#especially since we now know it’s entirely up to the Scepter on who wields it
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Okay, at some point I’m sure that it seems like I’m just coming up with my own versions of AU’s when someone else announces theirs and I immediately respond with ‘oh, I have one of those too!😃’ BUT I SWEAR I’M NOT! I was just left to my own devices for several years, with no way of getting online and interacting with the tiny fandom of The Deep, and so came up with all my own generic AU’s. And only remember I have the small, underdeveloped ones when someone else posts one of their own, because currently I’m only posting about the ones I’ve developed a lot of lore for and have an actual coherent story for.
On to why I wrote that whole fore note, httyd-nerd’s age-swap AU reminded me that I too have an Age Swap AU. Because that’s a pretty consistent AU that some fandoms have in some way, I feel like, so of course I made one of my own for funsies. However, unlike @httyd-nerd, I didn’t do mine with Ant and Alpheus. I did it with Ant and Fontaine.
The gist I had, and then further came up with on my way home from work which is when I had this very reminded thought, was Ant and Fontaine’s ages were swapped. Ant was still the Chosen One, though I hadn’t gotten quite far or dedicated enough into figuring out how he was. Maybe there wasn’t ever the rule of ‘youngest member of the family will be the Chosen One’ in this timeline (which means there’s probably something similar for the Ephymacron; ie anyone in the family can use it). Or maybe it was supposed to be the youngest, but when the Scepter was scoping out its options, it decided it didn’t really like either Fontaine or Alpheus, and then stumbled across Ant and went ‘👀tell me more’.
Ant: There ain’t no way my little sister is getting saddled with this responsibility, I’m taking it *doesn’t realize that’s not how it works*
The Guardians, thinking that Ant somehow stubborned his way into bending the rules of the Scepter: *to the Scepter* Why didn’t you pick Fontaine?
The Scepter: Didn’t want that one. Or the other one, that one sucks by the way, what were you thinking?
The Guardians: But…it’s supposed to be the youngest of the royal lines!
The Scepter: Screw that, I want this one. He’s funny
The Guardians: But-
The Scepter: My last one wasn’t the youngest either! You can’t make me pick the other two! This one’s mine!
Along this line, Alpheus thinks that Fontaine is supposed to be the Chosen One, and is creepy toward her the same way he was with Ant. And if the youngest rule doesn’t exist, he’s just spiteful toward both Nekton kids because Nereus likes them more so of course it’s all their fault. Regardless of which one, Ant just makes it his mission to keep Alpheus as far away from Fontaine as possible, because there’s NO way he’s leaving that creepy eighteen year old around his baby sister.
In the scenario where it’s assumed it’s the youngest, Alpheus tries to do his whole nemesis shpeel, but is interrupted by Ant kicking down the door of his moonpool and storming the submarine in the Swamp Knight. Every other interaction with Fontaine Alpheus has to try, he’s dragged away by his feet by her wildly overprotective older brother. It comes out that, somehow, Ant’s the Chosen One and Ant’s like ‘finally a better excuse to get this guy alone and kick his butt’. Alpheus sweats when he realizes it’s actually indeed Ant he has to deal with and not Fontaine, and nopes out of the Lemuria business from the fear alone of being left entirely alone with Ant.
And in the scenario where Alpheus has some decency and doesn’t act creepy with the little girl, it’s because he decided that she’s not nemesis material and definitely not the Chosen One (this would be in the scenario where the rule of youngest doesn’t exist, so the Guardians aren’t sure if it’s Ant or Fontaine). He has requirements for a nemesis, and this pesky little girl doesn’t meet any of them. So he focuses on Ant, who takes it if it means he stays away from the rest of his family, but there’s a running gag where Alpheus just gets SO annoyed with Fontaine because she buts in and just makes herself a problem anyways by kicking his ankles or pressing all the buttons on his chair and control panels and being a general nuisance, and he just wants her to stop.
Finn and Maddie would also be swapped here, because if Finn and Fontaine still had their baby romance plot it’d be creepy if Finn was still the same age (though the thought of ten year old Maddie beefing with a fifteen-sixteen year old Ant is hilarious, and very in character). This is where I’m not sure where the ages in this AU would lie, because Finn and Maddie have a different age gap than Ant and Fontaine, and I want them all to be somewhat around the same age as their respective pirate/Nekton. So it would probably be Ant and Maddie being 16-17 respectively at the start, with Ant being fifteen and then turning sixteen early on in the show while Maddie turns eighteen much later. And Fontaine and Finn would be 12-13, with Fontaine turning thirteen much later on when it’s her birthday. This also makes it slightly better regarding the Alpheus and Ant situation, though Alpheus is still Alpheus and we all know how he is.
Maddie would be the First Mate of the Dark Orca, and Finn’s the baby pirate who doesn’t really know if he actually wants to be a pirate, and has a little more leeway and freedom because Maddie’s the perfect pirate and Hammerhead doesn’t pay much attention to him. Maddie sometimes resents Finn a little bit, because she feels she had to take over as ‘Mom’ for him, especially as one of/the only woman on the whole sub, which means she’s also fighting tooth and nail against all the male crew members who don’t want a lady running things when Hammerhead retires. She still dotes on Finn and just thinks he hasn’t filled his pirate boots yet. All the older boys at the Floating Market deal with a huffy little brother standing in between them and Captain Hammerhead’s pretty daughter. Maddie being the older sibling takes care of Finn a lot, with a mix of genuine care and also internalized resentment at being the one to take care of Finn instead of their Dad. She throughout the series starts to develop some angst with Hammerhead about it, and eventually resolves to get Finn out of the Dark Orca if he doesn’t want to stay when she finally takes over.
Maddie once babysat for Fontaine as a favor for Ant, though Fontaine doesn’t quite realize it was her because they were both so much younger, and Maddie hadn’t started wearing makeup and jewelry and quality pirate boots at that time. It was around the time that Ant and Maddie were the same age as they are in canon, in which Fontaine and Finn weren’t old enough to be involved in any shenanigans. Ant and Maddie met each other before Finn and Fontaine because of this, and had their whole ‘i despise you and want nothing to do with you -> wanna hang out and talk about sea monsters’ arc before their little siblings got involved. They were best friends by the time Fontaine and Finn were old enough to start getting involved, and have all sorts of inside jokes. They got a little dismayed when they found out they have to start keeping an eye on their respective siblings during their families interactions, instead of just chilling in the vents and talking about the latest events in their lives and sea monsters. Kaiko and Will found out about Ant and Maddie a few years after they started to get along, and almost grounded Ant over it. Eventually, they acquiesced to not doing anything about it when Ant pointed out he didn’t have many other kids his age that lived a somewhat similar lifestyle to talk to. They turn a blind eye, a bit judge mental about Maddie’s lifestyle but aware that she and Ant seem to be genuine friends. Ant’s made a point to not make them aware of the fact that he’s been letting Maddie into the Aronnax to take home leftovers for her and Finn for years. Hammerhead is still wildly and blissfully unaware of it all.
Fontaine and Ant are like a ‘Overly cheerful and optimistic older brother and teenage angst filled little sister’ dynamic. Fontaine thinks Ant is childish for his age and SO embarrassing in public. She tells everyone she meets that she’s an only child. Ant thinks she needs to lighten up on the teenage angst and drama and tells everyone all about his adorable but angsty little sister. He’s also got about a hundred photos of her in his phone because her facial expressions are fun to turn into memes and mood boards, and not just because it drives her nuts every time he does it. Ant’s the older, loving, semi-responsible but genuinely caring brother, and Fontaine is at the age where her personality makes her a little bit of a jerk and an absolute pain and twerp to deal with (listen, at the age she’s at, with her personality and flaws? She’d be kind of a butt, let’s be real)
Jess and Ant’s relationship is also swapped here along with Jess’s age, but not in the same extremes that it is in canon. Jess has a bit of a crush on Ant, in that she thinks he’s really nice and super cool and not bad looking, BUT it’s just a puppy crush, and she’s aware he has a girlfriend and is self-aware enough to know that their age gap isn’t great. BUT. She makes it out as a bigger thing than it is because she KNOWS how much it drives Fontaine nuts when she sweet-talks Ant and acts weird around him, and she feeds off of chaos. Especially at her bff’s expense. Fontaine is dying over her best friend talking about how cute her older brother is because he’s NOT, he’s SO ANNOYING, STOPPIT JESS!! Ant wasn’t immediately aware of Jess having a puppy crush on him until Kari pointed it out, but he knows that she knows he has a girlfriend and he knows that it’s not a serious thing. And he knows she’s using it to her advantage to mess with his sister so he just laughs about it with Fontaine. (Jess also thinks Kari is super awesome and cute too, developing her own baby crush on Kari when she finally meets her in person too)
Ant angst, because it’s me and I have to! Ant is considerably older than Fontaine, and slightly parentified-eldest daughter syndromed. But! Not because Kaiko and Will did that to him, they’re good parents and this isn’t slander. It’s just that Ant is considerably older than Fontaine, and so capable of helping with more aroudn the Aronnax than she is, and so deals with a lot more of the actual running and maintenance of the ship than she does. He helps with more risky missions and he looks after Fontaine when Kaiko and/or Will are busy with their own work, because they DO have jobs, the Aronnax needs funding somehow. He’s got some Eldest Daughter Syndrome, and he’s internalized some parentification, but it’s not because of his parents, it’s because the lifestyle he grew up in caused it to happen.
Fontaine is oblivious to all of this because she’s an angsty lil’ bean living in her own world of teenage angst and drama. Because all of her friends live on land and go to the mall and school, and she’s stuck on a submarine doing admittedly cool things, but she’s stuck with her ‘over-bearing’ older brother and doesn’t get to do cool land things like everyone else her age. Nobody understands her! (Said with an angsty little undercut because she’s just So Dramatic like that) It isn’t until all the Lemuria stuff starts to happen, and Ant doesn’t want his baby sister to deal with all of that so he automatically just takes the responsibility himself to save her from it, because these Guardians are weird, and set off a little warning bell in his head. Fontaine thinks he just wants the glory of the Chosen One and is so full of himself, and the Guardians think Ant is so certain of his role and ready to fill it. When in actuality, he’s just trying to keep his little sister out of a potentially dangerous situation, and so throws himself into it instead because he’s her older brother, and that’s his job. Fontaine doesn’t realize how much Ant actually does around the Aronnax and how stressed he was before all of the Lemuria stuff happens, and it gets worse and she starts to notice how tired and stressed he is. Cue the guilty angst, with Fontaine trying to step up and take a little of the weight off his shoulders.
(Little sibling feeling helpless while watching older sibling try to take the weight of the world and refuse help angst, enter stage left)
I should also mention that Fontaine doesn’t think Kari’s Ant’s girlfriend. She knows of Kari. She’s hung out with Kari. She loves when Kari comes over. She thinks Kari’s the coolest person ever in fact. Which is exactly why she doesn’t think Ant and Kari are dating. Because there’s no way that Kari, the super awesome girl who dresses really cool and has a pet lizard which is a little weird but Kari makes it cool, would be into Fontaine’s dorky dumb older brother. She’s devastated when she finds out that Kari is indeed into Fontaine’s dork dumb older brother, and that it was him who got her the cool lizard to begin with. Ant and Kari didn’t know that Fontaine didn’t know. They fully thought she knew. They don’t do too much/any PDA around her (at least none she notices), and they don’t go around announcing that they’re girlfriend/boyfriend. They don’t hide it, but it’s not the first thing they announce to the room. And because they were friends before they started dating, Kari had been coming over for years. And they’re super comfortable with each other without having to kiss every seven minutes, and totally fine with just lazing on the couch in sweatpants binge watching a show and munching on a party size bag of chips.
They thought it was super obvious. Kaiko and Will know. They don’t go around hiding the fact either. Ant even brought it up at dinner when they first started going out. He brought Kari over for dinner as his official girlfriend one night. Fontaine however, is an angsty little tweenager who lives in her own world of angsty teenage drama, and just totally missed that Ant and Kari were dating. It’s one of the worst things she’s ever learned when she finally realizes the fact.
Thaaat’s the big majority of it I think. I only ever did a few drawings, and I might do updated ones now. Maybe a fic some years down the line. But i have now shared and eased my conscience of my own version of the Age Swap AU
#my original version of this AU did have Fontaine being the Chosen One#but as more knowledge of how that works came out#im not entirely confident she’d be too good at it#especially since we now know it’s entirely up to the Scepter on who wields it#she just doesn’t have the mindset for it. which she’s said herself#Fontaine and Finn are aware Ant and Maddie hang out#but they think it’s because they’re secretly dating and don’t want their respective parents to know#Ant and Maddie aren’t sure wether to laugh or cringe over this#the deep 2015#the deep cartoon#ant nekton#fontaine nekton#mad madeline#smiling finn#for a few paragraphs#age swap au
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Queen - Uma x Harry Hook x reader - songfic oneshot
Cross my heart and hope to die
I don't need another guy
To fight my battles, to overshadow me
Don't ya know I'm dangerous?
Fire burnin' in my blood
I got this handled, I don't need rescuin'
Being the daughter of Aurora and King Phillip was tough, or at least tougher than others thought it would be.
Always sit up straight, never slouch, never sit with your legs apart, never curse, never lash out, always be kind, always smile, never spit, Never show blemishes, never be over a certain weight.
Always be perfect
….then again….those were the expectations of the granddaughter of Leah, mother of Aurora.
Your parents had different expectations.
Now how to protect yourself, know how to wield a sword, know how to shoot an arrow, know how to fight on horseback, know when to strike and when to stand back, know when to act like a lady and when to act like a knight.
Be sad, be angry, be happy, be snarky, be you.
Luckily you had never stuck on your grandmother's teachings as your sister did. you had grown in your father's teachings of the sword.
As the younger daughter of Phillip and Aurora, your grandmother paid less attention to you, since she was paying attention to Audrey, who had prince Ben at her side, the awaiting heir to Auradon.
You relished in the time you had away from the aging spiteful EX-queen.
You can call me a princess all you like
'Cause you love to keep me helpless by your side
But that ain't what I want, I'ma show you
I'ma show you
You tried to help your sister grow her confidence within the family to step away from your grandmother, but Audrey was deep in her claws, unable to break away from the poison.
It hurt watching your sister, once the brightest girl to be around, slowly become a snake, sneering behind backs and teasing those who didn’t “match” up to her.
You hoped one day that she could break free of your grandmother's influence.
Though during the point the first four vks came along, you saw the sliver of the sister you once knew, when Ben “broke up” with her.
She had come to your room after the game, crying her eyes out, jumping into your arms, and sobbing her heart out to you.
“i-I thought we were-I thought” she had cried, burying her face into your shoulder.
While you held no grudge against Mal for her mother's actions against your own (unlike your grandmother), you weren’t on the best terms with Mal for a while after that.
During cotillion, your sister had gone off with your fairy godmothers, while you stayed behind to help Jane plan for the grand event. Uma, the daughter of Ursula, had caught your attention as she appeared.
She had spelled Ben to free the children still on the isle, you mentally commended her on her act, through the way she went about it was a bit interesting and too similar to Mals way of doing things that it left a bad taste in your mouth.
Though it got the job done, with the documents for another 4 vks to come to Auradon being worked on soon after cotillion.
How to treat me like a queen (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty"?
Uma's face had been…interesting as you found her on the western shores of Ursula’s strait, holding food and a bundle of warmer clothes for her.
“why?” Uma had asked, shrugging on the dark blue hoodie and crossing her arms, staring down the box of warm food in your hands.
“because it will be cold the next few nights, and I'm not going to let you starve if I can help it” you responded, face blank as you held out the food to her.
She started at you for a moment, before nodding, taking the food and slowly eating it, before her eyes brightened and she soon devoured the entire meal.
You smiled and handed her a map of the surrounding area “be safe, there is a cave that keeps away the ocean draft and hardly ever gets cold or wet.
Uma watched you with curious eyes as you walked away that night, surprised after each day when you continued to return to her spot, holding new clothes and food for her.
Within the next year and a half, you and Uma had grown close, telling you of her boys, Harry Hook, and Gil, her best friends and those whom she trusted with her deepest secrets and life.
You decided you would try to convince Ben to get Uma's boys off.
Vk day came around the corner, Uma listening as you told her the new vks that would be coming to Auradon.
She brightened a bit as the Smee twins came up.
“Skipper and Sterling, good, Harriet probably made them sign up, otherwise they would have never tried.”
“do you think Harry and Gil will sign up?”
“dunno, probably, to find me at least, but I know Mal and her goons would never choose them, as long as they are loyal to me, Mal sees them as her enemy”
You hummed, remembering Mal's insistence on the search for Uma. The irony that one of their own was helping hide a villain.
“then let's hope one of the other ones can look past Mal's rivalry with you and let others look on to a new path”
Uma snorted, shaking her head “Evie would be the only one to do that, Mals boys, especially Jay, are too wrapped up in her delusions”
You sighed and nodded, crossing your arms as you stared across the moonlit sea at the smog-covered isle. “well figure something else out then” Uma grinned at you.
“optimistic aren’t you?”
You grinned back “someone has to be”
Only three days later, as you were running late to Janes birthday and after hearing about your sister's sleeping spell, you grabbed your sword that had been enchanted by your godmothers, the same enchantments as your father's sword, and ran out to look for any sign of your sister or the vks. you came across sleeping bodies just outside the dorms, looking around with wide eyes you hovered above a sleeping student, waving your hand in their face and snapping.
“Audrey what did you do” you whispered, leaning back and crossing your arms, looking around the courtyard.
“they’re asleep” you perked up and spun around, seeing the vks entering through the opposite pathway of the garden. “all of them” Evie looked around with worried eyes, her mouth dropping open in a gasp as she saw you “(y/n)!” she yelled, running towards you at surprising speed considering her heels “you're awake!”
“y-yeah?” you yelped, wrapping your arms around her as she slammed into you “why wouldn’t I be?”
“well” Evie stuttered “Audrey-the scepter-she-nevermind, im glad you’re okay!” you nodded slowly, peeking around Evie and spotting a snickering Uma.
You rose your brow at her and she shook her head, nodding towards the two taller boys looking around the courtyard.
One was taller, with dark-colored hair and a long dark red vest-jacket, black faded and worn pants with black boots and a silver hook in his left hand. Harry Hook, son of Captain James Hook, Uma's first mate.
The other was a slightly shorter teen male with longer blonde hair hidden by a dark orange cap, a short-sleeved leather shirt, and dark orange-yellow pants with dark brown boots. Gil, son of Gaston, her quartermaster.
Her boys.
The darker haired one, Harry, turned to you, locking his bright Blue eyes with yours, you felt a shock run through your body, your breath stopping as you stared into his eyes.
Harry felt his breath stop, watching as the girl with alluring (e/c) eyes stared back at him. He couldn’t look away, something holding him in place.
“guys!” Harry felt the hold release as the girl looked away and to Evie, who was gesturing to a statue of a girl in a band uniform "Hanna got turned to stone!”
So treat me like a queen (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty"?
Mal had taken over the group, ordering to head to Bens castle to look for him. You walked silently beside Uma as you traveled on foot to the castle, too occupied in your thoughts to notice Harry continue to stare at you.
He couldn’t figure out why and how you somehow stopped him in his tracks, unable to breathe or move.
The only other person that had done that to him…was Uma.
“Ben!” Mal called out, worried eyes flying about the hallways “Ben!!”
“he might not be here Mal” you offered, raising your brow as Celia sighed and tossed in other (depressing) option.
“or turned to stone” Evie covered the young girl's mouth and shook her head.
Eyes on me like I'm a prize
But you better recognize
I'm not your angel 'cause I belong to me
Uma frowned at the slashes across the wall, following the slash with her hand and calling out to the group “hey!” Uma turned, pointing a the slashes that had destroyed the map hanging on the wall “What's this?”
“um” Carlos muttered, his eyes widening in fear, as walked over to the slashes and turned to mal “any chance this was here before?”
Mal bit her lip and shook her head a bit, continuing forward after dude, calling out for ben.
“Ben!” she opened a set of double doors, leading to a room of knights lining the walls “Ben?!”
Harry let out a whistle and stepped around you, walking towards a suit and trailing his fingers across the blade. Jay leaned towards him, whispering in his ear, sneering at the pirate.
Harry just smirked and walked off after Uma.
You followed close behind Uma, feeling something off about the room, like someone was watching you.
As Mal and Uma argued, you and Harry glanced at each other as the knight in front of you started to move, you squinted at the pink smoke pouring from its helmet.
“I believe we’re being challenged” Harry tried, Uma holding up her hand to silence him.
“Let's split up and look for Audrey” Uma suggested, raising her brows as mal denied it and held out her hand. “that makes absolutely no sense, unless you give me the ember she's going to spell you!”
You and Harry pressed your lips together and looked at each other with wide eyes as the knight moved again “GUYS!” you yelled, gesturing to the knight as the girls jumped and looked at you.
“we ‘ave a bit of a situation ‘ere” Harry growled, glaring up at the empty suit of armor that began to move as if it was being worn.
“you like a prince mal? Well, how bout a knight in shining armor….or knights”
You can call me a princess all you like
'Cause you love to keep me helpless by your side
But that ain't what I want, I'ma show you
I'ma show you
You quickly backed away, Uma holding onto your arm as you ran towards the doors when two knights blocked the way, Celia standing behind them eyes wide with fear.
You groaned and turned, spotting a set of swords on the wall. You maneuvered around Jay and Mal and grabbed them, handing them to Evie and Carlos as you backed into the group, eyeing down the knights.
“Let's do this��� you muttered, gasping as Harry stepped in front of you and pushed you back. “stay back princess, wouldn’t want yeh getting hurt” you felt your brow twitch in agitation, but ignored him, watching the knights as they surrounded you. Uma hopped down beside you and Harry, smirking at the knights, waving her fingers tauntingly.
You sighed and drew your sword, feeling the enchantments run through the hilt. You took a step forward, making Harry twitch, and in blinding speed, you knocked several helmets off the knight's heads, the suits crumbling to the floor with a loud crash.
“Did anybody else forget that (y/n)s a genius with a sword?” Carlos chuckled, watching as you took down three more knights with only a sidestep and a flourish of your sword.
“huh?” Harry asked, yelping as a hammer swiped at his head, Jay appearing behind it and striking its shoulder, sending it to the side.
“she takes more after her dad doesn’t she?” Jay supplied, grabbing Harry's arm and forcing him to his feet, blocking another swipe as Harry nodded behind him.
How to treat me like a queen (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty"?
You glanced at Uma, who was being held down by four knights, and bolted over to her, half leaping in the air and drawing your sword down, slashing through the metal of their arms like butter and colliding into Uma and half dragging her across the room, looking back at the knights as Audrey's scream of frustration rang through the room.
“holy shit” Uma muttered in your ear, grabbing your shoulder to stabilize herself “how come you never told me you could do this shit?” “you never asked” you laughed, flipping your sword and turning, smirking at the knights who were trying, and failing, to sneak up behind you.
“still would have been nice to know” Uma snorted, running around you and slashing at one of the knights, backing away and behind you as you ran forward and swung your sword around, slicing off their helmets, side flipping as the crashed to the ground.
“Uma?” Harry panted, sliding next to her and smiling at you, who was blocking another knight from slashing at Evie. “can we keep her?”
Uma laughed and nodded “yes, yes we can keep her”
“awesome” Harry breathed, biting his lip, watching you spin on your heel and unarm a knight before spinning into a squat, slashing off their knees and smirking as they crashed to the ground.
So treat me like a queen (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty"?
You pouted and kicked the boot of a fallen knight, all that fight only for them to be defeated by a simple spell and some dance moves.
The boring way to end a battle if anyone asked you.
You sighed and cracked your neck, sheathing your sword and walking over to the squabbling VKs. “what's next?” you asked aloud, rolling your eyes as Mal assumed you were talking to her.
“we’re going to the museum to look for any clues”
“there's no point to that though! We know it's Audrey who took the crown and scepter, logically we should go to her room or something and look for any clues there!” Uma pushed, gritting her teeth as Mal shook her head.
“Mal” you sighed, dropping your shoulders “you don’t want to hear this but Uma's right, going to the museum is pointless unless we're going for the wand or something, I say us girls go to Audrey's and the boys look for ben”
Uma nodded, staring Mal down, who glared back. Evie clapped her hands together, making the two jump “that sounds perfect, lets meet at my place in, two hours okay?”
The rest of the group nodded, you walked up to Celia and gently pushed her to start moving as the vks started waling out of the room to set on their missions.
Harry glanced back at you as he walked alongside Gil, watching as Uma turned to you and whispered something, smirking as your shoulders bounced.
He turned back sighing as he listened to the dog talk.
You can call me a princess all you like
‘Cause you love to keep me helpless by your side
But that ain’t what I want, I’ma show you
You walked alongside Uma and Harry as they separated from the other vks to look for Celia and Gil. “you coming with us or something lass?” Harry asked aloud, raising his brows as you shook your head.
“no, I’ll help you find Gil and Celia and then help you get where you need to go, then I’ll come back to help my sister get her head back, that scepter is warping her mind and I won't lose her” you stated, voice strong with conviction.
Uma and Harry glanced at each other before Uma turned to you, going to speak when Mal suddenly ran up, yelling out Uma's name.
“uma-uma! Wait! Please wait!” Uma glared at the purple-haired girl as she skidded to a stop “I need your help, we have a chance if we work together!”
Uma sneered at her “your friends kick you to the curb?” Mal's face said it all “good”
“Ben saw something in you, and-today Uma I saw it too! You care! Uma, you care about everybody!” Uma rolled her eyes, crossing her arms and staring at Mal blankly “and Auradon is worth saving!”
“and my sister isn’t?” you sneered, Mal suddenly turned to you “you know what the scepter is like, it poisons the mind Mal, it's taken over my sister, and because of you, I might not get her back, because of you, she turned to something dark to get revenge…You know” you cocked your hip, glaring at the wide-eyed Mal
“she never got an apology from you or Ben, you love spelled Ben for the wand, had him “break up” with Audrey by declaring his “love” for you, do you know how many nights I spent with Audrey, holding her in my arms because she couldn’t sleep she was crying so hard, crying so hard she threw up?
You are not the only one with feelings Mal, Audrey did love ben, my grandmother screwed up what love meant to Audrey but she did love him, and you took that away and never apologized. So you know what Mal” you got in her face, glaring into her shiny green eyes “you deserve whatever Audrey does to you, and when I get back, I will save Audrey myself, because it seems I'm the only one who actually fucking cares about her”
You shoulder checked Mal and walked off, Mal desperately calling your name. “you talk pretty….but they’ve already made up their minds” Harry sighed, following Uma as she pushed past Mal and followed after you.
How to treat me like a queen (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty"?
You grinned at Uma as she walked across the bridge from the isle to Auradon, Harry, and Gil at her side.
“Welcome to Auradon Uma” you laughed as Uma leapt into your arms, spinning her around for a moment to keep your balance “officially at least” Uma rolled her eyes as she pulled back, taking your hand and pulling you off to dance, Harry, following close behind.
“yeah yeah, thanks for everything by the way”
You hummed, raising your brow “for giving me food, clothes, all that stuff for the past year”
“so yer the one who took care of the cap’n all this time huh?” Harry asked, looking to Uma for confirmation.
“I guess?” you shrugged, smirking as Mal turned to you with wide eyes “uh I think Mal heard that one?”
“who cares” Uma chuckled, grabbing your hand and pulling you toward her, Harry following her lead and grabbing your other hand “care to dance with us pirates princess?”
“it would be my pleasure” you bowed, giggling as Harry spun you and held you to his side, Uma laughing along and letting him spin her with his other hand.
So treat me like a queen (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Boy, you better bow down on your knees
Can I get a "Yes, your majesty"?
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange
@lunanight2012 @lunanight2012
@daughter-of-the-stars11 @musicarose
@imtryingthisout @remembered-license
@random-thoughts-003 @verboetoperee
#Descendents#descendants#disney descendants#harry hook#harry hook descendants#harry hook x reader#harry hook imagine#uma descendants#uma daughter of ursula#uma x reader#daughter of sleeping beauty#Audrey deserves better#audrey descendants#audreys sister
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Summary: The Endgame movie told from the point of view of the reader SPOILERS OF ENDGAME (obviously) English is my third language so im sorry if there’s any misspellings.
Pairing(s): Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: If you’ve seen Endgame, you know what awaits you.
Gifs aren’t mine
Just when you thought everything was going to be okay Tony and Steve appear with empty hands. "what happend? You said you had them" You say getting out of the car with Scott. "hulk made me a tackle and Loki steal the tesseract... again" Tony says. "and what do we do now?" You say worried, this was your last chance. "I think I have an idea" he looks at Steve "I know where to find what we need" "Tony, I mean sr Stark, we only have particles for the return trip" Scott says and you nod. "If it goes well we will have what we need to return and for some more trips" Tony says. "If?" you ask, what if that didn't work? "you and Scott return to the present with the scepter, I'll go with Tony" Steve explains. "I'll go with you" you say. "No" "Steve what if.." you start to say but Steve interrupts you. "go back to the present, we'll see you in a second, please" he pleads with his eyes. "be careful" you say finally accepting that you weren't going to be able to go with them. "i'm always careful remember?" Steve says and his smile in the last thing you see before he disappears. A second later you appear back to the present, in the past, hours have passed, but in the present it has only been a few seconds. You feel relief when you see Tony and Steve by your side. "we did it" Steve says almost unable to believe it. But something wasn't right, Natasha wasn't here. "Clint... where is she? where's Nat?" you ask him without wanting to know the answer, because if she wasn't here ... "she's gone... she sacrificed himself to get the stone" Clint says with tears in his eyes. "no..." you say and Steve surrounds you with his arms. "her sacrifice won't be in vain" he says in a broken voice "Bruce, Tony get the glove for the stones, lets do this"
Bruce is the one who decides to wear the glove and activate the stones, he has the best chance of surviving, and he almost died but as soon as he activates them, Clint's wife calls him, letting you know that everyone was back, you did it, they are back. You didn't realize you were crying until you felt the tears fall on your face, but this time they were tears of happiness, but you should already know, happiness doesn't usually last long.
Everyone around you was happy, finally, this was over but then there is a big explosion that makes the ground give way, and then everything turns black. When you open your eyes, everything is blurred, there is a lot of smoke and dirt everywhere. There is something heavy on top of you that makes it difficult for you to breathe, a body. "Steve?" you say trying to move him "Steve" Is he alive? he had protected you with his body "please Steve you can't be dead" and then you notice how his body moves "Are you okay?" He asks, examining you with his eyes looking for serious injuries. "i'm okay" you say before kissing him. "lovebirds, what if we leave that for later? There's a purple alien up there" Tony says approaching you. Thor appears behind Tony ready for the battle. "we'll take care of Thanos, look for the stones, they have to be among the rubble and keep them away from the battle" Steve kisses you one last time before running off to battle.
You were looking for the glove with the stones when Clint appears "Clint, Are you okay? i was looking for that" Apparently Clint had found the stones. "yeahhh all yours" He throws at you the glove "now run" and then you see them, the tunnel you were in was filling up with aliens looking for the stones. You don't need Clint to repeat it to you, you start running with the glove. Clint starts throwing arrows creating explosions to gain time as he runs behind you. when finally you come to the surface you can see what little remains of your home, and the person responsible of that fighting with the love of your life. But he wasn't alone, all those who had disappeared were here fighting with Thanos and his army. You wanted to fight with them, but you had a mission, to prevent Thanos from taking the stones and your only option was to send them to the past. "Scott" you yell, getting his attention "your van with the portal, where is it?" He looks at the glove and then at you, he seems to understand what you need it for "put it in motion and give me a signal when it's ready" and he nods before running to his van. You were distracted waiting for the signal when an alien is thrown against you but before you have time to react the alien was dead in the ground. Then you see it, you see him. He was the same as five years ago in Wakanda "I always have to be watching your back" Bucky says excited to see you "and you still owe me a cake" he smiles. "Try not to disappear this time and I will make you one" you wink at him but then you hear Scott's signal, making you come back to reality "duty calls me" and you start to run to Scott. Some aliens try to attack you but you get rid of them, it seems that you were about to get to Scott when you feel an impact on your back that throws you to the ground. You see blood on the ground, your blood, When you look up you find Thanos smiling at you. "I will enjoy completely eliminating your little planet" Thanos says raising his double-edged sword , that's how you were going to die, at least you've been able to see your friends one last time, but then Mjolnir strikes him away from you. You expect to see Thor wielding it but it is not him, if not Steve who wields it and a wave of pride runs through your body. Steve is fighting with him to keep him away from you, this is your chance, but there are more and more aliens between you and the portal in Scott's car. "i can't do this alone" you say thinking aloud. "you're not alone" Carol had returned at the best time and behind her were more women ready to fight.
"Let's teach them how girls fight" you say rising from the ground and cleaning the blood from your head. You all fight as a team, alien that gets in your way, alien that is destroyed, you are so close to the portal, a couple of meters left... and the car burst into flames in front of you, Thanos had destroyed it. It seems that time stoped, you're hit again, getting away from the glove. Carol fights against Thanos but he finally gets the glove, he was about to snap his fingers when Tony throws himself at him. Your heart stops when Thanos throws him into the air. You run to Tony but instead of pain, you see him smile with the stones in his power, he had stolen them. Tony introduces them in his suit and you know what he is prepared to do, but the most important thing is that you know what it will cost him to do it. "I'm Iron Man" Tony says and suddenly comes into your head the interview where he said the same phrase discovering his identity,and then he snaps his fingers making Thanos and his entire army disappear. You can't help but smile when you see him disappear but that smile disappears when you see Tony fall to the ground lifeless. Tony had given his life to save everyone.
The funeral was beautiful, you were all broken, especially Steve. "hey babe" You sit by his side, Sam had let you stay at his house since your home, the headquarters, was nothing but rubble "are you okay?" "he's gone" he says almost in a whisper "I told him years ago that he wasn't a hero, that he would never sacrifice himself, but he did..." tears fall down his face. "hey...He knows how important he was to you" you say taking away his tears. "how are you feeling? your ribs still hurt?" he says looking at the bruise on your cheek. "i'm fine... but i need to talk to you" "what's wrong?" "Tony... he told me where you went to get the stones...New Jersey 1970" You have been avoiding this conversation with him, but you needed to know the truth "was she there?" you don't need to say the name, he knows who you're talking about. "yes" he simply says. "There is still a bottle of particles, you could go back to the past and finally have your dance with her, have the life you had always wanted to have" You say taking it out of your pocket "I've always known that she was your first love" you put the jar with the particles in his hand. "What are you doing?" he asks confused. "give you the opportunity to have what you always wanted" You say trying to hold back the tears. "what i always wanted? i told you that i wanted a life with you" Steve says without being able to believe what you were offering him. "That was before you could have the life you lost with her, Steve" "you're right, a part of me has always wanted to be able to go back and be with her" those words hurt you more than the blows of the battle "Do you want to know what I felt when I saw her? happiness" he says without looking away "She was the director of Shield, she's going to have a family, I was happy for her, but never, not even one's, it has crossed my mind to be with her, I just want to be with you, you say that now I have the opportunity to return, but I don't want to, I just want the life that I promised you, a house far from the city, maybe close to Tony and Pepper's, to have a family with you, that's the only thing I want" He says caressing your face "I'm sorry if I made you feel that you weren't everything to me, but believe me you are" he kisses you with passion, letting you know how much he loves you. You have always felt Peggy's shadow in your relationship with Steve and now that he had the opportunity to choose, he chose you, eliminating all the doubts and insecurities that you had. "i love you" you say looking him in the eyes. "i love you 3000" he says to you, making you smile.
----------Five years later---------------

You were cooking when Steve hugs you from behind and gives you a kiss on the neck. "are they here?" You say turning around to see Steve. "They just arrived, Nat is already playing with Morgan in the barn" he explains. "Have you left them alone?" you say with reproach. "Happy is with them don't worry, Pepper couldn't stay, she had an important meeting, but she'll come to dinner" Steve informs you. "perfect, I'm going to finish preparing the food, you should go and see what these little ones are doing with Happy, last time they locked him in the attic" you say trying to hide your smile, you found him five hours later. "yeah your right, If I don't come back in an hour, come and get me okay?" he jokes giving you a kiss on the forehead. "sure... love you" you say smiling. "love you 3000" he always says that and you love it. This was the life you had always dreamed of and you couldn't be happier.
*five minutes later* "babe? i can't find Happy" says Steve entering the house. "NATASHA ROGERS Y/L/N AND MORGAN STARK POTTS" you yell "WHAT DID YOU DO WHITH HAPPY???!!" but you only hear the laughter of two girls running around the house.
I hope you liked it <3
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Any headcanons for the less known stuff? Like the Muse of the Poets, Father of all Globox, glob crystals, Disk of the Gods/Glorbe, Rayman's titel as "O Prince", Razoff's family (Count Zaroff (father) who killed Space Mama, Nimrod (Grandpa who killed the Abominable Geranium of the Seas of Cockatoo) and Artemis), the People of Prhys, Great Spirit Palmito and so on?
I sadly couldn’t find the time to properly answer this before, so here goes!
So these are hard questions all around. There is so little about them, and much of it is basically cut content anyway (or better yet, exclusive to specific versions of 2 especially), that it is exceedingly difficult to try and keep track of them, much less thing of anything specific. Nevertheless, here’s a couple regarding the stuff you brough (sorry for being a bit scattered, I really should collect these somewhere).
Muse of the Poets: Ancient, mostly spiritual being. In the beginning, still new to creating, Polokus sought the company of other great beings such as him. He found kinship in the Muse and while much of the world bears signs of her, especially the flora and fauna of the lands, there was a level of vanity to her being.
She sought beauty in order and the chaotic nature of dreams was an affront to how she viewed creation. The Teensies were a combined project, hers the purpose and Polokus’ the design. Their quirky nature and appearance were the last straw and seeing them as a bastardisation of sage-like people she wanted, she departed, never to be seen again (more on that later).
Father of all Globox: My guess is he was sort of a “prototype”, a being Polokus created to handle aquating things, much like Clark was set to shape the world. He turned out to be extremely effective at defusing conflicts though, which is why Polokus was more than happy to provide an entire species as his lineage. Alternatively, he may actually be a different being, whom Polokus used as a template later on (more on this later as well).
Glob Crystals: Since the minigames these are associated with have been folded into ones unlocked through Familiar Spirits in Revolution, my guess is that their purpose was accessing remote locations, think teleport stones. However, they were prone to break and warp though, which is why they were very early on discarded in favor of the Teensies handling all such matters.
Disk of the Gods/Glorbe: Tremendous amounts of exaggeration. Since Polokus is explicitly stated to have come from the Lums, I don’t think there was much fighting about them, or if there was, the Lums eventually lost their patience and, with the Heart, helped bring Polokus into the world to finally settle things down.
Since Lums purpotedly embody different aspects of creation, it is possible that some trascended beings really were intent on hoarding Lums, which may have eventually distilled into legend. And what better way to keep a legend alive, than to either turn it into a story, or a game?
Rayman as “O Prince”: I genuinely think this comes from an occasion where Rayman got a little too bigheaded for his own good, and it was a mocking terms, probably coined by the Teensies. His embarassment over it was so great, it fixed him up for good afterwards. Then again, if Rayman is genuinely royalty of any kind, he’s the person who’d sooner take a knee (har-har) to literally anyone else, than expect it in return.
Razoff’s family: I feel like he may have some very-very tenuous connection to an actual hunter-deity (though Artemis may just be a name), but whatever was up with that bloodline likely left him with very little besides a will to hunt. However, consider where and how he lives. Nimrod hunted a creature who, for all we know, may have been a humble being despite the name. Space Mama I wouldn’t call harmless in any way. I’m not entirely sure if Rayman 3 specified they’re dead or were just capture, but think of it this way.
Have you ever heard of the Winchester Mystery House? Not the crap movie from a while ago, but the actual house. Sarah Winchester kept expanding the mansion in order to appease the ghosts of those killed by Winchester rifles (or so they say). Consider if Razoff as in a somewhat similar situation, but for real. His family is known to hunt and capture (and maybe kill?) various creatures around the world for generations and they’ve likely made many-many enemies. Maybe the reason Razoff not only doesn’t leave the mansion, but also has it filled with traps and an intent to dispatch Rayman, is a sense of paranoia going overboard?
People of Prhys: I covered them partially in my headcanons about them and Ly in general, but I guess I may add that I believe the connection between them and the mainland were rarer than with most other regions, and that their culture very much favored both the mystic and athletic arts. It’s why Ly in general looks much more lithe and active, compared to the fairies you see in 3, for instance. I also believe their solitude (and the secrets they kept) had some things to do with the divinity Polokus possesses, though how, what, or why is anyone’s guess. Suffice to say though, it’s probably not a reason that the only person who can create a Silver Lum is from such a faraway place of mysteries.
I also think the area they inhabited is still there, it’s just the people that are missing. Ly just doesn’t want to go back there. Not anytime soon.
Great Spirit Palmito: A god-being who envied Polokus for his power to dream existence, so it would conjure eternal sleep in order to do the same. Alas, Palmito was not granted such a power, but it was MAD AS HELL when the Griskins woke him up, though his punishment wasn’t intentional cruelty, much rather someone backhanding one out of frustration when you try to wake them up. It is unknown whether it departed after this event.
Anything else: Now here is where we get even deeper into headcanon territory and how the world works in general. I don’t think Polokus was the only divine being in that world, he was simply the mos successful, in a sense.
Way back, it became very obvious that multiple gods or godlike beings trying to create a world together worked about as well as herding cats, especially in the wake of any scuffle about Lums. So in order to calm things down, the Heart of the World (possibly with the help of others) managed to secure a truce. With a few notable exceptions, god-beings CANNOT exist in the physical realm for extended periods of time. Sometimes, for some reasons, they can manifest, but for the most part they have to let nature take its course on everything. The creatures of Polokus and their daily lives entertain the gods though (or they just don’t care much) so they’re fine with how things go. It is possible that like Polokus and his 4 masks, that they also have artifacts or rituals of their own which would summon them, but as to what they are, is unknown.
One notable exception to this is Leptys, who does appear to have some influence left in the physical realm, through Gumsi and the scepter. It’s why Reflux stealing it was such a massive problem, as artifact that could summon a god or even a portion of their power, was not meant to be wielded in such a way.
Other than that though, most other gods have long departed and are either observers of merely enjoy their eternal comfort in the spirit realm.
- - -
I think that about covers it? There’s probably more I missed, because this post has been something I’ve been writing on and off for a month now, but hopefully it’s a semi-entertaining, if somewhat nonsensical collection of headcanons. I can’t promise I can elaborate much further, but I’d be happy to hear if any of your ideas about Rayman’s world are similar to any of these!
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In the episode Deep Dive we not only get to see Marco wield Star’s wand (successfully) but we also see something that has yet to happen before to anyone who isn’t mewman or a part of the Butterfly family: the appearance of cheek marks/emblems.
So what does this mean? Does Marco have a secret heritage connected with the Butterflies? Highly doubtful-- since that plot thread is currently tied around another character and I don’t think the writes would retread the same idea of “secret Butterfly,” especially since the other main lead is already a Butterfly royal (and love interest, I don’t think Nefcy/Disney is going to pull a Game of Thrones.)
However, the subjects of heritage and inheritance are some of the main overarching themes of Svtfoe, so the possibly of Marco being tied to something bigger than he is as the “human lead” is more likely than we may think. Already there are two things that come to mind that hint to Marco being destined for greater things that have yet to come into fruition. One being the surprisingly ever looming presence of the Blood Moon, that so far has only been noticed (though never directly acknowledged) by Marco, even long after the Blood Moon’s last official showing (every 667 years.) The other is the still as yet to be explained foreshadowing in the floor carvings of St. Olga’s that suggest to tie together with both Star and Marco: A crescent moon encircling the sun and locking a star between its horns.
In all honesty that could be the ultimate significance of Marco’s moon cheeks, the representation of his and Star’s bond. Marco’s motivation to finally use the wand at the end of Deep Dive was to reestablish the “lost connection” he had with Star when she entered the realm of Magic and is what inevitably snaps her back to reality.
Maybe that’s not the whole story, but it is currently the most complete one we have so far…
Crescent moons are a tricky thing to pin any solid one-to-one symbolic meaning to in this show, since we see them in many places already: King River’s scepter, Star’s pajamas, and in multiple occasions we see crescent moons tied to Eclipsa. Eclipsa’s chapter even has her cheek emblem superimposed on a crescent/eclipse symbol, and considering the effect reading the chapter had on Marco, that may come into play again now that the chapter’s author is an active player in the story (she’s already called Marco “adorable,” but hey that’s been an established fact sine episode one.)
Classically a crescent has been visual shorthand for the moon across cultures and time and its symbolic use has been tied to a multitude of ideas. Ideas such as emotions and the unconscious, maternal and nurturing instincts, nature and the spiritual, and the list could go on. To go through every possible correlation and make an objective statement on how it could or could not relate to Marco would be tedious and lead to a lot of moot points.
However, there is one aspect of the moon present both in myth and popular culture that I will be elaborating on: The moon as a catalyst for transformation.
Let’s go back to season one, and revisit one of the most foreshadow heavy glimpses into Marco’s subconscious (and a heavy Blood Moon presence) the nightmare he had at the beginning of the episode Red Belt.
Marco emerges from a glowing green fissure, similar to the one created by the cleaved wand, candle in hand and in nothing but his sleepwear. He then notices a rather feral looking Star chewing on an obi (that could be his current green belt or red one he’s searching for, since everything in this shot looks green.) After letting out a high pitched screech, Star runs into a tunnel beneath broken lockers on all fours with the sash still in her mouth. Obviously put off by this odd behavior Marco questionably says Stars name, unsure of what the heck he just saw, but then he turns and notices a solitary locker and panics at not being able to remember his lock combo. After fiddling with it the combination lock begins to shake violently and burst apart on its own, the door swinging open to a cascade of mewberty heart petals that conceal a padded inside and a violet tinged Marco dressed in a suit and tie, hands folded.
The obvious connotations of seeing himself like a corpse in a casket are comically subverted by Marco’s vocal distress of seeing himself in a suit. Cutting back to the locker/coffin we see the figure in the suit replaced by Mr. Candle who asks him, “What are your plans for the future, Mr.Diaz?”
There it is, the big question of Marco’s season 3 arc and why he came left Earth for Mewni: to discover his future. Marco’s search for his red belt in his dream could be interpreted as an allegory for his search for his identity/development and growth as a person. The red belt is what his heart was fixed on obtaining in the episode and signified the next step of advancement in martial arts, which has always been a core part of Marco’s character and how he’s been able to keep up with Star in fighting evil monsters (Buff Frog has called him “Karate Boy” and a lot of Marco centric episodes in the first two seasons focus this aspect of his.) But by the end of the dream the red belt gets swept up by the Blood Moon, just like all his friends and classmates who have “moved on with their lives,” and Marco is left bare once more.
Marco’s karate while helpful in the first two seasons, on its own is not going to be of use against enemies like Toffee, Miss Heinous/Meteora, or Mina Loveberry. Nor was his normal “safe kid” reason and caution able to bring back Star from the magic dimension. Marco is going to have to use magic again in the future, and I have reason to believe it’s going to drastically change him.
So let’s talk about…mewberty.
Specifically why dream Marco was buried underneath mewberty petals in the locker. Now you could interpret it as Marco’s subconscious being afraid of getting smothered to death by Star’s uh…webbing, which can be symbolically read as him being afraid of getting caught up in and hurt by Star’s confusing teenage emotions. The fact that Star is depicted a feral mess absconding with an important symbol of his identity at the beginning of the dream and as guilty looking party when he failed to obtain red belt at the end of it, Marco’s subconscious seems pretty messed up over Star either way (and that was before he knew Star had a crush on him and realized his own feelings for her.) But Marco’s possibly buried feelings of resentment towards Star aside, while the locker in the dream is presented as a coffin, in the context of the episode Mewberty it has also been thematically used as a cocoon. Remember that Star went through her own transformation in a locker, a thematically appropriate vessel for a teenager’s magical monster puberty. Before Deep Dive and Battle for Mewni I thought that the locker in the dream meant that Marco was going to be transformed by the corrupted half of the cleaved wand and Toffee’s influence (thinking back to the end of Strom the Castle) and that Marco was going to loose agency of his future development. But now that the wand has been reformed and Marco has used the wand of his own volition resulting in a temporary pair of cheek marks, I think it’s even more plausible that Marco’s decisions…
To go to Mewni (for Star)
To use magic (for Star)
…are going to eventually culminate into Marco’s ultimate identity, resulting in the Marco we know to “die” and a new Marco to emerge. Not to mention Marco already went through normal human puberty in ‘Running With Scissors’, off-screen yes but still we’ve already seen what adult Marco looks like. (Side note: being a macho adult and going on adventures with Heckapoo are also things Marco gave up for Star, twice.) The next logical step has to be seeing what freaky magical monster puberty does to Marco, right?
And speaking of monsters, let’s talk next about… Monster Arm.
I think a lot of us agree that this thing is going to come back, and since Marco had just recently used dark magic, that just might be what agitates its reappearance for the second half of season three. I don’t however think it’s going to come back the same way it did the first time as a parasitic appendage, or else Star can just zap it back to normal. Will it try playing the same tricks on Marco again? Maybe… It did try and prey on Marco’s pride and desires to get him to trust it the first time around, but now Marco’s priorities have shifted almost entirely from season one. Marco doesn’t want to beat Jeremy, get Jackie’s affection, or be known as a “misunderstood bad boy” by his classmates. Now he wants to make sure Star is safe and support her as a friend and squire. So I see this possible return going a number of ways: monster arm could point out Marco’s inability to protect Star from Toffee level treats, it could point out how Marco keeps putting Star first, giving so much and getting little in return, it could even bring up Star’s confession and the emotional tailspin that Marco has been burring under “squire duties.” (Gee, can you imagine the irony if monster virus called Star a “bad influence’ for Marco?)
My hope is that if Marco’s monster virus does return it will not remain as parasitic entity trying to undermine Marco, but will reflect more of its last proclamation of being “a part of you now,” that Marco will have to accept and make peace with…and give Marco a sweet full body monster transformation power!
“So what are you saying Spot? That Marco going to go through some sort of Monster version of Mewberty, just because is cheeks glowed crescent moons that one time he used magic? That’s crazy talk, crazy talk!”
Now here me out…I’m about to come full circle with this post. The next phrase you will read in this essay I spent way too much time on will explain everything:
Werewolf Martial-Artist.
“Spot what does Marco’s Halloween costume have to do with this?”
I don’t know reader, what other visual media has spiky haired hand to hand fighters that transform into hulking monsters under the light of the full moon?
It’s a DBZ reference! You know, that thing Marco’s original character pitch was a super-fan of and rival to Star’s Sailor Moon obsession. And if Star dressing up as Ludo end up as foreshadowing to her brief possession of his body at the end of battle for Mewni, then by golly so can Marco’s costume be foreshadowing as well!
#star vs the forces of evil#cartoon theory#star vs foe#svtfoe#svtfoe season 3#marco diaz#deep dive#mewberty#monster arm#speculation#let marco go through magic puberty
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