#error gaster blasters
sunnymainecoonx · 7 months
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Recent drawings... I do have some drawings I'm about to finish but ehmmm
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swatch-this · 1 year
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IM SO PROUD OF THIS💪😤 also I explained all the dreamtale lore to a 6 year old today, she thought it was funny that Nightmare wore slippers
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galactic-knightmare · 5 months
behold, yet another doodle for Dust Bunnies and Needle Teeth!
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I actually drew this yesterday, but only just got to writing/posting the chapter today lmao.
annnywway, its like, almost 6 am, so its time for me to sleep lmao
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sacotach · 1 year
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Aaah! I love it(><) But I've wasted too much time on drawing🫠
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lvlypixel · 2 years
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Closer pictures of the Bad Sanses. Look at the tiny Horror! =)
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neyaa-animations · 1 year
Happy b-day Error!
That's a beautiful day! One of the most popular Sans in Undertale AU community have b-day today!
(Sry i don't have time for anything else.)
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Error!sans belongs to CrayonQuenn
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chaos-le-mieux · 2 years
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Error Chara Answers: 019
27th Question asked by: Captinditto
28th Question asked by: Shadowlord202 TW: Angst Ah Yes, even as Error's, Flowey and Sans are the best of friends Best buddies Yup Look at all those Friendliness Pellets, don't they look like a Blast! As for the second question. A feeling that's all to familiar for Chara, even as an Error. When at their low, there's only person who they can take their frustrations out on... themselves. And yeah, Flowey is appalled at both parts of the question, which is interesting, since he states he can't feel anything... Enjoy~ Undertale © Toby Fox
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dragonfire1000 · 2 years
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you know him, you love him! --maybe--
Gasterblaster error! boy it was a hot minute
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eriscary · 3 months
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Reference sheet of Tear who finally made their appearance in Passing Ghost. I have been waiting to post them, wanting to have that sweet reveal in the comic before it. I am withholding some info due to spoilers or because I want it to be known after the comic is done, which shouldn't take long prolly. Here we go… __________________
Biography: Tear!Sans is a puppet body possessed by a Napstablook whose greatest wish was to become Sans and see the multiverse. He created his body from mix and matching puppets made by Error!Sans. This [REDACTED]
Appearance: Because Tear’s body is a puppet, his bones are plush and have visible stitches. He wears white gloves to hide stitches, but his forehead has the most obvious line of them. He also wears Napstablook shaped headphones and a white coat with a purple hood. Its backside has a pattern of two tear drops forming an upside-down heart. Underneath it is a beige scarf, white shirt and black shorts.
Personality: Tear used to naively believe that everyone is good hearted and tried to be polite even in situations he shouldn’t. His AU got a lot of Sans variant visitors that he observed curiously from afar. Through observation he learns of the multiverse and wishes to experience it. Even wishing to become Sans himself, so he would feel important, loved and blend in more with the multiverse travelers. Finally achieving a feat of possessing a puppet body with a resemblance to Sans, gave him some momentary confidence. [REDACTED] finally understood not everyone is sunshine and rainbows. This made him more nervous of new people than he already is. He spends much of his time training to behave like Sans, failing at making good puns and stressing over not being lazy enough for Sans standards. He works too hard to be one, believing it would give him everything he wanted and [REDACTED]. After all, Sans surely blends into crowds with ease. They saw it with their own eyes. Tear also goes as far as using a great deal of effort into shaping his tears to be gaster blasters and bones. It hinders his speed, although even with this he is as fast as an original Sans, but fails at matching him in damage. Most of the time he feels like he isn’t good enough, both as his old self and Sans. The new life makes him believe it’s his responsibility to do everything Sans took care of too. He blames himself for everything. [REDACTED][ACCESS DENIED]. As a ghost, he felt very touch starved.
Abilities: - Tears: When Tear!Sans cries, his tears hurt anyone on contact. He can manipulate his tears and cry on command. They also leak out naturally. - Shaping tears: Tear!Sans often controls his tears to take a certain shape like his top hat, but usually gaster blasters and bones in hopes of mimicking Sans. Such objects cannot be held by anyone else, as they would take damage. Tear!Sans cannot replicate blue attacks. - Phasing: Tear!Sans can will his body to phase through things, just like when he was a ghost. His body gets more transparent or straight up invisible. Unlike his ghost self, this time it requires magic. When too emotionally overwhelmed, he will unintentionally phase. It will stress him more if it's a comforting touch he was about to receive but couldn't. - [REDACTED]
In battle: Tear's strength is on par with Classic Sans. He doesn't hit as hard, yet keeps up by attacking faster. But because he loses speed by shaping his attacks, he is overall weaker. His boss fight is also shorter because of him spending a lot of magic uncontrollably, before and during the fight. Unlike a Classic Sans or [REDACTED], Tear doesn’t remember SAVEs and RESETs. - [REDACTED] - [REDACTED]
Relationships: - [REDACTED]
Trivia: -Tear’s name has a double meaning. ‘To shed a tear’ and ‘tear something apart’. Different characters will say their name differently, depending on the personal opinion of them. - He is very soft to hug. - He is very light and his steps leave no sound. - His favorite food are Blueberries, or as he calls them, Boo Berries. - He occasionally calls the Player by a pet name “treasure”. - [REDACTED] - He gets excited at seeing any Sans or Papyrus, no matter how they look. - Used pronouns are He/They. - When terrified, Tear can unintentionally water blast the person through his eye sockets. - [REDACTED] __________________ Considering most AU sanses are stronger than Classic, Tear is prolly one of the weakest out there lol. He tries
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junipers-insects · 7 months
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Prompt: Gaster Blaster
I can't draw Gaster Blasters. I also don't quite remember what Errors blasters look like, this was drawn from memory.
Hosted by @rawrlands !
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This was the sketch. Just thought it looked silly.
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 6 months
The other Anon stole his beanbag
Can I eat errors beanbag
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Error: GET OUT OF MY ANTIVOID YOU FUNKY DUDE Fresh: AW MAN, BUT I'M HERE TO TEACH YA A RAD LESSON ON HANDLIN YOUR EMOTIONS— (the distinct noise of Gaster Blaster related violence)
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galactic-knightmare · 5 months
So, as I work on Mercytale, I find myself wanting to write, but being stuck on a single fucking part that I still can't seem to get out of.
SO! in order to deal with that, I'm working on a side fic! for literally no other reason than "I'm bored and this idea won't leave me alone" And so heres the doodles! mostly so that I can slap them into the chapters, cause I've had someone ask about that already LMAO
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so yeah, heres the doodles, and heres the link! I know I'm cringe, but at least I'm free to be cringe (and be judged but I'm going to ignore that part rn for my anxiety's sake lmao...)
(also, I have an editor! the lovely Mouse has offered to edit fics! not this one though. I haven't brought it to them and honestly Mouse is already gonna have a lot of work to do with Mercytale. this one is just for fun lmao)
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mintflavoredfemurs · 2 months
I love how you draw killer! Do you have any headcanons for him?
Thank you :D And I have a handful!! Mostly ones following the ending where he leaves Nightmare to go with Color. (Buckle up, I'm a sucker for detail and most of it is just expanding off of canon)
-- Killer treats his gaster blasters like cats. He had to do this because Nightmare kept hurting his actual cats and he figured it was the best way to cope without getting himself caught (easy to desummon blasters) or putting any other cats under Nightmare's wrath. When he escapes with Color, he gets actual cats again but still treats his blasters like cats (they get sad when he doesn't!!)
-- He likes hanging around with Error for the sole purpose of talking shit about Nightmare. The moment Error pulls out a chocolate bar though, he's gotta nope it out of there. Too many memories. Error never understands why but begins using it as a way to get Killer out of his anti-void when he wants to be unbothered.
-- Killer's gotten better at managing his stages, especially since Nightmare isn't there to trigger stage 3. The way Nightmare would trigger stage 3 was to, as the comics showed, stabbing right through Killer's SOUL with a tentacle. (This is just theorizing:) The negative energy of his corruption would override Killer's positivity (whatever little there was), the forced negativity putting his DT into hyperdrive (spilling out his eyes, mouth, nose, everywhere..) which triggers his bloodlust. When Color offered Killer help initially, it'd given him enough hope and positivity to linger in his SOUL residually even after Nightmare had reverted it. Now, Nightmare isn't there to manually trigger stage 3 and he lives much more happily with Color. With his SOUL both being in stage 1 more often and less things to trigger his higher stages, he's gotten a handle on it!! But! There are still things that trigger higher stages, usually things that he associates with bad memories.
-- Killer's considered joining the Stars just to spite Nightmare but had to shut that idea down quickly. Swap and the memories of fighting him would trigger his stages + He's afraid of getting caught in a battle with his old gangmates. Even worse, getting into crosshairs with Nightmare himself. Nightmare's temper had gotten worse since he left, and he always did have a chokehold on Killer. Killer couldn't risk it.
-- While he Was still in the gang, in the rare moments that Horror didn't immediately leave when he saw Killer enter a room, they might exchange brief conversations about their old AUs, Killer initiating them. They were brief because they had to be, the influx of emotions similar to grieving (grieving their old AUs, ESPECIALLY their Papyruses) would catch Nightmare's attention. After his escape, Killer vaguely considers trying to bust Horror out, too but he has his doubts. He's not sure about Dust. (Oh yeah. Horror's been plotting. Getting yanked from an active AU can cause high levels of resentment in a skelly.)
-- Dust and Horror were always on edge around Killer due to his obedience to Nightmare (this is also why Horror usually leaves when Killer enters the room). Though, Dust had, at some point, found out about Killer going behind Nightmare's back to help AUs instead of plunging them into negativity. Dust kept some grudge due to Killer betraying the gang but kept silent. It wasn't the biggest surprise when Killer left soon after he found out. It was more surprising that Nightmare hadn't bothered, even once, to try and find him again.
-- Nightmare had tried, and succeded, to trigger Killer's stage 4 on a few occasions. The negativity from his exhaustion and upwelled memories was always a nice treat afterward.
-- Killer's tried to find his old AU. He never could (almost seems like someone had gotten rid of the AU because they couldn't risk him attempting to defy them...). He found Horror's AU though and the chaos there is one of the few reasons he's skeptical to return Horror to his AU (everything's gone off the rails since Horror's disappearance. Everyone thought Sans (Horror) dusted and Undyne's rule has gotten even more out of hand.)
-- Killer's studying of blood and monster dust still stuck with him. Color's gotten concerned about his hobby before but someone had to have to left him a meticulously gift-wrapped microscope on Gyftmas. Color never fesses up but Killer catches the glee in his eye whenever he walks in on Killer examining stuff with it.
And, ending on a more lighthearted note!!
-- Killer's often takes his cats to Ccino's cafe to mingle with the other kitties while he grabs drinks for him and Color ^_^
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lvlypixel · 2 years
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Finally, I'm done! It took many hours. =D Bad Sanses in the Anti-Void. =)
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la0kii · 20 days
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Multistream lore dump (۶•̀ᴗ•́)۶
Ink, when creating Multi, used Error's appearance and abilities as a baseline. The soul that Multi has is not his, it was given to Ink. The soul in question belongs to a dying au, the creator of that Au didn't want this particular creation of theirs to be gone forever and thus that soul was given to Ink!
Multistream should be able to use Gaster blasters and bones like other Sanses but because those abilities weren't created and instead come from the Soul he has if he were to use those abilities he could end up corrupting an Au.
Speaking of, Multistream longs to have his own Au, but he can't. This has resulted in Multi becoming very envious of other Sanses. After finding out about his creation he believes he's entitled to an Au but he's not going to try and make one yet. He has a sketchbook and multiple puppets that he created to resemble what monsters in his Au would look like.
Multistream's job is looking after Au's making sure they don't get corrupted and attempting to stop it if he can but due to his complex, he'd let an Au become corrupted/be destroyed out of jealousy.
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I have made this Sans Oc recently. I have more Sans Ocs I want to share in the future, but I wanted to show this one first because it was the most recent. Some changes might happen with the oc in the future. I hope you all like it!
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Movie Theater Sans
Nicknames: Film, Movie, Theater
Age: 26 Years Old
Czech, Greek
Sexuality: Asexual, Pansexual
Gender: Non-Binary
Pronouns: All, prefers They/Them however. But they don’t mind other pronouns.
Powers/Abilities: Tickets on back can act like tentacles, usual Sans powers such as Gaster blasters or bones, can change the color of person who they are battling soul from blue to red because of the 3d glasses, each color taking random amounts of damage each time to increase everytime the attack is used, they can use the film strips on their belt similar to how Error does, which the film strips record old attacks and reverses it, causing having the other person who is fighting to have to go through those attacks again with the same stats they had during that time before resuming to the current battle.
(Two of the attacks were inspired by Error Sans, who belongs to LoverofPiggies, and Nightmare Sans, who belongs to Jokublog)
Movie Theater Sans was a variety of Classic Sans, where they were pulled into a TV one night by Gaster and became one with movies of all variety. (This backstory may change soon).
Weaknesses: Scratches on their film strips, Losing the popcorn from the popcorn bucket on their head (which the popcorn act as a protector towards their soul inside).
Notable Features-
Movie Theater Sans can speak all languages due to have watched every movie in existence.
Movie Theater Sans LOVES old and cheesy 80’s movies, it’s their favorite type, but they like all movies.
Movie Theater Sans is not on the Bad Sanses or Star Sanses side, they are neutral.
Movie Theater Sans can teleport through TV’s. They just…walks into them and goes wherever they want to go.
Movie Theater Sans is a lazybones, similar to their original self. They are also quiet and known to be unpredictable. They are stubborn when it comes to things they don't like, refusing to do those things unless absolutely having to. They are firm on their beliefs and won’t let anyone change them. They are also genuine and understanding. But they are Aloof and Forgetful as well.
Movie Theater Sans belongs to me.
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