marshmallowprotection · 5 months
Hello~! I was wondering if I can ask for a romantic male matchup please?
I’m a 25 year old woman and my pronouns and she/her. I have big green eyes and wear glasses. I also have lots of piercings (nose and few ears) I also have wavy shoulder length burgundy colored dyed hair. My body type would be considered curvy/chubby…which I’m very insecure about.
Personality: I’m shy and awkward around strangers, but I’m much more outgoing, talkative, giggly, bubbly and friendly once I get to know you. I have a spicy, sarcastic, mischievous and moody side to me though 😅. I have a bit of a temper and it’s hard for me to bite my tongue at that time, so my spicy and sarcastic side comes out. But it doesn’t take me long to cool off and be back to my normal bubbly side. I suffer from anxiety, ptsd and depression, so I need someone who can be patient and understanding when it comes to that. I guess I have an aura that makes people feel that I’m trustworthy and reliable because so many people come to me and just spill everything to me. It could be my friends, family even people I hardly know. I’m often regarded as the “safe haven” friend when it comes to that. I’m very compassionate and loyal to my loved ones. I don’t like confrontation, but if I feel like it’s necessary I’ll speak up for myself. My friends would also describe me as being cute and sweet with a hint of spice lol. I’m super sensitive and will cry at least like three times a week lol. I also have a habit of zoning out, being in my own little world and being confused 90% of the time lmaooo. I would describe my sense of humor dry, dark and awkward…so most of the time I’m the only one laughing at my jokes 🫡.
Likes/dislikes and hobbies: I HATE spiders (arachnophobia), loud abrupt noises, crowds and being randomly touched especially by strangers. I also can’t stand rude people, injustices and seeing my loved ones cry/hurt. I LOVE animals (especially cats) and kids. I have two cats of my own named Jasper and Mochi! I’d also like to have kids sometime in the future. I have a weakness for anything cute, soft and fluffy. So I have a bad addiction with pillows, blankets and stuffed animals. I also enjoy traveling, singing, playing instruments, doing my makeup, shopping, gaming, banter, nature, going on walks/drives and napping! I can literally sleep for hours on end if I’m allowed to lol. And I LOVE anything spooky, especially going on ghost hunts and tarot card readings. I’m actually leaning to do tarot readings!
I enjoy cuddles and physical affection, but only from my s/o. Being touched by random people freaks me out and spikes my anxiety. I prefer to show my love through gifts and acts of service. But also through teasing lol. I’d like to have someone who can keep up with my spice/banter and not be annoyed with it lol. I can be super clingy and possessive in relationships as well.
Thank you so much and I hope you have a good day/night~! 😊
I match you with...
You're not looking for a knight in shining armor, you're looking for someone who understands your place in life. You're looking for the partner who sees your pain and empathizes, extending a hand to you with a smile on their face as you navigate your partnership together for the better. Who better to do that than Zen? A man who knows the pain of not being understood by people because they only take you at face value. He knows where you're coming from and he wants to be there for you just like you want to be there for him.
Together, the two of you are a dynamic duo who stands strong as partners, side by side, smiling through whatever challenges come your way because you understand each other. You know what the other is going to do because you talked about it beforehand. You've got this down pat. You cry when you need to into his arms and he finally lets his guard down to show you his most vulnerable self on the nights were it's too much.
I also feel like it's worth saying that he out of anyone else understands what it feels like to be in a position where you have boundaries that haven't been respected. For the longest time, he's tried to pretend that it's okay when it's not, and if you've had to do the same thing, that's where the two of you find a sense of kinship. It's nice to know that you'll always have a safe haven in each other, turning to each other when you know your partner is there can make a world of difference. 
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eviestrology · 3 months
Astro Compatibility - ermbabyel
Hello~! I was wondering if I can have an Astro compatibility mtl ships for ateez and stray kids please? Thank you so much and take as much time as you need! 😌
@ermbabyel Thanks for requesting!!
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Stray Kids
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shxtodxroki · 5 months
Match-Up Exchange
This is part of a Mystic Messenger match-up exchange done for @ermbabyel for the exchange we arranged! Hi hi, first of all once again I really appreciate putting up with how frazzled and out of sorts I was while arranging this exchange, I promise I’m not usually that scatterbrained lol and I appreciate you still agreeing to this exchange and for being so kind in our messages :> You seem like a lovely person and I really hope you enjoy this match-up, please feel free to hop over to this blog anytime if you have a request or are just looking to chat :) Also this hasn't been proofread so apologies for any spelling/grammar errors!
I’d Match You With:
Saeyoung Choi (707)! :)
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Honestly when I was reading your description of yourself and your ideal relationship, it all just screamed Saeyoung to me. He has so many of those qualities you want and you two both want a lot of the same things in life, and while he may be a bit on the younger side than what you’d usually go for, he’s still very much an adult and can be mature when he wants to be lol so I think your relationship together would still work very well :>
Headcanons About Your Relationship:
- First of all he thinks you’re absolutely beautiful, the most gorgeous person he’s literally ever seen, and he doesn’t hesitate to tell you this all the time especially when he can sense you’re feeling a bit insecure about yourself. He thinks your curvy/chubby body is beautiful, and he adores your dyed hair and piercings as well lol. He will never let you doubt his love for you or how beautiful you are, the second he sees you looking in the mirror with uncertainty in your eyes he’s quick to wrap his arms around you and list every part of you that he finds absolutely stunning and wouldn’t change for the world <3
- He loves your sense of humor as well! You’ll no longer be the only one laughing at your jokes when Saeyoung is around, he has pretty much the same sense of humor and often cracks similar jokes so even if everyone else is giving the two of you weird looks, you’ll both just be in your own little world cracking up together hehe
- And he’s definitely an introvert like you, some of his favorite days spent with you are just lazy days at home where both of you are relaxed and laying in your pajamas together, with no responsibilities or worries clouding your mind so you just get to spend the whole day doing nothing but relaxing and cuddling together <3 He wishes he could spend every day like that honestly, and you’re the one person who manages to get him to feel like it’s okay to take breaks like that and just let his worries go for a bit to relax with you
- On a more serious note, I feel like when you first met him, Saeyoung was terrified at the thought of having kids. Given his own life and his family, he believed for so long that he’d be a terrible father and that no kid deserved to grow up like that. But with your help and the way you’re able to break down his defenses and get him to open up the way he does in his good ending, he slowly starts to come around to the fact that he’d likely be a wonderful father, and finds that he quite wants kids someday as well, and he’s incredibly thankful that you’re the person he’ll be taking that step with some day as he truly doesn’t think he could do it without you
- He absolutely adores how clingy and cuddly you are as well, as he’s a huge cuddle bug and always wants to be holding you or vice versa lol. He usually tries to let you initiate, though, as he knows that physical affection can sometimes make you anxious, so he just wants to make sure he doesn’t catch you on a bad day and accidentally overstep or make you uncomfortable without realizing
-  And while at first he can be a bit awkward with his words when it comes to showing love, as he’s just not used to opening up and being vulnerable in that way, over time he gets better at it because he wants to make sure you know how much he adores you and how much you’ve truly changed his life for the better in so many ways
- He doesn’t mind killing spiders for you, but know that he’ll always tease you about it beforehand lol. He hears you shriek for him from across the house and immediately starts giggling as he takes his sweet time making his way to the room you’re in, teasing you all the while about how it’s “just a silly little spider”. Occasionally he’s even enough of a menace that he’ll chase you around with the dead spider lol, but that’s only when he’s really feeling mischievous
- Please please PLEASE bring your cats to his place when you hang out, he absolutely adores them and gives them all the kisses and pets they could ever want omg he’s so infatuated with them <3 And when the two of you eventually move in together and he gets to see them all the time? Just be prepared to wake up and hear him having full conversations with your cats lol the man is in love
- He would totally be into anime and k-pop as well lol, he gets so invested into the shows and even dabbles into cosplay on occasion as we’ve seen lol and he likes a super diverse range of shows too :> And as for k-pop I feel like he’d like girl groups in particular, he’ll blast his music at all hours of the day and he absolutely kills the dances when he actually takes the time to learn them lol he’s just that good
- And finally, as someone who’s also struggled a lot with his mental health and knows how mood swings can be, he’s the most understanding partner you could ever ask for in that aspect. Even though he’s typically vibrant and playful, when you’re struggling mentally he knows how to turn that off and be much more gentle and reassuring with you, and he’s more than happy to be a listening ear if you need to vent or to give you some space if you’re experiencing mood swings and just need some time to sort through your feelings. And when he’s struggling with his mental health, over time he learns that it’s safe for him to go to you in that same way, and you become the first person to truly see all of him, including the vulnerable parts he usually keeps locked away, as he learns just how good it feels to be comforted by someone he loves <3
Second Choice:
I also strongly considered either Zen or Yoosung for your match-up, as I felt like they both fit a lot of similar qualities in a partner. But I feel like each of them had areas where they just didn’t quite fit as well with you as Saeyoung did, as Yoosung was on the younger side and may not be the best at banter and sarcasm, while Zen would be more extroverted and less likely to enjoy lazy days at home. So while I thought they could both potentially make good matches, Saeyoung just fulfilled pretty much all of the qualities you wanted in a partner so he seemed like the best choice overall :]
Song For Your Relationship:
Beautiful People by Ed Sheeran <3
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jeankirstein4ever · 6 months
Love Songs - Modern!Eren J.
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A/N: Match up for @ermbabyel! You guys have been such supportive angels, sorry there was such a long break but the vacation was lovely!
Your first impression isn't ideal - it's the dead of night in a CVS, exhausted and bored with the current color of your hair only to be met with the loudest group of boys in the universe. Eren, Connie, and Jean had had a long night of drinking and playing at some dive bar, barking laughing, and yelling throughout the store.
" fifty bucks if you dye your hair, 'ren," Connie calls out some stupid bet, leaving you to side-eye them as they get closer and closer to you - their volume becoming overbearing.
"Hey, what color should he -hic- dye his hair, d'you think your color would look -hic- good on 'em." Eren throws his arm back halting Jean and Connie as they approach you.
He smiles apologetically, "Sorry about them, they're a bit rowdy when drunk, but your hair is pretty."
You two make chit-chat in the isle, Connie and Jean had wandered off in search of food, while you offered advice on what color would suit him, and what kind of haircare to use to keep the color for longer.
He’ll pay attention to you as you speak- practically trying to drink you in; like a crow, he’ll get distracted by the glimmer and glittering jewelry that adorns your person. Mesmerized to a mind-fogging extent.
He invited you to one of his shows, a bit pouty when you tell him your aversion to louder cramped places, "Well maybe I could play something for just you?" A sly smirk plastered on his drunken face.
You get his number and finally talk yourself into inviting him over, opting for a movie night, and laying out a plethora of blankets and prized stuffed animals. The knock on your door startles you a little opening it, "Hey pretty girl", his dumb smile lazy across his lips, guitar in his ring-clad hand.
He adores your enthusiasm as you lay out the horror movie options, ultimately letting you pick whatever movie you want, "if we don't get through them all I guess I'll just have to come over again."
It felt cliche but he couldn't pay attention for the life of him, you were too, too much of everything, and eventually, when you relaxed into his arms he wanted to eat you; heart and soul.
The next couple of times he comes over, it becomes harder to ignore that desire.
He'll hold your thighs firmly in between his hands, the pads of his fingers rough from years of playing guitar. Licking a long stripe against your wet dripping hole, making you whine. "gotta stay still baby, wanna hear all your pretty noises, can't do that when you're runnin' away from me."
Nipping at the flesh of your inner thighs, one hand interlaced lazily with yours, the other working your body like you were the only thing he knew, drawing his fingers in and out in agonizingly long strokes.
saliva was spilling over your lips, mouth agape and gasping for him, " 'ren, 'ren too full, can't." In contrast to his hands, his hips work fast, too eager to feel you, his hands lifting your soft hips to him, practically bruising your cervix at this pace.
He's shirtless hovering over you, necklaces and hair sticking to his warm skin, "fuck baby, wish you could see yourself, god, gonna-"
Cum spilling out of you onto the flesh of your thighs and his abdomen, Eren collapses into a heap on top of you, his head laying in the crook of your neck, kissing and nipping at your shoulder, "you sound prettier than any love song."
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Blue Jeans - Lana Del Rey
Favorite - Isabel LaRosa
Glue Song - Beabadoobee
Real Love Baby - Father John Misty
Homecoming - Kanye West, Chris Martin
Speed - Kali Uchis
She Wants My Money - Dominic Fike
I. Pink Toes - Childish Gambino
Power Trip - J.Cole, Miguel
Kiss - Prince
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lady-of-endless · 1 month
Jujutsu Kaisen matchup exchange for lovely @ermbabyel 🌹
Author's Note: Thank you so much for this exchange! I hope my part will make you as happy as your part made me. Thank you again for it, I love it. Hope you'll enjoy it!
I ship you with...
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- I imagine you being a sorcerer and a teacher at Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School and of course, you're protecting the students all the time. After Yuji and Choso meet, Yuji rambles to Choso about what's going on and mentions your mentorship. Choso is immediately grateful for you protecting his brother. He wants to return the favor and keep you safe and makes it a promise.
- In time, as he does this and finds himself spending more time with you, he slowly gets attached more than he planned. It's a bit of a slow burn, but it's steady, sweet, and secure.
- The fact that you don't hide your emotions is a breath of fresh air for him. The spectrum of emotions and feelings you go through makes him understand human feelings more and how to handle his feelings too. He thinks is beautiful how you're able to manage through different emotions without hiding them like almost the majority around him does ...
- Another surprise for Choso is when you're comfortable enough around him to indulge in banter with him. He'd be speechless, his expression unreadable at first, worrying you, but then responding to your banter.
- He's extremely careful and patient with you when you're feeling down. Drops everything that he's doing at the moment and stays with you until you feel better. He thinks he's not that skilled at making people feel better but he wants to make it right for you. Choso will ask you what would make you feel better, and from that point on, he pays attention to what works and what does not. He handles mood swings very well (not his though, poor sweetheart).
- Not only that, he's observant and understands your needs, likes, and dislikes; he even memorizes them all. His love language is probably acts of service, doing anything you need without you even mentioning it. When it comes to your love language, he is baffled every time you give him a little something as a gift. He never got this before. You manage to surprise him every time, and he always asks why, with sparkling eyes and a confused and serious expression.
- Your sarcasm and spiciness can bring an amused smile to his face; congratulations! In general, Choso seems more at ease and happy because of you and Yuji is happy because of it too.
- Choso might not be that outgoing, but he is open to any activity with you. He never says no. Nap dates are frequent. Also, he'd let you do his hair however you want. If you sing to him while running your hands through his hair, he can't help but think that he doesn't deserve to feel so peaceful and well...loved and cared for.
- Another thing that pains him is that you aren't able to meet his two other brothers he wanted to avenge. He wished they could've seen you; he imagined himself talking to them and explaining how happy you make him; he asked himself how they would've reacted to you. All until he gets another flashback of a memory that does not exist or a dream with his brothers interacting with you, happily. He then knows that his brothers would've loved you too! After that, he'll get a little bit clingy with you but not overbearing. His protectiveness and loyalty go far.
- Your cottagecore and clothing outfits make Choso's heart skip a beat. Your tattoo and piercings tempt him to get something too. Whatever it might be, go with him to get it done, as he'd be new to this stuff, and again, your presence makes him feel more at ease.
His song when he's thinking about you: Dark Red - Steve Lacy
Who also has their eyes on you: Shoko Ieri - She finds herself enjoying your company and craving it a lot more than expected. She also feels at ease in your presence, which helps her open up to you and let out some emotions she desperately bottled up for so long.
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stardustluvs · 5 months
Fandom Matchup Req From: @ermbabyel
Your SDV matchup is…
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HC's for your relationship...
You guys would sneak around the valley all the time, and he'd always introduce you to secret places that only he knew about, sometimes you use this as places to craft some new pranks or mischief around Pelican Town, all in good fun though of course!
He'd so take you on rides on his motorcycle, and he would point out different things to you, asking if you’d ever been there or ask about your travels from before you moved to Pelican Town.
Video game marathons ALL the time, at first he would just invite you to game nights with Sam and Abby, but soon it became just the two of you, and he enjoys it just as much if not more.
He’d be so good with your mental health, listening to you and asking you what you’d prefer him to do to help. He understands what it’s like to feel alone, so it’s nice for him to lean on you that way as well.
Sebastian would absolutely come up with some cute pet names for you, either something that started as a bit of an inside joke or something more casual. Either way, he is CONSTANTLY showering you in love!!
About your relationship…
You two would have started your relationship both shy and awkward, maybe not really wanting anything to do with each other at first, but the more you two kept bumping into each other, the more intrigued you both become of the other. He starts telling you he likes your clothes, that they suit you very well! Your conversations would bounce off of each other and eventually you’re best friends who fell in love somewhere along the way <3
✨Your MysMe Matchup✨
i hope you enjoyed your matchup! i had a lot of fun with this trade!
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eternalwritess · 1 month
hazbin hotel matchup for @ermbabyel
i match you with... 𝓗𝓾𝓼𝓴 ██ 20% _ ████ 60% _ █████ 80% _ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 100% ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ!
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♣ When you came to the hotel you didn't really know what to expect at first, most likely scared out of your mind and unsure if you even belonged here in the first place. All you knew is that you wanted to get out of hell and you expressed this to a blonde girl with red eyes and the next thing you knew you had a flyer in your hand and she was urging you to come to her hotel
♣ When you arrived at the hotel the only person you saw was the bartender, everyone else seemed like they were gone and when you asked him this he lazily confirmed it. Saying how 'Charlie' and 'Vaggie' were off on a date night and 'Alastor' was out doing who knows what
♣ You were going to walk out and come back another time when he noticed it and stopped you saying that you should wait for Charlie and Vaggie to come back and in the meantime you can stay in the main lobby and watch something on the tv if you'd like. You ended up taking his offer and stayed
♣ Ever since that day you've ended up staying at the hotel and stayed around Husk for company and he didn't really mind it. In fact he loved your company as surprisingly you didn't drain him of his energy all that fast. You hardly ever drained it at all. He was ecstatic to see you so bubbly and happy all of the time as it made him feel good seeing that someone enjoyed something in this place
♣ Once he realized that he was in love he didn't do anything for a good while instead just sitting in silence as he watched you rant about something going on with your day and every now and then adding his thoughts. But Charlie noticed his lovesick looks and finally decided that enough was enough and pushed him to confess
♣ He was surprisingly calm about the whole confession thing, sitting you down at the bar, taking a deep breath, sighing and getting it over with. He expected to be rejected but when you didn't he was overall ecstatic and surprised as his wings rose up in shock but he calmed back down and was happy.
ฅ^. ̫ .^ฅ
♣ You and Husk would stay at the hotel a lot, sitting down at the bar and talking to each other about anything and everything you possibly could. He would allow you to rant and then would entertain you with something that happened when he was in hell or when he was an overlord (which it took him a while for him to tell you)
♣ Actually lets focus on the overlord bit. It took him so long to tell you, he just saw how bubbly and kind you were and didn't want you to hate him for becoming an overlord, or for that he was an overlord. He was extremely self conscious about it but soon enough Angel pushed him to tell you and thankfully you were understanding of it
♣ I think that Husk can handle any and all playful banter that you want. He'd have snarky remarks and sarcastic responses prepared for anything and everything that you do just to see you laugh or smile at him because that makes his day
♣ He totally wouldn't mind you clinging to him every now and then or how affectionate you get. He just loves spending time with you and is more than happy to do so no matter what you're both doing
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realcube · 2 months
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ matchup for @ermbabyel
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ if you would like a matchup, read this!
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'I can be hot-headed, but that doesn’t last long and I’ll be back to my normal bubbly self in no time.'
𓆩♡𓆪hmm aizawa is kinda the same
𓆩♡𓆪 and i say kinda because he doesn't go back to his normal 'bubbly' self bc he was never bubbly to begin with haha
𓆩♡𓆪 but yeah he does have moments were he can be very firm and strict
𓆩♡𓆪 but they are usually short-lived and he goes back to his usual demeanour quickly
𓆩♡𓆪 however i do think he'd admire that in you , that you have these moments like he does
𓆩♡𓆪 not only bc it would validate him and the way he acts
𓆩♡𓆪 but also bc i think he'd be fond of a s/o that can stand up for themselves when they need to
𓆩♡𓆪 though he does like to protect you , it does bring him solace knowing that whenever he is away, say on business or whatever
𓆩♡𓆪 that you can stick up for yourself and won't let ppl around you mistreat you
𓆩♡𓆪 also someone seeing you talk back bring him a little bit of joy 🤭 secretly !!
𓆩♡𓆪 outwardly, whenever you start to get mad he is like, 'oh my.. 😦' and tries to calm you down but inwardly he is like 'oh my.. 😏'
𓆩♡𓆪 he finds it cute when you get mad, just a little
𓆩♡𓆪 ESPECIALLY if you were to stand up for him
𓆩♡𓆪 like he is a pro hero so he's used to fending for himself
𓆩♡𓆪 but if you were to fight a battle for him, he'd be so flattered and taken back
𓆩♡𓆪 also he would admire you're sassy side too bc he can be a bit sarcastic/blunt himself
𓆩♡𓆪 so he would (secretly) like it if you could match his energy and dish back some attitude back at him
𓆩♡𓆪 because if you were to always just accept what he is saying , then it would kinda feel rude
𓆩♡𓆪 but the fact you are quick to quip back at him , makes it more playful and fun
𓆩♡𓆪OMG if you were to call him old PFFFT
𓆩♡𓆪 outside he would be livid but inside he is like 😩
'My sense of humor is very dry, awkward and a hint of dark, so most of the time I’m just awkwardly laughing at my own jokes.'
𓆩♡𓆪 omgg iirc aizawa doesn't have that much humour of his own
𓆩♡𓆪 but he would be so charmed by yours
𓆩♡𓆪 bc it matches what little humour he does have, and that type of comedy is exactly what he finds funny as well
𓆩♡𓆪so with him it will never be you just laughing at your own jokes
𓆩♡𓆪 he will definitely exhale fondly out of his nose
𓆩♡𓆪 or if you tell one that is a banger, he might even chuckle!!!
𓆩♡𓆪 after a while of being in the relationship, you'll probably have a ton of dry/strange/dark inside jokes of your own
𓆩♡𓆪 and aizawa originally didn't get 'inside jokes' at first
𓆩♡𓆪 but now he does , with you
𓆩♡𓆪 however it probably gets to a point that your shared humour is so fargone from the norm
𓆩♡𓆪 you'll both be out in public or maybe at an event with aizawa's colleuges around and you'll reference the joke
𓆩♡𓆪 and you'll be laughing while aizawa is clearly amused by it
𓆩♡𓆪 meanwhile everyone around y'all is just like 😬 or 😨
𓆩♡𓆪 bc it's probably an inside joke that doesn't make sense to others, or a bit of dark humour that has caused offense
𓆩♡𓆪 OR secret third option, it wasn't that funny but no one has ever seen aizawa so amused by a joke before that it results in shock
'I’m usually not a touchy-feely person as being suddenly touched makes my anxiety skyrocket. I can also be quite clingy and possessive at times. But I’m quite cuddly and attached to my partner and my partner only. I live gifting and receiving gifts.'
𓆩♡𓆪 aizawa probably isn't naturally big on physical touch either
𓆩♡𓆪 don't get me wrong, he could definitely adapt and it is something he could learn to enjoy if you ever feel inclined , but if you're opposed to it, that doesn't really bother him
𓆩♡𓆪 being clingy and possessive would faze him at all either
𓆩♡𓆪 in fact he might even be flattered by it a little
𓆩♡𓆪 bc i can't imagine a lot of people in his life-time have enjoyed his presense so much that they would go out of their way to spend more time with him
𓆩♡𓆪 so the fact you do that pleases him
𓆩♡𓆪 plus it's not like he's the type of guy to constantly be out n about , at bars, attending events etc *cough* hawks *cough*
𓆩♡𓆪 he's not a very social creature
𓆩♡𓆪 he is busy though bc he's a pro hero + teacher n all so he might be away a lot
𓆩♡𓆪 but that's really the only thing you need to deal with
𓆩♡𓆪 besides that , he'd mostly be home , hanging out with you
𓆩♡𓆪 or training but that can be done with you anyway
𓆩♡𓆪 and he prefers it that way , spending alone time with you is calming and a nice relaxing way to destress from a long day of pro hero work
𓆩♡𓆪 so he revels in every moment he gets to spend with you
𓆩♡𓆪 as for gifting, he's very observant so i think he'd be a pretty decent gift giver at least
𓆩♡𓆪 plus he has pro-hero money so 🤑
𓆩♡𓆪 he could get some awesome gifts
𓆩♡𓆪 whenever he is away for a prolonged period of time, like on a mission or whatever, he will always get you something and bring it for you when he comes back
𓆩♡𓆪 usually something cute like cat figurine or a novelty plushie since he knows you like those
𓆩♡𓆪 OR if he went somewhere abroad/foreign, he'll get you something else with like, cultural significance
𓆩♡𓆪 like tourist stuff basically
𓆩♡𓆪 maybe a magnet of the city's name or a blanket with the country's flag on it
𓆩♡𓆪 just something to let you know that he was thinking about you while he was away
𓆩♡𓆪 however he will NOT tell you what he got you until he gets back
𓆩♡𓆪 like he'll facetime you every night (if he can) (wouldn't put it past UA tho to send him somewhere with no service like the earth core 😭) (anyway) and if you ever ask him like
𓆩♡𓆪 'so what did you get me? 🥰'
𓆩♡𓆪 he'll be like 'nothing 😐'
𓆩♡𓆪 and insist he didn't get you anything but you KNOW he has bc he gets you something every time but he will STILL be like 'well this time i didn't 🤷‍♂️' and you know he's lying ARGH bc he says that everytime as well!!!
𓆩♡𓆪 so yeah he refuses to tell you bc he likes seeing your surprised face irl
𓆩♡𓆪 but it's still so evil bc he leaves you in suspense every time
𓆩♡𓆪 maybe aizawa is the real villain of bnha 😔
for @ermbabyel: hmm i was thinking dabi at first but i think aizawa would vibe with your bubbliness a bit more than dabi!!
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astrosilvie · 3 months
Astrology compatibility MTL for @ermbabyel <3
Seonghwa Wooyoung Yunho Jongho San Yeosang Hongjoong Mingi
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weatheredcoffeecup · 3 months
Hello~! I absolutely loved my written ships for ateez and stray kids. If it’s alright, I was wondering if I can request a private selca ship for txt, seventeen, the boyz, zb1, mamamoo and g-idol please?
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Hi gorgeous!!! I'm so glad you liked your previous ship, hopefully I get one of your biases in this one or atleast a wrecker hehe
In TXT I ship you with... Soobin!
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In Seventeen I ship you with... Hoshi!
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In The Boyz I ship you with... Jacob!
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In Zerobase1 I ship you with... Matthew!
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In Mamamoo I ship you with... Solar!
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In G-idle I ship you with... Yuqi!
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Hope you like and have a wonderful day ♡♡♡
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lv-iceprince · 2 months
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hey there! you're my lucky last ship for the time being! thank you so much for being so patient it really means a lot to me. i want to say a bit more but it's midnight rn and i really just want to sleep. but i hope you like your ship. as always it was a pleasure doing it for you :)
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You know those moments where something is so blatantly obvious that you start questioning yourself? This was pretty much this entire ship.
I was really so confident that I would ultimately ship you with Somin, both of you have the same type of sweet elegance that makes the world go round, so much so that I shipped you with J.seph.
I’m listening to Klaxon by (G)I-DLE as I write this, and it really is the best way for me to describe the exact reason why I ship the two of you so hard. Both of you exude the same type of unique, energetic charm that the song captures. You’re both so sweet and thoughtful and you would have so much fun together.
 It was a mad scramble for both of you to ask the other out on a date, think “Hey I love you, I want to do interview” but there’s no interview you’re experiencing a tonne of mutual love.
It really is a “The boy and the princess” type of dynamic, he is so uniquely himself and so eager to be your happy pill. Once you had become friends it didn’t take long for you to start showing your more mischievous side and he pretty much knew that you were his perfect match.
There is no better way to start the visuals section of this ship by commenting about how beautiful you are! I am so fixated on all of your visuals honestly, but the part that is the standout, the main reason why I ship you with Taehyung are your eyes and your overall youthful face, like seriously! You’ve got the cutest little button nose.
This makes everything else so much more obvious, Taehyung’s visuals are surprisingly soft and sweet, a great mirror into his personality, which matches the soft visuals that you also have. Somehow both of you fall under this type of phenomena where despite having such striking  features, they come together to create something that is so gentle and pleasant on the eyes, a breath of fresh air if you will.
Beyond this I can’t get over the fact that I can’t even put it into anymore words at the end of the day. Your visuals work together so cohesively and that’s a fact, you really just look like you were made to be together in a very domestic way.Like pardon me for jumping the gun but both of you look like you’re destined to become husband and wife.
Now, as much as I gush over your visuals a huge part of the reason why I ship you with him is your personality, yet both your visuals and personality corroborate the same exact story: That you are an absolute sweetheart.
Wearing your heart on your sleeve is such a beautiful trait to possess, and Taehyung really agrees with that general sentiment. Despite him seeming fairly serious the reality of it is that it's a huge cover for the fact that he has such a soft heart that is prone to falling hard for people. This time it worked out in his favour considering he fell for the right girl, someone who takes his love and returns it to him tenfold.
You mentioned the fact that you aren’t always as carefree and stress free as you would like but even then, you always feel so calm around Taehyung. There is something that transcends logic in this case, somehow even if he talks about things that have the tendency to be more serious or emotional you just know that it’s all good with him around.
You both have found the space to sit and relax and breath around each other, but even then, there is so much love and energy in your relationship. You reflect the best of each other, you are two peas in a pod, two peas in a pod who grew from pure love and sunshine.
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soleilsuhh · 3 years
ship for @ermbabyel with nct ot23.
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i ship you with ten !!
this is a very sweet, lively, and light-hearted pairing - at least to the public eye but you have a very deep, solid connection where you just get each other. i don't know why but i see you guys as those couples that stay in that 'flirtationship' stage for a looong time before actually making things official. so many playful moments where you just sass each other. also those moments when other people meet you or hang out with you for the first time and they're like "awn you're so shy and adorable" and beside you, ten just snorts like "yeah sure, definitely." asdfhgk that's so cute <3
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ship game for the 1k event. closed.
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neozoneships · 3 years
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“Hi~! Can I have a written ship for shinee, monsta x and blackpink please? I’m 21 years old, a Gemini, INFP, and I’m a gryffindor with some hufflepuff tendencies. Short (5’4) and I have a pear shaped body type. I’m very shy, awkward and anxious around strangers. It takes me awhile to open up and trust others. But once I’m comfortable around someone, I’m the complete opposite. I tend to be more talkative, bubbly, sarcastic, feisty, outgoing, dorky, cuddly, giggly, crackhead energy, and I have random bursts of energy. There are time where I’ll get extremely moody and insecure. I’m also attuned with others emotions and moods which makes me feel overwhelmed and anxious when I sense that someone’s mood has changed. I LOVE anything cuddly/fluffy/soft such as pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals, I also like kids and animals. I enjoy taking naps, and going on walks, shopping, makeup, musicals, watching trashy tv shows, drama, baths, nature, making others laugh, tarot readings, video games, and taking drives. My prominent love languages are words of affirmation, gifts, and physical touch. I absolutely DESPISE spiders, crowds, loud noises, getting yelled at, and confrontation even though I love drama LOL. I also have a bad habit of swearing, twisting my hair, and bitting my nails when I’m anxious Thank you so much and I hope you have a wonderful day/night~! “
@ermbabyel​ hello! thanks for requesting, i hope you like your ships! and i hope you have a wonderful day/night too! thanks for waiting patiently (´ ∀ ` *)
in shinee, i ship you with… key!
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I feel like this is self-explanatory HAHAH your description just screams key to me! key’s a pretty humorous, sarcastic, witty and an all-around fun guy to be around. so i think this aspect is what would really makes you guy click! however, i also feel that key has a soft side to him as well, and he’d definitely be sensitive to your feelings, because he definitely does not want to hurt you in any way or form. he’d be the one to bring you out of your shell and you’d have no difficulty opening up to him! key is a rather easygoing and chill guy, and i think this would be attuned to the fact that you’re an INFP. i think key’s good with his words and expressing how he feels, as he can be rather emotional on his end, so this could really work in favour of your love language being words of affirmation (or even physical touch, if you’re lucky). and the cherry on top? key’s a libra, that makes him very much compatible with you! 
in monsta x, i ship you with…I.M!
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it was either I.M or joo heon, but i think chang kyun has stronger points HAHA okay let’s go! astrologically, you’d be the perfect pair; he’s an aquarius while you’re a gemini, so this is actually a really good pairing. chang kyun is more reserved than outgoing, so being an infp, you wouldn’t feel intimidated to approach him. you’d both be probably spending a lot of time just bingeing netflix, especially reality shows or really bad tv shows. there’ll be a lot of humorous commentary coming from the both of you just mocking whatever trashy stuff you’re watching. i think chang kyun is quite an intellectual and being an infp, there’s a possibility where you’ll share deep conversations or debates over minute things. overall, being around chang kyun is just your home away from home. 
from blackpink, i ship you with... Rosé!
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i thought of rosé because firstly she’s an aquarius, so like chang kyun, you and rosé would be a perfect pair. secondly, in terms of mbti types, rosé is an enfp, sharing three out of the four preferences with you; the only dfference being she’s an extrovert and you’re an introvert. BUT! i’m sure you’d be easily comfortable with rosé, making it easier to open up to her and breaking open your shell. your vibe and rosé’s are somewhat similar to me; there’ll definitely be a lot of laughs between the two (and obviously your inside jokes). you’d both be spending a lot of time just hitting the town, going into shopping malls or just cafe-hopping in general. rosé would definitely know the best hot spots in the city and she’ll introduce you to them. all i can say really, is that you’ll never have a boring time with rosé by your side. 
(note: i don’t really have a lot of knowledge regarding the groups listed but i hope my descriptions of them were accurate! i based them off mostly from reading online and my own impression of these artistes, but let me know if i’m wrong!)
GIFs are not mine. 
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writingandmore · 5 years
Hi~! How are you doing? Can I request a male Disney matchup please? I’m a straight female, 5’4 with a petite frame, and I have a baby face. I have wavy shoulder length brown hair and big green eyes. I also wear glasses lol. I’m shy/awkward/anxious around strangers. But around my friends/loved ones I’m more talkative, bubbly,outgoing, dorky, giggly, and motherly. I’m soft spoken and gentle, but I’m also VERY sarcastic and feisty lol. I don’t trust others easily and I tend to be closed off, but once I trust someone I’m very loyal to them. If the trust is broken it will be a loooooong time until things are back to normal, if at all. I also struggle with depression and anxiety. I’m protective over my loved ones and I’ve been told I can get scary when I’m mad lol. I also can pick up others emotions too. I hate mornings, crowds, and being underestimated. I enjoy showing people wrong lol it’s satisfying to me. But I love traveling, sleeping, watching movies, animals, kids, nature, taking walks, and making others laugh. I also play instruments and I can sing, but I’m way too shy to sing in front of others. I blush easily and I love to cuddle, especially when I’m tired. Thank you so much and I hope you have a wonderful day/night~!
I pair you with Kristoff!
 -Kristoff still isn’t used to other people, so most of the time he’d be really awkward or come across as odd. Hopefully that would allow both of you to actually give each other a chance. Also, he’d love to have someone talkative around once he gets used to them, because he never really got to have conversations with people like him. 
 -For the times where he needs reassured, he’d want a gentle s/o like you rather than one who would be more stern with him-that would just make him feel worse. Also, he’d like your sarcastic side too-he’d find it really funny and interesting! 
 -He’s very untrustworthy and standoffish at first. Again, he’s not used to others and wouldn’t want to be around them at first. Once he gets more and more used to you, he’ll slowly start opening up. He himself would also be very loyal and dedicated to his partner by that point. 
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shipsforeveryone · 4 years
Hi~! Can I have a male ship for star wars, MCU, and the walking dead please? I’m 21 years old, 5’4, and I have a pear shaped body with green eyes and shoulder length brown hair. INFP, Gemini, and a Gryfinndor with hufflepuff tendencies. I’m very shy, awkward, and anxious around others. It takes me awhile to open up and trust others. But once I’m comfortable around someone I’m the complete opposite. I’m more talkative, bubbly, sarcastic, feisty, outgoing, playful, and I have random bursts of energy. I can also be very moody and insecure at times. I’m very intuned with others emotions and moods. To the point I get overwhelmed when I notice a shift in someone’s mood. I absolutely love soft and cuddly things (pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals), kids, family, and animals. I’m going to school to be a vet tech. I also enjoy taking walks, shopping, nature, naps, watching trashy tv shows, driving, making others laugh, and history. I dislike spiders, crowds, loud noises/yelling, and confrontation even though I love drama lmaooo. Thank you very much and I hope you have a wonderful day/night~! 🤗
Of course!
Star Wars
Romantic - Obi-Wan Kenobi. Obi-Wan would gently make you comfortable around him enough to open up. Once you are comfortable enough with him, he adores the bubbly side of your personality. He'd also love how attuned you are to people's emotions.
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Best Friend - Padme Amidala.
Marvel (MCU)
Romantic - Bucky Barnes. I think that Bucky would like your shy side and more outgoing side in equal measures. He'd understand when you get moody and insecure because he gets moody and insecure as well. He'd reassure you over your insecurities. And if ever you need anyone to kill spiders for you, Bucky Barnes is the expert on that.
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Best Friend - Wanda Maximoff.
The Walking Dead
Romantic- Daryl Dixon. Though it may take him forever to admit it, Daryl would enjoy how outgoing and bubbly you get once you're comfortable enough with someone. Whenever he'd go on runs, he'd go out of his way to find the softest, cuddliest things for you. The blankets and covers that feel like clouds would always go to you.
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Best Friend - Paul "Jesus" Rovia. Jesus would often join you for walks, talking about life before the outbreak and joking around. He'd playfully tease you about Daryl and like Daryl, he'd sometimes go out of his way to find you some stuffed animals or the softest pillows.
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najatheangel · 3 years
61, 55, and 54 😇
Heyy angel I hope your day is going super well!!
61) Ouu this prob the fav question out of the list.
NCT 2020 Resonance Era they ended the year off with a bang. So many bangers on both parts of the album and so many different units combining perfectly. Best thing that ever happened in 2020.
Lisa’s Film Dance Cover to Tomboy by Destiny Rogers. They even FaceTimed each other after wards and her song blew up ever since.
Shinee’s Amazing comeback and beautiful reunion. From Minho, Onew and Key finally finishing their service in the military to everyone performing together again as a group.
55) This is my fav kpop lyric from Bts Answer: Love Yourself. “That’s the happiness I need for me. I’ll show you what I got I’m not afraid because it’s me. Love myself”
54) Absolutely! Baekyun, Felix, Taehyung and Taeyong really know how to pull it off too so I’m here for a cute mullet look.
Send a number 1-61 and I’ll answer a kpop related question
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