#especially in situations of escalating crazy
novelconcepts · 2 years
I can’t explain how much I adore Orym as a character. He’s just some guy. Just a lil dude. Just a three foot tall gym boy with sad eyes and a love of pie and a husband he’ll miss forever. Just this simple, chill guy who wants to do his push-ups and practice sword forms and protect his friends to a potentially lethal degree. Just the friend you want around late at night when your world has fallen apart and you need somebody to commiserate, quietly clink your glass, and stay up taking the first watch as you finally nod off to sleep.
It’s tempting, putting your fantasy boots on, to be a wise-cracking barbarian, or a powerful sorcerer, or a wacky werewolf. I don’t think we recognize how much a group benefits from having an Orym. I’m so glad Liam went that route this time around.
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rafesslxt · 8 months
please please please do some hardcore fluff! i just want to see Theo really showing his love language (physical touch) like randomly touching y/n and doing anything to be close to her! kind of “i wish i could be in your skin” kind of thing, if you can!
touch starved | Theodore Nott
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note: hi, thank u so much for my first request! I wrote a little bit with my ideas too, hope you still like it <3
warnings: some cursing, angst, arguing, hufflepuff!reader, me trying to write hardcore fluff, lmk if there are more
note: request are OPEN! English is not my first language
Theo was always interested in being as close to you as he could. He would love to just crawl under your skin if that was somehow possible. He loves to touch you, no matter where you are or who’s around you two.
But there were moments when this also brought its difficulties.
"Now, everything you need for the potion is at the front, take the ingredients you think would be suitable and get started." Professor Slughorn said.
Theo stood up like the good boyfriend he is and got all the Ingredients that he and y/n needed. "Here principessa, got everything we need." "Thanks Theo.“ You gave him a small kiss on his left cheek and started with the potion right in front of you.
Your boyfriend stood as close to you as possible, sometimes even right behind you. He wrapped his arms around you and stirred the kettle. He knew that other students gave him looks sometimes, but he didn't care. He just had to be near you and touch you in some way. He couldn't help it, you're like a drug to him that he can't get enough of.
Whether it was your soft skin, which smelled of vanilla from your bodylotion or your long shiny hair that smelled of peaches and was so easy to wrap around his fingers.
Your own scent drove him crazy the most. When you came fresh out of the shower, with nothing on you. Sometimes it took hours before you could finally get dressed and Theo would take his hands off you.
But he especially loves it when you play with his hair while you're both lying on the sofa in the Slytherin common room. The light tugging on individual strands made him moan softly and drove him crazy. Again, doesn‘t matter If you‘re alone or with your friends beside you. They all knew that Theo was completly smitten for you.
He also liked it when you gave him a massage after training Quidditch. "Yeah, right there baby, that‘s it.“ He groaned. He needed this. Your touch, your skin on his skin, your hands on his muscles. 
" Theo? You there ? I think it is ready, you can stop stirring." He woke up from his daydreams and looked down at himself. You were already looking up at him, chin resting on his chest. " Yeah, sorry." He put the trowel aside to stir and put both hands on your hips now. His lips just touching yours slighty as he whispered " You're beautiful." " Thank you." She smiled at him and placed both her hands on his abs above his shirt now.
His head lowered next to your ear " I need to feel you amore. Need to feel your skin on mine." He whined.
You giggled and looked around embarrassed. " Teddy, we're in the middle of class, you'll have to be patient." " Ugh... I fucking hate school."
That was a week ago now.
It had been a week since he had been able to touch you. To say Theo was on the edge was an understatement.
" Where's your other half Nott?" Blaise, who took every chance to gossip, asked. " What do you care?" Theo bit back, knowing that he didn't ask because he cared. "Oh just so, I'm just surprised as you were inseparable before and now you're hardly ever seen together. Trouble in paradise?" He provoked.
Mattheo had to hold Theo back so that the situation didn't escalate completely, but truth be told, Theo was just as worried. For different reasons to Blaise, but he wasn't entirely wrong. It was as if you were slipping out of his hands like sand. It was the weekend now and just like every other weekend before, you and the boys were always out together as a group in Hogsmeade.
What Theo didn't know, however, was that you weren't ignoring him on purpose, let alone ignoring him at all. You just had a lot on your plate, helping other students with their lessons, being a assistant for some teachers with extra work, doing your own homework and being Head Girl of your house. You had so much on your plate that you didn't even realize Theo was feeling like this.
"Where's y/n?" Mattheo asked his best friend a little more quietly so that the conversation remained private. " She's helping some first years with their studies and finding their way around Hogwarts now that the new year has started. "
Just as your boyfriend was about to hit his head down on the table, a soft voice sounded next to him " Hey baby, why are you hanging your head like that?" " Principessa?" His head shot up and his face began to beam with joy. " Come here sit with me." He scooted a little closer to Mattheo to give you more room. A few Slytherins gave you looks because you were sitting with them as a Hufflepuff, but you were already used to that.
You grabbed something small to eat and chatted with the rest of the table. You immediately feel Theo scoot close to you and put his hand on your leg. You smile a little and look at him. " What's wrong?" " I missed you." He whispered against your head, smelling your hair for the first time in a week. " When are you free again?" He asked and reached for your hand, but you stood up again at the same moment.
" I have to go, but I'll see you later, yes? " You quickly gave him a kiss and grabbed some more fruit. " What? But you haven't even eaten properly? Where are you going?" " Helping first graders, you know that." You smile and disappear from the Great Hall just as quickly as you came.
" Ugh…" Now he dropped his head on the table.
The day passed and it was time to go to Hogsmeade. "Hey man, maybe she's already there or she'll be coming after, don't worry." Mattheo tried to reassure his friend.
" It pisses me off. I'm her boyfriend! I should be more important than some stupid first years." Theo paced up and down the common room. " Yo, can we go?" Draco asked, coming out of his room. " Go ahead, I'll catch up with you." Determined, Theo got up and walked in the direction of the Great Hall first. Maybe you were hungry and came back. As he searched half the school for you, all sorts of thoughts and worries ran through his head.
What if you deliberately seek out so many tasks to keep your distance from him? What if your relationship is coming to an end? No, that couldn't be. He's the perfect boyfriend. He always listens to you, is always there for you, supports you in all your decisions, is attentive, loves spending time with you, even if it wasn't that important to you, but he also showered you with gifts.
Where could you be? He thought until a light bulb came on above his head. The library, of course. He ran up the many stairs until he stood in front of the library. Nervously, he looked for you. What happens if he asks you about it? What should he do if she says that she no longer wants to be in a relationship with him?
Although all the girls in Hogwarts were after him and he's extremely self-confident, he only had eyes for you and you were probably the only person in the world who could make him feel that way.
His heart skipped a beat when he discovered you with three first years. He cleared his throat quietly so as not to startle you. "Teddy? What are you doing here?" y/n whispered. You're the only one who's ever been allowed to call him that. The boys sometimes made fun of him, but were very quiet as soon as he threatened them.
" Can we talk for a moment? It's important." He urged, looking between her and the students. "You keep working on the task I gave you, okay? I'll be right back." The little ones nodded obediently and continued to work diligently.
You walked with Theo a few shelves to the back where you could talk undisturbed. "Is everything all right? Did something happened?" You asked worriedly. "Don't you want to be with me anymore?" He asked directly. " What? What are you talking about?" Confused and a little disappointed, she looked at her boyfriend. " You're not here all week y/n, no matter when we see each other, I have the feeling that you're taking every opportunity not to be with me. I - I'm scared for us. I miss you, damn I can't be without you around." He confessed.
"Teddy, that's absurd. I just want to help! You know I need good grades for my degree and it's easier to get them that way. I would never want to hurt you." She took a few steps towards him. "But you do! We are a couple! Shouldn't we be together more? I miss you so much, it's like my air is gone to breathe. I - I love you, y/n. Fuck I love you so much!"
Although they were together, neither of you had ever said the L word before. " You- You do?" " Of course! Why else would I be with you? Why else am I looking for you all over the school? Why don't you understand me?" Frustrated, he ran his fingers through his hair, completely enraged. " Theo I l - " " No you know what ? Forget it. It was stupid to come here, don't let me bother you. " " But - " but he was already out the door. " - I love you too." You whispered as he disappeared from the library.
On the way out, he realized what he had said. Fuck, wasn't he wrong after all? He knows how important your future and grades are to you. The more steps he took towards Hogsmeade, the more nauseous he felt. For the first time he told you that he loves you and then left you like that? Merlin, he has to straighten that out.
When he arrived in Hogsmeade, he bought a large quantity of your favorite flowers and lots of roses, chocolate and a present.
He was walking through the alleyways when the boys came towards him, Mattheo at the front. "Hey man, we've already seen you - what's wrong with you? Didn't go so well huh?" Theo shook his head. " No, not a bit, to be honest, I completely messed it up."
" Good luck then, don't mess it up again. She's pretty cool for a Hufflepuff," Mattheo grinned.
Back at Hogwarts, Theo already had a plan but he needed help. "Jane! Hey, I need your help, please." He looked at your best friend, who only returned his look in confusion. "What do you want, Nott?" She wasn't the biggest fan of his, but respected y/n's decision and trust in him. " I know it sounds crazy, but you have to let me into your common room." Jane started to laugh out loud " What? Have you gone crazy? In case you haven't noticed, you're a Slytherin."
" Jane please, I messed up and I need to apologize to her. I have something planned for her ." He pointed to the flowers and presents in his hand. "And you have to do this in her room?" She asked with a sigh. "Please." He swallowed all his pride and tried to be as convincing as possible.
Annoyed, your best friend exhaled and shook her head. "Okay, but let's keep this between us and for the record, I'm only doing this for y/n!" If Theo wasn't himself, he would have loved to squeeze her for joy. "Thank you! Can you give this to y/n? It says that she should meet me in her room." She took the note and pocketed it.
"Then come on, I don't have all day." She led him to the entrance of the Hufflepuff. " You never tell anyone about this, understand?" He nodded and continued to follow her. They walked through the same corridor as the school kitchen was. Suddenly, Theo stood in front of huge barrels, looking questioningly at them
Jane tapped on a barrel that was stacked between two others. She did it in a certain rhythm. Suddenly, the path to the common room opened up. Theo had never seen it before, let alone heard of it. " Through there, up and you're inside. Her room is the tunnel on the far left." " Thanks again. " He walked through the middle barrel and then up a short steep path through an earthy corridor, which brought him to the common room. The room was empty, probably everyone was out in Hogsmeade or somewhere in the castle for the weekend. As Jane had told him, he went through the small underground tunnel on the far left. The doors were round and looked like the lids of barrels.
Not quite his taste, but it all looked very cozy and sunny. (JKR had probably once described it that way.)
Inside y/n's room, Theo started putting up his favorite flowers and scattering rose petals around the room. He placed chocolate on the bed and kept the present in his pocket. It wasn't long before he heard the door open.
"Theo? What are you doing here?" You spoke a little more quietly, afraid that someone would notice that he was here. "Y/n please listen, I'm incredibly sorry. I shouldn't have hit on you like that, I know how important your grades are to you and I should have known that you wouldn't ignore me on porpose. And I'm also sorry that I just left like that after I said I love you. "
" Oh Teddy… " You walked up to him and hugged him tightly. He threw his arms around her and hugged her as tight as he could. " Is it true what you said?" " What do you mean?" " That you love me? " He looked down and took her face in both hands. " Of course, I love you amore. You're all that matters to me. That's why I reacted the way I did. I was… desperate and so… fucking touch starved. " I love you too, Teddy. " you told him with a smile on her face, looking into his eyes.
" Really?" He couldn't have been happier. " And all this wasn't even necessary." She pointed to the rose petals and chocolate. "Because I'm sorry too, I really should have thought more about us. Jane's going to help me tutor the children from now on. That way I have more time for us."
" I'm so glad everything is okay." He whispered against your forehead. " Me too." He took your chin between his fingers and lifted your head. " You're driving me crazy, dolcezza."
His lips brushed yours just softly at first, until you couldn't wait any longer and filled the gap between you two. The kiss was gentle but passionate. Theo grabbed both of your thighs and lifted you up, whereupon you wrapped both legs around him.
He sat down on the bed behind him, with you on his lap. You started giggling as he began kissing your neck. " Teddy… I don't know when Jane is coming back." " I want you so so so so bad… " " I know, but now is not the right time. I'm sorry… " He brushed a strand of hair behind your ear and smiled gently. " It's okay, don't worry about it. Besides, I have something for you. " He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cute little package with a bow. " Here baby, open it. " " Theo… you didn't have to do that, really. "
"Open it, trust me you'll love it." You carefully open the bow and flip open the small box. You accelerate quickly. " Oh Merlin, it's beautiful Theo. " With tears in your eyes, you took the golden necklace out of the box. On it hung the letter T which was set with small individual diamonds. "Will you put it on me?"
He took the necklace from your hand and pulled your hair to one side. He carefully put it around your neck and then put your hair back over your shoulders. "Thank you Teddy, I love it." Full of love, you kissed him, causing him to fall backwards onto the mattress. He briefly parted from your lips and looked down at your decollete, where his letter T now lays. " Fuck, now I want you even more than before. " You had to start giggling again. " Trust me Teddy, the right moment will come. " you said and sealed your words with a kiss.
Hope u enjoyed! Part 2 ?? Let me know ;)
my master list
xoxo Sarah
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edenesth · 9 months
The General's Wife
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Pairing: military general!Seonghwa x wife!reader
Word Count: 1117 words (I'd normally put it as 1.1k but uwu)
'Crazy Form' Comeback Special Series | Hongjoong | Seonghwa | Yunho | Yeosang | San | Mingi | Wooyoung | Jongho |
ATEEZ Masterlist
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"Ooh, what's a pretty little thing like you doing in a place like this?"
You sighed, wondering when these men would ever learn. It wasn't your first time paying this bar a visit; they should know better by now to not mess with you.
Pushing your drink aside, you turned to look at the brave soul who was stupid enough to put his hand on your shoulder. He smirked when you remained quiet, "You're a shy one, aren't you? No worries, I can make things more fun for you."
The men around him were muttering fearfully amongst themselves, wide-eyed, "Does that fool really not have a single clue who he's dealing with?"
You shrugged off his hand and felt sorry for him, "Oh dear, I pity you." Confused, he followed your gaze as you showed him an emblem you'd pulled out from your pocket. His heart nearly stopped when he finally realised who you were.
"Y-you're... shit, you're the general's wife."
You winced, realising those might be his last words, especially when you saw your husband walking into the bar.
Seonghwa halted just behind the man, fixing an intense glare on his vulnerable back. In a voice that sent shivers down spines, he growled, "Have you grown tired of living, soldier? If you're looking for dumb ways to die, consider today your lucky day."
The man visibly trembled as he turned around slowly to face his superior, falling to his knees in fear, "G-General Park! I swear, I d-didn't know she was your wife—"
A resounding smack cut off his sentence as a powerful backhand slap connected with his face, sending him sprawling to the ground.
You gave a subtle shake of your head, silently urging Seonghwa not to escalate the situation. However, your plea proved futile as your husband, with a wink in your direction, assured you, "Don't worry, my love. I won't be too harsh on him. I'll give him just enough punishment to ensure he understands never to lay a hand on my wife again."
Despite his comforting words, you knew better than anyone those were lies. The man probably wouldn't see the light of day again. Beneath the sweet exterior he reserved for you, your husband harboured a ruthless side, a quality that propelled him quickly up the military ranks, earning him a formidable reputation.
Before becoming your husband, General Park Seonghwa was a fearsome military commander, striking fear into almost everyone. Uninterested in academics or any other pursuit, he was a natural-born warrior. At the mere age of 12, he knew he was destined to be the god of war.
However, amidst the battlefield and bloodshed, there was one thing he treasured above all else – you. His first and only love; he stumbled upon you in your backyard, clandestinely wielding your brother's sword in an attempt to learn self-defence when no one else would teach you. A noble lady yearning for more than a mundane life.
At first glance, he knew you were special.
Seonghwa vowed to make you his wife someday, and he did. Not one to follow rules, he sneaked into your backyard one day, scaring the daylights out of you. With sharp critiques, he pointed out the flaws in your stance, inadvertently teaching you enough to defend yourself.
In short, love blossomed before you discovered that he was none other than the renowned General Park, the King's most trusted warrior leading the royal army. When he sought your hand in marriage, your parents were more than delighted to see their only daughter assume the esteemed title of the general's wife.
Due to Seonghwa's crucial role in the kingdom, he frequently found himself deployed to battle whenever political tensions arose between Wonderland and neighbouring nations.
Despite his repeated warnings, you always made the journey to his war sites to be with him. During your visits, much like the current one, many of his inexperienced men, unaware of the situation, would mistake you for a lost civilian in a war zone and foolishly attempt to make advances.
Now, this unfortunate man, like those before him, would meet his end before having the chance to serve his country—all because he couldn't keep his hands to himself.
You were escorted out of the dimly lit bar before you could witness what your husband's right-hand man did to the poor bastard. Whatever it was, you knew it would be far from pretty. To distract you from the unsettling thoughts, Seonghwa wrapped his arm around you and kissed you hard.
Pressing a hand against his chest, your attempts to push him away were useless. He was well aware of your shyness, with his men watching and all, but that was his intention. He needed these fools to understand that you were his woman.
Sensing your discomfort, your husband gently cupped your cheeks, pulling back slightly to assure you, "It's alright, darling. I'm here. No one will dare touch you again. You trust me, don't you?" Without hesitation, you nodded; there was no one in the world you trusted more than him.
His heart melted at how swollen your lips looked, and he couldn't resist pressing his lips softly against yours once more.
With a self-assured smirk, he withdrew slowly, his arm securely wrapped around your waist. He turned to cast a cold gaze at the men who instantly cowered under his scrutiny, "What are you imbeciles standing around for? Don't you recognise who this is?"
They gasped and immediately straightened up, bowing deeply before offering salutes in your direction, "Welcome to the base, Lady Park!"
You acknowledged their greeting with a nod, and with an elegant wave of your hand, they finally dared to disperse. It was an unspoken rule that everyone under your husband's command had no choice but to follow. Those who defied these rules deserved nothing less than severe consequences.
As you nestled into Seonghwa's temporary quarters that night, a comforting warmth enveloped your heart as he drew you close in bed. Planting a tender kiss on your head, he asked, "My love, do you ever regret marrying me?"
Given your dislike for violence, it was truly ironic that you found yourself wed to a military general, of all people. He often wondered how a refined lady like you could fall for a man of his rough demeanour.
Before his thoughts could linger, you gently cupped his jaw, compelling him to meet your gaze, "Never. I want no one else but you." The intensity in your eyes conveyed a steadfast conviction, reminding him you were different from other women.
Indeed, you were special.
After all, you were the only woman audacious enough to capture the intimidating General Park Seonghwa's heart.
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Would you believe me if I told you this man isn't my ultimate bias? Yeah, me neither. He wrecked me so bad this comeback, I'm barely recovering. Y'all stay safe tho lmfao.
Anyway, thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed! As always, let me know your thoughts! <3
Tag list: @aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina
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izvmimi · 1 year
stubborn - izuku x reader
cw: infidelity as a topic, escalating mind games, jealousy, tbh toxic behavior but it’s okay cuz uwu, fem!reader, smut (oral female receiving, use of the word ‘brat’, penetrative sex). 5.6k words. summary: izuku is as good at playing games as you are, or is he? a/n: a repost!
Izuku is far too placid when in the midst of an argument, you blurt out that you’re officially done with him. 
In fact, there’s the ghost of a smile that flickers on his features, and you know that smile. It’s the same smile he gives you when he teases you, especially when he’s balls deep inside you and you’re whining about how little more you can take while he coos and reminds you that you can give him just a little more room, the same way you’ve done many times before, right? 
It’s the smile that signals that he is in no way taking you seriously, that he knows you are completely and utterly wrapped. Your teeth clench and so do your fists.
His eyebrows raise. From his vantage point, you look as cute as usual, eyebrows knit together and lips twisted into a snarl. It reminds him somewhat of an angry prey animal, he thinks, and he’s resisting the urge to pat you on the head.
“Yes, baby?”
He makes the mistake of widening his grin as he says this and defeated, you let out a cry of frustration, blood rushing to your ears and heart thumping as you rush out of the living room. There’s a loud slam that sounds once you’ve reached the bedroom and the hero is left alone to consider his actions. 
Izuku tolerates a lot from you, he thinks. It doesn’t mean he thinks he’s always right and does manage to begrudgingly accept his shortcomings, but the jealousy, the mood swings, and the neediness can sometimes get to him, even if they’re flaws you wear cutely. Giving you a moment to simmer down and letting the argument replay in his head, he lets out a sigh and settles on the couch to take off his boots. If you were out here, you’d complain about getting his sweaty suit off your furniture, but you’re not here, are you?
Izuku doesn’t think too much of the situation until he’s fully showered and knocks on the door to change into comfortable pajamas, only to find that the door is unlocked, you are laying on your stomach with your feet kicking, positively giddy, and in deep focus on your phone. Thinking that the argument has dissipated - you’re never mad at him for more than a couple hours anyway - he lets himself approach and decides against laying his entire weight on top of you, instead choosing to lay behind you, eyes on your form. You’re pretending you don’t even notice him.
“What’s got you giggling so much?” He finally asks, curiously turning to the side and resting his head on your shoulder. You don’t move sharply, instead allowing yourself to support the weight.
“I’m finding my replacement.”
He holds in a sigh that nearly rattles his bones.
“You can’t be serious.”
At that, you turn immediately, eyes wide, classic crazy look in your eyes. He purses his lips. 
You are definitely serious.
Before he can even begin to reason you, you excitedly show your phone to him, scrolling through a list of matches you’ve already procured for him, despite the fact that you could not possibly have been working on this for more than an hour.
“You’re quite popular, Mr. Number One Hero!” you chirp.
He rolls onto his back and grabs a pillow and screams lightly into it for a moment, before turning back to face you calmly. 
“Please delete this.”
“Why? I have three dates lined up for you over the next two weeks.” You pout. “You wouldn’t want to disappoint these lovely women, would you, Mr. Midoriya?”
There’s a nervous tick in his jaw at the polite appellation but he can see the glint in your eyes. Two can play this game.
“You’re right, and I trust you, darling,” he says, lips curling into a teasing grin. He rolls over onto his belly, pulling off the small towel that wraps around his waist and tosses it to the side, a motion that engages the muscles of his back just enough that you can pretend you don’t see them ripple. You try not to look at his ass because you’re angry. You are so, so angry.
“Give me the schedule and I’ll go. I don’t think they’ll manage to be as lovely as you, but I’ll try my best.” His green eyes twinkle as he watches you not look, then places a hand on the small of your back, and the contact almost shocks through your spine. 
You get up immediately and leave the room, ignoring his low chuckle as you hide the warmth blooming in your face.
Midoriya cannot believe he’s actually seated at a mom and pop restaurant at the end of the week with a woman he’s never met in his entire life. You had actually called his bluff at calling your bluff, and had even gone so far as to lay out his clothes in the morning and adjust the collar of his shirt.
“Can we not do this?” He had asked right before leaving the house. You’d simply smiled sweetly, venomously. 
“Real love awaits, sir!” You flashed him a thumbs up and the genuine way in which your teeth gleamed almost struck fear in his heart. “Go get ‘em, tiger!”
His entire way to the location, he had been considering what manner of trap this was. Would there be cameras? Kirishima, who was like an older brother to you waiting to beat his ass (even though he wasn’t completely sure what he did wrong and arguably may have done nothing wrong aside from being extraordinarily busy for the past two weeks)?
But alas, rather than a trap, or you in a different outfit, there was an admittedly beautiful young woman who smiled shyly back at him as he took his seat.
The first thing he does is tell the truth.
“Hi, um, yeah so…” he scratches his head. “Let me explain a couple things first before there’s any misunderstanding…” 
His voice trails off as he notices the slight distress in her features, but decides it’s better to hurt her feelings now than later.
“I was not the one managing my Tinder profile. Whatever may have been said to you was not said by me and-”
She nods emphatically and he stops. “Wait, you know what I’m about to say?”
“Yeah, your profile says it’s managed by your ex-girlfriend and we chatted a bit through messages.”
There’s a little bit of heat that reaches his ears, not pleasant heat at all, but mild irritation. He presses his lips together as she continues.
“She said something about wanting to make sure she set you up with someone better than her since you won’t accept your breakup.”
Izuku’s eye twitches but he smiles peacefully and takes a sip of his coffee.
“She said you were a very sweet guy though so I’m assuming you’re on good terms?” The young lady laughs coyly, a hand covering her mouth as she does. Coquettish, he thinks, then he remembers how you literally said you’d set him up with someone cute and coquettish and his heart starts to race.
“We’re on excellent terms,” he says finally, breathing through his nose, then takes a look at the menu. 
She giggles a bit and it annoys him because none of this is funny. Not for a second.
“She chose really good pictures,” the woman says softly, who Izuku recalls from the schedule you had the nerve to send him is named Sachiko, reaching for her glass of water. Izuku mirrors the action because his throat is suddenly terribly dry.
He clears his throat. You’ve gone too far.
“What would you like to order?” Izuku asks in his most charming voice.
“You didn’t take her home?” You ask, voice dripping of malice, curled up into the bedsheets of your California King. He considers shooting you a dirty look but he doesn’t; rather he strips painfully slowly and again you avert your eyes. This time he doesn’t laugh at your ridiculous attempt to pretend you don’t find him attractive, and instead, he stands stark naked in his underwear, arms crossed and feet squared as though you are an actual adversary. Maybe you enjoy being the villain in his story for once. 
You look up from your book, noticing his stillness in your peripheral vision. He looks good when he’s angry, you think, his face twisted into a scowl and breathing a little heavier than usual. You watch the rise and fall of his chest, then bid him to speak.
He shakes his head, like he can’t believe he’s really saying what he has to say next.
“First of all, I don’t fuck on the first date.” You tilt your head ever so slightly with a mock inquisitive look that bids him to go on.
“Don’t look at me like that, if I did, we absolutely would have,” he replies flippantly. You pretend to disregard that sentence. Then it hits you. We, as in you and him or we as in, he and her?
“Second of all, you’re going to regret this. Good night,” he insists before finding his way beside you in bed. You dramatically scoot over to the very edge of the bed, but he’s annoyed enough that his back is turned to you. 
Good, you think, and turn the page in your book. The plot thickens deliciously.
Izuku doesn’t bother explaining himself on the date the following week. Rather, he treats it like a business meeting and speaks politely, diverting any flirty comments to other topics. He wishes you hadn’t picked such an expensive restaurant but the truth was, the food was good enough to match the price. 
The woman today is not Sachiko - while Sachiko was petite and sold the moe angle quite well, Natsumi was a bit more direct and businesslike. Still, not quite like you and frankly a little bit too talkative. According to you, who were having the time of your life swiping right and left with his likeness, Sachiko had wanted a second date, but any time you broached the subject, he simply refused to respond and you, despite all of your ability to push buttons know when to stop. Now faced with Natsumi who was giving him his life story and testing his patience while he was trying to get through his Hamburg steak, he realized Sachiko might have been better.
“So why did you and your ex break up?”
Izuku swallowed another piece of meat quickly.
“We did not.”
Natsumi gave him a quizzical look.
“So why are you on a date with me?”
“To indulge her.”
Natsumi leans back in her chair then picks at her fingernails.
“Wow, you really are in denial, like she said.”
In Izuku’s eyes, this date is even more over than it was when it began.
When he comes home this time, you are talking and laughing animatedly on the phone to your mother as you cook a late dinner for yourself and rather than interrupt your conversation, he slips past you and puts the entrée he’d gotten for you in the front of the fridge.
You give him a glance then look away. Your mouth twists to the side, now that you realize you’re testing more than a little of his patience.
When you finally hang up the phone and put away your hot food to reheat the one he’s brought back for you, you ask in a small voice:
“Did you enjoy the food?”
He’s staring at the TV, looking without looking, and you can see that muscle in his jaw again tense before he turns to face you.
“It was delicious.”
You poke at the plate in front of you and concur. The food really is heavenly. Maybe you should pull back. It’s very clear that this man has no intention on breaking up with you and you can’t even remember what you were even mad about. There’s still a date left but canceling it with a 5 days notice isn’t the worst thing you can do. Your boyfriend has clearly learned his lesson, you think.
Then he says,
“Hey, can you arrange a second date for Sachiko? I’d like to see her again.”
And then rage consumes you again.
“Of course,” you say sweetly.
“I didn’t think I’d see you again!” Sachiko exclaims. Izuku had watched her run towards him, beaming smile accentuated by the bright winter sun’s rays reflected by the snow. Her cheeks are red and she looks as though she is blowing smoke, huffing and puffing as she catches her breath. She’s dressed for the weather, and so is he, and he notices the thick gloves that she’s wearing. His own hands are bare.
An ice skating date.
You must actually be prepared to lose him at this point.
Sachiko grins widely and Izuku, looking down at her again now that she is right next to him, realizes she really is cute. Not cuter than you, he wouldn’t go that far, but cute enough.
She doesn’t know how to ice skate and stays very close, and Izuku lets her cling onto his sleeve, then eventually hold his hand.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
The phrase ran through your head over and over again, and had been the first thing you thought of when you reread her message for the third, the fourth, and the fifth time. 
Hi, I hope this isn’t weird but I just wanted to thank you.
(I hope it’s not you, Izuku, ‘cause that would be awkward! 😊)
I wanted to let you know that it must be hard to give up your partner, especially when they seem so nice! But I’m grateful. We’ll be texting privately from now on! 
Maybe we can be friends someday? I’d like to meet you in person too!
You swallow hard for a moment, reading the message again and again and again.
Texting privately. The familiar use of his name. It was two dates only. Why was she so confident? Why was she thanking you?
You found yourself thumbing through her profile again, really scrutinizing her again, taking particular care to commit her soft features to memory and the warm demeanor you could see through her many photos.
You swallowed hard again.
Did you mess up? Did you finally push too hard?
The sound of the door opening suddenly startled you enough that you ended up dropping your phone in the bowl of the bathroom sink. Izuku, appearing behind you suddenly as he turned into the bathroom to check looked you up once up and down and muttered a soft greeting. 
“You okay?”
Maybe you were imagining it, but the timbre of his voice was less Izuku and more Deku, the Hero, who asked everyone if they were okay. Who belonged to everyone. Or maybe really not everyone, just not you.
Despite your throat feeling as though it would close up, you nod. He says nothing more and suddenly you wish you could take it all back.
Two weeks have passed since your declaration of singlehood akin to a declaration of war, and just a few days since Sachiko thanked you for handing over the love of your life on a platter. Unwilling to admit that you regret your game, you resort to not speaking to him at all - at least not more than to reply to his good morning or his good night. You can feel him shift gently in the middle of the night, sometimes to face you, and you wonder if he’ll put his arm around your waist and nuzzle his chin in the crook of your shoulder, but he stops short and you’re left wanting, regretting. Now you start to make arrangements. Where will you go once you officially break up rather than theoretically? This is his apartment after all. Should you tell your mother so she’s not surprised when you turn up at her doorstep and she can’t call him her future son-in-law?
You’re not sure what your endgame was, but whatever this is, you don’t like it.
So you do what you do best. Make do with what is presented to you.
Izuku doesn’t say a word once he leaves your home just before noon, leaving you to quietly attend to work-related affairs as you type on your computer. From the calendar on the refrigerator, you’re reminded he has a midday shift 12-10pm, but still a part of you wonders if he’ll sneak off at any point to meet Sachiko. Why wouldn’t he? You’re broken up after all. 
Sachiko is so cute you would date her if you had the chance. You really did choose far too well.
You can’t focus on work anymore, you decide after staring at a blank screen for the next hour. Your head is pounding and your throat, although it no longer wants to close up, is dry and water isn’t fixing it. There’s a crick in your neck and a tenseness in your shoulders that Izuku would have massaged out for you if you weren’t locked in battle for days on end. 
So you make a profile for yourself. Is it desperation for validation now that suddenly all your inadequacies are brought to light or fear of losing? Whatever it is, you are very lucky, because you’ve arranged a date for just a few hours from now. 
You cannot, will not, spend the night in an empty house.
Izuku’s hands are fidgety, enough that his patrol partner notices the incessant tapping of his foot and the repeated running of his hands through his hair.
“You okay there, man?” 
It’s not like he can say No, actually, my girlfriend’s phone is unreachable and I can’t tell if it’s because she’s mad at me or because something actually happened to her, but if I’m wrong about danger, it will only make our already terrible relationship worse.
His partner tonight is a non-UA alum who is new to the city and initially came in excited to work with the great Midoriya only to run into someone whose naturally charismatic Hero smile now carries an undercurrent of moderate unease. The two however continue to roam the district in a predetermined path, making sure to detect any suspicious activity as it may come up. This particular area is known for its elevated nightlife and particularly rich patrons. There’s a Michelin 3-star restaurant whose reservations are hotly contested that he spots along his path as he walks, and he remembers he’d considered it among others for your eventual engagement, if you ever made it there at this point. 
The fact that Sachiko has texted him three times today grates on his nerves and he wishes he had never given her his number, even though he continues to reply politely. He looks down to mute the text thread, and as he looks up, he sees you.
And his blood runs cold. 
You can’t remember the last time you’ve been on a first date. You do remember that you’re supposed to feel somewhat jittery - you remember being this way when you first went on a date with your soon-to-be ex - but your nerves aren’t firing in all directions in a pleasant, pure sort of way.
What exactly are you trying to prove? You wonder as you stride carefully, one heeled step before the other on the cobbled street, a handsome stranger by your side. You march unevenly, and you can tell he wants to reach over and help you, but your body is sufficiently frigid that he keeps a polite distance away. 
Until you accidentally trip and he steadies you with a gentle grip of the hand.
“Hold on to me,” he asks. Yoshi’s smile is pleasant and reassuring, a little like Izuku. He’s not as tall and not as broad, but he’s pleasant to look at. 
“Thank you,” you say, gingerly allowing your hand to settle on his outstretched elbow. It doesn’t feel right but you tell yourself it’s natural to feel that way, considering you only started talking this afternoon. 
Yoshi isn’t a complete stranger though - you learn he works in another division at your company and you have mutual friends. It had just turned out that he had gotten stood up for his intended date today despite having had reservations for a month, so you might as well have taken the opportunity to go to such an exclusive eatery.
“I forgot to tell you you looked breathtaking,” he says once you’ve moved closer to him, and you can’t help but to smile first, then feel disgusted that you’re letting another man compliment you.
“You look quite nice yourself,” you reply nevertheless.
The queue to the entrance is several couples and groups long despite your reservation so you check in first before heading over to a waiting area until you get called.
You do get called from behind before you even get to sit, but it’s not by the restaurant.
“Fancy seeing you here!”
You freeze. Of course. What did you think would happen?
There are two things that run through your head. Either you can pretend you didn’t hear his voice and keep walking, and you know damn well he would not allow himself to be ignored or you could turn and risk a very public argument or-
He chooses for you.
Izuku is in front of the two of you now, grinning far too wide, far too poisonously. For once your heart is actually racing, and you remember that despite how soft he’s been with you, he’s actually quite large and obviously strong and the fact that he’s barely concealing the fact that he’s genuinely upset at you as he looks you up and down, fists clenched by his side and knuckles white as chalk, means that he could be unpredictable.
“It’s a lovely night, isn’t it?” he says, with a tinny laugh. Your eyes widen as you look to him then to your date who looks genuinely confused as to why this Hero is unkindly interrupting his date out of the blue.
“Hey, um-”
Deku flashes a smile at you that doesn’t reach his eyes then looks back at Yoshi.
“The two of you look like a lovely couple! Are you waiting for this restaurant?” He says, pointing to the entrance. “It’s a great restaurant! I personally like one of their pasta dishes myself and had been meaning to take my girlfriend here for a while but we just haven’t gotten the chance to-”
Yoshi, bold enough that even you’re taken aback, has the nerve to take your wrist gently and pull you a little behind him - a move that is not lost on Izuku and your blood chills because Izuku finds himself holding back a chuckle.
“Can I help you?” Yoshi asks, clearly annoyed.
You start to move instinctively but Izuku’s placed a hand on Yoshi’s shoulder and proceeds to pat it. He leans in ever so slightly to clear the height difference between them, staring him directly in the eyes, and you hold your breath. It’s clearly a challenge and you pray that neither of them take the bait. 
You can see Yoshi move to shrug the shoulder off but he’s forced into place and now the confusion on his features is even more intense. You can nearly cut the tension in the air with a knife but then you hear the other young man approaching.
It’s Izuku’s partner who has finally caught up, and the sound of Deku’s name being called from afar as he approaches seems to snap Izuku back into the reality of the situation. Some of the pounding in his temples clears and he tries not to look at you, patting your date on the shoulder.
“Stay safe out there and don’t stay out too late,” He offers. There’s still an edge to his voice and his hand and eyes linger but eventually he lets it trail off. The warning is for you specifically. 
Your face is hot and you’re thoroughly embarrassed but that’s the least of your concerns right now. Your stomach twists into a knot.
Your table is called.
When you finally slip back into your apartment, it’s a couple minutes to midnight and you are Cinderella fleeing back home to where the magic wears off.
The lights are on and Izuku is staring holes into the front door as you come in - he almost startles you when you slip off your shoes and turn to find him sitting at the kitchen table, facing in your direction. 
A small gasp leaves your throat.
He cocks his head to the side.
“What? Do I scare you?” His voice is somewhat gruff as though he’s waking up from sleep, low, and makes your heart pound.
You open your mouth, then close it. There’s not really much you can say at this point. You literally went on a date without his knowledge. You expected a fight when you came back, especially given how obviously angry he was just a couple of hours ago. 
You push and you push and you push and you don’t really know why you’re pushing.
And then you remember why. Sachiko.
“No,” you reply, moving forward in bare feet on wooden flooring, and dropping off your apartment keys in a shared bowl on the counter. You purse your lips and try not to engage him but wonder how long he’s been waiting for you, hunched forward on his elbows, pressing his fingertips together. There’s an untouched glass of wine besides him, and he rarely drinks.
“How was your date?” he spits.
You stop for a moment, his tone sinking in, and you selectively hear anger instead of the pang of rejection. You whip around to face him, the metal on your purse strings making the action unnecessarily loud. 
“It was great, actually! How’s Sachiko?!”
You didn’t mean to raise your voice but you did nevertheless. 
“Who..,” he starts, but his eyes widen, seething. “You sent me on that date.”
“That doesn’t mean you can fuck her!”
Izuku lets out a groan but his scowl softens to a frown once he sees the tears in your eyes despite his still tightly clenched fists.
“I did not, first of all. I deleted her number hours ago. We literally never met after the dates YOU arranged. Meanwhile you’re prancing around, hanging off some random dude’s arm, and what am I supposed to do? Accept it? What the fuck do I look like to you,___?”
You don’t have a response to that. How easy can it be to tolerate your mood swings? You were never done with him. You don’t want to be done with him. Of course he laughed at you when you said it, because it was obviously not true.
But you just want to feel heard so badly sometimes.
There’s a bit of silence as the two of you stand across from each other, your tears streaming down your face.
“Come here,” Izuku murmurs.
“No,” you mutter. He sighs as he follows you into the bedroom you disappear to, and watches you carefully as you sit down on the edge of the bed. You’re clearly still unsettled, but by now he can tell that you are no longer angry but confused as to what to do next. What comes after this mess?
“Did you fuck him?” Izuku asks in a quiet voice.
“Obviously not,” you quip, crossing your arms not out of self-defense but for self-soothing.
“Did you kiss him?” His voice is tentative as though he dreads the answer. His palms open and he flexes his fingers but he crosses the distance towards you on the bed.
He pauses again, then kneels down before you. There’s a hand that finds its way onto the side of your cheek tenderly, turning your face so that you face him, and him only.
“I’m done fighting with you,” he finally decides. “Open your legs.”
Your face twists into surprise, but he dives deep, pulling up the bottom of your dress to your waist. He plants several kisses on your thighs, then waits for you to part your legs for him - he’s not going to tell you twice - before pressing his nose on the wet spot forming on your panties.
He breathes in and the inhale of your scent runs through his whole body, enough that you shudder yourself.
“God, I’ve missed this,” he says and your face warms. His calloused hands grip firmly, but not roughly, on the skin of your legs and push you open even further to accommodate his broad shoulders - you lean back onto your elbows as he slips two fingers under the crotch, and tears them apart with a snap.
“‘Zuku!” You hiss. Those panties aren’t your best ones but you still liked them.
He doesn’t reply and rather hastily, penetrates you with his tongue, and you squeal his name again, relishing in the thick muscle exploring your folds and the harsh grasp of his fingertips as he keeps you still. 
“B-baby… ah!”
He’s sharp and precise, because you’ve loved him long enough and he’s loved you long enough to know exactly what you need. You don’t tip but you careen over the pleasure of his tongue working your folds and your clit and your soft center, whining as pressure builds in your lower belly. 
“S-stop, it’s…” your breath falters, “I d-don’t deserve…”
He stops briefly with a kiss, then looks up at you, mulling over the words he needs to say to this woman who causes him so much trouble. 
He decides on the following:
“You’re right. You don’t deserve it, not right now, so I’m punishing you,” he finally teases. There’s a half grin on the slick covered lower half of his face and your eyes widen at the sight of his glistening skin. He lifts your ass gently and slaps it hard enough that your breath catches, the pain searing up and down your leg. You gasp, and he grabs a handful of your ass cheek, rubbing it to mull over the sensation. 
“You’re a fucking brat, you know that?” He hisses. His body presses over you, pushing one of your bent legs against your chest as he continues to squeeze at the fat of your bottom. You nod and he kisses you. 
“Simply awful.”
Another spank comes and you’re nearly blinded in pain and he dips down, biting at your lip. 
“I indulge you far too much, don’t I?” His teeth tug gently and release, and then he motions for you to pull your arms up. You’re sure if you don’t hurry up, he’ll rip it to shreds. 
The dress comes off and so does your breasts out of your bra and into his cupped hands. Sucking, biting at your nipples, leaving marks - it’s desperate and possessive and you wonder what would have happened if you had really taken Yoshi or whatever his name was seriously, and really pushed your Izuku to the brink. 
“I’m s-sorry,” you choke out eventually through sighs and then sobs. Izuku rolls you onto him, clasping his arms around your waist as you straddle him, playing with your breasts as you roll against him. The rhythm is new and hasty, but some of the fundamentals are the same. You know his body and he knows yours. He sucks at your neck and you nip at his earlobes - your fingers twist into his curls and he pulls at your hair. Kiss after kiss after kiss.
“I’m sorry, too,” he murmurs into your neck. His strong arms still enclose you and you’re settled onto his cock. There’s a soft groan as he presses upwards into you and some of you collapses into him, but he rolls his hips as you cling to his chest and you’re in a rhythm yet again.
“You make me crazy but I’m sorry.”
You can only whimper something unintelligible back as you suck up every inch of him, even your walls clinging tightly and desperately to his body inside yours. Your fingers curl into fists, laying against his chest and he uses a hand to pull it before him and kiss your knuckles.
“I’m awful,” you moan, crying into his chest.
“I shouldn’t have teased you,” he insists.
He flips over and you find yourself under him, and he interlaces his fingers with yours above you. Green locks graze gently atop your forehead as he stares into your eyes.
“I love you,” you say first.
“I love you too,” Izuku replies. He stirs into you more, letting the pressure of his weight comfort you as he strokes deeply, then rises up on his elbows to pick up his pace.
“Promise you’ll never leave,” you beg him before he begins. His hands press onto yours and pin you down and he kisses at your belly, then up to your lips.
“You can’t get rid of me,” he laughs.
“Even when I’m shitty enough to try?”
He pauses, dips down to press his forehead against yours. His lips graze above yours again. 
“Even when I’m angry enough to fight back, I won’t leave you.”
Reassured, you rock your hips against his and he takes it as an invitation to speed up. His strokes are fast and deep and tender - with every plunge you fall deeper in love with him, as does he. You push back but gently, resisting every strong movement with a clench of your thighs against him.
“You feel fucking amazing,” he insists, and you can his voice lowers. “Fucking amazing, baby, fucking-”
It’s his tell - he holds on to you desperately and you can feel yourself tense up as your coil snaps and sharp jets of cum spurt at your cervix, coating you thick and full. He shudders as he comes, heavy body shrouding you in a warm comfort.
He’s never leaving and neither are you.
No matter how many games you play.
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Between your arms [S. R]
Spencer Reid x wife!reader
word count: 1.8k
summary: after a hard day Spencer returns to his safe place
A/N: I just finished the third season, imagine it's somewhere in there. And DAMN, with each passing chapter I fall more in love with this man
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When Spencer got home, he was completely exhausted. The case had been delayed longer than expected and the fact that the jet had technical problems didn’t help in the least, so the total delay was 5 hours, so it was already late at night when he opened the door of your apartment. He strongly wished that you weren't awake or he would feel guilty and that concern dissipated when he noticed that you weren't lying on the couch as he had found you so many times.
Spencer needed to shower so he could somehow wash off the stress of the case and wash off the dirt he'd picked up during his stay in the woods. Fortunately the shower was far enough from the room to go unnoticed and he took his time, enjoying the hot water running all over his body, considerably relaxing the tension he had in his muscles. Once he left, Reid took a cotton pajama that he had packed in the suitcase, it had colored stripes on the white fabric and you had given it to him for a birthday many years ago. The fabric was already worn by time, but he loved the calming feeling it gave him, and the smell of your favorite fabric softener on it made him feel like he was right at home.
When he opened the door of your room he found you in bed, sleeping so peacefully that he felt some envy, but at the same time he smiled tenderly. He and you were very different when it came to sleeping: he couldn't fall asleep if he wasn't tucked in, he had a hard time doing it alone, he constantly woke up to go to the bathroom and he tossed and turned throughout the night. You, on the other hand, could sleep soundly as soon as your body touched the mattress, fully exposed, and you would stay in the same pose on your left side unless he asked you to reposition yourself. You slept on the inner side for reasons of practicality, because when he was late or had to leave due to an emergency it was easier for him to jump out of bed, and you always did it hugging a stuffed dog that Spencer had won for you in a fair.
Many people would think that getting married at 21 was crazy and even a couple of gossip told you that you were making a mistake or that it would only take a few months for one of you to file for divorce, but four long years had passed since then. Not everything was perfect, because there were arguments as in all marriages, and to that we had to add the constant stress that Spencer's work had, not only for him but also for you. Although, somehow, you had made it work and he always found the time to dedicate himself only to you, because he knew that you deserved it. You had a good position in a real estate company, nothing risky, and with hours that were always respected.
You two preferred not to think about it, especially him, but there was a degree of codependency in your relationship that you hoped wouldn't escalate into something sick or dangerous. You had had a difficult life, Spencer continued to have a difficult life, but little by little you two opened up to each other and the communication helped comfort what sometimes still tormented you. Reid had saved you from committing many idiots and if it wasn't for you, he didn't know how he could have faced situations or ghosts from his past. You were his reason for living and your apartment was that safe place where he could isolate himself from the whole world and live his own utopia. With you there was no suffering, there were no traumas, no crimes, no coworkers who ignored him... and when that existed, you were there to hug him tight and tell him that everything would be fine.
Honestly, the fear of becoming a burden plagued him frequently, but the two of you were trying to work through your own insecurities so that you could carry on your marriage in peace.
As soon as he felt his body touch the surface of the mattress, he moaned calmly and finally allowed himself to feel all the tiredness of the day, sure that it no longer mattered because he was in the right place to rest. He stayed like that for a couple of seconds, enjoying the softness on which he was lying, until your gentle breathing next to him caught his attention. He hated waking you up during the night, but now more than ever he needed to feel you close and he considered that with such a heavy sleep you had his touch would hardly be noticeable. He moved enough to be able to wrap his arm around your entire waist and bury his head in your skin at the nape of the neck, but against all odds he heard you inhale heavily as a sign that you had noticed the grip.
"I didn't want to wake you up" he apologized, as he kissed you on the shoulder to mask his remorse, although to be honest a part of him was very grateful to be able to talk to you.
"I wasn't asleep" you lied uselessly, because your voice betrayed your state of sleepiness. Careful not to let him let go of you, you turned around to face him and he smiled from ear to ear when even in the dark he noticed that you were smiling weakly at him "Did you just get there?"
“Things got difficult. We came back by train”
“Oh…” you hummed sympathetically. Your hands traveled deftly up to his face and you stroked with your thumbs, watching him turn to putty between your fingers. “Did you even have dinner? Let me make you something"
"No, no, darling," he hastened to say, stopping you from getting up to go to the kitchen. Honestly, hunger was the least of Spencer's worries at that moment, his mind was longing to receive your body heat and with some luck multiple kisses on the face and lips "Just stay here with me"
If in normal circumstances it was already difficult to deny your husband something, it was even worse when he whispered in that pleading tone, so you simply nodded and snuggled closer against him. His long golden hair tickled your nose and you realized that Spencer had used your conditioner again, even though he had promised not to do it again, but you didn't mind at all.
"You feel good?" you asked softly, as one of your hands traveled to the back of his head to stroke his head and you maneuvered your other arm for him to use as a pillow.
He was very protective as a husband, perhaps motivated by the fear that some of the horrible things he saw daily at his work would happen to you, and he constantly looked out for your well-being, but on those occasions when you took the time to pamper him after a terrible day, he swore that it was you who took care of him from the lurking monsters.
"I feel better now that I'm here," he confessed, the words slightly muffled by his lips on your skin. "I missed you."
"Oh, I know you did" you joked, now a little more lucid than at the beginning of the conversation. You were very interested in him being able to fall asleep, because once he did it, all you had to do was close your eyes to imitate him, and how to blame you? With that strong grip and his legs intertwined with yours, you felt total tranquility "I missed you too”
Your hand continued to untangle strands of his hair in an attempt to relax him and you stayed that way for a few minutes, until he broke the silence. You didn't understand at first, so you gently whispered in your ear for him to repeat it.
"I missed our nine o'clock show" it was inevitable to let out a soft laugh at the apparent priority issue of your beloved and you kissed him on the top of the head before answering.
"Yes, it is sad"
"Remember how I told you that Anita and the butler were having an affair?" he asked and you hummed affirmatively “Did I get it right?”
"Almost. She was having it with the gardener” you heard a defeated sigh under your chin and your smile only increased “Now you owe me five bucks”
“Too bad, I don't have cash with me,” he muttered, pretending to be genuinely pained. “Would you accept another method of payment?” There was no need to ask what his suggestion was from him, the gentle kiss he placed on your shoulder spoke for itself.
“Yes, but there is a problem with the currency conversion. Five dollars equals approximately…” you took a moment to think of a suitable number and when you got it a smile escaped your lips “five hundred kisses”
“Five hundred kisses?!” Reid squealed from his hiding place in your chest "That's a huge debt"
"It is"
"I better start now huh?" he said flirtatiously. He started with quick kisses on whatever section of skin was within his reach that made you laugh out loud, then he continued up your neck with more careful caresses and by the time he reached your face the kisses were slow and so gentle that you felt die. But he wasn't so merciful to you, so his kisses touched almost your entire face except your lips. "Do you keep track?"
"Do you keep track of how many kisses I gave you?”
"Oh no, I guess you'll have to start over," you whispered, as you felt his smile against your skin as he planted a kiss right on your jaw "Or if you give me one on the lips, we're even”
Spencer didn't think twice to finally indulge your wishes and it was such a warm and deep kiss that you felt like a newlywed again. There were bad times, yes, but it was these moments that made you know that facing the rest was worth it.
"I love you very much, you know that?" he sighed, still with his eyes closed and his forehead resting on yours. You lifted your head a little just so you could steal another chaste kiss from him.
"I love you more, baby"
Spencer settled back, now lying entirely on your chest and you wrapped both arms around his waist while your hands traced uneven patterns on the striped fabric on his back. You asked your ear to please get some sleep and the soft beating of your heart was enough to calm him down until exhaustion overcame him.
If there was a perfect place in the world, he knew that it was between your arms.
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gibberishfangirl · 3 months
I didn't see if your requests are open so if they are closed, please ignore this message. I would like to request furin boys + togame by going to the reader's house in the morning and being greeted by the reader with a sleepy face, a men's shirt that doesn't belong to the boys and being hugged from behind by another guy when, in fact, it's just the reader's gay friend who went for a girls' night out and everything really was just a misunderstanding 😁
WIND BREAKER | misunderstandings
Synopsis ✰ what happens when a misunderstanding occurs between the two of you involving another guy
Characters ✰ Haruka Sakura, Hajime Umemiya, Hayato Suo, Akihiko Nirei, Jo Togame
Contains ✰ sfw! some violence, everything’s resolved at the end, mistakes, misunderstandings, content of the boys reacting differently to the situation
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★ hands thrown immediately, pray you or your friend have fast reflexes enough to break up the fight from truly escalating. he reacts now, asks questions later. quite literally gets blindsided by their emotions and doesn’t think straight ★
-> Haruka Sakura ᡣ𐭩
Sakura couldn’t even wrap his head around the situation. all he saw was you in a shirt that wasn’t his with a guy who wasn’t him either. his body reacted quicker than his mind could’ve, before any of you even knew it he walked past you and immediately shoved your friend into the ground away from you. your body jolted as all your tiredness disappeared from the commotion. you had to jump in front of your friend to prevent Sakura from doing more. “wait Sakura! it’s not like that.” is all you could manage to get out as Sakura paused confused by your words. you explained what happened the previous night to him and he was quickly embarrassed by his reaction. of course he offered an apology to your friend, which he didn’t truly mean since you still wore a shirt that wasn’t his. after your friend left, the two of you had a conversation where you reassured him that you would never do something like that to him.
-> Jo Togame ᡣ𐭩
Togame was already having a rough morning, which is the reason why he went to your house. he just wanted to see you so his day can get better. at least, that’s what he thought he needed until someone who wasn’t you opened your door. at first he assumed that he must’ve gotten the wrong house but that was debunked as he saw your figure pop up behind the guy. all he had to do was take one look at you and than your friend for all these crazy assumptions to enter his mind. he grabbed your friend by the collar of his shirt and slammed him against the wall before flinging a fist into his direction. you had to pry Togame off of him and once you did he left before you could even explain yourself. you caught him later that day to explain what happened and why your friend was there. of course you were furious with him because of the way he reacted and he understood why. you both understood each others perspective and apologized to one another after that you both apologized to your friend for getting caught in the crossfire.
★ skeptical but proceeds with caution, he knows you would never do anything to hurt him. he tries to keep a clear mind and asks what happens as calmly as possible ★
-> Hayato Suo ᡣ𐭩
Suo’s not a violent person for the most part… he knows better than to respond with violence or blow up. what he also knows is that you would never do anything to hurt him. especially not anything that involves cheating or being unfaithful. he simply asks what happens and you two explain the chaotic night you had. Suo wasn’t necessarily thrilled about the outcome since he would’ve preferred to be the one who went home with you. he politely asked that next time you just call him when you’re in trouble or need to get home. he’s very understanding and nice about everything.
-> Hajime Umemiya ᡣ𐭩
Umemiya’s a rational person, he has to be. That doesn’t mean he has to like what he sees, he dislikes it but won’t react before getting a response as to what is even happening. not to mention, he trusts you so much. “hey, what’s going on?” are the only words that leave his mouth after entering your house. after you explained what happened he’s relieved that it wasn’t what it seemed. however, his first time meeting your friend was a bit awkward due to the situation itself. he still wished you would’ve called him instead to go get you from your hang out with friends. he would’ve made sure you got home safely. don’t be surprised if he comes back to your house the next day with a bunch of his spare tees so you can use them as sleeping shirts from now on.
★ emotional wreck, walks out without wanting to hear an explanation. genuinely feels so much heartbreak and doesn’t know what to think ★
-> Akihiko Nirei ᡣ𐭩
Nirei took one look at the two of you and instantly walked out. he felt his heart shatter right in that moment as soon as you opened the door. his entire day went from 100 to 0 in a matter of seconds. you tried to call out for him but he ignored you and proceeded to walk away. you had to move fast in order to catch up to him to explain yourself. you found him eventually on the side of the road clearly upset. “Nirei. it wasn’t like that, i swear.” fortunately enough for you he was willing to listen. poor guy was definitely caught up in his own mind, he always felt like he wasn’t good enough for you and after seeing how you looked like with someone else he convinced himself it was true. you went the extra mile to reassure him nothing like that would ever happen.
-> Haruka Sakura ᡣ𐭩
Sakura was furious. he was angry, upset, sad, frustrated, and most importantly he felt betrayed. he was used to being outcasted and hated by those around him. he was used to everyone treating him poorly but he thought you were different. he felt stupid for thinking someone out there could have loved him or wasn’t like everyone else in some way or another. you couldn’t find him after he left, in fact he went pretty much m.i.a. since the incident. it took some convincing but he agreed to meet up with you so you can explain what happened. you felt bad that you had accidentally triggered him in that way. the two of you had a long conversation about everything and managed to work things out. he was a bit shy after being so vulnerable about his feelings but it helped you two create a deeper bond with one another.
a/n <3 : hope you enjoy this one! hopefully i did your request justice :’D i did two for Sakura simply just because i feel like his reaction can go either way. as for Togame, that man’s throwing hands regardless of how his morning is going. i also decided to try out a new format for these kind of scenarios, lmk if you guys like it? :)
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Can I request headcanons for poly Wade, and Logan would think about his gender neutral s/o who always does their best to mediate between them & be the voice of reason please?
Here are some headcanons for a polyamorous relationship between Wade Wilson (Deadpool), Logan (Wolverine), and their gender-neutral s/o who acts as a mediator and the voice of reason:
Wade Wilson (Deadpool)
Wade absolutely melts whenever his s/o steps in to mediate between him and Logan. He loves their level-headedness and often refers to them as "the glue that holds this crazy trio together."
Wade can’t resist making jokes about how their s/o is like a "superhero therapist," even coming up with ridiculous hero names like "Mediator Supreme" or "The Negotiator."
Despite his chaotic nature, Wade deeply appreciates how their s/o can calm him down during his more impulsive moments. He’s aware of how much work it takes to deal with him and Logan and shows his appreciation with grand (and often ridiculous) gestures of affection.
Wade trusts their s/o's judgment more than he’d ever admit, often deferring to them in situations where he might otherwise rush headlong into trouble. He knows that they have a unique way of seeing the world that he admires, even if he pretends to be too cool to care.
Whenever their s/o is mediating between him and Logan, Wade sometimes plays devil’s advocate, not to be difficult but to show that he believes in their s/o’s ability to handle even the toughest situations. Deep down, he loves watching them work their magic and bring peace between him and Logan.
Logan (Wolverine)
Logan holds an immense respect for their s/o's ability to handle both his gruffness and Wade's wildness. He admires how they can be firm without being harsh and always maintain a sense of fairness and calm.
While not as outwardly expressive as Wade, Logan often shows his appreciation through quiet gestures. He might brew their s/o a cup of coffee in the morning or give them a rare smile after a particularly heated argument is resolved, letting them know he values their presence.
Logan’s protective nature kicks in full force when it comes to their s/o, especially when they step in between him and Wade. He’s constantly aware of their well-being and is ready to pull them out of harm’s way if things get too intense.
Despite his stubbornness, Logan knows when to back down during a disagreement, especially when their s/o asks him to. He values their opinion so much that he’ll actually stop and think before acting, which is a big deal for someone as headstrong as he is.
Logan may not always verbalize his feelings, but he often shows his love for their s/o by being more patient and tolerant when they’re around. He knows they’re the reason he’s managed to build a somewhat peaceful life with Wade and wouldn’t trade that for anything.
Together as a Trio
Their s/o is the balancing force in the relationship, helping Wade and Logan understand each other’s perspectives. They’re the reason the trio works so well, blending Wade’s chaos with Logan’s intensity into something that feels like home.
While Wade is more vocal, Logan often joins in on playful teasing, though his style is more subtle. They both enjoy seeing their s/o blush or laugh, knowing that these moments help diffuse tension.
Both Wade and Logan are fiercely independent, but they’ve come to rely on their s/o’s steadying influence. They both feel a deep sense of security and love when their s/o is around, knowing that whatever happens, they’ll help navigate the storm.
Arguments between Wade and Logan can be intense, but their s/o’s calm demeanor often helps de-escalate things before they get out of hand. They’re the voice of reason that both Wade and Logan listen to, even if begrudgingly at times.
Over time, all three of them develop an unspoken understanding. Wade and Logan both know when their s/o is feeling overwhelmed and will, surprisingly, work together to give them some space or pamper them in their own unique ways. It's their way of saying "thank you" for everything their s/o does to keep the peace.
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carlsdarling · 2 months
PLEASE do a part 3 of Carl with an older reader! It can be hcs, a blurb, whatever I just need more of that series 🤭
Carl x Older!Reader Headcanons Part IV
More headcanons... I adress with this more than one request, as there were many requests for a sequel. Everyone is 18 or over.
WARNINGS: smut, nsfw, oral (male receiving)
Carl always gets insecure and it drives him crazy when older guys give you interested looks. Last week, Jesus from Hilltop tried to strike up a conversation with you. Carl was standing a few meters away with Rick and some other people discussing the exchange of goods and kept looking over suspiciously the entire time. Rick noticed this angrily and had to keep chiding Carl to concentrate on the conversation, while Gregory stared irritably from one to the other. After a few minutes, Carl couldn't take it any longer - he turned around with an angry snort and marched over to you and Jesus, where he immediately put his arm around you possessively to mark his territory. Jesus frowned in amazement and raised his right eyebrow. "You... well, you two are..." he tried to pose a question, but Carl gruffly and aggressively cut him off. "Yes, we are. Do you have a problem with that?" Jesus raised both hands placatingly, rolled his eyes and backed away. "What does this guy think he's doing?" Carl hissed irately. "But Carl, he was just..." That was as far as you got because Carl pressed his lips roughly onto yours, gripping your hips, before pulling you behind the nearest shed, pressing you face-first against the wall to push up your dress, pull down your panties and take you from behind with fierce, jealous thrusts. The night that followed was filled with angry sex.
Carl is cuddly. He would never display it publicly, but as soon as the two of you are alone, he is all over you and wants to be held and cuddled. He is such a cute mix of being awkward and trying to be manly, especially when it comes to sex. He hasn't found his persona yet - either he acts overly dominant, or he submits to you completely; letting you take the lead and having your way with him. It’s pretty adorable.
Although the two of you have sex every day, you often surprise Carl by catching him pleasuring himself - usually in the bathroom. Each time he's embarrassed, each time he pretends it's just an one-time thing, and each time you end up in bed. Or in the shower, where you usually suck him off while he buries his hand in your wet hair and moans with his head thrown back, moving his hips. You love to put a hand on his butt in the process to feel the play of his muscles, or to toy with his balls. You also love the taste of his cock and his cum, as Carl loves to cum in your warm mouth and to see his cum dripping from your luscious, wet lips.
When Carl started getting close to Enid, it bothered you - but whenever Carl asked you if you were jealous, you denied it because you felt silly admitting it. Then Carl and Enid spent more and more time together, and gradually you began to feel uncomfortable with it. After all, this girl was a much better match for Carl in terms of age; besides, it was obvious that Enid had a crush on Carl. And she was sure to make a move on him soon, if she hadn't already. You became increasingly ill-tempered towards Carl, especially when he came home late and admitted to spending time with Enid when you asked where he was. You withdrew more and more from Carl, you hated this friendship, but you didn't dare speak openly to Carl about it - until the situation escalated one evening when Carl didn't come home again until around midnight and you could watch from the window as Enid hugged him goodbye. You were boiling with rage and left the house through the back door to spend the night at Lydia's, ranting at Enid the whole time. The next day, when Carl was on guard duty, you'd had enough: you sought out Enid and told her rudely to her face that she should keep her damn  slutty hands off Carl and respect his relationship with you. When Enid laughed at you and claimed that Carl was a much better match for her, you snapped, went nuclear and slapped her across the face before pushing her to the ground and running home. Of course, Enid told Carl about it and Carl confronted you. "Why would you do something like that?" he asked helplessly, ruffling his hair, his beautiful blue eye worried and annoyed at the same time. "Enid didn't do anything to you." Upset, you threw a sofa cushion against the wall, no longer able to hide your hurt and anger. "Oh no?" you shout, on the verge of tears. "You spend almost every evening with her, and she's clearly chasing after you!" Carl shook his head with a sigh and said that wasn't true, he and Enid were just friends. As a result, you withdrew even more from Carl and didn't let him get close to you anymore; you blocked all his advances and attempts at reconciliation. Did that horrible, homely girl have to destroy your relationship? You started to detest Enid. Carl realized that things couldn't go on like this; he also realized that Enid was trying to charm him and distance him from you. One evening, Carl came into your bedroom with a large bouquet of red roses. "I'm so, so sorry, Y/N," he said contritely. "You were right about Enid. And I was unfair to you. I shouldn't have neglected you like I did.“
Carl crawled under the covers to you and kissed your neck longingly. "Please, let me make it up to you," he pleaded, his eye expressing affection and desire. "You are my eyerything... you always were, always will be... I am so sorry..." You had missed it so much, his skin so hot against yours, his moans, Carl sucking your nipples with those sultry noises, his big dick inside you, stretching you out, his hands on your body, the trembling when he climaxed and his thrusts got faster and harder, his fucked out face, his messy sweaty hair and all the cuteness overload. Afterwards, Carl told you, holding you firmly in his arms, that he had virtually cut off contact with Enid because she was constantly trying to steal him from you. "I love you, Y/N. Only you. It's just you and me." Finally reassured, you were able to sleep in his arms for the first night in a long time without the fear of losing him.
You and Carl haven't talked about it openly yet, but you've recently started clearing out a room in the house, painting the walls a sunny yellow and furnishing the room with baby things as if by accident - you got a cradle, baby clothes and a rocking horse from Maggie, and apparently your friend Lydia dropped a few hints in the community, because one day Abraham turned up with a still-original baby changer that he'd looted from somewhere and then got to work setting it up. Rosita found baby bedding and a mobilée somewhere. Deanna retrieved Spencer's old storybooks and put them on the little blue shelf that Gabriel had given you, and Michonne brought some baby bottles, a plush dinosaur and lullers from the supermarket. "When would you and Carl like to have a baby?" she asked straightforwardly. "Or are you already...?" She gazed meaningfully at your belly. "Uuum... no... and actually... we've never talked about whether we even want a child..." you mumbled.  Michonne eyed you with incomprehension. "And why the baby's room then?" You seemed embarrassed. "It was just... we kind of started furnishing it, but that doesn't mean we wanted a child... it was more out of... boredom?" Michonne just grinned knowingly.
A few days later, Carl told you in bed at night that he wouldn't mind skipping the condoms. Your breath caught in your throat. "Do you mean...?" Carl nodded fervently. "I would love to have a baby together," he whispered with so much affection.
Tags: @tessasweet @taylormarieee @loveforcarl @knochentrocken0808 @xxcarlswifexx
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suhmingo · 4 months
I, uh, don’t know how to actually preface this. It’s really just a mini rant/pseudo-analysis of chapter 167. Which was pretty crazy. But, I loved this chapter, and yes I’m typing this with two hands.
But first let me try and do some housekeeping.
It’s perfectly fine to have an emotional, even visceral reaction to 167. That’s the point
If you feel grossed out, betrayed, unnerved, dumbstruck, or any form of bamboozled by today’s chapter then good! That means the emotional weight of the scene is working, and that you are a proper, feeling human. The
The whole point of fiction is to explore themes that would be difficult, even dangerous to experience from a place of safety. To me that’s, like the entire reason I ever wanted to become a writer, one of the most unsung broke boy jobs in the history of the world. My desire for Denji to get better in a world that is dead set on making him fail is the entire reason I have an emotional investment in the first place. Stories are inherently about conflict and the struggle with resolving conflict, that should make you uncomfortable.
Say what you want about Chainsaw Man. I can take it, I’m a big boy. But one thing that it has always had since Chapter one is a well-defined through line about the complexity of our innate desire to find some type of love fighting against the pain-wrought pathway that it leads us down. In a good story, every chapter should have some way of showing the highs and lows of that theme, and I’m pretty confident when I say that 167 perfectly shows us that.
It’s bad. Don’t let people who brag about their trauma tolerance tell you otherwise. You are well within your right to feel. But I think it would behoove people to 1. Realize that this is fiction, and its effects, though evocatory, are ultimately abstract, and 2. Realize that exploring dark themes allows people, especially a 16-25 (Or whatever the target audience for CSM is) to grapple with and think on human concepts as all encompassing as love.
From a writing standpoint, one chapter has escalated the tension of the entire story more than anything that has happened in Part 2 so far. It’s admittedly a bit early to call it peak. But looking at it as a simple story beat, that’s a fantastic chapter as far as the medium goes.
Listen, the whole point of stories since, like, Mesopotamian times was the tension between wanting a character to achieve happiness vs the hardships and trauma that life happens in life. They’re supposed to put you in a sensitive state emulative of a tense environment. I’d argue that the prevalence of escapist fiction and fandom has changed how we emotionally digest fiction. But that’s a whole nother essay.
The events of 167 aren’t some horny non-sequitur. Everything that happened is entirely a logical, if graven, extension of how we know characters.
Denji is at the lowest point we have ever seen him at. He was literally dismembered and put back together less than 10 chapters ago. The last chapter literally had him groveling on his knees at a cauldron’s brew of his own weakness, immaturity, stupidity, and horniness. I think we can all understand why he would not be in a good mental state to just lose himself in the moment. You can’t even blame Denji in this situation. He was in an entirely vulnerable state that was exploited entirely by
Yoru. Who is the literal embodiment of war. If you think that someone who represents the human fear of war is going to play fair. Turn on the news for five minutes. Yoru is a character we are not supposed to like. She’s fun, because she’s a work of fiction, but she’s arguably less trustworthy than Fami. She’s a violent, exploitative being who possesses a dead teenager. There is no “too far” for her if it’s the fastest way on the road to conquest. Reminder that before she caught feelings, her plan was literally just to castrate Denji because she thought that would further her goals. The fact that it turned into kissing was actually sparing a worse fate. IMO that savior was all in the actions of Asa.
Asa. I genuinely believe that, subconsciously, Asa wanted to kiss Chainsaw Man. Not like how it happened. Never like how it happened, but her desire for Denji/Chainsaw Man's affection has always been evident. She gets irreparably upset when she’s stood up, she makes cringe poetry for Chainsaw Man, and her entire goal as of now is in some misguided desire to make him happy. I also don’t think Asa is actually demisexual, or averse to sex. She is afraid of intimacy, which stops her from ever acting on her urges. Notice that both times Yoru has kissed Denji, it was after the idea of sex and intimacy was explicitly brought to the conversation. To me that screams that Yoru is spurred on by her host’s innate desires. Hell, it’s been shown that in the same way that Yoru has made Asa more proactive of a human being, Asa has made her feel emotions. I don’t think it's a coincidence that Yoru is blushing while kissing Denji. None of that was part of her plan. That’s Asa’s emotional influence getting the better of her in what I predict to be a fantastic role reversal of their initial contract.
This is thematically in line with how Chainsaw Man presents love and sets up deeper themes.
Remember way back in Part One when Denji was just an initial horndog and everybody kinda hated him? I hated Denji back then! When I first heard of Chainsaw Man I genuinely thought it was going to be a mommy-kink fuelled power fantasy. But I was wrong. Wonderfully wrong. Fujimoto used the allure of that idea in Makima to present a story about how dangerous and manipulative the very idea of grooming is, and how damaging that can be to a person. The same way Denji’s desire to get the approval of Makima was poisonous to him is mirrored in his desire for vapid, instantly gratifying sex is being portrayed here. I genuinely think this chapter is going to age like fine wine, and I am absolutely willing to take egg on my face if I’m wrong.
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sketchquill · 4 months
Sketchquill, be careful out there.
There's a crazy person on twitter running an "exposer" account and making sloppy callout posts on creators in the WH fandom, spreading misinformation if not disinformation, and generally just pointing fingers. Whenever they're criticized, they would act immature and aggressive. They also dragged innocent bystanders into the drama for being associated with a couple creators they've been smearing, and they've been driving people out of the WH fandom. Last time I checked, this individual has been escalating the situation after the two people they've been smearing came out with their sides of the story.
Stay safe and take care of yourself, okay?
Unless you’re talking about someone else, yeah I think I’m pretty sure I know the exposer account you’re talking about and I’m also pretty sure I know what situation you’re referring to concerning the two people in the WH fandom that this user has been posting about on Twitter and…. Honestly I don’t even know what to think…
I’m doing my best to word this as carefully as I can and keep calm but all I’m going to say is that while I’m glad that whoever is running the expose account wants to expose people who they think are a danger in the WH community and raising awareness about it, however I can’t say I agree with the way they have been going about it especially as of recent.
To those who are already more than aware of what’s been happening, I just want you to know that don’t want to be involved in what has been going on lately within the WH fandom. Everything has just been so messed up that I want absolutely nothing to do with it and I don’t want any part in the controversy.
Finally thank you to whoever sent me this Ask, it was very thoughtful and considerate of you to let me know because you were worried about me and wanted me to be safe. I promise I’ll be ok, thank you again I really appreciate it.
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WIBTA for calling the police on a squatter/tresspasser?
Using the emojis 🍋🌿 so I don't lose this question. I know the title might sound pretty bad, and normally I don't believe in involving the police in anything at all (ACAB, babey!), but the situation is worrying me a bit, and I'd just like to consider all sides in it before it escalates any further.
First a little bit of background. I've just moved into a new apartment. It's a house split into two units. I have the bottom floor, and two friends of mine live on the second floor. One of my housemates upstairs, let's call her Jenna, has been living here since November. I moved in mid-December, and our third housemate, let's call him Mike, has just finished moving in as of last weekend.
Now on to the actual story. In December, Jenna got injured and has been having trouble getting around. This is especially tough because she has three large, rambunctious dogs that have to be let out multiple times per day, and she also works long hours. Since Mike wasn't moved in, she decided to get someone else that she knew to stay in her apartment and help out with the chores/dogs. I don't actually know his name, but we'll call him Peter for the sake of clarity.
The very first week Peter was there, Mike brought some stuff over to pre-move a bit. While there, he met Peter for the first time. Mike knocked on my door immediately (this was like 10pm). He said he was really sorry to show up unannounced, but that Peter was upstairs acting super weird and erratic, and he was pretty sure he was high on some kind of narcotic.
Now, normally I have no qualms about people using whatever kind of drugs they choose for themselves. But the previous tenants had been kicked out for various issues stemming from drug abuse. Our landlord was VERY clear on his strict no-tolerance policy for illegal drugs in the units. Jenna has the maintenance crew in and out of her unit all the time for work, and neither me nor Mike wanted to chance something of Peter's being found, and Jenna & Mike getting evicted after less than a month on the lease.
The three of us decided he would have to find someplace else, and that Mike would just take over Peter's chore duties. Jenna apparently spoke to Peter about finding someplace else to stay. I thought that was the end of it. Time went on, Mike moved in, I forgot about Peter entirely and assumed he was yesterdays news.
Yesterday while I was at work, our property manager showed up and caught Peter hanging around in the backyard. There was a confrontation and Peter refused to leave. The property manager ended up getting the police involved, and we all discovered he'd been living in the crawlspace under the garage for some time. They also found several items down there he'd stolen from houses in the neighborhood. When I got home, I was warned to keep my doors locked just in case, and they also told me if I had any suspicions he had come back that I was to inform the police immediately.
On the one hand, I understand that a string of pretty serious crimes were committed here, and that not calling someone about him would be unsafe and irresponsible. Not to mention, the thought of having essentially a stranger squatting in our crawlspace for a week was pretty upsetting for me and Mike, as we are both SA survivors. But on the other hand, I feel kind of terrible for Peter. He hasn't really bothered us beyond the drug use and the squatting, and he clearly must have been desperate to resort to living under there, especially considering its been a harsh winter where we live.
I don't want to be callous and deny him shelter if he really has nowhere else to go, but I'm also *extremely* uncomfortable at the idea of letting him stay, especially considering he's apparently been stealing as well. I know it's kind of a crazy situation, but I'm having a bit of a moral quandry about it, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
What are these acronyms?
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capipie · 9 months
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FIRST MEETINGS ♡ ♡ arlecchino x gn!reader
part of my harbinger fantasy au series ( more info here )
synopsis : there's never a quiet day for someone like arlecchino. especially not when she receives word of an assassin from a neighbouring kingdom coming to wreak havoc in her homeland... well, there's plenty she can do about that, isn't there?
notes : 2nd person , small text . warnings for mentions of blood + death ( reader is ' attacked ' by an assassin )
a/n : psssht it isnt super long or anything, but there's a little less to say in regards to how the reader meets all of the harbingers compared to future endeavours ( with the exception of perhaps scaramouche ? ) this wasnt crazy proofread or anything n my brain is a little jumbled so im sorry if it doesnt feel very substanced eheh ...
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Arlecchino spun the handle of her dagger around in her fingers, leaning against the wall. The city was near silent as the moon hung high in the sky, and the light of the streetlamps had long since been put out. The only thing left to illuminate her figure was the starlight above her.
"Lyney. Your report," She said, not even bothering to glance in the direction of the darker parts of the alley. She didn't need to in order to know he was already there.
"Father," Lyney stepped forth out of the shadows, raising his eyes to behold the face of the masked woman standing before him. "We've gathered some information you may be interested in."
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There was nothing sweeter than the thrill of the kill for a person like Arlecchino. Not because she particularly enjoyed it, but because she knew that everything she did was to protect the sanctity of her home. The safety and peace enjoyed by the kingdom's citizens could only remain if a certain price was paid.
When she opened the door and saw the figure standing over your bed with a dagger, poised and ready to strike, she wasted no time. Striking like a phantom, wrenching the blade out of their hands and pressing it to their throat — she leered over their shoulder, with a glare quite unmatched by any other.
"Begone, foul parasite."
A splatter of blood hit the floor as Arlecchino pulled the blade across the assassin's throat. The threat was eliminated, but she'd have to be quick in disposing of the evidence, before—
"...Hm." It seemed a little late for that, as when she looked up from the corpse she'd dropped to the floor, she saw you. Wide awake, with an expression of abject horror like you'd been watching the entire time.
Arlecchino furrowed her brow, deciding it would be better to leave before the situation escalated and turning to leave the room. You, however, seemed unwilling to let that happen. Arms wrapped shakily around her midsection, you pulled her back without any warning.
Arlecchino had half a mind to shove you away and get out as soon as possible. But when she felt a sudden trembling against her chest and a wetness soaking into her shirt, she suddenly couldn't quite bring herself to do that.
Her hand came to rest in the small of your back, careful to keep her sharp nails away from your delicate skin. Carefully, she set the dagger grasped in her other hand off to the side, not caring to notice if the blood staining its blade would dirty the furniture this time. There were far more pressing matters at hand.
"I'm sorry. Did I frighten you?" She murmured, voice low but far from threatening.
"No, no, you... You saved my life, I'm just..." You trailed off into quiet hiccups, clutching onto the fabric of Arlecchino's cloak. The truth was, you'd been awake long before Arlecchino stepped in to save you, but far too afraid to even move.
Knowing you were seemingly safe now... A sense of both relief and terror washed over you in a heavy wave, and you barely knew how to handle it.
There wasn't much left to be said for Arlecchino; she just rubbed gentle circles into your back with one hand, trying to soothe your shock. Although she was more than willing to do harm to those she had to, she was far from a cruel individual. Seeing such a delicate thing in such distress filled her with a sense of discomfort.
"Don't worry," She said eventually, eyes falling upon the corpse of the would-be assassin strewn across the floor by the window. "I'll clean everything up for you. And I'll make sure this never happens again."
Your head tilted up to look at her, tear-stained cheeks glittering in the moonlight.
"W-Who... Who are you?"
"...Just your guardian angel."
The room fell back into silence after that. You sniffled quietly as Arlecchino set you back to bed, gently tucking the covers around your shoulders and smoothing out the creases of the blanket. After a moment of hesitation, she also leaned down to press a gentle kiss to the crown of your head, smoothing down any stray hairs with a gentle stroke of her hand.
"Sleep now — and don't be afraid. I promise to keep a close eye on you from now on," She whispered softly into your ear, before standing up straight again.
Everything that happened in that room was never spoken of again. Although you could vividly recall your saviour's voice, the appearance of the woman eluded you — and you weren't eager to go speaking of such events to anyone else. Not when you knew what Pierro would have to say about it.
Ah... But who was that mysterious lady?
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ethereal-engene · 1 year
promise you | donghyuck
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pairing: bf!haechan x fem!reader
genre: angst, fluff, and comfort  // warnings: mentions of death threats & cuss words
summary: The first and last time your boyfriend answers a call from a sasaeng who keeps calling your phone. // word count: 1695
note: I am in my delulu era per usual and apparently he said this once and ... this is my take on it "Ah, you really don't know when you should be scared. I'm going to sue you. I'm going to hang up."
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Honestly there are a few things that one can expect when they’re dating a k-pop idol. However, nothing could have ever prepared you for dealing with your boyfriend sasaengs.
It was a big deal too because he didn’t want you getting hurt because of them since he knew he had many of them. It’s too bad that he couldn’t control them but he tried his best to keep them from you. Nonetheless, the extent to which some sasaengs were willing to go were farther than his power and influence could reach.
This just so happened to be another incident where he wasn’t able to protect you from it. A couple weeks ago, you kept on getting text messages from an unknown number. As one would do in this situation, you blocked them but of course they would just have another number to text you with.
These messages at first didn’t seem like much until they escalated with messages of threatening to kill you and to stay away from Hyuck. You still ignored a good chunk of them even if they did make your heart rate go crazy. To be fair, if they were serious about this, they would have already done it.
You would have brought it up to your boyfriend but you slightly felt bad to have tell him about it since you knew he would feel bad about you being hurt. When in reality, he shouldn’t be sorry and if they were his true fans then they would be happy for him. It’s just the unfortunate nature and conditions that come with dating an idol. Plus, the bare minimum here would also be fans respecting their idol’s privacy.
Even though you had not brought this up to your boyfriend, he definitely picked up on how your phone notifications would go off more than usual these past few weeks. You brush it off as it’s just your friend texting you about the drama happening at work.
But we both know that’s a lie and haechan knows one when he hears one. Especially when you sometimes pick up your phone and a small wince or sigh leaves your mouth as you read what’s on the screen. He decides to leave it alone for now because he believes that you will eventually tell him.
One night when you’re staying over with him at the dorms, you’re chilling on his bed as he plays. Your phone starts to ring and you forgot to take a look at the contact number before picking it up.
“Hello?” You ask. Haechan hears you on the phone so he tries to make less noise, but he also quiets down to hear who might be calling you this late into the night.
“Bitch, if you don’t leave Haechan tonight, I will literally kill you tomorrow so you will never see him again. I’ve told you multiple times to leave him but you still haven’t. This isn’t a threat, it’s a promise. Now take your things and go. And as always. Do. Not. Tell. Him.” The voice responds and you end the phone call. You quickly block this number and try to make your heart stop racing so fast.
Placing your hand over your heart and attempting to pace your breathing. Haechan can hear your slightly heavy breathing. His eyes leave the screen to look at you. You are clearly not in the best condition as you were a few moments ago.
“Jeno-ya, I’ll be gone for a few minutes. Make sure I don’t get killed this round, I’ve gotta go check on my girl.” As soon as he says that, he rushes to the bed where you are.
“Hey baby? I’m right here and if you don’t mind me asking, who called you earlier?” Haechan’s hands search for yours and when he feels them, he squeezes them to let you know he’s there.
Shaking your head left and right to let him know it was no one, he frees up one hand to tilt your head so you’re only looking at him. When he does it, he sees that your pupils are dilated. His immediate reaction is to figure out what the hell happened and how to comfort you.
No one in the world should ever make you feel this way. Haechan brings your figure closer to his. Wrapping you up in his arms and giving you small kisses. “Baby, I’ve got you. I am begging you to tell me who called you and what did they say? And don’t try to lie. You’re a really bad liar ya know?”
You’re too scared to tell him now because of how he’ll react. Scared to hear him tell you about how you’re supposed to go and tell him about these things because you’re in danger. Scared to hear him tell you that you shouldn’t have kept this a secret for so long. Scared to hear him tell you that this is all of his fault and that he doesn’t deserve you.
Silence fills the air. It starts to feel so stuffy and you want to escape it so badly. But he won’t let you go until you tell him. Right before, he’s about to say something else; the phone rings again. You’re quick to end the call before he gets a chance to see it.
But the phone just keeps on ringing and ringing after you click the decline button. With the way you react to decline the call quickly and your phone lights up with more messages. Haechan’s eyes skim over them and he pieces together what’s been going on.
You might have a death grip on your phone but you forget that Hyuck’s strength heightens when he’s frustrated like right now. The next time, they call. He snatches it before you can even try to grab it back.
“Oh, so glad you learned your lesson and picked up the phone again you bitch. Now as I said, if you don’t leave Haechan tonight. I will kill you. If you think I’m kidding, I’m really not. I have everything ready for you. Your choice.”
Haechan removes you from him in the best way he can without hurting you. Along with holding you back as you continue to try to get the phone back, even though you know you can’t win. All he sees is red but he composes himself to answer back.
“I’m not sure who you’re calling bitch unless you’re talking about yourself. If you know what’s good for you. You should stop contacting this number.” A laugh is heard in the background of the call on the other side.
“Oh my god Haechan!! I didn’t know that you were going to pick up. I’m so sorry but your girlfriend deserves to die because she’s not good enough for you.”
A ‘tsk’ leaves his mouth and continues with "Ah, you really don't know when you should be scared. I'm going to sue you. I'm going to hang up." And with that, he ends the call.
A long huff and puff is heard from him. He’s going through so many emotions right now. You look at him in the eyes and wonder what he’s thinking about saying next.
“I’m sorry, hyuck. I’m sorry for not telling you about this earlier. I don’t want you to blame yourself for this and please don’t hate me or yourself because of this.” You can’t help but start to let it all out. It would be a big lie to say that all of this wasn’t scary to deal with and it wasn’t painful.
Some of their comments were as if your insecurities started to come to life and taunting you about not being good enough or worse. You tilt your head down to look at the floor because you’re too embarrassed to look at him right now. Your eyes are all puffy and your nose is starting to leak.
After a few minutes of rubbing your eyes dry on your shirt and snot with a tissue away, he finally says something. At first, it’s not you. It's to Jeno telling him that something happened and he’s done for tonight.
Then he walks over to you and cups your face with his hands. Wiping away the falling and dried tears from your eyes. They’re bloodshot red and his heart hurts all over again.
He just keeps eye contact with you with his hands cupping your face. Haechan can’t help but laugh a little at your face when it’s all squished like this. “Y/n-ie. You are the love of my life. Without a doubt, you are one of the many people in my life that I love so much and couldn’t live life without”, Planting a forehead kiss and making sure that you’re still looking at him.
“I am not going to lie and say that you I’m not a tad bit angry or upset that you didn’t tell me about this. Because frankly, I am because it involves your safety and wellbeing.” You nod in agreement.
”You are right about me somewhat blaming myself for this. You are not responsible for my feelings and neither am I responsible for yours. From the bottom of my heart, I am truly sorry you had to go through this alone but I promise you that I’ll always be there. God forbid this ever happen again but if it does. Please tell me so I can do my best to make you feel safe and loved again. I promise.” Haechan finally un-cups your face to hold you in his arms. You whisper another apology and I love you too as you take in his warmth & comfort.
“It’s okay, baby. You’re one strong woman and I couldn’t be happier to call you mine. Just remember that you don’t have to be strong all of the time.”
You two fall asleep afterwards and the next day involves him getting you a new phone number along with the paperwork required to file a lawsuit. When all that is said and done, this phone call remains the first and last time he ever picks up a call from a sasaeng on your phone.
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... another fic I’ll probably re-visit b/c this could be longer but for now, enjoy this! man, the # of sasaengs he has is 😔 
as always please do give me feedback by reblogging this with your thoughts in the tag or leaving a note or even dming/sending an ask. it’s all that I ask for. please take care until next time
signing off
- ash 
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not-goldy · 27 days
I just want to be honest and speak without being emotional and biased towards bts , like yg have the opportunity to go to his home everyday and I'm sure he can work on his music from home and do the military duty as office job while the other boys especially jm jk and jin really being living in nowhere they can't even breath freely they working their ass off to go through that fouking serving shit , and still he managed to ruin it for himself he could have a 100 drivers and they could drive him home with the most expensive cars or go with taxi but he himself make the decision the media maybe take it to far but this what media do all over the world , army love to always make it like kmedia do it just for bts but this is what they do for everyone like I remember not so long they make a big deal of gdragon being drunk even though his tests was clean and they bring him to court and in the end he was really clean , yg going to the police station is not the big deal that army claims , he did wrong while he is serving and they question his behaviour and thats it , they should keep it Low and doesn't give it to much attention instead of cutting k media including jin up coming shows !!!! Like how they work !! jin working on this shows since the day he discharged and now army want to sacrifices His work for another member's bad decision while hyping western media that just last month have being shady towards jm and they have always been shady towards bts , dropping jm music and using his funds for useless movement , I just want army for once to forget their own prideful mindset and just shut up
I don't think you're saying this because you hate Yoongi. If you do my BS detector isn't picking it up.
And I understand your point of view and where you're coming from.
I just want to say Yoongi isn't doing his service this way because he is privileged. He was injured had surgery and couldn't go through that rigorous harsh system the others are going through.
Jin is brave and strong for conquering that and moving on with his life. Now the government has nothing on him.
The others will be free eventually too.
I think Yoongi should have been exempted all together. Jimin has chronic back pains and BTS as a group deserved an exemption.
Personally I think the laws in Korea are too strict and paternalistic but that's besides the point.
As for Army, I think they are doing what any Fandom would do- support and attack and defend. How big this thing gets, how much people speak against it, how much media attention and international attention it gets can either help or hurt his situation.
If they aren't being fair to him it shall be met with such worldwide condemnation it will push foreskin off dicks. That's the power of Army and the beauty of having amassed such following.
It would be strange if the Fandom went silent and watched this whole thing unfold don't you think??
People are just worried about him that's all. I'm actually worried too cos I feel this whole hing has been blown out of proportion. Any person in that situation perhaps would have been slapped with a warning but like you said because I a kpop idol and a member of BTS people wanna scapegoat him.
People want to humiliate BTS so bad they want humble them and some higher ups want a leash around their neck and will go after them for anything.
And they are falling out of favor with the sky man thems so if I feel they should all be careful how they move.
I know he screwed up, didn't think this whole situation will escalate but I also feel he is prepared to face the law. Actually, you know what? I'm gonna go ahead and research the law on this to understand the situation much better cause I'm hating this every second I write about it.
I think falling off a scooter in front of his own apartment when he wasn't even driving on the road and putting his life and the other's life at risk- is crazy how far this whole thing has gotten. Crazy
Just hope he is doing alright and is prepared mentally for all of this cos from his pov it would seem like everything he has spent his entire career to build is coming crashing i hate it here
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classicanalyzer · 2 months
The Acolyte - Choice Thoughts
"A vergence could create life like what we see on this planet. It's a power that should be studied. Protected. Nothing could be more important to the Jedi. This is a noble mission." Sol
"Someday, those noble intentions you all have will destroy every Jedi in the galaxy." Mother Aniseya
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This episode was an absolute doozy. Kogonada did it again. I was glad I was also right that this episode's title might have a choice-based theme.
I love that Mother Aniseya continues to be a good mother by making it clear that she puts her children's needs first over the witches' needs. Though we do see more of her dark side in how she was willing to manipulate and fuck with Torbin's head. She didn't even blame Sol for her death given the circumstances. I did think she was possibly going to diffuse the situation or at least get Mae out of the ensuing chaos by possession. Her warning about the Jedi's good intentions resulting in their destruction will prove prophetic 113 years later with Clone Wars/Order 66 and the Great Purge. I also like the reveal that the twins were a singular mine split into two (literal light and dark personifications). It's sad to see that only she was willing to let her child decide while the rest of the Coven chose an aggressive, violent path that only ended in the death of the entire coven when Indara forced them out of Kelnacca's head (the possession must've been also a dangerous Dark Side technique) and the separation of the twins.
We also get to know why the Jedi are on Brendok. They weren't there looking for the witches but to find the vergence in the Force. I also recently started reading the HR novels so hearing a mention of the Emergences was satisfying to me. I love that Sol took a more personal approach to trying to ease Torbin's mind compared to Indara's more traditional approach. We see the HR Jedi performing a check-up on this vergence and the miracle of non-sentient life that persists in this world unaffected by the Emergence.
I'm on the Jedi's side in this situation. Given what the Jedi saw, it looked like the witches were abusing the children and using them for dark purposes. The children seemingly implied to be manipulated to serve the coven's interests with the whole "'Everyone must walk through fear. Everyone must be sacrificed to fulfill their destiny.'" (Mae actually misquoted her mom and it was another step to tragedy). They also used the vergence to split a child's soul into two which based on the information and the ceremony, gives the impression that the coven was planning to sacrifice the children to empower the coven. Then there's the fact that only Mother Aniseya was the one who was willing to let Osha go with the Jedi with the rest of the Coven, especially the ones led by Mother Koril, being incredibly hostile towards the Jedi. Plus the possession of people and the mist move appeared like an attack which I can understand why Sol tragically killed Mother Aniseya (as I said, she didn't even look like she blames Sol). However, I do love that the Jedi did make mistakes as well. Torbin's impulsiveness to get off the world escalated the tension and the dark mist conjured by Mother Aniseya looked like an attack on either Mae or others.
I like how we get to see another side of Mae from the flashback. We see that even she's unsure about how she could become a leader of the Coven despite being a child. We also see that she wasn't responsible for the fire! She was just trying to simply try to burn the Jedi book but accidentally dropped the lamp. It's good to see that at least she wasn't that axe-crazy. Plus seeing a Jedi who killed her mom right in front of her with zero context would definitely explain her singular hatred for the Jedi.
That Kelnacca fight was absolutely terrifying. Kelnacca was not only a Jedi but an absolute beast of a fighter. Seeing Torbin get his scars and almost get killed was chilling. Speaking of Torbin, his biggest flaws were not appreciating non-Coruscant life and his overeagerness to get back to "normalcy." I also felt chills when I saw how the possession worked which definitely played a part in Torbin's desire to go back home. Torbin got his wish of heading back to Coruscant in the worst ways possible. No wonder he took the Barash Vow, went into exile, and later committed suicide to atone for how his actions resulted in the ensuing mess. It also explains why Kelnacca (who unwillingly used his claws which is an act of heresy in Wookiee culture) decided to isolate himself and why he drew the symbols of the Coven given his brief possession by the entire Coven.
Indara is also a standout of this episode. While she does represent a more stoic Jedi character, she does hold the team together. She made sure Torbin tries to appreciate life out of Coruscant, keep Sol level headed to realize the difference between Osha’s and his desires, and saved Kelnacca from possession. I also love how she recognized how cultures are different from their own views but also concedes to how from what info they had, the things they did see were fishy. If Sol is the empath of the team, then Indara is the anchor of the team.
I really love how empathetic Sol is. His empathy is his greatest and clouded trait. He was willing to defy the Council to protect what he saw as abuse against children and using them. And God, he looked so broken when he killed Mother Aniseya (in front of Mae too which he thought was Osha!) and for a while, I think he was in shock as Mother Kohril got some good hits on him. I also love how Sol almost said shit when Kelnacca is revealed to have been possessed. Then he had to make the most sadist choice of all time by choosing to prioritize using the Force to save Osha as his powers were failing. I don't blame him for wanting to turn himself over to the Council and wanting to save Mae no matter what she did.
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This was an amazing episode as I said. Also, I was absolutely jamming to the Power of Two by Victoria Monét (It came out on June 14th) and I was so glad to see being used here as the end credits. The song was pretty sad considering the dialogue being the twins being ashamed and bitter towards each other. I also love the massive departure music-wise from even the franchise with this song.
"My children are our future. Her wish must be considered...Right now I choose mother." Mother Aniseya
"After everything this little girl has lost tonight, you'd take away her dream as well? Before you throw yourself at the mercy of the Council, ask yourself why you made this choice." Indara
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redd956 · 2 years
Tornado Safety
This year’s tornado season prediction for the united states is looking quite grim, so I decided to make this lil tornado safety post.
Difference between Warning and Watch
First you need to know the different between a tornado warning and a tornado watch. 
A tornado watch means there is a potential risk for tornadoes.
A tornado warning means that server weather as bean spotted.
The real one you know to get going for is the tornado emergency which means that there is truly something heading your way. However you should respond to all of these appropriately, and if one is issued keep watch for the weather.
What to look out for
The calm before the storm is a real thing. The wind may die down, and the air become still. Everything might fall silent for a moment
The sky is turning dark really fast, or green, or both.
A roar similar to that of a distant freight train. Tornado’s sound like freight trains.
Fast moving and rotating clouds, especially if they’re making a funnel shape
Obviously tornado watches escalating for tornado warnings
What to do
Let’s say the tornado warning is now issued, and eventually a tornado is coming your way. What do you do? Well the situation depends on how immediate the danger is, and what your circumstances are.
First let’s start with the “average”  American advice. Go to the lowest level of your home, and hopefully a basement or storm shelter. 
Now if that isn’t an available option, there’s no need to fear or panic. The lowest level of your home is advised. Try an small enclosed room, with low to minimum windows, such as a bathroom, closet, or center hallway.
If you are in a mobile home GET OUT OF THERE. 
Let’s say there’s nowhere to go.
Go to a safe available nearby building, especially if it has a basement. However if that is still not an option lie in the nearest ditch (I know it sounds crazy but it works) and shield your head/neck with your hands
If taking shelter in a home, make sure everyone is with you. That can include pets, but if you’re in a super emergency situation it is better to leave them and get to shelter as quick as possible.
If you can get low and shield head, or body with a mattress, blanket, etc.
Natural Disaster Safety
Doesn’t matter where you live, you should probably have an emergency kit, especially one attuned to the climate of your area. This doubles if you’re in a natural disaster prone area.
Many of those in the United States have learned lately what the consequences of not having the proper equipment on hand are.
So what should you have for a tornado?
Battery Powered Radio
Extra Batteries
First Aid Kit
Water & Canned Food
Emergency things tailored to people of household (medical problems, etc)
If you live in a cold region also have cold safety materials too
What NOT to do & Extra
Don’t disregard the watches, and especially the warnings. They are there for a reason, and you should really keep an eye out. You might even want to head to shelter anyway if the wind is crazy strong.
Don’t stand near windows, or be that classic midwesterner who is on their porch getting a good shot of that swirly cloud of death. I know its fun...but its not safe.
If the situation is an absolute emergency don’t take time to grab your valuable. Its devastating to lose them, I've been there, but you can replace most tiny things and not a life.
Make sure any invalid family members have their own viable tornado plan. My grandma lives in a tornado prone area, and the plan has completely changed since she’s been confined to a walker. Make sure your family members like that have a plan.
Being in a car during a tornado is not safe at all. Drive to nearest shelter, or get out and hop in that ditch.
If the tornado looks like its standing still, it’s not. That shit is heading towards you.
Always be sure to remember to cover your head, or help shield your children.
Myth Busting
Overpasses are not safe shelter for when you’re in a car. It’s a myth, take that ditch instead if need be, or drive to a shelter.
Hiding under your car is dangerous. Tornados can drop on your car, either crushing you or sucking you up into the air along with your vehicle
Cars cannot outrun tornados
Don’t open your windows. It’s not going to stop the tornado from blowing your house over, instead it may even help it. It will allow for debris to enter your home easier, and cause the wind to be able to tear your house apart from the inside out.
It’s hit now, maybe your house was safe or not. Keep track of watches still, tornados can return, or could be apart of a tornado outbreak, meaning a second or even third tornado can hit the area. 
Assume all downed lines are active and dangerous, try not to use the gas, electricity, and water til you’re sure its safe.
If you’re not home return home once it’s deemed safe
Keep aware of damaged buildings, glass, debris, etc. 
If you want to and have the chance help your fellow man, lost animal, and etc. Checking on people is a kind and lifesaving thing to do, as well as securing people’s pets.
All of this from a person who lived in a tornado prone area growing up, to you.
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