#esme x felix
come-along-pond · 2 years
OC ASK: Which of your Bridgerton couples embodies the song "Midnight Rain" by Taylor Swift? P.S - completely unrelated, but which of the songs from Midnights is your favourite, least favourite, and the one you embody the most?
Esme Bridgerton and her eventual husband Felix Heart. They have a brief relationship which is PERFECT for this.
‘he wanted it comfortable, I wanted that pain. he wanted a bride i was making my own name, chasing that fame, he stayed the same’ ITS JUST PERFECT.
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volturissideslut · 11 months
Can you do the Volturi guards with a vampire mate that is the youngest cullen and the Cullens are over protective.
𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖎 𝖌𝖚𝖆𝖗𝖉
3 for 3? Maybe I have turned over a new leaf... This is more of how they are with the cullens as in laws than anything else
He's civil. For you.
Just don't expect him to interact with them much.
And by 'them' I mean the idiots of the group as he claims.
Doesn't mind Carlisle, Esme, Jasper and Rosalie
Doesn't know what to think of Emmett. He's cool but too much sometimes. (he won't admit that he kinda likes him even tho he finds him a little much sometimes)
Lock him in a room with Edward, Alice, or Bella alone they're not coming out alive.
The cullens?
Of all people, them??
Constant eye rolls when you talk about them, but she's civil for you.
Just please don't leave her alone in a room with Edward. One of them won't come out alive, and rest assured she'll be fine.
Same goes for bella
She is slightly less disapproving of the rest, but they are tainted in her mind by those two baffoons
Whines like a toddler
"do they have to come?"
"do I have to go?"
Will stop if you actually get upset, because upsetting you is the last thing he wants to do.
But if Edward gives him one more patronising lecture on how he should treat you they he may have to smash his face in
"What do you mean ignore him? I would never do anything like that to you and it's insulting that he would even insinuate that"
Actually unbothered, unless they start accusing him of doing wrong by you.
They're your family, and he'll deal with the irritating in-laws because he loves you because, yes, he loves you that much
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wendigo-volturi · 7 months
Rules + characters
requests are Open
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When you request please specify if you want a story or headcanons, this is important for me. Also please specify what gender!!
If you request something I'm not comfortable with I won't write it but most of the time I will write it, but if you break ANY of my rules I will block you.
What I write:
Character x male reader
Character x female reader
Sad shit
Self harm
Sibling reader
What I will NOT write:
Character x character
Smut (I'm just terrible at it)
Incest (it's gross)
Volturi kings: Aro, Caius, Marcus (separate or poly)
Volturi guards: Jane, Alec, Felix, demetri
Side characters: Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jasper, Alice, Rose (don't know her full name) , bella
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wolfish-nightmares · 7 months
Twilight Masterlist
The Cullens: 
E for Everyone -
Coming Soon
Edward Cullen: 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Alice Cullen: 
Coming Soon
Decode -
Good Dog - No matter how far they threw the stick, you kept coming back.
Jasper Hale 
Coming Soon
Save a Horse -
Good Dog - No matter how far they threw the stick, you kept coming back.
Rosalie Hale: 
Haunted -  
Coming Soon
Emmett Cullen: 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon 
Esme Cullen:
Coming Soon 
Coming Soon
Carlisle Cullen: 
Coming Soon 
Coming Soon 
Bella Swan:
Coming Soon
Coming Soon  
Charlie Swan: 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
The Wolf Pack: 
E for Everyone -   
Coming Soon 
Sam Uley: 
Coming Soon 
Coming Soon 
Emily Young: 
Coming Soon 
Coming Soon 
Jacob Black: 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Jared Cameron: 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon 
Paul Lahote: 
Coming Soon 
Anger Management - It's like when a cat is being bad, you spray it.
Imprint On My Heart - Your heart has always wanted Paul but as your life begins to shift you learn how much you truly love him.
Embry Call: 
Coming Soon 
Coming Soon
Quil Ateara V: 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon 
Leah Clearwater: 
Hatred - Leah has always made her hatred for you obvious.
Haunted - 
Coming Soon
Seth Clearwater: 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
The Voltouri: 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Bloodletting - 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon 
Coming Soon
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mochikofi · 1 year
𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
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𑁍 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
Carlisle can choke me with his hands
Secret - Carlisle Cullen (fluff)
Darlin' - Jasper Hale (Fluff)
Crush - Edward Cullen (Fluff-Crack)
Boyfriend - Edward Cullen (Fluff)
𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞!
Request Open!
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assortedseaglass · 10 months
Talk Refined - Chapter One
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Michael Gavey x Reader
Summary: When Michael Gavey unwittingly insults a fellow Oxford student, they enter into a game of intellectual cat and mouse.
Content Warnings (this chapter in bold): Language, Smut, Saltburn Spoilers
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Pool was never your forte. Truth be told, you were more of a darts girl. There was something though, in the soft click of the balls knocking together and the damp thunk of them landing in the pocket that scratched an itch on your over-worked mind.
Hilary term was coming to an end, and with it brought the dread that your extended essay title had been submitted. ‘“For the sake of some colour;” women as decoration, in response to Turner’s High Street, Oxford (1810)””. No going back now.
You’d escaped the January madness that had descended on your best friend, Esme. Like most other courses, she had exams at the start of the new year and spent her days in the library and nights in the pub. Much like now, come to think of it.
“You’re up,” you called to your friend as you missed potting a red. “Esme!”
“Sorry! Sorry,” she shimmied between the pool table and a few pub patrons, taking her cue in hand and leaning over the felt green. Click, thunk. A yellow sank into the corner pocket.
“Who were you talking to?” You indicated a man in his early twenties, eyeing up Esme’s backside as she leant over the table to reach another yellow.
“Bartender,” she missed the ball and passed the cue back over the table. You took it and swiftly potted a red. “Nice one. Just borrowing this,” she lit her cigarette with a metal lighter. When she was done, she tossed it back to the bartender and he winked.
The two of you’d met at a humanities and arts, inter-college social less than two weeks into your first term. Dress as your subject and be ready for a night of frivolity even Elagabalus couldn’t imagine. You’d found some of silk scarves in a charity shop, bought cheap pearls from Primark and gone as the Girl with a Pearl Earring. Outside the Blenheim was where you first spotted her. Dressed in a bedsheet draped as a peplos, she had climbed a lamppost and was swigging wine straight from the bottle. That is a girl I want to be friends with, you’d thought, and promptly beelined for her and begged for the bottle.
“You doing philosophy?” You asked after chugging the cheap merlot.
“Classics. And you, I’m guessing history-”
“History of art, yeah.”
The next morning, you’d woken in her dorm room at Brasenose, the autumn sunlight blinding and your breath smelling as if something had crawled inside you and died there. Esme didn’t mind. Her mouth was stained red from the wine and a hickey the size of Brazil adorned her neck. You’d been inseparable ever since.
“Bollocks,” you missed potting a red and, as Esme swept to grab to pool cue, the pub erupted in song.
“Ahah ahah ahaaaaaaaah!” Esme sang the refrain in your ear as she twirled you round, the cue discarded on the table.
“Fuck’s sake,” It was hard not to smile despite your best efforts. You felt like a twat but no-one was looking at you. All were too busy singing to notice the two tipsy girls dancing by the pool table. In any case, the only person whose opinion mattered to you was the one spinning you in her arms. One wayward spin and bumped you into the pool table. Giggling, you opened your arms to be embraced once more-
“Oh shit,” Esme whispered hastily, suddenly standing straight and flattening her hair. “Got any lip gloss?”
“Erm,” you patted your pockets. “No sorry.”
“Who’ve you seen?” you smirked, standing by your best friend’s shoulder and following her line of sight. Well, it could have been any number of students in the packed pub. There were some rugby lads, double polos with both collars popped. Pretty boy Felix Catton and his posse of poshos. It could have even been that girl Eleanor, now greeting a friend at the bar. Esme and Eleanor hooked up at the Brasenose Christmas party. Esme said it was “unexpected” and “not her usual flavour”, but you’d met her once after tutorial, and the way she looked at her tutor’s bottom as it wiggled down the corridor in her Peacock’s pencil skirt was not one of envy. “Well?” You asked impatiently. “Who is it?”
“There, blue check shirt, dark hair.” Esme pointed at the bar where such a man was standing. Two pints of lager in hand, he turned and seemed to look around the pub. “Cute, isn’t he? He’s at Brasenose too, doing English I think.”
“Oh right.” As a Wadham girl, you had never seen this boy before. You supposed he was quite good-looking, in a boy-next-door sort of way. You thought perhaps he would be bonny, were it not for the solemn expression on his face. He meandered through the crowd to a small table at which sat another boy.
The two were starkly different. Where Esme’s boy was dark haired, the other was fair. Esme’s boy was stocky, but even sat down the other was gangly, and while Esme’s boy clearly wasn’t an avid reader of Esquire, the blond boy looked like he’d rolled around Oxfam’s bargain bin in total darkness and worn whatever stuck; a pair of baggy cargo shorts pulled up far too high and cinched tightly with a black belt, a pair of Merrell trainers and a novelty tshirt. THIS IS HOW I ROLL. Below the wording was an anagram and equation.
If it weren’t for the middle-aged glasses and frankly atrocious haircut, he’d be quite good looking too. Two Oxford virgins; Trinny and Susannah’s wet dream.
“What’s his name then?”
“Oliver, I think.” Esme was licking her lips and fussing with her bangles.
“You look great,” you swatted at her hand. “And the other one?”
“No idea. They’re always hanging around together. Oliver,” she said his name with some uncertainty. “Oliver never says anything, the other one’s always talking a mile a minute but I haven’t really seen him about. Doesn’t go to any parties.”
“Him and the girl with-”
“Agoraphobia.” You said in unison. The characters of Esme’s college were more vivid to you now than those in a Dickens novel.
“I bet he does maths,”
“I told you, he does English.”
“No,” you tut. “The other one.”
“I reckon it’s physics.”
“Put a pint on it?”
“You’re on,” Esme smacked your hip. “Come on, there’s a table by the bar.”
Following the plume of her cigarette smoke, Esme led you to the sticky wooden table and ordered you a pint of Thatchers. She, a pint of Stella. At the table beside you both, Maybe Oliver and The Other One were talking quickly. Well, the maths-slash-physics boy was. Maybe Oliver was staring distractedly towards the other end of the pub. You looked over your shoulder. Felix Catton was settling down with another round of beers, his stupid eyebrow piercing gleaming in the low pub lights.
“Swap with me,” Esme whispered.
“Swap with me so I can look at Oliver.”
You sighed and stood up, shuffling round the table to sit parallel to Oliver. Esme smiled at him as she sat down and he smiled back. When she giggled, you kicked her under the table. Now across from maths-slash-physics, you could see him clearly.
This close, you stood by your assessment that he could have been handsome. His light eyes were framed by not just those hideous glasses but thick, dark lashes. He had a jawline and cheekbones that would make Agyness Deyn jealous. His lips, though strangely curved were plump, and he had a distracting habit of frequently wetting them. But there was something so distinctly and undefinably creepy about him. He talked like a snake, quickly with hissed “s”s and “t”s. You noticed with unease that he barely blinked as he watched for any minutia in his friend’s reaction, and he moved with an almost jerky stiffness. All elbows and angles. This strange combination of beautiful and revolting made him impossible to ignore. Like catching yourself in the mirror after dying your hair. A strange feeling of the uncanny.  
He caught your eye, sensing you staring at him, and you quickly glanced at Esme. Shit. She’d been talking to you about something.
“-of course, it’s easy to compare the Iliad and the Aeneid, but really they’re very different.”
Aha. She was trying to impress, hoping Maybe Oliver would hear. “Oh yes?” You leant forward on your arm and wiggled your eyebrows at her. “Tell me more.”
Esme was clearly delighted that you’d cottoned on to her plan. Brushing her hair from her shoulders and leaning forward too, she continued. “Well, you have to start with the language. One is Greek and one is Latin. Now, we go through this in linguistics. Everyone has to get up to speed with their Greek and Latin so we’re all on the same level-”
You giggled and she kicked you under the table. Esme knew you already knew this and didn’t care. You knew that Esme was just showboating. When you kicked her back she got the giggles and glanced at Maybe Oliver. His eyes were still trained on the back of the pub, and she sighed, taking a gulp of beer. In perfect symmetry, you drank your cider and in the lull you admired the lengths your friend went to flirt with a seemingly average boy.
“-Jameson spends the whole time staring at her tits, completely ignoring the fact she can barely do her times tables.”
Esme choked a little on her drink and your eyebrows shot upwards with barely contained glee. This was far more interesting. You and Esme watched each other, communing telepathically about the intriguing conversation between the boys next to you.
“-times tables, Oliver!”
“Told you it was maths!” You whispered at Esme. Without a word, she got up with a smile to buy you another pint.
“-just fuck off and do history of art, love, save us all the trouble!”
You stilled in your seat, cider halfway to your lips. Did he just-? You ran the sentence over in your mind. “Fuck off and do history of art, love, save us all the trouble.” It wasn’t the first time you’d encountered snobbery about your selected study. Friends from school deemed it “hoity-toity,” and even your parents had worried about your career prospects.
“But what can you actually do with a history of art degree?”
You’d thought Oxford would be different. Surrounded by other young minds, eager for knowledge and an appreciation of the world around them, freshly opened up like your first bottle of champagne; long-awaited, exciting and with a little bit of bite. Just for the adults.
“Excuse me?” Your heart was pounding in your chest as you leant over a little and smiled at the pair of boys. You were proud of your subject but that eagerness to prove its, and your, worth was impossible to ignore. Oliver and Maths Boy looked at you.  “Do you,” you cleared your throat. “What’s wrong with history of art?”
The gangly boy scoffed and turned rigidly in his chair to face you. Like most other nerds, you’d expected him to shy away from anyone outside of his carefully selected circle. This boy, however, seemed to take up an enormous space in your mind. He was confident. Already taken aback by his vicious comment, that threw you even more.
“What’s wrong with it? It’s an easy option that’s become an elitist haven for the middle class.” He pushed his glasses up his long nose with a bony finger. “You ever met any of those ‘students’?” He put air quotes around that last word and you flinched, neck bristling with anger. You doubt he’d have noticed if you put your top over your head and did the Cupid Shuffle; he continued as if nothing happened.
“Load of public-school wankers spouting their useless opinions on aristocrats lounging about in gilded frames, just so they can justify getting a job in daddy’s gallery. It’s an irrelevant, niche subject for people who think their view of the world is superior to us mere plebs’.”
“Michael,” Oliver murmured. He turned to you, not quite looking you in the eye. “Sorry-”
“Here’s your pint,” Esme placed another Thatchers before you. Both you and “Michael” ignored your friends.
“You think it’s irrelevant?” You took a swig of cider without taking your eyes off him. Angry little prick, this fella. You knew the like; maths, physics, economics, law. The students were all the same. Thinking they were better than everyone else because they could swan off into the sunset with £40k job straight out of uni and reap the benefits that the arts provided them without any need to know better. The designer clothes and fast cars, the beautiful buildings they worked in, the nails on the woman ripping open the condom wrapper…
“What’s irrelevant?” Esme said brightly. She held out her hand for Oliver. “Esme, hi.”
“History of art, apparently.” You said haughtily.
“Ouch. Who said that?” Esme sat down beside you, still smiling at Oliver.
“Who’s Michael?”
“Michael Gavey.” The man in question announced himself by extending a long arm in Esme’s direction. She shook his with slight shock and raised her eyebrows at Oliver. He lowered his head in shame.
“Our girl here’s a history of art student.” Esme patted your hand. If you, Esme and Oliver expected this to soften Michael, it didn’t work.
“Ah,” he smiled, mirth lighting his eyes. “That’s why you’re so tetchy. Which school was it then? Cheltenham? Roedean?”
“She went to state comp actually,” Ever your champion, Esme came to your defence.
“Scholarship student?” Michael sneered.
“No,” you rebuffed quickly.
“What’s wrong with that? Me and Oliver here are.”
“Nothing You were the one trying to get me to say it was.”
Michael smiled with satisfaction and an awkward silence fell between the four of you. The clink of glasses and drunken chatter continued around you. This wasn’t the first charged student encounter that had happened in this pub, nor would it be the last.
“I suppose you think maths is superior?” You folded your arms and raised an eyebrow. A challenge. Prove it then.
“Of course it is,”
It was your turn to scoff. “Why can’t there be room for both?”
“There is room for both. Mathematics is just more important.”
“Jesus,” Oliver rubbed his hands over his face.
“Mathematics is the foundation for everything. The modern world as we know it wouldn’t exist without it. Technology, healthcare, finance, governance, everything. It prevents chaos. Without mathematics, society would collapse.” He fidgeted in his chair to turn more vividly towards you, his hands excitedly grasping for something in front of him that didn’t exist. Maths, probably. “We create predictions and complex design systems so that life as we know it can exist, and continue to exist.”
He looked at you as though you should have been impressed. You supposed his excitement was quite sweet. In truth, you knew maths was important. History of art student though you were, you weren’t an idiot. You were at one of the world’s top universities for God’s sake.
“But what’s the point of existing if there’s nothing to enjoy? To live for?”
“Pardon?” What had he expected? For you to roll over and kiss his feet? Take him round the back of the pub for a quick knee tremble? “Oh yes, Michael, tell me more about Fermat’s conjecture! More! More!”
“Art is what makes life worth living for. Its history helps us understand politics, religions, societies and peoples of the past.”
“All that from staring at a Bruegels?” Michael looked at Oliver with a laugh, hoping for back up. Oliver was tearing up a beer mat.
“Well, it’s never done anything for me.”
His arrogance and ignorance was astounding. This final comment was the drop that sent you overflowing with exasperation. “Yes it has,” you snapped. Michael glared at you. “Aside from what I literally just said, art has done everything for you. Take today for example.”
At this, Michael sat forward. He couldn’t resist a reasoned argument with concrete evidence.
“You woke up this morning at Brasenose, is it?” He nodded. “At Brasenose, in a dorm with Carol Vorderman posters on the walls, posters designed by graphic designers who studied art. Those posters line the walls of a building almost five hundred years old. From barely known architects to Powell and Moya, each added to its history with their extensive understanding of art and beauty. For some reason you then got up and decided to put on that God awful tshirt which, although many would believe otherwise, was designed to be aesthetically pleasing or visually arresting. The latter it certainly is. There you go. Art.” You were on a role.
“I’m assuming you had lectures or tutorial today? The book you read? The covers were made by, you guessed it, artists. You came here with Oliver and decided to get a craft beer because you’re a pretentious prick, and got the darker of the two because, and I agree with you here, the label is prettier. You’re gonna go home in an hour or two when you’ve had one too many pints and ogled that pretty girl at the bar,” you pointed at Eleanor. “Whose thong caught your eye above her low rises. Fashion? That’s art by the way and extremely influential on society ‘as we know it’.” You quoted him back and loved the way his lips quirked into a tight line.
“And thinking of her and her pretty thong, you’ll whack out ZOO mag and whack out a swift one over some big-titted page three girl in a pair of lace knickers that were designed by someone with a fashion degree. Art.”
Esme and Oliver stared at you. A manic, self-satisfied smile was plastered on your face, and when you downed your pint to cool down from the warmth that outpouring had exerted, Oliver actually smiled. Michael said nothing. Did nothing. He was entirely, utterly unreadable. You wanted to smack him.
He glanced from you to Esme, to Oliver and at last to his pint. Like you had done, he picked it up, finish it in three gulps and placed it back on the table. “Oh, sweet baby Jesus.” What the fuck was he talking about? He spoke to his friend as if you and Esme had ceased to exist. “Going for a slash. Get me another pint please, Oliver? Thanks.” He stood from his chair, unfurling like a stick insect, and made purposefully for the gents’.
Your mouth fell open. Esme chuckled nervously. “He’s a charmer,” she said to Oliver.
“Yeah, ‘scuse,” he muttered, shuffling awkwardly to the bar.
You both sat in your chairs, baffled silence befalling of you. “Well, no double dates for us then.” Esme said.
You laughed. “No date for you fullstop.”
“Yeah,” Esme glanced at the bar where Oliver was now waving at someone. You watched as he made his way over to Felix Catton and his friends. “Bit dull, wasn’t he?”
“Yeah,” Oliver sat down as the rest of the posho’s table cheered. “Though if he’s friends with Felix Catton…?”
“Didn’t realise you were so shallow?” Esme teased.
“I’m not! But the parties, Esme, the parties!”
“I know, I know, I’ll remember that Christmas one forever. Oh God, here he comes,” Esme shrank in her seat. Michael was weaving through the crowd back towards the table.
“Why isn’t he going to sit with Felix and Oliver?” You whispered. “He better not be coming back here.”
You and Esme watched as his approached slowed, faltering when he noticed Oliver and his pint were missing. He glanced around, looking at his feet as if to find Oliver on the floor. It was painful. Watching the realisation dawn on his face. You and Esme knew it before he did.
A hand raised in the air; he had spotted Oliver at Felix’s table. You watched, with pity and embarrassment, as Michael waved and Oliver turned away.
“Shit,” Esme said.
Hand moving to push up his glasses, Michael, with head hung low, left.
“Shit,” Esme said again. “Bet you feel like a bitch for shouting at him now.”
And despite his pomp and arrogance, his cynicism and creepiness, you really did feel awful.
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Notes: The amount of research I did for this was wholly unnecessary. Added some links because 2006/2007 was quite a place. The script hit me like a fucking train. It says, “Back with Michael: CRUSHED.”
Many thanks to @thecruel for their help with the transcript of the Saltburn pub scene, and to @ewanmitchellcrumbs for the Michael Gavey inspo, your headcanons are always spot on.
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Tags: @lexwolfhale* @theoneeyedprince @lovebittenbyevans @fan-goddess @ellrond @very-straight-blog @arcielee @tsujifreya @liv-cole @myfandomprompts @annoyingkittydetective* @elizarbell @solisarium @thekinslayersswordhand @nightdiamond8663* @slowlysparklyninja* @kate-to-the-ki @bellaisasleep @xxxkat3xxx @lacebvnny @moonriseoverkyoto @ewanmitchellcrumbs @moonlightfoxx @pendragora @aemonds-holy-milk @st-eve-barnes @sapphire-writes @babyblue711 @targaryenrealnessdarling @slytherincursebreaker @bottlesandbarricades @valeskafics @anjelicawrites @exitpursuedbyavulcan @barbieaemond @chattylurker @itbmojojoejo @humanpurposes @cyeco13 @heimtathurs @in-a-mountain-pool
*could not tag
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hoefordasmut · 5 months
The Cullens with a chaotic reader
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okay so bear with me I got this thought and had to write it, so your Renesmee best friend and you are the very opposite of her , Nessies sweet kind and generally pretty quiet , But the reader is very chaotic , funny and loud and says whatever on her mind! and has a thing for tall scary vampires who plays Mario with her, and is Italian
fem reader x platonic Cullen family
fem reader and a bit of Felix volturi mentioned
warning : potty language from reader 😔 other than that theses nothing else!!
The Cullens enjoyed peace and quiet, at school they were bombarded with stares and all kind of thought that even Edward wouldn't even want to repeat, so the only chance of peace and quiet was at home , where they were away from all that kind of noise and rowdy hormonal sweat smelling teenagers.
But with Nessies new friend... they were all kept on the toes.
"hey baby girls" you dragged out as you sauntered into the living room , eyeing everyone who was sitting down and relaxing , curling you're lip you spoke again. "where's papa Carlisle?" raising a eyebrow dramatically, Nessie walked and stood next to you , muttering your name. "don't call him papa " she stifled a laugh , placing her dainty hand over her lips , elbowing your side to keep you quiet.
"I'm here " Carlisle spoke with a bemused soft smile , wincing at the term of "papa" the rest of the Cullens attention never went off of you , as they didn't know what you would do next. "oh! hey- oh wait never mind , forgot " you shrugged sitting down on a chair bringing Nessie down with you , making her roll her eyes at your antics.
"is it just me but its to hot in here " you spoke fanning yourself before whining , Esme smiled walking over and placing a cool hand on your forehead, smoothing your hair away from you face, making you smile at her gentleness.
"okay! I've remembered now, so do you know who Felix volturi is?" you snapped your fingers together as you finally remembered what you wanted to speak to Carlisle about, but its not easy when you have the memory of a goldfish, and its a hot day out for like the first time ever in forks! which was making you a little annoyed at anything that breathed. But luckily for the Cullens, they don't breath.
The room went deathly silent, a chilled atmosphere appeared , almost suffocating, like thick smoke curling around the room. You felt bad for jasper, who had to actually feel this. "okay so I'm not an empath, but I'm sensing some negativity right now" you spoke slowly, making sure to drawl out your words for dramatics.
"Felix volturi?" it was Edward who spoke up now, placing down his book he swallowed, not like he needed to swallow but it was muscle memory. "yup! I mean online he's called fix it Felix Italian version, but yeah" you sung out as you stood up from the plush chair , grabbing Nessies arm , who was weirdly staring blankly at the wall , a nervous twitch in her eye the only thing moving.
Still holding Nessies arm , you wondered into the kitchen , reaching for a glass , struggling and standing on the tips of your toes , which we're covered in fluffy socks with yours and Nessies Initials on the side in pink glittery fabric. A muscled arm reached up and picked a glass up for you , placing it down on the counter, you tuned around to face Emmett who was blinking wildly at you.
"thank you bear man!" you laughed loudly filling your glass up with cold fresh orange juice , that Esme has specifically picked for you from the farmers market. Drinking quietly your eyes flickered over the rim of the glass to find the whole family staring as you, horrified expressions on their godly faces told you something was up.
"what's up guys?" placing the chilled glass on the marble kitchen counter, you furrowed your brows in concentration. "did he do something?" Alice rushed out , bouncing over to you placing her soft cold hand on your arm , eyes twinkling with fear. " what no, he's just always mad that I beat him at Mario"
"you're playing Mario with him?" Emmett finally snapped out of whatever he was in to whine. Rosalie hissed pinching his arm, making Emmett mumble out a soft 'sorry babe' . "How do you know that we know who he is?" Bella rushed out , if she could sweat she would be right now.
"um well we were speaking on the phone-" Nessie cut you off "your speaking to him on the phone?!" her eyes were wide at this point , her cheeks flushed as she stared you down. "yes.. anyways continuing I mention nothing about you guys-" you were quickly shut of again this time by Edward.
"what did you say?" he rushed out eyes narrowing slightly, it annoyed him that he also couldn't read your mind , but it was different than bellas , where he heard nothing at all but in your mind he only just herd 'who let the dogs out ' over and over again especially whenever Jacob was in the room.
"boy calm the fuck down, I'm getting there. So I was saying how I live in forks and that I mostly live with my friends family- cuz like I'm always here- anyway and the he was like what family and I was like the Cullens, and he was like pause the Cullens? and I was like yeah! you know who they are? and then he was like fuck yeah I do I'm in the volturi and I was like I don't know what that is but fuck yeah. So yeah that was it really. " you gasped in air greedily placing a hand on you tummy as you breathed.
"oh good god " Carlisle murmured , pinching his nose in frustration , Esme grasped his arm in a tight hold rubbing soft shapes on his arm to calm the man down. " he's actually so fine too" you giggled biting your bottom lip before poking you tongue out the corner of you lip and cackling , you face was probably bright red, placing a hand on your cheek you felt how hot the skin felt.
"be for real right now " Emmett spoke up , the Cullens knew about the whole deal that Emmett and Felix had a competition going on about how one of them is the strongest. And secretly who was the tallest, the Cullens were pretty sure the last time the volturi visited Emmett and Felix measured some specific places..
"being for real, you had to be there to see his muscles" you whistled taking another gulp off orange juice, placing the empty glass on the counter and facing the Cullens.
"is like some kinda cult?"
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Jane - Keeping you safe
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Jane x fem!vampire reader
warning : hurt/comfort, angst, crying, emotional
Summary : Jane from the Volturi Guard was one of the most notorious weapons of the powerful vampire clan. Proves useless in the fight against the Cullen. An incident that hits the blonde vampire hard to her own surprise. It hits her so hard that for centuries she felt again what she never wanted to feel again. Pain. A pain that only her love could somehow make up for, right?
Info : There just need to be more for Jane especially on the f/f side so here I have made this angsty, comfort One-Shot because I could not get the Idea out of my head. Have fun reading because I had fun writing it ;)
Ps : I really don't like the beginning but I tried to write it new for like five times but hey here is the final version hope you like it. Also I hope she is not too out of character
Everyone knew Jane Volturi. Vampires knew of her special gift, perhaps even knew the pain she could inflict. It had been that way for hundreds of years, hundreds of years of causing pain to vampires and werewolves and humans.
Pain over pain, she had long forgotten her own pain, how the flames surrounded her and the redeeming bite. But all that was in the past and the blonde vampire had since she was with the Volturis finally found a task.
To serve them as a guard and enforcer her ability was one of the most important among the Volturi. She was the guard her master Aro called to bring an enemy to the ground.
But in all that time, in all that time, she had gained something else. Love. Found in another guard who came along and could anticipate the attacks of others.
But in Jane's eyes it was the nefariousness, the devotion in the execution and how she could avoid the pain. She was everything to the blonde and to her heart Jane was everything.
They were a duo they had powers that just seemed unstoppable. The two vampiresses were buddies. Jane herself had turned the two needed each other in an infinite life.
An infinite life in which they had each other. At least this was true up to the point when the Volturi found themselves in a fight with the Cullens who would not give up a wanted vampire.
Jane, Alec, Y/n and Felix would have won against all of them, killing the small group that consisted of Emmet, Esme, and Alice. If Bella had not joined them, they could have won.
She shielded the abilities of Alec and Jane, a fact that put the Volturi at a disadvantage. ,,It's not working," Jane muttered, her eyes wandering over the group, but none of them gave in, none of them turned in pain.
,,Different then," Felix replied and started to rush at the others while Alec followed and Jane was behind them after a short moment of thinking. ,,You will hand him to us," they heard Alec say, trying to get the law passed.
But while Bella kept the shield up, Y/n also used her powers on the others. They all dodged the attacks of the Cullens and did more than well, but it was especially Jane who was not up to the task.
The blonde, despite the support of her friend, let herself be hit more and more. Felix fought with Emmet and got along more than well against the younger.
There was no stronger and better fighter than the guard of the volturi. Alec took on Esme and there too the volturi seemed to take over. The vampire was agile but Alec was faster. The advantages of the blood drinker were clear.
Faster, stronger and more agile. Bella fought her against part Y/n the two opposites. One the shield and the other the anticipation of attacks. Two powerful talents that helped the group in their own way.
Only Jane and Alice seemed to be in a completely unbalanced relationship. The blonde of the two only dodged and still seemed to be hit very hard by the fact that she was no help. That her strength was no help when it mattered.
That she was of no use to the Volturi. That the fight itself was almost abnormal for her. She had relied on her powers for so long that the sheer act of fighting seemed almost abnormal.
Her movements were too uncertain, too slow, and fear appeared in her red eyes from time to time. Especially when Alice seemed to realize what the blonde had, she seemed sure of her victory.
Y/n felt the painful tingles go through her body as Jane was hit over and over again. And even though she cared about Bella, she knew it was only a matter of time here.
She saw the uncertainty rise in the young vampire's eyes as she dodged her attacks over and over again. Bella couldn't get her hands on her and had to take it herself. This has to end, she thought as she looked around.
She saw how the Cullens were backing away more and more, unable to fight the Volturi. All but one. ,,Stop it! Or I'll rip her head off!" Alice suddenly shouted and the vampires stopped moving.
Some of them, especially the Cullens, were relieved and the Volturi were tense. ,,Let's leave with him and nothing will happen to her," Esme said and Alec gave her a warning look, the red of his eyes meeting her golden ones.
Jane's heart looked at her other peers and saw the anger in Felix's eyes, who knew that for the first time they could not finish a task. ,,Go...now" said Y/n and let go of Bella in one swift movement hasttee to Jane who was let go by Alice and supported her. In the blink of an eye, the Cullens were gone and the Volturi were left behind.
Left behind was the group, the guard of vampire herders who had failed their task. ,,Are you all right?" asked her firm friend, still holding her. She was afraid that her buddy had more serious injuries than the ones that were visible.
But Felix didn't seem pleased at all, with a last disparaging look he disappeared and Alec seemed to give his sisters a quietly comforting look. ,,I'm fine," Jane hissed angrily and pushed her friend away harder than she ever had.
Before she even began to walk away from the square back to Volterra fully aware of her failure. ,,Let me help you," she muttered before heading off to Volterra herself. She knew that Jane had never had a defeat, that the pain she herself had suffered was one of the reasons for her refusal.
But the worst was yet to come. The disappointment and the warning of Aro that he gave them. The disappointment about their failure to catch the traitor, that they could not enforce the law. The warning that he would not tolerate another failure.
But all the while, Y/n saw Jane looking down, her hand wrapped around her arm, squeezing tighter and tighter. She was inflicting pain on herself, the feeling she hated the most.
Which was overcome by the love for her heart. But with the departure of the main hall, the guards retreated. But it was only a few moments later when she heard crashing and loud noises from the room of her love.
Sounds that made her feel uneasy, knowing that Jane had her emotions under control. Just tell me what's on your mind Jane she said worriedly as she walked out of her own room.
The young vampire went to Jane's room, knocked on the door and entered. But as soon as she entered, she dodged several pieces of destroyed furniture that Jane threw around in a fit of rage.
She had never seen her love so upset. She had always kept herself under control, she knew Jane and yet it hurt to see her so upset. The robe she liked to wear lay torn scattered around the room and the dark blouse and the dark red dress on her body was.
Clothes that her heart knew when they were together enjoyed infinity. ,,Jane?" she asked cautiously and saw the older woman stop in her movement.
The dresser she held in her hands fell to the floor with a crash as the blonde leaned almost helplessly against the stone wall and slid down it. The power seemed to leave her, which was actually not possible. ,,Go away," she said under her breath, hiding her face in her hands.
It reminded her of a child who didn't know what to do, who had never learned to deal with failure. ,,I know it's hard" she started and slowly walked towards Jane but the blonde only shook her head, ,,No you don't".
While Jane seemed to make herself even smaller as Y/n approached her and slowly crouched in front of her. Her cold hands slid to Jane's and took them from her face.
To her pain and horror she saw bloody tears running down Jane's cheeks. The pale blue skin only seemed to have a greater contrast and she seemed even more dead.
She offered her immortal existence. ,,I-I should have done something," she murmured slowly, revealing her pain and making herself vulnerable. Something she would never do, she had always been afraid to show emotions and when she did it was joy when she could inflict pain on others.
But now everything seemed different. ,,I...was useless, I did nothing. My power was...was worth nothing" she mumbled and more bloody tears ran down her cheeks as she was slowly embraced by her love.
She told her that everything would be fine. She tried to take away her pain. ,,You are worth all infinity to me Jane, I am here for you" she said and pulled her closer.
She tried to take away her pain and knew that Aro's words had hit the blonde hard. ,,But for him...for Aro-I let him down," it came slowly over her lips as the blonde slowly calmed down. The love she felt, the support, the unbreakable bond between them gave her what she needed.
Slowly she took Jane's face in her hands and wiped away her tears. Kissed the bloody spots and took it upon herself to organize blood for their love as soon as possible. Stroked her cheek lovingly something that seemed almost surreal between the two immortal beings.
In the building where you would least expect love. ,,You did not disappoint him. It's Bella we have to take out and then you're everything to him...I won't leave you Jane I'll support you I'll protect you through anything as long as you never have to feel pain again" she murmured showing her the plan the only way the Voolturi could continue to exercise the right.
She saw how the red eyes of the blonde slowly closed again the emotions had come back under control.
The superiority returned to her gaze and she slowly stood up. The hand of her beloved enclosed and she was again the Jane she knew.
But she would love all of Jane's sides as Jane loved everything about her. ,,Call the others, we're going on a hunt" she ordered before getting a new coat and her heart went out to the other guards.
A mission led by Jane, knowing that if it failed again, loss and death awaited the Volturi. But this risk they took.
The entire guard, except for a few who remained in Volterra to protect the three, set out. Jane was in the lead and her lover at her side. It was a battle of forceful power, a battle that Alice did not see coming, because that love between Jane and Y/n did not seem to enter into her gift.
It was an attack with success at the end of which the Cullen Clun was wiped out. At the end of which Jane was again the strongest weapon of the Volturi. She got back the respect of Aro.
The love between her and her heart never seemed so strong. In the end Jane was protected by Y/n. They finally had infinity again without fear and worry. They were finally everything again.
@redama , @holden2424 , @buckysjuicyplums , @volturisuperiority
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Felix Volturi x Tall Cheetah shapeshifter Reader
This is after the battle to see if Renesmee is an immortal child or not.
The Volturi kings send Felix, Demetri and the twins to do a check up on The Cullens. Felix meets his mate during this checkup. She is really tall like 6 ft 2, has several tattoos and He was not expecting that. She has long black hair and tan skin. She also has martial arts and does boxing. She also plays piano and can sing. He does not find out she can shapeshift until they go back to the castle where Caius- his dramatic ass thinks the reader is wolf shapeshifter because she does smell human. He insults her but she just laughs not affected and shapeshift into a cheetah, walks over to him and demands head scratches.
I feel like Felix sometimes is insecure because of his height because he towers over everyone. He needs some love.
Feel free to change anything.
Good morning 🌞 let’s get this show on the road
❝unexpected bond❞
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✭ pairing : felix volturi x reader
✭ fandom : twilight x reader
✭ summary : (y/n) is the mate of felix and he finds this out by paying the cullens a visit
✭ authors note : I got bacon cooking
✭ twilight masterlist
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The aftermath of the tense standoff with the Volturi left the Cullen family both relieved and apprehensive. The fate of their half-mortal, half-vampire daughter, Renesmee, had hung in the balance. Aro's cold, calculating eyes had searched for signs of an immortal child, while Edward and Bella stood on edge, defending their unique family.
Weeks had passed since that encounter, and the Cullens had settled back into their tranquil existence in the lush forests of Forks. The peace, however, was punctuated by the unexpected arrival of four Volturi guards: Felix, Demetri, and the formidable twins, Alec and Jane.
Esme greeted them with a cautious smile, an attempt at diplomacy to mask the tension that always lingered when the Volturi were concerned. Carlisle, as always, maintained an air of calm professionalism, ready to cooperate in whatever manner necessary. The Cullen clan, a united front, gathered in the spacious living room to face the impending scrutiny.
Alec's sharp gaze swept over the room, his gift already on display, a quiet but potent reminder of the danger he posed. Jane's small frame stood beside him, her lips curled in a faint, knowing smile, her power too well-known to the Cullens to be underestimated.
Demetri, always the mediator, offered a polite nod to the Cullens before his eyes landed on Renesmee, who peered curiously from behind Bella. It was Felix, however, who stepped forward with a mixture of wariness and intrigue.
Standing at an imposing 6 feet 2 inches, Felix's presence was undeniable. His chiseled features and deep-set eyes gave him a rugged charm that belied his lethal nature. His gaze, however, was momentarily diverted from the task at hand when it fell upon you.
You were a surprise, a friend of the Cullens visiting during this critical juncture. Your tall, statuesque form stood out even in the supernatural crowd. Your arms bore an intricate tapestry of tattoos, each telling a story only you could decipher. Felix, who had expected a mere mortal, was taken aback by the intensity of your aura.
You caught his gaze, your own eyes holding a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Meeting the guards of the Volturi was nothing short of unsettling, but it seemed that fate had other plans. As Felix's eyes locked onto yours, something shifted within him. A connection sparked, a pull that neither of you could ignore.
"Ah, the Cullens are never ones to disappoint with their company," Aro's voice cut through the silence, bringing Felix's attention back to the situation at hand. The Volturi king's gaze shifted from you to the rest of the family, his interest piqued by the unexpected dynamics that seemed to be unfolding.
As the examination continued, Felix's thoughts wandered back to you. There was an unspoken understanding, a recognition of something profound. Despite the circumstances, he found himself drawn to you in a way he hadn't anticipated. And in the heart of a tense moment, amidst immortal beings and fragile alliances, a bond was forming that would forever alter the course of both your lives.
Days turned into weeks, and the connection between Felix and you deepened in the most unexpected of ways. While the Volturi guards remained stationed in the area, Felix found himself drawn to your presence like a moth to a flame. From his vantage point, he observed you with a mix of fascination and intrigue.
He learned that you possessed an aura of strength that transcended your physical appearance. The Cullens had mentioned that you were proficient in martial arts, a detail that intrigued Felix immensely. He often watched from a distance as you practiced your forms, your movements precise and controlled. The way you carried yourself spoke of discipline and determination, qualities he couldn't help but admire.
On weekends, he noted, you would disappear for a few hours, only to return with a subtle glow of satisfaction. A conversation overheard revealed that you indulged in boxing lessons, a fact that amused Felix. The contrast between your ethereal appearance and your fierce pursuits was nothing short of captivating.
But it was during a quiet evening at the Cullens' home that Felix discovered yet another layer of your complexity. Unnoticed by everyone, he observed you seated at the grand piano in the living room. As your fingers danced across the keys, a melody emerged, one that resonated deep within him. The haunting notes held a mixture of sadness and longing, a reflection of the immortal existence he had come to accept.
But it wasn't just your instrumental prowess that held Felix's attention. To his surprise, you began to sing, your voice a clear and melodious accompaniment to the piano's melancholic tune. The combination was nothing short of enchanting, and for a moment, the world outside seemed to fade away.
As you sang, Felix's thoughts were drawn back to the bond that had formed between you. He recognized that there was more to you than met the eye, a complexity that mirrored his own existence. The pull he felt was inexplicable, a connection that defied reason. It was a bond that transcended words and logic, one that left him both bewildered and oddly comforted.
In the days that followed, Felix found himself drawn to your presence even more. He would steal moments to watch you, to absorb the essence of who you were. He marveled at the way you navigated your interactions with the Cullens, your genuine friendship evident in the way you interacted with them.
Despite his guarded nature, Felix felt a growing desire to know you better. He longed to understand the intricacies of your mind, the stories behind your tattoos, and the experiences that had shaped you into the person you were. It was a longing that both excited and terrified him, a vulnerability he had never anticipated feeling.
And so, as the days turned into nights, Felix found himself walking a delicate path, teetering on the edge of a newfound connection that had the power to change his eternal existence in ways he could never have foreseen.
The passage of time had done little to quell the ever-present tension between the Cullens and the Volturi. The familiar chill ran down their spines as the Volturi kings, Aro, Caius, and Marcus, along with their guards, descended upon the Cullens' tranquil abode once more.
As the Volturi leaders entered the Cullens' living room, their piercing eyes took in every detail. Aro's keen interest scanned the faces before him, Marcus's distant gaze seemed to penetrate the very souls of those present, and Caius's disdainful sneer barely concealed his contempt.
Caius, always the most outspoken and critical of the three kings, couldn't help but fixate on you as he surveyed the room. There was something different about your scent, something that didn't quite align with the familiar fragrance of humans. His lip curled in a silent snarl as his suspicions grew.
"Ah, the Cullens have expanded their company since our last visit," Caius drawled, his voice dripping with disdain. "A wolf shapeshifter, perhaps? It seems our hosts have chosen rather exotic companions."
The room fell silent, the tension palpable as his words hung in the air. However, instead of appearing offended or intimidated, you let out a musical laugh, the sound ringing with genuine amusement.
"Oh, mister, how your imagination runs wild," you replied, your tone light and teasing. "I'm not a wolf shapeshifter. But I do have a little secret."
As you spoke, you felt a thrill of excitement ripple through you. The moment had come to reveal a side of yourself that had remained hidden until now. With a subtle shift, your form shimmered, and before the astonished eyes of the Volturi, you transformed into a sleek and powerful cheetah.
The room erupted in shocked gasps and murmurs as the cheetah prowled forward, your eyes holding a mixture of confidence and challenge. In an audacious move, you approached Caius, who seemed momentarily taken aback by the transformation.
"Seems you've made a miscalculation, dear Caius," you purred, your voice taking on an unexpected and exotic resonance. "I'm no ordinary companion. And I demand some respect... and head scratches."
With a surprising mix of amusement and disbelief, Caius hesitantly extended his hand to scratch the cheetah's head. The gesture seemed almost absurd given the circumstances, yet there was an undeniable camaraderie between you and the normally rigid Volturi king.
The room was filled with a strange mixture of tension and astonishment, with even the usually composed Felix appearing surprised by your transformation. His eyes held a mixture of wonder and understanding, as if he were finally realizing the depth of your uniqueness.
As the encounter unfolded, it became clear that you were a force to be reckoned with, a blend of strength and enigma that defied expectations. And in that moment, a silent understanding passed between you and Felix—a recognition of the bond that went beyond the boundaries of the supernatural world they inhabited.
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raindancer2004 · 2 years
The Other Swan
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Word Count: 4,698. Demetri x OC Swan. Part Six. Warnings: Fluff
The following day after breakfast Demetri took Danni shopping again, this time for a TV as he wanted to make his room more comfortable for her. He held her hand as they shopped. They pick out a smart TV with a built in DVD/Blu-ray player. “I can’t believe we’re adding a modern touch to your room” She said looking at him “It’s our room cara” Demetri says giving her a quick kiss on the lips “I know it’s just getting used to saying that” She replied “Well how about we get some stuff to make it feel more like our room?” “You mean add a girly touch to the room?” She asked “If you’d like to” He replied smiling “Ok, how about something simple like a few cushions?” She asked “Sounds good. Let’s go” He replied.
Once in the department store Danni leads him to the cushion section and immediately notices a ‘Lord of the Manor’ cushion and a matching ‘Lady of the Manor’ cushion and adds one of each to their basket. Demetri chuckles when he notices them. “We live in a castle, they’re perfect. We’ll put them on the bed” She said smiling and he nodded “We should pick up another bed set too. You should pick whatever colour you like” He said to her “Ooh I like this one. What do you think?” She asked “Hmm purple that’s different” He responded “Well we have a black and grey set and 2 blood red sets already and I like the deep purple colour and the new cream cushions will also match” She said “Ok we’ll get the set and pick up a pale purple sheet too” “Thanks Demi” She kissed his cheek and went back to pick up some silver cushions with a purple flower pattern on them. “I think these will look good too. We can use them on the sofas or the bed, especially when the purple set is on the bed or the black and grey one” He nodded and smiled at her. Felix was right his little human had him wrapped around her little finger and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Demetri took Danni to a coffee shop to allow her to get a drink and sit for a bit “I’ll just take these back to the car, I won’t be long” “Ok, do you want me to get you a coffee?” She asked “No thank you, I’ll be fine” He replied “Ok, I’ll see you soon.”
On the way back from the car Demetri passed the Pandora shop and noticed a charm bracelet with Disney charms on it ‘That’d be perfect for Danni’ he thought to himself. He went into the shop and purchased a charm bracelet with a couple of charms; Belle’s golden dress charm, a Mrs Potts and Chip charm and a ‘16th’ charm. He decided he’d buy her some other gifts too but will come back on his own without her.
“I’m back” Demetri whispered in Danni’s ear and kissed her temple before walking to round to sit across from her “Hey you. What are we going to do now?” She asked reaching over and taking his hand in hers “We can shop some more or we can head back. The choice mi amore is yours” “How about we have a look around a few more shops, you know window shop” She suggested “Sounds good to me. Ready to go?” She nods and gets up from the table intertwining her fingers with his.
They pass a shoe shop and Danni stops when a pair of red and black shoes catch her eye. They’re dark red at the front but blend into black at the back; they also had a dark blue and black pair. “Ooh look at them, they’re gorgeous” She says pointing to the shoes and Demetri looks at the shoes and back to Danni who has a smile on her face “Come on let’s get you a pair” With that he leads her into the shop and Danni tries on the red pair. “I’ll get them” Demetri says reaching for his wallet “No it’s ok I’ve got them” She hands over her card to pay for them. “Danni how could you afford them? I remember you saying when you first arrived you didn’t have much money” He asked once they were outside of the shop “I didn’t have much money when I arrived. However, when Esme sent me some of my stuff there was a bank card inside. The letter mentioned she and Carlisle opened an account for me so I could buy myself stuff. They wanted to know I was taken care of” She responded “It’s my job to take care of you, you’re my mate. If you need anything you let me know, better yet I’ll get a second card for my account for you to use. Is that how you were able to buy the new dress and my gifts amore?” He replied “Yes. Sorry if I have upset you, it wasn’t my intention” She said sounding a little sad “You haven’t upset me, I just wish you’d let me know. I would have sorted out a card for you sooner” He said softly “But Dem” He cut her off “I’m not taking no for an answer Danni. What’s mine is yours always” He wrapped his arm around her and leant down to kiss her “Ok, but as soon as I am able, I’ll get a job” She said “No you won’t, there is no need. I earn more than enough money for the both of us, plus what I have saved up over the centuries and anyways once you’ve been changed you’ll no doubt join the guard and you’ll earn money that way. Until then enjoy being looked after and spoilt…please” “I’m not going to win this am I? She asks, he shakes his head “No, no you are not” “Ok” She replied nodding.
Once back at the castle Danni put the new Lord and Lady cushions on the bed and the silver and purple ones on the sofas, whilst Demetri read the instructions on how to set up the TV. He hung the TV above the fireplace; Danni helped him download the apps on the TV and then they sat back on the sofa together. “Let’s watch a film” He said “What were you thinking Dem?” “How about Beauty and the Beast? Be nice to see it on a bigger screen” He answered “Perfect babe” She kissed him. Just then Felix and the twins arrived “Hi we’re here for movie night” Alec said. “Nice TV” Felix added looking impressed. “Thanks” Demetri replied. “I love the new cushions” Jane said smiling “Here look at these” Danni said showing off the cream Lord and Lady cushions on the bed. “At least now with the TV mounted on the wall we haven’t all got to sit on one sofa like when we used the laptop, we can spread out” Demetri said. He pulled Danni down beside him on the sofa facing the fireplace wrapping his arm around her; the twins sat on the sofa to the left and Felix on the one to the right. “This is my favourite Disney film” Danni says as the film’s intro starts. When Beauty and the Beast ends they watch Hotel Transylvania 2 and 3. “I like the new girly touches to the room” Felix says smiling at Demetri “It’s Danni’s room too now and it should reflect that, starting with some new cushions and bedding” Demetri replied.
The following day Demetri, Felix and the twins had the morning off and were discussing what they could do to fill the time. “How about we play a game Dem?” Danni asked “What were you thinking?” He replied. “How about hide and seek? You get to stretch your gift and keep the promise of playing it with me some time” She replies smiling “That sounds good, but we need to be careful Danni” He responds and she nods “Rules then please Demetri” He thought for a second before replying “Ok, you may hide in the castle and the gardens. You are not to leave the castle walls. OK?” “Ok. This should be fun; I love this game” She said running to the closet to put on a pair of flat shoes. Demetri loved seeing her happy and excited. “Can we play too?” Alec asked. “Of course. Should we get some of the others to play too?” She asked from the closet. “I’ll go ask them” With that Felix left and made his way to the throne room.
“Masters, Demetri is going to show Danni his tracking gift with a game of hide and seek and we were wondering if anyone else would like to join in?” Felix asked “It’s a quiet day and I think a game is a splendid idea. Caius?” Aro said “Yes why not? I’m getting bored of this book for now anyways” He responded “Marcus will you join us” Caius asked “Yes, as it’s for Danni. I am also curious to see if he can track her with his gift as Aro and Jane’s do not work” “Felix gather the others and meet us back here in fifteen minutes” Aro says excitedly.
Fifteen minutes later everyone is in the throne room waiting to start the game. “Game rules, you may hide in the castle and the gardens only. Last one found wins” Demetri says and goes to the back of the throne room and stands beside Marcus’ now empty throne. “1 2 3 GO” Demetri shouts and the room empties and he begins to count. He gives them extra time to allow Danni a chance to hide. He is curious if he will be able to track Danni with his gift because when he tried to reach out previously to pick up her tenor, he couldn’t find it. He’s hoping now they have spent time together and are closer the mate bond will allow him to track her. ‘Fingers crossed’ he thought to himself.  
Using his gift, which did give him an unfair advantage, he found Heidi first in the secretary’s store cupboard, followed by Chelsea in the lower tunnel, Corin was hiding in kitchen, Afton behind a tapestry, hoping his gift would help him (it didn’t) Alec and Felix were in the library, Santiago was found in the training room. Marcus came next in Aro’s study, then Aro in Jane’s room. Caius was found in a cupboard in Aro’s wing of the castle and Renata hid in the wives’ tower. Jane was outside in the south facing garden and then came Matt and Josh in the north facing garden. Sulpicia had hidden in Demetri’s room, curious to see how it looked since Danni moved in and Gianna hid in a guest bedroom. He found Athenodora next in Marcus’ wing, next to be found were some of the lower guard who were playing too. Everyone made their way back to the throne room to see who would win the game.
“Do you think he is leaving Danni till last or do you think she is immune to his gift too?” Chelsea asked “I think it is the latter my dear” Aro answered. “That means he’ll have to track her the old fashion way, by her scent” Felix said smiling “Or her heartbeat as Gianna has already been found” Alec added amused.
The throne room doors opened and in walked Demetri alone “Lost your mate?” Santiago says smirking. “She’s not lost; I just haven’t found her yet. There’s a difference. She did tell me that she was good at the game and would beat Bella and their friends when they played. I was looking forward to the challenge, but I must admit I thought I would have found her by now” He says. Aro laughs “She will make for an intriguing immortal just like her sister my dear boy. Luckily, we know she is in the castle so she is safe. I think I will come with you as I am curious as to where she has hidden” “Of course master. I am also curious about her hiding place and her possible gift once she is one of us” Demetri said as he and Aro left the throne room. Jane followed them out of curiosity.
Demetri closed his eyes reaching out for her tenor, finding nothing again. He then concentrates on her scent Strawberries and Vanilla with a hint of Champagne and follows it and gets excited when he nears a closet on the other side of the castle, but when he opens the door it is empty. Jane giggles “She is good at hide and seek” Demetri ignores her and focuses on Danni’s scent again. About fifteen minutes later he finally picks up a very faint trace of Danni’s scent as he passes the doors that lead down to the castle’s dungeons. He stops; Jane and Aro come to a stop slightly further back. Demetri looks to the doors ‘She wouldn’t’ he thought to himself; hoping Danni did not hide down there. He opened the doors and made his way down to the dungeon, Aro and Jane following “She’s a clever girl if she thought to hide down here” Aro says sounding slightly proud, Jane nodded “Although it’s not entirely safe down here” He added looking a little worried.
Once in the dungeon Demetri can hear a steady heartbeat and relaxes knowing he has found her; she is hiding in a cell in the furthest corner on the right. The cell was situated between two cells that were occupied by two older vampires who were curious now as to why a human would willingly enter the Volturi’s dungeon. “There you are cara mia” Demetri says walking into the cell. “I feel like I’ve been down here a while” She replies. “Try being us sweetheart, sixty years and counting” Comes the voice of the vampire in the cell to the right. “Ignore them” Demetri says. “You are the last to be found” He sounds relieved “Really Dem?” Danni jumps into his arms excitedly and he catches her holding her close and inhaling her scent.
“Yes child, you beat us all. It seems Demetri cannot track you, so he had to follow your scent like other vampires would” Aro says. “I don’t like doing that, I much prefer my gift” Demetri says “Aww is the world’s best tracker sulking because he can’t track his mate” Danni says in a mocking tone and taps his nose playfully. Jane laughs “Bested by your mate, by a human. This is a good day Demetri” “I don’t like her” Demetri muttered following her and Aro out of the dungeon with Danni still in his arms. He puts her down outside of the throne room. “You finally found her then” Afton says laughing; Demetri just glared at him. “Where was she?” Felix asks. “Danni hid in the dungeon and managed to leave a fake scent trail along the way” Aro says proudly looking at her.
“Can we play again, but this time I’ll be with Demi so I can see how his gift works?” She asks “Of course my child, it is a quiet day and it gives us something to do” Caius answers happily.
Demetri and Danni walk to stand beside the thrones as everyone gets ready to hide again “1 2 3 GO” Demetri shouts and once again the throne room empties. “I’m glad I beat you, especially as you said that you always win” Danni says smiling at him “You said you always won when you played with Bella; so I was looking forward to the challenge, although it was more of a challenge than I was expecting” He replied “Is it a problem that you can’t track me?” She asked, worry evident in her eyes “It just means if anything was to happen to you, it would take me a while to find you” He said looking down at her, worry in his eyes too. He placed his hand on her cheek and she turned her head and closed her eyes at his touch “I was hoping being my mate meant that maybe you weren’t immune to my gift. Just know I will be more protective of you now” He leant down and kissed her “I understand Demi” She whispered nodding “Ready to go?” He asked “Yes” she replied smiling and slipped her hand into his.
They found Afton first hiding behind a statue, hoping his gift would hide him (again it didn’t) Gianna was found next in a broom cupboard, followed Corin and Matt in the library, Santiago in the elevator and Sulpicia in Caius’ study. Chelsea came next in a kitchen cupboard, then Heidi in the training room, Alec in an empty tower room and Aro in a cupboard in Marcus’ wing. They found Felix in Alec’s room, and then Josh in the North facing garden, Marcus and Caius were in the south facing garden. They found Renata next in Heidi’s room, followed by Athenodora in Marcus’ study, then the lower guard were spread out through the castle. Jane won as she was the last to be found on the castle roof. The three of them made their way to the throne room “Wow. Your gift is amazing babe! The way you found everyone so easily” Danni says smiling proudly, wrapping her arms round him “Thank you mi amore” Demetri smiled back at her, wrapping his arms around her waist, puffing his chest out a little with pride.
Later that day Demetri and Danni walked to the kitchen to get dinner and due to his vampire hearing Demetri could hear the conversation before they got there. “Wow babe you’re amazing” One of the lower guards says laughing, mocking Danni “Thanks mi amore” Says another smugly, mocking Demetri. “I don’t see what’s so special about her; she’s just a human” Says a third. “You’d think being an elite guard he’d be mated to a beautiful and gifted immortal, but no he’s mated to a human and a Swan no less” Says the first guard laughing.
Jane had also heard the guards talking as she was passing the kitchen and decided to teach them a lesson. Hearing the guards disrespect Danni and him; Demetri growls entering the kitchen and notices one of guards is on the floor on his knees crying out in pain. Danni looks to see Jane staring intently at the guard smiling. “What did he do to piss her off?” Danni asked “He was mocking us mi amore” Demetri answered as he had one of the other vampire’s heads in his hands, the third guard sitting in silence with his head bowed, knowing what was to come. “Mocking us but why?” She asked “Why don’t you tell her” Demetri growled speaking to the vampire in his hold “Demetri you’ve removed his head already” Danni said pointing to the now headless vampire in front of him.
“What do we have here?” Aro asks as he enters the kitchen. “Jane, my dear” She blinks “Master” and holds out her hand, showing him recent events. “This is very disappointing, being disrespectful about an elite guard and his mate. I see that one of you has already lost their head” He says looking to Demetri “Sorry master, I didn’t realise I’d actually removed it until Danni pointed it out” “No matter my dear boy. We can always reattach it later. I see Jane has punished another, but what to do with you?” He says to the third vampire who’s still seated at the table. “Aro I’d like to know what was said about me and my mate. Can you get him to tell me please?” Danni asked “Of course my dear. Go ahead” Aro said looking at the guard. The third guard then proceeded to tell Danni what he and the others had said about her and Demetri. Demetri could tell she was upset at hearing what had been said about them, although she was trying very hard not to show it. “Thank you for telling me. I’ll leave you to deal with him. Demetri I’ll meet you back in our room. Aro” With that Danni nodded her head to Aro and left the kitchen. “Demetri go with her; Jane and I will finish dealing with this matter” “Thank you master” Demetri bowed his head to Aro and ran to catch up with Danni.
Once back in their room Demetri went straight to the bathroom to run Danni a bath, lighting some candles too. “I’m sorry Demi” Danni said almost inaudibly but with his vampire hearing he heard her clearly “Do not apologise, you have done nothing wrong” “B-but I’m the reason they were mocking you…us” She said low “I do not care what those idiots think, they’re no one. You my darling are everything to me. I am very happy and proud to have you as my mate and cannot wait to see your gift in action as an immortal” He looked at her lovingly holding her close, resting his forehead to hers. “I was just so amazed by your gift and I didn’t think about my reaction or how it would affect you” She replied eyes closed. “I loved your reaction to my gift, no one has been that impressed for centuries. Never hide your reactions from me; after all you are experiencing everything for the first time. Now come on the bath’s ready” He said leading her into the bathroom “I’ll leave you to get in the bath then I’ll come back to check on you, maybe wash your hair” He said and as he went to leave Danni grabbed his hand “Why don’t you join me?” This caught him by surprise, he looked at her “You-you sure?” He sounded unsure of himself and she giggled “Yes, or I wouldn’t have asked. Don’t worry I won’t look” He laughed as she turned around and got undressed. Danni climbed in and bought her knees to her chest as Demetri climbed in behind her. Danni let some water out and added more hot water to compensate for Demetri’s cold temperature. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him so her back was resting against his chest. “I’m so glad you have a large tub Demi” “Me too cara” They laid together in the bath relaxing as the soft scent of Vanilla filled the room as the candles flickered away.
Danni spent the following morning reading and watching TV in her and Demetri’s room as Demetri said he had errands to run with Felix. The two vampires were going shopping for Danni’s birthday presents and when the twins found out they decided to tag along. Gianna lent Demetri her car as hers was bigger than his Lamborghini. “Any ideas what you two are going to get Danni for her birthday?” Demetri asked the twins “I’m going to buy her a necklace and some earrings” Jane replies “I’m getting her some art stuff, like canvas’, paints, pencils that sort of thing” Alec says. “I’m getting her The Vampire Diaries book set and The Hunger Games book set. She mentioned she had them when she lived in Forks. I thought it’d be nice for her to have them here” Felix added. “They’re really good gift ideas, she’ll love them” Demetri said smiling. “So what are you buying her?” Jane asks “I won’t tell you everything I’m getting but I’ll tell you some stuff. First, I’ve bought her a Pandora charm bracelet with 3 charms. There is a pair of blue/black shoes that she has seen that I’m going to get her, she bought the red/black ones a few days ago.” “Sounds like you plan on spoiling her” Felix comments “I am and I enjoy doing so. She deserves the best and I intend to give it to her” Demetri replies smiling.
Once at the mall the twins set off to get their gifts for Danni whilst Demetri and Felix get theirs. Demetri buys the shoes first and then they go to the bookstore so Felix can get his gifts. Demetri then goes to a jewellery store as he had already decided on buying her a ring and settles on a white gold ring with a heart shaped sapphire in the centre surrounded by mini diamonds. “Wow D. That’s an impressive ring” Felix comments “Thanks. Not a word to anyone Felix, I’m not sure if I’m giving it to her on her birthday or not” “Is that an engagement ring?” Felix asks “Yes it is. I plan on marrying her whilst she’s human. I want her to have as many human experiences as possible” Demetri replies quietly. “You really love her, don’t you?” “Yes Fe, I do. How could I not? She’s amazing, she’s beautiful, funny and caring. She makes me feel human again in some ways and I haven’t been human for 1000 years. I know it’s only been two months but we’ve come a long way, we’ve actually become really close. I mean we’ve shared intimate moments and it’s not felt rushed, it’s developed naturally” Demetri said smiling “I’m happy for you D, seeing you with Danni makes me want to find my mate sooner rather than later” “And you will Felix and it will be great when it happens.”
Demetri also bought Danni a silver necklace with a heart shaped pendant that had a small diamond on it, he had it engraved on the back ‘Happy Sweet 16 Love D’ “Felix I want to buy Danni another gift, would you mind waiting out here?” Felix looked at the shop they were standing in front of and nodded. Demetri went into Boux Avenue and picked out two baby doll sets, one black with a lace trim and the other a mid-blue with pink flowers. He just hoped Danni liked her gifts and enjoyed her birthday. He bought himself two new shirts on their way back to meet the twins.
They meet up with the twins who have done some personal shopping as well buying Danni’s birthday gifts. “Ready to go?” Demetri asks and the other three vampires nod and they make their way back to the car and to the castle.
Once back in the castle Demetri left his bags in Felix’s room until Danni was asleep, then he went back and got the bags and hid them in his empty closet.
Over the next few days Gianna and Demetri got things ready for Danni’s surprise birthday party. Gianna bought banners and balloons and ordered a lemon drizzle cake with a lemon curd and lemon buttercream filling, covered in fondant icing and decorated with flowers. Gianna remembered Danni saying her favourite cake was lemon drizzle. Gianna also ordered a few helium ‘16’ balloons that she’d collect Wednesday night.
Jane and Alec were tasked with picking up gifts for Danni from Aro, Marcus, Caius and the wives.
The vampires in the castle were getting excited about Thursday seeing as many of them hadn’t celebrated a birthday in decades, if not centuries and it would make a change from just being on guard duty in the castle.
Danni had no idea what was being planned for her birthday in the castle. She wasn’t looking forward to her birthday this year, seeing that her parents thought she was dead and she hadn’t heard from her sister Bella in the two months she’d be in Italy. Although her birthday was mentioned on the day she arrived in Italy, Danni had never actually told Demetri the date and he had never asked. So she figured it would go and she was ok with that. She just hoped she could spend the day cuddling with him and watching TV.
Unbeknown to Danni Demetri had taken a peek at her passport the day after she arrived as he wanted to know when her birthday was, seeing as it was mentioned in the throne room the previous day. He decided then he would ensure to do something special for her as she was his mate and her happiness was everything to him.
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akikocho · 1 year
I'm still craving for romantic hc for my canon x oc ship and I thought of these parts of my lore regarding Charlie and Maya's romance arc xD (I wanna share it because it's all over my head for years and I'm eager to share this one)
♥︎ Charlie will be the type to fall in love first but would constantly try to let his feelings for Maya away as he thinks it will be a distraction for his love of dragons (that's why he's always saying that dating isn't his thing) while Maya would be the type who slowly falls in love with someone after a lot of interactions. Maya's first crush was Felix Rosier, her house prefect which she fell in love at first sight to him. She immediately loses feelings for Felix after knowing he has a girlfriend (my OC Esme Allard) which makes her think that love at first sight will bring her towards negative results.
♥︎ Maya has a LOT of admirers and one of them is Alfred Jones, a Gryffindor student who's a year older than Maya who won't stop courting her during her 3rd year (and Alfred being a 4th year). Maya always rejects his courtship but Alfred being too overly confident, he didn't give up and still continues on courting her. This caught Charlie's attention and jealousy starts to build up in him though he couldn't do anything to it as insecurities stop his urge to confront Alfred.
♥︎ On their 4th year, Charlie and Maya interact a lot. Always sneaking to the Forbidden Forest to find something interesting (whether it is related to the curse vaults or not) and wouldn't eventually sleep outside of Hogwarts together after their hangout in the forest which both will be found by either Bill or Malachi who are very worried for them. (Also they mostly sleep on the seats of the Quidditch pitch xD).
♥︎ The two started dating at the end of their 4th year. Charlie sent an anonymous letter along with Maya's favorite flower (moonflowers) which he stole from the Herbology Classroom. Maya being skilled at knowing someone's hand writing especially the hand writings of her close companions, she knows who wrote the letter she received. Instead of sending her answer via letter, she said her answer in person which made some students surrounding them shocked at what they've heard.
The students be like:
"The female curse vault kid likes Charlie Weasley?"
"Wait, isn't Charlie Weasley the one who likes Maya Avery first?"
"No wonder the two were so close"
"Poor Alfred if he hears about this.."
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Tall woman-little man pairings I adore
Here are a list of tall woman-little man pairings, canon or fanmade, that I adore.
Roger x Jessica (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?)
Kermit x Miss Piggy (The Muppets)
Barney x Betty (The Flintstones)
Donkey x Dragon (Shrek)
Fox x Skunk (Skunk Fu; with Skunk being older than canon obviously, either it's an AU or it's a time skip where he's old enough to date Fox)
Fox (Skunk Fu) x William D. Ploohe (Disney Xover OC doppelganger of Winnie the Pooh)
Rita x Dodger (Oliver and Company)
Rita x Oliver (Oliver and Company; with Oliver being older than canon)
Rita (Oliver and Company) x Bolt (film of the same name)
Esme "Sukey" Lane x Baxter Crescent (Sing OC duplicates of Buster and Suki, since shipping MoonLane is pointless)
Esme "Sukey" Lane (Sing OC) x Sylvester (Looney Tunes)
Stanley the cat x Alicia the dog (my Bremen/Sing OCs)
Furrball x Fifi La Fume (Tiny Toons; I think Fifi is like an inch taller than him, though that's not much)
Furrball x Julie Bruin (Tiny Toons)
Gomez x Morticia (The Addams Family)
Buzz x Jessie (Toy Story)
Beast Boy x Raven (Teen Titans)
Beast Boy x Terra (Teen Titans)
Ted Wiggins x Audrey (The Lorax (2012))
Felix x Calhoun (Wreck-It Ralph)
Tails x Zooey (Sonic Boom)
Tails x Barby Koala (Sonic comics)
Tails x Lupe (Sonic AU where Tails is older)
Tails x Blaze (Sonic AU where Tails is older)
Spike x Applejack (MLP:FIM AU)
Shackelford x Dorothy (Clifford's Really Big Movie)
Drake Mallard x Morgana McCawber (Darkwing Duck)
Iago x Thundra (Aladdin)
Timon x Shenzi (The Lion King AU)
Timon x Piper (The Lion King AU)
Cody Maverick x Lani Aliikai (Surf's Up)
Dixie x male version of Zelda (The Fox and the Hound 2 AU)
Twig x Anna (Amphibia AU)
Mike Wazowski x Celia Mae (Monsters Inc.)
Tom (Tom & Jerry) x Brenda Springer (Animalympics)
Leshawna x Harold (Total Drama)
Phineas Flynn x Isabella Garcia-Shapiro (Phineas and Ferb)
Chicken Little x Abby Mallard (Chicken Little)
Jiminy Cricket (Pinocchio) x Rosie (A Bug's Life)
Lady Kluck (Robin Hood (1973)) x the White Rabbit (Alice in Wonderland (1951))
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antics-pedantic · 17 days
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“Stop him! If the Golden Shadow reaches that skull, he’ll become invincible!”
          Everyone had converged on a point in the Mediterranean, as far as they could remember. Solomon Callahan—their mentor, and world-famous occult detective, had told them they were looking for a skull. Everyone had assumed it would be something they could hold in their hand, a replica or perhaps a real human or animal skull given some arcane design. The steel grey haired man with the eyeglasses, silver-headed cane, and green three-piece suit was hurling mystical arcs, like lightning harnessed. But as his nemesis Othulok, the dread necromancer, descended into an open chasm, an odd dome began to lower itself, without wires or a crane. Seemingly on its own.
          The ground shook violently with quakes. Everyone had to evacuate the chamber. Once out of the ruins, they could see the horror that the undead crime lord now commanded: An enlarged skull that crackled with overwhelming voltage, patches of some artificial flesh in a torrid gray. Solomon’s various students stood by his side: The aspiring detective Felix Basra, eminent bio-chemist Esmerelda Broughton, zoologist Tycho Gallagher, and the powerful psychic, Katrina Kafka.
          “What is that?!” exclaimed Felix, raising one of her coat-clad forearms to shield her face.
          “The skull of a giant made to fend off hostilities from planes beyond—the False Thunderers of the ancients!”
          “Big whoop!” bellowed the short, stout, and most importantly steadfast scholar of the wilderness. “I’ll crawl in through the eye socket and give that Othulok bum what for! Katriner, toss me up there, sister!”
          Tycho looked to his umber-toned colleague: Esme normally had some joke in store for him. But this time, her mirth was lost. Just an overwhelming desire to prevent any of her teammates—her friends, from charging Othulok’s flying fortress directly. Solomon’s magic contended with it, and Katrina was trying to assist him with her vast telekinetic power. But try as they might, the skull continued its nightmarish march. Firing a mystical bolt of its own, that no thunder god could take lightly. The resultant explosion sent everyone flying. Felix was in a daze, lasting perhaps the longest in terms of consciousness, before facing a blackout.
          Last time, on Rally Co. …
          Our intrepid investigators and ambitious adventurers learned their mentor was once their predecessors’ greatest enemy, responsible for creating their current threat: Othulok, the dread necromancer crime lord. And still, they followed Callahan across the globe to deny the Golden Shadow the secrets of the ancients.
They succeeded in preventing Othulok and the fascists of the nation-state Arkavalia from stealing the secret of manufacturing the miracle metal, orichalcum, which could magnify any energy directed at it many times over. In Arcadia, Blockhouse and The Junker protect Rally Co.’s hometown and various allies against past enemies returned for revenge.
But Othulok has found the last secret. Rally Co. has been defeated.
All hope is lost.
          Othulok had never felt so blessed!
          The glorious, decayed brain was intact enough that he could commandeer it, the cranium shielded from attacks both physical and psionic, on top of an electromagnetic field that could intercept and soak up the majority of projectiles before they even connected. Beginning with a quick jaunt through Rhodes, where he terrorized the land minutely. The same was done during detours through fledgling Arkavalia and Sicily. Enough that he could rile the likes of France and England to attempt combat.
          On the land, the skull of the False Thunderer scorched tanks and disintegrated mortal men. At sea, he sank the prized English fleet. The Royal Air Force and the Armée de l'Air put up a better fight, but were hopelessly unprepared for the caliber of enemy they were up against. If they had their own occult experts in the service, or some local inhabitant with the means to even try to oppose Othulok’s powers, it was too late to mobilize them effectively. Soon, the False Thunderer’s skull would carry him across the Atlantic, where he would prepare to ravage North America and Canada, preferably until they might submit.
          At the shores of Maryland, where sat Arcadia, news bulletins from overseas were being relayed immediately over the radio:
          “—What was once a series of scattered sightings and reports have escalated into military conflict—”
          “—The British Navy has been forced into a retreat after heavy casualties—”
          “—Algeria and Egypt are amassing defense forces in case the flying death should return, advising other nations across Africa and West Asia to do similar—”
          “—other nations have issued statements, be it also for self-defense, or surrender and subsequent offering as vassals of the flying death—”
          The Haddock Street Hooligans sat around a home radio set at one of their family apartments, as their elders began packing in a hurry, others arguing. Ribeye Renzo was trying to convince old friends trying to pull off crimes during the commotion to run and hide too. Communications with Honest Li and his sister Nuo were impossible.
          The kindly clay construct Blockhouse had heard the proceedings while shopping in the city. Afterwards he went to see that vigilante, The Junker. The avenging scavenger was dutifully working on his personal fighter plane, trying to cobble together what he could in preparation for what he thought to be inevitable.
          “You’ll not go alone, lad. You’ll catch your finale out there.”
          The Junker continued working. But Blockhouse did not relent either. As far as either of them was concerned, they may very well have been the last line of resistance.
          As much as it might have pained them to think that way. Blockhouse wandered over to put a reassuring hand on the mystery man’s shoulder, as Junker attempted to cease the shaking of his own, unsteady hands. He had dropped a wrench, after faltering in silence.
          Solomon had chartered for a private plane, the fastest they could receive. Othulok was likely to attack other places first—the capital, the other major cities. Arcadia, that was saving the best for last. Felix was going over maps on the global and national level, marking the places Othulok had attacked so far for reference. Esmerelda was seated across from her, trying to formulate some sort of counter to Othulok’s defenses, and failing that, calculating what she’d need for a potent artillery shell or a bomb to be dropped from a fighter plane. Tycho and Katrina were wrapped in blankets, taking to coffee from a thermos.
          It was when Solomon returned from the wash closet that Felix set down her things. The man’s face still had some moisture to it, after splashing water on a few times. The quest had taken a toll on him, and it would only take a toll further.
          “Sir. Please: Tell us what we’re dealing with.” pleaded Felix. “What the devil are these False Thunderer beings?”
          Solomon wished he had the tome on hand, with illustrations and direct notes. He recalled leaving it with a colleague in Paris—but there was no time to double back. Not when the threat was in the present.
          “Mystics of the ancient world had to formulate a great many defenses. Against physical and metaphysical forces. They needed something… of a scale enough, to give even the gods themselves true pause. Fortunately, the body of the construct is not whole, otherwise this would be completely hopeless.”
          “Yeah? And this is the best we’ve got to work with?” said Esme, scribbling out an incorrect chemical formula in her notebook. “You and Katrina are our heavy hitters, and I’m sorry—I truly fancy you both, but even combined? THAT didn’t do enough.”
          Felix looked over the map while the others conversed. She thought back to her aunt Malika. To her darling Georgia at home. She could only hope they could get away from Othulok’s all-out attack. But where in the world would they go?
          “Wait. Where in the world.”
          Felix got out of her seat just as the plane experienced momentary turbulence, holding up the global map and slapping it with her opposite hand.
          “Don’t you all see? Othulok may be able to terrorize the Earth’s surface, but even he would be hard-pressed to navigate the bowels of Subterranea!”
          “Them beasties could put up a real fight, if there’s enough of ‘em around. Maybe some could even get past the electromagnetic field. Just gotta have a gate big enough to fit that nefarious noggin.” mused Tycho. In that moment, Katrina perked up.
          “And that is not all there is to the Subterranea plan: The lost-gates themselves… I experience a most puzzling feeling when I go through. Perhaps the EM field could be impacted by the journey?”
          “Yes… yes, that’s a good idea, Katrina!” said Solomon, familiar with what she referred to. “We may be able to create a temporary lost-gate of our own. It won’t last beyond a battle with the False Thunderer’s skull like an actual lost-gate, but it doesn’t have to!”
          “And we’ll lure him in ourselves.” said Esme. “My concoctions should crack that giant cranium once the defenses are lowered.”
          Everyone seemed enthusiastic. Solomon knew it had the potential to work, but in each of these young faces, he remembered something different…
          In Felix, he remembered a shy little girl hidden behind her aunt Malika, clinging to the smartest, bravest woman she could think of. Eventually becoming brave herself: Enough to ask Solomon how to find the hidden things of the world. To see if Georgia felt the same way she did. And although she had her doubts, the others had come to respect her investigative acumen.
          In Tycho, he recalled his former boisterous opponent in the young man’s father, George Edward Gallagher. Even after Solomon joined the previous iteration of Rally Co. they argued. Only improving after he helped Gallagher reconnect with his wife, and in his research of cryptids and legendary beasts. Research that the young Tycho took to heart, from bringing home farm animals to wrestling more carnivorous denizens. To see the boy grown into a loyal, honorable man who stood by everyone on this team when they were at their lowest.
Esme, he’d met during her admission to Century University’s science department. She had arrived with honors before she was even eighteen, and she had a desire to challenge the magic of old with her dogged attempt to learn more of the Alchemy of old. A project that Solomon warmed up to. Her irreverence did not anger, but instead delighted. A light through thick fog, the joy that follows after hardship.
Maybe that was why Esme and Tycho ‘got along’ the way they did. Tycho was serious at heart, and Esme was one for humor. They counter-balanced one another.
Although he wasn’t here, Solomon also felt something more than just the spectre of regret. A respect he should have afforded more of to that mystery charge of his. The one that Felix had determined to be The Junker, that Archangel of Arcadia for whom Tycho and Esme were eternally loyal. Solomon could only hope that in time, they could have some kind of friendship again.
Katrina. Last, but not least. Solomon had reservations about being a teacher to anyone. A guardian, perhaps-- But a teacher? He hadn’t the patience for that. Not until he met someone who was also unusual, who some went as far as to have called unnatural. What fiend could say that about a child? One who felt afraid, as if the world were ending because she could rend the flesh of others with a thought, never to know the gentle caress of another person ever again?
Wasn’t that where his wrath and his shame came from, as acolyte to Othulok’s path? Some kind of love for the things that lingered in the dark, and guilt that he wasn’t doing more to protect them? Yes, but only now he was starting to feel as though he’d finally achieved something real, with their revival of this old lot and its journeys, righting wrongs. On that, even his old companion Blockhouse would have agreed.
It was time to put a halt to Othulok. Everyone here vowed to do nothing less than that.
          The plane landed. When they made it home, too few of their neighbors remained. Even Blockhouse was nowhere to be seen. They would have to look for him later: Right now, Esme had to get to her laboratory to work on her arsenal, Tycho assisting with what he learned from her about her field. When he had done his part there, he went to help Katrina and Solomon in constructing the temporary lost-gate.
Felix had taken the roadster to check on Georgia and Aunt Malika. To her deepest concern, she found neither of them had evacuated!
“Auntie, pack your damned things!” exclaimed Felix, before being shut down. Although in peaceful times Malika had no issue with swearing, she would not tolerate her niece’s speech if it kept her out of action.
          “The hell I will! I’m not leaving you all to deal with this alone.”
          Felix looked to Georgia. But her portly darling only played at having been defeated by Malika. Truth be told, Georgia wanted to stay as well.
          “Your friend, Renzo—” said Georgia. “He helped Malika convince some teen-agers against looting the local storefront, just before the military police started showing up and acting tough. We’re going to help out with things like that. The things you all did before you went globetrotting to try and stop that nasty magician. It’s the least we can do.”
          “… A peach from your namesake state couldn’t be sweeter.”
          Felix looked ever so deeply into Georgia’s eyes. Malika was gathering her things and leaving early, to give Felix and Georgia some time alone before the big finale.
          The False Thunderer’s skull had been attacking Washington D.C. when Othulok was suddenly diverted by a distant calling:
          “Yes, I survived! You’re not all-powerful, you cad.”
          Othulok began to grit his teeth.
          “Callahan! I was going to save your precious Arcadia for last, but I see now I must expedite my plans.”
          The Thunderer’s skull raced upwards along the eastern seaboard until it found the concrete jungle that those mortal fools held to. A volley of inconsequential mortars had been fired, to give the tanks time to roll in. Of course, an alternative was on its way. Katrina arrived on one of the rooftops after climbing the stairwell. There was a plan now, not just a full-frontal, last stand attack. That entailed her using her telekinesis not to try and smash the False Thunderer’s cranium, but instead to concentrate on the electromagnetic field.
          What people failed to realize about telekinesis, was that it was more than mere levitation. It could be exerting a force with such precision, it could reach out and direct the very atoms and particles, building blocks of existence. Othulok’s magic resisted, but energy was energy—whether wielded by sorcery or science at the time. And Katrina’s psychic power was tremendous. Not just when she let her emotions take over, but through Solomon’s lessons, she could wield it in ways that would make alchemists gasp, and give pause to the mortal-mocking gods themselves.
          Of course, to ease her burden, Esme was not far off. She and Tycho had commandeered a biplane.
          “Ye made sure this wily bird’s got bomb bay doors, yeah?!” exclaimed Tycho.
          “But of course, my irksome orangutan!” scoffed Esme, unable to keep from her humor with Tycho. “I wouldn’t want you reaching back and trying to throw the thing yourself.”
          Tycho didn’t holler back. He just had the most devilish grin. Esme couldn’t see it, but she knew her colleague was itching to get at the Golden Shadow once more. When they received the telepathic signal from Katrina, they pulled up and delivered their alchemical payload: something to weaken the integrity on top of the skull.
          “Take the stick, will ya?” exclaimed Tycho, pulling a mallet with a long handle. “Unless yer too busy preening—we ain’t won yet!”
          “Only because your flying is second to mine!”
          Tycho jumped from the plane, preparing to bring down the mallet. The chemical had weakened the bone of the great giant’s floating skull. Tycho’s mallet hammered down, beginning to crack through the weakened skull. But as he regained his footing and raised the mallet to strike again, some stray electrical volts began to strike him repeatedly, each time from a different direction.
          And still, he raised the mallet to strike again.
          The mallet fell at last. But not onto the skull: It fell behind Tycho, down to the street below. The only reason he didn’t fall, was because Katrina diverted some of her focus to catching him. From the False Thunderer’s skull, Othulok lashed out with greater fervor against the assembled forces of mankind on the ground, before turning his attention towards Tycho, who was being slowly levitated to the nearest rooftop.
          “You can’t save him, girl-child!” cackled Othulok, through mystic transmission of his voice. “But you can prop him up for me when I post him upon a rebar pike!”
          “Dégage!-- Misérable salaud! Coeur sans amour!”
          But just then, Katrina could sense a power behind her. Enchanted thunder firing from the hand of her mentor, as Solomon Callahan staved off the skull.
          “She shall, fiend.”
          Katrina looked to Solomon. The two nodded to each other, and once Tycho was out of harm’s way, refocused their efforts upon the False Thunderer’s skull. Forcing Othulok to concentrate on them. But without the opening to breach the skull and damage Othulok within, this was merely stalling.
          Gilligan Diligent was gathering his things and ushered Wrap towards an outgoing train. He’d managed to secure the both of them tickets out of the city, along with countless others attempting to evacuate. But the older man found his young charge outside, as if drawn to the dismal skies.
          “C’mon, fellah.” said Gilligan. “You’re in need of a vacation, if you ask me! Why the long face?”
          Wrap didn’t often laugh or offer the most obvious signs he favored Gilligan’s company. The man had tried to keep him at arm’s length away from Othulok. As far as Diligent knew, Wrap wasn’t just another assassin. He was two other things: a friend who saved his life, and a revenant created by that damnable sorcerer.
          The man thought back to a time when he was in a log cabin, caressing the hand of one of his various siblings. The eldest, for whom always stood by him in making decisions and looking out for the family. They were gone now, and the others were sent to live with relatives. Scattered at the edge between two countries. He’d gotten into this line of work as a mercenary to support them all. Spread thin, only ever able to send so much out at a time given the criminal status of the work he often did.
          “Maybe this is my last chance to be rid of the Golden Shadow once and for all, sir. Rally Co. are the big guns, and then perhaps I’ll use my magic to combat Othulok’s…”
          Gilligan shook his head.
          “Let those roughnecks sort it out themselves. You can’t be certain this is the end for him.”
          But Wrap didn’t agree. In fact, he started to run. Gilligan was in peak physical condition and could catch up. At least, until Wrap used some of his mystical bandages to swing away from there. Gilligan could barely get his grappling hook out in time to give chase effectively, never having known Wrap to travel in such a manner up until now.
          “Come back, Wrap!—”
          Felix was pulling a body from out of an armored truck with a machine gun affixed to the top. Preparing to fire when she spotted something—or rather, someone swinging towards the skull of the False Thunderer. It was none other than The Wrap! Attempting to extend an impossible length of mystical bandages in an attempt to help stifle Othulok’s power over it. As the strips of enchanted cloth did their part, the levitation of the cursed cranium had been halted somewhat.
          Felix stared down the iron sights of her latest weapon. The Wrap was right there: She could pick him off right there, and then resume firing upon Othulok and the giant skull. But she hesitated: she had seen this undead at his most pitiful before. Caught in Shanghai and nearly vaporized by Katrina’s telekinesis. Alongside Gilligan Diligent during the Golden Shadow’s attack on their home. There was something missing in all of this, for Felix was trying to determine why Aunt Malika’s would-be assassin was this weeping welp.
          Just then, something tore through part of the bandages over one of the eye sockets. From within, came the golden, equally skeletal form of Othulok himself! Clad in his maroon robe. Hurling his own necromantic thunderbolts to duel with Solomon and Katrina. But when it appeared he was losing, he turned a hand towards The Wrap, and ushered him towards Rally Co.
          “Attack, child! I did not imbue you with a herald’s power for NOTHING!”
          Some of that occult lightning diverted to put The Wrap in agonizing pain until the boy submitted to the will of the undying warlock. Then, he directed his bandages towards Solomon, catching him by the wrists and putting an end to his magic, leaving Katrina straining to keep up with Othulok on her own. The giant skull shifted around Othulok as Felix opened fire with the turret of the armored truck. Cracking the bone somewhat as Tycho did through the wonders of high caliber rounds, but ultimately their greatest foe was still shielded.
          “It is OVER Callahan!” howled Othulok. “The secrets of the ancients will be mine—the WORLD will be mine! At last, my rightful ascension is at hand!”
          Felix had departed the armored truck. The timing couldn’t have been better: Othulok had begun directing the False Thunderer’s skull so that its pseudo-divine wrath rained down upon the conventional weapons of the mortal world. Once again, Felix Basra found herself in a situation seemingly beyond her ken, much like the grief she felt trying to make sense of Subterranea. She had her revolver in one hand, the other was the impellet gun for which all of Rally Co. carried, and a shaky deathgrip on both that had to serve as a substitute for confidence.
          She knew why she was here. She had led this team more than once into danger. Learning the strengths and weaknesses of each member—each comrade of hers, and applying them where they might have had the most effect. Ask anyone, and they would say those past victories on the part of the group had been her masterpieces of planning and determining the truth.
          Othulok did not spot her right away. Thankfully.
          …Alas, The Wrap was a different story.
          While the sorcerer was doing away with the rest of Rally Co. and the False Thunderer’s skull was repelling any larger military forces, The Wrap was searching for individual stragglers, in the hopes of catching Tycho or Felix. Othulok knew they were still out there on-foot, all by their lonesome. Felix recognized the sound of those mystical bandages, having encountered them enough times by now to mistake them for nothing else.
          And there, Felix struck: having climbed a fire escape ladder of some nearby building, and jumping down to kick Wrap in the head. The blow knocked him to the ground, and Felix could not help but feel a certain satisfaction at her initial success.
          In retaliation, The Wrap raised his arms and offered lashings of his mystical bandages. A couple of them hitting Felix before she really started to dodge. She used her impellet gun to stun him—lethal rounds from her revolver, he could probably regenerate from if given the chance. Putting him down for good meant whittling down his stamina and defenses first.
          And for a moment she saw the fear in his eyes. Much as they tried to appear vicious and cruel. One part, because of Othulok’s will being exerted upon the lad. In another part, it was his own attempt to welcome finality. Felix wanted to think he had some dignity before the ultimate end and get this over with.        
          “Haven’t you the sense to break free of that sorcerer?” said Felix “Why must you skulk around so pathetically?!”
          Wrap winced.
          “I tried. Many such times, detective aspirant. The Golden Shadow—Othulok, does not release his charges so easily.”
          Felix thought to Solomon, from his time as the self-styled heir to the sorcerer. He had accomplished it, broken free from his own role and done something with his life. But then again, he too was a practitioner of magic. She knew virtually nothing about The Wrap other than the fact his dread master commanded him to attack Aunt Malika.
          What terrible timing! There was Malika now, as well as Felix’s girl, Georgia. They had just helped someone escape the city street that had become a battlefield just now. They hurried over beside Felix, and she could feel her resolve slipping. Not that her loved ones made any move to stop her.
          “You’ve done it.” said Malika. “You caught my would-be assassin. I’m proud of you, dear. Where are the others? We should regroup--”
          Georgia’s eyes widened, and she held onto Malika’s arm. Felix wasn’t responding to anything just then. The firing pin on her revolver pulled back as she aimed directly at The Wrap, and fired. Just as Gilligan Diligent spotted them from afar. Running forward to stop Felix, as the weapon’s report came before he could rouse his vocal chords into crying out a plea for mercy.
0 notes
xxsp3llb0undxx · 2 years
Turning Page - Edward x Fem!Reader
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TW: Death ,, Heartbreak ,, mentions of suicide ,,
Disclaimer: Please do not repost my work to other sites or claim as your own, this is purely written from my imagination and from the help of the franchise. All rights of the main storyline goes to the writers and producers of Twilight.
Summary: Edward and reader have been friends for years, she knew about him and his family being vampires. Victoria comes back for revenge after James was killed by Edward and his family, so she takes away the only thing Edward loves; y/n. On his way to the Volturi, he meets a girl who looks exactly like her.
I've waited a hundred years
But I'd wait a million more for you
Nothing prepared me for
What the privilege of being yours would do
Edward regretted everything. He never knew spending time with Bella would cause y/n to lose her life, he never got to tell her how much he loved her. He never got to tell her, he wanted to be with her for the rest of his life. He never told her, she was his mate. Victoria chose to hurt y/n, a warning to Edward that she will be back for the revenge of her dead mate, James. He didn't know she would kill y/n, he thought the most she would do was turn her. But as the saying goes, a life for a life. Edward grieved for her everyday, his heart felt heavy, it was like he lost himself. He left Forks leaving everything behind, he was hoping the Volturi would end his pain. And off to Italy he went. Edward thought he saw her, but it was just a tourist. Everywhere he turned, he saw flashes of y/n. Her long h/c hair and bright e/c eye were something he would miss seeing everyday. Why did he think it was a good idea to be with Bella when Victoria was on the loose? Edward blamed himself for everything, if only he had spent the night with y/n instead, they could have watch a movie, read a book together. Anything would have been fine, spending time with her was all that had mattered to him.
If I had only felt the warmth within your touch
If I had only seen how you smile when you blush
Or how you curl your lip when you concentrate enough
I would have known what I was living for all along
Italy was a beautiful place, but all the red cloaks around Edward made him feel on edge. The Volturi were planning something but he didn't care to acknowledge it. He walked into the building, Felix and Demetri were waiting for him. They escorted Edward to the three vampire leader: Aro, Marcus and Caius. Aro, as usual, looked joyed to see the young fledgling stand before him. "Oh look at what we have here, young Edward Cullen. What might you need?" Aro's cold voice ripped through the air, his red beady staring intensely at Edward's form. Before he could tell them why he was here, a young girl came in, her black and red cloak sitting loosely on her shoulders. "I'm sorry to interrupt your meeting, but I need to speak to you, Aro." The confidence in her voice reminded Edward of his lost love. The young vampire even looked like her too. Wait. Was that y/n? Before he knew what he was doing, Edward was stood beside her. Her face in his hands as he examined every inch of her, it was her, it had to be. The young vampire was surprise, no one has ever reacted to her like that before. "Do you want us to remove him, Celeste?" With a flick of her hand, both her and Edward disappeared into thin air.
What I've been living for
Your love is my turning page
Where only the sweetest words remain
Every kiss in a cursive line
Every touch is a redefining phrase
They were now in a room, it had wall length bookshelves, a dark red leather arm chair and a piano. Edward notice something on the arm chair, a book that y/n loved to read: To the Lighthouse. She would go on for hours about how Virginia Wolf was an amazing writer and how he could've met her and he wouldn't have known. Edward smiled at the memory, picking up the book and flipping through it. A note fell out of it, he picked it up about to read it but a hand snatched it from him. "Did I allow you to touch my prized possession?" He knew the question was rhetorical, so he just hung his head low trying his best to avoid eye contact. The young girl sighed, she felt bad for hurting his feeling but he needs to learn boundaries and not go touching someone else's things. "I'm sorry for you loss, I know she meant a lot to you." Edward's head snaps up, his eyes trained on the girl in front of him. How did she know about y/n? Were the Volturi behind her death? "She was my sister, Edward. She would send me letters every month, telling me all about you. I was happy she found someone to love her, but y/n always thought you didn't love them back because of that human girl." If he could cry right now, he would be on the floor sobbing his heart out. How did he not know y/n's sister was Celeste? One of the most powerful members of the Volturi?
I surrender who I've been for who you are
For nothing makes me stronger than your fragile heart
If I had only felt how it feels to be yours
Well, I would have known what I've been living for all along
What I've been living for
They spent hours together, talking about their memories with y/n. It felt nice being able to talk to someone about her, Celeste wasn't able to see her sister, in fear of Aro or Caius killing her for finding out about vampires. "There was this one time when were we little, our mother was making us something to eat for lunch and y/n being the rebellious one out of us, she ran around the whole house getting mud and grass everywhere. Our mother was not proud." Soft giggles fell from her lips, Edward saw pieces of his mate in her, they were like one soul put into two people. He enjoyed being around her, it made him feel a little better, it was like he still had y/n with him. Celeste handed Edward the note she snatched from him earlier, she told him y/n wrote it for him. With that, she left, giving him space to read it alone.
"Dear Eddie,
If you're reading this, something has happened to me but fear not! I'm still here, well at least my soul is. I just wanted to write this for you so you will still have something of me when I'm gone. I love you, I always have. From the first moment I met you in the forest, I knew we were meant to be, you brought so much love into my life and I'm forever grateful. I'm sorry I can't be here with you right now, I know it's tough but you're strong, Eddie. I'll always be looking over you. I'm so proud of you, you've achieved so much throughout your life, you are the most astonishing boy I've ever had the privilege of knowing. Keep living your life, Edward, you're needed in this world. You will have a family one day and I promise you, I will never leave your side. Don't think of this as a goodbye, just think of it as I'm visiting my mom for a little while and we will be reunited in no time. I love you, Eddie, please never forget that.
Lots of love,
Y/N xx"
The pain Edward felt in his chest was unbearable, all he wanted to do was scream and cry to his hearts content. He would live for her, those were her wishes and he wouldn't go against them.
Though we're tethered to the story we must tell
When I saw you, well I knew we'd tell it well
With a whisper, we will tame the vicious seas
Like a feather, bringing kingdoms to their knees
Random story I wrote awhile back, it's just been sitting in my drafts so I thought I might publish it and see how it goes. I hope you enjoyed reading it, have a lovely day/night !
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assortedseaglass · 8 months
Talk Refined - Chapter Two
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Michael Gavey x Reader
Summary: When Michael Gavey unwittingly insults a fellow Oxford student, they enter into a game of intellectual cat and mouse.
Content Warnings (this chapter in bold): Language, Smut, Saltburn Spoilers
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Esme did not let you live your encounter with Michael Gavey down.
“You should have heard her. Like she was interviewing all over again!” At any given opportunity, she took the chance to tell the story of how her best friend had shot down the genius from Brasenose.
“Esme, everyone’s heard this story a hundred times,” you’d said when she once again brought the matter up at the pub. “And anyway, he didn’t even reply when I shouted at him. Just said he needed a piss.” People at the table tittered. Michael’s reputation as a genius made had its way around the university’s colleges. Mainly because he was the one telling them.
It was a fact begrudgingly agreed upon at each recounting of the tale. Esme would tell her college mates, or new friends at the pub, the story of you and Michael getting into a fight, and inevitably they would say “The self-proclaimed genius?”
“The maths nerd?”
“That dickhead?”
Before resigning to the fact that, despite his arrogance, Michael Gavey really was a genius.
“Didn’t you hear him shouting at dining hall first night?”
“Heard he got 100% on the maths admissions test!”
“Pretty funny really. If he wasn’t such a twat I’d invite him out, he’s great entertainment.”
Luckily for you, the spectre of his reputation loomed larger than the man himself who, since your encounter at the pub, you had not seen. Perhaps he was too embarrassed after his very public rejection. More likely, it was because you were preparing for your extended essay deadline. Burrowed in your room at the desk, or else tucked in a dark corner of the library, Esme almost had to drag you to leave your room these days.
“Should have done something on Gentileschi,” you muttered into the open book on the library table. Your endless studying on the use of women as decoration that formed the basis of your essay was slowly crushing you. “Wanted to do a feminist essay but this is fucking depressing.”
Esme shifted in her seat next to you, leant over your book to look at the pictures on the open page, then pushed it from your view. Before you could protest, she spoke.
“One minute not looking at that dull picture,” she gestured to the image of Turner’s Reclining Nude on a Bed, “-isn’t gonna hurt you. But I’ll tell you what won’t be depressing. My end of year party!” Esme grabbed your shoulders and shook you.
You laughed, stifling it behind your hand when a few pug-nosed students frowned at you.
“I thought you’d settled for a cheese and wine night? ‘Sophisticated with a chance of minor sluttiness’,” you quoted her and she winked.
“Yeah, well, it’ll still be a cheese and wine night,” she opened another textbook and riffled through the pages absent-mindedly. “With slightly more wine than cheese-”
“And about sixty people.”
“Only after the meal! Had to take the chance and get in there before Catton. No-one’d come otherwise.” Esme’s face dropped, a flash of worry crossing her bonny face at the prospect of competing with Felix Catton for the Party of the Year.
“It’ll be grand,” you grabbed her hand reassuringly. “Who wants Catton’s friends there anyway? Load of stuck-up snobs-”
“You sound like Gavey!”
You shot an irritated look at Esme. She grinned back and busied herself with the work in front of her. You looked at the title scribbled across the top of the page. “Semper femina: misogyny’s early beginnings.”. You really picked a corker when you saw her at the humanities social. You nudged her shoulder affectionately, rubbing off her last comment and, still a little distracted, look around the library.
Not all libraries in Oxford had vaulted ceilings of ancient oak, or were decorated with elaborately carved roses. Some had harsh fluorescent lighting and tiled navy carpets. It just so happened that you and Esme preferred the grander of buildings. So too, did most other students. When dedication and inspiration waned, the quickest way to feel inspired was to pop to the libraries with ancient tomes alongside the course textbooks, sharing silent exchanges with other students gazing in awe at the latticed windows and rows of paper possibility.
“By the way,” Esme whispered, not due to the setting but what she was about to say next. “Who are you bringing?”
Your eyes didn’t flicker from the book in front of you. “Bringing where?”
“To the cheese and wine party,”
You looked at her, a mixture of exasperation and amusement on your face. “Since when did I have to bring someone?”
“Well,” Esme fully turned in her seat to look at you. “You don’t, but I’m bringing Eleanor-”
“Pretty girl from the pub.”
Esme nodded and continued counting people on her fingers. “Laura’s boyfriend is visiting that weekend, Holly’s bringing some rugby lad, Joe’s best mate is coming and the other three all have boyfriends. Bit sad if you’re the loner.”
“How can I be a loner at a party?”
“You know what I mean! Come on, it’s the end of the year, loosen up a bit. Doesn’t have to be a bloke, just pick someone!”
You thought a moment. Though you hated to admit it, Michael Gavey had been right; a lot of the people on your History of Art course were public school wankers and horsey girls fast-tracked to jobs in their parents’ cosmopolitan art galleries.
Nope. No-one there you could bring, and all of Esme’s friends were already going.
“I don’t know!” You despaired, slumping back in your seat comically in mock defeat.
Esme laughed. “Tell you what, next person that comes round that corner,” she pointed to the last bookshelf of a long row, right by the library entrance. “You’ve got to take. Deal?”
“Absolutely not.”
“I’ll buy your cheese and wine for the night.”
You stared at her. Trinity term was almost up, and so too was your scholarship loan. “Fine.”
Esme laughed excitedly and stared excitedly at the shelves. You did so with apprehension. A minute passed and no-one rounded the corner. A group of gorgeous boys left the library, but not one person entered.
“Looks like you’ll be coming alone after all.” You pinched Esme’s side and she giggled. “Aha!” She pointed behind you and your stomach dropped. Turning slowly, you faced your fate. Date.
A wizened old man no taller that the fourth shelf shuffled along the wooden floor, his worn leather shoes squeaking with every step. There were more lines on his face than the tube map.
“Don’t be a bitch!”
“People don’t want their fucking lecturers there, Esme.”
“Fine,” she huffed. “But it has to be the next person or my share of the food is on you.”
You both stared at the bookshelf. The wizened old man shuffled past you, and soon the sound of his leather shoes faded. You glanced over your shoulder at Esme. “This is stupid-”
“Oh. My. God.” Esme was looking past you, and what had momentarily been shock was turning to unbridled glee.
“What?” You span in your chair. “No. Absolutely not.” Panic prickled the hairs of your neck. You whipped back to face Esme. She was laughing. “I can’t. Fuck. No!”
“This is brilliant,” Esme clapped her hands together. Some students shushed her and she sent them a two fingered salute.  “He’s coming this way! Go on, ask him!”
You took a deep breath and, with growing unease, turned to face your unknowing date.
Michael Gavey was walking stiffly along the rows of bookshelves. The muscles of his jaw were set in a tight line; he wasn’t here to browse; he knew what he wanted and was making his determined way towards it. You watched him carefully, waiting until the perfect moment to speak. How the hell were you going to ask?
“Let’s wait a minute-” Esme made to cut you off but you continued quickly. “Just to see where he goes. I don’t want to ask in front of everyone.”
Esme huffed but nodded, and you both went back to watching him.
“This feels creepy,” you said, watching as he got closer.
“All we’re doing is looking at him.” Esme said matter of factly. But that wasn’t quite true. It felt altogether more like you were studying him. Something about Michael Gavey meant you couldn’t look away.
Just as when you last saw him, his clothes looked second hand. Or like something an aunt would by. A crisp, short-sleeved shirt, starchly ironed, tucked into a pair of beige cargo trousers. Vile. Around his belt swung a number of carabiners, one containing his keys, another a collection of USB sticks. They jangled as he walked past.
You ducked your head to avoid being seen. Esme scoffed. You kicked her under the table.
The two of you watched his retreating back. You noticed you weren’t the only ones looking at him. A few other students, some boys smirking and some girls, were watching him to. None indicated that they knew him personally, for none sent him a smile or a wave. They simply watched as he passed. His reputation really did precede him.
You tried to think on what it was that made Michael Gavey so hard to ignore. He had done nothing today but enter the library and, by now, everyone knew him to be a stuck-up knobhead. So what was it that was making everyone stare?
Perhaps it was the rigidity with which he walked, so upright and solid. For one so thin, you imagined that if someone bumped into him now he would just continue walking as though nothing happened. Maybe it was the unnerving way in which his grey eyes stared. You remembered them from before. How he analysed people, unblinking, as he spoke to them, dissecting every minutia of their movement behind his glasses.
Could it be, that underneath the dreadful clothes and frankly alarming attitude, he was quite handsome? You blushed at the thought and turned away from Esme.
In another life, with better clothes, better glasses, a kinder face, he might have been attractive. Afterall, his hair was that Gisele Bündchen colour girls in your sixth form tried unsuccessfully to get from the bottle. His face was all angles, like the bassist in some boy band. Not front man handsome, but with a little something that appealed to the weird girls. And he was tall. God, was he tall. Not Felix Catton tall, but after him he’d been the tallest at the pub. You remembered the way he’s unfurled his body uncomfortably from the chair. Even now, he was almost half the height of some of the old bookshelves. When he came to a stop, depositing his Tesco carrier bag on the table with a rustle, his shoulder bumped into one of the shelves, and you noticed how broad they were, accentuated by the black leather belt holding up his trousers. Who’d have thought it? Michael Gavey vaguely good-looking. Shame he was a prick.
“There you go,” Esme whispered in your ear as Michael disappeared between two shelves. “Perfect chance.”
Your mouth went dry. You’d momentarily forgotten the reason you were both watching Michael. Sensing your apprehension, Esme turned you by the shoulder and looked you deep in the eye. “It’s fine, I’ll help.” She was loving this, and the two of you spent the next five minutes working out how to approach the Bastard from Brasenose.
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You tried to get rid of Esme as quietly as possible.
“Just let me do it on my own!” you hissed.
“I don’t trust you, not after last time!” She was pushing you towards the bookshelf Michael was browsing. You were digging your feet in.
“Please, just let me-”
“No,” Esme giggled, pushing you closer to the shelves. “You’ll either have an argument or not ask at all. I want to see this.”
Your hand gripped the wooden bookcase just as you arrived and blocked her from going any further. She pushed against you, trying to force you towards Michael.
“I’ll do it, Esme, just give me a second!”
“Just get on with it, for God’s sake!” she whispered with a shove.
“Ouch! You’re hurting me!”
“Can I help you?”
You both jolted. Michael was staring at you, his hands balled into fists at his side. He looked…nervous. Esme had clearly pushed you closer to him than you’d thought.
“No, er, sorry,” you took a step backwards only to be blocked by Esme.
“Oh,” Michael relaxed a little, a tight smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “It’s you.”
You stared at him. “You don’t need to sound so offended by my presence.”
“You’re the one stumbling around the library hissing like a banshee.”
You were about to retort when Esme caught your arm warningly. You looked back at her with annoyance. She simply nodded at you and gestured to take a deep breath.
“Sorry, Michael,” you said. He flinched a little as you said his name, not that you noticed. Esme did. “Erm,”
“She has something she wants to ask you, Michael.”
“Ask me?”
Fucking hell, here goes. You tired to smile at him. He stared back blankly. Why did he make everything so bloody difficult?
“Yeah, um,” you stepped forward and leant against the bookshelf for support, to make it seem less formal. “Well, Esme is having an end of year party-”
“A dinner party,” Esme cut in.
“-and we wondered.”
“She wondered!”
“We wondered,” you said louder, drowning out your friend. “If you’d like to come? Maybe?”
Michael stared at you. His head jerked almost imperceptibly, as if it had suddenly fallen out with his neck, and he scoffed quietly. “Is this a joke?”
“What?” You and Esme said together.
“Are you taking the piss?”
“What? No-”
Michael placed the book he was reading back on the shelf and faced you both fully. “Get out of the way please, you’re blocking the exit.”
“Michael,” he stopped again when you said his name.
“Honestly, we’re not taking the piss.” Esme said kindly.
“We saw you come in, and Esme keeps reminding me what a bitch I was at the pub.” Never mind the fact that you were an absolute arsehole. “And we just thought, as a way to apologise, you might like to come to the party? Fresh start?”
“I don’t do parties.”
“It’s-a-cheese-and-wine-night-actually.” Esme said quickly.
“Right,” he continued staring at you. The longer he did it, the more you regretted asking. Fucking blink. He glanced quickly back at the shelves of books, and screwed his eyes tightly shut, as if working out something impossibly difficult. When he opened his eyes again, you weren’t sure whether he was going to scream or cry.
Then you realised he wasn’t looking at you. He was looking past you. With surprising force and speed, Michael pushed past the both of you.
“Oliver Quick.”
Esme looked at you with excitement. Without a word, you both hurried to the end of the bookcase. There he was. Oliver Quick, caught in a staring contest with Michael Gavey. Oliver glanced quickly at the two of you, eagerly poking your heads around the shelf to get the gossip.
Michael hadn’t noticed. “You look different.”
“Do I?” Oliver sounded bored and you wanted to smack him. What was it with the boys at Oxford? He turned away from you all, but Michael wasn’t done with him.
“He’ll get bored of you.” A pang of pity twisted your stomach. Esme had been right. Oliver’s abandonment at the pub had hurt Michael more than he let on.
Oliver stopped and turned around. “Excuse me?”
You glanced at Michael, waiting for his retaliation with bated breath. He said nothing.
“G’wan, Mikey,” Esme whispered.
Oliver walked away, but not before Michael could twist the dagger. “Bootlicker.” He enunciated every delicious, vicious syllable.
Oliver looked back again, only to cast an uncomfortable look at Michael and see Esme swearing at him behind Michael’s back. “For that Michael,” she clapped her hands. “You can be guest of honour!”
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Notes: Short one this time but I’m getting back into writing by doing shorter chapters. SO excited to write the party.
Tags: @lexwolfhale* @theoneeyedprince @lovebittenbyevans @fan-goddess @ellrond @very-straight-blog @arcielee @tsujifreya @liv-cole @myfandomprompts @annoyingkittydetective* @elizarbell @solisarium @thekinslayersswordhand @nightdiamond8663* @slowlysparklyninja* @kate-to-the-ki @bellaisasleep @xxxkat3xxx @lacebvnny @moonriseoverkyoto @ewanmitchellcrumbs @moonlightfoxx @pendragora @aemonds-holy-milk @st-eve-barnes @sapphire-writes @babyblue711 @targaryenrealnessdarling @slytherincursebreaker @bottlesandbarricades @valeskafics @anjelicawrites @exitpursuedbyavulcan @barbieaemond @chattylurker @itbmojojoejo @humanpurposes @cyeco13 @heimtathurs @in-a-mountain-pool @aemondsfavouritebastard @marysucks-blog @rheaxes @xivilivix
*could not tag
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mx-pastelwriting · 3 years
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