#especially cause she already wears a black coat??
matrixbearer2024 · 17 hours
I know it's probably shitpost but imagine Ford and his triplets dressing as the different Doctors from Doctor Who- like- it would be so fucking cute- and yes all of them are actually Doctors, they all have PhDs. Literally just imagine them binging the Dr. Who series, somebody's gonna call out some science shit and another is gonna go full theorist like the paranormal and cryptic hunters they all are.
Seriously just imagine seeing Ford one day not wearing a turtleneck, instead sporting a dress shirt(still high-collar no shaz) and a vest, not to mention he's wearing the black trench coat that he came out of the portal with. Man looks like he's about to go to a party in the 20s so you had to stop him and ask why.
"Hun, what are you doing?"
"I'm just passing through-"
Stanford wanted to laugh because of how cutely the confusion rested on your face. Granted, you probably wouldn't have realized who he was dressing up as since his wardrobe wasn't too distinctly different from the character he was referencing.
"Ford? Darling? Are you okay?"
"Nooo- I'm inside a Dalek!"
That reference hit you immediately and Ford couldn't help but start laughing at your befuddled expression. You just shook your head at the man amused as he leaned against the wall in a fit of giggles like the adorable nerd he is. Married to geekazoid with six fingers but hell yeah he was cute. It was an initial worry that your husband wouldn't properly assimilate into how earth is now, but it seems like he's taken well to bits and bobs of media.
Especially Doctor Who.
You wondered which of the kids decided it would be a great idea to introduce the show to him. Dipper was likely, but so were the chaotic triplets.
"Alright, so which Doctor are you supposed to be?"
"The twelfth! I found his character quite interesting and humorous, as well as oddly relatable compared to the other reincarnations."
You couldn't say that wasn't expected, but you definitely didn't predict what was gonna happen next. Not when your eldest son was frozen in the doorway sporting suspenders and a bowtie. Seems like it you found the culprit and it wasn't just your anomaly loving partner dressing up today.
"So... I guess the both of you are going to go cryptid hunting like this?"
"You say that as if it's a bad thing, but honestly ma– it's the best thing there is!"
You shook your head again as the two men laughed. As if that was the end of that chaos, soon after your other two children made an appearance.
"Alexander Euler Pines are you wearing a suit??"
"I mean, what else would I be wearing ma?"
You elbowed Ford when he started snickering, who really was the one who orchestrated all this? Seriously?? Not to mention- you weren't invited! How rude!
"Okay- so who are you supposed to be?"
"Well, that's the question isn't it?"
You facepalmed, causing the three men to just erupt once again in laughter. You looked over at your only daughter and she finally gestured to the other three and explained.
"10, 11, 12, and I'm 13."
"Huh, that explains the printed tee and white coat. Anything else I should know about?"
It was finally your turn to laugh when the lot of them suddenly whipped out the iconic screwdrivers, each of them buzzing with a high-pitched whir. Somehow you felt like it was safe to assume that they actually did have some functionality and it would be safer not to ask.
A family of doctors! Thank goodness nobody owned a TARDIS!
All of them did plan on going hunting like that though, something like a funny little family excursion. Ford offered that you join them but you figured it would be a great time as any for him to reconnect with the three so you declined.
"Stay safe you rascals!"
"We will!"
You smiled at them and waved before Stanford kissed the top of your head prior to exiting the shack to follow his triplets. As if today hadn't already been full of surprises.
"We'll be back in time for dinner, love you!"
And like that he was out the door. You couldn't help the warmth that bloomed in your chest watching the four of them scurry off into the forest to cause who knows what kind of chaos. You didn't mind or worry however, you knew that they'd all be fine.
Genius and oddity are apparently hereditary- and in this family, being ordinary is overrated/j
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nyquilfishtank · 3 months
listen. i know it's unrealistic, but part of me wants to see gin get ryunosukes coat,
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leggerefiore · 7 months
Can I request how submas, piers and other celebrities would react to the whole mob wife fashion trend? How would they react to fans dressing up as their "girlfriend" or what not?
guessing this is like more of a weird cosplay thing than like what I did for villains. also an s/o there since. x reader blog and all lol.
also first time writing piers so it may suck💔
cw: light jealousy? kinda sorta
characters: Ingo, Emmet, Piers, Elesa
● The second he sees something related to a fan dressing in a “train wife aesthetic”, whether it be from Elesa showing him a post she saw online or in person somewhere in the Gear Station, he instantly is distressed by it. Why? He had heard of people wanting to buy his and Emmet's coats and hats, but that made sense with them being local celebrities in Nimbasa. Their choices confused him further. Something about the focus on sweaters alongside a strange fascination with the colours black, purple, and white left him baffled. It almost felt like they were taking from his casual outfits, almost.
● He supposes he does not mind, though. It was nothing too out of the ordinary. He had witnessed people dressing up as him and his brother, so this felt like some other odd things his fans did. As long as none of them were actually claiming to be his partner, he decided this was nothing that he needed to address. Ingo would just wait this out, assuming that people would eventually get bored and move on after a little while.
● Though, if his actual partner was upset by this, he might feel less happy with it. Especially if there were a few outliers of the mean daring to claim that they were in a relationship with him. Ingo would hate for people to cause distress in you and would likely ask that people please stop pretending to be his partner since he is already in a relationship. Whether that would actually do anything is anyone's guess, though. He would definitely beg his partner not to try to fight the weird fans online, too. That was the last thing he would need.
● Ultimately, Ingo just hopes it will pass quickly as an odd but notable trend among his fans. The inspiration from his own clothing choices into theirs makes him a bit curious as to what they would think he would prefer his partner wear, however. Truthfully, he has no real preference. He is happy to let his partner wear whatever they please and enjoys how they express themselves with it.
○ Elesa absolutely has to show him it because he lives blissfully unaware of most things. He feels confused upon seeing this “train wife aesthetic” video, with a woman choosing to wear clothing themed among cutesy styles and bright colours. His expression is vacant, with his usual smile still on his lips. This made little sense to him. Were they dressing in styles they thought he would like? He asked Elesa, and she explained to him that it was related to some greater style thing happening in online fashion. Apparently, dressing up like your favourite celebrity trainer's partner was big. He just nodded.
○ He still does not understand for the most part. It was strange to him but ultimately harmless. People dressed up like him and Ingo often enough for him to just shrug it off. The only thing that may upset him was if one of these fans actually claimed to be his partner. That boundary was one thing that he would prefer not to be crossed. He just decided to go back to being unaware and figured it would go away, like most trends do.
○ If it was upsetting his partner, however, Elesa may need to take his phone before he makes a fool of himself. Even more so if it were someone claiming they were his partner online. He hates seeing his darling upset and does not want to allow anything that distresses them to continue! Emmet simply wants to make you happy. Elesa would help his draft a post to explain why people pretending to be his partner online makes him uncomfortable and how he wishes they would stop out of respect for him and his real partner. She had to stop him from threatening to send Joltiks after people doing it since he was so emotionally charged from it.
○ In the end, Emmet does not really like or dislike it, but he does prefer to pretend to know nothing about it. His curiosity about what led to the fashion choices that his fans all seemed to agree upon was his only real thought he gave it. Everything seemed so bright and cutely themed that he did not get it. He knew what he preferred his partner to wear, and it certainly was not anything someone could post online to normal social media sites. He just shrugs again. It was not the first time his fans had misread him, after all.
✖️ The singer sees it randomly while scrolling social media on his phone and cocks a brow up at it. “Punk Singer's GF Style”? He wants to assume it is someone else, but clearly there are too many elements in the various styles that call back to him. Hot pink, leather, and black and white stripes all dead giveaways. It did not feel anything far away from his recollection of fans making their own homemade dark-type gym uniforms before he started selling them at his concerts. He looks a little more into it and discovers its relation to a bigger trend with dressing like a celebrity trainer's partner. He scoffed at the “Gym Leader-Influencer's GF Fits” he saw.
✖️ He knows better than to acknowledge these things. No need to pour diesel on this when it would be easier to let it pass on its own. Fans do weird things – Piers is more than aware of this. He does feel a bit perturbed by a few audacious ones claiming they were his real partner, but even then, he knew it was better to just ignore it. They wanted attention and nothing more. Better to not feed it.
✖️ If his partner expressed discomfort at the trend, he would be inclined to agree. Especially if it were about the ones claiming to be with him. Piers did not want to force a public relationship with him on you, but if you wanted to do that to try to stop weirdos online, he would be down. 'Course, he is not forcing anyone to do anything. Even if you were clearly uncomfortable by it, he knows better than to bring attention to something. He assures you it will go away, and instead wants to channel your upset into something else. Help him write a song or something. Leave an impact on him in a way others only wish they could.
✖️ Piers does not really like it, ultimately, but he is more than aware of how the internet works. Though, he does find their choices in clothes most fascinating. Seriously? It almost feels strange seeing them in clothing similar to his own or, weirder, one he saw in a dress like Marnie's own. That one made him uncomfortable enough to block them. He does not really dictate what his partner wears at all. That is not his style. Not to say he would not prefer them to have similar tastes to his own, but he would not force that on them.
⭐️ The black-haired woman felt a bit intrigued when she sees something like “Model Gym Leader's GF Chic” on her feed. She enjoys fashion, after all. It was a bit strange seeing people dressing how they thought her partner would, however. All of it seemed yellow or blue and based around some of her previous looks or pokemon. Did they think she wanted to dress up a lover in some of her clothes? Well, maybe a little bit, but casually? Day to day? Not really. Though, she did hate how much she really enjoyed a lot of the styles. It was nice seeing inspiration taken from some of how styles and applied out on others.
⭐️ She would never speak about it openly, fully aware it would just bring more attention to it, but her inner circle and private account followers get to see her favourite styles taken out from the trend. Elesa does not really mind it, finding it mostly to be people online having fun, but she really does not like anyone trying to claim to actually be her partner. That is a boundary she does not like to have overstepped. Of course, she bites her tongue back on saying anything. Like most fads, it will pass and something new will replace it. She will just enjoy the lovely outfits that come out of it for now.
⭐️ Though, her partner expressing distress over it would make her a little less excited about it. Elesa gets what it is for the most part personally, but to you, it must have seemed like people wanting to be with her. Well, there were a lot of those, too. She would try to explain how she views it and hope it calms you down from your emotional high. Your feelings are perfectly understandable, too, of course. Especially if it is about the people claiming to be her partner online. Her best advice is to ignore it and let it fade, giving those people attention is the last thing to do. She is more than happy to remind you that you are who she loves in order to distract you both from it.
⭐️ In the end, Elesa does not mind a majority of the trend and even really likes certain aspects of it. She does, however, find it strange that they think she would like her partner to wear clothing really similar to her own. The model would not oppose that, no, but she really likes to see how they could express themselves individually from her. Their own style tells her a lot about their personality. That is what she loves to see more than anything else.
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I’m probably a little late to the party (heh) but there’s something I’ve noticed concerning color theory and Max, and Max in general
When she is introduced to us as MADMAX, her situation with Billy makes her feel lonely and angry. She’s wearing red clothes (with a white stripe!) and her hair is down (letting her rage roam free).
In here, she’s clearly annoyed. She’s just left Billy’s car, Mr. Clarke made her stand before the class and named her Maxine when she just wanted to melt into the background and get over her first day at an unfamiliar school, still not thrilled about having to move from California.
Still, she’s zipped down, since those people didn’t do anything especially hurtful towards her and maybe she’s a little hopeful about them. 
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When she’s mad after an interaction with Billy she’s wearing red:
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Darker red! She’s at school where she won’t have to deal with Billy for a while. She’s cooling like lava but there’s still one streak of the anger in the back of her head.
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When the boys approach her, her zip-up sweatshirt is unzipped to show some of the color underneath. She’s happy! She will not let her guard down completely but she won’t hiss at them immediately! Still, she’s ready for disappointment and snapping right back to being fully red.
Yellow is not a lighter shade of red, but it’s definitely close on the color wheel. Closer to white, too! She is showing she’s not only mad, there also is softness inside her! It’s still a shade connected to red (anger) but yellow by itself is more of a happiness color. She wants to make friends but is still scared because of the new environment and Billy.
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In the car with Billy (the scene where he wants to run over the party), the entire scene is shot in a way that’s barely letting us see her clothes. It’s mostly covered by hair, too, but we can see it’s still at least a little unzipped as there’s a bit of the yellow collar visible.
In the scene, she’s defending Hawkins saying, that it’s not that bad and that she can’t see any cows (yellow). She’s scared of Billy, so she’s trying to cover up her sympathy towards Hawkins and towards the boys (with red and her hair, Billy saw her get out of the car with the sweatshirt zipped up and hair down, now she’s covering her softness with what is familiar to Billy, so that he doesn’t see anything has changed, notice that softness and hurt her. That’s exactly what she does when she says she doesn’t know the boys trying to protect them from getting ran over).
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Yellow! Fully yellow :) She’s happy to be shown weird pollywog-like creatures with the rest of the Party!
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Right after Will gets possessed, her question as to what “true sight” means gets brushed off by all of the boys. She’s hurt and feels excluded, but her hurt makes her angry again. Next time we see her, she’s all red again.
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“Party members only! This is non-negotiable.”
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“I thought you guys wanted me in your Party!”
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At the arcade! She’s already acclimated to Hawkins, and the arcade is her favorite place. 
Alright, I’m getting tired and my third eye is slowly closing, so I’m going to wrap this up quickly, since I think I presented what the gist of the idea is.
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In season 3, yellow, patterns, colors! She is now fully a member of the party! She has friends, she knows the secrets, El is back. This is the happiest she’s been.
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Clothes are important in both of the girl’s characters! (El changes from murky colors to vivid patterns when she finds herself and there’s a post about El shedding layers of blue in season 4. I’d link it but can’t find it, I’m sorry!) There being a scene like this, with them fooling around with their clothes is basically the peak of happiness :)
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Here Max gets really worried because of Billy. She’s feeling a bit guilty ‘cause that’s her step-brother that’s sowing chaos and hurting her friends. El is straining herself. The situation is looking BAD. Blue!
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Beginning of season 4
Blue - she’s grieving and feeling guilty, Black coat - she’s hiding herself in a shell. She’s not particularly hiding her grief but she can close off at any moment.
(Btw Lucas is also wearing a blue shirt with some coats. I’d say he is sad because Max dumped him and doesn’t want to tell him things but the coats have a couple of colors because he’s hiding away his nerdiness in order to be cool :) 
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Now, the overcoat is blue with yellow elements - Max is being honest about her grief. She’s targeted by Vecna, the Hawkins gang knows she is SAD. It’s her last day, she can unfurl. The sweatshirt is unzipped and showing red and white underneath, the same colors we’ve seen her wear when we first met her. The girl that slammed the door of Billy’s car. The one that was scared of him. That girl is still inside Max. 
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Sometimes, she’s wearing this. Grief covered up with brownish-reddish... Red. She’s going back to her previous self, she is talking to Lucas again and he SEES her... But to get that shade of red you go more towards black on the color wheel. She’s not that vivid, fiery red anymore. There are bits of that girl deep inside her, but she’s too tired to make it her entire self. She’s tired. 
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drewsbuzzcut · 7 months
this is so so cute!! i would love a tiny little blurb on one of these scenarios
“You look absolutely gorgeous,” Jeremy pulls Lyla into his arms and presses a kiss to the top of her head.
Warmth spreads on her cheeks and throughout her body. His compliment is equivalent to an angel’s kiss.
“Thank you, handsome,” she cups his bearded jaw, nails lightly scratching at the coarse hair.
She notices his eyes wander around her outfit, laced with concentration and slight frustration.
“It’s a baby blue, just as pretty as the summer sky or the clearest oceans,” she places his hand on the bodice of her outfit, so he knows what she’s referring to.
“I love you in blue,” he says with an appreciative smile.
“I love you,” she states with a firm tone.
She knows of his frustration with not being able to identify certain colors, so she’s always quick to help and reassure him. She’d do anything to alleviate his stress.
“I love you,” he kisses her lips in repeated pecks, bringing out a smile on her face.
“Thank you,” he whispers in her ear and Lyla pulls him closer to her body, hands rubbing his back. Her ear rests over his heart and she finds herself falling more in love with its beat.
“Anything for you, you know that.”
“I have your black suit with the white button up and the dark blue tie, black slacks with a navy blue button up and your black trench coat, and I also packed the centennial suit and tie. I labeled them with their colors. Oh! I also packed you the black and grey beanies. For shoes, I packed both the brown and black ones,” Lyla lists off what she just packed into Jeremy’s luggage as he finishes packing his toiletries.
“Thank you, baby,” he kisses her temple in a haste.
“Oh! What about lounge clothes?” Lyla chews on a nail, already scouring through his drawers.
“No need. I already packed all black outfits, but thank you,” he shouts from the living room.
“I’m going to miss you,” Lyla gravitates to where he is and hugs him from behind, head resting on the middle of his back.
“I’ll miss you more. Especially because I won’t see you when I get back,” he sighs, grasping her hands where they rest on his abdomen.
“Don’t remind me.”
Jeremy knows she’s pouting and it makes him pout.
“Thank you for helping me with my clothes,” he whispers, turning her around to seal his lips to hers.
“It’s no problem, really.”
Lyla walks through her and Jeremy’s walk in closet, looking through the different drawers to piece together an outfit for her husband.
They’re going out for brunch and it’s finally warmer out, so she’s thinking of a nice, short sleeved collared shirt and some shorts.
Lyla smiles cheekily, butterflies fluttering all around her stomach. She cannot wait for brunch and to see Jeremy’s niece. She’s the cutest baby ever. Today’s also the day they tell his sister that they’re engaged.
A pair of arms wrap around her waist, making her jump and squeal.
“What’s today’s outfit?” Jeremy asks, lips next to her ear as he nuzzles his face into her hair.
Lyla finds it hard to concentrate when his hard body is pressed up against her, his bare skin warming her to the touch. Her breath catches in her throat when his lips press to her neck. His lips linger on her skin, causing an electricity to rip through her body.
“Khaki shorts and a blue collared shirt. Maybe the olive green collared shirt if you’re not feeling the blue,” she leans back into him, swaying together in their closet.
They’re engaged and living together. She can’t believe it. She wants to run to every corner of the world, shouting at the top of her lungs that she’s going to marry the love of her life.
“What’re you wearing?”
“A white dress and some nude heels.”
“The strapless one?” Lyla laughs at his question, because she knows how much he loves that dress. Just as much as he loves taking it off.
“Of course,” she giggles and squirms when he tickles her sides. His face goes straight to her neck to tickle her there with his beard.
Their laughs fill up the closet space, making every article of clothing seem so irrelevant.
“I’ll wear the blue,” he says, bringing them back to a gentle sway.
He lifts her left hand and kisses over her engagement ring. The cold metal feels reassuring on his lips. She’s all he ever needs.
“What about Sawyer?” Jeremy asks as he follows Lyla to all the baby clothes.
They’re discussing middle names while shopping for their baby boy.
“I love Sawyer! Brooks Sawyer Swayman. Babe, that’s so cute,” Lyla pouts, pulling Jeremy into a hug. He blushes and feels the familiar rush of happiness run through his veins.
“I love it, too.” He brings a hand down to her growing stomach. Even though she’s 8 months along, she doesn’t have a large stomach to show for it. He still loves touching her bump, though. It's so intimate and special. He can’t believe they’re having a baby.
Lyla browses through all the clothes, picking out different outfits in various sizes. Coos and sighs of contentment leave her lips, making Jeremy smile with rosy cheeks.
She comes across the cutest pair of vintage overalls. They are dark green and corduroy, with the cutest little pockets on the side.
Lyla notices Jeremy’s disappointed expression, immediately realizing he’s having trouble figuring out the color.
“They’re dark green. Swampy, almost,” Lyla says delicately, her fingers carding through his hair and rubbing at the back of his neck.
She leans her forehead onto his bicep, staying quiet as he gently rubs at the material of the clothing.
“What if it’s passed down to him?” Jeremy asks, voice dejected.
“We’ll love him just the same. Just the way I love you, so much. We’ll also do everything we can to help him, but everything will be fine,” Lyla claims, her lips pressing into his skin.
Although Jeremy is still worried, he believes Lyla’s words. How could he not? She’s been so amazing and adaptive to his color blindness. He has no doubts that she’ll be just as helpful to their son if needed. He has no doubts in her at all.
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winters-tales · 11 months
NaNoWriMo2023 Excerpt
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Title: Oathsworn: The Nameless Chapter: Girl's Best Friend Genre: Urban fantasy horror Content warning: child in danger Wordcount: 5,059
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“Come on, it’s ok!”
Dark, soulful eyes stared back at her from where the dog had wedged itself under a fallen house, just out of reach of the outstretched arm. Flowers had come around a corner and startled it while it was scavenging, causing it to yelp in fear and wriggle its way under the concrete away from her. “You don’t need to be afraid of me, I’m only small. I bet you’re lonely, huh?”
“Flowers?” The voice made her jump slightly, and she wriggled backwards out from under the concrete, throwing the dog one last look. Bat was crouched down next to her, one eyebrow raised in question. “What are you doing down there?” She rolled over until she was sitting, brushing the dust off her coat.
“There’s a dog,” she said by way of explanation, and both of Bat’s eyebrows shot up. “And it looks hungry, and scared, and I want to make friends with it. Maybe bring it back the way you and Brick brought me back.” Bat lay down on their front to stare into the gap Flowers had wriggled out of, and nodded before pushing themselves back up.
“Well, that is indeed a dog, little one,” he said gently, “but it’s not a good idea to chase strange dogs.”
“I wasn’t chasing it! It saw me coming and ran away, so I followed it,” she scrunched her face up in thought. “That- that’s chasing, isn’t it?”
“As far as the dog is concerned, yes,” Bat gave her a wry smile. “It’s dangerous to try to get close to strange dogs, especially ones like that, that look quite big.”
“Well, when dogs are scared, sometimes they run away, but sometimes they bite,” Bat explained, and held up a finger when Flowers once again opened her mouth to over-explain again. “And sometimes, the dogs who would rather run away will also bite, if they feel like they don’t have anywhere else to run to.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Sure you do,” Bat said, taking her by the hand and gently starting to pull her away. “Remember the day me and Brick found you and brought you home? You’d wedged yourself somewhere small and tight like that dog, but I bet if either of us had tried to come get you, you’d have fought back - kicking, biting, screaming, right?”
Flowers thought back to that fateful day, to the fear that had held her body in check, to the way she’d frantically been looking for something anything she could use as a weapon in case they were monsters, knowing that the rocks and rubble wouldn’t do anything.
“Oh. I guess I do,” she sucked on the inside of her check for a couple of seconds, then brightened as a thought occurred to her. “Oh! Wait, wait, wait,” she pulled free of Bat’s hand and ran back towards the crevice where the dog was, trying to kneel down in a way that wouldn’t frighten the dog any more than it already was.
Those black, wet eyes stared back at her, and she heard a faint whine from the shadows. It was definitely scared.
“I’m sorry I frightened you,” she said softly, remembering the gentle way Brick had spoken to her at the beginning. “I didn’t mean to, I just wanted to make friends. But I understand if you don’t want to be friends just yet. Here,” she dug around in one of the pockets of the oversized coat she was wearing, the only pocket that wasn’t pull of holes that dropped her treasures into the lining, and pulled out a couple of pieces of semi-stale bread. “You can have this, I’m not hungry right now anyway.” She paused; would the dog understand? She shrugged, and reached back into the gap, pushing the bread as far into the tiny crawlspace as she could towards those eyes. The whine turned into a slight growl and she stopped, carefully letting go of the bread and slowly pulling her hand out. “Freely given!” She added, just before she wriggled the whole way out again.
Bat was staring at her with a bemused expression on his face.
“You really want to make friends with that dog, huh?” He said, and Flowers nodded vigorously. Bat sighed dramatically, and Flowers knew he was only teasing. “Well, one extra friend is never a bad thing, especially if they’re as big as that dog looks.” Flowers grinned.
“I knew it!” She crowed, and Bat laughed, once again pulling her away from the dog’s hidey-hole.
“Ok, Flowers, but we should establish some ground rules. First, please don’t come trying to find that dog on your own again, at least not until we know it’s not sick. If it bites you, and you’re on your own, we might not be able to find you to help you.” Flowers nodded solemnly, suddenly very aware of how vulnerable she’d been under all that concrete, not able to get out very quickly if the dog had been nasty.
“Can we try and bring it some more food tomorrow?”
“Sure thing, sweetness, but that leads up to rule number 2: if it’s not where we left it, we don’t go looking for it. We can leave a little bit of food and hope it comes back to it, but we need to focus on feeding everyone back home first, ok?”
“Ok, that makes sense,” she stopped guiltily. “That bread I gave the dog was all I found today. I’m sorry.” Bat laughed and crouched down, giving her a quick hug.
“It’s ok, Flowers,” he took both her hands in his, and met her eyes earnestly. “Truth be told, if I saw a dog, I’d probably try to give it some food as well. I’m just a bit too big to squeeze into the gap the same way you did.”
“You would?” Bat nodded.
“Being kind is important, especially to things that might not understand. That’s when it’s most important.”
“Well,” Bat started, then stopped, thinking. “Hm. I can’t put it into words right now, but it’s getting dark. Can we go home, and I’ll see if Brick or one of the others can help explain?”
Flowers nodded happily, and Bat straightened back up with a smile, leading her carefully back to the hidden place they and the other children called home.
“That’s a good question, actually,” Brick had said when they’d returned and Bat had explained everything, with a few interjections from Flowers. “I’m not sure I have an answer, either. I just know that if you have an opportunity to be kind, you should.”
“Can I ask the others?” Flowers said. She couldn’t explain why, but it felt important that she got an answer of sorts. Brick nodded. “Of course! Though I’m not sure many of them will be able to answer either. Maybe stick to the kids bigger than you for now, ok? The young ones are still learning to be brave. Let’s not complicate things for them.”
Flowers nodded, and turned to Bat, hand outstretched. He blinked in surprise.
“Do you want me to come with you while you do the rounds, kiddo?” He asked. We’re not outside any more, you don’t need me to come with you.”
“I know,” she replied, “but I thought it would help, because you don’t know the answer either, and if we do find the answer, I want you to know as well.” Brick laughed softly behind them.
“You are such a sweet thing,” she said, eyes soft. “Go on, go find your answers. I can’t come with you, I have stuff to mend, but I expect you to bring me the answer when you get it, ok?”
The other kids reactions varied from confused to apathetic to suspicious.
“What? It just is,” said Rough, shaking their head. “Like how you stick to the ground without floating even though there’s all that sky up there - it just is.”
“I disagree,” Willow said softly, barely looking at either Bat or Flowers. “I think kindness is a waste if you don’t get anything out of it. I think you wasted that food and that blanket and Bat’s time on that dumb animal. I think it’s stupid.”
“You’re stupid,” Flowers muttered at Bat ushered her away from the quiet girl. “S’nothing wrong with being nice.”
“Because it makes you feel good,” Skip answered, shrugging. “At least, being nice to toher things makes me feel good. Maybe that’s it?” Flowers considered, wrinkling her nose in nose, then shook her head.
“It does make me feel nice,” she admitted, “but I don’t think that’s the answer. Not the answer for me, anyway. But I’m glad you’re nice!” She added as she noticed Skip looking a little crestfallen at her dismissal of her answer.
Hawk was the last one who was willing to hear them out. She watched Flowers carefully, sitting almost as still as Willow had, but she seemed more awake, somehow. It seemed that she was always watching everything with the same intensity, regardless of if it was first thing in the morning over breakfast, or over a fire in the evening.
“Because,” she said slowly, almost as if she was feeling the words in her mouth before she spoke them. “Because it’s what makes us different to them.” Looking at the girl, she slowly uncurled from her position and rolled up a sleeve, holding her arm out for Flowers to see.
The scars that ran the length of her arm were horrifying, knotted and lumpy. Some were white, some were purple, and in the flickering firelight the shadows as they criss-crossed over one another made it look like they were moving, pulsing and twitching. Flowers reached out to touch, but snatched her hand back when she saw Hawk flinch back slightly.
“Sorry,” she muttered, “I don’t know why I did that.” Hawk smiled slightly as she rolled her sleeves back down.
“It’s how you learn,” she said, matter-of-factly. “Touch. Taste. Can I pick this up? Can I eat it? No? Ok, I know better for next time.” Her honey eyes reflected the firelight, and for a brief second her intense gaze was also alight with flames. “But that, that’s why we’re kind. If I hadn’t been kind I wouldn’t have gotten hurt, but the thing is: if I could go back, knowing I’d get hurt for being kind, I’d still be kind. I’d still do it. Because being kind means I’m still me. It means I haven’t changed into one of them.”
“One of what?” Flowers asked softly, almost afraid to know the answer. Hawk gazed into the fire, and when she answered, she sounded far away.
“There are monsters out there, little one,” she replied distantly, “and a lot of the time they’re easy to see, because they look like dragons, or strange bird-ladies, or spiders with- with cat heads instead of spider heads. Maybe they’re just so huge they can’t be a person. But you can tell. You can look at them and know they’re not… not us.” She looked back at Flowers, and there was something in her eyes that made the girl reach behind her for Bat’s hand, who gave her a reassuring squeeze. “But sometimes the monsters look like people. They look like us. But they’re not kind, not even a little bit, and that’s how you know they’re not us.” She reached past the fire bin and did up the last button on Flowers’ jacket, carefully pulling the collar up to where it hugged the bottom of her ears. “Be kind, Flowers. Always be kind. Even if you don’t think anyone will be kind back. Even if you’re being kind to- to one of them. Be kind.”
The dog wasn’t in the hole they’d left when the two of them returned the next day, but Flowers wriggled her way in determinedly anyway, noticing with delight that the bread she’d left was gone. She dug into her pocket again and pulled out a couple of big pieces of slightly burnt jerky, placing them carefully as far into the gap as she could.
“Next, please!” She called, sticking her arm back as far as it would go. The feeling of something soft being pressed into her small palm was the cue to start pulling, and eventually next to the jerky was a threadbare blanket. She would have asked for something nicer, but like Bat said, the dog might never come back, so this was all they could spare. She tried to arrange it as nicely as she could, but with limited room it still looked like a sad little pile of rags. At least it was clean, and there was a bit more food. She gave the pile one last look before wriggling her way back out again.
On the third day, the dog was back, tucked under the concrete, but maybe not as far back as it had been the first time. Flowers gasped with delight when she saw the eyes staring back out at her, and immediately started scrambling to get into the gap. Bat, laughing, held her back.
“Hey, slow down!” He cautioned, “I like the enthusiasm, but it’s been 3 days; it’s still going to be scared. Sudden noises and movement is going to make it more scared.”
With a huge effort, Flowers stopped trying to dash into the crevasse between fallen debris and ground. She lay on her belly as slowly and gently as she could, and faced the shadows.
“Hey, dog,” she said, trying to mimic the gentleness Brick had shown her when they’d found her. “I hope you’re the same dog. I hope you have the blanket and you liked the jerky. I’m sorry it was a bit burnt; Brick and Bat said you wouldn’t really mind, and because it was burnt it was too tough for us to eat, but they said you’d probably have really strong teeth and jaws and wouldn’t mind the taste.” Bat gently set a shallow dish down in front of Flowers, and poured a bit of water in it.
“Think you can get it in there without spilling the water?” He said, sounding unsure for the first time since they’d found the dog. “It’ll probably need a drink, but that gap is narrow, and I know you have to wiggle a lot to get in there.”
“I can do it,” Flowers said, making sure she kept her voice soft. “I’ve got to be kind.”
She carefully pushed the dish into the gap in front of her, stopping when she heard the faint whine again.
“I’m sorry, dog,” she said, “I know that made a loud noise. But it’s water, you’ll like it. I’m going to come a bit further in, and try to help you get a drink, ok?” And she pushed the dish in again with a scrape. The whine came again, but the dog didn’t retreat, and there was no growl this time. “You’re doing so good,” she cooed, hoping it could at least understand that she was being kind even if it couldn’t understand her words. She pushed again, wriggling her way under the concrete after the bowl. So far, not a drop had been spilled. “Just a little further, ok?” She pushed again, aware she was now almost all the way into the gap.
This close, she could sort-of see the dog; its eyes were wide, and its ears were pinned back, but it wasn’t showing its teeth. It had its jaw resting on it’s front paws as it watched her get closer, and it seemed to be wiggling slightly itself. She took a breath, and gave one last push of the bowl, getting it as close to the face as she could, before pulling her hands back slowly. Once again, she dug around in her pocket, and this time she pulled out a bone, wrapped up in paper to stop it sticking to the inside of her pocket and making it smell. It still had some raw meat on it, and she could see the dog’s nose twitch and inhale as she unwrapped it as carefully as she could.
Slowly she pushed the bone out as well, until it was next to the bowl. The dog had finally moved, stretching it’s head as far forward as it could, reaching towards the bone but not quite daring to get any closer.
“Come on, “ Flowers whispered. “It’s ok. I won’t hurt you. Even if we’re not friends, I just want to help.”
The original plan had been for her to leave the bone with the water and then backtrack, leaving the dog alone again, but it was so close, and it didn’t look fierce at all with the way it was stretching its nose out, tongue flicking out little by little as its fear of her was slowly outweighed by its desire to get the bone.
She felt something soft touch her hand, and she gasped, dropping the bone. The dog flinched back slightly at her gasp, but wriggled forward again, grabbing the bone and licking it enthusiastically. It didn’t back away with the bone, just sat there enjoying what must have been a rare treat for it, and Flowers smiled in delight at how she close was to it. Slowly she started to wriggle her way backwards, until she was outside again in the fresh air, covered in concrete dust.
Bat raised an eyebrow at her.
“Well?” He asked, and somehow in that one question he made it clear he knew she’d not followed the plan and just dropped the bone. She blushed, and sat down, leaning against the walk that had the gap in it.
“I waited a little bit with the bone, and,” she was gasping slightly, a combination of the tight space and dizzying excitement, “I think it licked me!”
Bat’s face was a warring mix of emotions that Flowers couldn’t identify as he sighed and knelt down next to her.
“Ok, remember the first day?” He asked seriously, and Flowers nodded, scrunching her face to try to remember exactly. “I said that sometimes dogs bite, yes? Can you remember what else I said?”
“Something… something about it might be sick?”
“That’s good,” Bat said encouragingly. “Yes, the dog might be sick, so letting it lick you isn’t the best idea, which is why you should have dropped that bone and come straight out, just to be safe.”
“I can be sick just by being licked?”
“Well, there’s a bit more to it than that, but we want to play it safe. There’s a type of illness that’s very nasty, that animals like dogs and foxes seem to get a lot. I can’t remember the name, but it makes the animals very scary, and become very afraid of water. If an animal like that bites you, we don’t know how to make you better.”
Foxglove felt herself go numb all over with dread. If she couldn’t be made better, she’d either be sick forever or she’d die! She felt the weight of that fate settle in on her, and in the absolute silence that followed as she contemplated her own mortality… she heard the faint sound of water being lapped up.
She smiled triumphantly at Bat, who had let his head flop forwards in defeat.
“I wish I could tell the dog that you’re not going to learn any lessons if it keeps proving me wrong,” his voice was resigned but his eyes were sparkling with laughter. “We’ll wait a few minutes and then see if we need to put another batch of water in the dish. This time,” he caught Flowers’ arm before she could dive back into the crawl space. “This time, we won’t push the bowl quite so far in. If you really think it’s friendly, let’s see if we can encourage it to come out, ok?”
Flowers nodded, shaking herself free of Bat’s cautionary grip and wriggling back into the darkness once more.
It looked like the dog had come forwards slightly; she could see a bit more of it’s face beyond those eyes, and the flicker of pink as it alternated between licking the bone and licking the water dish made her break out into a smile.
“Hey, dog,” she said softly before going any further. It’s eyes flickered over to her slightly, and it resumed attention on the bone. “I’m going to come in a little closer and try to get a look at the water bowl, ok?” She shuffled herself forwards a bit more, and the dog paused in its licking briefly to keep an eye on her, but didn’t shrink away. “You really like that bone, huh? I think Hawk said it used to be a deer. There are lots of those.”
If it understood her, it wasn’t giving any indication as it held the bone daintily between it’s front paws, and started to chew it enthusiastically. Flowers reached out slowly, making sure to keep her hand away from the bone and the mouth, especially now she could see the size of the teeth it had. It froze, watching her hand, mouth open almost comically as she reached to slide the bowl towards her, and only resumed chewing when she started withdrawing.
The bowl was definitely empty, and Flowers wriggled back slightly and passed it out to Bat, who filled it back up obligingly and passed it back to her.
“Remember, don’t put it all the way in - see if it’ll want to come out for it,” Bat called as Flowers contorted herself around the space, doing her best not to spill any of the water. She didn’t push herself or the bowl any further in this time, just as Bat said.
“Hey, Dog?” She said, and the dog stopped chewing and looked at her. “I’m going to leave the water here, ok? There’s a bit more room, so it’s easier for you to drink, and then I’ll leave you alone for the night.” She paused - something had moved in the shadows behind the animal, she was sure of it, a shadowy blur and the muffled clatter of concrete dust and stone. She swallowed, trying to make her voice sound as brave as she could. “Me and Bat will be back tomorrow, ok? I don’t know if we’ll have any food to spare, but we’ll bring water, there’s lots of that.” She gave one last parting stare as far back into the shadows as she could, but whatever had moved wasn’t there any more. “Be careful, I love you, bye.”
“Did you just tell the dog you love it?” Bat asked incredulously as she sat up from crawling back out. Flowers felt herself get defensive.
“Well, yeah,” she answered, sticking her chin up defiantly as she dusted herself off. “You and all the others were all telling me to be kind the other night, and the dog is sad and alone, so I thought it’d help if it knew that I love it.”
Bat gave her a long, searching look.
“Do you?” He asked at length. “Do you love it?” Flowers tilted her head, thinking.
“I think I do,” she said slowly, “I mean, not the same way I love you and Brick and Hawk and the rest,” she paused, thinking carefully, then sighed almost to herself. “I even love Willow, I think, even if she can be mean sometimes.”
Bat chuckled, and held out a hand, which she took readily, but they didn’t start walking home just yet.
“You really love me?” He asked, and something in his voice seemed to shift slightly in the gathering gloom. Flowers frowned, and went to pull her hand away from his, but he held on tight, staring at her.
“You’re holding too tight,” she said, and her voice came out smaller and tighter than before. Bat was kneeling now, staring at her so intently it made Hawk’s eyes look soft, and that shifting feeling seemed to get worse.
“Answer the question,” he said, and his voice was eerily flat. “Do you really love me?” Flowers tugged again, harder this time, and her vision swam as tears started welling up.
“Let me go!” She said again, and this time she was louder but she could hear how scared she was, she sounded like a little baby, and she squeezed her eyes tight, trying not to cry. This wasn’t Bat. It looked like Bat, sounded like Bat, its hands even felt like Bat’s, but it wasn’t Bat.
“Answer me true, and I’ll release you.” As she watched, not-Bat was starting to look less and less like Bat, its features lengthening and the eyes turning from the deep comforting brown she knew to an endless glittering gold. “Do you really love me?”
Something clicked into place in Flower’s head. Something about threes. She stopped pulling and planted her feet, staring back at it defiantly.
“I love Bat!” She yelled, shouting directly into the face that no longer looked like her friend. “And you are not Bat!”
Time seemed to stop as she said it, and she watched as the strange face shifted from Not-Bat into something stranger, the mouth shrinking and vanishing as something that looked like fur spread across the once-smooth skin of her friend’s face. It stood, still holding her hands in both of its, and she felt her arms pull up above her head.
With every ounce of determination in her tiny frame, she pulled back, refusing to let it lift her off her feet.
I am rock, I am metal, I am iron, I am heavy, I’m heavy, I’m too heavy for you, she thought, squeezing her eyes shut, and felt her backside dip towards the ground slightly.
Imagine your stomach is full of rocks, Fresh had told her once, and that your legs are like trees that are in the ground. You have to imagine it really hard, and then people won’t be able to pick you up.
She’d tried it with Fresh, but she wasn’t sure if it had worked; they were very strong, so they might have been able to pull trees out of the ground. They had ruffled her hair and pretended to steal her nose, and said she’d done just fine.
I am a tree, my legs are two trees, I am stuck to the ground, stuck in the ground, I am too heavy for you!
She heard a hiss in front of her as the thing strained to pick her up. She didn’t dare open her eyes, didn’t dare look at what the not-Bat was now, but she had to do something.
“Help!” She tried, but her throat was dry and her voice came out as little more than a squeak. The not-Bat laughed, the sound watery and horrible.
“Your Bat was very tasty,” it burbled, “so strong and gentle. Before I eat you, little one,” and she felt a waft of acrid breath on her cheek. “I would like you to know that he loved you too.”
There was a scrambling sound behind her, and suddenly the grip on her hands was gone, wrenched away painfully as she sat down with a heavy thump, the concrete making her breath whoosh out of her. There was a horrible growling sound in front of her, and she opened one eye a crack.
Dog was between her and the not-Bat, lips pulled all the way back in a ferocious snarl, the dirty fur on it slowly fluffing up into a solid line all down its back. Its tail was between its back legs, and its whole body shook, but it held itself there, between her and the monster.
The not-Bat was picking itself up from where it had been knocked down, and she didn’t know how it had ever tricked her. It had two arms and legs, but there the resemblance to anything like a person stopped. It towered over her, taller than any of the others back home, taller than if three of them stood on each others shoulders, and in it’s face was a pair of glittering golden eyes, and nothing else. No mouth, no nose, no ears - she wasn’t sure how she had felt its breath when it said it was going to eat her, but she pushed that thought away - monsters don’t make sense.
The not-Bat cocked it’s head, it’s attention now entirely focused on Dog, and Flowers looked around frantically. Iron was supposed to be best, but all she could see was lumps of concrete rock. She reached for one that looked like it would fit into her hand and stood slowly, feeling the weight of it as she stared across at the monster.
It seemed very unwilling to come close to Dog, and sank down to the ground on all fours to almost match Dog’s posture, limbs splayed out awkwardly. Something on it’s face shifted, the fur moving inwards slightly as if there was a mouth and the fur was getting pulled in with each breath.
“Three for three,” she said softly, almost dreamily, knowing that she understood… and yet, not quite sure what she understood. “How long have you been Bat?” She was surprised at the question, surprised that she’d dared to ask anything and risk drawing it’s attention back to her. It’s head snapped up slightly, but its eyes remained focused on Dog, who was still trembling all over despite the fierce snarl.
“Long enough to know where you sleep,” not-Bat chuckled darkly, and Flowers felt herself get cold at the thought. All the kids were in danger now - they’d need to move. She swallowed hard and gripped the rock tighter.
“What are you?” She asked, curiosity overriding her desire to run. It shuddered, and the fur rippled slightly, making it took liquid.
“No names,” it hissed, “but once, I would lie in the dark places; under beds, behind doors, next to windows. I was the shape in the blink of your eye, the shadow on your chest as you dreamed.”
Flowers nodded. Something about this felt strange, like it wasn’t really happening, but shockingly, painfully real at the same time. She glanced down, trying to think of a third question, and noticed at her feet a metal bar, rust lying in the crevices of the strange twists in it. She dropped the rock, and slowly reached for the bar instead, pulling it free from the rubble, feeling the weight of it pull the end towards the ground slightly. Seeing it, the creature hissed again and recoiled, looking very much like it wanted to run - but it stayed where it was, almost rooted to the spot.
Abruptly, everything settled into place in her head, and she felt a strange calm come over her.
“You can’t go until I’ve asked you the third question,” she was careful to not change her voice, not raise it at the end the way she did when she was asking Bat so many questions that he’d always answered so patiently. She took a breath, and, trusting that Dog would help if needed, pushed one foot forward, taking a step towards the monster. The rippling she’d noticed was getting more pronounced now, like waves were running up and down the skin underneath all the fur, and it was trying to back away without moving any of it’s limbs.
It looked a little like Dog had, trying to shove itself back into the depths of a corner to hide - but it was out in the open, and it couldn’t get away from her.
She took another step forward, and the metal in her hand felt like it was meant to be there. She felt a nudge at her legs, and knew that Dog was there, trembling and terrified, but ready if she asked.
One last step, and she was right in front of it now, watching it try to back away with something unseen keeping it firmly in place. Fear was starting to ebb, replaced by something that bubbled and roiled within her, that pushed at the edges and yearned to be unleashed with a burst of violence.
“Hawk told me to be kind,” she said, staring at the thing in front of her that was now rapidly shifting and twisting, desperately struggling against its own rules. “But I think Hawk would understand that I can’t be kind all the time.” She hefted the bar over her shoulder, mimicking the pose she’d seen the older kids doing as they got ready to go on supply runs. “I could be. Right now, I could be. But I don’t want to be kind.”
The creature abruptly stopped it’s violent rippling and shifting, and golden eyes fixed on hers, swirling and pooling to familiar brown.
“Flowers,” and it was Bat’s voice pleading, Bat’s eyes begging, he was there, he was there-!
She took a breath, and looked down.
The animal didn’t look up, but instead stayed laser focused on the being in front of them both. At her unspoken question, it curled it’s top lip again and snarled, the sound low and guttural and certain. Flowers nodded, and looked back at the not-Bat.
“Ok, then,” she said, and swung.
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fleet-admiral-hiba · 1 year
I have an idea for the Little Fox series.
So, i was the one who requested that we travel somewhere with a Fatui (and not get lost).
It ended with us catching a sight of green hair which was collei's.
What if the Little Fox met with Collei?
I'm curious on how you'd think collei would react.
Anyways, that's all I've got to say .
Have a great day/night wherever you are :)
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Your stay in Mondstadt was going wonderfully: you spent time with your uncle and you had fun exploring the city.
But tha green haired girl never left your mind. So you called your uncle that night to ask him about her.
Y/n: "Hey, Uncle Dottore. I have some questions" you said on the phone, and he was more than happy to answer them. You had only to say green and girl, his mind already racing to piece together the pieces.
"I know who you're talking about, hope your sat down, I have a story to tell you" he started and told you the Fatui version of her backstory.
You saw a kid wearing a Fatui coat, and he noticed you. You scampered to hide, not wanting to interact with them.
What was a child so young doing with them?
Amber and Jean saw you and were concerned. With them around, your anxiety could cause you to relapse. Especially given the history.
"Who was that?" , Amber was torn between telling you or not, but she had met the child and he was nothing like them, "Y/n, he's a sweet kid. Very funny and bright".
You weren't sure it could have been the truth, but with them around, better to be safe than sorry.
"Can I have more turns with Tighnari or out in the forest? Even missions abroad are fine" you asked the acting Grand master.
She granted the request, knowing well enough that by keeping you safe, there would be no diplomatic issues. Your health was their priority.
You went back, still thinking about what happened.
Maybe he was safe, maybe he hadn't experienced what you had.
Dottore was intrigued by the turn of event. And if he could get her back ... But that was a thought for another time.
The important things is you and your safety.
It would be a shame if another Black fire incident happened in the land of the free
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 18
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Warnings: 18+ readers only, angst, kidnapping
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC: Elizabeth Y/L/N (created so you don't get Y/N and Y/S/N consistently mixed up. I do not condone any copying of this.
ELIZABETH STARED AT HERSELF IN THE MIRROR. She had put the outfit together the way that Natasha had told her. The thick black socks underneath the knee high boots. The leather stuck to her, but it felt comfortable. The shorts were frayed and tight and she wondered if her ass looked big in them. But she couldn't tell. The shirt was cute though and she liked it a lot.
Natasha had taught her that she could stick knives into the sides of her boots and she had done so, one of Loki's knives in each one. Ever since Loki had told her about the dangers of being a soulmate of the Avengers, and ever since realizing that she was not the one they wanted, she knew she would have to learn to protect herself, because they would not be around to protect her.
She had, of course, overheard Bucky's comment after the game. She had thought, at first, that maybe it was just the saltiness of him losing the game. But both Hogun and Sam were legitimately pissed and angry, both unwilling to explain why, and so she knew, of course, that it was a façade for when she was living in the tower. Bucky didn't actually want her.
She wished she didn't feel as disappointed as she had felt. She had always prepared herself, had always braced herself. But with the soulmates being Avengers. . . she had let those guards down. Just because they were superheroes didn't suddenly mean they were flawless and willing to accept every soulmate they had. She had forgotten that.
She wanted to go back to the farm desperately. Fall planting season had already started and all she could think about was her father planting the corn and pumpkins by himself. He needed her, his tone had conveyed that much when she'd spoken to him yesterday night after dinner.
She needed someone to talk to. Her father was the best bet. Her father who understood her about everything.
Of course, she wouldn't tell him about Bucky. She didn't want to cause future problems for Y/N and him. That would be unreasonable.
She lifted her eyes to her face in the mirror. She'd almost never worn makeup before, only keeping it up during school. She had to admit, the paired makeup looked wonderful. A dark red-brown-unidentifiable colour sat upon her lips. A dark indigo eyeliner and sparkly lavender eyeshadow. Pink blush. Tan undereye. She'd been complimented by the stylist that she didn't need mascara because her eyelashes were already long enough. She supposed it was a compliment at least.
She turned away from the mirror. She didn't need any of this. She was only wearing it because Y/N seemed happy enough about it. Hogun had never cared about her dressing up or wearing more makeup than some concealer and lipstick.
Natasha had suggested that she pair the outfit with a dark black coat. It was fall after all and a bit chilly out, especially in Manhattan, New York.
She rummaged in the closet, finding that there seemed to be more clothes in here than she last remembered. More shirts that matched the one she was wearing now, identical pairs of shorts in other colours. She knew she hadn't bought this stuff.
She found a black coat, putting it on and decided to leave without looking to see how it matched. It didn't matter at this point. If her soulmates suddenly came flocking to her because of how she looked, then they weren't the kind of soulmates she wanted anyways.
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YOU WERE GETTING READY IN YOUR ROOM upstairs. You had finally decided on a sparkly dress that seemed made of glitter. The dress seller had kept the dress in a plastic bag, a knot tied a the bottom to keep the sparkles contained inside the bag. The dress was F/C.
The top crossed so that the straps circled around your head in a sort of 'x' motion. There was an oval shaped opening, the sides holding your large breasts together. It ended halfway down your thighs, and clung to every part of your body, showing off your curves and helped make your ass look thic.
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You curled your hair and did your makeup, both to the extreme look. You looked drop dead gorgeous and were so excited to go to the club tonight. Ivy and Kaylee were going to meet you guys there.
You hoped that the night out would help repair everything. Everyone had been rather stressed recently, but everything would be fine now. Clint was back, some information recovered and give to Bruce and Tony. Maria and Fury would be joining you all at the club.
Rhodey was the only one staying home, as he knew from experience that if he went he would be put on the designated drivers list. He hated being designated driver and said he'd rather just get drunk at home.
Happy was now the designated driver, but he didn't care because he was always the designated driver. And apparently he liked a slightly drunk Pepper because she said crazy, hilarious things about gay swans.
You slipped on your high heels, which matched the colour of your dress. You headed downstairs and were greeted lovingly by Tony as he kissed you passionately and told you that you looked beautiful.
"Just about everyone is already in the car. Just waiting on Hogun, Loki, and your sister." Tony explained. "I told Happy I'd be last in the car but-"
The elevator door opened again and Elizabeth stepped out. Compared to you, she didn't hold a candle, but she was beautiful in her own way. The makeup complimented her features beautifully.
"Hey sweetheart." Tony said, kissing her cheek.
"Hi Tony." Elizabeth said quietly. "You look handsome."
"And you look gorgeous." Tony winked. "We're still waiting on Hogun or Loki, but you can get in the limo if you want."
"I think I'll wait." Elizabeth said softly, looking back towards the elevator.
She didn't have to wait long, Hogun and Loki came down together. Loki was wearing a gorgeous black tuxedo and Hogun was wearing a navy blue. Hogun's eyes lit up when he saw your sister, making a beeline towards her, kissing her with the same passion as Tony had with you.
"Alright." Tony said, "Here we go."
Tony offered you a hand into the car, following you in after. You seated yourself down next to Stephen so that Tony could have the other side of the handsome magician.
Elizabeth and Hogun took a seat near the very back, away from everyone else. She was talking to him in a low, urgent voice and he was nodding, rubbing the back of her hand lovingly. Once she sat back and stopped talking, she looked at peace, almost happy.
You turned your attention to the rest of your soulmates, all equally delicious in different coloured tuxes. Bucky, in particular, looked absolutely delectable in a pure black suit. His eyes met yours and they were hungry, looking you up and down.
'You're mine tonight.' He mouthed at you and you could feel the heat pooling into your core. You shifted in your seat, blushing and looking away from him as he smirked.
The club was brightly lit, loud music could be heard from outside. The street outside wasn't that busy, as the entrance more commonly used was in the back.
Happy pulled around so that the lot of you could get off, heading into the club. Tony had you on his arm and Stephen walked on the other side of you, leading you up to a private floor. The music up here was just as loud, the alcohol unlimited, the other partygoers higher class, and the potato chips crisper- you swore.
Tonight, was going to be an amazing night.
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
ELIZABETH DECIDED SHE HATED THE CLUB. Looking around, all she saw were drunk people. Drunk strangers, drunk sister, drunk Avengers. Even the Asgardians- including Hogun- were drunk. She knew Loki had spiked their drinks with Asgardian liquor.
She knew it was their night to relax and let loose, so she didn't care that much. But she felt alone. More alone than if they were all at the tower, because at least then Hogun and Sam were with her. But not now. Hogun was racing Thor in drinks. Sam was ogling at other women on the stage, eyes slanted.
She hated alcohol. She hated smoking. She hated drugs. She was the typical good girl and she knew it.
Her father had always told her that you never consumed something you didn't grow yourself. Who knew what pesticides and GMOS and metals were in something you didn't grow yourself. Alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs were big no nos. Unless you made them yourself of course, but even then her father frowned on it. She'd only seen him drink beer a handful of times, and never when he was upset.
She thought she was going to gag as the smells of alcohol and cigarette smoke became more and more potent. Smoke hazed around the entire place, burning her eyes as well.
Her chest was dry heaving, like she wanted to break down and sob.
"Hey pretty thing." A voice next to her made her jump and she saw a stranger next to her. He was a skinny thing and short, with way to much hair and a thousand piercings on his face. "Wanna come home with me."
Her voice was caught in her throat and she thought for a panicked moment that she wasn't going to be able to say anything. Then she managed to say. "No. I'm here with my so- friends. Please leave me alone."
Her hand inched down to her boot to grab the knife in case she needed it, but the guy, though he looked disappointed sauntered off. She wondered for a moment how he'd gotten up here in the private room. Although, it wasn't really that private.
The smoke grew thicker. She could feel her throat constricting more. Her body was shaking and she realized she was feeling claustrophobic once more.
Her eyes darted over to the group and her heart fell out of her chest. Y/N was straddling Bucky, the two of them almost tearing clothes off of each other at the table.
She closed her eyes. 'You made a choice. Father would be disappointed if you lost your virginity before marriage. You must be pure before God. You've made this choice. You must stick with it. Imagine how bad it'll look if you don't.'
The loneliness dug into her heart. She wanted to at least be with Hogun. She could kiss him, just not have sex. She looked at Hogun who was nearly collapsed on the table, eyes strained red as he admitted his loss to Thor.
A scream bubbled up to her lips and before she knew what she was doing, she was almost running from the room. Racing down the stairs and throwing the backdoor open.
The cold, clean air whipped through her lungs and she raced towards the clump of woods that were near the building. The scream burst through her lips and it was one of frustration and fear, tears falling down her face.
She collapsed to her knees, pulling herself into a small ball, rocking back and forth. Eyes squeezed tight. Shaking. The sky was so open here. No smoke. No walls. No loneliness. The farm. She needed the open farm.
"Are you alright?" A voice made her shake and she looked up. For a moment, she thought it was Rhodey and it made her leap to her feet. But once she was standing, wiping her eyes, she realized that the man in front of her was not Rhodey. He wasn't even black, but Asian.
"I am now." She whispered, becoming fully aware of how it must've looked.
"Are you lost?" He continued and she could now pick up the slight accent. He was new to America at least, the accent possibly Chinese though she couldn't tell completely.
"No. No, my friends are in the building over there. But I'm. . . the smoke was getting to me. And the alcohol."
"Oh yeah, that makes sense." He nodded. "I'm Korean so I know how that is about alcohol."
She nodded, brushing her cheeks. "I should go back to them."
"Yeah," He nodded. "Well, have a good night."
"You too." She murmured, walking back towards the building. She didn't want to go back in and she hesitated by the door. She could wait out here, couldn't she?
She turned to see if Happy had left the door unlocked and only just saw the same man attack her, felt the needle pierce her skin.
She ducked then as she felt her vision go black and blurry, yanking the knife from her shoe and before she blacked out, the last thing she heard was a manly scream, as the tip of the knife met flesh. 
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zombryz · 2 years
♡ all my suffering ♡ chapter 3
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˗ˏˋ hello ˎˊ˗    & thx for reading... again :3
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Chapter Three
masterlist | Prev. Chapter 1 | Prev. Chapter 2 | Next Chapter 4  | ao3 | playlists (dabi & shigaraki)
Pairings: Shigaraki x f!reader x Dabi
A/N: This will soon have some season 6 of bnha spoilers! Please read with that in mind :) - This is an ongoing story! Last update 3.18.2023
Warnings: Specific to this chapter - SMUT, like a dirty amount... sorry not sorry, unrequited love, lemon, angst, fluff, Dabi is hot, that’s all
Word Count: 5k
Later that week, Shigaraki went to visit Overhaul at one of his strongholds without telling any of the other league members.
“Not all of our guests have the best intentions,” Overhaul says, looking up at Shigaraki, “and we like our privacy.”
Overhaul is sitting on a dark purple couch opposite Shigaraki, who is standing in front of the couch on his side of the room. His hands are in his pockets, and he is wearing his long black trench coat paired with the pale grey hand that takes its normal place as his mask.
“Why am I really here?” Shigaraki boldly interrupts Overhaul, already done with his antics. He thinks he has every right to kill him right here and now for what he did back at the warehouse. He doesn’t act on his urges, though. Instead, he hears out the leader of the Yakuza stronghold.
The strategy chess game, shogi, sits in front of the two men on top of a small, round coffee table. Overhaul picks up one of the chess pieces before answering the league’s leader. 
“Shogi is an interesting game because you can use the pieces you steal from your opponent,” Overhaul leans forward a bit and raises an eyebrow, smirking at Shigaraki through his plague doctor mask, “I want Toga or Y/N, and maybe even Twice,” he lowers his tone before continuing, “I don’t feel at ease when they’re doing your bidding." He looks back up at Shigaraki to gauge his immediate reaction to wanting to steal his league members.
Shigaraki sighs and finally takes a seat on the matching dark purple couch behind him while propping one foot up on the coffee table, causing the chess pieces to shake on the board. He also leans forward to grab his knee, making himself comfortable. 
“You guys want to capitalize on our reputation, and we want to increase our strength,” Shigaraki leans back into the couch now, appearing aloof, “Our needs seem to coincide at the moment, but we still call the shots here. Either this is a joint partnership or I walk out the door.” Overhaul’s men get closer to Shigaraki, not particularly happy with his threatening undertone.
“So those are your conditions then?” Overhaul sighs, annoyed with the man’s demands.
“The scales are far from even. Need I remind you about Magne,” he pauses, “and Compress’ arm?” Shigaraki hisses out. Overhaul’s eyes are glued to him now; he waits until he’s finished talking before he speaks again. Shigaraki looks up toward the ceiling before continuing, not looking at anything in particular but thinking of you, “You can forget about Y/N; you can’t have her.” 
“Oh?” Overhaul perks up and leans back a little more interested in what has Shigaraki not wanting to give you up, “Is she special or something?” he asks with a sly smile.
“No.” Shigaraki’s face grows warm under his mask. He takes his eyes off the ceiling to look back at Overhaul, “It would just be really dumb of me to give you our healer,” he tsks, narrowing his eyes. Shigaraki hates being questioned this much.
“Surely you can lend her to me just for one week?” he retorts. Overhaul pokes at him a little more. He wants to know just how far he would be willing to fight for you.
Shigaraki thinks for a moment. It would give him the upper hand if he was on good terms with the Yakuza. You have also proved that you could hold your own in a fight against Overhaul, especially since you were the only one to make him bleed. Plus, you would have Toga and Twice with you, and he trusts them.
“Fine, one week.”
The next morning, Shigaraki approached you while you were in the room that Toga and you had decided to share. Toga had already started putting up her posters again and changed out the bed sheets before she left with Twice for the day. You had found an old hero magazine in the closet of the bedroom and hoped to find anything about yourself in there to jog your memory, but sadly, it was about 10 years old and held no information about you or any of the villains you were with. The house must’ve been abandoned for about that long, you thought to yourself. You were in the center of the room atop an old mattress, lying on your stomach and swinging your feet in the air still reading the magazine when Shigaraki entered the bedroom doorway. You were facing the window with your back facing the door, so you couldn’t see who it was. He was quiet and took a moment to watch you as you read all the old hero drama. There it was—that warm feeling returning to his face as he watched you swing your feet happily behind you. He didn’t quite understand the feeling, though. He just knew he hated it. It was about midday, and from the looks of it, you and him were the only two inside the house. 
“Are you just going to stand there and watch me, or are you going to say something?” You felt the presence of someone behind you; after all, you are a trained hero. It didn’t matter how quiet he was being. 
Your heart immediately starts racing the moment he speaks. You were not expecting his voice at all, he never comes to talk to you. He’s usually MIA or will avoid you like the plague. You had really thought he was Dabi, or maybe even Toga or Twice. Why is Shigaraki at your bedroom door? 
“I need to talk to you,” he calmly replies, taking off the hand covering his face. You turn around to face him while sitting up in bed to cross your legs. He must’ve just gotten back from wherever he had been all morning. He looks exhausted, to say the least, like maybe he pulled an all nighter. 
“You don’t look so good, is everything alright?” You express your concern a little too quickly and almost immediately regret asking him that because you didn’t want to annoy him. You frown up at him with wide eyes, but he doesn’t take his eyes off the floor. He can’t bring himself to look at you right now, especially since he can’t calm the warmth in his cheeks.
“I’m fine,” he huffs like a kid in trouble, “I have a job for you, I hope you’re ready.” He states this matter-of-factly. He finally looks up at you to gather your reaction, shaking off the warmth from before.
You excitedly jump up from the bed and cross the room in a dancing manner with your arms behind your back. It had been about a month or so since you joined the league. You were hoping that they would all start trusting you. Plus, you were getting really bored being left behind all the time. “Great! When do I start?” you ask with a big smile that could melt any boy's heart.
Shigaraki stood in the doorway and shifted uncomfortably as you started closing in on him. He stiffened up and straightened his back to his full height, which took up most of the doorway. He hated that you made him so nervous whenever you were in close proximity, but he also hated the idea of handing you over to Overhaul. He’d rather have you close to him, always. 
“I’m giving you to Overhaul,” he grumbles like the words he spoke were poison. “You’ll be with Toga and Twice, so don’t cause any trouble.” He’s looking down at you now, and you are looking up at him. “You will join the Hassaikai tomorrow.” His breath hitched; you were only a couple of inches away from him now, close enough that he could smell your hair. Which coincidentally smelled like strawberries, and he would never admit how much he liked it.
“I hate that guy,” you frown up at him. The corner of his mouth pulled up as he stared at you through heavy-lid eyes. Suddenly you’re the one who is nervous. You avert your eyes and look at the wall, your heart racing again.
“So do I,” he doesn’t take his eyes off of yours. He notices the redness pooling in your cheeks, and his eyes start trailing down to your lips, which were perfectly pouty. He pauses for a moment and realizes you’re nervous too. He can’t believe it. It’s gotta be because you’re intimidated by him, right? There’s no way you’re actually flustered because of him. He wants more than anything to apologize for hurting you. He doesn’t even know where to start though, he’s never apologized for anything. Instead, he soaks in the silence between you two. He doesn’t want to part ways yet because then that would mean leaving this moment forever. Little does he know you don’t want to part ways either, having him in your space is comforting and you didn’t understand why.
“Honey, we’re hommmeeee!” Twice’s voice echoes through the empty house. 
You were much closer to Shigaraki than a moment ago. Twice’s entrance made you jump a bit causing you to join Shigaraki in his personal bubble. You tried clearing your throat to make it less awkward but Shigaraki didn’t seem to care at all. Instead of getting mad at you or telling you it was okay to make you feel better, he immediately fell back into his stern leader persona. He placed the hand back over his face and left your room without saying another word. He left it feeling much colder and emptier than before.
Later that evening, after you had showered, you came back into your room to find Toga laying across the mattress, cutting people out of the magazine you had been reading earlier. She had a sinister smile plastered on her face as she glued them to the floor. You had no idea what was going through her head, so you got dressed without interrupting her. 
“Hey, do you know where Dabi is?” you hesitantly asked her, running your fingers across your lips almost instinctively. You wondered if anyone had told him about you leaving. You hadn’t seen him since he kissed you, and you hoped he was okay. 
“Hmmm,” Toga brings a finger up to her cheek to make her think harder. “I don’t really know; last I saw him he was talking to Shigaraki, and then he took off into the woods while you were in the shower,” Toga hums at you.
"Thanks, Toga, I’ll be back,” you said, finishing putting on an oversized black t-shirt and an old pair of crimson riot pajama pants before brushing back your wet hair. You ran out of the big house to try and catch up to Dabi; he couldn’t have gotten too far. The screen door smacked against the old wood as you walked down the front steps. The sun was setting, and the sun itself was being engulfed by the dark gray sky. There was little sunlight left, so you tried to scan the forest for any sign of where Dabi had gone. There were just miles and miles of trees in front of you, which had you discouraged until you saw blue flames in the distance that caused a disruption to all the birds in the area as you saw them take off flying into the sunset. As soon as you zoned into his location, you took off running towards him. He was only about a quarter of a mile away, and now that you were in the forest, you had hoped that he didn’t leave his current location, or else you had no hope of finding him again. After a few minutes of walking through the dark forest, you noticed a little shed that had a blue campfire out in front of it. You’d recognize those flames anywhere. You stepped closer to the shed and thought it would be fun to try and sneak up on him. You went into stealth mode and stepped slowly and quietly toward the shed when suddenly a large burnt-up hand descended into your peripherals, grabbing a hold of your face to cover your mouth. You didn’t panic, though; instead, you turned to Dabi and punched him playfully in the chest while bursting into a fit of laughter. 
“How do we always end up in this position, darling?” His voice was husky, and his laugh was even deeper. It had been months since he first captured you in the woods that night. You were putting up much more of a fight then, he thought. It's crazy how much he's grown to care about you in that short amount of time.
After your laughter dies down, you give him a more earnest look in the dim blue light. The fire was crackling, and one of the logs cracked before falling apart, and the woods went quiet. “He’s giving me to Overhaul,” your voice came out shaky, and it was the first time you really understood what that meant for you. It meant that you could die under his control. “I don’t want to go.” You feel like you were on the verge of tears.
“I know, he told me.” Dabi remains calm although it feels like he’s being ripped apart inside. He leans back against one of the trees behind him and looks up at the stars as he speaks again, “It’ll be okay. He said it’s only for a week. You’re much stronger than you think you are.” 
As you stand next to the fire, you feel small under his gaze. Dabi was so confident that you were going to be okay that you believed him. You crossed your arms and stared into the dancing blue flames, lost in thought. What were you doing here? Why did you come to see him? Was it because you were worried about him or because he is becoming a comfort for you? All of this was so confusing.
“Hey,” Dabi noticed the worried look on your face and pushed himself off the tree to step closer to you. “You’ll be okay. Shigaraki and I would never let anything bad happen to you,” he said, bending down a little to make sure you were looking at him. 
“Yeah, ok,” you inhaled deeply, “I trust you.” Your voice was above a whisper; you didn’t even mean to leave Shigaraki out. It’s not like you don’t trust him; you’re just still unsure. Dabi, however, felt better about you saying you trust him and not Shigaraki. It meant that he didn’t really stand a chance at winning your heart. “So,” you tried to change the subject to get your mind off of leaving, “what are you doing out here?” You look up at him and realize he’s actually standing pretty close to you now. 
“Come here,” he grabs your hand, and for the first time your palm is in his. His hand was still warm from lighting the fire. You wondered if his flames hurt him. It would explain his scarred skin, but you never wanted to pry. He guided you to the shed that you had noticed earlier. It was also very abandoned and weathered. It looks like it may have been white in the past, like the house, and probably doubled as a small green house. You then wondered about the types of people who lived there before and where they were now. Dabi dove under the broken wooden door frame that looked like it had been slowly falling apart for years. He then reached out and placed a palm on top of your head to guide you into the shed with him, making sure that you wouldn’t hit your head on the wooden plank above. Once you were inside, you moved the damp pieces of your hair that had become disheveled from Dabi out of your face so that you could look around. You were in awe at how many little blue flames you saw surrounding you. Dabi had lit candles atop the shelves and on the small rectangle tables that were in the middle of the shed; there were even some on the floor. The blue lighting was flickering and created a glow-like effect that bounced off the skylights. So it was used for a greenhouse, you thought. Everything was overgrown but so beautiful. There were wildflowers everywhere, and you couldn’t help but smile. You spun around and your eyes landed on Dabi, who was holding out a bright blue nemophila flower that had five petals and a baby blueish-white center. You beamed up at him and happily took the flower. It didn’t really smell like anything, but the liveliness of it made you happy. When you looked behind Dabi, you saw a small mattress on the ground that had a few articles of clothing on it that looked like they belonged to him.
“Is this where you’ve been sleeping? Why not in the house with us?” You lower the flower from your face, and suddenly the awe factor is gone.
“Uh, I don’t know,” Dabi sighs defeatedly. “I guess I just like being alone,” he mutters.
“Oh,” you say under your breath and turn around to face away from him.
"I cherished sharing a bed with you in the beginning," Dabi admits, causing your heart to skip a beat. You hoped he wouldn't be able to hear how loud your heart was beating for him. "I wish it wasn't so short-lived," he said bitterly.
He is standing there with both hands in his pockets when you turn around to face him once more. You feel bad about this. You can't help but feel like it's your fault for his defeated stance. 
“Me too,” your voice was a little above a whisper, suddenly nervous.
Dabi immediately perks up at this and makes long and fast strides over to you. You watch as he approaches you with a purpose he didn’t have moments ago. You didn’t know it, but you basically gave him the go-ahead. He wasn’t sure where you two had left off when he kissed you last. All he knew was that he craved you and needed you to touch him. You gulped loudly once he stopped just a few inches away from you, waiting to see if you would tell him no or not. You didn’t, though. He stared at you with a hunger, like he was a wolf and you were his prey. When your hip collided with the edge of one of the tables, you realized he'd cornered you. It didn't matter because you desired him just as much. You were staring up at him with dark eyes and heavy breaths. He pushed forward and grabbed your face again, but this time he was a little rougher than before. He passionately kissed you, making your knees go weak. Suddenly, his laps became more aggressive, and you heard needy growls coming from him. He then leaned down without disengaging your lips and picked you up from just below your ass to lift you up onto the table. Your hands were holding his face now, and as he continued kissing you roughly, you ran your hands into his hair and pulled it down slightly, eliciting a small moan from the man and causing his lips to part with yours. You bit your lip and looked down at him; he was already looking up at you with his brows knitted together in pleasure. With both of your hands, you pushed back his spiky hair and freed his forehead. He was so beautiful like this. His blue eyes were so bright and matched the flower he had given you earlier. His hands trailed up your thighs and reached your hips. At the base of your hips, he lifted your shirt slowly and rubbed tiny circles on your lower stomach. The action made your thighs squeeze together tightly. You kissed him once more.
“Dabi, can you touch me?” You beg softly in his ear.
“Of course, princess,” he finally lifts your shirt up and over your head. You weren't wearing a bra, so your breasts were exposed, and you felt a little self-conscious in his presence. It didn’t last for long; he kissed you gently before looking down at your body. The hand that was rubbing your lower stomach now moved up slowly, and you could feel the staples on his wrist rub against your skin, sending chills up your body. Your nipples hardening from his touch. His kisses started trailing down your neck while his hands started trailing up to your chest. You leaned back on your hands and exposed your neck to him. He kissed your neck and ran his tongue down your clavicle. His hand finally reached your right breast. Your breath shudders as he starts palming your breast, gently at first and then rougher and rougher. It was your turn to moan now, and it was like music to his ears. You swung your leg in between his legs and felt how hard he was for you. You wanted him now. 
“Dabi,” you whimper.
“What is it, baby?” He moves his head back up to nuzzle the crevice of your neck.
“Please, I need you,” you begged once more.
He kisses down your neck again, and this time he takes your nipple into his mouth and bites gently. You whimper, and he sucks the pain away. His hands run up your body, and he is grabbing at all parts of you, needy for more and more. He’ll take every part of you that you’ll give him. He goes for your pajama pants now; he cradles the back of your head and lays you down on the table to rip at your pants. You help him untie the strings and wiggle them off your hips. He whips them off and throws them toward the bed. He kisses your legs while maintaining eye contact with you. Your face was burning red; you wanted him so badly. He pawed at your inner thighs before his eyes landed on your already-soaked panties. He is so hard for you that he doesn’t know how much longer he can go without being inside you, but he wants to savor you just as badly. His fingers reach the soaked part of your panties and he starts applying pressure in small circles with his thumb. You reach back behind you for anything you can hold onto while you ride his thumb. There was nothing to grab onto, so you try to scoot back as much as you can to push yourself against him more. He notices this and wants to give you everything you want. He pushes your underwear aside and slides his middle and ring fingers up your slit, lubricating them with your juices before slowly sliding them both inside you. You gasped and bit your bottom lip to suppress a moan. 
“You’re so tight,” he groans, while pumping his fingers in and out of you while rubbing his thumb on your clit. His words come out like he’s in pain; you suppose maybe he is. Maybe it hurts for him to get so hard. You start thinking about whether or not his dick is scarred too. He brings his other hand back up to your breasts and flicks your nipple before running his hand down your naval again, applying pressure to your stomach as he goes. You arch your back, and he thinks this is a perfect time to bring his mouth down to your heat. He replaces his thumb with his tongue, and when you look down at him, you notice his tongue is pierced, causing a cold sensation to hit your clit. It felt incredible. 
“Good girl,” he says in between laps. 
This has made you feral. You needed more, so much more. You brought your hands back into the picture and grabbed his head, forcing him closer to your body as you rode his face. This time you didn’t suppress your moans. You were so close; he kept the pace for you as you focused on coming all over his face. Your thighs tightened around him, and you scrunched your legs up towards your body as you rode out your orgasm. After your climax, you laid back on the wooden table and tried to catch your breath as much as you could. Once a few seconds had passed, you sat up to look at him, and your eyes went wide in fear. 
“Oh my god, Dabi, I’m so sorry,” you crawl down the table to cradle his face. You had ripped out two of his facial staples on either side of his cheeks, and he had trails of blood going down his neck. He just smiled up at you, his face glistening, although you could see his face splitting. 
“Are you kidding me? It was so worth it,” he said, reaching up to his face to try and reattach the staples that had come undone. 
“Here, let me help.” You sweetly rubbed his face with your thumb, activating your quirk just enough to make the staples go back in place. 
Once you fixed his staples, you could feel him still staring at you. His lustful gaze is still fixed on your naked body. The butterflies in your stomach never fully went away. They lusted after something else—something more. You hop off the table, and for a second time that night, you take his hand; this time you guide him over to the mattress that is in the corner. He follows and lays down without question. You signal for him to take off his pants, and so he does. He unbuckled his chunky black belt and pulled his pants down to his ankles, ripping them off and throwing them into the same pile with your clothes. His dick isn't scarred; in fact, it's pretty and pink. To your surprise, though, it’s also pierced. He has a Jacob’s ladder with three bar piercings through the shaft. Ouch. You weren’t all that surprised, though, considering how many piercings Dabi has all over his body; you just hated that he was in pain all the time. 
As if Dabi read your mind, “I like pain,” he blurts nervously. 
You don’t say anything; just take his dick into your hand and start slowly jerking him off. He shudders and leans his head back. You notice that his jawline and Adam's apple are more prominent like this. He is so fucking hot, you think. You adjust your posture and lean in to take him in your mouth. The sudden switch causes him to whimper slightly. You stare at him as you suck up and down his shaft, and his whimpers cause you to tighten your thighs together once more. He finally looks at you, and he swears he’s going to come immediately with how soft and lewd you look. His aggressive instincts are being restrained. He wants so badly to just shove your head down and make you choke around him, but he doesn’t. You are his princess right now; he has to contain himself. As if you read his mind, you go further down and choke yourself around him, causing tears to fill your eyes. His eyebrows knit together in pleasure, and he can't take it anymore. He is about to come into your mouth, but he stops himself. 
“Lay on your back,” he demands, showing the most domineering behavior he ever has. You oblige and lay on the mattress as he asked. He finally takes his shirt off and leans over you. He is super toned, and his scars are all over his chest, filled with staples. You make a mental note to be more careful this time. He kisses you while wrapping his arms around yours, cradling you. He leans down and reaches out to grab his manhood. He runs himself up your slit. He whined when he realized you were still extremely wet for him. He moves his tip to your entrance and slowly pushes in, allowing you to adjust to him. You gasp again, taking in his size. His piercings were also cold, causing you to tighten around him. He moans as he goes deeper and deeper. Once you’ve taken him all the way, he pumps in and out again to really get you used to him. You look up into his eyes, and he’s already looking down into yours. He kisses your cheek and wraps his arms around you more tightly before he starts humping into you at a quicker pace. You reach up to run your hands through his hair, which is now slicked across his forehead, so you push his hair back once more before bringing his forehead to yours. He slows his pace, and you notice he keeps edging himself. You push your forehead against his and move upwards to signal for him to switch positions. Without pulling out, he picks you up with him inside you and twists his body to sit on the mattress with you now on top of him. He really liked this angle; your breasts were now in his face, and he could watch himself go in and out of you. He takes both of your breasts into his hands and massages them both while you ride him. Back and forth, you rock on his dick. He was so deep inside you that it almost hurt. You quickened your pace, and the lewd look he gave you was to stop going so fast or he would come. Which is exactly what you wanted from him. You lowered yourself closer to his chest and kissed him before sitting back up. You lean back, put your hands on your ankles, and let your hips do the work. He grabbed your hips to keep you centered as you rode him, close to your orgasm. 
“Dabi, I’m going to come again,” you whine.
“Okay baby, come all over me,” he bites his lip to suppress his moans.
So you do, you come all over him again. As you slow your hips to ride out your orgasm, he grabs them to keep you close to him. He fucks up into you now, and you become overstimulated, but it feels so good.
“God, I want to come inside of you so fucking bad,” he whines with his eyes glued to yours. His whimpers make you give in.
“Come on, baby,” you bounce a little, forcing him over the edge, “come for me,” you call out to him, not getting off of him anyways, so he can’t not come inside of you. He moans loudly, and you feel his warm ropes filling you up as his dick twitches inside of you. 
You sit like this for a moment, and he reaches up to hug you with him still inside you. You wrap your arms around him and give into the closeness one last time before getting off of him. You crawl off of him, grab your clothes off the end of the bed, and throw him his. After getting dressed, you crawl back into bed and lay your head on his chest. You fell asleep so fast that you didn’t even realize it. He had pulled his blanket over the both of you and wrapped his arms around you, falling asleep soundly like he had that first night you joined the League. 
You had planned to sleep in your own room with Toga that night so that she could wake you up when it was time to go with the Hassaikai. Things didn’t go as planned, and you weren’t expecting to be woken up by none other than the leader of the league of villains himself.
“Do you know how long I’ve been walking around these woods aimlessly trying to find you idiots this morning?” Shigaraki was kneeling down in front of you two and angrily kicked Dabi’s foot to wake him. Dabi mumbled and slowly started waking up. Shigaraki’s giant nomu was posted for him at the door of the shed, and his huge googly eyes were peeking in. You sat straight up, wide-eyed, trying to remember where you were. “Get up; it’s time to meet with Overhaul,” he hisses. Oh, shit, this probably looks really bad. Dabi takes in what's happening and doesn’t say a word to his boss.
Before you could even apologize for oversleeping, having sex with Dabi, anything,  Shigaraki turned on his heel, looked back at you and Dabi through his mask, and sighed under his breath, “So you’ve chosen him,” he looks back toward his nomu before exiting the shed, “I should’ve known.” his voice now emotionless.
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singdreamchild · 1 year
To Answer The Call || Sofie & Cassius
Timing: Early morning Setting: Sofie’s Apartment Summary: Sofie runs home after a run in with a slayer and reaches out to Cassius for comfort. 
She had sprinted away the moment the slayer had let her go. Sofie was not a fan of being held hostage on the sidewalk with the sun creeping up onto the horizon. Ragged breaths wheezed out of her, as her bare feet pushed her forward. I need to stop wearing stilettos if hunters are going to keep finding me. The thought passed through her mind absently, as she drew in air that she didn’t need.  It was a comforting force of habit, and at that particular moment, she’d take all the comfort she could get. 
Especially since the sun had risen fifteen minutes ago. 
Sofie had taken a twisted path home, convinced that the slayer would follow her. Unless he already knew where she lived… The vampire cursed, the feeling of the sunlight against her skin causing her  to flinch.  Maybe even if they’d let her go, she was dead anyway. She could burn up in the sun, or they could be there waiting for her when she got home. Or maybe they had a friend to do their dirty work. Another few minutes that felt like ages, and her apartment was in view. 
Another five minutes, and she was running up the steps into her apartment, and tucking herself inside, locking the door tight behind her. She went through every inch of her apartment once, twice, three times. Sofie felt as though she were somewhere outside her body, watching herself walk about from somewhere on the ceiling. Sofie walked to the kitchen, snatching up a knife. Metzli was right about keeping a knife. Sofie dropped the cold metal onto her bedside table. She sat down on the edge of her bed, tugging a quilt up over her shoulders. Her lip wobbled as she let the tight control she had over herself go. A thump sounded as her upstairs neighbor began their day. Sofie nearly leapt out of her skin. She didn’t want to be alone right now. Frantic fingers dug through her purse until she found her phone in the depths of her bag. 
Her fingers flew over the screen as she typed in a message. She deleted and rewrote the last two words three times before she finally hit send. 
I know the sun is up, but can you come over? I’m scared. 
He didn’t do much of anything on the weekends. Sure, he went out to the club on Saturday nights, but other than that, he kept to himself. The four stone walls of the crypt had begun to prove uncomfortably quiet lately, as if something in him had changed. At that moment, Cassius found himself reading Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur, a collection of poems he found himself enveloped in. So involved in his book, he almost didn’t hear his phone vibrate (he never kept the ringer on). 
I’m scared.
That’s all it took for Cassius to spring up from the stone bench he sat on, quickly pulling on his wide brim hat and black trench coat that he kept on hand specifically to go out in the daylight. Pulling on a pair of gloves to cover his hands, he quickly exited the crypt and into the cemetery. He parked his car close by, nothing he couldn’t get to quickly with his enhanced speed. Usually he was more careful than this, but he knew that she wouldn’t send him something without it being truly important. 
I’m on my way, he sent her in response.
Once he got into his car, the rest of it was a blur. Cursing every time he hit a red light, speeding a bit too fast to get where he needed to be. As soon as he reached her apartment building, he made quick work of parking and unfastening his seatbelt. He pulled out his phone and quickly sent another text, letting her know that he had made it. He lowered his head toward the sun, trying to get as much shade onto his face as possible. 
Her phone had barely gone dark before it lit back up with a response. It was a strange mix of relief and guilt that washed over her. Relief that she wouldn’t be alone in her apartment when a hunter could very well have rethought his decision to let her know and be on his way to finish what he’d started. Guilt that she was putting him at risk. The sun was up. If the slayer had known who Sofie was, it was possible he’d kept tabs on anyone she’d been close to since coming to town. If something happened to Cassius on the way over, she’d never forgive herself. 
She paced back and forth as the minutes ticked by. What if he was too far away? What if something had happened. What if, what if, what if. Her phone lit up again, and she practically flew across her apartment to snatch it up. Her lip wobbled as relief flooded through her. She dropped the phone and ran out her apartment door and down the stairs to the entrance. She pushed open the door, and stopped for a moment, realizing she still didn’t have anything to protect her from the sun. Sofie realized she didn’t give a damn. She’d made it twenty minutes in the sun, one more wouldn’t kill her. She launched herself at Cassius, holding onto him as tightly as she could. 
He may have only known her for a short period of time, but Cassius knew that Sofie didn’t scare easily. Anyone who lived for as long as they had, had seen things. They had seen horrible things and wonderful things. They may be vampires, but that didn’t mean they were heartless monsters. Quite the opposite, he had met vampires that had bleeding hearts. His sire had been one of them, not able to watch a friend die. That’s why he had been so quick to respond, he knew something had to have happened to warrant this response. 
He had no time to look her over as she opened the door open and threw herself at him, and he quickly wrapped his arms around her, worrying for her as she ignored the morning sun beating down on her. He took off his hat and placed it on her head. “Let’s get inside, you can tell me what’s happened.” He spoke in a soft voice, pulling himself away enough to look down at her, brows knitted together in worry. “You’ve been out in the sun enough, it seems.” He commented, finally noticing the sunburn on her cheeks, angry and red. 
She felt a hat plop down on her head, a a sound burbled out of her that vaguely resembled a laugh. It was a bit too big for her head, and slipped down on her brow. Sofie tipped her head back to see his face crinkled in concern. His mentioning the sun brought her attention back to the warmth on her skin. A monster burning away in the sun. She thought absently. “Alright,” her voice was distant, but she unwrapped herself from around Cassius, picking up his hand as she drifted out of the sun and into the comfortable shade of the apartment. She led him back up the stairs, and locked the door behind them once the door was shut. 
It occurred to her that someone could have gotten into her home in the few minutes she’d been outside, so she quickly scanned the space to be certain nothing was out of place. Once she was sure, she deflated like a balloon that had made its acquaintance with a pin. “I know the sun is up, but thank you.” She looked at him with an attempt at a smile. “Do you want anything? Tea?” Sofie knew she was avoiding the topic, but she couldn’t bring herself to talk about what had happened with the slayer, and the things she hadn’t known.  Not yet. 
Cassius frowned at how absent-minded she seemed, which only increased his worry. Still, it was clear she didn’t want to talk about it. His worry only increased, but he knew better than to push someone on something that was clearly still very raw. As they walked up to her apartment, he noticed how she looked around as if waiting to find something… or rather someone. 
He was now certain that something had happened to her now that she was combing her apartment to make sure nothing was wrong, and he stood there, watching with that same worried expression. He had never seen her like this before, so paranoid and filled with worry. He wished he could do something to make it go away, but knew his presence alone would have to do for now. “Sofie,” he said softly, walking over to her and wrapping his arms around her, pulling her close. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to,” he murmured, continuing to hold her. “But you don’t have to pretend, not with me.”
Sofie stilled, allowing herself to feel the weight of his arms around her. She leaned into his chest, tucking her head under his chin. She let out a long shaky breath. “You deserve to know. If they tracked me down, they might track you down for being associated with me. And I won’t have you caught off guard.”
Another sigh, and she pulled back a little so she could talk. “A slayer tracked me down. A few years back I was in Mexico selling a piece, and I stayed with a clan there that I knew of for a few days while I sealed the deal. Apparently they-“ her voice was horse, and she shook her head, determined to get through it. “They killed the hunters family. All of them. And he wanted to see if I had anything to do with it. I don’t know how he tracked me down, but if you’re implicated by association I am so, so sorry.” Panic took Sofie’s voice up an octave as she looked up at him. “I promise, I didn’t know. I didn’t know that they were going to do that.”
As she told him what had happened, Cassius found himself shaking his head as she spoke. How dare he. This hunter, accusing her of a horrible crime. But in the same breath, how could she be careless to stay with a whole clan of other vampires that she didn’t know that much about? This is why he stuck to himself, the whole idea of more vampires made it dangerous. How a group could go and kill an entire family, that was something else entirely. That was… that was evil. Any way he looked at the situation, it made him angry. 
He took a few deep breaths to calm himself, knowing there was nothing he could do about it, as much as he’d like to. “You have nothing to be sorry about. If he comes after me, so be it. I know I’m innocent.” Cassius replied, placing a hand under her chin. “It wasn’t… he’s not associated with the person who hunted down yours, is he?” He felt like he had to ask, if someone was on her tail that wanted her dead, he knew he’d have to find a way out, somewhere she could be safe. 
His words were meant to calm but the panic still burned in her chest, and it stoked the fire. “I don’t want anyone after you.” Sofie’s eyes snapped up to his. She worried her lower lip between her teeth as she looked back down with a scowl and realized only then that her fangs were still out. Her eyes must have still been red as well. She hadn’t noticed they were still red. They had been since she’d let them shift colors during the confrontation, and her time in the sun hadn’t helped matters much. But she hadn’t seen her reflection in a mirror in over three hundred years- perhaps that was why. So the monsters couldn’t see how monstrous they’d become. 
She shook her head at his question. “No, I don’t think so.” Sofie thought back to the ‘conversation’, if standing on a street frozen with fear counted as that. He’d pointed out that he could have just killed her but he’d been looking for answers. He’d pointed out that her clan, no matter how civilized they pretended to be, still drank blood. “He’s too young to be the one who did it. And even if he was connected, he wouldn’t have let me go.” I wouldn’t have seen sunrise she thought to herself. Or Cassius. The thought made the frown on her face deepen, and she leaned her head back against his chest, letting the fabric of his shirt block out the world for a few moments. When she pulled back, she felt the whisper of his hand against her face and she leaned into the touch like a flower stretching to greet the sun.  “I think he’s someone different entirely.”
“I could try and tell you that you don’t need to worry, but we’re vampires. Unfortunately just existing is a red flag for hunters. But I can say that I know how to defend myself.” He patted his pocket where he always kept his switch blade, always a little bit prepared if the situation called for it. “He didn’t try to fight you, did he? The only injuries you have are from the sun,” he noted as he gave her another once over. He couldn’t help but wonder what the true purpose of this hunter was, usually they’re kill first and ask questions later, in his own experience. He’d only been seriously hunted once, and that was because he was young and a little too sloppy with his food. That was centuries ago, though. What Sofie was facing was fresh and raw, and Cassius wasn’t sure how to help. 
Cassius let out a sigh as she explained that the hunter was too young to be involved, feeling a little better. Surely if it were that hunter, she’d be in a lot rougher of shape than just being burned by the sun. “I’m sorry this happened to you, love.” His tone was gentle, he wasn’t really sure how to comfort her. “Whatever you want to do to distract yourself, I’m all for it.” In his experience, the best thing to do in situations such as these was a distraction. Wasn’t much to do if the hunter didn’t want her dead. Only to get over the fear, and that took time. “I wish I knew what to do,” he confessed, pressing his lips together.
She watched as he patted his pocket. Maybe she should carry something… He was the second person she knew of who kept a knife on him, after Metzli. And knowing Metzli, Sofie wouldn’t have been surprised if the other vampire walked around with a veritable artillery strapped to them at all times. She supposed she’d have to start following both of their leads. Wicked’s Rest, while being full of people like them, was also full of people who wanted them gone. “He had a stake, but it was used for leverage… I wouldn’t run or attack him, and he wouldn’t use the stake.” Sofie shook her head. “Just a little sunburnt.” She shrugged. 
A shadow of a smile ghosted over her features for a moment. “You don’t have to do anything, you’ve already done enough.” Knowing that she had someone who would come if she called was a comfort Sofie hadn’t known in quite some time. She thought for a moment, her mind starting to work as it normally did. A distraction… She looked back up at him. “Tell me something. Anything. Tell me about something good.” Tell me about something that doesn’t remind me I’m the monster in someone else’s story.
Cassius’s brows furrowed as he thought of what he could possibly need from her. He didn’t attack her, nor did she attack him. The whole situation perplexed him, but he didn’t push any further, it was clear that Sofie wasn’t able to handle talking about it too much, not more than she already had, anyway. He took the folded switchblade out of his pocket, handing it to her. “Keep it on you. You never know when you’re going to need it.” His tone was serious, as if he wasn’t about to take ‘no’ for an answer. “I have another, so don’t worry about taking this one.” If not for herself, he hoped she would take it for his own piece of mind. 
Tell her something good, now there was something that he didn’t have an immediate answer to. He thought back to the book of poems he had been reading before coming to her apartment, remembering the poem that had stuck out to him, so he recited it
“I do not have you to fill the empty parts of me, I want to be full on my own. I want to be so complete, I could light a whole city and then I want to have you, cause the two of us combined could set it on fire.” He looked down to her, giving a soft smile. “Rupi Kaur, a poet I like.” He then explained, not wanting to take the credit for something he hadn’t written. “Poetry has always been soothing to me,” he explained with a shrug of his shoulder. “Something that helps me ground myself when I find life to be particularly difficult.”
The blade wasn’t very large, but it would definitely do the trick if she needed to use it. Sofie blinked, examining the knife in Cassius’s hand. Her eyes flicked up to his face a moment, and seeing that he was serious, Sofie slowly reached out and took the knife. She felt the weight of it in her hand a minute, before tucking it away. It would serve her better than the clunky kitchen knife sat on her bedside table, all but forgotten since Cassius had arrived. 
There was something soothing in the cadence of his voice as he recited the poem. She had been as tight as a bowstring since he’d gotten there, but the longer she stayed in his arms listening to the rise and fall of his voice, the more she allowed herself to let go. The safer she felt. A poem. She had asked for something good, and he had recited a poem. There was something terribly old fashioned about it, and she started to smile. It was a slow smile, like some part of her still worried the world would crash back down around her. But he’d just said the two of them together could set the city ablaze, and she wasn’t inclined to disagree with him. “I think it’s beautiful.” She wasn’t entirely sure of what else to say, so instead she rose on the tips of her toes to press a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you for coming when I called.”
Cassius pressed a hand to Sofie’s cheek and looked down at her, expression one of earnest. “I will always come when you call, this I promise.” He leaned down, pressing his lips to hers, a gentle kiss, one that spoke of promise and care. He pulled away, hoping that he hadn’t made the wrong move, but didn’t let it show on his face. “And don’t you ever apologize for needing me. That’s what I’m here for. We help each other, lift each other up when needed.” He tilted his head, lost in thought for a brief moment, then voiced them aloud. “I suppose that’s what a relationship is.” He realized they hadn’t defined what they were to each other before that moment, but knew that someone would have to say it sooner or later. 
He knew that Sofie meant more to him than just a fling, that their connection had been deep and true from the moment they first met. And he knew he didn’t want that to leave either. He knew more than anything that she was meant for him, as he was meant for her. “I won’t ever leave you when things get tough. That I promise you.”
Certain things had a miraculous simplicity to them. The stars twinkling in the night sky, or the feeling of seeing the ocean for the first time. A feeling of being so small  in the grand scheme of things, and yet so utterly whole and important enough to exist in that moment. Living for so long, it was so easy to forget that feeling, and yet Cassius leaning down to kiss her sent that feeling skittering through her. Sofie didn’t realize her eyes had closed until she opened them to see his face. Her eyes scanned over his every feature as he spoke, searching for confirmation. The more he spoke, the more she realized she didn’t need to look for answers in his eyes- it was written plainly on his face.
That was the other feeling that came from those miraculous little moments. A feeling of being so completely overwhelmed at the beauty of it. Of the universe working in just the right way to ensure the stars shone bright, to ensure the tides rose and fell. To ensure that two people born lifetimes apart would one day meet so that they could both come to that precise moment, to exist together so completely that they could light a city on fire with the light of it. Sofie’s hands twisted in the fabric of his shirt, content to keep him right there until the world burned down around them. If it did, she probably wouldn’t have noticed. She was too busy taking in the sight of him, wondering why the fates had taken so long to put Cassius Hawthorne in her path. The hands twined into his shirt latched onto his collar and she towed him back down into a kiss. It was the best way she could think of to answer him. A slow, gentle moment in which they could be as bright as the stars. “I think you’ll have a terribly hard time getting rid of me now,” Her voice was a low teasing sound, much more herself than she had been since he’d arrived. “Because I think I mean to keep you, Cassius Hawthorne.”
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sociallyawkwardseal · 2 years
Prompt: Fictober Day 5: “Are you serious?”+Lovetober Day 5 Sweater
Fandom: Lumine
Summary: Anna notes that Lumine doesn’t really have many clothes.
Content Warnings: None that I can think of!
Words: 939
     “It’s getting cold out,” Anna said, putting her scarf up on the rack at the door. “It was already pretty cold out, but… Does he only wear that hoodie?”
    “Yeah, I can barely get the kid out of it to wash it. When it’s dirty, he just lays down as a werewolf on the couch and mopes.” Noel responded, pouring coffee into two distinct cups from the kitchen counter. He glanced back over his shoulder and cocked an eyebrow. “What? Did you bring him something?”
    “I did! Like I said, it was already pretty cold out, but with the temperature dropping even more…” She rattled a paper bag in her hand as she moved to stand next to him in the kitchen. “I figured that he should probably wear a few more things than just… You know, the hoodie. It’s just a heavier jacket, a few sweaters, some socks…”
    “You know, if he’s cold, he can just stay… Like that.” Noel cocked his head for a split-second in the direction of the couch; on it, Lumine remained curled up under a small, thin throw blanket. “He’s got a thick coat, and—”
    “Are you serious? It’s dangerous–if he’s ever out of the house, he can’t be seen like that.”
    “I know,” He sighed. “But I can barely get the kid to leave or even want to leave. If I go out for groceries, he’ll just stay home and clean, read, or watch something.”
    “Well, you wouldn’t want to leave too, if all you had was some thin jacket to wear here!”
    “Unless I had to. He doesn’t have to.”
    “Maybe this will motivate him and make him more comfortable–”
    As the two bickered, one of Lumine’s ears perked up, flicked, and he barely raised his head; the sight of his newly self-proclaimed aunt caused his tail to wag, and he slowly pushed himself to sit upright.
    “Lumine—” Anna’s head swiveled to look over at him; she smiled warmly, and put her cup of coffee on the counter, replacing it with the handles of the paper shopping bag that she had carried. “I missed you! How are you doing?”
    He transformed in a puff of smoke, rubbed his eyes, and half-dragged himself into the kitchen; he still felt heavy and groggy from his rougher-than-anticipated nap, but he still smiled as his eyes met hers. “I’m fine, I was wondering when you were going to come visit again—Papa was wondering, too.”
    “Was not,” Noel muttered, holding his coffee cup to his lips. “She usually texts before she comes by, it’s really not that much of a surprise.”
    “Sometimes it is!” She laughed, and gave him a small nudge. “Oh, Lumine—I brought you something? You only got a jacket, t-shirt, and new socks when you got here, didn’t you? The ones you’re wearing now? And you borrow my brother’s clothes when he does laundry?”
    Lumine nodded, looking from her eyes, to Noel’s, and then to the bag in her hand.
    “Well! I figured that you would need a few more clothes than just that. So, I went out to a few shops, got a few things—I figured you could use a few more clothes, especially in the case that you want to go out for a walk or something? Do you want to look through them, and see if there’s anything you like, or anything that you want to keep?” She slowly extended her arm, the bag’s handles dangling on the edges of her fingertips as she half-offered it to him.
    “Oh, sure?” Lumine peered over the edge of the bag—inside, he could see various shades of blue and several separate pieces of white and black fabric. He reached out to meet her hand, slowly closing his hand around the bag. “Thank you.”
    “If there’s anything you don’t actually want or can’t wear, just tell me? Maybe we can actually go out, and you can pick a few things out for yourself next time!”
    “Maybe.” Lumine smiled sheepishly, and took the bag over to the couch.
    “Where did you even go?”
    “Mostly thrift stores, I figured it would probably be better to get stuff that he might be able to wear there—and once he’s all toasty and comfortable and he feels up to it, we can actually take him out to look for clothes for himself?”
    As the two carried on with their hushed conversation—one that Lumine could barely avoid in the small apartment—he slowly started to pull clothes out from the bag.
    He wasn’t the most capable of folding clothes neatly, but he tried; he looked over a puffy, long, navy blue coat that would probably swallow him whole, a few pairs of shorts—as well as long pants—pairs of soft socks, a few mismatched pajama tops and bottoms, and as he reached towards the bottom of the bag, his fingertips grazed a different texture than anything else in the bag.
    It was a white, cable-knit sweater, decorated with a row of pale blue snowflakes across the chest. He held it up, admiring it briefly, before shimmying out of his own jacket and pulling the new sweater on over his t-shirt. Once his arms were through the slots, he wriggled his t-shirt off from under the new sweater, and placed it next to his old jacket.
    “Huh. Guess he likes what I brought.” Anna beamed at Noel, pride and a sense of smugness mingling in her chest. “Is it comfy, Lumine?”
    “It is—thanks again.” Lumine’s eyes raised to look at her again, another genuine smile tugging on his lips.
    “Yeah, no problem? If you wanna go shopping later, just tell me?”
    “I will!”
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a-pups-writing · 1 month
A/N; these two are heavily inspired by the movie 'Sweeney Todd', I love that movie and its story. You can only have these two in a double pack, not sorry :p also most things written in (exmpl; hi) are just the writers comments.
Reqestd are open and heavily encouraged!!
Selene x Alaric.
Selene; meaning 'goddess of the moon'.
she's a vampire (bride), and has been alive for a long time! And living with her husban ever since she was turned (there's a whole lot of backstory, not sure if you would like that).
she/her, tho also goes by they on occasion.
pale skin, and also pale purple lips (I'm a sucker for dead things actually looking their way, and normally corpses don't have red painted lips) - she paints them tho, but prefers softer purples over deep reds.
kinda faded pupils? They're not red (except for when she drinks blood) and it looks like a layer is over them, they've dulled ever since she was turned but remain their beautiful blue colour over all. (Kinda milky blue)
lovely silvery white hair (I don't know how to explain really, like the moon? But it doesn't make her look old.) It reaches just below her shoulder on the front and a little lower in the back, slightly wavy.
light curves, a softer but still tall physic, prefers lighter clothing like gowns or summer dresses in light colours (like pastels or faded ones)
mostly drinks from her husband (😍) or from other woman, may they be a servant of their or from a blood bank. Not the type to enjoy a gruesome hunt or play.
often times consumes human foods still, while her taste buds may have changed and dulled with her change she still can taste! Especially more extreme flavours so that's what she goes with mostly (like: sour candy, lemons, chillies etc).
Alaric; meaning 'ruler of all'.
he's a vampire, by birth.
he/him, doesn't like to be referred to with other pronouns but is okay with being teasingly called more feminine names (like 'princess' or something, he's spoiled)
pale skin, lanky and kinda scrawny? He eats enough but that's just his physic, makes himself look broader then he is with some clothing (like coats or those weird shoulder ruffles).
red eyes, they're darker when he's not feeding (like crimson?) And brighter (ruby like) when he's feeding or hunting.
prefers dark and powerful coloration (black, white, red, silver, you get the point). Prefers more sharp clothes, and formal wear like dress shirts, ties and suit pants! But also with his time frame corsets and the like.
already said, but he has more of a tall and scrawny look, not incredibly thin (you can't count his ribs) but there's not really much muscle either.
mostly drinks from his wife (😋 such a sweetheart) and only ever hunts human man rather so then woman cause he only wants to drink her blood.
not very interested in human foods nor spices (fucking brit/j) but does indulge his wife every once in a while and eats with her.
he loves wine (as I do stereotypes) but most of all blood wine! The older the better, however the first year lay is his favorite.
Fun fact; they have two cats, A ragdoll named Lillith and a rescue English short hair named Regulus. They love them.
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princehrry-writings · 3 years
Legal Guardian
ugh this took way too long lol, but here it is!!! i forget exactly that sparked this but i thought it was a cute idea.
warnings: injuries (nothing major), hospitals, cursing, harry being a protective dad 🥺, talks about adoption and legal guardians, crying
wordcount: 2481
harry styles x reader, stepdad!harry x reader, stepdadharry x oc!stella
Stella gets hurt and Harry is the only one there- but he has no legal jurisdiction…
It all happened really fast. Harry can’t even recall how it started, but he knew very well how it ended. A sobbing Stella strapped into her car seat as he raced to the emergency room, frantically calling Y/n who was in a different state on a work trip.
The 5 year old didn’t understand what was going on, she just knew she was hurting… really bad. And that she wanted her mommy and daddy.
The traffic seemed to be working against him, getting in his way at the most inconvenient times, all the while he was trying to console his weeping daughter, crying out “Daddy it hurts so bad!” effectively shattering his heart into a million little pieces.
Stella had been playing happily in the backyard at home, showing off her wonderful dance moves to Harry who watched with an adoring smile on his face, taking little videos to send to his fiance, when suddenly she was laying on the ground, clutching her ankle, and crying for him to come get her. He rushed into action, not having seen her take the fateful step into what must have been a hole in the ground or something.
Screeching into the hospital car park, he stops somewhere he obviously wasn’t supposed to but he couldn't care less. His mind was racing. What if she broke her ankle? Or tore a ligament? What if she has to get surgery? All of this is what he worries about as he flings the back door of his car open, trying his best to appear calm for his daughter (but it’s not really working), and scoops her carefully into his hold, bringing her inside and shouting for someone to please help him.
A few nurses rush to his side, asking him different questions and asking for someone to “Page Dr. Robbins, tell her we need a peds consult.”
Stella is whisked away from him and before he can start to follow after her, a hand is placed on his chest, stopping him in his place.
“Sir, we can’t have you in the room with her. You’re not on her file as a legal guardian!” A doctor tells him. In that moment, he sees nothing but red, steam pouring out of his ears.
“The hell I can’t, I’m her father! I’m not going to let her sit in there all alone while strangers poke and prod at her!” He all but yells at the man. Harry is not violent. He really isn't. But he’s not afraid to lay somebody on their ass when it comes to his girls. With kindness or course. And maybe a black eye.
From the room she was taken into he can hear her crying for him.
“Wan’ my daddy! Daddy!” Harry didn’t think his heart could break any further than it already had but he was proven wrong by the ache in his chest that only grew stronger the longer he was kept away from his lovebug.
“Doctor, respectfully- if you don’t move the hell out of my way, I will move you myself. That is my daughter, and my fiance is in a different state right now on a business trip so I am the only parent she has right now. If you try to keep me from my child I will take legal action against the hospital and sue for everything you’re worth. Now if you’ll excuse me.” Harry is seething, trying to move past the man in the white lab coat and light blue scrubs. Again, he is stopped.
“I will call security, sir!”
“DADDY!” Stella is now screeching, her little voice hoarse from all the yelling and crying.
“Don’t you fucking hear that? She needs me, and you’re telling me I can’t go be with her! What the hell kind of doctor are you?” Harry is in the man's face, pointing at him vehemently. He doesn’t care that people are starting to watch the scene. Doesn’t care that some people have recognized him and are recording the ordeal. Let the people see him fighting for his family. He doesn’t give a rat's ass if his “image” takes a hit. His daughter is on the line and he won’t back down.
“She’ll be fine-”
“No she won’t! Go ahead and call security. My daughter needs me and you’re not going to stop me from being in that room with her.” With that he pushes past the doctor (who must be an intern or something with how he’s handling this situation) and rushes into the room where his baby is screaming for him. He’s at her side in a matter of seconds, wiping the tears from her face, peppering kisses onto her head, petting her wild hair back from her face, just consoling her in any way that he can.
How fucking dare they try to keep him from her, especially when she’s in a state like this.
“It’s ok baby girl, daddy’s here now. I’ve got you. You’re ok, you’re ok!” He mumbles into her hair, doing his best to stay out of the way of the people examining her but still close enough so she knows he’s right there with her.
Little tears still streamed down her face but she was much calmer now, her breathing more even and body less tense.
“Mr. Styles we’re bringing in the portable x-ray to take a look at her ankle, so you’re going to need to wear this.” He nods and takes the vest given to him, putting it over his shoulders like he sees the others do. A similar article is placed over Stella, who is clinging to Harry’s hand, fearing that she’s going to have to be without him again. But he promises he isn’t going anywhere.
As they’re taking the x-ray his phone starts ringing in his pocket and he checks to see that it’s Y/n calling him back.
“H, what’s wrong, is she ok?” Her panicked voice rushes out as soon as the call connects.
“We’re in the ER right now and she’s getting an x-ray to see what’s going on with her ankle-”
“You’re in the room with her right? She’s not alone?”
The little shards of his heart keep breaking into smaller and smaller pieces as her voice breaks.
“Yeah, I’m right next to her. Don’t worry m’love, she’s not alone!” He glared at the doctor that tried to keep him out as he said that, letting him know he hadn’t forgotten.
“I’m gonna facetime you so I can see her.” She said and he nodded, waiting for it to come through. When it did he quickly accepted it, seeing the love of his life’s face on the screen, with her puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks as she wiped away the remaining tears so she didn’t freak out her baby.
“Stell, mumma’s on the phone, she wants to talk to you.”
“Hi baby girl!” Y/n said as soon as Harry held the phone so Stella could see her mom. The little girl's tear stained cheeks looked exactly like her moms, and her heart broke for her baby.
“Hi mumma,” Stella pouted into the camera, clutching onto her daddy as tight as her little hand could. Harry was a little uncomfortable but he would take this over not being in here at all.
“How do you feel, baby? You ok?” She asked.
“My foot hurts and they wouldn’t let daddy in here and I was scared, but he’s here now so I’m ok.” The little girl rambled off. Y/n almost missed how she said they wouldn’t let Harry in the room but when it finally registered, she was fuming. Absolutely, royally pissed.
“What do you mean they wouldn’t daddy in there?” Stella shrugged and looked up at Harry for an answer. He brought the phone back so he could see her after looking around at the doctors in the room, all doing their job and pretending they weren’t listening to this conversation, but a few of them winced when Y/n asked her question.
“Some bloke tried to keep me out of the room while Stella was being examined but she was on the verge of a whole breakdown. It was like Disneyland in Paris all over again.” He said, referencing the time Harry took his girls to Disneyland while they were in Paris and Stella got separated from her mom and dad. She had never not been able to see at least 1 of her parents before. Needless to say… she didn’t handle it very well. Screaming, crying, and hyperventilating (which freaked her out even more- causing her to scream louder and cry harder) ensued very shortly, disturbing every person around her. But it made it easy for them to find her and she spent a very very long time clutching her tiny arms around her daddy’s neck, not letting him set her down for anything. That was an interesting trip to the bathroom …
“Why would they try to keep you out of the room? You’re her father!” Y/n was on the verge of popping a blood vessel. Of course the one time her baby really needs her, she’s hours away.
“Uh, Mr. Styles, I’m so sorry to interrupt! But the x-ray is complete. There’s no break, it looks like a sprain at worst. Also, about why my intern was saying you weren’t allowed in the room, not that I was listening to your conversation, with ped’s cases we typically only allow legal parents or guardians in the room and your name isn’t anywhere on her file or on her records so he was just trying to follow safety protocols. He didn’t go about the situation as well as he should have because we always want to make sure our patient has what they need and that was obviously you- but that is the reason why you initially weren’t let into the room. You’re not a legal parent or guardian. Based on your situation- you’re legally considered a step-parent and that title doesn’t come along with any legal jurisdiction.” Dr. Robins explained, in quite a few words Harry thinks, but he doesn’t say anything about it. Just sits and realizes that while for the better part of a year and a half, he’s been calling himself Stella’s dad but the whole he’s not been anything… not legally anyway.
Y/n realizes this too and makes a mental note to call their lawyers to do something about that.
“That makes sense… Thank you, Dr. Robbins! I have her mum on the phone, but you knew that, so if there’s anything else I legally can’t do, she’ll have to take care of it like thi-”
“Mr. Styles, we won’t tell if you don’t! Anything else that needs to be signed, we’ll just go ahead and have you do it. Save the hassle for everyone.” Dr. Robbins interrupts him and he smiles, silently thanking her.
“Daddy, what's a legal guardian?” Stella asks after a quiet moment.
“A legal guardian is someone who takes care of you because the law says they can. So because I didn’t help mumma make you and I came into your life a little later, I’m not a legal guardian of you. Not yet anyway.” He mumbles the last part but Y/n catches it.
“Does everyone have a legal guardian?” She hiccuped, rubbing at her eyes with the hand that wasn’t clutching Harry’s.
“At one point yeah, but once you get older you don’t need one anymore because you can take care of yourself.”
The girl pauses, thinking about her daddy’s words before muttering “Don’t wanna take care of myself. Wanna stay with you and mumma forever.”
All the little shards of his heart slowly start to piece back together.
“I want you to stay with me and mumma forever too lovebug.” He cooes. Y/n’s eyes light up, her gaze filled with adoration for her little family.
. * .
“The documents are all drawn up Mrs. Styles, everything is ready for your husband to sign.”
“Thank you so much Ben!”
. * .
“Baby, c’mere. Wanna talk to you about something.”
“Yeah mommy?”
Y/n took a deep breath, trying to quell the tears she could already feel threatening to fall. Her newly wed husband sat beside her on the couch, running his hand along her back and squeezing her shoulder and letting her know he was there if she needed him.
“Do you remember when you and Daddy had that conversation about legal guardians?” The woman asked, pulling her baby into her lap, brushing her hand over the girl's hair affectionately.
“Uhhh, kinda.” She murmured, curling into her mom.
“Do you remember what a legal guardian is?” Y/n rephrased, hoping to jog the girl's memory. Stella nodded and when prompted by her mother explained that “It’s someone who takes care of you until you're old enough to take care of yourself.”
“That’s right baby, very good!”
“And do you remember when we were at the hospital and that doctor was being mean, not letting Daddy into the room with you?” Harry chimes in, scooting closer to his girls. She nodded with a roll of her eyes and a huff of breath, causing a little giggle to erupt from her parents. She really is her mothers daughter.
“Didn’t like him.” She mumbles.
“Do you remember why they didn’t let him into the room?” Y/n asks, knowing she should probably get to the point before her little one checks out and gets bored.
“Cause daddy’s not my legal guardian.” Stella huffs again, rubbing her eyes and nuzzling further into her mom.
“Do you want him to be?”
Stella’s quiet for a moment, tapping her little finger on her chin like she’s thinking hard. “Yeah.”
“Yeah? You want that baby?” Harry asks, pulling her into his lap. The girl wraps her arms around his neck and lays her head on his shoulder, nodding.
“Yeah, Daddy. Want you to be able to come to the doctors with me.” She mumbles sleepily.
The tears Y/n had been fighting off finally broke through, despite her efforts. It’s official. Harry is going to adopt Stella and they would be a family in every sense of the word. No one would be able to take Harry's little girl away from him. All he had to do was sign the paper. Harry felt tears spring to his eyes as well, smoothing his hand along his baby’s back.
“You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear that…” He says, squeezing her a little tighter. Y/n snaps a quick picture before she snuggles into them.
“Love you Mommy, love you Daddy.” She murmurs before falling asleep in Harry's arms. Something that isn’t new, but feels different now for some reason. Things felt a little more official and he hadn’t even signed the papers yet.
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yesokaythatsfine69 · 4 years
Moments in-between
Description: HC's of aot characters that are all kinda madly in love with y/n, if only just in different ways. Aspects of Modern au.
Character(s): Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Marco, Sasha, Connie, Historia, Ymir, Annie, Reiner, Bertholdt, Levi, Erwin, Hanje
POV: 2nd, 3rd
A/n: I know I said that I was ending my aot works but after the last episode's intense trauma I need some home groan therapy. Also please don't make fun of me for misspelling both Bertolt and Hange's names continually. Enjoy
Word Count: x
Song: lmao listen to everywhere I go by Hollywood undead.
*none of the gifs used are mine, full credit goes to the maker.
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Y/n invites the AOT gang to a party.
You looked around for your friends, having foolish lost track of the chaotic group after you paused to hang your coat up. You warned them all to remain close, these college parties tended to get a little wild for your liking, but of course, they were all too stubborn.
"Hey you! I already said that we weren't playing Lady Gaga here!" Your ears prickled, and you turned, seeing Hanje at the DJ's box. You quirked a brow but made a mental note of where she was for later.
You moved on, searching for the rest of your friends. You opened the door to a bathroom, finding several girls hunched over, puking into the toilet, sink, and tub. Erwin was standing in the midst of the chaos, holding their hair as they drunkenly emptied their guts.
"Erwin? We've been here five minutes!" Erwin looked up at your newfound appearance. "Y/n! Quick, I think something in their drinks made them sick, you need to warn the other people at this party!" You met his blue eyes, "What?" He made a motion with his right hand, accidentally tugging on a girl's hair and bobbing her head. "Hey!" She squeaked before puking again. "Hurry, Y/l/n! They may not have much time left."
You rolled your eyes. "Erwin, they're drunk, not suffering from food poisoning." He looked down at the girls. "Really?" You sighed.
Later, you came upon Levi, who had been keeping a practiced eye on Hanje and other various members of your friend group. He had designated himself the designated driver of the group, which was admirable but you made sure not too drink too much either, knowing that there was no way Levi could possibly deal with all of you being wasted.
Reiner had challenged Annie to a drinking game, and was in the midst of losing miserably, whilst Bertholdt silently cleaned up the mess that Reiner and Annie created with their squashed beer cans.
You also found ymir and Historia cheerfully dancing to Poker face, and you marveled at the way the two seemed to be in their own world. You smiled, at the red that dusted ymir's cheeks and at Historia's hand on her cheek. A crash from the kitchen behind you caused you to cringe and jump slightly, before you rushed in.
Not unsurprisingly you found Connie and Sasha at the epicenter of the chaos. Neither were drunk but both were still idiots. A broken dish and what had been cheese fries was on the floor at their feet. "Hey! What'd I say about getting into their food?" You pointed threateningly at the duo. "If we do it don't get caught?" Sasha had a fry in her mouth and big eyes. "Clean this up, I'll go get Levi." "Oh, no don't get Levi!" Connie whined, waving his hands dramatically. "I'm getting him!"
Marco and Armin had found a old monopoly game and had sat down to play it in the dinning room of the house. You found it especially funny at the amount of girls the two had unwittingly attracted, who sat down to play with them.
"Y/n!" You perked up and turned, careful to not spill your drink. Jean smiled at you, his eyes the tiniest bit lidded. "Care for a dance?" You had actually been expecting this, since Jean's flirtiness doubled with the mix of alcohol. "You look hot, y/n!" He gently wrapped his hands around you as the two of you slid onto the dance floor. You laughed, enjoying Jean's wild dance moves. Finally he popped into a Russian dig, "hype me up best friend!" He called, and you whooped until he ran right into Eren.
"You drunk idiot! Hello, Y/n!" Eren glared at Jean, but smiled at you. "Look at this drink I made! It was clear but now it's brown!" Before you could respond, Jean hopped up. "y/n doesn't care about your shit drink!" You sighed as the two began arguing, which slowly developed into a tense dance battle between the two men.
Mikasa had been with Eren, you guessed most likely protectively watching over him. She watched with you, before you smirked and outstretched your hand. Mikasa took it, a blush creeping onto her cheeks.
In the soft glow of a living room, you and Mikasa danced together to an old 80's tune, the rest of your friends giving elsewhere. It was a nice party.
Y/n wears a skimpy outfit
You smiled at yourself in the mirror, tugging gently on your new top. Oftentimes you found it hard to truly appreciate your body, but the corseted top made you feel like a definite hot girl. You wore long black shoes, tight leather pants, dark jewelry. You just looked ready to step on some bitches.
You exited your room, and grabbed your purse, ready to head out with your girls. Eren was sitting on your coach, playing some video game. "Hey we'll be heading out soon so I left some numbers to order pizza for when you get hungry." You turned, digging in your purse for your keys. "Y/n, I'm not a child! I can take care of- holy shit, y/n!" You turned, Eren had dropped his controller, no longer focused on his game. "You can't go out like that! There are men out there!" You smiled and pulled out ur taser, flashing it a couple times. "I know."
Mikasa exited her room from the same hall, entering the living room. "Y/n, you look nice." You smiled and put your taser up. "thanks Mikasa!" "Wait, Mikasa you're going out too?" Eren stood up. "it's girls night out, Eren." You rolled your eyes. "but I wanna go too!" Mikasa opened her mouth but you beat her to it. "No."
The front door opened and Armin entered, his blonde hair flittering in his eyes. "Hey; Eren, Mikasa, and..." A blush erupted onto his cheeks. "Y/n!" His blues casted panicked glances around the room as if he wasn't sure he should make direct eye contact with you.
Eren pointed to his flustered friend. "See!" Again you rolled your eyes. "You look v-very nice, y/n." Armin mumbled before he sat down. "Thanks, sweetie." Armin's face reddened.
Suddenly the front door to the apartment flung open, allowing Jean, Marco, and Connie to enter. They were in the midst of conversation, laughing at a joke Connie had said. "Hey bitch-" Jean's words caught somewhere in the back of his throat as he saw you. His cheeks erupted into fire and he stopped, causing Connie and Marco to slam into him. "Hey!" Connie looked past Jean's frozen position, and smiled knowingly. "Bark, Bark, Bark! Y/n you look a sexy grim reaper!" Jean blinked as you laughed. Connie slid past Jean and made his way to the kitchen, giving the others a greeting as he did so.
Marco smiled at your outfit. "You look so pretty y/n!" Your cheeks were beginning to hurt from happiness and you wondered if you should wear this stuff more often and not just in your dreams. Jean seemed to snap out of it. "You...you...nice, y/n." He managed to get out, not right before Eren made fun of his stuttering.
Sasha exited her room, and to the delight of everyone gave a twirl in her little dress. "y/n! You look very nice!" She may or not have said whilst grabbing your boob. Historia admitted to helping you pick out the fit, and ymir made everyone thank her for her service.
"you should wear this more often, y/n. Or at least less more often." Annie nudged you from behind. You were amazed at her sauveness but also the blush that dusted the tips of her ears.
Reiner and Bertholdt came through the fire escape (because Reiner has been on a "parkour!" Kick recently. But Reiner made sure to call you hot, (effectively pissing off both Jean and Eren.) And Bertholdt simply blushed, quickly agreeing with Reiner.
Finally Hanje, Erwin, and Levi arrived, Levi bringing leftovers from his tea shop. Hanje had squealed and called you "hot!" Erwin was certain you were only wearing a bra and refused to look at you, whilst Levi couldn't take his eyes off of you, but said nothing all the same.
"Well ladies, I hope you all are ready!" Hanje smirked. "Who's riding with me?"
Y/n gets a tattoo
"So...what do you think?" You stood in front of Hanje, Annie, and Ymir, your shirt raised to your underboob. Hanje clapped excitedly. "It looks great, y/n!" "I like the view." Annie said dryly. Ymir nodded. "yeah it's nice, just don't show Historia."
"Don't show me what?" Historia entered the living room via the kitchen. Immediately her eyes found your tattoo, and she smiled. "lovely!"
The others found the tattoo under different circumstances however.
Sasha had known first, since she went with you to get it originally, having helped you pick out the design. By that I mean, she mainly just agreed with whatever you said but helped you out none the less. Mikasa found out before you were training together, (she thought it looked cool).
Eren found out because he walked in on you in the shower. "Shit! Wait is that a tattoo!?" He would've told you he liked it had you not kicked the shit out of him and lectured him about coming over to your apartment constantly, blah, blah, blah.
Armin found out because you showed him, (and he promptly died a bit) but he also really liked it and you invited him to come get another one with you some time. Maybe, just maybe you had a weak spot for the blonde.
Jean and Connie found out because you sent Marco a snap of it, and they looked at it from over his shoulder. Connie laughed at Jean's sharp in take of breathe and Jean tackled Connie. Meanwhile as they fought in the background Marco sent you a video snap of his response.
Reiner found out via a training session, much like Mikasa. "Why, y/n I never knew what a sly devil you could be!"
Bertholdt knew because Reiner made sure to describe it to him in great detail, knowing that the tall fellow would get flustered.
Erwin was probably told at some point but forgot so anytime he sees in you in a bikini or something skimpy he gets his mind blown.
Levi found out because, you may or may not have sent him a snap (with much different intentions then the one you had sent Marco.) Levi thought it was badass, though.
Y/n kisses the AOT gang
Yes, you had kissed each member of the gang. For any of these bitches, they could get it, let's be real.
You had given Eren forehead kisses many a time between he and you. This had been pretty random but regardless, it was something the two of you did often.
You often kissed Armin on the cheek, pinching them together whilst you smushed his face and pulled him in for hugs. Really, you loved Armin.
You kissed Jean on several occasions, partially because you weren't one to refuse an offer from an attractive man and also it was the quickest way to fluster the boy. He has the king of talking the talk but never actually walking the walk.
You give Marco and Connie platonic cheek kisses everytime you see each other. They also give you cheek kisses back. Marco also gives hugs!
You blow Reiner kisses all the time because that's exactly what your friendship is.
You give Bertholdt sweet little cheek kisses and he's always a blushing mess afterwards.
You give Erwin goodbye kisses and he always returns them.
You've made out with Levi. His tongue's been in your mouth. Yes, you kiss.
You give Hanje cheek kisses all the time. You seriously love this woman.
You've made out with Annie too. You also give her kisses on her neck just to hear her giggle.
You and ymir don't usually kiss, but you and Historia kiss each other's cheek.
You've kissed Sasha smack on the lips before, and you two cuddle all da time.
You give Mikasa forehead kisses because touch isn't necessarily her love language but you know when she needs it.
Y/n gets into a fight
You don't get in trouble, like ever. You're reliable, kind, level headed. However sometimes you come across a Titan of an issue and need your friends to rally behind you.
Historia will get into an argument for you, but she isn't scary at all, nor is she very powerful when it comes to muscle might.
Mikasa will kill a bitch for you. Straight up. She may not always show it outright but she loves you.
Ymir would video tape the ass whooping of whoever dares to cross you until they tried to come after Historia. Then she's seeing red.
Annie would laugh at whoever is trying to fight you. She won't step into the fray directly until you need her though, she trusts you do take care of it.
Eren doesn't care if they haven't even thrown a punch if they even say a damn thing that he doesn't feel you deserve he will start the fight. He has no self control. He's an aries.
Jean will also fight for you. He'd be a hundred percent more levelheaded about the problem but he won't let you take shit.
Connie will at first be confused and then pull his signature "bruh" face. He'll be the one that takes the phone from Ymir after Historia gets involved.
Sasha will try to protect you the best she can. She doesn't want you hurt so she'll probably grab a spoon as a weapon and charge.
Reiner is just trying to vibe and then suddenly he's pulled into an all out war. Sigh. But at least it's for you.
Hange will find this all very funny, but she'll help out in between snorts.
Erwin will just stand there looking at your antagonist dead in the eye with the slightest raise of his brow. That's the end of it all.
Armin will go all manipulative bestie on however is bothering you.
Levi merely get in between you. He may be short but nothing scare him and he's literally willing to kick some ass if need be.
Bertolt would just take you somewhere else. Yes he's super annoyed and upset at this person, but he has better things to do with his time.
Y/n gets a dog
To be honest, you'd wanted a pet for a long long time. Living closely with seven other women- and essentially nine men, had made that prospect rather slim, until one day approximately four months ago when you dropped the question.
The response was rather positive, so you carefully crafted a schedule and supplies.
The little puppy had been the runt of the litter, but that didn't bother you one bit (your not so secret infatuation of a certain 5'2" raven haired fellow solidified that.)
You were the first person to arrive home that day, and when you did you hurried to get the house puppified.
Bertolt came by early that day and was the first to see the puppy. At first he wasn't so sure about the little rascal. It seemed so hyper, a little too hyper, actually. But then, it licked him and he fell in love. He actually completely forgot you were even there he was so enthralled.
Levi came by with takeout, and much like Bertolt he wasn't sure about this creature. He'd always been more of a cat person, but even then he wasn't exactly an animal person. Just too messy. But for your sake he pat the pup on the head. (And to both your and bertolt's shock the puppy began to follow Levi around.
Armin loved the puppy. He immediately scooped it up and sang to it. You had never seen the blonde so happy as he cooed over the little Beasty. He raised it up into the air and swung it until Levi yelled at him for waving the animal over the takeout.
Erwin seemed a bit indifferent to the dog, almost as if the animal had just always been there. He did make sure however to share his food with it.
Hange tickled the poor animal savagely, vowing to buy it a sweater for the winter. You told them they didn't have to, but they refused. "What's a godparent for?"
Sasha vowed to help feed it and promised it that she would only buy it the best food possible.
Marco adored the tiny thing. "have you named him yet?" He had asked while lovingly scratching behind it's ears. "he looks like a sugar...or a Coco?"
Connie immediately sat down and started playing with newly named Sugar. "Connie! You're getting Sugar too riled up." Levi warned, but right then Connie was attacked by the tiny pup, and despite the small size of the dog the sheer force almost knocked Connie over. "Tch, idiot."
Jean was the first to take Sugar for a walk and you joined him. Together the two of you laughed at how cute Sugar looked as he bounced around in the grass. You made sure to have Jean clean up after him though, don't worry.
Sugar immediately fell asleep on Eren who threatened anyone that would dare touch or wake up him. Eren was extremely content with this little ball of joy.
Annie wasn't really excited for the puppy but she did promise to train Sugar when it was time, so there's that.
Ymir tried to act similar to Annie but Ymir is a total dog person, and after a bit she scoped up Sugar and put the sleeping pup on her own lap.
Mikasa was just happy everyone else seemed happy. She did sit by ymir though so she could get a few good pats in.
Later that night Historia grabbed the puppy and took him into her room, which she shared with Ymir. Really this puppy wasn't yours, it was everyone's.
The AOT gang goes to a concert
You pulled into Eren's hand practically dragging him through the crowd. "That's the last time I'm letting you lead us anywhere, Eren!" He groaned behind you. "I thought the sign said Row one, it was an honest mistake!" You shot him a dangerous glare. "It was a sign for the bathroom!"
Finally you met up with your friends, who were all already comfortably seated, waiting for the concert to begin. "Hey guys sorry we're late, we had some...sign trouble."
You and Eren found your seats, "Good news is if anyone wants to know where the bathrooms are.." you elbowed your brunette friend.
When the concert began, it was immediately pretty damn hype. You and Jean clasped hands and danced together, shouting out the lyrics to the first song at the top of your lungs.
At the second song and Sasha took orders for food, and grabbed some grub. As you waited in the unnecessarily long line you pulled her into a hug and took a quick picture.
When you returned you stood by Reiner, but some big headed bastard had moved in front of your spot. So you climbed into Reiner's shoulders and screamed at the stage from your pretty impressive view.
Connie dared you to throw your bra on stage, but didn't actually think you'd do it. His face, and literally everyone around you, was priceless. In fact, you got a round of applause.
Hanje was video tapping about 90% of it, but they often drapped a hand around your shoulders and pulled you into the video, the two of you singing along to the musicians voice.
You and Levi held hands when a soft song came on, him pulling you into his chest at just the right note. You dipped your head into the chin, enjoying the soft thud of his heartbeat against the deep bass of the speakers. It was nice.
You face timed Bertolt, who unfortunately couldn't attend because he had "work". He enjoyed the concert better from that angle anyways.
You and Historia took a ton of pictures! So many! Some weren't even in focus! But you two didn't care!
Marco grabbed his phone light every chance he got and kept accidentally flashing it in people's eyes. He got you like seven times.
Erwin kept complaining that it was too loud, but you literally saw him full on do the sprinkler because he was vibing so hard.
You and Mikasa went to the bathroom together, and you forced her to take a picture with you. You also got lost on the way back but Mikasa helped guide you back. What would you do without her?
When you returned you ran into ymir and Historia dancing together, laughing and giggling. Damn them and their happiness.
After the show you and Armin went and met the people you watched and got a picture with them. They kept referring to Armin as your boyfriend so in the photo he looks like a tomato. He swore you to secrecy.
On the way back to the apartment you switched riders with Hanje so that she could take Eren home and you could just take Annie back to the apartment you shared. The whole way back you just let loose in the car. Annie could be very loud when with people she trusts entirely.
Y/n flirts with the AOT gang
Unfortunately for you y/n you're not the sad drunk, clumsy drunk, dancer drunk, you're the flirty drunk. I guess there are worse things, though. These are the times when drunk you has flirted with your friends and their reactions.
One time you got blasted at a work party and Eren had to come drive you home. He was shocked at first, but he truly does care about you and is also the most oblivious person ever so he was just like "okay."
Annie was super confused at first, but she actually really liked the attention. She'd never admit that to you though. So she just kinda bumped shoulders with you and almost knocked you down, had she not caught you.
Jean actually almost shit himself your flirting flustered him so bad. But he realized that you were drunk and immediately lifted you up and took you home.
Armin blushed, squeaked, and giggled. He knew you were drunk but he just couldn't help it. He helped you to bed and you fell asleep next to each other.
Sasha took you out to eat immediately after you said you wanted to go on a date with a hot babe like her, because she just needs one reason to go get something to munch on. It helped sober you up and when you puked she held your hair. Besties.
You did have a line though and you never actually flirted with Historia or Ymir but Ymir always took videos of you drunk and Historia always made sure to help you to bed. Those two were your constant watch dogs though when you were having fun.
Reiner "pretends" to go along with your flirting. He really just likes it because your hawt. "oh really? Tell me more about my eyes." He does however makes sure no one messes with you and always makes sure you get home safely.
When you get drunk around Mikasa the Ackerman always just pats you on the head. Sometimes though she makes fun of you.
Whenever you flirt with Connie hes also drunk so he flirts back. The two of you are the most chaotic drunk duo though and always end up breaking shit.
Erwin tells you to stop. "Stop that y/n, it's weird." But he's always blushing when he says that and he acts like a parent. "No, no more tequila!"
Hange will literally just have fun with drunk you. She'd vibe and even give you her glasses.
Marco would think it's really funny, but he'd stick with you for as long as he needs to to make sure you're okay and then he'll take you home.
Levi will look so annoyed and so done but he'll blush and wrap his fingers with yours. Much like Jean, he'll try to take you home as soon as possible. He gets jealous way too easily for this and often he'll stay the night with you.
Bertolt's brain literally melts. Reiner has to drag him away from you. You've broken the poor man.
They walk in on you changing
Annie- She opened the door and come in without even paying attention, realized you were essentially naked when you squealed. She rolls her eyes, and mutters "look the door next time," but that's a mental image she'll be keeping for a while.
Armin- he doesn't even allow himself a second peak, immediately putting his hand over his eyes. "Oh! I'm so sorry y/n! I-i-yeah!" He practically runs out of there faster than lightening.
Bertolt- He freezes, and you have to push him out. His brain dies and he stands outside your door for several minutes still trying to process.
Connie- he doesn't even notice you, but when you yell at him he simply turns and farts at you.
Eren- "If you were changing why didn't you lock the door?"
Erwin- "I'm sorry I thought this was the bathroom. Did you get a new book shelf?"
Hanje- She comes in, sees that your changing and puts a hand over her eyes, continuing to tell you what she wanted.
Jean- he puts his hands on his hips and smiles, "you knew I was coming, didn't you?"
Levi- he doesn't really care and neither do you (nothing he hasn't seen before) but he doesn't make sure to shut the door and wrap you on the head. "you have a lock, brat, use it."
Marco- opens door. "Whoops." Closes door. "Sorry y/n!"
Mikasa- "hey y/n," just continues.
Sasha had half a donut in her mouth when she walked in on you and then immediately it fell from her mouth when she turned and saw your body. she blinked and quickly bent over, grabbing her donut and covered her eyes, but only partially.
Reiner- "Hey, y/n I- Woah! Nice ra-" you effectively cut him off by throwing a shoe at his face.
Historia- "Oh! Sorry sweetie, you're so pretty, oh my goodness!"
Ymir- after storming in she proclaims, "Historia saw you naked, I have to kill you now."
They find you crying
We all have those days, and this is when they find you having one.
Ymir found you in the your bedroom, completely bundled in blankets with the lights shut off. She notices that you've been crying because your sniffing loudly, but says nothing about it. "Hey, Y/n, do you have the wifi password?"
She'd leave, but tell Historia, knowing Historia is better suited to check on and deal with helping you. Historia will walk in and raise her hands, in an open hug. You'll wordlessly scootch over and allow her to slide in beside you and gently pull you into her grasp.
Sasha heard you crying and grabbed her comfort snacks, a blanket, and the puppy. All of which she carried into your bedroom. The two of you would sit, eat, and watch some comfort shows. "it's the best medicine!"
Reiner saw your car parked outside the apartments and thought he'd knock on your car window. When he got up to your window though, he noticed the tears that were streaking down your face. He'd immediately climb into the other side of the car, hopping into the passenger seat. You're shocked, having not even noticed him hanging outside your car to begin with. "Uh, Reiner?" "So," he buckles up. "Who did it?"
Mikasa could hear you crying when she was up late at night, (your door had been open a crack.) So she grabbed some ice cream and two spoons, and wordlessly walked into your room. She said nothing and didn't press you for information, and the two of you shared Sasha's favorite ice cream.
Marco witnessed you go full on break down mode after a ROUGH day and immediately gave you the greatest pep talk known to man. You were so amazed at his genuinely kind words you stopped crying, but Marco had become so touched that he had started.
You had actually went to Levi's apartment, and sat with him. He made you tea and listened silently as you told him about what had happened and how sad you felt. He didn't press any advice on you or dry your tears with grandiose words, but he genuinely listened and acknowledged your feelings. Then you cuddled, and it was more than enough.
Jean said something flirty to you and for one reason or another it set you off and tears were aflowing. At first he panicked because he thought he made you cry. When he realized it wasn't him, he gently brought you into him and held you as you cried into his shirt. Finally you looked up at him and he wiggled his eyebrows mischievously, "Would sex make you feel better?"
You called Hanje and told what happened after a particularly rough day, so she and moblit went and grabbed you some takeout and spent the day with you. They even took you to egg the offenders house. Revenge is sweet.
Erwin thought you were sick, so he left after finding you crying in your room, bought you soup, made it and just acted like you were sick. You didn't have the heart to tell him the truth.
Eren saw you crying and then flicked you in the head and promptly left. You were stunned, but also found it funny and confusing, so you stopped crying.
Connie facetimed you and by the end you weren't crying because you were sad, but because Connie's really fucking stupid.
Bertolt noticed you were in your room for a while so he checked on you. He gave you a hug and then asked you very nicely to "stop crying."
Armin literally sat his ass down and stayed with you until the two of you fell asleep. He's a top tier friend who cares deeply about your emotional health so he does everything he can to sort you out. He holds your hand, nods, listens, gives you advice, and agrees with you.
Annie calls you a crybaby but she sits down beside you none the less. She doesn't press nor did she speak. But she wants you to know that's she's here in her own special Annie way.
Thanks for reading! Remember, requests are open!
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leossmoonn · 3 years
Real Artwork [Spencer Reid]
pairing - spencer reid x fem!reader 
type -  fluff
note / request - “first date fluff w spencer”. ok so i got this idea from @randomlimelightxxx​ (tsym btw). this museum is fictional bc there are no museums close to quantico or in quantico so lol bear with me pls. and this is pretty short, but sweet so enjoy!
summary - spencer takes you to the museum for your first date, but the painting aren’t the thing he’s really admiring 
warnings / includes - nothing really, just a little cussing and kissing lol
*gif isn’t mine*
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You twiddled with your fingers, looking out the cab window. You couldn’t sit still for the life of you. You were beyond nervous. You were going on a date for the first time in a few months. Not only that, but you were going on a date with Doctor Spencer Reid. The Doctor Spencer Reid. The doctor that you had always stared at during the holiday parties you had been invited to that Penelope set up. The doctor that you were too shy to say hi to, even though you were all talk. 
You were surprised, to say the least, when Penelope said he had agreed to go on a date with you. Well, more like he basically timidly asked Penelope if you were single and when she said yes, he was jumping for joy and already planning your guys’s date. But you humbled yourself with the word ‘agree’. 
You couldn’t understand why he would want to go on a date with you. It’s not that you thought low of yourself - you thought quite the opposite, actually. It’s just that you two had never had an actual conversation before. The most you’ve said to each other were ‘hi’ and ‘thank you’ when he held the door open for you once. 
Nonetheless, you were very excited and ecstatic - again, to say the least - to go on this date. 
“Alright, this is your stop,” the driver interrupted your thoughts. 
You snapped your head to her, giving her a smile. “Thank you. Have a night night.” You said, opening the car door. 
“You, too, honey,” she smiled. You gave her one last goodbye smile before shutting the car door. 
You walked onto the sidewalk, standing still and staring at the museum in front of you. For your first date, Spencer had chosen it since he asked you out first. Technically Penelope had asked you, but you didn’t mind very much. You knew that he was a shy, reserved person. He had chosen the Quantico Art Museum as the location. Honestly, you were thankful he had chosen this place. You had never been there, but you always wanted to go. And now you were able to with Spencer. Plus, any date location/idea you would’ve had probably wouldn’t have been fun or interesting, anyways.
You made your way up the steps of the entrance, adjusting your purse and the straps your tank top. For you date, you had opted out for jeans and a shirt rather than a dress since you would be walking and standing the majority of the time. You had a silk, black tank top that was tucked into your jeans loosely. You wore two-inched shoes that you knew wouldn’t give you a hard time with all the standing, but still made you look dressed up. Your coat was light-weight and more like a cardigan, but it was insulated and had better pockets than a cardigan. You hoped Spencer would like your date attire.
You pulled out your phone, seeing if you had gotten any texts from Spencer to let you know that he was here. Luckily for you, he was. He had texted you that he was in the lobby with your tickets a few minutes ago. He had given you a description of his date attire, just in case you had trouble finding him. You knew that you wouldn’t have trouble with that, though. He would be the most handsome, best dressed man in the room. 
As you went to approach the door, your hands starting to get clammy. You wiped them on your coat several times before opening the door. You stepped into the museum, smiling at the few people that were exiting. Your eyes darted around the lobby as you went through the second set of doors. As you stepped inside, your eyes landing on Spencer immediately. 
And man, was he gorgeous. 
His hair was fluffy and curly around his face. He had a little bit of scruff on his face, but it shadowed his jawline well. He was wearing a plan white button-up with black slacks and a grey tie. He had his signature watch on his right wrist, and big, excited smile on face to tie his whole appearance together. You were right, he definitely was the most handsome man in the room.
Spencer’s gaze fell on you just a few moments after you found him. And let me tell you, he was stunned. No words could describe your beauty and how you made him feel. Before he saw you, he was on edge and doubts were running through his mind. But once he saw you, he relaxed immediately. His heart was still racing a mile a minute, for sure, but he felt relieved that you came and so very lucky, too.  
You smiled at you noticed his stare, biting your cheek from smiling too hard. You began to walk up to him, the muffled sound of your heels on the floor echoing with each step. As you got closer, your heart hammered in your chest. You couldn’t believe this was actually happening.  
You stopped in front of him, deciding to break the silence. 
“Hi.” You spoke. A shy, but also excited smile lighting up your features. 
His smile got impossibly bigger at the sight of yours. “Hey.” 
You two stared at each other for a few moments, admiring each other’s appearances. Spencer was the one to break the silence with a compliment. 
“You look beautiful… stunning.. um, amazing.” 
The heat rose to your neck and your gaze on him faltered. You began to find the floor a lot more interesting. “Thank you. You look handsome. Like um, really handsome.”
“Thank you,” he smiled. “Are you uh, ready?” 
You looked back up and nodded in reply. 
“Great. Uh, let’s check in. Have you ever been here before?” He asked, getting out the tickets from his pocket. 
“No, but I’ve always wanted to go,” you answered. 
“This place is so cool. It's one of my favourite museums, besides the science museum,” he chuckled. 
You smiled at his little laugh. “Well, I’m glad I got to go here with you.”
The tips of his ears turned pink and he looked down shyly. You two walked up to the front desk. Spencer handed the man your tickets. The man scanned them, handing the tickets and two red-coloured paper bracelets. 
“Put these on so our staff know you’ve been checked in. Do you two need a map of the museum?” The man asked. 
Spencer looked to you for the answer. You glanced at him, then back at the man. 
“No, thank you. He’s been here a bunch of times, he can be the tour guide,” you answered, nudging Spencer slightly. 
The man and Spencer smiled at your reply. 
“Alright, sounds good. You two enjoy your visit,” the man said. 
You and Spencer said your ‘thank you’s’, walking away from the desk. You two stopped next to a pillar, putting on your bracelets. 
“Thank you for buying my ticket, by the way,” you said. 
“No problem. I uh, I heard that if a guy asks the girl on the first date, then he should pay,” he explained sheepishly. 
You grinned, “Ah. Well, very true.”
He smiled back at you for a few moments, admiring your features once more. You two began walking again, going to the first exhibit that housed contemporary paintings. You admired a painting of what looked like to be a crowd of people dancing when Spencer spoke. 
“This artist died when he was only 37.”
Your brows raised and you looked to him. “What happened?”
“Car accident,” he explained. “Wow,” you frowned. “How unfortunate.” “Yeah. He painted this when he was only 16.”
“Talented guy,” you remarked, looking back at the painting. 
Spencer nodded in agreement, looking back at the painting, but sneaking glances at you every other second. 
You two moved on to different sections, making conversation to get to know each other. Spencer listened to you as you talked about your childhood. As he listened, he tried to keep his staring to a normal amount, but he couldn’t. Something about you was so addicting to look at. He didn’t know if it was the way you talked with your hands, the way your lips would spread into a smile when describing a happy memory, the way your eyes would light up, too. You were just so enticing.   
You noticed his stares and tried to fight off the butterflies that were swarming in your stomach. No guy had ever paid this much attention to you before. Especially not a guy like Spencer. There were times where his stare was just burning into your side, and it caused you to stutter on your words a little. 
“S-So, um,” you spoke, trying to gather your train of thought. 
Spencer just kept staring, honestly completely oblivious to how he was making you feel. 
“So um, that’s me,” you finished off with a chuckle. Spencer smiled, “Very interesting stuff.”
“No,” you shook your head, lowering your head. “No, I’m serious. I mean, i’ve never heard of someone breaking that many bones in such a short span of time,” he teased. 
You let out a hearty laugh, nodding your head and looking back up. “Yeah, well, I was a routy kid.”
Spencer smiled at your response, turning his head back to the paintings. You let out a little breath of relief. It’s not that you didn't like him staring at you. No, you loved it, actually. It was just so unexpected and you at times you wondered if there was something on your face. You pushed your doubts away, knowing that if that was true, surely Spencer would have said something. 
You decided to make a little move of your own, though. You two went up to the second floor, stepping in the elevator. You two were the only ones in there and after Spencer pressed the number two button, you moved your hand so it touched his. 
Spencer froze once he felt your hand on his. You noticed his reaction, but didn’t pull away. Instead, you slipped your hand into his, intertwining your fingers together. You scooted closer to him so your shoulders were touching. You were looking down at the floor as Spencer was looked at you, surprise written all over his face. It hadn’t expected to be touched tonight. Especially not by you. He didn’t mind it, though, not at all. 
He felt himself relax into into your touch, leaning against your arm slightly. A big smile spread across his face as you lifted your head, looking at him. You noticed his smile and mirrored it. You two didn’t say anything, the looks in your eyes already speaking the words for yourselves.  
The elevator door opened and you two stepped out hand-in-hand. Content smiles rested on both of your faces as you went to the next exhibit. The rest of the night you two kept close like this. You were either holding hands or touching arms. You even rested your head on his shoulder once while admiring a painting of two lovers kissing and surrounded by nature. 
It was at this moment where Spencer couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. Not like he could before, but he literally couldn’t. His eyes were glued to you. You looked so cute with your cheek against his shoulder, your eyes bright and wide as you looked over the painting. Your body was warm and made him feel safe and secure in the big museum, something he rarely felt in his daily life. Not to mention, you looked great next to him. You two fit perfectly together. 
“Such a pretty piece of artwork,” you mumbled. 
Spencer nodded, still looking down at you. “Yeah. It’s beautiful.”
You looked up at, surprised to see him staring at you. Your eyes widened once you realised that he wasn’t talking about the painting, but that he was talking about you. You hoped, at least. You decided to ask him to confirm your beliefs. 
“W-What?” You squeaked. 
Spencer smiled at you, looking deep into your eyes. “I said… You’re beautiful.”
Your knees buckled and you began to fall, but Spencer was quick too catch you. His hands went around your waist and your heart started racing impossibly faster. You also caught yourself on his shoulders, your hands gripping his shirt as he pulled you back on your feet. Your gaze fell on his lips and you licked your own, imagining how it would be to kiss him. Your eyes trailed back up to his eyes, your whole body now getting warm in embarrassment. 
“Sorry. I can be pretty clumsy,” you chuckled. 
“It’s alright. Me, too,” he gave you a soft smile. 
You nodded, your eyes finding their way back to his lips. Spencer noticed and started to lean in. He had been wanting to kiss you all night and he found that now would be the prefect chance.  
You noticed him leaning in and you did the same, meeting him halfway. You pressed your lips to him gently. You kissed him, quietly moaning at the feeling. Spencer’s hands gripped your waist and your hands made their way to the back of his neck, entangling your fingers in his curl, soft hair. Kissing him felt so damn good.   
You were the first to pull away, opening your eyes and looking at his. A smile crept on your face as the realisation of what you had just done entered your mind.
“You’re a lot more forward than I thought,” you remarked. 
“Sometimes people can surprise you,” he grinned. You chuckled in agreement with his comment. “Is that why you’ve been staring at me this whole time?”
“Y-You noticed that?” Spencer asked, suddenly growing shy. 
“Well, it wasn’t very subtle,” you giggled. 
Spencer smiled softly at your laugh. “Yeah, I have been staring at you the whole night.”
“Any reason?” You hummed, running your hands through his locks. 
“Because…” his voice trailed off. He had a reason he just didn’t want it to seem corny. “Well, because you’re the real artwork here.”
You giggled at his answer, feeling your heart flutter 
“What? Was that cheesy?” He asked.  
“A little?” You nodded. “But cute, nonetheless. Thank you.”
“Well, it’s true,” he shrugged. 
You smiled brightly and leaned up to place a sweet kiss to his lips. “Well, wanna keep on admiring me while I admire the paintings, and possibly you?”
Spencer laughed, nodding his head. “I’d love to.”
bye bc this sucks lol
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daimonhalos · 3 years
Appreciation post for the eggpire and more during the red banquet cause I'm not seeing enough love for how well they organized and delivered and because I'm so proud of cc!Bad for how far the Bloodvines arc has gone ♥ (this stuff is from Bad's vod btw)
Also something to cheer people up a bit in case the lore got u hard like it got me cause I'm still not okay bestie <3
The starting soon screen being an animation (with glitches to show another frame!!) plus the jazzy electro-swing soundtrack underneath. Just such a good intro, I felt like I was actually in the waiting line for an event, just awesome.
Ponk. Just Ponk, dapper man, handsome Ponk just standing there. Gorgeous, thank you, standing ovation, I love him.
Just everything Bad and Ant did with the building of the room, the stairs!! The coat room!!! The statues right in front of the table, everything looked SO pretty.
ANT MY BELOVED LOOKING HANDSOME AS ALWAYS I just loved all their outfits. The banquet's skins just SLAPPED HARD.
The little moment where Bad changed view of his character and we could see him, Ant and Ponk cwc
Bad singing >>>>>>>>>>
Everyone getting lost despite the oak signs
Bad complimenting everyone on their outfits and giving out some gapples here and there
Bad also always repeating the same catchphrases
Sam just drinking copiously and the dumpy situation
People actually dancing + HBomb being the dj
Puffy walking around Bad to see his outfit and complimenting him, just felt like their old friendship cwc
Bad scolding George for not wearing an outfit (Sam's "his name is Gogy and he is beautiful")
"It's almost time for the feast. It's gonna be delicious." the foreshadowing
Everyone dancing together cwc
"minecraft dancing is speed squats" eret ilu
Bad and Ant complimenting moment ♥
The eggpire all on the same side of the table. Them
Ponk's little "Hello!" after Bad said he made the soup, plus everyone going "good job!!" just twt
When Bad started asking if anyone wanted to give a toast, I realized eventually that this was more of a disguised "Want to say your last words before death?" and it now sounds s o freaking cool. ye s
P O N K 'S S P E E C H
"you look beautiful right now" sam i will cry
When in the middle of his speech, Bad turns to Ant who's already looking at him, nods, Ant nods back, and as Bad turns around again we can see Ant walking away from his seat. I am OBSESSED with this scene, like you already know something is about to go down and oh gosh it was delivered so good
"And yeah! Thank you for coming everybody" the little mischievous giggles right after "And prepare uh ... yep. Prepare to die." AND THEN HE FUCKIGN DRINKS FROM HIS GLASS LIKE COME ON YOU CANT BE ANY COOLER THAN THAT YOOO
"The leaf is staying the way it is" you can hear the laughter in his voice like HAH GOTTEM that's so good
Bad still giving Hbomb gapples cwc
"Where you looking for this perchance?" AND THEN EQUIPS THE ENTIRE ARMOR AND WEAPONS E Y E when the twists started dude. this si where the twists started and never ended
HANNAH CROSSING SIDES AND SIDING WITH THE EGGPIRE. QUEEN SHIT that was such a cool moment for her i'm so glad she's getting her moment
The eggpire laughing, just pure villainy, love them
"Time to get on the main event" the nonchalance. The way they equipped the crossbows and readied the arrows at the same time. B r u h fucking awesome they are
The eggpire faking being afraid when Sam was talking about blowing the egg up. Sad that we already knew about the obsidian thing, but still made it a very cool scene. Especially right after when they started laughing at them again. I don't know what it is about it but I love them being so sassy.
FREAKING EXECUTIONS THEY WORKED FOR MASS EXECUTIONS they were able to trap all those freaking people!! And trick them and counter attack all the time! what the fuck, I'm so impressed
Thank you Fundy for sounding super terrified /gen ♥
Wait ahah they really said EGGSECUTION-
THE EGG HATCHES THE EGG HATCHES THE EGG HATCHES im not saying IT but im saing Velvet
"Follow me! Follow me!" HANNAH SOUNDED SO ENTHUSIASTIC i love
"We trusted you!" "Well, that was your first mistake-" THE WAY BAD WAS ABOUT TO LAUGH. DUDE they definitely had so much fucking fun making this
Foolish acting thank u ily. Also the thunder not working what the heck i wanna know what was going on inside his mind right then he sounded so lost. THE ACTING
"Sacrifice!" Hannah idk how to say this but I love you
When puffy called them selfish i was expecting bad to just do a huge double take. I wanted him to snap immediately PLEASE SNAP-
"Not just for the egg but for what the egg is going to give us" he's so desperately trying to make them udnerstand it promised him his friend back he literally mentions it every single time but everyone calls him selfish because they think he wants power when he just wants skeppy's friendship back in this essay I will- Anyway yes I love that he never explicitly says it because it kills us viewers with pain cause we KNOW and then the reveal will be 100 times more powerful. This is so awesome
"I can't stop Quackity and you know why I can't stop. If I stop I can't get what I need." his voice grew so much lower like he's just holding back MAN I HH IT WAS SO GOOD
Ponk giving Bad some food and telling him to stay safe, Bad telling both Hannah and Ponk to stay safe too. My tears
And now the solo Bad lore part, where we actually see the true part of him that's absolutely devastated and makes me cry, the way he acted all confident and then saw everything crumble in a few seconds and now he's destroyed again because what if they find a way to destroy the egg what then? what if he never gets skeppy back? dude, you can just read his emotions it's so sad and i love how it was portrayed
"I know where I can go. I know who I can see!" BDI REF BDI REF FOR SURE I have a feeling that's going to be explained in the next lore stream with Skeppy and I'm so hype. I love the little crumbs of references here and there.
"But now they have it.." he sounded so broken??? bad your acting please ill cry
"I didn't really want to hurt anybody" his true self trying to get back cwc especially because he's farther away from the egg. I just love the transition between the guy Bad portrays who's so sure about the egg when it's in front of others and the doubts and anxiety he actually has when he's alone. Just so cool
"Did I screw up?" im just pointing out everything that moves me emotionally cause these people's acting is so cool
Ending the stream with simple black background my beloved
Okay but really I'm so so so proud of the ccs for making this happen and it's only going upwards, I'm literally so in awe, they really said go big or go home
Free space for Ant's villain speech I wasn't able to hear yet, but they said it was v cool, so I'm trusting people on this
Thank you for listening, stan Bloodvines arc /hj
If I made typos no I didn't
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