#escape with me ( whitty )
laikanwein · 6 months
I had found this old drawing a few days ago. It was the drawing of an Au where Garcello finds Whitty when the latter was still small and had escaped from the facilities where he was created.
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Seeing it made me nostalgic but it also made me want to redraw it because of how old it was and because practically, my way of coloring at that time was very crazy. The lighting has no meaning and it made no sense that the fireworks were exploding behind if they were looking in front.
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So here is the progress I made a few days ago, it was a curious process since I used the "special" tool of Ibis Paint X to do almost all the drawing. Taking as an exception of course, the areas where you can clearly see what the airbrush was using to illuminate or add light detail.
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I wanted to show a little close up of Whitty's face since I really love how it turned out hehe.
Although I know that the drawing is not perfect and still has errors, it is at least good to see that I am making a lot of progress when comparing my current drawing with the one from 2021/2022.
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pico-digital-studios · 9 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Locations: FNF-NEW-2023
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Benjamin: So, what did you bring me out here for, Pico?
Pico: Well, I know you've been busy with your rehearsals for the upcoming concert, and I can't really blame ya. It's just... It's something important I need to get off my chest. For now, it's just between you and me.
Benjamin: I mean, why isn't Grace allowed to hear it? She'd definitely understand.
Pico: Heh, I know. But right now, I don't want to start any mass chaos erupting because of this news, especially not if her dad learns about it.
Benjamin: What do you mean?
Pico: Well, Ben... I'm from the OLD iteration of this universe.
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Benjamin: O-Old iteration? What do you mean?
Pico: It's... a long story. I'll explain it...
WARNING: From this point down, there are unmarked spoilers for Friday Night Funkin': Mario's Madness, ESPECIALLY for its endgame. If you haven't seen or played the mod, please stop reading now to avoid spoilers.
Pico: Remember the whole ordeal the three of us had with that creepy Mario and Xenophanes?
Benjamin: Yeah?
Pico: Well, that was actually meant to be our last conflict, but we managed to escape it alive.
Benjamin: Heh, yeah. We do make a good team.
Pico: However... That haunted cartridge was right at the end of it all for... the ORIGINAL you.
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Pico: As "Boyfriend", you were even more brave, albeit with the urge to tackle practically any challenge laid before you if it meant keeping "Girlfriend" safe. All of what happened here was handled differently in the original universe. He fought those trying to kill him, those who just wanted some fun, and even some who... didn't exactly want to be a part of his business.
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Pico: And no matter who it was, even if it was Xenophanes throwing tantrums over actually losing, Boyfriend always persevered in the end. That's what I admired about him; he was not outright a fearless fool. What I learned from the Corruption I experienced was that he always looked to the positives, knowing that there's always a brighter day ahead. At least, until THAT day happened.
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Pico: Like what happened here, I was drawn into the cartridge business when neither BF or GF returned any calls. It must've felt like days when I came to check on them, only to find the TV blaring red static. Before I could even react, I was dragged into that world, where I had to fend off that "Mr. L" entity posing as Luigi... or apparently, a vengeful spirit of him. Even to this day, I don't know what its motives were, but it clearly wanted me dead for the evulz. I managed to escape safely and got on the hunt to find BF and GF safely. However...
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Pico: They were dead when I finally found them... And I was all alone in that digital hellscape with no way back out. I've never forgiven myself for being too late to come to their aid, though I survived as long as I could, busting into the Minus World to try and evade that killer plumber. While there, I came across this entity that resembled... King Koopa? I didn't have long to process this, as everything vanished before my eyes as "Ultra M" approached.
Benjamin: Then what happened?
Pico: I was pretty much reborn into a new universe. THIS one. One key change was the links to the SEGAVerse; you being the younger brother of Hatsune Miku. And you had a bigger family than the "canon" iteration, who simply had a rap-rat as an adoptive brother. Events definitely played out normally, but with numerous changes:
You and Grace dropped out of high-school at 17.
I halted the whole school dangers quickly by dealing with Cassandra promptly, therefore saving even more lives than I once did.
You managed to get Daniel Dearest on your good side after he admitted to his crimes and felt guilty for it.
You've been arguably kinder than the original Boyfriend.
Updike stood down and shut down the Greater Good, thanks to the efforts of you and Whitty, along with Grace, Carol and Sunday, of course.
Benjamin: I had definitely been through a lot.
Pico: Mhm. And when we crossed into Alan Becker's computer, that's when we became teens again, and that's when the things I predicted came to an end. We met Chris and all the others, you got a new boyfriend in Luis, and, well... the rest is history!
Benjamin: Mhm. So, like OMT Tails, I'd be classed as some "anomaly" by those guys because of your actions?
Pico: It shouldn't come to that, hopefully. I'm just really concerned about how you're feeling after what happened to you back in MP-2021, Benji. I really don't want it to take a toll on your life. Same with what I just told you.
Benjamin: Hey, don't worry! I've got an optimistic future ahead! We got the whole Christmas Festival getting set up next week, and Softie's gonna be showing up. Heh, I can't wait to meet him in person. I really want to have him as a little brother and show him the care he deserves!
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Pico: Heh, man. I really admire you for staying positive, even after all the hell you've been through.
Benjamin: I mean, I'll always have you guys. And as long as you're all okay, I'll always find motivation to keep on moving!
Pico: Thanks, Ben. I really appreciate that.
Benjamin: Alright. Why don't we go catch up with the others? They must be getting worried.
Pico: Of course!
Benjamin: Man. I wonder if Evan and Holly will be able to show up there.
Pico: Heh. I'm sure they can make the time if Evan's parents are alright with it.
Meanwhile, at Dimension URB-2023...
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Bently: I'm happy things are okay in the original dimension. You keep being you, Benjamin. Well, who I once was, heh.
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Isabella: You feeling okay, Bently?
Bently: Heh, yeah. If anything, I feel at peace, knowing everything's alright in a version of the universe I came from.
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Isabella: Glad to hear it!
Bently: Well, let's get moving to school! We don't wanna keep Mrs. Aoibhe waiting for too much longer.
Isabella: You got it!
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polarisgreenley · 8 months
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A Bouquet of New Beginnings Chapter 13: "Whitty Pear"
Floriography - Harmony & Prudence
Summary: Just a weekend with some gals and opening trap doors.
Below is an excerpt of the chapter, full chapter can be viewed from the AO3 link above!
Incessant bangs roused Artemis from measly hours of sleep; Nocturne protested within her arms with a meow. With the still lingering tiredness from the earlier adventure, she managed to shuffle herself up and opened the door.
“Imelda?” Artemis mustered out with a still gravelly voice. Imelda, who stood there with both hands on her hips and dressed in Quidditch gear, snorted.
“Glad you remember my name," said Imelda sarcastically. "Didn’t believe it when Violet said your bed curtains were still shut.” 
“Sshh, you’ll wake Nerida and Priscilla,” shushed Artemis as she let the black-haired girl in. Her simple braid slipped off her shoulder and dangled to her mid-back as she shut the door. Nocturne rubbed himself around her ankles as she read the shared clock. Seven-thirty.
“Nerida would sleep through a bloody graphorn charge. And Priscilla isn’t even here; probably off with whichever friend in season. Hurry on and get changed; we’re going to strategize how to bludgeon that motion sickness out of you.”
“That isn’t how motion sickness works,” mumbled Artemis.
They’d never arranged anything, but they’d run into each other every other morning at the pitch. Or rather, Artemis was already there and Imelda came around in her flying gear. Each time, Imelda insisted Artemis fly with her, and without reason to refuse, she obliged.
Imelda shrugged as she sat at the edge of Artemis’ bed, the beryl eyes on the two sets of folded uniforms on the small, plush ottoman.
“Where’s the rest of your clothes?”
“You’re looking at them,” said Artemis as she grabbed one set.
“Ah, right, forgot about that.”
Artemis lifted an eyebrow; Imelda smirked.
“Anyways. Priscilla wasn’t thrilled. Insisted I’ve plans tomorrow.”
“Right. You’ll probably be marched into Gladrags and that frilly boutique. Good luck with that,” snorted Imelda. “Anyways, beating out your motion sickness. Spintwitches is open again.”
Artemis stepped behind the shade and started to change. “Spit witches?”
“Spintwitches,” corrected Imelda. “The sporting shop. Albie Weekes runs it – a bit barmy, but he’s got some brains. Heard he made some broom upgrades. Maybe you won’t get sick on a broom with one.”
Artemis grimaced. “I did say I don’t do well with swerves.”
“Yes, but curling on the ground like a pill bug?”
Artemis rolled her eyes at the tease.
“Besides, I don’t own a broom,” noted Artemis as she finished changing. Nocturne jumped onto the table and looked expectantly between her and the mirror on the floor.
“So get one! You won’t need to borrow the school’s then. Plus, it’s a handy way to escape if you’re surrounded by Ashwinder wankers,” reasoned Imelda
Artemis hummed. “You have a point.”
“I always have a point.”
“Fair,” said Artemis as she began her usual braiding ritual.
“Settled then, we’ll go after we fly,” said Imelda. Her beryl eyes met Artemis’ forest greens in the reflection. “Wait here.”
Artemis lifted an eyebrow with half her hair braided as she watched Imelda leave. Nocturne tilted his head before he pawed over two hairpins. She chuckled as she met the cat’s head bump with her own forehead.
“Thank you darling. Such a gentleman.”
Nocturne puffed his chest in pride. Artemis looked back briefly to check that Nerida’s curtains were still drawn. It seemed she really could sleep through a whole conversation.
The door clicked as Imelda returned with another set of Quidditch uniforms before they were flopped on her stack of Healing books.
“Now you have three sets.”
“But I – ”
“ – Keep it, they don’t fit me anymore” insisted Imelda as she crossed her arms and cocked her hip.
Artemis gave a smile. “Thank you, Imelda.”
“Whatever,” said Imelda as she rolled her eyes. Imelda reached toward her desk and picked up the perfume bottle. “La Fleure?”
Artemis chuckled as she finished pinning one braid around her head. “It was a gift. Apparently, it’s for… special occasions, but the bottle’s too beautiful to be stuffed in a drawer.”
Imelda gave a hum as she kept reading the bottle.
Artemis continued wrapping her other braid around. “What is Anne Sallow like?”
“Why?” Imelda asked, her sharp eyebrow lifted.
“Just curious.”
Imelda huffed a laugh.
“Take Sallow, shrink him a few inches, give him long hair and put a decent pair of tits on him.”
“You chide, but you’re smiling,” remarked Imelda as she smirked.
Artemis rolled her eyes as she placed the final pin. Her reflection smiled back at her.
“I didn’t need that image, thank you.”
Imelda barked a laugh, though she turned serious a moment later.
“Want my honest opinion?”
“Here I thought you were always honest,” said Artemis. Imelda lifted a corner of her mouth.
“Huh! Didn’t think you had cheek in you. But I’m starving, so after breakfast. A proper breakfast, not just green apples,” said Imelda.
The subject matter closed until they were on their brooms and above the Ravenclaw tower, far away from prying eyes and ears. The cool wind lifted her bangs as her ribbon fluttered.
“Anne’s not a bad sort. Roomed with her before she left. Decent enough chaser that I didn’t want to throttle her. But the general opinion of her went up when she left. Pretty sure only Ominis was her true friend.”
“…went up when she left?”
“Yeah. I assume you know Anne’s been sick since last year?”
Artemis nodded; she’d garnered that to most, Anne Sallow had ostensibly left the school due to a long-term illness. Only Sebastian, Ominis, and now herself knew that she had been cursed.
“Well. Anne’s always been cheery and polite enough to everyone. Taste for chaos that even made Garreth’s explosions look tame… though she partook in most of those. Part of that Crossed Wands club. Had a wicked tongue and temper too. Nobody really talks about the latter two now that she left,” explained Imelda as she moved forward.
Artemis kept up as she casted a pre-emptive libro; the wind pressed against her chest faster and harder. She tightened her core to keep herself as steady as possible.
“When you said Ominis was her only true friend, what did you mean?” Artemis asked curiously. Their voices were louder to cut through the whipping sounds from the speeding air.
“Exactly that. Can’t exactly call Sebastian her friend when he’s her twin. Both are friendly enough with most people, but it’s surface level. Pretty common for Slytherins. Anyways, that trio stuck together like a permanent sticking charm. Even last year, Sebastian and Ominis stuck together and nobody entered that third slot.”
Artemis agreed with that thought. Despite the friendships she’d formed here, Henry would always remain her closest friend. She highly doubted there would be anyone who could surpass him.
“That is, until you gave Sebastian a right battering. It’d been a while since I’d seen either of them take to someone so quickly.”
Artemis chuckled awkwardly; she wasn’t sure where she stood with the blond at least.
“Still got your insides together?” Imelda asked, completely unaware of Artemis’ turmoil.
“Oh yes.”
She casted another Sensory Balancing Charm.
“Then you better keep up. We’re beating out that motion sickness. Race you to Hogsmeade!”
“Again, that’s not how this works...!”
Imelda only deigned her with barked laughter.
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the-entity-daily · 2 years
Speaking of which, how have things been since the Void? Are you guys okay? Or would you rather not talk about it?
Aldryx: Well, let me tell you what goes on during that time first, from my POV. Agoti, this idiotic gremlin of a brother goes missing. Literally out of no where, gone. None of us know what happened, who did it, when he will return, if he even is gonna return, if he is safe, so on and all. Sol was very very worried, I can't even describe it. He talked less, not that he often talked, his glow appeared even more dim, he often had eyebags, rarely ate or slept and the only thing he drank was coffee to stay awake and go through every piece of evidence the police had to find even the tiniest link. I, well, *shoves Agoti out of the room* he doesn't need to know. I cried for days. Nothing was helping. His face on the streets with "MISSING" on it, I was worried. Would he even be okay? It's that feeling where you know what is missing, you have no clue what to do, you couldn't tell anyone what happened. Well, Sol was there, but he was so stressed, I didn't want to make it worse for him. Tabi, Whitty, Ayana, Hex... they all helped, but it didn't work. Agoti was... gone. I often told him to get lost, you know. I was worried he left... because of me. I hated to think that. It just scared me so badly, he was gone for a year. Even now, the whole thing feels unreal. I never wrapped my brain around it. I can't, I- I just couldn't believe it, it felt like it was a nightmare. Never escaped. It still scares me
Agoti, from the other door: I CAN HEAR YOU AND I LOVE YOU TOO NOW LET ME IN.
Aldryx: fine. *opens door*
Agoti: Well, my turn. The void was lonely. I lost track of time there, no sun or anything to indicate day or night, all I could see was floating rocks. That and under the rocks was pitch black nothingness, I was always scared of that. Just- falling in, never getting out. Never escaping. Then black, grey and white all around me, no colour at all, cold, lonely, no one to talk to... It was terrifying to be alone, for once. As someone somewhat popular, it felt weird being alone and no one to talk to. Now even after the void, I stay inside more, just don't wanna get caught again, ya know? Just stay with people I love and do what I like.
Aldryx: Safe to say, we are still traumatised from the whole ordeal.
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lightgriffinsect · 2 years
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I posted 2,778 times in 2022
That's 2,778 more posts than 2021!
170 posts created (6%)
2,608 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,716 of my posts in 2022
Only 38% of my posts had no tags
#friday night funkin - 376 posts
#the owl house - 237 posts
#reblog - 183 posts
#toh hunter - 137 posts
#fnf incorrect quotes - 136 posts
#incorrect quotes - 135 posts
#fnf void - 132 posts
#fnf fanart - 126 posts
#art - 101 posts
#fnf agoti - 93 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i always love-hate when a character is starting to have fun again then their past comes crashing down on them and shatters their confidence
My Top Posts in 2022:
Garcello: What's up, guys? I'm back. BF: What the— you can't be here. You're dead. I literally saw you die. Garcello: Death is a social construct.
10 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
(Friday Night Funkin’)
Agoti’s not one to regularly compose poetry in his head. He definitely would ironically, but he normally can’t take himself seriously enough to get overly descriptive of his surroundings. 
But now, as he takes in the sounds and colors of early-evening Newgrounds City two days after escaping the void, he can’t help feeling nostalgic. The noise that everyone around him would consider a chaotic, disorderly pollution has become a long-lost friend. Cars screech at each other, dogs bark and cats yowl, humans try to talk over the convoluted loud and end up only contributing to it. It’s beautiful.
To Agoti, it’s all an orchestra, a song to pick apart to its many elements. Every instrument tells its own tale, as one thread weaving through all the others to create a tapestry illustrating the harmonious noise. 
The sounds have all become so familiar and comforting. He never once imagined missing this so much as when he was drowning in the void’s overwhelming silence, but here he is.
13 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker* Ruv: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know. Everyone: Hex: ...I did. I broke it. Ruv: No. No, you didn't. Agoti? Agoti: Don't look at me. Look at Whitty. Whitty: What?! I didn't break it. Agoti: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken? Whitty: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken. Agoti: Suspicious. Whitty: No, it's not! Aldryx: If it matters, probably not, but BF was the last one to use it. BF: Liar! I don't even drink that crap! Aldryx: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier? BF: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Al! Hex: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Ruv. Ruv: No! Who broke it?! Everyone: Whitty: Ruv...Tabi's been awfully quiet. Tabi: rEALLY?! *Everyone starts arguing* Ruv, being interviewed: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it. Ruv: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Ruv: Ruv: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
13 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
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So Entity is canceled. I honestly didn't believe it at first, but after reading through the link, I can say that as disappointing as this is, I understand why it happened.
This was the mod I was the most attached to, and seeing it go is heartbreaking. I loved everything about it and was really looking forward to seeing the full release. However, Sugar and Innuendo and the rest of the team have lives too, and their mental health is more important than the mod. It wouldn't be worth it if working themselves to death on this mod left them negatively affected and resentful. Of course, since we're still allowed to make fan content, this doesn't mean the full, complete erasure of Entity. I still have several WIPs revolving around these characters that I plan to finish. And Solazar's chapter will still be released as well, so that's something to look forward to.
I'll always love the Entity mod. But now we have to say goodbye.
See the full post
15 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
BF: We're supposed to be a team. What happened to this family? Pico: *complaining about everything to nobody* Agoti: *pacing back and forth while murmuring insults* Tabi: *curled up in the corner* Hex: *hitting on a mannequin* Ruv: *dead* Whitty: *crying and shoveling cereal into mouth*
20 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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starsallalight · 1 year
@starstcff : Jacqueline & Gregory
a pleasant smile stayed on his features as he waited for her to make a decision, even as his eyes darted around to see if anyone was looking, a sliver of embarrassment crossing through him.     the things one does for his family, hyacinth would owe him for this one!    with the way she tarried and demurred, gregory started to fear for his feet and shins.
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“ the honor is all mine,    ”     guiding her by the hand to the line that was forming as the musicians readied for the signal, he wondered if he could escape after this dance.   as much as he enjoyed a good ball, there was a card game at the club today he had been itching to participate; or, he could head back to his apartments early so tomorrow he could get an early start tomorrow.    most of his friends were going into the country for a weekend which promised entertainment abound.    
for now, he had a dance to perform, and a lady to entertain.     “     now, i don’t know about fashion, my sisters despair of me and i can’t ask them any more questions.   so, miss jacqueline, will you help me satisfy my curiosity?    ”
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Looking up at the young man curiously, Jacqueline blinked slowly. "I can try, sir. But I'm afraid I'm not what everyone would call whitty." She answered with a demurred tone.
She wasn't much used to anyone taking an interest in her, let alone talking to her. The only time she was ever under someone's face was when her mother or sister wanted to chide and humiliate her. Or when Danielle was trying to be kind and include her.
"What is it you wish to know?"
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progenyofprongs · 1 year
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"Well, love because I'm planning a suprise for you and your brother and we wouldn't want to spoil it now do we?" Sirius stuck his tongue at the girl. He cherished the little moments he had with the young potters, the man felt so guilty for his stint in Azkaban and regretted it everyday.
"How's school?"
By some miracle Amelia had refrained herself from arguing back over her relation with the so-called 'brother' she refused to acknowledge. Instead it was a whitty remark that left her lips as she moved out of the door frame and strolled into the room where she heard Sirius whispering. "If you tell me, I'll still act surprised." She told matter of factly in an almost cocky manner, "I'm very good at it. Just ask Snape every time I see his slimey face ..." 
In truth, she didn't know what it was about the potions professor that bugged her so ... Amelia strained to hold back the sigh that threatened to escape upon being asked about Hogwarts. She was successful, though her distaste of going to a magic school was evident through the crossing of her arms over her chest - as though defensive. "Do you want me to answer you honestly or just lie?"
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Au 1: Poké Night Funkin
Right, as promised, I’ll tell you what Au this is. It’s the Friday Night Funkin or FNF Au, the reason why I decided to do this is because well, no one has done it and makes me very sad 😞. The Au name is called Poké Night Funkin. In this Au, Wally takes Boyfriend’s role while Lisia takes Girlfriend’s role. At this point, they’re not dating prior, but they confessed their feelings to one another before they returned to their timeline after 10 years of being stuck in that timeline, but they tend to treat each other as siblings or just friends. Alright, time for Wally’s bio:
Wally ‘Keith’ Hatsune
Nickname: Cam
Age: 9 (biologically), 19 (mentally), 36 (chronologically)(I don’t know the full timeline of Pokémon Adventures, but all I can say is that’s he’s 5 years older than Red and Green chronologically and this is just a guess)
Species: Human
Friends: Ruby, Sapphire, Soul(hibernating) (and FNF characters which I’ll explain next time) Lisia (Lover)
Relatives: Hatsune Miku (She ‘adopted’ Wally as her brother), Ritz (In FNF universe), Unnamed Father and Mother, Unnamed Aunt and Uncle, Wanda (cousin)(In Pokémon Universe) Soul (brother)(Both universes)
Status: Alive
Occupation: Pokémon Trainer, Rapper (formerly)
Appearance: Mostly the same as OG Wally, tho sometimes he wears a turquoise hoodie, he also has a few scratches here and there
Personality: Same as OG Wally but at times, he will be more confident and not afraid to save others or when spitting bars, even if it costs him his life (although when facing against strong opponents like Whitty or Sonic.exe, he will get scared but tries to keep a smile)
Next we have his Powers and Abilities:
Being literally taking BF’s role, he has similar abilities:
Cognitohazard (this is briefly explained in the teaser but I’ll go more detail into it) (After training, he’s able to unlock this abilities using his Cognitohazard: Arrow World, Fast Reflexes, Echo, Going Super, Song of Healing, Song mimicry)
High Stamina (he ran from both Sonic.exe and Black on separate occasions during the songs Final Escape and Danger)
High Durability
Reset (Pretty obvious what this means)
Nightmare Mode (this is the one where he is most proficient in, I’ll explain next time if you want)
??? (This is said to be his powerful ability, even beyond Nightmare Mode, I don’t know what it is since he didn’t fill me in the details)
Microphone (it’s tied to a rope which is basically like Spider-Man web shooters, and is strapped around his left arm but he holds on his right)
Voice collar (This collar enables him to speak when wearing it.)
Now, a brief summary of him (most likely poorly written):
Most hardcore singers would sing or rap as if their lives are on the line, well in this Wally’s case, it’s quite literal. Being trapped in a different dimension AND being hurled across time and space against his will multiple times AND having many near death experiences and at the same time, having to spit bars, to Wally, the incidents which the dex holders have to face would be a normal Friday night to him. While his adventures are risky or so, he has made many friends and even more enemies throughout his decade of disappearance. Now back in his timeline, he can ‘retire’ from being a rapper and start his dream as a Pokémon trainer, however, since familiar foes have arrived in his timeline after more than a decade to kill him, he has decided to pick up the mic once again, oh and with Lisia cheering him. Now strap in, cuz it’s time to get freaky on a Friday night once again with the duo!
This is again, really long but I don’t exactly know how to write it but it’s the best I can, if you guys want to draw fanart or ask questions or write stories, I’ll allow you. Also, We’ll be covering this Wally Au first, but don’t worry, I’ll explain the other Aus as well. And sorry if this Wally deviates from canon, it’s an Au. Also, if you feel like he’s a bit overpowered, yes he is, he’s considered to be the stronger faction in the Wally Aus, I checked in with one of the other Wallys
“That’s me”
*Turns around* HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE?!
“You left the door open”
*Realizes that I left the door open* Oh, (Darn it) and BTW, how is training for the dex holders in your Au? (That’s foreshadowing)
“Oh that, they’re still trying to get used to their forms, especially their hybrid forms, it’s a pain, let me tell you that”
Same, teaching others is not my forte, BTW, can you leave now?
“Alright then”
*The person soon left*
Oh! I forgot to mention one thing, while this Wally seems pretty powerful, he was drastically weakened due to an incident when traveloijng back to his timeline so he’s right now, he’s nothing but a former shell of himself. (Poor guy) Anyways, that’s all I have today, this is the-new-pokespe-futures, singing out!
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Whitty and Gabriel sat by the fire, the moon high above the duo. The Prince had fallen silent, Whitty tilting his head in concern. "Uh, Princey? Y'doin' okay?" Gabriel looked away sadly. "...What if they find us? Lord knows what they'd do to me, and whatever they would do to you would be leagues worse." Whitty frowned softly, thinking for a moment. "That's a big concern, but ya gotta remember that before they can do anything to us..." His signature shark-tooth grin came across his face. "They gotta find us first, don' they? And these last couple months avoidin' em' have been easy!" Gabriel chuckled. "Heheh. I suppose so. Though I must question your definiton of 'easy'."
(It's pretty long, so the rest of it's under the cut.)
John shook his head. "It's been months, and we barely have a lead as to where the Prince was taken. The king's furious, not to mention the king whose daughter he was supposed to marry." Pico snarled under his breath. "If these idots are takin' so long, I'll just go out there and find the damn prince myself." The General stood up. "You won't. This is an important mission, and we will not be sending inexperienced soldiers out there hapazardly." Pico bolted out the door, being pursued by the older man a few seconds after. "Tell the kings I'll have the Prince and his dumbass captors brought to the capitol!"
Deep in the forest, something was lurking, festering, even. Something dark, something that was never meant to exist in our world. It watches, and waits, for the next unfortunate traveller to enter it's domain. "..."
Entering it's forest, the usually chipper bard sighs wistfully. "...Will I ever find you again..?"
Hex sits on a rock, near the domain of the wizard he had been studying under. He sighs. "If only I could remember more of who I was before... Maybe then I could be of more help." Some people here - like that bard who had came by, felt so familiar, like he knew them before. Yet... He didn't know why. Would he ever know why?
In the depths of a King's castle, lies a chess board, dusty from disuse. Inside of it, however, is a spirit, longing to be free. It is said that in the late of night, soft sobs can be heard from inside the cold dark of the basement, from the spirit of the chess board himself. Who knows what will happen if someone tries to play?
@the-old-castle @assassination-city-fnf @bomb-bot-and-virus @forcefully-employed
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lonelostwriter · 2 years
Just Your Roommate
Chapter 1: Mornings Aren’t My Strong suit
Ah yes. 8:48 am. You peek out your room and sigh, before blinking and turning to the soft rustling behind you. Oh. He’s awake.
“Morning Whitty.” The bomb head gives a tired wave to you.
“How-“ He cuts himself off with a yawn.
“How long have I- been asleep.” You giggle softly.
“All night. You passed out at like 9. It’s 8:50 right now.” He blinks wildly at you, genuinely surprised. His posture reads ‘holy shit’ as he processes it.
“Damn nearly 12 hours…. That’s a first. And I’ve been here what?” You shove your hands into your hoodie pockets.
“About a month?” Whitty’s mouth falls agape. Speechless. He’s been on the run for YEARS. And only slept maybe 12 hours in a set of 3 weeks??? Yeah sometimes 4. He felt refreshed and overall safe here… in your room. Even being in the house he only slept 12 a week. You made him feel safe he supposed. You chuckle at his expression. He shakes his head.
“Damn. Well it’s refreshing… who knew I needed more sleep, haha.” You snort. Looking down at your phone.
“Welp. Time to face the ram skull who caught me n G at 3 am…” Whitty chuckles, shaking his head. You simply wave him goodbye, leaving the room.
“Morning Y/N.” You blink, snapping your head up. Oh! Annie. She was up early. Normally up at 9:45 but oh well.
“Hey Ann. You’re up earlier than usual.” She shrugs with a smile.
"Eh yeah. Tabs was calling a house meeting so." You sweat nervously, hearing a noise and looking over to lock eyes with Garcello who looked... just as nervous as you. Whitty groggily waddles out your room, annoyed. He wanted to lay down longer.
"What did you and G do?"
"Ok in my defense I was getting some water cuz I had an assignment I did not do that was due at 10:15 this morning. He on the other hand scared the living shit outta me eating chips at nearly 3 in the m o r n i n g."
Whitty who was now more awake snorts, Annie looking at Garcello, who in turn was turning a dark shade of purple. You always wondered how that worked. Sometimes it'd be green, other times a natural red... or it'd be blue. Wild. Anyway Tabi stands in the dead center of the house on the bottom floor.
With how the house was set up it felt way bigger than it should for just 5 people. Truth be told you and Tabi had originally bought the house together. It gave you a lot of space for work and music and him some breathing room to plot... whatever. Then the other 3 moved in.
The house had a grand staircase that lead to the front door and a large room that branched off to the living room, kitchen, and the den. Upstairs lied most of the bed rooms, but some had been turned into activity rooms with all the excess space. That's why you got more roommates. You owned the house sure. But it felt too open. You shrug it off. You had your roommates, and were hoping for one more eventually. It was all good.
"Y/n. Garcello." Oh no there's the stern tone. You awkwardly adjust the glasses perched on your nose, Tabi glaring daggers at you- you couldn't for the love of god figure out how that worked- and your green haired companion. Awkward laughter escapes you.
"Tabs I was getting water." A moment passes before he nods, acknowledging it, before looking at Garcello directly. The other male shuffles backwards, before disappearing into his room.
"He was getting chips." Tabi sighs.
“Alright. You go ahead and get your ass to College. We’ll see you later tonight.” You nod, walking back to your room swiftly, grabbing your jacket. Coming back out the room, slipping your shoes on and grabbing your purse. You give Whitty a hug, high-fiving Annie, and then elbow bumping Tabi before grabbing your keys and backpack, both conveniently placed at the door.
The all wave goodbye, watching you close the door. Whitty ends up going to the living room and flopping there... he's probs gonna be there all day.
Well this one was kinda short lmao.
Sorry guys :') Wasn't sure what else to add to this chapter for the most part.
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wattpadscapcons · 3 years
Attempt number 2, let's go
Would it be possible for you to make reverse comfort headcanons for Tabi, Whitty and Ruv (I don't know if you write Ruv or not, but if not you can replace him with Tankman/John)? Like, they have a nightmare about their past or something like that and their S/O comforts them by singing them a lullaby or something.
Please and thank you, have a nice day!
Alright, let's do try this again. I hope this ends up to your liking Lily. Since it is more than one character it will be shorter, I hope that's ok.
Painful Visions (Tabi)
- He woke up gasping for air, cursing in Russian
- "Tabi! Calm down! You're at home, you're ok." "Huh...?" "It was just a nightmare." "......It wasn't just a nightmare, it was my past catching up with me again." "You had visions of her again, didn't you?" "It seems like I can never escape her, even in my sleep. I hate her." "I'm sorry that your mind keeps torturing you." "It's her that tortures me, not my mind, Y/N."
- It's going to take a lot of time for him to be able to get back to sleep
- He'd appreciate if you tried to stay up with him for a little bit
- "I know it's probably a little childish but do you want me to sing for you? I know that when I was a child that always worked even if I had nightmares." "I would like that, your voice has always seemed to calm me down."
- After a little while, both of you fell back asleep peacefully
Painful Visions (Whitty)
- You woke him up, as his fuse was lit, he woke you up with his movement in bed
- "Whitty, are you ok? Your fuse is lit." "Just a nightmare." "Do you want to talk about it?" "All I can say is I was running from the Greater Good." "Are you ok?" ".....I hate reminders of my past." "You're safe, just breathe ok?"
- He might fall back asleep only to be woke up by the same dream
- He's hugging you close to him
- "Do you want me to sing for you Whitty?" ".....Do you think it would help?" "It couldn't hurt." "....Yes."
- In less than 20 minutes he's back asleep, peacefully this time
Painful Visions (Ruv)
- When he wakes up, the dark of the room confuses him further, so he reaches around to make sure you're next to him
- "*yawn* Ruv...do you need something?" "Just making sure you were still here." "Something wrong dear?" "Nightmare." "Is it something you feel comfortable talking about?" "Childhood memories, just a lot of blood." "Are you ok?" "I'll be fine. As long as you stay put."
- He doesn't exactly want to go back to sleep
- But he's not getting up either, not if you aren't up too
- "Do you want me to sing you back to sleep?" ".....Da."
- Takes close to 40 minutes to get him back to sleep
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fanfictionandshi · 2 years
Heyy, I saw that your requests were open and I was wondering if I could request Whitty x Non binary Reader where Reader has a resting bitch face but actually really easy to humor? If that makes any sense- Like, most people think they’re having a bad day and glares at everyone around them and looks like they want to pick a fight but when told the simplest jokes (I.e. when the chicken crosses the road) they start laughing their ass off. How would Whitty react to this? I’m really sorry if this was long or anything like that :’)
Sure zappyy, sounds like fun! 
Whitty x Resting bitch face! Non binary! reader 
Tw: Cursing (lowkey just saying this bc of the title-) 
- Honestly, he gets it
- The only difference is that his resting bitch face actually shows his mood and his attitude towards people 24/7
- You were so??? The opposite??? Not to mention your humor is SO broken
- Now, people's reactions to your "I wanna kill you" resting face was understandable at first to whitty, but at one point it just got annoying.
- The way people would react to you "glaring" at them when in fact you were simply glancing at them, you might've even liked their outfit.
- One time a person even had the balls to come up to you and ask what your problem was.
- Meanwhile you just liked their necklace, but your resting face may have made them thing otherwise, and you explained as such.
- The person was embarrassed and flustered, apologizing for their assumption, and while you were unbothered, Whitty was pissed.
- Your such a good person and they think they have the right to come up to you and even SPEAK to you any type of way?
- Despite your protests, Whitty really let the person have it, embarrassing them even further.
- Overall, Whitty is confused at it at first and even annoyed with it most of the time, just because of the trouble it can get you into.
Author: Ignoring me being an idiot, hey yall. Missed you guys, wasn't doing well mentally (still isn't) but writing is my escape. Got 7 more requests to go, most of which have been rotting in my inbox but I do it for free so 🕺
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Autistic Headcanons 3!
These are from video games/visual novels.
Balan (Balan Wonderworld)
Fantoccio (Billie Bust Up)
Rock Light/Mega Man (Mega Man)
Bass (Mega Man)
Cut Man Light (Mega Man)
Whitty (Friday Night Funkin’)
Kirby (Kirby)
King Dedede (Kirby)
Meta Knight (Kirby)
Adeline (Kirby)
Magolor (Kirby)
Paint Roller (Kirby)
Claycia (Kirby)
Gryll (Kirby)
Sayori (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Natsuki (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Kotone Kizuki/Athena Cykes (Ace Attorney)
Mayoi Ayasato/Maya Fey (Ace Attorney)
Akihiko Sanada (Persona 3)
Fuuka Yamagishi (Persona 3)
Chie Satonaka (Persona 4)
Yukiko Amagi (Persona 4)
Rise Kujikawa (Persona 4)
Kuma/Teddie (Persona 4)
Naoto Shirogane (Persona 4)
Morgana (Persona 5)
Ann Takamaki (Persona 5)
Yusuke Kitagawa (Persona 5)
Makoto Nijima (Persona 5)
Futaba Sakura (Persona 5)
Haru Okumura (Persona 5)
Goro Akechi (Persona 5)
Geno (Super Mario RPG)
Luigi Mario (Super Mario Bros)
Princess Peach Toadstool (Super Mario Bros)
Flonne (Disgaea 1)
Mao (Disgaea 3)
Valvatorez (Disgaea 4)
Killia (Disgaea 5)
Usalia (Disgaea 5)
Melodia (Disgaea 6)
Pirilika (Disgaea 7)
Schezo Wegey (Puyo Puyo)
Sig (Puyo Puyo)
Oshare Bones (Puyo Puyo)
Squares (Puyo Puyo)
Zero (Puyo Puyo)
Eight (Puyo Puyo)
Ally (Puyo Puyo)
Rafisol (Puyo Puyo)
Seiko Shinohara (Corpse Party)
Mayu Suzumoto (Corpse Party)
Sans (Undertale)
Papyrus (Undertale)
Alphys (Undertale)
The Daycare Attendant/Sun & Moon/Sunbeam & Moondrop (Five Nights At Freddy’s: Security Breach)
Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin’)
Girlfriend (Friday Night Funkin’)
Subway Masters Kudari & Nobori/Emmet & Ingo (Pokemon)
Iroha Tamaki (Magia Record)
Tsuruno Yui (Magia Record)
Sana Futaba (Magia Record)
Uwasa of the Eternal Sakura/Sakurako Hiiragi (Magia Record)
Kanagi Izumi (Magia Record)
Alina Gray (Magia Record)
Karin Misono (Magia Record)
Seika Kumi (Magia Record)
Temari Kira (Magia Record)
Hinano Miyako (Magia Record)
Mito Aino (Magia Record)
Sasara Minagi (Magia Record)
Sayuki Fumino (Magia Record)
Kanoko Yayoi (Magia Record)
Rui Mizuki (Magia Record)
Ashley Taylor (Magia Record)
Chiharu Hiroe (Magia Record)
Yozuru Sasame (Magia Record)
Hagumu Azumi (Magia Record)
Miyuri Yukari (Magia Record)
San Kagura (Magia Record)
Asahi Miura (Magia Record)
Keita Amano/Nate Adams (Yokai Watch)
Fumika Kodama/Katie Forrester (Yokai Watch)
Inaho Misora/Hailey-Anne Thomas (Yokai Watch)
Whisper (Yokai Watch)
Jibanyan (Yokai Watch)
USApyon (Yokai Watch)
Vivi Ornitier (Final Fantasy IX)
Filbo Fiddlebean (Bugsnax)
Gramble Gigglefunny (Bugsnax)
Snorpington “Snorpy” Fizzlebean (Bugsnax)
Floofty Fizzlebean (Bugsnax)
Dr. Boris Habit (Smile For Me)
Putunia Mollar (Smile For Me)
Kamal Bora (Smile For Me)
Q/Sean (Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma)
Noel Vermillion (BlazBlue)
Mai Natsume (BlazBlue)
Ralsei (Deltarune)
Lancer (Deltarune)
Rouxls Kaard (Deltarune)
Sweet Cap’n Cakes/KK (Deltarune)
Spamton G. Spamton (Deltarune)
Noelle Holiday (Deltarune)
Berdly (Deltarune)
Sara Chidouin (Your Turn to Die)
Jou “Joe” Tazuna (Your Turn to Die)
Kanna Kizuchi (Your Turn to Die)
“Sou Hiyori”/Shin Tsukimi (Your Turn to Die)
Gin Ibushi (Your Turn to Die)
Ranmaru Kageyama (Your Turn to Die)
The Sandman (Uri’s The Sandman)
Warm-Hearted Woodsman (Lobotomy Corporation)
The Dreaming Current (Lobotomy Corp.)
Dr. D. Light (It’s Not Me, It’s My Basement)
Rena Ryugu (Higurashi: When They Cry)
Rika Furude (Higurashi: When They Cry)
Yosafire (The Gray Garden)
Rawberry Perserves (The Gray Garden)
Chelan (The Gray Garden)
Kcalb (The Gray Garden)
Wadanohara (Wadanohara)
Aonami/Samekichi (Wadanohara)
Fukami (Wadanohara)
Rimorimo (Wadanohara)
Irena (Wadanohara)
Mayuri Shiina (Steins;Gate)
Rinne Byakuya (Euphoria)
Rika Makiba (Euphoria)
Miyako Andou (Euphoria)
Mad Rat (Mad Rat Dead)
Yuri “Alice” Mizuna (Criminal Girls)
Tomoe Harukawa (Criminal Girls)
Makoto “Shin” Hatsurai (Criminal Girls)
Miu Manase (Criminal Girls)
Ayano Himekami (Criminal Girls)
Shinoa Akizuki (Criminal Girls 2)
Kuroe Ise (Criminal Girls 2)
Sui Shiihara (Criminal Girls 2)
Miori Himeno (Exile Election)
Yuuri Himeno (Exile Election)
Alouette (La Pucelle)
Petta (Makai Kingdom)
Kanna Toutoumi (My Harem Heaven is Yandere Hell)
Sayuri Miyasu (My Harem Heaven is Yandere Hell)
Tricia (Soul Nomad & the World Eaters)
Metalia/Lia (The Witch and the Hundred Knight)
Viscole Dotrish (The Witch and the Hundred Knight)
Nezaria Netherland (The Witch and the Hundred Knight)
Ryubence (The Witch and the Hundred Knight)
Mitten (The Witch and the Hundred Knight)
Milm (The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2)
Luca/Mezzaluca (Labyrinth of Refrain)
Neldo (Labyrinth of Refrain)
Sissy (Dream Of Gluttony)
Ayano Aishi (Yandere Simulator)
Taeko Yamada (Yandere Simulator)
Megumi Saikou (Yandere Simulator)
Midori Gurinishi (Yandere Simulator)
Himari Fujita (Yandere Simulator)
Saki Miyu (Yandere Simulator)
Kaga Kusha (Yandere Simulator)
Ryuto Ippongo (Yandere Simulator)
Heart Aino (Arcana Heart)
Fiona Mayfield (Arcana Heart)
Zenia Valov (Arcana Heart)
Eko & Kazu (Arcana Heart)
Orie Ballardie/Harada (Under Night In-Birth)
Vatista (Under Night In-Birth)
Shiina “Misha” Mikado (Katawa Shoujo)
Hideaki Hakamichi (Katawa Shoujo)
Fumiko Yanagi (Tokimeki Memorial 4)
Rhythmy Kyono (Tokimeki Memorial 4)
Makina Irisu (The Fruit of Grisaia)
Sachi Komine (The Fruit of Grisaia)
Maria Ushiromiya (Umineko: When They Cry)
Nagisa Furukawa/Okazaki (CLANNAD)
Kotomi Ichinose (CLANNAD)
Kiriko Yuukoku (The iDOLM@STER: Shiny Colours)
Kasumi Toyama (BanG Dream!)
Tae Hanazono (BanG Dream!)
Aya Maruyama (BanG Dream!)
Hina Hikawa (BanG Dream!)
Chisato Shirasagi (BanG Dream!)
Maya Yamato (BanG Dream!)
Eve Wakamiya (BanG Dream!)
Yukina MInato (BanG Dream!)
Kaoru Seta (BanG Dream!)
Masuki Sato/MASKING (BanG Dream!)
Retoree (Show by Rock!!)
Airon (Show by Rock!!)
Ichika Hoshino (Project Sekai)
Shiho Hinomori (Project Sekai)
Minori Hanasato (Project Sekai)
Shizuku Hinomori (Project Sekai)
Kohane Azusawa (Project Sekai)
Toya Aoyagi (Project Sekai)
Tsukasa Tenma (Project Sekai)
Emu Ootori (Project Sekai)
Nene Kusanagi (Project Sekai)
Rui Kamishiro (Project Sekai)
Kanade “K” Yoisaki (Project Sekai)
Mafuyu “Yuki” Asahina (Project Sekai)
Mizuki “Amia” Akiyama (Project Sekai)
Liv (Punishing Gray Raven)
Strawberry Cookie (Cookie Run)
Cocoa Cookie (Cookie Run)
Cream Puff Cookie (Cookie Run)
Lemon Cookie (Cookie Run)
Mint Choco Cookie (Cookie Run)
Pink Choco Cookie (Cookie Run)
Dark Choco Cookie (Cookie Run)
Matcha Cookie (Cookie Run)
Sorbet Shark Cookie (Cookie Run)
Bell Pepper Cookie (Cookie Run)
Butter Pretzel Cookie (Cookie Run)
Starfruit Cookie (Cookie Run)
Bellflower Cookie (Cookie Run)
Black Garlic Cookie (Cookie Run)
Eclair Cookie (Cookie Run)
Espresso Cookie (Cookie Run)
Licorice Cookie (Cookie Run)
Madeleine Cookie (Cookie Run)
Pumpkin Pie Cookie (Cookie Run)
Red Velvet Cookie (Cookie Run)
Strawberry Crepe Cookie (Cookie Run)
Miriel (Fire Emblem Awakening)
Setsuna (Fire Emblem Fates)
Soleil (Fire Emblem Fates)
Linthardt von Hevring (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Ferdinand von Aegir (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Bernadetta von Varley (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Felix Hugo Flardarius (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Lysithea von Ordelia (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Flayn (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Kokoro Surugadai (Monark)
Ib (Ib)
Garry (Ib)
Mary (Ib)
Mio Aiba (Omega Labyrinth Life)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Miles “Tails” Prower (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Knuckles the Echidna (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Cream the Rabbit (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Silver the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Vanilla (World’s End Club)
Call White (Mighty No. 9)
Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles)
Red Riding Hood (Mary Skelter)
Sleeping Beauty (Mary Skelter)
Neku Sakuraba (The World Ends With You)
Nagi Usui (NEO: The World Ends With You)
Pascal (Tales of Graces)
Klonoa (Klonoa)
Lolo (Klonoa)
Guntz (Klonoa)
Marie (Splatoon)
Marina Ida (Splatoon 2)
Frye (Splatoon 3)
Harmony (Splatoon 3)
Ayumi Shinozaki (Corpse Party)
Sakutaro Morishige (Corpse Party)
Razputin “Raz” Aquato (Psychonauts)
Lilli Zanotto (Psychonauts)
Sasha Nein (Psychonauts)
Chloe Barge (Psychonauts)
Mikhail “Misha” Bulgakov (Psychonauts)
Dr Caligosto Loboto (Psychonauts)
Ayase Kishimoto/FES (Chaos;Head)
Hinae Arimura (Chaos;Child)
Lillie (Pokemon)
Huggy Wuggy (Poppy Playtime)
Kissy Missy (Poppy Playtime)
Snake Man (Mega Man)
Plug Man (Mega Man)
Galaxy Man (Mega Man)
Droitclair (Mega Man X DiVE)
Vanilla Minazuki (Nekopara)
EVE (Elsword)
Ara Hann (Elsword)
Add (Elsword)
Damien Hellbourne (Fantasy Life)
Yuelia (Fantasy Life)
Recette Lemongrass (Recettear)
Sunny (OMORI)
Mari (OMORI)
Haru Mizuki (one night, hot springs)
Cuphead (Cuphead)
Mugman (Cuphead)
Legendary Chalice/Miss Chalice (Cuphead)
King Dice (Cuphead)
Crow (Nefarious)
Princess Cherry Mayapple (Nefarious)
Princess Alisa Aglaya Anushka Ariella Alena Angelina Avdota Alexandra/Ariella (Nefarious)
Prince Malachite (Nefarious)
Boy (FNF Twinsomnia)
Red (Pokemon)
Jasmine (Pokemon)
Roxanne (Pokemon)
Steven Stone (Pokemon)
Courtney (Pokemon)
Marley (Pokemon)
Hibert (Pokemon)
Hugh (Pokemon)
Elesa (Pokemon)
Caitlin (Pokemon)
Natural Harmonia Gropius/N (Pokemon)
Diantha (Pokemon)
Evelyn (Pokemon)
Selene (Pokemon)
Sophocles (Pokemon)
Mina (Pokemon)
Guzuma (Pokemon)
Gloria (Pokemon)
Marnie (Pokemon)
Leon (Pokemon)
Piers (Pokemon)
Irida (Pokemon)
Lian (Pokemon)
Satya Vaswani/Symmetra (Overwatch)
Eliza Yukifune (I=MGCM/I AM MAGICAM)
Miru (Rabi Ribi)
Frau Koujirou/Kona Furugoori (Robotics;Notes)
Akira Amatsume (Yosuga no Sora)
Dahlia (Don’t Toy With Me)
Huxley (Don’t Toy With Me)
Lilo (Die Anstalt)
Mono (Little Nightmares 2)
Amane Mochizuki (If My Heart Had Wings)
Yoru Kazato (If My Heart Had Wings)
Hisui (Tsukihime)
Kouma Kishima (Tsukihime)
Ky Kiske (Guilty Gear)
Bridget (Guilty Gear)
Sin Kiske (Guilty Gear)
Elphelt Valentine (Guilty Gear)
Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy VII)
Vincent Valentine (Final Fantasy VII)
Susumu Hori (Mr. Driller)
Zoe (Monster Prom)
Sarah “Suki” Stevens (Huniepop)
Eleanor “Elle” Reed (Crush Crush)
Amelia (Crush Crush)
Sena (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)
Albedo (Genshin Impact)
Sucrose (Genshin Impact)
Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort, Prinzessin der Verurteilung/Amy (Genshin Impact)
Hu Tao (Genshin Impact)
Ayu Tsukimiya (Kanon)
Nayuki Minase (Kanon)
Mai Kawasumi (Kanon)
Misuzu Kamio (Air)
Kano Kirishima (Air)
Kotarou Tennoji (Rewrite)
Kotori Kanbe (Rewrite)
Shizuru Nakatsu (Rewrite)
Lucia Konohana (Rewrite)
Akane Senri (Rewrite)
Chihaya Ohtori (Rewrite)
Hazuki Nijouin (Riddle Joker)
Yayoi Takatsuki (The iDOLM@STER)
Rinka Kagurazaka (Valkyrie Drive)
Nemona (Pokemon Scarlet & Violet)
Arven (Pokemon Scarlet & Violet)
Penny (Pokemon Scarlet & Violet)
Giacomo (Pokemon Scarlet & Violet)
Reverie (Agarest Senki)
Ryuryu (Agarest Senki)
Murmina (Agarest Senki)
Dreamcast (Sega Girls)
Sega Saturn (Sega Girls)
Mega Drive (Sega Girls)
Master System (Sega Girls)
Game Gear (Sega Girls)
The Masked Kid (Underhero)
Selphius “Selphy” Josephine (Rune Factory)
Cinnamon (Rune Factory)
Pia (Rune Factory)
Collette (Rune Factory)
Sofia De Sainte-Coquille (Rune Factory)
Daria (Rune Factory)
Arthur (Rune Factory)
Clorica (Rune Factory)
Amber (Rune Factory)
Dolce (Rune Factory)
Scarlett (Rune Factory)
Martin (Rune Factory)
Cecil (Rune Factory)
Murakumo (Rune Factory)
Lucas (Rune Factory)
Fiona Frightening (Fiona Frightening And The Wicked Wardrobe)
NiGHTS (Nights Into Dreams)
Reala (Nights Into Dreams)
Jackle (Nights Into Dreams)
Magnet Bomber (Bomberman)
Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney)
Trucy Wright (Ace Attorney)
Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney)
Franziska Von Karma  (Ace Attorney)
Simon Blackquill  (Ace Attorney)
Ema Skye (Ace Attorney)
Penny Nichols (Ace Attorney)
Cody Hackins (Ace Attorney)
Adrian Andrews (Ace Attorney)
Vera Misham (Ace Attorney)
Kay Faraday (Ace Attorney)
Sebastian Debeste (Ace Attorney)
Rhoda Teneiro (Ace Attorney)
Lauren Paups (Ace Attorney)
Juniper Woods (Ace Attorney)
Hugh O’Conner (Ace Attorney)
Robin Newman (Ace Attorney)
Myriam Scuttlebutt (Ace Attorney)
Katrielle Layton (Professor Layton)
Natsuno Minami (13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim)
Keitaro Miura (13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim)
Kamila (Ghost Trick)
Fumio Taya (Blue Reflection)
Yuri Saiki (Blue Reflection)
Theodore (FNF Dave & Bambi)
Reimu Hakurei (Touhou)
Midori “Dolly” Komaki (Devil Survivor)
Nuna (Indivisible)
Sangmu (Indivisible)
Mishiro Usui (Blank Dream)
Playtime (Baldi’s Basics)
Takuma Momozuka (Digimon Survive)
Aoi Shibuya (Digimon Survive)
Minoru Hinata (Digimon Survive)
Shuuji Kayama (Digimon Survive)
Saki Kimishima (Digimon Survive)
Ryo Tominaga (Digimon Survive)
Kaito Shinonome (Digimon Survive)
Miu Shinonome (Digimon Survive)
Professor/Akiharu Minase (Digimon Survive)
Miyuki Minase (Digimon Survive)
Dracmon (Digimon Survive)
Syakomon (Digimon Survive)
Kaoru Hazuki/Momo Kuruse (Spirit Hunter: NG)
Ife/Meretseger (Dislyte)
Eriko “Elly” Kirishima (Persona 1)
Hikari (Persona Q2)
Agitha (Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
Kurumi Kurebayashi (Princess Connect)
Ruuuby (Sweet No Death)
Slough (Candy Scabs)
Kurumi Wendy (Master Detective Archives: Rain Code)
Fubuki Clocklord (Master Detective Archives: Rain Code)
Pucci Lavmin (Master Detective Archives: Rain Code)
Olive Higgins (Purrfect Apawcalypse)
Sackboy (Little Big Planet)
Newton Pud (Little Big Planet)
Marina Hale (Highway Blossoms)
Tess Pastorius (Highway Blossoms)
Sophia Anderson (Magical Warrior Diamond Heart)
Zacharie Pelletier (Magical Warrior Diamond Heart)
Lammy (Un Jammer Lammy)
Vincent Brooks (Catherine)
Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot)
Trish (Goodbye Volcano High)
Miss Fortune (Little Misfortune)
Abe (Oddworld)
Toby (Oddworld)
Sam (Sam and Max)
Max (Sam and Max)
Lymle Lemuri Phi (Star Ocean)
Spark (Spark the Electric Jester)
Fark (Spark the Electric Jester)
Ojigisou/Sensitive Plant (Flower Girl Knight)
Hinasou/Bluet (Flower Girl Knight)
Oshiroibana/Four O’Clock (Flower Girl Knight)
Komachisou/Sweet William Catchfly (Flower Girl Knight)
Chip Morax (Heartbeat)
Hanami Rindou (Dasaku)
Matsuri Tokugawa (THE iDOLM@STER: Million Live!)
Mizuki Makabe (THE iDOLM@STER: Million Live!)
Roco Handa (THE iDOLM@STER: Million Live!)
Shizuka Mogami (THE iDOLM@STER: Million Live!)
Anna Mochizuki (THE iDOLM@STER: Million Live!)
Hinata Kinoshita (THE iDOLM@STER: Million Live!)
Martlet (Undertale Yellow)
Starlo (Undertale Yellow)
Ceroba Ketsukane (Undertale Yellow)
Chujin Ketsukane (Undertale Yellow)
Dalv (Undertale Yellow)
Misato Miyasumi (Cross Channel)
Kiri Sakura (Cross Channel)
Hiroshi Sakuraba (Cross Channel)
Harry & Larry (TS!Underswap)
Count Koffin K (TS!Underswap)
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julie-loves-cake · 3 years
R&R Spoilers under the cut!
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Remorse & Reason- The Final Battle.
“Impossible…Cherry, how could you?!”
“Why? It’s simple. You did this.”
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I’m talking about, Daddy Dearest.”
“You ruined Tabi’s life.”
“You killed Garcello.”
“You trapped A.G.O.T.I.”
“You tricked Ayana.”
“You exposed Whitty.”
“And you killed my friend.”
“So we’re here to stop you!”
“Down with the Dearests!”
“Hoist by your own petard!”
“God will never forgive you. Just like I won’t.”
“You wanted me to kill him!”
“I’ll manifest you away!”
“Eat a dick.”
“You don’t deserve happiness.”
“I won’t let you take him away from us!”
“You think you’re scaring me?”
“Quite frankly, yes.”
“We won’t back down, so I suggest you say your prayers.”
“Get ready, you fucking freak!!”
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fnf-writingz · 3 years
Omg thank you so much! Is it okay if I ask for a sorta continuation of the psychic s/o where s/o ends up passing out from overusing their powers protecting Whitty and Garcello (separate again please) if not that's okay, thanks again!
np!! and ohohohohoho this'll be gooddd-
~ Whitty and Garcello (Separate) When Their Psychic S/O Passes Out Using Their Powers While Protecting Them ~
pt 1 here!
Nonononono, he thought that he escaped them
Of course, when everything was going well, it'd all come crashing down on him
He stood with his back against the alley wall, his breathing heavy
TGG Guards stood in front of him, and they were all getting ready to draw their weapons
...That was, until their weapons suddenly came flying out of their hands
Whitty watched with wide eyes as you appeared, making their weapons float around before chucking them away
You ran up to him, grabbing his arm before teleporting you both home
Whitty let out a sigh of relief, going to thank you before you abruptly fainted in his arms
He p a n i c k e d, quickly laying you down on the couch before looking around for something to help
You woke up a few minutes later, only to have a bomb head directly in your face-
He was just glad you were alright, pulling you into a hug and almost crying
"Don't ever pull shit like that again-"
Living on the streets for a while gives you quite the reputation, as G here found out
Some random dudes approached him one day, asking if he could sell them some cigs
One of the many things G stopped doing was drug deals, so he politely declined
Of course, this pissed the dudes off, and they almost got ready to fight
That was when they all started floating a bit
Garcello just blinked, watching as you ran in using your powers
You quickly ran up to him, grabbing him before teleporting home
He gave you a hug as thanks, but was a bit shook to find out that you had fainted-
He was just in shock, so he held you there in his arms until you woke up again
When you woke up, he asked what happened. After explaining it was because you overused your powers, he just gently shook his head
"I appreciate it sweetheart, but please don't put yourself in harms way for me-"
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Tw for mentions of R4p3 (A,e), murder, manipulation, child abuse, sexual trauma, cannibalism, possible drug use, hallucinations, and vulgar language. If these make you uncomfy feel free to block this side blog
A shaky sigh escapes the 8 year old sitting on the couch, an old bomb who was obviously missing an arm gently pats him on the head. The child flinches a bit before realizing who it was and leaning into the touch.
"You know, young one. Carol would have loved to meet you. It's a shame to know what happened to her… what your mother did to her as well as your own father." The small, blue haired child shudders at the mention of their mother. Right… that happened.
"You know, you're so quiet. Why is that?" The small boy looks up at the older man. The bomb tilts his head a bit confused.
"Does it have something to do with… that day?" A nod comes from the smaller. "If you don't mind… what exactly happened?" The boy shudders slightly.
"w-well y-you're aware that m-mommy's leftovers were just… daddy's remains…" A nod, soft encouragement for the child to take their time. "S-some of the n-neighbors w-weren't exactly t-too nice a-and one l-lady… sh-she t-touched me i-in a really b-bad way. I-I didn't l-like it b-but I c-couldn't s-say a-anything about it." A sob escapes the small child, the bomb furrowing his brows, gently holding him closer.
"I see…. there there. It's alright… it's alright. She won't touch you again…" A slightly annoyed huff escapes the older and the blue haired boy flinches, in fear thinking he angered the other. Whitty simply pats the child again in reassurance.
"The police are aware of your mother's little… stunt, don't worry. I'll tell them about the other lady too. What floor is she on?"
"f-floor 6…"
"Ah… It's alright… it's alright…"
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