#especially shiny things
goblinfables · 5 months
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suddenly got wrangled into drawing some old childhood favorites
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yabakuboi · 2 months
"I think it's sweet," Steve says.
Robin wrinkles her nose. "Nothing about Eddie Munson is sweet. He's a sewer rat, at best. Or like twenty opossums in a trench coat."
"Opossums are cute."
"He probably has rabies."
"You say that about me all the time, so I guess that's good. We'll have rabies together."
"He gave you a rock."
"You give me rocks all the time," Steve says, rolling his eyes. He runs his thumb along the textured edge of the rock Eddie'd handed to him.
"Yeah, good rocks." Robin scoffs. "That one sucks."
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furious-blueberry0 · 2 months
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“Initiate Asajj, pay attention you must”
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oneluckydragon · 2 months
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So I decided to spin the wheel by @onefey since I saw so many mutuals getting really cute PMD Teams.
Meet hero Lucky (Girafarig) and partner Biggs (Wimpod). Never in my life have I considered a Girafarig as my potential PMD-sona but here we are despite it all. Even though I was skeptical at first I am now in permanent love.
Gotta think of an Exploration Team name now... hm.
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infamouslydorky · 9 months
Hi, sorry if I reblog or post too much on your dash that it becomes annoying. I'm also not stopping. I hope that clears things up
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dexter-erotoph · 3 months
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i havent mentioned how unreasonably happy i am about this….. id say im like one of eyes’ biggest fans i love them so much
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obiscribbles · 1 year
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Week 13 - June 25th, 2023 'Lean Me Right - From Brave' - Birdy, Mumford & Sons Spotify / YouTube
A moment to enjoy the galaxy around him, connect fully and let his worries wash away with the tides, let the shifting sands help him regain his footing. Deep breaths everyone. 
View a week early on my Patreon!
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money-and-dandellions · 6 months
so, apollo who has swan, white that shine golden in the sunlight, full-sized wings on his back
(among the other birds like raven or hawk, swans are also sacred to him)
by full-sized I mean "big enough to make him fly if needed" wings
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amilva · 20 days
ohhhh this new Doctor Who episode radiates fanfic energy in the best way possible ❤️❤️❤️
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moonysfavoritetoast · 7 months
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averlym · 10 months
which is gayer? SIX or Adamandi (real)
#like. gotta break it to you. one of these musicals is canonically lgbtq and it's not the one where women sing about their dead husband yknow#like. idk what to say! but <shrugs>#ask me stuff???#must say the fandoms are really quite different. i'm quite fascinated by the dynamics tbh#also i realise a lot of the queendom(? forgot that was the name for a hot sec) go mad about women in shiny pretty costumes slaying#but also hmmmm adamandi is very much gender for me.( for all the characters. but specifically vincent and beatrix)#and the thing about queerness is it literally gets woven into the narrative. and it's Obvious.#smth about canonical lgbt+ rly is just. it hits. the representation is real? as opposed to fandom interpretations only#(and like... i love fandom interpretations and when people can see a new side to the character that they feel seen in!!!)#(but having it be in the original content is just... yeah... you do feel kinda especially seen)#watching adamandi was a bit like first watching firebringer for me? like except for sexuality it was gender o.O#firebringer was the first musical i saw with a canon wlw couple. and like i'd known that girls could like girls for a while but#there was the small italicised oh moment where i was like ''this is actually real'' <it's maybe worth noting i wasn't very active on soc me#about consuming things other than content. so i wasn't very exposed to the community at large. so representation in media mattered!!>#similarly it's been a while since then and both online and irl i've found people who are more open about it and accepting. i've been very#very lucky in that sense. to have specific irl friendgroups where we're all out to each other <based on sentiment? i think most of us#including me. aren't openly out irl> ... and online i'm really glad to have friends who Get It and are similar to me. but the representatio#... !!! omg hsnfjkfgdsdsghf yknow?? the representation in adamandi really got me. the pronouns thing especially.#and because the core source material is Like That.. existing fandom is all accepting already. so bonus points i guess#sorry i have turned this silly little question into a reflection prompt.. but. thoughts.#[wow. on further retrospection i've never outed myself at all online either people just saw the ship art and Inferred and]#[to be fair they were Not Wrong. idk. tumblr avvy is very vastly different from irl me but neither of us feel comfortable stating it so-]#[also worthy mention of the musicals fandom that exposed me to the whole concept of lgbtq+ being a Thing at the ripe young age of 14]#[what a way to discover it. really. i say this with extreme fondness. conversely i have friends who decided through genshin or anime so idk#<i'm aware of the diverse casting thing for six!! i think it's very cool!! i also realise the show plot doesn't really have much to do w it
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sanguinarysanguinity · 3 months
Assuming that you have unlimited money—which can only be used to purchase swords and sidearms and the like—what does your dream armoury look like?
This is a great question, and I've had a great time thinking about it, thank you!
I admit to coveting a Lloyd's Patriotic Fund sword -- they're so pretty, and I'm attached to the history behind them. And of course I'd add an 18th-century basket-hilted Scottish broadsword -- actually, I hear tell there were all sorts of variations of Scottish hilts being set to French blades commissioned by the Jacobite exile community in France, replacing lost, broken, or pawned weapons, and it would be cool to have examples of that.
That said, I have a pronounced preference for weapons I know how to use. A weapon should feel like an extension of your arm, and when it doesn't, it's so sad. I'm currently taking saber/cutlass lessons, so an antique Royal Navy cutlass would be lovely -- along with a decent blunted replica that I could beat up without reserve! (Can some of these funds be diverted into the time for weapons training, so I could properly enjoy these blades? I hope so!)
But my real passion is knives. There are so many cool knife designs from so many cultures! Optimized for so many functions! (Including ceremonial functions!) I of course want all the kinds of knives wielded by my blorbos, plus all the various clever blades I've coveted over the decades. I'm not, however, much into fantasy blades, even though there's a popular market for those -- I vastly prefer knife designs that were actually used by a specific people for a specific purpose.
As far as antiques vs. replicas go, I'm ambivalent. I have complicated feelings about some of the conflicts various historic weapons were used in and the fetishization of artifacts thereof; I also have complicated feelings about who gets to own rare historical artifacts, especially from a people's own cultural history. Accordingly, if I truly did have unlimited funds to spend on this, I would enjoy being able to buy museum-quality pieces that museums are unable to afford, and then put them out on permanent loan to those institutions. (Or, if the terms of my fantasy funds permit it, donating said items to the relevant institutions outright -- whichever makes better sense for the history being available to researchers and the public.) Also, you can't play with antiques like you can with replicas! So likely I'd have a decent mix of both in the collection.
And then, just for kicks, a solar-actuated signal cannon that fires at noon every day. Just because I can. :D
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cyberlights · 3 months
I finally figured out something that was so off putting to me in Waverider….
They done gone and stole Gabilan’s nose 😭
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Kazu this is not the same man!
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Like even this panel 4 pages later isn’t right! It’s slightly closer, but still very off…(visit the tags for more notes)
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dragontammerz · 3 months
EVIL BOOP! (ah I see, I am unable to be anonymous. WELL THEN, hello it is I!)
I'm seeing a really nice post with gemstones and I love gemstones and I'm assuming you love gemstones, so which are your favourites? :D
I'm also seeing a post about bread. What is your favourite bread and what's your favourite way to eat it?
(Sorry about anon asks being off, I thought I had them turned on. Whoops)
I went to answer and then got sidetracked trying to remember gemstone names, which then resulted in falling down a rabbit hole of googling gem mining (not actually mining but for some reason it’s still called that but I think some places actually call it gem panning which is the actual thing you’re doing)places, common gems you can get from them, and then having to Google the raw form of the gemstones because I don’t have any of my collection with me currently XD Gemstones are so pretty, especially the more iridescent ones
Raw labradorite is probably one of my favorites. (I completely lost my train of thought for a good bit there and my brain is refusing to elaborate beyond “it’s so pretty” XD) Especially whenever the lights hit it!
I would also place Quartz and Opals as some of my favorites as well. For Quartz I prefer the rough/raw over the polished versions. When it comes to Quartz and its Rose Quartz variant I prefer Rose Quartz. Meanwhile when it comes to Opals I actually prefer their polished form over their raw forms XD (sadly I don’t think I actually have any opals for my collection yet, but one day)
I’m not even sure how or when Quartz and Rose Quartz found their way onto my favorite gemstones list, but they did at some point XD Opals are also because of their iridescence! (Especially white opals, those are my favorite when it comes to opal)
Now for bread my favorite has got to be homemade southern biscuits. Put eggs and bacon or put honey in them and it’s amazing. They’re also great by themselves if you just stick butter in them. A little annoying when they start falling apart as you’re holding them, but that’s part of the fun!
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myalchod · 9 months
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Went on a bit of an ink buying spree (thanks to CultPens’ ridiculously good Diamine prices). Clearly I need to do more letter-writing, or perhaps holiday cards this year?
(Would anyone be interested in one if I do?)
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