#especially if its honest flattery
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piratefishmama ¡ 2 years ago
Crossing The Line | Part 14
Said metalhead was wearing a leather jacket, black, ripped at the knee denim jeans with a wallet chain dangling from a belt loop draped round to his back pocket, a bullet belt, that shouldn’t have been as attractive as it was, combat boots, and an iron maiden tee.
His hair was its seemingly usual unruly mass of dark brown curls, and he had lightly smudged dark eyeliner around his eyes to make his eyes pop. That was the extent of how much effort Eddie had put into his outfit. And yet he looked like the tastiest little snack Steve had ever seen in his life, he loved it.
They were like polar opposites style wise but from the look on Eddie’s face they were both exactly what each other wanted.
“Sweater vest for Eddie” Steve parroted with a warm smile and a bashful little, “I figured… I mean… I thought you’d like it.”
Now, Eddie had turned up at that apartment, with the intention of figuring out whether or not Steve was wearing ear plugs at his gig and just lying to him to get into his pants (which, flattering, but also rude), and going from there.
But then Steve opened the door in that sweater vest. With that smile. Claiming he wore it because he thought Eddie would like it and his heart just did a series of pathetic flip flops and any hope of Eddie ever being mad even if he did wear earplugs went out the window because what the fuck. What the fuck.
What the ever-loving fuck.
How was this man real?
He needed to send Mike Wheeler a goddamn gift basket for sort of introducing him to the guy although he was pretty sure Mike would blow a gasket knowing he was severely crushing on the guy who apparently ‘ruined’ crazy train.
He didn’t even ruin it, it was just… a different style than Crazy Train was supposed to be in! “I love it… suits you way more than the metal look, definitely should have worn it for the gig.” Would have stuck out like a sore thumb but by god he’d have been the prettiest thing there.
Cool as a cucumber, Steve leaned himself against the doorframe, that bashful smile turning coy with just the raise of a brow and the flash of teeth “I dunno, then I’d have missed the look on your face just now.”
“Well I mean, sweater vests, cute glasses, slippers, are we having a cosy night in, Stevie?” Be cool, be cool, be super cool, don’t be a weird little nerd, don’t be a weird little nerd.
Steve reached out, warm hands taking Eddie’s own, then gently, he tugged Eddie inside. “Well, we can if you come in.” And he was hit by a wall of something delicious. A smell so delightful that his stomach just had to rumble in protest over the fact that he wasn’t already eating it.
Ear plugs? Who gave a shit about ear plugs really?
Okay no, he had to stick to some morals, even if his stomach was angrily telling him to wait until after dinner because then at least if Steve turned out to be a very sneaky asshole, he’d at least have gotten a meal out of the night.
“Wait wait” the door was closed but at least Steve seemed to pause, that smile dropping, replaced by curiosity, god how did he make that look cute? Stupid knitwear an glasses combo. “Okay so… this is probably gonna sound dumb, but Frank noticed it, y’know Frank, our bassist? He uhm… he noticed you were wearing what looked like ear plugs at the gig and uh…” oh god the eyes widened, his eyes widened, Eddie wanted the floor to swallow him whole. First real date in god. How many years? And he was fucking it up by bringing up something nobody else would bring up on a date with Steve Goddamn Harrington. “…Were they… earplugs?”
Fuckers would probably just be happy to be there. Could wear those big ol construction site noise cancelling headphones and nobody else would bat an eyelid, but it was about PROFESSIONAL COURTESY, Eddie was a musician too!
He didn’t want to be on a date with someone in the industry (wildly different success rates with it but WHO CARES) who was lying about liking his music to get in his pants.
It could have gone a few different ways, gaslighting being one of them, but Steve smiled, he had such a pretty smile good lord. “Mmhm, c’mere I’ll show you.” Steve was still holding his hand, so Steve had the full capability of pulling him through the entryway toward one of the two bedrooms in the obviously temporary apartment, probably just rented for the time they were there like an Air BnB situation. The room was pretty tidy, save for a little dressing table covered in hair products. “Theeese are them.” And he produced a little silver cannister from his bag and deposited it into Eddie’s hand.
Curious snooping was pretty much accepted in that situation, so Eddie unscrewed the top and emptied the contents into his palm, two sets of black earplugs with a little hole running through the centre, fitted with a sort of white mesh material which sat snuggly within the hole.
“…What am I looking at here, Steve?” Steve just breathed a little laugh and took one from him, then popped the centre circle out of one, the little white mesh disk sitting perfectly in his palm.
“So, short story long, I was a dumb teenager. Rich kid surrounded by bad influences, y’know the whole stereotypical drill, pretty much every magazine in the country and some outside of it painted me as kind of an asshole, ‘King Steve’ they’d call me. I hated it but it’s kind of like quicksand in those old adventure movies, y’know? Just dragging you under, inescapable. Anyway, I also walked headfirst into a low set doorway ogling Chris Hemsworth’s biceps so... I’ve had a few brain injuries.” He tapped the side of his head with his index finger twice in rapid succession. “That uh… it has side effects… brains are tricky, a few too many concussions can get you hearing loss, sight loss, it can get you chronic migraines, aversion to sound, lights, it can do a lot of invisible damage… I… struggle with sound sometimes. And my sight too hence the glasses, but sound is the relevant one here.”
Eddie tilted his head a little in question, a silent motion to continue, research had given him none of this information. Maybe that he was a shitty teenager once but nothing else.
“Sharp noises, like uh… electric guitars played in a certain way, speakers turned all the way up, I get migraines basically and these are designed to filter out certain pitches to make things easier on my ears. Maybe… maybe I missed a few chords here and there, maybe some of it sounded a little off, but I can still hear through the plugs just fine. Robin got them for me, they’re supposed to help people with tinnitus, sensory issues, migraines…” he took the plugs back one by one, placing them back into the cannister and dropping it back into his bag, before he returned to Eddie and retook his hands, giving them a gentle squeeze “I swear I could hear just fine during your gig, and I really enjoyed it. I really like your music, Eddie… I think you’re amazing.”
Eddie felt like he was going to spontaneously combust right there on the spot.
Flattery always did have a certain effect on him, and with it being laid on so thick, honeyed words without an ounce of dishonesty in them… there was really only one response he could conjure in the moment, “…can I kiss you?” And the smile it earned, worth the brain dead moment.
“Well since you asked so nicely, but only one, dinner first, kisses later.” Kisses. Kisses. Plural. Many many kisses. Eddie felt like one of those cartoon characters that got all flushed and then just simply melted. Even though the kiss Steve gave him was chaste, a gentle, but lingering press of soft lips against his own, one of Steve’s hands cradled his cheek and god,
How had he lived until that moment not kissing Steve Harrington?
“Nono one more” was his sole complaint when Steve eased back, feeling the breath of Steve’s laugh dusting his damp lips, and the caress of his lips so very close whispering,
“Okay, just one” before doing just that.
Part 16
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ihaznoclue ¡ 7 days ago
Can I request headcanons for Bayverse Adult! Mikey, Donnie, and Leo reacting to his gn s/o telling him how you don't mind not going out in public with him being you're a bit possessive of your loved ones especially him please?
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Pairings -> Michelangelo/Mikey, Donatello/Donnie, Leonardo/Leo x Reader
Warnings -> Slight possessive stuff
Note -> You're quite possessive over them
Genre -> Fluff
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Mikey is more on the playful side
His grin wide and a little mischievous as he gives out a little chuckle as his reaction
"Oh, so you don't want the whole world seeing how awesome your guy is? I see how it is"
He would be genuinely touched through his teasing after realising you are being a bit possessive
He doesn't mind of course but your possessiveness makes him feel wanted and cherished as well as safe with you
Knowing that you love and deeply care about him
He appreciates that you are protective of him even if it means staying home for a cozy night together
He loves that you want him all by yourself knowing that you will keep him close
"I don't need anyone else when I've got you, you're literally my favourite person and besides who else could keep up with me huh?"
Since he knows how possessive you can get, he decided that you two should just stay inside
Maybe a movie with all your favourite snacks
Or cooking together, mainly him doing the cooking and maybe you the baking side
He wants to keep you happy
Mikey just finds it sweet and his affection deepens for you
But he's possessive in his own way too
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Donnie understands, he knows this already
Hes not upset or anything but his mind races as he tries to analyzing your words but after a few moments
He would slightly give you a smirk
"Well, I guess that makes sense, you're the only one who truly gets me dove."
Hes slightly amused by your possessiveness but he does like it knowing you care that much for him
His reaction is calm and his heart swells with affection
"I suppose I'm not exactly a people person anyways so.."
"But I understand completely. I wouldn't want anyone else in the worlds distracting me from you either"
To be honest he doesn't mind being isolated from the public eye, he likes staying inside
Hes always been on the private side/type
"I mean, it's not like I want to go to the surface and deal with all those people anyways"
Hes just happy as long as you want him there with you
Hes can be quite possessive too
Even if someone would make you uncomfortable or even slightly glance in your direction for too long, he wouldn't like it
He'll wrap an arm around your shoulder or on your waist
He'll make you and him hide away in his lab
He'll even show you some of his inventions and machines that he currently made
Donnie respects you and you respect him, its a win - win
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Hes really understanding and respectful of your choice
He would immediately understand your possessiveness as he knows its a sign of your deep care and love for him
"I get it, you're looking out for me, honestly I'm more okay with that. I'm not too big on being in the spotlight of many eyes anyways"
He would shows some of his flattery
"So you're just going to keep me all to yourself, I wouldn't mind that"
He would feel so special that someone like you deeply cares for him
It's literally a sign that's he's important to you
Leo is often the ones who seen as a leader but he relishes the quiet moments with you
Hes doesn't mind staying in as he enjoys your company in private
"I rather be with you in here"
He wouldn't stop at anything to return the favor of being protective over you as well
Leo is someone who is used to feeling responsible for other even his brother but he might understand where your possessiveness is coming from
Sometimes Leo protective instincts would sometimes kick in when he knows that you becoming possessive of him
Leo is also someone who sometimes needs space to clear his mind and that doesn't mean he ever tales your possessiveness the wrong way
He'd likely take a moment to reflect and then come back to you with a soft a reassuring smile
He's still very much in love with you and wants you to know how much your care mean to him
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syntheticsystem ¡ 1 month ago
I’ve read a few of your fics, and I really like how you characterize Thrawn and Eli!
In your opinion, what’s your favorite thing about Thranto in general, and what do you think Eli and Thrawn’s favorite things about each other are?
Thank you for making Thranto content, I love it so much 😭
first of all, thank you very much! I've enjoyed writing fic, so it's always wonderful to hear people enjoy reading it too. I'm also glad you like how I characterise them; that's an encouraging comment :)
as for the next part: this is so difficult! and I've gone overboard with my answer, but, after a few days stewing in the back of my mind, here it is!
my favourite thing about thranto:
I don't think I have a single favourite thing, but a constellation of interlinked qualities. its sincerity, its dedication (both personally and professionally), its acceptance, and especially the casual intimacy of it. most of these relate to proximity — and thranto is forced proximity epitomised. they're with one another constantly, in so many different situations. that leaves no room for flattery, dishonesty, pretence. you become habituated to the other person's presence. they evolve into a point of familiarity in your very existence (romantic OR platonic), and that is endlessly intimate. their increasing comfort with one another is, in turn, comforting to me. and, again, platonic or romantic, it's just warming to see a bond of such respect and honest acceptance of who you are. neither requires the other to be anything else.
thrawn's favourite thing about eli:
I think especially at first, his patience. yes, eli has to clamp his mouth shut sometimes, and he can get frustrated at thrawn; but, from the very beginning, he is patient in explaining things to him. this links to another couple qualities: his curiosity and open-mindedness. we see thrawn repeatedly run into people who are unwilling to appreciate the way he engages with art, or who question his motives, intuitions, and strategies. eli's no sheep; he speaks up and questions things, which I think thrawn admires too. BUT he's willing to follow thrawn's logic, even when it seems to twist and turn. willing to trust him when he can't see how it comes together yet. and that's really the most important thing. we can never fully understand another person. it is our continual efforts to try anyway (and understand better, if not completely) that deepen our connection and mark love, in any sense of the word. so I think this willingness to genuinely listen and understand is one of thrawn's favourite things.
eli's favourite thing about thrawn:
earlier on, I think he admires his composure. that also irritates him. we know eli has to actively try to cover up his reactions sometimes, but the way thrawn does it makes it seem so effortless (which, as I said, both infuriates and inspires him). over time, though, the thing he probably loves most, or loves him most for, is the genuine worth he treats eli with. thrawn has always seen eli; never overlooked him, never devalued his thoughts or contributions. therefore, I think it's thrawn's attentiveness towards him, despite being intimidating at first, that eventually becomes eli's favourite thing. especially in the context of the empire, which thrives on impersonal treatment. to have someone to see worth in you where others (including sometimes yourself) don't is something special.
these may be some overly serious (and long) answers, so I apologise if you wanted something a little more silly! I'll end with some lighter contributions: thrawn loves eli's accent, eli loves thrawn's scary red eyes (and that he stops finding them scary while everyone else is still terrified of them), and I love them.
thanks again for both your kind words and the ask!
p.s. loaf you are a disco elysium enjoyer too?! thranto-loving pissf****ts unite >:)
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ananonymousguy20 ¡ 2 years ago
⚠️⚠️Do not interact with they. For your safety block and make others aware.⚠️⚠️
TW: Grooming, approval, justification and defense for abuse (incest and pedophilia).
1 Stay away from jade-green-butterfly also known as HealerCharm and Jussy (Justine Louise Heverm. She is from Colchester, United Kingdom). She’s on Tumblr, DeviantArt, Skype, Furaffinity and Discord. In the last few years she has been active and gaining recognition in the Trolls Fandom as if what she did to so many minors never happened so I want to spread awareness on what being a pedo really looks like and if anyone (especially minors) is friend with her they will know what kind of horrible person she is.
She was already exposed before with proofs, a lot of screenshots and testimonies of minors and Discord Mods that we can't invalidate or deny it really happened. She groomed minors on Discord: she sent them porn drawings to the chat, wanted to play a “sexy” RolePlay with minors and with a character that represents a little toddler girl. Her tastes are very clear. She is a very manipulative person and always plays the innocent victim card who made a simple mistake, but she knows what she is doing because she spread a victim blaming discurse, gaslighting and ignores all the screenshots and testimonies against her, she says they are not evidence and they are taken out of context, she is no fool.
These are not "slips" (as she wants to make them out to be), she does it on purpose, that is her true nature: an abuser.
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I see, it happens tho, but why Kaitlin practically dissapeared after being accused of grooming 14* years old kids in discord chats? (*It was 13).
Jussy: “It was THEIR FAULT. They were in wrong for doing NSFW too”.💀 By the way, I think I was told that this person is or was a caregiver.
2 KaitlinEXE (Maria Romina Auxiliadora Fernandez). She is from Cadiz, Spain. Is her friend, best friend, like a sister to Jussy. She also groomed minors and therefore deleted her entire existence from the internet in 2021.
Let's be honest, an adult or even a teenager is not interested in spending their leisure time with minors, no matter how much of a “babysitter” she is. If you like spending time with children as an adult, you become a teacher or nanny, and so on. Seeking to spend time alone with minors, giving them gifts, "friendship", flattery, adults "feeling" like children or liking children's things (drawing, watching cartoons, RP, toys) are all -together- characteristics of grooming.
Although she is a TEACHER over 35 years old, yet she is looking to spend time alone with minors. It seemed normal and right for her to accept the invitation to join a Discord group with its own NSFW section where she was the only adult there and they were all minors, as she gained the trust of those minors by being nice, giving them drawings, and "befriending" them. Wanted to RolePlay being a couple, kissing, dating on Valentine's Day and then she was planning to get married. Since they had a NSFW section I think you know where this is all going: to the "honeymoon". Interacting NSFW without her putting any kind of limits on them, she even encouraged them when they drew her porn drawings.
She is a fan of porn material that mimics the sexual exploitation of minors (mangas porn loli/shota), shipping a Gohan kid with and adult Piccolo (who is like his father), drew her own manga porn with her OC Kaitlin Classic with an Elecman Classic (who is his brother and they are both children), and was a big fan of a kindergarten little girls porn comic “Irina’s World” (El Mundo de Irina, Irina Isekai) all this while she was studying to be a kindergarten teacher because being with children has always been her dream.
People, don't be fooled. Be more critical of people. Just because they're “nice” doesn't mean you should overlook the nastier things they do because then you give them a free pass to continue being this way. Jussy and KaitlinEXE are old enough to know what they’re doing is wrong. For they the internet is some fantasy world to do whatever it feels like and It's not right. The people here are PEOPLE and are not here just for your entertainment and twisted fun.
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rurpleplayssims ¡ 1 year ago
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❗❗❗SPOILERS for Baldur's Gate 3 - Act 2 + Act 3 transition. ❗❗❗ I wrote another little scene between these two 🥰
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"You are...exquisite."
The Emperor sounded breathless. If it had been anybody else, Rhaenyra would've interpreted his shaky tone as being turned on, but she highly doubted he'd be looking at her with such longing. She wasn't sure that mind flayers found humans attractive in the same way.
But the way he was now gazing at her, clearly stunned that she'd actually accepted the astral tadpole, made part of her react in kind, heat flashing through her.
Her companions had been vocal in their unease at partaking, but Rhaenyra didn't fear it as much as they must. Whilst she must've been vain enough to not become a full illithid, she was content to take on a partial transformation, especially if it tricked her original tadpole into not transforming properly.
Have I ever told you how breathtaking you are each time you surprise me?
She blinked once in her own surprise as she realised the Emperor was addressing her telepathically again. To add to her confusion, she felt her cheeks darken at his praise.
No, she replied tentatively. You haven't.
Rhaenyra could feel him in her head, delicately placing an image there and she saw her transformation from his own eyes, accompanied by all his feelings of surprise, pride...and arousal.
That was, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful things I've ever witnessed.
Her blush darkened and she saw how much it pleased him to see the effect of his flattery.
You don't want to admit how much you like it when I call you a tease, huh?
The phantom chuckle vibrated through their mental connection. I do not...dislike it, no.
Tease, she repeated and winked at him. Be honest though, how scary do I look?
He frowned. You do not frighten me...or rather, you don't frighten me right now.
The memory of him hunched on the ground before her, awaiting her judgement after the big reveal flashed across his mind. She tried to send a wave of comfort towards him, reminding him that she forgave the deception and understood why it was necessary.
Thank you, he said, and a wave of affection and relief permeated her mind. You...you are...I did not expect you to be so open minded.
I've seen and experienced too much in the past few weeks to be otherwise, she admitted. But no, I meant, will I alarm others? Is it obvious that I'm part-illithid?
He saw where her train of thought was going. Hmm, maybe...this might help.
The Emperor raised a large clawed hand and gestured towards her. Almost at once she felt a warmth spread through her.
"Well, would you look at that" Gale commented lightly. "He's reversed your condition!"
Rhaenyra rose an eyebrow and the Emperor scoffed lightly in her mind. The fool. I have merely placed a glamour on you. You look like your previous self, without the darkened veins and black eye.
Oh yeah, she remembered with a smirk. I only have one real eye now.
How did that come about? he asked. I distinctly remember that you had two functioning eyes and now that I inspect it closer, it's a slightly different shade to your other one.
She flushed as he leant forwards, tilting his head as he stared into her eye. Volo, he tried to remove the parasite...with an icepick.
The Emperor flinched as she recalled the sensation of her eye's hasty exit from its socket. Why did you let him do that?
I was desperate, she reminded him. I think that was before our first meeting, in the dreams. Luckily, I gained a perk with the eye he gifted me in apology, and I knew not to take the same chance with Ethel the hag.
At the words of their first meeting, she saw his memory of said meeting occur in his mind. This time, she saw it from his perspective and the thoughts around each action, word spoken. She saw how careful he’d been with each phrase, trying to read her expression and to see if she bought what he was telling her. He recalled how pleasant her voice had been and he’d been taken aback when, after taking his hand, he’d felt an electric shock go through him and how…beautiful he’d found her mind to be.
And then she saw what he'd thought of her when she disappeared, having awoken back in the real world outside of the prism. The fleeting sense of loss had touched him, and he realised, as he'd morphed back to his true form, how much meeting her had made him...happy. He remembered how he'd been surprised by the thought that he wanted to see her again, speak to her and to see the kindness shining back from her eyes. It was quickly dismissed by the reminder that he knew she'd be angry when she knew that her guardian was a mind flayer. Self-loathing filled him as he floated away, trying to forget the way she'd made him feel when she'd smiled at him.
My apologies, I... I didn't intend for you to see that. He sounded...embarrassed.
Her heart warmed at his shyness, the open vulnerability. None of it was faked and only reinforced her faith in him. Don't apologise. I had no idea I made such an impression on you.
You did, he said, a quiet fondness radiating through the bond. You still do.
She smiled, a bright wide smile at him, eyes lighting up. You are too kind to me.
No, it is you who is too kind to me. I'm...I'm not sure I deserve all of this...but I am pleased that you are who you are. I couldn't have done any of this without you. Whilst I've had partnerships in the past...none of them have been like this.
I hope that what we have is a good thing in your eyes...?
His gaze flashed to hers. You are the best ally I've ever had and...it has made me question some of my methods...I am unfamiliar with the feeling...
"Hey, you two done gazing at each other?"
Karlach's tone was amused and loud. The pair of them jumped, having forgotten their company.
This conversation is not over, she told him gently before. I'll wait until the next time we can speak freely in private.
Of course.
As he withdrew, Rhaenyra felt the echo of a hand brushing across her cheek, which tingled as if he'd touched her skin. Composing her expression as she turned to face her companions, she didn't miss the wink that the mind flayer sent her.
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unholywriter ¡ 2 years ago
Chapter One
Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III
Warnings: None.
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“We’re all Runaways.”
Chapter Two - A Rouge to be.
Ironheart, wildly known for its ore and bitter cold nips within the air was beginning to wake up. A few early birds trudged through the at least two and a half feet of snow. Carrying baskets full of fresh bakes to take to the bakeries or deliver, and their cloaks dragging behind them. Men that were the guards with great-swords, maces and ax’s at their back exit the barracks for their shifts today. The ones who were on the graveyard shift stumbling back inside.
Nor’i sniffled soldering soon to find the nearest open shop. Walking up into the market square the snow was being shoveled away, leading paths too entrances of building’s and stalls assorted in even spaces.
Inside the warmth hit like a brick, it was a rush of chills that ran down her spine but again very welcomed. A young looking Elven fellow sat at the counter, scribbling away onto some parchment. As Nor’i approached, he did not look toward yet. He had long, dirty blonde hair that was shaven at the left side. On his ears were two black jeweled piercings that were placed at his lobes. His honey toned, tired eyes continued to keep their attention as he wrote, and Nor’i had to clear her throat to have those same honey toned eyes look at her.
“Gods I’m sorry, would you believe me if I said I didn’t hear you come in?” He spoke, his tone just a sweet.
“I might now since you’re the least rude person I’ve bumped into today.” She replied, a tilt at her head but not an emotion aside neutral blankness could be noted. A small smile tugged his lips as he tried to shake the apparent grogginess away.
“We’ll it is the morning, and my sister had to have me open up this early because we have to maintain business.” He set the quill down.
“Ah yeah, siblings. I was an only child though, but I do count my childhood friend as a brother. He would always make sure I was up not a minute later then the time we were supposed to be.” A small smile was finally displayed. She remembered those simple times all to well.
“Sounds like our siblings are alike then. On another note - welcome too Linnie and Vinnie’s, traveling shopkeep. We range with various goods. You can find armor, too the potion of fire breathing that might save your life in a pinch. What can I do for such a beautiful woman like you this fine morn’?” He put his face into his right palm, that smile still not subsiding.
“I’d like to possibly grab a few health potions, see your selections of daggers, and browse your best light armors.” She headed straight to the point, ignoring his attempt at flattery.
“And the beautiful woman knows exactly what she wants, I like you even better my amastacia.” He got up, heading to pull a set of daggers out. “These are our non magical daggers that deal quite a good lot of damage if used right. Some of the finest elven smithed daggers you can find, straight from the chambers of a high bidder that decided to swindle me if you catch my drift.” After a quick wink, he bent again pulling out a red velvet box, opening it to revel a short black dagger. “This is a personal favorite of mine, blinking in and out of existence. It’s got me out of quite a few binds.” He picked up the blade, running his finger over it. “I’d hate too see it go, but if I know it’s in good hands, I might give it to you at discount price. Especially if you decide to come find me to do more business later down the road.”
“You don’t even know me.” Another tilt to her head, and that empty look upon her face still lingered. “I might never come to find you after this transaction.”
“I’m quite perceptive.” He twirled the blade around his fingers now, his grin tugging even further.
“Is that all you’ve got?” She questioned, placing her hands down and leaning forward on the counter. “Or are you holding out on me?”
He chuckled, setting the blade down. “Sadly I’m being honest. We’re fresh out of wondrous daggers for now until we head into the trade market in a much more refined area.”
“And this dagger is magical? I’ll have to attune right?” Nor’i questioned now, finding an interest in said dagger. A special friend not to far back would have liked this one. She smiled internally too herself.
“How much.”
“A thousand gold.”
“You said you might give me a discount price.”
“If I knew it were in good hands.”
“My hands have a lot of experience, don’t worry about that part. Good? I’ve been tittering on a fine line there for a while. Skilled on the other hand, there’s a difference.” He went and placed his hand over the hilt of the blink knife now.
With a narrow of his eyelids and a shifty grin he spoke, “Is that so.” At the pit of her stomach she felt it. In a flash he blinked out, and in a split second she had grabbed both the daggers laid down, and turned where he’d be just as quick. One was at his neck, the other at his stomach both at an angle to kill. His blink dagger’s tip lifting her chin up to meet his gaze. Nor’i’s cheeks burned from the sudden closeness. But she felt no real danger, even with a blade so close that could kill. The thrill got her blood pumping in away she admitted made her even flushed than usual. “You’re not a fine-tuned Rouge yet.”
“Monk first, Rouge later.” Her eyelids narrowed with a playful glare. He let out another set of chuckles now, she still holding him at knife point just the same.
“My names Linnie.” He dropped the dagger at his side finally, moving a step back to give her space.
“I don’t have a name, got it?”
“That’s fine by me, amastacia suits you well. So get used too it.”
Nor’i walked out of Linnie and Vinnie’s with a blink dagger, a new set of leather armor that isolated heat for the cold weather. It kept her quiet and well defended whilst not putting her at disadvantage on her movements. A couple healing potions were in safe keeping, and she continued on to grab some rations for a week. Into the bag of holding it all went.
She followed the tavern keep’s instructions next. At least to pop by. Most all nobles expect punctuality right? Down a long walled path, she managed to stop at a tall looming gate. It felt like death here, and she didn’t like it all to well. The gate itself had been pushed open previously. Snow piled at the other side, and a path of footprints she’s been following continued on. It had snowed late that night so, this is a new set. A new visitor. At least unless the servants here don’t live in this mansion.
Up the steps too this light bricked, wooden logged manor and too the big set of double doors she shifted on. Nor’i took the large knocker at the dark elm door, slamming down a couple times to get the message a-cross.
Thirty seconds pass, and a few snow flakes began to flow around her again. The wind catching exposed skin, and the cold still blistering the tip of her nose and ears. A lock, and then another lock and slowly with a heavy pull came to view a small man with a hunched over back peering at the new visitor to his Lordship’s home.
“O-oh dear me. Wasn’t expecting this many visitors for Lord Euston this early in the morning today.” He spoke so timidly, it made Nor’i taken aback.
“Sorry to drop in so early, I’m here about possibly looking into the mysterious death of his son.” She explained bluntly, which took the servant off guard quite easily as well. A pass like ping pong if you will.
“Well, it is quite early. Although, I do know he wakes at five in the morning. That is if he’s gotten a lick of s-sleep at all.” He clasped his hands together, and looked nervously over his shoulder. “You can come in and wait here with our other visitor.” He turned back too Nor’i. “Please, please follow me! It’s very frigid out there.”
He lead her inside, and too her right she saw the same person who knocked into her early this morning. What in the Gods is he doing here?
“Are you positive he’ll be able to speak to me?” Nor’i questioned now, a slight annoyance left her lips.
“I-I’ll have to go and find out. Just can’t leave any guests out in the cold no, no, no. That won’t do at all.” He held out his hand to gesture for her to stand next to the other guest he spoke of. “Please do wait here. I’ll be back with Lord Euston’s word.”
And with that he turned heal still hunched with such bad posture it made Nor’is back hurt. His still hands were clasped together and he swiftly walked with fast pace up the steps and turned down the great hall to his left. That left Nor’i and this jerk that didn’t say sorry or at least help her up in the tavern. She made her way and stood at least a good five feet from him. A minute of silence past. She didn’t say a word, and then another, and another. Her fingers fidgeted and with a deep breath in she spoke.
“You know you usually are supposed to apologize when you run into people.” Nor’i didn’t look back to him when she spoke. He nor to her, paying no true intentional mind to make proper conversation. But he did reply, for the sheer impatience of having to wait only.
“I believe you ran into me.” His tone, it was well snobby putting. This made Nor’i snap her head back to him finally. Looking his very well put posture over, his upper class clothing that was well tended too. If he was an adventurer, his scuffles he’d get himself in only meant he’d take extra time to mend his clothes. Unless he’s a wizard or sorcerer of some kind? Mending would be so easy with that spell. “I believe you’re the one being rude now staring me down I might add.”
Nor’i didn’t look away as their eyes met. “Staring? No. Sizing you up, and possibly coming to a conclusion that you’re an asshole who doesn’t give two shits about the people around him? Yes.”
A scoff come out if his mouth, and he turned away to look back toward the stairs. “I have no time for your peasantry attitude.”
“I come from a fine line thank you.” She looked back away with the biggest look of annoyance plastered upon her face. At least, her line was good before her mother and father past, having her grandfather snap and make the monastery into an unbearable, viscous cult sucked and haunts her every move.
He didn’t say another word, and neither did Nor’i. A couple minutes later and the servant who greeted them both came slowly down the stairs. His back still hunched over, and his hands still clasped within the other. Stopping before the two, a look of pure belittlement was read upon his features. “I’m sorry, Lord Euston will not be taking visitors today.”
“I’ve been trying to contact him for a day now, does he not have time for one simple conversation?” This stranger at which has not been named yet rose out one of his hands in gesture.
“I thought all of you nobles were in each other’s pockets.” She muttered, which the man did hear at which he shot another look of annoyance toward her. The servant looked amongst them two now. His nervousness well apparent.
“You just said- Oh forget about it.” He looked to the servant yet again. “Reginald, please could you let Lord Euston know it’s urgent.”
“I did, but he is very busy I’m afraid. His business takes a lot of his time.” The servant now known as Reginald spoke up yet again. “That means he will not be seeing any visitors.”
“There’s no changing his mind if you attempt again Reggie?” Nor’i huffed. Reginald sort of hesitated with the use of a nickname from a stranger girl, but he nodded to reply.
“Uh, yes there would be no use.” He simply tried putting a bold line under his answer.
A sigh left the young man’s lips and he put his hand to his forehead, pressing glasses he wore further back to fit against the bridge of his nose properly. Softly he muttered, “There’s got to be away to talk to him.”
“That’s a shame.” Nor’i pipped up, but then she took one step forward and began to walk past him.
“W-Wait! You can’t-“
With a quick swift whip, out came her trusty Thumper to halt Reginald’s movement’s as it pointed directly at his nose. “I’m seeing your Lord, so if you value your pretty little face, I’d suggest you not make any actions against me.”
With narrow of her eyelids added, the sheer panic set in as he held up his hands. “I d-don’t want any t-trouble! But I beg you, h-he should not be disturbed!” A high pitched squeak left his throat, making Nor’i almost feel sorry for him.
She let the staff fall at her side and she began on. The young noble stranger that stood where he was the entire time, watched as she made her way up the stairs now. He did like the fact she seemed to want to get things done, and he did believe this young bratty woman had no evil malice to her. Although, quite chaotic to be frank. He sighed, knowing this was his chance. He then began to follow in foot, as Reginald begged for both to cancel this brashness. ďżź
Footnote: amastacia “star flower" in Elven.
Chapter Three
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dark-side-blog3 ¡ 2 years ago
thank you sm for all of your hard work 🫶 to be honest im so happy that your blog EXISTS like it involuntarily brings happiness to me when i see a new upload or even better a new writing from you. its always so interesting to read your opinions on anything even if i dont understand what you’re talking about
you’re also so inspirational to me i always feel better when im endlessly rereading and scrolling posts here i dont even know how does it works but it does
Flattery will get you SO far with me lol-- you're such a dear!!!! I love hearing that my opinions and inane rambles about whatever concept or character I've focused on intrigue you, and you must understand it to a degree if you're willing to read it! And put up with my neverending rambles and confessions in between my "actual" writing.
It's nice to feel valued and appreciated, especially when it's something so clearly worded as this bit of praise! I tend to overthink, if this blog hasn't already given that away, so the reassurance that people mind me fun to talk to/read is greatly cherished. Thanks anon! You're such a dove! <3
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stayecstatic ¡ 3 months ago
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It’s a warm day. The sun was beginning to set and you realize that you should probably head back home. You had decided to go on a hiking trip near a swampy area for the day. But as the air grew musty and the light from the sun vanished, you hurried on your way. As you are making your way back, you spot something… A light that shines in between the tree lines. You go closer and you’re confused. It’s a “spirit-like” entity flying through the air. You grow curious and you follow it. And follow it…. And follow it. Until you are lost in a dark forest with no awareness on where you are. In this blog, I’ll show you that playful spirits may sometimes be your nightmare.
Will-o’-the-Wisp is tied to legends and myths from many different cultures, especially in Europe. The name comes from the English words “will,” which means a person, and “wisp,” which refers to a small bundle of twigs used to make a torch. For centuries, people have shared tales of strange, flickering lights that lead travelers off course in swampy areas. In medieval Europe, these lights were often thought to be the spirits of the dead, fairies, or playful beings that lured people to danger. In Scandinavian and Celtic tales, they were seen as restless souls looking for peace, sometimes believed to guard hidden treasures or warn of trouble. Other cultures have their own versions too: in Japan, they call these lights hitodama, believing they represent the souls of the deceased, while in Latin America, they are associated with treasure or curses. By the 18th and 19th centuries, scientists started to explain these lights as the result of gas from decaying plants catching fire in swamps.
Spirits can be friendly, but one can be a trickster. Just like this one…
“The Wisp led Eamon through the labyrinthine paths of the moor, always just a step ahead, never quite allowing him to catch up. Eamon began to feel a strange sense of familiarity, as if he was being led to a place he had always known.
They reached a clearing where a lone willow tree stood, its branches heavy with the weight of the night. Under the willow, a small pool of water shimmered, reflecting the moonlight like a mirror. The Wisp hovered above it, its light casting a hypnotic glow.
"This is my home," the Wisp said. "This is where I am bound, yet also where I am free."
Eamon, gazing into the pool, saw a reflection of himself, but not the same. This Eamon was older, with lines of worry etched on his face, the eyes of a man who had seen too much.
"You are lost, Eamon," the Wisp said, its voice echoing in his mind. "Lost in the world, but not in your heart."
The realization hit Eamon like a cold wind. He had been so consumed by his daily struggles that he had forgotten the simple joys of life, the beauty of the world around him.
As the first rays of dawn broke through the mist, Eamon turned to leave. The Wisp lingered, its light fading into the morning light. "Remember, Eamon," it whispered, "the light is always there, even in the darkest of nights. You just need to know where to look."
Eamon found his way back to the village, his heart lighter than it had been in years. The encounter with the Will-o'-the-Wisp had not been a trick, but a reminder to cherish the journey, not just the destination, and to always seek the light within himself, even when the path seemed shrouded in darkness.”
You probably shouldn’t trust any spirit in the woods. Why would you?
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King Lear by William Shakespeare is a tragedy about an aging king who divides his kingdom among his three daughters based on their flattery, disowning his honest daughter, Cordelia. His decision leads to betrayal, madness, and chaos as his two ungrateful daughters plot against him, while Cordelia remains loyal. The play explores themes of power, loyalty, family, and the destructive consequences of pride and blindness to truth.
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The idea of the will-o’-the-wisp isn’t shown as a physical thing but is used as a metaphor for deception and misdirection. Specifically, Shakespeare mentions “fools’ fire” in Act III, Scene 4, during a storm on the heath. In his madness, Lear talks about the betrayals and illusions in the world, connecting this idea to the theme of human foolishness and the false promises that mislead people. The mention of “fools’ fire” fits with the traditional notion of the will-o’-the-wisp as something that leads travelers away from safe routes into danger. In the play, this imagery highlights Lear’s growing awareness of his own errors and the deceitful nature of those around him, especially his ungrateful daughters. Therefore, while the will-o’-the-wisp isn’t a literal element in King Lear, it powerfully symbolizes the chaos, betrayal, and illusions that mark Lear’s tragic journey.
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Pixar’s Brave tells the story of Merida, a strong-willed Scottish princess who refuses to follow the tradition of an arranged marriage. Wanting to shape her own future, she makes a bargain with a witch that accidentally turns her mother, Queen Elinor, into a bear. Together, Merida and her mother must learn to work through their differences and lift the curse before it becomes permanent.
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In Pixar’s Brave, the will-o’-the-wisps are shown as glowing blue lights that appear in the Scottish Highlands. These small, flickering orbs float just above the ground and guide Merida through forests and glens. The wisps are an important part of the story, representing both mystery and destiny. Merida first sees the will-o’-the-wisps after she goes against tradition, and they lead her to the witch’s cottage, where she makes a crucial decision. Throughout the movie, the wisps show up at key moments, representing the connection between choice and fate, and helping Merida grow and find reconciliation.
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To close this blog off, I want a friendly spirit. Yup. Imagine how cool that would be. You are lost and have no idea what to do or where to go, then a blue orb appears out of nowhere and shows you the way. It’s perfect. Now obviously, the wisps are not real. It’s all fiction. But it would be pretty cool to have a FRIENDLY orb follow you around. Notice how I capitalized “friendly”, because who wants an orb that plays too much. I never heard of a wisp until now. I watched Brave before, but that was when I was little. I was kinda clueless as to what I was watching. So I probably did see a wisp before in medias, but I probably never bothered to pay too much attention to it. But who knows? Maybe there is a wisp somewhere in the woods. But I don’t really want to think about that right now.
The spirits we meet aren’t up to us. One can show us the way, while the other can show us the road to danger. Be careful of your curiosity.
0 notes
potestmagice ¡ 2 months ago
Salem’s eyes gleamed. "Ah, Seine, offering me a chance to regain my devastatingly handsome form, even temporarily? Flattery will get you everywhere." The idea of standing tall again, even for a fleeting moment, was a tantalizing thought.
"But you’re wise to tread carefully. Magic, especially when tampered with, can have a funny way of turning against you. Not to mention, my probationary period as a feline isn’t exactly something I can just ... wiggle out of without consequences. Still, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t tempted."
He arched his back and stretched and flicked his tail. “I could certainly teach you a thing or two about spell-work, though. I’ve got centuries of experience under my fur, after all. But you’re offering me something more than knowledge in return. Something that, if you can pull it off, could give me a taste of the life I lost. That’s no small feat.”
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Salem hopped onto the armrest of the chair Seine was sitting on, his whiskers twitching slightly. “Let me be honest with you, Seine. Your magic — potions, as you call them — might be your foundation, but it’s not your limit. What you’re talking about, transforming forms, temporarily or otherwise, is alchemy in its purest form. It’s ambitious, daring, and risky. Exactly the kind of magic I can get behind.”
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“Grandmother didn’t prepare me for any of that,” she said softly, looking disappointed in her own family. It was clear early on that her very existence was an unmistakable reminder that her mother had once been weak. And in their family, that weakness was love, and love with a human, no less. It hadn’t mattered that he had been the crown prince of a seaside kingdom: what was more significant was that their love had almost led her mother to destruction.
However, she wasn’t going to let her grandmother’s and mother’s shortcomings define her. “Could you help me there, Salem? I know it seems like a lot, especially since I don’t know what to give you in return.” Bathory yawned then, flashing her sharp teeth, but apart from her delicate sniff when he described his warlock form, she said nothing more.
“Maybe…I could help you there? Mother has spells to give her ‘customers’ their desired forms. Give a mermaid legs, for instance. Maybe I could modify one of those spells so that you could be in your warlock form for a short time whenever you drink the potion.” However, she sounded unsure there, mainly because it might end up getting him in more trouble.
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voidartisan ¡ 2 years ago
Welcome to the blog.
Make yourself at home
(Fic masterlist and spoiler tag policy below the cut)
🔹She/her, arospec ace
🔹I go by AJ, or Void, if that feels more natural to you
🔹Psychology student with a fine arts minor
🔹Member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
🔹Usually screaming about Star Wars (mostly the prequels, or, let’s be honest, anything with Obi-Wan Kenobi in it for more than .05 seconds)
🔹Also a fan of lots of other media, including but not limited to: Tolkien's Legendarium, The Queen's Thief series, Howl's Moving Castle, Pride and Prejudice, Parks and Recreation, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Princess Bride, Wooden Overcoats, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Lunar Chronicles, and some of my beloved childhood fandoms
🔹Occasional artist (read: doodler), slightly more frequent writer
🔹I have one sideblog, @arafinweanappreciation, for Tolkien content
🔹I really REALLY like answering asks so don't be afraid to inbox me random questions if you ever want to
🔹I try to be diligent about organizational tagging for characters and fandoms so things will be easy to find, as well as spoilers for blocking purposes
🔹On that note, I usually only tag spoilers for ongoing content (i.e. I’ve never tagged spoilers for rebels or tcw), and stop tagging spoilers 4-6 weeks after a finale drops. If you’re currently watching a Star Wars show that finished its most recent season more than a month ago, scroll at your own risk
🔹 #void doodles - my art tag
🔹#talking into the void - mostly me rambling about irl stuff. feel free to block it if you're here for fandom stuff tbh. doesn't hurt my feelings
🔹 #aj writes - my fanfic and related posting
Currently reading: The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis; The Psychology of Humor: An Integrative Approach by Rod A. Martin; COMING SOON: The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson
Fic Masterlist
Obi-Wan and Ahsoka:
against the dying of the light: Sometimes your master's master has more influence on your training than you think. And sometimes they send you a physical reminder.
i saw waves lifting the sea: queer grandmaster-grandpadawan bonding. that's it. that's the fic.
softly in the gloom they heard the birds: you know that meme where the two characters are both trying take a bullet for the other??? yeah.
it's cold on the floor: very short one-shot that i wrote entirely for the joke at the end. potentially the only thing i've written that doesn't contain any angst
he'll come to your house and he won't stay long: obi-wan in the ruins of the tribunal (post-OWK series)
Obi-Wan and Anakin:
i owe it to my brothers: an anthology of obi-wan and anakin snippets, currently very short
Disaster Lineage:
fallen sentries: A post-Lawless Arc story focusing on Obi-Wan's particular method of grieving, and how Ahsoka and Anakin have to figure out how to deal with it.
resemblances: Ahsoka looks back on her masters and her training during her time in the Rebellion
come by it honestly: a snippet of Obi-Wan and Ahsoka dealing with Anakin's nonsense, even (especially) when he's not around.
you cried when you cut your hair: exploring lineage dynamics through padawan braids
The Bad Batch:
the final standing domino: Omega gets curious about some old holos Echo is looking at. Angst ensues.
the sincerest form of flattery: omega is growing up a little too fast for hunter's taste, and not fast enough for hers (fluffier than it sounds)
Post-S2 finale drabble: written in the wait between S2 and S3, critically acclaimed (critics being hunter stans in the notes)
Post-S3 finale double drabble: written in the throes of tbb update withdrawals and the wake of [SPOILERS REDACTED]
Cody and Obi-Wan:
ori'vode: Cody is (unintentionally) emotionally assaulted by a preteen [i had to make this summary humorous because i DID cry while writing it. multiple times]
scars: Obi-Wan and Cody snippet from the early Clone Wars, feat. Cody acting his (physical) age for approx. 2 min.
AWOL: an angsty one-shot written in honor of cody's first awol-iversary
Clan Kryze:
aay'han: Korkie snippets, mostly relating to Satine, her legacy, and their relationship
Satine Week 2024: What is says on the tin, a collection of Satine-centric one-shots inspired by the Satine Week prompts.
Modern AU:
and we don't notice any time pass: the main body of the modern au. constructed almost entirely of song lyrics, nostalgia, and and found family tropes. the clone wars but make it napoleon dynamite. sort of
ahsoka tano gets her man: the fluff filler episode of clone wars i always wanted but never got, feat. obitine, korkie and ahsoka friendship, and obi-wan and ahsoka bonding.
to catch a tooka: it is a truth universally acknowledged that all stray cats must be in want of a teenage girl to adopt them
sabacc face: trapped in an escape pod? nothing to do? consider card games and accidentally digging up old family drama/trauma
it's every breath that comes before: short qui-gon death fic. his pov for the theed generator fight in tpm. i made myself sad
Obi-Wan and Luke minific: look. Obi-Wan and the twins---
leaves from the vine: rex and ahsoka angsty bonding time feat. platonic cuddling
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lovelybunn ¡ 3 years ago
𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐇 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦.
warning(s): swearing, mentions of depression
author's note: I DONT HAVE FAVORITES I PROMISE this is a high-school au bc i'm trying to cope with it (even though i've only been there for a few weeks lmao)
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“ 𝐇𝐄𝐘, 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍! 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓'𝐒 𝐀 𝐂𝐔𝐓𝐄 sweater you got there, bud! ” you give the boy a small smile. he frowns and looks around, pointing at himself. “ yes you, silly. who else in the class is named stanley? ” you giggle, stan glances away in embarrassment, “ o-oh. thanks, i guess. ” he sits down with a bit more force than he expects, causing him to cuss under his breath.
“ what’s wrong? ” you ask with genuine concern. without making eye contact with you, stan replies, “ nothing. just kinda stunned. ” as if just now realizing what he said, his eyes suddenly widen. his cheeks flare up, “ oh shit– i mean, tired. yeah, that's what i meant, not stunned. why would i be stunned? ” your worried face slowly melted into a teasing snicker. “ you're funny, stan marsh. ” with his face even more red that it originally was, he stammers, “ what are you talking about?! what's so funny, huh?! ”
manz doesn't know how to take a compliment tbh
he has a very low self esteem (bc of his depression), so he'll take anything he can get. beggars can't be choosers, right?
when he does get complimented, stan almost always gets all red and shit and it's so precioussss
he doesn't usually reply with some kind of counter compliment bc he sucks at talking to ppl :(
but the good thing is that he always repays you back in some way for the simple act of kindness to him of all ppl. you know that meme/phrase where its like “ *character* will remember that ”? yeah, that's stan marsh.
he doesn't automatically register when someone is speaking to him, so you prob will have to repeat yourself multiple times before he realizes that your even there lmao
𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄, 𝐊𝐘𝐋𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐒 to leave his hair down for school, and to be honest, you think his natural curls are gorgeous. you grin and wave at the ginger as he walks into class, placing his things down. “ sup, kyle! seems you know how to take very good care of that mane of yours, don't you? ” with pursed lips, he raises a brow inquisitively at you. “ hm? what's that's supposed to mean? ” your grin grows wider. “ it means i think your hair looks sick, man. ” kyle's screwed up expression slowly melts into slight shock. his face flushes into a deep red against his scattered freckles, “ aw, thank you. ” kyle smiles goofyily.
kyle doesnt expect kindness/flattery to ever be targeted towards him, mainly bc his friends are kinda dicks (AHEM CARTMAN AHEM)
but when he does get this kind of treatment, he's pleasantly surprised. especially when he's at his at most limit (which is pretty frequent), being able to hear that little positive thing said about him will help kyle rest peacefully for the rest of the day.
don't worry though, a genuine nice response will almost always come in exchange. (unless the poor boy is having a really bad day, then he'll prob just act like you simply don't exist)
kyle is very good at nick-picking certain specific quirks, behaviors, and traits of the ppl he adores. like with his baby brother ike, just one little head jerk or hand movement from ike, and kyle will instantly know exactly how his baby brother is feeling.
so, in relation to you complimenting him, he now is, of course, fond of you. (ex. your eyes look a little droopy one day at school? “ hey, (name), i brought some coffee in my bag, you can have some if you want. ”)
overall a sweet boy w/ anger issues but we don't talk about that :)))))))))))))))))))))))
“ 𝐘'𝐊𝐍��𝐖, 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔'𝐑𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐁𝐄𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀 𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐊, you're actually a pretty cool dude, cartman. ” you exclaim dryly, making little doodles on the assignment you presumably are supposed to actually be doing. he slowly turns his head to face behind him. a large scowl plasters on eric's expression. “ i'm cool all the time, motherfucker. ” you roll your eyes dismissively, “ the entire campus would beg to differ. ” he opens his mouth to respond with some sort of snarky remark, but he changes his mind and turns around in defiance. cartman laughs proudly. “ you're just extremely jealous that you'll never be as cool as me. ” you sigh and mutter, “ keep telling yourself that. whatever helps you cope, i guess. ”
boy thinks that's his birthright to have everyone within his vicinity praise him in some way bc his name is eric theodore cartman
but deep down this boy hates himself with a burning passion, like all narcissists lmao
two words, backhanded compliments.
well, unless he doesn't like you/thinks your ugly af or sumn, then he'll be like “ yeah, i know. couldn't say the same for you, though. ”
but i'll be honest with ya'll, if he even moderately likes you in any way, that one compliment will cause him to attach to you until you have to literally force him to back off. (ex. imagine his relationship w/ butters)
the only plus to that is cartman will be a little bit nicer to you than he usually is. “ hey bitch (affectionate)! ”
𝐘𝐎𝐔'𝐑𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐇 and it's kenny's turn to read a section of the excerpt the class is assigned. none of his three best friends have this class with him, so he's practically mute for most of the period. you never hear his voice other than a few “ hey ”s, “ mhm ”s, and “ what ”s, so a tiny part of you is lowkey excited to be able to hear the orange hooded boy speak a full few sentences for the first time. he isn't the fastest reader in the class, and definitely not one of the loudest, but something about his soft tone relaxes you. kenny's voice is strangely soothing. after he finishes, you decide to point it out.
you tap on his desk to get his attention, “ wow, i didn’t know you sounded like that, kenny. ” since you didn't elaborate, he stares at you with a blank expression in his big baby blue eyes. he slowly squints at you, silently asking for an explanation. you chuckle, “ i think your voice sounds nice, mate. you should run an asmr channel or something. ” kenny's eyes avert from left to right for two rounds before he becomes a popped bubble full of agressive cackles. the entire class stop whatever they're doing to figure what's going on, but you just give kenny a huge toothy smile.
bruv will never take compliments seriously, like he legitimately thinks your joking.
but he'll still flash his pretty crooked whites at you, and nod his head like a child that just got asked if they want a cookie (pls he's baby <33333)
most of the time kenny's eyes are dull bc he's depressed, but when he's really happy, they'll sparkle, like a lot. remember that.
small talk isn't kenny's thing so after you say whatever you wanted to say he'll prob instantly go back to blocking you out like what he does to his parents when they fight
but after a while of processing what you said, he's truly touched, sometimes he'll even tell karen about how much you made his day with that little comment alone
here's a plus, if kenny thinks your cute enough, he'll start lowkey flirting with you, complimenting you over literally everything you do (sometimes he's a lot more straightforward, but he tries to keep it as discreet as possible)
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bunni-bino ¡ 4 years ago
How The OP Boys Say “I Love You” To Their S/O
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How You Know He Loves You- idk man
A/N : enjoy.
includes Âť Ace, Sabo, Luffy, law, Sanji, Zoro, Marco, Rosinante, Kid, Shanks, Mihawk, Katakuri, Izo, Koby, Cavendish,
Summary : the boys’ own way of saying “I love you”, with their own words and ways. Or, how you know he loves you.
? Wait did I do this before? I don’t even know. also these aren’t GREAT, but they aren’t HORRIBLE. Yk? Honestly tho, some of these seem like they’re all over the place, which yes, they might be. UGH IT WAS SO HARD THO.
Monkey D. Luffy
Luffy loves you like an adventure. Everything is new and always fun to try with him, and no matter what happens, you don’t ever regret it, because you’re doing it with him.
He’s persistent in staying with you everywhere, he wants to do everything with you. He tends to invite you ( by pulling your hand ) to do crazy things with him and away from the others so you’re alone.
He’s always showing off his skills and stupidity in order to make you laugh, because your smile is the best thing he’s ever seen and giggles are the beautiful sound he treasures.
His actions are genuine when he holds your hand and pulls you to his side all the time, with the warmest, loving grin.
Luffy always makes sure to remind you to never give up hope.
“Let’s go on an adventure together, [Name].”
Roronoa Zoro
Zoro loves you like you’re his one and only. No one has priority over you, ( except maybe Luffy ), and you will always be his, if you’ll let him.
Zoro is not a man of many words when it comes to his own emotions and feelings, so he shows it through his actions.
He always has an eye on you, so wherever you are is where he ‘sleeps’ so he can keep you close, his swords at his side to protect you from danger, ( but he knows you can handle yourself. )
Zoro is the perfect person to lend a comforting shoulder and ear. He will listen to every single one of your problems intently and if he can, will offer the best advice you’ll hear, even if it’s a bit harshly. However, whatever got you so down, Zoro will bring you back up.
Zoro is always reminding you that you are strong, no matter how tough things get.
“Oi, come take a nap with me. I could use a body pillow.”
Portgas D. Ace
Ace loves you like a gentleman, respecting boundaries, bowing to the elderly you pass by together and always ready to pick you up for your date at seven, bouquet of flowers in hand.
If Ace is good at anything, it’s knowing how to distract you with a good time. He knows the best way to bring a beautiful smile to your lips and can easily make sure to avoid the thoughts that brought you down in the first place.
He’ll share stories that will make you die of laughter or feel so wholesome that you literally melt at how sweet it is.
The few times he expresses and shares his insecurities to you, something he hides within him because he trusts you enough to do so. He loves your understanding and comfort for him.
Ace always reminds you that you’ll be okay, even at the worst times.
“You are the light of my life.”
Chief of Staff Sabo
Sabo loves you like a prince. He holds the door for you, takes your hand so you don’t fall, has the most charismatic smile on his face and is just so charming.
Sabo will remember the littlest things, the smallest details that you yourself don’t even know until he reminds you, and because of this, you are often gifted the most memorable and cherishing gifts, like the scarf you two bought for your perfect snowman, to the necklace you were staring a little too longingly at on display.
He’s always busy, but he doesn’t hesitate to drop whatever he has just for you. He will run through fire if it means you’ll stop crying or if you’ll be happy to see him. You are his lifeline, his soul, his love.
He may not know how to properly cheer you up like his brothers can, but he knows that he wants the best for you. If you need space, you got it. You need some tender loving cuddles and buckets of ice cream while watching Disney movies? Vanilla or chocolate ice cream?
Sabo reminds you that you deserve happiness and peace.
“Whenever you need me, I’ll be there.”
Trafalgar D. Water Law
Law loves you like you’re his savior, someone who’s always there during his time of need and insecurities, by his side when he needs you most.
He’s a little blunt and straightforward occasionally, but he’s honest somewhat. He won’t ever tell you his feelings until he deems it the right time, but you can tell he has feelings by the change in treatment.
He’ll keep you closer to him, making excuses by saying that he needs you to help him with the supply run, or that he needs your assistance with a particular menial task.
He’s awkward and shy about it at first but he cares and that’s all you need to know. Especially once you catch him during one of his weaker times, the anniversary of a particular someone rolling around, where he’s locked in his room. He needs you beside him, so please don’t leave him when he needs you.
Law reminds you that you are human, that it’s okay to be vulnerable.
“Just stay here with me.”
Vinsmoke Sanji
Sanji loves you like a god/goddess. He will treat you with the utmost respect and care and offers you everything you could possibly want or need, just say the word.
His genuine, endless daily compliments are given to you with pure love and passion, his daily refreshments and snacks to keep you energized and hydrated keeps an eye out for your health.
He makes sure you know the true meaning of flattery, chivalry and love, because that is all he can show you.
However, under that chivalrous exterior, is his calmer, understanding loving self, where he shows his true self and when he finally shares this side with you, where he holds his insecurities, it’s the true honor and love you can receive. And it’s even better, when you become the one who loves for him in return during this time.
Sanji reminds you that you deserve to be and are loved.
“You are my world, my everything.”
Marco The Phoenix
Marco loves you like a married couple who grew old together, still playing jokes and having fun to life’s fullest, no matter your age.
He’s constantly lecturing you for the smallest things repeatedly, since you always seem to forget. His lectures lack any annoyance or malice though, he’s just kind of done with you sometimes.
Nonetheless, he’s taking care of you more than you think, always the first one there whenever you need help. He’s always prepared for whatever you need so you don’t have to look for it and get worried.
He’s stern at times but he loves you more than you could ever know, often questioning himself whenever he’s beside you. He half-lidded eyes watching you with warmth and admiration because you always look so determined.
Marco always reminds you that you are free. To live life to its fullest and however you wish.
“Let me fly you to the moon.”
Donquixote Rosinante
Rosinante loves you like a husband, he treats you like his wife, either you or him welcoming each other home after being gone for so long and greeting each other with a loving kiss each time.
He knows just how tough things can be and as much as he tries to make things right, he knows how bad situations really are and no matter how much he wants to cry or get angry, he always holds a smile, in front of you. To assure you that things will be okay.
He gives the warmest hugs, and knows that, so whenever you’re angry or sad, or just randomly at times, Rosi envelops you into a large hug, waddling you back and forth a few times, you feel instant relief and content, which makes him smile.
His priority will always be you, even if he’s hundreds of thousands miles away, he will find his way back home to you. He surprises you with the littlest gifts; being flowers, jewelry, candles, or more.
Rosi will always remind you to smile, even during the hardest times.
“I will protect you.”
Eustass Kid
Kid loves you like a game, it’s unexpected, unpredictable of what will happen and it’s exciting and thrilling. For you both, one wrong move, and the other is gone for good, but perhaps, second chances/rematches are available.
He can be brash and a bit much, but Kid has high respect for anyone who actually makes it onto his crew and can actually tolerate him, you included.
He’s loud and wild but that only makes it part of the fun. With such a short fuse, as long as you play your cards right and pick your moments to bite back, it’s kind of fun knowing how dangerous it can be with a guy like Kid, and he also loves it equally, because your feistiness is attractive.
Being a bad bitch that doesn’t play by the rules is so incredibly attractive and Kid knows how to reward and punish so tread carefully. ;) however, he has his down moments and as annoying he can be, he does appreciate the effort you give if you try to comfort him. He’ll be harsh about it but eventually, he just wants you to be with him in the end.
Kid reminds you to rebel, take risks and enjoy the thrill of getting in dangerous situation every once in a while, breaking a few rules doesn’t hurt anybody. Most of the time.
“Don’t fucking ever leave me.. okay?”
Dracule Mihawk
Mihawk loves you like you’re an empress, only the finest and highest quality for you, nothing else can compare.
Mihawk will buy you the most expensive dress that suits you, with an equally expensive matching jewelry to go with. Not to mention the heels, and, tch, how could he forget the roses you require? Despicable.
As much as he loves to show you off, he despises the stares of awe and admiration you receive whenever you go out, so his possessiveness takes over and he has an arm around your waist at all times, successfully showing you’re taken and to back off if they don’t wish to be cut into oblivion.
He trains you to handle yourself, obviously, you should know at least some basic skills. He’s not too hard on you but does push you to keep going until you truly wish to stop. It’s only because he’s worried that one day, he won’t be there and won’t be able to protect you.
Mihawk reminds you that you are a queen/king, a strong person who shall hold your ground and never back down from fear and show your bravery.
“Come here, mi amor.”
Red Haired Shanks
Shanks loves you like you’re his future. It’s an unknown journey, but he’s there for the ride and whatever may happen, he’s there staying and won’t be going anywhere, unless it’s with you.
The red head is a goofball, he drinks, parties and messes around but he is an incredible captain and genuine to a fault. So when he expresses kindness, it is purely from his heart and not out of manners.
He is extremely playful and yet when down to business, he is calm, collected, and cool. He knows just what to say in tough situations and great comforting advice, so he’s the one to go to when you’re feeling down. And as laid back as he is, disrespect to those he loves is the one shit he won’t take.
He’ll hold you close and with his signature grin, compliment you and tell you how much he appreciates you and as soon as someone lays a finger on you, his hand is on the hilt of the sword and he waits three seconds for an explanation before he cuts them down. No one messes with his beloved.
Shanks reminds you of loyalty. To always protect and care for those close to you, and keep that built up trust and bond you created with them.
“Trust me. I won’t let go of you.”
Charlotte Katakuri
Katakuri loves you like you’re glass, he’s careful, protective, cautious and treats you like you’re fragile, because he’s afraid of hurting you.
He’s larger than most, he’s aware of that, so he always takes the precautions to be aware of his surroundings, especially when you are around. He wants you safe and he will be devastated if he is the cause of your pain.
His large stature is a blessing to you though, because cuddling is so comfortable and comforting, it’s amazing. You can curl up and relax and just be at ease with him, because he’s so protective of you, even from his family members. He often keeps you away from Cracker and Perospero, in the slightest chance that they try to take you away from him.
He’ll be extremely heartbroken if Big Mom doesn’t approve of you, but his love for you is stronger, so he’ll keep it a secret if he has to but eventually, he’ll pray and wish for her blessing, asking the help of his siblings to convince her.
Katakuri reminds you of family, that even friends or crewmates are family and love you all the same.
“I will be here for you.”
Captain Koby
Koby loves you like a typical high school crush. He’s all shy and blushy, and evidently embarrassed when the pretty one at school is talking to him, ( that’s you. ).
He’s like the wallflower type, who tries to blend in but somehow, he sticks out in a way that lures you to him, like he’s hit the jackpot.
He is incredibly sweet, and his shyness is so adorable. You can’t help but coo whenever you see his red cheeks and soft smile of care he offers.
Always helps you with everything, will take the blame whenever you get in trouble, takes the suffering and pain when guys try to mess with you, and no matter how tough things get, he’s holding a brave face for you.
Koby reminds you of kindness, treat everyone with care and kindness, and it goes a long way.
“If you fall, I’ll be there to catch you.”
16th Division Commander Izo
Izo loves you like you’re a painting, he thinks you are true beauty, inside and out, you are a work of art, a true Mother Nature masterpiece born. One to be admired.
The type to be there. He’ll hold your hair while you vomit, rubbing soothing circles on your back while you cry, painting your nails while you complain about Ace, assure your perfection when you’re feeling insecure.
Best advice giver, holds no judgements at all. He’ll help with anything, because you need him. Romantic advice, friendship, sexual advice ;), he will help you any way he can.
He truly admires you, not because of your beauty, but your strength to be able to cry. Crying doesn’t mean weakness but rather, strength to be able to move forward even in the worst of times.
Izo reminds you that you are beautiful, no matter what anyone thinks or says.
“You are true beauty, my love.”
Cavendish Of The White Horse
Cavendish loves you like you’re a princess, and he is your handsome Prince Charming.
Every thing he does it like from a fairytale, if it involved a rather.. bit of a narcissistic Prince Charming. But he means well, because he still treats you like a real princess.
He gives you daily horseback rides, teaching you with his strong arms wrapped around yours and his black fancy hat on top of your head, as you two ride around and share laughs and memories.
And even through his big ego, he still makes sure to compliment you, tell you how proud he is of you and how much he truly admires you for your strong will and determination, because he really does love you. More than you know.
Cavendish reminds you that dreams can come true, sometimes it just takes a leap of faith and effort.
“I will treat you like the princess you are and deserve to be.”
A/N : 15 fucking people and having to think of different things while I’m distracted is so HARD. 😭 please tell me you enjoyed though ;-;
but did I do this already? God I can’t remember a thing, especially since I still haven’t updated my masterlists- and I’m terribly sorry if this really is all over the place ;-; also apologies if this is repetitive for some of them! It really is difficult yk ;-;
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robinyourcreator ¡ 4 months ago
@defira85 you were RIGHT, they WERE visions of Shadowheart being Very Cute and im SO MAD and SO SLEEPY and SO GAY GAH
post tiefling party scribbles that will probably get redrafted once im there chronologically but oh well! we do this for fun! for FUN!!!
600ish words below the cut
Once the festivities have well and truly died down, you are finally allowed enough of a reprieve to begin your stumble back to your tent. 
Gods, you’re exhausted. You haven’t stayed up for this many hours in a row since you attended the College of Lore. Thankfully, that is where the similarities ended between the refugees’ and druids’ party and one thrown by a mess of bards. But at least you’ll sleep well; infiltrating in and then massacring your way out of a camp of goblin cultists may not have exactly been an honest day’s work, but it had certainly been a hard one. And a rewarding one, even without the party thrown in your honor afterwards. Though that certainly didn’t hurt.
And neither had the wine, as you’d extremely been careful to stay just on the right side of tipsy the whole night, warming your blood and curling in your belly like a contented cat on your lap. 
Others had clearly not been so judicious, as once you find your way back to your tent, you find Shadowheart has found her way there first. She’s flushed; unsteady. Leaning against one of your tent poles and trying very hard to pretend she doesn’t need its support to keep her feet. 
“You’re drunk.”
Shadowheart wags a finger at you. “I am very drunk.” Ah, so she’s an honest and self-aware drunk. Somehow this only endears her to you more. 
“I can see that,” you say, leaning nonchalantly against a tentpole parallel to hers. “If you’re looking for a lesser restoration, I’m afraid I’m all spelled out for the day.”
Shadowheart scoffs. “I could do that myself.”
“Yes, I’m sure you could,” you agree. An especially good day, if the lot of you have managed to keep so far from death’s door that your primary healer still has spells left. “What brings you to my tent in the middle of the night then, so very cute and so very, very drunk?”
“Beyond the obvious, you mean?” Shadowheart says dryly.
You fold your arms, frowning. “There’s no ‘obvious’ with that, Shadowheart. You were quite sober when we agreed to take things slow--”
She waves you off. “--yes, yes, I’m very drunk, and you, despite your chosen profession, have the scruples of a paladin. I am aware. It was a joke.”
An old argument, but a playful one. You shake your head ruefully as you rebut, “My desire to avoid the kind of regrets that would ruin my beauty sleep is hardly comparable to a paladin’s oath.” 
Shadowheart bites her lip. “...Perhaps I’ve also started to care about how I sleep at night,” she says quietly.
And, suddenly emboldened, she steps into your space, leaning into you, her hand on your arm. “Perhaps I tire of sleeping on rocks in the dirt. Perhaps I desire something soft beneath me.” 
…You are terminally incapable of helping yourself. “You rhymed, Shadowheart!” you coo gleefully. “I’ve rubbed off on you!”
“Oh, not yet you haven’t,” she quips before she can stop herself, looking terribly annoyed at her own lapse, and oh if that doesn’t only add another arrow to your quiver.
You cackle. “And dirty jokes, too! You’re already halfway to a decent tenure at a bardic college if the whole dark priestess career doesn’t work out.” 
She points an accusing finger at you. “Don’t even joke about that. Doomed to endure an entire college of insufferables who each think they’re the prettiest and funniest person in any room? Truly a fate worse than death.”
“You’re not wrong, it was pretty insufferable at times,” you concede. “But you would actually be right about being the prettiest and funniest in any room.” 
“Careful, Taveth,” Shadowheart chides, poking you in the chest. “Flattery will get you everywhere.” 
once again up at 4am and HAUNTED BY VISIONS
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supernaturalgirl20 ¡ 3 years ago
Something Worth Fighting For
Part 2
Pairings: Oberyn Martell x f!reader
Warnings: sexual tension, fighting, flirting, slow burn.
Summary: Ellaria is dead, poisoned by Cersai Lannister and Oberyn is out for blood. When you arrive in Dorne on behalf of Daenerys to seek his aid in the war on Kings landing, you get more than you bargained for.
A/N: Credit for this idea goes to @scorpio-marionette, thank you again for trusting me with this 😘
Part one
Comments and reblogs really appreciated 🥰
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You needed to get away from him, your body almost combusting when he touched your wrist. The heat of his hand on your skin sending a shiver through you. It didn’t help that this place was so humid, how anyone could live in this heat was beyond you. Wandering through the halls your startled when a girl dressed in a cool flowing dress appears out of nowhere.
“My Lady, I have been instructed to show you to your bed chambers for the night, if you would kindly follow me.”
“Of course and Y/N will do just fine, I’m no lady I can assure you.”
Upon entering the room your eyes are drawn to the beautiful blue dress which was laying out on the bed. You take small steps until your hand traces down the material, a small note attached.
My little flower,
I think this dress would be better suited for the dornish heat, and I believe this colour will suit your complexion perfectly.
A small smile creeps onto your face as you read over the note. How did he get this here so quick? A clearing of a throat brings you back to reality.
“Shall I fill a bath?”
“That would be wonderful thank you.”
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A cool breeze washes over you as you stroll through the gardens of the palace, the colour of the flowers captivating you. It truly was a place of beauty. Happening upon a fountain, you sit along its edge, fingers threading through the cool water, the bracelets adorning your wrist jingle with the movements.
“I see you like my gift.”
You turn to find Oberyn approaching you slowly, cautious in his movements, as if you were a frightened cat and would run at any given moment.
“Yes, thank you, it was very kind.”
When he realises you won’t run he moves to sit beside you, eyes taking in your glorious form while yours are transfixed with the water.
“Dorne is truly a thing of beauty, especially the palace. I love the garden in particular.”
“It is! There are however things that are far more beautiful.”
Turning towards him, you find his eyes on you, a heat burning behind them and you can feel your cheeks heating at his intense stare.
“Will you allow me to show you around the palace now?”
You quirk your eyebrow at him, the corner of your lips threatening to lift into a smile.
“Only if you promise not to seduce me!”
A devilish smile creeps onto his face as he outstretches his hand towards you, “now my little flower, you know that is a promise I can never make.”
“It was worth a try.” You smile at him as you link your arm with his.
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Walking through the streets of Dorne, arm linked with Oberyn, people smile as you both pass their stalls,offering you samples of their fruit and sweets. Your eyes scan over the beautiful pieces of jewellery and perfumes that are on display, stopping when something catches your eye. Oberyn stands back as you run your fingers along the necklace, a pendent with a beautiful blue stone, white veins running through it. A memory of your grandmother flashes through your wind and you smile fondly.
“A beautiful necklace for a beautiful goddess.”
“Do you flatter every women you see?”
“It is not flattery if it is the truth.”
An old women lifts the pendent towards you, “you buy?”
“Oh no it’s very beautiful but not today.” You turn and walk towards another stall, Oberyn watching you closely. He turns to one of his guards and nods his head before joining you again.
“You know I must be honest with you, if I lived here I wouldn’t leave to come with me.”
“You wouldn’t?”
“No! This place it’s…it’s like something from the stories my grandmother read to me as a child. Magical!”
“Are you saying I shouldn’t go with you tomorrow?”
“That’s not what I’m saying but I could understand why you wouldn’t.”
Arriving at the gates of the palace Oberyn leads you inside, people are milling about, trying to go about their daily tasks.
“Can I persuade you to join me on my balcony for super later?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“What if we have it in the gardens then?”
Your eyes scrunch in contemplation, before a small smile form on your lips.
“I’d love to. Thank you for today Oberyn, you have a beautiful kingdom.”
“My pleasure Y/N.”
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Changing out of the dress, you put back on your armour and make your way into the training arena. You do not want to grow lazy while your away so you join Jaron and his men.
Knocking Jaron on his ass for the fifth time, you’ve drawn a crowd.
“I wonder if you could knock the red viper on his ass?” Spinning around you smirk at him before bowing.
“Please my Prince, allow me to try?”
My Prince! Oberyn likes the sound of that. Grabbing his spear and spinning it around in the air, putting on a show, he stops facing you head on.
“Ready when you are my little flower.”
You lunge at him with your sword but he deflects it, this is a dance you both do for what feels like an age. Your eyes are locked on each other and it feels as if you are the only two here, partaking in an erotic dance. He’s distracted for a mere moment but you take this opportunity and within seconds he’s on the ground, your legs straddling his waist.
“Well now if I had known I could have had you like this little flower, I would have gone easier in you.” Suddenly aware of your positioning you feel your face heat up as you feel him hardening beneath you. You try to pull away, Oberyn has other ideas as he flips you onto your back, a dagger pointed at your neck. The crowd cheers for their Prince as you lay panting on the ground. He lowers his face towards you, mouth hot beside your ear.
“Always use your opponents weakness against them, it appears that I am yours.” His eyes flicker to your lips and he leans in slightly. Thinking he’s going to kiss you, you close your eyes waiting for his lips on yours, but it never comes.
“Beautiful and a fighter, are you sure I cannot temp you into bed?” Eyes shooting open to find him already standing, hand outstretched to help you up. Your body is hot with need for this man but you won’t give in. Oberyn Martell doesn’t do monogamy and you don’t share. You don’t take his hand as you stand brushing off the dust. Grabbing your sword you storm past him, head turning to face him slightly.
“You should go clean yourself up for dinner my Prince.” With that you continue on your path, all eyes on you as you leave. Jaron turns to Oberyn, “that is some women.”
“Some women indeed.”
Part 3
Permanent tag list: @lunaserenade @anaaaispunk @maievdenoir @elinedjarin @seasonschange-butpeopledont @alberta-sunrise @dihra-vesa @pintsizemama @athalien @loserrlauraa @thorins-queen-of-erebor @pascal-rascal424 @ikinmahlen @pascalisthepunkest @dindjarinneedsahug @almaeunice @jediknight122 @prostitute-robot-from-the-future @colorlesswhispersunknown @stevie75 @rosie-posie08 @hauntedmama @greeneyedblondie44 @prettylilhalforc @giselatropicana @the-mandalorian-066 @spanishmossmagnolia @phoenixhalliwell @sherala007 @its--fandom--darling @donnaa @javierpinme @luxmundee @littlemisspascal @hayley-the-comet @ezras-channel-rat
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latristereina ¡ 4 years ago
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Isabella was a strawberry blonde—coloring especially admired in Castile because of its relative rarity. Isabella's finely chiseled face and lively expression gave her a "comely aspect" that was not soon forgotten. One courtier even remarked that she was "the handsomest lady I ever beheld." According to her court secretary and historian of her reign, Fernando del Pulgar, Isabella was of medium height, "well formed in her person and the proportion of her limbs . . . very fair and blond: her eyes between green and blue, her look gracious and honest . . . her well-shaped face . . . beautiful and happy."
While such accolades sound like court flattery, all commentators agree that Isabella was "the most gracious in her manners." Whether beautiful or not, Isabella's youthful vitality, gentleness, and personal charisma made her extremely attractive to all who beheld her.
- Nancy Rubin Stuart, Isabella of Castile: The First Renaissance Queen
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cancerjupiter ¡ 4 years ago
🔥 fire venus 🔥
 venus in aries
ex: lily james, rihanna, marilyn monroe, lady gaga, tyler the creator, mariah carey, audrey hepburn, rdj, freud, gigi hadid, chris martin, melanie martinez
they are driven to impress others, show them new things and new experiences. they need to excel in their chosen field and feel in charge, directing the action. however, in relationships, they’re also attracted to strong-willed people - which often leads to conflicts. if they like you, they’re very direct and spontaneous. their greatest charm is their straightforwardness in social interactions, often combined with daring humor. if things go badly, however, their mood can change to combatively defensive and oversensitive. they’re not known for subtlety, and often like violent sports. fighting is natural for them, and they admire others who fight for causes. they highly value independence and always want to be number one, no matter what. they are not very patient and are terrified of boredom.
express affection directly, impulsively, enthusiastically; in love with the honeymoon phase of relationships.
assertive and demanding, which can add difficulty to intimacy.
values independence above all, in self and others
aries venus can be fiercely proud of their romantic attachments and loved ones. they can be very emotional, but rarely would you describe them as deeply feeling. they’re not very romantically sentimental or sympathetic; they prefer to be direct and blunt. the men are self-centered and not very giving; the women aren’t very patient or stereotypically feminine. the women don’t like overly gentle or patient men, preferring them to be aggressive and “compete” with her; they’re a true contradiction and quite complex. both like “quickies” and can be almost insatiable sexually, although quite selfish.
they can be selfish in relationships since they push their own ideas about how it should go, instead of talking about it with their partner. relationships start with a BOOM but fizzle easily since aries is not known for its longevity. they’re always looking for excitement, daily. they like to be enthusiastic and positive and let no one walk over them, even if they’re not overly assertive.
venus in leo
ex: fiona apple, madonna, mj, nicole kidman, tom cruise, amy winehouse, jlaw, whitney houston, niall horan, jason momoa, dua lipa, asap rocky, hitchcock
these people do nothing halfway. when committed, they can show remarkable loyalty. the problem is that they can go to such extremes of misplaced and impractical loyalty, that it outdoes common sense of objectivity. their reactions, while warmhearted, are well calculated and not at all spontaneous. as Grant Lewi points out, “No one with Venus in Leo has ever been talked into anything”. they want to make sure the right effect and use their affections to get what they want. 
they possess sharply contrasting qualities: sincerity and generosity combined with a superior attitude towards others, and showing jealousy over others’ success. they have a huge, vulnerable ego and the merest “slight” is taken as a major offense: try leaving them on read too often or not showing up to their party. they’re very proud of their relationships and need to feel respected and admired by all. their greatest gift is probably their ability to vitalize others through their faith in them, conveying a warmth of encouragement to anyone who needs it.
express affection warmly, dramatically, playfully, and enthusiastically.
the need to be the center of attention or dominant force of a partner's life can encumber deeper intimacy.
can be extremely generous and loyal.
leo venus is rather in love with dramatic love. they crave grandeur and excitement, often staging affectionate displays or romantic situations. they have tremendous pride over their relationship and their own wonderful generous qualities (yes; they know how good they can be). although they’re easily offended by real or imagined insults, they’re quite insensitive to others’ feelings unless it’s related to the leo venus, somehow. a constant need for praise is their most tiresome feature, and they have an enormous weakness for flattery, one way they can be emotionally manipulated. at worst, they’re so self-centered they can’t relate on a simple, sincere human level and use others for self-aggrandizement. and if so, they can end up lonely, petty, and indignant.
they want to do a lot for their beloved, and make sure they enjoy every moment spent with the leo venus, and certainly don’t mind if other people notice their magnificent generosity. their own sense of identity is sometimes so tied up with their primary relationship, that they often go into crisis if things end, badly or not. they like physical demonstrations of affections, but are not very receptive on a true feeling level. they stimulate these displays of “love” in you, especially if in need of affection, but they can also drop you like a stone if they find someone who can praise them better and you’re not delivering.
their responses to love and affection are lavish, open-hearted and almost childish. the urge to spread sunshine throughout their partner’s life is genuine. flattery will get you everywhere with them, but make sure to keep this up if you intend to maintain a relationship. they can also be very sexual and give as good as they take.
venus in sagittarius
ex: joan baez, david bowie, nicki minaj, billie eilish, kendall jenner, jake gyllenhaal, jimi hendrix, jane fonda, mac miller
their reactions to life are rather happy-go-lucky and philosophical, explaining how resilient they are when confronted by the cruelty of life. some call it shallowness or avoidance of true feelings. take your pick, but it’s hard to stay mad when they disappoint. they’re often fickle and hard to please, but that’s due their chronic lack of satisfaction. they have a hard time dealing with routine, tedious reality, and facing the practical limits of life. they don’t enjoy living in the moment.
for them, there’s always room for improvement, and their philosophy of life is optimistic, always thinking a better reality exists just over the hill. they love surprises and you can expect anything from them. a need for space and freedom is essential for them: both mentally (learning, discussion, debate) and physically (activities, sports, traveling). they are also brutally honest about others’ hypocrisy or negligence, although they react to their own truth with a shrug because of their inflated self-image.
expresses affection freely, enthusiastically, generously and idealistically. motivated by an inner trust and faith in love.
tolerant and open-minded attitude toward love with a need for alignment of ideas; values honesty but may be insensitive to feelings.
sag venus wants to be hard, or at least noticed, in any social situation. and in a close relationship, the sharing of ideas and philosophical harmony is necessary for it to last. but for it to last even one evening, there has to be a common sense of humor or type of entertainment, since they can’t stand boredom and are naturally humorous people. they like exploring their relationship and often ask their partner some probing questions and enjoy teasing statements. honesty is, again, valued above all else, but they can be extremely insensitive and dismissive of others’ feelings and needs because of it. their casual remarks do real damage and reveal an irresponsible, and self-centered attitude towards love and sex.
they’re tremendously enthusiastic and unprejudiced about love and sex, and their sexuality is often not straight. they’re fun, but you can never flatter or praise them. you’ve got to earn their respect and usually glow with self-confidence to intrigue them. this venus placement is found in many who are impulsive and generous with affections; they are demonstrative, but also rather impersonal in their relationship approach, although quite charming. being a fun “pal” comes easier than being a truly intense lover; and the fact they grant their partner vast amounts of freedom reveals they like to maintain a level of personal distance, without restraint or heavy expectations. 
these people see no reason why emotions shouldn’t be followed, and usually discount the importance of material things if their partner can’t offer them (unless there’s heavy Taurus on the chart).
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