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igotublue · 4 months ago
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Is it Thursday yet? 👀
@esgaril Thanks for the banger NPC suggestions!
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bixbiboom · 2 years ago
Today needs a nice wholesome (“wholesome”) catch-up between Matt Mercer and Steph Stigma (trans and autistic standup comic, and apparently Matt’s cousin?) after six years of scheduling conflicts.
Thanks to @esgaril for bringing this to my attention, I missed it entirely!
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444names · 3 years ago
ilkorin/doriathrin words + danian/ossiriandic words
Adhoin Adhrond Adoloss Archor Argulthron Arilthies Arilweth Arittealc Arnivon Arthind Asteagenn Baldo Baldumbar Ballas Balley Balmen Barchomely Barthúreg Belbelver Belbore Belduind Beling Bellian Bellight Belrost Belveiloc Bentairon Benting Beords Beresgess Berith Berse Blind Blorthin Bords Borel Borron Borrost Bothideen Bothir Bothron Bowen Briangorth Briled Brilin Bring Brins Brith Calthoin Carth Cavest Celron Clado Cogiench Cognoldor Cognoldow Cwety Daingolin Daleglin Damir Damír Deavy Derse Dilost Dilthilina Dindo Dinesgaril Dinor Diongoree Diour Dorth Dralm Duiliant Dumablado Dumbal Dumbar Dumbow Dungof Dungor Duntaig Dunte Duntre Durawn Durgale Durtheast Duvon Dwate Dwathor Dúghousa Dúght Eadon Eagennath Ealad Eavesgar Eavioni Echor Echorth Ecipice Ecipin Ecres Ecress Egienced Egion Eglan Eglight Eglorth Eglosgen Egoblama Egolk Egorn Egornt Egorroneg Egorthurn Egron Egrûm Elbeorthad Eldair Eldolk Eldonion Eldow Elith Ellamin Elley Elond Eloron Eluind Elung Elunnan Elventor Elveregle Elvesgar Elygn Eniverven Ennant Entaing Ereadorron Erveil Esgadhron Esgaril Esgen Essord Estind Estingorth Ethingol Ethornion Etymousa Fenduindin Fenhorome Feniousad Fenteal Fingol Foldaled Frostin Gador Gadord Gadum Gales Galey Galley Galos Garchar Garil Garilingol Garnith Gencel Gnolduilm Gobly Gobst Goldo Golith Golme Golon Goreed Gores Gorgoldon Gorrome Gorthôn Greagline Grest Greth Gromence Gross Gwareend Gwarthor Gwelt Gwelthan Gwenced Gwesgal Gweth Haden Halegof Hales Halla Hapere Harchorost Heado Headorros Healdorn Heales Healm Healoc Heassir Heaviond Heavior Heaviorreg Hereglor Heregol Herse Hidde Hioneg Hiousiced Hirilith Hithin Hitte Honelda Hords Horron Hound Hroth Ieneck Jewen Jewes Jeweth Lamar Lamargolf Lamindurn Lamír Lascavion Lauglorn Leglorth Legrost Lesgench Liandelm Light Liondolf Liteden Lorgar Lorromen Losgar Losted Lrostind Lungolk Lutsil Lutsiron Lygnor Lómend Lómene Lóment Lóming Lómingol Lómiritind Lúthing Lúthirim Lúthord Mablog Mablorgar Mablos Mably Manda Manguaglos Maniouthor Mantives Mantorron Marelduin Melbor Melver Menithind Meorn Merve Minecren Mirimbaley Mounted Muilorn Muindon Muinesges Musidded Nanduin Naniverma Nathone Nauglins Naugollin Naulth Naurc Neglos Neglost Ngolf Niangwes Nioutsidem Nitedla Nithien Oblorn Obstreence Orron Osgaron Ossir Ossirin Osted Ostiveil Ousantain Ousilin Outhrôn Palaced Palado Pallama Penegla Pereed Pereg Pluins Plungolion Plurim Plutsir Poold Poolda Pooldaley Poolk Prealme Precreg Preed Prelf Raded Radee Radent Radfassavy Radhrassad Radon Raduvon Rairiangor Rairost Randain Randalc Randunn Recipins Regien Relboth Resgar Ressir Rethir Rethong Retymolf Rianted Riling Rondic Rôthil Rôtholine Rôthúret Sadold Saver Savesen Savion Screed Screg Scregloss Scregolm Seciping Shaded Shadfascre Shadord Shaduindin Shady Shalling Shalost Shantaril Shargul Sicelurgar Sidentins Staind Steallin Sting Strested Strey Succe Succeldold Succelm Succelt Succely Swang Swanion Swantor Swarong Swaros Swarth Swathúrey Taighom Taind Tairon Thealdo Thealduil Thing Thingobst Thion Thiree Thiriling Thoin Thold Tholf Thoman Thomar Thome Thomen Thorguagen Thrair Throth Thurad Thúres Tiverma Torntaing Torrond Troth Twisechal Twisen Twitir Uduile Udung Uduvong Umablost Urchol Urguagent Valador Valaul Valed Valthôn Vaurim Vence Ventor Vereglaced Veretymour Verimbar Verves Vesges Wedlake Wedlandow Whiloc Whindealc Whirilin Wilin Wited Withor Witineg Woldo Woldurthin Wolon Womablin Women Worong
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the-guy-from-baker-st · 4 years ago
I was tagged by the amazing @esgaril
Thanks for tagging me.
1. Zodiac sign: Aquarius
2. A city/country you'd visit if you could leave right now: Japan. Always wanted to visit that mythical wonderland.
3. Languages you know: Marathi, Hindi, English, Gujarati. Learning Dutch and Japanese.
4. Favorite hot beverage: Hot Chocolate!
5. Favorite cold beverage: Chocolate Milkshake
(i swear I'm a grown up)
6. Favorite salty food: Kande Pohe (flattened rice with potatoes and peanuts, topped with cilantro, peanuts, and lemon)
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7. Favorite sweet food: Do I have to choose? I love almost all sweets. In love with all Indian sweets, really like Baklava too
8. Favorite candy: Kinder Bueno
9. Favorite color: Blue with a hint of green
10. Favorite flower: Gardenia. My dad had planted a tree next to our house, i remember the sweet scent that would fill the night as the wind breezed past
11. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (if known): INTP
12. Your OTP: Percabeth and Peraltiago
13. Your Hogwarts house (if known): Ravenclaw
This was fun, I'd like to tag: @aoi-herondale, @givemeabreak57, @sangreiti
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chasmbloom · 2 years ago
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A great addition from @esgaril! I completely agree
Controversial take perhaps but I think a lot of the criticism for campaign 3 is because it’s being judged against narrative criteria for films, tv shows and books rather than an improvisational game.
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dunderklumpen · 11 years ago
esgaril replied to your post: so bored that I actually applied for a...
well, good luck for the job you applied for! and I bet there are still many shows to watch or books to read if you’re really bored :)
of course. but that's not enough to keep me sane for the next 2,5 months. :)
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critrolestuff · 2 years ago
Shoutout to @esgaril for wisely pointing out details I flat-out forgot lmao
But ALSO: loving how the consensus on this post seems to be “Percy is an absolute menace who probably doesn’t know what it is to be able to see individual leaves on trees even WITH glasses”
How do y’all think Percy cleans his glasses? Discuss
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mostly10 · 12 years ago
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mcshep-everyday · 13 years ago
YOU’RE IT! Rules are: copy this message to 10 other beautiful people/blogs who you think deserve this message! Keep the game going and make everyone feel beautiful❤
Ah! Thank you so much for this, I'm so happy you think this blog deserves a wonderful message like this!
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onyxbird · 2 years ago
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@esgaril, you may be correct about what was happening, in particular that Vax thinks he'd be stringing Gilmore along by not ending this, but this is also exactly what I mean about it being an "overzealous commitment to monogamy." Relationships don't have to be of the same type or intensity to be worth having, and romantic relationships are the only ones we hold to that standard. If I dropped less intense friendships purely because my closest friendship was deeper, people would think I was nuts. In fact, there would probably be a lot of people telling me that it was unhealthy to have only one friend.
Even if Vax is more attracted to Keyleth, I think the conversation makes it clear that he didn't lose interest in what he had with Gilmore--he just thinks he "can't" continue and seems deeply unhappy about that.
It seems like all he had to do to avoid stringing Gilmore along is to confide in him about falling in love with someone who Vax doesn't think loves him back (awkward, but not exactly out-of-the-norm for Vax's usual level of intense conversations) and follow Gilmore's lead on how that changes things. Given their on-stream level of interaction (flirting when Vax happens to be around, heart-to-heart conversations about what has been going on between visits, hugs and cheek kisses, and once going out to spend the afternoon together), he may have never had any expectation that he was Vax's only or primary love interest, and this might change nothing. I wouldn't expect Gilmore to have abstained from other relationships over loyalty to Vax at that level of flirting either. Or he could be heartbroken and no longer be comfortable flirting with Vax, in which case they'd be in exactly the same place they were after the canon conversation. Or somewhere in between, and they could have sorted out how they wanted to proceed (even if that were "I need to think this over").
Demonstrating loyalty to Keyleth seems like the the only reason for Vax to "need" to unilaterally break it off, and Keyleth has already indicated she's not ready to sign up for that. (The fact that he stayed behind to have this conversation instead of helping to look after Keyleth who was actively-puking-her-guts-up drunk just adds to the "whose benefit is this for again?" question. 🙃)
I'm on my first watch through Critical Role (just got past the Briarwood arc), and I just realized one reason it bugs me that Vax "broke up" with Gilmore because he's trying to romance Keyleth: Of all the enthusiasm from the party about Vax flirting with Gilmore in "Shopping and Shipping," it was Keyleth who literally invested a charisma-enhancing spell* (as well as the "dad thumb") to boost Vax's flirting abilities.
She was demonstrably supportive of this relationship to the point of actively trying to help. So... maybe wait a little to figure out if Keyleth is actually interested in pursuing something and whether exclusivity is what she wants before making two (and possibly three) people unhappy?
Like, sure, Vax was the one doing the flirting and absolutely has the right to decide he doesn't want to do that anymore, but... he clearly does want to do that. Vax is sad about putting a stop to this. Gilmore's sad about it. And from everything I've seen so far, it seems plausible Keyleth might be at least a little disappointed (or at least might feel even more pressured about Vax romancing her if she found out he's committing to exclusivity before she's even decided how she feels about this).
Vax and Gilmore hadn't gone beyond flirting (as made clear by the conversation), so there's no reason why Gilmore should be expecting exclusivity. I'd understand if Vax wanted to, e.g., confide in Gilmore that he thinks he's falling for Keyleth, giving Gilmore the opportunity to back off if it bothered him and context for why Vax might be adjusting his own level of flirting, but ending a mutually enjoyable flirtation over the possibility that he might start something with Keyleth seems like an overzealous commitment to monogamy. (Also, weirdly contradictory with ending the "break-up" conversation by smooching Gilmore on the lips. "Tease," indeed.)
(The more obvious reason it disappointed me was that Vax and Gilmore's flirtation was incredibly fun to watch while most of the Vax and Keyleth romance so far has been deeply and painfully awkward. I understand why it's awkward, given the characters, but that doesn't make it less awkward to watch.)
*She cast Enhance Ability for Charisma on him as they went in, when Vex seems like the one more inclined to do any aggressive negotiating and Vax doesn't seem to need much help (or actual ability checks) to succeed in general flirting with Gilmore at this point.
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hikingofthenoldor · 4 years ago
Can you please share the source for Edward being named after MM's Elric? I have not seen any confirmation about it and I'd be interested to read it. Btw I highly recommend watching FMA, it's great!
Thanks for asking... to be fair I cannot remember were I first read that Ed was named after Elric of Melnibone. However, some digging through the internet has brought up the following results:
TV tropes simply passive aggressively claims that it is a fact (not a great source at all)
There is a footnote in “Son of Classics and Comics” that says “It seems probable that the Elric surname is an evocation of Elric of Melniboné, the albino king-sorcerer who is the hero of many fantasy stories by Michael Moorcock, but no direct influence is evident.” ...which also isn’t a great source. At least it is a bit more honest about not being a real source.
So the conclusion is... maybe I was too quick to repeat something I have once read somewhere (maybe even here on Tumblr, which isn’t a great source either), but cannot back up.
So I guess, it remains a fan theory. But I wouldn’t be surprised if there is some truth to it. Especially given the fact that there are also these baffling similarities to Corum. How many blonde characters are there whose signature look includes a scarlet robe and a powerful prosthetic metal arm?
And thank you for the recommendation. Full Metal Alchemist was everywhere when I was a teen and really into Anime and Manga but for some reason I never got around to watch/read it. All I’ve seen is the Netflix movie and I doubt that that one is doing it justice. It’s on my list.
I love that Edward Elric is named after Elric of Melnibone and his design seems to be heavily inspired by Corum Jhaelen Irsei, the Prince in the scarlet robe. I haven't watched Full Metal Alchemist but I am willing to accept him into Moorcock's Multiverse as yet another incarnation of the Eternal Champion.
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dunderklumpen · 12 years ago
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esgaril replied to your post
I can perfectly understand *hugs* I still haven’t seen those two episodes, because I can’t deal with loosing Bobby ;_;
death's door such a good episode though! it's a bit feelsy (okay probably extremely emotional if your name is not laura) and a definite contender for my top 10 spn episodes. absolutely a worthy last (?) episode. *g*
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obligitory-fma-blog · 3 years ago
OP here, thank you so much for replying to my post! It’s been a while since I made it and I kinda just made it in one sitting, but I’m glad I could start a discussion about this.
I do still somewhat stand with my original point of 03!Ed being more realistic in terms of emotion, but your points here are valid. Looking back on Brotherhood Ed, I he does actually express his emotions without fighting at many more points than I originally considered. A big example of this was the aftermath of Hughes death, where Ed, Alphonse, and Winry are all seen actively grieving, as esgaril said, and also when they talked about his reaction to learning about Ishval and Mustangs goal.
(Side note, but there was a filler episode in 03 that kinda debunks my point where that guy obsessed with that blue rose lady kinda dies because of the elrics and it’s just??? Never brought up again???? And they dont really feel bad about it?? I don’t know whether to include that though because of how weird that plot hole is tbh??)
I realize now actually as I’m writing this that the difference between Brotherhood Ed and 03 Ed isn’t really their emotional outbursts, but how quickly they handle things afterwards. Discounting the episode I mentioned in my side note, 03 Ed takes a lot more time to handle things that Brotherhood Ed, and a lot more time to get his thoughts together. This could be a pacing thing (which some people actually don’t really like about 03, which is understandable,) and, as evil-genius-things said, because he hasn’t had time to adjust to the military and the fact that he’s 12. A good example of this is during the 5th laboratory part in 03, where we take a lot longer to completely move on from that between Ed and Al’s conversation beforehand, the actual action itself being longer due to more time being taken with the murderous brothers trapped in the suit, and Al’s outburst after that with thinking he’s not even real taking longer because he ran away. As a pacing thing, it’s pretty slow and almost a little frustrating, to me at least, when watching, but as an emotional thing, it’s great, it shows these characters are not perfect, especially alphonse in this scenario.
On the other hand, Brotherhood Ed has to battle the shows faster pace and lack of filler episodes while still having to convey realistic emotion, which probably is what stemmed from my misinterpretation. But overall it’s done pretty well, and he gets more information quicker, which changes his outlook quicker as a result. A good example of this is the Maria Ross situation. He recovers a lot quicker because he gets the information that she’s still alive quicker, which is a good thing for pacing but not as strong as an emotional thing because we never see it tied up with who he was really mad at, which was Mustang, which I would’ve liked.
So maybe I was thinking about it wrong. Maybe it’s not just about the variations of Ed, but more about how the shows were set up and directed, as well as outside choices. It’s not really ED, it’s more his environment and maturity, as well as how quickly he gets new information.
But to sum this up, I still do prefer his characterization in 03, but you all have pointed out me not giving credit to Brotherhood Ed where credit is due, which makes me appreciate his character more. Y’all made me think about it a little more, which I also appreciate. Also, I got to talk about FMA, and as you all have gathered, I will take ANY chance to talk about FMA. So thanks! :D
A short defense on 03!Edward Elric and why I prefer his characterization over Brotherhood.
First I’d like to point out: Not every story has a stereotypical happy ending. Not every story should. 03, in it’s own way, has a happy/hopeful ending. Even when things looked bleak in the end, Ed does not give up. That is much more powerful than just saying he won’t give up, it shows he is willing and able to act on it.
It is also realistic, normal and healthy for Edward to experience some kind of depression. So normal, in fact, that one of my issues with Brotherhood is the fact that how he’s feeling through all of this is never fully explored without the use of fighting. He is never really shown as unmotivated, never shown on an off day other than with Nina Tucker, and it would’ve made more sense if this was shown. It would make him more of a character.
Then there’s the matter of character design. In 03, Ed looks like the short child everyone calls him. His eyes are larger, he’s more scrappy, and he has more emotional reactions to death. There is a scene where he goes to a murder and reacts to a death that reminded him strongly of his mother, causing him to go into a panic attack and faint. Meanwhile in Brotherhood, Ed is never shown having that strong of a reaction to death, despite preaching the importance of human life.
So Brotherhood Stans, don’t come at me. Brotherhood isn’t perfect, and 03 has some really good and realistic points to it.
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mishaphilia · 11 years ago
I wish you a very Happy Birthday! :)
thank you so much darlin :)
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mostly10 · 12 years ago
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