#especially after his freaking w cover shoot
seokjinsonlyone · 2 years
Bestie has anyone been bias wrecking you lately? I’m a hardcore JK stan but dear lord Joonie has been taking over my thoughts lately 😵‍💫
i understand completely like who cannot be enamoured with joonie like he been flexing his big brain and his big muscles lately like that's 100% valid even the strongest among us couldn't help drooling at him 🫡
and LISTEN rule number one when it comes to ari and bts is that imma HOE captial H like i be switching lanes faster than a thief in a grocery store so someone's ALWAYS wrecking me LOL my flavor of the week, month, past few months really tho has been mr park jimin like i can't tell you why but just lately i can't get enough of him like won't him tremendously
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wekiamo · 1 year
fell harder
skeet ulrich x fem!reader
a/n: heyy i’m back w another fic! i enjoyed writing this sm i hope you like it 💕
pt 2 here
warnings: swearing, that’s all for now!
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you’ve never made a movie in your entire life, but you were always a big fan of movies until this day. especially horror ones.
there’s this one specific horror movie franchise you absolutely love - scream. the first time you ever watched a scream movie was 12 years after the first scream was released - you were 10 years old and watched it without your parents knowing, and you absolutely loved everything about it.
that’s when you became a fan of the franchise, and started wanting to be part of it - you started practicing acting skills, even started watching youtube videos with acting tips.
and here you were, 25 years old, part of the next upcoming movie of the scream franchise. as soon as you knew you got the role, you sure screamed. a LOT.
“Hey” 10:19 pm
an unknown contact texts you
and you suddenly jump from the unexpected sound of the notification.
“fuck, that shouldn’t have scared me that much” you think to yourself and click on the notification you just got. you start typing
“hello, who’s that?” 10:19 pm
“I’m Dave, you must be Y/n. I got your number from the cast list, we’re going to work together for Scream 7” 10:20 pm
“oh hi dave! that’s nice” 10:20 pm
you answer his text, embarrassed that you didn’t even land your eyes on the cast list yet. everyone might have.
“So, I texted you because me and some other cast members were planning to have dinner tomorrow together, would you like to join us” 10:21 pm
ooh that’s why he texted me. that would be nice, wouldn’t it? at least i’ll be able to make some friends there, and not be left out in the shootings.
“sure!! i’d love to, count me in!” 10:22 pm
after you responded, you get up from your bed, turn off your cellphone and go grab some snack in the kitchen.
you leave your cellphone in the kitchen counter to open the fridge. you hear the sound of another notification.
“Alright! Here’s the cast list, just so you know who’s going to be there. The ones whose names I marked an X, are not showing up to the dinner. The ones who doesn’t, are showing up.” 10:23 pm
you cover your face in embarrassment. how does he know you haven’t seen the list yet?
“okay, thanks dave! what’s the address?” 10:24 pm
you send, before even checking the list he sent you.
you take a deep breath before actually checking it, thinking to yourself you should not be so careless at the point you don’t even check the cast of the film you’re going to be in.
jenna ortega, melissa barrera, jasmin savoy, mason gooding, bla bla bla…
until you see a specific name in the list, which you widen your eyes at.
“SKEET ULRICH?” you say loudly, before covering your face with your hands once again, but this time at the feeling of surprise.
you always had a big crush on this guy; since you’ve seen him as billy loomis when you first watched the first scream movie. he was and still is incredibly attractive - but not the common kind of attractive. he was TOO ATTRACTIVE. and you usually get really nervous around people THAT attractive.
it was kind of predictable if you think about it, because he’s been showing as sam’s visions in the last 2 movies - but you definitely did NOT think about it.
and now that you do, you freak out. there is no doubts you should have checked this list earlier, as you think to yourself you’re not prepared to see him and have dinner with him tomorrow. it would take days for you to mentally prepare yourself for meeting him personally.
“but, i’m not sure he’s going to be there tomorrow” you raise your head a little bit from the logical thought, before lowering it to the cellphone once again, seeing the list. you’re looking for a little bit of relief of seeing an “X” beside his name, just like some of the names there.
but you only disappoint yourself. there isn’t an X beside his name.
you start thinking you shouldn’t show up tomorrow.
but you have to. you confirmed to Dave you were going to be there, and you hate it when people cancel plans after confirming their presence.
when there’s another notification, you check it quickly and sees it’s Dave sending you the address you asked.
you have to go. and you decide you will.
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fe-fictions · 1 year
Hi!! Following onto what the last anon said, I can't find one of your Freddy stories! It was the one where Marc was kidnapped and Fred freaks out but Morgan saves her and is avoiding Fred because he thinks he blames him. Did you write that? I can't find it on your Ao3 and it was one of my favorites. :(
(I've got it right here!! It's one of my faves too ;; A ;; )
There was no reason for the battle to carry on as intensely as it did. But you were outnumbered. Morgan and Marc had taken to clearing out the battalion to the east, leaving you and Frederick to handle a skirmish in the northern part of the battlefield. 
The rest of the Shepherds were struggling, too. There was just too much happening, and everyone was on edge.
None so much as your husband, though. Ever since you had sent the siblings off to fight with their own group, he had been more worried than usual.
“Robin- we need to get back to them.” He said behind clenched teeth, fighting to keep his bearings while the great knights surrounding you started to close the circle tighter.
“They’ll be all right.” You assured him with a devastating blast of magic straight through the Vallites in front of you. “They’re strong, especially together!”
“I know that,” He threw an axe into the helmet of another, shattering bone and steel alike. “But Marc isn’t as strong as Morgan, and she’s still new to the battlefield. If I’m not with her-”
“Morgan can defend her. We need to focus on clearing the field!”
“After the battle. I’m worried, too, but we need to prioritize- mrgh!!” You flung violent bolts of Thoron, disrupting the charging men. 
It allowed Frederick to draw himself back; of course you were worried, too. Those were both your babies, even if they weren’t from this timeline.
You didn’t like the idea of them fighting on their own.  You just didn’t have a choice, and made the difficult decision.
For once, Frederick thought to himself, he shouldn’t blame himself. This was what needed to be done. He dove in beside you, finishing off the enemy battalion after the bolts of lightning faded. 
It would be several minutes that dragged by before you were able to route the enemy. You flung up a signal flare, letting the others know that you and Frederick had succeeded in neutralizing your targets.
Another flare, to the west, followed after. Chrom and his group had succeeded. Then came Sumia, Cordelia’s and Miriel’s. All positive.
The battle was a resounding victory, it looked like.
Frederick looked to the northeast out of instinct; Morgan and Marc’s flare should be going up any moment. A positive signal.
You were right, after all; they were both very strong. He couldn’t be more proud of his son and daughter, as they were excellent nights.
So excellent, that he couldn’t allow himself to even consider the possibility that the flare shooting up was negative.
But the sky went dark, and a red flare shot into the sky. North-northeast.
“Go!!” You burst past him, running towards the flare as it dissipated into the sky. Frederick rushed after you and kicked Hebert into gear, galloping as fast as he could. His heart thundered in his chest, and an icy fear crept through his veins.
His children were the only ones to come back negative. It didn’t mean they were inherently in danger, but it did mean that they weren’t winning their battle. Possibly worse.
The forest gave way to a small clearing. You noticed the coat, first.
“Gods-” Frederick tore from his horse and hit the ground, following you to the boy collapsed on the ground. 
Morgan’s armor was shattered, blood coating him from head to toe. He was gasping for air. The spear had been torn from his hands, splintered and broken off somewhere away from his body.
He was fighting to stay conscious. Worst of all, Frederick realized, was that his son was alone.
“Morgan, Morgan- can you hear me?!” Your voice was tense with fear, pulling him to your chest and cradling him tightly. “He’s covered in wounds, he’s- Frederick, what do we do?!”
“I have an elixir-” He stumbled and grabbed the vial from his pouch, taking his kerchief and pushing it into your hand. “We need to clean the wounds and patch them, quickly!”
You sent up an emergency flare. The voices of the Shepherds echoed in the trees, but they were all farther away than the two of you were. 
Frederick helped you pull Morgan’s coat off, working to get his tunic off and cutting away belts and anything else keeping you from the injuries. There were gashes all over him, an assault on your son that you never wanted to see.
“Wait-” You shoved your hand into his pouch, finding an emergency vulnerary. “This...this should be enough. We can at least get the bleeding to stop. But Marc…”
“I’ll find her. She must be close by.” 
She had to be.
Frederick returned to Hebert and swiftly steered around, galloping into the field in search of Marc.
He didn’t know where to start, only to search frantically for a mop of brown hair and another tactician’s coat.
She couldn’t have gone far from Morgan. The flare was sent up a short while ago...she had to be near him. They would never leave each other’s sides, especially not if you had directed them to stay together.
For minutes more Frederick searched, his voice hoarse as he called for his daughter. He had no reply. 
The search came to a sudden end. Hebert’s hoof clacked against something heavy on the ground, making the beast stumble. 
Frederick followed the object as it fumbled across the grass. It was a heavy tome. 
He dropped to the grass, unaware of how badly his hands were shaking when he retrieved it. An Arcwind tome. 
Marc’s tome.
His grip tightened on the book- the paralyzing fear overwhelmed him, realizing that its owner had yet to be found. She wasn’t anywhere. 
“Marc!!” He shouted for her, his chest heaving with breath that he couldn’t find. He was panicking. His daughter was missing. 
She had lost her weapon, her brother, she was gods knows where, and in what state-
The thought of her mangled body flashed across his mind, and for a moment, Frederick couldn’t breathe. The fear of his child being in danger, worse than anything he could possibly imagine, was overwhelming all of his senses.
It was the scream that snapped him from his thoughts.
Frederick jolted when Marc’s voice ripped through the air. He whipped around, searching for its source.
“Marc?! Marc, I’m here!!”
Frederick stared into the sky, the sun suddenly blotted out by a hulking beast. A wyvern rider had taken to the air, a whole troupe of them alongside him. The battalion Morgan and Marc were tasked with clearing.
And in the dragon’s claws 
was Marc.
They had his daughter.
Marc was reaching for him, screaming after him. He had never seen such a look on her face, but what was worse was that she was getting further and further away from him.
They were taking his daughter right in front of his eyes.
He galloped after them. He poured on what speed he could. 
“No- no, Marc!! MARC!!”
He cried after her, reached for her- but Marc was too far gone.
He could only watch, helpless and afraid, as his daughter disappeared into the sky. 
The healing tent was in a flurry. Morgan had been treated and brought back to a stable consciousness, but there was no relief in the room.
Everyone that was crowded inside knew of what happened.
You were helping Morgan to his feet when Frederick returned, his expression gaunt and dark with fear.
He clutched Marc’s tome to his chest. Numbly, he informed you of what he witnessed. 
The Valmese took her.
“It’s all my fault.” Morgan’s buried his face in his hands, “I-I wasn’t strong enough to fend them off, and when they got m-me out of the way, they…”
“Do you know why they took Marc?” Chrom questioned him, standing beside his sister who continued to heal him. Morgan shook his head, remorseful.
“They saw our coats. They knew whose children we were. But when I put up more of a fight, trying to keep them from Marc, they figured it’d be easier to get me out of the way. They o-overwhelmed me, and I told her to run, but…”
“They chased her down.” Chrom sighed heavily, “This doesn’t bode well. There are a number of places they could’ve taken her that are nearby- and we’re in no state to rush straight into another battle.”
“There doesn’t need to be another battle.” Frederick stepped in, hand on the hilt of his blade. “I will go. Whatever locations we deem likely as to her location, I’ll take them down on my own.”
“Frederick, you can’t be serious-”
“They have my daughter. I will not rest until she is safe. I never should have left her side to begin with.” There were thick layers of worry beneath his anger.
You touched his shoulder, trying to draw him back. “Let’s focus on finding the most viable location, first. Then we can discuss who goes.”
“I will not be kept from saving my child-”
“But you will not be going alone.” You cut him off curtly. The look on his face could melt steel. “We’ll discuss rescue logistics later. Right now we need to focus on actually finding her.”
The Shepherds could only watch as their fearless tactician stood up to their captain, a man who looked ready to tear through just about anything if it meant he’d get his way. They had never seen him when his family was in danger.
He was a protective man; which clearly meant he was a dangerous one.
Frederick silently took his leave, storming from the healer’s tent. You shared a glance with Morgan, who knew full well how his father could be.
“...I’m sorry, everyone. We need to get back to the matter at hand. Miriel, you had the maps for the northern regions, right?”
Morgan watched as you drew in the Shepherds to begin the planning, the feelings of guilt silently growing within him. He knew there was only so much he could have done, but Marc was with him when she was taken. It felt like his fault more than anyone else’s.
He made plans to convene with his father once the most likely location was found. He hoped the rest of his wounds would be patched up before the sun fell that day.
The sooner he was on his feet, the sooner Marc would be home.
Night had come long before you made it back to your tent. You were exhausted, but the need to sleep wasn’t there. You were too tired to focus properly, but too worried to risk falling asleep. 
You could see Frederick’s silhouette against the candlelight, pacing back and forth urgently. The poor man was falling apart at the seams. Considering the way he behaved in regards to his children, it was only natural he be so upset.
Tentatively you entered through the flap, Frederick’s back to you even as he heard you latching it shut. For several seconds neither of you spoke.
“Frederick?” You didn’t receive a response. His shoulders were tight and hunched forward, his entire body tense. “Darling, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to shoot you down. I know you’re worried about Marc, as am I. If I could let you hunt down her captors and bring her home on your own, I would.”
“You can.”
“I can’t.” You insisted, firmly, the response enough to finally draw his attention around to you.
His face was grim and unimpressed with the situation. But his anxiety betrayed the anger in his eyes.
“You know we can’t risk being so reckless. Throwing you to the Valmese, alone? While you’re compromised?”
“I am not compromised, I-” 
“You’re worried about our daughter and you want to jump head first into the enemy’s camp to bring her home.”
“And you don’t?” He snapped, “She never should’ve been taken in the first place! We don’t know what they’re going to do with her, what methods of torture they might be using- they could kill her before we get there! We can’t wait for a plan, we need to go!!”
“It’s too dangerous, and we don’t even know where to start! What if you choose the wrong location? What if you inadvertently notify the enemy that you’re looking for her, and then they take her somewhere farther away? What if they kill her because they find out you’re coming?”
“None of this would’ve happened at all if I had been with her!”
“Frederick, that’s not true.” You argued when he whipped around, his glare sharp and unforgiving.
“If I was with Marc I could’ve protected her. I could’ve taken her place, or-”
“You really think that I would prefer you be stolen instead of Marc? You think that would make this any easier?”
“If my children are safe then they can flay me alive, for all I care!! Marc needed to be with me, not Morgan. She never should’ve left my side!!”
“You cannot blame Morgan for this.”
You shook your head in disbelief. Frederick exhaled heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“What I am saying is that Marc’s safety is my priority, above all else. She is not strong enough to fight with anyone else, yet. Her training is not complete. If I was with her, I could've done something different. At the very least, I could've stalled long enough for her to get back!”
“They were up against wyvern riders- if I knew there’d be so many of them, I wouldn’t have let them take that battalion on. Besides, you couldn’t have handled them- Morgan’s still a cavalier, and his armor is lighter than yours. He’s able to maneuver around those axes, but you would've fallen harder than he did. You saw him! You think you could’ve survived that assault?”
“If only long enough to protect my daughter.” He glowered, “But I wasn’t there, and I couldn’t, and now…”
“Frederick, we’re going to find her.” You closed the distance between you, “There’s no point in arguing like this. Just don’t be angry with Morgan, or yourself. Be angry with me. I was the one who sent them off.” 
“I’m not...I’m not angry at you or Morgan. I’m angry that I couldn’t protect my own blood.”
“I know.” You sank down onto the cot beside him, wrapping your arms around him. “I’m sorry.”
“I couldn’t bear it if we lost her, Robin. She’s not even from our own timeline, but I cannot imagine our lives without her.” He confessed, his voice muffled weakly into your shoulder. You squeezed him close, willing back tears of your own.
Marc had only been in your lives for a short time. But it was clear that she was her father’s daughter. 
He couldn’t lose her. Not like this.
You both knew this. But you weren’t the only ones. There was a boy wearing your coat and wrapped in bandages that heard it all, waiting silently outside the tent. He knew what he needed to do.
You could stop his father. He wasn’t the one who needed to rescue Marc.
Morgan was.
You woke up before Frederick did. The bags under his eyes were dark, clearly restless from the anxieties that poured out that night.
You let him stay in bed a while longer. He needed it; you could handle the start of the search. At least, that’s what you thought.
The princess stood in the entrance of your tent, shifting from foot to foot with sheer panic on her face. 
“Morgan’s gone!!”
Your heart plummeted. “What?!”
“He left a note in his tent- Lucina went to check on him when he didn’t come to the medics, and found this!”
You skimmed the hastily scrawled note with trembling hands. Morgan was hunting down the men who took Marc. He would bring her back, it promised. No matter what.
You didn’t realize Frederick was awake until his hand covered yours to take the note for himself. His face was unreadable, but you watched the color drain as he paled with realization.
“We have to go.”
You took Frederick’s hand and you were racing across camp. It didn’t take long for the panic to grow into a borderline riot; the tactician’s children were both gone, and it was only a matter of time before someone showed up hurt or worse.
They didn’t have any time left to try and form a proper strategy.
You discovered maps were missing, but there was enough to go on that you could feasibly track down the locations you needed.
The problem was that it was taking too long. You were starting to understand why Frederick was so anxious, before. Now that both your children were in danger, the patience and time for rational thought was quickly dissipating.
It wouldn’t be until sundown that you found an answer.
“We’ve got it!!” Henry leapt from the table, his hands glowing with dark magic. “The tracking spell’s active. If we go this way, towards the northwest, they’ll be there! Then we can rip everyone in there to shreds, nya ha!!”
“Northwest.” Frederick repeated and turned on his heel, striding for the barracks. He had been in a full suit of armor all day, and had a number of weapons at the ready. 
The Shepherds followed suit, all of them ready to lay into the Valmese and raze their forts. They weren’t going to get away with what they’d done.
You were hot on Frederick’s heels the entire time, prepping your strongest tomes. You were working in tandem, handing each other what you needed and directing orders to the others that were flurrying about in preparation for battle.
“You think we’ll be able to find them in time?” Frederick asked you with that pinch of uncertainty in his voice. You nodded, tightening your gauntlets.
“We have to. If the tracking spell is working, that means they’re both still alive. It tracks the subject’s life force. So long as Henry’s spell is active, we can save them.”
“It wouldn’t detail if anyone is injured, would it?”
“Unfortunately not. But injured is better than dead.” You reminded him, “They’re going to come home.”
“There is no doubt.” Frederick shifted his chest plate, keeping it firm and making sure it was ready to take a few good blows. He’d be raging through the Valmese, after all. A few hits were going to make it through his defenses. 
He glanced out the window on a whim, watching the sun begin its descent behind the mountains.
“We will need to embark soon. At this rate we won’t be there until tomorrow morning, even if we use wyverns to-”
A silhouette captured Frederick’s attention in the distance. You were busying yourself with your sword, unaware he was distracted.
“Henry mentioned a spell we can use to speed up our travel time. It’ll take a lot of mana, so it’s best we assign it to a mage that can stay back and build magic. If spare Miriel for the first half of battle we can...uh, Frederick..?”
You trailed off when your husband brushed past you, starting out the door. You stared at him, confused. He was completely focused on the outskirts of camp.
Brow furrowed, you followed him, calling after your husband.
“Frederick? What What’s wrong? What are you-”
You gasped.
There, in the distance, your coat flapped in the dusk breeze. The figure staggered towards camp, in tatters and littered with more cuts and bruises than you’d ever seen on a person.
Morgan had come back.
And he was carrying Marc in his arms.
“Morgan!!” Your cry echoed across camp, drawing the boy’s eyes up. He saw the two of you running towards him and he smiled, albeit weakly.
“Oh my gods, Morgan-!! You...you f-found...w-why did you-!” You couldn’t form a sentence.
Frederick had yet to try.
His eyes were locked on the fragile girl in Morgan’s arms, who was unconscious. She was in desperate need of care.
Morgan, sensing his father’s anxiety, held her out for Frederick to take. 
“She’s alive. Just...needs help.”
Frederick was unable to  speak. His mouth opened, but closed again, taking the delicate girl into his arms. The child he had to watch disappear before his eyes, powerless to help her. 
But she was here. 
You held Morgan to you when Frederick took his sister. He fell heavy against you, prompting calls for a healer. 
“I’m...so proud of you, son.” You whispered, tears in your eyes. “But why would you be so reckless? We were so worried about you...”
“I know what Dad thought...that if he’d been there instead of me, she wouldn’t have…” Morgan sucked in a shaking breath, “It was my fault, so I wanted to fix it.”
“Oh, but Morgan, he didn’t mean-” You choked up when you saw the sadness in his eyes, overwhelmed only by the exhaustion of his journey. 
The air of calm around the Shepherd’s camp was beautiful and most welcome. The Chief Tactician’s children had returned, both in one piece, both alive. Frederick had glued himself to his daughter’s side while she slept, waiting impatiently for her eyes to open.
You stayed with Morgan as much as you could, while you worked between Chrom and the others to find and destroy the next closest fortresses.
They already assembled and set up a strategy for those who had kidnapped his daughter...why not put it into action and make a statement?
Of course there was something that bothered you, which was Morgan’s words when he came back. 
And it was something you needed to speak with your husband about. So while Morgan was sleeping one afternoon, and you were finally free of your responsibilities, you headed to the healer’s tent.
Frederick was dutifully seated by Marc’s cot, gently brushing her hair. 
You smiled softly; how he loved and doted on his sweet girl. It made your heart twist just slightly, knowing he had yet to speak with his son. It had already been a few days.
“Freddybear…” You called to him as you came to his side, earning a tired smile. The worry lines were deep in his forehead, and his eyes were heavy; clearly he had yet to get a good night’s sleep, even with Marc safely returned.
You ran your fingers over his forehead, pausing his brushing as he leaned into your touch. Your hand fell to his cheek.
“You haven’t slept well.”
“I don’t want to miss Marc waking up.” He murmured, “I have waited this long...Libra said she could awaken any day, now.”
“But you won’t be able to welcome her properly if you’re out of sorts. Besides, there are still things you need to do. I’m afraid you can’t stay right next to her forever.”
“I have already cleared my schedule and reassigned tasks to Cordelia and Lord Chrom, who was gracious enough to suggest I remain with Marc. I am not sure what other duties you would be referring to.”
“You haven’t seen Morgan since he returned.” 
That seemed to give him pause. His brow furrowed, a serious frown on his lips as he thought back. “That’s not true. I’ve seen him-”
“You’ve been here the whole time. Since he brought Marc back, you’ve been in the healing tent. You haven’t even come back to bed with me in the last three days. Which I understand, and I have no problem with. But when it pertains to Morgan, I think it’s a little different.”
“I didn’t realize I…” He trailed off, looking back to his daughter. 
“You need to talk to him. Morgan’s under the impression that he had to be the one to rescue Marc.”
“What? Why on earth would he think such a thing?”
“He heard what you said, about how it should have been you with Marc and not Morgan. He thinks it was his fault that Marc was taken, because he wasn’t strong enough to protect her. That you should have been with her, not Morgan.”
“That’s not what I- Morgan is not to blame in any of this!” He protested, the worry lines returning full force. “I could not be more proud of my son for what he has done. I was blaming myself for not being there, not Morgan-!”
“Then you need to tell him that. Because he’s not sure that’s what you meant, and he’s convinced he’s done something terribly wrong.”
“I…” He looked to Marc, conflicted, if only for a moment.
This was his baby boy they were talking about.
Finally he stood from his chair, stiffly, but resolved to reconcile with his child. “I will be back shortly. Please fetch me if she wakes.”
“I will.” You promised, and he pressed the brush into your hands, and kissed your cheek.
“Thank you for being patient with me. I know...I have not been easy to deal with the last several days.”
“It’s all right.” You assured him, and squeezed his hands. “I know you’ll make it right.”
“Without a doubt.”
Frederick strode across camp to find his son’s tent, which was quiet and flickered with a sole candle in the far corner. When he stepped in, he found Morgan at his desk, bandaged from head to toe and looking quite worse for wear.
When he saw his father lingering in the opening, though, Frederick was greeted with a bright smile and a surprised laugh.
“Well, hello, Father! I was beginning to forget what you looked like.”
“Morgan…” He trailed off, staring at his boy who stood from the desk with a stretch and a hum, as cheerful as ever.
“How is Marc doing? I know you’ve been worried about her. Is she awake yet, or is she- oomph!”
Morgan was silenced by his father crushing him to his chest, Frederick hugging his sweet boy as tight as he could.
“Ah, Father-”
“I’m so sorry.”
Morgan paused when Frederick whispered those three little words. Cautiously his hands came around his father, somewhat confused.
“What do you...w-why are you apologizing?” 
“You did everything you could to protect Marc. If it had been me in your place, I would have lost her twice as fast. I may have died trying to protect her. But you survived, and you b-brought her home, and I...I cannot express how proud of you I am.”
Tears filled Morgan’s eyes, but he swallowed them down, shaking his head to dismiss them. 
“If I was strong enough to protect her, she wouldn’t have been taken. You were right, it was my fault she was kidnapped in the first place. It was my duty to bring her home.”
“No, Morgan. You didn’t do anything wrong. I was wrong for saying what I did. Worse still that you heard it. I failed you. I cannot express to you how truly grateful I am that you are my son; that you are the cunning, strong and excellent man you are.”
“I hope you will forgive my impertinence.” Frederick sighed, pulling back to place his hands on Morgan’s shoulders. “I understand if you are angry with me. But I-”
Morgan launched back into his father’s arms before another word could be spoken. He buried his face in Frederick’s chest, squeezing him as tight as he could.
“Thanks, Dad.”
Frederick would not be able to deny the tears that welled in his eyes, nor could Morgan. But it was clear without a shadow of the doubt that they loved each other very much. There was no such thing as favorites; only Frederick the Wary being overprotective of his children.
They eventually found the strength to gather their emotions and pull apart, but not before he tousled his son’s hair and assured him all was well. 
The pair opted to return to the healer’s tent together, so that you could see both your boys vastly improved and happier. They were mere meters from the entrance when you suddenly tore the flaps open, eyes bright with glee.
“Frederick- she’s awake.”
He sprinted the last few steps. Sure enough, they entered the tent to find Marc stirring in her cot, her expression shifting and twisting with effort as she woke up for the first time in days.
Frederick barely made it back to his seat beside her when her eyes fluttered open, squinting up at him in an attempt to gather her surroundings.
“Marc?” He called to her softly, his hands floating over her as though unsure where they belonged. She stared up at him for several seconds, as if processing what she was looking at.
Then the tears silently spilled down her cheeks.
“...Pa-” She swallowed thickly, reaching shakily out for him, “P-Papa…”
He had her in his arms, cradling her to his chest in seconds. He cupped her head tenderly, pressing her into him and hugging his fragile daughter for all he was worth.
“It’s all right. I’m here, Marc. You’re safe.”
She was so very small, enveloped in her father’s arms. She turned into him from the cot, the tears flowing freely. She sobbed against him not even realizing there were tears in his eyes, too.
You placed a hand on Morgan’s shoulder, smiling at your son. Everyone was misty-eyed, but above all, your family was happy.
Together, again.
Of course the waterworks only continued when Marc was able to separate herself from Frederick, if only so she could hug her brother who saved her life, and hug her mother who she was convinced she’d never get to see again.
The healing tent was just a mess of emotions, but it was filled with plenty of love. And, of course, Morgan having to swear up and down that he’d never do something so reckless ever again.
Which, once his father was satisfied with Morgan’s promise, proceeded to receive countless hugs from all of his family members.
A proper reward, indeed.
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msclaritea · 11 months
‘Bridgerton’s Ruby Barker Calls Out Netflix & Shondaland After Suffering “Psychotic Breaks” – Deadline
Ruby Barker is opening up about her experience on Bridgerton and calling out Netflix and Shondaland for not being more supportive during what she calls “psychotic breaks.”
“When I went into hospital a week after shooting Bridgerton Season One it was really covered up and kept on the down-low because the show was going to be coming out,” Barker said during an appearance on the LOAF Podcast. “During filming I was deteriorating. It was a really tormenting place for me to be because my character was very alienated, very ostracized, on her own under these horrible circumstances.”
She continued, “Not a single person from Netflix, not a single person from Shondaland since I have had two psychotic breaks from that show have even contacted me or even emailed me to ask if I’m okay or if I would benefit from any sort of aftercare or support. Nobody.”
Barker played the role of Marina in the first two seasons of the drama series. Marina was a controversial woman in the series following a pregnancy scandal. In real life, Barker was facing mental health issues due to the show.
Barker explained that a lot of things were happening at the same time when the show was set to premiere adding, “My life was changing drastically overnight and yet there was still no support and there still hasn’t been any support all that time. So I was trying really really hard to act like it was okay and that I could work and that it wasn’t a problem.”
“It’s almost like I had this metaphorical invisible gun to my head to sell this show because this show is bubbly and fun. I don’t wanna come out and poo-poo on that because then I might never work again!” she added.
Bridgerton is a drama series on Netflix created by Chris Von Dusen and based on the book series of the same name by Julia Quinn. Shonda Rhimes’ Shondaland produces the show for the streamer
Watch Barker’s full interview in the video posted below.
Just call her Kimberly Featherington.
Kim Kardashian made her Bridgerton super fan status known at the end of March, just before Regé-Jean Page announced his exit from the Netflix drama. But as it turns out, she's had more of an impact on the show than she ever realized.
Bridgerton star and Kardashian super fan Nicola Coughlan, who plays Penelope Featherington/Lady Whistledown, revealed on Twitter that she and her TV sisters here highly influenced by Kim and her real-life sisters.
"As the world's number one Bridgerton stan does Kim Kardashian know that the Kardashians were a massive inspiration for the Featheringtons and we talked about them all the time during our fittings?" Nicola tweeted. "Because I feel like she should know this."
Kim soon responded, with a very reasonable number of exclamation marks.
"WHAT?!?! I am freaking out!!!!!!" she responded. "This tweet was sent to me on my Bridgerton group chat! Can I please come to a fitting?!?! It would make my whole life!!!!!! I love you Lady W!!!"
According to other interviews, they knew damn well on the Bridgerton series that Barker has issues she was dealing with. But see, when you're dealing with the Church of Scientology, you're not likely to get much help, especially if torturing a young woman on set was the whole point.
Exactly what kind of person IS Shonda Rhimes, to go along with depravity such as this? Netflix mimicked the Kardashian women and their favorite hobby of latching onto black men, leeching off of them and leaving them mentally in jeopardy.
This makes two toxic, embedded stories of real people and their personal lives in Bridgerton.
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strawberryseeded · 6 days
just watched maxxxine 2024 w my sis.. i wasnt expecting much bc i havent heard absolutely anything abt the movie since it came out, but tbh i was still disappointed considering i rly liked the other 2 movies from the series (x 2022 and pearl 2022). p much everything abt the movie was lackluster, from the setting and vibes to the characters, plot, and even maxine's own character arc. some gory scenes were nice, but not all of them, and they were few to begin with.. tbh it didnt even feel like an horror movie, it was honestly more of a detective/crime movie so even the genre was off
my biggest complain its that it wasnt scary at all. it didnt even make me feel tense.. :/ like dont get me wrong i wanted maxine to survive, i like her character (tho thats mostly cos i know her from x 2022. maxxxine 2023 wasnt rly good at showing her best attributes), but the stakes werent that well presented imo.
edit!! alsoooo (SPOILERS) its like they couldnt pick what theme to rly focus on???
1st we got her trauma as a massacre survivor (from x 2022): her survivor guilt, her overly defensive/ paranoid attitude (that, sidenote, was justified in the movie bc of the stalker situation), her will to make it all worth it. this was present, especially at the beggining, but BARELY (the knife alley guy scene was nice (but, again, not scary) and the mask mold making scene was actually good but the scenario was so fuckin dumb....... who leaves someone alone like that while they have all that covering their face??? the person could be claustrophobic? they could freak out, faint. if not, someone could go wrong anyways. they could be allergic, the substance could get into their nose or mouth and make them choke?? like seriously no one would leave you alone in that situation. AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE MASK'S PURPOSE. they didnt even need one for that scene!!!!!!!! you cant even see from the neck down!!!!!!!)... and then they did Nothing with it. actually Nothing.
then we got maxxxine's past which she run away from: her upbringing which she was grateful for but wasnt gonna make her happy (aka, a star), a father who potentially loved her but didnt accept her, her catholic guilt roots. all that..... so much potential n was so poorly done. the father dude was so not scary not before nor after the reveal (which btw i saw coming from miles ago, not that that was bad). he didnt even feel like maxines father tbh???? he was just some crazy religious dude. it almost came off as if he was delusional and he was the only one who believed maxine was his daughter?? idk the emotional connection between them was srsly lacking.. and yeah maxine shoots him but AFTER that detective lady (super dumb character and "subplot" btw....) shoots him to the ground. it was p much over by the time maxine goes to him and even if she recognizes the impact he had on her when she was a child, its ultimately just words, its not rly impactful bc we see nothing beyond that homemade video. idk.
and finally we got the "i deserve being a star and i will do whatever it takes" angle, which was present the whole time and, again, they did NOTHING with it. actually after havimg watched the teaser/trailer i THOUGHT this was gonna be the angle. like, with pearl 2022 it was abt this country girl that can do nothing but dream abt being a star so when she fails she breaks down and ends up... like that. instead, maxxxine its about a girl who CAN do more than dream about it, who is willing to do anything to get what she wants bc shes a survivor! bc she went thought it all! bc she deserves it! bc she did everything for it! and she succeds! and its horrific and tragic but also you want that for her bc she wants it more than anything and FIGHTS for it! ........but it was none of that. WHICH ITS FINE it didnt have to be that, specifically. but instead, if was not much at all??
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mischiefmanaged71 · 3 years
Bad Romance - Joaquin Torres X Reader
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Song: Bad Romance - (961) lady gaga - bad romance ( s l o w e d ) - YouTube
Summary: The reader is an enhanced individual with the ability to replicate other people’s abilities. A member of the Avengers, she has been working alongside Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes to investigate the Flag Smashers but the man calling himself the next Captain America poses an obstacle when he takes interest in her abilities. 
Author’s Note: Hello! So this is my first time posting a fic I've written. I’ve been writing since 2018 but never had the courage to post anything so I hope you all enjoy my story. Torres has only been in ‘The Falcon and The Winter Soldier’ for like five minutes but I’m in love with him. There obviously isn’t enough fiction out there about him so I took it upon myself to write one. This is an idea I came up with in my head, aside from the plot of the show. Listen to the song for added effect. I’ve inserted timings as well :)
Pairing: Joaquin Torres X Fem!Reader
Warnings: TFATWS SPOILERS, Canon-level Violence, blood, romance
Word count: 2.5K
Darkness is all you’ve known these past hours.
It’s been almost twenty-four hours since you’ve last had contact with anyone. Sam would usually check in with you about now, but that didn’t seem a likely possibility. 
Your right eye is almost swollen shut and you’re pretty confident that you have a few broken ribs from how difficult breathing is. The sound of metal creaking echoes in the empty room as you rattle your restraints. 
You’ve been quite literally chained to the wall. 
They weren’t taking any precautions.
Especially after witnessing the dozen agents you could take down all by yourself. 
Leaning against the wall, you try to reach some semblance of comfort, laying some of your weight against the hard-rock. Your neck burns from the collar they attached when you caught you off-guard. 
It was during a recon mission, you were chasing a lead about the Flag Smashers’ next meet up when they showed. Half a dozen armed men in tactical gear. 
They snagged a collar on you, disabling your powers.
You didn’t anticipate this.
All you heard was a piercing noise and then you blacked out.
You couldn’t access your powers as soon as that light buzzed. Trying to summon fire warranted a little electric shock to your system. Little, meaning severe enough to take down an elephant. 
Yeah, so getting out of here would be tricky.
Isn’t it always?
Five guards have remained in the room for the past two days, monitoring, watching. 
For what? 
You have only the slightest idea why.
The double doors which have remained close for the past two days creak open. The blue uniform is familiar to you but the face donning the outfit is not. He’s an imposter wearing a costume, a mock of the real thing. John Walker, along with his so-called ‘American squadron’, had grabbed you as a statement. Sam and Bucky certainly weren’t going to stay out of it because someone told them to. You all followed a code, to protect those who couldn’t fight for themselves.
“Hello, Y/N, it's been a while since we met last...I’m sorry for the way you were handled on the way here but it was the only way I could get to talk to you.”, he said, looking at the bruises beginning to form.
He talked nonchalantly as if this were a normal conversation. Your wrists were raw from pulling away from the cuffs, clothes covered in dirt and dried blood. He strode up to you, pulling his helmet off and placing it carefully on a metal crate.
“Now, I know Bucky and Sam had a lot to say about me, but you, you were always silent. I thought we had an understanding.”
‘An understanding?’
You refuse to look at him.
“You talk big words for someone who couldn’t begin to understand the legacy of that uniform.”
“I earned this! I put in the work. All they want is someone to look up to. To show them that justice still exists.”, he paces in front of you.
“Justice. Is it?”, your eyes narrow.
He pauses in thought, seething with internalised spite. Pacing the floor, he turns his back to you.
“Have you had time to think about my question?”
You remain silent, glaring at his mockery of Steve’s uniform.
“No? Okay. That’s fine,”, he whispered.
Walker signalled for a guard to open the doors once more and two more men entered, dragging someone along. You squint your eyes to identify the person as they dump them in front of you. 
“No”, you whispered desperately, your breath caught in your throat.
You spot Joaquin’s dark hair and tan complexion, more so, the blood staining his clothes. The men dragged Joaquin next to Walker, letting him slump to the floor. From what you could see, he had been beaten pretty badly, the bruises already beginning to form on his face. His hands are cuffed behind him and he’s unable to hold his own weight. 
Panic fills Torres as he notices the chains securing you to the wall. The last he heard over the coms was a struggle. He and Sam had been surveilling to get anything they could on your kidnappers.
You could only hear the rapid beating of your heart in your throat as blood rushed to your face. Your breathing quickens as you don’t quite know what will happen next. 
John broke the silence,
“I’m going to ask you again.”
“Then, I'm going to count from three.”, he said, pulling a silencer out from his waistband and cocking it at Joaquin who rested on his knees.
“What are you?”
You stare at him incredulously, unresponsive. 
You look down at Joaquin as he gazes up at you, helpless to move with guns trained on you. He’s telling you to stop, to lie, to do anything but give yourself up.
“What answer do you want?”, you asked, using all your strength to lift your head up.
“You want me to say I’m a freak? A mutant? An experiment? What good does that do you? Everyone knows it.”, you huff, sharpening your glare.
He stares down at Joaquin and kicks his foot out against the ground, clicking his tongue. Walker threw his foot into Joaquin’s back, pushing him into the floor.
“Not that.”
You watch as he points the gun harder.
“Tell me. What. You. Are.”, he grits out.
You clench your jaw hard, shutting your eyes tightly. A burning sensation fights in your chest, spreading to your arms. You suck in a breath desperately, a whimper tearing from your throat as your head drops.
The click of the safety echoes loudly.
(1:26s of the song)
Your eyes shoot open, blazing red and as the chains snap free from the wall. The metal clangs loudly against the floor, triggering the five weapons now pointed at your chest. A surge of fire ignites as you swipe your leg, knocking the agents back. The two standing closest raise their guns as you tilt your head and launch a blast of fire from your hand. The next agent replaces him, firing his gun consecutively, but you strut towards him, swiping them away with blasts omitting from your hands. You send a roundhouse kick with a wall of fire, propelling him through the exit. The remaining three encircle you with their weapons, clicking the safety off.
Your hands burn, glowing red with the heightening energy,
“Okay, you got me.”
You raise your hands in surrender as one of them steps towards. Faltering a step, you inhale deeply as he grabs your arm. Once he sets a hand on you, you exhale, breathing out a stream of fire. You twirl in a circle, the fire pushing them back and blocking their sight of you as they flinch from the heat. Dropping to the floor, you strike the cement and crack the surface. The building’s structure shakes as a cloud of energy dissipates from the contact, incapacitating the last of the soldiers.
Walker fixes his gun on Joaquin but you focus your glare on him. You wait as he stares at you, knowing he has the advantage.
"I'd stop right now, if I were you."
You silently stare at him with blazing fire burning in your orbs. The clicking of the safety reverberates in your mind as all movement stops. The muzzle of the gun is inches away from Joaquin's head.
“Alright, you’ve had your show now.”
You've got mere seconds to make a decision here.
He remains still, as Joaquin’s eyes meet yours and you nod your head slightly. 
It’ll be okay because you’d never let anything happen to each other.
"Walker, you've made your point. Look, it's me you really want, not Torres.", You snipped, grabbing his attention. 
Joaquin’s heart raced faster, 
What were you doing?
You could see the gears turning in Walker’s head, his eyebrows perk up.
"C'mon, this whole thing was to get to me, right? To weaponize me. It's my power. So take it. Just let him go." 
Walker pauses in thought,
"I don't think I will." 
You knew that'd be his answer but he was too busy looking at you to notice anything else. Joaquin threw his leg out, kicking Walker’s shin to knock him off his centre.
Moving quickly, you roundhouse, knocking the gun from his hand and driving your foot into his knee. He lets out a pained yell, ducking your elbow jab and rolling behind you. You roll forwards, swooping your flames across the floor to knock Walker on his back. He rolls to the side, standing again to flick open a compact switch from his pocket. He struggles for a moment as you strut over, but he presses the button down with conviction. 
You falter in your steps as a loud piercing sound breaches your cranium and hearing. It’s overwhelming, threatening to shatter your skull. A whimper falls from your mouth as both hands grasp your head. You can faintly hear Joaquin yelling your name from behind. The pain is unbearable. Joaquin bangs the cuffs on a metal crate behind him, forcing them to break. 
Your vision blurs as you clumsily move towards Walker. Once you’re close enough to him, you throw an uncoordinated right hook but he catches it and returns with a kick to your chest, knocking you to the floor. The pain continues, eliciting a moan from you as it grows worse with each second. Joaquin watches as you scream in agony, sprinting towards Walker and tackling him to the floor. Walker loses the switch from his hand, punching Joaquin in the jaw to get him off. Joaquin hisses as his head hits the floor, but he’s quickly grappling for the switch before Walker can get his hands on it. Scanning the floor, he sights it inches away from where you’re curled up in a ball. He’s crawling over to make it but a grip on his shoulder halts him, flipping him over and punching him repeatedly. 
Over the intense clanging, you see black dots form in your sight as you want to pass out. You hear grunts nearby and the sound of a fist making contact with skin. You flicker your eyes upward to see Walker’s figure looming over someone. 
‘Joaquin...where’s Joaquin?’
You close your eyes and force yourself up, struggling to gain your bearings. Upon opening your eyes, you notice something within your reach. Crawling forward, your fingers barely touch it. You try again and again before you feel the metal beneath your fingertips. Finally, you have it in your hands and crush it. The metal crunches and the ringing ceases. A sigh of relief leaves your mouth as you push yourself off the floor.
More coherent now, you angrily send a blast of energy to knock Walker off of Joaquin. Scrambling off the floor, he brings his fists in front of him, but you've already there, standing in front of him.
"I’m going to count from three.”, you said.
Striking a wave in his direction, you blast fire into his chest, your eyes imbuing fluttering embers.
You continue your onslaught, attacking him with multiple blows of rage. 
Your figure looms over Walker, blocking Joaquin from his sight.  
Your hands emit a fiery glow as you project flames, igniting a huge blast which sends Walker crashing through the window and down below.
Gazing down the terrace, you saw Walker’s unconscious body laying on the crushed roof of a car. The authorities would show up eventually. 
Looking back inside, you finally start to feel the adrenaline rush declining. You move away from the window to find Torres leaning against a crate. Joaquin's face is bruised and cut-up as he holds his side with a grimace. 
"Joaquin, are you okay?!", 
You rush over to hold his other arm, scanning him for serious injuries. 
He stops your moving hands to grip them,
"(Y/N), I'm okay, I'm okay. It's you I'm worried about. You almost died. How did you do that?", Joaquin asked, concern lingering in his eyes at the magnitude of your powers.
"I-I don't know. I guess my powers have always been linked to my emotions and then you were in danger. It was kind of instinctive, you know?"
"I could never let anything happen to you. Never.", She whispered silently, not noticing if he had caught it.
Joaquin moved to grasp her chin in his hand, pulling her head up so he could look into her eyes.
"You saved me."
You glanced over his face and the clear pain he was hiding from his injuries. 
"You have no idea how glad I am that you're okay. I-I was afraid...It shouldn't have been you.", You said to Joaquin, tears glinting in your sight.
"I'm not going anywhere. The last thing I want to do is hurt you.", he said, moving closer as your eyes meet his deep and endearing gaze.
"We should call Sam.", You suggested.
"I'll call him later."
Yours eyes met as he leaned his forehead on yours. You inhaled deeply as he gripped your hands tightly as if you would fall out of his grasp. Joaquin's arms encircle your waist and pull you in his embrace. Your arms rest around his neck, nestling your head against his shoulder.
You hold each other tightly in a moment of calm, seeking comfort from that person. The one person you would always seek out. 
You pull away, but his arms remain around your waist.
"You're so beautiful.", He whispers.
Your breathing shudders for a second before you decide to go for it,
"I-I love you, Joaquin."
You gauge his reaction as his eyes widen slightly. He leans in and guides his lips to yours. He kissed you slowly and passionately, his hands still gripping your waist. You sigh and stand on your tip-toes, tugging the hairs on the back of Joaquin's neck to bring him closer. You both pause, gasping for air for a moment. Kisses linger in between breaths as you both wind down from the intense 24 hours you've had, emotionally and physically.
"For the record, I love you too.", He grins, laughing at your eye roll.
"I didn't quite catch that, why don't you show me again?", You winked, biting your lip as his arms swooped around you again and tugged you closer. 
Barely brushing your lips, he looks between your eyes and then your lips.
"I think we can arrange that."
Your breath catches as your lips brush his. You smiled, closing your eyes, as does Joaquin. You swayed in his arms as his lips encased yours once more. 
Suddenly, red and blue flashing lights breach your vision from below. Sirens surrounded you both. You separated, glancing outside the broken window. 
Police cars surrounded the building. Reinforcements had arrived. His hand still grips yours and you motion to help him take some of his weight, wrapping an arm around his waist. 
"We should get of here.", You pushed open the door to exit down a flight of stairs. 
"Yeah.", Joaquin replied, grinning down at you as you walked out together.
Reblog, like, comment if you liked it and any thoughts xx
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Where's My Raincoat? (Haiykuu!!)
Primary Universe
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Summary: See the prompt above. Substitute hoodie for raincoat.
A/N: I love Hinata and Kageyama prompts - especially if they're lee Kageyama! Thanks so much for indulging me! I really love how their storyline is progressing through these fics and I can't wait to see where it leads! Enjoy! ^^
Word Count: 1,700
“Kageyama, have you seen my raincoat?” Hinata asked, turning to look at his friend from across the gym. “I thought I left it right here.”
“I don’t keep track of your stuff,” Kageyama replied gruffly, zipping up his gym bag.
Outside, there was a bright flash of lightning, followed by a roar of thunder that made both of them jump.
Hinata hesitated. “Maybe it’s not safe to go out there right now.”
“Do you want to spend the night in the gym?”
“I mean, it’s not the worst place to get stranded during a thunderstorm.”
Kageyama grunted. “Sure.”
Hinata looked around for his raincoat again, even though at this point he was seriously considering just spending the night here. It was better than getting swept away by the insane wind or struck by lightning. Seriously, where was his raincoat? He’d left it right here, by his gym bag. It was only the two of them in the gym. If it wasn’t here and Hinata hadn’t moved it, that only left…
All of a sudden, all the lights in the gym went out at once, and they were plunged into darkness.
Hinata yelped in surprise, but Kageyama didn’t seem fazed. “It’s just a blackout, you wimp. Stop freaking out, already.”
Another flash of lightning lit up the gym for a split second, giving Hinata a brief view of where Kageyama was standing just on the other end of the net. Without thinking, he sprinted for him, wrapping his arms around him and tackling him to the floor.
“Ow! Jeez, Hinata, what’s the big idea-AHA!!” Kageyama squealed, blindly reaching for his shorter friend even as he felt giggles bubbling out of him faster than he could try to stop them. He grinned widely. “Nohohohohohoho! Dohohohohohon’t do thahahahat!”
“But I’m scared,” Hinata whined playfully, using another flash of lightning to orient himself and Kageyama’s positioning so he could shove his hands up under the setter’s shirt to scribble directly over his belly. “I want you to cheer me up!”
“You ihihihihihihidiot!” Kageyama giggled, but he didn’t sound angry. He squirmed underneath Hinata’s touch and snickered openly for several moments. “Stahahahahahap! It’s wohohohohohorse when I cahahahahan’t see you!”
“Oh?” Hinata sounded wickedly inspired. Kageyama felt a sharp mix of fear and excitement shoot through him at the teasing word. It was a good thing for him the redhead couldn’t see how big he was smiling. Hinata dragged his fingernails up and down his belly, careful to avoid that one spot. “Would it help if I teased you more?”
“Nohohohohohoho!” Kageyama pleaded, a whine in his voice he didn’t intend. He cursed himself. Surely Hinata could hear how excited he was. “Plehehehehease, Hinata!”
“Aw, what’s the matter, Kageyama?” Hinata chuckled, using a baby voice that Kageyama both hated and wanted more of at the same time. “Does not being able to see where I’m tickling you make it tickle more? Hmm? Does it tickle more when all you can do is focus on the tickling and the teasing and nothing else? Do you like it that way?”
“Stahahahahahahahahap!” Kageyama begged, bringing his hands up to cover his face even though Hinata couldn’t see him, either. “Plehehehehehehease, this is wohohohohohohorse!”
“But you’re not stopping me, are you, Kageyama?” Hinata chuckled, scraping his nails along the grooves of the setter’s ribcage now. “Maybe I should up the ante, hmm? Where did you put my raincoat?”
“W-Whahahahat?! I d-dohohohohon’t hahahahave your raincoat!”
“Well I put it with my gym bag earlier, and now it’s gone, and we’re the only ones here. So if I don’t have it, you must have hidden it somewhere.” Hinata used another flash of lightning to smirk down at his friend, inspired and encouraged by the wide-eyed look he saw for a brief moment. “Is that it, Kageyama? You wanted me to stay and tickle you so bad you hid my raincoat from me?”
“N-No! I d-dohohohon’t hahahahave it!” Kageyama was so flustered he could hardly stand it, finally reaching down to try and pry Hinata off of him through his giggles. “Plehehehehease!”
“Oh, well, that’s too bad.” Suddenly Hinata was climbing off of him, leaving him lying on the floor in confusion, sides and ribs still tingling from the leftover sensations, craving more. “I guess I’ll have to look for it myself, then.”
“W-Wait,” Kageyama stammered, frowning, disappointed. “That’s it? You’re not…?”
“Not what?” Hinata’s voice came from somewhere nearby, but the setter couldn’t see him to read his expression. To know what he was thinking.
“You’re not…not going to…?” Kageyama hated how pathetic he felt. “You’re not going to tickle it out of me?”
There was a pause. Then suddenly Hinata’s voice was right at his ear. “So you do have my raincoat.”
Kageyama gasped, falling back again, startled. How had he gotten so close?! He must have taken his shoes off to stay quiet, that sneaky little decoy. Still, he replied, “Y-Yeah, so I took it. What of it? What are you going to do about it?”
It was painfully obvious that he was baiting Hinata into tickling him again, and he hoped desperately that the redhead would understand him this time. There was a long pause. Then, without warning, Kageyama felt a weight settle on his legs, pinning him to the floor by his shins. His shoes came off first, then his socks. “H-Hinata?”
“So not only do you have my raincoat, but you lied to me about it.” Hinata scribbled his fingers along the setter’s soles. “That’s not nice, Kageyama.”
Kageyama let himself dissolve into giggles, too relieved to care that he was probably going to regret this in a few minutes. “Deheheheheheal with it, neheherd.”
“Fine, then.” Hinata grabbed the toes of his right foot to hold him still and scratched a single finger at the base of them. “Gonna tell me where it is?”
“Nohohohoho way,” Kageyama shot back, secretly thrilled that his plan was working after all. “Y-You’re nohohohot gohohohoing outside anywahahahay, right? Whahahahahat does it mahahahatter?”
Hinata laughed, finally letting his own façade slip as he dug all ten of his fingers into all ten of Kageyama’s toes, and soon the both of them were laughing openly in the darkened gym.
For a few minutes Hinata focused on his feet, then eventually moved on to his knees and finally straddled his waist to tickle his belly again, drawing out laugh after screeching laugh from Karasuno’s setter. The redhead kept up the “where’s my raincoat?” play the whole time, but it wasn’t until he pushed Kageyama’s shirt up to his chest that the taller boy knew Hinata was getting serious about this “tickle interrogation” thing.
First came the raspberries. Those long, horribly ticklish raspberries that made him toss his head back and scream with laughter, kicking and writhing and eventually begging for them to stop. He pushed weakly at Hinata, who used the opportunity to snatch up his wrists and pin them underneath his knees so he couldn’t fight back anymore.
Kageyama whined. “Plehehehehehease, no mohohohohohore!”
“Gonna talk?”
Another whine. “Nohohohohoho…”
“More it is.” But rather than go back to raspberries, Hinata carefully – very carefully – scratched at the place where Kageyama’s ribs met his belly, making the setter gasp and jerk hard beneath him, his giggles turning panicked.
“Nohohohohoho, not thehehehere, Hinata—”
“It’s okay,” Hinata said, but he stopped. “Just a little? Really lightly? I promise I won’t use it to torture you. I just want to help you like it again.”
Kageyama felt the heat of a blush rush to his cheeks just as all the lights in the gym suddenly turned back on. Both boys grunted in surprise, squinting and blinking to adjust their eyesight, but as soon as they had, their gazes met.
“Please?” Hinata asked. “Just a little?”
Kageyama hesitated. He did use to love having that spot tickled, but it had been so long…
“I…I need you to stop when I tell you to,” he said at last. “Okay?”
Hinata’s face lit up so much that Kageyama instantly felt at ease, knowing the redhead would be careful like he promised. “I will.”
The touches were light at first. Kageyama squeezed his eyes shut, trying to focus on resisting the urge to laugh already, instead squirming horribly and digging his bare heels into the floor of the gym. He bit his lip but couldn’t stop the first few snickers from escaping.
“Wow, this is a seriously ticklish spot, isn’t it?” Hinata asked, more curious than teasing. He scratched a little harder, and Kageyama’s dam burst, laughter pouring out of him freely already. “Doing okay?” When the setter nodded, the redhead used all of his fingers to gently dig into that spot, smiling when Kageyama yelped.
“NOHOHOHOHOHO!!” He laughed, bucking his hips, trying to dislodge the little middle blocker. It tickled so much already, and he was still being really gentle! “PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! HINATA IT TIHIHIHIHIHICKLES!!”
Hinata beamed. “Hey,” he said, voice teasing but also sincere, letting him know with just that one word that he’d still stop whenever Kageyama asked him to. “Where’s my raincoat?”
Another jolt of panicked excitement. Kageyama whimpered, laughing despite himself, shaking his head and trying to block out the sensations for another few moments before finally crumbling. “THE STAHAHAHAHAGE!! THE STAGE, HINATAHAHAHAHA!!”
Hinata slowed to a stop, releasing Kageyama’s wrists but still sitting on him, grinning. “You good?”
Kageyama was blushing, but he didn’t care. He took in a big breath, let it out in a sigh. “Y-Yeah. I think so.” Then he lifted his head and smirked.
Hinata’s eyes widened in the split second before their positions were suddenly reversed, with Kageyama pinning him down and straddling his waist, wasting no time in digging into his bottom ribs, making Hinata scream with the brightest, loudest laughter. “NAHAHAHAHAHAHA KAGEYAMA!! I STOHOHOHOHOHOHOPPED!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE, NOT THEHEHEHEHEHERE!!”
Deciding it was really only fair for him to be merciful since Hinata had kept his promise despite his tendency to overdo things, Kageyama slid his fingers down to the redhead’s sides and scribbled there gently, enjoying the bright smile and helpless giggles he pulled from his friend.
“So,” he said, smiling wide, “still feel like spending the night in here with me?”
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iwaisa · 4 years
request. juabsba t h i r st Yamaguchi is an awkward mans but 🥵🥵 can you write something where him and the reader haven’t done a lot of stuff, and one day he lets her use his computer for homework and when she opens it there’s porn, where someone is being eaten out and Yamaguchi is like “akauanbabsba IM SO SORRY” and the reader is like “Can we do that 👉👈🥺 can you kiss me down there” hzshsg that scenario has just been in my mind - anon
a/n. ugh YES i love this so so much thank you for this beautiful ask nonnie 😽😽
(also i got wayyy too carried away with his HAHA)
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► now playing... 
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- pairing. yamaguchi x female reader
- genre. nsfw ! (characters are in their third year)
- warnings. smut, cunnilingus, one (1) kind of embarrassing situation? maybe two
- word count. 1.7k+
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yamaguchi was a busy man - being captain of the volleyball team and all. his responsibilities only grew, leaving less time for the two of you to spend alone together. his desire to simply cuddle up with you on his bed or yours while watching a movie was becoming too much, and all he wanted to do was be with you.
not only was he starved of your affection, he was also beginning to grow antsy with each lingering touch he gave you. his hands stayed on your hips longer, his kisses began to trail down your jaw, and he couldn’t stop himself from checking your body out, even in the school uniform.
you noticed your boyfriend’s obvious antics of course, and you couldn’t deny that your desire to go further with your relationship was growing. thoughts of touching him in places he’s never been touched before plagued your mind, even in class. you even found yourself wondering what his moans would sound like.
yamaguchi seemed to be having a harder time with his lewd thoughts. since he got out of volleyball late each day due to captain duties, he wasn’t able to have you over at his house as often. dates were cut short by academic responsibilities as well, as being in higher classes meant less time for goofing off and more time for preparing for college.
yamaguchi resorted to watching porn in his free time, and he wondered if you did the same. if so, what kind of porn did you like? what positions intrigued you the most? how did you like to touch yourself? did you want him to touch you like those guys do in those videos?
any and all thoughts quickly dissolved by the time he met up with you, however, as he never wanted his taboo ideas to scare you off. it was only when he was alone in the comfort of his bedroom would he let his mind wander, imagining you in front of him on your knees instead of his fist around his pulsating cock. he was quick to think of himself as disgusting after he looked at his toned abdomen painted in his release, his insecurities getting the best of him. how would you react if you knew of the lewd way your boyfriend was imagining you?
today was going to be especially hard, he thought. his eyes failed to stay on the textbook in front of him, but who could blame him? the skirt you wore today was pretty damn short. but who was he to complain? he loved the view of your pretty lace panties, and he wondered if you had meant to wear those just for him.
he used his duvet to cover his unfortunate state, his boner growing each passing second he glanced over to see your exposed thighs from where you sat leaning against his bed. any noise you made caused him to jump, which didn’t go unnoticed by you.
“tadashi? you’ve been jumping a lot. like just now,” you pointed out. he was quick to pull himself together, practically forcing himself to tear his gaze away from your legs.
“i’m alright! just trying to figure out these equations,” he lied.
you nodded your head, “can i borrow your computer for a little bit? i left mine at home and i need to finish my draft for english.”
he was quick to respond by reaching in front of him to pick up the computer, handing it over to you. he let out a quiet sigh, forcing himself to focus on the paper in front of him. he was halfway through writing the answer to an equation when he heard a very sultry moan come from his computer.
yamaguchi’s eyes widened as he practically snapped his whole body to face you. there on full display, the screen showed a video of a man enthusiastically eating a woman out. yamaguchi felt his heart shatter into a plethora of bits at the idea that you’d think he’s a freak for watching this type of stuff, but he couldn’t help himself - he was only a teenager.
he finally broke out of his thoughts, standing up to quickly grab the computer from your grasp, ignoring the raging bulge in his joggers.
“i’m so sorry! shit, that’s really weird. i-i’m so so sorry f/n!” he was sweating bullets as he shut the computer lid with a loud snap, his hand quickly coming up to hide his crimson face. it seemed like an hour had passed before he heard your soft voice cut through the uncomfortable silence.
“tadashi? can we uhm...try that?”
his eyes flew open, watching you through the gaps in his fingers as your thighs clenched together, arousal shooting through your whole self. he nearly came right then and there at your proposal, his cock jumping at how innocent you looked and sounded.
you cleared your throat and stood up, linking your fingers through his. “the uhm...video. do you want to do that?”
yamaguchi gulped, fighting the urge to pull his sweaty hands out of your grasp. he slowly removed his hand from his face, squeezing his eyes shut before landing his gaze on yours.
“are you sure? i-i don’t want you to feel like you have to just because you saw that. i mean of course i want to do that with you, i’m supposed to be a good boyfriend and please you and-”
you cut him off, “tadashi.” you raised your eyebrows, your gaze turning stern. “you’re an amazing boyfriend. the best, in fact. not to mention my first boyfriend. and...i’ve been wanting to do something with you for a while,” you trailed off, embarrassment creeping up your spine.
the two of you stood there for a few moments, before yamaguchi squeezed your hand, urging you to look at him. “tell me if you want to stop, okay angel?” you nodded, pushing your nerves away.
yamaguchi leaned in slowly, pulling your body flush against his. he whispered a quick ‘i love you’ before locking lips with you, his other hand wrapping around your waist. your free hand made its way up to rest on the nape of his neck, playing with his baby hairs.
he began backing you up towards the bed, breaking away from the kiss to let you lay on the duvet. he blindly shoved his textbooks and papers out of the way as he connected his mouth to yours again, massaging your tongue with his. your soft whimpers beneath him sent his blood straight to his cock, and it was becoming painfully hard for him to continue.
he began moving his kisses down your jaw, pressing wet, open-mouthed kisses to your neck, grunting in response to your gorgeous mewls. lifting up your shirt, his eyes widened as he noticed there was no fabric covering your nipples.
he glanced up at you in surprise, watching as you bit your bottom lip in embarrassment. before you could open your mouth to defend why you weren’t wearing a bra, his mouth latched onto one of your nipples, his tongue slowly swirling around the hardening bud. the loud moan you let slip was music to his ears as he continued moving south, his hands fumbling with the waistline of your skirt.
he glanced up once more to get approval to slip your skirt down your plush thighs, finally being able to see you. he practically licked his lips as he stared at your panties, your arousal seeping through the material. yamaguchi couldn’t help but glance up at your flushed face once more, the look you gave him causing him to gulp once more.
he leaned down to press a quick kiss to your clothed cunt, his lips quirking into a slight smile at the lewd moan you made. he made quick work of slipping the garment off, tossing it somewhere in his room.
he watched in awe as your cunt clenched around nothing, your folds glistening in your slick.
“you’re so wet,” he mumbled out, quickly shooting his hand to cover his mouth. “sorry, that was really blunt. i- uh...you’re beautiful,” he mumbled quickly, using his finger to collect your juices.
“tadashi, please,” you pleaded, propping yourself up on your forearms. he nodded, gulping for the umpteenth time before leaning forward to lick a stripe up your folds. the moan that escaped your mouth was downright pornographic, and yamaguchi felt himself growing impossibly harder by the minute.
he continued licking up your arousal, using his middle finger to prod at your entrance. you gasped as he slid into you, your hands making their way to his olive tresses. your back was now pressed against the mattress as yamaguchi ate you out like a man starved. he was unable to stop himself from humping the duvet as your moans made their way to his ears.
he groaned against your folds, the vibrations coursing through your body causing you to buck your hips into his face. he used his free hand to pin your thighs onto the bed, continuing to attempt to relieve his own pent-up arousal.
you felt the coil in your stomach unwinding rapidly, your release approaching faster than you’ve ever experienced before. unfortunately for yamaguchi, he felt the same, his own orgasm threatening to hit him at any moment.
his fingers pistoned in and out of you, his lips and tongue continuing to pleasure your clit. you cried out as his finger pressed up against your spongey walls, forcing your orgasm to hit you full force. yamaguchi slowed his pace as he helped you through your high, internally smacking himself for the wet patch forming in his boxers. 
he pulled away, gently slipping his fingers out of your sensitive cunt. he attempted to hide himself, his face growing red from embarrassment and shame that he came in his pants. much to his dismay, you noticed, taking that time to tease him about it.
“tadashi, did you really cum in your pants from eating me out?” he stopped dead in his tracks at your words, sinking his teeth into his bottom lip.
“i-i’m sorry, it was just really...hot,” he mumbled, still refusing to make eye contact with you. you sat up on your knees, crawling towards your boyfriend, watching with a smirk as his eyes widened as your fingers rubbed over his clothed cock.
“it’s okay, angel. just let me help you out now.”
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smut taglist. @otsut-writing​ @ash-writes-things​
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seaofghouls · 3 years
Resident Evil Village WKM AU
Taglist: Nobody. Comment to be tagged!
Warnings: Bullets, Guns, Monsters, Tranquilizers, Blood, Gore, Descriptions of serious injuries, ect.
The stuff you'd see in Resident Evil. ------
“Long ago, a young girl went to pick berries for her father who was hard at work. The forest greeted them with a dark, cold silence. The bushes empty. Yet, determined to find the berries, the little rascal broke free of mother’s grasp and vanished into the trees. Mother’s worried cries faded fast as the girl ran on, over vine and under branch and into the forest deep.
Feeling strange eyes upon her, the girl recalled mother’s scary tales and her throat became bone dry. Then the bat lord appeared. He greeted her warmly and bit his own wing. “Come child, quench your thirst.” He said. So she drank the thick dark blood and smiled with joy. Passing through the graveyard, menacing storm clouds loomed and the air turned bitingly cold. The girl was shivering in her thin clothes.
Then, a Dark Weaver appeared and with a click of his fingers, crafted mist into a beautiful dress. “Come child, warm yourself.” He coaxed. So she clothed herself and smiled with joy. Across waters deep and ominous she went, hoping a boat she found would take her home. But hunger’s grip tightened and her hunger grew heavy.
Then, the fish king appeared and offered one of his many fins. “Come child, eat your fill.” So the girl ate and smiled with joy once again. Continuing on, she soon entered the forest’s dark heart. Then an Iron Steed appeared, bearing a beautiful, golden gear. The creature said nothing as the girl approached.. And snatched what she thought was another gift.
The horse grew angry and summoned the other monsters. Terror filled the girl’s heart as a wild wind rose around the beasts. Suddenly, a witch appeared! Dark, yet regal. “Gift we gave, but more you took.” She snarled. In a blink, the girl was trapped in a mirror, forever.” “There, she’s asleep.” He finished, holding a baby.
“What is with the creepy story? She’s only six months old. Especially the part about being trapped in a mirror.” Y/N asked with a huff.
“The woman at the store said it was traditional. A local tale. Besides, Rose doesn’t seem to mind.” Damien gestured at the sleeping baby in his arms.
“Because she doesn’t understand it, thank god.” Y/N sighed.
“We moved here so she wouldn’t have to deal with that, remember?” Y/N frowned. “There’s nothing wrong with my memory.” Damien slightly snapped.
“Maybe I’m being paranoid. I’m just cautious, y’know?” Y/N said.
“Then, go cautiously take your daughter to bed.” Damien smiled, handing them the baby.
“I’ll finish dinner.” Damien gave Y/N and Rose both a kiss on the head.
“It’s alright, Rose. Your father doesn’t want to remember. I can’t blame him.” Y/N mumbled.
“Did you say something, dear?” Damien called out.
“Nope! I’ll put her to sleep.” Y/N called back.
Y/N carried Rose up the stairs and into her room.
Setting her into the crib, Y/N smiled. “Don’t worry Rose, I’ll be right downstairs. I won’t let those scary fairytale monsters get you.”
Y/N gave her a kiss and walked back down the stairs.
“Is she doing alright?” Damien asked as Y/N walked back into the kitchen.
“Yeah, she’s sleeping like a- well, a baby.” Y/N giggled.
“Mm, smells good. What is that?” Y/N asked, referring to the meal that Damien was cooking.
��It’s clorba de legume, a local recipe.” Damien said.
“Wow, you’ve gone full native, huh?” Y/N smiled.
“Local wine, too.” Damien smirked.
“If you’re going to be grumpy all evening, maybe you shouldn’t have any~.” Damien teased.
Y/N sighed as Damien poured wine into two glasses.
“You really need to stop worrying.” Damien said.
“It’s just.. Everything happened so fast, y’know? It’s a bit stressful.” Y/N frowned.
“Well, at least we’re all here together.” Damien gave a small smile.
“You, me, Rose, now everything’s going to be-” Y/N interrupted him.
“Seriously? You think we can just forget what happened in Louisiana?” Y/N asked.
“It happened so long ago. I just- I don’t understand why you are so-” Damien was interrupted by a bullet.
In his shoulder.
And then, what seemed to be hundreds more lodged into him.
“Damien!” Y/N cried. The lights were cut out, the blood was everywhere.
There was no coming back from that.
“Damien-! Oh god.” Y/N cried.
Hiding under the table, Y/N was covering their mouth as they looked up to see who did this.
“Abe?! What the hell?” They barked.
“Sorry, Y/N.” Abe shot at Damien’s body more.
“No! What?! Why?!” Y/N sobbed.
“Ghk-!” Y/N gasped out as they were shot with tranquilizer darts.
Y/N slowly cracked their eyes open with a groan as they heard a phone going off. They lurched over to unburry it and answered it.
“Is the package secure?” The other end asked.
“What the hell is going on here? Where is Abe and Rose?” Y/N demanded.
“You are not authorized to-” The phone cut out.
“Curses!” They spit.
They began to walk around, turning on their flashlight that they had.
Crows were hung from the trees and the van had crashed.
They found a house and decided to explore it. Nothing of use on the main floor.
Or in the house for that matter. Just blood stains and a trashed home.
“..What did all of this?” Y/N sighed.
By the time they got out, it was morning. They’d never been so happy to see daylight. God, that house was creepy.
“Where the hell am I?” Y/N questioned, looking at the giant castle ahead.
Walking into the town below, it was abandoned. It was utterly trashed and empty. They ran into a man hiding inside a house. He shoved a gun into their hands.
“It’s all I can spare.” He said.
“What the hell’s out there?!” Y/N pleaded, but got no answer before whatever was outside grabbed the man through the roof. They fell through the floorboards into a bit of bodies.
“Aghk-!” They cried.
“Oh god.” They cried.
Bodies littered the floor.
“..Jesus Christ.” They muttered.
“Agh-!” They howled in pain as a beast attacked them, tearing off three of their fingers.
They were thrown out of the basement into the open world, their hand bleeding out, missing fingers.
“What the hell was that?!” They cried.
“N-no! Stay back!” Y/N pulled out the gun the old man had given them and started shooting at the beast. It fell over and bled out after a few shots.
They realized they were trapped. They decided to look around the village for any keys to open the locked gates or ways out. They were able to cut the lock open on the gate blocking them with lock cutters and other various items they found around the village of death.
They heard a radio announcement about traveling to Luiza’s house for safety, so they decided to do that while picking up useful items that they ran into.
The beasts were everywhere. They were able to wrap their bleeding hand in bandages they found. They had quite a few close calls including the beasts.
They got cornered and tumbled into a lake while bleeding out surrounded by monsters before they all stopped all of a sudden and ran off when an old woman seemingly saved them.
“W-wait!” They tried to chase after the lady.
She went off on a tangent with a creepy smile. “The bell tolls for us all! They’re coming again!” She closed the gate.
“Damn it.” Y/N cussed.
The only part that Y/N was paying attention to was the fact that their daughter was in the village.
“I’ve got to find her.” Y/N said.
They continued to travel through the village, shooting at monsters. Damien’s death was still heavy on their mind.
They found a daughter and father in a shed. They found a way to get them inside and close the gate. Luiza greeted the three at the front door, albeit with a man pointing a gun at them before Luiza shooed him off.
“You’re not from this village, are you?” Luiza questioned.
“Uhm, no. I’m Y/N.” They said.
“If Elena trusts you, then so do I. Come inside, Y/N.” Luiza said.
Luiza led them to the main part of the house where the others were hiding.
They certainly did not get a warm welcome.
“There is no safe! Every sorry person out there has been ripped in half!” A man cried, his alcohol swishing from side to side from inside the bottle.
“That’s enough.” Luiza declared.
“Let us pray for those still out there.” She said.
They all joined in a circle, praying to whatever god there was out there.
Y/N started to get a bit freaked out when the old man they had helped inside started laughing and screaming in agony. The house was lit on fire after he knocked over a lit lantern.
People started to crowd the old man asking if he was okay or what was going on.
Y/N gasped as they realized. He was no longer human. He was one of the monsters.
“Oh no.”
He slaughtered almost everyone in the main room as Y/N took Elena’s hand and ran into the hall away from the fire and the beast.
“Elana, we have to go!” They yelled.
“Let them go!” Elana cried, shooting her dad in the head as he was on top of Y/N.
“Oh god. I’m so sorry father.” Elena whispered after she shot him a second time.
“Hey, it wasn’t your fault. That thing wasn’t your father anymore. You did the right thing.” Y/N comforted Elena.
The beast groaned and garbled as floorboards fell on top of it causing more fire to spread. Y/N slammed the door he was in and comforted Elena as she cried.
“We’ve gotta get out of here. He was already gone.” Y/N patted her shoulder.
After looking for a while, Y/N found the truck keys.
“Damn, the fire’s moving fast. Elena, get in the truck with me.” They said.
They crashed through the wall using the truck.
The fire surrounded them, Y/N bit their lip.
Looking up, they narrowed their eyes. “Nowhere to go but up.”
They helped Elena climb up with them.
“..Elena..” A garbled voice called out.
“Father?!” Elena ran towards him. Y/N tried to stop her but failed.
“Elena, wait! That’s not him!” Y/N cried.
The floorboards were cracking.
Elena ignored them.
“Elena, take my hand!” They ordered, holding out their hand to grab.
“Y/N, go! Save your daughter!” Elena cried.
“Elena, please! Don’t give up! Reach for me!” Y/N said.
Elena fell through the floorboards into the fiery abyss below.
“Damn it!” Y/N cussed.
“Why is everyone dying on me?!” Y/N cried through gritted teeth as they climbed out of the burning house.
Y/N saw the old lady again so they ran up to her.
“Death. Death has visited them all!” She cackled.
Y/N disregarded that. They accidentally walked into the gate of the castle. Digging into their bag, they realized that they had the two keys to open the door. Artifacts, the keys were.
They were about to pull the lever to the elevator when a voice stopped them after they had walked into the castle.
“Well, well. Didn’t think anyone was left! You must be pretty tough, huh?” He had a huge hammer, Y/N observed.
“Who the hell are you?” Y/N asked.
“Oh! You’re not local! Even better.” The man smirked.
“Aghk-!” Y/N groaned as a spear was jabbed into them from out of thin air.
“Mother Celine’s going to love you.” He laughed some more as more and more metals were attached to Y/N until they passed out.
They came back to consciousness as they were being dragged and in chains.
“Quit your whining! We’re almost there!” The man assured.
They closed their eyes again, opening them, hearing voices.
“The person is of no real use to anybody else.. And my children do so love entertaining foreigners. Furthermore, I can assure you if you entrust the mortal to enter house Iplier, my children and I shall deliver the finest of blood to you, the finest cups of his slaughtered blood.”
“Out of my way, ugly! I wanna see!”
Y/N was certain there was some deep sobbing mixed in there as well.
“Oh~! They’re awake!”
More deep sobbing.
“Both of you shut the hell up!”
“..What..? Where..?” Y/N started.
“You mean you’ll screw around with him in private? Where’s the fun in that?”
“Give him to me and I’ll put on a show that everyone can enjoy.”
“Oh, so gauche. What do we care for bread and circuses? The person’s suffering is assured, regardless.”
“Yack, yack, the person’s privates are cut off in the castle, blah blah blah!”
“I’ve heard all of your arguments. Some less persuasive than others, but.. I’ve made my decision.”
“Benjamin. The person’s fate lies in your hands.”
“Mother Celine, I must protest! Benjamin is but a child and his devotion to you is questionable. Give the mortal to me and I will ensure they are ready.”
“Shut your damn hole and don’t be a sore loser! Go find your food somewhere else.” Benjamin growled.
“Quiet now, child! Adults are talking!”
I’m the child? You’re the one arguing with Mother Celine’s decision!” Benjamin defended.
“You wouldn’t know responsibility if it was welded to that hammer!”
“Oh, keep growing, one day your head might actually fit your ego!” Benjamin yelled.
“..Hey, don’t I get a say in this?” Y/N groaned.
“Fight fight fight fight!”
“SILENCE!” Mother Celine cried.
“My decision is final. There will be no argument. Remember where you came from.” Mother Celine said.
“Thank you.” Benjamin said.
“Lycans and gentleman! We thank you for waiting! Now, let the games begin!” Benjamin announced.
He bent down to Y/N’s level.
“Let’s see what you’re really made of, Y/N Winters.” He smirked.
He slammed his hammer down in front of Y/N and started counting down.
Y/N got up and ran as fast as they could, still handcuffed. Down the yellow tinted corridor echoing the screams of the monsters. They saw a hole in the ground. Looking around, it was the only option. So, they did the only thing they could. They took the leap.
They ran and ran from the monsters when they landed.
“Agh! Jesus Christ!” They cried.
“That’s right! Run for your life!” Benjamin cackled.
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pruinaelibrary · 3 years
And Forgotten (Alone Ending 2)
Little Terror walked through the woods that she called her new home. It’s been a few weeks since she went to see her dad, and she hasn’t seen him since. She didn’t want to look at him again, especially after her freak-out.
She did send him messages through George, who went to visit him only twice, both times George returning back very pissed off, but very sad as well. Terror didn’t care to ask what they talked about, as she didn’t want to make George anymore upset then he already was.
George wasn’t Dream’s only visitor, as Terror learned. Tommy had visited him, before being trapped in the cell with Dream, then killed by him. Two days later, Tommy walked out of the prison alive, apparently revived by Dream.
That’s why George stopped visiting Dream, and kept Terror from going to see him as well. As if she wanted to go. Dream without powers could be scary enough. Now with the ability to revive the dead, there’s no telling what he’ll do.
Cutting down some trees, Terror exhaled deeply. She didn’t need to worry about Dream. She was a safe distance from him. There was nothing he could do to her while he’s in prison.
The woods around her went a deadly silent, and Terror stood up straighter, her axe in hand. Her eyes darted around looking for any type of movement. Suddenly, something dark darted towards her from behind, and Terror turned, grabbing her shield from her back to block an incoming attack.
Terror’s eyes widened at the towering figure in a black cloak. The only part of the figure she could see was their glowing purple eyes. Terror shook off her shock, then growled pushing the figure back, before bolting away from it.
As Terror ran, she reached behind her for her axe she hung on her back, only to find it gone. Her eyes widened.
No! No! NO!
She heard the sound of something flying behind her, but before Terror could dodge, the blade of her axe lodged in her back. Terror let out a shout, falling to her knees. The figure walked up behind her, grabbing the axe and pulling it out of Terror’s back as the girl screamed.
The figure kicked Terror onto her back, causing Terror to let out a pained gasp. She tried to hold up her shield to protect herself, only for it to be kicked from her grasp. She looked up at the figure with tears in her eyes.
She’s panicking! Why isn’t she trying to escape?! She’s going to die! Oh god, she’s going to die!
The figure raised the axe into the air before slamming it into Terror’s chest. Terror opened her mouth in a gasp, blood shooting from her mouth. The figure raised the axe, before bringing it down. Again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again.
It was silent for only a moment, before all of the walkies in the DreamSMP beeped. Then screams of anguish.
Sam walked towards Dream’s cell, walkie in hand.
Dream didn’t know. How could he know?
Standing in front of the lava on the bridge, a guard lowered the lava, and raised the barrier in the cell. The lava had fallen enough for Sam to see Dream. He was sitting on his bed, tracing his fingers over Terror’s broken mask.
Dream looked up at Sam as he crossed towards the cell. He looked back down at the mask pieces in his hand, tracing over the smile.
“It’s too early for lunch, Sam.”
“I’m not here for lunch, Dream.” Sam shocked himself when he couldn’t even muster his warden voice. Dream looked back up at Sam, eyes slightly wide. 
“What happened?”
Sam had to steady his breathing. Dream was dangerous, even in a cell, there was a very real threat. Dream stared at him, and Sam could feel him practically reading every one of his thoughts.
“Dream, Terror… Terror was killed… about an hour ago…”
Dream stared at Sam for a moment longer before looking back down at the mask. Sam… definitely wasn’t expecting this reaction. It almost pissed him off. His daughter had died, lost her final life, and Dream had barely shown any reaction. 
“Didn’t you hear me? Your daughter-”
“I heard you.” Dream said, eyes closing. “I want to see her.” Sam let out a sigh.
“Dream, I don’t-”
“I want to see her!” Dream snapped.
Sam was silent for a moment. Now this was the reaction he was expecting. An explosion of grief or anger. Sam let out a sigh, closing his eyes.
“I’ll see what I can do.” The bridge took Sam back to the other side, and the lava flowed down once more. Dream opened his eyes, tears falling onto the mask in his hand.
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry, sweetheart. There was no other way, but I promise… I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
George doesn’t remember what he was doing when the message appeared on his walkie. He and Sapnap were both on the Prime Path when it appeared, and he remembers the scream he let out when he saw the message.
Terror was slain by …… 
Foolish was the one to find her body, mutilated in the woods. Puffy was in hysterics upon seeing her granddaughter. George couldn’t even look at Terror’s body without vomiting. Sapnap was the only one who could be around the body long enough to clean and stitch up the wounds without getting sick.
Then Sam came, saying Dream wanted to see… George yelled at him for an hour. He hated Dream. He hated him for abandoning his daughter. He hated him for leaving him and Sapnap. He hated him for everything! But the worst part… the worst part was that (Y/N) was now gone, and Dream did nothing to stop it.
Puffy was the one who wanted to take Terror’s body to Dream, but she couldn’t look at her son. Not now at least. So Foolish and Sapnap were to take Terror’s body to Dream. George and Puffy stayed behind to prepare a funeral for the girl.
“George… I… I’m sorry.” George looked at Puffy in confusion, so the captain continued. “Besides Dream, you practically raise Terror. No one was closer to her besides you and Sapnap.” George smiled softly and nodded.
“I should say sorry, too. She was part of your family as well.” Puffy smiled, thinking about the young girl. She looked up when George began talking again. “Dream loved her so much, even if he was barely there.” George chuckled. “You know he told me, when I last visited him in prison… that he’d do anything to get her back.”
Puffy walked up to George, wrapping an arm around his shoulder in a half hug. George smiled gratefully at her. Someone was running towards them, and the two turned to see Tommy running towards them before running past, yelling a quick hello. Puffy chuckled at the boy's antics, and George watched him go thinking for a moment.
“I’d do anything to get her back, George. Anything.”
George stopped for a moment, eyes widening as he turned towards the prison.
“George?” Puffy asked.
“He wouldn’t…” But George knew he would, and that’s what caused George to run at the prison full speed.
“George!” Puffy called out.
Sapnap carried Terror’s body towards Dream’s cell, following Sam. Foolish had waited in the front office, not particularly wanting to see Dream either. Sapnap was fine with that, because if it wasn’t to bring Terror’s body to Dream, he wouldn’t have come.
They reached the cell, and a guard lowered the lava. They could see Dream standing behind the raised barrier, his eyes instantly landing on Terror. They could see him tense, but other than that, there was very little emotion.
Sapnap and Sam rode the bridge to the cell, and Dream began pacing, causing Sam and Sapnap to become nervous. Once they reached the cell, Dream stared at Sam for a moment, before reaching through the barrier to grab Terror. Sam wanted to stop him, but didn’t have the heart to.
Once Terror’s body was in Dream’s arms, he moved towards the bed, sitting on it. Sapnap tensed.
“I want to be with her privately for a bit.” Sapnap looked at Sam, who spoke.
“I can’t do that, Dream.” Dream looked up at Sam.
“Please, this is the last time I’ll see her. At least let me grieve in private.” Sam didn’t want to. The amount of rules he’d be breaking, but… Curse his morality!
“Fine, we’ll be behind the lava. DON’T try anything.” Dream nodded.
Sapnap and Sam used the bridge to cross over again, and the lava fell, covering their sight of Dream and Terror. Dream smirked.
“Do you have the fire resistance?” Two fire resistance potions were placed in Dream’s hand. “And the TNT is in place?”
Dream smirked looking at his little girl. He pulled her close to his chest, whispering the spell that would bring her back. It was quiet for a moment before Terror shifted with a groan, then her eyes opened wide as she tried to escape her father’s grasp with a “No!”.
“Shh! Shh… (Y/N)... (Y/N), it’s okay, sweetheart.” Terror looked around, not knowing where she was.
“D-Dad?! Where...?! Where are we?!”
“It doesn’t matter right now. Sweetheart… Can you tell me the last thing you remember?” Terror was panicking, looking at her hands.
“We… W-We had just found Muffin and… Dad! Why can’t I remember anything?! Why can’t I remember?!” 
Dream pulled Terror into his chest, hushing her softly, trying to comfort her. He smirked. The memory wipe worked much better than expected. He pulled her back to look at her, giving her a comforting smile.
“(Y/N), sweetheart. I’m going to need you to do something for me.” Handing the girl a fire resistance potion, he continued. “I’m going to need you to drink this, then cover your eyes and bury your face in my chest.”
“Wha…? Dad, what-?”
“Shh, sweetheart. I can’t explain right now, I’m just going to need you to trust me.” Terror stared at her father. Something about this seemed wrong, but… she trusted her father, and began to drink the potion.
George ran to the prison, Puffy running after him.
“George, what’s wrong?!”
George didn’t answer. His mind was running 100 miles a minute.
Dream wouldn’t honestly kill his daughter just to have her again, would he?!
A giant explosion went off where the prison was and Puffy’s eyes widened, thinking about Foolish, Dream, and Terror.
“NOO!” The two continued running towards the prison, running past people who were staring on in shock and fear. They managed to arrive at the prison just as Dream jumped out of the lava that was flowing over the side, Terror in his arms. Dream and George’s eyes met and George’s eyes widened as Dream smirked.
“Thanks for everything, George!” A horse was pulled in front of Dream by an invisible force and Dream climbed on, just as George found his voice.
Dream looked down at his daughter, smirking darkly as they rode off. She doesn’t remember being left alone, she doesn’t remember why Dream was put into prison. Dream had to stop himself from laughing out loud. Her memories and pain were gone. And forgotten.
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grelleswife · 3 years
Sebamey for the domestic ask meme? uwu
Doing these for a modern human AU, if that's okay!
1. Who cooks normally?
Sebastian. He learned to cook at a young age and has taken several classes over the years, so he knows his way around a kitchen! Mey Rin's culinary expertise ends at basic survival cooking, and she has a tendency to leave out key ingredients, mix up the salt and sugar, etc. She much prefers to let bae fix their meals, yes she does! XD
2. How often do they fight?
Infrequently. Since Mey Rin is far too good-natured to be quarrelsome most of the time, and Sebastian adores her, they can usually sort out their differences through more peaceful means. On the rare occasions when they do fight, Sebastian is the soul of contrition afterwards, meekly apologizing for his part in the argument. He'll also get Mey flowers or make a similar gesture as a token of his remorse. Mey Rin isn't the type to stay angry for long, and tearfully hugs him after saying sorry for any unnecessarily harsh words that were exchanged.
3. What do they do when they're away from each other?
Because both of them have full-time jobs, a large chunk of their time spent away from each other is devoted to work. In this verse, I'm picturing Mey Rin as either a children's librarian (the kids would love her), a physical therapist, or a personal fitness trainer; Sebastian is an assistant professor of English literature (or Latin, or philosophy, or violin) at the local university. On her time off, Mey Rin enjoys hanging out with Grelle, Angelina, and Ran Mao (her BFFs from college), as well as her foster brothers, Bardroy and Finny. She might also take up a pastime like competitive shooting or archery. Sebastian, for his part, regularly volunteers at a nearby, no-kill cat shelter (he adopted most of his fur-babies from there), and will occasionally go out for coffee or drinks with his good friend Agni, a professor of culinary arts at the same school where Seb teaches. He favors solitary hobbies, such as writing (he's currently working on a novel), playing the piano or violin, and painting.
4. Nicknames for each other?
Mey calls her partner "honey," "luv," and, of course, "Kittybastian" (Sebas doesn't purr in this AU, but it still fits! XD). Sebastian calls Mey Rin "dear" and "sweetheart." >w<
5. Who is more likely to pay for dinner?
Generally Sebastian, because he loves making Mey Rin feel like a princess! However, she occasionally insists on treating him instead.
6. Who steals the covers at night?
Mey! She'll gather the blankets around herself and curl up in a happy, warm little coccoon. Sebastian doesn't begrudge her, however; how could he be mad about lost covers when she looks so precious? He'll just smile and cuddle up next to her.
7. What would they get each other for gifts?
Mey quickly learns that anything cat-themed is usually a hit with Sebastian! She also gives her genderfluid partner various accessories (hair clips, bracelets, necklaces, etc.) and makeup; Sebastian's face lights up like a Christmas tree when they see the pretty things Mey bought for them. >w< I have a random headcanon that modern!Mey Rin loves to collect Calico Critters, so this Sebastian would get her tons of paraphernalia related to that. They share a love for gaming and anime, so it's common for one to give the other merch related to those pursuits!
8. Who remembers things?
Sebastian has a slightly better memory. Mey Rin can be somewhat scatterbrained, especially when her anxiety kicks into high gear.
9. Who cusses more?
Sebas swears more in everyday life, but Mey can cuss up a storm when her wrath is unleashed! >:3
10. What would they do if the other one was hurt?
Internally, Mey Rin would be freaking out, but she'd do her best to stay calm long enough to bandage Sebastian up and/or call for help, holding her boyfriend's hand, petting his hair, and assuring him that everything would be okay. Once Sebastian's condition was stable, however, she'd hug him as tight as she could and cry from all the pent-up worry and stress. Seb's protective instincts would go into overdrive if Mey was hurt, even if the injury was relatively minor. He'd be frantic and unwilling to leave her side (if Mey had to be hospitalized, the doctors would probably need to have him forcibly dragged out of the room). Once his girlfriend was convalescing, Sebastian would wait on her hand and foot, giving her as much TLC as humanly possible.
11. Who kissed who first?
I could see it going either way, to be honest. On one hand, Mey Rin might impulsively get up on tiptoe to kiss him before dashing off, shocked at her own boldness! On the other, Sebastian might give her a parting kiss at the end of one of their early dates...a cinematic, passionate one while they're standing on her doorstep.
12. Who made the first move?
They met at a Christmas party hosted by Grelle and An (who are married in this AU), where Mey tripped and spilled punch on Sebastian. While she was mortified about getting her drink all over his fancy suit, Sebastian could only gaze in awe at the beautiful woman who'd literally stumbled into his life. The music for the next number started playing over the speakers, and Sebastian asked her on the spot if she'd like to join him in a dance. Dear Mey was baffled--shouldn't this gorgeous stranger be angry at her?--but as soon as she squeaked out a tremulous, "Um...yes? Yes I would!", he took her by the hand, and off they went. Four dances later, both were head over heels. Utterly oblivious to the state of his ruined clothing, Sebastian walked home with a dreamy smile on his face and a scrap of paper with Mey Rin's number written on it in his pocket.
13. Who started the relationship?
I think it happened organically; in the wake of that first meeting, they went on several "kinda-sorta" dates at the park, their favorite coffee shops, etc., and their chemistry was undeniable. It didn't take either one of them very long to realize they were crushing hard on the other. One starry evening, while Sebastian was walking Mey Rin home after a night at the movies, Mey paused, grabbed his hand, and gazed deeply into his eyes. Impulsively, she blurted out, "What are we, Sebastian? Because I really really like you, yes I do...and I want this to be somethin' more!"
Sebastian blushed to the roots of his hair as he whispered, "Well, I really, really like you too...and I'd love for this be to more."
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neonponders · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
Thank you for tagging me @lazybakerart 💗💋
I’ve got two big writing projects on my plate this week lol but one thing I’m kind of indulging is a break-up/getting back together fic that I actually started in this post, but I’ll share what I have so far underneath the cut ~
(and excuse me while I overshare, because I’m still stupidly proud of this The Mummy_au post that I made if anyone wants a taste of that)
Tagging (if you want) ✨ @ghostofjellyfishforgotten , ✨ @smashmouth-hargrove , and ✨ @withoneheadlight 
(also just a heads up for the wip below: it’s once again me exploring my own asexuality through Steve, but I don’t know how far I’m going to go into it. Still, that might be a content warning people may need if they’re sex-repulsed 🌹)
Ch. 1
Sex with Billy was fine. Good, even.
When they finally moved past every look and touch being a threat veiled in a tease, Steve enjoyed looking at Billy. He enjoyed looking at Billy and discovering those California eyes already on him. He liked Billy’s hands. The man had beautiful hands; strong, thick fingers but...somehow elegant.
He liked Billy’s body, even though he sometimes worried that the guy seemed determined to break it ten different ways. Cigarettes, alcohol, excessive working out, and sometimes all at the same time.
Sex didn’t always mean Steve got to cum. Usually he didn’t, actually. But he enjoyed Billy’s kisses on his neck, and the taste of his tongue, and - admittedly - he loved just having all of Billy’s attention enraptured on him. Steve didn’t mind taking his dick inside because once he got used to it, that felt surprisingly good. When he managed the pleasurable sparks and sensational tingles that mounted into something explosive, he understood why sex was great. But for the more frequent, calm nights, he’d come to think of it as a weird yet pleasant massage.
So he took it. Because it was easier on his hands and knees, for one, and because Billy had a control complex. And Steve could hide his lack of enthusiasm.
Not to say that Billy was selfish or careless. Far from it, Billy Hargrove was an incredibly doting lover. Big surprise, there. Considering how the guy
Steve couldn’t really blame Billy for never noticing that he could go a long time without sex. Because Steve liked resting his hand on Billy’s chest while they watched a show or movie. It didn’t matter how much bare skin he had access to. In fact, the more coverage, the better. A clothed body is better to cuddle with than skin that can get sticky or irritated.
Steve liked kissing. He’d always liked kissing. Kissing was the reason he’d assumed he was like everyone else: the desire to kiss, crushes and girlfriends, masturbating, even the giddiness of sex with someone new.
But something fizzled out very quickly in Steve’s brain. Once hands and intent started moving beneath clothing, Steve just...didn’t want it. Suddenly a lot of things popped into his brain that he’d rather be doing. But he persevered because he loved Nancy, and her blooming sexual prowess and bravery was sexy.
Billy was a whole big bag of new with an edge of scary that turned out to be more endearing than Steve thought possible. So it was easy to go like that for a while.
Eventually he had to admit to himself that he didn’t like taking showers at 1am because he didn’t enjoy being covered in his own, and Billy’s, sweat. He didn’t like feeling the drips on his skin or the tackiness of too many skin oils on his hands.
He hated admitting to himself that he felt relief whenever Billy went out of town for work. He missed Billy, of course, but a lot of things had begun to snowball together in Steve’s life: changing jobs, managing bank accounts and savings, and there were a lot of truths Steve was facing outside of his relationship.
He was tired. Damn tired. He spent many days off wondering if people in their twenties feel this tired all the time or if it was just him. It must just be him. Because Steve sees Robin just as much as he doesn’t. She’s got goals.
And Billy
Billy has big dreams. He’s ready to work damn hard and already is. That’s why he uses his hefty gas money funds, to travel around. Scout the areas. Steve even drove him to the airport once, so Billy could really gain some distance over the weekend. Expand his network.
As if the universe knew, some bigwig passing through Hawkins on their way to Chicago ran right into Billy. A bigwig looking for a handsome, charismatic, young guy to mentor. It really couldn’t be more perfect than divine intervention. They’re Billy’s inlet to the business. Modeling, acting, freaking UNICEF ambassadorial work if he wants to feel extra important. If he gets big enough to have his face mean something around the world.
Within one conversation, he’s got a business card, and an appointment in a Chicago skyscraper next week to take measurements and do a rudimentary photo shoot. The manager warns him that it’s the agency getting to know him, but like any job interview, it’s his chance to interview them right back. Billy likes that a lot—feeling like he has a stake in something instead of just being a corporate pawn. And maybe he eats right out of the manager’s hand, but it’s still a shot. And he’s taking it.
He immediately goes to Steve’s work, fired up from seeing a future for the first time like he finally got the right prescription glasses. The only caveat is that Billy has to move out of Hawkins, which isn’t even a flaw, really. It’s as close to perfect as life’s ever been for him.
Steve can only listen quietly as he sits at the table in the break room. Because Billy’s got big dreams that are already coming true. Every detail of his enflamed speech is given over pacing feet; he can’t even bother to sit at the table. Billy’s got so much energy he’s already mentally and emotionally out the door.
Steve…isn’t. His mental health has been on a downward slope since before they graduated, and it won’t allow him to reach anywhere. He doesn’t have any dreams to steer him in any direction anyways.
Billy’s rant begins to wind down about what he wants to do; his fire about his dreams and his motivation simmers down to an even boil. Steve’s impressed and already proud of the person Billy will become, but Steve can also hear Billy’s frustration with him and their relationship.
For not keeping up.
Steve’s…kind of never been able to keep up. In bed or in life.
And perhaps the saddest part is that Steve doesn’t even have it in him to fight for it. For them. He doesn’t feel worthy enough to hold Billy back. So he doesn’t.
Billy snaps a little, “Why aren’t you saying anything? I’ve been talking about this for the last two years! Steve?”
He’d gotten distracted by looking at his backpack hanging on the wall. Steve’s throat hurt. Two years? God, it’s really been two years already…
He pinched his fingertips over the table as he began, “Billy, I support you. I know you can get there—wherever it is you want to be. I’m not going to tell you to stop or slow down. You’re going somewhere. But I’m…”
He took a breath to finally say it. “Not. I don’t know what I’m doing, and I don’t think I have the energy to figure it out any time soon. You should go.”
Steve can see the disappointment sinking through Billy’s features. And the anger that he’s so used to throwing up as a shield. Billy has so much energy coursing through him as it is, Steve can’t blame him for swinging right into the direction of livid.
The real surprise comes from how soft he speaks. No yelling. No hitting the table. No wrenching Steve up by his green uniform vest. They were long past those outbursts. Which…really just confirmed Steve’s decision. Billy had come a long way. He could go so much further.
“That’s what you have to say? Just like that…you’re really giving up on us?”
Steve knows he’s gaping like a stupid fish. But it isn’t just like that, is it? Billy’s been revving his engines to get the hell out of Hawkins ever since he got here in the first place. Steve tries to say as much, but Billy cuts him off.
“I thought you’d be excited for this. You should be hauling me out of here to pack my bags.”
Steve tries to offer a small smile, but his voice betrays him. “I thought I kind of am? I didn’t take you for the long distance type.”
It’s not the response Billy wants. That should make Steve feel better than it does; the blatant display that Billy wants more of Steve. His excitement, his attention, maybe his companionship…
Steve doesn’t know what he wants—or rather, he does. That’s the issue. Billy’s wants and Billy’s problems can all be resolved by leaving one critical piece behind.
Some more things are said, but Steve doesn’t do well on the spot. Especially when the limelight is Billy. Steve fails the tests and he fails the interview. Billy storms out, leaving Steve at the table, pinching his fingertips white before he unconsciously glances at his backpack again.
The backpack full of apartment lease papers. The papers Steve’s already signed because even with his insecurities, the mornings he woke up to discover Billy spooning him after having returned in the middle of the night were his best days. Because Billy’s silly insistence on hand poured coffee was his favorite drink. Because Billy was funny and weird like an artist and loony like a nerd with his video games, and Steve knew—or at least hoped that—Billy loved him the day he started holding his hand while driving that stupid, loud, beloved Camaro—
Because Steve’s heart was a magnet. It stayed where it landed and tugged back even when pulled away.
All he’d needed was Billy’s autograph to be given the keys. Keys to the rest of their lives, if Billy wasn’t already so far away.
Ch. 2
Robin gripped Steve’s arm, hard. A gargled sound escaped him as he grimaced and tried to pry her hand off. Her other hand pointed at one of the catalogues on the store’s many counters. When he invited her with him to pick out glasses, he hadn’t expected to walk out of the freaking optometrist’s office with bruises…
Nor had he thought he’d see a familiar face in the catalogue. Plenty of models were looking editorial chic, advertising that anyone could look as good in whatever glasses they chose.
Except Billy really did look good. The picture was just a vague image outside, the camera focused on Billy’s three-quarter profile gazing off past the photographer.
“I didn’t expect him to actually be working this fast,” Robin admitted. “It’s been…what? Seven months, give or take? I thought casting calls for models were competitive.”
“Not if you look like Billy,” Steve huffed with a quiet mixture of humor, sadness, and just a sprinkle of spite. A sprinkle of jealousy, if he was being honest with himself. The self-help book tucked under the covers of his bed talked about honesty. So he admitted honestly, “He looks that good and knows how to stand out in a room…good for him.”
He could see in his periphery Robin looking up and scrutinizing him. “Really?”
Steve shrugged with a nod. “Yeah. What’s the other option? Him struggling for work?”
Robin sighed and plucked a display set of glasses at random to try on and occupy herself. “That’s big of you, but everyone wants something cathartic. It’s annoyingly impressive that he landed the front cover of a magazine in less than a year.”
Steve opened the catalogue to give them both a reprieve. “You wanna get food after this? Take your mind off the audition?”
For all the good being a band geek did, Robin had experienced her own humbling experiences over the last few months. Like failed auditions to be in city orchestras. She and Steve were feeling very stuck in Kansas while Billy gallivanted around Oz.
• • • • • • •
The plot gets messy because years will actually go by, and Steve and Robin get married so that they can share insurance benefits (and be safe in their bi/lesbian open relationship, buy a house together, etc. It’s the life/happiness security Steve wants but obviously there aren’t any romantic feelings).
Of course this is when Billy happens to reenter Steve’s life. He’s got some hot-shot model he’s been seeing, and apparently Steve is married so there’s the added dash and twist of ~ cheating ~
I’ve been in some kind of mood, all right.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading lol.
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desdemonafictional · 3 years
TFA Fantasy WIP
Sentinel Prime, His Imperial Benevolence, The Auspicious and Holy Oneself, Emperor in Perpetua, entered the little farming villa like a spoiled brat waltzing into a tent of freaks. He cast his smugly disinterested eye over every dusty window and dinged up bit of furniture alike, observing the lack of bustling servants or fine hangings brought out for his arrival.
Optimus ground his jaw quietly.
“We apologize for the austerity,” he said, still standing stiffly at the door where Sentinel had shoulder-shoved past him to get inside. “The Orion House doesn’t have… much staff. I’m afraid we can’t receive you with all the honors due to a Prime.”
“Oh please,” Sentinel said, “don’t trouble yourself with a formal reception. I’ll just consider this a hunting party, how about that? Like old times, eh, Optimus?”
Bumblebee inched sidelong along the wall, leant sideways, and out the side of his mouth he said, “Y’all two know each other?”
The high ceilings of the Orion were indeed not dissimilar from the hunting lodges they had stayed in together from time to time, as junior officers in the Primal Guard. The air conditioning out here in the countryside was rudimentary, and the summers burned hot under the watchful stare of Hadeen, especially with so many bodies crowded into a single house putting off their own mechanical heat. It was, however, a manor house and not a hunting lodge. It was Optimus’ manor now, in fact, ever since he had been relegated here seven vorn earlier.
“Shall we make a room ready for you, your Benevolence?” Optimus said, ignoring the yellow car prodding at his side.
Sentinel gave the place a judgemental once over and said, “Just the one night, I think. We mustn’t trespass on your… hospitality.”
And with that, the rest of his retinue came sweeping in. Chamber attendants with berth dressings, a chef and cooks, secretaries—the Orion filled up immediately, bursting to its seams with activity. Optimus glanced through the window, and noted that out in the front of the house Sentinel’s guard was already setting up silk tents and laying camp with military efficiency.
“Bumblebee,” Optimus said, “why don’t you show the Prime’s bots where they can set his fixings for the night?”
“Uh,” Bumblebee said, “um, right—just this way, gentlemechs! You’re in good hands with me, I know everything there is to know about the Orion! Hey, stripes, you single—?”
Sentinel fell back to stand beside Optimus, not looking at him, in a parody of casual camaraderie.
“So I guess the pipsqueak isn’t your sweetspark,” Sentinel smirked. “That or you’ve developed a thing for being cuckolded?”
“I’m still single,” Optimus said. “I don’t have any sweetsparks.”
“What, not even that bulky hulk I saw out back?” Sentinel asked, grinning unpleasantly. “I bet he’s easy, rubes like that always are.”
Optimus squeezed his fist open and closed at his side, bruisingly tight, but discreetly. Sentinel was the Prime, and the Prime could say whatever nasty, petty thing he liked.
“Bulkhead is a brilliant engineer,” Optimus said, in an only slightly repressive tone. “He single-handedly designed the new extractors for the crystal fields, and the harvest is coming at 21% increased efficiency this vorn.”
“Whatever, farmer stuff,” Sentinel said. “I don’t give a scrap about that. You’re really still single? Seven vorns that you’ve been out here, and you haven’t even picked up some knobkneed crop duster for a tumble? Don’t tell me you’re still holding out for a conjunx.”
Optimus didn’t bother to point out that he’d been in mourning for most of that time, like Sentinel would have been, if he hadn’t been selected by the Matrix not one vorn after the hunting accident that took Elita from them both. Primes weren’t encouraged to mourn the loved ones from their previous lives. Just the angry edge to Sentinel’s bitter humor proved that he was still mourning, in his own way, and probably the empire would have been better off if he’d been allowed to deal with it on his own terms before being thrust into the mantle of Imperial Personage.
Optimus missed the friends they had been, before the bitterness.
“You know no decent court mech will have anything to do with a relegated bumpkin Count,” Sentinel pointed out. “Conjunxing is not in your future, Optimus. You’d be lucky to take an amica, like the peasants do.”
“There’s nothing wrong with taking an amica,” Optimus replied.
“Yeah, not for peasants and destitute washouts,” Sentinel said. “Hey, maybe you could be somebody’s subordinate conjunx, how about that? Not that you’d have any luck tempting a courtier away from Iacon with this…” he grimaced at the high ceilings and bare walls, “cabin in the mud.”
“Are you done?” Optimus asked, a little too forwardly for good manners.
“Watch it,” Sentinel said, narrowing his eyes. “If you’re not properly gracious, I’ll reconsider calling you back to court.”
“Re-?” Optimus skipped a pump beat. “Reconsider?”
Sentinel smirked again, this time with less humor and more coldness, and patted Optimus on the shoulder. “I’ve been thinking about it,” he said. “I could use more allies in the capitol. And you would be an ally for me, wouldn’t you, Optimus?”
The fragile shoot of hope withered all at once. Whatever Sentinel wanted him back at court for, it wouldn’t be out of the goodness of his spark. He still hated Optimus too much; any gratitude would be a yolk around Optimus’ neck for the rest of their lives.
“Yes, of course,” said Optimus. “I am at the service of the Primacy, as ever.”
“I thought you would be,” Sentinel said, and his smirk turned keen, and then he said: “Alright, show us where we can do some freshening up around here. You have body servants around this slaghole? I need a deep polish before dinner.”
His Imperial Benevolence came out of the shower quite a long time later, which was fortunate for his cooks, who had hastily taken over Optimus’ kitchen and were rushing to fill it with servable fuel. Optimus had quietly pulled his own kitchen staff—all two of them—away to help clean the place up a little more for guests. Sentinel’s cooks had ransacked the house’s pantry, pulling long spools of brass and bricks of gold onto every counter, vials of soluble compounds, crystals, seasonings. The cooks kept clicking their tongues at the spread. Optimus had the feeling that he was being Disapproved of.
In the house there were two cooks, one body servant, a housekeeper, Optimus, and the engineer (Bulkhead) who was out overseeing an upgrade to the manor rain pumps this month. The house had been on the empty side, before Sentinel, and now it was crammed full in every room with someone doing something. The change was a little bit dizzying. Bumblebee seemed to be loving it, though.
“Don’t make me clean,” he was whining, a squeegee dripping unhelpfully in his hand. “I want to go out and see the soldiers, let me go out and see if the soldiers need anything.”
Optimus pressed his lips together. “If you go out there now, I won’t see you again until tomorrow.”
“Yeah, okay, so? Sentinel’s cooks got it covered, you don’t need me.”
Optimus wondered if there was a polite way to say “I’m more worried one of them will lean you over his saddle bag without waiting for permission.” Bulkhead might or might not be easy, it wasn’t Optimus’s place to guess, but he had a distinct feeling Bumblebee would be.
“Just go get the place settings out,” Optimus told him, “when that’s done you can gossip with anybody in the house, but don’t go outside. I might need you.”
Bumblebee thwapped his cleaning cloth against his thigh and grumbled all the way out of the room. Optimus gave it depressingly low odds that he’d be obeyed the whole night, but, well, he’d done his best. He didn’t have time to be monitoring his staff all night, not when Sentinel was lurking about the place.
Besides, what were the chances Bumblebee could even bud new sparks? Less than thirty percent of the population could do it, under the best circumstances.
There was a shout from the direction of the baths, and Optimus whirled in time to see servants roiling away from the exclamation like insecticons in a disturbed hive. He pushed his way through the aimless anxiety and then—with a deep vent to pre-emptively cool himself—let himself into the washroom, where solvent was splattered all over the floor and Sentinel was splattered across the chest with globs of polish.
“My Prime,” Optimus said, leaning his hip against the wall. He didn’t smirk. He thought about it though.
Sentinel whirled, steam all but blowing out his vents. “One of your bumbling idiots broke my washkit!” He jabbed his finger at a very complicated looking fold-out case, enameled with blue and white and utterly smashed across the floor between himself and the body servant.
“I—” the servant said, “Optimus—your Courtesy—I was setting it out for the Prime, but one of the containers was—”
“Your idiot threw it at me!”
“One of the containers—there was a springloaded compartment and—”
“And it bit you like a needle-mouthed pit beast?” Sentinel mocked, furiously. “That case was one of a kind! My concubine made that for me!”
Optimus glazed at the poor smashed object. It certainly did look one of a kind, with that complicated enameling out the outside, the nested compartments all conjoined in different ways, like a puzzle box.
“Ugh,” Sentinel said, and glared down at his abdomen. “And you got them mixed up too, look at this, my paint is peeling, everyone knows you’re not supposed to mix cosmetic chemicals.”
Actually, it was peeling. Kind of bubbling too. That was alarming enough that Optimus pushed off the wall and went to fetch a dry cloth and a jar of water from the cabinet. Plain water was usually safe to mix with chemicals, whereas solvent was… not.
“Now I need to fix my paint too,” Sentinel seethed. “I wanted to go hunting tonight! I won’t have time to go hunting once we reach the border, it’ll be nothing but handshaking and touring the facilities!”
“I’m sure we can get your paint patched with plenty of time for dinner,” Optimus said, and sat Sentinel down at the edge of the great sunken oil pit (empty, as it usually was, the budget for hot oil being very slim at Orion House). He knelt down and dragged the broken kit back towards himself, fishing through the wreckage until he came up with the little jar of touch up paint in Sentinel’s classic blue.
“Um, my lord count,” the servant said, from somewhere behind Optimus.
“Don’t worry about it,” Optimus said, without looking back, “I’ll take it from here. You go help the others with dinner.”
“And get my hunting kit out more carefully this time!” Sentinel shouted after him, leaning so far forward that Optimus had to tilt his head out of the way to avoid bonking his Prime’s chassis.
Gently, Optimus pressed a palm to Sentinel’s chest and pushed him back into his seat. Sentinel slouched back into the bench seat, letting his elbows hang over the empty tub behind him. He eyed Optimus, his face tilted away at an angle that seemed half suspicious, half uncomfortable.
“You know you’re a Count now, not a cadet,” Sentinel said. “Below your station to be scrubbing and polishing anybody, even the Prime.”
Optimus’s half smile was more irony than humor. He wasn’t about to leave poor Screwshine alone with Sentinel, after that fit of temper. He focused on lathering up the powder paint and paint-thinner into something he could work with.
Sentinel let Optimus push his leg out of the way to get a better angle at the stripped plating, but his sidelong gaze didn’t ease up. “Not angling for a spot in the Primal Harem, are you?”
Optimus nearly shuddered at the thought. What a nightmare, locked up in the harem with a mech who hated him for the rest of his functioning. No amount of luxury or status was worth that. “No, my Prime. Definitely not. I just wasn’t going to let you keep terrorizing my servant all night.”
Sentinel scowled, but he also relaxed. “I wouldn’t have to yell at your staff if they weren’t a bunch of incompetent ninnies.”
“You’re the Prime,” Optimus said, fixing his frown firmly on the paint, and not on Sentinel’s face. “You’re meant to comport yourself with more grace than that.”
“Hah,” Sentinel said, and his face twisted into an even darker configuration, “what would a washout coward like you know about any of it, anyway.”
There was an uncomfortable silence, broken only by the smooth soft sound of paint applique. Eventually, Sentinel snapped, “Hand me that pill case, the pink one, it’s down in the slag pile.”
Optimus was reluctant to pause, thinking of the quick drying paint, but obeyed after only a second’s hesitation. He dug it out and handed it up, considering the esoteric pink inscriptions in the white enamel. White was the color of philosophy. Pink was the color of life. When Sentinel shook out a couple of the little capsules, in the moment before clapping them to his mouth and swallowing, their insides sloshed with a viscous magenta sludge.
“What… are those?” Optimus asked, feeling a little sick just from looking at the things.
“Mm?” Sentinel knocked back a quick swig of something from his subspace pocket and then coughed, wiping his mouth absently with the back of his hand. “Oh. Prima Materia. Divine Oneness philosophy is all the rage in Iacon right now. Guess you wouldn’t know about that out here in the boonies.”
Optimus frowned and wracked his memory storage. “An alchemical elixir?”
“Yeah,” Sentinel said, and tucked the little pill case back into his subspace pocket. “Couple a day, supposed to make you live forever. When the old chancellor came down with Zero Point Crytosis last orn, the court was hysterical. I don’t say this very often, but every once in a while, I miss soldiers.”
Optimus made a face at the idea of taking those goop capsules twice a day. “You sure that stuff is safe?”
“Please,” Sentinel said, “I’m the Prime. My alchemists aren’t grabbing any old dirt off the back of a truck and calling it gold. Anyway, one of my concubines is a chemist, and a damn good one for all she needs the smart mouth knocked off of her. She mixed the slag herself.”
Optimus continued to regard it doubtfully.
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nabexis · 4 years
Spoilers for MSA: The Future under the read more because I need to SCREAM INTO THE VOID IT WAS SO GOOD.
the animation was SO SMOOTH and FLUID and I LOVE IT
Lewis IMMEDIATELY showing regret and trying to get  rid of the spikes to prevent Arthur sharing his fate
LANCE CONTINUING TO SHOOT AND SLOWLY REALIZING “Oh that may not be the best idea” 
Mystery biting his own arm to serve as a distraction!!! Was not expecting that move!!!
Lewis being all embarrassed that Arthur had seen into his locket. Adorable.
The fight between Shiromori and Vivi is just *chef’s kiss* perfection
The way Shiromori is posed in this frame:
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I laughed quite hard at that when going through frame-by-frame later for secrets/to geek out over the animation
The truck FUCKING EXPLODING after Shiromori landing in it made me scream because LEWIS, ARTHUR, AND LANCE WERE STILL INSIDE?!?!--Oh wait no they fine
Mystery grabbing Vivi and that run cycle just so good. Especially the jump onto the vines
Lewis fighting back the vines with his purple fire (and Arthur carrying Lance to safety in the BG
the animation of the ice overtaking the vines when Vivi does that drop down hit with her bat also AMAZING animation
Mystery protecting Shiromori. He doesn’t want to see either of them hurt. He’s all sweet which makes what happens later on SO MUCH WORSE
Mystery getting badly hurt, makes Vivi go freaking SUPER SAIYAN.
Home run on that heart. Poor Mystery, though, he’s so devastated. 
I was actually sad for Shiromori during the slow-mo of her dusting
AND THE 9th TAIL. Oh, Mystery...
Vivi crying over Mystery after she can’t seem to stop the bleeding
So when I was going through frame-by-frame there doesn’t seem to be a clear shot of how many tails Mystery has after Vivi gets hurt until this one (in which it is 9) There are arguably a few frames where he might have 8 when he’s on the ground, but it’s hard to tell in a definitive way. But he definitely has 9 here:
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All hell breaking loose as Mystery Freaks out--I’m assuming he howls or makes a loud sound because Lewis and the Dead Beats cover what I assume are their ears? Arthur losing control of his ROBOT arm??? Not like it breaking, but instead maybe trying to “kill” Lewis again? (I base this off of the fact that it seems to be dragging him towards Lewis while he’s atempting to hold it back)
Lewis seeing Vivi and goes to help her, awwww
and then Possessed!Mystery looking TERRIFYING
The rewind showing Arthur’s hand grabbing Mystery’s heart!
And the stinger!!!!! THEY TALK. (Well, in Arthur’s case, screams).
Yeah, Arthur is just the biggest mood right there.
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a-cat001 · 4 years
Shy Love
“Yeah I can’t wait to see you again!”, “R-really?”, “Yeah Asterius i’ll be heading over to the mountains soon so we can hang out!”. Asterius had been wanting to meet up with you for weeks now but had only now been able to muster the courage to call you to visit his cabin in the mountains. “Oh, hey I almost forgot, I have a special something for you when I get there” You say, “S-something… special? He replies, “Yeah, I bet you’ll love it! Welp, I better start heading over before it starts getting too late”. After the call ends Asterius exhales and pauses for a moment before he suddenly freaks out, “AHHHH!! T-T-THEY”RE GETTING ME SOMETHING!!!”. Asterius is completely panicking at this point as he thinks to himself, “Should I get something for them too…. O-or would they even like something from a monster like me?”. He begins to look around the room to think about something he could possibly give to you, but there’s not much around that would give much of a hint, especially since he wouldn’t be able to go out and buy something before you arrived. He continues to look around until his eyes rest upon a vase with a branch poking out of it, staring at it for a moment before he gets an idea. Since spring had arrived the flowers on the mountain were in full bloom, so he headed out to the forests around the mountain to search for a flower to give. Asterius wonders for a few minutes, searching through many different flowers in order to find the one that he thinks will make you happy. He keeps searching, coming across many flowers but finding none of them good enough to give to you until he comes to a clearing in the forest, there he finds a flower with numerous petals in a rose like fashion, its petals are snow-white with flecks of yellow-gold in the center. The flower looked perfect so he rushes over to pick it, but as he tried to pull up the flower it resists, not budging as he keeps trying to pick it until he finally pulls hard enough and the flower relents. “MC should love this...a-at least I think they will”, as he turns to step away however tendrils suddenly shoot up from the ground and clamp tight around his ankles “Aaaah!”. Asterius barely maintains balance as the tendrils incircle his boots, pulling them together before they start to climb higher and tie his knees and thighs together. Asterius grunts and reaches down to pull on the tendrils so that they may release him but in the process he lets go of the flower which gets picked up on the breeze and flutters away. Asterius tries to grab for the flower but another tendril wraps around his wrist, pulling it back as more wrap around his arms and torso, the flower landing some distance away. He continued to struggle but as his legs were already wrapped together and the tendrils had made their way up and were binding his arms to his chest like a straightjacket before wrapping several times around his body. He considered possibly yelling for help but was quickly denied, “HEL-ack! MMMPH! MMMPH!”, tendrils had clamped his mouth shut and wrapped around several times. Suddenly the ground around him began to move as large petal-like appendages came up from the ground and began to converge on top of him. Asterius struggled to escape but the petals connected to each other and tightened, enveloping Asterius before he felt some kind of liquid rise up past his feet and continue to rise. Unable to move he began to think to himself, “I-is this how it ends?... It can’t be… I-i want to be with my friends.”. Suddenly visions of you began to flood his vision, memories of you two together, laughing, crying, smiling together- yes that smile that made his heart race. “No! It can’t end like this…. I-i want to see my friends again!.. T-that’s right I want to see MC!”. Suddenly static began to crackle around him, building up around him to a steady hum that grew louder and louder with each second until finally there was a flash of light. 
You had already made your way to the mountain and were climbing your way up the path to Asterius’s cabin. “I hope Asterius is doing ok. I haven’t seen him in so long, I can’t wait to see his face when I give him this!”, In your hands you held a neatly wrapped gift. As you were walking up the path however you suddenly hear a loud boom and a flash off in the distance of the forest as if lightning had just struck. Curiosity piques your entrance and you venture off the path into the forest. You head through the brush for a while, heading towards the direction that the noise came from until you hear a familiar voice call out to you, “M-MC!”. You turn to see Asterius in the distance looking exhausted and covered in some kind of green slime, “Asterius, what happened to you!?”. Asterius looks down at himself as he approaches you “o-oh this?.... I-its nothing” he exclaims as he scratches his head, trying to avoid eye contact “H-here I thought you might...like this”, he pulls his arm from behind his back to reveal A beautiful flower with white petals and gold flecks. “Asterius it’s beautiful”, you take the flower in hand before you embrace Asterius, causing him to stiffen and blush red. After pulling away you smile but quickly ask if he was truly ok, “I-i just tripped and fell into some weird plant... T-that’s all” he says, “well make sure to be careful, the other day I had to save Volos after I found him tied up in some plant that he had found”. “Anyways, you don’t look so good, come on let's go get you cleaned up”, you grab Asterius’s hand and begin to lead him back to the cabin but as you are turned around you don’t notice Asterius’s gaze which was fixated on your hand which was now holding his, causing his heart to race. 
Back at the cabin you run a warm bath as Asterius undresses, making sure to do it where you can’t see it. Given how big Asterius is you guess that it would be hard for him to bathe himself, “Why don’t you let me wash your back”, “W-what!?” he stammers. “This will make it easier for you since you might have trouble reaching your back”. You reply, “A-are you sure, you probably don’t want to put your hands on a monster like me”. You reach up and give his ear a little flick before speaking “Asterius you're not a monster, and yes, I’m sure”, Asterius tries to avoid eye contact as he blushes “O-ok”. As you wash Asterius you can feel him begin to relax, after you finish you help him dry and begin to brush his fur to which he exhales and lets out a low grumble of satisfaction, even flicking his tail back and forth. “I didn’t know you liked being brushed so much” you say, “W-w-whaa”, he looks behind him to see his tail swishing back and forth and quickly grabs it and covers it in embarrassment. Later as you move to the main room it’s already late and you decide to call Shiro to tell him you would be staying the night. You then turn to Asterius and hand him his gift which he opens tentatively, and pulls out a necklace with a golden pendant in the shape of a thunderbolt, to which you put around his neck and then pull out your own which has a cloud heart with the imprint of a thunderbolt down the middle. You then place the thunderbolt of Asterius’s necklace into the imprint to which it clicks into place, “ see, they go together”, Asterius face goes from normal to crimson in an instant as he turns around with his face in his hands to hide it. “A-AAAAHH! T-this is too beautiful for someone as hideous as me!”, you smile as you pat Asterius’s back to comfort him, it was going to be a long night but you wouldn’t have had it any other way.
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ticklishtypings · 4 years
True Quirk (Todoroki x Midoryia)
A/N: This took me TWO days to write :’) do forgive me if it doesn’t seem coherent lol. Here it is though! I hope you enjoy <3
Disclaimer: This is a sfw tickle fanfic (I do not do nsfw for any fandom)
Summary: Todoroki has been noticing that Midoryia has been acting strange lately, specifically when tickling is involved. He decides he wants to figure out why. 
Word Count: 1,517
Todoroki and Midoriya had been dating for about 5 months now, and frequently spent time together outside of the academy. Recently, Midoriya has been acting strange around his boyfriend. While he is usually a little awkward, it seemed to be at an unusual rate. 
“Midoriya, what is your problem?” Todoroki questioned, when the latter’s face got tightened and red in the middle of class. 
“Oh! Nothing! Nothing!” He freaked, covering his face in a horrible attempt to hide his expressions. 
While Todoroki thought it was odd, he let it go thinking Izuku was just being weird in thought like he usual is. But eventually, it happened again when they were hanging out. His face turned a familiar shade of crimson, gently squirming in his seat. He decided to ignore it, for the sake of his boyfriend, but he wouldn’t forget it. 
The third time was when he pieced it all together, the class of 1-A had been in the lunch room together. They were all engaging in small talk, before Kaminari and Kirishima got into an argument, they all peered over at the developing. 
“Take that back Kirishima!” He growled. 
“No way! You know damn well I exceeded in that test and got a better score than you ever could!” 
“Take. That. Back.” Was Kaminari’s final warning, before pouncing on the blonde haired boy. 
They all thought there was going to be a fight involving quirks, and weren’t expecting laughter to come out of the boy. Peering over the table, the scene was hilarious. Kaminari was on top of Kirishima, fingers wiggling all over the poor boy’s sides, causing him to let out little giggles. 
“Dohohon’t do this!” He pleaded, face reddening. 
“Then take back what you said.” 
“I dohoho! I tahahake it bahahahack!” He pleaded, little sparks zapping off of him. 
The tickling halted, and they joined the others back at the table as if it was a normal occurrence to them. 
“Wow, who would of guessed Mr. Electric was ticklish.” Todoroki snickered, looking around at the table to unconsciously see if his boyfriend laughed. 
He didn’t see him laughing though, instead he saw him covering his face with his book. Why was he hiding? Nothing bad had happened, just a small tickle fight between..OH. It made so much sense now, thinking back to the other times Izuku had freaked out as well. The class was learning about weak spots, and someone snorted about just tickling the opponent. The night when they were hanging out, there had been a tickling scene on during the movie, and that’s when he got all spazzed out. Why did tickling cause him such embarrassment? 
“Midoriya.” He walked over to his side of the table, and tapped his arm, causing the boy to jump. 
“AH! Uhm, yes Todoroki?” He started stuttering, face still flushed from earlier. 
“Wanna do homework at my place?” His voice remained steady, he wanted to figure out why he reacts the way he does.
“Oh, sure thing!” And with that, Izuku grabbed his backpack and said goodbye to the rest of the gang. 
The walk there was silent, Izuku kind of thought he upset him based on it, but Todoroki was actually planning how he wanted to go about this. Was he going to be blunt about it? He didn’t actually know how he wanted to approach this, especially since it makes his boyfriend embarrassed. His intent wasn’t to embarrass him, he just wants to know what tickling makes him feel. 
After what seemed like an eternity, they arrived at his house, and they made their way to his bedroom. The silence between them was awkward and unbearable before Izuku finally spoke up. 
“Are you mad at me? Are you going to break up with me?” Worry coating his voice, avoiding eye contact. 
“What? No. What made you think that?” 
“You didn’t talk to me the whole way here. We always talk about our day walking over.” He fiddled with the hem of his sleeve. 
“No. I was just thinking.” 
“Do you swear?” His voice was a bit smaller now. 
“I do.” But his worry didn’t seem to leave him, and now was his opening. 
With one swift movement, the bi-colored hair boy straddled Midoryia’s waist, causing a small yelp from the boy. 
“T-Todoroki! W-what are you d-doing?” His face seemed to flush a small bit, nervousness in his voice, but also a hint of excitement. 
“Tickling you.” He responded calmly, watching the now squirming boy’s eyes widen in realization. 
“Wait! waHAHAHIT!” Fingers descended upon his sides, causing his to squirm harder now. 
“EEP! COHOHOLD!” He tried to escape the evil fingers, half heartedly grabbing at his arms, to no avail. 
Todoroki noted the fact that his boyfriend didn’t seem to ask him to stop, or even attempt to truly get away. A smirk grew on his face at the thought of him possibly liking being tickled. 
“Tell me, why does tickling make you embarrassed?” He stilled his fingers, awaiting a response from his panting lover. 
“I-it. No. It d-doesn’t.” Cue the blushing. 
“You’re stuttering.” He pointed out, causing Izuku to shrink down a bit, “I’ve noticed the way you react when tickling is involved, you blush, you hide. Why?” 
The only response he got was him covering his face, and in his defense he felt like he was going to explode with flusteredness. Was he that obvious? If Todoroki knew, did the others? He was brought out of his worrisome mind but gentle scribbling against his ribs. 
“Plehehease!” He giggled out, his face contorting into a smile again, this time not bothering to pull at the torturous hands. 
“You know it’s fine to be ticklish, everyone’s ticklish.” He began skittering all over his stomach, making the tickling unpredictable. 
“Dohohon’t sahahay thhahat wohohord!” He cried out, his face a new shade of pink. 
“What? Ticklish? Why?” Todoroki smiled, so it was true, tickling made him flustered because he liked it. 
“BeheheCAUHAHAH-” His words were interrupted by his boyfriend squeezing his thighs, causing him to began kicking his legs wildly. Even at such a spot, he he never once asked for it to stop. 
“Oh, this seems to be an extremely sensitive spot.” He halted his tickling, looking at the boy below him, a stream of drunk giggles flowing from his mouth. 
He bent down real close to his ear and whispered, “If you wanted to be tickled this badly, you could of just asked,” hearing an audible squeak come from Midoryia’s mouth. He tried to mutter out objections, but nothing coherent could come out. 
“Arms up.” Todoroki commanded, gesturing his finger upwards. 
“Shoto-” He protested, but obeying, slowly putting his arms up. 
“Don’t let them come down, or else you’re dead.” His voice was ice cold, but Izuku could tell there was playfulness in it. There was no real threat in the tease other than to cause flusterness. 
He began to spider down starting from his wrists, slowly and tortuously making his way down to his underarms, but stopped right before. Midoryia let out a tiny whine out of impatience. To his dismay, his underarms didn’t even get any attention, they were totally skipped over and his ribs were attacked next. 
“Nohohoho!” The sensation was weird, somehow Todoroki’s ice touch made it tickle ten times worse. 
“No what? No tickles? Okay.” He looked almost smug as he stilled his fingers, watching Midoryia’s face look like a kicked puppy. 
“I didn’t mean that..” He whispered, still refusing to make eye contact, grabbing Todoroki’s hands shyly and placing them on his sides before putting his arms back up. 
His heart almost melted, but he remained composed, moving his fingers once more to please his boyfriend, who began giggling and squirming again. His laughter started to get higher-pitched and louder the closer Todoroki got to his navel. Curiously, he traced it, watching the younger boy start to thrash harder, before dipping his finger inside. 
“WAHAHAH! NAHAHAHA THEHEHEHERE!! ANYWHEHEHERE ELEHEHESE!” He begged, thrashing his head side to side, continuously arching his back to escape the single finger in his navel. His arms still not coming down, but strongly gripping the sheets above head. 
“Anywhere you say?” And with that, he shoved his hands into his underarms, causing the boy to shriek and clamp them down.
“SHOHOHOHOTO!!” He got so red in the face that Todoroki thought his face was gonna pop. 
“Midoryia~” He mocked back, gently scratched at the soft skin, resulting in the cutest snorts. 
“No teases? Like if I were to call you the most ticklish hero in all of class 1-A?” The laughter got louder, and then decreased. 
Todoroki realized he should probably stop once Midoryia’s laughter went silent and tears of mirth flowed down his cheeks. 
He sat on his waist as he calmed down, post tickle giggles coming from his mouth, hands protecting his tickle spots. 
“Mehehean.” He tried shooting an evil glare to his boyfriend but came off harmless with the smile attached. 
“You’re the one who likes it.” he stated, “Maybe that’s your true quirk Midoryia, wait until the pro’s hear about that.”  
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