#especially since it is from solanum
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naturesass · 5 months ago
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the universe will keep getting colder and larger...
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valevod · 11 months ago
SOME MORE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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MY brain is. Is just Outer Wilds rn. U ruined my life outer wilds. You ruined it but also made it better. I hate you outer wilds. But also i love u so much.
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Solanum !!!!! My beloved wife. I bought the nomai mask pin and have been staring at it ever since it arrived. Engraved in my mind. Hopefully( or maybe hopefully not) it activates somehow and keeps my memories safe. Top right is, hatchling bringing pictures of timber hearth n hearthian culture and nomai ruins to her and. Stay there forever til they hungy n eep.
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I am very normal about Gabbro. They are literally me your honor. I am an eeper. Sassolino means little rock/ pebble in italian. They call you that in the italian translation.
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Litle doodle i liked they make me go ::)
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And tried to de-helmet them.... thought im not so sure why is it so hard. Especially Chert. U little gnome. Patterns are derived from the rocks they are named after. Except Feldspar since we see them without helmet already.
Its so funny how i draw the Hatchling like °•w•° and the rest look like actual adults.
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agender-witchery · 1 year ago
I'm putting this one under a cut just so people read the first damn paragraph.
I am playing through Outer Wilds for the first time, I've beaten the base game and I'm now going through the DLC. I do not want ANY information whatsoever, spoiler or not. I want to learn everything by myself. The questions and observations I make are for me to think about and answer, not you. If you post a reply or reblog with tags that go against these wishes, you will be blocked immediately.
If you saw my last post, you know that I sum up what I know and what I want to learn after each play session and send that to my friend who's watching me play through the game. If you didn't see my last post, well now you know. I've actually had two sessions since my last post - I just never got a chance to do a full write up of the former of the two. I'll do my best to put some of it here though.
Alright so. The Strangers came from their star system to ours, presumably in search of the Eye after seeing its echo. I think that they showed up prior to the Nomai, given that they only activated the Stranger's cloaking mechanism after reaching our star system, they appear to have been killed by ghost matter, and the Nomai have no writings about the Stranger. It doesn't seem like they can return, given the fact that they seemed grief stricken when looking at slides of their home world and the fact that they're still here. I initially thought that the way their eyes go empty and their mouths split in an... unsettling manner was something the Eye caused somehow, but it turns out that empty eyes and slit mouths are just... things they do, though it's often portrayed in a sinister way. I... don't think their motives are sinister though. I think that's just how I interpret those expressions. After receiving the vision of the Eye destroying everything, they turned on it. They seemed to hold it in reverence similar to the Nomai at first, but now they seem to despise it. They're upset, they're angry, and I think that's worth respecting. Once they turned against the Eye, they went into hiding, and... I don't think they want to be found, given their reactions when I do run into them. I feel like I'm intruding, like I'm doing something wrong for reasons I don't even understand yet. I have a path to unlocking the vault, but... it almost feels irresponsible not to have an idea of why it was locked in the first place. They made it, they want it closed, and I'm not welcome. Of course, they never truly hurt me, but maybe they can't hurt me, not in a dream. I can test it, by hurting myself, so I'll do that.
I am... almost convinced that there's a living Stranger still around due to the empty bed in the Cinder Isle dream chamber. And if they're alive... they'd be underwater, to avoid the ghost matter. Perhaps a living Stranger might have a way to communicate, and perhaps they'd be more amenable to my presence than the dreaming Strangers. They might have information, and as always, I have all the time in the world to search for them.
Of course... there is the matter that there's more info to be found for me in two of the dream regions. I could blindly dive around to try and find a living Stranger, but I think searching the dream world will be more productive.
In the base game, I felt a connection to the Nomai. I could understand them and their motives entirely, and I knew I wanted to find the Eye very early on. I was working with and alongside the Nomai, carrying on their legacy, and considered a friend by Solanum. With the Strangers, I feel disconnected and adversarial. Currently, I feel like I am working against them, and the intentionally eerie atmosphere definitely enhances this feeling. I feel at unease when I'm viewing their history, more so when I'm experiencing their dream, and especially so when I've disturbed them. The information I gather is via their slides, many of which are heavily damaged, and even their visions provide little insight into why they act the way they do. There's a lot I don't understand. And I think I need to understand before I try and violate their wishes.
Why do the Strangers act the way they do?
What is in the vault?
If there is a living Stranger, where are they?
I still don't know why the sun doesn't activate their devices, or why their fires burn green. Notably, the candles in the dream world DON'T burn green, so green is special in some way.
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lamiafaae · 9 months ago
Solanum pimpinellifolium. Commonly known as the currant tomato or spoon tomato (the latter especially by seed sellers, probably because it makes for great photo staging to show a bunch of them held in a spoon)
Different species than Solanum lycopersicum, the familiar tomato that all tomato varieties are a variety of.
Unlike other tomato varieties you can buy, which are all Solanum lycopersicum, S. pimpinellifolium is its own species. While S. lycopersicum has been domesticated for thousands of years, S. pimpinellifolium is considered a "wild" species of tomato. It's probably the closest thing we have to knowing what S. lycopersicum looked like before domestication.
They allegedly do hybridize with domestic tomatoes. I'm not sure what the results look like or what (if any) common varieties have been created by cross pollinating.
I've seen the plant growth described as "weedy." The stems and branches are slender compared to domestic tomato varieties. They branch a lot more, there's no point trying to prune them like you're supposed to do with other tomato plants. Overall they look a lot like a random plant you would see by the side of a road.
The fruits are tiny but they produce a lot. At the height of production I've had trouble keeping up with harvesting them as they ripen.
I personally like growing these because they're more tolerant than domestic varieties to lapses in watering. If you're trying to grow a giant beefsteak tomato, you need to water very evenly the entire time the fruit is developing, so that the fruit swells at an even rate instead of cracking from the starts and stops. But since spoon tomatoes are so small, they reach their max size much quicker. If the plant droops a bit, the fruit is still fine. I've found them to be quite happy in small containers with poor nutrient-depleted soil. (I'm not very good at crop rotation. Or watering.) My garden is south-facing with zero shade, and is relentlessly fried by full direct Southern California sun and heat, and spoon tomatoes' naturally small stems and leaves hold up well against that.
They self sow very readily. I think I've only ever intentionally planted one round of seeds. Maaybe two. The rest have just come up in compost or where I've let occasional fruits fall.
They taste delicious, just like regular tomatoes. If you don't like the watery texture of regular tomatoes, you might like these, since they come in much smaller increments. I also just like that I don't have to do much prep work with them. You don't have to chop them or anything. They're a little tricky to eat in, say, salads, because they do NOT like to be pierced by a fork; they'll just bounce and roll away. But I'll toss them into spaghetti, where the heat softens and cooks them a bit. (My favorite spaghetti is no sauce, just olive oil, fresh soft herbs from the garden, and chopped or small or sun dried tomatoes.) I've also used them in caprese salad. When I've felt really fancy, I've rolled them up in basil leaves for ✨presentation✨. If I had space to grow enough of them, I would love to make jam like you'd do with blueberries or currants.
I've only ever grown red ones. This year I'm growing a white currant variety for the first time. The plant is struggling (my fault, I beat it up a bit trying to get rid of whiteflies) but has a couple fruits developing, so I hope to get to compare those soon.
All the above information is either my personal experience or very surface level research from Wikipedia and commercial sellers. So take with a grain of salt. I'm no expert.
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 years ago
Jerry is north of Brisbane to visit a home gardener who has built a remarkable food garden over a decade, that enabled her to avoid food shopping for an entire year. Subscribe 🔔 http://ab.co/GA-subscribe
Around 15 years ago Sonia and her partner Rob decided they wanted to start building a food garden. “We never did a plan. We just did it bit by bit. We based it on convenience; we walk here so let’s plant here. It just evolved over time.”
In 2019, Sonia set out on a remarkable challenge to eat 100% of her diet from her garden. “It was just to see if I could do it.”
“I did go to bed hungry a couple of times, but only a couple. It was challenging at times. I really missed bread, but it was really amazing the connection I felt to the garden. I’d love to do it again one day. Especially now that I have honey!”
Growing enough food to live off is a huge achievement, and the fruit trees here would have helped immensely. This area holds a litany of temperate, subtropical and tropical fruit trees; loquat, wampis, bananas, citrus, mulberry and peaches to name just a few. The food forest understory is edible too, with smaller cover crops like pepino and nasturtium.
Sonia has a rare passionfruit species to offer Jerry to try. “It’s a Japanese hard-shelled passionfruit (Passiflora maliformis). You crack the shell with a hammer like a nut, and the flesh is a really creamy passionfruit flavour.”
Nearby, Sonia has an entire area of the garden dedicated to native food plants. Here you’ll find native nutmeg (Myristica insipida, ground kernel used as spice), Fraser Island Apple (Acronychia imperforate, small sweet yellow fruits), white aspen (Acronychia oblongifolia, aromatic white fruit with a pine/mango flavour). She points out the native mulberry (Pipturus argenteus) as her favourite.
Adjacent is an area that Sonia has converted from annual crops into perennial, ornamental natives. Since taking up beekeeping (both stingless and European), Sonia’s been conscious about including more year-round flowering plants in her garden, and to this end, has callistemon, banksia and grevillea planted to help out her growing collection of hives.
Sonia’s not only managing to line her own belly, she’s providing a resource for her community. Out the front of their place she’s set up a stall selling her excess produce, and it’s become very well known in the community. The honesty-based payment system has been such a success, it’s funding Sonia’s holidays, and she feels like people may be putting in extra money - such is the appreciation for her produce.
“We had hard clay at first. It was terrible. We get free mulch from the tip and we have a big trailer. We’ve put down about 150 loads of mulch, and the soil’s improved.” Also enlisted in the soil-improvement effort is a compost bin painted like a pig. “We call her Gloria the compost pig. When she’s full we say ‘it’s time for her to spill her guts.’“
Sonia’s built an impressive food garden in her backyard and achieved something most only dream of by living off it. Her can-do attitude echoes Edmund Hilary and shows the power of starting with what you have, where you are and working bit by bit.
Featured Plants:
WAMPEE - Clausena lansium
LEMONADE TREE - Citrus cv.
BANANA - Musa cv.
JABOTICABA - Plinia cauliflora
TAMARILLO - Solanum betaceum cv. *
PEPINO - Solanum muricatum
NASTURTIUM - Tropaeolum majus *
EMU BERRY - Grewia latifolia
BIGNAY - Antidesma bunius
NATIVE MULBERRY - Pipturus argenteus
* Check before planting: this may be an environmental weed in your area
Filmed on Kabi Kabi Country | Morayfield, Qld
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saucy-mesothelioma · 2 years ago
Ranking Outer Wilds Planets (And Some Other Stuff)
This was bound to happen one way or another because I absolutely adore Outer Wilds, so might as well do it now. Spoilers (obviously) for both Outer Wilds and the DLC Echoes of the Eye.
Ash Twin Pros: •The Warp Towers have pretty cool designs Cons: •It took me so damn long to figure out the fucking warp pads •The fucking sand •Not really fun to be on because it's just so stressful to try to be at the right place at the right time and then just missing it by the bare minimum Total: 2/10
Ember Twin Pros: •Had the most fun quantum puzzle in my opinion •Chert's Existential Crisis™️ Cons: •Sunless City was a pain in the ass to explore because of the goddamn sand •Just overall pretty boring Total: 4/10 Timber Hearth Pros: •One of the most beautiful planets by far; my family and I go to the Smoky Mountains a lot, and I was reminded of that place the minute I explored the village •The caves with the rocks that look like stars when you turn out your lights I could literally spend an entire loop there with Timber Hearth's theme playing in the background •Geysers are fun to play with Cons: •Took me way too long to realize there was actually stuff there to explore Total: 8/10 The Attlerock Pros: •My boi Ekser who can do no wrong ever • Like most people, I went there first and it was a wonderful opener to everything the game has to offer Cons: •Not a lot to do there, but it is just a moon Total: 6/10 Brittle Hollow Pros: •So damn beautiful that it's my second favorite planet design •Coolest Nomai ruins; I spent a loop or two just admiring how damn cool everything looked, especially the Hanging City •Gravity crystals were loads of fun even though they gave me a headache •By far the most fun planet to explore Cons: •Didn't understand how to get to the Southern Observatory and spent like 5 loops trying to figure it out via attempting to wedge my ship between the ice •Jumped off of the Black Hole Forge around 3 times because I didn't realize that I was upside down •Had no clue how to get to the Tower of Quantum Knowledge until I got stuck at the white hole with almost no oxygen and found it at the last minute •I hate that black hole with a passion it's caused me so much pain I hate it I hate it I hate it Total: 9/10 (I love it but I'm just an idiot) Giant's Deep Pros: •Hands down my favorite planet design I love it so much •I could listen to the Giant's Deep theme for hours on end •Not gonna lie, I love watching the islands getting catapulted into space •Jellyfish be vibin •Watching the supernova through the cloudy atmosphere is honestly so cool to me Cons: •Too little to explore there in my opinion, but understandable since it's a water planet •The gravity is such a huge pain in the ass Total: 10/10 Dark Bramble Pros: •I actually like the theme for it a lot •Feldspar's camp is the coolest •That Nomai grave got to me dude •Scary but still more fun than the Hourglass Twins to me, that being said- Cons: •I DON'T FUCK WITH THOSE ANGLERFISH FUCK THAT SHIT SO HARD I HATE THEM MORE THAN THE BLACK HOLE AND THAT'S SAYING A LOT
Total: 5/10 The Interloper Pros: •The reveal that the Interloper was where the ghost matter came from and was the reason all of the Nomai died really hit me in the feels; I had to take a moment Cons: •I know it's basically a comet, but it was pretty boring Total: 3/10 Quantum Moon Pros: •Best girl Solanum •I love all of the various designs for the moon •The theme is nice Cons: •Still not a lot to explore there, but it's understandable Total: 3/10
The Stranger (Based purely on looks to be fair since it's half of the DLC) Pros: •Holy shit I love the atmosphere of it so much those cypress-looking trees, everything •The architecture is fucking GORGEOUS •The reels. Beautiful. Enough said. •I could spend the rest of my life on the Stranger I love it so much •Dare I say it, I kinda like the DLC ost more than the original; still love them both to death, though Cons: •Honestly expected there to be more shit under the water? Not sure why but I did Total: 10/10
The Stranger's Dream World Pros: •Again, everything the DLC gave us is visually stunning I'm in love with the design •Owlks are pure baby those little hoots are so cute Cons: •Owlks are also fuckin scary Jesus Christ •The alarm bells give me so much stress even when I know how they work •Took me the longest time out to bypass the "death glitch" to open the Vault, but as stated before, I'm also very stupid Total: 10/10
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poisonhemloc · 2 years ago
Originally this was going to be a continuation of the baby headcanons from a few weeks ago and then the Nomai took over and its not fully that anymore but its mostly genetics
When Nomai do art that’s showing a ‘typical Nomai’ (like in the sun station- that’s not supposed to be someone specific, the art is a stand-in for a generic Nomai) they paint whoever their clan leader is for it. (the statues were not intended to be generic Nomai- there was a planned who is near what, and the statues are carved to reflect that)
Who was clan leader? I think it was Yarrow- our Nomai would have been considered Yarrow’s clan by the time they died. Our Nomai had a period of no leader before the two escape pods met back up with each other, since Escall wasn’t on either of the escape pods that made it out. When they did meet back up, Yarrow was elected as new clan leader. Usually it’s a for life/ until resignation, but most leaders resign when they feel they’re too old to run the clan well. Everyone is in the running for a new leader when it happens, no matter how young or old.
Clan dynamics aside, let’s talk coloration-
Yarrow was leucistic- not that common, for Nomai, but not unheard of. Most Nomai were not solid white- I like to think they could be brown to red to orange to yellow to black, sometimes you get a bluish black. Solid color or calico pattern or tabby or splotchy all happens, but it’s very ‘what do your parents look like’ based. Eye colors are generally white to light orange to very dark brown, with blues and greens occurring but, rarely. Yarrow had light blue eyes.
Escall was solid russet red practically, Solanum is solid orange with dark brown eyes, Lami and Laevi and Pye (their aunt) were calico patterned, mostly orange but with russet red and yellow and brown- their family all had light orange to white eyes. Clary and Poke were mostly solid light browns- Poke had white splotches on her limbs. Poke’s eyes were white, Clary’s were very light green.
Owlks take mostly after egg laying parent- I’ve mentioned before, I view them as three separate tribes/groups? Marsh/lowlands are more greenish colored, Isles are more blueish and tend to be smallest of the three, Cliff/gorge are more grey and the largest overall. Marsh tends to have smaller horns, Isles tend to be more swept back, Cliff is more streamlined overall. 
Hearthians are very impacted by the environment their egg was in before hatching, it’s practically stronger than genetics for them- acidic vs basic water, if it’s running too much or not at all, too hot or too cold or too clear or too muddy etc. For eye color, especially, that’s not really genetic based at all except ‘if nothing else effects this they’ll be yellow’ but a lot of stuff can effect eye color. They don’t know how every different thing effects them, but if two hatchlings in a row are weird, they change conditions for the eggs (Moraine and Chert are both weirdly short- change something. Riebeck? They didn’t wait for a second weird hatchling.) The ‘normal’ range of heights is Gossan to Porphy- Feldspar and Gabbro are both outside that on different ends- Feldspar is about an inch shorter, Gabbro two or three taller. Our hatchling was first normal height traveler.
Hearthian’s freckles are like fingerprints- everyone’s are different somehow. There is a little bit of a genetic tendency to have a similar freckle pattern to parents, but it’s very easily outweighed by everything else. Freckles can be changed due to trauma, too- Gossan did not always have the stripey pattern on their face they currently have (they don’t in the museum picture). It’s not an immediate change type thing, but get hit by something hard enough and the freckles around it will start looking more like scars as the area heals.
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mijh · 4 years ago
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these are maned wolves (my ocs from wolfwalker ) and are not a mother and her cub, but two friends. 👍🥰😁🧡
about maned wolf:
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Guara wolf From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia How to read a taxonomy infoxoxy-maned wolf [1] Occurrence: Pleistocene - Recent Maned wolf in the Serra da Canastra National Park Maned wolf in the Serra da Canastra National Park conservation state Almost threatened Almost threatened (IUCN 3.1) [2] Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Carnivora Family: Canidae Genre: Chrysocyon Smith, 1839 Species: C. brachyurus Binomial name Chrysocyon brachyurus Illiger, 1815 Type species Canis jubatus Desmarest, 1820 Geographic distribution Maned Wolf range.png Synonyms [3] Canis brachyurus Illiger, 1811 Canis campestris Wied-Neuwied, 1826 Canis isodactylus Ameghino, 1909 Canis jubatus Desmarest, 1820 Vulpes cankerosa Oken, 1816 The maned wolf (scientific name: Chrysocyon brachyurus) is a species of canid endemic to South America and the only member of the genus Chrysocyon. Probably the closest living species is the vinegar dog (Speothos venaticus). It occurs in savannas and open areas in central Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Bolivia, being a typical animal of the Cerrado. It was extinct in part from its occurrence to the south, but it must still occur in Uruguay. On July 29, 2020 the maned wolf was chosen to symbolize the two hundred reais bill.
It is the largest canid in South America, reaching between 20 and 30 kg in weight and up to 90 cm at the height of the withers. Its long, slender legs and dense reddish coat give it an unmistakable appearance. The maned wolf is adapted to the open environments of the South American savannas, being a twilight and omnivorous animal, with an important role in the dispersion of seeds of fruits of the cerrado, mainly the lobeira (Solanum lycocarpum). Lonely, the territories are divided between a couple, who are in the period of the female's estrus. These territories are quite wide, and may have an area of ​​up to 123 km². Communication takes place mainly through scent marking, but vocalizations similar to barking also occur. Gestation lasts up to 65 days, with black newborns weighing between 340 and 430 g.
Despite not being considered in danger of extinction by the IUCN, all the countries in which it occurs classify it in some degree of threat, although the real situation of the populations is not known. It is estimated that there are about 23 thousand animals in the wild, being a popular animal in all zoos. It is threatened mainly because of the destruction of the cerrado to expand agriculture, pedestrian accidents, hunting and diseases caused by domestic dogs. However, it is adaptable and tolerant of changes caused by humans. The maned wolf currently occurs in areas of Atlantic Forest already deforested, where it did not originally occur.
Some communities carry superstitions about the maned wolf and may even harbor a certain aversion to the animal. But in general, the maned wolf provokes sympathy in humans and is therefore used as a flag species in the conservation of the Cerrado.
Index 1 Etymology 2 Taxonomy and evolution 3 Geographic distribution and habitat 4 Description 5 Behavior and ecology 5.1 Diet and foraging 5.2 Territory, area of ​​life and social behavior 5.3 Reproduction and life cycle 6 Conservation 7 Cultural aspects 7.1 Representations in cash 8 References 9 External links Etymology The maned wolf is also known as maned, watered, aguaraçu, mane wolf, mane wolf or red wolf. [4] [5] The term wolf originates from the Latin lupus. [4] Guará and aguará originated from the Tupi-Guarani agoa'rá, "down hair". [6] Aguaraçu came from the term for "guará grande". [4] Tupi-Guarani names of origin are more common in Argentina and Paraguay (aguará guazú), but other Spanish-speaking countries have other names like boroche in Bolivia and wolf of crin in Peru. [7] Lobo de crin (in Spanish) and maned wolf (in English) are allusions to the mane of the nape of the neck. [7]
Taxonomy and evolution
It is one of the endemic canids of South America. Phylogenetic relationships of South American canids. [8]
Chrysocyon brachyurus - maned wolf
Speothos venaticus - vinegar dog
Atelocynus microtis - short-eared bush dog
Cerdocyon thous - bush dog
Lycalopex genus - South American foxes
Phylogeny inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA data. The species was described in 1815, by Johann Karl Wilhelm Illiger, initially as Canis brachyurus. [3] Lorenz Oken classified it as Vulpes cancosa, and only in 1839, Charles Hamilton Smith described the genus Chrysocyon. [3] Later, other authors considered him to be a member of the genus Canis. [3]
Despite having belonged to the genera Canis and Vulpes, due to their morphological similarities, the maned wolf is not closely related to these genera. [9] Molecular studies have shown no relationship between the Chrysocyon genus and these canids. [8] [10] The maned wolf is one of the endemic canids of South America, along with the bush dog (Cerdocyon thous ), the vinegar dog (Speothus venaticus) and the genus Lycalopex. [8] Such a group is monophyletic according to genetic studies, but morphological studies include Nyctereutes procyonoides, who is originally from Asia. [8]A study comparing the brain anatomy of several canids, published in 2003, placed the maned wolf as akin to the falkland fox (Dusicyon australis) and the genus Lycalopex (considered by the authors as Pseudalopex). [11] Molecular studies corroborate that the maned wolf has a unique common ancestor with the falkland fox, which lived approximately 6 million years ago. [12] [13]However, recent genetic studies place the maned wolf as the closest phylogenetically to the vinegar dog (Speothos venaticus), forming a clade that is a sister group to another to which all other South American canids belong, such as the canine dog. short-eared bush (Atelocynus microtis), the bush dog (Cerdocyon thous) and the genus Lycalopex. [8] [10] This clade diverged from other South American canids about 4.2 million years ago, and the Chrysocyon and Speothos genera diverged about 3 million years ago. [8]Not many maned wolf fossils are known and those that were discovered originate from the Holocene and the Upper Pleistocene, unearthed in the Brazilian plateau, indicating that the species also evolved only in the open areas of Central Brazil. [14] Nor are subspecies recognized. [15]Geographic distribution and habitatThe Cerrado is the main habitat of the maned wolf. The maned wolf is an endemic canid from South America and inhabits the grasslands and thickets of the center of that continent. Its geographic distribution extends from the mouth of the Parnaíba River, in the Northeast of Brazil, through the lowlands of Bolivia, east of the Pampas del Heath, in Peru and the Paraguayan chaco, to Rio Grande do Sul. [3] Evidence of the maned wolf's presence in Argentina can be found up to Parallel 30, with recent sightings in Santiago del Estero. [2] Probably the maned wolf still occurs in Uruguay, given that a specimen was spotted in 1990, but since then there has been no record of the species in the country. [2]It is a fact that the maned wolf has disappeared in many regions at the southern limits of its geographical distribution, occurring almost only up to the border of Rio Grande do Sul with Uruguay. [16] Interestingly, the deforestation of the Atlantic Forest in the southeastern and eastern regions of Brazil favored the expansion of its geographic distribution to areas where it did not previously inhabit. [16] For this reason, records in Atlantic Forest areas in Paraná, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais have increased in recent years. [5] In the Pantanal the maned wolf occurs in highlands in the upper Paraguay, but avoids the lowlands of the Pantanal plain. [5] There are sporadic records of the species in transition areas between the Cerrado and the Amazon and the Caatinga. [5] The species can occur above 1,500 meters in altitude. [5]The maned wolf habitat is mainly characterized by open fields, with shrub vegetation and forest areas with open canopy, being a typical animal of the Cerrado. [15] It can also be found in areas that experience periodic flooding and man-made fields. [15] The maned wolf prefers environments with a low amount of shrubs and sparse vegetation. [15] More closed areas are used for rest during the day, especially in regions that have been greatly altered anthropically. [17] In these altered areas it can be seen in cultivated fields, Eucalyptus plantations and even in suburban areas. [18] Although the species can occur in anthropic environments, further studies are needed to quantify the degree of tolerance of the maned wolf to agricultural activities, but some authors suggest the preference for areas modified by man as opposed to well-preserved forest areas. [5] [15]DescriptionThe skull is similar to that of the wolf and the coyote. It is the largest canid in South America, reaching between 95 and 115 cm in length, with a tail measuring between 38 and 50 cm in length and reaching up to 90 cm at the height of the withers. [15] It weighs between 20.5 and 30 kg, with no significant differences in the weight of males and females. [15] It is an animal difficult to confuse with other South American canids, because of its long and thin legs, dense reddish coat and large ears. [15] The species' slender shape is probably an adaptation to displacement in open areas covered by grasses. [3]It is unmistakable among South American canids, being the largest among them. The body coat varies from golden red to orange and the hairs on the back of the neck and feet are black, with no undercoat in the coat. [3] The lower part of the jaw and the tip of the tail are white. [3] The hairs are long, reaching up to 8 cm in length along the body, forming a type of mane on the animal's neck. [7] There is almost no variation in the color of the coat, and it is not possible to identify individuals or sex from hair color, although an entirely black individual has already been recorded in northern Minas Gerais. [7] [19]The shape of the head looks like that of a fox. The snout is slender and the ears are large. [3] However, the skull is similar to that of the wolf (Canis lupus) and the coyote (Canis latrans). [3] The skull also has a prominent sagittal crest. The butcher tooth is reduced, the upper incisors small and the canines long. [3] Like the other canids, it has 42 teeth with the following dental formula: {\ displaystyle {\ tfrac {} {}} \ times 2 = 42} \ tfrac {} {} \ times 2 = 42 [20] Similar to the vinegar dog (Speothos venaticus), the maned wolf's rhyme extends to the upper lip, but the vibrissae are longer. [3]The maned wolf's footprints are similar to those of the dog, but have the pads disproportionately small when compared to the digits of the digits, which are wide open. [21] [22] The dog has foot pads up to 3 times larger than the maned wolf's footprints. [22] These pillows are triangular in shape. [22] The front footprints are between 7 and 9 cm long and 5.5 and 7 cm wide, and those on the back legs are between 6.5 and 9 cm long and 6.5 to 8.5 cm wide. [22 ] A characteristic that differentiates the maned wolf's footprints from that of other South American canids is the proximal union of the third and fourth digits. [3]Geneticame n the maned wolf has 38 chromosomes, with a karyotype similar to that of other canids. [3] Genetic diversity suggests that 15,000 years ago the species suffered a reduction in its diversity, called the bottleneck effect. Even so, this genetic diversity is greater than that of other canids. [5]average 0.7 seconds in 2 to 4 second intervals, a sequence that is repeated for up to 23 times. [7] Both males and females vocalize. [7] They tend to vocalize more at night, when they can be heard from several meters away. [35] Despite being associated with territoriality, vocalizations are more frequent among young people from the same territory, suggesting that they are only a sign for contact over great distances between known individuals and not for the defense of territory. [35]Direct social interactions are rare and maned wolves seem to avoid each other. [7] Agonistic encounters are rare but occur mainly between males, and have not been seen among females. [32] This results in almost no overlap in the male territories. [32]
Reproduction and life cycle
The puppies are born weighing between 340 and 430 g and have a reddish coat after the tenth week As in the diet, most of the data on the maned wolf's estrus and reproductive cycle comes from animals in captivity, mainly on the endocrinology of reproduction. [33] However, studies of animals in freedom have found that hormonal changes follow the same pattern of variation as animals in captivity. [33] At first females spontaneously ovulate, but some authors suggest that the presence of a male is important for estrus induction. [33]
Captive animals in the northern hemisphere breed between October and February and in the southern hemisphere between August and October. This indicates that the photoperiod has an important role in the reproduction of the maned wolf, mainly due to the production of semen. [3] [33] Usually estrus occurs annually [3] and the amount of sperm produced by the maned wolf is less when compared to that of other canids. [33]
Copulations take place during the 4-day period of estrus and are followed by up to 15 minutes of copulatory engagement. [3] The courtship behavior is no different from that of other canids, characterized by frequent approximations and anogenital investigation. [26]
The gestation lasts about 65 days, being born between 2 and 5 puppies, but 7 puppies have already been registered. [3] Births in May have already been observed in the Serra da Canastra, but captivity data suggest that births are concentrated between June and September. [5] The few data available on reproduction in the wild show that the maned wolf reproduces with difficulty and the mortality of young is high. Females can stay up to 2 years without reproducing. [33]
In captivity, reproduction is even more difficult, especially in temperate countries in the northern hemisphere. [33] The puppies are born weighing between 340 and 430 grams, black and changing to a reddish color after the tenth week. [3] The eyes open at about 9 days of age. [3] They are breastfed up to 4 months and fed by their parents through regurgitation until 10 months, starting at the 3rd week of age. [25] [26] At three months of age the puppies accompany the mother while she forages. [25] Parental care is shared between male and female, but females do this more often. [25] Data on male parental care have been collected from captive animals, and little is known about whether this occurs frequently in wild animals. [26] Sexual maturity is reached at 1 year of age and after that age they leave the territory in which they were born. [26]
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dmpservicesone · 3 years ago
Are you not bothered about Covid-19?
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10 Facts That Nobody Told You About Eradicating Covid-19 From The Earth And Save The Human Race?.
How to use herbs to eradicate Covid-19 from the earth and save the human race?
# What do you think?  as soon as possible to advice
A global crisis has shocked the world. It is causing a tragic number of deaths, making people afraid to leave home, and leading to economic hardship not seen in many generations. Its effects are rippling across the world.
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And nothing about the human response to COVID-19 will either. The evolutionary arms race between humans and viruses has existed for millennia. Our bodies, packed with nutrients and the machinery of cellular reproduction, are irresistible targets for exploitation by smaller and faster-evolving organisms
Whereas viruses benefit from rapid replication rate and mutation potential, allowing them to quickly adapt to exploit their hosts, humans are not left defenseless. Natural selection has endowed us with a complex physiological immune system
That targets viruses at a cellular level and a behavioral immune system
that modulates human behavior to reduce the risk of contagion. Moreover, our ability to communicate and develop vast repositories of information, paired with intelligence and innate curiosity, allowed us to engineer extraordinary tools such as modern medicine. And, we have developed cultural systems of coordination that can allow us to erect walls for limiting the spread of disease
It is possible that SARS-CoV-2 has been particularly successful because it is highly infectious before symptoms appear. Suppressing the sickness-related behavior of hosts is one way that viruses can increase their fitness. Hosts that are infected but do not feel sick are more likely to go about their usual activities, which allows them to come in contact with others whom they might infect. If they do not display symptoms of infection, the human behavioral immune system fails to activate in others (see Insight 3: Activating Disgust Can Help Combat Disease Spread), silently spreading to new hosts.
Other viruses have been associated with mood disorders, including HIV
 the 1918 influenza virus
and Borna disease virus
although causality is impossible to establish with this evidence. One study administered the influenza vaccine as a proxy for infection and found a significant change in social behavior—for the 48 h after receiving the vaccine (during the time of peak transmissibility), people interacted with others more (from 51 to 101 people) and in larger groups (from 2.4 to 5.5) than in the 48 h before receiving it
This study suggests exposure to viral antigens can have effects on host social behavior and is consistent with what would be expected if viruses alter host behavior to enhance viral transmission.  By understanding how SARS-CoV-2 is evolving and having behavioral and psychological effects on us that enhance its transmission, we will be better able to shape its evolutionary trajectory so it becomes less harmful and less lethal 
he COVID-19 pandemic has been a part of our daily lives since March 2020, but with about 115,000 new cases a day in the United States and the U.S. death toll at more than 464,000, it remains as important as ever to stay vigilant and know how to protect yourself from coronavirus.
Covid-19, Save The Human Race for Know how it spreads
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Scientists are still learning about COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, but according to the CDC, this highly contagious virus appears to be most commonly spread during close (within 6 feet) person-to-person contact through respiratory droplets.
Practicing good hygiene is an important habit that helps prevent the spread of COVID-19. Make these CDC recommendations part of your routine:
The means of transmission can be through respiratory droplets produced when a person coughs or sneezes, or by direct physical contact with an infected person, such as shaking hands
1. Practice social distancing - 
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The CDC recommends maintaining a distance of approximately 6 feet from others in public places.
2. Wash your hands -
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Practicing good hygiene is an important habit that helps prevent the spread of COVID-19. Make these CDC recommendations part of your routine:
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
Save The Human Race, It’s especially important to wash:
Before eating or preparing food
Before touching your face.
After using the restroom.
After leaving a public place.
After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
After handling your mask.
After changing a diaper.
After caring for someone who’s sick.
After touching animals or pets
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If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands with the sanitizer and rub them together until they feel dry.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
In addition to hand-washing, disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks.
“Soap molecules disrupt the fatty layer or coat surrounding the virus, ” says Dr. Goldberg.“ Once the viral coat is broken down, the virus is no longer able to function.”
3. Wear a mask
Face masks are designed to provide a barrier between your airway and the outside world,” says Dr. Ole Vielemeyer, medical director of Weill Cornell ID Associates and Travel Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center and Weill Cornell Medicine. “By wearing a mask that covers your mouth and nose, you will reduce the risk of serving as the source of disease spread by trapping your own droplets in the mask, and also reduce the risk of getting sick via droplets that contain the coronavirus.
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4.  Restrict your travel
Travel increases your chance of getting and spreading COVID-19.
states the CDC. “Staying home is the best way to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.”
For people at risk for the complications of COVID-19, such as those with underlying medical conditions or those who are older, it’s prudent to avoid travel,
Travel between provinces will be restricted considering the increasing caseload of COVID-19 in the country
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5. Watch for symptoms
Most common symptoms:
dry cough
Less common symptoms:
aches and pains
sore throat
loss of taste or smell
a rash on the skin, or discoloration of fingers or toes
Serious symptoms:
difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
chest pain or pressure
loss of speech or movement
Seek immediate medical attention if you have serious symptoms. Always call before visiting your doctor or health facility 
People with mild symptoms who are otherwise healthy should manage their symptoms at home.
On average it takes 5–6 days from when someone is infected with the virus for symptoms to show, however it can take up to 14 days.
Herbal Medicine is Powerful enough to save the Life of a Covid-19 infected person.
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Herbs :
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have been used to treat respiratory infections like the Influenza trusted Source and pneumonia.
Supermarkets and smaller retailers have run out of ginger, coriander, turmeric, yellow vine, and lime, and Ayurveda practitioners warn there may not be enough supplies to produce the wide range of indigenous medicinal products that many Sri Lankans trust over Western medicine.
practitioners recommend the consumption of herbal drinks using coriander and venivel to boost the immune system, a practice that has been strongly advocated amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Particular tradition uses hundreds of medicinal plant extracts to strengthen the immune system. These include commonly used herbs such as turmeric and yellow vine, to lesser-known plants.
A host of other plants are used in Ayurveda to treat common illnesses. These include adhatoda or Malabar nut (Justicia adhatoda), Indian lilac or neem (Azadirachta indica), white or Indian sandalwood (Santalum album), red sandalwood (Pterocarpus santalinus), black pepper (Piper nigrum), bin kohomba (Munronia pinnata), katuwel batu or wild eggplant (Solanum virginianum), suvanda kapuru (Gaultheria leschenaultii), heen araththa or snap ginger (Alpinia calcarata), nelli or Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica), and rasakinda or heart-leaved moonseed (Tinospora cordifolia).
Sri Lanka has at least four established traditional treatment systems: Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, and Deshiya Chikitsa, or indigenous treatment — all popular methods of treating people.
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Besides the use of medicinal plant resources in Ayurveda, herbs are extensively used in Sri Lankan homes to build up immunity, fight contagious diseases, and in cooking. Herbal drugs play a key role on native preventive care, with many Sri Lankans relying on traditional remedies over Western medicine. Fear of the side effects associated with the latter is one of the factors that drive people to prefer native treatments as the safer option.
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pumpkin-jack001 · 5 years ago
Unanswered questions from Outer Wilds *Spoilers Below*
After beating Outer Wilds (best game I’ve played all year) I’ve got a few questions. Some I was able to fidget an answer out of myself (posting below in case others have the same question) but there are a few that never had a solid explanation for. Again, Major Spoilers under the cut!!!
Questions I Figured out:
1) If the Probe Canon fired over 9 million times, implying there has been over 9 million loops, why are you just NOW entering the loop? Why not the millions of time before? What did you do different that you didn’t do in a previous loop?      
Answer: The Ash Twin’s Failsafe. Once the coordinates to the Eye were found, a signal was sent to the Ash Twin Project to activate the Nomai statues. I actually thought some poor Nomai had to live through the millions of loops waiting for the probe to fire in the right direction!
2) Did the Vessel crash into Dark Bramble, or did it warp directly into it?
Answer: It seems to have warped directly into some of the vines since a log in the ship said that the vines had “become part of the ship”.
3) Did the Sunless city always fill up with sand?
Answer: Hopefully and probably not, more then likely there was some damage to the “roof” that allowed sand to pour in.
Unanswered questions:
1) Why did the Black Hole Forge have to be built....right over a black hole? Did they need to be close to study it to make the warp cores? Did they somehow take samples from the black hole? Was the area just easier to make the cores?
2) If Brittle Hollow was already unstable when the Nomai found it, why is it just now falling apart millions of years later? Especially since it’s being bombarded by Hollow’s Lantern. *Follow up question* We see that Hollow’s Lantern loses lava as it shoots lava bombs, and the Nomai noted these lava bombs when they landed. So how does it still have lava? Does it refill it self or something?
Finally, the big question that’s bothered me **Major Spoiler Below**:
3) How can Solanum be both alive and dead on the Quantum moon? If she, as a conscious observer, was viewing the moon at the 6th location, that should have locked it there. In other words, the moon couldn’t have been entangled to all 6 locations. A quantum object only exists in all possible locations if it is unobserved. In theory, the only way she could have been at all 6 locations at the same time would be if she was in the Quantum Tower at the North Pole with the lights off. But she/ her body is found at the South Pole. *Follow up question* Why is she/ her body found at the south pole? We know visitors always arrive there, but she isn’t a visitor...she’s already on the moon!
Just a few things to think about. Feel free to add your own!
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poroquagganbob · 6 years ago
Explaining all 36 of my GW2 characters badly so you can ask about them
KindKillia Kiki: noble who ran away to become a scholar with a Branded arm who plays scientist 
Sora Nightshade:  Sylvari based on Sunrise whose in a relationship with a Charr, defeated Tequatl
Esme Seacanary: demon child who likes ham and murder, can see the future and read minds
Seacanary: demon assassin who adopted the demon child, really hundreds of years old but doesn’t look like it
Natasha Natalia: the demon assassin’s other adoptive daughter, not a demon but obsessed with pointy objects and afraid of water
Maylin Fateweaver: a kleptomaniac Charr whose married to a mesmer and has a beloved pet Devourer named Whip
Nikita Solanum: a Sylvari witch who likes experimenting on her victims , married to another Sylvari
Roselea Eleanor: Seraph in Training with a secret daughter from a teenage pregnancy, Esme’s cousin
Brynnsonia: Maylin’s best friend, whose human, vegan , bisexual and a thief . She’s of Canthan descent. 
Ahriadnae: a reclusive Sylvari inventor who hates everyone , especially those who interrupt her work. Considers her assistant Kira as her only friend.
Eirrewen: an eccentric and easily-distracted Sylvari healer who has a pet Dolyak calf named “Snowflake” 
Helena Akemi: a cosplayer character for Homura Akemi from Madoka Magica
 Kira of the Realm: Ahriadnae’s young assistant who basically fell into Ahriadnae’s life and annoyed her until she was made her assistant. 
Asune Ryukia:  a cosplayer character for Asuna Yuuki from Sword Art Online
Averie Rose: a cosplayer character for Ruby Rose from RWBY, named after my niece, Avery.
Ashenathe: a pyromanaic Sylvari 
Luna Spiritsong: the descendant of a Canthan Ritualist who channels the spirit and memories of her ancestor
Braum Hreindyr: a cosplay character of Braum, the Heart of the Freljord from League of Legends who is my cinnamon bun and favorite character from that game
Diana Moonfallen: a cosplay character of Diana, Scorn of the Moon from League of Legends
Poro of the Abyss:  inspired by my Poro plush from the game League of Legends, said plush was studied expensively to make as a character in GW2
Kindred Seeker: a cosplayer character of Kindred, the Eternal Hunters from League of Legends 
Mai Requiem: a Charr necromancer whose entire theme is “blue “ , named after my Necromancer from GW1.
Leona Zenithen: a cosplay character of Leona, the Radiant Dawn from League of Legends
Pyrrha Sigrid: a cosplay character of Pyrrha Nikos from RWBY 
Wistirya: a Sylvari who is entirely enthralled with her Fern Hound “Ferny”, who is the only person she loves,  to the point where she could murder anyone who gets too close for her comfort, shes incredibly paranoid. 
Eleanor Miterian: a hammer-wielding sassy girl who thinks she’s Roselea’s cousin as she was raised as such but is actually Roselea’s daughter . She asks about her mother constantly but isn’t sure anyone is going to tell her who she is.
Xandorus Altadorian: the son of a King of a micronation occupied by Kryta and a sorceress who kept him under a spell. Xandorus went on a world domination-bound rampage after being a little shit for years and his memories have since been wiped. He’s a powerful sorcerer but not as powerful as his twin. He used to have a huge crush on Brynnsonia .
Altadramila: Xandorus’ twin sister, she was favored by her sorceress mother but was used by her constantly. She vowed never to be controlled again and uses her magic only her for purposes, which include opening portals for Magical Uber. She’s a lesbian who briefly dated Brynnsonia but they broke up because of Xandorus.
Neithataline: a desert princess who got tired of the intrigues of politics and instead became a lawyer. 
Carson Rose: a guardian named after and based on my nephew, Carson
Edgar Grimzerker: an ancient demon who works as a bounty hunter for misbehaving immortals and magical folks who refuse to keep themselves hidden. Hes perpetually drunk , grumpy and bisexual. He has a huge crush on Braum and they’re kinda dating. 
Aurithne: a cosplay character of Aurene-branded Caithe 
Forgemaster Ornn: a cosplay character of Ornn,  the Fire Below the Mountain from League of Legends.  He only names things after what they are, as such , his Springer is Springer and his hammer is Hammer. 
Eeveenia:  a character inspired by my partner Eevee from Lets Go. Eevee is one of my favorite Pokemon ever. 
Embriene: a broke noblewoman from Elona who enjoys luxuries she can’t afford such as emeralds and silks to keep up appearances. Named after my paragon Embrienne from GW1. 
Shiedayn:  a scythe-wielding Sylvari who just wants friends but is a major edgelord and melodramatic. Wistirya shot him in the leg because she got paranoid  about him but he definitely wanted to get to know her before that. He hopes to reconnect with her but she avoids him.  
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askbittyerror · 7 years ago
Robots might require an explanation, but I’m honestly coming up with a blank otherwise. Even amongst kid films, there’s very few that don’t feature something upsetting for the purpose of drama. Can you guys think of any movies that would be okay? - Solanum
“The robots were servants, Night and I would be fine with it but I’m not sure about the others.” Thistle whispers. “I’m worried it would feel too familiar to them, especially since the robots weren’t liberated at the end. Also, Cherry can’t tell fantasy from reality yet and just asked Arthur when Cedric’s funeral is and if he can bring flowers.”
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poisonhemloc · 3 years ago
ignore me im putting outer wilds headcanons together rather than write
this is a couple paragraphs of text cause its thoughts and not. edited well for comprehension sorry also spoilers
Hearthians first
It seems like the trend is a handful of kids born at about the same time then no new kids for a while? Oldest are Spinel, Gneiss and Tektite, then the middle agedish group which is Rutile and Esker are oldest, Hornfels, Slate, Gossan and Feldspar all seem about the same age, I’d put Porphy and Gabbro next, then maybe Moraine and Chert, Riebeck and Marl, Hal and the Hatchling, then Galena, Arkose, Tephra and Mica. It is just how I ordered it but. Now I’m wondering if one of the older Hearthians recently passed away so (it’s august i posted this in march) I forgot Tuff. None of y’all noticed and neither did I, but they’re probably either Porphy&Gabbro’s or Gossan&Hornfels’ age. That does ruin the nice neat ‘pairs are born around the same time’ but eh, it was too good to be true or someone from that age range died recently too
The pilot order is Feldspar then Gabbro then Chert then Riebeck. We know Feldspar was first (Gossan stopped traveling they don’t count here), and I feel like Gabbro is the logical second choice because 1) low energy, you know where they are, they aren’t pinballing around the solar system and if you get them to listen they’ll actually go check on equipment if you need someone to vs Feldspar is Exploring, 2) Spacesuits. Gabbro looks like they have a full body suit like Feldspar and Gossan; it’s harder to tell with Riebeck, but I think Chert does have a full body suit but it’s two different materials, top and bottom, and that’s when Outer Wilds Ventures started moving towards keeping the torso/head pressurized and hope your pants are okay. unrelated checking the images again Chert has constellations on their bandana it’s cute. Which leads into Chert probably being third, since similar suit design but also Hornfels and Gossan realizing the overcorrected for Feldspar being Feldspar with Gabbro being Gabbro and luckily the next Hearthian who wanted to go wanted to do actual work, too, with the stars. Then Riebeck, when the Hatchling first gets to them they say something along the lines of “Oh you launched, I guess that means I’ve been out here a while!” And that (...and their suit, their pants look separate from the top bit) makes me think they were the last ones out. With all that, Feldspar is the oldest (Probably a bit past middle aged honestly), then Gabbro is like, equivalent of late thirties early forties, Chert’s early thirties, Riebeck’s late twenties, and our Hatchling is like. Late teens early twenties.
Hal is writing fluent with the Nomai language, since they translated it? Despite some of the Nomai’s stuff saying it’s a recording I think everything is written down as well including on their recorders, but none of the Hearthians are fluent with spoken Nomai. Riebeck is writing fluent too, they were on Timber Hearth when Hal and I think Hornfels and whoever else was free started combing through everything Feldspar brought back and pictures and started figuring the language out.
Nomai stuff-
So there’s a big emphasis on the written word for the Nomai? To the point where they leave writing from the crash near writing from building the ATP. I get the vibe it’s all preserved, somewhere- like, everything is scaled down to make the game manageable (time, planets, writing, etc) and if you tried to make it “realistic” there’d be shelves and shelves full of writing they’ve preserved.
So the point I’m leaning towards, I don’t think deafness is a huge cultural disability for the Nomai? Because everything is written down, and with Solanum we see one of the tools they carry can just project writing wherever. Vs vision issues might be a bigger problem especially until they can get facilities up to make some kind of glasses.
Owl people stuff-
Since it was the entire moon’s worth of Owl people who went to the Eye, I feel like there were several different groups? And that’s represented by the three main areas- the River Lowlands tribe lived more in a swampy type area, the Cinder Isles tribe were islanders, the Hidden Gorge tribe were cliff dwellers.
They were cooperative on the trip, finding out and blocking the Eye, and then making the simulation. Once they went into the simulation, I feel like they rarely travel to the other group’s areas? Everyone reverted back to “my tribe my place I might come check on you but not really” and that’s partially because the simulation is of where each group prefers to live and partially because of the Prisoner from the Cinder Isles group releasing the signal and partially because I think the Owl person who found the signal in the first place and led the charge to build the Stranger was from River Lowlands? And most of the Owls who built the Simulation were from the Hidden Gorge. A couple of them go to check, once the simulation is in daylight, after the night the dam breaks but no one’s really torn up that the other tribes are gone. The Hidden Gorge tower was built explicitly to stay safe in case of dam issues.
The Lowlands tribe tends to have more greenish coloration, the Isles tribe are more blue, and the Gorge tribe is more grey and tend to have more streamlined horns. Lowlands and Isles Owl people generally know how to swim but the Gorge tribe doesn’t- part of why jumping into water was coded put out the artifact because c’mon they did not have to code that in.
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emphoenixcat · 7 years ago
Your such a great writer! So I heard this song and I love it so much I was thinking maybe a logicality based off of this quote 'im sorry baby, please puppy, im trying to be ultra mega happy. And show you my smile and send you my feelings and fuck it is so hard' with patton saying it. Cause he's just been hurting so much lately and logan tells him that he doesn't have to do all that. And fluff at the end (sorry I just really love logicality angst) -🐢
I looked up the song, I can totally see it as something Patton would listen to! 
Song: Airplane Mode by Limbo
Okay, so I’d say the setting is probably before the “Moving On: Exploring Nostalgia” videos.
Patton was getting really sick of pretending to be untroubled, a smile continuously stretched across his face like a mask.
It especially bothered him when one of the other Sides insulted him. Usually it was Logan, who disagreed with the moral side. Logan, who carelessly took for granted Patton’s input. Logan, who saw Patton’s presence as inconsequential.
This sometimes angered Patton, but it mostly made him feel useless and stupid. He liked Logan, but he wasn’t all that sure that the logical side felt the same about him.
I don’t know big, fancy words like he does. I try to do my best for Thomas and the others too. I even compliment Logan and try my best to make him feel like he matters. The least he could do is show me the same courtesy.
I just want to be included in the decision-making. I’m as much a part of Thomas as any of them, he thought frustrated.
Patton was sitting in the family room, the main part of the mindscape. He sat on the couch with the TV on in front of him. He wasn’t really watching it though.
The moral side didn’t really like being in his own room, too many extra thoughts and feelings flying around him dangerously. He was rarely in his room at all, but nobody seemed to notice. I guess they just figure that I’m always around to help.
Since the others weren’t around, Patton was slumped over on the couch with his gaze fixed on the carpet. A bleak expression characterized his features.
Nobody likes you, he glumly thought to himself.
Thomas is better off without you. Just look how you have hurt him by falling in love with someone. How you hurt him by thinking the worst, but even more by assuming the best.
Patton swiped away at a small tear that had managed to escape him.
Look how you hurt yourself.
The moral side jumped at the voice, he hurriedly straightened his sitting position and touched his face to make sure there were no more stray tears. He turned around in his seat with a perfectly choreographed grin etched on his face.
“Oh! Hey, Logan!” he said cheerfully.
Inwardly, Patton was remembering a song.
“It’s playing tricks. I say I’m fine, but really it’s hurting me deep inside”
“You alright? You were staring at the ground when I walked in and completely ignoring the comedy on television. Very unlike yourself.” Logan observed.
“Of course I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?”
The smile was beginning to slip, Patton hastily changed the subject.
“Did you need something, Lo?”
Logan pondered Patton carefully. “I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to help me with a science experiment?”
“You want my help? Why?”
Logan shifted uncomfortably, “Because….things tend to be better when the heart is involved….”
Patton stared at Logan in surprise.
“I’ve noticed that you’ve been a bit downcast lately and I can’t help, but think that that might be my doing. I haven’t exactly been supportive.”
“Logan, it is impossible for you to do wrong. Besides, I haven’t been downcast, I’ve just been–” Patton smiled uncertainly. “–a bit tired is all.”
The logical side eyed Patton sadly. “Don’t force yourself, Pat. You’re the heart. It is only natural for you to feel pain after heartbreak.”
Patton shook his head, desperately keeping the grin plastered to his face.
Logan frowned, brushing his fingers delicately underneath the moral side’s eyes and bringing forth a glistening teardrop. He stared at the drop of sadness that dampened his fingertip and slowly glanced back up at Patton.
Morality began crying openly, the smile refusing to stay. He knows now. He knows now, the moral side thought miserably.
“Patton?” Logan said softly. “You need to help me understand how you feel.”
“B–but I thought feelings were the b–bane of your existence.”
Logan looked apologetic, “They’re not so bad. Not all of them.” His voice was a faint whisper.
“C–can I quote a song?”
“”If it helps” Logan encouraged.
Patton wrung his hands together nervously as he shakily said the words that were swirling inside him.
“I’m sorry, baby. I’m sorry, puppy.
I’m trying to be ultra mega happy
And show you my smile
and send you my feelings and fuck it is so hard”
Logan smiled slightly, “I can relate to those words as well. I’m not the most….expressive, but I do care. And I know that since you are the embodiment of feelings, it can’t possibly be healthy for you to push them down like that.”
Patton sniffled, “I–I just don’t want to be a burden. I know how you hate how irrational I am. I know you hate me.”
The logical side shook his head. “I don’t hate you. Far from it. Quite the….opposite actually….” he blushed.
Hope filled Patton’s features, “You don’t?”
“Pat, I just….I have to be….” the logical side took a deep breath. “I have to contradict you. I am logic. It is in my nature to oppose the heart. Sometimes that overrides my own emotions, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t lo—”
Patton tilted his head, “Huh?”
Logan tried again, “That doesn’t mean I don’t lov–”
The moral side stared at Logan, astonished. Love?
Logan was still stumbling over his own words, trying to choke the feeling out of him.
“You love me?” Patton asked hesitantly.
“Y–yes.” Logan felt his cheeks redden. As red as solanum lycopersicum.
This time a genuine smile brightened Patton’s face.
Maybe falling in love wasn’t so bad after all.
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sciencespies · 4 years ago
Birdies To Raptors: How This Colombian Went From Golf To Ornithology
Birdies To Raptors: How This Colombian Went From Golf To Ornithology
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Ana María Morales Cañizares works to preserve the Ornate Hawk-eagle, Spizaetus ornatus, among other … [+] raptor species.
Colombian conservationist Ana María Morales was on her way to a pro-golf career, but found her true passion: birds of prey –also known as raptors– which she now helps to conserve on Colombia’s pacific coast.
Morales, who now works with the Fundación Aguilas de los Andes (FADA or Eagles of the Andes Foundation) which runs the only rehabilitation center for birds of prey in Colombia, was born and raised in Bogotá, Colombia and started playing golf as a little girl.
Then, in her third semester of studying undergraduate veterinary science, she got a scholarship to a college in the US to play golf and study wildlife biology.
“I was a student-athlete, I was focused on golf more than my major, which I kinda regret because I could’ve done so much more if I had better advice when it came to wildlife science,” Morales said.
Morales says after graduating in 2011, she spent two year playing golf competitively, including 4 tournaments in Florida in 2013, but ran out of money and ended up doing a masters while joining the golf coaching team of her college.
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“That last year of my Masters in, 2014 to 2015, I got involved in wildlife rehab and that’s when everything clicked, and I finally found what really made me happy: raptors.”
At this time, she interned with the Raptor Education Group Inc in Wisconsin, learning about rehabilitation, education, and raptor training.
After working with them for a year, she came back to Colombia to work with FADA.
“We help raptors that have been trafficked, kept as pets, and/or that have been shot at,” she said, “We do mostly rehabilitation of birds of prey, but we also work in education and research, all of this to help mitigate the human-raptor conflict and help in the conservation of birds of prey of Colombia.”
She says her current main project is with four people, from three different institutions, working towards the conservation of raptors in a reserve called Jardín Botánico del Pacífico, in the Chocó region of Colombia.
“We want to monitor an occupied Ornate hawk-eagle (Spizaetus ornatus) nest as well as to look for other raptor nests and this monitoring is going to allow us to study the diet as well as reproductive behaviors and development of the chick,” she said.
Morales says she also wants to make this conservation project sustainable by involving the community as guides for bird watching or even scientific tourism at the reserve. 
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Ana María Morales installing nest boxes for owls in Southern Colombia
Ana María Morales
She says the organisation’s flagship species is the Black-and-chestnut eagle (Spizaetus isidori) but they aim to mitigate human conflict with all raptor species.
“As the agriculture frontier advances so does the deforestation which brings the raptors closer to human settlements increasing the chances of them preying on domestic animals which fuels the conflict,” she said, “This is especially true with the Black-and-chestnut eagle but it is also true for other raptor species like the Harpy eagle.”
Morales says that since the Black-and-chestnut eagle is considered endangered (EN) by the IUCN, and no population studies have been done, the team needs to keep on working hard to save each individual they can.
Morales says that her story shows there is no one correct path in STEM
“As you can see my career in STEM has not been planned at all even though I’m a planner, but in this aspect I have just gone with the flow and it has allowed me to to network in a way that I have been able to develop certain projects I want to work on,” she said, adding that pursuing her passion means supporting herself a day job while working on different projects.
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Ana María Morales Cañizares assessing a juvenile black-and-chestnut eagle
Another Colombian woman who is studying the country’s unique biodiversity is entomologist Diana Obregon.
MORE FROM FORBESHow Did This Colombian Use Drones To Solve A Bee Mystery?By Andrew Wight
Obregon, a PhD student at Cornell University, has been trying to find out the role pesticides play in the decline of the bees that pollinate Lulo Solanum quitoense fruits (known as lulo), which is iconic in Colombia.
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inklingleesquidly · 8 years ago
a short little comedy in which Lee Squidly forms a boy band in order to take down an up-and-coming pop star. See a side of Lee you thought you would never see!
Featuring the squids of @doggyg with minor appearances by the squids of @pix-inkkin, @plasmidsandtonics, @grandtheft-autotune, and @yundarigods
Word count: 4,461 words
There were a number of trends and interests that were shared by Inklings and other creatures all throughout Inkopolis. Sports and fashion were the big thing but one that strongly prevailed over the culture was music. Musical tastes varied and there was a great diversity of artists and musicians; from household names to small artists ready to hit it big. However, no one was soaring to the top faster than a new star making waves on the Pop scene.
       Their name was Zack Inkland, and despite only being active for such a short time this Inkling teen had become the most talked about celebrity around. Several of his songs became chart topping hits; Squishy, One Less Lonely Squid, and Your Mate, just to name a few. He was everywhere; on television, on the radio, in magazines, commercials, and more.
“Icck,” Lee Squidly quietly sneered as he exited the lobby elevator from another round of Turf Wars. His Squad mates ran ahead of him to consort in the plaza while he lagged behind; staring down at his shuffling feet with his hands in his pockets.
Pix and Saulma were absentmindedly chatting while Ty was purchasing a drink from the wall of vending machines. He spun around and saw the glum look on Lee’s face, he curiously asked, “Sup Lee?”
He looked up, only to see Zack Inkland on the can of cola Ty drank from; advertising some sort of contest. It made him puff out his cheek and furrow his brow. He answered with a displeased grumbling noise in his throat, “Well- I- did you notice how for like, four matches in a row they played Zack Inkland songs?”
This caught the girls’ attention as Ty replied, “I dunno, I wasn’t paying attention.”
Lee tapped his fingers impatiently against his arm and said, “It just feels like it’s been ages since I’ve heard a Squid Squad or Hightide Era song.”
Saulma interjected, “Well maybe if you didn’t run and hide so much you would focus more on the match rather than the music, eh Miho?”
He was about to reply when he was suddenly dumbstruck by what Saulma had said. “That’s cold,” Lee mumbled; as mean as it was, he couldn’t argue.
Pix asked the question that all of them had wanted to ask for some time, “Do you have something against that guy? Every time you see him, or hear him, or somebody talks about him you get all huffy and puffy and get that look on your face like—yeah, that one!”
As she was talking, Lee regained that temperamental, irritated expression. None of them could believe it; it was so unlike him to be like this, so much so that Pix snapped a photo of him on her phone to commemorate the moment. He said nothing in response to the action as he was so irritated.
This was something that had been going on for quite some time; every time Lee so much as heard that name he would become unusually and unnecessarily agitated.
Pix exclaimed, “I don’t know what you have against him, he’s really cool, and my brother and I both like his music a lot.” Lee reminded himself of how much his friend and her little brother bonded over this new artist; particularly how much her brother was giddy for the fact that they shared the same name.
In that moment he recalled a video Pix had showed him of her and her brother meeting Zack Inkland at a meet & greet. “You’re my number-1 fan, you’re my number-1 fan, you’re my number-1 fan,” he could swear he heard him repeat to people in front of her.
Trying to explain himself, Lee said, “He just seems so fake to me.”
Immediately upon hearing that, Ty let out a guffaw that he tried to hide before he asked, “Are you serious?” He added, “Are you gonna look me in the eye and say that when you only listen to the Top Hits?” As if daring his friend he lowered his shades and stared at Lee.
Saulma clicked her tongue, “Miho, this is getting really old. It’s such a non-issue, if you don’t like it than just change the radio.”
He wasn’t sure of what to say to either of them, nor could he figure out how to defend his opinions, particularly after what Pix had to say to him. “I love you Lee, but you’re being such a jerk about this and I think I speak for everyone when I say we’re all tired of it. Call us when you chill out a little, all right?”
With that they all left in separate directions, leaving Lee alone to think of his actions. It suddenly occurred to him how unlike him he had been. He never acted so petulant and irritable about anything—well almost anything in his life. Being told off by his friends like that made him realize just how unsavory his actions were.
Confused, Lee decided to consult someone he always saw as a powerful moral compass in his life. Lucky for him they were just a text message away.
       “Callie, are you around? I hate to bother you but I need some advice.”
       “HIIIII CUTIE XOXOXO And yeah I’m free, what’s going on?”
       “Are you familiar with somebody named Zack Inkland?”
       “Oh yeah he’s great! He’s a super nice guy and I’m hoping he makes it big soon! :D”
       “I was afraid you would say that I was hoping you’d say he was a jerk. :|”
       “???? What’s up Cutie? I would hope he wasn’t. All of us in the music industry kind of know each other and if someone’s mean it kinda spreads quickly. We all gotta support each other, especially when the label is really pushing someone.”
       “What do you mean?”
       “Well Zack is a pretty surefire thing since he’s so popular already so producers are gonna push him so he can be way way bigger. It’s a thing that happens in the music business and unfortunately a lot of us gotta step aside and just let it happen.”
       “That’s not right =o, can’t you fight against it?”
       “No, unfortunately, I mean Marie and I ended up pushing other artists aside so we could get to where we are.”
       “I still feel bad about that, one band even kinda faded out  so the Squid Sisters could take center stage ;-;”
       “Great :\”
“It just stinks that the single we were gonna release is gonna get shelved to make way for one of Zack’s new songs.”
       “Unfortunately I’m not Cutie, I know you were looking forward to it but it happens, it just kinda does.”
       “I don’t believe it….”
       “Well there’s not really anything we can do, I was excited to release that song to. Anyway I gotta get going, talk to you later, Cutie!”
The conversation was over and later on Lee would be glad it was over the phone and not face-to-face as his reaction to this news ended up being quite childish. He beared his teeth, slammed his fist against his side, and stomped his foot. That tears it, he thought, You can mess with any other band but when it comes to the Squid Sisters, that’s taking it too far! To him; despite Callie’s urging that this was just the way things were he wouldn’t accept that. This was an outrage, there was something rotten in the music world and he wasn’t going to stand for it.
Peeking up at a billboard depicting the rising celebrity, Lee clenched his fist and thought, You’re going down Zack Inkland—and I know just how to do it!
“You want us to do what?” Lee was asked for clarification by Lila Heartsong who had been summoned to Lee’s room along with his older brother, Solanum.
Lee repeated, “I want you guys to form a boy band with me so we can take out Zack Inkland!”
Hearing it a second time and seeing the maniacal look in Lee’s eyes both brothers shot each other looks of disbelief. Neither were remotely sure of what they had gotten themselves into but after listening to his reasoning, they both wanted out.
Lila stiffened his posture as he sat atop Lee’s bed, struggling to think of a response. He smiled as he tried to be supportive of his friend, “I’m glad you’re really passionate about music, Lee, but don’t you think you’re taking this a bit far?”
“A bit far,” Solanum jeered, resting his chin on his arm atop Lee’s computer chair he sat in backwards. His brother was being gentle about it but at the rate Lee was going Sol would have to step up to help him regain some perspective. In the meantime though he was curious, “Why did you call us for this? I mean neither of us can sing or dance or anything like that.”
Lee shook his clenched fists and smiled wide, “Because you guys are the perfect choices,” he exclaimed. “Lila; you’ve got a really cute face, and your voice is soft and lyrical. If we were a boat you would be the sails!”
       Hearing that, Lila touched his own cheek, trying to stop himself from smiling as much as he did due to Lee’s unexpected series of compliments.
       Next, the attention was on the eldest brother, “Sol; you’re really tuff and buff, and you even sound strong to. If we were that same boat you would be the hull of the ship!”
       As much as Solanum wanted to remain dubious about this whole meeting; Lee’s charm nearly swayed him otherwise. It would if a particular thought hadn’t consumed him, “Still the look can’t be everything.”
With a wag of his finger, Lee answered, “Trust me on this, when you’re in a boy band the dancing and singing are the easiest part.” He clapped his hands together to declare, “Once we take care of this guy nothing will get in the way of the Squid Sisters’ new song.”
That was the warning the brothers knew they were going to hear; the true motivation behind their friend’s plan. Solanum nodded to Lila, silently requesting that he get them out of this delicate situation. Lila stammered in an attempt to find the words to say what he wanted to say, “Umm—well—Lee I’m glad to see you’re so passionate about this. I mean I know you really like Callie,” knowing that was an understatement but he still wanted to be polite, “Don’t you think this is going a bit too far?”
He answered with a half-truth, “It isn’t just about the Squid Sisters,” Lee said, “Think about all the other artists we know who are real musicians that write their own music and stuff. Think about Hightide Era, or Wet Floor, or the Chirpy Chirps; think about Glenna!”
As he said that, Solanum clapped his hand against his forehead and he wondered if Lee had some sort of hidden talent for manipulation. He could tell Lila was ensnared in the idea; though he didn’t quite have the celebrity obsession that Lee had he was quite smitten with the lead singer of the Chirpy Chirps.
Just as Solanum predicted, Lila clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, he said, “You’re right! You’re totally right, count me in, Lee!”
Even though he snagged Lila, Solanum swore he wasn’t going be swayed so easily, and he made that clear. “Well I still won’t do it; this is such a non-issue, can’t you just change the radio,” he said, unknowingly echoing Saulma’s sentiment from earlier.
Lee pleaded, “C’mon Mr. Sol, please, we need you, plus you haven’t even seen the outfits I thought of!” He guided the two to his computer where he opened up a basic Paint program. There he showed them crude designs of three sparkling blazers.
Lila gasped with intrigue, “Whoa, are those silver?”
“You bet they are,” Lee answered.
“And are those matching gloves?”
“And are those sequins,” Lila questioned.
“Ohh yeah,” Lee answered excitedly, “At least 100 of them each.”
Sequins, Solanum thought. Though he had been silent, the eldest in the room had been looking on with interest the entire time. Seeing Lee’s plans for their matching outfits steadily intrigued him to the point that he finally said, “All right, I’m in.”
This caught Lee by such surprise that he stuttered, “Y-you are?!”
With a nod, Solanum confirmed, “Yeah, I’ll do it,” but under his breath he muttered, “For the outfit.”
Knowing that he had them on his side now, Lee tightened his fists and grinned excitedly, “Perfect! Okay guys let’s get to work, Zack Inkland’s concert is just in a couple of days.”
Sure enough time flew by and the evening of the concert was at hand. It was being held at a relatively small venue; The Tide Pool Room in western Shee-Booyah. As small as it was, the place was packed to the brim with fans of the rising pop star.
A single stingray security guard was filing in ticket holding patrons through the entrance doors. It all seemed routine until a curious sight stood before him, and an even more curious voice summoned his attention. “Hi there, we’re here to be in the show!”
The burly bouncer got a good look at them; it was Lee, Lila, and Solanum all dressed in matching outfits. Their shorts matched their broad shouldered jackets that were shiny silver in color and made even shinier by the sparkling sequins on their lapels. “Who are you guys,” the guardsmen demanded to know.
Lee explained, “We’re Zack’s opening act, we’re Dreamboat Inkspress.” As he introduced the group, Solanum and Lila both stiffly stood by, smiling nervously. Even before their arrival they had serious doubts that Lee’s plan would work, especially as the security guard sized them up.
The guard threateningly snarled at them, “Get outta here, music professionals only!”
“We are music professionals,” Lee shot back, “Check out these moves!” As if on cue, Lila and Solanum joined Lee in displaying their professionalism by joining him in a perfectly synchronized song and dance. They did a simple series of steps; shuffling their feet, and swinging their arms, all while performing an extremely simple ditty made of simple noises rather than words.
Their audience of one stroked his chin in silence—but only for a moment. He flashed them a smile and declared, “That’s good enough for me! Go on in!” As he pulled back the velvet rope, he instructed to the boys, “Head on around back to the service entrance, the show’s about to start in 5 minutes. It’s a big show tonight; there’s loads of record executives to see if this kid’s got the stuff to hit it big so he’s really gotta put on a good show. If anything were to happen you could say this is his final curtain call, haa haa.”
As he cheerfully laughed and waved good bye, the big bodied stingray returned to his job. Lila incredulously whispered to Lee, “Boy, he sure had a lot of information for a security guard.”
“Yeah, he did,” Lee agreed.
Solanum just let out a sigh, “I’m still not crazy about that name, how come we couldn’t go with my idea, Squiditude?”
Lila answered first, “That’s a great name!”
“Too great is the thing,” Lee added, “I told you we needed something soft and bland and harmless, Dreamboat Inkspress fit the bill.”
Within the building the lights dimmed, the spotlights snapped on to illuminate the stage, and the crowd went silent with tremendous anticipation as a voice blared all throughout the building. “And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for; Inkopolis’s hottest new star, please welcome ZACK INKLAND!”
Before hundreds, possibly even 1000 screaming creatures he dashed out onto the stage. The pop singer spiritedly waved to the crowd; being mostly comprised of women they went absolutely bonkers when he blew a kiss to the crowd.
He was just about to say something into the microphone when he was unceremoniously interrupted. “Hold it right there,” Lee shouted as he darted out from stage-right with Lila and Solanum in tow. It was a surprise for Inkland to see them; he even smiled in their direction.
He made an attempt to greet them, “Well he–,” only to be interrupted by a squid in a suit and designer glasses storming out onto the stage.
“Who are you, who are you,” the sharp dressed creature demanded, “Where’s security, get these hooligans out of here!”
Lee had a feeling due to this stranger’s air of authority he must’ve been the star’s agent or something. Having anticipated this, Lee spoke for Solanum and Lila by explaining, “We’re Dreamboat Inkspress and we’re here to challenge you to a sing-off!”
While that brought a smile to Zack’s face, the well dressed squid said, “Get real kid, this is for professionals only.”
Crossing his arms, Lee answered, “What’s the matter, don’t think your golden boy can handle some competition?” Both Solanum and Lila went wide eyed at hearing that; they couldn’t believe something so bold was coming out of him.
It seemed to work, much to their surprise, the manager flashed them a challenging look and replied, “All right, we’ll play your game. Zack,” he summoned his client, making the young teen stand to attention, “Show these hicks why you’re a sure thing.”
Show he did, Zack performed one of his songs to the crowd before their very eyes. Lee tapped his foot and his fingers impatiently, Solanum was idly studying the scene, but Lila was quite taken by the pop singer’s talent. He even leaned in to whisper to Lee, “He’s actually pretty good, do you think we can top that?”
“Of course we can,” Lee reminded as Zack’s song came to a close and the crowd sounded off with thunderous cheers that were deafening in the small setting. They watched as Zack strolled off to the opposite side of the stage where his manager awaited. He placed his hands on his hips and flashed the three a confident, knowing smile while the manager cupped his shoulders. They stood there, relinquishing the stage for Dreamboat Inkspress to make their performance.
Snapping his fingers to a rhythm in his head, Lee declared, “Let’s go for it.” Lila and Solanum matched the beat instantaneously by snapping their fingers as well, and followed Lee out onto the stage to begin their performance.
They sang in harmony to a basic tune repeated throughout the song and danced with incredibly basic choreography.
Expect nothing more and nothing less.
Because this boy band thing is such a mess.
Our dancing is basic and our harmonies flawed
For what we do to music we should be outlawed
We’re not even cool and we’re not even funny.
The only thing that matters is we make money.
We’re focus tested and need to stay tame
Even if that means our act is lame
Expect nothing more, and nothing less
Because this boy band thing is such a mess.
Our bogus act is so terribly bland
They’ll think you’ll eat it up since we’re a—GENERIC BOY BAND!
The crowd was a mix of uproarious laughter and cheering applause. Those who attended would say they had an even stronger showing than the headliner, and Zack’s manager seemed to instinctively know that. As the curtain fell he approached Dreamboat Inkspress and said to them, “That kid is yesterday’s news, you boys are exactly what we need! A musicial parody band, that’s what the people want!” 
“Sure, let’s go with that,” the trio all said in unison, watching as the Inkling pulled a clutch of papers from a pocket in the breast of his jacket. 
He explained, “I want to make you kids superstars, the next big thing, just sign on the dotted line and we’ll work on your first record tomorrow and it’ll be a global best seller by the end of the week.” He tempted them by tapping the dotted line they were to sign on with a fancy looking fountain pen.
Taking the pen, Lee scribbled on it without reading and nodded in confirmation. “Sure, sure, we’ll sign, here you go,” he said, handing back the signed stack of papers.
Much to the manager’s dismay, instead of the youngster signing his life away he merely wrote NO on the dotted line.
Lee declared, “As if we would fall into something like that,” and he turned his back and waved, “Come on guys, let’s get out of here.” With that, they walked away, Lila and Solanum  just followed along as they had with the start, unknowing that to Lee, the mission was accomplished.
As they left through the service entrance, Lila asked the question that was on his and his brother’s minds. “So—is that it? How do you know they just won’t sign Zack anyway and go through with what they wanted to do?”
The triumphant boy stopped his stride to explain, “These producer guys only care about a sure thing. Since there’s now doubt about how popular Zack Inkland could be, they’re not gonna go through with it.”
Lila looked to his brother who merely shrugged with a skeptical look on his face. He barely had a clue during this entire escapade so he just said, “I guess that makes sense.”
As they were about to make their exit they were stopped,, “You guys,” a hurried voice called out to them. It was Zack, and he looked like he had something to discuss with the three.
Instinctively, being the only one trained to fight; Solanum stepped front of Lee and Lila, clutching his fist, ready to fight if the need arose.
Lila apologized, “Umm—sorry we kind of ruined your whole career.”
Lee crossed his arms and added, “We had our reasons, trust me.”
“Are you kidding,” Zack started, “I came out here to thank you!” Before any of the silver suited squids could reply, Zack exclaimed, “I never wanted any part of that to start with. I don’t know how to sing or dance; I was just a music mixer that they picked out for this gig because they said I had a pretty face.”
None of them said anything but they weren’t going to deny the validity of that fact.
Zack continued to express his gratitude, “Thanks to you I’m out of that and it’s given me the motivation to go for what I really want to do.”
“What’s that,” Lee asked.
The former pop star slipped a set of wraparound visor sunglasses over his eyes, placed a visor hat upside down on his head, and popped the collar of his shirt. “I want to be an EDM DJ!”
The Next Day
Outside of the record store, Mysticeti Music, a poster advertising the impending arrival of Zack Inkland was covered with a new poster. This one depicted the Squid Sisters; advertising their upcoming new song, A New Day To Play.
Who should be there to see but Lee, Lila, and Solanum after dissolving Dreamboat Inkspress.  Lila said, “Well Lee, this could’ve gone really bad; you could’ve ruined the career of a singer a lot of people liked, and make a music company lose millions. All because you jumped to conclusions about what would happen to a band you like.”
Lee focused on a far smaller poster on the wall the store; it was an advertisement for Zack Inkland… or rather Chaz Electroland as he called himself and the rave he would be DJ-ing at. Lee merely shrugged in reply to Lila’s concerns, “But I didn’t though, everything worked out in the end,” he said proudly.
Solanum shook his head and expressed his distaste through an exasperated sigh, “Well next time you want to do something like this, leave us out of it, please.” He motioned to his brother for them to leave, “Let’s go home, Momma is making salmon cutlets tonight.”
“Ooo,” Lila chirped eagerly, and with that the two left Lee to reflect on his actions.
Everything seemed quite rosy until that very moment when Lee received a text message on his phone.
“Cutie, I heard what happened at Zack’s concert last night. I don’t know what you were thinking but that was incredibly mean and uncool of you to do. L L L Interrupting somebody and showing them up like that? I don’t know what problem you had with him but that was taking it too far and I’m super disappointed in you. :.( I’m sorry to do this but call me when you get your head back on straight and stop being such a jerk. >:(“
Lee’s hands shook; he barely got through the whole message before he began to struggle to piece together a means to explain himself. After going through all of that effort only for his plan to backfire and to have Callie upset with him—there was no way it could get any worse.
Out of nowhere Lee felt his ear being gripped and pinched painfully. “Ahh yaahh ahh-haaa oww,” he screeched as he then felt himself being pulled, only to be turned around and be brought face to face with none other than his dance instructor. “Wha-bu-bu—Coral, what, oww?!”
“I was at that concert, Lee,” the Inktoling woman’s voice was unusually deep and agitated. “They didn’t refund my sister’s and my ticket, I hope you know,” she informed, the irritation in her words becoming more and more apparent.
Lee had only seen Coral mad once before in his life; and he never dreamed he would be reliving it again. “I- I-I’m sorry, Coral, I didn’t mean to ruin your night,” he stuttered as he was held in place by her pinching his ear.
She nodded, the aggravated scowl not leaving her face as she said, “That’s one thing but I’m more disappointed in something else. The fact that I give you all the best dance moves I have, teach you how to do them right, and that’s the kind of performance you give?”
This would be so out of sorts for her normally but he knew this was a big deal to her. In hopes of trying to pacify his angry instructor he reasoned, “B-but, it was a boy band thing, I couldn’t use my best moves, I couldn’t–.”
“No buts,” Coral shushed him and tugged him along, forcing him to follow her. “If you wanna show off with the basics then you can practice and practice them until you’re doing them in your sleep.”
He yelped, “I-I—oww,” there was no getting out of this; Lee wouldn’t fully appreciate his comeuppance for awhile but he was certainly suffering for it in the meantime.
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