#Someone gets all the physical copies of my sonic art lol
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goblinfables Ā· 1 year ago
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suddenly got wrangled into drawing some old childhood favorites
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ask-the-all-consuming-void Ā· 1 year ago
[Other fun scenarios I thought of for Mortal!End include: The End going to a diner and asking to ā€œconsume the collected remnants of the unborn.ā€ In other words, they want an omelette.
Them tripping and scraping their knee and actually crying on the floor because this is the first time theyā€™ve felt physical pain.
Them going to an amusement park because itā€™s the highest concentration of chaos they can find. They ride a roller coaster and are terrified that their fragile mortal body will be flung from it and they will perish. Thankfully, they survive. They find themself going on the rides again and again. Totally not because theyā€™re having fun.
They meet Tangle the Lemur and proceed to absolutely despise her. They thought SONIC was annoying. How dare this lemur enjoy life and spread happiness and chaos where she goes.
The End is surprised to find that mortals donā€™t consume food with death lasers. They just put it into their mouth-holes.
They meet Metal Sonic and are intrigued by him. Is he truly ā€œalive?ā€ Can he be considered a living thing if his existence is spent trying to copy another? At least heā€™s far more orderly and emotionless than his counterpart. They dress as the Grim Reaper for Halloween.
They would either hate Shadow or weirdly get along with him. There is no in-between.
They find that they enjoy laying on peaceful, grassy fields. Itā€™s very calm. Perhaps existence has some order to it after all. Looking at the night sky is nice, too.
Eventually, maybe they find people they care about. Maybe they learn to enjoy life as much as the other mortals. They learn that the chaos is just another part of order. Or maybe they shouldnā€™t. How would they feel when they realize they snuffed out countless precious lives? Countless beautiful worlds? Maybe itā€™s a mercy that they stay ignorant. Could they live with the guilt? Maybe they lost their chance to be a part of existence long ago.
Anyway I think it would be neat if they were a purple crow with red eyes]
[Hi!! Sorry for sitting on this ask for so longā€”I wasn't sure how to clean up all these answers into something presentable, so you know what? Here they are, as is!
[Omelette] The diner goes silent, but the cook understands Them immediately ldnfndhddg
[Pain] *GTA Wasted sound effect* fjkdkd and They think we're the weak ones
[Rollercoaster] Oughhg that's cute and so fitting with the angle I write Them fromā€”They think They know everything about mortal life, but there's some things you can't understand or judge without trying them yourself!
[Tangle] "You fling yourself into mortal peril with nothing but your rubber-band tail. For fun. What is wrong with you" gfhjk
[Eating] Oh They find the whole digestive process disgusting and convoluted, and for what? To convert energy into something your cells can sustain themselves with? What a pitiful existence to deal with
[Metal Sonic] My End considers Sage alive, so I'd say the same goes for Metal. And oh yeah, They would've much preferred having Metal as "the key" lol
[Halloween] They run into Metal wearing the same costume and they fight brutally to determine who has to change kdhfgbd
[Shadow] Tbh, I'm not sure how I'd answer if someone send an ask as Shadow. Out of all the main cast, he's probably the one who's dealt with death the most, and I'm scared of cheapening that. But if they met in-person, I think The End would try to ask him why he endures the crappy hand life's dealt him... only for Shadow to start kicking, cus he knows an evil god in Mobian form when he sees one (even if he can't remember why)
[Fields] Oh that's a wonderful image... Them starting to appreciate Earth's version of quiet, even if They'd still prefer absolute quiet. There's bugs chirping, the grass itches, and there's pesky bright dots breaking up the darkness... but maybe it's nice in its own way.
[Guilt] Man. No notes.
[Crow] Aaaa a crow would really fit them! Minor spoilers for the eventual art, but unfortunately I've already chosen a mammal for Their mortal form. God I hope it's worth the wait fdghj
Thanks for all this, and for your massive patience!!]
-- Mod Nothing
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purplesurveys Ā· 4 years ago
The last time you washed your hair, did you use conditioner? Yeah, Iā€™m pretty paranoid and always feel the need to use conditioner because of a bad rebonding job from like a decade ago that stiffened up my hair as soon as it would get wet. It lasted for around a year, so I formed the habit of always using conditioner every time I shower. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever used just shampoo since then.
Do you prefer light or dark jeans?Ā  Dark, but I suppose it would be nice to start experimenting with lighter shades as well.
When you listen to music, do you generally sing along, or just listen?Ā  It depends if I know the lyrics or Iā€™m feeling the song at the moment. Obviously with my new obsession with BTS I canā€™t really sing along to entire songs, but I do sing the few English lyrics they have per song, hahaha.
Do you have any of your exes as friends on Facebook?Ā  Yeah but sheā€™s been muted for like half a year already, as is the rest of her family. I do have plans to unfriend her entirely; Iā€™m just not sure when I would push through with it, and I already gave Angela permission to log onto my account one of these days to be the one to do the unfriending.
Who was your first love? Do you ever miss that person?Ā  Gabie. I miss the friendship sometimes; I donā€™t think Iā€™ll have a friendship as deep and connected as the one we had, so I will always feel sorry about how that went to waste. But I donā€™t really think about our relationship anymore as Iā€™m pretty good at blocking off certain memories, so I donā€™t miss her in that sense.
How many cars are parked at your house right now?Ā  Two.
Do you have any Italian ancestry?Ā  I highly doubt so. If anything thereā€™s probably a tiny drop Spanish blood in there but thatā€™s the most European Iā€™ll ever get.
Do you prefer water to be ice cold or at room temperature?Ā  Like, drinking water? Ice cold, always. I hate warm water.
Has anyone ever told you youā€™re a control freak?Ā  Not to my face, but I know Iā€™m one so Iā€™m sure other people have said that about me at least behind my back.
Do you know anyone who has gone missing? If so, were they ever found?Ā  Yes, my friend Mik and one of my aunts. They were both found eventually.
What was the spiciest thing youā€™ve ever eaten?Ā  Eating ghost pepper instant noodles was a pain I would never want to go through again...I threw that shit out after my first forkful, lmao.
Do you need to talk to someone?Ā  No, not in particular. In a more general sense I do wanna start gaining more friends though, so Iā€™ve been meaning to expand my circle by creating a new Twitter account just for my BTS dump. In other words, I am a 23 year old with a stan Twitter HAHAHAHA
Is something confusing you at the moment?Ā  No, Iā€™m good.
When was the last time you had a real deep chat?Ā  Maybe my conversation with Andi a couple of nights back. We were talking about a tricky situation with their ex-friend who turned out to be a real dick when they came out to him a year ago, and they just wanted to get my perspective on how I would handle it.
Who did you last see on webcam?Ā  The PR manager for one of our clients, who we all despise because he doesnā€™t know how to do his job. Thankfully heā€™s resigning soon so weā€™re all just waiting for him to leave and finally meet a much more competent replacement.
Whatā€™s your best friendā€™s petā€™s name(s)?Ā  Angela has two dogs, Hailey and Kennedy. Andi had Apollo, who I wanted to meet so badly but sadly he passed away a week ago at 15.
Have you ever taken a picture while laying in the grass?Ā  There are photos of me sitting on grass, but not lying in it. I would imagine that would feel very prickly and uncomfortable.
Whoā€™s your favorite Disney character? Baymax or Flynn Rider.
Have you ever deliberately tried to get someone drunk?Ā  Iā€™ve made my friends chug drinks or down shots and itā€™s happened vice versa, but it was always in good fun and we never made each other harassed from it. Itā€™s just your typical college rambunctiousness, and if anyone felt uncomfortable or iffy then we didnā€™t hesitate to move on.
When was the last time you used a pay phone and who were you calling?Ā  Iā€™ve only ever seen those in my first school, when I was in kindergarten. I never got to use it and they also took them out not long after.
Do you like being kissed on the neck?Ā  Yessssssssss
Have you ever had sex with someone you werenā€™t dating (but had feelings for) in the hopes that they would ask you out later?Ā  Nope. I donā€™t think I would have sex with anyone I wasnā€™t dating.
Whatā€™s the most you would be willing to spend on a good bra?Ā  Probably a couple thousand bucks if I thought I looked good in it.
Do you have any of your teachersā€™ personal cell phone numbers saved in your contacts list?Ā  I donā€™t think so. I never tried getting close with any of them, and I always tried to stay hidden as much as possible. I was just in class to get good grades and pass.
Do you ever stalk peoplesā€™ personal blogs, even if you donā€™t know them very well?Ā  I never really scroll through peopleā€™s Tumblrs anymore. That was more of a thing I did in like 2013, but these days going through my dashboard is enough.
Whatā€™s one thing about todayā€™s generation that you just canā€™t stand?Ā  Some social media trends done for clout make me revolted, especially when it has anything to do with wasting food. I also hate when they do extreme pranks that I know I wouldnā€™t find funny if I were ever the victim, like tossing someoneā€™s phone into the ocean.
Be honest: how do you feel about abortion?Ā  Pro-choice.Ā 
Is there anyone you currently want to reach out to?Ā  I would love to catch up with Katreen at some point, but I know weā€™re at different points in our lives now and it would probably never happen.
What is your favorite piece of art you own?Ā  I commissioned my sister to make an artwork of the 2D1N cast, and she did a great job making it! I havenā€™t gotten to use it or promote it yet, but I will soon. Itā€™s really well-done.
Whatā€™s the one thing you apologized for this month?Ā  Replying late.
My favorite color is ______?Ā  Pastel pink.
I wish I had _____?Ā  Longer weekends.
What did you buy today? Nothing ā€“ Iā€™d call that a success lmao, Iā€™ve been spending money as if I had a million fucking bucks over the last week. I did have some packages arrive today though: my own copy of 2 Cool 4 Skool (my first physical BTS album!!!!!!); the official poster from their album BE; the Ivy Park sneakers I ordered earlier this month, and an Ivy Park bucket hat Bea had apparently gotten for me as a birthday present.
What has challenged your morals?Ā  Vices.
What made you pick up the last book you started reading?Ā  I had to read it in preparation for a one-on-one session with my employerā€™s CEO.
What about your life concerns you the most? Whether a stable future is in the cards for me.
What do you find particularly offensive? Would you say youā€™re easy or difficult to offend?Ā  Probably Filipino-American comedians or influencers who use stereotyping of Filipino accents and habits as a punchline; they do more harm to the culture than good. I can tell you not one Filipino who lives in the Philippines actually finds those funny, and Bretman Rock is probably the only personality whoā€™s able to flaunt the culture in an entertaining and hilarious yet classy way.
When it comes to being offended, I guess it depends on the context. My humor can get pretty dark and low-blowy, but I would have a problem with someone who I know has genuinely problematic views.
What was the last series you finished watching? Do you have any plans to begin another?Ā  I think it may had still been Start-Up from last December. Iā€™m not too big on Korean dramas since I find one episode waaaaaaayyyyyyy too long. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be starting on anything soon, Korean or otherwise.
What is one way in which you are different from a year ago? What is one way in which you are still the same?Ā  Iā€™m single now, for the first time in technically six years. I also think Iā€™m doing better and happier, breakup notwithstanding. OH and I love wasabi now, hahah. As for whatā€™s unchanged, I still like taking surveys and Iā€™m still stuck at home, though the latterā€™s not really in my control anymore.
If you could learn about anything without the stress of grades or cost, what kind of classes would you take?Ā  Iā€™d just go back to UP for the free tuition. We also have the widest range of programs out of any university in the country, so itā€™s a damn good deal.
Name a song youā€™ve listened to today?Ā  Fly To My Room - BTS
When you were younger, did you have a swing set or a playhouse in your backyard?Ā  We didnā€™t; but one of our relatives that weā€™d regularly visit did have a playground that Iā€™d use all the time. Itā€™s still there, just very unmaintained since no one uses it anymore.
Is your mall nice?Ā  Which one? We have five different malls nearby lol. Mall culture here is on another level.
Do you have a Sonic near you? If so, whatā€™s your favorite drink from there?Ā  No. Iā€™m not so sure what they serve there, either. Iā€™m guessing milkshakes?
Will you be voting in the presidential elections next time around?Ā  Iā€™ll always exercise my right to vote.
How do you feel about chocolate-covered strawberries?Ā  I hate strawberries and I hate fruits, so even if you coat that shit in Nutella and cookie butter and chocolate syrup I still wouldnā€™t touch it.
Did you ever stop having feelings for someone and then started having those feelings again for them? No.
Do you hate the last guy you had a thing with?Ā  Iā€™ve never had a thing with guys.
To whom did you last give the finger?Ā  I havenā€™t had to do that in a while.
What was the last musical instrument played in your presence?Ā  My sisterā€™s keyboard.
Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?Ā  Not particularly. They make things look cute, but they never taste like anything tbh so I never saw the point in paying extra just to have them on my desserts.
Honestly, have you ever crashed a party before?Ā  Nah. I cringe thinking about that.
Do you know how to do the moon walk?Ā  I donā€™t.
Has anybody ever told you that you have a good singing voice?Ā  Never gotten that specific compliment before because I know I donā€™t have one.
Onion rings or french fries?Ā  Onion rings.
Has anybody ever described you as a heart breaker? No.
Has anybody ever told you that you talk too fast?Ā  I donā€™t think so, but I know I have the tendency to do so occasionally, especially while Iā€™m presenting a deck. Once I notice it I make an effort to pace myself.
Who is the best cook that you know?Ā  My dad and both my grandmas all deserve that title.
Which meal throughout the day do you skip the most?Ā  I literally never have lunch ever.
Whatā€™s the largest amount that you can juggle at one time?Ā  I canā€™t juggle.
What was your favorite thing to go on at the playground as a kid?Ā  Sandboxes, since I liked the texture; the sandboxes in school were also often empty, which worked well for my introvert self. I find that itā€™s carried over to today, since I still enjoy touching things like slime and kinetic sand.
Do you know how much you weighed at birth? How much?Ā  I think 5 or 6 lbs, Iā€™m not exactly sure but itā€™s definitely somewhere in that small range.
Which aspect of your daily routine takes the most time? What do you do?Ā  Work, for sure. I work a normal 9ā€“6 so thatā€™s already 8 hours out of my day, but I also OT a lot after hours, and I work throughout my lunch break as well so that technically makes it 9 hours. I also like getting up earlier and starting some work before my shift so that I would have less tasks on my plate for the day.
Do you enjoy buying gifts for others, or could you do without this?Ā  I LOVE getting people gifts. Food is especially my love language, and I always get food delivery for my friends, family, and my team at work.
What is one thing you are expected to do, if anything?Ā  I mean, I have work deadlines tomorrow so thereā€™s that.
How do you tend to view driving? Monotonous or entertaining?Ā  I love driving. I donā€™t think I ever complained about having to do it. Itā€™s calming and relaxing when Iā€™m doing it alone or with a partner; and it can be entertaining with the right set of people.
Do you enjoy talking about music with others? Not always. If I donā€™t listen to the artist then I can find the conversation quite boring, like if my friends would get into a full-blown discussion about Taylor Swift.
Is acting something you enjoy?Ā  No. It wouldnā€™t even be something Iā€™d be interested in doing.
When do you feel most accomplished?Ā  Finishing a work day with no tasks left behind.
Do you think Manwich is amazing or completely gross?Ā  Idk what that is.
How many best friends do you have?Ā  Two.
Are you a smoker, drinker, pothead or none of the above?Ā  I drink sometimes. I also kinda smoke, I guess.
If you have your ears pierced, when did you get them pierced?Ā  My mom had them pierced when I was a month old.
Do you own any exercise machines?Ā  My mom has this rowing equipment thingy. I donā€™t have any of my own, though.
On Facebook, do you have people listed as your siblings who arenā€™t really your siblings?Ā  No.
Have you ever drawn or painted a self-portrait?Ā  I remember having to draw one as a school assignment, but Iā€™m pretty sure I half-assed that because I couldnā€™t care less for art class back then.
Who was your last voicemail from?Ā  We donā€™t have voicemails.
Have you ever been falsely accused of something serious?Ā  I donā€™t think so. Thatā€™s the sort of situation that would stick out in my memory if ever.
Did you ever set up a lemonade stand when you were a kid?Ā  No, not a thing here.
When was the last time you spoke to someone in a different language?Ā  Around an hour ago when I went downstairs and chatted with my sister briefly.
Have you ever received an anonymous gift?Ā  Nope.
Have you ever camped out somewhere for an event the next day?Ā  Nope but I definitely still wouldnā€™t be opposed to doing that haha.
When were you the saddest in your life? 2016 was fucking miserable. < Iā€™d have to agree. 2017 was also awful.
Do you know anyone, personally, who is in an abusive relationship? Are you?Ā  I used to know one but she got out of it. In a sense, I suppose I also was in one.
If you have siblings, have they moved out or do they still live with you?Ā  Well theyā€™re younger, so they definitely still live here, with our parents. Iā€™m the first one expected to move out, but Iā€™m taking my time.
Have you ever gotten searched by the cops?Ā  No.
Do you like fried rice?Ā  Of course. I like any kind of rice.
What was the last thing you drank?Ā  Water.
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