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hybridbatteryswap · 5 days
Hybrid Battery Change San Mateo County Need a hybrid battery change San Mateo County? Trust our expert technicians for fast, reliable service to keep your hybrid vehicle running smoothly and efficiently. https://www.hybridbatteryswap.com/
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bestbatterycompany · 2 years
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The Toyota Camry Hybrid Battery is a Mid-Size Battery constituting of 34 Modules. Power and comfort become twins for this Hybrid Vehicle. We can provide you with a Toyota Camry Hybrid Battery Original Cells Re-Manufactured or a Toyota Camry Hybrid Battery with New After-Market Cells. We offer these years 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Toyota Camry Hybrid Batteries.
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falcontuxedo · 1 year
Clay CCadillac is Lux and Then Some
Cadillac is Lux and Then Some Cadillac is a luxury car brand that has been around for over 100 years. The company is known for its high-quality vehicles, stylish designs, and innovative technology. In recent years, Cadillac has been making a comeback, and its new cars are some of the most impressive on the market. Here is a look at some of the new Cadillac cars that are sure to turn heads: CT4-V Blackwing: This high-performance sedan is powered by a 472-horsepower twin-turbocharged V6 engine. It can go from 0 to 60 mph in just 3.9 seconds. The CT4-V Blackwing also features a unique suspension and braking system that make it handle like a dream. CT5-V Blackwing: This is the top-of-the-line version of the CT5 sedan. It is powered by the same 472-horsepower twin-turbocharged V6 engine as the CT4-V Blackwing, but it has a more luxurious interior and a wider range of features. ESCALADE: This full-size SUV is the flagship of the Cadillac lineup. It is known for its luxurious interior, powerful engine, and spacious cargo area. The ESCALADE is also available in a long-wheelbase version that offers even more interior space. LYRIQ: This all-electric crossover is Cadillac’s first foray into the EV market. It is powered by a 100-kWh battery pack that gives it a range of up to 330 miles. The LYRIQ also features a sleek, modern design and a luxurious interior. XT6: This mid-size SUV is the perfect blend of luxury and utility. It offers a comfortable ride, plenty of space for passengers and cargo, and a long list of standard features. The XT6 is also available in a hybrid version that gets up to 26 mpg in the city and 31 mpg on the highway. These are just a few of the new Cadillac cars that are sure to make a splash in the luxury car market. With their impressive performance, luxurious interiors, and innovative technology, these cars are setting the new standard for luxury. Why is Cadillac so famous? Cadillac is famous for a number of reasons. First, the company has a long and storied history. It was founded in 1902 by Henry Leland, and it has been producing luxury cars ever since. Second, Cadillac cars are known for their high quality. They are built with the finest materials and craftsmanship, and they are backed by a strong warranty. Third, Cadillac cars are stylish and elegant. They feature sleek designs that turn heads wherever they go. Finally, Cadillac cars are packed with the latest technology. They offer a wide range of features that make driving more enjoyable and convenient. What is Cadillac famous for? Cadillac is famous for a number of things. First, the company is known for its luxury cars. Cadillacs are synonymous with opulence and sophistication. Second, Cadillac is famous for its performance cars. The company has a long history of producing high-performance sedans, coupes, and SUVs. Third, Cadillac is famous for its innovative technology. The company is always at the forefront of automotive technology, and its cars are often the first to offer new features. Conclusion Cadillac is a luxury car brand that is known for its high quality, stylish designs, and innovative technology. The company has been around for over 100 years, and it has a long history of producing some of the most impressive cars on the market. In recent years, Cadillac has been making a comeback, and its new cars are some of the best on the market. If you are looking for a luxury car that is sure to turn heads, then a Cadillac is a great choice. https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1024/1*OfBB82AjFEjm9b2mwChvhQ.png https://medium.com/@FalconTuxedo/clay-ccadillac-is-lux-and-then-some-d3f07fd36c45?source=rss-6de3e475cf60------2
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spiritgamer26 · 2 years
[TEST] EPOS GTW 270 hybride
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On ne touche pas !!! C'est à MOIIIIII Avant de commencer le détail pour le EPOS GTW 270 hybride, je mettais un point d'honneur à faire la review du point de vue de 2 personnes, ma femme et moi. Je suis malentendant et j'ai été bluffé par la qualité et l'aisance pour le porter étant donné que je porte des appareils auditifs à longueur de journée. Vous aurez ainsi l'appréciation et le point de vue d'une personne normale et d'une personne avec un handicap audio.Le produit nous est arrivé dans une belle boîte bien robuste avec une ouverture latérale aimantée. On y retrouve à l'intérieur une partie en mousse bien solide dans laquelle se trouve les écouteurs entre autres. 
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Contenu de la boite :
- Étui de chargement - GSA 70 USB-C - Câble de charge USB-C - Rallonge USB-C® vers USB-A - Embouts en silicone - Étui pour dongle
Fonctionalités :
- Multimedia & Music Listening - Voice Prompts - Certification aptX - Type d'écouteurs: intra-auriculaires- Poids (écouteur seul) : 6,2 gLes écouteurs sont livrés avec une belle boite de charge métallique à ouverture aimantée avec un bouton de rappel de charge et fait office d'appairage aussi. La boite est très solide. Les 2 emplacements des écouteurs épousent la forme de ceux-ci et sont aussi aimantés, ce qui renforce la sécurité de la charge : pas de risque de mauvais placements rendant la charge obsolète. 5 leds sont sur la devanture de la boite qui affiche la batterie restante de vos écouteurs.La forme des écouteurs est très agréable et bien pensée pour maintenir sa mise en place dans nos oreilles. Ma femme étant une sportive active avec vélo et escalade, il n'y a pas eu de soucis de perte. De plus, les écouteurs sont livrés avec 4 paires d'embouts de silicone, pas de jaloux comme ça, du coup ça s'adapte à quasiment toutes les formes internes des oreilles et assurer encore plus la stabilité.ATTENTION : on ne préconise pas son utilisation sur route en vélo. En effet, l'immersion est totale et on est vraiment coupé du monde alentour.
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Une connexion Bluetooth au top
La nouvelle mise à jour permet d'utiliser le multipoint Bluetooth qui permet de se connecter à plusieurs appareils en même temps et ainsi pouvoir utiliser l'un des appareils à notre convenance. De plus, l'utilisation du dongle accentue ce process.Le dongle est un petit outil bien appréciable pour pouvoir utiliser nos écouteurs sur n'importe quel support ou presque (exit Xbox par exemple). Il est très simple d'utilisation et ne nécessite aucune action pénible de notre part. On le branche au support voulu (directement ou par câble USB) et enjoy.
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Point de vue d'une personne SANS handicap audio
Pour rappel, cette personne est assez sportive. Elle a donc eu tout le loisir de s'en servir à différentes reprises et activités.Ayant de petites oreilles, elle a été séduite par la possibilité de changer les embouts et surtout par le confort qu'offrent les écouteurs. La tenue est excellente. À vélo, il n'y a aucun problème de perte et surtout de gène. Le fait d'être coupé du monde, et donc du vent, rend l'écoute appréciable. Les appels téléphoniques sont assez clairs et la transmission du micro est parfaite. Malheureusement, son utilisation urbaine est proscrite. On est vraiment coupé du son extérieur. On est en totale immersion avec ce que l'on écoute. De ce fait, ça rend son utilisation très dangereuse. Mais l'avantage est de pouvoir utiliser un seul des 2 (celui qui a le micro) et mettre l'autre dans son étui.  L'avantage de cette immersion est son utilisation dans les transports en commun (bus, tram, train..).. On n'a pas cette sensation désagréable d'entendre les cris des enfants alentour, le brouhaha de conversations fortes ou de travaux. La tenue de batterie est très correcte et l'étui possède une batterie interne pour recharger vos écouteurs à l'extérieur. Les écouteurs durent 5h et l'étui propose 3 cycles de recharge soit un total de 20h d'écoute entrecoupé d'1 à 1h30 de charge complète.Globalement, elle est très contente de ses écouteurs et c'est devenu un outil du quotidien.
Point de vue d'une personne AVEC handicap audio
Hardcore gamer et casanier, je vais vous donner mon point de vue. Je suis malentendant de naissance. Je possède les aigües d'un côté et les basses de l'autre. Je possède des appareils auditifs depuis plus de 25 ans. J'ai donc l'habitude d'avoir des trucs dans mes oreilles. Jusqu'à présent, j'utilisais toujours des écouteurs type casque afin de pouvoir écouter les jeux et la musique avec mes appareils. Mais quand j'ai vu à quel point ma femme les appréciait, je me suis donné comme consigne de les essayer et peut-être pouvoirs vous convaincre de leur efficacité.Tout d'abord, j'ai été aussi surpris par leur tenue dans le conduit auditif. Je n'ai pas trouvé d'agressivité du côté du confort comme j'ai pu en voir avant ça. Bonne tenue et bon confort. C'est déjà un bon point et ça permet de prolonger notre plaisir musical (ou gaming).Pour ce qui est d'être coupé du monde, je fais confiance à l'avis tranché de ma compagne qui a effectué le test avec moi. Pour ce qui est de la transmission du son, je n'ai remarqué aucune latence (c'est juste minime avec le dongle). C'est un avantage d'être malentendant, on a le sens du rythme interne. Le son est assez bas au final mais ce n'est pas une surprise au vue de mon handicap MAIS j'ai été surpris de la netteté et de la clarté des aigües. J'arrivais à distinguer les paroles tout de même ou le son clair d'une guitare électrique. Je vous avoue que ça m'a fortement impressionné. Les graves sont assez bons. Ce que je regrette néanmoins, c'est qu'il n'y ait pas de quoi passer le limiteur de son pour pouvoir entendre quelque chose de correct dans l'ensemble.Globalement, il fait le travail. Pour des personnes non-habituées, il vous impressionnera par sa qualité sonore et son confort.  Son prix n'est pas excessif et les matériels qui forment le packaging est de bonne facture. On sait déjà que ça perdurera dans le temps. Pour des professionnels, il y a mieux mais du point de vue approche qualité-prix, il tient tête à une gamme supérieure. Mais vous devriez suivre attentivement l'évolution des GTW.. quelque chose me dit qu'ils vont fortement nous surprendre.Pour les gamers, l'absence de micro fiable et de connectivité XBox pourrait vous freiner mais couplé avec une switch et sa récente mise à jour, cela fait parfaitement l'affaire.Pour les handicapes audios, malheureusement nous ne pouvons pas encore profiter d'un intra-auriculaire qui correspond à nos attentes et qui nous permettrait d'éradiquer le sifflement des appareils auditifs avec un casque audio (qui nous comprime aussi les oreilles quand on a un extra-auriculaire). Mais qui sait, un jour EPOS nous ouvrira les bras.Nous sommes conquis dans la majorité et son rapport qualité-prix est à prendre en considération. Read the full article
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Are there any armored SUVs on the market?
There are some very luxury and high-end vehicles on the market, but there are also some very nice cars as well. Some of the cars can be converted into ARVs, and there are actually some very nice luxury SUVs in this category as well. So let's look at the types of vehicles.
One of the more popular types of luxury vehicle is the Mercedes Benz E Class. This is one of the higher end sedans, but it also happens to be one of the most expensive when it comes to luxury SUV. There are several luxury SUV options, but this is one of the best ones out there. It offers some great options for a family, and plenty of room for a few.
The next luxury sedan is the Cadillac Escalade. One of the more successful muscle cars, the Cadillac Escalade was designed as an armored car. Although it has some high-end features, it still can be one of the safest cars you can get for yourself, especially if you have a good driver's license.
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Another popular high-end vehicle is the Cadillac Escalade convertible. This vehicle is one of the most popular choices on the market. These convertibles have always been known for their safety, although they do cost a little bit more than other types of vehicles. The standard model of the Cadillac Escalade can be converted to a soft cover that has a padded interior. Some people choose to go with a full cover so they can feel a bit more comfortable.
Another vehicle that might be considered one of the armored SUVs is the Chrysler 300M. This vehicle is another Chrysler, offering plenty of space and room for cargo. This makes it one of the safest SUVs on the market for those who want to protect their cargo, tools, and other items. It is also well built so it will be very dependable.
Mercedes Benz is also another company that offers armored cars. The Mercedes Benz E Class with its climate control system is one example. It can be equipped with bulletproof windows that are bulletproof. Other vehicles in the E Class include the S-Class that has more passenger space, you can explore best cars at Inkas Armored in Russia. 
With the addition of an armored headliner, bulletproof windows, and doors, this vehicle is one of the safest on the market for those who need maximum security for their valuable cargo. It is also a very valuable vehicle because it has a base price just over a million dollars.
Finally, if you are wondering about the answer to the question "are there any armored SUVs on the market?" there are actually many of these vehicles on the market. You can find high-end trucks, SUVs, and vans all offering security and protection for their passengers and cargo. 
They have bulletproof glass in the front, back, and sides, and other measures to prevent damage or injury. Some offer bulletproof back seats as well, which can help protect the driver and passengers.
There are a lot of high-end vehicles on the market, all offering a level of security that you may need. If you are shopping for a vehicle that has a higher value, consider one that offers outstanding security from theft. 
You can also opt for a vehicle like a Mercedes Benz E Class that offers great features, comfort, and safety at a reasonable price.
Not all high-end vehicles offer great features, comfort, and security. There are also some models that don't really offer anything besides the basics, and may not even come with an automatic transmission. This is okay if you don't need all the bells and whistles. 
Many people just want to be able to drive this vehicle without having to spend a whole lot of time and money trying to get it started and operating. If this is the case, then the vehicle that doesn't have the luxury, high-end features, and automatic transmissions may be your best bet.
Another question that people may have is, "Are there any vehicles like mine that have bulletproof windows?" The answer to this question is yes. There are vehicles like the Dodge Ram pickup that come equipped with bulletproof windows and a lot of other security features. 
This can come in handy if you're a delivery driver, and you're shipping dangerous materials from place to place. Security measures like this can really help to save lives and protect property when you're transporting things like chemicals and other dangerous materials.
Some of the newer vehicles like the Chevy Volt offer a plug-in hybrid system that will charge while the engine is running, and then use energy when the battery is drained.
These cars are truly one of a kind, and many consumers are going for them because they offer a unique look, and a lot of extra benefits that aren't offered by many of the other choices on the market today. You can find a lot of information about these vehicles online, and you can also look up some consumer reports to see what other consumers think about them. 
It's a great vehicle to consider, and one that offers plenty of perks and benefits for those who have access to them. There are likely to be many more such vehicles on the market in years to come.
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shirlleycoyle · 3 years
Uber and Lyfts Can Be Electrified Now, But Drivers Aren’t So Sure
Ben Valdez needs a new car. He has been driving full-time for Uber and Lyft in Los Angeles for almost six years and his 2016 Toyota Prius C has more than 240,000 miles on the odometer.
In theory, Valdez should be a great candidate for switching to an electric vehicle. He drives a lot for work—somewhere between 400 and 700 miles a week depending on whether he's doing more food delivery for Uber Eats or traditional ridehailing—so he would save money on fuel. Plus, even though Valdez lives in an apartment and doesn't have anywhere to charge a car at home, he drives in Los Angeles, so Valdez has access to one of the most robust public charging networks in the country.
Valdez understands the theory, but he doesn't think it matches reality quite yet. In a recent interview with Motherboard, he said he plans to get a Toyota Highlander hybrid instead, which gets 36 miles to the gallon according to the Environmental Protection Agency's fuel economy ratings, about 15 miles per gallon worse than what Valdez says he has been getting on his Prius.
This is the exact opposite direction that California regulators want Uber and Lyft drivers to be going. In May, the California Air Resources Board passed a rule that mandates the ridehail giants increase the number of miles its vehicles travel powered by zero emissions on an increasing basis. By 2025, 13 percent of each company's vehicle miles traveled must be electric. By 2028, 65 percent. And by 2030, 90 percent must be electric. (A different regulatory agency is responsible for deciding the penalties for failing to meet these benchmarks, but hasn't decided what they will be yet.) CARB's analysis found that in order to reach that goal, 43 percent of all ridehail vehicles would have to be electric by 2030 as long as it is the 43 percent that drive the most, like Valdez.
In other words, CARB just passed a rule that's supposed to get drivers like Valdez to switch to electric vehicles, not get cars that are even worse for the environment. This wouldn't merely undermine CARB's goals, but also Uber and Lyft's. Both companies have made even more aggressive pledges than CARB's regulations mandate and say they will be all-electric by 2030. They plan to accomplish this mainly through lobbying efforts for more EV incentives that would apply to drivers.
Valdez is aware of all of this, and he has nothing against electric cars. But there is one big challenge with CARB's new rules and the push for electrification for ridehail vehicles: there is no such thing as "Uber's fleet" or "Lyft's fleet." Ridehail drivers pay to use and maintain their own vehicles, a central proposition of the gig economy model that allows the multi-billion dollar companies to pass the costs of vehicle purchase and maintenance onto low-wage workers. And so the decision of which car to buy is not an institutional one made by a big company with hundreds of thousands of vehicles and large purchasing power, but to individual drivers like Valdez.
"I'm paying 100 percent of the cost," Valdez said, so he has to do what makes the most sense to him. And, despite all the claims about the future Uber and Lyft want, many of the incentives still reflect the oil-dominated energy landscape we have today.
A few years ago, Valdez looked into this when Uber and Lyft slashed the per-mile rate for drivers in Los Angeles. He was looking for a way to make more money and considered the cost savings EVs might offer. During this research, he found that if he gets a Highlander or similarly-sized six-seater SUV, it will qualify as an "XL" vehicle for which Uber and Lyft will pay him roughly double his per-mileage earnings on qualifying ridehail rides, from about 64 cents a mile to $1.20. Over the hundreds of thousands of miles he will put on the Highlander, Valdez figures the extra money he can earn would cover the roughly $40,000 suggested retail price of the Highlander as well as the extra fuel costs compared to the Prius.
But, there are currently no electric vehicles that seat more than three passengers standard and could therefore qualify as an XL. The biggest EV, the Tesla Model X, comes in an optional seven-seat configuration, but it starts at $93,500, more than double the suggested retail price of the Highlander hybrid. More may come on the market in the coming years—an electric Cadillac Escalade is rumored to be in the works—but they are unlikely to be significantly cheaper given the battery size required to power them.
Uber and Lyft do have incentive programs for "green" rides, but it pays out a fraction of XL rides. Hybrids and EVs can accept "green" rides, which riders opt into in select markets by paying an extra $1 per ride. The companies then split that dollar 50/50 with the drivers. Uber and Lyft say its own half goes into a fund that, ironically, is used to encourage drivers to switch to electric vehicles. Uber says it also gives electric vehicle drivers an extra $1 per trip, meaning drivers can receive up to $1.50 per trip on top of the regular fare.
But Valdez already gets that 50 cent green fee on the rides that qualify because he drives a hybrid, which in Uber and Lyft's accounting are "green" vehicles. So, he would continue to do so if he got a Highlander hybrid.
Incidentally, the green fee may have unintended consequences, Carnegie Mellon professor and director of the Vehicle Electrification Group Jeremy Michalek told Motherboard, such as actually increasing emissions by having the limited number of qualifying vehicles travel further to match with riders.
Motherboard requested interviews with both Uber and Lyft regarding their vehicle electrification policies. Uber declined an interview and responded to written questions only. A Lyft spokesman said he had to cancel a scheduled interview with Lyft's head of sustainability due to a scheduling conflict, but also replied to written questions. In those responses, both companies said XL vehicles actually lower emissions because they often have more passengers, thus emitting less than if the passengers had to use multiple cars.
But those analyses only consider rides where the XL option is selected by the rider and therefore doesn't tell the full story. When no XL rides are available, Uber and Lyft will match XL vehicles with regular Uber and Lyft ride requests. (I do not use ridehail often, but when I do, I get assigned a large SUV more than half of the time despite never requesting one. I also had no idea before I reported this article that the "Green" option existed, but I did know about "XL" because it is a prominently displayed option on both apps.) Neither company provides an analysis of the emissions impact of XL vehicles for all rides they provide, tipping the scales to make it look like XL vehicles are better for the environment than they are.
But the problem for Valdez switching to an electric vehicle extends beyond the XL ride incentives. It has to do with the very nature of the gig economy business model.
It is true ridehail vehicles are great candidates for early electrification based on the kinds of trips they make. Alan Jenn, a researcher at the University of California, Davis who has studied electrification of ridehail fleets, told Motherboard that over the millions of trips of both types of cars he's evaluated, he has found "no statistically significant difference" between gas and electric cars on the number of trips completed or the miles they travel, even though the "vast majority" of charging events are occurring at public charging stations, not private ones.
But while ridehail vehicles are great candidates for electrification, ridehail drivers tend to differ from the profile of people buying electric vehicles right now. While EV buyers tend to be higher income earners who can afford the pricier vehicles—and take advantage of the tax credits—ridehail drivers tend to be lower income, which makes buying an expensive EV which tend to be luxury models "untenable" for many of them, as Jenn put it.
"It's really hard to think about buying a luxury vehicle when you're not getting fair pricing for your rides," siad Nicole Moore, a ridehail driver since 2017 and leader of Rideshare Drivers United. "People are just not getting, after expenses, even minimum wage."
The big question, Jenn said, is who will be responsible for bridging that economic gap. Will state or federal governments step in with bigger incentives that come out of the purchase price rather than tax credits? California has already started to do this to a limited extent. Will Uber and Lyft offer some kind of credit? Lyft has hinted it may be open to "negotiate with auto manufacturers for group discounts for drivers using the Lyft platform," although it's not clear whether this would involve any money coming out of Lyft's pocket. Or will the industry rely on falling EV prices and hope that, because full-time drivers go through vehicles every 4 to 6 years, there is still time to buy one more gas car before the regulations kick in, impact on the planet be damned?
In the short term, Lyft is most excited about getting more drivers into electric vehicles using the Express Drive program, which partners with rental car agencies, and allows drivers who cannot afford EVs to use one right now by renting one. Lyft says drivers save $50 to $70 a week on fuel. But the scale of this program is simply too small to hit meaningful goals; just a few hundred EVs are available to be rented out across the three pilot cities of Seattle, Atlanta, and Denver, and it's not clear how much the program can be scaled up.
EV usage is similarly limited in other major ridehail cities. There are two major ridehail markets that have publicly available data on ridehail vehicle types. Chicago does not specifically say if a ridehail vehicle is gas, hybrid, or electric in its open data portal, but it does list the make and model. Of the 49,563 vehicles registered to give rides in April, the most recent month for which data is available, just 87 were Teslas and 11 were Chevy Bolts, the two most popular electric vehicle brands. New York City doesn't specify the make and model of the city's for-hire vehicle fleet, but it does have a field that denotes hybrid or electric vehicles. According to that count, the city currently had 1,480 hybrids, 460 electric vehicles, and 89,009 regular gas cars. (New York City's Taxi and Limousine Commission has had a cap on new for-hire vehicle licenses since 2018, but it allowed exceptions for new EVs until this week when it ended that exemption.)
These statistics exemplify what seems to be a gap between what the experts say and what drivers believe. The experts are convinced that buying an EV will save ridehail drivers money not 10 years in the future, but today. For example, a Volkswagen ID.4 small SUV, which just came on the market this year, starts at $40,000—roughly the same as a Highlander Hybrid—and according to Jenn's research, will be three to four times cheaper to power with electricity than buying gas. With a range of about 250 miles, a driver like Valdez would have to charge it two or three times a week. And both ridehail companies have partnerships with major fast charger companies that reduce charging costs.
So are drivers like Valdez simply being irrational, slowing down the electric revolution and working against their own self-interest? Even though he is one of those experts, Michalek doesn't see it that way.
Although there "may be truths about EVs that are well known by experts, policymakers or companies but not yet well understood by average consumers or drivers," Michalek said, "there may be things most experts believe that turn out to be false because experts make different assumptions than drivers." He added that we shouldn't confuse "the wait-and-see approach that a lot of consumers take" with irrationality.
To his point, much of the back-and-forth over the CARB regulations between policymakers, professors like Michalek, and interested parties like Uber and Lyft had to do with precisely how to calculate those assumptions, which involve formulas like this:
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Screenshot: California Air Resources Board
which may or may not reflect reality.
Valdez also carefully considers what to do based on his lived experience. A key part of his calculation is embracing uncertainty rather than trying to quantify it. Uber and Lyft can, and have, reduced his take-home pay with the flip of an algorithmic switch. Plans that sound nice on paper suddenly become financially untenable. He's deeply skeptical of rental programs like Express Drive that operate through the ridehail companies because he recalls the ones of the past that charged exorbitant rates and trapped drivers in debt. Both he and Moore said they would be extremely hesitant to take an offer from Uber or Lyft to subsidize the cost of a new EV, worrying about onerous terms and conditions or even reneging on the deal in the same way that product features, bonuses, and rates of pay come and go by the week. Valdez knows the entire business model of ridehailing is to experiment on drivers and pass all the costs and risk off to them. So whenever there is some aspect of his job he can control, he goes for the lowest-risk approach.
Along those lines, there is the issue of range. Although Uber and Lyft have previously had this feature, drivers can no longer see the destination of a ride until they accept it. So EV drivers may be forced to cancel potentially lucrative longer trips if they're running short of range, which would also hurt their rating, impacting their ability to get similar trips in the future. But with a gas car, drivers can simply make a quick stop for gas along the way.
"You never know if you're going to get into a car accident, you never know if you're going to be deactivated," Valdez said. "You don't know if the rates are going to drop. There's just a lot of uncertainty." In a profession where very little can be counted on, there is one thing Valdez knows: there will be a gas station nearby when he needs it.
Uber and Lyfts Can Be Electrified Now, But Drivers Aren’t So Sure syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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bestbatterycompany · 2 years
The Dodge Durango Hybrid Battery has 40 modules constituting of 6 cells per module adding to 240 cells. We can provide you with an Original Dodge Durango Hybrid Battery Re-Manufactured. We offer these years 2009 Dodge Durango Hybrid Batteries.
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skateofministry · 4 years
A Complete Guide to Every Car Brand’s Electric Vehicle Platforms
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The automobile world goes electrical: a rising checklist of automotive producers are pledging to section out combustion engines by 2030. And good method to monitor this transition’s progress is to have a look at the assorted platforms these automobiles are constructed on, in addition to how they’re constructed.
On a fundamental degree, there are 3 ways for producers to create an EV:
Retrofitting: Producers modify current inner combustion structure to construct an electrical automobile. It’s the only and quickest methodology to construct an EV, and the method has turn into much more refined within the days since Tesla dumped batteries right into a Lotus Elise chassis to construct its Roadster. But it surely’s nonetheless an advert hoc methodology, and is usually a dead-end for future improvement.
Hybrid Platforms: Many fashionable automobile architectures have been designed to pair with modular combustion, hybrid, and pure electrical powertrains. On the plus facet, this offers the producer a variety of flexibility to regulate to the market —ut on the EV entrance, it limits design selections by forcing them into the strictures of combustion platforms.
Devoted EV Platforms: Most producers are (or shall be) transferring to devoted EV platforms over the subsequent decade. These are principally skateboards consisting of wheels and a battery pack, and provide most design flexibility. They’re costly and time-consuming to develop, however as soon as a producer has a purpose-built EV platform, it’s comparatively easy and low cost to design new automobiles from it. This is the reason you may have some firms taking a very long time to get their first EV out the door, however are nonetheless pledging to have 10-25 of them at sellers by 2025.
Right here’s a have a look at the all of the EV platforms particular person producers are presently utilizing.
Commercial – Proceed Studying Under
CLAR / FAAR: BMW makes use of two platforms for many of its present vary: CLAR for RWD-based automobiles and FAAR for FWD-based automobiles. The platforms are designed to be modular and dealing with combustion, hybrid, and EV powertrains, even permitting for all three to be assembled on the identical manufacturing line. BMW is growing a devoted EV structure, however it might not arrive till 2025.
GE1: Ford World Electrified 1 Platform. Ford developed a brand new platform for the Mustang Mach E. It is a considerably altered model of the C2 platform Ford makes use of within the Escape, the Bronco Sport, the Lincoln Corsair and the Focus. It helps RWD and AWD.
Common Motors
BEV2: Common Motors’s second-generation EV platform. It debuted within the Chevrolet Bolt in 2016, and continues to be present in the revised Bolt and new Bolt EUV.
BEV3: GM’s third-generation battery-electric car platform. It is a skateboard utilizing GM’s new proprietary Ultium batteries which will be packed vertically or horizontally. It could possibly accommodate ranges as much as 400 miles and 0-60 mph occasions as much as 3.0 seconds. It is appropriate with RWD, FWD and AWD automobiles. It is going to be utilized in the Cadillac Lyriq, amongst many others.
BT1: An electrical body-on-frame platform developed from GM’s T1 truck platform. It can additionally reap the benefits of GM’s new Ultium batteries. It can underpin the new Hummer EV and future electrical Silverados, Sierras and Escalades.
Honda e: The Honda e platform debuted with, you guessed it, the Honda e hatchback. It is RWD, and designed for driving dynamics and most effectivity from a small battery pack. We’re unlikely to see these metropolis automobiles within the U.S. The primary Honda/Acura automobiles within the U.S. may be SUVs built on GM’s BEV3 platform forward of a Honda bigger EV platform arriving later.
Hyundai Group
E-GMP: Electrical World Modular Platform. That is Hyundai’s skateboard platform that can underpin future EVs for Hyundai Genesis and Kia, together with the brand new Ioniq 5 and EV6 sports crossover. It can permit for each 400-volt and 800-volt fast-charging and V2L performance to ship energy again out to the grid. Excessive-performance functions may see 0-60 mph occasions of three.5 seconds and high speeds in extra of 160 mph.
B-SUV/GB/Eco-Automotive: Hyundai Group has electrical variations of automobiles on hybrid platforms, together with the Hyundai Kona Electric, the Hyundai Ioniq Electrical and the Kia Niro EV.
These Are the 16 Finest Vehicles to Purchase in 2021
Kelley Blue Guide has launched their finest automobiles to purchase awards for 2021. The outcomes might shock you.
EVA: Electrical car structure. It is a new, devoted platform for giant EV automobiles and SUVs. It can arrive this yr with the EQS and EQE sedans and subsequent new electrical SUVs.
MMA: Mercedes-Benz Modular Electrical Structure. This shall be a devoted platform for small and medium-sized EVs that Mercedes desires to have by 2025.
MEA: Modular electrical structure. These are Mercedes automobiles just like the EQC and EQA, which run on an electrical model of their inner combustion engine counterparts’ platforms.
CMF-EV: That is the electrical automobile model of Renault/Nissan/Mitsubishi’s Frequent Module Household platform. It is going to be utilized in compact automobiles, sedans and crossovers throughout the model’s lineup. The primary manufacturing mannequin shall be the upcoming Nissan Ariya crossover.
Nissan EV Platform: It is a front-motor, FWD platform Nissan first developed for the Leaf in 2010.
Rivian “Skateboard”: Rivian’s skateboard platform is a quad-motor system with an adjustable air suspension. The “skateboard” title comes from how flat it’s; all drive parts sit beneath the peak of the wheel for optimum flexibility. It can underpin the R1T truck, R1S SUV and Rivian’s Amazon supply automobiles.
Mannequin S: The Mannequin S platform is a full-sized car platform that additionally underpins the Mannequin X. Presently, it is just utilized in dual-motor or tri-motor AWD functions. It permits for 480-volt charging on Tesla’s supercharger community.
Mannequin 3: The Mannequin 3 runs on a compact car platform. The Mannequin Y makes use of it as effectively and shares about 75 p.c of its componentry with the Mannequin 3. It provides much less vary and efficiency than the Mannequin S platform.
Toyota / Subaru
e-TNGA: That is the electrical model of Toyota’s New World Structure platform co-developed by Toyota and Subaru. It is going to be a modular system with mounted and variable parts, permitting Toyota to make use of it for a spread of auto sizes. It can seem in forthcoming Toyota and Lexus EVs in addition to the Subaru Evoltis.
Volkswagen Group
MEB: VW’s “modular electrical toolkit.” This platform will underpin RWD and AWD ID vary automobiles that can fulfill Volkswagen’s pledge to construct electrical automobiles for the hundreds of thousands, not the millionaires. The platform is designed to be low-cost and versatile for reasonably priced EVs. VW will license it to different producers such as Ford.
J1: Porsche-developed platform for high-performance presently used within the Taycan and the Audi E-Tron GT. Distinctive for its 800-volt charging infrastructure, which ought to permit for sooner charging when there’s the infrastructure to assist it.
PPE: Premium Efficiency Electrical. This platform has each excessive and low-floor variations, and shall be used to underpin automobiles and crossovers just like the Porsche Macan and far of the Audi lineup.
MLB Evo: The Audi E-tron runs on the MLB Evo platform, a combustion platform that’s, because the title suggests, an evolution of the MLB platform. It’s also utilized by the Bentley Bentayga, the Porsche Cayenne and the Lamborghini Urus.
Volvo / Polestar
CMA: Volvo and Geely collaborated on the Compact Modular Structure platform. It could possibly use FWD and AWD variations propelled by inner combustion, hybrid, or full-electric variations. It is the platform used for the Volvo XC40 and it underpins Volvo and Polestar’s three present electrical automobiles: the Polestar 2, the Volvo XC40 Recharge and the brand new C40 Recharge.
The 11 Items of Gear You Completely Want for Automotive Tenting
Automotive tenting makes getting away simple as pie. These things will make it even tastier.
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orbemnews · 4 years
Jeep's new $100,000 Grand Wagoneer takes on Mercedes and BMW These new SUVs, which are equipped with three rows of seats and plenty of leather and wood trim, will come in a range of styles and with prices ranging from $68,000 for the Wagoneer to more than $100,000 for the most expensive and opulent version of the Grand Wagoneer. After being out of production for nearly 30 years, these new models signal a much-anticipated return for the Wagoneer brand. They put Jeep, a brand built on its relationship to the famed World War II off-road vehicle, in direct competition with the likes of Cadillac, Mercedes-Benz, and BMW. All of those recognized luxury brands make full-size SUVs in roughly the same price range, although the lowest-priced Wagoneer models will be a little more affordable. The lowest-priced Wagoneer will be a rear-wheel-drive model starting at $68,000, and the least expensive four-wheel-drive version will start at $71,000. Prices for the more luxurious Grand Wagoneer begin at about $88,000 and run to $108,000 for the Grand Wagoneer Series III Premium. These prices do not include an additional $2,000 destination charge. The Grand Wagoneer will compete best against American rivals, the Lincoln Navigator and Cadillac Escalade, said Akshay Anand, an auto industry analyst with Kelley Blue Book. It could also pull customers from Britain’s Range Rover, another brand known for off-road prowess. It will have a harder time competing against luxury SUVs like the BMW X7 and Mercedes-Benz GLS, he said, because buyers of those SUVs value things, like brand prestige, beyond the ruggedness embodied in the Wagoneer. Among the available features in the new Wagoneer is a touchscreen for the front passenger, in addition to touchscreens for the rear passengers. The front passenger’s screen will have a special surface covering making it invisible to the driver. With it, the front passenger will be able to watch videos using wireless headphones without distracting the driver. The front passenger can also put in a navigation destination for directions that will appear on the SUV’s main center screen. The Wagoneer and Grand Wagoneer will also offer Amazon Fire TV Auto, a version of the Amazon Fire TV software customized for use in a vehicle. Passengers will be able to stream or watch movies that have been previously downloaded. The most fully-equipped Grand Wagoneer, the Series III Premium version, will come with 22-inch wheels, a 23-speaker McIntosh stereo system, 10-inch screens for the rear passengers and a chilled center storage console in the front, among other features. The Wagoneer will be powered by a 392-horsepower 5.7-liter V8 engine with a fuel-saving mild hybrid system. A small electric motor will assist the gasoline engine when accelerating and when restarting after a stop. Batteries for the electric motor are recharged during braking and by the engine. The Grand Wagoneer will have a 471-horsepower 6.4-liter V8 engine. The Grand Wagoneer concept vehicle Jeep unveiled last September was a plugin hybrid, but Jeep has not announced a plugin hybrid version for the production model. The appearance of the Wagoneer, though, closely resembles the concept version. Interiors shown by Stellantis designers feature lots of wood trim, for example. During a video presentation for journalists, Jeep executives boasted about the amount of wood and real metal — as opposed to metal-coated-plastic — used in the Grand Wagoneer. Unlike the classic Grand Wagoneer, though, the new version will not have wood on the outside of the vehicle. Controls for the front seats are on the door so the sides of the seat can show the Grand Wagoneer name. Vehicle names are often embossed on a so-called kick plate on the floor at the bottom of the door opening. But designers worried that, if it were located there, the name would get dirty and muddy. The SUVs will be available with air suspension that can raise them to as high as 10 inches off the ground for off-road driving. They will be able to drive through as much as two feet of water, Stellantis said. The first Wagoneer and Grand Wagoneer SUVs will arrive at dealerships in the second half of this year, according to Stellantis. The original Wagoneer was introduced in 1962. While based on a truck frame, the Wagoneer was much more stylish and car-like than other early SUVs, like the Bronco and the International Harvester Scout. It was also the first four-wheel-drive vehicle available with an automatic transmission. It introduced the modern concept of an SUV as a family vehicle, rather than something just for farmers and hunters. The Grand Wagoneer became a distinct model line in 1984. Production ended in 1991 in the face of rising gas prices. Source link Orbem News #000GrandWagoneertakesonMercedesandBMW-CNN #BMW #Grand #Jeep'snew$100 #Jeeps #Mercedes #success #Takes #Wagoneer
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bestbatterycompany · 2 years
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perksofwifi · 4 years
Future SUVs: 2021 and Beyond
The SUV and crossover craze shows no sign of slowing down, and automakers are doing their level best to feed the fire with all sorts of new models in the pipeline. They’ll be greener, higher-tech, and more luxurious than ever. Some will even question what it means to be a driver, as opposed to a mere occupant. Whether you plug them in or fill them up, whether you drive them or they drive you, there will be more options than ever for an off-road-looking vehicle in the years to come.
Cadillac Lyriq
What’s New: The Cadillac Lyriq is an electric midsize crossover with a long wheelbase, wide stance, fastback roof, big air inlets, body-flush door handles, and 23-inch wheels—at least on the concept. The traditional grille is replaced with backlit lines in a precision pattern with Cadillac’s iconic crest between vertical headlights. There are vertical taillights beneath an upper set of lights, called a “sail tail,” that start behind each D-pillar and flow into the directional lights on the tailgate. It will be Cadillac’s first pure EV, using GM’s BEV3 dedicated electric vehicle architecture and Ultium fast-charging batteries. All-wheel drive will be available. The five-passenger vehicle has a 34-inch curved LED touchscreen that dominates the dashboard.
What’s Not: It takes its styling cues from the Cadillac Escala concept.
When: 2022
How Much: $75,000 (est)
Cruise Origin
What’s New: The Cruise Origin is a boxy, six-passenger, electric, autonomous ride-hail van developed by Cruise in collaboration with General Motors. The robotaxi has two big sliding doors and a low load floor for easy access. The six passengers sit facing each other, with room for their luggage. There is no driver; sensors, cameras, radar, and lidar assess the surroundings and make the driving decisions. The Origin uses GM’s BEV3 dedicated electric vehicle architecture and likely GM’s Ultium fast-charging batteries. It will be a commercial vehicle only, for use in ride-hail services, with plans to also build a delivery van.
What’s Not: Everything is new.
When: 2022
How Much: $50,000 (commercial sale only)
Jeep Wagoneer/Jeep Grand Wagoneer
What’s New: FCA is going all-in on full-size three-row SUVs with the Jeep Wagoneer and Jeep Grand Wagoneer. The former, designed to be more mainstream, will go up against the Tahoes and Expeditions of the world. The latter will be a luxury flagship for the Jeep brand, set to square off against the revitalized Escalade and Navigator. Expect the Jeep’s unique selling proposition to be exceptional off-road capability and a plug-in hybrid powertrain. Here’s hoping for the return of wood paneling, too.
What’s Not: If the modified Ram 1500 test mules that frequently pass by our Los Angeles headquarters are any indication, the Jeep Wagoneers will share much with our 2019 Truck of the Year. The two Wagoneers will be built on a modified Ram 1500 platform in Michigan with a ride-enhancing independent rear suspension. Expect a 3.6-liter V-6 and 5.7-liter V-8—likely both with emissions-reducing eTorque motors—and an eight-speed automatic to be borrowed from the Ram, too.
When: Late 2021
How Much: $50,000 (Wagoneer) (est); $75,000 (Grand Wagoneer) (est)
Chevrolet Bolt EUV
What’s New: For the 2022 model year, Chevrolet will expand the Bolt lineup to include the new Bolt EUV, a larger, more SUV-like Bolt variant that is front-drive only. The wheelbase is 3 inches longer for more room in the back seat. Overall the vehicle is 5 to 6 inches longer. The look is more upright and in line with Chevrolet’s latest styling language. It will be the first non-Cadillac to get Super Cruise, the hands-free highway driving system. It also has a push-button gearshift and a button for one-pedal driving. Also available: a sunroof, unlike the standard Bolt.
What’s Not: The new EUV rides on the same BEV2 platform, with the same 66-kW-hr batteries as the current Bolt EV, not GM’s new BEV3 dedicated EV architecture or Ultium battery system for longer range and faster charging.
When: 2021
How Much: $41,000 (est)
Hyundai Tucson
What’s New: The Hyundai Vision T Concept seen here is essentially the next-generation Tucson, introducing the brand’s future SUV design language. Along with a new platform, new powertrains include a hybrid and possibly a sporty N-Line model with the same 2.5-liter turbo I-4 in the Sonata N-Line. Expect plenty of driver assistance features to come standard. A huge 10.3-inch touchscreen and 12.3-inch digital gauge cluster should be on the menu, too.
What’s Not: Hyundai’s user-friendly infotainment system remains. That’s a good thing because it’s one of the brand’s biggest strengths, especially as screen sizes increase.
When: Late 2020
How Much: $22,000 (est)
Lexus LQ
What’s New: Ultra-premium, ultra-expensive SUVs have exploded in popularity and profit margin, and Lexus doesn’t want to be left out. In fact, the brand has already shown us what it’s going to do with the LF-1 Limitless Concept. When it goes into production, expect it to remain a big, roomy two-row luxury SUV with an opulent interior and the next generation of Lexus design language. As for its name, all current Lexus SUVs use a two-letter name with an X as the second letter, but this won’t replace the existing LX. However, Toyota applied for the “LQ” trademark in 2018—right after the Limitless concept made its debut at the Detroit auto show.
What’s Not: Built on Toyota’s new TNGA-L platform, we expect the flagship to carry the new LS 500h’s 3.5-liter V-6, which currently makes 354 hp, and CVT and four-speed automatic hybrid transmission.
When: 2022
How Much: $100,000
Infiniti QX55
What’s New: Infiniti is entering the now-popular SUV coupe game with the QX55. Based on the QX50, the QX55 was inspired by the original, groundbreaking FX, and instead of having a swooping silhouette like the Mercedes-Benz GLE, its profile is nearly identical to the FX. The rear glass has a steep angle, which gives the QX55 that coupelike shape at the expense of some cargo capacity. Expect enormous Infiniti logos and lettering on the hatch and other cool details.
What’s Not: The powertrain. We expect the QX55 to be powered by the same 2.0-liter variable-compression turbo engine, which means its 268 hp and 280 lb-ft of torque would be sent to the front or all four wheels via a continuously variable transmission.
When: Late 2020
How Much: $40,000 (est)
Porsche Macan EV
What’s New: Porsche’s Taycan delivers shocking electric performance, but that vehicle’s price and layout give it niche appeal. How can the brand apply its EV learnings to a mass-market offering? By electrifying its best-selling Macan. Trouble is, the MLB platform it rides on wasn’t designed for battery propulsion (though Audi adapted it for the E-Tron crossover). As such, the Macan will be built on the PPE architecture that provides the basis for the Volkswagen Group’s premium electric cars.
What’s Not: Electric hardware and software developed for the Taycan will be adapted for use in the Macan EV—not like that’s a bad thing.
When: 2022
How Much: $65,000 (est)
Volvo XC100
What’s New: Volvo needs a halo car to show its commitment to and capabilities with electric propulsion. That’ll manifest in the XC100, a flagship luxury SUV. Although it’ll be mechanically similar to the family-oriented next-gen XC90, the XC100 will take a more indulgent approach. Expect a four-seat layout, comfort-tuned dynamics, autonomous capabilities, and dramatic styling intended to distinguish Volvo from its Polestar performance division. Volvo might continue to build a hybrid XC90, but the XC100 will be purely electric to show the brand’s dedication to a gasoline-free future.
What’s Not: The new SPA-II architecture will be the basis for all of Volvo’s SUVs, from the XC40 to the XC100. Also shared: the Android infotainment system that’s making its way into Volvo and Polestar cars.
When: 2022
How Much: $85,000 (est)
Byton M-Byte
What’s New: Byton’s first offering, the battery-electric M-Byte, is an automotive Rorschach test. Some see the natural evolution of the automobile into a connected, interactive, technology-loaded mobility platform. Others are aghast by its dash-spanning 48-inch screen and de-emphasis of driving (the front seats even swivel toward each other by 10 degrees to ease conversation). Although the Level 4 autonomy it anticipates has been delayed, the China-based company is carrying on undaunted. Like many other new EV entries, Byton is partnering with Electrify America for public charging.
What’s Not: The M-Byte is brand new from the ground to its roof.
When: Fall 2021
How Much: $45,000 (est)
The post Future SUVs: 2021 and Beyond appeared first on MotorTrend.
https://www.motortrend.com/news/future-suvs-2021-and-beyond/ visto antes em https://www.motortrend.com
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lielectricians · 6 years
Electric Car Charging Stations Cost
Called demand charges
Electric vehicle charging
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As more people purchase electric cars, charging stations are seeing higher demand … Harney and Jackson streets. The cost to the city to install the stations is $161,000. The rest of the money would …
Volatile electric utility fees, called demand charges, make public electric-car charging stations unprofitable. Pictured is an abandoned gas service station in South Carolina.
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Los Angeles alone may need 35,000 charging stations in a few years’ time, about seven times the number it had in 2017.
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MONTGOMERY, AL (WSFA) – Electric … fee for the vehicle.” Steven Strickland is a hybrid owner. He does not have to pay the $100 fee, but still said the fee is unfair. Strickland said people already …
Ev Car Charging Station Elwood Il ALGONQUIN, IL – Two new electric vehicle charging stations were recently installed and activated as a part of infrastructure improvements included in the Old Town Algonquin reconstruction. The two … It engages in the provision of electric vehicle charging services and charging stations. The company was founded in 1983 and is headquartered in Chicago, IL.
The Regional District of Nanaimo board wants to take charge in an application for 10 electric car charging stations for the mid Island. Following a Community Energy Association presentation at their …
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Norway’s capital city of Oslo will be the world’s first metropolitan area to install wireless, induction-based charging stations for electric taxis … plug in and then wait for the car to charge. The …
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One of the drawbacks of owning an electric vehicle is how long it takes to … Steinberg describes how the charging stations might emerge as a branding opportunity. "We are in conversations …
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-04-03 02 CAR now
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