#especially after getting a nice tan from a photoshoot
kankuroplease · 1 year
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Saw some cute dresses on an ad and had to do it for them 🌹
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fullstcp · 1 year
Life kind of flipped upside down for Gina after the premiere of the Frozen Documentary. High School Musical 4 was the shock of a lifetime and it ended up being a star vehicle that she couldn't have anticipated. It led to Romeo & Juliet, which led to a string of other movies. A lot of coming of age teen stories, another movie musical, and, more recently, she's broached the romcom genre. Which has probably been her favorite category yet. She loves a good song and dance as much as the next guy, but sometimes it's nice to just tell a good love story.
Especially since she's never really been able to live out one of her own. She's been busy since she was sixteen. With back to back projects and assignments. Graduations. Interviews. Premieres and red carpets. Photoshoots. The word 'break' feels like a foreign language these days. Which is why she's determined to make this summer into something different.
She's older now. Nearly halfway through her twenties and she's finally prioritizing herself. She's taking a break from work for the summer, disappearing in a way from the public eye. And she figures that the beach is as good a place for a break as any. But it can't just be any beach, right?
She's been really specific with her money ever since she turned 18 and it started being her money. And it's served her well. It's helped her to understand what a good investment really is. And she thinks she's found a fantastic investment in the form of a beautiful, almost mansion, on the shores of Cousins Beach.
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Maybe she can blame it on fond memories. If anyone asks, that's what she'll say. She spent some time in Cousins before her life went so wondrously awry. And she loved the place. It was relaxing and quaint and she misses the whole vibe of it. That's what she'll say if anyone asks. She won't ever tell them the real reason. Because she knows that judgement will abound if she does.
See, Gina's been in love before. She was so in love with Ricky, but that never ended up working. And she thinks they're better as friends than they ever could've been as a couple. But she thinks she's been in love outside of Ricky Bowen. Outside of the massive nature of her feelings for him. And that time where she was the second closest she's ever been to being in love happened right here in Cousins. It was a boy named Jeremiah, with curly hair and a smile that could give her butterflies in an instant. They said they'd be friends after she left, that they'd stay in touch.
But that promise fell through. He slipped through her fingers. And to this day she wonders if that is the fault of her busy schedule alone, or if they were both just losing each other. Maybe it was mutual, maybe it wasn't. She's not sure. She just knows it haunts her.
And that's why she's back. Because she hopes that she might run into him by some beautiful happenstance. They might get a chance at the thing they lost out on all those years ago. She knows it's ridiculous, Jeremiah may not even spend his summers here anymore. But she has to try, right? Because they could be amazing if they only get the chance.
She also figures it's about time there was a little Wildcat reunion. She invited her friends out to her newly purchased and furnished beach house in Cousins for two weeks. Which they all seemed thrilled to agree to. Gina just has one caveat, they have to have one night that is anything but low key.
And that leads her here. To the dreamiest of dreamy Cousins nights. With fairy lights strung up on the back patio and a DJ inside the house. With a carefully selected batch of catered food and drinks. She's wearing a calf length, satin lavender slip dress. She's got a pair of tan sandals on and a champagne flute in hand. And she's singing along to a song from High School Musical at the top of her lungs with Ashlyn and Kourtney.
It's a perfect night. The most alive she's felt in ages. And she's hoping the feeling continues. Because word travels fast in Cousins, especially about a good party. And she knows it's a long shot. But she's hoping she'll see Jeremiah walk through the door. She's hoping that he'll be happy to see her. She's hoping that he'll give her a chance.
She's hoping for a million different things. But the only thing she knows for certain is she didn't get it right with him the first time. And she won't let that happen again.
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
My Life is One Complication After Another
Inspired by this post by @dolphin-ghost
Happy New Year everyone
Some cursing 🤬
Ao3 ~~~ Part 1 ~~~ Next
Marinette has always been willing to give everyone a second chance. That may have been why she still had people to consider them as her friends. That is why when Lila started yet another lie about some celebrity she, Adrien, Chloe, and Juleka were holding their laughter and rolled their eyes.
"Honest Alya I'm like this" Lila crossed her fingers "with Bruce's kids." Alya must not have recognized the name as the liar gave a small laugh "oh, right Bruce Wayne, he prefers to only go by Bruce."
"Oh my God, Girl you have got to give me an interview for my blog!" Alya lapped up the story.
"Of course" Lila smiled, then looked over at Marinette "Anything for my best friend."
At this point, Marinette wasn't paying attention to the liar. Instead Mari was talking in low voices with her actual best friend, Adrien. They sat on the very back bench and Juleka and Chloe on the bench in front of them.
That was their normal, it had been since their eighth year. Now two years later it was routine, her classmates shunned her only talking with her for class assignments. Otherwise they ignored her and that may just have been the best outcome.
She, Chloe, Juleka, Luka, and Adrien were in the park working on a photoshoot. Adrien was behind the camera while Juleka and Luka were modeling. Marinette and Chloe were changing for the next set. When they came out Mari noticed several reporters around the perimeter. Security had them handled and she focused on modeling her creation.
However this wasn't the last she saw of the reporters. They were always at the school questioning the students. What they were asking she didn't know as she was never questioned.
Three weeks of spotting and avoiding reporters, with them swarming the school she needed to get creative in order to transform. Lila was of course bathing in the limelight and attention.
Mari was the last person out of the school as she was getting the homework for her three friends who didn't come today. The first thing she noticed coming out of the courtyard was the purple limo. Her honorary uncle came to pick her up. As soon as the door closed said uncle was crushing her in a hug.
"It's Rock' n to see ya Nettie" Jagged spoke, the hug muffling his voice slightly.
"Same here Jagged," wiggling out of Jagged's hug she reached over to hug Penny. "so what's with the escort?"
"A close friend of ours wanted to meet you and He and his son's are waiting at our room," Penny explained.
"Okay..." she hesitated exiting the car to head inside "but why? Is this a commission or what?"
After a silent elevator ride, Penny hesitated at the door before speaking. "We are hoping you could clear something up actually," as she opened the door.
Mari stepped in and noticed them. The eldest looked to be around mid to late thirties, black hair and bluebell eyes, dressed in a dark charcoal suit.
The youngest of the boys seemed to be a couple years younger than her, shorter than her by a head, tanned skin, short black hair, and jade eyes. A scowl on his face partially hidden by the collar of a black peacoat and slacks as he sat on the arm chair.
A boy around her age with chin length black hair and azure eyes, a red hoodie under a grey bomber jacket and black pants. He looked like he hadn't slept in at least a week, and if how he was holding the travel mug in his hands it was probably true.
Next to him was another boy who looked a couple of years older, black messy hair about 5 cm at the longest and a white tuff in front, cerulean eyes, a brown leather jacket and distressed jeans. He seemed familiar but couldn't place it.
The last boy also had long black hair but seemed to be layered and shorter in the front, sky blue eyes, a blue varsity jacket and jeans. He would either be the eldest or second, he had a bright smile but kept shooting a glance at Fang.
Speaking of which once she was in the room and she saw him, he charged at her, knocking her over. Mari was giggling as Fang rolled over and she was lost to the world as she doted on the crocodile.
"Nettie" Penny finally managed to get her attention.
"Sorry," she stood "but if it wasn't done we wouldn't be able to talk. Hello I am Marinette Dupain-Cheng it is nice to meet you." again she smiled.
"Bruce Wayne" the man introduced himself, "and my sons. My youngest Damian." he gestured to the boy with green eyes. "Next is Tim" gesturing to the boy with the mug who rose it in acknowledgment. "Jason is the second oldest" the boy with the white tuff gave a lop sided smile. "And my eldest Dick" whose smile seemed to become brighter.
She smiled nodding at everyone before realization hit. A quick snap of her fingers before pulling out her phone, opened up her texts and started typing, ending with a quick picture of Jason.
I think I just met your idiot friend
She put away her phone. Not even a minute later another went off.
The ringing stopped once, twice, thrice, and on the fourth Jason, spoke up. "Sorry I should take this."
"Go ahead this can wait a moment." Mari smiled.
As soon as Jason answered the phone "What the hell are you doing in Paris!?" everyone heard the caller as Jason was holding the phone an arm length away.
"How did you know... you?!" it dawned on Jason.
"Guilty," she smiled. "I guess you're not as big of an idiot as Roy made you out to be."
"Hey!" Jason called before turning to the phone. "What the hell did you tell her Harper!" By now Roy was on speaker.
"You can't prove what I said, ya know," she could practically see Roy's smirk.
"Video's however," she was now smirking.
"What!!" Jason seemed to freeze.
"Bug! No!" Roy was sounding like he was going to start panicking.
"I think I have a few saved," she tapped her chin.
That was when Bruce cleared his throat. "As amusing as this is we have business to discuss."
"Talk to ya later Mari." Roy bid her farewell. "Oh and Jason don't underestimate her." the call ended.
"Okay so how do you know Roy?" Dick finally asked.
"Oh. It was at a charity ball hosted by Oliver Queen," she replied nonchalantly.
"Was it the same one where a baby elephant ended up at the event. Following you the whole time." Penny asked exasperated.
"I still don't get how you think we had anything to do with that." Marinette finally sat down. She ended up sitting on the ground leaning against the couch next to Jagged, Fang resting his head on her out stretched legs.
"I have so many questions,” Tim finally added to the conversation.
"Tt. can we stop beating around the bush already," Damian was irritated and it showed. "Are you or are you not my biological sister."
He seemed ready to pounce, unfortunately that was dangerous in Paris. Especially as she saw an akuma right outside the window. The question asked now forgotten as she focused on the corrupted butterfly.
"Nope, Nope. I am not dealing with an akuma today." she stood up. Took a deep breath and let her anger and frustrations to the surface. The smile fell from her face. "If you want a puppet have a marionette" Kwamii Adrien is rubbing off on me.
The butterfly changed targets and was heading towards her, finally gaining the other's attention. She vaulted over the couch and made a beeline to her backpack. By then the akuma was close so she tossed the backpack over to everyone and rolled out of the way.
"Glass jar, unscrew it" she called out.
"How pathetic running from a bug." Damian moved quickly to catch the butterfly but it moved and found something in his pocket. He was engulfed in purple and then he stood there in evergreen armor with golden accents. A red and yellow cape and a pitch black sword in his hand. Pocket knife, the sword is where the akuma is.
"Screw it" she turned and with two quick jabs his two arms went limp. A third knocked him to the ground.
She picked up the sword and went to Dick who was holding the jar. She took the jar, broke the sword, and went to catch the butterfly. As soon as she screwed the lid on the butterfly began to turn white.
She let out the breath she was holding as she compartmentalized her emotions yet again.
"What the fuck was that!" Jason screamed and so did Dick, minus the curse.
"Where and why do you have one of those," Jagged asked.
Finally Damian shouted "Why can I not move? What did you do?" he accused.
"Okay so the butterfly was an akuma used by Hawkmoth, Paris’ villain, to manipulate anyone with strong negative emotions. These champions or Akuma are used to attempt to retrieve magical jewels from our heroes. The jar was given to me and a few others in my class, because our class is a hot bed for akuma, by Ladybug, one of the heroes." she gave a short and simple run down. "As for Damian, those were a series of pressure points,” infused with magic to-take down people easily, "it should wear off in a few minutes."
"Teach me please!" Tim begged.
"I dunno." she started to chew her lip and shift her weight.
"Roy's warning now makes a lot more sense," Jason hummed.
"Tt. adequate," Damian muttered softly, Marinette is sure she is the only one who heard.
"Okay so where were we?" she smiled turning and sitting back down with Fang.
Taglist: @dolphin-ghost @unabashedbookworm @bookgirl14 @laurcad123 @mochegato @vixen-uchiha
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by-tea · 4 years
a bursting heart
author note: this is 100% me squealing about how hot joshua looks in the 1st look photoshoot. don’t lie. just admit it. he’s hot. there is no argument. and yes, the outfits described are the ones from the shoot. 
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model!joshua hong X gn!reader 
word count: 1.3k
Tuesdays were horrible. Mondays at least had the novelty of a fresh start to the work week. Tuesdays were just the sad realisation that the week had officially begun, and the weekend was still too far away.
So when you received a call from your harried sounding assistant, your mood seemed to sour even more. There was a shoot that had been moved up to this morning, due to some scheduling clashes. You took a deep breath and slowly sipped at your coffee, waiting for the caffeine to kick in. You would need your sanity intact if you were going to make it through this shoot today.
The moment you stepped out the elevator, Soonyoung popped up next you, tablet in hand and started reciting the details of this morning’s new shoot. There was discussion over different sets and lighting set-ups, until you saw the first set yourself. It fell onto the minimalistic side. Warm lights and a single clear chair. Maybe this would go faster than you’d expect.
“-be pretty simple, but you never know right?” Soonyoung asked.
“Definitely.” You agreed. “And who’s coming in this morning again?”
“Minghao is. And there’s only one model. Joshua Hong?”
You hummed in response. Internally, you thanked the universe for looking out for you. It was a small mercy.
After your camera was set up, you took some test shots, just to make sure everything was in working order. You got the okay from Soonyoung, who was sitting at the laptop. As you were going through the details of the shoot one more time with the team, Minghao strolled in. His red sunglasses perched at the end of his nose and a grateful smile aimed in your direction.
“You don’t look nearly as dead as I thought you would.”
You snorted. “You have coffee and the set to thank for that.”
“What can I say, I wanted the set to match my clothes. But I came over because I wanted to introduce you to today’s model. He’s still kinda new, Joshua Hong?”
You had heard the name earlier when Soonyoung listed the people that were coming in today. But you got the feeling that you’d heard of him before. He must’ve modelled somewhere else first right?
“Can’t quite place him.”                      
“You will after you see his face.”
You would think that after working in the industry for a while, you would’ve heard everything by now. Apparently not. Especially considering the way Minghao laughed at you. His laugh was cut off by Seungkwan yelling, “He’s ready!”
Both you and Minghao looked up and saw the model – Joshua, as he stepped through the doorway.
Oh shit.
Minghao smirked at you, before he walked towards Joshua. His hands adjusted the necklace around his tan neck, smoothed the white shirt over his broad shoulders, and gently tugged the black belt around his trim waist. You couldn’t bring yourself to look him in the eye. No way in hell. At least not yet. So, you closed your eyes to take a calming breath. When you opened them, you saw Minghao speak to Seungkwan who gleefully, whipped out a comb and spray bottle.
You spun around and warned the crew that you would be starting soon. As you fiddled with your camera, you could hear Soonyoung giggling in the background. Oh he definitely was going to use this against you someday.
After Joshua introduced himself, a quiet fell on set as the shoot started. You finally looked at his face, and gasped. Your hands started to shake slightly as your eyes scanned him from head to toe. His black hair was dampened and framed his half of his face, while his eyes curved in a smile. And those arms. They were a complete contrast to the sweet eye smile. You wondered what Minghao was thinking when he put him in that fitted knit shirt. The shirt seemed to accentuate his arms and chest perfectly.
Before your eyes went further, someone cleared their throat, breaking you out of your stupor.
“Where does Minghao find these boys?” Soonyoung asked, seemingly just as taken as you were, with Joshua.
You turned your head slightly, as Joshua situated himself on the set. “No idea, but if he keeps finding more, I’ll die.”
You both sniggered at the idea. It’d be a nice way to go at least. Overexposure to ridiculously beautiful boys.
You straightened up, after Joshua had gently refuted Seungkwan’s attempts at fixing his hair. You watched his shoulders relax as he smiled and waited for your directions.  You took in a shaky breath to smile back.
“Okay! Joshua, we’re going for a cool and unbothered vibe. We’ll start with you sitting on the chair facing me and go from there.”
Joshua nodded as he sat down. He leaned forward, resting his forearms on his thighs and stared right at the camera. Your finger hovered over the shutter button for a second. Joshua had titled his head up just the slightest, expression relaxed and eyes intense.
Oh that smoulder.                              
He sat back, one arm bent and the other hung loose.
Chan shuffled across the set and handed Joshua a small water filled glass.
Right arm extended in front of him, glass in hand and left arm across his thighs. His eyes flicked to the left.
“Move the chair so it’s facing left please?” you asked.
Joshua did so. He sat down and leaned back, exposing the elegant line of his neck and stretching out his legs.
He moved his arm to grip the edge of the seat, muscles tensing.
“Chan, glass please.”
Joshua sat up straight as Chan handed him the glass, gaze focused on it as he turned every so often.
Eventually Joshua got up and started posing, shifting his weight around and tilting his head. It was refreshing to photograph Joshua. The usual expressions of indifference and smugness, were subtle with an underlying coy playfulness. Not only was it refreshing, but it was absolutely breathtaking.
Watching him flick between that playful coyness and his mellow sweetness, especially between touch ups, was delightful. He was soft spoken and seemed to admire every shot taken of him. A small smile or appreciative nod here and there, and you could feel your inner self jumping for joy.
You quickly flicked through the shots on your camera as Joshua got changed. You took mental note of which ones would work for the spread, until you landed on the second to last one. It had captured Joshua in the middle of a full laugh. Eyes fully crinkled, mouth wide open with his hand partially covering it. It had been a complete accident. You couldn’t remember what he was laughing about. You didn’t realise you’d pressed the button. But it was absolutely radiant. A perfect behind the scenes shot.  
“Think I could get a copy of that?”
You jerked at the sound of Minghao’s voice right by your ear. The sound of your heartbeat thudding in your ears.
He sighed. “Can I get a copy of that?” He gestured to the current picture of Joshua on your camera.
“Uh, sure. I’ll let the editors and the rest of my team know. Digital or hard?”
“Both if you can arrange for that?”
“Sure. But just this one?”
“No. This one and the others that you think would look good in a spread.”
You smiled. “Trust me that much huh?”
Minghao scoffed. “Of course. You have a good eye. And you’ve never let me down.”
You felt an embarrassed flush on the back of your neck. You scrunched your nose in response to his comment, to which he laughed at. Just as you were about to retort, Joshua returned from the dressing room. Your jaw dropped as Minghao laughed. He draped his weight over you to support him. Oh you were going to kill Minghao for this.
A sweater vest.
A damn sweater vest that exposed his arms and accentuated his chest.
You might as well die now. There was no way you were going to leave this shoot with your sanity – meaning your fast growing crush on Joshua – intact.
Minghao straightened up and stood in front of you. A teasing smile on his face as he closed your comically opened mouth and left with a sincere sounding “good luck”.
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Bodyguard!Bucky x Reader
Request: Hi! May I ask for a hc or scenario in wich Bucky falls for the reader who has a "spoiled brat" stereotype...u know? Like a Regina George from Mean Girls type of attitude, Maybe the reader is the daughter of someone important who Bucky needs to protect idk I thought it could be quite fun, anyway...loved your writing so much in "Dichotomy" ❤
Words: ~ 4,500
Summary: Bucky’s paid to be your bodyguard and you’re, well, kind of a bitch.
Warnings: None! For once ;)
There is three things men want in life.
1.     They want to see if they can fuck you.
2.     They want to see if they can fuck you over.
3.     They want to get you out the fucking picture.
That was simply a fact of life. It was especially accurate in the world you grew up in: the world of powerful men, fast cars, vast mansions, and extravagant wardrobes. There was something about everyone’s cut-throat attitude that also seemed to drag along these luxuries. It was all about showing off: who had the most expensive car, whose house was bigger – whose wife was hotter.
This is the climate you grew up in: constant competition, envious friends, malicious enemies. There was a certain image you were expected to maintain, so you did exactly that. Not only did you have the weight of one day taking over your father’s company on your shoulders, you had the paparazzi stalking your every move. There wasn’t a single moment of peace in your life. You couldn’t go to the mall or the grocery store without at least one picture of you showing up on Daily Mail.
You’d grown up with it and, for the most part, you didn’t have to do things like that anyway. There was always someone to do those menial tasks for you.
Until you moved out of your parents’ house. You finally graduated college; a twenty-something kid finally ready to jump into the world on your own two feet. You were eagerly awaiting your move into your New York City apartment – a swanky two-bedroom on the top floor of a building in Soho.
Everything was going swimmingly well until you had an altercation with paparazzi. It was hard to navigate the narrow streets and sidewalks of the city, and as you were meeting your friend at a restaurant, you found it was a little too easy for the cameramen to push you around on the street. However, while you were thinking more along the lines of a restraining order against them, your father had other ideas.
“No way,” you interrupted, holding your hands up to your father. “That’s not happening.”
He raised his eyebrows at you. “It is happening. Unless you want this to happen again.” He tossed the stack of newspapers onto your dining table, the photo of you on the front page sliding across the table towards you. The title read “(Y/N) Falters – Will She Fumble Daddy’s Company?” You bit the inside of your cheek, the photo immortalized you trying to push past the group of people photographing your every step, the bright flashes causing you to hold your hands in front of your eyes. “This won’t be happening again.”
That’s how you met Bucky. At first, it was nice to have him around. He shook your hand once as he introduced himself. It was months before he even said anything else to you. He stood posted up in the doorway of every room you walked into. He wore a smart looking suit ever day, the top few buttons of his shirt undone to show off his tanned muscles underneath.
He walked you to restaurants, taking the lead, keeping the paparazzi at a far distance away from you. He followed you around shopping, carrying your Gucci, Dior, and Balenciaga bags to your car for you. God, it was a dream. What was even dreamier were his eyes. Before anyone approached you to speak with you, he stopped them, turning his head to look at you for your nod of approval before letting them past. And holy fuck those two seconds of fleeting eye contact made you absolutely melt. You almost started scheduling unnecessary appointments into your schedule just so he could face you again for confirmation. You stared back at him as seductively as possible, eyes half lidded, glossy, staring back at him and tilting your head in the slightest nod.
That was the only time he ever acknowledged you. That, and when he opened your car door for you. He never said much – if anything – at all. But his presence was so demanding: his shoulders were so broad, his chest constantly puffed out, his jaw clenched, and eyebrows narrowed in challenge. It took every bit of willpower not to jump his bones.
You had a certain mentality when it came to work. There was a certain image to be portrayed. You always dressed to the nines: a fitted suit, usually Balmain or Chanel, complete with gold jewelry and tall heels. Your makeup was done every day: a neutral pallet, something that unsuspecting peers would assume to be natural. Your hair was always perfectly in place: either cascading smoothly down your back or pinned neatly into a bun. Not only were you running the company, but you were also the face of the company.
You walked around with your head held high, shoulders back, and with determination in your step. People watched you as you walked down the hallway. Maybe some in admiration, others envy, even a few with desire. You always heard their whispers, though.  
Bucky walked in-toe with you always remaining a cool two steps behind you; you could feel his gaze burning into the back of his head. You entered your office, Bucky taking his usual post by the door. You plopped down in your large leather chair, preparing yourself for your meeting.
Your morning got progressively worse as the meetings progressed, people not cooperating, work not being done, no conflicts getting resolved. As you last meeting ended, and the particularly patronizing man left your office, you couldn’t hold back muttering a “fucking prick” as the door shut behind him.
Bucky pinched is lips together, holding back a smirk. You reclined in your chair, watching him regain his poise quickly, eyes not moving from the fixed position on the wall in front of him. “You know, James,” you spoke up, instantly getting his attention. “That was my last meeting today; you can sit, if you’d like.” You gestured to the seating area across the room.
He nodded in thanks, strutting across the room and sitting on the black couch in front of you. All you wanted was to join him on the couch. The things you could do to him on that couch – the things he could do to you on that couch. “You can call me Bucky,” he stated, reclining against the back, legs spreading open a tad bit.
You nodded stiffly and bit your bottom lip, unable to tear your eyes away from his splayed posture. “Bucky,” you whispered, testing his name on your tongue. And, damn, it tasted good.
You snapped yourself out of your fixation, pulling your laptop in front of you, pretending to work as you couldn’t get that image out of your head. The face that you could still see his propped-up figure over the top of your laptop screen; his eyes had not drifted from your person.
Your were temporarily blinded, gripping the back of Bucky’s jacket as he pushed through the crowd of people, shoving open the door to the lobby of your apartment. Calling the elevator, he watched as you smoothed down the ends of your hair, trying to rub the light spots out of your eyes as best you could without smudging mascara all over your face. He ushered you in once the doors opened, holding a hand lightly to your waist.
You dropped your back against the shiny elevator walls, crossing your arms over your chest and staring at the reflection on the wall in front of you. You looked tired, makeup wearing off under your eyes, purple circles under your eyes becoming prominent; a few flyaways framed your face, curling and unruly. The doors opened and you pushed your way through before Bucky. You shoved open the apartment door, throwing your purse on the table, viciously kicking of your heels. You heard Bucky shut the door softly and he paused before entering the kitchen behind you.
Today had been effectively one of the worst days of your life. Work was terrible: your day was run with meetings and disrespectful colleagues, bulldozing over all your ideas and suggestions; it rained during lunch, completely ruining the Coach heels you were wearing to attend the business luncheon; afterwards was much worse. You were highlighted in the issue of Forbes Magazine. You’d been waiting for this for months: you’d done multiple interviews, had photoshoots, the whole nine yards. You were excited for the world to see the underlying factors of what made you you; for them to finally recognize not only your past academic achievements, but also all you have accomplished thus far with the company, for them to see that you were capable – qualified – to run this company.
Boy were you hopeful.
You were met, in fact, with quite the opposite.
Waves upon waves of criticism washed upon you after the release. You were met with all kinds of backtalk: everything from you inheriting the company, to being accepted into college because of your dads’ money, to “stick to makeup, honey.” People began commenting on how they thought you walked all over people, how you rarely seemed friendly in the workplace, how you “used men.”
It couldn’t be more the opposite.
While you liked to maintain a certain image and always have a presentable appearance, despite any men or women that sought after you, you’d turned them downs. In fact, you’d never had a boyfriend – let alone any friends.
You worked hard to retain a respectable image. The problem with working and living in a dog-eat-dog world is the sacrifices you had to make to maintain such an image. You couldn’t simply allow people to walk all over you – achieving this took years. You had to speak up in times others would cower, use your voice when there was an issue other did not seem to care about. You had to walk with your head held high and your shoulders back.
Once you obtained dominance in the workplace, you had to conquer the world of love. It could make you gag. You wanted to intimidate the men that once patronized you. You wanted them to want you, fight over you, worship you. But you’d ever let them have you. Nobody could see you vulnerable, nobody could love you, touch you, blackmail you. That’s the way it had to be.
But you couldn’t always be so ruthless. Right now, you leaned against the counter, dropping your hands onto the cold marble surface. It was one of those days like today where everything got the best of you. Everyone tore you apart, you’d spent the last half of the day just reading tweets about yourself.
“She looks like such a bitch.”
“Would it kill her to smile? Not the kind of boss I’d want to work for.”
“My friend worked for her and said she has everyone else do her work for her.”
“Forbes, is this issue recognizing daddy’s money?”
Bucky placing a mug next to you pulled you out of your thoughts. You stared down at the steaming mug, Bucking suddenly speaking up: “maybe if you drank something, you’d feel better.”
You pushed past him, shoving him away from you as you headed to your bedroom. God, all you wanted was to be alone. Did he have to be here every second of the day? All you wanted was silence and he picks this one time to start babying you? You slammed the door shut, the sound echoing throughout the vast apartment. You stripped your nice clothes, opting for a shower and large t-shirt for bed.
Bucky sat in the living room, listening to you shuffle around your bedroom. He finally stood, ready to head home, when he heard the softest sound come from you bedroom. A sniffle. Followed by another.
He leaned against the doorframe, listening to the noises that he’d never heard from you before – hell, he never thought you were capable of that emotion. He weighed his options carefully: go inside and comfort you, it didn’t seem like you had a lot of close friends or even family that checked in on you, you must’ve felt so alone, and everyone attacking you definitely didn’t feel nice; he could leave and let you deal with this on you own – which is probably what you wanted, considering he knew how long it took you to create your façade. However, Bucky could see right through it – he could always see through it. No matter how intimidating and powerful you wanted yourself to be, he and everyone else knew that you were a spoilt brat trying to live up to daddy’s expectations, but only he knew that at your deepest core, you were a tired, lonely, sad little girl, wishing for just one day of invisibility, in which nobody knew who you were, nobody care about you – like you didn’t exist.
You and Bucky continued your usual routines from then on, nothing changed. He didn’t talk to you; you didn’t talk to him. He spent his time pushing people out of your way, and you went along pretending nobody existed.
It was two weeks after that when you spoke to him for the third time. You and Bucky were walking from the parking garage to your place. That’s when a masked man came out from behind you and grabbed a hold of your purse. You helped in surprise as he tried to run past you, one hand loosely gripping your Birkin. Before you could even turn to the direction he ran off in, Bucky’s hand hit him square in the jaw. You gasped, holding your hands up to your open mouth as Bucky knelt on top of the man, continuously hitting him and holding him down.
You saw a flash simmer as you saw Bucky’s hand move, holding the other man to the sidewalk. Metal? Did he have a prosthetic arm? When did that happen? And why didn’t you ever notice it before?
In the mixture of bystanders, paparazzi, and doormen, the police quickly pushed through. Bucky was relieved of his post as the man was taken away. The policeman escorted the two of you to the lobby, where he took the information and returned your purse to you.
Eventually, Bucky took you upstairs to your floor. “Are you okay,” he asked, following you through the door.
You nodded, turning around to face him – face his arm. You stared at it, the metal coils formed in the shape of  a perfect hand, winding upwards all the way up to where his shirt sleeve was pushed up past his elbow. It shimmered in the soft lighting, reflecting the moonlight that cascaded in through your windows. He held his hands behind his back, tilting his jaw upwards slightly as he stared you down. Your eyes flitted to his narrow ones; his eyebrows narrowed between pieces of dark hair that fell over his forehead. “Yeah,” you muttered. “Yes,” you clarified, clearing your throat.
“Do you need me to stay with you? Or are you fine for the night?”
You bit the inside of your cheek, shifting your weight from one foot to another. “Stay?” It came out more of a question than you expected.  He nodded, not moving any other muscle. You quickly thought of something to break the silence and pulled your phone from your bag. “Takeout?”
He cracked a smile, nodding again. “Sounds good.”
After calling it in, you shifted away to the kitchen as Bucky sat in the living room. You didn’t know what to do to fill the silence. You’d never talked to him. You fumbled around with a wine bottle, popping it open and taking a long pull straight from the bottle before heading towards Bucky with two glasses. Hopefully some liquid courage would kick in quickly. You poured him a glass, another for yourself, and sat beside him on the plush sofa.
It was quiet. It was awkward.
“Thank you for, y’know,” you murmured over the rim of your wine glass, eyes falling to the red liquid swirling in your glass.
“No problem, it’s my job,” he replied casually. “To protect you.” You nodded; lips pressed tight in a line. You looked around the room, trying to find anything to look at. Your gaze landed on the metal arm propped up on the side of the couch. “You wanna take a picture of it, doll?” He chuckles lightly, tapping his fingers on the fabric of the sofa.
“Oh!” You snapped out of your gaze, jumping slightly on the couch. “Sorry – I didn’t mean to stare, I just – just – ” you stuttered over your words, reaching out slightly towards him.
He smiled, genuinely smiled this time, tongue running over his bottom lip. “It’s okay, (Y/N) – ” your name sounded so good on his lips “ – you can touch it, if you want.” Touch it? Touch what? You nearly started salivating. Then he held his hand out to you, palm facing upwards, fingers outstretched. You held your hand out, brushing his metal palm with the tips of your fingers. He chuckled again, flipping your hand around and holding your own hand in his. He ran his metal fingers over the backs of your knuckles. It was cold, yet so much softer than you expected.
Your eyes flitted up to meet his blue ones, already staring back at you. He licked his lips and leaned ever so slightly towards you. Your breath hitched in the back of your throat as you stared at him with wide eyes and mouth agape. “See, that’s not so bad, right?” He whispered, gaze shifting from your eyes to your lips, tinged red from the wine.
You held your breath, leaning the rest of the way in, shutting your eyes.
Then you hit a brick wall.
A metal wall.
Your eyes snap open to see Bucky’s metal hand gripping your shoulder, holding you in place. “Look, (Y/N) – ” there he goes with your name, again “ – I didn’t mean to send any signals…” he trailed off, dropping his hand and pushing himself up to his feet. Signals? No, of course not. Just holding my hand, staring lustfully into my eyes, and looking at my lips. Not to mention licking his own. You almost rolled your eyes. “I’m sorry,” he sighed.
You did roll your eyes, standing with him. “It’s…” you trailed off. Save face. “Whatever.” You turned away, shuffling to the front door, pulling it open.
He left without another word, but not without stopping to look into your eyes – at least, he tried to, if it hadn’t been for you dropping your whole head, staring blankly at the floor. You slammed the door behind him, nearly nicking his back heel as he stepped into the corridor.
Well, that was perfectly embarrassing. The best way to end such a terrible day. Utter embarrassment. You didn’t know how you were supposed to face him tomorrow.
Sadness turned into anger as you threw his wine glass directly into the sink, watching as the glass shards flew across the countertops. Who did he think he was? That he could act like that and then throw it back in your face? His signals were perfectly clear. In fact, you were haunted by those signals all night.
By the touch of his skin.
By his blue eyes.
You didn’t sleep that night. Instead, spent your time getting ready all morning. Hair perfectly set down your back, eyes surrounded by sultry makeup, a ferocious looking contour. You put on your tallest heels, tightest dress, and shiniest jewelry.
You looked ravenous.
Bucky knocked on your front door, as he did every morning to take you to work. You slung your bag over your shoulder, took a deep breath, and swung open the door. You looked straight past him; eyes directed on the elevator doors in front of you. You walked directly past him, relying on him to shut the door behind you.
Your heart was racing, it took all of your willpower not to twitch or tap your foot as you waited for the elevator. You set your jaw and stood stonewalled.
That’s how the day went: you completely ignoring Bucky. Although you normally ignored Bucky, today you didn’t look at him, thank him when he opened the door for you, nothing. Not even sparing a glance as he stared at you from his position on the sofa in your office. There he sat, usually splayed out and legs open; you could feel him staring at you. All you wanted to do was run into the women’s bathroom and sit there all day – anywhere would be better than here with him.
That’s how the weekend went, too: you spent the first six days ignoring him. Today was Saturday and you wanted to go shopping. Not the normal shopping. Today was all about showing Bucky that if you wanted something, you got it.
Again sporting the skimpiest outfit you could manage, you dragged Bucky around shopping all day. By your fifth store, your feet were absolutely killing you from walking so far in these heels, but it was worth it to torture Bucky. He carried all of your bags – from your purse, to you shopping bags, to even your coat. And nothing pissed him off more than you waiting at the register, the person behind the counter ringing up your literal tens-of-thousands of dollars’ worth of clothes, shoes, and bags, clicking your tongue and holding your hand out for your wallet. You tapped your foot, continuing your light conversation with the employee, waiting for Bucky to drop the heavy wallet into your palm. Without a turn of your head or even a thank you, you finished the transaction, walking through the door immediately, leaving Bucky to take your purchases.
This is what he deserved after embarrassing you like that. Was he just so nice to see where you’d take it? Did he want you to try to kiss him, just so he could say no? Just so he could turn you down? To be the one guy you wanted – and never got? Maybe he was going to sell the story. He was just like any other guy – but then why wouldn’t he kiss you? And the thought replayed in your mind, as did that night’s events. You had no other choice but to continue shopping and dragging him around.
Oh, he was pissed.
A fucking bagman? That’s how you saw him? That night was probably the calmest he’d ever seen you. You seemed nervous, even. Nervous because of his arm? Yes, he would’ve loved nothing more than to have you in the palm of his hand – literally – he would’ve loved to kiss you, and touch you, and hold you. He couldn’t take advantage of you like that. Not in your most vulnerable moment. After the robbery, you mind must’ve been scrambled. He wasn’t sure if that was your way of thanking him. He wasn’t about to let you throw yourself on him – who knows how you would’ve felt the next day.
But that’s not how you saw it, and you weren’t about to let him explain.
And this show you were putting on for him? He wasn’t dumb; he would’ve had to be oblivious to not know you were showing off for him. These skimpy outfits and tight dresses, necklaces that ended just at the top of your cleavage, skirts that ended just at the curve of your ass – he loved every minute of it. But he wanted you ­­out of it at the same time.
You were treating him like shit, which he didn’t enjoy. He could’ve stopped by now: dropped all your shit and walked right out of the store. Instead, he clenched his jaw, bit his tongue, and followed you around the block, holding your bags; the only saving grace was getting to walk behind you and stare at your shaking ass all day.
You pushed the apartment door open, barely holding it open long enough for Bucky to slip through, carrying bags lined up his arms. You heard the crinkling of some of the paper bags as the door shut on him. He took one step in, letting the door fall shut, then dropped everything to the floor nicely.
“No,” you said, not looking up from your cell phone. You pointed a finer across the room. “Bedroom.”
A sharp laughed cracked through the silence. You almost flinched, starting at Bucky cackling loudly at you. “That’s not my job.”
You stared at him, narrowing your eyes in challenge. “Excuse me?”
He crossed his arms over his chest, shit-eating-grin unfaltering. “You heard me, princess.”
You didn’t move. Instead, you took a step backwards as he approached you. He walked towards you until you were backed up against the kitchen counter. You mimicked his arms, crossing them over your own chest, inadvertently pushing your cleavage up – which you noticed when you saw his eyes flit down for the tiniest second before returning to your own eyes, a tinge of pink lacing his cheeks – not that he cared. “Don’t fucking call me that,” you spat, tilting your chin up. You were not intimidated by him.
He got so close that your pelvises were nearly touching. He leaned down, dropping his hands to the countertop on either side of you, his lips barely grazing the shell of your ear as he bent closer. “What do you want me to call you, baby?”
God, you looked so real in that moment. Caught off guard, maybe. But your usual forced scowl was replaced by your surprised expression, eyebrows raised, mouth slightly ajar, tongue tucked right where your two plump lips meet. You were holding your breath, he could tell. He liked you like this, better. When you weren’t trying to be all hard and intimidating, when you didn’t know how to react – couldn’t deal with these emotions because just this once, they were real.
You stumbled over your words, mind suddenly not processing anything. His stubble rubbed ever so lightly over your jaw, his breath tickling your neck. You didn’t know how long you were standing there. It felt like forever since either of you said anything.
Suddenly, he pulled away – just like before. You released your breath, about to speak and then –
He grabbed your face in both hands (one warm to the touch, the other cold from the marble) and held you so that you eyes gazed up at him. His blue eyes looking back into yours, a smile pulling at one corner of his lips. He pulled your head upwards, leaning his own down, meeting in the middle in a soft, tender kiss. He shrugged, letting himself fully tilt into the kiss, hips touching each other’s; you swung your arms around his neck, pulling yourself up to him, chest pressing against his.
God, you could get used to this.
And all it took was a little shopping.
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
Let's dive back in.
I'm excited to meet our Million In One man❤
Sanders Sides BEETLEJUICE AU Part 2!!!
We start with Patton working on the model town, especially their own funeral, as Thomas tries dusting around. It's been a few more weeks and they're bored.
Thomas gives up and sits down, asking why there's so much dust, as neither have a body, and why they can't just leave; France is supposed to be really nice this time of year. Patton shrugs, but wonders maybe this house is their heaven.
Thomas smiles at that, though still questions why heaven is so dusty.
Patton hides a smirk and keeps working; "...Reeeasons?"
The two share a laugh and Thomas asks what Patton read in the hand book.
Patton stops his work and passes to book to Thomas, saying he can barely understand it, but maybe Thomas will.
Thomas gives it a go, skimming through the pages, checking for a table of contents, and an index before starting back at page 1; "Like Medical Chemistry all over again."
Cut to Patton as he continues on the model, more specifically the cemetery. We don't hear what Patton's thinking, but we see it on his face; the cemetery isn't big enough, because he didn't plan it out fully, the wreathes for his and Thomas's graves aren't as funeral-esque as he'd like, and he didn't make a different model for Dice, who he's still annoyed with.
He snaps out of it when he hears an, "OH!" from Thomas and asks what's up.
Turns out people usually won't see or hear the dead and Thomas and Patton are TEMPORARILY stuck in the house, but the amount of time isn't specified.
They hear a pair of cars pull up and investigate to see Dice again, who's not in any fancy clothes, but is still in black, and is accompanied by a VERY fancy looking business man.
Our ghost friends wonder what's going on, and get a bad feeling when they see Dice nod and shake hands with the business man.
Patton, however, notices the watch he's wearing and finds a telescope he has, using it to gwt a closer look.
The watch has rubies on it.
Thomas, who's more far sighted, asks what a guy like that is doing in this part of Florida, and pauses when he sees the growing excitement and unease on Patton's face.
They watch the two leave, and see Dice give the house another look and take a flask out of his coat and drink from it before going to his own car.
Thomas continues to watch as Patton leaves the window, leaning the telescope back against the wall.
WHICH MATCH CUTS TO A MAN HANDING A WOMAN A NEWSPAPER. She stares at it and then races away. We're in a studio, specifically in the dressing room/makeup area, it's nothing but controlled chaos, and everyone is fussing, well most at least.
These calm souls are the people painting on and fussing over a man, who we see in quick cuts, one with LOVELY, fluffy, full of volume, red hair, tan, smooth skin, and a body carved by gods, long legs, a thin waist, and lean body, but still muscular(so he's fit, but not buff; he has muscles, but he's still got the body of a ballerina), lovely eyelashes, eyebrows that match his hair, soft lips, ears pierced with roses and ruby studs, and all in all, a painting brought to life.
This, dear fans, followers, and viewers, is Roman Scarlet- now Deetz- and is preparing for his photoshoot, one that requires him to look like a porcelain doll to match with the set.
The idea came from his adopted son, who isn't there.
While we're focused on Roman, we hear a man whistle and compliment him, saying he looks like he was painted in oil and pastels. Roman smirks up at him and reminds him that he knows, because he's already said it.
Remy Deetz, his husband, shares a smirk and almost kisses him, almost because he stops himself-much to Roman's confusion- and says he's not allowed to distract anyone while they work, including Roman.
Remy looks the same as he usually is, but his hair's darker, just saying that now.
Everyone stops as we see the well dressed man from before, being Roman's agent.
Roman greets him quite warmly and asks what brings him and how his excursion went.
The agent reveals it went well and he's got good news AND bad news, so which would Roman like to hear first? Roman would like the former, please and thank you.
Good news: the house he's interested in is up for grabs and, seeing as how he's placed the highest bid on it, is as good as his.
Roman rejoices at this excellent news, clapping his hands and being a happy boy, before askimg what the bad news is.
The girl we saw pushes her way in and hands Roman the newspaper as his agent also delivers the bad news.
The house is up for sale because the original owners are dead, having drowned in a car accident. And unless Roman wants rumors to arise of him killing the two for the house, he'd better wait for a little while.
Roman has the wind knocked out of him, and asks how long they died.
A month.
After a moment, and a glance to Remy, Roman asks if he can still put a down payment on the house.
He can, but, again, he can't move in for a while.
Roman accepts thise terms; it's lighter on his conscious and still lets him have the house.
They're asleep in bed, and we get a ghost gag of Patton hogging the blanket and revealing a floating Thomas, who wakes up and falls down with a yelp.
Patton wakes up, too, but it's because there was a loud BANG that happened just as Thomas hit the floor.
He asks how high Thomas was to fall that hard, as Thomas asks Patton if he heard that BANG, especially one that happens again.
They quickly leave their room and see moving men enter the living room, and haphazardly shove a couch on a roller until it hits the stair railing.
Remy races over and tells them to please try being a little more careful becasue this is country craftsmanship, not city hocus pocus.
Roman slinks in and takes in the house he'd wanted so much, admitting it wasn't what he'd expected, but one of the owners was a small interior designer, so what was he expecting in the first place?
Thomas, from his place next to Patton on the upper level, gapes at the comment, very much offended as Roman goes back outside to examine the exterior.
Thomas wonders if Dice had a point, but Patton squeals at the fact that Cardinal Rose is in their house. Thomas isn't as enthused, mainly because 1. They can't talk to him, 2. He can't see them, and 3. Dice SOLD this house to him after the two had just died.
Patton is discouraged, but still smiles with Thomas that there's a celebrity in their house.
Thomas smiles with him and they have a fanboy moment, holding hands, squealing and giggling, and jumping with excitement; happiness now, stress later.
Cut to Roman outside as he scrutinizes the area. There's no fence or no gate to keep any intruders out. Not even a garden to make it pretty, at least.
His looking brings him to his car, and looks inside, his look of, 'what can I fix about this?' becoming a mix of disappointment and frustration.
"We'll be here for a little while, the LEAST you could do is come out and look at it."
He sighs and walks away, but we focus on the car as the back passenger door opens and reveals a boy.
He's a petite little thing, a young teenager between 13 and 16, kind of cat-like, but has that 'angry cat' look to him. He's got bags under his eyes, a slight scowl on his face, and is dressed in black. His hair is extremely cleverly dyed, black on top, where everyone can see, but purple underneath, which we see as he runs his hands through his hair.
He stares at the house with a mix of sorrow and indifference, muttering that they're now the Addams Family, maybe a little worse.
Remy calls for the boy, our emo himself Virgil, and asks him to be a dear and take his luggage inside and look for a room he wants; there's five bedrooms and three and a half bathrooms, so there's a lot to pick.
Virgil remarks that he'll try not to invade the master bedroom, because that's undoubtedly going to be Remy's and Roman's room, and trudges toward the house, Remy ruffling his hair.
Remy watches Virgil before turning to Roman, who's standing and doing his best thinking face.
Remy wraps his arms around Roman from behind and asks for his opinion. Roman gives it to him flat: he wants to change the house. Remy gives him a withering look and Roman stipulates it will be just a few things, nothing major. Maybe take down a wall or two and put them somewhere else, maybe some paint, just things that will make this house their home.
Remy politely asks him not to, because this house belonged to someone else and shouldn't be torn up, but Roman reiterates: not the whole house. Just a couple things and then it can be hone. And he dares Remy to say the house is perfect as is, because it's not. He's just trying to make Roman and Virgil comfortable and he knows it.
Remy admits that he DOES want Roman and Virgil to feel at home and there are a few touch-ups that can be made, but this house wasn't even theirs to begin with, so they shouldn't change up too much.
Roman, quite solemnly, states that the house is theirs now and the owners aren't coming back, not when they're in a better place.
Comedic cut to Patton and Thomas as they sit and watch the moving madness unfold, right in their house. Virgil slips in, and catches Patton's attention.
Virgil looks around as Remy and Roman return.
Remy asks what the teen thinks of their new home. Virgil looks over at Roman, who's judging again, and murmurs that he(Roman) probably hates it. He spots a spider on the stairs railing, like between the rungs, and admits he could live here, letting the spider crawl onto his hand.
Remy walks over to an armchair and takes a seat, taking a breath and checking his watch. He doesn't know about Virgil and Roman, but it's only been twenty minutes and he already feels at home. Roman muses, "Good for you," and notices the kitchen, sighing at how that, at least, is acceptable and something he's probably not majorly changing, maybe he can even get into cooking, like he's been trying. As he walks up the stairs, Virgil calls about, quite bitterly, about how great it is that cooking is another thing Roman's good at.
Roman walks to the beginning of the stairs and dares Virgil to repeat that, though Remy calls for them both to leave each other alone; even though the comment was a little rude, Virgil's still nervous, and new to Roman's lifestyle, and needs time to adjust, and moving around a lot does not help with that. Roman counters that he's nervous too, but that doesn't mean he's going to be a sourpuss and snap at anyone who passes by.
Patton and Thomas try to ignore the argument, but are appalled by the fact that Dice gave their house to these people. Patton wonders why they even moved, if they hate it in this part of Florida. Thomas groans that they're probably from the city and probably want to use the land for making more condos and apartment buildings. Patton asks if Remy's a writer, though, and Thomas leans to his side until he falls to the floor, groaning how both their idols are selfish and insufferable. Patton rubs his arm as Virgil walks by.
The two catch a glimpse of each other, though it's in slow motion(nothing but TV perspective in this series), Patton giving a confused look as to why a teen would wear so much black in the Florida summer and Virgil having his own confusion be because he thought the house was empty before they moved in, the owners are dead, after all.
Before Roman and Remy can really go at it, someone walks through the door and muses that despite the change of scenery, Roman hasn't changed at all, being dramatic and lovely, as always. His entrance catches everyone's attention, though Virgil hightails it into room hunting.
Remy rolls his eyes as Roman squeals with joy as he hugs his friend, Janus, a golden blond who displays a tattoo on the side of his face to hide his scar, has gotten his ear on the same side cropped so it's sharp, and looks almost as impressive as Roman, though he slays in a plain black suit and yellow dress shirt.
The two hug and Roman barely contains his excitement at the fact his friend came all the way from the city to see him.
Janus returns the gesture and is glad to see Roman too, because this place, in its current state, will not do, and it's a good thing Remy's a best seller, because they're renovating big time.
Roman gives a glance to Remy and says that the house itself is fine, he just wants to make small-ish changes.
Thomas quickly sits up just as Virgil opens one of the bedroom doors, Thomas shouting and Virgil calling out, "Knocking down a wall and throwning paint on it is not a small change!"
Roman harshly shushes and gestures for Virgil to go away, but Janus shakes his head; guess Virgil hasn't changed either.
Patton pulls Thomas back and asks what they're going to do, because he can't tell if this is paradise or punishment.
Thomas shrugs and replies that he's not sure, but knows they can't stop them, seeing as how no one can see them, but that sets off a light bulb in both their heads and they turn to each other.
Both have been reading the handbook, and there's a word for thise in their situation, a word that makes them smile and foght to contain another hit of excitement:
With a laugh, forhead touch, and quick kiss, they get to work.
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kiseki-no-scenarios · 4 years
could you do a scenario where gom+himuro go to the mall etc with their s/o and somehow they get separated for a while without the s/o noticing. suddenly s/he hears an announcement being made “attentionto ___, please pick up your child at the counter” and sees their bf being all pouty that s/he left him behind. I saw a tweet and was inspired! thank you so much :))
Pfft I laughed out loud at this request…I can totally see some of the GOM members just doing it to be petty! Hope you enjoy, anon!
Also some of these are a bit crack-ish…I feel like I’ve been writing some serious things lately so just needed to let go of some mischievous energy~
Reader being paged overhead to pick up GOM at the lost child station
You loved going out shopping with Akashi, but your lover could be too much sometimes.
Akashi seemed to have difficulty understanding the concept of “window shopping”; if you even looked at someone for longer than a glance, he’d be ready to call the nearest store associate over to purchase said item.
That led to an awkward discussion in which you insisted that you really didn’t have any burning desire to purchase the item, and it was often hard to convince Akashi that no, you were not lying, and yes, you were being completely honest with him.
It still didn’t stop the fact that sometimes things would just “coincidentally” end up on your desk at school, little gifts that you knew were from a certain redhead.
Wanting to repay the favor, you watched him intensely during the current shopping trip, finally managing to escape away with an excuse about needing to use the restroom.
It was a bit harder to dodge the bodyguards, but a quick dart into the lingerie section took care of that, the sight of lace and negligee even a bit too much for the most stoic bodyguards to be brave enough to step through
You were picking out a lovely silk tie accompanied by a silver tie pin, just having retrieved it from the clerk after you purchased it when you heard it.
“Attention _____, please come pick up your child at the nearest security booth. Attention _____…”
You stomped over to the nearest security booth, apologies already prepared for the frazzled women that was glancing nervously between you and Akashi
Not even a hint of embarrassment betrayed Akashi’s face as he looked calmly over at you, his arms crossed in front of him.
“Seijuro, did you really need to do that?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, _____.” Akashi stated, raising one perfect eyebrow at you. “You left me behind, and thus I employed an available resource to have us reunited.”
You wondered how much trouble you’d get in if you strangled Akashi instead with the new tie you had just bought.
You’d left Midorima to his own devices at the bookstore, having picked out the necessary textbooks for the upcoming semester at school
You were browsing in the manga section, satiating your inner fujioshi as you ducked behind the displays, eagerly flipping through the new volumes available from your favorite manga artist
You’d never admit it, but one of the characters looked so much like your boyfriend, and was even a tsundere too!
It was hard to keep back your fan girlish squeals as you tucked the new releases into your shopping cart, knowing that it’d take Midorima a bit longer to finish browsing the study guides section
Your inner thirst momentarily sated, you walked up to your favorite clerk as you passed over the goodies, her face mirroring your smile as the two of you gushed over your findings
It was nice to find someone who understood, especially since you couldn’t ever imagine asking Midorima to discuss such books of such indecent nature with you
You could picture your carrot-kun in your mind saying that, but part of you wondered how adorable it’d be to see him blushing if you forced him to read the manga along with you…something you’d definitely have to consider in the future, of course
“Attention _____, your lost child is waiting for you at the security booth outside the bookstore. Attention _____…”
You quickly finish checking out, racing over with your books in hand as you come across one (1) blushing carrot and one (1) smirking, hawk-eyed basketball player
“Yo, _____-chan!” Takao waved. “I found Shin-chan for you!”
“Aww, Shin-tan, did you get lost?” You peer into Midorima’s eyes, laughing at the disgusted look on his face. “Don’t worry, I’m here now~”
“W-What nonsense, Takao simply dragged me here for no good reason!!” Midorima stuttered
You decided that it would be best to lead your green-haired boyfriend away, lest he be arrested for assault in the middle of the mall.
“I wonder if they’ll pop if I stab them hard enough…” You muttered under your breath, sick and tired of the female staff that was hanging off of Aomine’s arm, her breasts pushed up directly against his arm in the middle of the store. There were no way that those things were real, with how perfectly round they looked…
You’d underestimated just how devoted Aomine was to lingerie, of all things. When you mentioned going shopping for some unmentionables during the weekend, he’d invited himself along. To give you an objective perspective, of course.
So why was it that he was surrounded by a gaggle of females, instead of being his usual perverted self and coming up to you with all sorts of scandalous suggestions??
Clearing your throat loudly, you stepped up to your boyfriend, gently (or at least you tried to bed) prying off the hands of the girl that was clinging to him like a barnacle.
“Excuse me, but I think we’ve got enough assistance here.” You used the most sugar sweet voice you could manage, taking Aomine’s hand and not even hiding the fact that you rested his palm against the swell of your breast. “Babe, help me find something in my size?” You asked innocently, peering up at Aomine through your lashes as you pushed your chest against his hand.
Your display of possession finally chased away the mean old biddies as you began pushing Aomine out the door, ignoring his protests. “Babe, cmon…”
“Jeez Daiki, you can at least pretend to not notice.” You pout, sitting him down outside the store. “Wait here while I go finish buying this stuff!”
You hadn’t even had a few moments to yourself when the announcement paged overhead, hearing your name being called out to pick up your….child…from the security booth.
Aomine had a shit-eating grin on his face when you marched up to him, huffing and puffing. “Sorry _____, I just couldn’t wait. Besides…”
You yelped as he grabbed you by your butt, pulling you in as he not-so-subtly grinded himself against your hip. “I have to pay you back for making you mad, hm? This is all for you, babe.”
You weren’t sure what you had been thinking when you thought that for once, the two of you could enjoy a nice, private, shopping trip to the mall.
It seemed like all of his fans were coming out of the woodwork, in droves as they lunged for your boyfriend, stopping him every moment for autographs and pictures.
You liked that Kise was kind to his fans, but sometimes, enough was enough.
You finally gave up after you were pushed to the side of the crowd, deciding to take a break to go through the newest magazines that had hit the shelves.
Grabbing the nearest one, you discovered an article on said boyfriend as you read it with interest, blushing a bit at the embarrassing pose he had on in the picture.
It was an article about love and relationships, and you read his answers to the interview questions eagerly. You couldn’t help but smile fondly at the way he answered-your relationship couldn’t go public just yet, but it was obvious at least to your eyes that he was talking about you.
There was no need for you to feel insecure about your relationship with him, you thought. You were just about to put the magazine back on the rack when you heard your name being called overhead, asking you to pick up your child from the security office.
One quick checkout later, you were running to the stop when you came across a very familiar figure-even covered in hats, sunglasses, and wrapped up in scarfs like a mummy, you’d be able to recognize Kise anywhere.
“_____-cchi!!” Kise whined, tackling you right as you came into his sight. “Where were you?!?!”
“What are you wearing, Ryouta?!” You asked, quickly unwrapping the scarves that covered his face. “Aren’t you hot underneath all of that?!”
“But we finally had some time together, and I had to figure out something!” Kise replied, tears coming to his eyes as he latched onto you. “Sorry for making you jealous, _____-cchi!!!”
“I wasn’t jealous-“
“Wait, what is that?!” Kise grabbed the magazine out of your hand before you could react, before he turned to you with a pout. “_____-cchi! Do you like my picture more than me?!?! I’m the real thing!!!”
You couldn’t even blame the staff for calling Kise your child, with his crocodile tears and the way he was stubbornly clinging to you while you tried to calm the blonde-haired model down, assuring him that no, you were not going to leave him for a picture of him at a photoshoot.
Big pouty baby here, 1000000%. When I first got the request, the first person that popped into my mind was our dear Murasakibara
You were visiting him in Akita for the weekend, but the rest of the Yosen basketball team had all demanded to meet up with you too on the outing
Murasakibara was first able to be tamed with snacks as he watched you handing Okamura tissues, listening to him cry his heart out to you about his recent relationship troubles. Then you were scolding Fukui for being mean to Okamura. Liu had somehow started a conversation with you too, and you were busy trying to decipher his speech, while updating Himuro on Kagami’s latest news and how he was starting (just barely) to tolerate Nigou at practice.
Even his coach had gotten involved, and Murasakibara had pouted when you agreed to meet with her for sushi, the two of you forming a bond over how to deal with Murasakibara whenever he got too spoiled or was acting up.
Finally having enough, Murasakibara walked away, crunching the bag of potato chips in his hands. I’m going to crush them all…how dare they take all of _____-chin’s time…
You had just managed to get Okamura to stop crying when you heard your name being called overhead, your brow furrowing in confusion at the odd announcement.
It wasn’t until you were looking around and hearing Himuro commenting about how Murasakibara had wandered off that you’d run over to the security booth, meeting with one very pouty, very upset purple-haired titan.
“I definitely don’t recall giving birth to someone so large, Atsushi.” You commented, tilting your head as you tried to coax Murasakbara into bending down so you could pat his head. “What’s wrong?”
Murasakibara only huffed, crossing his arms in front of his chest as his purple locks hid his face. “Not fair…Not fair, _____-chin. I thought I was important to you.”
“You are, Atsushi!”
“But you’re not paying attention to me.” You couldn’t help but giggle at Murasakibara’s childish whine, his cheeks puffing up as he full on pouted. “_____-chin is mine, and I’ll crush anyone else.”
“Atsu-channnn.” You hugged Murasakibara around his waist, peering up at him as you rubbed your face against his arms. “You’re so cute, and I love you~ I promise to make all your favorites tonight, okay?”
Definitely just gets lost because pretty boy has absolutely no sense of direction at all
One moment he was following along with you, just happy to listen to you chattering on as you led him through the mall
But he’d gotten distracted for a moment, catching sight of a pretty necklace in the window of a jewelry store
It’d look nice against your skin, Himuro thought, but when he turned around to catch your attention, he blinked when he realized you were gone.
Himuro walked a bit more, but realized that all it was doing was making him more confused as he circled around the same area twice, looking absolutely lost.
He’d been standing in the same area for several moments, pretending that he knew what he was doing, staring at the map of the mall posted on a kiosk in the center of the hall when a passing security guard finally stopped to ask if he needed help
Himuro felt embarrassed as he admitted the situation that he’d found himself in, and he covered half his face with the palm of his hand as the announcement played overhead, asking for you to pick up your child in front of the security booth.
“Tatsuya, you had me so worried!!”
Himuro apologized profusely to you as he saw the beads of sweat on your forehead. “_____, why are you so sweaty…?”
“Because I was looking for you, silly!” You stuck your tongue out at your boyfriend as you flicked him in the forehead, ignoring his soft “ow” that left his lips. “You have a phone, don’t you?”
Himuro had indeed totally forgotten that he did have a cell phone on him.
“Cellular mobile devices are helpful for contacting someone when you can’t find them, in case you didn’t know.” You lectured him, and even though he was being scolded, Himuro couldn’t help but think you were so adorable, the way your cheeks were puffed up like a squirrel.
“Sorry, sorry.” Pulling you close, he kissed you on the forehead, ignoring your protests that you were super sweaty and gross. “Thanks for finding me, _____. I’ll make sure to hold onto your hand tight the next time so I don’t get lost, okay?”
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lastbluetardis · 4 years
And Baby Makes Seven (4/?)
Things don’t always go as planned. Faced with an unexpected pregnancy, James and Rose have to work quickly to get everything prepared for their fifth child, and to prepare their eldest children for a new addition to the family. Ten x Rose AU, Soulmates AU. Tagging @doctorroseprompts
This chapter: Explicit, 6100 words
Ages of the Tyler-McCrimmons at the start of the chapter: James: 39, Rose: 34, Ainsley: 9, Sianin: 6, Twins: almost 6 months
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AO3 | Perfectly Matched Series
Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 |
The rest of the summer holiday passed by lazily. While Ainsley was counting down the days until the new school term began, Sianin seemed to ignore it in the hopes it wouldn’t come. But, inevitably, the first day of school dawned, sunny and hot.
Waking Sianin up was as delightful as ever, as she tried to hide away from James’s poking fingers by pulling her blankets up over her head. He knew she would’ve stay like that for long, since it would be far to stuffy in there, especially since the morning was already warm, making the air in the house stagnant.
As predicted, she flung her blankets off of her head with a loud whine mere seconds later, then dutifully trudged out of bed to get ready for school. Ainsley was already half way through her bowl of cereal by the time Sianin joined them.
She’d dressed herself in her school uniform but hadn’t tucked in the shirt. James mindlessly did it for her, but noticed she’d untucked it again five minutes later.
“Don’t touch,” he said as he tucked her shirt in for a second time.
But she kept fidgeting with her uniform all throughout breakfast, untucking her shirt from her skirt and driving James and Rose mad.
“It’s pulling,” Sianin complained when James fixed her outfit yet again.
“What do you mean, darling?” he asked.
Sianin lifted her arms above her head. “See? Pulling.”
It took James a long minute to understand what she meant. Her shirt strained around her middle as she lifted her arms in the air.
“We’ll get you a bigger shirt,” he promised.
“It’s too tight, Daddy,” she whimpered. “I’m not comfortable! I don’t like the way it feels.”
“Can you be a brave girl and wear it for today?” he asked. “I promise Mummy and I will get you a new shirt in time for tomorrow’s school day.”
After a bit more moaning and grumbling, Sianin reluctantly agreed, though she kept fidgeting with her clothes all morning.
“Want to take bets on whether Sianin comes home with a warning for not having her shirt tucked in, or being obstinate about tucking it back in?”
“Not taking that bet,” Rose muttered under her breath. “I thought we checked their uniforms last week.”
“We did,” James answered. “But I suppose there’s a difference between saying something is comfortable in the two seconds it takes it try it on, versus it actually being comfortable when confronted with wearing it all day.”
Rose pinched his side. “Guess I’ll be off on a shopping trip this morning.”
After the traditional first day of school photoshoot, James loaded his eldest girls into one vehicle while Rose loaded the twins into the other. She kissed Ainsley and Sianin goodbye and wished them well before she went off on her errands for the day.
Since the school drop off queue was always pandemonium on the first day, James parked a couple blocks away at a coffee shop and walked with his girls to the school. When they reached the building, he knelt down to give them each a hug and a kiss.
“Have a great day. I’ll see you this evening. I love you very, very much.”
He then stood and watched his children walk away from him and towards their various friend groups. William was perched on the short brick wall surrounding the garden in front of the school; his entire face lit up when he saw Ainsley. He jumped off the wall and ran to give her a big hug, then, together, they skipped into the school, leaving Sianin behind.
James was slightly annoyed at his eldest for so quickly abandoning her little sister, but Sianin eventually caught up with a group of her friends. No hugs were exchanged, but Sianin beamed brightly at them and began to follow them inside. She turned around at the doorway and scanned the crowd. He lifted his hand in a wave, and she smiled, waving back at him before she disappeared into the building.
Yet another round of first days, done, he lamented to himself. How were his girls getting so big? 
As he walked back to his car, James grabbed his phone from his pocket. “I’m getting coffee before coming in. Can I get you something?”
He shot off the text in two individual messages to his work mates, Mark and River. They were two of his only mates at the university, ever since he had gotten into a major row with one of his other colleagues, Rodney. James had taken to avoiding Rodney and any friends of Rodney, which unfortunately turned out to be most of the department. Not that anybody else was treating him poorly or avoiding him, but James couldn’t help but feel like they were silently judging him, and had been for a long time. It made it hard to fake cordiality and friendship.
The buzzing of his phone interrupted his maudlin thoughts.
Nah, mate, I’m good. The missus and I had breakfast out with the kids before school, Mark responded. Thanks though.
River didn’t reply until James was nearly at the front register about to order. Large black coffee please. Leave room for cream but don’t add any. And a scone. Surprise me with the flavor ;)
He sent back a thumbs up and slipped his phone into his pocket as he stepped up to the counter. He placed his order, and five minutes later, he left the coffee shop with two coffees and a blueberry scone.
River worked in the anthropology department, which was on the other side of the university campus. The sun was already shining down hotly, despite the early morning hour, and so he parked in a temporary spot to run River’s breakfast to her.
“Good morning, Professor McCrimmon,” River purred when he stepped into her office.
“Good morning, Professor Song,” he parroted. He held up her coffee and the paper bag with her scone. “Your order.”
“Oh, you’re a gem,” she said, reaching to take the coffee. She turned away from him to open the mini-fridge in the corner of her office. It was packed with half a dozen different bottles of flavored coffee creamer. “I think I’m feeling French Vanilla today.”
James shrugged, not particularly fond of flavored creams. They were far too sweet.
“School drop off went well?” River asked as she poured the cream until the coffee was a light tan color.
He tugged his phone from his back pocket and pulled up the quick photo he’d snapped of Ainsley and Sianin.
“Sianin waited until this morning to tell us her school shirt was getting a bit small,” James said, handing his phone to River, “but otherwise, yeah.”
River glanced at the photo before handing it back to him. “She’s nearly as big as her sister.”
“Ainsley’s small for her age. In the first percentile, if I remember correctly,” James explained. “She and Sianin can nearly share clothes. It won’t be too much longer now before they can.”
River made a humming noise then turned to her scone. She opened the packaging and took a large bite.
“Well, I’d best be off,” James said, scratching the back of his head. “Want to do lunch this afternoon?”
“I thought you’d never ask,” River said, grinning.
James beamed, relieved that he wouldn’t be eating lunch alone that day. “Great. I have a class that ends right at noon, so we can meet then? If that works?”
“I’ll meet you in your office,” River said. “I’ve got a meeting on your side of campus at one anyway.”
“It’s a plan. Until then.” He gave a dramatic bow and backed out of the office to get to his own building.
The first week back at school was always exhausting as everybody readjusted to the schooltime routine. While James and Rose tried to keep their kids in a routine over the summer, they never quite managed. Sianin preferred to sleep an hour extra during the summers, and Ainsley, though she loved school, wasn’t always a fan of being around large groups of people and often shut herself in her room as soon as she got home.
But finally Friday arrived, heralding the first successful week of school. As was tradition, James and Rose planned a date night with their kids. Though this year, they had to account for the twins. Thankfully, Robert was more than happy to take the babies overnight.
They made homemade chips and personal pizzas so everyone could have their toppings of choice, and he and Rose broke out the wine. With the twins gone for the night and mostly weaned from breast milk, Rose no longer had to worry as much about alcohol consumption for the first time in over a year.
Once everyone was fed, James pulled down half a dozen board game boxes, letting family game night commence. They played through seemingly every board game they owned, as well as a few card games. For some of the more complex games, such as Cluedo, Sianin partnered up with Ainsley to play against their parents.
And all the while, James kept his and Rose’s wine glasses filled until they’d had to break open a second bottle of wine.
“It’s so nice to not have the twins here,” Rose murmured, her words slurred slightly as she leaned against James to take a look at the cards he held in his hand. “I can drink and drink and drink, guilt free!”
“Oi, cheater,” James said, pushing his shoulder against her and hiding his cards against his chest.
Rose giggled and snuggled closer to him. She tilted her head up until her lips were at his ear. The sensation of her warm breath tickling across his ear sent shivers down his spine. 
“I think I’m a liiiiittle bit tipsy,” Rose whispered.
“Maybe a bit,” James agreed. “But in your defense, you haven’t drunk much in over a year now. Your tolerance has gone to shit.”
“Daddy, your turn,” Sianin said, laying a card in the discard pile.
“Thanks, darling,” he said, returning his attention to their game of Uno.
They stayed up well past the kids’ bedtime, enjoying themselves far too much to bring an end to the night. However, when both kids were nearly falling asleep against each other in yet another round of Uno, James and Rose decided to put an end to the evening.
“Let’s call it a night,” James suggested, blinking against his slightly-swimming vision. He and Rose had polished off half of their second bottle of wine, and the room was a little unsteady.
“M’kay,” Ainsley agreed, her eyes a bit heavy.
“Do I hafta get a shower?” Sianin mumbled, rubbing her fists into her eyes.
“Nah,” James answered, glancing at Rose to make sure she approved. “Get one in the morning, though.”
“M’kay.” She heaved a sigh and nestled closer to Ainsley, not making a move to stand.
James couldn’t exactly blame her. He was comfortable where he was, leaning against the front of the couch with his arm around his wife and her familiar heat seeping through his clothes.
It took several attempts to scramble to his knees and then to his feet without falling over. Though he’d teased Rose for her alcohol tolerance going to shit, his had gone to shit right alongside hers; without his favorite drinking partner, he rarely had more than one or two drinks at a time.
“C’mon,” James said once he’d managed to stand. “Time for bed. Up, Sianin.”
She lifted her arms, as though expecting to be picked up.
“Sorry, darling,” James said, grimacing. “Daddy had a tiny bit too much wine to carry you safely.  I don’t want to drop you, eh?”
She huffed a sigh, and slowly pushed herself to her feet. With how much she swerved and stumbled down the hall, James would’ve thought she was a tad drunk too.
“Nighty night Mum. Night Dad.” Ainsley stepped up to him and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“Sweet dreams,” he said, pecking a clumsy kiss to her the crown of her head. “Love you loads. I’ll be in to tuck you in when I’ve finished with Sianin.”
She hummed in acknowledgement and moved down the hall. James followed, stepping into Sianin’s room to wait for her to finish her nightly routine.
She had stripped out of her clothes and was in a baggy t-shirt he recognized as one of Rose’s in lieu of pajamas.
“I don’t want a story tonight,” Sianin said, curling up in bed and tugging her blankets to her chest.
He wasn’t going to insist. He wasn’t sure his eyes could focus on reading a book to her. “Okay. Just for tonight, though. Goodnight, Sianin. I love you very, very much.”
She grunted and tilted her head up to accept his kiss before nuzzling into her pillow and promptly falling asleep.
He left her room and shuffled across the hall to Ainsley’s room. The light was still on. He knocked and pushed open the door in the same second; however, a yelp halted his movements.
“Dad! Wait!”
The door slammed in his face and he cringed, his face heating. “Ainsley, I’m sorry, darling.”
“I was changing!”
“I’m sorry,” he said again, raking his fingers through his hair. “I didn’t mean to barge in.”
She said nothing, but thirty seconds later, she opened the door for him. She was scowling up at him, her arms crossed at her chest. “What’s the point in knocking if you’re going to just come in anyway?”
“You’re exactly right,” James said patiently. “I am very, very sorry. I promise I’ll wait in the future. I’m sorry.”
She relaxed a fraction. “I was already mostly dressed anyway. Not sure you even saw anything. Sorry for snapping. It wasn’t that big of a deal.”
“Yes, it is,” he said firmly. “This is your room, your space. I want to respect that as much as I can, including respecting a closed door.”
She flashed him a small smile. “Thanks.”
“Right, into bed with you.”
She pulled down the covers and slipped onto the mattress. He leaned down and brushed her hair away from her face before planting a kiss to her forehead.
She wrinkled her nose. “Your breath stinks.”
“Gee, thanks, Ains,” he said dryly, flicking her nose lightly.
“Just saying,” she replied sweetly, a smirk tugging at her lips. “Love you, Dad.”
“I love you too. Nighty night. Sweet dreams.”
He fussed with her blankets for a moment longer before he straightened and left the room, flipping the lights off as he did.
When he returned to the living room, Rose was sprawled across the sofa, shirtless, a half-empty bottle of wine in her fist. She drank directly from it and beamed when she saw him.
“Hey handsome,” she purred. She wiggled the bottle in his direction. “Wanna help me finish it. I’ve lost the cork so we ought to drink it so it doesn’t go to waste.”
“Is that right?” he drawled.
“Mhm,” she said, taking another swig.
Never mind the fact that they had plenty of wine stoppers, James plopped onto the couch beside his wife and took the proffered bottle.
“As lovely as you are, where’s your shirt?”
She gestured vaguely to the floor. “Somewhere over there.”
He glanced around and saw a ball of fabric in the middle of their living room floor. “And why is your shirt somewhere over there?”
“I was hot,” she complained.
And she looked it: her face was bright red and shiny. Now that she said something, he realized how hot their living room was. His cheeks seemed to radiate heat, sending it down his neck and into is chest until his shirt felt sweltering. Wordlessly, he passed the wine back to her and leaned forward just far enough to strip his shirt over his head and drop it to the floor by their feet.
“Mmm… you look even hotter now,” Rose murmured, her half-glazed eyes scanning across his bare torso. “Gettin’ me all hot and bothered.”
He hummed and puffed up his chest a little bit as he took the bottle from her and took a long gulp.
“My turn,” she said, turning into his side to grab the bottle from him. She glugged down several swallows, nearly choking on a snort as he whisper-chanted, “Chug chug chug chug…”
She was slightly out of breath when she handed the bottle to him. As though it were a big secret, she confided, “I… I am prop… proly… prop’ly wasted.”
“Me too,” he hummed, his body delightfully buoyant. His head was spinning and he wasn’t entirely sure he’d be able to get up and walk to their bedroom without tripping and falling flat on his face.
“I am so in love with you,” Rose said, grinning lazily up at him. “So in love.”
“Me too,” he repeated.
“Your elo… equlo… eloque… your way with words is… is astounding,” she teased, pinching his waist and draping herself into his side.
“What’d’you expect? The most beautiful woman in the universe is half-naked and half in my lap,” he said.
“Hmmm… do you want the most beat’ful woman in the universe fully naked and fully in your lap?”
The heat thrumming through James’s veins suddenly concentrated in his groin. He had barely begun to nod when Rose was shimmying out of her trousers. They were soft, stretchy yoga trousers, so she didn’t need to fumble with a button or zipper, but she still struggled to coordinate her limbs enough to tug them down her legs.
“M’pretty sure m’legs used t’be shorter,” she grumbled as her ankles got stuck.
He reached over and helped. Well, he grabbed a handful of fabric and began yanking. Eventually, her trousers fell to the floor, leaving her in her bra and a pair of white cotton knickers.
She frowned down at them. “Didn’t expect you’d see these. Sorry.”
“They’re very sexy,” he assured. She turned her frown on him. “They are! Primarily b’cos the sexiest woman in the universe is wearing them. You make your clothes sexy, Rose. Not th’other way ‘round.”
“How are you able to talk so smoothly?” Rose demanded. “Words feel… feel… they feel… far away.”
“Oh, you know me. Gob always going. I think words are basically ingrained in m’brain and come out whether I want them to or not, so I’m just going on autopilot now, love. Doesn’t matter. We were in the middle of something. Wasn’t I about to have the most beautiful woman in the world fully naked and fully in my lap?”
“Hmmm. You’ve got too many clothes.” Rose tugged on the waistband of his jeans. “S’no fun being naked when my naked partner isn’t naked.”
“You make a compelling argument,” James replied, and he pushed himself off of the couch to stand on wobbly legs.
He hadn’t realized how heavily Rose had been leaning on him, though. She yelped and fell sideways onto the sofa, where she dissolved into hysterical laughter. He joined in, especially when he nearly tumbled to his arse as he shucked off his trousers.
“Ta-da!” he crowed when he was left in nothing but his boxer-briefs.
Rose beamed up at him, her face bright red. She squirmed around for a minute, then managed to haul herself up onto an elbow, bringing her face to crotch-level. James was painfully aware of all the blood that was throbbing between his legs; he looked down to see he had half a stiffie tenting the front of his pants.
“Well hello,” Rose purred to his crotch, covering his erection with her palm.
He sighed and tipped his head back as gentle warmth and pleasure rolled through him. Rose then carefully tugged the waistband of his boxer-briefs down just far enough to free his cock. Without warning, she slotted her mouth over him. His hips jolted forward and he nearly stumbled on top of her. She let out a small gag, recoiling, and he took a hurried step back.
“Sorry! God, I’m sorry!” he squeaked, panting, but she was laughing.
“What a news story that would make,” she said, eyes bright with mirth. “‘Local woman chokes to death in drunken attempt at a blow job’.”
James giggled in return. “Sorry. I wasn’t expecting that.” He paused, his cheeks flaming as he stuttered, “Can… can we try again?”
“Do you want your cock in my mouth?” she asked, blinking up at him through lowered lashes.
The blood fell out of his cheeks and back into his cock. “Yes please.”
He was ready this time when Rose leaned forward and took him into her mouth. He groaned softly as he was surrounded by heat and wet. Pleasure fizzed through him, mounting so quickly he was worried about popping off in her mouth within the next few seconds; it would be doubly embarrassing because he wasn’t even fully hard yet. But the intensity receded slightly after a moment, and he began to worry a bit less about coming prematurely.
“Love you,” he whispered, threading his fingers through her hair. He didn’t try to guide her motions or speed her up, he simply wanted to touch her. And he needed a bit of help to keep his balance.
After another minute, she pulled off of him and smiled apologetically. “Sorry. My neck’s getting a bit cramped.”
“S’okay,” he said. “My legs are a bit wobbly and I’m pretty sure I’d fall on you if you made me come.”
“Were you close?” she asked.
“A little,” he admitted.
“Me too,” she answered cheekily. It was then that he realized she’d had one of her hands down her knickers. The sight made his cock throb.
“Allow me. Get on your back.”
Her eyes darkened at the command, but she complied. Her hand was still down her pants, moving in lazy circles.
“I want to see.” That was the only warning he gave before he grabbed at the waistband of her knickers and began tugging them down her legs.
He was sure there was a trick to this—he knew he’d done this thousands of times before—but his movements were jagged and her knickers kept getting caught on unseen barriers. He grumbled and growled, but finally her knickers were on the floor, leaving her gloriously naked.
She had helped him remove her knickers as much as she could, but now her hands had wandered down between her legs once more. She was glistening with desire, and his stomach tightened in anticipation.
“Let me see you,” he said, his voice gruff.
“Gimme your shirt,” Rose said. He furrowed his brow. “Shirt… pants… something to put under me. Don’ want awkward stains on th’sofa.”
“Oh. Right. Yeah.”
He pawed on the carpet for both of their shirts—just to be safe—and he deftly slid them beneath her bum when she angled her hips up.
“God, you’re gorgeous,” he said, fumbling out of his own underwear. “So gorgeous.”
She beamed at him, but her face loosened as her fingers disappeared between her legs. She moaned softly as she stroked herself, her movements slow and lazy as though they had all the time in the world.
He loved when they did this. He loved watching her pleasure herself. He knelt on the sofa cushion beside her and stroked his erection, trying to savor this moment as long as he could. Her skin was flushed red from arousal and alcohol, and her breathing was shortening as her fingers sped up.
“I’m so close, James,” she sighed, head lolling back in pleasure. “Feels so good.”
He cursed under his breath as his stomach dropped in warning. “Me too.”
“Get inside me,” she ordered suddenly. “Now.”
He groaned at the need in her voice, echoing the need in his body. He crawled on top of her, settling himself between her hips. He choked down a cry when she took him in her hand, her fingers slick with her own moisture. She rubbed the tip of him against herself and hissed out a low string of curses.
“Rose,” he panted, his whole body shuddering with impending release. “Rose, I'm gonna come. I’m really gonna…”
“Not yet,” she pleaded, arching her hips to try and get him lined up.
Her fingers were stroking him as she tried and failed again and again to get the angle right. He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to think of anything except the feel of her and of the mounting, overwhelming pleasure thrumming through him.
“Rose,” he grunted in warning as the pressure at his spine flared hot. “I’m seriously going to come. D’you want it like this or…?”
“No, I want you in me but you aren’t fitting,” she whined, frustrated. “You always fit!”
“Allow me.” He batted her hand away from his cock. He throbbed in time with his heart, a steady, pulsing beat that promised so much relief and pleasure that he nearly said sod it and stroked himself to completion.
But he also wanted to be inside his wife. He wanted to satisfy her, and her desire for him to be in her. Squeezing the base of his cock to try to stave off his imminent orgasm, he lined himself up, shuddering as her wet heat teased him. He had seconds, maybe, before he’d be past the point of no return. He could feel it swelling deep within him.
“I’m not going to last once I’m in you,” he warned.
“Me either,” Rose said, her fingers circling her clit now that his cock was no longer rubbing it. “James, in!”
God, she was tight. Her muscles were already clenching in preparation, and he growled deep in his throat as he finally pushed into her. She let out a cry that was probably far too loud but he didn’t care. He didn’t care because he was inside of his wife and she was so hot and wet and she was shattering around him, pulling him into her. Her muscles pulsed and throbbed around him as she gripped his arse, her nails biting into his sensitive flesh.
She moaned into his ear, wordless sounds that he wanted to echo, wanted to feel. The sensation of her breath in his ear sent searing goosebumps across his skin and finally pushed him over the edge.
“Oh, fuck,” he croaked, his hips stuttering as he chased his own high. “I’m gonna… I need to… Rose, I’m gonna…”
Words failed him as he squeezed his eyes shut. He was right on the cusp, right on the edge of heat and pressure and infinity. She breathed his name and squeezed his arse, and that was all it took. The electric thrum at the base of his spine sparked and he thrust deeply into her with a garbled shout of relief.
Everything was hot and wet and pulsing, friction and slipping and sliding, as time lost all meaning. His world narrowed to him and Rose and the place they were joined and the rush of endorphins flooding his body.
“God,” he gritted out, his orgasm raging through him. Body trembling, his coordination abandoned him; he collapsed onto Rose.
Panting raggedly, he tucked his face into her neck and prayed that none of their children would leave their room for the next few minutes, because he didn’t think he would be able to move from where he was to grab a blanket or something to cover up with. He was utterly sated, drowsy, and boneless, and the thought of moving was abhorrent.
“I love you,” he rasped, wriggling his arms under Rose’s shoulders to hold her closer. He felt as though he couldn’t hold her tightly enough. “God, I love you. I love you.”
Silence greeted him, and he frowned. Why wasn’t Rose talking to him? She always talked to him after a round of fantastic sex. And for that matter, why wasn’t she hugging him back? Her hands were lying limply on the small of his back.
“Rose, love?” He forced himself to pull back. Rose’s eyes were closed; she was asleep.
He chuckled under his breath, choosing not to be offended. Instead, he was rather pleased that he had worn her out so thoroughly. (He willfully ignored the fact that she tended to be a sleepy drunk).
But ss beautiful and serene as she looked, this was not an appropriate place for them to fall asleep, especially in their current state.
“Rose,” he said, caressing her cheek. “Rooooose.”
He lifted himself off of her, slipping out of her. Her nose wrinkled and her eyes cracked open. She blinked blearily a few times, then grinned up at him. “That was so fun.”
“Indeed it was,” he agreed.
“D’you come?”
He laughed out loud. “Yes, I did. Quite intensely. You didn’t notice? You can’t… you can’t feel the… ehm, evidence?”
“Can’t feel much of anything,” Rose responded with a shrug. “My whole body feels hot and tingly. My lady bits feel so good, James.”
“I’m glad.”
“C’mere,” she said, closing her eyes and reaching blindly for his arm. She tugged weakly, and whined when he didn’t lie down with her.
“We have to go to bed,” he said, kissing the corner of her mouth.
“M’trying, but you’re being stubborn,” she said, continuing to yank on his arm.
“Rose, we’re naked on our couch. We’re very drunk and therefore probably going to sleep like a rock. D’you really want Ainsley and Sianin to catch us in the morning like this?”
“Stop being so log...lolgic… so smart,” she said, attempting to flick him but missing.
“You’ll thank me in the morning,” he said. “Come.”
“Already did,” she said sweetly, sticking her tongue out at him.
He rolled his eyes. “Come to bed.”
“Oooh, can we do it again?” Rose asked, glancing up at him with dark eyes.
“If you don’t pass out on me first,” he said, even though he wasn’t sure he’d be able to get hard again for another round of lovemaking. His body felt limp and exhausted, and he wanted nothing more than to curl up with the love of his life and never move again.
She blew a raspberry at him, but she squirmed around on the couch until she had enough leverage to sit up. She squeezed her eyes shut and clutched at the couch cushions.
“All right?” he asked.
“Room went all wibbly wobbly.”
He nodded, and waited for her to stop looking like she was going to collapse back against the couch.
“I drank too much,” Rose sighed.
“So did I,” he said. “It was fun though, wasn’t it?”
“Mhm. I think I need help walking,” she confessed.
“Okay, up we get,” he said, getting to his feet. He wasn’t much steadier than she was, and he nearly lost his balance trying to pull her to her feet. She swayed, but stayed standing. “I’m gonna gather our clothes.”
“No, I don’t want clothes,” she said, grimacing. “S’too hot.”
“I’m picking them up so Ainsley and Sianin won’t see them,” he said. “Don’t need them knowing what their mum and dad got up to after they went to bed.”
“They prob’ly heard us,” Rose said.
“I was trying not to think of that, thanks,” he said dryly.
He had accepted the fact that Ainsley and Sianin often overheard their lovemaking, no matter how quiet they tried to be—though they were far from quiet this time, to his embarrassment. But it didn’t make it any less awkward to know that his children knew whenever he and Rose had sex. He hoped it didn’t disgust them too much.
“Do you think we have too much sex?” he asked, balling up their discarded clothes in one arm and wrapping his other around Rose.
“There’s no such thing, is there?”
He shrugged.
“Ja-aaaames.” Rose poked his temple. “What’s goin’ on in your brain?” She poked his temple again. “I love your brain but sometimes it’s stupid.”
He swatted her hand away before she accidentally hit his eye.
“I dunno. I guess I was just wondering if we were being inappropriate.” The words felt silly as soon as they left his mouth.
Rose stopped and turned so suddenly that it nearly sent them sprawling to the floor.
“We’re both consenting adults,” she said, frowning up at him.
“I know,” he said.
“We’ve been shaggin’ for… er…” Rose’s mouth moved silently as she ticked off her fingers. “Sixteen years. I think. Something like that. A lot of years. We’ve been shagging for a long time.”
“I know.”
“And we love each other. A lot. Hence all the shagging.”
“I know.”
Rose frowned. “So… what’s the problem?”
“Don’t people’s sex drives usually decline as they get older?” he asked. “Especially once kids come around?”
“Are you… what are you saying? Do you not want to have sex with me?”
“No! I mean, yes. Of course I want to have sex with you.”
“S’okay if you don’t. It’d make me really sad but I’d do it for you—or, rather, not do it with you—‘cos I love you a lot.”
“Rose, I love having sex with you,” he said, wishing he’d never brought this conversation up in the first place.
“And I love having sex with you,” she said, still frowning. “M’really confused. I think we are both way too drunk to be having this conversation. At least I’m way too drunk. I don’t even understand what you’re freaking out about.”
“I’m not freaking out,” he muttered petulantly. At her raised eyebrow, he admitted, “I think it’s because I’m drunk that I’m worrying about this.”
Finally, her frown softened and she turned into him. She looped her arms around his shoulders and hauled him down for a clumsy kiss. The kiss was far too short for his liking, but it felt nice nevertheless. When she pulled back, she said, “Stop thinking so hard. We have fantastic sex, so why should we ever stop? Eh? Getting laid every week is amazing. I highly recommend it to everyone.”
He giggled and he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Oh, I love you. Thank you.”
“I love you, too. Don’t worry about normal, James. We’re not normal and we’ve never been normal. We have loads of sex which has made loads of babies, whom we love so very much that it makes you an excellent father which in turn makes me even hornier for you, which makes us have loads more sex.”
“Can’t argue with that logic,” he snorted, smiling fondly at her. “But you forgot one key piece: seeing you being an excellent mum to our girls makes me hot and bothered for you, too.”
“It does?” she asked, blinking.
He rolled his eyes. “Yes.”
“What…? Why?”
“Why do you get hot and bothered whenever you see me being a good dad?”
“I dunno.”
“Same here. There’s probably some sort of biological or evolutionary answer that my drunk brain can’t quite come up with. Wanting to create offspring with a partner who will raise the young or something.”
“You get so fucking sexy when you talk science,” she said, staring at his mouth.
“I’m pretty sure that’s the wine talking,” he said, giving her waist a squeeze. “Come on. Let’s clean up and go to bed.”
After a bit of half-hearted grumbling, Rose followed James down the hall. They took turns in the loo cleaning up and brushing their teeth. James had the forethought to set glasses of water on each of their nightstands to try to combat the hangover they were sure to have when they woke up.
His body was heavy and numb when he collapsed into bed beside Rose. She draped herself across him and whispered, “You said we could do it again.”
The grin in her voice told him she wasn’t serious, but he poked her ribs anyway. She giggled into the darkness and tucked her face into his neck, sighing. “You’re a really great shag.”
“So are you,” he replied, words getting fuzzier in his head as his eyes refused to open. “The best shag in the world. Best soulmate in the world, too.”
“You’re such a sappy drunk,” she hummed, kissing the shell of his ear. “I like it.”
His retort died on his tongue as consciousness finally slipped away from him and he fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.
When James and Rose awoke the following morning, it was with the anticipated headache—made worse by the sounds of two over-exuberant children—and only vague impressions of what had happened the night before.
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vangoghmusings · 4 years
status | kiego takami x reader
a/n: hello! this is chapter two of my hawks multi part fic. i hope you guys are liking it so far! also, ruisu is an oc inspired by my lovely bb @lilacskyura
previously: chapter one
pairing: kiego (hawks) takami x fem!reader
word count: 1.5k
warnings: cursing, sexual innuendos
links: playlist | wattpad
taglist: @mixfi​ @lilacskyura​ @katsuhoee​ @star-mum​ @moonlightinsanity​ @domhoni​ 
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                       ⫷ chapter two: amateur ⫸
"So, we have a special someone who is joining us for the campaign!"
Y/N sat still with her eyes closed while the makeup artist worked on her. It was Friday, the day of the Chanel cologne campaign.
"So its a collaboration?"
Ruisu asked, looking up from her phone. Her black hair was tied back, accentuating her freckled cheekbones. If Ruisu wanted to, she could probably become a model too. However, with her analysis quirk and impeccable sense or organization, she found joy being an assistant, especially to as someone as kind as Y/N.
"Yes, he should be here shortly," The campaign directed replied.
"I should've known, it is a cologne campaign after all," Y/N mumbled while the makeup artist applied the false lashes to her lids.
"He's probably super hot," Ruisu giggled, crossing her legs and turning to Y/N. She simply rolled her eyes in response, sitting up and sipping from her iced tea.
"You know I don't like mixing my love life with work."
"What love life?" Ruisu questioned with a cocked brow. Y/N scoffed and placed her hand on her chest as if she was in agony.
"Ouch Ru, sorry I haven't found anyone up to my standards."
The hairstylist came in and greeted Y/N before getting to work.
"I just think you should put your self out there."
"I'm basically on every other billboard in Japan, how much more out there can you get?"
"I don't know!" Ruisu sighed. "I guess you're just intimidating."
Y/N took a sip from her tea and smirked.
The stylist proceeded to brush Y/N's hair and add large amounts of gel to it, in order to attempt a "slick wet" look.
The shoot was supposed to give the look of a sensual shower scene. Glass panels, mirrors, blue lighting, and a steam machine were all prepped. The only thing that was left was semi-nude Y/N and the elusive special guest.
Once the stylist finished with her hair, Y/N stood up, tightening her robe and tossed her empty teacup in the garbage.
"He's here!" The director exclaimed and called Y/N over, Ruisu following.
Walking in and standing next to the director was a tall, tan, and fit blonde. Each step he took radiated with confidence. Y/N crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes at him. She recognized him right away, and to say she was angry was an understatement.
"Y/N, this is the Winged Hero Hawks!"
Hawks stepped towards you and extended his hand.
"Please, just call me Keigo," He said, his voice like velvet.
Y/N pursed her lips and shook his hand politely.
"I don't work with amateurs so I hope you can keep up," She said tartly, turning on her heel and walking towards the set. Ruisu sighed and faced Keigo.
"Sorry about her, she's not too fond of heroes."
"I can tell," He replied with a slight chuckle.
Kiego was ushered to a change. The staff dressed him in tan boxers that matched his skin, the idea was to look as nude as possible. They began to apply makeup and the artists gushed at having the no. 2 hero in their presence.
Y/N eyed him and scoffed. Ruisu walked over and handed her a bottle of water. Y/N cracked it open and drank.
"You doing okay?"
"Not really," She mumbled while closing the bottle. It wasn't known amongst the media but anyone who was close to Y/N knew she had a deep-seated hatred for heroes.
When Y/N was 12, her little brother drowned at the beach. At the time, She had a broken ankle from soccer and was left with no option other than to call for help. She was sobbing and screaming, unable to help her brother. She was quirkless after all. No heroes came. Eventually, the police came, but it was too late, he had already passed. Y/N constantly beat herself up about the death of her brother. He was only 7 and was gone so quickly. As she got older, she placed more and more of the blame on heroes. No one saved him when she needed their help the most. She had no adults to help her either, her and her brother were adopted by a woman who was well on in her years. By the time Y/N was 18, her adoptive mother was already 74. Ruisu and her mother were the only people she had. Despite her fame, she was incredibly lonely.
Kiego eyed Y/N, who was ranting to Ruisu, while the stylist did his hair. Sure he had seen her on the television, news, practically every billboard in Japan, but he had never truly seen her. He would be lying if he said he wasn't excited when he was told he would be working with her. It appeared to be true what all sources had said about her. She was serious, intimidating, and meant business. But most of all, she was devilishly attractive. Being one of the top models across the globe would make that obvious, but to Keigo the shoots and photographs didn't capture how truly beautiful she looked. It would be safe to say that she was his celebrity crush. He watched as the makeup artist stepped towards her and touched up her skin. She spoke to the staff so kindly and thanked them for every little thing. She was known for being a delight on set but always willing to do her best. That kind of ambition was something Kiego admired. A lot.
"You're all set," the stylist told Kiego. He stood up and walked towards the set. The makeup artist walked over and began to apply oil to his body.
"Oh heh, that's kinda cold," He mumbled. He had done several photoshoots in the past, but nothing as sensual as this. He would be the face of this cologne, a lot was riding on his shoulders- er, wings.
Y/N glared at him and turned to Ruisu.
"This is exactly why I don't like amateurs."
"Oh c'mon be nice-"
"Does it look like I want to be fucking nice right now? They're making me shoot with this moron of a hero-"
Ruisu raised her brow and gestured to the water bottle in Y/N's hand. She sighed and rolled her eyes, opening the bottle back up and chugging.
"Just, be professional. You don't really want hero hater publicized around the world."
Y/N nodded and placed the cap back on.
"I know, I know."
"Okay, everyone! We start shooting in 5."
"Thank you 5!" The staff, Ruisu, and Y/N cheered. She handed Ruisu the water bottle and slipped off her robe. Underneath was a sheer tan two-piece, giving the slight illusion that she was in the nude. Keigo's eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets at the sight. She turned to face him.
"You ready?"
Keigo nodded, his usual cocky confidence coming back.
"Of course."
The two stepped onto the set. The photographer came forwards to give his instructions.
"Okay so we want seduction, we want sex, steamy, but make it gorgeous. Yes? Yes."
Kiego nodded slowly, the photographer's French accent making it difficult to understand what he was inferring.
The photographer began to pose the two models. He had Y/N press her hands and chest against a glass panel. He then had Kiego press his chest against her back. He tried his best to hide his blush.
One of the staff members turned on a speaker, playing music to add to the atmosphere of the set. The lights were dimmed and the blue lights were amplified.
"And, ACTION!"
The photographer began shooting, Y/N adjusting her poses slightly. To say she was a professional was an understatement. Behind the camera, she was pure art.
"C'mon Hawks get in there! She won't bite!"
Kiego nodded and placed an arm above her, giving a dominating effect. Y/N posed by resting her head on his chest, her lips parting slightly.
'If this is what she looks like posing, I wonder how she looks-'
"HAWKS! FOCUS! Give me more sex, more arousal! Be the alpha!"
Returning from his daze, he nodded.
"Gladly," He growled lowly.
He lowered his head and bit down on her neck, causing Y/N to gasp from shock.
"YES YES!" The photographer cheered, snapping pictures rapidly. "You own her Hawks! Your scent drives her crazy!"
Y/N tried to stay focused and ignore the misogynistic chants from the photographer. She continued to pose while Keigo became more self-assured, running his hands along the curves of her body. He was beyond happy to be paid to lay his hands all over her.
"Y/N turn! We need a new angle."
She nodded and turned to the side, giving a profile of her curves. Kiego was mesmerized, she was glowing under the blue lighting. She made it all look so easy. Y/N raised her hand to cup his cheek, posing and pressing her lips against the side of his mouth.
"YES YES YES!" The photographer cheered.
After 30 more minutes of posing, the photographer gave them a break. Ruisu tossed Y/N her water bottle as she stepped off the set.
"Hey, do you want to grab drinks after this-"
Kiego's proposal was stopped by Y/N holding up her finger as she drank from her bottle. She let out a cool "ah" and closed the water bottle.
"No." She answered curtly.
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kagehinataboke · 5 years
only time will tell - chapter 4
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“You’re fucking late. Again.” As usual, Katsuki is waiting in the classroom when Todoroki arrives, fifteen minutes late and in a cold sweat. Katsuki is wearing a basketball jersey—he’s on the school team, apparently—red track pants, and sneakers. His ever-present scowl seems especially sour today.
Todoroki takes off his backpack and clips his sunglasses to the collar of his shirt. “Sorry. I had to run here from a shoot.” He turns to the remedial students scattered around the room, plastering on a smile. “Did everyone wait long?”
All the girls immediately shake their heads, and even some of the boys, albeit reluctantly. Todoroki flashes Katsuki a smug look, and he clicks his tongue in annoyance. Over the past week, Todoroki has been late to nearly every remedial session—and Katsuki isn’t happy, to say the least.
It’s not like Todoroki can help it: his agent basically ignored him when he asked her for an easier schedule. He has photoshoots or interviews nearly every day after school, so he has to run back to make it to the remedial lessons at six. He didn’t even have time to change today, so he’s still in the ripped jeans, collared blue shirt, and brown cardigan they put him in for the shoot. He even still has makeup on, although it’s probably been ruined by sweat.
“Now that you’ve deigned to join us, your majesty, let’s start.” Katsuki picks up a stack of papers on Aizawa’s vacant podium and passes them around. “These are practice tests. You morons are going to use what we went over during the last session and get over eighty percent on these, or we’ll do proofs for an hour straight. Got it?”
Todoroki looks up after stripping off his cardigan and rolling up his shirt sleeves to find them all looking at him, including Katsuki.
Todoroki clears his throat, and everyone looks away instantly. “Sorry. Ah… You were saying, Bakugou?”
Katsuki, seeming significantly more annoyed than before, restarts his speech. Todoroki lingers in the background, only half-listening. He isn’t sure if he’s actually much help at these remedial lessons. His goal was to work closely with Katsuki, but there haven’t been any chances. On top of Todoroki always being late, Katsuki actually treats this like a job. He’s surprisingly dedicated to helping their classmates, to the point where Todoroki feels like dead weight.
“The hell’s up with you?” Katsuki demands after the remedial students leave—all having finished their tests with scores over 80, much to Katsuki’s pleasant surprise. His tone is more confrontational than conversational.
“I already apologized for being late,” Todoroki sighs. He already knows where this is headed: they’ve had the same exact talk every day this week. He doesn’t want to have it today. All of his energy is gone.
Perhaps Katsuki can tell—they did used to be close, after all—because instead of the inevitable scolding Todoroki was expecting, he receives a quiet, “Don’t be late again.”
It’s strange. More than strange, because Katsuki is being soft again. First it was back at the shed, and now this. Todoroki can’t deal with the way his look changes sometimes; the way his eyes seem to shift, becoming questioning, becoming different; with the way they eventually return to normal again, and the moment is gone.
Katsuki is just… so different. His hair, for one, and his piercings—and his attitude, most noticeably of all. Well, maybe second most noticeably. He’s also, to put it in simple terms, attractive now. Incredibly so. Todoroki obviously never saw him as anything more than a friend when they were kids, but now? Now it’s like the wool’s been pulled from his eyes. He sees all the things he couldn’t see before—like the curve of muscles under Katsuki’s jersey, and the way the veins in his arms flex as he picks up papers, or the way his black hair makes his eyes look a shade even deeper than red.
“What are you staring at?” Katsuki’s gaze settles on his face, and Todoroki thinks about not looking away. He thinks about staring back until he can find something recognizable in these eyes that he used to know so well.
But then he gives in; averts his gaze; clears his throat. “Nothing. I was just lost in thought.”
Todoroki does look up again, only briefly, to see that Katsuki has gone back to collecting papers. The ebony of his hair against the tan skin of his neck as he bends over the desks is strange and foreign.
“Your hair,” Todoroki finds himself saying. “I miss it being blond.”
“What?” Katsuki looks at him as if he’s lost his mind. Todoroki doesn’t fail to notice the way his hand flits to his scalp, then quickly back to his side. “Why the fuck are you saying that all of a sudden?” He snatches the last paper and roughly elbows Todoroki aside. “I’m going to put these away. Get lost already—and don’t be late tomorrow.”
Todoroki stares at the door for longer than he should. He isn’t sure if it was his imagination, but he thinks he saw faint red dusting the back of Katsuki’s neck. The black of his hair only made it stand out even more.
It probably was his imagination. And he should probably leave, because Katsuki will most certainly yell at him if he sticks around. ‘Damn Half n’ Half dumbass bastard, what the fuck are you still doing here? ’ or something along those lines. Half n’ Half is Katsuki’s new favorite insult. It’s because of Todoroki’s hair, which he started dying for his modeling career and never bothered to change.
Before Katsuki really does come back and scold him, Todoroki gathers his things and heads outside. It’s dark already—it’s nearing eight thirty—and the sky is a dark blue quickly encroaching on black. The night breeze is chilly enough that Todoroki stops by the front gate to put his cardigan back on. He’s got one arm in the sleeve when he spots someone vaguely familiar lingering just outside the gate.
It’s the guy Katsuki was talking to on the first day of school. What was his name, again? Shigaraki? It’s strange that he’s here so late, but if he and Katsuki are friends, maybe he can tell Todoroki a bit about him. Even if the guy is creepy, it’s worth a shot.
“Hey.” Todoroki approaches cautiously, waiting until he has Shigaraki’s attention to continue. “Are you looking for Bakugou? He probably won’t be out for awhile.”
Shigaraki’s expression is hard to read, but he’s smiling, at least. Even if it’s a strange, not-all-there smile. “Is that so?” He shrugs away from the wall, sticking his hands in the pockets of his gray sweatshirt. “He was supposed to go to a café with me. Why don’t you come instead?”
Todoroki frowns, fingers tracing along the edge of his backpack straps nervously. Why would they be meeting up? He remembers enough of their conversation to guess that Katsuki doesn’t like Shigaraki very much. But this is such a good opportunity… Ugh.
“Okay,” Todoroki agrees, pushing away every ounce of doubt. “What café?” He can’t pass up a chance to learn more about Katsuki—at least, not when he still refuses to talk about anything other than school.
“Just follow me.” Shigaraki is still smiling.
Todoroki tries very hard to convince himself that it's a reassuring smile and that he isn’t being lured into an alleyway or abandoned building to be murdered. Fuyumi would kill him twice over for being stupid enough to follow a stranger—even if that stranger knows one of his friends. Ex-friends? Whatever.
Ah, he was psyching himself out for nothing… The place Shigaraki brings him is a plain old coffee shop, with a pastel interior and comfy booths and the heavy bitter-sweet smell of espresso. They take a seat in the corner, surrounded by plush cushions and decorative paintings. Not sinister in the least. In fact, the place puts him at ease enough to get down to business.
“Sorry to do this right when we sit down, but…” Todoroki leans forward in the booth, glancing around to make sure that Katsuki isn’t somehow here to eavesdrop. He isn’t, obviously, but he still keeps his voice low anyway. “I was wondering… exactly how much do you know about Bakugou?”
* * * * * *
“Shouto, you’re home late.” Fuyumi glances up from her spot at the kitchen table with a raised brow. She’s got a laptop in front of her and several open files, as well as a half-empty cup of coffee. It looks like she’s expecting a long night.
Todoroki kicks off his shoes at the door. “Sorry. I went to visit a café with… a friend from school.” Better to lie than to have her asking questions.
“Oh, you made a friend? That’s good.” Fuyumi has already turned back to her work: crisis averted. Todoroki breathes a sigh of relief, but he isn’t in the clear yet. She snags his wrist when he tries to pass her to reach the stairs. “Hold on. Did you eat?”
“Fuyumi— “
“Don’t ‘Fuyumi’ me, you brat. I made you rice balls. They’re in the fridge, and if you don’t eat them all, I swear I’ll set your favorite sweater on fire—“
“Okay, okay.” Todoroki grimaces and switches directions to head into the kitchen. “I’m taking them. Geez.” He grabs the rice balls from the second shelf and retreats upstairs, sitting cross-legged on the floor to eat.
He’s exhausted after running from the shoot straight to the remedial lesson, then spending two hours at the café talking to Shigaraki—who isn’t actually a bad guy. He’s a bit awkward, and there’s definitely something strange about him, but he seems nice enough. He told Todoroki a lot about Katsuki. Apparently, they used to hang out in middle school.
Todoroki didn’t end up finding out what caused Katsuki to change so much, but he does know a few things about how to deal with him—courtesy of Shigaraki, whose number is now saved on his phone. The thing that stuck out the most was that he said to be ‘cute,’ whatever that means. Todoroki figures he’ll have to try out some different things.
It’s weird. For once, he’s feeling so hopeful that he can’t stop smiling. After he finishes the rice balls, he composes an email to his agent—and then deletes it and starts another one. He still isn’t quite sure how to quit. Can he just come out and say it? That somehow doesn’t seem like it’ll work. He’s never actually quit anything before, so he doesn’t know what one is supposed to say.
Ah, he’s getting a message. He'll worry about it tomorrow. Todoroki gets up from the floor and sits on his mattress before checking it.
from: Touya  at: 10:36 PM.
>> Hey, I’m coming back to town this weekend. I tried to ask Fuyumi if she wants to meet up but she’s ignoring me. I think she’s pissed.
Touya, huh? It’s been a while. Todoroki last heard from him right after their dad died. Of course he’d only come to him when Fuyumi is mad.
to: Touya  at: 10:38 PM.
>> She has a right to be mad. Did you apologize?
The answer is obvious, even before the response comes. Touya might be the most irresponsible person in the world.
from: Touya  at: 10:40 PM.
>> No. She’s the one who’s overreacting. Why should I have to apologize?
Todoroki rolls his eyes. He’s not even going to bother responding to that. His brother probably won’t listen, anyway. Why is everyone so immature? Touya refuses to apologize, Katsuki keeps giving Todoroki the cold shoulder… The world is full of imbeciles.
Todoroki gets up to grab his bag with a sigh, pausing when he knocks something off his bed. His and Katsuki’s smiling faces beam up at him from the carpet, their arms wrapped around each other like they never want to let go. Todoroki forgot he had the picture on his bed. He’s been looking at it a lot recently, getting caught up in nostalgia. (He isn’t a very productive person.)
Katsuki really did look much better with blond hair. The black makes him blend in too much. Todoroki always thought he was the kind of person born to stand out, with his crimson eyes and hair the color of winter sunlight. In fact, the whole reason Todoroki chose his current look to trademark in the modeling industry was because of Katsuki. He was going for blond on the right side, but it turned out more white—and by then it was too late to change it.
Todoroki probably shouldn’t be obsessing over his hair so much. It’s pointless, especially when he’s been over about a million fantasy scenarios in his head—scenarios where things turned out differently. But Katsuki is a different person now: Todoroki knows that. He’s crass and unfriendly and completely impossible to figure out. He doesn’t want anything to do with him, but there are times when it seems as if there’s something between them. To put it simply, Katsuki’s hair is the absolute last of Todoroki’s problems.
But still, if even one thing were to return to how it used to be, then…
Ah, never mind. He shouldn’t get his hopes up.
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vangoghpoets · 4 years
status | kiego takami x reader
a/n: hello! this is chapter two of my hawks multi part fic. i hope you guys are liking it so far! also, ruisu is an oc inspired by my lovely bb @lilacskyura
previously: chapter one 
pairing: kiego (hawks) takami x fem!reader
word count: 1.5k 
warnings: cursing, sexual innuendos
links: playlist | wattpad
taglist: @mixfi​ @lilacskyura​ @katsuhoee​ @star-mum​ @moonlightinsanity​ @domhoni
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                                   ⫷ chapter two: amateur ⫸
"So, we have a special someone who is joining us for the campaign!"
Y/N sat still with her eyes closed while the makeup artist worked on her. It was Friday, the day of the Chanel cologne campaign.
"So its a collaboration?"
Ruisu asked, looking up from her phone. Her black hair was tied back, accentuating her freckled cheekbones. If Ruisu wanted to, she could probably become a model too. However, with her analysis quirk and impeccable sense or organization, she found joy being an assistant, especially to as someone as kind as Y/N.
"Yes, he should be here shortly," The campaign directed replied.
"I should've known, it is a cologne campaign after all," Y/N mumbled while the makeup artist applied the false lashes to her lids.
"He's probably super hot," Ruisu giggled, crossing her legs and turning to Y/N. She simply rolled her eyes in response, sitting up and sipping from her iced tea.
"You know I don't like mixing my love life with work."
"What love life?" Ruisu questioned with a cocked brow. Y/N scoffed and placed her hand on her chest as if she was in agony.
"Ouch Ru, sorry I haven't found anyone up to my standards."
The hairstylist came in and greeted Y/N before getting to work.
"I just think you should put your self out there."
"I'm basically on every other billboard in Japan, how much more out there can you get?"
"I don't know!" Ruisu sighed. "I guess you're just intimidating."
Y/N took a sip from her tea and smirked.
The stylist proceeded to brush Y/N's hair and add large amounts of gel to it, in order to attempt a "slick wet" look.
The shoot was supposed to give the look of a sensual shower scene. Glass panels, mirrors, blue lighting, and a steam machine were all prepped. The only thing that was left was semi-nude Y/N and the elusive special guest.
Once the stylist finished with her hair, Y/N stood up, tightening her robe and tossed her empty teacup in the garbage.
"He's here!" The director exclaimed and called Y/N over, Ruisu following.
Walking in and standing next to the director was a tall, tan, and fit blonde. Each step he took radiated with confidence. Y/N crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes at him. She recognized him right away, and to say she was angry was an understatement.
"Y/N, this is the Winged Hero Hawks!"
Hawks stepped towards you and extended his hand.
"Please, just call me Keigo," He said, his voice like velvet.
Y/N pursed her lips and shook his hand politely.
"I don't work with amateurs so I hope you can keep up," She said tartly, turning on her heel and walking towards the set. Ruisu sighed and faced Keigo.
"Sorry about her, she's not too fond of heroes."
"I can tell," He replied with a slight chuckle.
Kiego was ushered to a change. The staff dressed him in tan boxers that matched his skin, the idea was to look as nude as possible. They began to apply makeup and the artists gushed at having the no. 2 hero in their presence.
Y/N eyed him and scoffed. Ruisu walked over and handed her a bottle of water. Y/N cracked it open and drank.
"You doing okay?"
"Not really," She mumbled while closing the bottle. It wasn't known amongst the media but anyone who was close to Y/N knew she had a deep-seated hatred for heroes.
When Y/N was 12, her little brother drowned at the beach. At the time, She had a broken ankle from soccer and was left with no option other than to call for help. She was sobbing and screaming, unable to help her brother. She was quirkless after all. No heroes came. Eventually, the police came, but it was too late, he had already passed. Y/N constantly beat herself up about the death of her brother. He was only 7 and was gone so quickly. As she got older, she placed more and more of the blame on heroes. No one saved him when she needed their help the most. She had no adults to help her either, her and her brother were adopted by a woman who was well on in her years. By the time Y/N was 18, her adoptive mother was already 74. Ruisu and her mother were the only people she had. Despite her fame, she was incredibly lonely.
Kiego eyed Y/N, who was ranting to Ruisu, while the stylist did his hair. Sure he had seen her on the television, news, practically every billboard in Japan, but he had never truly seen her. He would be lying if he said he wasn't excited when he was told he would be working with her. It appeared to be true what all sources had said about her. She was serious, intimidating, and meant business. But most of all, she was devilishly attractive. Being one of the top models across the globe would make that obvious, but to Keigo the shoots and photographs didn't capture how truly beautiful she looked. It would be safe to say that she was his celebrity crush. He watched as the makeup artist stepped towards her and touched up her skin. She spoke to the staff so kindly and thanked them for every little thing. She was known for being a delight on set but always willing to do her best. That kind of ambition was something Kiego admired. A lot.
"You're all set," the stylist told Kiego. He stood up and walked towards the set. The makeup artist walked over and began to apply oil to his body.
"Oh heh, that's kinda cold," He mumbled. He had done several photoshoots in the past, but nothing as sensual as this. He would be the face of this cologne, a lot was riding on his shoulders- er, wings.
Y/N glared at him and turned to Ruisu.
"This is exactly why I don't like amateurs."
"Oh c'mon be nice-"
"Does it look like I want to be fucking nice right now? They're making me shoot with this moron of a hero-"
Ruisu raised her brow and gestured to the water bottle in Y/N's hand. She sighed and rolled her eyes, opening the bottle back up and chugging.
"Just, be professional. You don't really want hero hater publicized around the world."
Y/N nodded and placed the cap back on.
"I know, I know."
"Okay, everyone! We start shooting in 5."
"Thank you 5!" The staff, Ruisu, and Y/N cheered. She handed Ruisu the water bottle and slipped off her robe. Underneath was a sheer tan two-piece, giving the slight illusion that she was in the nude. Keigo's eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets at the sight. She turned to face him.
"You ready?"
Keigo nodded, his usual cocky confidence coming back.
"Of course."
The two stepped onto the set. The photographer came forwards to give his instructions.
"Okay so we want seduction, we want sex, steamy, but make it gorgeous. Yes? Yes."
Kiego nodded slowly, the photographer's French accent making it difficult to understand what he was inferring.
The photographer began to pose the two models. He had Y/N press her hands and chest against a glass panel. He then had Kiego press his chest against her back. He tried his best to hide his blush.
One of the staff members turned on a speaker, playing music to add to the atmosphere of the set. The lights were dimmed and the blue lights were amplified.
"And, ACTION!"
The photographer began shooting, Y/N adjusting her poses slightly. To say she was a professional was an understatement. Behind the camera, she was pure art.
"C'mon Hawks get in there! She won't bite!"
Kiego nodded and placed an arm above her, giving a dominating effect. Y/N posed by resting her head on his chest, her lips parting slightly.
'If this is what she looks like posing, I wonder how she looks-'
"HAWKS! FOCUS! Give me more sex, more arousal! Be the alpha!"
Returning from his daze, he nodded.
"Gladly," He growled lowly.
He lowered his head and bit down on her neck, causing Y/N to gasp from shock.
"YES YES!" The photographer cheered, snapping pictures rapidly. "You own her Hawks! Your scent drives her crazy!"
Y/N tried to stay focused and ignore the misogynistic chants from the photographer. She continued to pose while Keigo became more self-assured, running his hands along the curves of her body. He was beyond happy to be paid to lay his hands all over her.
"Y/N turn! We need a new angle."
She nodded and turned to the side, giving a profile of her curves. Kiego was mesmerized, she was glowing under the blue lighting. She made it all look so easy. Y/N raised her hand to cup his cheek, posing and pressing her lips against the side of his mouth.
"YES YES YES!" The photographer cheered.
After 30 more minutes of posing, the photographer gave them a break. Ruisu tossed Y/N her water bottle as she stepped off the set.
"Hey, do you want to grab drinks after this-"
Kiego's proposal was stopped by Y/N holding up her finger as she drank from her bottle. She let out a cool "ah" and closed the water bottle.
"No." She answered curtly.
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koi-sims · 5 years
Do Sim Evil Better.
I’d been knockin’ this idea around for a long time, and after collecting (or making, in the case of the CAS background) all the right cc, I decided to do something fun and unrelated to my stories and make the most handsome, most ingenious, and most evil man to ever exist in a narrative, Corin Deeth III (who actually named the Corin in my current storyline - Corin with two “r”. #bigFan).
Reader, you may or may not be familiar with the story of Kakos Industries and if you aren’t you truly are missing out. It is the best podcast I’ve listened to since The NoSleep Podcast, and to be honest...I think it actually one-ups my beloved NoSleep. It is a very fun and witty podcast with some great humor, greater hijinks, and can I just mention how alluring Corin’s voice is? Just sayin’. The storyline is awesome, too...so many great characters. I want to make Jr. and Malantha next~ I’ll leave some links at the bottom of the post for those who may be interested. Anyway, without further ado, let’s meet the man of the hour, shall we?
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Well hello, Corin~.... Now, I may have missed the mark, but I always envisioned Corin having short, trendy hair that still embodied professionalism and and air of slight douchery. I have seen a lot of fanart where Corin has long hair and perhaps that is canonically true. If so, I apologize Corin, please do not send me a pair of exploding sneakers. I may have missed his eye color too, but I went with a very piercing blue-green because that’s just my personal taste and light eyes with dark hair is so badass.
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Corin’s traits came pretty natural - evil, confident, and I picked hot-headed because it would best help his in-game aspiration (Criminal Mastermind) moreso than him being hot-headed in the canon. He is actually always as cool as a cucumber. I admire that.
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And a little in-game blurb for him because why not? Am a ridiculously enamored fangirl? Maybe. (I spelled his name wrong up top, but I fixed it AFTER I took that and the next cap - whoops)
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And just for fun, this personality notice about Corin popped up when I went in to do his photoshoot. I just love it and the look on Corin’s face at the time - Ah, the taste of accuracy.
Now, on to the main event. I’ve always wondered what Corin’s sense of fashion was like, and now having listened to 99% of the podcast (it was so fun to catch up, I’m pretty much stalling on finishing what’s out now because waiting for the next is gonna hurt so bad) I’ve gotten too curious and decided to raid his wardrobe. What’s in there, I wonder??? Let’s find out.
Everyday Wear
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Oh of COURSE Corin looks dark and dapper in a suit for everyday. Look at that little splash of color! I bet you used the blood of insubordinate employees to make that tie custom, didn’t you? Magnificent. What else do you slip into on the daily? Maybe when you’re home relaxi-
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Oh. Um. Well...You do wear a cowboy hat very well, Corin! I mean...they match the boots and everything! I...I’m sure there are a lot of experimental abominations to wrangle around the office so why not dress the part? Not gonna lie, that shirt looks breezy and comfortable as hell. Maybe take a trip to the mountains with King Leopold sometime? (I...I know what happened in the story, and I refuse to let it go. #OTP.)
Formal Wear
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Ah. The natural snazz comes out around the time of the Shareholder’s Ball and the CEO Festival, doesn’t it? You didn’t strike me as the bowtie type of evil CEO but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t look amazing on you. I see you’ve forgone your gloves for formal wear. Hard to eat the deviled eggs and tiny cheeses in those, non?
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...This must be the suit you wear to the CEO Festival. That’s really the only explanation as to why it always turns out to be...what it usually becomes. I am going to assume that this suit belonged to Mr. Corin Deeth I and you wear it in his honor. I sure he is looking down on you, pleased but also wondering why you haven’t indulged in what is (still) in the right-side inner pocket.
Athletic Wear
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You cannot be a successful CEO of an evil megacorp if you let yourself go. Hence why you slip into nothing but basketball shorts for a long, strenuous...sweaty...satisfying...workout. Between culling unnecessary employees and flawlessly delivering the shareholder announcements, you’re deadlifting 400lbs and making 1st in marathons, aren’t you? Of course you are.
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And then there’s jazzercise. Cardio IS important and I mean...just running can be a bit tedious, yeah? You’re so well-rounded, Corin, golly. Honestly, I’m not at all mad at your fashion choice for this one. You don’t have to hide it, we are all friends here. The 80′s were a great time and I am happy you’re keeping the impeccable athletics fashion alive.
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Even mega evil mega CEOs need rest from time to time and nothing beats resting out topless and in trackpants. I see you are wearing ADIDAS, the most evil of brands. Not much else I can say. I am too busy admiring what jazzercise has done for you.
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Uh oh. It must be one of those days. Malantha has flustered you again, Dirk is texting for more life advice, and Jr. is sending way too many...um...”special photos” to prove his is thinking hard on how to best contribute to the company. Good thing Brosephus is totally awake at 2am and ready to video chat about all of this. It’s SOOOO LAAAAAAME, right?!
Party Wear
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Rollin’ up to the New Year’s Festival feels good, especially when you look this mighty fine. Nothing like finally getting past Yule and Anti-Celebrating by finally cutting loose again and making those ultra evil resolutions. Again with the gloves, I see. Well, I guess better safe than sorry. There’s no tell who’ll feel your wrath after four Blue Motorcycles.
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Hm. This is quite the uh...departure, Corin. I mean, nothing ever looks bad on you but where on Earth would you even wear this to? Where would it even work??? ...Oh, right! The Festival of Adorableness! Awkward or not, you’ve made it work. I’m willing to bet the Division of Subversive Cute helped out with this ensemble. Kudos to them! I’m sure burning it afterwards was incredibly satisfying for you.
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Why are you looking so bedeviled, Corin? How, when you look that prepared for a pool party, can you possibly be in such a foul mood? Oh...oh wait. Malantha has hidden your sunblock, hasn’t she? Goshdarnit! How can you possibly be evil without being as pale as your skin tone will allow?! That Malantha...she truly is evil, isn’t she?
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Welp. I guess if you’re going to get a tan, might as well hit every spot you can. Suck on that, Malantha! (....) Also, breaking out the zebra print speedo wasn’t the worst idea you’ve ever had, and I both applaud, and ready my binoculars for, you choice of white swimwear. No booty shot? Ugh. Fair enough...gotta leave something to the imagination, I guess. #disappointmentOverdose
Warm Weather Wear
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This is the look of a man about to take off on his mega evil yacht and never look back. That shirt, unbuttoned down to where it is suggestive but not desperate, those shorts, defining the thighs while still looking professional, those boat shoes that scream class and bless you for not wearing socks with them. There is a thin line between evil and insane and you ride it perfectly.
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Apparently, even evil knows it wouldn’t be summer without an obnoxiously bright Hawaiian shirt. Ain’t even mad. Oooh, and white pinstripe pants....why yes, dear, they do make you look taller and thinner! I can almost hear you now, as you swagger out the front doors, “I’m off to the Maldives, screw y’all! Also, if a single brick is out of place when I get back, I’ll kill you.” You tell ‘em, Corin.
Cold Weather Wear
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Brrrrrr. Generally, evil is always cold, dark, and hateful but sometimes even the weather puts up a good fight. Stylish as ever, you have broken out a very elegant scarf and jacket, expertly layered as to properly insulate all of the darkness within. No hat, though? Of course not. Evil does not get that chilly.
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Corin: “What you mean I didn’t win the Ugly Sweater Contest?!”
And that concludes are journey through Corin’s wardrobe! This really was a lot of fun to do, and I’d be ever so pleased if the fine people who bring the @kakosindustries universe alive enjoy it too! I’ve also redecorated Corin’s in-game home (the Alto Apartment’s unit that was formally Lobo’s #sorrynotsorry) and I would like to share that one day too, if I get around to doing the photo tour. I will share some links below to a few relevant sites for anyone whose interested in Corin and the Kakos Industries story. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Cheers!
WCIF: Kakos Industries
Kakos Industries Home - where it’s all laid out
Kakos Industries on Tumblr - contains information about episode releases, fan-created content, and other candid goodies
Kakos Industries on TVTropes - [SPOILERS] a nice place to gather info about the series and related tropes therein
And of course you can find Kakos Industries on Facebook, Twitter, and any podcast service worth it’s salt.
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moeruhoshi · 6 years
What about one where Lucy sees Natsu’s latest pictures from a “sexy photoshoot” he had to do for Weekly Sorcerer and afterwards she can’t stopping checking him out/fantasizing about him while out the guild. Later when he sneaks into her apartment she can’t take it anymore and just jumps him right there. They can already be dating or right on the edge of becoming a couple at the start of the story, your choice.
Lucy heard the familiar sound of mail being pushed through the slot of her door, excitedly pulling her out of bed to run and collect the pile. It was the release date for the newest edition of Sorcerer Weekly and she was excited to see if they had printed her letter about requesting more female mages for positions other than those that wanted a girl with good looks. Not that she didn’t go on one of those at least once a month (for a break from heavy fighting) but she liked to kick ass a lot more than showing off her chest. She dropped the other envelopes onto her table and made herself comfortable with a cup of tea and sat in her armchair, flipping through the magazine with absolute patience. She had worked with Jason before and knew just how much work went into each page so she was respectful and took the time to read them all. Lucy squealed when she came across a page he was kind enough to dedicate, though was a bit stifled at the sight of her old photoshoot pictures surrounding the article. Halfway through her mug and into the ‘Guilds of Fiore’ photo spread, landing on the exclusive section for Fairy Tail.
“I wonder who he chose this time,” She snickered, thinking about the last magazine which featured Gray and Juvia. It was a bit of an intimate photo shoot, Jason wanting to get Gray’s icy personality across to his female audience. Juvia has made a surprisingly good actor; a kabedon photo that had featured them both in underwear was one that Lucy would never have thought Juvia could stay solid for. Gray was a pile of embarrassment afterwards but Juvia was overjoyed to have had such close moments with her beloved.
Lucy choked as she flipped the page, glad she hadn’t been drinking at that moment or else the magazine would’ve been soaked. Natsu sat with his vest low on his arms, leaning back on a bed with red satin sheets, his chest thrust out, and his scarf discarded to his side. His eyes were buried with an unknown lust, lips lazy, and hair ruffled. In the next photo, he ditched his vest and thumbed the waistband of his pants, the front dipping low enough to show the pink hairs that curled into his v-line. It was angled from below to focus on his lower body, his eyes cast down and teeth catching his lip in a seductive hold. She blushed as she turned to the next layout, heat pooling low in her stomach at the sight of Natsu sitting in a throne, fire swarming around him as he sat with a serious look, pulling on his tie to loosen it. She was surprised to see him in such a formal outfit, especially with the title underneath calling him the ‘Heir to the Dragon Throne'. She chuckled for a moment, the other slayers would probably fight him for the title. Lucy let a whimper slip at the sight of him in black briefs, his thighs thick and spilling from the lower bands. He crossed his arms and had his scarf tied around his forehead; she always loved that look. Lucy licked her lips at the sight of his slight bulge, whether he was turned on or not, he always had a nice shape. She kind of wish Jason had asked her to join him, she would’ve liked to have Natsu pin her to those satin sheets.
The last few photos were simple shots of him showing off his muscles and in his regular clothes to show off his signature moves. Looking at the excitement on his face while he did a kickflip was probably more stimulating for her compared to the staged sexy looks he made.
The orange tinge in the sky and the rumble of her stomach were enough to pull her away from admiring the few photos for who knew how long, telling her to make her way to the guild that evening for dinner. She sighed lovingly, fueled on the energy of admiration for her partner, her mind swirling with heated thoughts of the dragon slayer.
Lucy wasn’t subtle as she mindlessly watched Natsu fight with Gray and Gajeel, her eyes wandering to his exposed abdomen and wild eyes as he fought. Mira caught her stare as Lucy was weirdly shoving her soup spoon into her mouth, whispering to Cana to pay attention to the celestial mage. Mirror images of him scantily clad on the bedspread flooded her mind as Natsu delivered a gut punch to the ice mage, her cheeks flushing at the view of his sweaty chest.
“Say, Lucy-chan, did you see Natsu in the Sorcerer Weekly spread?” Cana hummed, snickering as the blonde let the spoon slip from her lips and splatter in her dish. She squealed as the hot liquid jumped out at her, thankfully only spilling onto the table and not burning her thighs.
“U-Um, yeah? What about it?” She tried to play off her obvious blush, pouting as she noticed the girls that had gathered at the bar to giggle and gawk at her.
“It’s just that we got to see so much of him, you know?” Levy wondered aloud, the lot of them getting a kick out of her fiercely red cheeks.
“S-Shut up! Like I care…” She mumbled, it wasn’t like she hadn’t seen that much of him anyway, they shared quite the intimate friendship. They’d been in more than one awkwardly affectionate tussles that had almost led to something more. Lucy couldn’t help but let one or two soft moans past her lips when he pinned her to the bed, both of them tired with heaving chests. She would always try her best to look to be ready to kissed, usually always wearing chapstick and a low cut shirt, her hair tousled from their wrestling. He’d grin above her, his chest rumbling with a purr before pulling away with a laugh and stretching, always saying that Lucy could never beat him.
She was quick to escape the guild before Mira could have the girls surround her, sighing in the cool breeze that fanned her face. Frowning, she rose her hands above her head, ready to take a hot bath and fall asleep with her personal fantasies of Natsu. She might consider getting that bedspread herself if it looked as soft as it did under his hands.
“Oi, Luce,” Natsu grunted as he lugged himself through her window and plopped down on her bed. She sat in front of her mirror, setting down her hair dryer as she just finished using it. “You left without me.”
“Sorry about that,” She gave him a small smile, taking his hand that he held out for her. She shrieked, laughing as he pulled her against his chest, pulling them both down to fall onto her pillows. “The girls were pretty adamant about talking about your photo shoot.”
“I already forgot about that,” He groaned, tossing his vest to the floor and kicking off his pants, his scarf draped over her headboard. “Did I look good?”
“Surprisingly,” She laughed, “How did Jason ever get you to look so serious?”
“With a potion,” He snickered and draped an arm over her waist.
They laid quietly for a few moments after that, Lucy lazily drawing circles on his chest and Natsu shuddering under the light touch.
“You look nice in a suit.” She hummed, imagining what it might feel like to pull him by his tie and down to meet her lips.
“Eh, that thing was so damn stuffy,” He cringed at the memory.
“You seemed like you were having a lot more fun when he took photos of you fighting.”
“Of course! Letting my fire burn up the studio was the best part! Who gives a crap about me in my underwear?” He scoffed as Lucy giggled.
“Well,” She gathered her courage for a moment to pick herself up and throw a leg over his waist. Natsu’s eyebrow rose for a moment as she straddled him, her hands splayed out on his chest. “I do, just a little. Everyone got a peek at my partner. I kind of liked having you all to myself.”
“Oh yeah? I didn’t know you were the type to get jealous, Lucy.” He smirked, his hand rising up in her thigh. It rose goosebumps on her skin, her heart beating and lust for him resurfacing.
“Not usually,” She bowed against him, lips hovering over his as she smiled. “But I don’t want anyone else thinking about you the way I had been.” With a slow rock of her hips, Natsu purred as she kissed him, hands eager to tangle in his spiky pink locks.
“What were you thinking about?” He groaned as she riddled his neck with open mouth kisses, her body eager to get out all her pent-up feelings.
“Your chest,” She moaned, suckling down his thick pecs, fondling his tanned skin greedily. “It’s so sexy.”
“Fuck, Luce…” He panted as she licked down to his belly button.
“Down here,” She smirked and toyed with the pink hairs that streamed below it, teasing his v-line with her nails. “I want to see it before anyone else.”
“And your thighs,” She indulged in the sight of him writhing, light kisses along his inner side. “You have so many cute parts, Natsu,”
Lucy yelped, suddenly pulled away from in between Natsu and thrown onto her back. He growled and forced a deep kiss onto her, both melting into the excitement of their embrace.
“You have no idea,” He rasped into her throat. “How long I’ve wanted you, Luce.”
“Tell me, Natsu,” She grinned as his predatory gaze held her down.
“You walk around looking so fucking hot like I don’t notice your hips or your chest when you bend over. Beating up the jerks that dared to try and touch you was barely enough.”
She bit her lip as he grinned above her, eyes giving him permission to let loose what he had been holding back.
“I love you so much, Natsu.” She mewled as he sunk a deep bite into her sensitive nape.
“You’ve always been my girl, Luce.”
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aweirdkindofyellow · 5 years
Here I Am, There You Are Pt. 9
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Jack Barakat x OC ‘Rachel has been best friends with Alex, Jack, Rian, and Zack since high school. What happens when one of them gets married?’
Part 9
I pulled off my t-shirt and put it down on the pile of clothes Jack had started creating himself. Water was softly rippling around us, rocking the boat back and forth gently. The sun was shining, the weather was great, it was nice and warm out. Hawaii really was an amazing place. Unfortunately, I was only there for a few days and not a full blown holiday. I was just visiting Jack while he was on tour.
Our new arrangement worked amazingly. He’d come and visit me if he was at home for a longer period of time and I tried to visit him on tour whenever I could. Of course, it wasn’t the ideal situation. It would have been so much better if we actually lived in the same place. Although he was on tour quite a lot of the time, it was still different. Then the times he’d stay at home for a week would still be spent together. Now, I wouldn’t see him when he only had that much time. But we were making it work. Long distance was working.
This time, I got to see Jack in the wonderful place that was Hawaii. Although it was at the end of their tour, they were in much further away places before. I could hardly go to Japan for two days. Economically, that wasn’t a smart idea. Hawaii was still reasonable compared to that even though I was only there for three days including the days I was flying. I didn’t have an unlimited amount of vacation days either. I saw one show and now they had a day off. In a place like sunny Hawaii, they only had one choice for their day off, really. And that was to have a boat day. Especially with a warm day. Technically, anything was a warm day for me compared to the Vancouver summers, but this was a whole different level. It was amazing. We were already out on the water. There were two boats to hold both the band and some crew members. Of course I was on the one Jack was on. Despite having been broken up for approximately six months, it was like nothing even happened. Everybody here treated it as such as well. The only person who had some trouble with it was Sascha. She only knew the stories of the first half of our relationship, but not what it was actually like. At first, she still didn’t really like Jack, but over time she warmed up to him. They loved to bicker, but it was just as a joke. It was why she was here as well. Or at least, why the guys were cool with her joining us on their boat day. She didn’t come to Hawaii for the boat day, she was already there to work on a photoshoot as a hairstylist, but she had a day off as well. We were going to fly back home together the next afternoon. “Will you put sunscreen on my back?” I asked Jack, picking up the bottle of sunscreen on top of our towels next to our clothes. He took the bottle from my hands and made me turn around before taking his sweet time with applying the cream. My shoulders were covered pretty quickly, but he took way longer doing my back. He put some sunscreen on the tips of his fingers and gingerly put it on the skin. It was almost like he wasn’t trying to spread it out. “Jack, stop drawing on her back,” Sascha groaned and grabbed the sunscreen bottle from him so she could use some herself. “Jack!” I yelped and flinched away from him touching me again. “Stop it! I don’t want tan lines in the shape of dicks.” Jack breathed out one laugh and started spreading out the sunscreen he had put on my back. “He drew a heart on your back,” Sascha corrected me, putting a thin layer on her own skin so she wouldn’t get a white cast, “like the big fucking sap he is.” “Hey! I’m making art over here!” Jack shot back and finally took his hands off me again, finally done with what I asked him to do. Technically, Sascha was right. It was very sappy. But it was also very cute. I didn’t know why he did it, or why he thought it would be necessary. One thing was for sure, it was way better than him drawing dicks on my back to give me weird tan lines. That was something I couldn’t fix. Walking around with a heart wasn’t nearly as bad. “I’ve got too much sunscreen now,” Jack complained as I turned back around to face him. He was holding out his hands covered in the white substance and scrunched up his nose. Before I could tell him to use it on himself, he was dragging his hands over my arms to deposit it there. I actually had already put it on my arms before we even got on the boat, but an extra layer wouldn’t hurt. At least I knew I definitely wasn’t going to burn on my back. It was lathered in the cream Jack put on there. Getting a bit of a tan would have been great, but I would rather not get a sunburn. People were already off in the water, some claiming the jet skis and others going for a swim. All the boys were more than glad to cool down and have fun. Days off like this kept them sane while out busy touring. I knew Jack would occasionally get restless when he was at home for too long, but everybody needed a break as well. “Are you going to come in the water?” Jack asked me after applying sunscreen on himself as well (he had stolen the sunscreen back from Sascha). “I think I’m going to stay here for a bit, but I’ll join you later,” I told him. Everybody was eager to get in at the beginning, but I knew that Sascha would rather not get in. Instead of leaving her by herself, I was going to hang out with her. Maybe later when people started getting back onto the boat, I could get in myself. Although she didn’t know anybody here except for me and Jack, she didn’t have any trouble making new friends. If how quickly we became friends didn’t say anything, then the fact that she was just a likable and extroverted person really helped. Jack let me stay back on the boat, but was too excited to get in the water himself. Alex was still standing at the end of the boat, looking out over everything. It was where people were jumping off and was also the perfect place to just put your feet in the water while you sat on the edge. Jack let out a battle cry and ran towards Alex. He slung an arm around Alex while he jumped in the water, taking him down with him. “He’s such an idiot.” Sascha shook her head while I laid down with my head in her lap. “Why the fuck do you like him?” “I don’t just like him, I love him,” I replied as if that answered everything. “That just makes it so much worse,” she laughed. “It just makes me see past all the weirdness,” I added. Actually, I loved everything about Jack. I loved that he could be sweet and loving but that he could also have fun and goof around. She sighed and looked out at the beautiful water. “Damn, I need to get a boyfriend.” “You don’t need one,” I countered back. “Don’t ever say that again.” “Okay, well, it would be nice to have one,” she corrected herself and put on some sunglasses. “Being single used to be better when we both were. Now I don’t even get to slut it up with you.” “I can still be your wingwoman.” I winked, using my hand to shield my eyes from the sun as I looked up at her. “Also, you always say you don’t want to rush getting into a relationship.” “I know…” “You just need to get some dick.” “It’s been way too long,” she agreed. “We’ll find you somebody.” I patted her leg a few times. Maybe we could find somebody today. If we were lucky, one of the crew members was feeling frisky or something. Although not very likely, it was definitely a possibility. We stayed on the boat together for a bit longer, just enjoying the sun. Everybody else continued to hang around in the water. The first people who got out actually went to the other boat, which was close by but not close enough for me to leave Sascha and take a dip myself. However, eventually, people were coming back to our boat as well. Zack and a few of the crew members joined us for a few drinks. That’s when I decided it was okay for me to leave, especially when she easily had a conversation with them. I slipped into the water, opting not to jump in like Jack did. Although I didn’t mind going underwater, I preferred to not have to. It would just leave me with wet hair for a few hours. The length of my hair wasn’t as short as it had been when the guys came to Canada. Over the past few months, I had been growing it out again and it was now a nice ombre colour, once again by Sascha. I looked around to see where Jack was only to find him somewhere by himself, which was strange. He had been messing around at an inflatable tube with Alex and their sound guy just shortly before. I mean, I didn’t blame him. I’d also get fed up with constantly being pushed and accidentally breathing in water. Assuming he wouldn’t mind me joining him on his little break, I swam up behind him only to greet him with, “boo!” He yelped and spun around as quickly as he could in the water. “Fuck, you scared me!” “You’re the one being a loner,” I teased as he wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me closer. “I was just peeing and decided not to do that around everybody else,” he shot back, bringing me even closer. I scrunched up my nose, regretting coming over now. “Really? And you’re hugging me now?” “I’m done now,” he sighed dramatically and rolled his eyes. With those words, I dared to wrap my legs around his waist in return. “Besides, I’ve peed before while we were in the shower together and you didn’t care!” “It never touched me then,” I retorted, now also circling my arms around his neck. “That’s a very insignificant factor.” “Not in my book.” After a few seconds of silence and just drifting around, Jack changed the subject. It was pretty quiet where we were, all the others far behind me. This was our own personal moment. “I miss having you around all the time,” he breathed out, sounding very sad. “Or at least when I’m at home.” “I know.” I pouted back. This conversation always came up at least once when we were together, whether it be done by me or Jack. “I miss you too when we’re apart.” Instead of saying something back, he opted to kiss me. There wasn’t much more he could say anyway. Things were as they were, and we couldn’t change that. Despite being quite a way away from the others, the kiss was still kept very short and PG-13. It was more like a ‘I’m-upset-but-I’m-okay’ kiss. “You can always move to Vancouver,” I suggested jokingly. He shrugged. “I might just have to.” Well, that was a new development. It was strange to think that this was what we originally broke up over. At first, the fact that he wanted to try long distance was a pleasant surprise. Then actually doing it was another. The few months that we were back together again, Jack still insisted he didn’t want to leave LA. But now he was actually considering it. Granted, it didn’t mean it was going to happen, but the idea had swirled around in his head. “Or I will have to move back to LA,” I added now that he was being serious. I didn’t want him to think that the only option was for him to drop everything and move. He raised his shoulders again. “We’ll have to see.” “Yeah,” I nodded. Part of me just wanted to figure it out now. I wanted to be able to spend more time with him, to be there whenever he was home. Back when I was still in LA and before our break up, we had talked about moving in together. But it was different now, though. I didn’t know what would have happened if we had broken up and gotten back together in LA. Maybe we would have been living together, or maybe we wouldn’t have felt the need to do so yet. Doing long distance made everything more difficult. So, I understood not wanting to discuss this right now. We stayed there for a few more minutes, just the two of us. Although we continued to talk to each other, the conversation from before had ended completely. We wanted to be together, but actually doing it was going to take some good thought. While the next part of our conversation ended, I could feel Jack’s hands slowly leave my waist and travel down. They eventually rested on my ass. At first, it wasn’t too bad. He actually kept me up a little better like that. However, it didn’t stay as innocent and helpful as that. Unexpectedly, Jack squeezed. It was only for a brief second, but it was definitely hard enough for me to notice significantly. I shrieked and kicked my legs so I could get away from him. Instead of swimming away though, I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed him down. His head went underwater from it and I quickly started swimming away so he couldn’t do the same to me. Once I would get back on the boat, I would be completely safe from whatever Jack could do as revenge. As I was trying to get away, I felt something wrap around my ankle and pull down. I could barely hold in my breath before I was completely surrounded by water. My hair was all over the place, covering my eyes and stopping me from even trying to see what was happening. It was like everything slowed down as I was underwater. Eventually, after what felt like ages but probably wasn’t, my ankle was let go. I resurfaced and coughed loudly, having breathed in just the tiniest bit of water. There, I saw Jack right next to me with an amused grin on his face. My mouth gaped open. “Fuck you!” He started laughing, making me glare at him. When he didn’t stop, I pounced. I pushed him again, only this time he dragged me down with him. It was a battle. Once we came back above water, I tried my best splashing him, but he had more power and drenched me with his splashes. In return, I climbed onto his back so I could still attack but he couldn’t get me back. “Guys, stop having sex in the water!” Rian shouted from the boat, watching us. “He wishes!” I yelled back while Jack found out he could lean back to dunk me. “That’s where fishies do it, not people,” Alex contributed from the inflatable tube he and Jack had been fighting over before, laughing at his own joke. I rolled my eyes and let go of Jack. Although it was fun for a bit, I was now done with being constantly splashed and pushed under the water. I had swallowed more than enough salt water, and was in need of a drink to rehydrate myself. Jack followed me onto the boat and handed me a towel as he put his own around his shoulders. By now, many people that had taken a break while I was in the water, had found their way back in it. Sascha, however, was still hanging out with Zack. They were just talking, really. Nothing out of the ordinary. I grabbed a bottle of water for myself and a beer for Jack and sat down next to him. He was sitting at the end of the cushioned bench that ran along the side of the inside of the boat. Sascha was opposite of him while Zack went to check his phone that had been buzzing just a few cushions over. It was only a few minutes until I started getting really cold and my body started shaking. My wet hair only made it worse. If I had been dry, then the sun would have warmed me up, but now the wind was only making me colder. I really did try to get it under control. Sometimes just stopping with shivering would make me less cold, but I literally couldn’t stop. “Are you okay?” Jack asked after a while. I nodded and wrapped my towel tighter around myself. “Just cold.” “Come here.” He beckoned me over and let me sit in his lap before wrapping his arms around me. It helped a little bit. His body warmth did heat me up a little, but just not enough. I was still shivering, trying to suppress it, and my teeth were chattering quietly. Of course, I hoped it would die down over time as I got warmer. But that wasn’t the case. I stayed cold. “Put on my hoodie,” Jack suggested next, almost directing me to do it. I shook my head even though he was already leaning over to grab it from beside us, my body being squished a little by the movement. “No, I’ll get it wet.” “I don’t care,” he shrugged and finally managed to take hold of it and drag it towards himself. “But it will keep me cold,” I told him as I finally got to to sit properly again. “Just take off your top,” Sascha suggested, knowing that that would be the main reason why I would get the hoodie wet. The top part of a bikini always took ages to dry. She had a very good point. So, I shifted a little in Jack’s lap to let myself sit up a bit more and instructed Jack, “okay, just cover me, will you?” Jack gave a single nod, but didn’t do what I assumed he would. I was just thinking of holding a towel in front of me, but he had a whole other plan. He slipped his hands under my bikini top and cupped my breasts. I just sat there, a bit confused. Technically he was covering me. “Oh ho ho, what in the world in going on here?!” Alex wondered with amusement in his tone, dripping water all over the floor from just coming out of the water. “She’s getting changed,” Jack answered for me before I could even try to get a word in. “I’m making sure nobody sees her boobs.” Alex just laughed and I shook my head softly. Jack really was an idiot sometimes, Sascha was completely right about that. But, just like I said, I loved him. So, I just dealt with it and reached back to untie the back of the red top I was wearing. I let it drop and put it to the side, Jack’s hands still covering me like it was his life goal, and started pulling on the hoodie that I realised was actually All Time Low merch. Leave it up to Jack to wear his own merch, especially new stuff. “Okay, you can move your hands now,” I said to Jack now that the hoodie was on. It was over his arms, so it wasn’t properly covering my stomach yet, but everything else definitely was. “I don’t wanna,” he whined with a pout and pulled me back so I was leaning against his chest. I looked at him, still shivering a bit. “I just really want to warm up.” “Oh, shit, your lips are turning blue,” he pointed out in shock. That was all he needed to quickly drop his hands, take hold of the towel he had around his shoulders, and wrap it around the both of us so he was hugging me at the same time. I snuggled further into his chest and put my head on his shoulder while wrapping my arms around his torso. Slowly but surely, I warmed back up. The teeth chattering stopped first, then the shivering died down. That didn’t mean I moved away from Jack, though. I was way too comfortable for that. “Do you guys also want another drink?” Sascha asked as she got up to go to the coolbox. Jack held up his own beer to show that he still had something and I just shook my head. So, she just went to get something for herself. However, before she could bend forward and grab something, Zack had picked her up and was running towards the water. She screamed at him to put her down, that she didn’t want to get her hair wet, but he didn’t listen. He jumped in while still carrying her. Somehow, though, he managed to keep her up so her hair did indeed not get wet while he was completely submerged in the water. It was pretty impressive. I chuckled as I watched them and suddenly a plan started to form in my head. I looked up at Jack and tried to get his attention, “hey.” “Hmm?” He looked back down at me. “Do you want to be a good wingman?” I proposed. He raised an eyebrow. “You want me to pimp you out?” “No, not my wingman,” I scoffed and glanced back in Zack’s direction. “I mean Zack’s.” “Zack’s?” “Yeah, it looks like Sascha and Zack are hitting it off,” I explained. “Why don’t you go find out if he would like to hook up, and I’ll check with Sascha. Like, I know they won’t even dare to try anything without a push because they think it would be weird because they’re both my friends.” “You want your best friend to date one of your friends? Isn’t it a little bit weird?” Jack agreed with the hypothetical view I suggested. “What if they end up breaking up?” “We broke up and that ended up being fine,” I snorted. Did he really forget about the break that lasted six months? “That’s different. We got back together and are meant to be together. We’re not going to break up again,” he said with so much confidence. It put a smile to my face. But I didn’t want this turning into a conversation about our love. This was about Sascha and Zack. “Also, that’s not what I meant! I meant hooking up, not a full blown relationship. You’re staying at a hotel, this is Zack’s home. Why not? You know you’re going to be getting lucky tonight, why not wish the same for your best friend?” He cocked his head in response, probably trying his best to hold back a comment about the fact that I stated we were going to have sex later. At least he was trying to keep the conversation on track now. “It’s that even worse? They’re bound to be in the same room again. That will be awkward.” “It doesn’t have to,” I countered. “Well things were fucking awkard between us when we hooked up at Alex’s wedding.” “But that was because we didn’t know each other’s intentions. If they know each other’s intentions, it will be fine. Trust me, Sascha is always very clear about what she wants, she hates unnecessary drama.” “I’m not convinced.” “You and Anna are fine. You guys can get along just fine without it getting awkward.” I hated bringing it up, but I had to prove my point. The only reason I didn’t like talking about it as freely anymore as I used to was because Sascha had found out about it when Jack and I were broken up and she used it to her advantage to talk him down and make me feel better. My thoughts had changed a little about the whole affair since then, but I had been completely open about it with Jack and he knew. It didn’t change anything in our relationship. I still trusted him completely. I just didn’t need the mental image of his penis inside of her. “But that was years ago! And she’s married and I’m in love with you,” he continued to try to prove me wrong. “Okay. What about me and Alex then?” I started pulling out the deep cuts. “That’s completely different. You guys dated for like a week or so. Maybe two, I don’t know. It’s not like you guys slept with each other.” He used a very matter-of-fact tone. But when I didn’t reply within a few seconds, his eyes widened. “Right?” I opened my mouth, but saying ‘no’ would have been a lie. “Rache!” he gasped and pushed himself up, forcing me off his lap. “I mean… I don’t– What would you even consider sex?” I stammered, wishing I had never even brought up the fact that Alex and I dated for a brief second in high school. Part of me also expected Jack to know. Those boys shared everything back then. “I don’t know. Penis in a fucking vagina?” “Okay,” I nodded and shrugged, “then no.” “What did you guys do?” He shrieked, but not loud enough for Alex, who was sitting at the end of the boat with his feet in the water, to notice. “I gave him my first blowjob…” I mumbled and scratched my head, really just trying to hide the answer. Just because we only dated for a week didn’t mean that I hadn’t been attracted to him. There obviously had been some feelings to start that week. I just didn’t feel that way anymore in the end. Jack shivered and shot up from his seat. He pulled a disgusting face, seemingly in a slight panic. “Your mouths been– My mouth… yours–” “Oh, fuck off,” I breathed out loudly in annoyance and nudged him with my foot. “You don’t get to be mad about this.” “Why did I never know about this?!” “I thought you knew.” I was fully set on defending myself. “You don’t get to turn this into a fight. You fucked my sister on multiple occasions and that was more than just a mouth on your dick. If I could move past that, then you can move past this.” His face softened and he took a second to think. “Okay, no, you’re right. And I’m not just saying that because I’ve done worse. I’m saying it because it was years ago and it isn’t that big of a deal now.” “Good,” I gave him a courteous nod. I was glad he wasn’t just saying it was okay because I had managed to get past him and Anna even though I used it as an argument. Just because I could do it, didn’t mean that he had to be able to do it. Sure, it would have been a little unfair, but we were still our own people with our own opinions and ways of dealing with things. “I am going to get annoyed at Alex for a bit though, because I feel like I have to,” he said and jerked a thumb into the direction of Alex. “You don’t have to.” “I want to. And then I’ll go over to Zack and be that wingman.” “I love you,” I gushed and reached my arms out for him. “I love you,” he returned and bent over to press a chaste kiss to my lips. Right after, he bounced off to where Alex was. Instead of just talking to him, Jack let out a yell and pushed Alex in by pressing his foot against his back, almost like he was kicking him in. Alex fell in, sunglasses and all, with a loud splash. He started complaining, but was only left more confused when Jack said that it was for ‘fucking his girlfriend’. It probably confused the shit out of everybody. Our relationship wasn’t this seemingly perfect thing where we never fought. We did have fights. They ranged from me not loading Jack’s dishwasher the way he liked when I was in LA to Jack not texting me back for hours because he went out with others for drinks after a show. The only problem with the whole long distance thing in this situation was that it was so easy to avoid making up. All you had to do was ignore your phone. But we made it through every single one of them so far. Eventually, Sascha decided to come join me back on the boat. I saw that Jack had gone over the Zack, so now was my time to see what Sascha thought. Even if one of them was feeling it and the other wasn’t, then we’d at least clear that up. But if this did work out, then I was happy for Sascha, and also for Zack, of course. Sascha wrapped a towel around herself and sat down next to me. I wanted to ask her immediately, but knew I was going to have to take a more subtle approach. Although she always stood by her opinion, I didn’t want to think I was accusing her of anything. “So…” I started, using a tone that hinted that I was going to ask a personal question. “Have you found anybody you’d want to sleep with yet?” “Hmm, not really. I haven’t really thought about it,” she replied with the vaguest answer. It wasn’t a yes or no. “What about Zack?” I decided to just go for the more straightforward path. Not force her into it, but act like I thought it could possibly be a good idea. “Zack? I don’t know… I mean… Maybe?” She looked over at him to take him in again. “Usually I don’t really go for very muscular guys. But he’s not bad.” “You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” I assured her. “You guys just seemed to really hit it off.” “No, he’s cute,” she quickly backtracked. Maybe she was trying to play it cool. “And he seems very nice. I don’t think I’ll have a ‘you’re a bitch, show me your tits’ situation.” “He is nice.” “But he is your friend, and I don’t want to ruin that.” “I don’t mind. As long as you’re clear about what you want. Like, tell him you’re just DTF. Or if it turns into something more that’s cool too. Just make sure you both want the same thing, otherwise Jack and I will be in the middle of it all.” “No, of course.” “So, Zack?” I asked once again so I could get a definite yes or no. “If he’s up for it, then I’m down,” she said, which I translated to a yes. I looked over to Jack to see that they were both already coming over here. He gave me a thumbs up, which was just a super dorky thing to do. I told Sascha I thought that Zack was also going to be up for it but kept it a secret that Jack was helping me set this in motion. Later that day, in the evening, we had all gone out to a bar for dinner and drinks. Well, I was just there for food, but I was one of the last people to leave despite not drinking any alcohol. Over time, people had slowly left the group to go back to the hotel to get some sleep, until it was just me, Jack, Zack and Sascha. Jack was enjoying his drinks so much that he got to the point that he started documenting it all on Instagram. He had the tendency to take the weirdest videos for his story when drunk. You could think that I would be annoyed always being filmed since I was sober, but honestly I just got hyped up from Jack enjoying himself so much. It was like a secondhand drunk. Speaking of Instagram, the internet was confused when Jack started sharing photos of us together again. There weren’t many photos on his feed just because we weren’t around each other a lot, but he found a new love of posting screenshots of facetime calls to his story. It was his way of showing all his fans that he had a girlfriend again. That fanbase was very confused. My instagram was public, so they could see I still lived in Vancouver. But Jack still lived in LA. Their minds couldn’t comprehend it until the idea of a long distance relationship got out there. I was just glad I never deleted the photos of me and Jack when we broke up, now I still had all of our memories together. Jack, however, wasn’t as lucky. Sometimes I’d send him a cute one I found when we were apart. It always made him happy. I was sitting with Jack in the booth, my hand on his upper leg as he was trying to tell a story loudly. Sascha and Zack were sitting very closely to each other as well. Things were definitely going to end up well for them. They were very flirty with each other. It was obvious the alcohol was giving them more confidence. Out on the water, they were still very cautious around me. Now, however, they were practically eye fucking each other in front of me. But it was getting late and I had the feeling that none of us were going to leave. Sascha and Zack probably didn’t want to leave before us out of fear that it would be too clear that they were going to go back together. And because of that, they continued talking to us, but that kept us here as well. I still wanted my fun with Jack as well. I kept my hand on his leg, travelling a bit inward as I leaned over to whisper in his ear. “Can we leave?” He nodded, but pointed at his almost full beer glass. “Just let me finish my drink.” Something told me that him finishing that wouldn’t really end well. “But we won’t see each other for another month…” He stopped for a second. “Hmm, alright.” He then raised his voice to a normal level and told Zack and Sascha, “we’re going to go. When I pass out, I’d like it to be in a bed.” “Okay,” Zack nodded, looking a little mischievous. Jack started scooting out of the booth and held my hand to drag me along. I barely even got to say my own goodbyes, I only got to tell Sascha one last thing, “I’ll see you tomorrow, call me if you need anything.” And then I was pulled all the way back to our hotel that was just a block away.
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snarkysarcasm · 6 years
Hi you should do a golly fic where holly does a modelling thing for maybe a science cover and Gail goes along with her and it’s all smutty and cute and Gail can’t contain herself and needs to get holly home ASAP
I really need to learn how to use less words….
“Remind me again what this is for?”
“You already know, Gail.”
“I’m having a hard time remembering.”
Gail tried hard not to smile when she heard Holly sigh.  She failed to stop herself from smirking. She loved winning.
“It’s a photo shoot for the cover featuring young, female scientists.”
Gail snapped her fingers, “Right, this is for the sexiest nerd calendar.”
Holly snorted, “Hardly think I qualify for that.”
“I don’t know,  I think you’d make a pretty good Miss May.”
Holly rolled her eyes but Gail was being serious. She thought that Holly more than qualified.  But instead of telling her that she let Holly laugh off her comment as a joke .  
Since the kiss at Frank and Noelle’s wedding, Gail had been struggling to understand her feelings for Holly.  Hell, Gail had spent the last 27 years just trying to understand her feelings in general.  So for the pathologist turned friend to kiss her so quickly and unexpectedly, it had sent Gail for a loop.  
She was still wrapping her head around the friend part.  So these feelings, whatever they were, were a real kick in the tits.
Still friends they were.  Or at least that’s what Gail told herself when Holly mentioned having to go to a sciency thing that day and Gail had offered to go with her.   Plus-ones-forever….or something….right?
Holly stopped walking.  It took a few steps before Gail realized that the brunette wasn’t next to her as they neared the building.
“Ummm, Nerd.  You gotta put one foot in front of the other to walk.”
Holly stayed where she was, keys jiggling in her hand, she half-turned back towards the parking lot.  “I don’t know maybe we should just leave, you know, go home before they know we’re here.”  
“Okay.  Well it’s up to you since my plans today previously consisted of kicking the guys’ asses at video games and eating my weight in cheesepuffs.  But can I ask why we’re leaving?”
“Because I have no business being on the cover of any magazine.  This was just one of Lisa’s dumb ideas and I’m going to embarrass myself because of her….again.”
Gail nodded and stepped closer to Holly.  She placed her hands on her shoulders and didn’t miss the way that Holly seemed to stop breathing.  
“Lisa may have been the one to nominate you but the magazine picked you.  And you, Dr. Stewart, deserve to be recognized.” Holly’s lips turned up slightly before her teeth sank into the bottom one.  She still didn’t look convinced. “But it’s your choice and we can go now before anyone even realizes you’re here.”
Holly opened her mouth to respond when a voice called out.
“Hey, you’re Dr. Stewart right?” A young, perky woman with a clipboard started in their direction.  “Come on, I’ll show you the way to the dressing room.”
“Well, so much for that.” Gail gave Holly’s shoulders a squeeze before letting go. “I can still grab the getaway car.”
Holly merely shook her head and followed the bouncing ponytail in front her into the building.
Left to her own devices Gail immediately found the food.  Setting up shop next to the long table filled with fruit and crackers and cheeses galore, she was already filling her third plate when Holly finally reappeared.  
Gail froze, the fork in her hand clattering back to the table.  It took a minute for her to process the sight of her best friend dressed in a fitted white lab coat buttoned up to the swell of her breasts.  She wasn’t entirely surprised to see the top buttons left undone, similarly to the shirts Holly so often wore, her cleavage was left on display.  Holly’s hair was down and teased, curling perfectly along her shoulders.  Even her make-up was done to perfection, giving her tan skin a slight blush and making her lips have a deep red hue. Her glasses were gone and her dark eyes seemed to stand out even more.  Gail felt like she was falling into them and she had no idea where she would end up if she kept going.
In a word, Holly was stunning.
“You look…”  Gail struggled to find a word to explain how her stomach was fluttering and her heart was pounding just at the sight of her. Actually, her heart seemed to be working overtime to send the blood flowing to one specific part of her.
“Stupid?  Ridiculous?  Like I don’t belong?  Yeah I’m not doing this.”  Holly was already turning back towards the dressing area.
Gail caught her arm.  “Amazing. I was going to say that you look amazing.”
“Very sexy.  And smart.  It’s…It’s a good look for you.”
“Oh, so I don’t normally look sexy and smart?”
“You always do.” The words were out before Gail’s brain had a chance to process the honesty behind them .  Too quick by the looks of the slightly surprised smile on Holly’s face.  Gail cleared her throat and slipped back into her usual swagger, “But maybe you should invest in professional stylists anyway.”
Holly rolled her eyes but she smiled anyway.  “Why did I bring you again?”
“Moral support.” Holly raised one of her eyebrows in challenge and Gail cleared her throat, “So you look amazing.  Very hot.  Though you do also kinda resemble a chicken shit right about now. Strange.”
Holly’s growing smile dropped like a sack of potatoes, “I hate you.”
“No you don’t.”
“What part of calling me a chicken shit is supportive?”
“The part that makes you mad enough to go out there and show them why you are totally cover material.”
“Pretty sure that only works on television,” Holly grumbled.
The photographer called Holly over and Gail was left to stand on the sidelines and ogle…umm…watch her friend.  Her very sexy friend.  Who was filling out that lab coat in a way that Gail was pretty sure defied science altogether.  Gail managed to pull her mind from the gutter long enough to realize that Holly was standing stiff as a board.  The photographer was talking to her, trying to get her to relax but whatever she was saying didn’t seem to be working.
“Let’s go, Lunchbox!”  Gail cheered.  She drew looks from everyone in the room but she ignored them and just focused on Holly.
For the first time since stepping in front of the camera, a real smile appeared on Holly’s lips.  The photographer started snapping photos and calling out encouragements.  Satisfied, Gail continued to watch.  But the more she saw Holly smile and laugh and pose for the camera, the more she realized that those annoying feelings were getting worse.  And they were getting worse way too fast.  
She needed some air.
Stepping out of the building, Gail glared at the sun.  Her nemesis was blinding her.  She moved off to the side of the building and let the walls support her while she tried some of her breathing exercises.  
They didn’t help the uncomfortable way her stomach kept twisting the more she thought about Holly and how beautiful she looked.  Gail knew that Holly was beautiful.  Had always known.  But she didn’t always have the overwhelming desire to touch her.  And that desire was what was causing her pain.  
She was horrible with relationships.  Horrible with people in general.  But if she messed this up, messed up by having feelings for Holly, she would lose her best friend in the process.  It was a huge risk and Gail had never been very good at taking chances.
Especially not in her personal life.
Gail heard a door open but she didn’t move from her hiding spot.  She could hear footsteps in the direction of the parking lot but she didn’t need to see who it was. Her phone vibrating in her pocket confirmed her suspicions anyway.
The door opened again and an unfamiliar, but decidedly female voice called out, “Hey Dr. Stewart!”
“Are you leaving already?”
“Ummm..no.  I was just looking for my friend.”
“Right, well, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to grab a drink after we finish up here.”
If Gail thought the butterflies twisting her insides were annoying, they had nothing on the burning pit of jealousy that coiled tightly at hearing a mystery woman ask Holly out on a date.  If anyone asked she would claim temporary insanity for what she did next.
Gail rounded the corner without thinking, “Hey babe, you done already?”
“Babe?” Holly asked.
But Gail ignored the confused look on Holly’s face and slid an arm around her waist.  She looked at the woman who had followed Holly out. It was the photographer. “Who’s your friend?”
“Right, ummm, I didn’t realize you two were dating.” The woman spluttered, “Sorry, umm I can see you have plans already.  It was nice working with you today.”  She headed back into the building.
Holly pulled away from Gail.  Crossing her arms, she cocked her head to one side, “What are you doing?”
“What do you mean?” Gail feigned innocence.  Well not entirely feigned.  She honestly had no idea what she was doing or what had possessed her to act like that.
“Why did you just call me babe?”
“Friends can call each other babe.”
“You’ve never once called me that.”
“So? It’s a….thing…people do.”
“So you call all your friends ‘babe’?”
“I might.”
“You call Chloe ‘babe’?”
“Chloe’s not my friend.”
Holly rolled her eyes, “Andy and Traci?”
“Can I plead the fifth?” Gail asked.
“We’re not American.”
“Thank God for that.”
“Stop trying to distract me.”
“Me? Distract you?  Look at you!” Gail gestured wildly, her voice rising,  “I’m lucky I can still string coherent words together right now.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means your stupidly gorgeous and I really want to kiss you!” Gail shouted in the empty parking lot.
“Oh.” Holly said quietly.
“Yeah, oh.” Gail mumbled, she toed the ground in front of her.  It was easier than looking at Holly.
“Well why didn’t you just say so?”
Gail’s head shot up, “Wha-”
But Holly’s lips crashed into hers before Gail could get the question out.
The thing with kissing Holly was that once she started Gail didn’t want to stop.  Not in the parking lot of the photoshoot where she had pushed Holly up against her car and had gotten distracted making out with her until people finally started leaving and someone had whistled at them.  Not in the car when she had the unfortunate challenge of keeping her hands and her lips to herself while they drove back to Holly’s place.  
And definitely not when they were finally through the door of Holly house.  
Gail wasted no time as she pressed Holly against the wall nearest to the entrance.   Now that Gail knew what it felt like to have Holly’s soft lips against hers she couldn’t believe how much time they had already wasted not putting their mouths to better use.
But Gail was more than ready to remedy that with the good doctor.
Hands on her sides, Gail pressed Holly harder into the wall.  Holly was still in the lab coat from the shoot and as nice as the material looked on her, Gail realized how much she didn’t like the barrier when her hands started to wander. Stupid layers were in the way when all Gail wanted was to feel skin.
Gail gave the lapels of the coat a tug.  “As awesome as you look this needs to go.”
A part of her wanted to laugh at how quickly Holly pulled off the coat and tossed it to the floor.  The overwhelming majority though could only focus on the fact that she wanted to touch Holly.  
Pushing her back against the wall, Gail’s hands slid under Holly’s shirt.  Her nails dragged against the twitching muscles there.  She knew the doctor worked out regularly but it was a lot different to feel abs than to just imagine them (and yes Gail had spent more than a fair share of time imagining them.  She may have thought she was straight but she never denied being human).
Gail liked the way Holly let her take her time exploring.  There was something downright intoxicating having Holly let her take control and do what she wanted.  Gail’s movements were slow and each pass of her fingers crept closer to the edge of Holly’s bra before slipping back down toward the top of her pants.  Not even the way Holly seemed to be holding her breath each time was enough to stop Gail’s torturous adventure.
Finally Gail worked up the nerve to start sliding Holly’s shirt up but Holly caught her hands.
“Hey, we don’t have to do anything. There’s no rush.”
“I know but this doesn’t feel like rushing.  You’re my best friend, Hol, and I know you better than anyone I’ve ever dated in the past.  Like I know that you still get scared when you hear thunder and that your favorite food is a baked rice dish your grandmother would make when you were growing up but that you’re the only person in your family she gave the recipe to.  Do you know what Nick’s favorite food is?”
Holly shook her head.
“Neither do I.  I like you a lot and I want to get to know you even better. And I really…” Gail pressed her lips to Holly’s neck.
“Really…” She gave another kiss.
“Really….” Gail’s teeth sank into the soft flesh and Holly let out a moan. “Don’t want to stop.”
“Yeah, okay, when you put it that way,” Holly pulled off her own shirt and Gail’s brain struggled to process the new expanse of tan skin.  It did however zone in on the tattoo running along Holly’s ribs.
Gail’s fingers traced over the black lines of a simple rod with a snake.  
“The rod of Asclepius.” Leave it to Holly to get a mythically accurate tattoo. “Not a caduceus?”
“Why am I not surprised that you know Greek mythology?”
“I went to every country in Europe by the time I was 18. I’m also fluent in French. Wait you’re not surprised?”
Holly switched their positions, pinning the surprised Gail to the wall. “That you’re intelligent and gorgeous and talented.  No, I’m not surprised at all.  Oh and you’re definitely speaking French to me later.”
“Pourquoi plus ta-?”
Holly cut off Gail’s questions with the force of her kiss.  If this was Holly’s way of getting her to stop mouthing off then Gail would happily accept it.  She tried to pull Holly closer and was surprisingly rewarded when she felt a strong thigh press between her legs.  God, she hadn’t even realized how wet she was just from kissing until she felt Holly against her.
“Because I’ve already been waiting months to be able to kiss you and there are better things we can be doing with our lips.”
“You’re right,” Gail agreed.  She started pushing Holly back through the house, stumbling along the way as they both tried to get rid of whatever clothing was in their way.  There would definitely be some bruises in the morning.
Especially the one on Holly’s back when Gail accidentally slammed her into the dining room table.  All Gail could think about was how warm and smooth Holly’s skin was as her hands kept trailing up and down the doctor’s sides while her lips went back to Holly’s neck.  Gail knew she was already a fast learner with how tight the grip on the back of her head was.  But it had nothing on the pull of her hair when one of her heads finally made their way up to Holly’s breasts.
They were just as full and perfect as they had looked in the coat all day.  Gail enjoyed the weight in her hand as she gave a testing squeeze.  And the reward she received was a desperate plea of “Harder”.  Who was Gail to deny such a request, adjusting her grip, she closed her fingers around a pert nipple and gave a tweak.  The press of Holly’s hips made her keep going, pinching and twisting and just trying to elicit a louder moan each time.
The response was even better when Gail finally moved down to suck one of the abused nipples between her lips.  The sound from Holly was enough to make Gail wonder if the neighbors heard. Being the cocky little shit that Gail was she decided to make her way even further south.
The slope of Holly’s stomach made it easy for Gail to suck and bite her way down until her knees were hitting the floor.
“You don’t have to-”
Gail ignored the offer.   Not even first time nerves were enough to stop Gail from going after what she wanted.  And what she wanted was Holly.
It was just a gentle swipe of her tongue between Holly’s lips but it was enough to make both Holly and the table groan.  She could hear the wood protesting under the pressure of Holly’s grip along the edge.  She couldn’t help smirking and pressing harder the second time she made the trip up from Holly’s opening to her swollen clit. Holly jumped when she was a little rough with the sensitive bud so Gail eased her movements a bit, trying a few patterns until Holly’s hand finally left the table to slip into Gail’s hair.  
Focusing on keeping up her pattern even with Holly’s lips rocking against her and her hand forcing Gail’s head to stay where it was. She had never heard so many expletives from the young doctor’s mouth but she loved the filth that was coming from her.  Gail kept going alternating between sucking and licking she could feel Holly’s body tensing until finally tipping over into her orgasm.  
Gail slowed down but didn’t stop, instead dipping her tongue even lower to collect some of the wetness that was now covering the tops of Holly’s thighs and her chin.  But Holly was sensitive and even though she couldn’t form words, she pulled until Gail stood and then crashed their lips together again.
“Well that was unexpected.” Holly laughed.
Gail looked at her seriously, “Really?  You know how food motivated I am.  Eating you is even better.”     
Holly laughed even harder.  “You’re insane.”
“Are you complaining?”
“Not one bit.”
Gail let Holly pull her in for a slower, deeper kiss.  But when the doctor started to direct her towards the bedroom, Gail stopped.  Darting back to hall she grabbed the discarded white coat from the photo shoot.
Holly cocked an eyebrow and Gail simply shrugged, “Hey I didn’t know either but apparently hot doctor is totally my thing.”
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mikumanogi-blog · 3 years
2021-08-30 “What are summer memories?” Hayakawa Seira blog [ENG]
Good evening everyone! I’m Hayakawa Seira, I come from Osaka and I’m 21 years old. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
 We’re already in the final stages of August. It’s almost the end of summer isn’t it.
On this day I’ve been wanting to listen to ‘Hitonatsu no Nagasa yori…”
Recently I’ve been addicted to zoning out and listening to music on my veranda at night! The cool air from the air conditioner is nice but the night breeze feels nice too. However, it’s still hot outside so please make sure to take measures against the heat. ☺︎
 Well then, today I’m going to talk a lot about the memories of summer〜!
Thank you for watching our live concert on the 21st and 22nd of August in Fukuoka Marine Messe. Not only to those that came to the venue, but since the concert was live stream there were also many people that were able to have a fun time with us online. It makes me very happy. Everyone, as always, thank you very much ^ ^
The first day was the ceremony commemorating the 10 years since the formation of Nogizaka 46, day two was Momoko-san’s graduation ceremony.
 Unfortunately, last week it was also announced that the date for the Tokyo Dome concert had been postponed. That means that this live concert in Fukuoka will, for the time being, end the Midsummer tour, and that gave me some feelings of nervousness.
Congratulations on your 10-year anniversary Nogizaka46. Thinking about it now, being in this amazing group and thinking about how the senior members built the group’s reputation makes me want to cherish the group even more than before.
I was able to sing these precious songs together with the senior members during the 10th anniversary commemorative ceremony as well as perform in a new song ‘Tanin no Sora ni’. It’s such a bright song and the choreography consists of the choreography of all the title tracks up till now. Dancing it was a lot of fun ^ ^
The final song that we performed ‘Kikkake’ is one of my favorite songs. This is the song that we 11 members of the 4th generation sang during the live concert after overcoming ‘3 nin no Principle’. It’s strange that each time I sing this song the feelings I associate with it change. This time I also felt a different version of ‘Kikkake’. I feel a little more mature than the previous time.
 The second day was Momoko-san’s last live concert. Momoko-san is a very honest and kind person, she often came up to talk to me, smiled at me, just by her being there I felt warm inside. During the 27th single I was glad that I got the opportunity to talk to her even more than I have ever before. It makes me feel sad.
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I want to work while cherishing the remaining time we have together.
 This summer tour happened over the course of our 27th single. There was still a lot of things I wasn’t familiar with yet but through the live concerts I was able to face myself and over the course of the single I was able to grow a lot. The feeling of continuing to run forward without giving up is the landscape that everyone I met on the tour help create. It’s all thanks to the fans who continue to support me at all times. Thank you very much.
I’m going to do my best during the 28th single.
 Next, it may be sudden but, the other day on “FNS laugh and music〜 song and laughter festival〜” we performed our 28th single ‘Kimi ni Shikarareta’ for the first time. Did you watch it?? Kakkii was really shining as the center of the song, it’s a fun song.
I love the section of the choreography when Chima-san and I hold hands and spin. She squeezes my hand while smiling at me 〜
I feel like we’re going to start performing it more and more, so I’d be happy if you were to check it out from various camera angles.
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Next, I have an announcement regarding the details of the 28th single. This time I’m very pleased to participate in a unit song, ‘Moshimo Kokoro ga Toumei nara”. The unit’s members are 3rd generation members Umezawa Minami-san and Nakamura Reno-san along with Matsuo Miyu-chan and me. It’s a wonderful song so please look forward to it ^ ^
↑further details can be found here.
 The other day, the 4th generation members performed at @JAM EXPO2020-2021! Thank you to everyone that came to the venue and to everyone that watched online. This time we performed Girls Rule and all of the 4th generation songs. It’s been a long time since we’ve done an in-person festival, it was super fun, and the time just flew by. I was especially glad that we were able to perform ‘Out of the blue’, “Nekojita Chamomile Tea’ in front of an audience since we’ve never performed it in front of audience before. I saw a lot of towels, uchiwa fans and penlights ^ ^
 After the 5th generation members join, I wonder if we 4th generation members will stop appearing at festivals? Thinking about it makes me sad.
 Time will definitely pass every day, so I want to cherish each and every day ^ ^
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We did a flirty pose☺︎
☀︎ Nogizaka46’s 48th single ‘Kimi ni Shikarareta’ will go on sale Wednesday September 22nd.
The 28th single ‘Kimi ni Shikarareta’ will be released next month. I’d be happy if you were to listen to the unit song I’ll be participating in ‘Moshimo Kokoro ga Toumei nara’. I’m pleased to announce that the ballots for the online meet and greet have concluded. I received a lot of applications, thank you very much! I’m very happy! I’m looking forward to talking with everyone ^ ^ You can check the details of the national event information among other information whenever online. Thank you very much.
☀︎Nogizaka Star Tanjo! Nippon TV every week on Mondays, the next episode will be at 25:34. It’s a tv show where the 4th generations are challenged to sing hit songs from the Showa and Heisei era. Last week I sang ‘Natsuzakari Hono Jigumi’ with Shoinji-san! How was it?? Unfortunately, it wasn’t recorded on Hulu. I apologize for the inconvenience.
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Singing with Shoinji-san was very funny, and the time just flew by ^ ^ I laughed a lot〜
To those that missed the last episode please check it out on Hulu!
↑details can be found here!
☀︎The Hit Studio Every Wednesday at 24:00 on MBS Radio.
Next week Nishikawa Takanori-san, Takada Shu-san, Hasamatsu Ikumi-san and me will be together. Recently our theme has been trending topics! Of course, the people in Kansai and in other regions can listen to it on ‘radiko’. Please make sure to listen ^ ^
I’ll be waiting for your mail, messages and opinions!
↑you can send them here!
↑Last week’s broadcast can be found here!
 ☀︎INNOVATION WORLD (KYOCERA TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE) J-Wave, Every week on Fridays around 21:40.
In September the creative director, editor, Hakuhodo’s company executive, and Hakuhodo Kettle’s executive creative director Koichiro Shima will be holding an online future lecture! Please look forward to the first broadcast ^ ^
↑You can listen to the final week of Tanijiri Makoto-san lecture here on radiko.
☀︎Radirer! Sunday NHK Radio 1, Sunday September 12th between 20:05-22:55
During the Paralympics, Next Radirer! Sunday both Tamura Mayu-chan and me will be appearing. Everyone, let’s have a fun time ^ ^
Radirer! NHK Radio 1 – NHK online
↑I’ll be waiting for a lot of your mail!
☀︎Platinum FLASH, currently on sale.
This is the first time since becoming 16 members that we’ve got a picture together on the front cover! I’m very grateful. Unexpectedly, it’s a special feature that extends 100 pages. I’d be happy if you were to check it out. There is a special appendix with a 4th generation member clear file attached! Please check it out.
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I was paired with my beloved Mayu-tan for some pictures ^ ^ please check it out.
☀︎Young Gangan, on sale Tuesday September 3rd
This year I was once again able to have a gravure published in Young Gangan! Tsutsui Ayame-chan is on the front cover ^ ^ Please make sure to check it out.
 !!!! The unreliable Q&A!!!!
·         What’s the number one thing that has made you say ‘grrr’ recently?
→After washing my black colored western clothes with my other clothes the black color bled into my white pillow cover, t-shirts, socks and they all became blackish pink. Grrrr….
·         Which senior member do you want to get closer to?
→On the new song I’m positioned close to Kitano Hinako-san and so I want to take advantage of this opportunity and try to talk to her
·         Can you tell us a behind the scenes story of the Nogizaka Fractal photoshoot!
→During the photoshoot last winter, we took it in what seemed to be a warehouse and it was so cold we were shivering! So nostalgic (o^^o) winter seems as if it’s almost upon us.
Cold or hot, in the end both are good aren’t they.
·         It’s almost the end of summer and so what are some of the summer memories you had from this year Serra-chan?
→In my work I went to some extremely rural places! It was super fun and felt like a summer vacation ^ ^I’ll tell you more!  
·         During this summer heat I find it difficult to sleep and so I want to know at least one thing you do during you night routine \( ¨̮ )/
→I always have the light dimmed down and once I do that I’m able to fall asleep instantly ^ ^ If I work late at night I find it hard to sleep and so I understand how you feel!
 The end!
As always thank you for all your comments. Last time I received a lot of Happy Birthday messages at the made me feel happy. Thank you ^ ^
 I talked about a lot of things this time and so I’ll talk about yesterday’s final meet and greet next time ^ ^
As always, thank you.
 Thank you for taking your time to read this blog to the very end.
See you soon!
2021.8.30 Serra
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