#especially since they both do not try to mend things and are stubborn as fuck
the-magicians-ravens · 7 months
shit i hate having thin walls... i just overheard my roommate say through tears "i told you what happened with [other roommate] last weekend [¿something else mumbled...?] and now i just don't really want to be around them"
i'm good friends with both of these people and i definitely shouldn't have eavesdropped that long (it was only for maybe a minute but i was just processing something now-crying roommate had said before she retreated to her room. so...) AGH. idk what to do it's probably not even my business but i just want everyone to be happy lol
0 notes
ruwriteshours · 1 year
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PAIRING ⇨ park jisung x fem! reader
GENRE ⇨ continuation of chasing pavements, angst, smut, brother's best friend trope, fwb/secret relationship, fluff
WARNING ⇨ !!sexual content!! (minors dni) jisung is an asshole, reader is frustatingly naive, not much honestly
SUMMARY ⇨ In which jisung's derived thoughts leads him to an unlikely arrangement with chenle's sister, where he fucks up (quite literally) when he realises how deep in the feels he has for the girl he is suppose to show disinterest to, in honour of 'BRO CODE'.
TAGLIST ⇨ @heyitsconysstuff @toroufriteh @chaerfull @fly-inghighx @tangerinehyuck @taexoxosgf @kazscara @seonghwa9ie @bleuczennie @bekah931215 @bl--ankhaeji @mad2lyn @fakeuwus @sinsgaybutthatsokay @crzns <3
AUTHOR'S NOTE: this definitely took longer than i expected bcos i didn't plan for the plot to go this way honestly so i hope you guys like it!
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The answer to that is uncertain. To let go of someone you once cherished was something you thought you could never do. Were you being dramatic?
But that doesn't make it any less hurtful. You weren't really doing well ever since the incident at the party. Left in tears of anger as you come to the realisation of being used. You hated being treated like an idiot.
Why on earth would Jisung waltzed in and declare his feelings for you when he has done nothing to prove it?
Chaeryeong and Yunjin were furious when presented with this information. A string of curses escaped their lips as the both of them console you in their dorm, you were a mess when you realised how much you still had feelings for the idiotic boy.
He's no good for you.
Is what you keep telling yourself whenever a notification would appear on your screen with his name on it.
It was a bad idea from the start to get too attached to him. An idiot you were to let your mind play out a fantasy with your lovesick crush, thinking you could get a happy ending out of it. As much as you wanted to forget him, it was difficult when he was a part of your life for so long, practically your childhood. Plus, it was hard to avoid him when he is the closest friend to Chenle, having that connection that would still make him try his advances on you.
In fact, he would still attempt to be near you in any way he could, despite the previous event. Texting you everyday, begging for forgiveness, approaching you in class with a snack in hand to give, being the one to wave to you whenever you walked passed each other, all of which you were dismissal to. Everyone was definitely shocked with the sudden change of scenery, having had used to you being the one chasing after him.
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Chenle has definitely seen the awkward tension between the both of you, especially when one particular day he called you to ask to pick up something for him and you would come into their dorm later that day. He saw how Jisung would be the first to open the door in such a hurry. Chenle didn't think much of it but he was fairly suspicious at the fact that Jisung was the one doing the longing stares as you ignored his presence, being the one to initaite a conversation, but was cut short when you gave him sharp responses.
However your brother didn't have a mind of Einstein, oblivious as ever as he shrugged it off, thinking that Jisung was trying to be nice even though he has never tried to interact with you before.
Much things could not be said to his roommate, Haechan, who has predicted this might happen, knowing well enough how clueless the younger is at dealing with his feelings. Offering a friendly word of advice to his friend.
"You should really give her time."
But that was not what Jisung did, he was stubborn as ever. He wanted you to understand how much he regretted his actions. He didn't care how long it will take for him to gain your trust, his heart was set in making you forgive him.
Even if it meant that he was ruining his pride, it was long gone when he realised that he would be losing you in the process. He didn't know what he had until it was gone. Those times where you would constantly be by his side, ready to annoy him made him yearned for the moment to come again. He couldn't return your feelings because he was scared of what his best friend might think, but he couldn't care less about those stuff anymore. Hurting you was his last option.
Yet that was what he did.
He hurt you. Deeply.
Now he has to face the consequences and make up for it, no matter how long it will take him to get there.
"Can you please move?"
Your voice had a hint of annoyance, teeth gritting as Jisung stood in front of your locker for what it seems to be like the 10th time.
The male stubbornly moved to the side but still kept a close contact with you, much to your dismay.
"So, are you free today?" He jumped when you slammed the locker door shut, a sarcastic smile played on your lips.
"No." You held your books tightly, preparing to walk away.
However, he was close to your pace, trailing beside you. "Well, how about tomorrow? I heard that there's this really good pla—"
"Not interested."
You cut him off harshly.
"Why not?"
He defiantly asked.
You stopped in your tracks, ready to give an earful at his audacity. But before you could open your mouth, Seungmin came in and wrapped an arm around you. You sigh in relief, thankful that someone is here to save you.
"Hey! You ready?" Seungmin smiled, his eyes glanced towards Jisung, whose jaw was clenched in anger.
"Of course, let's go!" You walked away, ignoring the calls of Jisung.
"Thanks for saving me." You sighed once Jisung was out of sight. The male chuckled, "Wow, he seems really desperate this time."
"Unfortunately, Chenle was accusing me of 'brainwashing' him." You said, using air-quotes. "I don't know how long I can take this."
"Maybe you should talk it out again." Seungmin suggested.
"Nope, definitely not." You disagreed, Seungmin laughing at how quick your response was.
Ever since the party, you got closer to Seungmin. You had realised how much the both of you had in common and you found yourself talking to him. Even after your 'talk' with Jisung that day, Seungmin offered you company as the both of you walked back to your dorm. Overtime, you got comfortable with him, much to Jisung's dismay as he watched how Seungmin would cling onto your side now. Despite filling in on your personal history with your brother's best friend, Seungmin never tried to make a move on you, knowing that the last thing you want is a relationship. Like a kind-hearted person he is, he offered a shoulder to cry on and a ear to listen to.
"I'm so tired. Finals are killing me." You groaned, craning your neck from the soreness.
You had finally finished the project that was assigned three hours ago, being a fairly good student, it was a habit that you developed in order to ensure you didn't have a heavy workload. However, the more that your finals were nearing, the more your lecturers have been giving assignments continuously that is was racking your brain. Seungmin gave you company while you worked in the library, your head buried in the books. Unfortunately, your friends had their own hectic schedule due to their different module so they weren't able to come.
"I heard a cafe that just opened up a few days ago." Seungmin offered. "Wanna go with me?"
You smiled at his suggestion before closing your book, part of you desperately wanting a break as you began packing your bag, Seungmin following suit.
The way to the cafe was a brief walk, and thankfully you had enough strength to drag your limp body towards the destination. As the both made your way towards the cafe, you couldn't help but feel a sudden presence behind you. Turning around, you only saw two hooded figure behind, one of them turning their head behind dramatically. You shrugged it off, thinking it was just nothing as you made your way inside, the bell jingled as you opened the tinted glass door.
"You're crazy." You heard an awfully familiar voice behind you, carefully you began to tune in while Seungmin went ahead with your orders. Luckily, the queue being short as not a lot of people have heard of this place before.
"Just shut up!" Jisung harshly whispered, slapping his friend's shoulder.
"When I said I would help, this is not the kind of help I meant." Jisung rolled his eyes at the older.
"Like maybe at this point you need some professional help. Have you considered therapy?" Haechan suggested, which only made the younger glare at the insufferable boy.
"I'm just saying, you seem like you're the obsessed one now." He pointed out.
"I'm not obsessed." Jisung said, rather too quickly, causing the older to raise his brows questioningly. "I'm just making sure that he doesn't do anything to hurt her. I'm only looking out for her." He justified, observing Seungmin, who was talking to the cashier upfront.
"Hm, sounds like the call is coming from inside the house." Haechan snickered at his own joke, causing the younger to hit him at the back of the older's head.
Haechan whining at the impact.
Jisung huffed, watching as Seungmin returned back to his seat, with both cups of coffee in his hand. Jisung's hand clenched in anger, to the point he felt his blood lost circulation from the amount of pressure he applied. Maybe that's why he couldn't think straight, he thought bitterly as he saw the way you smiled around the boy, a deep feeling of jealousy bubbling through his skin.
He didn't like it one bit.
"Dude, can we just go. I'm kinda getting tired of playing stalker." Haechan called out, his voice hint with urgency.
Jisung ignored Haechan's whining as his eyes were boring at the back of your head, his hood covering his features as he began examining your face, the way you wore light makuep today, your rosy cheeks stood out as your bright smile shined through the room. How could he have been so blind?
Eventally, his staring got too intense that even after you were done with your drink, you stood up and began walking towards his direction.
He began ducking himself away as Haechan panicked beside him, opting to hide his face under the table, hitting his head in the process as his let out a soft 'ow'.
"Is there a reason you're stalking me now?" Your voice called out, annoyance laced in your tone as you crossed your arms, waiting for a response.
"I don't know what you're talking about, miss." Jisung pretended to deepen his voice, cupping his mouth.
"Maybe you mistook us for someone." Haechan added, a little too high pitched for his own voice.
You scoffed, "Lee and Park. I know it's you guys, you guys suck at keeping a low profile, I've seen you guys behind us for the past 15 minutes."
"Well damn, didn't know we're on a last name basis." Haechan dropped his act, lifting off his hoodie as he slumped against his chair, "I didn't do anything wrong!" He huffed childishly.
"So hello to you too Zhong and Seungmin." He waved sarcastically, earning a chuckle from the brown-haired boy, who waved back at him enthusiastically— finding humour in the situation.
"I'm sorry, Haechan." You rolled your eyes playfully. "But please tell your friend that he needs to respect some space when clearly the person he's stalking is no longer interested in his games." You said, every word dripping with venom as you acted like Jisung was not there.
"That's funny." Haechan chuckled, "That's what I told him too, but you know stubborn as alw— oof!" Haechan was cut off when he was elbowed harshly by the younger, embarassment flodding through his face as he was caught red-handed.
Before the situation could play out any further, the bell jingled outside and in came in Chenle, alongside with Mark and NingNing.
"Oh, dude. I may or may not have invited them here." Haechan announced awkwardly as the trio made their way towards their table.
"And you're only telling me this now?" Jisung asked incredulously, covering his face in embarassment as he could hear footsteps approaching.
"Hi, Jisung." NingNing voice spoke softly as she took a sit next to him.
"Hi." He replied back, monotonously.
"Ugh, what are you doing here?" Chenle asked in disgust, eyeing you up and down. You scowled, "Suprise big bro, we're at a public place and it's possible to see the same people when it's near college campus!" You made a jazzled hands, exaggerating your words.
"I wouldn't be shocked if you didn't know, considering you don't have a lot of friends."
"Says the girl whose only hanging out with one person." Chenle fired back before adverting his gaze onto Seungmin, "No offense."
"None taken." Seungmin waved off.
"We're leaving now, so don't worry." You grabbed Seungmin's hands as you made your way to the exit.
"Well, good riddance for us!" Was the last thing you heard before the door closed.
Jisung sighed in disappointment when you left, his heart clenched from the way you held the other's hand. A part of him felt selfish for thinking he could get another chance with you, especially when he was the one to mess everything up. Throughout the whole gathering, he couldn't bring himself to talk, too deep in thoughts that he didn't take notice on the way NingNing's face dropped when she realises that he wasn't paying attention to her. Chenle, who was observing the whole thing, kicked Jisung from under the table, which made him perked up at the sudden intrusion. He could only utter apologies as NingNing shook her head, waving it off as she put on a fake smile, knowing deep down that his interest in no where near her.
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For the sake of your overbearing parents, you and Chenle were forced to leave campus early and travel back to your hometown to meet with your grandmother's. Since it was around the weekends, your parents didn't want to take the risk of getting held back by traffic, so they took the liberty of booking the flight for the both of you in advance and you would have no choice but to accept.
This was a common theme for your parents to do, to plan something without announcing until the very last minute. Though, you couldn't blame them, considering that it was difficult for you and Chenle to make time and visit whenever there was a family event and since it was your grandmother's birthday, you would feel guilty to miss that out. A part of you hoping for this unplanned vacation to take your mind off of finals, and more importantly Jisung.
Packing your stuff as you gave your roommate a hug, you decided to meet up with your friends at their dorm so that you could bid your goodbyes, dramatically letting out a sigh before helping you carry your suitcase in the car.
"Is Chenle coming with you?" Yunjin asked, checking the rear-view mirror.
"No, his friends are sending him off." You shook your head, "I'll just meet him there straight away."
Chenle had initially invited you to go with him but knowing that his friends were there, spefically the boy that you wanted to avoid at all cost, it was safe to say that you had declined his offer, opting for the company of your friends instead.
Though, your brother didn't prod further, he was confused as to why you wouldn't want to, considering that if any other circumstances that his friends (Jisung) were to be there, you would be up in your feet to join in uninvited. So the fact that you would say no to his invitation, which he rarely would do as you would constantly be up in his best friend's business and take his attention away, makes this all more confusing to the male. Especially so, since he could see the disappointed look on Jisung's face when he announced that you were heading off with your own friends.
What had happened between the two of you?
"I'm so glad you kids could make it!" Your grandmother's warmth engulfed you in a hug, pulling along your brother.
"We're glad we could make it too."
"You can settle in while I prepare dinner for us, as a family." Your grandmother shed a tear.
"Mom, you promised not to cry." Your mother said, shaking her head.
"I know, I know but give me a break. It's been awhile since I get to see my grandchildren." She scolded, giving both you and Chenle a peck on the cheeks.
"Both of you have grown up so well!"
After the long flight, there's nothing more for you to want than to lie down on your bed, giving a warmful greeting to your grandmother, you made your way towards the bedroom that your grandmother had kindly prepared for the both of you.
"It's still the same as before we left." You commented, taking a glance around the room.
"Yeah, no shit." Chenle scoffed, "I'm suprised she still kept my toys." He picked his collection of car toys and began admiring it.
"That's 'cause you would bitch if anyone comes near it." You retorted.
"I do not!"
"You so do." You said back. "Remember that time when Jisun—"
You cut yourself off, having had your words spill out before your brain could even fully comprehend what you were saying. Shit! Even when he's not here, you caught yourself thinking about him. Fuck me!
"That time when he?" Chenle drawled, wanting you to finish but seeing the way your face dropped, he couldn't help but question something that has been itching his mind. "You're being awfully distant with Jisung."
You frozed, luckily your brother didn't notice as he continued. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm glad you're not some crazed idiot around him anymore." He chuckled, "But he's talked about you often."
You perked up, your facial expression seemed to have been to obvious as Chenle spoke up again. "Yeah, I was shocked too. I don't know what happened between you two but, uh, I hope you guys sort that out." He laid down on the bed with a loud yawn.
"What did he say about me?" You blurted out before you could stop yourself. Chenle could only offer a shrug, "He always asked if you're with this Seungmin guy or when you would come to our dorm. I don't know but it's nothing to crazy 'cause I know how you like to overanalyse stuff." He said lightheartedly.
But boy, was he right.
Because what were you even suppose to do with the new-found information. It should've been obvious that Jisung would try make amends. You assumed that it was mostly out of guilt, but you hadn't expected him to risk blowing his cover by asking about you from Chenle, considering he was very determined to keep this little ordeal a secret.
One thing for sure is that you were very confused.
Jisung was confusing you.
Before you could say anything else, your grandmother's voice called you out, annoucing that dinner was ready.
"Finally! I'm starving."
You hadn't expect dinner with your family to be as awkward as it is, but you couldn't but feel that way when your parents are very prying about your love lives. It's not like you could tell them that you used to have a sexual relationship with your brother's best friend without his knowledge and stupidly ended up breaking your heart so you're currently in the process of healing. There's just no way!
So yet there you are, sitting quietly as you let your parents ramble on about your current status.
"What about Seungmin?" Chenle spoke up, his smug smile evident as he saw the way your eyes widened.
"Shut up, idiot!" You hit your brother's shoulder in irritation, "It's not like that!"
"Hey! No fighting in the table." Your mother scolded, and after a brief pause she continued, "So, when do we get to meet this boy?"
"Um, never! He's not my boyfriend." You denied, shaking your head.
Chenle scoffed, "Oh, please. As if you guys don't hang around in campus everyday."
"I swear—"
"So, I'm guessing your crush on Jisung is finally over." This time, your father concluded, a smile on his lips as he enjoyed watching your panicked state.
"Oh, right. That sweet boy." Your mother said, "You guys would look so cute together!"
Chenle faked gagged. "Don't make me throw up, mom!"
"No way! I'm not into Jisung anymore." You scowled, hand slapping against the wooden table. "And neither am I in a relationship. Can we please target Chenle now."
Chuckles filled in the room as your face was red, as if you were suffering from a frostbite.
"Speaking of Jisung, he might stop by here tomorrow." Chenle announced, which earned an excited gasp from your mother.
You dropped your fork, food caught in your throat from shock as you cough relentlessly. Gasping for air as you patted your chest.
"What do you mean 'stop by', like he's gonna book a flight to come here?" You were baffled with this discovery, taking a huge gulp of water that your mother handed out to you.
"Uh, yeah." Chenle deadpanned, "His parents are out doing business in Shanghai so he decided to join us. I hope that's okay with you guys."
"Oh, isn't that wonderful?" Your grandmother agreed, "We have more company to celebrate my birthday."
"I haven't seen Jisung in awhile, I can't wait for him to come!"
Just fucking great!
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You felt like you were going crazy.
It has been approximately 3 hours since Jisung had arrived here, along with Chenle, who had picked him up from the airport. You thought you would be mature enough to face him but aside from your cold greetings, Jisung never seemed to be as talkative to you as he was before and for some unknown reason, you were frustated with that because now, it feels like you were back to square one. It makes it seem as if you were the one waiting for him to notice you. You hated this constant back and forth. A part of secretly thinking that this was Jisung's plan all along, to string you along and make you think he was interested when you ended things but in reality, it was all for shits and giggles in the end. That sudden thought made your heart churned.
Because how could Jisung just sit there and laugh, acting as if he has the right to? You were boiling from anger, hating the fact that he was there, sitting on the couch, playing video games with your brother as if it's some normal occurence. It's not like he cared enough about your grandmother's birthday, hell! He had only seen her a few times when he was younger so why the hell would he come here and spend his weekends with your family when he could just stay back home with his friends, having parties and drinking away? It's not like he couldn't see Chenle afterwards anyways. It was frustating to see him at every corner you turned to.
What was he really doing here?
You watched in exasperation as Jisung's eyes were focused on the screen in front of him. You hate him. You hate how he had the audacity to come here. You hate the fact that he didn't care how much he hurted you. And most importantly, you hated that even after what he did, just him sitting there could make your heart flutter every single time since you were kids.
You really hate him.
But of course, that didn't stop you from hanging out with them. To be fair, your mother was practically forcing you to go out with your brother, saying that you could 'use some fresh air' and that it could be 'the perfect opportunity to help Jisung find gifts for your grandmother', considering he came in empty-handed and felt guilty if he had nothing to give.
So here you are, walking at the back as you tuned out the conversation the both of them were having. Hand in pocket as you kicked rocks that you saw on the pavement, boredom consuming you. It seemed as if Jisung could sense your aura because he turned around mid-convo, a soft smile displayed on his face as he watched your actions. Chenle noticed and began calling out to you, which made you jump from how loud his voice was.
Walking towards an antique shop (that your mother had suggested since your grandma's always into vintage findings), Jisung held the door out for you and you thanked him softly, wanting to appear civil. Inside, you could already see that Chenle was talking to the shop owner, you didn't bother listening and just assumed that he was looking for something specific that Jisung could give.
Walking away as you began to look through the shop, vintage items displayed on the shelves as you try to avoid the other male, pretending as if you looked preoccupied.
"Ah, I see. I think we have that in here, follow me." The shop owner responded as she motioned Chenle to follow her.
"You can go look around." Chenle looked at Jisung, "Find something that you think she'd might like."
"Sure thing."
And that was when Jisung began walking towards your direction, face full of determination. Your back was facing him, which gave him the opportunity to sneak behind you without you running away.
"Hey." You jumped, your hand gripping onto a small vase that you were admiring.
"Can you not." You groaned.
"No." You interrupted firmly. "Can you please get away from me?"
You moved a couple steps away when he snatched the item you were holding, hand up in the air as he uses his height, putting you at a disadvantage.
"Hey! What the hell?"
"Just listen to me. For once." He begged, the sudden frustation in his eyes evident.
"You don't get to feel angry right now." You fumed, "I made it clear at the party that I want nothing to do with you."
"I know—"
"Then why are you still trying!" You whisper-yelled, not wanting to cause a commotion that it already has. "Why are you— mmph!"
For the first time, that anticipating moment that you have been dreaming of felt like you weren't in reality. No amount of warnings could've prepared you for what was about to come.
He smashed his lips against yours.
It was as if time slowed down. As clichè as it was, you couldn't help but feel the utter shock. A fluttering feeling at the pit of your stomach, the lust clouding your vision as you take in the sudden action, eyes widening as Jisung's grip began making its way towards your neck, stabilising your movements. You should've pushed him away, yell at him, scream at him and maybe throw a punch at his handsome face but your stupid heart reacted faster than any logical scenario that should've happened.
You kissed him back.
With the same amount of desperation and passion that he put into that kiss. You felt like you were losing your mind from the way that you could feel his lips moving softly against yours, teeth nibbling at your bottom lip that you couldn't help but open, his tongue softly massaged the wet muscle of yours and you couldn't help but feel like you were in cloud nine. He was being very slow with his movements, as if not wanting to scare you away. Your hand held onto his neck as you deepened the kiss, desperately wanting to feel more.
What. The. Fuck!
Your mind was screaming, cursing at you for your stupidity but your heart simply shut down, wanting to savour the moment as much as you could.
Just then, before it could progress any further, Jisung had stupidly let go of the vase that he was holding, completely forgetting that he had it. The sound of the vase smashing made both of you reeled back into reality as Jisung jumped from the sudden commotion. But it was the least of your worries as you began to feel a slight sting on your ankle.
A bad day to wear a short pants.
"Ow!" You yelped, looking down at your legs to see a line of gushing blood, the shattered glass was pouring around the both of you.
"Oh shit, are you okay!?" Jisung asked frantically, hand holding your legs as he inspected the wound.
"What's happening there?" Chenle called out, walking towards the scene.
Looking down at the wound on your legs, he could see it was becoming worse, seeing the way you were holding onto Jisung's shoulder for support.
"Shit!" He cursed. "I think she got cut by the glass!"
"Is everything okay here?" The shop owner exclaimed.
"No, ma'am. My sister accidentally dropped the vase." Chenle explained, which caused the lady sighed in annoyance, "That was one of the most expensive item here!"
"I'm sorry," You uttered profusely, "I'll pa—"
"I'll pay for it!" Jisung interfered, "It was my fault anyways."
"Dude, are you sure?"
"Yeah, it's fine." He turned back, facing the lady. "So, where can I pay?"
And that's when the three of you ended up going to the nearest convenience store to treat your wound. After a few arguements here and there, you had resorted into refusing to return back home, not wanting to hear an earful from your nagging mother.
"Let's go to the convenience store, we're quite far from grandma's house anyways." Your brother pointed out.
"It hurts," You limped, face scrunching into pain.
"I'll carry you." Jisung offered.
"What?" Both you and Chenle said in astonishment.
"It's not a big deal," The taller male shrugged off, hands inside his pocket as he looked around, "The walk isn't that far."
"It's fine—"
"I insist." He said firmly.
"Well, I'm telling you that it's not necessary." You said pointedly.
"I beg to differ."
"I can do it!"
"No, you can't."
"Oh, just let him carry you already." Chenle butted in, "At this rate, your wound would already be healed from you guys bantering."
"We were not bantering." Jisung retorted.
"Whatever." Chenle waved off, walking off first.
You felt nervous all of the sudden. Sure, the both of you have done way more sexual stuff than this and it shouldn't bother you in any way.
But it is.
Because it's different when your feelings are on the line. That kiss was something you've never felt before. You were beginning to feel that your emotions were going haywire. You thought you had it under control but it was obvious that Jisung still had you wrapped around his fingers.
You didn't know whether you hated it or not.
Lifting yourself off the ground, your legs securely wrapped on his waist as his hand gently held you up, his fingers brushing against your inner thighs and you were using every once of self-control to not squirm around his touch.
The walk was suprisingly peaceful, well, as peaceful as it can be because even though you were under Jisung's arms, you tend to forget the watchful eyes of your brother, scrutinising every single movement from the both of you. You could tell he was beginning to suspect something and that made you worry a little for Jisung but you remained calm, not wanting to make the situation more awkward that it already has. Even when Chenle had offered to be the one to patch you up, Jisung refused and did it instead, practically shoving the other to get to you.
Applying the ointment on your leg, you hissed at the pain and Jisung paused his action, concern in his eyes as he kept checking up on you. Chenle could only watch the interaction in silence, confused with the sudden closeness the both of you had.
"We should get grandma a cake on the way." He interrupted the moment, seeing the way the both of you snapped back out of trance.
The whole celebration afterwards went well and it seemed as if Chenle had forgotten the whole event afterwards, considering he never questioned you about what happened, which you were thankful for. After the birthday, you would've have suspect that things would go back to normal, though, you underestimate how much the world seemed to hate you...
"Jisung, you can sleep at the room instead." Your mother said.
"Uh, and where am I suppose to sleep?" You interjected, knowing damn well you would rather die than to sleep (not sexually) with your brother and his best friend.
"Oh, don't be silly." Your mother laughed, "We have plenty of cushions in the couch."
"Are you seriously gonna make me sleep here." You asked incredulously.
"On second thought." Chenle interrupted, "I think we both can sleep here and she can have the room all to herself."
"I agree too, Mrs Zhong. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the hospitality but I don't mind sleeping outside."
You sighed in relief.
"Well, make yourself as comfortable as you can." Your mother turned away to face both you and Chenle, "Please be at your best behaviour, this has been the most happiest I've seen your grandma's been so please don't ruin it for her and unfortunately, I won't be able to get a good cell service at the hotel so please be careful and don't get into trouble while your father and I are away."
"Got it, mom." The both of you mumbled in unison at your mother's rambling.
And for the first few hours you were left alone in the room while you could hear the sounds of the roaring laughter from Chenle. The noise had quiten down for what felt like hours and you could've assumed that the both of them went to sleep after that, drifting yourself to sleep as well when you hear a sudden knock on the door.
"Come in."
Jisung's head peeked in, "Hi."
"Let's talk." You could tell that he had been waiting for Chenle to be sound asleep before making his way here, considering that he was very fidgety than normal.
"It's not like I have much of a choice." You sighed, knowing that deep down, you were already mentally prepared for the conversation.
He ignored your snarky comment, "I kissed you."
"Well, that's one way to start." You chuckled, "But go on."
"Look, I know you hate my guts right now and I should've left you alone when you told me to." He let out a shaky breath, "But I couldn't, when you started hanging out with that guy, I started to realise how much I like you. I know I'm selfish but I didn't know what to do when I realised it, I thought if I acted more possessive it would've made my feelings clear but instead I pushed you away."
You listened intensely, fingers gripping the sheet as you chewed your bottom lip. A million thoughts ran through your mind.
"It's a shitty excuse, I'll admit but I just want you to know that I regret treating you like you don't matter because you do, very much." He finished off, watching the way you were silent throughout. "I understand if you don't want me around so I'll stop trying." He retreated back.
Okay, this is it. You wanted to this all along, right?
Why do you feel the sudden urge to stop him... fuck it!
"Aren't you going to listen what I have to say?"
He paused, hand lingering on the door knob as he turned around, watching as you slowly remove yourself from bed. You were currently wearing a loose shirt and a low pants. Jisung gulped nervously as you began to get closer to him.
"Do you really mean that?" You asked, voice cracking slightly.
Jisung's brows rose as he let out a soft scoff, "Every word."
"And you're not doing this because you feel bad." You tilted your head in suspicion, eyes squinting as you try to detect a lie. "Well, that's part of it."
"But it's mostly because I don't want to lose you. I really care about you."
That seemed to be the answer that you were looking for because after those words left his lips, you reached up on your tippy toes and smashed your lips against his. His eyes widened slightly and for a moment, his lips didn't seem to react and he stood still in shock. You were beginning to regret doing that as he was being unresponsive, wanting nothing more than to cower away in embarassment but just as you pulled away from him slightly, he began to chase after you. His hands had gotten hold at the back of your neck, pulling you into a deep kiss as his other one made its way to your waist.
This time, he nibbled your bottom lip and didn't hesitate to shove his tongue deep into your mouth. You moaned at the contact as you gripped onto his shirt, your legs were struggling to meet the ground due to his height. Fortunately, he took noticed and tapped on your thighs, signalling you to jump and you did. Wrapping your legs tightly around his waist as his hands securely groped your ass to maintain the balance, he began walking towards the bed all while giving kisses from your chin down to your neck, licking and sucking it.
Laying you down under the soft duvet covers, he began trailing down his kisses to your collarbone. Just as he was about to remove your article of clothing, he looked up to meet your eyes, silently asking you if you were okay with continuing.
"Yes." You breathed out, whimpering when he roamed his hands around your breast, his warms fingers rubbed against your hardened nipples which cause you to moan loudly.
You covered your mouth almost immediately. Jisung took your hands away and replaced with his mouth instead, swallowing your noises as his hands played with your breast.
"You gotta be quiet, princess." He whispered, his lips hovered against yours, you were lying if you said that nickname didn't make you feel something inside, "Or else you're gonna wake someone up. Wouldn't want that happening would you?"
You shook your head, your hand holding onto his shirt as you begged him, "Please, I'll be quiet. Just do something."
He laughed at your neediness and began removing your shorts, along with your panties. What he saw didn't disappoint him as he could see your glistening cunt out in the open, his mouth watering to get a savouring taste. Without warning, he gave kitty licks at your pussy, and you shuddered under his touch, legs wrapped around his face, almost suffocating him. But the male above you didn't seem to mind as he only pushed his face further into you, his long slender finger pried open your hole to shove his tongue deeper.
"A-Ah, Jisung." You quietly moaned, "I'm gonna cum."
That seemed to encourage the male to go faster, lifting your hips up as he began eating you out like a starved man.
Feeling the familiar orgasm, you shut your eyes as you covered your mouth, preventing the erotic sounds from escaping. You felt a sudden fuzziness over the immense feeling that you didn't notice that Jisung had taken off his clothes as well.
"You did so well, princess." He praised, hand gently caressing your fuck-out face. "Think you can handle more?"
You nodded eagerly, whining when he pulled away slightly.
"I need words, baby." He said, "Tell me you want this."
"Please, Jisung. I want this." You whined, "I want you."
He pressed his lips against you once more, your hand immediately went to wrap around his neck to pull him closer. Getting indulged in the messy kiss, you were yelped in shock when he began to rub his cock onto yours.
Jisung stopped when he noticed your state, but you only whined further, your hips bucking against his boner, begging him to fill you up, which only made the male continue his previous actions.
"Wait, Jisung." You said, which cause him to look up at you. "Can you please hold my hand?"
His heart softened at your request. Despite the abnormal amount of sex the both of you had, this was one that was undeniably the most intimate that the both of you went. You were always used to rough and angry sex with Jisung but this time, it was full of love and passion. It felt like the both of you were pouring your heart out into this. And for that, you were nervous because you were now able to express yourself in a way that you've always wanted to with Jisung.
And for the first time, he reciprocated those feelings.
So as he held tightly onto your small hands, interlocking them. He began to pick up his pace, thrusting more faster each second as he stared lovingly into your eyes. Feeling a sudden wave of insecurity wash through you by the intense gaze, you looked away in embarassment. But that only seemed to disappoint the male as he let go one of his hold on your hand and gently tilted your face to meet his. Offering a warm smile, he kissed you once more, washing away all your worries as the both of you engage in the sloppy kisses. His tongue coaxed against yours as his thrust began to pick up its pace, bringing the both of you to your orgasms.
Letting out muffled moans, the both of felt the feeling of euphoria when you came undone. Your lips lazily moved against his and he pulled away. You whined at the sudden contact and Jisung couldn't help but laugh at your cuteness.
Walking away towards the bathroom that was thankfully connected to the bedroom as he announced that he needed to clean you up.
You laid back down comfortably, you felt like your heart was bursting as you let the scene repeat itself on your mind, giddiness consumed you as you covered yourself under the blanket.
Soon, Jisung came in with a cloth in hand. Gently, the male urged you to open your legs as he began cleaning you up. The cold breeze of the cloth made you shiver. Once he was done, he helped you with your clothes, slowly positioning you so that you would be able to wear your clothes.
With that, he made his way to his clothes that he threw across the room and began putting them on before making his way towards the bed, cuddling by your side as the both of you faced each other. His face buried at the crook of your neck.
"We need to keep this a secret." He pulled away slightly, after a moment of comfortable silence.
"What? Why?" You felt your heart breaking, feeling the moment being completely ruined.
He sighed, "He still thinks I'm having a fling with NingNing."
"Well, are you?"
"Of course not!" He asked incredulously, "How could you think that?"
"Well, what's the problem then?" You couldn't help but get annoyed at where the topic was heading.
"Chenle will kill me." There it was.
"Chenle doesn't control what we do." You said disappointedly. "Are you embarassed of me?"
"No! No, of course not." Jisung caressed your face, making you face him. The look he had in his eyes made you soften your gaze, the anger you felt slowly dissipitating when you heard the sincerity in his words. "Look, I'll deal with this as soon as I can, just in the meantime, can we pretend as if we're not together."
You looked away, but he kept his grip on your chin, forcing to face him as he pleaded. "Please, I swear I'll try to work this out."
"Okay." You sighed, and that was when he leaned down to give you a passionate kiss.
"Thank you."
"But how do you know he won't like it though?" You pulled away.
"So, I'm guessing whatever rift you have with my sister is over?" Chenle spoke up, his gaze focused on the screen as he continued to play the game.
"You heard me," Chenle laughed, "Whatever you guys have must be pretty intense but I guess I'm glad you made up."
(More like make out.)
"Just a question, do you like her?" Chenle asked, his tone suddenly turning serious.
This was it. This will be the moment he gets to tell him the whole truth. He was about to answer when Chenle spoke up again.
"Because if you, I'll literally beat your fucking ass." Chenle laughed, smacking Jisung at the back of the head.
Or not.
Jisung let out a nervous chuckle, "Of course not, idiot."
"Good. Good." Chenle hummed, "So, maybe you should set boundaries with her, wouldn't want to give her the wrong idea."
"I just know." Jisung said firmly.
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The morning light shine through the curtains, awakening you as you toss to your side, stretching your arms. You can't help but feel a twinge of disappointment when you couldn't feel anything beside you, realising that Jisung was not by your side and that he had left. You let his words replay at the back of your mind.
We need to keep this a secret.
You just hoped that it wouldn't backfire on you as you let out a loud sigh, walking towards the bathroom to freshen up.
As you made your way to the kitchen, you were already greeted by breakfast that your grandmother had cooked, Chenle and Jisung were already feasting as if it was their last meal.
"You guys couldn't even wait for me." You grumbled, taking a seat across Jisung.
You smiled softly at the boy, a blush appearing on your cheek as you tried to remain calm.
"It's not our fault you slept like a pig."
Chenle rolled his eyes.
"At least I don't eat like one."
He only stuck his tongue out in mockery, which you returned back with the same gesture, causing the male beside him to chuckle at your childish bickering.
Your grandmother, took a seat beside you as she gave both of you a light scolding about behaving.
Minutes passed with light chattering across the dining and while in admist of eating, a devious plan came to your mind. Slowly lifting your feet, you let it wander around Jisung's legs, rubbing it up and down while you ate your meal, acting as if you weren't doing anything. Jisung tensed at the action, stopping his words as he let out a huge gulp, discreetly glancing at you. You, however, didn't pay no mind to the male as you continued munching on your food innocently.
It went on for a few minutes before you decided to test the waters some more, opting to trail your feet nearer to his crotch, which made him choke on his food.
"Yo, Ji. You, okay there?" Your brother called out, patting the other's back.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."
"Is the food not to your liking?" Your grandmother asked, concern laced in her voice.
"No!" He interjected, "No, of course not! I love your cooking." He let out a nervous chuckle before turning to face you, glaring into your eyes as if he was warning you. Deciding to push his buttons, you pressed your feet against his crotch and began rubbing it in a circular motion, which causes the male to let out a quiet groan. Hand to his head as his forehead started to sweat. This only encourages you to apply more pressure, feeling his clothed area, which has now hardened.
"Dude, are you seriously okay?" Chenle asked, to which the male have no choice but to lie to save himself, "Yeah, I think I'm having a bit of a headache actually." He groaned, lifting his hips up to meet your feet, pretending as if he was readjusting his position.
"Do you need some medicine?" Your grandmother stood up, "I have some in the cabinet."
You watched as Jisung nodded, his body hunched over as if he was trying to control himself. His orgasm nearing as he felt like he eas losing his sanity. You smirked before deciding that he has had enough, drawing back your feet.
Jisung was glad that it took everything for him to not make a noise at the lost of contact, practically leaving him with blue balls all while trying to cover up the fact that his best friend's sister had just rubbed him off under the dining table.
He watched in anger as you excused yourself from the table, walking towards the kitchen as you briefly announced that you were going to head to the bathroom, he saw the way your eyes twinge with mischief, a smug smile placed on your lips as you walked past him. He was forced to stay behind longer to avoid suspicion, downing the pill that your grandma had so graciously handed as he pretended that he was getting better.
A minute or so in the bathroom, you heard a knock outside, you smile in victory as you knew who it was going to be. Just as you creaked open the door, it was pushed harshly as Jisung shoved his way inside, locking it on the way in. Not giving you the time to react as he smashed his lips against yours hungrily.
"You think that way funny, huh?" He huffed, pulling away from the kiss. "Do you know how much I could get in trouble?"
You shrugged innocently.
"Why don't you punish me then?"
"Just you wait." He said, trailing his kisses down your collarbone, teeth grazing your flesh as you hummed in satistaction.
Just as you were about to rip off his shirt, he grabbed your hands as he turned you around. Your back against his chest as your front was pressed up against the door. His hands coming up to hold your throat, forcing you to face him.
"Jisung, please hurr— ah!" You moaned when the male began spanking your backside, his hand groped against it harshly.
"You're in no position to demand." He sneered, moving his hands to the front of your shorts as he pulled them down hastily, making a move to roll up your shirt.
"No bra?" He tsked, which caused you to whimper when he began pinching your nipples. "That's good, makes it easier instead of ripping them off."
Without warning, he began shoving his two long index fingers down your wet cunt, you squirmed under his touch but his other hand went to hold your mouth, blocking the noises from escaping. He lowered his face to your breast, swirling his tongue around your nipples as he looked up to see your fucked-out face, observing the drool that dripped down your chin, that was also making his fingers wet. He loved seeing you get ruined so he quickened the pace, fastening his fingers as his mouth works wonders on your tits.
"I'm gonna come!" You whimpered, "Please, let me cum!"
Thankfully, your pleads were enough for him as he let you finish out your orgasm, watching the way your body spasmed under his touch.
Without giving you a chance to breathe, he turned you back around and held your shoulders, pulling you down to your knees. Understanding his signals, you began unzipping his pants and pulling out his hardened cock. He grabbed a fistful of your hair and forced you into his cock, watching the way your mouth sucks in his length with such ease. He groaned, which made you bobbed your head faster, tongue swirling around his dick.
"Y-Yeah! Just like that." He threw his head back, hand controlling your movements, "Don't stop! Ah!"
Unfortunately, odds were not in Jisung's favour today because just as he was about to release, he heard knocking on the other side of the door. Panic sets in as he wanted to pull you away, but you had stubbornly wrapped your hands around his hips, your mouth taking his whole.
"Yo, dude!" Chenle called out, "Are you in there? 'Cause you need to hurry up and pack your stuff. Our flight is in the next 2 hours!"
"Ah! Gotcha—oh!" He groaned.
"Are you taking a shit in there?" Chenle asked incredulously.
"Y-eah," Jisung didn't miss a beat. "My stomach's sensitive today— fuck!" That seemed to be enough of an answer because your brother didn't pry further, instead saying, "Alright. If you see my sister anywhere, relay that message I said earlier. I can't find her in the room."
"Mhm, w-will do!" He heard footsteps walking away, which nade him lean his head back against the wooden door.
And that is when he felt himself release his load in your mouth, you swallowing his cum with lust in your eyes. Lifting you up, the both of you shared one last kiss before rushing to clean off, hoping that Chenle wouldn't notice anything.
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"I told Hyunjin to stop bringing girl to the dorm because he always gets too loud in bed." Seungmin complained, "It's so awkward the next morning too!"
He eyed you, watching as you were distracted with something on your mind, "And then, the girl ask for a threesome so I did it with both of them, outside the balcony." He lied, watching as you didn't perk up at his bizzare story.
"Cool." You said off-handedly.
"So, I'm assuming that it went not so well." Seungmin observed, watching as you zooned out on him, which causes the male to snap his hands in front of you.
"Nevermind." He scoffed playfully, "Seems like you have a lot on your plate.
"You have no idea." You laughed nervously. "I'm sorry."
"It's alright." He laughed, "I don't blame you. We're barely given any breaks, it's driving me crazy too." You nodded, humming to his words as the both of you walked around campus.
"If you want, we can hang out by th—"
Before the male could finish his sentence, he was cut off by another person making their way towards the both of you. Jisung's arms wrapped around you tightly as he basically pulled you away from the other.
"Hi." Jisung greeted the both of you, though he was only keeping his gaze on you and completely ignoring the other.
After the trip, you had become well-aware of Jisung's hatred towards Seungmin, which was purely out of jealousy. So it came to no suprise that the said boy would suddenly appear between the two of you in the middle of the hallway, squeezing his way to maintain the space and slightly shoving the brown-haired boy. Despite his rudeness, Seungmin was never one to retaliate or confront the other as he was mainly looking at your reaction, to see if you were okay with what's happening and upon seeing your lack of discomfort, Seungmin could only assume that you were back together with Jisung and as much as he tried to remain optimistic for you, he lacked trust for the taller male.
So as he watched Jisung dragged you away while you uttered your goodbye to him, he can't help but dislike the fact that you were willing to go back to Jisung, considering all the things he had done. He didn't want to verbalise his concern as he knew it would upset you so he sighed in defeat, walking towards his lecture.
On the other hand, a string of complaints escaped from your mouth as Jisung's hand were tightly held onto your wrist, dragging you towards a random supply closet. However, your words were cut short when he smashed his lips onto yours, silencing you all while letting his wandering hands trail down below your private area, his lips moving along your jawline. You smiled, secretly liking his jealously.
"Might want to make it quick." You mumbled against his lips, "Or else Chenle might look for you." Your eyes landed on his ringing phone, his best friend calling him in the middle of his situation. The male didn't hesitate to press the decline button before tossing it to the other side of the room, mumbling, "Let's not worry about that."
And that was a week spent fooling around. You would have assumed that you kept it on a low profile but you were proven dead wrong when you were caught smiling to yourself on your phone while your friends shared knowing glances among themselves.
"You seem so giddy recently." Chaeryeong pointed out. "Are you seeing someone?"
Sitting there, you were stunned with the question, snapping out of trance as you cleared your throat, shifting in your seat awkwardly.
"Oh, she totally is!" Yunjin teased, "Who's the lucky guy?" You denied further, "No one." Which only causes the both of them to only pry oncr more, whining exaggeratedly to get the answer out of you. "Please, we really want to know!"
You laughed at their childish nature and for a moment, there was a brief hesitation as you contemplated whether you should air out your situation to them about Jisung. You knew the both of them disliked the male for what he did, but maybe after a logical explanation, they might undertand.
So that is what you did, you began to explain in details of what went down during the trip to your grandma's house and you watched as their smiles contorted into frowns, you ignored it thinking that the both of them were just being attentive as you continued on with your story.
"What?" Both of them said in unison, incredulously.
"It's serious, this time." You repeated.
"Yeah, we heard that the first time." Chaeryeong scoffed, "But this is Jisung we're talking about."
You sighed, knowing that the two of them still hated his guts no matter what and were now reprimanding you for your actions, you slumped against the seat, the mood of the atmosphere completely being lifted down.
"Are we talking about the same person here?"
"Look, it looks messy but I promise he's changed." You justified, once again.
"So, you guys are in a public relationship." Chaeryeong rebutted.
"Well, not exact—"
"I knew it!" Yunjin lifted up her hands in irritation. "Girl, he's just using you again and you fell for it!"
"That's not true!"
"How blind could you be?" Chaeryeong scolded.
You scoffed.
"Okay, you guys can stop attacking for me now. I really don't need it."
"Right, 'cause it seems like you need to be fucked over by someone multiple times for you to get it." Chaeryeong retaliated.
"Chae—" Yunjin intervened but was shut down by you, "No, let her finish. I want to hear what she has to say next."
"You let Jisung fuck you over because you have no self-respect for yourself!"
Silence filled the table for a moment as none of them were making an attempt to say anything else.
"You know what? Fuck you guys!" You stormed off, grabbing your belongings as you leave the place in anger.
To be concerned is one thing, but to go out of their way to imply that you were easy is a little harsh. Though, you could tell that it was in the heat of the moment considering that Chaeryeong's eyes widened for a second, completely baffled with what she had just said too. She knew she went too far but she couldn't bring herself to apologise, not when you were out here making stupid decisions and being reckless with your behaviour. She hoped that she hadn't pushed you away with her words.
But it seems like it has.
Because pushing the weeks in, you had not said a single thing to any of them, completely ignoring them as you opted to hang out with Seungmin and his friends instead. To say that Yunjin and Chaeryeong were upset was an understatement, the both of them were hurt that you would dropped them for a boy who had caused you emotional damage. Though, Yunjin understood your side and had asked Chaeryeong to apologise and make amends. But the other refused as she was being hard-headed.
The friendship between the three of you started to crack and as much as it pained you, you couldn't possibly bring yourself to face them as you were left upset with their harsh words. To be fair, Yunjin didn't contribute much, but you were still upset at both iof them nonetheless. Even Jisung had started to notice your sour demeanour, from the way you would seem down and distracted while he tried his best to lift up your mood, making sweet gestures and playing the role of a caring boyfriend. Of course, in secrecy when no one is around.
As much as you appreciated it, you can't help but get annoyed when he would blow you off for his friends, or rather, your brother. It seems as though he hasn't made an attempt to tell Chenle about your relationship despite being constantly reminded to, you would have to convince him that Chenle would be okay with it, but the male only shook his head and tells you that he would try to deal with it as soon as he can, in his own way. That had been the usual pattern and you were getting kinda worried that your friends might've been right all along. Though, you had to give him the benefit of the doubt, considering that he had told one of his friends about you, which was Haechan, who honestly didn't look too suprise with the news but ultimately helped the younger keep your relationship a secret.
"Ugh, dude seriously?" Haechan groaned, having had just opened the door, witnessing you straddling Jisung while the both of you make out. "We seat on that couch!"
He watched in amusement as the both of you broke away quickly. You were topless, panickingly trying to find your clothes while Jisung's face was smudged with lipstick, fixing his zipper in a hurry. "Can't you knock!" Jisung looked annoyed.
The older scoffed, leaning against the door frame, "As a matter of fact, I can't. You're lucky I was the one walking in on you guys."
"Still!" You retaliated, fixing yourself up.
"Whatever," He rolled his eyes, "Mark and Chenle are on their way here, I had to sprint to get here first so you better thank my ass that I did!"
True to his words because not even a second later, your brother and his other roommate emerged inside the dorm, shocked displayed on their faces when they have discovered you were inside as well.
"Sis? What are you doing here?" Chenle asked incredulously.
"I need to take notes from Jisung." You made up an excuse, getting ready to pack your stuff. "Don't you have your other friends for that?" Your brother rebutted.
"Chill, dude." Haechan patted the younger's back. "If I hadn't known better, you seem like you got a crush on Jisung." He joked, which causes Chenle to hit the older by the shoulder, smacking him relentlessly while his roommates laughed.
"Alright, that's enough." Mark jokingly intervened, "We have to set up this place as soon as we can."
That seemed to caught your attention.
"Why? What are you guys doing?"
"None of your business, nosy." Chenle retorted.
"We're having a party." Mark answered instead, "The boys made a draw and it's our turn to host the party."
"Oh." You looked towards Jisung, confused as to why he didn't tell you. "Yeah, so if you don't mind, can you leave and come back again once we're done." Chenle said, making his way to his room, Mark and Haechan following behind.
"Why didn't you tell me?" You asked, now that it was just you two. He shrugged, "It's not a big deal. It's just some stupid party."
"Okay then." You said monotonously, walking away.
But Jisung seemed to pick up on your mood, following you close behind.
"No, wait, baby." He grabbed your wrist, turning you around, "Why are you upset?"
"I'm upset because you always keep secrets from me and we were supposed to hang out tonight. Were you just gonna bail me last minute?" You asked in annoyance but the male shook his head, "No, of course not. I wasn't even planning to stay. I'm just helping them set up."
You laughed, "As if Chenle would let you bail."
"I'll try to sneak out."
You hesitated.
"Do you trust me?" He asked.
"Of course."
You should've known not to be easily led on, especially when Jisung hadn't picked up his calls despite it being hours ago. You shrugged it off, thinking he was still busy but you soon came to find Haechan's instagram story, a picture where all of them were partying in their dorm, including Jisung.
You were boiling from anger, "Seungmin, can you do me a favour?"
Thankfully, the drive wasn't far, and Seungmin had been kind enough to give you a ride as you made your way to the party. For some reason, a part of you had a feeling this wouldn't end well but you decided to push it aside as you walked towards the front door. You were immediately greeted by a stench of alcohol, drunk people swaying around as you hear cheering from a distance. Walking towards the noise in search for your boyfriend as Seungmin trailed behind you, gulping nervously at your hot-headed demeanour.
There stood, Jisung, a hand holding a ping pong ball while he stuck his tongue out in concentration, eyes squinting to get a good aim for the red solo cup. For a moment, it seemed harmless and you would've felt a bit embarassed for overreacting but when the cheering became louder as Jisung scored a point, you couldn't help but stay rooted on your spot, eyes focused on Jisung as his friends cheered him on with a pat to his back.
Just then, NingNing came into view and pulled the male by the neck to plant a kiss to his lips, wolf whistles followed after and you could've swore that you heard your heart shattered in the process. You watched as tears rolled down your eyes, betrayal in the pit of your stomach as Jisung looked stunned, not making an attempt to pull away.
Conveniently, right as he did, his eyes landed onto yours and you saw how his eyes widened in shock, mouth hung open as if he was trying to come up with an excuse.
You scoffed and began walking away, ignoring the calls of your name as Jisung squeezed his way between the crowds of drunkard people.
"Wait!" Jisung grabbed your arm, stopping you just as had gotten outside. "I can explain—"
You ripped his hand away in disgust, "No need. You made things perfectly clear back there."
He called your name again in desperation.
"Please, just hear me out."
"No!" You shouted, "I'm sick of being treated like an idiot."
"I'll admit, you fooled me once. It was on you." You laughed bitterly, "But you did it again and again, so now, I can't even blame you. Because I am such a fucking idiot to believe you would have changed."
"I have!"
"No, you haven't!" You retorted, "You don't care about me because all you ever do is come to me whenever you need to fill out your desires, you are fucking selfish!"
"Please." He whispered, urgency laced in his tone.
"I should've never trusted you and I'm dead serious when I say I want you to leave me the fuck alone now."
He took a step forward, hand holding your wrist desperately, "No, I can fix—"
"I don't want anything to do with you, Jisung!" You pulled away.
"Please. Please, I'm really sorry!" He grabbed you again, pleads and begs as strings of apologies escaped his mouth.
"I don't care!"
"It was a mistake. I have no feel—"
"She told you to back off!" Ultimately, it was Seungmin who had cutted him off, shoving the other to the ground.
Jisung stood up in anger, red in the face. "Why don't you mind your goddamn business!"
"She made it pretty clear she wants nothing to do with you, man! Respect that!" He spits, which only frustates Jisung, scoffing lightly as he provoked, "You know she doesn't fucking like you, right? You've been stuck in the friendzone for like what? 3 months? Wished it was you who gets to fuck her instead, huh?"
"Guys, let's not—" You intervened, but it was too late because Seungmin threw the first punch. Blood dripping on Jisung's nose as you gasped in horror, the male didn't seem too affected with the attack as he tackled Seungmin to the ground, beating him up relentlessly. You stood in shock as you begged them to stop, tears streaming down your cheeks as Seungmin began kicking Jisung's ribs. The whole scene became a mess.
Eventually, the commotion caught the attention of the other people from the party because soon, Chenle and Haechan began pulling both men away from each other, struggling to hold then down.
"Hey! What the fuck is happening?" Chenle looked at you, "What did you do?"
"You should probably ask your friend." Seungmin answered. "He was the one who fucked over your sister!"
Multiple gasps were heard, others watching as the scene unfolds.
Chenle face contorted to confusion as he turned to face the taller male, "What is he talking about Ji?" But the male didn't respond, his head hung low in shame as Seungmin chuckled humourlessly, "Your friend has been fucking your sister behind your back for months, using her and all that shit but I'm sure Ji over there will explain it to you better."
"Is it true?" Chenle asked in anger, taking a step towards Jisung, which causes Haechan to stop him, "Let's not start anything more, alright?"
"Why?" Chenle prodded, "Do you know about it?" This causes the older to become silent, only confirming what was his answer.
Thankfully, Mark came in and kicked everyone out, making them disperse away from the scene and soon, all of the three boys were left in their messy dorm, having had Seungmin dragged your sobbing mess away, making Jisung the one to explain what he had done.
"This is fucked." Chenle laughed in astonishment. "I mean, not only did you went behind my back but you hurt my sister in the process of doing so."
Jisung could only hung his head in shame.
"I didn't mean to." He meekly uttered.
"But you did!" Chenle yelled, "I've always wondered why she was so obsessed with you but the whole time you were fucking with her mind and making her think she had a chance with you!"
"I didn't fuck with her mind, I love her, okay?" Jisung blurted. "I thought I would do the right thing if— if I just, i don't know! I knew you wouldn't approve of us anyways!"
"Don't fucking twist this shit on me!" Chenle snarled, "Even if you knew I wouldn't approve, why the fuck did you still do it? What was the thought process there? How fucking stupid are you to think you would get away with all this!"
"Dude, let's all calm down, alright." Mark decided to step in, which only causes the younger to get upset.
"No! Don't tell me to calm down." He yelled, causing Mark to take a step back. "He used two people for his own selfishness! Including my sister."
"Don't even get me started on NingNing, you know, the girl you told us you were in love with." He pushed on.
"I wasn't fucking in love with her!" Jisung retaliated, "I only said that so you could get off my fucking back about hooking up with other girls!"
A shocked gasp was heard, just then NingNing made her presence known as a tear drop began to fall down her cheeks, cupping her mouth as she ran away out of their dorm.
"Look what you did!" Chenle scolded, running after the poor girl.
But Jisung couldn't say anything, his mouth went dry and his heart went numb. Too many emotions running through his head, it started to hurt. Mark and Haechan took noticed of the younger's condition and decided that he needed some time to think for himself and soon the both of them left the dorm, leaving Jisung all alone.
In all the times he had fucked up, this was really the one he had fucked up the most.
Walking around campus, it was the first time Jisung had gotten stares from people. The huge bruise on his face didn't help the fact that most of the people on campus already knew what went down. At this point, he couldn't bring himself to care as he continued to let his head down while walking through the crowd.
However, just as he past by the entrace, he was greeted by certain girl. His heart dropped in anxiousness as he gulped upon seeing the girl he was scared to face, cowardly as he was, he knew that he should own up to his mistakes and take accountablity.
It's now or never.
"Hi." He said, clearing his throat. "I'm sor—"
"Save it." The girl replied sharply.
Jisung couldn't bring himself to look into her eyes, shame and guilt filling him up as he lowered his head. "Let's talk." NingNing checked her wristwatch, "We still have time to spare before our lecture starts."
"O-Of course, if it's what you like." The girl scoffed at his timidness, "Oh please, this is painful for me as much as it is for you but I think I deserve some explanation, don't you?"
"Great, I know a private place to talk because the campus seems so nosy than ever." She joked ligheartedly, eyes darting around the hall. Truth be told because when Jisung turned his head, he saw other students quickly glancing away as he did so, ‟Follow me.”
It has been days and you were still bombarded with texts and calls, all coming from the same person. The same person that you couldn't bring yourself to remove from. It was frustating how pathetic you would be for a boy. A boy that fooled you twice. At this rate, you were only asking for more heartbreak as your only solution is to ignore those calls and messages instead of blocking it completely. Your heart wouldn‛t be able to handle such an emotional turmoil.
You hadn't been able to attend your lectures, skipping them in order to avoid Jisung. You could hear your roommate telling him to go away whenever he would knock on the door, begging to see you. Overtime, Yunjin and Chaeryeong took empathy at your state and offered you solace as the both of them apologised for their harsh words previously. With their help, you were able to slowly get back to your feet and continue to move forward. Though, it was slightly challenging whenever the male would still attempt to talk to you through texts and calls, all of which you ignored.
But maybe that was what you needed. You thought.
As your hand lingers around the ‘block’ button, you began to feel the slight hesitation. Though, a part of you was aching for it, practically begging you to end the trainwreck once and for all.
And this time, you weren‛t going to look back.
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Heels clicking against the marble floor, you were in frantic as you rushed around the wedding halls to make your way to back of the room. Droplets of sweat on your forehead as you sighed in relief, thankful to have arrived early to help the bride.
‟Well, guess who showed up on time.” The bride teased.
Looking at the bride, her hair was beautifully done up into an elegant low bun as her dress was beautifully tailored, shining her features with the expensive jewellery displayed. The bridesmaids gushed upon her ethereal appearance and you gave yourself a pat on the back for helping out with the choices.
‟I‛m really sorry, NingNing.” You rambled, rushing to her side. "Traffic was crazy today but I bought you a donut because I know you didn't eat anything this morning."
‟Thank you.” She smiled.
‟Are you ready?”
‟Of course I am.” She looked at you worriedly, ‟You‛re really okay with all of this?”
‟Are you crazy?" You deadpanned, "Why wouldn‛t I be?”
‟Maybe because she expected you to freak out.” Yunjin chimed in, ‟I mean, I‛m even suprise you‛re okay with it.”
‟It‛s all in the past, anyways.” You waved off, ‟Plus, we‛re going to be sister-in-laws!”
Three years ago, Chenle and NingNing had began hitting it off. After the night that NingNing heart went broken by his best friend, Chenle consoled her and offered her comfort. It wasn't as sudden as it seems because the both of them didn't gain feeling until a year later, having had been friends first and eventually grew closer. This news hadn't shocked his whole friend group though since their not-so-subtle flirting was as obvious as broad daylight.
Eventually, you had began seeing NingNing often in family gatherings when Chenle were to invite her into one. If you were being honest, through the initial start, it was awkward and tense between the two of you but eventually, you managed to put that aside and NingNing had became one of your close friends. You would occasionally steal her away from Chenle and make her hang out with your friends instead.
Which was why, when Chenle and NingNing had announced their engagement, NingNing had given you the title of 'maid-of-honour' when it was around the time the both of them have planned for their wedding. You were up and arms, in tears of happiness for the couple.
You couldn't have been more content for them.
Though, that meant that you would have to see an expected guest, in which Cenle had informed you beforehand and made sure you were okay with it.
To be completely honest, after blocking his number, you hadn't heard much of him. After graduation, you saw him approaching you but you ultimately shut him down, ignoring his presence and you hadn't seen him since. According to Chenle, he chose to travel abroad for his job in Osaka and although you were shattered with the news, you knew it was for the better as it would be easier for you to move on.
And that was the last time you saw him.
Fast forward as you let out a nervous breath, having had those years being away to finally being able to see him. You didn't know whether you should be excited or nervous.
You watched as NingNing walked across the aisle, holding onto her father as she suppressed her tears of happiness. You looked over towards your brother, watching as he too, held back his tears. Usually, you would've teased him for being emotional but you couldn't help but feel the warmth in your heart as the both of them have finally found love in each other.
As you scanned the wedding halls, your eyes landed onto a familiar pair of eyes. Your heart stopped for a moment as your breath hitched, watching as Jisung stared back at you. A look that you couldn't quite put a finger on.
"It's all good now, Jisung." NingNing assured, "I just thought you liked me from the way Chenle seemed to hype you up."
"Yeah, I'm sorry for leading you on." He apologised, following NingNing as the both of them walked through the empty hallways.
"Jisung, can you do me a favour?" She spoke up, "Stop apologising." She joked.
"Yeah, man." Chenle suddenly appeared, "It's getting annoying."
"See you later, NingNing." He waved off.
NingNing only winked back as she made her way inside her lecture.
A moment of silence passed by, and Jisung swore he felt more nervous than ever, coming up ways to figure out what he was going to say.
"If you want to say something." Chenle interrupted, "Just say it, the silence is killing me."
"I'm sorry, Chenle." The male uttered, for a moment Chenle looked over in pity at Jisung, watching how distraught he looked. "You know, I was ready to beat you up next." He started, "But if you were really honest from the start, I would've understood you better."
"I'm just upset that you didn't trust me enough to tell me."
"I'm sorry— ow! Fuck!" Jisung shouted as the other smacked his face harshly, "What was that for?"
"Stop apologising, it's annoying."
"I— dude, I wasn't even going to say it!" He rubbed his other cheek that Chenle had slapped, glaring as Chenle offered him a smug smile. "I know."
He rolled his eyes.
"But in all seriousness." Jisung spoke up, "I really fucked up so is there any way I can make this up?"
Chenle seemed to think about it for a moment, rubbing his chin, "Well, there is one."
"If you like my sister, just go for it. You have my approval this time."
As you watched the both of them exchange their wedding vows, cheers emitted the wedding halls as the newly-wed couple shared a loving kiss. Your eyes scanned back to the crowd.
"Just go." Chaeryeong ushered, "We'll cover you up."
You smiled, thanking her before you quickly rushed off, politely pushing out relatives as you tried to find the black-haired boy.
Just then, you bumped into a certain someone. Looking up, you were suddenly greeted with Seungmin. His warm smile reached his lips as he greeted you.
"Seungmin. You came." You said in shocked.
"Yeah, couldn't miss this out."
Truth be told, Seungmin had confessed his feelings for you a few years ago, to which you had rejected him politely. You would've assumed that would caused some damages to your friendship but he was respectful with your decisions and still remained friends, keeping in touch even after graduation.
"Babe?" A voice suddenly called out, Seungmin turned around, "Hey, this is the maid-of-honour, I was talking about." He turned towards you, uttering your name as he introduced you to his girlfriend.
"It's nice to meet you but I have to go." You said as friendly as you could, not wanting to appear rude.
Seungmin gave you a knowing look.
"Jisung's right by the bar."
You thanked him as you squeezed your way, trying your best to not seemed to eager to see him. As you approached his figure, his back was turned towards you and you hesitated to call out to him.
Hesitantly, you tapped on his back and you watched as he turned around slowly. It seemed as if time had slowed down, as clichè as it sounds, because when you stared longingly into those eyes, it brings back fond memories and deep down, you knew that your feelings for him would never fade, no matter how hard you try to deny it. You wished that the moment would last for eternity. You were relieved when you could see the way he looked back at you lovingly, saying a million thoughts behind those eyes, the thought of which that he had still held those feeling for you just as dearly.
"Hi." You said breathlessly, still in trance.
"Hi." He chuckled, "It's been awhile, do you want to catch up?"
Were you willing to take that chance again?
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swimfuel · 3 years
Hey!! The X-men are literally my favorite thing and I was wondering if you could elaborate on how Scott is a knight of doom
YES OF COURSE!!!! i'll put it under a cut since i tend to ramble a bit & i'm pulling a bunch of explanations from people smarter than i am
the knight weaponizes their aspect; they have an inherent understanding of their aspect that allows them to exploit it completely. doom is the aspect of systems, restrictions/limitations, sacrifices, and endings.
one of scott's core themes is reclaiming his restrictions in order to serve others/the greater good! he takes the possible liability that are his faulty powers and shifts them to become an advantage, largely through the strength of his restraint and discipline. his role as a tactician and the way he sees sacrifices (more on that later) also mesh EXTREMELY well with the knight of doom.
i feel like the Wh*don run (specifically astonishing x-men #22-23) really highlights how scott can turn a situation on its head through exploiting his disadvantages to the point where they become tactically advantageous!! like, let's count the ways:
the ship the x-men stole from kruun is obviously bugged, so his team won't be able to communicate without being overheard. he realizes this, and uses that restriction (being overheard) as an advantage, by falsifying their course of action.
he has been left "without his powers"—he presents a restriction that lowers the guard of his adversary and grants him entry to their home base. he then subverts this by exploding the shit out of everything when an opportune moment arrives
HE LITERALLY EXPLOITS DEATH...... HE EXPLOITS HIS OWN DEATH...................FOR THE GREATER GOOD..........DUDE???? someone get this man an advil
some more thoughts, followed by some examples by people smarter than me:
he exhibits a similar pattern of idolization/realization with xavier irt karkat/HICand dave/bro.... not sure if this by itself is a knight-y thing but i think the consistent disillusionment with their role in defending their aspect is interesting (aka knight burnout, more on that later)
he is def willing to sacrifice shit for the greater good of mutantkind. the shit in question sometimes being his closest friends and allies. the examples that stick out to me are how he allowed beast to get tortured (utopia era) while executing his plan to solve All His Problems At Once & also when he sent x-force to the future to defend hope knowing it was going to be a one-way trip
that entire issue revolving around just how GOOD scott is at self-repression😭😭😭 i'm pretty sure it's post-schism utopia era i don't remember the exact issue WAIT NVM i'm pretty sure it's uncanny #518
seeing phoenix!scott as an inversion to (rogue of) life is also an interesting concept (unchecked growth!)
the amount of responsibility he feels he has to take on (partially due to his idolization cycle w xavier/xavier's dream) is also both knight-y and doom-y
and of course the instinct to protect the people around him --> being expanded into the whole of mutantkind (which, in turn, expands his sense of obligation)
everything leading up to revolutionary cyclops is also very interesting through this framework because its reminiscent of the knights & doom players in hs! the "taking on an insane burden" (phoenix force, whatever whammied mituna) -> the "resignation to the fate handed to him by his aspect" (his stint in prison, dead daves, sollux in general) -> the "refusal to accept that fate" (prison break, dave not wanting to use time travel, sollux fucking off into the dreambubbles, karkat coming to terms w his relationship w leadership) --> experiencing knight burnout at the end of revolutionary era going into death of x
im not sure exactly how to put it into words but everything about his childhood/teenhood... like being surrounded by forces seeking to control him and use him for their own ends..... idk
(from @/land-of-classpects-and-analysis, sections highlighted red are of particular interest)
side note & ive mentioned this before but scottjean is an interesting parallel to davejade in a way i cant verbalize
Then there are the ones who may accept [the fact of inevitable human suffering], and so choose to live in high alert of any danger - any threats - as well as living in fear of what harm may befall them and/or their loved ones. It is this third and final group of people that so deeply marks that of the Knight of Doom.
Now, this might cause a few eyebrows to become quirked. After all, a Knight? Being fearful of something - nevertheless that thing being related to their Aspect? Knights do often present themselves as ruthless and fearless warriors, yes, but that is only because their Aspects and the world around them raised and called them to act as such. 
... A key factor in the Knight’s life, specifically before their journey truly begins, is that they are already well equipped with their Aspect.
... The Knight of Doom is one where their Aspect being all around them is far more bittersweet than anything else.
... What is important to acknowledge is that the facade the Knight of Doom puts up is not only to hide the fear they have for their Aspect, but it is most definitely there to hide the grief and pain they have not yet completely finished going through. Whether it’s been weeks or years, the Knight of Doom is someone who would rather hide themself away from these feelings than find a way to truly mend and heal them ... they have built a false wall between them and their suffering strong and thick enough to partially block it from their memory. 
... Knights are known to become extremely stubborn whenever people try to order them around and pressure them into doing something, and the Knight of Doom is no different - especially if they believe what they are doing is for the greater good. 
(from @/dahniwitchoflight)
Dahni’s Explanantion: “Doom can be a negative force that rejects and harms, fostering a sense of hostility or sadness. But, it is also the idea that you can pull backwards and cautiously and wisely withdraw into your own self.  It can be the idea of Control taken from the sharp Black and White Restrictions that everything in the world gets sorted into. It understands community necessity and need, responsibly pulling back and lowering you down into its lap to help wind yourself down. Doom then is an ultimate gentle Equalizer, instilling its players with an internal sense of Acceptance and eventually true Wisdom.”
Knight of Doom: One who Exploits with Doom or Exploits Doom
Knights hide a fear of a perceived fundamental failure with their Aspect behind a shield of confidence and obsessive effort. Their challenge is to learn to take it down a notch and to understand that they are skilled enough
A Knight is very skilled with using the rules and limitations of any game or session to their advantage. They skillfully fulfill any responsibility or obligation required of them with ease. They might use their natural caution and pessimism to make realistic choices and endeavors. They use and exploit any rule or limit that they can to their advantage. They might also be very good at exploiting any sacrifices made or any obligation or responsibility that they are held to. They might be very good at avoiding any unnecessary thing or person and are very good at recognizing when something is too futile to even bother with.
Likewise they might only focus on the necessary things in their game or session so they are likely to not do much unless it’s absolutely necessary. They would very likely be very meticulous with themselves about following the rules properly and constantly restrict themselves, maybe thinking they aren’t following the rules properly enough or not following the right ones. They might sacrifice anything they consider unnecessary about themselves or the way they live, sometimes even going too far with it, in order to be considered or thought of as less useless. They’re always trying harder and holding themselves to extreme self-imposed standards.
They would likely wait for the opportune moment to strike, though they are slow to move or act, they always will when something necessary needs to happen. Out of all the Doom players, a Knight of Doom seems like the one most likely to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. A Knight of Doom can also expertly use and exploit fire, bombs and explosions to their advantage, maybe they create flashy distractions during fights. They might even use decaying or dying things to their advantage.
(from @/communistvriska)
Role in the Session: Rather like the Prince of Doom, this role’s title kinda has “edgelord” written all over it, but that’s not a set-in-stone character trait. The first thing that comes to mind re: what the Knight Class and the Aspect of Doom have in common is a strong sense of obligation. The Knight of Doom is bound to take their duties and responsibilities Extremely Seriously, perhaps rather too seriously at first ... Knights also tend to be very protective of both their Aspect as a concept, and of themselves and those close to them; while the Knight of Doom isn’t likely to be outwardly aggressive, given Doom’s reserved, slow-burn tendencies, woe betide those who try to deceive or confound the Knight or their allies. One of Doom’s internal contradictions (which I find personally fascinating) is that the aspect is associated both with cynical resignation and with a profound albeit restrained sense of passion and persistence. Doom is what’s left after everything else gets burnt away.
The Knight of Doom will likely be a very skilled combatant, as the Knight is a class strongly associated with Strife / battle, and Doom is one of the more overtly destructive Aspects. I’d put them in the Top 5 Roles to use a cool flamin sword, at least. They’re not going to be eager to fight, per se, but they’re not going to have much trouble scaling the echeladder when it comes to that either. Internally, they’re likely to struggle with a perceived (but largely imagined) inability to fulfill their duties, and they could well stumble once or twice in their quest to be perceived as reliable and stoic, or as someone who their friends can lean on. They’re probably doing more than enough already, but if they’re not careful they might overexert themselves and take on too heavy a burden, and they’re liable to be crushed by their own expectation that they face their challenges alone. This is going to factor into their capital-Q Quest and the environment of their planet, and will be the biggest obstacle in their path to Ascension. A Knight’s duty is to protect their co-players, but their co-players also have to support them.
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Fanfics From Quarantine (so far)
Here is everything I’ve read and loved so far whilst being in quarantine since my fan fiction addiction is back at full force. All are complete fics but some have pretty heavy themes and most are explicit so, as always, check the tags before reading! (I’ve tagged as many of the authors’ tumblrs as I could find but if anyone knows any I’ve missed then let me know and I’ll tag them!)
I don’t know whether I should be proud or ashamed of myself for the amount of fanfiction I have read in the past month of two. As a result, this post is longer than anticipated
‘For The Greater Good’ by jadepresley (E, word count: 62,049) When Harry and Draco discover they’ve been bonded to one another, neither one of them is prepared for the secrets they slowly begin to uncover.Together, they learn that they can’t escape their past, or the things that have been left hidden there, and that sometimes the only way to move forward is to look back.
‘Ardour of Karma’ by XxTheDarkLordxX @xx-thedarklord-xx (E, word count: 17,118) “Malfoy knows something is going on with you and unless you both want to go back to fighting and death glares, you should fix it.”“How do I do that? Just waltz up to him and say, ‘I know I’ve been a prat but your scent makes my dick swell. How’s your day?’”“Mind repeating that?”The familiar drawl had Harry’s throat clamming up as his blood ran cold. Oh no.
‘Hermione Granger’s Hogwarts Crammer for Delinquents on the Run’ by waspabi @waspabi (T, word count: 93,391)  'You're a wizard, Harry' is easier to hear from a half-giant when you're eleven, rather than from some kids on a tube platform when you're seventeen and late for work.
‘Reparations’ (and ‘Foundations’ E, word count: 236,075) by Saras_Girl (E, word count: 87,376)  Harry is about to discover that the steepest learning curve comes after Healer training, and that second chances can be found in unexpected places.
‘you’ve got the antidote for me’ by Kandakicksass (M, word count: 20,730) When Harry Potter unintentionally severs their soulbond before it can fully form, Draco Malfoy resigns himself to a slow death and decides not to burden Harry with a soulmate he's made it very clear he doesn't want.He's never been selfless before, but for Harry, he can try.
‘If I Was The Sun, He Was The Moon’ by endless_grey @harryptter (E, word count: 34,321) Harry is in his eighth year at Hogwarts, everyone is still feeling the fallout from the war and since all the eighth years now share a common room and dorms, Hermione had the brilliant idea that they should get to know each other better. In amongst bad party games, copious amounts of firewhisky, and a lot of confusion and mixed signals, Harry realises he likes Draco. Not everyone is happy about that, though.In summary: Draco and Harry kiss during spin the bottle, realise their feelings, are stubborn and oblivious, and can't seem to communicate like normal people, but it works out in the end.
‘Freedom to be’ by Quicksilvermaid @quicksilvermaid (E, word count: 169,550) Harry Potter is the Boy Who Lived.12 years after the war, he's become the Boy Who Lived For Everyone Else. He has the perfect wife. The perfect house. The perfect job. The perfect friends.Only nothing feels perfect.Until one day he stumbles across a club called Release and begins a journey of self-discovery that takes him to a very different place.
‘Love and Other Unsafe Medical Practices’ by Tedah @tedahfromtayla (E, word count: 116,854) Love is a lot like surgery: sometimes you have to take risks to succeed and most times there are unexpected side effects.Harry is back in a hospital room after an Auror sting gone wrong and nobody is amused at this point. It's starting to become somewhat of a familiar scene for Ron and Hermione. This time his healer is one Draco Malfoy so it's actually a /little/ funny when something goes wrong during recovery.
‘Post Tenebras Lux’ by Cjblack @cjblack322 (E, word count: 102,420) It had been five years since the light had fallen under the Dark Lord’s reign. The Wizarding World assumed Harry Potter had been murdered by Voldemort days after his capture; few knew the truth. And sometimes the truth can be much, much worse.
‘The Curse of the Sea’ by Samyiswriting @samyistrying (E, word count: 63,317) As the last year at Hogwarts draws to a close, Draco Malfoy behaves in a most peculiar manner, unintentionally revealing his bizarre fear of water. It's sure to get Harry's attention.
‘Unexpectancy (Into you)’ by PollyWeasley (E, word count: 20,086)  Draco supposed that starting Eighth Year in Hogwarts fucking Harry Potter was a good start. Both of them were in the closet, for a lack of better words, and both of them were having fun with each other, no bonds attached, no uncomfortable talks, no need to tell their friends whatsoever. It was good to both of them, especially when you considered that the Wizarding World was stupidly ignorant and homophobic, and Draco was already suffering enough because he looked like he was gay. It was better just to keep it a secret. But when Draco suddenly finds out he ended up pregnant of Potter’s child, there was nothing he could do except face the world and reveal his secret. Would Potter accept to reveal his, too, for the sake of this new life?
‘Mental’ by sara_holmes (M, word count: 186,678)  Harry has had quite enough of sharing his mind with someone else, thankyouverymuch. A miscast Legilimecy spell says otherwise.
‘In Evidence of Magical Theory’ by bixgirl1 @bixgirl1 (E, word count: 43,747) When a hex meant for Draco accidentally catches Harry as well, they're forced to learn to understand each other in ways they previously might have thought impossible. In which Harry and Draco can't fight, so they fall in love instead.
‘The Gift of Life’ by dragontara (E, word count: 13,658)  Harry had always wanted a family of his own. Now, after a drunken one night stand, he was going to get it, but it'd be nice to remember with whom he was getting it. Also, having a baby with a Veela was a much bigger challenge for Harry than he'd have ever thought possible.
‘This Year’s Love’ by trishjames (E, word count: 84,000)This year’s love had better last, heaven knows it’s high time when you try to make lovers from friends. But Harry Potter realises time and time again that it’s simply not possible for him. And then along comes Draco Malfoy— the ultimate foe on the mend. Whatever will become of them? A story about love.
‘dirtynumbangelboy’ by magpie_fngrl @magpiefngrl (E, word count: 39,400)  After Harry’s unfortunate encounter with his ex, Draco Malfoy makes him a proposition. Draco wants his parents to stop matchmaking him and Harry wants to make his ex jealous. All they need to do is simply pretend they’re in love. Problem is… Draco already is.
‘Accidental Magic’ by vivi1138 @penguinanimagus (E, word count: 34,374) After the war, Draco left the magical world. He doesn’t lead the easiest life, doesn't sleep enough and has another mouth to feed. He doesn’t expect to be forced to go back early, but when his son’s accidental magic threatens the Statute of Secrecy, there’s only one person who can help.
I also re-read ‘Starts With a Spin’ by Maxine @serasarahhhh (E, word count: 119,850)
ALSO: I wanted to include ‘In The Dark’ by bixgirl1 @bixgirl1 (E, word count: 92,148 so far) because I am loving it, but just be aware that this is a WIP :)
Link to second, (you’ll be pleased to know) shorter, list
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illfoandillfie · 4 years
tantric sex with brian? idk he gives me those vibes sometimes
Going into this the only thing i knew about tantric sex was that sting does it khsdfhskdfks i had to do research for this! i watched like a whole ass 90 minute youtube video of this yoga retreat presentation about tantra! i am never going to need this information again! but i totally get why bri would give you those vibes and i hope you like it
Enough time had passed since the disagreement that both you and Brian had cooled down. The argument hadn’t even been about anything particular, certainly not something you cared about. It had just happened, unexpectedly, a sign of a disconnect more than anything else. So you had no problems with finding Brian, wrapping your arms around his waist and apologising.
“I’m sorry too,” he said softly, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of your head, “it was such a dumb thing to fight about. Do you think maybe we need to reconnect?”
“I don’t think it could hurt,”
Brian smiled, “you got anything planned for the rest of the afternoon?”
“Nope. Free as a bird,”
“Good. Uh, you grab the candles, I’ll take the phone off the hook?”
“Mmhmm, okay,”
Only a few years ago and this whole process would have seemed insane to you. Tantra. Something Brian had picked up from a book he’d found while on tour. He’d suggested you try it, using the fact that it was long lasting sex as a selling point, though the main reason he liked the idea was the concept of feeling that deep connection with you. The sex was a nice added bonus though. You’d read the passages he showed you but, frankly, you’d found it a little highfalutin. All that talk of chakras and exchanging energies. Definitely not something you’d expected Brian, with his background in science, to go in for. But you didn’t have anything major against it and, while Brian was perfect capable in the bedroom, if it helped things last a little longer well who were you to complain.
You’d followed the book, set up candles when you were intimate, masturbated daily to teach yourselves how to control your orgasms. It was weird at first, definitely out of your comfort zone, and it took more than a few tries to actually get it. It was slower than any sex you’d had before, even the most lazy of fucks, which felt odd. But that was the point really, none of the rough animalistic urgency of regular sex. The end result, cumming, wasn’t the goal, it was just about being together and enjoying the process. And when thinks finally did click into place for you both, you were left feeling so calm and content and satisfied and unbelievably connected with Brian. So it became a more regular thing. Not every day (nobody has the time for that) but certainly after periods of separation or busyness that kept you apart and distracted from each other. And especially after arguments or fights when you felt the connection between you being disrupted. That was when you needed it most, that time together to just be present with one another.
By the time Brian joined you in the bedroom you were lighting the last of the candles, letting their warmth and their scent sooth you. He waited for you to blow out the match and then took your hand, leading you to the bed. He sat first, legs in front of him, soles of his feet together and you positioned yourself in his lap, wrapped your legs around his and pressed your soles together too. Slowly he reached up to push a strand of your hair back, stroking the backs of his fingers down your face and then down your neck as you both steadied your breathing, trying to find synchronicity. His fingers were gentle as they traced a path down your throat, over you shoulder, along your arm.  When he reached your hand he trailed his fingers up over your palm until your hands were pressed flush together. Your eyes met and in that moment you realised no one had ever seen you before Brian, no one knew you or understood you like him. You shifted, trying to bring yourself closer, as Brian lowered his hand to the base of your spine, his other moving around to press against the back of your heart. You mirrored him, entwining yourselves together. And for a while that was all you did, sat together, feeling each other’s energy and love as you gazed into each other’s eyes. When he breathed out, you breathed in, sharing everything you had, down to your breath. It was exactly where you wanted to be, where you needed to be. It was home.
After some time Brian brought his hand back to your jaw, tilting your head just enough for him to kiss you, his other hand still firmly planted on your back, keeping you grounded. It was a soft kiss though steadily deepened as the energy began to build. You let your hands slip around to his chest, down to his thighs, felt him shiver with the sensation. He brushed your nose with his before finding your lips again, taking his time to just kiss you until you broke away and whispered that you needed him. He chuckled softly that he felt it too before carefully laying you back against the pillows. He didn’t stop kissing you though, only breaking away from your lips to fight with stubborn buttons and remove layers. You giggled as he swore against your lips, blindly trying to unbuckle your belt and failing. You took pity on him and did it yourself along with the clasp of your bra, before you moved to pull his shirt over his head. By the time you were both naked a couple of hours had passed though neither of you noticed. You were already wet and ready for him, just from how he’d touched every part of you as he undressed you. He was nearly there too, only needing a few strokes from your hand.
He gasped into your shoulder as he carefully entered you, stopping once he was fully sheathed just to take you in. It’s calmer than most of your other sexual encounters but Brian slowly began thrusting into you, rocking his hips forward in a deliberate rhythm. You’re so close to him, breath hot, skin hotter and you know you have nothing to worry about. It’s just you and Brian, no pressure to perform, no pressure to finish quickly or powerfully. You focus on how he feels on top of you, inside you. The taste of his lips, the texture of his hands. And your breathing, sharing your energy with his, sharing your desire and becoming one. You feel him still, know he’s holding back his release as the guides told him to, redistributing the energy of the incomplete orgasm through the rest of his body. It lets him continue, no energy lost in a brief explosion, nothing to tire him or drain him. Just more time to experience each other. You feel it too, that steady build of fire that feels so amazing, made even more amazing by the man you’re with. A small hum leaves you as kisses along your jaw, finds that spot on your throat that makes you clench. He whispers about how beautiful you are, how much he loves seeing you feel so much pleasure, how much he loves you.
Brian kisses you and pulls out for a moment. You know he’s not done, that he can go longer, and you’re right. He reaches beside you and grabs his pillow, sliding it under your hips so that when he sinks back into you the angle has changed. He’s somehow deeper than before, perfectly aligned to hit just the right spot. And you can feel your orgasm approaching as he thrusts at that same steady pace. You arch into him as it washes over you, spreads through your whole body, right to the tips of your toes, but neither of you are ready to stop and you don’t need to. Brian does still again, taking the moment to kiss you some more as he calms down a little. And then he continues. You reach for Brian’s hand, locking your fingers together as you moan into his mouth. It’s soft and loving and you feel nothing but peace as another wave of ecstasy rolls through you. Whatever you’d fought about is long forgotten, whatever distance had begun to form has been mended. You arch into him again, trying to get as close to him as you can, physically, mentally and spiritually. His hands roam over you, unhurried, as they explore your form. And as your third crest rises you know he’s close to. He pauses again but you shake your head and tell him you want to feel him. He nods, kisses you again as you clench around him. He drops his head to your shoulder, nips your skin playfully, a groan catching in his throat as you finish together.
For a while longer you just lay there, legs intertwined, playing with his fingers as you revel in the serenity you feel. It’s dark outside when you look which is a surprise, but it’s fine. When you can finally bring yourselves to move you blow out the candles and he plugs the phone back in and then you curl up on the couch together as you decide what to order for dinner. He makes a terrible joke that you roll your eyes at though it still makes you laugh a little. Everything feels right, back in sync.
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ultimaid · 4 years
[holds out hands] Jimothan Thoughts Pretty Please ?
[cracks knuckles] ALL RIGHT
this is gonna be long so it’s going under a readmore but this is a short list of my jimothan headcanons. cw for alcoholism mention & religion mention
he was born and raised in southwest texas!
his ethnicity is mexican-italian on both sides
he has a large extended family, mostly on his mother’s side. his dad’s family isn’t really in contact with them as much but they still sometimes saw his dad’s family
his parents are ✨divorced✨ and split up soon after jimothan’s younger brother was born. jim was only like three at the time so it doesn’t bother him much to think about considering he has no memory of it, but he knows his older brothers were upset
jimothan has a relationship with his dad, but since he and his brothers grew up living with his mom, he’s much closer to her. he still calls her at least once every two weeks to check in on her and see how she’s doing
jimothan and his mom actually used to cook together a lot when he was younger!
he’s got three brothers! his older two brothers are twins, they’re 4 years older than jimothan. his younger brother is 3 years younger than jim. he’s close to all three of them
his younger brother is gay and didn’t tell anyone until they were all adults and he was celebrating his 5-year anniversary with his boyfriend. the response from the brothers was mostly “well you never had a girlfriend and you’re the prettiest of the four of us so we kinda figured. congrats we love you”
i’m not clear on jim’s brother’s names yet but i know they all have names that start with j. listen, mama botch has a theme and shes valid for it
jimothan’s dad is like... he isn’t a bad guy, he just has old-fashioned values that he instilled in his sons growing up even if they weren’t that close. jimothan has always been super loving and accepting of those around him but he also grew up with a very clear vision in his mind of what a man is, what a straight man is, what a gay man is, etc.
jimothan was also raised catholic! he doesn’t have a real attachment to religion, but he could tell it meant a lot to his mom. he stopped going to church after he moved out though
anyways. jim had a pretty decent childhood! got a big loving family, weird but not awful relationship with his father, pretty popular in school. he played football in high school and while he wasn’t very GOOD at it, he certainly enjoyed himself a great deal.
he met emiliana his junior year of high school and they started dating pretty soon after they met. emiliana was very sweet, very funny, and jimothan’s family liked her a lot. she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind and was very stubborn, which jimothan found endearing. they had fun together
so... they got married pretty much as soon as they graduated!
they lived in texas in a small place for a while longer. emi went to school to try and get a marketing degree while jimothan took up cooking and bartending
once emi got her degree, they moved to chicago (where emiliana was originally from) so she could work on her career. jimothan happily followed her and got really into the food industry. and while he couldn’t ever get a job as a cook (for some weird reason...), he did get steady work as a bartender.
yeah, jimothan’s vision started to go around the time he and emiliana got married. that man can’t see shit, but he refuses to get his eyes checked.
when they’d been married for about 5 years, jimothan and emiliana had parsley. jimothan was ELATED to be a dad and was so excited for parsley to join the botch family. emi had really high expectations of their kid academically, whereas jimothan really wanted a kid he could play sports and talk about girls with. he was a little disappointed to have had a “daughter”, but no matter—he adored the kid just the same, and anyone can play sports!
parsley grew up really intelligent and shy, and he never made friends very easily. he wasn’t very popular and preferred to spend his time holed up in his room reading books. jimothan obviously loved the kid, but they argued a lot because he didn’t understand parsley as a person at all.
when parsley was in middle school, jimothan and emiliana got a divorce. problems had been brewing for a long time, but they came to a head at last and neither jim nor emi could stay in the relationship any more. parsley was crushed, especially since his mother became increasingly cold to him afterwards since he reminded her so much of the things she couldn’t stand about jimothan.
jimothan got full custody (though emi had unlimited visitation rights), and he and parsley moved to new york state after the divorce was finalized.
soon after the divorce, parsley came out as trans. while jimothan had some trouble getting it at first, once he understood, he was VERY excited. he loved parsley just the same whether he was his son or his daughter, but hey, maybe now he could talk about sports or girls with him! maybe they’d start to get along better now that they could relate more!
but that... didn’t happen.
parsley stayed the same shy, nerdy kid, and no matter how much jimothan tried to connect to him, he couldn’t figure out how. he and parsley tried to have conversations, but they always devolved into arguments and miscommunications. as soon as parsley turned 18, he moved out and went to college.
and... for a long time they were estranged. jimothan was extremely lonely for years after that. it wasn’t until parsley was 28 that they reconnected again, this time at the habitat.
they’ve mended their relationship really well! they’re better at communicating now. while jimothan was a little hurt that parsley got married AND divorced over the decade he was gone and never told jimothan, he understood why parsley never said anything and promised to be a better and more present dad from now on.
parsley also helped him realize that he’s bisexual!
he and parsley are now very close! parsley is also close to his dad’s side of the family, especially his grandma, jimothan’s mom!
some miscellaneous jimothan hcs that i couldn’t fit in here:
he started developing arthritis around the age of 45, it mostly affects his knees and elbows
this man. has the THICKEST texan accent. jesus
he developed a mild dependence on alcohol during his estrangement from parsley as a way to cope with his depression. he’s now in recovery and doing very well! he is a connoisseur of virgin cocktails
parsley started to suspect his dad might be bisexual after the habitat closed and they started to hang out more. this man would not shut the fuck UP about “that weird vampire fella who used to come down to the lounge right when i was about to close”.
parsley was correct, and now jimothan has a vampire fiancé.
jimothan makes awful food because of his poor eyesight, but he still makes really good drinks because he can identify different kinds of beverages from the smell. why he can’t do the same with food, nobody knows.
he is the only one of his brothers who is capable of growing such an impressive mustache and he is IMMENSELY proud of it
tiff did his nails one night while jerafina and parsley did Very Drunk Bathroom Karaoke. he and tiff are now very good friends and he has her top three drink orders memorized
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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Matchup ♥
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Naruto, One Piece, and Free Match-Up Request
May I request another match-up but for Free, One Piece, and Naruto this time? :) Here’s all my info once more!
Name: Corethra (or Corey for short)
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: Hand Packer at an ice cream factory. I work 12 hours (5:30pm to 6am) on a rotating schedule.
Birthplace: Memphis, TN, USA. I was raised in the neighborhood called Frayser which is the most impoverished area in Memphis and has a high crime rate as expected.
Zodiac Sign: Pisces (born March 2) My full birth chart can be found here
Enneagram: 5w6
Chinese Zodiac: Year Of The Pig
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Love Language: Acts Of Service
Race/Ethnicity: African-American
Height: 4'11 (Call me short and I’ll kick your butt!)
Body Type/Shape: Average but well developed figure at best. I weigh about 158 lbs and am pretty insecure about my body. I also have really bad scars on my left arm from being bitten by a dog.
Hair Color/Style: Black and naturally curly but I keep it flat-ironed so it’s straight. It’s long and goes down to just below my shoulder blades. There are times when I will have braids put in of various lengths.
Glasses or No?: Yes I wear glasses
Eye Color: Brown
Dress Style: I usually dress up in a casual way, just throwing on whatever looks good at the time but I will sometimes put in the effort when the time calls for it or when I’m in a good mood. I have an affinity for the punk, emo, and goth styles and I rarely wear feminine clothes but I will wear something risky every once in a while.
Hobbies/Interests: Video games, reading, writing, anime, internet surfing, listening to music, politics (sometimes), watching movies/TV shows, basically being an overall nerd. I’m usually either on my laptop or one of my many video game consoles if I’m not on my phone or reading one of my books.
Dislikes: Ignorance, stupidity, restriction, manipulation/gas-lighting, bullying, humanity, not being understood, corruption/injustice, close-mindedness
Personality: At first glance, I seem quiet and keep to myself, only speaking when I need to or when I’m spoken to. I’m an anti-social introvert to the fullest and don’t care much for small talk or going out. I prefer to have deeper conversations. When I get comfortable enough in whatever environment I’m in, I start to open up bit by bit. I’m a tomboy and pretty rough-minded as well as stubborn. I’m very sassy, have a smart, sarcastic, and witty mouth if not humorous and outrageous at times, can be borderline rude and mean, and I’m more sensitive than I care to be. I can literally cry at someone’s suffering especially if it’s someone I’m close to or even a total stranger. I’m very empathetic and my heart is bigger than what most people would expect. Most people describe me as quiet, intelligent, creative, dorky, a smartass, and really sweet. I love a good laugh and have an open sense of humor to boot.
Many of my friends say that I’m very sweet and kind which I usually am if I’m in a good mood as well as affectionate as hell. Hugs and pet names galore with me! However only my friends and family see that side of me. My language is often unfiltered, harsh, foul, and blunt which shocks people because they think I’m a pure angel. I say what I want when I want and no one tells me otherwise. If they do, they can expect a mouthful from me. I’m an escapist and very imaginative, can be a bit scatterbrained at times, and I’m methodical and detailed to the point of perfectionism. I’m usually a walking contradiction in terms of personality in so many ways to the point where the real me is almost impossible to decipher. To make matters more complicated, I’m not very good at expressing myself verbally and prefer to let my actions do the talking. I also express myself better through written form.
I have many pet peeves and I get annoyed easily in general. I’m also slowly embracing misanthropy and nihilism but I can be pretty idealistic so it balances out. I’m practically zero tolerance when it comes to bullshit. I hate confrontation and conflict but I’m starting to work on it so I can be less passive-aggressive and more assertive. I also wish to stand up for myself more often than I should so people won’t think that I’m weak and an easy target. I’m pretty cynical which is to be expected and usually expect the worst from people. When someone angers me, I will either just withdraw altogether and completely cut them off (slam the door basically) or get in their face and go off before doing the former. I’m the “hold my anger in and release it all at once” type but I hope to change that one day and stop letting things fester before they get out of hand. I can be quite petty and even cold as well and if someone wrongs me, they will have to make the first move to mend fences. I refuse to apologize if I’m not in the wrong and I will not accept gaslighting/guilt tripping. I also refuse to change for others and will admit to having quite a lot of pride but that’s mostly due to me not wanting to be hurt and manipulated, mistreated, or used.
I have issues with trust and a wild imagination to boot. I usually trust my instincts and can see right through bullshit. I don’t like taking risks and I have to know all the details when I do something so I don’t mess up and look like an idiot. I am indeed a perfectionist and introverted to a fault which often prevents me from trying new things and going outside my comfort zone. I haven’t been in a relationship yet and am still a virgin due to my issues with trust and not wanting to be hurt or humiliated as well as being quite picky/perfectionistic with the people I allow in my life. I have high standards for both people and myself although I’m pretty laid-back and my dislike of conflict allows me to also take a lot of shit from people too before I eventually say “fuck it” and slam the door or go off on them. I don’t think very highly of myself and can sometimes fall into a period of self-hatred and self-pity.
Many people praise me for my intelligence which is fitting since I’m an intellectual. My ideals and beliefs are rather odd to say the least (I’m a classical liberal/independent and despise most ideologies/ideas. This includes religion, feminism, social justice, traditionalism, statism, big government, nationalism, socialism/communism, etc.) and I feel misunderstood because of it (mostly because of the black community ostracizing me). I am indeed a rebel, open-minded, and a free thinker. No one tells me how to think or feel or else they face my wrath. I highly value power over myself and I think it’s the most important thing that a person needs in order to survive. I am definitely an outcast at heart and I often distance myself from others and don’t like talking about my feelings or beliefs because I think most people lack the ability/capacity to understand me. Before I give my opinion on something, I like to do as much research as possible as well as look at things from all perspectives before coming to my own conclusion. I don’t mind discussing things but I prefer logic over emotion when doing so which makes it damn near impossible these days for me to have an real conversation without insults and threats being thrown (usually towards me). Chances are I’m gonna find something wrong with damn near anything someone believes in or says and I’m not afraid to call it out when I see it. Once I do open up and express how I feel, the gates of passion will open up and never close. I also have high morals and values and stick to my guns no matter what which can make me pretty stubborn at times.
I’m currently battling depression and often experience many symptoms of it including suicidal thoughts and depression spells. I also suffer from iron-deficiency anemia as well as irregular, prolonged periods. These things are pretty annoying for me to deal with whenever they flare up. 
Overall, I’m pretty crazy and a handful to deal with. Good luck matching me up with someone :P
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Hello @sacredwarrior88 and thank you so much for requesting with us! I am so sorry that this came out so late, but I do hope you enjoy this!
>Admin 𝕋
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
𝐼 𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓅 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽…
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Ace! I feel that you and ace would be such a great couple! He is open minded and kind to others whereas you are the same way! You are passionate like he is, caring like he is, loyal to the bone like he is! He would see you and see your personality and just instantly fall in love you and your personality! Like, I can’t even imagine how much he will want you on his crew, so they he can keep on you and protect you at all times-- though he will soon figure out that you don’t need help, you can take care yourself--which he will find extremely attractive, no doubt about that! 
He will love that fact that you are independent, because he really values individualism and independency, he sees it as a great traits to have. But he will also love the fact that you are sensitive, and can sometimes get into your own  head. He understands that, knows it all too well, so he will try with all his might to try and make sure that you are happy and always smiling! But he will love how fierce you can be to other people, never bowing down to their expectations! 
All in all, I feel like Ace would be a great man for you in the one piece universe! He would be attentive to you, would love your attitude and personality, and would absolutely adore how loyal and strong you are! make sure to love him thoroughly!
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Ah, Sai! He is much like Ace, just a little less emotional, which is fine! I feel like you and Sai would make a couple for a couple reasons! He would love how mature you are, and how logical you can be, and-- like ace-- he loves the fact that you are extremely loyal to your friends! That is a true factor in the way he will see you, and it is for the better! He will se how strong you are, emotionally and will be envious and at the same time fascinated! I Feel like Sai will look at you with wide eyes, his breath caught in his throat, his heart beating wildly in his ribcage because he will love you that much! All the things you are interested he will want to hear with enthusiasm, everything you love he will want to learn and hear from you, to get to know you better!
Another thing is that if you were to go to him with your insecurities and how you are battling depression, he will try to understand, and once he does he will try to everything and anything to make sure you feel better! You need a massage? He’s on it! You need cuddles? oh yeah he will give you some! You need chocolate or sweets or anything of the like? He’ll run to the store, and be back 5 minutes tops! 
All in all, I feel like the cool, mature Sai, with a heart of pure gold will be such a good match for you! He will make sure that you uncomfortable with him, he will never want to make you unhappy, and he will definitely do anything i his power to make sure that you will keep on loving him as much as you can!
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Rei! Now, with Rei, I wanted to go a more cute route. I feel that Rei would be equal parts and scared and in love with you! He sees how strong you are against people that oppose, he sees how strong you are for your friends, and how you have such a different personality to everybody else around him, and he will immediately fall in with you. Like instantly! To him, you’d be like a beautiful butterfly blooming right in front of him, and he will want to have you all tot himself! Of course, he won’t force you, but he will definitely watch you at a distance longingly!
He is very much an introvert and your calm but strong aura would definitely help with his anxiety! I just see him melting next you, into your lap or shoulder whenever you are around him because he is so comfortable around you. He doesn’t do this with just anybody so it would be a real honor! And when it it comes to your insecurities, he would want to make sure that you know he loves you the way are, and if you were to want to change something about yourself, then he will support you all the way, as long as you are happy! He will just love that you are such a freethinker and so openminded about things, so unlike him!
All in all, I feel like Rei would love you and (somewhat) idolize because you have all these traits that he would love to have. This perfectionist will understand how it feels to be such a perfectionist and will want to help you with that too! He will love to the moon and back(stroke)!
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bloodyspade0000 · 3 years
Generation of Miracles || Chapter Three of isn't it lovely?
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Shougo always thought he could do everything on his own and never bothered asking for help. Until things get out of hand and he ends up getting hurt badly. Giving him no choice to suck it up and ask for help. Even if it's from the Generation Of Miracles. Now, they got no choice to pick up broken pieces and forgive the past.
Chap 1, Chap 2
A/N: I decided to post only the first three chapters of isn't lovely on here since it's on ao3.
Trigger Warning: mild gore
[Ao3 link]
It was a normal day with calm blue skies above; a silent breeze blew through the air as Daiki walked, heading over to Ryouta's house for a sleepover without any worries.
Until he turned a corner, and a barely perceptible sound from beside him made him stop in his tracks. He didn't know what he expected. A stray cat? Or maybe a homeless person?
But, definitely not Haizaki Shougo of all people sitting on the ground.
And for some reason, Daiki approached him even though some internal part of him told him he should leave Shougo and pretend he didn't see him.
Yet, he didn't.
His feet kept moving as if they were moths drawn to a flame, propelling until he stood above him.
Shougo lifted his head, and their eyes met. A characteristic scowl appeared on his face. But it didn't reach his eyes. They weren't filled with the usual fiery rage that scorched everything it touched. They were lifeless. "You," He growled. "Why the fuck are you here? "
"Could ask you the same," Daiki grunted, bending down and looking him over. Shougo's face was flushed, his brows furrowed together, and he was so pale it made the blood and the bruises on his face stand out in a far harsher contrast. His fingers were wrapped in bandages and Daiki swore if he were to lift Shougo's shirt, he would find more. "Did you get into a fight?"
"What the fuck do you think?" Shougo spat, going with the lie he always told. But, was sometimes true.
"Do you need help?" Daiki asked even though he knew getting involved with Shougo would end up badly. Especially since the last time they saw each other, it ended up with Daiki punching him in the face.
"You? Help me?" Shougo threw his head back and laughed. "Yeah, right! I don't fuckin' need help from someone like you. So, scram!"
Daiki frowned. "Hai—"
"Why the fuck do you even care?" Shougo said. "Last time I fuckin' checked you hate my fuckin' guts."
Shougo was right. Why did he care?
Daiki tried telling himself it was because he was surprised to find Shougo so hurt since after every fight, Shougo usually ended up with a few scrapes and bruises. Sure, he might have broken a few bones—
Yeah, that wouldn't work.
It was just for some reason, even though he disliked Shougo. He still somewhat cared about him. Maybe even a little.
"Hey, there you are, Aominecchi!" The familiar sound of Ryouta's voice called out from behind. Daiki turned and saw the rest of The Generation of Miracles.
"Well, ain't this fuckin' great," Shougo sneered, getting their attention. "It's the Generation of fuckin' Morons."
"Shougo-Kun?" And before Ryouta or the rest could get a good look at him. Daiki stood up, blocking their view of Shougo.
He offered him a hand. "I'm not asking how you feel," Daiki told him. "If I tell you I'm going to help you, I'm going to help you."
"And I already fuckin' told ya, I don't fuckin' need your help," Shougo snapped, glaring at him. "So, fuck off."
Daiki's eyes narrowed. "Shou—"
"Fine," Shougo huffed. "Do whatever you want, you stubborn bastard." He glanced away. "I don't care anymore."
He was tired. Tired of arguing. Fighting. Pretending. Everything.
Hey… if he was lucky, Tetsuya could change him too and show him the 'light.'
Shougo snorted at the thought before doubling over and erupting into a loud harsh cackle of laughter.
The Generation of Miracles glanced at Shougo as if he had finally lost it. And maybe he has or—
His remaining thread of strength frayed before breaking completely, sending him plummeting over the edge and into the darkness.
Hysterical laughter turned into sobs, shaking his frame and threatening to tear him apart from the inside. Shougo fought to reclaim control over his body, shocked by the sounds escaping from deep within his chest.
He tried to wipe away the tears. But, he couldn't. He couldn't stop them from falling. Couldn't stop the shaking. Couldn't stop more broken sobs from escaping. He couldn't force them down.
He couldn't force them down like he usually did.
Couldn't. Couldn't. Couldn't stop.
Why couldn't he stop crying?
Why was he…?
'It hurts….'
It hurt. It hurt. It hurt.
It hurt so much.
'I—I can't do this anymore,'
His breathing was ragged, and gasping as he choked on sobs, clutching his chest.
The walls he so desperately built around himself were crumbling and…
A-And… right in front of The Generation of Miracles.
They didn't move. Didn't know how to react. Except—
Except for Tetsuya, who was already bending down and pulling Shougo into his embrace, rubbing his back and trying his best not to let his own tears fall.
The others looked away. They just thought Shougo was just an asshole.
An asshole who went around picking fights, hurting and stealing. Someone who was filled with violence and rage. The guy who was considered dangerous and maybe a little unhinged.
Expect, he wasn't just all that.
He was a broken kid who probably grew up knowing only violence. Not an ounce of kindness because nobody bothered to get close. Close enough to look him in the eyes and see past all the rage. All the violence and see the pain, the self-loathing and the guilt.
What the Generation of Miracles saw now. What they should have seen a long time ago.
Yet, they hadn't because they never understood him and shut him out instead, like the rest of the world.
They never gave him a chance.
And they felt terrible for not realizing it sooner.
They wanted to fix things.
But could they really. Could they really fix their relationship? Mend, something that no longer existed?
Or maybe they could.
It was never too late for second chances, right?
When Shougo couldn't cry anymore. He felt numb and exhausted. He wanted to close his eyes and never open them. Wanted—
"H—Haizaki-Kun….?" Tetsuya spoke, voice shaky and eyes wide with horror as he glanced at the blood on his hands and soaking through Shougo's shirt, staining them both crimson. "… Y—You're bleeding."
"Yeah…" Shougo said, glancing at it blankly. "… I guess so."
It was like he no longer cared. Like he was used to seeing his own blood. Like it didn't bother him anymore. And it didn't.
"Tired…" Shougo slurred, exhaustion and blood loss finally taking its toll, dragging him under, closing his eyes sounded like bliss, and maybe when—
"Don't fall asleep," Shintarou told him, pulling Shougo away from Tetsuya, scooping him up, staining his hands with blood as he felt Shougo's feverish body for the first time, lifting his shirt and peeling away blood-soaked bandages.
He didn't know what he expected.
But it wasn't—
Shintarou grimaced, swallowing hard while the others froze, dread falling over them.
Shougo's torso was ripped to shreds, covered in raised angry welts and ragged edges of flesh that wept blood. Scars also littered his body, along with burn marks and bruises that looked more like—
"W—Who would do something like this?" Ryouta whispered in horror, looking away. He felt sick.
"That doesn't matter right now, Ryouta," Seijuurou said, watching as Shintarou brushed away a loose strand of hair from Shougo's burning forehead, gently laying his head on his lap, turning to his battered body. "Frist, we do this."
Within seconds, Shintarou quickly tore up Shougo's clothes, wrapping up some of the more severe wounds to the best of his abilities.
'Just what did you go through, Haizaki?'
"I stopped the bleeding," Shintarou spoke, pushing up his glasses. "But we might need to call an ambulance."
"N—No," Shougo whimpered, trashing weakly in Shinatrou's arms. "Plea… Please, d—don't….c—can't."
"I'm sorry," Shinatrou apologized as more pleas escaped Shougo's lips, begging them not to take him to a hospital and that — "I—"
"It's alright," Daiki stated softly, taking Shougo from Shintarou, picking him up bridal style and cradling him in his arms. "We won't, just hold on, okay?"
Shougo closed his eyes. "Okay…."
Ryouta's house was closer, anyway.
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tolkienhorror · 3 years
My pain, your thrill, chapter 2
Warnings: Abuse, torture, cbt, watersports.
Please note: This was created on a tumblr prompt given by @outofangband  on my main blog. Prompt: Morgoth/Sauron, Omorashi
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"Where do you think you're going, Lieutenant?"
Mairon cursed inwardly but he knew better than to turn his back on his Lord when he was regarded with that certain icy hiss in Melkor's voice, especially in front of a whole group of orc and Balrog commanders. Oh, so one of those days it was. "I have a pressing matter in my office to tend to, milord. It will be but a minute." He tried, though he knew how small chances were of convincing his master once Melkor had got it in his head that this was another good moment to remind Mairon of his place.
Of the annoying fact that years after what had probably the biggest failure in Mairon’s career, he still deserved retaliation at every chance, even and especially in the presence of others. Nothing better to keep possibly rebellious minions in check than demonstrating every now and then that not even the highest people in Melkor's ranks were safe from his power. And that very decision being made in this fortress had to be sanctioned from the highest place – not least because last time Melkor had given Mairon free reign, they'd lost their most valuable prisoner. Melkor could hold grudges for an incredibly long time. "If there's any dealings more pressing than debating strategies to increase our hold on these lands, Lieutenant, maybe you would be better advised servicing the enemy." The temperature in the room seemed to drop with every of Melkor's venomous words until Mairon was shivering under the flimsy fabric of the ruby robe matching his hair that he'd chosen for this gathering in the weak hope of appealing to his master's occasional appreciation for beauty in his bedroom.
Another failure, obviously.
While the orcs, too, shivered and ducked their heads at the aggression suddenly roaring through the hall, more than one of the greyish, scarred faces showed a scornful grin.
A weak flame of delight flickered in the red sockets that were Gothmog's eyes from the other side of the room. From the way, the tip of the Balrog's whip wrapped around a leg of the table, Mairon could tell, the bastard was fondling the handle of his preferred weapon, probably daydreaming about Melkor becoming angry enough with Mairon to order him to serve his most hated rival tonight once more.
Mairon had no interest in a repeat performance of that kind and bowed his head in apology, quickly taking his place behind Melkor's chair again, his face blank as he forced himself to listen to every detail for the upcoming attack wave that he'd long memorized anyway. This was not about his uninterrupted presence in a wholly expendable meeting, of course. It was another test of will, of physical endurance. If he didn't have to be so careful about his lover invading his mind to monitor his thoughts, Mairon would probably allow himself to silently admit that he was getting a little tired of these games. Even coming up with the most attractive and mighty new shapes when the last one got too ruined became tedious at some point, especially when your master had no second look to spare for it.
It wasn't just that Melkor refused to forgive him. He refused to touch him.
Well, that was if Mairon didn't count choking on his lover's cock every once in a while. It felt like at least two Ages since Marin had last been fucked; and since his lover forbade him from finding at least his own pleasure alone, the growing yearning was mixing with more frustration by the day.
Even more so since Melkor had found out that it was a lot more fun, torturing Mairon when he also prohibited him from using any of the powers his folk was gifted with, merely reducing his physical and mental resilience to the embarrassing fragility of an elf.
Mairon wasn't only mildly irritated and impatient any longer. He was miserable. What had Eru been thinking, bringing something so flawed and insufficient to life? When it wasn't some deep cut in this far-too thin skin from his master's whip that Mairon had to sing together every other week, he ended up mending bones or pushing some organ back where it belonged. It was time consuming, it was most uncomfortable and most of all it was humiliating.
Yet, apparently, his lover was of the opinion, none of that had been humiliating enough yet. Mairon should have been suspicious already when Melkor had insisted on sharing a couple of cups of wine too many before this meeting. And he still handed him a new one without even looking at him every now and then, though Melkor himself was doing the talking and Mairon certainly had no need for any more wetting of his throat. Debauchery usually was not for either of them.
It was only now, hours in, that Mairon started to feel, he needed a bathroom break rather sooner than later. And how very inconvenient it was when you were not allowed to just cleanse your body out with a few hummed tones from your lips. It went from inconvenient to distracting after the next cup because Melkor still made no move to end this stupid discussion about arms deployment anytime soon. By now, Mairon's robe was starting to stretch uncomfortably around his midsection, and the muscles in his lower body cramped from the growing need to relieve himself. Only now, it started to dawn on him why his Lord hard insisted on him attending this gathering from this very particular spot, with no empty chair in sight. Distraction turned into annoyance and growing anxiety when the first few pairs of eyes turned his way repeatedly because it became more and more impossibly to stop shifting his weight and trying not to press his legs together too conspicuously. Inside his head he was cursing in all languages he knew the choice for this nothing of a piece of clothing, the white and gold color of which would give away immediately if he failed to control even such a primitive, basic function of this useless body for just a second. Mairon thought, he was doing a pretty good job, still hardly moving a muscle, but whenever he caught just a glimpse of his master's twisted mind in the shredded, cloudy bond between their souls, he could feel the lazy acid bubbling there that was Melkor's sadistic arousal, and he knew, his little, inaudible gasps and the heat of his temperature rising, radiating from his body more by the second, did not go unnoticed.
More than one of Mairon’s own subjects was openly leering at this point, some whispering and chuckling darkly as pale eyes watched the small beads of sweat from strain building on Mairon's forehead.
Gothmog was shamelessly staring at his midsection and licking his lips with his forked tongue, clearly indulging in the perverted fantasies of all the things he would be allowed to do tonight if Mairon managed to anger his Lord enough with his mortal weakness.
It was mostly the stubbornness not to give in to these wordless taunts that helped Mairon, somehow, to hold on to the last of muscle control by sheer willpower alone until the room finally started to empty.
"Am I excused, my Lord?" he got out between gritted teeth, his hands hard fists by his sides just from the effort of not grabbing his bloated midsection, or his aching cock through his clothes, to make sure he would make it the few feet down the hall, to the next free chambers, to finally empty his bladder.
"Not until I decide you learned how not to fail me," Melkor said flatly, still not turning around but busy gathering the last of parchments from the notes one of the orcs had taken during the conversation. "But if that's what you mean: Since you are obviously not even able to control a weak shape like this for half a day, you may go. Try not to make a mess on the floor."
Another day, Mairon might have returned the provocation, might have stayed just in spite, to prove to his master that he was very much capable of everything his Lord asked him to do. Only he was not, not when he was deliberately slowed and restricted in his powers. Mairon was ready to prove himself to his Lord anytime, but not if it was only for Melkor's amusement. If he wanted to be a thrall, he could as well have stayed in Valinor. "Milord." With a rather cool nod, he finally walked past his master, his steps as stiff as his posture. Not for long though, because just before he could get out of reach, a harsh slap from a huge hand suddenly landed on his behind, hard enough to bruise. Thanks to all his muscles contracting from the unexpected impact, a sinister pain stabbed his midsection. With a small scream, Mairon toppled over and reached between his legs in growing desperation to prevent the worst, but it was too late. His hand came back wet, and another hot, treacherous stream trickled down the insides of his thighs, darkening the front of his robe, leaving a sharp-smelling trace on his skin and dripping from his knee-high leather boots on the uneven, rocky ground.
"Look at that. Here I was just thinking about complimenting your excellent fashion choices, my pet, and you had to ruin it again." The same unforgiving hand grabbed his hair and pulled him back upright before he could regather his composure. The ominous lights of the Silmarils shining on his master's pale forehead stung in Mairon's eyes when Melkor pulled him close and licked the salt of sweat and tears of humiliation off his cheeks, off his lips, then biting the sensitive skin hard enough to bruise.
The other hand found the bulge under Mairon's now-ruined robe and pushed against it until Mairon cried out, fighting the hold on his braid in vain, shuddering both in disgust and relief when another small trickle of shame escaped his straining cock, the wet patch at his front growing.
He had long learned better than to beg, but his eyes were apparently a clear enough mirror of the torture of the last few hours, because Melkor's sharp-toothed grin only grew; he let go of him unexpectedly and pushed him away to get up, a clear bulge of arousal showing under his own tight pants. "It looks like we'll have to start teaching you discipline from the very start again, my pet. I will see you in my quarters tonight. I trust you will keep yourself properly hydrated until then." With that, his master left him to his shame.
Mortified and wrathful as he had been, it turned out, it didn't take Mairon long to wish himself be back in that moldy conference hall full of people amused by his comparatively meager suffering.
"Is this not what you wanted, my favorite pet?," Melkor chuckled when another pained groan came from Mairon's lips at the merciless metal pull of metal rings around his cock and balls, endangering his skin that was already stretched beyond its limits, raw and chafed, more by the minute.
Even if he could have, Mairon would not have granted his lover the satisfaction of an answer. But he tried to turn his head away from the thick metal phallus stretching his mouth open anyway, in vain, when another gush of ice cold water came through the hole in the middle of the toy, flowing fast and harshly right towards the back of his throat. Which left him no choice but to swallow again though his belly was already bloated painfully from too much fluid once more, hanging low from where his master had strung him up by his wrists and ankles, swinging and gurgling lazily with every thrust of his master's enormous cock into Mairon's lube-dripping hole. Swinging, just like the huge bucket that his master had tied to his swollen genitals with heavy chains, positioned in such a way that every unwanted new stream of waste from Mairon's bound cock filled it up further. It was really only a matter of time until this easily breakable flesh would no longer be able to resist that gruesome tug, and Mairon had a vague idea, his master had no plans of patching the deadly, tasteless kind of wounds up that unpleasant moment would leave. Apparently, another body had run its course. What bothered Mairon most about spending all his energy once more on another disposable shape, was that his lover was right, of course … This was exactly what he had wanted. Finally being the center of his lover's attention again, being speared open by that magnificent cock, used and abused only for his master's pleasure … He thought he might even have been able to come just from this, in spite of the pain in his groin, if his lover had not once more made sure he couldn’t. No, the noises from his lips were not of protest. They were offense. After all these punishments Mairon had endured today – in all of these last years, really –, the least he deserved was finally being allowed to come properly again.
But his wishes, as was life in Melkor's fortress, were rarely of any concern for his lover, so he had to be satisfied with the telltale twitch of his lover's crooked cock inside of him when Melkor reached under him to feel the grotesque swellings of Mairon's overfilled stomach and bladder and press his sharp-nailed fingertips deeply into the cramping organs until Mairon screamed around his gag and relieved himself unwillingly into the bucket once more.
If it was only the pleasure of his suffering that could close the wound of hurt pride and tactical disadvantage that Mairon's mistakes a few years back had torn, he would happily sacrifice another dozen bodies. Something tore between his legs that was not supposed to come off when the relentless pull of the chain ripped harder on his flesh, and Mairon was pretty sure, that was no longer just waste in that bucket, but that was also when his lover came deep inside of him, finally, the comforting, too-hot pulse of rotten seed warming his shaking body from the inside. Mairon's trapped balls gave another helpless pulse of their last ruined orgasm before they came off with a wet gush. As he gave him to the darkness of agony washing over his mind, Mairon decided, his next shape definitely needed a bigger bladder.
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kayrogers · 4 years
to all the girls i've loved before ][ p. parker
a tatbilb au
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Paring(s): LJ!tom holland x PK!reader
Inspo: TATBILB cause Peter is a total soft boi and also I'm a slut for rom-coms
Word Count: 1500+
Warning(s): cursing and Peter being an awkward bean
Part: prologue | part 1 | part ??
A/N: andddd we back what’s popping y’all
You sat outside the Parker residence, well the apartment building he lived in, tapping your fingers against the steering wheel of your car. Butterflies filled your stomach as you made your game plan. You were definitely going to confront him that was for sure, but you weren’t sure how. Pull a usual [Y/n] and practically yell at the poor kid or try to be as calm as he usually was? The entire situation freaked you out. Especially how much you... actually liked the kiss?
Taking a large obnoxious breath, you stepped out of the Jeep and made your way into the building. The elevator ride up was filled with more nerves than you thought possible. Once reaching his floor, hoping your memory of his apartment was correct, you found his door.
You ringed your knuckles against the door, almost gasping when it opened immediately.
“[Y/n]?” Instead of finding the strange boy you expected, there stood May.
“Hi!” You have an awkward wave only to be pulled into a surprisingly strong embrace.
“Oh my gosh! Little [Y/n]! I haven’t seen you since you moved. Look at how pretty you got. And tall!” The brunette gushed and pulled away from you with a large smile.
You blushed at her compliments, bashfully shrugging as she quickly ushered you inside.
“What brings you here? Want me to make you a chocolate milk or something? I don’t have the farm-made you used to like, but I have Nesquik!” May excitedly babbled on while you took a look at the interior of the place you once knew like the back of your hand.
It felt a lot... emptier. Sure, Peter had lost his parents when he was young, but there was always May and Ben. Now there was just May. You remembered Ben’s funeral, how hard it must have been for Peter. He couldn’t look anyone in the eyes that day, he could barely even get through his eulogy. You wished that the two of you hadn’t grown so far apart that day so you could comfort him. But life had different plans.
“I uh actually need Peter, is he home?” She stopped rifling through her cabinets at your question.
“Oh? In that case he is at Gugino’s, down the block. Can I ask why? Sorry I’m just nosy and excited, you have to come back for dinner soon!” You paused at May’s question, knowing the truth would be way too embarrassing for Peter.
“We’re working on an independent chem project for extra credit. I didn't see him at all in school today, so I just want to get it started.” Double lie, good job [Y/n].
“Then I will stop holding you here! Have fun on your little study date!” May ushered you out of the apartment in the same frantic nature she possessed since you were little.
Though hearing the word ‘date’ made your eyes go wide.
“It’s not a-... date.” She closed the door before you could even finish your sentence.
Peter would definitely be hearing back about this.
You couldn’t dwell on May though, you had a mission. Confront Parker’s scrawny ass. The letter? One thing. Looked like he wrote it in the eighth grade, weird but whatever. Him jumping you in the middle of gym?? Totally different story.
Stubbornness took over and you didn’t even have the time to think about how soft his lips were and how chills went down your spine when his hand touched your waist. Nope none of it. Absolutely not.
The drive to Gugino’s was indeed just down the block and you are thankful to see Peter inside from your car window. As well as his bike barely locked into the bike stand out front. You shook your head, that shit was bound to get stolen.
Gugino’s was a small Italian diner which primarily focused on pizzas and deli sandwiches, the smell that greeted you on the inside was pure nostalgia. Though you didn’t have time to bask in old memories, you had questions which needed major answers.
You took it upon yourself to join the boy at his lone table, not so gracefully making yourself a seat with a “Sup Parker.”
He gasped while taking a sip of his soda, nearly making him choke. “O- oh! Hi [Y/n].” He meekly replied, and you could feel just how much he was already panicking.
Even when he looked like he wanted to run away from you he was cute. How did you never realize this? You shook your head to dispel the thought line before it could get any further. There was a time and place for deciding on how adorkable he is and it is not right now.
A waiter stopped by the table and patted Peter on the shoulder. He was an older Italian man, grays occupying what was left of his balding head. He had a warm face though.
“Oh.. and anything for your lady friend, Peter?” He smirked while Peter put his head in his hands.
“She’s not with-“
“I’ll take mozzarella sticks and do you have cherry coke?” You interrupted the boy with a smirk.
The man smiled, “coming right up, Sweetheart.”
The two of you sat in awkward silence for the next few seconds, yourself actually choosing to wait for him because you knew he would make it even more uncomfortable. Well, make himself uncomfortable, you felt fine.
“So... uh what brings you here?” You nearly giggle at his question, but pull yourself together to put on that nonchalant attitude he apparently doesn’t like about you.
“Who? Me? I’m just here for some fried cheese sticks. Though I guess while you’re around I’ll ask... what the hell was that today?? See normally when a girl rejects a guy over a love letter he wrote when he was 14, said guy takes the hint. No instead, you made out with me in front of the student body and ran away!” Peter’s face turns more and more pink as you ramble, and you hate how cute you find it.
“[Y/n] [Y/l/n]. I am not trying to date you, I’m so sorry about today.” He says and you two both pause when the waiter brings over your mozzarella sticks and soda.
“Okay well, here’s the thing. Your mouth is saying something... but your mouth was also saying something today? So forgive me if I’m a little confused.” You dunked a stick in marinara sauce with a cheeky grin.
He shook his head, “I only kissed you because I wanted to make someone else think I wasn’t in love with them.”
Well way to make a girl not feel special, Parker. Then again, at least it confirmed that he wasn’t obsessed with you. Still weird, though.
“Oh.. who?” Your confused frustration quickly disappeared, changing instead to a devious curiosity.
He shakes his head, lips pursing as if to say he wouldn’t be answering that question.
“You know... I could just tell the whole school that you wrote me-“
“Fine! It’s MJ. And you’re not the only one that got a letter okay, so get off your high horse.” This time you did actually giggle at his frustration, finding the boy to be very entertaining.
“Damn player. Isn’t she like one of your best friends, why don’t you just ask her out?” His jaw dropped and Peter rapidly shook his head.
“She was never supposed to read that letter! None of you were. I can’t- me and MJ are so close, I don’t want to scare her away by saying I’m in love with her. Though I guess I already crossed that bridge.” To be honest, you felt for the guy.
Sure the letter thing was a bit strange, but it was clearly something personal for him. Maybe a diary type medium, and it really seemed like he didn’t want anyone to read them. Even as a kid he had been that sweet, emotional type. Which was welcome in the small friend group the two of you used to occupy.
Flash was an ass. MJ was aloof, mysterious, and not even there half the time. Peter was quiet. You were wild. Ned was a dork. And Harry was somehow the playboy who always butted heads with you for the leadership position. Though that changed almost immediately after he transferred to his fancy rich boy school. And then you moved out to the nearby suburbs, with Flash as your boyfriend.
MJ and you felt out of touch too easily. And Peter and Ned became just a ‘hi’ in the hallway. Though, that was just the way time managed.
By the time he finished ranting, you had already finished your mozzarella sticks and soda.
“That’s rough, Parker. I’m sorry these got out, just from mine... seemed really personal. I’m sure you and MJ will be okay though.” You comforted him, placing a hand on his shoulder before standing up to take your trash out.
“Want me to give you a ride home? Least I can do after ambushing you.” You add and he has a small smile on his face before he nods.
The ride home is silent for the most part. Both of your minds are too occupied to speak. Yours fills with thoughts of the day after that kiss. All your friends mentioned how word got to Flash and just how pissed he got. You hoped he wouldn’t lash out on Peter, but part of you was happy that he was jealous. Not that he had any right to be considering he was the one that fucked it all up.
Then, it was as if you had been struck with a stroke of genius.
“What if we just let everyone think we’re dating?”
tatgilb -
@radtwinkie @dolan-mendes​ @whormotional​ @pluckypete​ @princessleah129​ @banjosanjo​ @astrobub​ @mktravelbuggie​ @iamaunicorn4704​ @used-avocado​
permanent -
@ultrunning​ @jesseswartzwelder​
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Empires on the Horizon VII
Jason is a CEO: Part VII
Here’s my masterlist for the next part and my other stuff
The next two parts are hella long. Enjoy my loves!
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i want to
tangle with you
and fall into you
and feel all of you
your breath, your skin,
your hands, your heart,
your everything...
all of it, all of you
all around me
-butterflies rising
“Good morning Frank, why does it feel like I haven’t seen you in forever?”
“It’s only been a week,” He laughed, “Are you having withdrawal symptoms?”
“I think so,” He nodded gravely, “Heart ache, constant longing, and inability to stop thinking about cars.”
“Sounds like a terrible case.” Frank grinned, pulling the car into the road.
“Shall we grab some coffee to mend our gaped days?” He pouted.
“Reedpipes it is,” Dark eyes sparkled.
“How’s your grandmother?”
“She’s alright, thank you. Stubborn as a mule about going to the old age home but I told her I can’t be worrying about her while she’s alone in that big house. She says if I forget about her she’ll come back to haunt me and make my life miserable.”
Jason giggled and then quickly sobered at his friends look, “Oh she’s serious?”
“As the plague. My grandmother has never been the type to shower you in cookies and sweet hopes. I have no doubt she’ll be pouring river water in my shoes if I even think to forget about her.”
“Well then I better make sure you get as many days off as you need. She may haunt me for working you too hard.”
His friend shoved his shoulder a laugh rasping in his throat.
“What are the plans this week?” He held the door open to allow Frank to pass as they walked into the café.
“Nothing exciting,” He shrugged his shoulders, but Jason noticed the small blush.
“Looks like nothing,” He grinned.
The man stealthily ignored him, saddling up to the counter and engaging in a conversation with their friend.
“Jason Grace,” Grover Underwood greeted brightly, as he did every morning, “You do look much more this morning.”
“Much more what?” He frowned.
The barista gave him a warm, knowing smile, “What can I get for you?”
“I’ll have a chai,” He muttered, still puzzling over those words.
“And I’ll have a mocha,” Frank mumbled, excusing himself to take a phone call.
“What did you mean by more?”
“These past few months you have looked duller, like someone has taken the wind out of your lungs, the light from your eyes, the storm that sits in your chest. But now you look more. You look alive again.”
Words were a scarce commodity on his tongue, his brain a blunt rock trying to whittle broken toothpicks. Before he could conjure any coherent answer, Frank returned, grabbing their coffees and nudging him to a table.
“I know I haven’t been all that engaged these last few months,” He began, collapsing into his chair and taking in the man across from him. “I’m sorry for that. How are you?”
“We’ve got lives Grace, it happens sometimes.” His friend shrugged, tipping his cup in acknowledgement, “But I’m good thank you. We do need to talk though.”
“This sounds like a breakup. I swear to the gods Frank if you tell me you’re moving across the country or something I am going to murder you.” He narrowed his eyes, body tensing.
Black eyes danced with laughter, “It’s nothing bad, I uh– the thing is Hazel and I are….dating?”
“Oh,” He smiled, “Well that’s great! It’s about time honestly.”
“What?” He blinked in surprise.
“You’ve been pining over her ever since she came to work for me. I may have been preoccupied but I’m not oblivious.” He giggled.
“So you aren’t mad?”
“Mad?” He reeled, “At what? Of course I’m not mad. You are both consenting adults who know how to be professional and more importantly you guys are my friends. I trust you completely.”
“Wow,” Relief flooded through his face, “Thanks Jase.”
“You never have to be afraid to tell me something you know that, right?”
Frank nodded, black hair flopping, “Shall we get to work then?”
Grover’s words were still circling in his mind when they got to work and stayed with him through the day. He had always thought in his days since him and Luke broke up, he had hidden his feelings well enough from the rest of the world. It was a flinching realisation that he had not done as good a job as he had thought, especially if a barista could pick up on it. What had his friends and family known all these months?
That evening he walked into his building feeling a mix of conflicting emotions he wasn’t ready to unpack. He gave a distracted nod to the concierge and stepped into the elevator, sending off a final email to end a blissfully productive work week. Leo’s friend Harley was happy to meet and discuss the project and Jason prayed it would all go well. Working with Octavian felt like poison injected into his bloodstream. It left a vile taste in his mouth.
Shaking the thoughts, he walked into his apartment, chucking the keys on the counter and tugging off his tie. This evening he was going to sit down in front of the fire with a book, feet wrapped in fuzzy socks, and a finger of whiskey to savour.
“FUCK!” He clutched his chest, whipping around “Holy Hades you scared the shit out of me!”
“Sorry,” The voice was soft, tired.
“What the fuck are you doing here Piper?”
“Please, please just hear me out.”
“How did you even get in?”
“They let me up. They think we’re still dating.”
He scoffed, scrubbing a hand over his face, “I told you I need some space. Time. I just need time.”
“I understand. I know this is probably creepy, but you weren’t taking my calls and none of our– your friends will help me get a hold of you. I just need to know if you’ll ever hear me out?” She sighed, and then quickly added, “It doesn’t have to be today. I just want to know if you’re willing to listen?”
He didn’t know how to tell her he would rather drown himself in tar than watch her justify their actions. He didn’t know how to tell himself that wasn’t true. He wanted to know why. That question burned like an SOS signal in his brain. Why did they do it? Why did they hurt him?
“I–“ He didn’t know what he wanted. He did. He wanted to sleep, to run away, to throw his name into the wind and let the flowers sing it till it was unrecognisable. He wanted to disappear. “I will hear you out. But I’ll reach out to you, when I’m ready.” He collapsed onto the couch.
She nodded, opened her mouth, and then snapped it shut.
“Is that all?”
She nodded again, turned to leave. “For what it’s worth Jason, I never intended to hurt you and I’m sorry that I did.” Before he had time to formulate a response, she had shut the door quietly behind her. He didn’t hear the soft sob that left his ex-girlfriend as she walked down the passage and out of his life.
He scrambled into the shower, scrubbing off the day with brutal force. He wasn’t sure when his life had turned into a mess of emotions and risks, but he didn’t like it. He wanted his order and discipline back. Wanted to wake up with a run, sign a beneficial contract with a business who cares, and collapse into a warm bed with the feeling of accomplishment and calm that had once followed him. He turned on some music, drowned out the voice in his head that says the life he remembers wasn’t calm it was safe, and it was boring. Some days he felt he’d rather take boring over this. He felt like someone had taken a battering ram to his nerves. But he’s pulled from his spiral by his phone, which dinged softly on the nightstand. Rubbing the towel through his wet hair he picked up the device to see one new message.
Zoe: Hey, was just thinking about you.
He smiled at the screen, thinking about the lady in question. It was too early to say where all this may lead but the butterflies in his stomach and the blush in his cheeks gave him hope.
Jason: All bad things, I hope?
Zoe: You Mr summa cum laude? Mr one party day per two study days? Mr we can’t go into that garden cause it’s private property? ;)
He laughed, half regretting telling her all the goody-two shoes ideals he maintained in college.
Jason: I never should have let you drag that out of me
She sent a laughing emoji back and he fell into bed, holding his phone to his chest. Maybe one day when he runs away to live in the woods he’ll ask if she wants to come. Maybe one day they’ll call the forest home. He almost pitched the idea, almost called her and lets it all rush into the air but at the last minute he chickened out. Finger hovering over the call button, but never quite reaching it. His plans for the evening were demolished when minutes later his eyes drooped closed, phone slipping out of his grasp and onto the pillow. 
He dreamt of trees, the wind, sunshine made cloth, sparkling black eyes. He dreamt of life.
Jason was bubbling with happiness as he finished draining the pasta and drizzling some olive oil over it. He glanced around his apartment making sure the pillows were straight- as if they ever had the chance to get scrunched under his eagle eye- and the furniture was in its designated spots on the grid of tile. Zoe was coming over and although his apartment was generally immaculate the universe had a bad habit of stirring things up just when you think you’ve got it handled.
A knock at his door set off the zoo of nerves in his stomach but more than that it made him grin with overwhelming happiness.
“Miss Nightshade,” He opened the door.
“Mr Grace. You do look dashing.”
He scrunched his nose at her a gleam in his eyes, “Oh this old thing.” He pulled at the panda onesie she had made him order.
Her laugh was bright and beautiful.
“So what are we having for dinner? And is white wine okay?” She set the bottle on the counter along with her miniature backpack.
“Perfect, and we’re having pasta.”
She lit up at that running to hug him, “You do know the way to a woman’s heart don’t you?”
“I think it’s just to yours,” He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her to him.
“Fine by me. I’m not a big sharer anyway.” She winked.
He giggled into her neck, relishing in her clean spicy smell, and the warmth of her body.
“We have to take a selfie before we sit down to it. I want us in matching onesies documented for all eternity.”
“Me too, Leo says he’s never going to believe me unless I send him a picture.”
An hour, one photoshoot, two Instagram posts and a lock-screen change later they finally settled in to eat supper and watch whatever movie they could find on Netflix. He poured the wine and handed her a glass, tipping his own in her direction.
With a soft clink he brushed their lips together, “Happy three months my stella.”
She sucked in a breath, “My mom used to call me that. She said it rivaled my–“
“Your eyes,”
She nodded, looking at him as if he had read every page of the book that made up her, “Happy three months my thyella.”
He smiled into her, putting their wine down and cupping her face.
“The storm and the stars?” He breathed, “Sounds cosmic.”
“Sounds like magic,” Her eyes fluttered.
He closed the minuscule distance between them, capturing her lips softly. She tangled her fingers in his hair and tugged him impossibly closer. There was electricity and light pouring into their souls as they explored each, as they found life bubbling between them. He broke away for a split second before kissing across her jaw and down her neck. She moaned when his teeth nipped her collar bone and his lips soothed it over. He grabbed the shoulder of her onesie gently and looked up at her,
“Can I?”
She nodded, half breathless with need, “Please.”
So he tugged down the fleecy pyjamas, both of them giggling.
“Why pandas?”
“It was between this and sheep,” She laughed.
He kissed her shoulder with a smile and tugged the zip down fully.
“You sure?”
She cupped his cheeks and pulled him up, so they were eye to eye, “I’m sure, if I want to stop, I’ll tell you.”
He kissed her again, overwhelmed by his feelings, his happiness.
“And Jase?” She rested her forehead against his, “If you want to stop you tell me.”
He beamed at her, brilliant and unrestrained, “We are never getting to dinner.”
Pasta for breakfast, it turns out, is just as good as pasta for supper.
His shoes against the marbled floor of his office building clacked in time with his heart as he walked through the lobby on Monday morning, a week later.  His thoughts spun with the things he had to do today and the people he had to make nice with. As much as he’s loved Project Hestia this last stretch has given him more trouble than the whole venture together. Him and the community were agitated to get it finished.
“Hazel Levesque, please tell me you have a cappuccino for me?” He groaned, stepping into his office.
“Good morning Boss,” A bright smile and bouncing curls greeted him, “Cappa is on your desk, and one Miss Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano is waiting for you,”
“You’re a gem,” He blew her a kiss and disappeared behind his glass door.
“Jason Grace,” Reyna smirked, a coffee cup dangling from her manicured fingers.
He narrowed his eyes at her, “Is that my cappuccino?”
“If you can prove it,”
“Lawyers,” He grumbled, “How are you?”
“Great thank you,” And she was. He peered at her, his lawyer of many years. She was glowing.
“You look great,” He smiled softly.
“Now, now pretty boy, don’t get all sappy on me,” She scrunched her nose, “I hear we’re meeting new contractors today.”
“Yea Valdez sent them my way. I’m hoping we click because Titan gives me bad vibes.”
“Well me too. I looked through their updated contract and there’s still some things I’m not comfortable with.”
“Let’s get through this meeting with Harley and then bitch about contracts.”
Harley Davids was a small man with infinite energy and the spark of life glittering in his warm brown eyes. He was full of ideas and enthusiasm and listened intently to everything Jason wanted for this project. By the time the meeting was over, a rough draft of an incredible contract was drafted. They had been in the meeting room for two hours, but it had felt like mere minutes and when Harley left, whistling down the hallway and into the elevator Jason had turned to Reyna and hugged her for all she was worth. She laughed at him but squished his ribs back.
“I think we deserve to celebrate that!” He cheered, as they walked back into his office where Hazel was having an animated conversation with someone.
“Percy!” Reyna squealed, slamming into his open arms.
He mumbled something into her hair, arms wrapped around her torso. Jason looked away, hating the pang that hit his chest. He longed for something that easy, that welcoming.
“Jason,” A velvety voice said, “How are you?”
He snapped himself to the present, “Wonderful, thank you. It’s good to see you again.”
“Oh you two know each other?” Reyna smiled curiously.
“Know is a strong word,” He laughed, “We met at the university dinner a few months ago,”
“Well I think we should all go out this weekend. We have something to celebrate after all!” She smiled, looking between them.
“Absolutely, everyone has been waiting for this project to close and it finally is. Haze, you and Frank? And I’ll invite Valdez and Annabeth.” He turned to his lawyer, “You get the word to Nico and Will?”
“Sounds like a party, send me the details. Oh, and we are not going to the disco bar again! I refuse to dress up in neon pink and striped socks.” Reyna gave him a warning look.
“This sounds like a story for the books?” Percy’s eyes danced.
“They are all evil, and I spent a good two months getting glitter out of everywhere.”
A golden laugh burst from the black-haired man, “My only question is how did glitter get everywhere?”
“I have pictures,” Hazel winked.
“Hazel, don’t you dare!”
“I mean I feel he has the right to know what you look like with pink pigtails, blazing yellow thigh-high socks, and about twenty tons of glitter plastered to your body.”
“Oh babe,” Percy gasped, “You cannot deny me this.”
“I hate all of you,” She grumbled, pulling the middle finger up.
“So Friday?” Jason laughed.
“Until then Grace!”
When he finally made it back to his office to do the last few things for the day, he felt for the first time in many a moon, hopeful. He let his mind wander on the quiet car ride home; thoughts were abstract and unimportant as they flitted in and out. Flashes of blueprints, the cool metal of an arrow, laughter, gold chandeliers, earthy skin wrapped in silk, the rush of water, shining green eyes…. green eyes?
“Everything okay Boss?”
“What? Yes, sorry, just remembering some admin I forgot to do.” He covered up quickly.
“Well we’re here.” Frank nodded to his apartment building.
“Thank you, see you tomorrow.”
He pulled up his text conversation with Zoe, already frantically trying to occupy his brain. If you can keep busy, you don’t have time to think.
Jason: hey, having a celebration night cause we finally sealed a contract for my big project. Friday? Can you make it?
She replied almost instantly: Be there! Send me deets.
And then he was throwing his phone on the couch, shoving his earphones in, and running until he couldn’t feel his heart beating. Running until his mind was white noise, till his legs gave out, until velvet words and ocean gazes were obsolete. That night his dreams consisted of nothing at all.
Sorry edit real quick: if you didn’t catch it in the fic: Stella means star and thyella means storm
Tags (if you want to be added to/ taken off the tag list just let me know, all my channels of communication are open): @lesbian-peanuts​​​
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sir-skarsgard · 4 years
Prompt/summary: The Bill’s and their girlfriend crying because they got into an argument
Word count: 1,302
Warnings/contents: Arguments, some fluff 
Notes: I’m doing a lot of work on old preferences like this one, so if you have any suggestions I’d love to hear them! Send any requests in for preferences and I’ll get it done as soon as I can. One-shot’s are working a little slower as of now, but I’m trying to remain active in some way 
Axel didn't like fighting with you, and in turn you didn't argue often. However he was also very easily fired up, so when you did fight he could fight for quite some time, especially if he had a shit day. He tried his hardest to control his temper after days like that, because he never wanted to take it out on you, but god sometimes you just poked at his every nerve on days like that and he’d blow up. If it was one of those days where both of you had a bad day then you would argue back-- and that was what usually happened, but if it was a day where you weren't in a particularly bad mood him yelling would typically make you distance yourself; of course right at first Axel would be glad, but after about fifteen minutes he would feel bad and go to apologize. Seeing you crying, whether it happened after when he went to apologize, or when he was yelling, would make him regret anything and everything he had said. He would sit on the floor beside you and gently wrap you up in his arms and whisper apologies a million times while you cried on his chest 
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Bob would be similar to the kid and Henry. He didn't like fighting; he was always heckled by Bowers and kids around town, the last thing he would ever want was tension in his relationship. It would take a lot to make Bob raise his voice, even during a small argument about something petty after you had a bad day and he had a bad day. Bob could very easily get angry, as he had all this pent up aggression, but he had never taken it out on you in any way, in that case hearing him yell was actually quite frightening and typically put you right back in your place. Of course the second his voice raised he regretted it-- and seeing the look on your face immediately made him feel downright awful. He would probably cry as well after that and both of you would need comforting. It was not a good night, but it could easily be mended 
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Henry did not like fighting. He didn't find it productive. It was pointless to him. He hated the thought of hurting your feelings with his words because he was angry. If he was angry he’d much rather just talk it out and snuggle up with you and a movie and relax until his stress melted. However when you were also angry it had a tendency to start Henry off on something; typically the only time you got mad at Henry was when you were stressed with something else or easily annoyed by your period, so you were also extremely emotional at the time. All it would take was a few sentences from Henry after he raised his voice and you’d shut up. Seeing you cry would immediately hit Henry like a brick wall. Having hurt you by his words was the last thing he ever wanted, and now that he had done it he would do anything to make it up to you 
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Mark would argue with you until both your throats were screamed raw, until the sun went down and the stars in the sky shined brightly. If Mark deemed it important enough to argue about he wouldn’t drop it easily; it was a game of tug-a-war with a stubborn dog. You yell, he yells. You bring something up, he brings something up. Mark could, and he would go days without speaking to you if it was important enough. Crying in front of Mark was not something you did often, and if you did happen to he knew he fucked up. The second he saw a tear, or he heard you sniffle, you could consider the topic dropped. He would slowly walk over and wrap his arms around you, cradling you to him and apologizing softly by your ear while he rubbed your arms. Truthfully he felt awful; seeing you hurt by something he said always tore him a new one 
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Merkel didn't like arguing, and it happened very rarely, but in those times where it did happen he would do his best to isolate and stay calm. Often times his isolation would make you think he was breaking up with you soon, or that you finally took it too far and that he would start to see you differently. Even the tiniest bit of arguing after that thought crosses your mind and you’re done for; tears immediately welling up in your eyes. Merkel would feel horrible. Never had he wanted to make you cry, and immediately the subject was dropped; he would spend the entire night cuddling with you and making up for making you cry. After that the argument was forgotten. Whatever it was about could be solved later 
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Mickey wasn't a fan of arguing with you; most things were easily solved because if you wouldn't bend then he would, and if he wouldn’t bend then you would. There were very few things that the two of you completely disagreed on, and because of that you were pretty much the perfect couple; however when those very few disagreements came along it wasn't pretty. Since the two of you were so used to bending and not arguing the entire experience was hurtful. Not because hurtful things were said, by any means, just because it hardly ever happened; if he felt he needed to get a point across he would raise his voice, for the first time in the argument really, and in turn you would breakdown. With the fighting, and the disagreement all together, and then yelling-- it was all too much. He’d feel awful if he made you cry and he would do anything to make it up to you. He’d say “fuck what we’re arguing about, I won't lose you over something this stupid,” and hug you tightly, soothing your soft sobs. Needless to say the problem was dropped and he’d bend 
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Roman did happen to argue a lot; if you would go along with it he would argue all day long. Bringing up shit that he knew would hurt you, and you doing it back in return. It wouldn't be until he saw your eyes glaze over with something he had said that he would stop. He’d ask you if you were crying, and hearing your voice break while you tried to say no would crush him. Of course the last thing he ever wanted was to make you cry; things that were said would plague his mind as he gently wrapped his arms around you and apologized. He’d press a kiss to your forehead and tell you that he loved you and it was done. He didn't want to argue anymore. He didn't want to see you cry. He wanted to make it right. And he would, even if it meant ignoring your pleas for him not to spend money on you and buy you some food or some chocolate to make you feel better 
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The Kid was scared of yelling. He didn't like fighting. He didn't like tension in the room with you. He didn't like thinking he did something wrong and you might hate him. Disagreements were rare between you and the kid, and if they ever happened he was the first to cry. He didn't want this. He just wanted a hug. To apologize for upsetting you. Even if you were previously bothered by the argument topic it was over now; the kid was almost in tears. Seeing him in tears would then, in turn, make you cry. Seeing you cry would make the kid feel worse and cry more. It was a bad time
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myhockeyworld87 · 5 years
Nervous Regrets - Tyler Seguin - Part 10
Word Count: 3468
POV: Tyler
Warning: Cursing, but then you probably know that by now.
Notes: Alright, I hope this doesn’t disappoint anyone. I know I left you with a cliffhanger in Part 9. I honestly went a couple different ways with this one, and finally decided to go with this. Let me know what you guys think. Peace, Love and Hugs to all!!!!
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Morning dawned and with it, it brought a renewed sense of hope. The seller of your dream home had accepted your offer finally; excitedly you shared the news with (Y/N). It was if all the pieces were finally falling together in your life; new home, new baby and the love of your life by your side. You were sitting on top of the world and nothing could bring you down; especially when you learned that (Y/N)’s parents had done a complete turnaround. Knowing how important family was to her; you knew that she would want and need their support in the months to come. There were still fences that needed to be mended there on your end; but with time you hoped that you could restore the bond that was once there.
 Blissfully you started your usual away game day routine; a quick workout, breakfast with the team and then morning skate all went better now that you had the woman of your dreams back in your life. Breezing by like a strong wind off the ocean; you lost track of where the day went. That was until you realized it was time to get ready and head down to travel to the arena. Checking your phone, you made sure it was charged; thinking that possibly something was wrong with it now that you noticed the time. It wasn’t like (Y/N) to forget to call you, quite the opposite in fact; recently you’d fallen back into the old habit of talking a few times a day. Though you knew she would be busy with her family today.
“What’s up Segs?” The concerned look on your face must have had Jamie questioning things.
 “Probably nothing, I just haven’t heard from (Y/N) today.” Shrugging, you tried to make light of it.
 “I wouldn’t sweat it man, she’s probably just busy or something. Didn’t you say her family was getting together today?” Taking his voice down to a whisper, he added, “They’re probably still talking about the baby and everything. It’s pretty big news all things considered.”
 Jamie was right, you were sure that the baby was a main topic of conversation. “I’m sure you’re right. She probably just lost track of time. I’ll give her a call on the way there.” Grabbing your usual seat, you took out your phone and called (Y/N); five rings later you were listening to her voicemail. “Hey babe, it’s just me. I’m sure you’re busy or something. We’re just heading to the arena now. Give me a call when you can. Love you.”
 Turning to Jamie you two discussed strategy for your game against the Blackhawks; before you knew it, the bus pulled into the arena. Hitting the last step your phone rang, an unknown number popping up on the screen; hesitantly you answered it. “Hello”
 “Hey Ty.”
 “Hey babe, did you lose your phone or something? I almost didn’t answer this.”
 “Oh right, um…Is Jamie there? I need to ask him something really quick.”
 Something was off, you could tell right away. “Yeah he’s here, but…”
 You tried to say more, but she stopped you short. “It will be real quick, I promise.”
 Brow furrowed, you handed the phone to Jamie as you continued inside. “She wants to talk to you.”
 Giving you a look of confusion, Jamie took the phone. “Hey (Y/N), what’s up?” There was a lengthy pause. “yeah…..ok…..are you sure?....I understand, but….I will…I promise.” He handed you back the phone then; the look on his face didn’t reassure you by any means.
 “Babe what’s going on? Why did you need to talk to Jamie?”
 You could hear her falter. “Ok… so I need you to know that both the baby and I are ok, alright?” Blood drained out of your body, why was she starting off like that; you stood immobile, not being able to move even one muscle. Silence made her continue, “There was an accident. I’m in the hospital, they want me to stay overnight, but the doctor assured me that the baby is fine. He’s just being cautious.”
 A cold sweat broke out across your brow; leaning against the wall, you tried to absorb the words she just spoken. “What…what happened?” Jamie squeezed your shoulder in support.
 “Sean and I ran to the store to get something. We were at a traffic light and I don’t know this car just came out of nowhere through the red light. We didn’t have time to react; I tried to protect the baby as much as I could. I don’t exactly know what happened; I hit my head and the next thing I knew I was being woken up by the paramedics.”
 Bile rose in the back of your throat, and you felt as if you couldn’t breathe; trying to speak but no words would come out. Slowly you sank to the floor, head between your knees; inhaling deeply, you tried again. Yet still nothing came out. “Tyler, we’re ok. They have me hooked up to a fetal monitor and they’ve done a sonogram. The baby is fine. Ty, do you hear me? We’re both ok.”
 Blinking hard you tried to calm your racing heart; as the ringing in your ears softened a few decibels, you became aware of your surroundings. Jamie was standing off to the side, whispering to Monty. Turning you spoke to them, instead of the phone; “I’m not playing. I need a car, now.”
 “Tyler….Tyler….Tyler Paul Seguin.” (Y/N)’s voice permeated through the fog in your brain. You must have made some noise for she continued, knowing she had your attention. “You are not leaving that arena; do you hear me? Your ass better be out on that ice come game time.”
 “Jesus (Y/N), how am I suppose to play, when you’re lying in a hospital? It’s not fucking happening; I can’t do it. I need to be with you and the baby.” How were you suppose to go out on the dam ice and not think about her or the baby; it was incomprehensible.
 “Tyler, my parents are on their way; Sean is here with me. There’s absolutely nothing you can do here. Besides by the time you could get a flight here, they could discharge me. The only reason I’m telling you now, is because I don’t want any secrets between us, ever. Don’t make me regret that decision.”
 “Babe, would you listen to me for a second. I won’t be able to play not knowing what’s going on with you. I’ll be useless out there. Trust me they don’t want me to play.” This said loud enough so that both Monty and Jamie could hear.
 “I’ll text you updates and you can check your phone at the end of each period. Or better yet, give your phone to one of the trainers and they can relay the messages to you.”
 (Y/N) had an answer at every turn for you; but your stubborn nature would win out this time. “And what if something does happen. I should be there. I’m going to be there. If I could just find someone to get me a damn car to get to the airport. Fuck it, I’ll take a cab.” Hauling yourself off the floor, you started to move; only to be blocked by Jamie. “Move.” This said to your best friend and captain.
 “Tyler, babe can you please just listen to me.”  Continuing to stare daggers at Jamie, mentally willing him to get the hell out of your way; or else you’d pulverize him. “I knew you would want to go. Which is why I asked Jamie to make you stay. He’s only doing what I asked him to; don’t be mad at him.” The pleading tone in her voice, had you softening, but only slightly. “I don’t know how many times I can say this; the baby and I are fine. The doctor mainly has me staying because of the concussion. He’s just monitoring the baby, since I’ll be here. Wait, hold on; he’s coming in right now.” She paused, speaking to the doctor, before coming back to you; “Ty, this is Dr. Frost; he wants to speak with you.”
 “Mr. Seguin, I just want to reassure you that both Ms. (Y/LN) and the baby are doing fine. Had she not, sustained her head injuries, I would be sending her home shortly, but I’d like to observe her overnight for precautionary measures only. There were no abdominal or pelvic injuries sustained; so I don’t anticipate anything out of the ordinary here and she’ll probably be discharged in the morning. Do you have any questions for me?”
 “How severe are her head injuries?” you were acutely aware of what a concussion could do to someone, given your profession.
 “Ms. (Y/LN) sustained a level three concussion. According to the paramedics she was unconscious for several minutes. We’ve done an MRI; which did not show any bleeding on the brain. Given the severity; I would like her to take it easy for the next week or more, so no driving, lifting or work.  I’m recommending she follow up with her OB/GYN this week.” Level three, that was no concussion protocol, kick you out of the game in a second level; her head had to be throbbing. “Mr. Seguin, there’s nothing you can do here tonight. It would be my recommendation to let Ms. (Y/LN) get some rest and you come see her in the morning.”
 “I understand, thank you for your time doctor.”
 There was a brief pause before you hear (Y/N)’s voice again; “Ty can I call you back after the doctor examines me?”
 “Yeah of course.”
 “Promise me you’ll stay right where you are.”
 “I promise.” After speaking to the doctor, you didn’t want to cause her anymore stress; as her brain was probably having a hard time processing everything.
 “I love you.”
 “I love you too.” Sliding the phone into you suit pocket; you closed your eyes trying to process the last several minutes.
 “You ok man?” Opening your eyes, you saw Jamie hadn’t moved from your side; Monty a short distance behind him on the phone.
 “I don’t know what to do? She wants me to stay here, but, how can I? God, I could’ve lost them both.” You choked back the tears threatening to spill over.
 “But you didn’t Seggy. They are both ok. She told you that, hell she told me that. What do you think will help her right at this moment?”
 “I don’t know Chubbs, she keeps telling me to play.”
 “Then play, and then we’ll get you on the first plane to her. I swear it.”
 Monty came forward then, overhearing the conversation between his players. “Tyler, I have someone working on getting you a plane; just say the word on when you want it to leave. Look I understand if you have to go now; the team will be fine.”
 “Can you have it ready for the moment after the game is over? Like no interviews, none of the bullshit?”
 “There will be a car waiting for you the minute you’re done; and I promise no bullshit. Take it all out on the ice; all those emotions you feel right now just put it out there. Then go be with your girl.”
 “Thanks Monty.”
 Jamie grabbed you by the shoulders, “We’re all here for you man. We got your back.”
 “I’ll need someone to go get my stuff from the hotel.”
 “It’ll be in the car, ready for you.” It was as though Monty anticipated what you would say.
 “Alright, let’s go get ready. The sooner we get started the sooner I can see (Y/N). Oh, Monty, can I give someone my phone in case she needs me.”
 “Whatever you need Segs.”
 With that you headed to the locker room, tension hung in the air; the rest of the team knowing something was wrong but not exactly what it was. These things happened from time to time, a wife would go into labor, a parent or grandparent would pass away; the team would rally all around each other showing their support. Jamie took control just as a good captain would, “All right guys, Segs is going through a tough time tonight. We need to get out there and help him kick some ass.”  A few guys came up and patted you on the back, no one really questioning what you were going through. You were just starting to gear up when the phone rang. This time it was (Y/N)’s face popping up on the screen; walking out of the locker room you found a secluded spot.
 “Hey baby girl, how you doing?” speaking to her more in hushed tones now that you knew how serious her concussion was.
 “The same. Nothing’s changed, which is good news. You’re still at the arena?” “Yes, I’m still here. I’m going to play the game and then head straight to you. No arguments on that part.”
 “Ok, I won’t argue.”
 “How’s Sean?”
 “He’s ok, a few cuts and bruises; but overall he’s good. They discharged him, but he won’t leave. He feels horrible about the accident, even though it wasn’t his fault.” While you were certain it wasn’t his fault you understood where his guilt was coming from; you were experiencing it yourself not being able to be with her. “Oh and my car is done for. I’ll need to get in touch with the guy’s insurance company tomorrow.”
 “Babe, I’ll handle that when I get there. You don’t need to do anything, but rest. And don’t watch the game, it will just make your head hurt worse.”
 A small chuckle, had her wincing in pain. “Well then I’ll give that job to Sean, so he can feel useful.”
 “Make sure the lights are off too. It will help with the pain. What did they give you?”
 “I refused anything they offered but Tylenol. I don’t want to harm the baby.”
 God her brain must feel like it’s going to split in two; you’d dealt with a concussion or two, and knew how painful they could be. Those times you were always prescribed something to help alleviate the symptoms; you knew a measly couple of Tylenol wouldn’t begin to touch anything she was feeling. “Are you sure you don’t want something else? I’m sure they wouldn’t give you anything that would harm the baby.”
 “It’s ok Ty. I’ll be fine. I can handle it.”
 “Alright babe, if you say so. I’m gonna let you rest ok. Promise me you’ll text or call me if anything changes at all.”
 “I will. I’ll keep you updated, but everything is going to be fine. You just concentrate on the game.”
 Shaking your head, knowing that it would be impossible to focus solely on hockey; you answered, “I’ll do my best. Don’t worry about me, you just focus on getting better. I’ll see you soon. I love you (Y/N).”
 “I love you too, Tyler,” with that she hung up the phone. Head down, you mentally tried to prepare yourself to play sixty minutes of hockey; yet thoughts of (Y/N) lying in a hospital bed crept into your mind. Still not being able to convince yourself you could play this game; you walked back into the locker room. A few of the guys were still prepping, some had wandered out into the halls to stretch or hit the soccer ball around.
 Bishop wandered over by you, setting heavily on the bench beside you. “Hey man, don’t get mad, but Jamie filled me in on what’s going on. He only thought I could help out; I won’t say a word to anyone.” Glancing over you looked at the goalie; seeking words of advice. “I know it’s hard. There were times I felt so helpless when Andrea was pregnant; obviously nothing like you’re going through at the moment, but there were times, when she’d be cramping or had braxton hicks. Every time she’d tell me she was fine and that it was ok to go; which was tough to do; but she was always honest with me. I’m sure (Y/N) is doing the same with you now. If she says she’s fine, Seggy, trust her, she is. Women are much stronger than we give them credit for. If you needed to be there, she’d tell you; trust me. Just go out there, and put all that frustration and guilt into the game.”
 “Thanks, Bish,” knowing that he was probably right, if (Y/N) thought something was wrong, she would’ve told you.  It would still be hard, but it was really only three hours and then you’d be on your way to her.
 “Congratulations, man; being is a dad is the best job there is.”
 Looking over you smiled at your teammate; it was the first time you’d done that since finding out about the accident. “Thanks, I can’t wait to find out. “ With that you both finished prepping for the game; it was literally the longest three hours of your life. While the team still fell to the Blackhawks, you were able to add an assist to Rads goal in the first period. True to her word (Y/N) did send you updates, that nothing had changed with hers or the baby’s condition; they were still doing well.
 Heading straight to the locker room after the game; you stripped your gear off and showered as quickly as possible. Monty had a car with your luggage waiting, just as he promised. As you made your way to the airport, you contacted a service to have a car waiting for you so you could go to the hospital. Trying to sleep on the two hour flight, proved futile; nervous energy ran through your veins. As the plane touched down you grabbed your bag and headed to the car; not waiting for assistance. Striding into the hospital, bags in hand; you scanned the area searching for the inpatient rooms.
 Confusion must have been written on your face, for the receptionist asked if she could assist you. Pointing you in the correct direction, you strode to the bank of elevators; which seemed to take an eternity. Finally reaching the correct floor, you made your way to the room (Y/N) had text she was in; receiving numerous stares from the on-duty nurses. The door was closed and the lights were off; but then most of them were, as it was two in the morning. Slowly you crept inside, careful to not wake up (Y/N). The dim light from the hallway, as well as the monitors she was hooked up to provided enough light for you to see her sleeping form. Discarding your bags in the corner, you spied a chair pulled up beside the bed and made your way to it; gently lifting her hand so you could hold it.
 Softly you caressed your thumb across her knuckles, careful not to wake her; yet needing to feel her warm skin on yours. You sat there staring at her for several minutes; before her eyes fluttered open. Groggy from sleep, her voice whispered, “Tyler, is that you?”
 “Yeah babe, I’m here. Go back to sleep.”
 “Mmmm….. I’m ok. What time is it?”
 “Just a bit after two in the morning. How are you feeling?”
 “Good. They come in every so often and check my vitals as well as check the baby, but they took the fetal monitor off a little bit ago. The doctor said everything was fine with the baby.” Breathing a sigh of relief that at least one of them was doing better at this point; you moved your hand and ran it soothingly over her head. You could feel the large lump from where it had struck the vehicle.
 “That’s good news. How’s the head?”
 Smiling bravely, she answered. “It’s not too bad. Definitely feels better than it did before.”
 “Good babe, now go back to sleep. We can talk later.” You continued to stroke her hair, hoping to lull her back to slumber.
 “Tyler…can you lay with me and just hold me?”
 Tears formed in your eyes and your heart skipped a beat at the request; it was the only thing that you’d wanted to do from the moment you’d found out about the incident. Sliding off your suit coat and removing your shoes; you crawled in the small hospital bed and embraced the woman you loved. “Better?”
 Pressing a gentle kiss on her lips, you told her. “Now get some rest.”
 Eyes closing, a small smile played across the lips you’d just kissed. “I love you.”
  “I love you too baby.” Inhaling her scent, you shut your own eyes and finally let yourself relax. Everything would be fine now that you were here and (Y/N) was in your arms.
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presleepthoughts · 5 years
Would you take a bechloe fake dating prompt? Love your work 😍😭
A/N: Thanks for the request. Sorry for the long wait. If you have the time please, leave some comments behind.
“…No, I’m fine…” Chloe fondly shakes her head as she’s cooking dinner in the kitchen and hears Beca thumping down the stairs, talking to her Mom. Mrs. Mitchell has been calling her more and more lately, trying to get her daughter to visit her during the summer break. “…What kind of question is that?…”
Chloe glances back and smiles at the way Beca’s face is scrunched up and pops on the counter behind her. 
“Of course, I’m eating. Do you think Chloe would let me not eat?” Beca rolls her eyes as she sees Chloe nods her head silently. “Yeah, the job is going…good, I guess.” 
Chloe frowns in sympathy as Beca’s voice lower in volume. She knows the kind of pressure Beca has been under, trying to climb up the ladder and show her boss that she’s talented enough to make it in the business. Chloe can’t believe he didn’t see it the first time he met Beca. The girl carries more talent, dedication and love for music than Chloe has ever seen in anybody. He should’ve hired her right then and there. 
“…Mom, I don’t know my schedule…No, you won’t die soo - Alright, fine! I’ll go.” Beca takes in a deep breath in preparation. She knows the script of this story because it happened more times that she could count. Knows the next line that her Mother is going to say and she knows the immediate ‘no’ that she’s going to reply with. 
‘Are you seeing anybody?’ 
She has heard that question since she turned sixteen and the answer remained the same. She hasn’t dated somebody that was worthy of being introduced to anybody especially to her Mother. Jesse hasn’t even been to her hometown, let alone allowed in her childhood home. 
But she’s tired of hearing that question over and over again and the pestering she goes through at every family event that she attends without a date.
And the question comes, like she’s predicted, she lifts her head and her gaze lands on the one person in front of her that has been there for her from the beginning. In that moment, Beca realizes that Chloe has meant more to her than anybody before and the words came out from her mouth without a second thought.
“Yeah, I am actually. It’s Chloe.” 
Chloe turns back around at the sound of her name and looks at her questioningly but Beca averts her eyes as her Mom’s delighted voice sounds from the phone. 
“No! I won’t give her the phone - Mom! Stop!…” Beca slaps her hand on her forehead and shakes her head. Fuck, this is not going to end well. “…You’re so stubborn…Fine…Here…” 
Beca quickly covers the speaker and jumps down from the counter. Chloe looks at her confusedly. “Okay, long story short, you’re my girlfriend.” She murmurs quickly and thrusts the phone to Chloe’s ear before the redhead could do anything else. 
Chloe looks at her in bewilderment. “Beca - “
“Just go along with it.” Beca pleads and pouts, her palms put together in prayer and Chloe hesitantly raises the phone to her ear.
“Um…hello?” She’s still looking at Beca as Mrs. Mitchell greets her kindly. Despite knowing Beca for over a year, she has never met her mother in person, only hearing her voice once or twice over the phone. 
“Hey, Mrs. Mitchell…I’m good, thank you…” Chloe frowns at the brunette. “…um, ye-yes, it’s true…We are dating…” Beca gives her a thumps up but her confident expression fades when Chloe’s raises her eyebrows. 
“Dinner on Saturday?” 
Beca could not shake her head more violently. Chloe pauses for dramatic affects before a teasing smile crosses her face. 
“We’ll be there.” 
“Okay, so I got my first tattoo when I was sixteen. I once stole my mom’s car to try to go to New York with my friends but she caught me and I was on house arrest for five months. My friends and I hid in the gym and stayed overnight in our high school in my senior year. I got a scar on the back of my neck because of a fall - don’t ask - and I threw a party while she was away and somebody almost set the house on fire.”
Chloe’s mouth hangs open as Beca stops speaking as they stand in front of the brunette’s childhood home. Beca has been quizzing her on the ‘Mitchell-trivia’ - as she likes to call it - for two days now and Chloe can’t say that she didn’t enjoy getting to know her better. Beca can be so closed off sometimes that Chloe had trouble getting to know the most basic information about her in the beginning. 
Like she didn’t know that her name is actually Beca, not a nickname from Rebecca for the first six months of their friendship. 
Chloe pulls her hand back and slaps Beca’s shoulder with her brows frowning on her forehead. 
“What the - “ Beca’s eyes widen but Chloe interrupts her.
“The first thing you’re going to do is apologize to your mother for what you put her through when we go in.” She says sternly and Beca’s jaw drops and waits to see if Chloe is joking but the redhead is dead serious. 
Beca involuntarily pouts and rubs the soar spot on her arm as she murmurs. “Damn, now I know who would wear the pants in the relationship.” 
Chloe shakes her head, trying her hardest not to smile as she rings the doorbell and quickly grabs Beca’s hand, intertwining their fingers. Beca’s eyes drop at the contact before her brain realizes that they are in love. Pretending to be in love.
The door isn’t fully open yet before her mother breezes through and wraps her tightly in a hug. She drops Chloe’s hand and hesitantly returns the embrace. Their relationship hadn’t always been the best, especially while Beca was growing up but her Mom always tried so hard to mend that bridge between them. And now that she’s out of the house, Beca’s been trying to change as well.
“Oh, I haven’t seen you in so long.” Her Mom gushes as she pulls back but keeps her at arm’s length, her eyes bouncing up and down on her body and Beca fights the urge to break free. “I was right.” She announces and Beca frowns. “You haven’t been eating.” 
She rolls her eyes so hard but quickly pulls Chloe closer by her arm to change the subject. “Mom, this is Chloe. Chloe, this is my Mother.” 
Beca sees Chloe immediately put on her charm and stretches out her arm for a handshake but her Mom won’t have it. She pulls her into a warm hug similar to the one she gave Beca. 
“It’s so nice to finally meet you, Chloe.” She smile before she steps out of the embrace and chuckles. “Sorry, honey, I’m a huger.” 
Chloe gasps in shock and her head whips back to Beca. “But…you hate hugs.” 
Mrs. Mitchell puffs out a laugh and wraps an arm around Chloe’s shoulders. “Oh, I’ve tried to teach her how to do it but she just keeps flapping her arms around.” She explained teasingly and Chloe laughs at the joke. “She can’t do it.” 
“Alright, we’re leaving.” Beca announces dryly as the two continues to make fun of her but her Mom just waves her off.
Chloe raises an eyebrow, her eyes full of mirth. “We’re just joking, baby.” 
Beca sucks in a deep breath at the added pet name and doesn’t understand why her heart flatters. Regardless, as her Mom pulls them inside the house she prepares herself for the worst. 
As she predicted, Chloe passes the test with flying colors. During dinner, Chloe sells her part perfectly, playing the loving girlfriend, chatting with her Mom happily and everything just feels so normal…too normal that Beca has to remind herself that they aren’t actually dating. That Chloe is acting and this is all fake.
But the thigh rubs under the table, the kisses pressed against her cheek, the loving smile and happy laughs makes it hard. 
Somehow they end up in her childhood bedroom before dessert, just Chloe and her and Beca’s terrified. She never let anybody in her room before, no friends, no relatives and especially no significant others. 
Beca just watches as Chloe walks around the space, her fingers lightly brushing against picture frames, book covers and an old dusty guitar in the corner. Chloe silently observers everything and as she reaches the photos on the shelves, it feels entirely too intimate. 
She smiles at one of the photos before turning to Beca. “Why are you sitting on a fence?” She asks laughingly and Beca can’t help but smile slightly, walking closer. 
“There was an abandonment hospital in the next time over and we decided to go explore it.” Beca smiles when Chloe winces at the thought. “We thought we were super edgy. Everybody climbed over the fence fine but you know me…” Beca scrunches her nose up as she shakes her head. “My feet got caught and I ended up falling over, somehow hitting the back of my neck on the edge and that’s how I got my scar that I was talking to you about earlier.” Beca shrugs as she watches the picture. 
Chloe bit the bottom of her lip. “That was really dumb. It could have been worse.” Her voice is almost concerned and Beca looks at her.
“I know. I’ve grown out of that phase, though. I wouldn’t do that shit anymore.” Her eyes are earnest and Chloe gives her a small nod. 
Silence wraps around them as both gets lost inside their heads, the only sound coming from the downstairs radio in the kitchen. Beca’s eyes roam over the remaining memories on her shelve, thinking about her different her life is now then it was three years ago. 
“Can I touch it?” Chloe’s murmured question breaks the silence and Beca frowns.
Chloe’s eyes are darker than Beca remembers. “Your scar.” 
Her mouth falls open slightly at the request as her heart picks up speed, beating loudly in her chest. Before she could overthink it, her arm reaches out and softly grasps Chloe’s, pulling the redhead’s hand all the way up to her neck and lets her fingers thread through her hair until she feels the familiar bump on her skin. 
“There.” The word comes out like a rush of air as she feels Chloe’s thumb slowly caress the spot and - when did she get so close? 
“Does it still hurt?” Chloe whispers as her eyes bounces between Beca’s eyes and lips, never settling on one. 
Beca’s mind is feeling overwhelmed as Chloe’s toes touch hers and Beca feels like she’s in a trance, unable to move. But before she could answer the question, the hand on her neck tightens as Chloe suddenly closes the gap between their lips.
The kiss is soft and deep at the same time as Beca’s mind throws out all rational thoughts swinging in there that this might not be the best idea when Chloe lets out a small moan, pulling her closer than before. 
“Girls! Dessert is ready!” 
Reluctantly, Chloe pulls away and Beca fights the urge to chase after one more kiss. Beca’s eyes pops open and the most beautiful ocean eyes greets her paired with a shy smile.
“What was that for?” The question doesn’t hold any anger or fury just curiosity as the hand leaves her neck and Chloe steps away and starts toward the door. Beca turns around to watch her.
“For practice.” Comes the reply as Chloe backs out of the room, but not before she sends Beca a wink over her shoulders.
The brunette is still frozen to the spot as her thumb runs over her lips. Everything happened so fast that Beca has trouble remembering how they got here. She rubs her hand harshly on her face, trying to come back to reality and breaths out sharply before she follows her downstairs. 
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Free! Match-Up Request
Name: Corethra (or Corey for short)
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: Hand Packer at an ice cream factory
Zodiac Sign: Pisces (born March 2)
Chinese Zodiac: Year Of The Pig
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Love Language: Acts Of Service
Race/Ethnicity: African-American
Height: 4'11 (Call me short and I’ll kick your butt!)
Body Type/Shape: Average but well developed figure at best. I weigh about 158 lbs and am pretty insecure about my body.
Hair Color/Style: Black and naturally curly but I keep it relaxed and flat-ironed so it’s straight. It’s long and goes down to just below my shoulder blades.
Glasses or No?: Yes I wear glasses
Eye Color: Brown
Dress Style: I usually dress up in a casual way, just throwing on whatever looks good at the time but I will sometimes put in the effort when the time calls for it or when I’m in a good mood. I have an affinity for the punk, emo, and goth styles and I rarely wear feminine clothes.
Hobbies/Interests: Video games, reading, writing, anime, internet surfing, listening to music, politics (sometimes), watching movies/TV shows, basically being an overall nerd
Dislikes: Ignorance, stupidity, restriction, manipulation/gas-lighting, bullying, humanity, not being understood
Personality: At first glance, I seem quiet and keep to myself, only speaking when I need to or when I’m spoken to. I’m an anti-social introvert to the fullest and don’t care much for small talk or going out. I prefer to have deeper conversations. When I get comfortable enough in whatever environment I’m in, I start to open up bit by bit. I’m a tomboy and pretty rough-minded as well as stubborn. I’m very sassy, have a smart, sarcastic, and witty mouth if not humorous and outrageous at times, can be borderline rude, and I’m more sensitive than I care to be. I can literally cry at someone’s suffering especially if it’s someone I’m close to or even a total stranger. I’m very empathetic and my heart is bigger than what most people would expect. Most people describe me as quiet, intelligent, creative, dorky, a smartass, and really sweet. I love a good laugh and have an open sense of humor to boot.
Many of my friends say that I’m very sweet and kind which I usually am if I’m in a good mood as well as affectionate as hell. Hugs and pet names galore with me! However only my friends and family see that side of me. My language is often unfiltered, harsh, foul, and blunt which shocks people because they think I’m a pure angel. I say what I want when I want and no one tells me otherwise. If they do, they can expect a mouthful from me. I’m an escapist and very imaginative, can be a bit scatterbrained at times, and I’m methodical and detailed to the point of perfectionism. I’m usually a walking contradiction in terms of personality in so many ways to the point where the real me is almost impossible to decipher. To make matters more complicated, I’m not very good at expressing myself verbally and prefer to let my actions do the talking.
I have many pet peeves and I get annoyed easily in general. I’m also slowly embracing misanthropy and nihilism but I can be pretty idealistic so it balances out. I’m practically zero tolerance when it comes to bullshit. I hate confrontation and conflict but I’m starting to work on it so I can be less passive-aggressive and more assertive. I also wish to stand up for myself more often than I should so people won’t think that I’m weak and an easy target. I’m pretty cynical which is to be expected and usually expect the worst from people. When someone angers me, I will either just withdraw altogether and completely cut them off (slam the door basically) or get in their face and go off before doing the former. I’m the “hold my anger in and release it all at once” type but I hope to change that one day and stop letting things fester before they get out of hand. I can be quite petty and even cold as well and if someone wrongs me, they will have to make the first move to mend fences. I refuse to apologize if I’m not in the wrong and I will not accept gaslighting/guilt tripping.
I have issues with trust and a wild imagination to boot. I usually trust my instincts and can see right through bullshit. I don’t like taking risks and I have to know all the details when I do something so I don’t mess up and look like an idiot. I am indeed a perfectionist to a fault which often prevents me from trying new things and going outside my comfort zone. I haven’t been in a relationship yet and am still a virgin due to my issues with trust and not wanting to be hurt or humiliated as well as being picky/perfectionistic with the people I allow in my life. I have high standards for both people and myself although I’m pretty laid-back and my dislike of conflict allows me to also take a lot of shit from people too before I eventually say “fuck it” and slam the door on them. I don’t think very highly of myself and can sometimes fall into a period of self-hatred.
Many people praise me for my intelligence which is fitting since I’m an intellectual. My ideals and beliefs are rather odd to say the least (I’m a classical liberal/independent and despise most ideologies/ideas. This includes religion, feminism, social justice, traditionalism, statism, big government, nationalism, socialism/communism, etc.) and I feel misunderstood because of it (mostly because of the black community ostracizing me). I am indeed a rebel, open-minded, and a free thinker. No one tells me how to think or feel or else they face my wrath. I highly value power over myself and I think it’s the most important thing that a person needs in order to survive. I am definitely an outcast at heart and I often distance myself from others and don’t like talking about my feelings or beliefs because I think most people lack the ability/capacity to understand me. Before I give my opinion on something, I like to do as much research as possible as well as look at things from all perspectives before coming to my own conclusion. I don’t mind discussing things but I prefer logic over emotion when doing so which makes it damn near impossible these days for me to have an real conversation without insults and threats being thrown (usually towards me). Chances are I’m gonna find something wrong with damn near anything someone believes in or says and I’m not afraid to call it out when I see it. Once I do open up and express how I feel, the gates of passion will open up and never close. I also have high morals and values and stick to my guns no matter what which can make me pretty stubborn at times.
I’m currently battling depression and often experience many symptoms of it including suicidal thoughts and depression spells. I also suffer from iron-deficiency anemia as well. These things are pretty annoying for me to deal with whenever they flare up. 
Overall, I’m pretty crazy and a handful to deal with. Good luck matching me up with someone :P
Okay! Lot of info but let’s see here. I think out of all the guys, Rin matches you the best. He’s a bit of a hothead but super supportive at the end of the day.
He might not call you short but he will use you as an arm rest. 
He might also steal your glasses just to mess with you. It’s all in fun, if you asked he’d give them back but holding them out of reach is just too much fun for him
He’s smarter than he lets on. Sure he’s no genius but he can hold a conversation well and knows what he’s passionate about. So a good conversation is a fine way to spend the time
He’s incredibly supportive of every dream you have and will cheer you on from right beside you. Or from the sidelines, if he can’t be by your side
His love language is also the same as yours, making you an excellent match
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misc-headcanons · 5 years
Bleach and One Piece Match-Up Request
Name: Corethra (or Corey for short)
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: Hand Packer at an ice cream factory
Zodiac Sign: Pisces (born March 2)
Chinese Zodiac: Year Of The Pig
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Love Language: Acts Of Service
Race/Ethnicity: African-American
Height: 4'11 (Call me short and I’ll kick your butt!)
Body Type/Shape: Average but well developed figure at best. I weigh about 158 lbs and am pretty insecure about my body.
Hair Color/Style: Black and naturally curly but I keep it relaxed and flat-ironed so it’s straight. It’s long and goes down to just below my shoulder blades.
Glasses or No?: Yes I wear glasses
Eye Color: Brown
Dress Style: I usually dress up in a casual way, just throwing on whatever looks good at the time but I will sometimes put in the effort when the time calls for it or when I’m in a good mood. I have an affinity for the punk, emo, and goth styles and I don’t like feminine clothes.
Hobbies/Interests: Video games, reading, writing, anime, internet surfing, listening to music, politics (sometimes), watching movies/TV shows, basically being an overall nerd
Dislikes: Ignorance, stupidity, restriction, manipulation/gas-lighting, bullying, humanity, not being understood
Personality: At first glance, I seem quiet and keep to myself, only speaking when I need to or when I’m spoken to. I’m an anti-social introvert to the fullest and don’t care much for small talk or going out. I prefer to have deeper conversations. When I get comfortable enough in whatever environment I’m in, I start to open up bit by bit. I’m a tomboy and pretty rough-minded as well as stubborn. I’m very sassy, have a smart, sarcastic, and witty mouth if not humorous and outrageous at times, can be borderline rude, and I’m more sensitive than I care to be. I can literally cry at someone’s suffering especially if it’s someone I’m close to or even a total stranger. I’m very empathetic and my heart is bigger than what most people would expect. Most people describe me as quiet, intelligent, creative, dorky, a smartass, and really sweet. I love a good laugh and have an open sense of humor to boot.
Many of my friends say that I’m very sweet and kind which I usually am if I’m in a good mood as well as affectionate as hell. Hugs and pet names galore with me! However only my friends and family see that side of me. My language is often unfiltered, harsh, foul, and blunt which shocks people because they think I’m a pure angel. I say what I want when I want and no one tells me otherwise. If they do, they can expect a mouthful from me. I’m an escapist and very imaginative, can be a bit scatterbrained at times, and I’m methodical and detailed to the point of perfectionism. I’m usually a walking contradiction in terms of personality in so many ways to the point where the real me is almost impossible to decipher. To make matters more complicated, I’m not very good at expressing myself verbally and prefer to let my actions do the talking.
I have many pet peeves and I get annoyed easily in general. I’m also slowly embracing misanthropy and nihilism but I can be pretty idealistic so it balances out. I’m practically zero tolerance when it comes to bullshit. I hate confrontation and conflict but I’m starting to work on it so I can be less passive-aggressive and more assertive. I also wish to stand up for myself more often than I should so people won’t think that I’m weak and an easy target. I’m pretty cynical which is to be expected and usually expect the worst from people. When someone angers me, I will either just withdraw altogether and completely cut them off (slam the door basically) or get in their face and go off before doing the former. I’m the “hold my anger in and release it all at once” type but I hope to change that one day and stop letting things fester before they get out of hand. I can be quite petty and even cold as well and if someone wrongs me, they will have to make the first move to mend fences. I refuse to apologize if I’m not in the wrong and I will not accept gaslighting/guilt tripping.
I have issues with trust and a wild imagination to boot. I usually trust my instincts and can see right through bullshit. I don’t like taking risks and I have to know all the details when I do something so I don’t mess up and look like an idiot. I am indeed a perfectionist to a fault which often prevents me from trying new things and going outside my comfort zone. I haven’t been in a relationship yet and am still a virgin due to my issues with trust and not wanting to be hurt or humiliated as well as being picky/perfectionistic with the people I allow in my life. I have high standards for both people and myself although I’m pretty laid-back and my dislike of conflict allows me to also take a lot of shit from people too before I eventually say “fuck it” and slam the door on them. I don’t think very highly of myself and can sometimes fall into a period of self-hatred.
Many people praise me for my intelligence which is fitting since I’m an intellectual. My ideals and beliefs are rather odd to say the least (I’m a classical liberal/independent and despise most ideologies/ideas. This includes religion, feminism, social justice, traditionalism, statism, big government, nationalism, socialism/communism, etc.) and I feel misunderstood because of it (mostly because of the black community ostracizing me). I am indeed a rebel, open-minded, and a free thinker. No one tells me how to think or feel or else they face my wrath. I highly value power over myself and I think it’s the most important thing that a person needs in order to survive. I am definitely an outcast at heart and I often distance myself from others and don’t like talking about my feelings or beliefs because I think most people lack the ability/capacity to understand me. Before I give my opinion on something, I like to do as much research as possible as well as look at things from all perspectives before coming to my own conclusion. I don’t mind discussing things but I prefer logic over emotion when doing so which makes it damn near impossible these days for me to have an real conversation without insults and threats being thrown (usually towards me). Chances are I’m gonna find something wrong with damn near anything someone believes in or says and I’m not afraid to call it out when I see it. Once I do open up and express how I feel, the gates of passion will open up and never close.
I’m currently battling depression and often experience many symptoms of it including suicidal thoughts and depression spells. I also suffer from iron-deficiency anemia as well. These things are pretty annoying and humiliating for me to deal with whenever they pop up. 
Overall, I’m pretty crazy and a handful to deal with. Good luck matching me up with someone :P
(I’m happy you gave me so much info to work with!) 
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Nothing says punk or goth like skulls, right? I played around with some other accessories like a choker necklace and some earrings, but since you mentioned you don’t like feminine clothing I just went with the good ol’ leather jacket)
For Bleach, I match you with....Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez!
You mentioned you were a Pisces, and I like to take zodiacs/birthdays into account when they’re provided in matchups. Grimmjow’s a Leo, and from what I read, Leos and Pisces bring out a lot of great qualities within each other; the more I thought about it, the more I think that holds true. Like Grimmjow, you aren’t ever afraid to speak your mind, you’re both ambitious (I think Grimmjow would be a Slytherin too!) and are both rebels in your own right. The both of you also prefer to let your actions do the talking, and I think he would appreciate a partner who he can trust to speak their mind and not hide anything they’re feeling just to be nice. I think that Grimmjow would be able to help you be more assertive and less passive-aggressive, which you mentioned in your submission, and you would be able to get him to calm down and think things through before flying off the handle and beating the shit out of whoever or whatever is pissing him off. 
You mentioned that you were slowly starting to embrace nihilism and misanthropy (and I feel that Grimmjow post-defeat by Nnoitora would share similar thoughts about his life’s meaning at the time. Dude just got his shit wrecked and his dreams of being the strongest/the King just got shot down by Nnoitora’s sword slicing him through the chest), but I think your optimism would not only balance out your perspective on life, but his as well. To “fix” your partner’s views/negative outlook on life shouldn’t be up to you (he’s his own person, and asking that much emotional labor of someone would be inappropriate, even if he does love you), but I think whenever you talk about your life philosophy, he’d slowly start to realize that you can find a balance between “nothing fucking matters, why bother” and “nothing fucking matters, so why not?”
Leo men are somewhat protective of their partners, so Grimmjow is always there if you’re in need of emotional or physical help. Fatigue from your anemia? He’ll straight up carry you where you need to go if he has to. Is your depression causing you to go into a downswing? He’ll keep an eye on you and do whatever it takes to lessen the weight on your shoulders/mind. Sometimes he’ll do things too comfort you without considering how you’d react (you mentioned that things get annoying and humiliating whenever your symptoms flare up like this, so having Grimmjow do something like picking you up and carry would...not be great, to say the least), but if you tell him why doing things like that upsets you he’ll try to stop and consider your feelings the next time something like that happens again. There’ll be a few instances like that where he’ll say or do something without considering how you’d react, because he’s used to being an egocentric guy (being a creature like an Arrancar, where you can only survive if you look out for yourself and ONLY yourself, makes this a difficult thing for him to change. But for you, he’ll try). This would be the main issue in your relationship, but as time goes on he’s more and more considerate of you the longer he’s with you. He has given you a cake with the (poorly) handwritten icing message “Sorry I was an asshole” more than once.
In conclusion, I  think that you two would be a great example of two people who seem like total opposites finding common ground/traits/strengths/weaknesses and really complementing each other in a relationship.
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 For One Piece, I match you with...Zoro!
So, let’s start with zodiac compatibility. Zoro is a Scorpio, which is one of the better matches for Pisces according to what I looked up. Scorpio men and Pisces women share a lot of emotional depth, and that sort of conflicting nature/personality you have is something that Zoro can relate to. Like you, Zoro also tends to let his actions speak louder than words (especially since he isn’t the most talkative guy). A relationship with him would involve a lot of small kind gestures that let you know he cares about you. Even though he’s not one to talk a lot, he listens to anything you have to say and is a great person to vent to. 
He may not be as well versed in intellectual subjects as you (social justice, politics, religion, etc.) but he keeps track of what you have to say about a particular topic. Sometimes he worries that his lack of response makes you think he’s not interested in what you’re talking about, but in reality he’s paying attention to every word; every time you talk about something he doesn’t know, he writes it down so he can either ask Robin about it or read about it himself. He doesn’t try to become an expert or anything, but he learns enough to try and form his own thoughts based on what you’ve said and what he’s looked up. His responses aren’t super eloquent, but he’s able to put things together (Normally if you asked him about the World Government he’d describe it as just “bad…” but once he learns about concepts like totalitarianism from you, he can talk about it in more depth).
Like you, Zoro is incredibly blunt and he appreciates having a partner who also speaks their mind regardless of who they’re talking to. Unlike you, he’s not as imaginative and scatterbrained, but I think this would be a case of opposites complementing each other; he likes how creative you are, and sometimes when he’s making a decision he wonders what you’d do. Like Grimmjow, Zoro would absolutely help you with asserting yourself but unlike Grimmjow he’s more considerate of how you’d react to what he does; he’s respectful of your boundaries, and if he sees that you just need to walk away from whoever’s pissing you off he doesn’t force you to confront them. He’s considerate, in his own Zoro-ish way; like he’ll quietly ask you if you want him to kick someone’s ass if you weren’t wanting to argue with them/escalate things further. 
Zoro struggles with some aspects of his mental health, and that includes depression. Once you two have been together for a while, he can tell when you’re starting to enter a downswing/darker period. He doesn’t want to embarrass you by constantly smothering you/asking if you need anything, and he reassures you that there’s no shame in asking for help if you need it. Like you, he’s also not fond of expressing how he’s feeling, but he doesn’t want you to feel alone if you’re suffering. 
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