeze when a random passerby suddenly bumps into your knees on their walk.
an accidental, or not-so-accidental, bump might have been kinda excusable if the other party had decided to make a deeply regretful apology but a scoff and mumbled 'whatever' was definitely not an apology in any sense of the word. it was as if they were trying to intentionally piss you off or something.
it would almost be an insult to you as a person if you were going to let this go and let it be water under the bridge or whatever other stupid saying they have for situations like this. you stand up from your seated position, arms crossed in front of your chest as you make your way towards the perpetrator.
"you want to say that to my face?" you ask, though your voice is more demanding than anything.
any retort that the other person might have thrown your way is instantly thrown out of the window when they notice your deadly expression and gaze, almost as if you're daring them to even say anything. they try to take a step back in an attempt to escape the situation but you don't let them have such an easy out as you take a step forward in return.
they meekly mumble something under their breath. you raise a brow at them. pathetic, you think to yourself, can't even have the guts to back themselves up.
but before you can get right in their face, a head of pink hair magically appears by your side from somewhere in your peripheral vision. there's a familiar weight on your shoulder as you quickly realise that it's yuji and it's like a switch has been flipped inside of you as you jump right into his arms, to which he happily returns your affection tenfolds.
the other person is simply left bewildered at your sudden change in attitude within the span of what feels like less than 5 seconds as their face is twisted into an almost comical look of confusion. you pay them no mind thought for now, simply relishing in the feeling of yuji's arms around your waist as he presses sporadic kisses around your face.
he stops for a moment to glance at the other person before looking back at you and asking "who's that?"
you brush off his question with ease. "no one important." you reply and yuji nods as if your answer is simply a fact.
a sigh escapes you as you glance sideways at the other person. "you're so lucky my boyfriend is here." you mutter pointedly at them, gritting your teeth whilst you do so. you mouth to them 'count your days', with an exaggerated knife to the throat motion to seal the deal, from over your shoulder as you and yuji walk away together, hand in hand.
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blorbosinmyheadcentral · 10 months ago
Hey Val!
So (if you've seen it) what do you think of episode 2?
Here's some thoughts!
When will Gangle know happiness... 
Kinger was adorable as always. I like how the others can rely on him when they're feeling emotionally vulnerable. That scene with Ragatha and her self-doubt, and how Kinger reassures her? I'm glad he has these moments of clarity. Old man even tries to help Pomni, even if he's bad at it. He's so well intentioned. <3
Jax is a terrible person. He was already very bad before, but somehow got worse. No care for his companions (Pomni and Gangle mostly), no care for the NPCs (he was very eager to see them die horribly). There's some indication Jax might have cared about Kaufmo, but overall, his attitude is so dissonant. It's hard to understand what's really going on inside his head.
I like that Ragatha didn't hold any grudges over Pomni abandoning her in episode 1. Ragatha is just so sweet. Constantly worrying for Pomni's well being, being considerate enough to try to cheer up Jax of all people. She makes a huge difference in this group, like a glue that keeps everyone together.
LOVED Gummigoo. Yeah I wasn't prepared for him. I didn't know what to expect of him (he looked like a serious bad guy type?), but what we got was so good. Loves his two gummy gator friends (wants to preserve their minds from the weight of self-awareness). His connection to Pomni, the way they could relate, it was all believable and palpable. Nice guy.
Pomni herself was my favorite. Compassionate, empathetic, expressing her thoughts calmly and sincerely. Determined, inventive - trying to find ways to get herself and Gummigoo out of that place. 
I think the fact that she spent most of these two episodes physically separated from everyone else was no coincidence. Pomni was disconnected from them. The dream sequence at the beginning? A reflection of her own doubts and fears. That she's nothing, or that no one in the circus would care if she was gone. So she, either intentionally or by happenstance, distanced herself. 
I'm super happy that the episode ended on a hopeful note. Pomni found that her companions would care for her and remember her, and so it turned her views on her head. She's not alone. She has people that she can rely on.....
(The Kaufmo funeral was very touching too, especially with Zooble organizing it. I've seen jokes that no one cared much that he died in episode 1, so seeing otherwise was pretty cool.)
I hold no ill will against Caine, and this is coming from someone who really really liked Gummygoo (literally screamed a big NOOO when he poofed). It's a little concerning how feral people are getting about Caine.
Speaking of Caine, I need understanding between them, I need it SO bad. He keeps making these little decisions that impact the human characters. Especially Pomni. And he's not even aware of how much it hurts them, or that it's harmful at all!!
The way some of them are so dismissive (Zooble waiting for him to go away), annoyed, or only see Caine as a bot that fixes things when everything goes wrong... it makes me think they've tried to reason with him before, and it didn't work, so now they treat him like the machine he is to them.
As of now, Pomni understands him as much as everyone else does. She's frustrated, she's livid, and she has every reason to want to punch his teeth in. But after episode 2???? Considering how sympathetic Pomni was with Gummigoo, an NPC/AI himself???? I have a little hope that Pomni can actually get through to Caine in the future.
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fandom-imagines-stories · 4 months ago
Engagement Party
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Season Three Episode Four
Dr. Spencer Reid x Reader (Aaron Hotchner’s Sister)
Words: 2526
Series Masterlist
Summary: After harrowing events have left everyone drained, the team takes the time to celebrate their favorite engaged couple. 
Notes: This is my apology for next week. 
It was supposed to be a surprise but thanks to Aaron’s warning and Penelope’s less-than-subtle hints about the night’s ‘dinner party,’ you knew at least somewhat what you were getting yourselves into. 
“Are you ready?” You asked, helping Spencer out of the car. 
He winced. “Do we have to?” Parties weren’t exactly his thing- especially if he was at the center of it. 
“You know Penelope would kill us if we bailed. She’s worked so hard on all of this. She even convinced Dave to let us use his house.” You kissed his cheek. “Besides, it’ll be fun.” 
Spencer counted the cars in the driveway. Everyone was here. They must all be waiting inside. 
You spotted Aaron’s car and swallowed. 
You hadn’t spoken to your brother since you found out he stepped down as Unit Chief. When you talked to Derek- his choice for command- you could tell that he was worried. Aaron was getting reckless, he was getting desperate. It scared you. 
But tonight wasn’t about that. 
Tonight was about you and Spencer and celebrating with the people you loved. 
“You okay?” Spence asked, grabbing your hand through the gap in his crutches. 
You gave him a small smile. “Yeah. Let’s go before the pasta gets cold, huh?” 
Rossi was at the door before you even got a chance to knock. “I was wondering when you two would finally show up. Garcia is driving me crazy.” 
He smiled and ushered you inside. 
You and Spencer exchanged a look and you gave his hand another squeeze. 
“So what’s the occasion for the, um, dinner party,” Reid asked, straining the last two words.
“I’ll let them tell you.” Rossi turned on the lights in the kitchen. 
“Surprise!” A chorus of cheers erupted at you as the whole team jumped out from behind the counter. 
You both put on your best 'shocked' faces.
“Oh my god you guys,” you beamed. “This is amazing.”
“And totally unexpected,” Spence said in a less than convincing tone. 
You nudged his side. 
Penelope hurried around the counter and pulled the two of you into a hug. 
“I am so so happy for you two,” she gushed. “We all wanted to do something since you didn’t really get to celebrate before.” 
“Getting attacked by a serial killer tends to dampen the spirit,” you muttered. 
Spence glanced at you. 
You did that sometimes. Hid things behind the idea of insignificance or humor to make it feel less real. He let go of your hand and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, kissing your forehead. 
“What are we waiting for, let’s get this party started!” You cheered, stepping out of your fiance’s concerned, caring hold. 
Emily poured the sparkling cider while Derek dished up the salad for you. 
“Breaking my heart, Professor Hot Stuff,” he teased. 
“Oh, Agent Morgan,” you laid a hand on his cheek. “It never would have worked out between us.” 
Derek chuckled and pulled you into a hug, kissing your cheek. “Congratulations, Y/N.” 
You finished piling dinner onto your plate and sat at the table next to JJ and Will. 
Spencer watched you from across the dining room. He couldn’t help but admire your smile, your laugh as you joked with the blonde agent, the way your hair reflected the lights of the chandelier. 
Your smile was genuine, your laugh full. 
Even in the darkness of everything, you managed to be a light. His light. 
“She’s really something, huh?” Rossi said, handing Reid a glass of cider. 
“Yeah.” Reid smiled. “She’s everything.” 
Rossi chuckled and pat the younger agent on the back. “Ah, young love.” He gave him a teasing wink. “Makes me nauseous. Let’s join the others.” 
Spencer laughed and followed him out to the table where he sat between Morgan and Hotch, across from where you were telling JJ about how he’d tried to bring you breakfast one morning, but because of his crutches he ended up dropping the tray on you while you were sleeping.
“It’s the thought that counts, right?” You snickered. 
“Sure, make fun of the crippled guy. It’s not like he was injured in the line of duty or anything,” Spence fired back, lightly kicking you with his good leg under the table. 
“I know that Dr. Barton is certainly thankful it was your leg and not his head,” JJ said, taking a drink of her water. 
“I’d be thankful if you didn’t almost die every few months,” you muttered, smirking. 
Spencer’s eyes widened. “Coming from you?”
You both laughed, joined by the others at the table. It was a kind of humor that only they could appreciate. They knew how important it was to make light of your lives every once in a while- even if it meant making light of the moments your lives almost ended. 
The only one who didn’t laugh was Aaron. He smiled a little, but you see the tension in his shoulders and in the way he held his fork. 
He was thinking about Foyet. About you lying on the floor next to him, bleeding out. 
So you raised your glass in his direction. 
“To beating the odds and to surviving when we probably shouldn’t have,” you said. He lifted his eyes to yours and you gave him a reassuring nod. “And to the people who help us through it afterward.” 
“Here here,” Emily cheered. 
Everyone raised their glasses, Aaron being the last. 
Your brother watched you for a moment and something passed between you. An odd mix of hope and fear that only something like this- after what you’d been through- could bring about. He was thrilled you were happy and he didn’t want anything to hurt you ever again. 
You mouthed that three-word phrase and clinked your glass against his. 
“I love you too,” Aaron whispered. 
Dinner passed in casual conversation, laughter, and many teasing remarks from Derek and Penelope. You helped JJ clear the plates and noticed that people had started whispering. 
Every time you tried to catch Penelope and Emily in their secret conversation, they just smiled and waved innocently at you. 
You gave them a glare and a hand motion that said ‘I’m watching you.’ 
They batted their lashes like they had no idea what you meant.
You just smiled and shook your head. 
“Is there something about tonight that I don’t know about?” You asked JJ once you were both taking dishes to the kitchen. 
She simply shrugged. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She checked her watch. “But if you could go sit with your fiance right now, that would be great.” 
“You know surprises aren’t either of our thing, right?”
“I told you.” JJ winked. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She shooed you away and you found that Derek had moved, leaving the seat next to Spencer empty. 
You leaned down and kissed his cheek. “They’re planning something else.”
“Yeah.” He turned to you and spoke through a smile. “I got that when we walked in the door.” 
“I’m starting to rethink your idea of running.” 
He laughed and took your hand. “It’s too late now. We just have to endure it.” 
Right as he said it, a song began over the speakers. 
“Now I… had… the time of my life.”
“Oh my god,” you gasped, putting a hand over your mouth to contain your laughter. 
“What?” Spencer looked around, confused. “I don’t get it. What’s the song?”
Your mouth fell open. “You’ve never seen Dirty Dancing?”
He gave you his usual thin-lipped smile and shook his head. 
“I know what we’re doing on our honeymoon.” 
“I don’t think movies are the traditional route.” Spence leaned over and kissed you, taking you by surprise. He wasn’t usually one for public displays of affection, but the way he smiled when he pulled back gave you butterflies. 
Emily, JJ, and Penelope all came out of the kitchen at the chorus, belting at the top of their lungs. 
“Because I had the time of my life!” They all sang, working together to carry the biggest cookie you’d ever seen in your life. It was chocolate chip, with frosting written across the top. 
Congrats Y/N and Spencer! 
Beneath the lettering, two ring pops were stuck into the cookie, blue and red. 
“What is this?” Spencer laughed. 
Morgan came up behind him to russell his hair. “Congratulations, Lover-Boy.” 
By the next chorus, everyone was singing-even Aaron, with a grin that was becoming rarer and rarer anymore. 
“Come on.” You grabbed Spencer’s hand and pulled him out of the chair, letting him put his weight on you instead of his bad leg. You waved to everyone else. “If we’re doing this, so are all of you.” 
You led Spencer and the rest of the group to the back patio where you could still hear the music, and you started to dance. 
For Spence, of course, it was more swaying than anything else, but you spun and dipped and circled around him, making him grin wider than you thought was possible. 
He spun you into his arms and held you there, moving with the music as it changed into something slower. 
“I love you,” he whispered. 
“I love you too.” 
You kissed him, not caring that everyone was still dancing around you- even when you heard Derek’s slow whistle. You just flipped him off over Spence’s shoulder and smiled against your fiance’s lips. 
Eventually, the music died down and you stood in the middle of the patio, forehead pressed against Spencer’s, looking into each other’s eyes. As the beat vanished, it was replaced by the tapping of a glass. 
Penelope stood with a tray full of more sparkling cider, tapping one of the flutes with a knife. 
“If the two of you thought you were getting out of this without speeches, you are very mistaken,” she grinned.
“Penelope, that’s what vows are for,” you laughed. 
“Yes, well, we can work on those later.” She handed out the flutes, ending with the two of you. “Now profess your love, my loves.” 
Everyone stood around you, smiling and waiting. 
“Okay, I guess we’re doing this.” You kept an arm around Spencer to support him without his crutches, your fingers gripping his shirt to support your nerves. “Clearly, I didn’t have anything prepared, so thank you, Penelope.” 
“Yes, thanks Garcia,” Spencer laughed. 
“You’re so very welcome.” She waved a hand for you to continue. 
A round of snickers circled around and you took a deep breath. 
“I guess,” you took a step back so you could hold up your glass to the man beside you, “A toast to Dr. Spencer Reid. Someone who has not only become the person I want to be with for forever, but who has anchored me through the stormiest seas. He is a light in the darkness, a voice in the terrifying quiet.” You found yourself blinking back tears, struggling to get your words out. “Spencer, there aren’t the words to describe exactly what you’ve done for me or even begin to express how I feel, so I’ll start with these: I love you, Dr. Spencer Reid and thank you for showing me what it’s like to be loved the way you love me.” 
Even Dave was dabbing his eyes when you were finished, everyone listening intently and contently. 
Spencer kissed you without hesitating, his emotions taking over. 
You pulled back, smirking. “If I have to, you have to.” 
“I know, I know.” He kissed you again quickly. He paused. He took a drink. He cleared his throat. 
“Come on, Boy Genius. It takes way more than this to shut you up,” Morgan teased. 
Emily elbowed him. 
Spencer inhaled sharply, looking down at the ground to not psych himself out. 
“I used to think that love- attraction, romance, intimacy- were all chemicals in our brains in order to ensure procreation. I know now that that can’t possibly be true.” He swallowed and looked back at you. “Because you have taken so much more than my mind. Everything I am is yours.” Spencer held you a little closer. “We all know how short life is. How uncertain everything can be.” He held up his glass. “So, to Dr. Y/F/N Y/L/N.  I don’t want to spend another minute not spending my life with you.” 
You came together for another passionate kiss and everyone cheered. 
The music started up again. 
It took a few moments of celebrating for Spencer to realize you weren’t next to him anymore. 
With everyone dancing and celebrating, he slipped off to find you, feeling Hotch’s eyes on him as he left. 
You were sitting on the front steps, tears streaming down your cheeks, your hand searching for the necklace that wasn’t there. 
“That’s definitely not the reaction I was hoping for,” Spence said, sitting down beside you. He took your hand. “What is it?” 
“It’s like you said. Life is so uncertain. You almost died of anthrax. I almost died on my birthday- twice. I mean, Hayley isn’t here because she had to be put in protective custody from the man who almost killed me and my brother. The man who took the gift you gave me for my graduation.” You laid your hand flat on your collarbone. 
Spencer frowned. “You didn’t tell me that.” 
“It’s what he took. The souvenir he’ll put on his next victim.” You leaned forward, arms on your knees. “I know it’s such a stupid thing to be upset about, but I loved that necklace, and now��” You trailed off, shoulders slumped. You gave him a small smile. “Sorry.”
Spencer laid a hand on your cheek. “Don’t be.” 
You pressed your lips to his palm. “I promise, it’s been a great night. I guess it just hits me sometimes.” 
He tucked a hair behind your ear and shifted so he was standing again. 
“I hope it’s not too much for one more thing.” 
You tilted your head. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, as Garcia pointed out, last time, things didn’t end up going the way we thought they would. And I know our lives are far from normal.” Spencer put a shaky hand in his pocket.
Why was he so nervous? 
It wasn’t like you hadn’t already said yes. 
“But I thought I’d try at least one thing that was traditional.” 
Spencer got down on his good knee, holding on to the rail with one hand, and pulling a small box out of his pocket with the other. 
You gasped as he opened the box, revealing the most beautiful ring you’d ever seen. Vintage with a diamond surrounded by sapphire.
“Do you like it? I found it at an antique store and it made me think of you and-”
You interrupted him by nearly tackling him, pressing your lips to his. 
“They’re over here!” Emily’s voice called. She grinned down at you. “Oh god, am I interrupting something?” 
The rest of the group all rushed around the corner to join her. 
You both glanced around at the people who meant more than any toast could describe. Your eyes met your brother’s. 
And he smiled.
The In-Betweens series: @amywright; shesoperfectt;  hereforsmutbcicantgetenough;  violetbossler;  hyper-half-blood;  i-bitch-you-bitch; xcastawayherosx; preciousbabypeter; @jori21; @sol-48;  @murdermornings ; @ staygoldsquatchling02; @ ara-a-bird; @ jjunebug; @ xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx; @ lillianacristina
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thinkingotherwise · 4 months ago
Wakatoshi Ushijima, his s/o, and their first kiss
We all should've come to Shiratorizawa
Other captains
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You were in awe whenever you watched your school's volleyball team. Their sheer power and the respect they triggered from the opposing teams were amazing. Not to mention how they had won previous eliminations and made it to Tokyo. You could watch them play every day and you wouldn't get bored. Even when they lost the last match with Karasuno, it was such a heart-stopping 5 sets, having you on the edge of your seat most of the time as you cheered for your school's team.
However, there was one person whom you liked observing the most, the ace of Shiratorizawa and one of the top volleyball aces in Japan. Seeing Ushijima in on itself always made your eyes grow big and glisten with adoration. You loved how passionate, confident, and strong he was and honestly, you could watch him spike over and over again. The muscles rippling through his shirt and the echoing sound when the ball slammed into the ground scoring yet another point. Your admiration of the man was neverending.
Were you lucky to share your classroom with Tendo? Probably yes, because you could have all the news of the volleyball team at your disposal with him sitting behind you. Were you lucky that he was observant? No, not at all. The guess monster seemed to read you like an open book and easily found out how much you liked his best friend. Tendo made it his personal mission to help you out and pointed you out to Ushijima, making the ace aware of you and reminding him how you were classmates the previous year. He was very proud of himself when all his work paid off and the captain said that you intrigued him, finding you likable. That's why he decided to push his friend to make a move.
The two were talking about the upcoming training camp for first years as they walked down the hall for their classes. Hearing your voice as you talked with your friend inside the classroom, Tendo stopped suddenly and Ushijima looked at him raising his eyebrows. "Do you know Wakatoshi, that I heard (Y/n) admit that they like you?" He started bending his body to look at you through the open doors before he added. "They were gushing over how awesome you are the other day." "Is that so? (Y/n) is a very... nice person." The captain replied his gaze moving to you as you talked animatedly with your friend. "Only nice?" Ushijima's eyes were stuck on you analyzing each of your expressions and gestures and Tendo grinned widely seeing that his friend really held a soft spot for you.
The middle blocker nudged his teammate when he noticed that there was no answer from his side. "Likable, in a way interesting. I don't find them annoying." "Oh, then it's great. You can date together." Tendo said excitedly. The ace turned to him, his eyebrows raising. "Huh? Why would you say that? Would (Y/n) even want to?" He asked curiously despite his voice staying leveled. "Trust me, (Y/n) would be jumping in joy. Besides they like you, you like them. You can at least try being all lovey-dovey." Tendo bounced on his feet as his fingers entangled, hands near his head moving with him.
Ushijima looked at him unimpressed, squeezing his eyes and making Tendo sigh in exasperation. "You know going on dates, hugging, kissing." He clarified trying to make his friend finally go to you but it didn't really help. "So what should I just ask them out?" "Exactly." Tendo clapped his back in encouragement. "And then when they accept, because they will, you can kiss them." "Right away, don't people-" Ushijima was cut off immediately as the middle blocker turned him in the direction of the doors. "Yes, right away. There's no time to lose, especially when we will all be finishing school soon, so you need to get them now before it's too late." In reality, soon was a few months more as it was only the beginning of winter. Also, Tendo mentioned kissing in a joking matter trying to fluster his friend but then Ushijima hummed thoughtfully about it thinking that he wouldn't really mind it. "I see, alright." The ace said calmly much to his friend's joy.
You were bemused just to see Ushijima entering your classroom, especially when Tendo was standing back in the hallway looking so smug. You and your friend froze in the middle of the conversation as the ace stopped in front of your desk. "Can I interrupt you?" He asked his gaze stuck on you. You felt yourself getting warmer and nodded quickly for him to go on. Immediately your eyes grew big and you internally let out a squeal as he leaned over you, one hand on the back of your chair and the other on your table. He did it mainly to be more eye-level with you but inside your head, there was complete chaos. Especially when he continued with. "Do you want to go out with me?" "Me? With you?" You asked stupidly, just to make sure you heard him correctly. The ace hummed before clarifying himself. "Yes? Was I not clear enough? Can I be your boyfriend?" Your heart was racing, and your mind was blanking. You were frozen until your friend nudged your hand and then your head started nodding. "Oh, yes, I'd like that." It really felt like a dream. Were you dreaming? You pinched your leg just to make sure and yes you felt it, so it was real.
Ushijima nodded back feeling relieved you agreed and that Tendo was really right about it. Then he decided to go on with the next steps the middle blocker told him about. "Good. And do you have the weekend free?" You were already stunned so you nodded once more, not sure if he could shock you even more. "I do, yes." "Then we can meet up after my training and go out on a date." Your heart had never beat so quickly before. "That would be great." You replied a little breathless looking up at him. He gave you a calm smile, a faint glint of satisfaction in his eyes as he watched your reaction. "Can I?" He hovered closer to your face his eyes moving to your lips. His confidence was somehow both reassuring and intimidating at the same time. You looked at him, dazed, your mind still trying to catch up with what had just happened. Your friend, who had been quietly observing the exchange, gasped loudly beside you, their eyes wide with disbelief.
Your face was hot, scorching hot, all because of your favorite player whom you could now call your boyfriend and who wanted to kiss you. You were in heaven, you must have been, and so you nodded slowly. He breathed out before leaning closer and pressing his lips onto yours. There was a jolt of warmth that made your body shiver. His kiss was soft, almost hesitant as if he was giving you space to process everything, to let it all sink in. Your mind still scrambled to catch up but before it could he pulled away.
Ushijima stood so close, his steady presence almost grounding you. Everything around him seemed to blur into the background. And when your mind finally did process the entire thing your thoughts were full of him. You were going on a date with him. And he kissed you, albeit shortly but still, his mouth was pressed against yours for a few seconds. "Woah, your lips are so soft." You said unconsciously looking at his lips as you remembered the feeling of them. "Emm... Thank you." He said pulling away to stand up and your gaze moved to see his whole face and the pinkish colour on his cheeks. His face looked as if he had run a marathon or played a long game and you were sure you looked even more flustered and undeniably happy. Tendo, however, was laughing in the hallway about how direct Ushijima was and cheering for the two of you.
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admirationandromantics · 3 months ago
The Helpful Guitarist
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Wanted to have coloured pictures, but two of them were already black and white :( Okay, anyway, so this was fun, I really liked it. This is based on a request I got, and it could go one of two ways, and I chose this one. Basically, Joel is still alive, and he and Ellie lives in Jackson. You're a singer (hobby-wise) and are struggling get around with the chords. Luckily, Ellie helps you, as she always have, though something else might happen
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The air is cold, icy wind blowing in my nostrils as I continue singing. A group of people have gathered, humming along to the melody, some singing with me during the chorus. They’ve heard the song before, and my heart melts at the thought that they like it so much. I look down, making sure to get the right grip as I start on the bridge. I fail, the wrong sound coming from the stupid guitar, but I still don’t stop. The show must go on, as they say. 
When I’ve finished, the crowd erupts in cheers and claps. I take a bow before collecting my things and packing down the guitar. 
The street is almost empty as I start walking home. It has stopped snowing, and left the town with a white carpet. Some of the stars shine through the clouds as they move, giving little hopeful glints throughout the sky. It’s dinner time, and small yellow lights illuminate through the windows. 
“Hey!” I hear. A familiar voice yelling through the streets. I turn, just to be met with a hard snowball slamming in my face. The pain shoots through my nose, the coldness seeping from the white crystals throughout my entire face. 
“Shit shit shit!” Ellie yells, running towards me and brushing everything off my face. 
“What the hell Ellie?” I say, upset and hurt. 
“Sorry, didn’t think you’d turn around that fast. Meant to hit the back of your head”
“Gee thanks”
She does sound sorry, and I carefully open my eyes to see her freckled face and brown hair. Her nose is red, skin bleak, making her eyes stand out in the small lighting. 
“I just wanted your attention, wondering where you were going off to” she continues, still brushing her thumbs over my icy cheeks even though the snow has melted. 
“You came over yesterday, doesn’t Joel miss having you home?”
“Nah” she shrugs, the edge of her lips tilting into a small smile. “He’s got other things to do”
“If you say so” I oblige, handing over my guitar. 
“But you have to carry some of the equipment”
“No problem boss” she laughs, taking the case from my hand and carrying it on her side. We start walking again. Not leaving any room for silence, she starts talking again. 
“So, have you gotten a hang on the guitar yet?” she asks, looking over. I don’t meet her gaze, embarrassment from the last performances coming over me. I don’t think my cheeks can get any redder. 
“Well… You heard, didn’t you?” I laugh, trying to get some of the tension off the subject. 
“I mean, you sang so well, I bet nobody noticed” she shrugs again. 
“I noticed, isn’t that enough?” 
“You’re a perfectionist, and it’s hard to do both things at the same time. Especially now in the winter, regulating your voice must be complex alone”
“I guess”
We arrive at my door, and she opens it for the both of us, letting me walk in, in a gentlemanly manner. I put all my stuff down, quick to undress all my layers. There’s a lot. You never joke about Jackson winters. She’s quick to follow, wearing a hoodie and some dark-coloured pants. 
“Want some tea?” I ask, walking into the kitchen. 
“Just water would be fine” she shouts from the living room. I fill a glass and heat up some water. The dried mint leaves from the summer make their way into my cup before being drowned in boiling hot water. 
I carefully make my way to the living room, making sure not to spill anything on my way. She’s sitting on the couch, a bunch of papers in her hands. I put the glass down beside her before taking a seat. 
“You’ve written a new song?” she asks, flipping the papers my way. 
“Yeah, finished it last month”
“It looks amazing, why haven’t you sung it yet?” 
I think back to the writing, everything coming to me so easily, the rhythm, the words, the feeling. I did everything, and I knew exactly how it would sound, until I tried it with the guitar. That thing will be the end of me, if I don’t end it first. 
“The guitar” I complain, pointing to the case. “It doesn’t do as I say”
She laughs, walking over to it and opening the clasp. 
“Need some help?” 
“Please” I beg, hands put together in prayer, comically waving them around. 
“Don’t need to ask me twice” she smirks, taking a seat beside me and quickly tuning each string. 
“It’s no rush though, I’m often tired from the daily work. Just go straight to bed when I get home” I say, putting the warm cup up to my lips. 
“It’s insane”
“What is”
“That you don’t get to just do this”
“It’s not that insane, it’s just a hobby”
She stops her action, looking over at me with furrowed brows. Her nose is slightly scrunched, and I can’t help but smile at the sight. 
“I mean to say, everyone loves hearing you. You should be able to do this, not being stuck in some barn caring for animals all day”
“Someone has to do it”
“Someone else, you shouldn’t” she ends, her final tone signalling the end of the argument. 
“If the Ellie Williams is saying it, then it must be true” 
“You bet it is”
She lifts the guitar up in the right position before turning around to face me. 
“Okay, are you gonna sing or do I have to get the voice out of you in some other way” she teases, ny cheeks immediately burning. 
“Very funny, you’re hilarious”
“I know, right!”
She points to the chorus on the paper, tapping her finger. 
“How do you want this to go?”
I think back to when I wrote it, furrowing my eyes and imagining the melody. I hum, clapping my thigh in a repetitive rhythm before singing the first four lines. She nods her head parallelly to my clapping, her eyes staring at my hand, but her head somewhere else, like she’s imagining the same landscape I am. 
“What do you think?” I ask, hopeful for a positive response. 
“I like it, but don’t you think this tone would be better?” she wonders, finger gracing over the guitar strings. She sings the lyrics, the musical notes of the instrument sounding exactly as magical as I imagined it. At the end, she plays in a lower one, making the words tragic. Tragic in a good way. 
“I love it!”
We continue till far into the night, and manage to get the whole song written. During everything, she’s written all the cords down, sometimes scratching them out and writing a new one. At the end, we go through the whole song, each word, each line, every part of it magical and leading. Transporting us to a secluded bubble, a peaceful place. Somewhere where I don’t have to wake up every morning to the smell of horse shit and hard work. 
“Fucking hell! We’re good!” she yells, handing me a high five. I smack as hard as I can back, probably hurting myself more than her. 
“Now I need to actually learn to play it” I whine, dramatically falling down on the sofa, exhaling loudly. She snickers, putting down the guitar and grabbing both my hands. 
“You’re gonna be fine, I’ll teach you” she smiles, dragging my arms and pulling me back up. 
“Easy for you to say, you can work that thing, I can’t”
“You just need practice”
“I refuse”
“I guess I have to play then”
My expression immediately changes. This was something I’d never even thought of. I look at her in shock, her slight smirk and raised brows in question, waiting for me to answer. 
“Are you serious, you would do that?” I ask, hoping she’s not joking. 
“Of course, It’ll be fun, I’ll finally stand up there with you, not just watching” she shakes her head. 
“Good god Ellie, I actually love you” I shout jumping her, making her fall on her back on the cushions. 
“Yeah, yeah… I know I’m awesome” she says, trying to be nonchalant, but I catch the slight goofiness in her tone. 
She smells of pine and autumn leaves, funny since it’s winter. 
“I would need payment”
I pull away, looking down at her with an odd face. 
“Well, what do you want? We don’t exactly have a money system here”
The room suddenly feels empty, the wind outside is silent as her hand makes its way behind my neck, pulling me down to her. Her lips brush over mine lightly. Hot breaths gracing each other’s skin. She’s funny, kind, smart, and so incredibly hot. I push myself against her, lips touching and eating roughly. I hold my upper body up with my arms, while her hand moves up, tangling itself in my hair, holding firmly. The other makes its way to my hips, fingers sliding under my shirt and holding on the brim. 
“Ellie, I-” I begin, but she interrupts me. 
“Shut up. The only things coming out of your mouth will be the noises I force out of you”
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