#eskild tryggvason
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davidluigi · 1 year ago
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Eskild knows what’s up
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nasty-giraffe · 1 year ago
Remember when in S3E1 Eskild, Isak and Linn are FaceTiming with Noora and Eskild mentions that Noora smells like lovely lavender? Later in S3E5 Eskild gives Isak a room freshener that has lavender smell. In their following discussion about being a homosexual Isak lists things he thinks are a part of Eskild’s homopakke and one thing is talking about a lavender smell.
Coincidence or a brilliant reminder of Julie Andem’s attention to detail, again?
In 1950 in USA there was a moral panic about homosexuals and it was called The Lavender Scare. Read more in Wikipedia:
I know Julie Andem is a genious but it still strikes me every time I find more little details inside Skam. How was she able to add so much meaningfulness and intertextual references to the 20 minute episodes without making them bloated with content?
Link to the Skam manuscript, the famous dialogue between Isak and Eskild can be found on the page 7:
I found about The Lavender Scare while watching Fellow travelers and reading about Mccarthism. Who dares to say that entertainment doesn’t educate?
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skambigbang · 1 year ago
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Today we’re showcasing the incredible diversity in art forms in the Bang, from photo collages to gif sets to textile arts. Todays fic is ‘[never] go home again’ by @hodgehegposts and @eirabach and fiber art by Tui whose pair of knitted socks perfectly captures the found family theme!
The Skam Big Bang is a fandom event that pairs writers and artists to create a 10K+ story and artwork inspired by it. Every year we’re graced by an amazing wealth of creativity in the various pieces of art and this year was no exception! Though the bang is officially over, we’re gonna be highlighting the artwork and their stories over the next few weeks as we put out a call for new mods to carry it on! Enjoy the eye candy, check out the stories and show our artists and writers some love!
Check out [Never] go home again here!
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ao3feed-sobbe · 2 years ago
A Safe Place In All Universes
by anna_driesen2121, viola_player1
Words: 11699, Chapters: 1/21, Language: English
Fandoms: SKAM (Norway), WTFock | SKAM (Belgium)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Isak Valtersen, Even Bech Næsheim, Robbe IJzermans, Sander Driesen, Even Bech Næsheim's Parents, Isak Valtersen's Parents, Robbe IJzermans' Mother, Sander Driesen's Mother, Jonas Noah Vasquez, Mahdi Disi, Magnus Fossbakken, Jens Stoffels, Aaron Jacobs (WTFock), Moyo Makadi, Milan Hendrickx, Eskild Tryggvason, Balloon Squad (SKAM), Boy Squad (SKAM), Girl Squad (SKAM), William Magnusson, Christoffer Schistad, Adam Malik, Elias Bakkoush, Mikael Øverlie Boukhal, Yousef Acar, Mutasim Tatouti, Eva Kviig Mohn, Vilde Lien Hellerud, Chris Berg, Noora Amalie Sætre, Dr. Christiane Kejer, Morten Tyndal, Professor Troels Vassdal, Dr. Storskagen, Dr. Timmermans, Dr. DeSchryver, Dr. Willems, Dr. Goossens, Dr. Markus Svindal
Relationships: Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen, Sander Driesen/Robbe IJzermans
Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Falling In Love, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Fluff, Sickfic, Memory Loss, Loss of Identity, Explicit Sexual Content, Implied Sexual Content, Romance, Angst and Romance, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Travel, Assault, Homophobic Language, Psychological Trauma, sander driesen BPD, Even Bech Næsheim BPD, Bipolar Disorder, Psychologists & Psychiatrists, Reference to period film, Weddings, Marriage Proposal, Recovery, reliving past experiences, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Unresolved Emotional Tension, Friends to Lovers, Established Relationship, Mother-Son Relationship
from AO3 works tagged 'Sander Driesen/Robbe IJzermans' https://ift.tt/nhtIUgu via IFTTT
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dailyskam · 3 years ago
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And I... I think... I think that, before you've fought that battle yourself, before you've dared to stand up for who you are... You should be fucking careful with talking and raising yourself above gay pride. Skam (2015 — 2017)
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noorhelming · 3 years ago
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wrongtitle · 2 years ago
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anaisanais-stuff · 3 years ago
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Unfilmed scene from the SKAM Season 3 raw script. English translation below.
THURSDAY 17 November 01:55 am
ISAK is lying in bed. It’s completely quiet, but he still can’t sleep. He turns over on his side.
He turns to the other side.
He kicks off the duvet
He sits up
He opens the door to his room. NOORA is right outside sleeping on a mattress on the floor. He tiptoes past her.
ISAK enters the kitchen. He opens the fridge and vacantly stares inside. He’s forgotten what he was doing. He spots a litago (chocolate milk) with ISAK on it and checks the date. It expired two days ago (DATE). ISAK smells it, it smells fine. He takes a gulp, it tastes fine. He brings the litago with him and takes a seat by the kitchen table, but he doesn’t drink it, he just sits there, staring at nothing. He hears a sound and looks up. He jumps. ESKILD is at the door with a face mask and a towel wrapped around his head.
ISAK: Jeezes!
ESKILD: What are you doing up?
ISAK: You scared me
ESKILD studies ISAK for a moment and sees that he’s tired. He walks over to the kitchen counter and turns on the kettle. There’s an elephant in the room, they haven’t really talked since ESKILD explained Pride to ISAK.
ESKILD: I’ve got this Yogi tea that makes you tired, do you want some?
ISAK: Sure, thanks.
Silence falls again. ISAK takes a gulp of the litago. Perhaps it’s gone bad after all, he smells it again. ESKILD looks at ISAK.
ESKILD: Are you having problems sleeping?
ISAK lies: Nah… there was just some noise outside the window
ESKILD nods but doesn’t believe him. He takes out two cups from a cabinet and opens a pack of Yogi tea. He puts the teabags in the cups and pours boiling water over. ESKILD hands ISAK a cup and sits down. ESKILD adds two spoonfuls of sugar to his own tea and looks over at ISAK, ISAK shakes his head. It’s quiet again. They both take a sip. Large two shot of them, where they’re sitting at the table (both facing the room, not each other), ESKILD with a face mask and a towel wrapped around his head, ISAK with a tired, withdrawn face. ISAK understands that he’s got to say something. He looks at ESKILD and finds his courage.
ISAK: Hey, sorry about what I said.
ESKILD looks at ISAK
ISAK: Dissing gay pride, I didn’t mean it. Seriously.
ESKILD calmly: I know you didn’t mean it.
ISAK looks at ESKILD and nods. It’s quiet between them again. ISAK takes a sip of his tea. ESKILD tries to find an in to what he wants to say.
ESKILD: When I was in 4th grade, Olav from my class said I sounded like a girl.
ISAK looks at ESKILD
ESKILD: And I remember being so scared for what that meant. So I went home and practiced speaking like a guy. Every night, for two weeks, I sat in my room and watched Amigo and tried copying Stian Barsnes Simonsen, because he was the coolest guy I could think of. So I figured if I talked like him, then it’d be okay. I’d be good enough.
ISAK listens to ESKILD. ESKILD thinks.
ESKILD: See, I know now that what I felt for Stian Barsnes Simonsen was beyond just masculine admiration. Actually I think he starred in one of my very first wet dreams. Dreamt that he pulled me into Flygeren and blew me, do you remember Flygeren?
ISAK looks at ESKILD with a disturbed look.
ESKILD gets that he’s gone off on a tangent, so he dials it back.
ESKILD: Anyway, of course it didn’t help to try to sound like Stian Barsnes Simonsen, because then Olav started commenting that I talked in a weird way.
ESKILD looks down at his tea cup.
ESKILD: So I stopped talking altogether.
ISAK studies ESKILD with sadness. He’s always been under the impression that ESKILD was born confident but now he understands that he wasn’t. ESKILD thinks.
ESKILD: And to this day, Olav is still inside my head. But the difference is now, that every time he appears, I don’t feel like talking like a guy, I feel like talking even more like a girl. Like, just go for it, like a rebellion against Olav.
ISAK smiles a little.
ESKILD laughs: Poor Olav, he doesn’t know jack shit about this, he’s just sitting there in a crappy apartment out in Holmlia with three kids and a wife with hemorrhoids and thinks all is well and good.
ISAK surprised: Shit, he’s got three kids?
ESKILD: No no, or I don’t know, it’s just what I’m imagining.
ISAK nods.
ESKILD: The point is, that you talk like a guy, presumably always have. So I understand that it feels weird to be associated with guys who talk like girls. Or, like you said, guys who wear tights and mascara. But Pride is about normalizing what people think is weird. And the only way to do that is by showing it. Lots of it.
ESKILD looks at ISAK, ISAK nods. He gets it.
ESKILD: Not much else to do. You are what you are.
ISAK thinks about that last part. He’s always thought that you are what you do, but now he’s not so sure anymore. Maybe ESKILD is right in that what you do doesn’t really matter, because you are what you are no matter what. ESKILD finishes his tea and stands up.
ESKILD: I’m gonna go to bed. Aren’t you tired?
ISAK lies: Yeah
ESKILD puts his cup in the sink and walks towards the door, he stops in the door opening and looks at ISAK. There’s something he has to say.
ESKILD: Anything’s better than to stop talking. Like I did.
ISAK looks at ESKILD
ESKILD: And I understand if you don’t want to talk to me, but maybe there’s a social worker or a nurse or something at Nissen. You can talk to them in confidentiality, y’know.
ISAK nods. ESKILD leaves the kitchen.
ESKILD (off): G’Night, then
ISAK: Night.
ESKILD (off): Oh shit, the face mask…
ESKILD turns and speed walks past the kitchen to the bathroom. ISAK stays in his seat and thinks about what ESKILD said.
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davidluigi · 2 years ago
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Skam 3x02 - ‘You’re 18, right?’
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elnotwoods · 3 years ago
Every iconic show has these:
a love guru an iconic pool kiss
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skambigbang · 2 years ago
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Be on the lookout for a new one-shot fic today featuring Linn and the boys! Read it on the 2023 Skam Big Bang A03 collection at the link below. And remember to show all our stories and art all the love and read, kudo and comment! @hodgehegposts @eirabach
Fics may post at any time during their scheduled day so subscribe to get notified exactly when a new chapter drops. Bookmark this year's collection on A03 at:
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peacestew · 3 years ago
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pride | torsdag 3.11.16
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chillerhjemmesmiley · 3 years ago
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SØNDAG 20.11.16 kl 16.34
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raindrops-on-concrete · 3 years ago
I need more people to talk about that scene where Eskild educates Isak on Pride and gay culture and how the kind of people he doesn't want to associate with are the very same people that fought for what now enables Isak to be so open about his relationship with Even.
I just think, it's one thing to have two men kiss and call it a queer story or to actually give it some depth.
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jamesmarriottistrilingual · 2 years ago
Me at night wondering which SKAM character I would be if SKAM had a UK version:
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emziess · 3 years ago
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Grindr søndag 9.10.16, 11:11
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