#erik lensherr x female reader
kat-thepoet · 15 days
Invisible string
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A/N: Enjoy!
Previous chapter: CHAPTER ONE
Word count: 4300
The sun was starting to set, casting a warm golden hue over the campus as I stared out of my window. The grounds were quieter now, with students scattered around in smaller groups, eating dinner outside or just relaxing. The soft hum of conversation and laughter drifted through the open window. It was peaceful, but I couldn't shake the nerves building up in my stomach.
I had spent most of the afternoon exploring the grounds, trying to familiarize myself with this new place. But as the day wore on, the reality of what lay ahead started to sink in. I was going to be part of this community, part of something so much bigger than anything I had known before.
Just as I was lost in thought, a soft knock on my door snapped me back to the present. I turned, and the door creaked open slightly as Raven peeked inside, a friendly smile on her face.
"Dinner time," she said casually. "Come join us."
I hesitated, smoothing down my clothes nervously. "Uh... are you sure? I don't want to intrude."
Raven stepped into the room, her expression reassuring. "You're part of the team now. No intruding, I promise. Plus, the others are curious to meet you. Well, most of them."
The mention of "most of them" made me think of Erik. My stomach tightened again, but I gave Raven a small nod. "Alright, I'll be there."
She flashed me a smile and gestured for me to follow her. As we walked down the long hallway, Raven chatted easily, telling me a little more about the daily routines here. Her calm energy helped settle some of my nerves, but the thought of sitting down at a table with people I barely knew—especially one particular person—kept me on edge.
We made our way through the school and finally entered a large dining area. The room was bright and inviting, with a long table at the center where the X-Men sat, while students ate outside or in smaller groups around the campus. The sound of clinking dishes and light chatter filled the air.
As soon as we walked in, several pairs of eyes turned in our direction. I tried to resist the instinct to shrink back, instead forcing myself to smile politely.
"Flora!" Scott called out, waving me over to a seat near him and red head. "There you are. How was your first day?"
I smiled as I sat down across from him, feeling a little more at ease. "It's been... a lot. Still trying to take everything in."
"You did great today," Storm said with a smile from beside Scott. "It takes time to adjust, but I think you're settling in just fine."
"Yeah," Scott agreed, grinning. "You should've seen how lost I was on my first day here. And I practically grew up in this place."
I chuckled, feeling some of the tension in my chest loosen. "That makes me feel a little better."
The red hair girl next to him smiled warmly at me. "Hi, I'm Jean."
I looked at her and smiled politely, " Hi Jean, it's nice to meet you." 
She smiled back and said, "Don't worry, you'll find your rhythm soon enough, Flora. And we're all here to help you along the way."
It felt nice that they were so supportive. A thank you fell from my lips and I started to fill my plate with a delicious smelling pasta.
I noticed the others at the table—Charles, sitting at the head, offering me an encouraging nod; Hank, across from me, looking a little shy but friendly nonetheless. He gave me a small smile, and I returned it, feeling a bit more at ease.
The conversation around the table was easy, everyone catching up on their day. Jean and Scott chatted about the students' progress, while Hank quietly listened, occasionally chiming in about his latest research. Raven sat next to me, keeping the conversation light, helping me feel like I was slowly becoming part of the group.
But despite the warm welcome from everyone else, I couldn't ignore Erik's presence further down the table. His posture was tense, and he was focused on his plate, barely acknowledging anyone. Every now and then, I would catch his gaze flickering toward me, only for him to quickly look away, disinterest painted on his face.
I swallowed, trying not to let his cold demeanor get under my skin, but it was hard. As welcoming as the others were, Erik's attitude felt like a thorn in my side. He hadn't even said a word to me, yet somehow, I felt judged.
"Don't mind him," Storm said softly, leaning toward me. "He's always been a bit... intense. But he'll come around eventually."
"Yeah, give it time," Scott added with a reassuring nod. "He's not easy to get along with, but once he warms up to you, he's not so bad."
I nodded, though I wasn't entirely convinced. "I'll just... stay out of his way for now."
"Smart move," Raven said with a playful grin as she nudged me. "He'll thaw out. Maybe."
The others laughed lightly, but I couldn't shake the lingering tension between me and Erik. I kept my focus on the conversation around me, smiling and nodding as Jean shared a story about one of the students' powers acting up earlier. The lighthearted chatter helped distract me, but every now and then, I felt Erik's gaze shift in my direction, as if he were sizing me up from a distance.
Whatever his problem was, I wasn't going to let it get in the way of finding my place here. I had enough to worry about without adding him to the list.
Dinner carried on, and I found myself growing more comfortable with each passing minute, despite Erik's presence at the table. Jean, Scott, and Storm kept the conversation light and easy, sharing stories about their experiences at the school, the challenges they faced, and the funny moments with the students. Even Hank chimed in occasionally, his shyness easing as the conversation flowed.
I hadn't realized how much I had been smiling until Raven leaned over with a playful grin. "See? Not so bad, right?"
I smiled back, nodding. "You were right. It's... nice to feel like I'm already part of the group."
"And you are," Jean added, her warm tone as soothing as ever. "We're glad to have you here."
Charles, who had been quietly observing the table, finally spoke, his voice calm and thoughtful. "Flora, I want to emphasize again that your abilities will be a great asset here. Both in the classroom and beyond."
I swallowed, the attention shifting back to me. "Thank you, Professor. I'm still... adjusting to the idea, but I'll do my best."
Charles smiled knowingly. "That's all anyone can ask."
As the conversation began to turn back to other matters, I allowed myself to relax a bit more. Everyone was being kind, making sure I didn't feel like an outsider. Well, almost everyone. Erik hadn't said a word the entire time, and despite the growing ease I felt with the others, his silence hung over me like a cloud.
Just when I thought the meal was coming to a close, Erik's voice cut through the chatter, sharp and direct.
"And what exactly do you plan to do here, Flora?"
The table fell quiet. All eyes turned toward Erik, whose gaze was now fixed on me. His tone wasn't kind, and I could feel the tension rising again.
I hesitated, unsure how to respond. "I... I'll be teaching, just like the others."
His lips curled slightly, but it wasn't a smile. "Teaching, right. And what experience do you have with that?"
I felt the flush of embarrassment creeping up my neck. He probably knew I didn't have much life experience outside of the orphanage, and he was using that to his advantage. Before I could reply, Raven jumped in.
"She's plenty qualified, Erik," Raven said, her tone sharp with irritation. "Charles wouldn't have brought her here if he didn't believe she could handle it."
Erik's gaze didn't waver from me. "Is that so?" His tone was still cold, disbelieving. "Teaching a few kids is one thing, but becoming an X-Man? That's something I know you won't be able to handle."
I clenched my jaw, feeling my frustration rise. "You don't even know anything about me," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "But I wouldn't be here if I didn't think I could contribute."
Erik's eyes narrowed slightly, but before he could say anything else, Charles spoke, his voice firm but calm. "Flora is here because she has something unique to offer, Erik. Just as all of you did when you first arrived."
Erik's jaw tightened, but he didn't respond. He simply pushed back his chair and stood up, casting one last glance in my direction before turning away from the table.
"Enjoy your dinner," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, before he walked out of the room, leaving a heavy silence in his wake.
I stared after him, my heart pounding in my chest. The tension that had been simmering all evening finally boiled over, and I wasn't sure how to feel—angry, embarrassed, or just... exhausted.
Storm reached over, placing a comforting hand on my arm. "Don't let him get to you. He's like that with everyone at first."
"Yeah," Scott added with a sigh. "You just happened to catch him on a particularly bad day."
I forced a small smile, though I still felt rattled. "It's fine. I'll just... avoid him."
Jean shook her head, her voice soft. "He'll come around, Flora. It just takes time."
Raven, on the other hand, wasn't so forgiving. "Or he could try not being a complete ass for once. But that's Erik for you." 
The others chuckled lightly, but I couldn't shake the heavy feeling in my chest. I didn't want to cause friction, but it seemed like Erik had already made up his mind about me—and I had no idea how to change it. 
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After dinner, the weight of the evening still lingered with me, but I tried to shake it off as everyone began to disperse. Just as I was about to head back to my room, Charles caught my attention from across the room.
"Flora, may I have a word before you retire for the night?" he asked, his voice gentle but direct.
I nodded, giving a quick smile to the others as they left before walking over to where Charles sat, still at the head of the table. The soft glow of the lights in the dining room felt warm, but I could still feel the tension from my interaction with Erik buzzing under my skin.
Charles motioned to a chair beside him. "Please, sit."
I sat down, trying to push aside the frustration and focus on what Charles might need to talk about.
"I know tonight didn't go quite as smoothly as we'd hoped," Charles began, his calm tone easing some of the tension I felt. "But I don't want you to be discouraged. You handled yourself well."
I smiled faintly. "Thank you, Professor. It's just... I didn't expect things to be so tense so quickly."
Charles nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Erik can be... difficult. His past experiences have shaped him in ways that make it hard for him to trust new people, especially those who haven't yet proven themselves. But don't worry. He will come around."
I nodded, though a part of me wasn't entirely convinced. "I'll do my best not to let it get to me."
Charles smiled softly, as if he understood exactly what I was feeling. "Good. You'll have plenty of opportunities to prove yourself. In fact, tomorrow, we'll sit down and talk about the course you'll be teaching. I want you to start thinking about how you'd like to approach your lessons."
I blinked, suddenly feeling the weight of that responsibility. "Right, the course. Do you have any guidelines for what I'll be teaching?"
"We'll go over the details tomorrow," Charles said reassuringly. "Like I said at the orphanage, the students you'll be teaching are between the ages of five and ten. They need guidance and teaching, of course, but they also need compassion, patience, and love. I know you have plenty to offer."
I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness rising in my chest. "I'll start thinking about it tonight. It sounds... amazing, honestly."
Charles smiled warmly. "I'm glad to hear that. I think you'll find teaching here to be incredibly rewarding."
He paused for a moment, as if considering his next words carefully. "To help you get comfortable with the teaching environment here, I'd like you to shadow Jean tomorrow. She has a class in the morning, and it will give you a chance to observe how we work with the students."
I nodded, grateful for the guidance. "I think that'll really help."
"Jean is an excellent teacher," Charles said with confidence. "You'll learn a lot from her."
A soft silence fell between us for a moment before Charles added, "Flora, you belong here. Remember that, no matter how challenging things may seem at first."
I gave him a small, grateful smile. "Thank you, Professor. I'll do my best."
He nodded, his expression warm and encouraging. "I have no doubt that you will. Now, get some rest. Tomorrow will be a full day."
I stood, feeling a little lighter despite the long evening. "Goodnight, Charles."
"Goodnight, Flora," Charles replied, his calm voice following me as I made my way out of the dining room.
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The next morning came quicker than I expected. Sunlight streamed through the curtains as I woke up, the soft sounds of birds chirping outside my window. Despite the peaceful morning, my mind buzzed with thoughts about the day ahead. Today was my first real step into this new life, and I wasn't sure if I was more nervous or excited.
After getting dressed, I took a deep breath, reminding myself of Charles's reassuring words the night before. He believed in me, and I had to believe in myself, too.
A soft knock on the door startled me out of my thoughts. I opened it to find Jean standing there, looking as calm and composed as always.
"Good morning," she greeted with a warm smile. "Ready for your first day?"
I nodded, smiling back. "As ready as I'll ever be."
"Don't worry," she said with a soft chuckle. "You'll do great. Today, you'll just get a chance to observe. It's pretty informal, so no pressure."
I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. "That helps. I was worried it might be too structured."
Jean gestured for me to follow her as we made our way through the halls of the school. "It's structured in some ways, but every class is different. It depends on the students' abilities and their needs. We try to make sure the environment is encouraging and flexible. You'll see soon enough."
We stepped outside into the crisp morning air, heading toward one of the classrooms at the edge of the campus. As we walked, I couldn't help but glance around, taking in the beauty of the place—the way the trees swayed gently in the breeze, the way the sunlight danced through the branches. It felt alive, like the entire school was in harmony with nature.
When we entered the classroom, several students were already seated, waiting eagerly for Jean to start. Their ages varied, but they all had that same look in their eyes—the curiosity and excitement that came with discovering new things about themselves and their abilities.
Jean turned to me and whispered, "Just sit in the back for now, watch how they engage, and observe how I handle the class."
I nodded and took a seat at the back, grateful for the chance to watch her in action.
Jean started the lesson by introducing the day's topic: learning how to control their powers in real-world situations. The students were attentive, asking questions and participating eagerly. I could see why Jean was such a good teacher—she had a way of making everything feel accessible and engaging. She didn't just teach them; she guided them, encouraging their strengths while helping them overcome their weaknesses.
As the lesson continued, I felt a sense of awe. These kids were so much like me when I was younger—full of potential but unsure of how to harness it. Watching them learn made me realize how important this role could be, not just for them, but for me, too.
About halfway through the class, Jean called on a student named Mia, a young girl with short, curly hair and wide, expressive eyes. Mia stood nervously at the front of the class, her hands fidgeting.
"Okay, Mia," Jean said gently. "Show us how you've been working on your power. Remember what we practiced."
Mia nodded, taking a deep breath. A moment later, her hands began to glow faintly, and with a soft flick of her wrist, she summoned a small gust of wind, causing the papers on the desk to flutter.
The class clapped lightly, and I smiled, impressed by the control Mia had over her abilities.
Jean smiled warmly at her. "Very good, Mia. You've made great progress."
I watched in admiration as Jean continued the lesson, guiding the students with patience and encouragement. It was inspiring, seeing how much she cared for each one of them, and it made me eager to step into my own role as a teacher here.
As the class wrapped up, Jean turned to the students. "That's all for today. Keep practicing, and remember, don't be afraid to make mistakes. That's how you learn."
The students gathered their things, chatting among themselves as they filed out of the classroom. As soon as they were gone, Jean walked over to me, her smile still in place.
"So, what did you think?" she asked, her tone light and friendly.
I stood up, feeling a little more confident. "It was amazing. You make it look so easy."
Jean laughed softly. "It's not as easy as it seems, but you'll get the hang of it. You already have the most important part down."
"What's that?" I asked, genuinely curious.
"Compassion," she replied. "The kids can feel when you care. That's what makes them trust you."
I smiled, feeling that same warmth spread through me. "Thanks, Jean. I'm excited to get started."
She nodded, her eyes twinkling. "And you will."
I thanked her for the opportunity to shadow her today. As I stepped outside, I felt lighter—more at ease. Maybe I was finding my place here after all.
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The morning air was refreshing, and I decided to take a walk. I wandered around the campus, watching students train or work on their powers. There was a sense of community here, a place where everyone belonged, even with their differences.
As I walked through the grounds, feeling more at ease after observing Jean's class, I almost didn't notice the figure leaning against a nearby tree until I was right in front of him.
My breath caught, and for a moment, I considered turning around and heading in the opposite direction. He was standing there, arms crossed, watching the students train from a distance, his expression unreadable but distinctly cold.
I hesitated, unsure of whether I should approach him or just keep walking. After last night's dinner, the last thing I wanted was another tense encounter with him.
Just as I was about to slip away quietly, Erik's voice cut through the stillness.
"Running away already?"
I froze, my heart pounding in my chest. "I wasn't running away," I managed, trying to keep my voice steady.
Erik didn't even look at me, his eyes still fixed on the students ahead. "Could've fooled me."
I swallowed hard, forcing myself to stand my ground. "I'm just giving you space. That's what you seem to want."
He raised an eyebrow, his gaze still trained on the students. "Smart."
The silence between us felt heavy, every second more uncomfortable than the last. Erik didn't seem interested in talking, and I didn't know how to break the awkwardness. I remembered what Storm and Raven had said—how Erik would eventually warm up, how he just needed time. But standing here now, with him clearly uninterested in anything I had to say, I couldn't help but wonder if they were wrong.
I shifted awkwardly, unsure of whether to leave or say something. "Look," I began hesitantly, "I know you don't like me. But I'm not here to cause problems. I'm just trying to find my place, like everyone else."
For a moment, it seemed like Erik wasn't even going to acknowledge me. He stayed silent, his face hard, and I could feel the tension building again, just like at dinner.
Finally, he spoke, his voice low and dismissive. "If you think this is about finding your place, you don't belong here at all."
His words stung, sharp and cutting. I opened my mouth to respond, to defend myself, but nothing came out. I felt small, like I had no right to be here, standing in front of him.
Erik gave me one last, cold glance before turning and walking away without another word, leaving me standing there, the weight of his rejection sinking deep into my chest.
I watched him go, my mind racing with questions. Everyone kept telling me that Erik would warm up, that he was just closed off and difficult at first, but standing there, all I felt was doubt. Would he ever come around? Or had they all been wrong?
As I continued walking, trying to shake off the icy encounter, Erik's harsh words echoed in my mind. I didn't understand him. I didn't understand why he disliked me so much, and no matter what the others said, it seemed like nothing I did was going to change his mind.
Frustration gnawed at me. Storm, Raven, Scott—they all seemed convinced that Erik just needed time, but how much time was I supposed to give him? How long could I keep waiting for him to "warm up" when every interaction with him left me feeling like I didn't belong here?
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After my encounter with Erik, I made my way back inside, trying to shake off the lingering tension. I reminded myself that I had more important things to focus on—like the students and the course I'd be teaching. As soon as I stepped through the door, I saw Charles waiting for me near the entrance, his usual calm expression in place.
"Flora," he greeted warmly. "Shall we take a walk? I thought it might be a good time to show you your classroom."
I nodded, grateful for the distraction. "That sounds great."
As we walked through the quiet hallways, the energy from outside seemed to melt away, leaving behind only the soft echo of my footsteps and his wheels. Charles guided me toward a part of the building I hadn't yet explored. The air smelled of books and fresh wood, making it feel like stepping into a different world.
"I'm sure you're still settling in," Charles began, his voice gentle. "But I wanted to talk to you about the course you'll be teaching. I believe it's important for you to shape it in a way that feels natural to you."
We turned a corner, and I noticed the doors to classrooms, each marked with the names of various subjects and instructors. Charles paused in front of a door that stood slightly ajar, his hand resting on the frame as he gestured for me to step inside.
I walked in, taking in the room. It was cozy, with large windows that let in plenty of light, and shelves lined with books, supplies, and materials for teaching. Desks were arranged in small clusters, and I could already imagine the younger students filling the space.
"This will be your classroom," Charles said, following me inside. "I wanted you to have a comfortable, flexible space where you can tailor your lessons to the students' needs."
I smiled, feeling a rush of excitement. "It's perfect."
Charles nodded, rolling further into the room. "As for the course itself, I'll provide you with a general template on how to structure your lessons, but the content will be entirely up to you. You can teach anything you choose since the older kids are already taking their core subjects. Think of this as an elective, where students can come in without feeling the pressure of being demanded something."
A warmth spread through me at his words. This was exactly what I wanted—a chance to connect with the students and help them find their way, just as I had with the kids back at the orphanage.
He handed me a small folder containing the basics on how to organize the class—suggested schedules, learning outcomes, and other useful guidelines. I glanced through it, already imagining how I might introduce the students to concepts I knew best.
"I think I can handle that," I said, my voice more confident than I expected.
"I have no doubt that you will," Charles replied, his expression kind. "You'll start small, of course, easing them into the lessons. You have the freedom to design your course around your strengths, and I'll be here to offer guidance whenever you need it."
I nodded, already picturing how I might structure the lessons—introducing the students to animals, explaining how the natural world could help them understand their powers, and encouraging them to connect with the environment around them.
Charles continued, "Tomorrow, your first class starts in the morning and ill be here to officially introduce you to the students, and you'll begin with a brief lesson. Nothing too overwhelming—just a way for them to get to know you and for you to see how they respond."
"That sounds perfect," I said, excitement bubbling beneath the surface. "I'm looking forward to it."
Charles gave me a final encouraging nod before making his way to the door. "I'll leave you to familiarize yourself with the space. Take your time, and remember, this is your classroom. Make it your own."
As he left, I looked around the room again, a sense of purpose filling me. This was my chance to create something meaningful for these students, to help them in ways I hadn't imagined before.
And as much as Erik's words still echoed in my mind, I pushed them aside. This was about the students, about the chance to help them grow. I was ready.
TAG LIST: @maximumchilddreamland @mostlymarvelgirl
Chapter: THREE
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juniperwoodwell · 5 months
Just a reminder that my requests are open for all the characters I have listed on my profile.
Please send any and all requests and I'll do my best to write them!
Ps: I will be adding 10 new characters to my master list tomorrow so stay tuned for that!
And yes I do have a tag list, DM me or comment below if you'd like to be added.
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librababe99 · 1 month
Welcome to my Blog!
(Updated: September 18th 2024)
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Hi everyone! My name is Veronica₊˚⊹♡.
❥・I'm 24 years old ❥・She/Her pronouns ❥・I'm currently a graduate student working towards my Masters of Public Health degree
Minors please DO NOT interact-- this is strictly an 18+ blog*ੈ✩‧₊˚
❥・Marvel Universe ❥・DC Universe ❥・The Boys ❥・The Last of Us ❥・Jack Reacher (TV series) ❥・Call of Duty
Characters I will write for:
Logan Howlett, Scott Summers, Remy Lebeau, Wade Wilson, Young!Erik Lensherr, Young! Charles Xavier, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Thor, Loki, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Hal Jordan, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Billy Butcher, Hughie Campbell, Solider Boy, Homelander, Joel Miller, Jack Reacher (Alan Ritchson's version), John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Gerrick, König
Requests are Open ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
Feel free to send a request through my "ask" button or send me a direct message! ❥・I write "character x reader" fics (no use of Y/N here) ❥・Gender Neutral reader or Female Reader is what I lean towards ❥・I will write smut, fluff and angst ❥・One shots, headcannons, longer stories, series, etc
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❥・Marvel Masterlist
❥・DC MasterList
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94 notes · View notes
spectrs · 2 years
can you write a smut with erik lensherr with the female reader where they are on a mission at a party and suddenly they need a change of clothes due to which they rush to the washroom and the reader asks him to enter her stall to help her with the zip of her party wear and .....yk.....things get frisky..
thank you so much for the request!! i apologize for this taking two months to write (i swear i wanted to finish it sooner but i couldn't due to personal problems.) thankfully it's now finished, and i hope you like it as much as i do <3
erik lehnsherr x afab!reader
missions with erik are always risky, mainly because of the indisputable attraction between you two. so when your dress zipper gets stuck during a quick change and he’s the only one who can help, things get awfully scandalous. 
WARNINGS - (this is an 18+ fic, minors dni!) semi-public sex, fingering, praise, (not sure if that counts as a warning but i'm putting it regardless)
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The dim light of the candles was the only thing illuminating the room, the air flowing through the vents occasionally whipping around the dying flames. The room still had a considerable amount of people, yet most of them had already cleared out. You stood to the side, one hand lazily holding a crystalized glass, the other tightly grasping the drive you had come to collect. 
Your eyes scanned the room, looking out for anyone you knew who shouldn’t have been there. The only stragglers left were the wealthy slobs who were waiting for some stripper to whisk them away to a private room. The only one you truly focused on, however, was Erik. Of course, he was disguised to blend into the crowd, but so far you were the only one who knew he wasn't supposed to be here. 
He was leaning against the fireplace, a drink in hand and an almost irritating smirk on his face. The grand gestures his arms were making and the sound of fluent German flowing from his mouth suggested he was bragging about some fake financial or political achievement. The others stared at him, not in awe or disgust, but more in interest. You had only been in this area of Germany for a couple of days, traveling around for the mission Charles had sent you on. It hadn’t been entirely worthless since you and Erik managed to pick up some useful information along the way. The only thing you had a problem with was the fact that he had been getting oddly restless. 
Of course, you knew it was nothing to worry about, since Erik would never let whatever feelings he had disrupt him from the mission. But it still concerned you. 
He didn’t look restless at that moment, though. He looked comfortable and arrogant, which is a look you thought you had forgotten about. Your eyes traveled up to the clock, its gothic hands reading half past nine. You looked at him again, this time with your eyes locking onto each other. You gave him a slight nod and he turned back to the crowd, most likely getting one last comment in.
You heard the groans and disgruntled German as you walked to the nearest bathroom, speeding up as you heard the quiet footsteps of someone behind you. The double doors that had been a common appearance in the hotel came into view, and you slowed down slightly. The dark yet beautiful hallway was void of people, letting the click of your heels echo through. 
Taking a quick look around to make sure no one was there, you opened a closet door and grabbed a duffle bag lying in the shadows. Your hand held onto the rough handle while the other closed it slowly, then pushed the double doors open and walked in. 
The large bathroom was empty as well. You sighed with relief, plopping the bag down and bending down to carefully stuff the drive against one of the walls. You stood back up, kicking it into a corner and walking over to one of the many sinks. Like the hallway, the room was empty and the muffled sound of a vent was the only sound reaching your ears. You stopped in front of a sink, staring straight into the mirror. 
Your appearance was only a little disheveled, mainly because of the continuous motion of running your hand through your hair. Other than that, you still looked presentable.
The sudden sound of the door opening made you whip around and immediately reach for the gun strapped to your thigh. Instead, a sigh of relief left your mouth as Erik walked in, hands empty and a somewhat relieved look on his face as well. He saw you, letting his eyes travel down to the hand wrapped around your gun, and his lips curled into a smirk.
"Were you preparing to shoot me?"
You sighed, letting your hand fall away to rub at your temple. “I would’ve if you didn’t give me a warning. No one’s following you, are they?”
“You double-checked?”
“Yes. Do you have the bag?”
You gestured to the corner, and Erik’s eyes followed your hand to the duffle bag. He turned to look back at you, giving you a look as to confirm.
“Yes, the suits and drive are in there. I made sure,” you sighed.
With that, he walked over to it, quickly undid the clasps, and threw a bundle of gray and yellow fabric at you. You caught it immediately, letting your hands glide over the fabric before turning towards the nearest stall. 
“Remind me again why we need these stored away in this…”
“Bag that’s almost completely destroyed?” you asked, turning back to face him.
“Erik, you know why."
"Just tell me again," he said irritably.
"It's a precaution. We don't want anyone knowing of our mission, so we wait to put on the suits until after the plan's first phase. That way, no one suspects us."
He made a noise of understanding, and you turned back around. Ignoring the sudden rustling behind you, you walked over to the stall, pushed the door open, and locked it behind you. You carefully slipped the heels off your feet, then started to roll the tights down your thighs.
“So,” you started. “What lies were you telling them this time?”
You knew a smirk was adorning his face as he spoke. “The typical lie.”
“Oh, you mean the one where you’re a foreign governor who happens to be traveling through Germany? Or is it the one where your rich slob of a father is dying and you’re here to represent him?”
He scoffed, most likely at the fact that you memorized the lies he usually went with on missions. “Actually, it was neither.”
“A new one? Indulge me.”
“My father was involved with the Nazis and his dying wish was for me to finish what he started.” You could hear the grimace in his voice. You knew he wasn’t proud, but you also knew how determined he was to rid the world of the people who had caused him so much pain. 
“Well, it definitely worked. They were completely fucking enamored with whatever emotional story you fed them.”
“I could tell.”
It was your turn to scoff, not only at Erik’s words but also at the fact the stalls were so small. The only clothing left was your dress and underwear, the rest scattered on the floor. Your hands snuck to the back of your dress, skillfully undoing the zipper about halfway. You felt it snag, and you groaned in irritation, tugging on it harder. 
“Fuck…” you mumbled.
“What’s wrong?”
“The zipper is stuck.”
Instead of a verbal response, you heard his stall door open and a knock on yours. Hesitation stopped your brain from unlocking it, but with a sigh, you clicked the lock open and let the door move away from you.
Half of his clothing was gone. It shouldn’t have bothered you since you were so close, but you couldn't help the blush creeping up your cheeks as you studied him. His shoes were gone, and so was everything on his upper half, which gave you a clear view of his chest. Your eyes analyzed him longer than they should have because suddenly you feel his fingers grabbing hold of your chin and pulling your face up to look at his.
His hand was warm and rough, and his fingers caressed only the parts of your jaw they could reach. His mouth was curled into a small smirk, but his eyes held that restless look again.
“Mein schatz, did you need help with your dress or did you just want me to come out so you could stare at me?”
Your face blazed with heat, and you embarrassingly looked down. Slowly, you felt him turn your body around, and his hands found themselves on your bare back. They took hold of the zipper and slightly tugged up, then smoothly slid it down the rest of your back. The sleeves were now clinging onto your shoulders, threatening to fall off and leave you bare in front of him. 
Your skin grew hot as his hands traveled down further, leaving a trail of heat in its wake. Your movements stopped him from moving further, and his hand dropped to your sides as you faced him. 
You gazed up at him, finally realizing what it was that made him so agitated. The way his hands glided over your bare arms and the way his eyes darted to your lips was so obvious, yet so intoxicating. Your eyes met his, and with one swift movement, his arms grabbed your waist, pulling you flush against his body, and his lips landed on yours.
While your mind chastised you for getting yourself into this position, you couldn’t help the way your body melted into his. Your arms quickly wrapped around his neck for support, hands getting tangled in his hair. He kissed you softly, not bothering to rush or use much force. He was being so tender yet so strong. His body pushed slightly into yours and slowly guided you away from the stall.
You gasped when your back hit the counter, not remembering he turned your bodies around and abandoned the stall in back of him. Your mind had been overrun by the euphoric feelings he was giving you, and that realization made you pull away.
“Erik, we can’t-”
Another non-verbal response. He only lifted his finger to your mouth in a shushing motion. Your eyes met, and you finally understood what was causing his restlessness. 
“Let me take care of you.”
A command when said by the right person, but also a silent plea. From him, it was both. His eyes were terrifyingly dark from lust, and his stoic expression wasn’t hiding it. It felt like your lungs were collapsing underneath the look. A whimper left your lips when his fingers pressed into your waist, persistent for an answer.
You looked at him fully, surprised to hear the desperation in his voice. You swore to yourself you could hear your hearts racing. The whole situation was overwhelming, if you were truly being honest with yourself. Just listening to your fast breathing, feeling his hands clutching your sides, having his face so close to yours. You wanted to convince yourself you shouldn’t. There were so many reasons not to give in, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care at that moment. The only sign of reply you gave him was a small nod. He immediately sprang forwards to capture his lips with yours again, sealing your fate.
Erik’s finger tapped against your flesh and he broke away, which told you to lift yourself onto the counter. You did, and his mouth found yours again. Unlike the first time, this kiss was more desperate, more forceful, more restless. Now that you knew why, it made you lean into the kiss even more. Your hands wrapped around his shoulders once again, leaving your hands to tangle in his disheveled hair.
You felt his lips detach from yours and you opened your mouth in protest, but all that came out was a whimper as his mouth sucked at the side of your neck. You pulled him closer, needing to feel his body against yours. He peppered kisses along the side of your neck, only stopping to suck at your collarbone. His muttering of praises and your gasps were the only sounds you were focusing on. 
Slowly, his hands pushed your short sleeves down your arms and his head went lower, leaving a glistening trail of wet kisses down your chest. A particular bite on the side of your breast had your back arching into his body. All of the teasing had made you steadily wetter, and your core screamed for any sort of friction.
"God, you're beautiful."
Another muffled praise. His voice was deeper and you could feel his mouth curling into a smirk against your skin. The feel of his tongue was making you absolutely feral. He reached the center of your left breast, his tongue swirling around the peaked nipple. Your back arched into the feeling and a moan slipped past your lips. His hands dragged your dress down until it bunched at your hips, and when he finally looked up at you, you almost melted.
His lips were glistening with spit, his face was slightly flushed, and that goddamn smirk was still adorning his face. Your eyes lingered for a moment, silently admiring his state, then you grabbed his face and brought it to yours for another hungry kiss. While your hands held his head in place, his hands still had free reign, and one of them slipped under your dress to skim over the area that craved his attention. 
He groaned into your mouth as his fingers slowly glided over your clothed cunt, the feeling sending a shock throughout your body. 
“Have you always been like this for me? Completely soaked and pleading for my attention?”
Once again, Erik’s words were muffled as his mouth attacked your collarbone again, but you nodded in response. You felt his hand slowly push your underwear to the side, exposing your core to the cold bathroom air. His thumb rubbed the center in small circles, and that was all your mind could focus on. 
You let out a small whimper as his finger left your clit and his mouth left your skin. Instead, he looked down at his fingers dripping in your arousal, then back at you. 
You obliged quickly, opening your mouth wide as he slipped his fingers in. Your tongue happily sucked at the essence, another groan leaving his mouth as he felt you lick his fingers clean. 
“You’ve been waiting for this, haven’t you?” he asked, his pupils so dilated you could barely see the green of his eyes. You smirked at him, giving him a look he knew all too well. With that, he removed his fingers from your mouth, kissed you, and slipped those same fingers into your cunt.
His mouth swallowed the loud moan you let out at the feeling of his fingers stretching you out. You had wanted this for so long, wanted him, but you feared he would reject any sort of advancement you made. Now, from this moment, you knew that would never have been the case.
His hand thrusted in and out of your cunt, and the movements made it feel like your veins were set alight. The stretch felt so amazing, so needed, and when he added another finger, you swore you were going to pass out from the ecstasy. His mouth assaulted yours, and your back was flat against the counter with his body towering over yours. Before you knew it, you felt the familiar feeling start to build up in your stomach.
“Please, go faster Erik.”
You thought you would’ve needed to beg more, but he complied almost immediately, his fingers speeding up and curling against your g-spot. Your moans and whimpers got louder, and your body couldn’t stay still. You thought you felt his arm press down on your hips to keep you still, but the only thing you were aware of was the pleasure building up in your abdomen.
Your cunt clenched around his fingers, and his thumb quickly pressed against your clit, pushing you over the edge. White obscure your vision and your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you came on his hand, your body and mind choosing to ignore everything except the pure euphoria. His fingers were slowly coaxing you through your high, and as you came down from it, you felt them leave your cunt. 
Your chest was heaving and a thin layer of sweat coated your skin. Erik’s hands rested at your bare hips, his body still in a relatively normal shape. 
“How long have you been wanting to do this?” Your voice was quiet and raspy, and his eyes rose to meet yours.
“Ever since we left New York, my dear.”
A mix of a scoff and a laugh left your mouth. “Of course you have.”
He smirked, then let go of your hips to offer you a hand. You gratefully took it, relying on his weight to steady you as you slid off the counter. A trickle down your thigh made you look down to see your soaked inner legs, and you let out a groan.
“How the fuck am I supposed to clean this up well enough?” you mumbled. You looked around and spotted your discarded tights still on the floor. You stumbled towards them, letting go of Erik’s hand to pick them up and clean the mess between your legs. When you looked up to throw them away, he gave you a look.
“My skin will be sensitive for a bit, who cares? At least it won’t stick to my suit.”
He just rolled his eyes and gestured to the ruined tights. “You’re going to regret it later.”
All you did was smile at him as you walked back into your stall, lock the door, and lift your suit up. You sighed slightly, eyes roaming over the yellow and black design. You stepped into it and put it on easily, zipping it up and walking out of the stall to see him in the same thing. You scowled, hating the way you only acknowledged how good he looked. 
Clearly noticing the look you gave him, he dropped the duffle bag, pocketed something, and walked over to stand in front of you. 
“Don’t tell me you’re admiring me again, my dear.”
You looked up at him and smirked. “How could I not?”
Instead of returning the gesture, he leaned down and placed a chaste kiss to your mouth. Soft, quick, and one to leave a light touch on your mouth for the rest of the night.
“While I appreciate the kiss, Lehnsherr, I’m going to murder you if this ruined our mission.”
--------------------------------------------- TAGS - @low-keylover @logans-soulmate
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permanentmess · 2 months
who i write for and rules
who i will write for:
peter maximoff and pietro maximoff
peter parker (any of the live action)
spencer reid
poe dameron
bucky barnes
steve harrington
characters i've never written but am willing to try:
jake peralta
joel miller
gambit/remy lebeau
deadpool/wade wilson
wolverine/logan howlett
^poly of deadpool + wolverine x reader
cherik (charles xavier x erik lensherr) (individual preferably but also x reader)
peter quill/starlord
female characters from mcu, criminal minds, star wars, other hyperfixations
don't rewrite, copy, or translate any of my work on any platform. this is my hobby and i put a lot of time and care into learning to write better
i don't feel the greatest about writing smut but i will write implied smut or somewhat spicy material
any angst will likely be ended in fluff because i get too sad
no incest or age play or anything like that. no no.
all of my pieces are written with the reader + main love interest/character being an adult
i don't write real person fic (anymore), so no requests for that
i relatively write with fem!reader in mind, but i can make gender neutral work if specifically requested :)
i really only write and read x reader these days, but i am open to ships. i am also open to platonic x reader or ships (within reason)
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theyraylovehate · 2 years
Wheel of Fan Fiction Masterlist
Smut 🔥
Fluff 🌸
Angst 💧
*This is like brand new so most of the characters won't have anything just yet*
•Stranger things
-Billy Hargrove
-Steve Harrington
-Eddie Munson
-Robin Buckley (Fem/NB only)
-Johnathan Byers
-Nancy Wheeler
-Jim Hopper
-Joyce Byers
-Will Byers (No smut)
-Mike Wheeler (No smut)
-Max Mayfield (No smut)
Hateful Cuddling - Female reader 🌸
-Dustin Henderson (No smut)
-Lucas Sinclair (No smut)
-Eleven (Jane) Hopper (No smut)
-Iron Man/Tony Stark
-Captian America/Steve Rogers
-Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff
-Hawkeye/Clint Barton
-Hulk/Bruce Banner
-Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes
-Black Panther/T'challa
-Doctor Strange/Steven Strange
-Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff
-Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff
-Starlord/Peter Quill
-Spiderman/Peter Parker
-Falcon/Sam Wilson
-War Machine/James Rhodes
-Valkyrie (Fem/NB only)
-Professor X/Charles Xavier
-Magneto/Erik Lensherr
-Wolverine/James Howlett
-Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff
-Jean Grey
-Storm/Ororo Munroe
-Cyclops/Scott Summers
-Beast/Henry "Hank" McCoy
-Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner
-Havok/Alexander Summers
•DC/Young Justice
-Batman/Bruce Wayne
-Superman/Clark Kent
-The Flash/Barry Allen
-Aquaman/Authur Curry
-Cyborg/Victor Stone
-Joker/Jack Oswald White
-Harley Quinn/Harleen Quinzel
-Wonder Woman/Diana Prince
-DeadShot/Floyd Lawton
-Kid Flash/Wally West
-Nightwing (Robin #1)/ Dick Grayson
-Red Hood (Robin #2)/ Jason Todd
-Robin (#3)/ Tim Drake
-Beast Boy/Garfield Logan
-Superboy/Johnathan "Jon" Kent
-Artemis/Artemis Crock
-Red Arrow/Roy Harper
-Green Arrow/Oliver Queen
-Black Canary/Dinah Lance
-Miss Martian/Megan Morse
•Umbrella Academy
-Luther Hargreeves (#1)
-Diego Hargreeves (#2)
-Allison Hargreeves (#3)
-Klaus Hargreeves (#4)
-Five Hargreeves (#5)
-Ben Hargreeves (#6)
-Viktor Hargreeves (#7)
-Marcus Hargreeves (#1)
-Fei Hargreeves (#3)
-Alphonso Hargreeves (#4)
-Sloan Hargreeves (#5)
-Jayme Hargreeves (#6)
-Lila Aryu
-The Handler
•Harry Potter
-Harry Potter
-Ron Weasley
-Hermione Granger
-Fred Weasley
-George Weasley
-Ginny Weasley
-Draco Malfoy
-Sirius Black (Older)
-Cedric Diggory
-Oliver Wood
-Neville Longbottom
-Luna Lovegood
-Remus Lupin (Older)
-Nymphadora Tonks
-Lucious Malfoy (Older)
-Narcissa Malfoy (Older)
-Severus Snape (Older)
-Bill Weasley
-Charlie Weasley
-James Potter
Friendly Love - Male reader 🌸
-Lily Evans
-Sirius Black
-Remus Lupin
-Severus Snape
-Regulus Black
-Lusious Malfoy
-Narcissa Black
-Peter Pettigrew
•Greek Mythology
-Beatrice "Tris" Prior
-Caleb Prior
-Tobias "Four"
Zip line of Love - Nonbinary Reader (Requested) 🌸
•Star Wars
-Anakin Skywalker
-Luke Skywalker
-Leia Organa
-Han Solo
-Obi-Wan Kenobi
-Kylo Ren
-Dean Winchester
-Sam Winchester
-Rowena MacLeod
-Charlie Bradbury (Fem/NB only)
-Chuck Shurley
-Jody Mills
-Ellen Harvelle
-Kevin Tran
•The Walking Dead
-Rick Grimes
-Daryl Dixon
-Glenn Rhee
-Carl Grimes
-Maggie Greene
-Shane Walsh
-Rosita Espinosa
-Carol Peletier
-Paul "Jesus" Monroe
-Abraham Ford
‐Tara Chambler (Fem/NB only)
-Aaron (Masc/NB only)
•The Walking Dead Game
-Violet (Fem/NB only)
IT (2017)
-Richie Tozier
-Beverly Marsh
-Eddie Kaspbrak
-Bill Denbrough
-Stanley Uris
-Ben Hanscom
-Henry Bowers
-Mike Hanlon
-Patrick Hockstetter
-Victor Criss
-Belch Huggins
-Harry Hook
•Maze Runner
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an-anonymous-reader · 1 month
Welcome to the Show!
Hey there! You can call me Ophelia! Not my real name, however it’s a name that I think is extremely pretty and don’t mind going by! This blog is for writing ‘x reader’ requests! I don’t normally write x reader, however I’m willing to learn and think that it could be something fun for me to do in my free time.
If there's a character you want to see and you don't see them in any of the lists, feel free to ask if it's at all possible for me to write that character, but also make sure that you have a character from the list just in case I am not able to!
My Rules for This:
- Please be Anonymous when sending in an ask! -
- Be aware that I have every right to refuse an ask! -
- I do not tolerate hate on any character, you will be blocked! -
- I am 100 percent willing to write poly characters! -
- If a character is underage canonically, smut fic requests will not be accepted! -
- Lists can and will be updated as situations and boundaries come up! -
- Like above, Characters can and Will change, just like Fandoms will be added! -
- I’m new to writing most characters from X-Men/Avengers, please be patient while I learn! -
- If I write something offensive or if I could have worded something better, please tell me nicely -
Fandoms/Characters I write for:
|| X-Men
- Remy LeBeau / Gambit
- Rogue
- Logan Howlett / Wolverine
- Jean Grey / The Phoenix
- Scott Summers / Cyclops
- Ororo Munroe / Storm
- Jubilation Lee / Jubilee
- Erik Lensherr / Magneto (I go with the Movie version for name typically, please add in your request if you prefer his other name(s) from the comics, as I’m not familiar with the comics yet!)
- Peter Maximoff / Quicksilver (reason as above)
|| Avengers
- Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier
- Steve Rogers / Captain America
- Tony Stark / Iron man
- Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
- Peter Parker / Spiderman
- Bruce Banner / Hulk
- Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver (MCU version)
- Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch
- Thor
- Loki
|| Percy Jackson
- Percy Jackson
- Annabeth Chase
- Leo Valdez
- Hazel Levesque
- Frank Zhang
- Leo Valdez
- Jason Grace
- Piper McLean
- Nico DI Angelo (if male/masc reader)
- Will Solace
|| My Hero Academia
- Midoriya Izuku
- Bakugou Katsuki
- Todoroki Shoto
- Uraraka Ochako
- Shinso Hitoshi
- Yaoyorozu Momo
- Kaminari Denki
- Ashido Mina
- Kirishima Eijirou
- Jiro Kyoka
- Asui Tsuyu
- Tokoyami Fumikage
- Shoji Mezo
- Aizawa Shouta / Eraserhead
- Hizashi Yamada / Present Mic
- Kayama Nemuri / Midnight
- Todoroki Touya / Dabi
- Tomura Shigaraki
- Toga Himiko
- Togata Mirio
- Tamaki Amajiki
- Hado Nejire
- Sero Hanta
To Request a Story:
- Female, Male, Enby, or Fluid Reader?
- if you would like neo pronouns of any kind, please know that it’s not something i’m familiar with, however I’m willing to learn and am willing to adjust accordingly!
- Important information about reader character (hair color, any piercings, tattoos, height, personality, typical clothing, ect… Please know everything you want about your character, I am unable to communicate with you to clarify or ask anything! Anything left unanswered will be left for me to decide!)
- What Character?
- Romantic or Platonic?
- Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Smut
- if there is something specific you would like to see, add it here!
- Any Headcanons you want added?
- What is the situation you would like written? (i.e. what’s the prompt/rest of your request)
- Which Style of Reader Fic? (Examples below)
Style of Reader Fic - First Person
I shook my head slightly, watching Remy make a fool of himself trying to impress Rogue again. Logan was trying to encourage him, a glint of feral satisfaction as Morph and Jubilee talked with Storm and Jean. I never quite understood his fascination with the southern woman, though I could admit that she was pretty.
A startled laugh escaped my chest as I watched Bakugou realize that Midoriya had beaten him today, the race to the dorms now over. Kirishima was trying not to laugh, though Denki and Mina were giggling quietly. I rolled my eyes as anger eventually overtook the blond’s face. I had homework to do before meeting with Shinso to train with the capture weapon again.
I groaned softly, turning over and feeling my breath catch in my throat, Natasha was curled up on the other hotel bed just across the room, with an arm under her head. In her arms was the stuffed animal I had gifted her the day before.
There was a sense of dread filling my head as I tried to spot any of my questmates. Percy was missing, again, and worry filled my being as I spotted Nico disappear into the shadows, looking much paler than he had that morning. A startled scream escaped me as something crashed into my side, a glance and I was relieved to see that it was just Mrs. O’Leary.
Style of Reader Fic - Second Person
You were surprised to find that Jean had waited for you instead of heading off with the other girls. Training had been strenuous today, and your back was sore and your hair a tangled mess. A flush appeared when you noticed that she was holding a brush, and was giving you a quiet smile of reassurance.
You sighed as you followed after Tony. The two of you were once again sent out despite the very obvious hate and dislike the two of you held for each other. He was listening to AC/DC on headphones and ignoring your general existence, which was fine by you. By all means he could ignore you.
You were giggling hysterically as you followed after Toga, music running through your head as you tried to decide on what ‘radio station’ you wanted to listen to for the night. You were smiling as Toga glanced back at you, excitement in her eyes. Ahead of her, just barely so, Dabi was ignoring the both of you.
You couldn’t find Annabeth, which would normally be worrisome, however you also knew that she had probably holed herself up in the Athena cabin to study for the exam she would have to take to go to New Rome. You were proud of your girlfriend, just like you knew your boyfriend was. Unfortunately, or fortunately, Percy wouldn’t be joining Annabeth for the first year of collage, instead, he was staying at camp with you to help train the flood of younger campers that had made their way to camp.
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Synopsis: The reader's period is kicking their ass, they seek to find someone to help them out and Erik might just be that person.
Tumblr media
Pronouns: Unmentioned however multiple mentions of having a uterus and having a period.
Warnings: Mention of period, period pains, little bit of fluff, me thinking I'm funny. Brief mention of alcohol, very small mention of Space Cookies which if you don't know is 60-80's slang for edibles. Also Space cookies is the cutest fuckin' name.
Also this doesn't line up with the canon timeline, Erik's in the school mansion. But honestly X-Mens timeline doesn't line up with its own timeline so deal with it.
Word Count: 2,140
Why couldn't your mutation be to not have periods? You'd give up what you had if you could even just control the cramps. But here you were, miserable, tired, and in too much pain. Mutants were supposed to be advanced, the next step in evolution and if this is what evolution had in store for you evolution could go fuck itself. Someone had to be able to fix this, for Gods sake there are mutants here with telepathy, mind-reading abilities, everything under the sun someone had to be able to ease this pain.
So on a mission you made your way out of your room much to your uterus's anger, it shot painful cramps at you telling you to get back into bed but to Hell with that. "Hank." You mutter to yourself.
Surely, Hank would have some kind of medicine for you or could whip up something. You head over to the stairs and decide no, no that is not the kind of torture you're willing to sign up for. Charles elevator it is, you're not one of his students and he can't give you detention for using it. You may not be a student but riding down in his elevator does give you childlike glee though it seems your period notices your split moment of joy and strikes it down with a gut wrenching cramp. Right, Hank, gotta find Hank. You walk down to his work room, giving small waves to the students who pass you in the halls, a tight polite smile aimed at them since it really isn't their fault you're in a fowl mood. "Hey, Y/N...you alright?" Bobby asked.
You nod and wave him off as you continued to walk. "Bobby wait." You realize, an idea striking you. "I need you." You let him know.
A look of confusion passes his features. "Uh-okay, is it quick? I need to get to class." He asked.
"I'll write you a note." You brush off.
"You can write me excuse notes?" He checks.
"I can do whatever I want." You say.
Earning a laugh from him. "Cool, what's up?" He asks.
"Can you make me cold without killing me?" You checked but at this point death didn't seem like the worst possible scenario.
"Yeah..." Bobby said a little confused as to where this was going.
"Great." You grabbed his hand. "Freeze Hell over." You place his hand to your aching gut.
"What?" Maybe going to math class would be more simple than this he thinks.
"Right, not funny." You sigh. "Make me cold, please." You settle on.
"Is this a test?" He asked confused.
"My will to live is testing me." You sigh.
You can still see the clear confusion but none the less you start to feel cold and sweet relief, you don't care if he's frozen your insides, this is worth it. "Better?" He checked, not exactly sure what he was checking.
"Yes, and I'm gonna bully Charles into giving you an A, thank you." You tell him as you let go of his hand.
It drops to his side and he nods with a small smile "Sick." He settles on with a nod. "Don't tell Rogue." He realizes.
"She'll understand more than you will." You assure him which only leads to more confusion on his end. "Get to class." You tell him.
"Alright, see you around." He shrugs and heads off.
You once again start yourself towards Hank except now you don't need to cling onto yourself in a feeble attempt to keep your uterus from throbbing. You arrive at his office and give a knock as you enter and you're greeted by...nothing? No he's always here. "Hank?" You call around the small room hoping he'd pop up from under a desk but no such luck. "Oh come on." You whine.
Where is he? He's always here, he practically lives in here and the one time you need him he's decided to get a life? Oh, fuck. And as if this didn't suck enough the numbness that was quelling your cramps was starting to fade. Okay, you're Hank, you're big and blue where would you go? To see Raven. You head out of the room as if you've got any idea as to where she would be, maybe Charles would know. So the other side of this God forsaken mansion. Great.
By the time you get there nothing about you is cold and numb only hot and throbbing. You don't bother to knock on the door, he's heard you coming as you've been cursing the entire way here as a warning. You open the door and at least this time you aren't greeted by no one but you're greeted by someone you weren't expecting. "Little early for training, are you alright?" Erik asked from his seat.
Oh, fantastic, fucking great, you look so terrible he thinks you've been training? Oh God! "Why are you here?" You ask.
"Good to see you too." He teases.
What else were you expecting? It's Erik. "Where's Hank?" You ask as your uterus is making it known it wants revenge for being put in the freezer.
"Not a clue. Don't exactly keep tabs." He says arching his brow at your question.
"Where's Raven?" You try.
"Getting married? Looking for something blue?"
If his smile wasn't so charming you'd wipe it off his face. "Where's Charles?" You finally ask.
That should've been your first question, Erik usually knows where Charles is at least. "Out with Moira." He answered with an unimpressed shrug.
"Ugh." You groan in frustration putting your arm back around yourself.
"Are you hurt?" He asks.
You're sure you would've found the concern sweet if it wasn't for the throbbing that was now making itself to your head to give you the start of a splitting headache. "I'm dying." You answer.
From a look over he can see you're not, and while he's gotten used to your flair for the dramatic this is even a bit much for you. "Well, dying in the doorway seems like an inconvenience, come sit." He pitches gesturing to the seat across from the one he's in. Smug asshole. But standing does suck at least sitting you can curl up to put more pressure on your stomach so you go over and sit, putting your feet up on the lip on the chair...at least it's a soft chair. "Care for a game of chess?" He offers.
"I'd rather die" You let him know with a shake of your head.
"I thought you were already dying." He points out.
You glare at him as your rebuttal, if only you knew how much he loves that. He likes you in general but he likes you even more when you're angry, he can't help but flirt with danger especially when it's as good looking as you are. You're too lost in concentrating on trying to keep your pain in check to notice his affectionate gaze but you do notice when he gets up. "If you grab the chess board I'm going to throw it at your head." You let him know.
He doesn't answer, he just walks over to Charles desk, opens the bottom drawer and comes over with a bottle of booze. "If I offer you a glass are you going to throw it?" He asked.
"I might out of spite to Charles, he didn't tell me about his desk booze." You complain.
He chuckles as he grabs two glasses. "He didn't tell me either." He lets you know and it makes you smile a little at his mischief. "I just know him." He says simply as he pours. "Just like I know you." He says looking right at you.
Stupid pretty blue eyes. "You know where my stash is too?" You joke earning a chuckle.
"Not yet." He smiles. "But I know you enough to know something is bothering you." He says sliding a glass over to you.
Oughta call him Sherlock Holmes, wonder what gave you away? Maybe being nearly doubled over in pain? The statement that you were dying? You keep your snide comments to yourself by having a sip, cringing a little at the taste. "Why does expensive booze always taste so bad?" You mutter into your glass.
Erik lets out a small chuckle at the fact even though you're clearly displeased you take another sip. "It's American, you can't expect much." He sums up having a sip himself.
"Snob." You teasingly prod.
"You don't like it either, what does that make you?" He mused.
That's what you get for trying to out snark the snarkiest of snarks. "I tell you I'm dying and you make fun of me?" You accuse
"I asked what was wrong, I got no answer." He points out sharply. It's not exactly something you want to declare, nor are you sure what comment would follow if you did. Probably some kind of snarky remark and you are two snarky remarks away from losing it since incredibly booze isn't exactly helping your headache. Words that would usually make you giggle and swoon you're sure right now would make you swing at him. "Perhaps you've gone mute."
Ah, there's the first snarky remark, you down the rest of your drink to deal with it. As you swallow and your gut squelches in a disgusting way you're striked with an idea. "You control iron." You point out.
"Next you'll tell me my name is Erik." He said taking a sip of own drink.
You go past his remark. "Great, force the iron in my blood somewhere else." You come up with.
His mouth opens but nothing comes out, he's eyebrows are brought together in pure confusion. It's not often that Erik is left with no words. He tries to give himself a moment to process your request by finishing off his drink but at the end of his swallow he's still got nothing. "What?" He finally asks.
"The iron in my blood. For the love of God just like from my gut area, move it somewhere else." You say.
It doesn't matter if it kills you, you just want for this agony to stop. Who need a uterus anyway? It's overrated. You hate it and it can't cramp if there's no blood to let it move. You move your legs to gesture to your hip area to give him a better idea of where you want the blood to leave from and as if your uterus was sentient and sensing its own demise it sends a painful cramp that makes you double over and hug your legs that had just hit the ground. It's quite a weird display for Erik to take in but he does take it in and the dots he needs to connect start to form. "I think you know I can't do that nor would I if I could." He lets you know.
"You suck." You grumble.
You glare at your sock covered feet in anger, stupid body, stupid uterus, stupid Erik. "Shame you feel that way." Erik says getting up. "Especially since I know where Charles space cookie stash is too."
It's almost comical the way your head pops up to look at him, he has to wrestle back his smile. "No." You gasp amused.
Charles has a space stash? That little stoner. "Shame you'll never find out unless you find it yourself." He taunts.
The smile he had been wrestling back finds its way to his face as he sees the look of desperation on yours. "Erik."
It's half desperate plea and half warning...or maybe 3/4 desperate plea and 1/4 warning if you're being honest. His smile broadens if only a little. "Agree to a chess game." Is his ultimatum.
"Fine, done, I'll play chess." You easily settle on. He gives a satisfied nod and heads over to the chess set. "Hey." You complain.
He grabs both sets and opens one to show the cookies. Of course, no one but him and Erik play chess so no one would ever find it in there. He offers you the box and you get yourself sat up properly and happily take it. Finally sweet relief. You take a bite and are rewarded with literal sweet relief, these are good. You look from your newly found stash and over at Erik to see him setting up the other chess set...? He means right now? Of course he means right now. "I'll make it fair, don't pout." He chastises as he grabs a cookie and pops it into his mouth.
He sets it up so you're the white pieces which means you go first. "Fuck." You mutter under your breath.
"Kinky, that'd be quite the first move to make." Erik says and he can't help but to delight at the blush that colours your face.
~Admin Coral🍒 Buy Me A Coffee?
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Requests (Open)
Hey hello hi
So my requests are open for now and I wanted to make an organised chart thingy idk what to call it anyways
Fandoms I write for :
Shadow and bone
General Kirigan (I almost only write him but I’m open to ALL of the characters)
All of the crows -id even write platonically
Alina starkov
Mal oretzev
Will Graham
Hannibal lecter
Alana bloom
Beverly Katz
Freddie lounds
President Loki
Peter Parker
Bucky Barnes
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Yelena bellova
Tony stark (platonically)
Carol Danvers
Steve Rogers
Dane whiteman
Sherlock Holmes
John Watson
Jim moriarty
Charles Xavier
Erik lensherr
Logan howlett
Jean grey
Hank Mccoy
Peitro maximoff
Game of thrones
Robb stark
Jon snow
Margery tyrell
Sansa stark
Jaime Lannister
Danerys targareyn
Tyrion Lannister
Theon Greyjoy
Spencer Reid
Aaron hotchner
Derek Morgan
Emily prentiss
Penelope Gracia
Jennifer Jareau
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah mikaelson
Rebekah mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Caroline Forbes
Damon Salvatore
Steffan Salvatore
Bonnie Bennett
Kai parker
House of the dragon
Ser criston cole
Alicent Hightower
Rahaenyra Targeryn
Daemon targeryn
Batman 2022
Moon knight
What I won’t write:
Rape/non con
Homophobic and racist in any way
Dark smut
Sexual assault
Weird kinks
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stattic-writes · 4 years
Support My Writing?
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Assistance (Erik Lehnsherr X Reader) *PLATONIC
Characters: Erik Lehnsherr X Reader
Universe: Marvel, Xmen
Warnings: mention of shooting and mild reference to Nazi Germany
Request: Saving old Magnetos (Ian McKellens) ass and he is astonished wgen the reader reveales that they are no mutant and german. So when he witnesses that the reader is shunned in society for standing up for mutants he takes them into his brotherhood. :)
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Erik was feeling lost and confused. He felt weak and vulnerable, something he despised. He was sat in a hospital bed, seemingly alone. In the minutes of being awake, he realised several things. One, the last thing he remembered was facing off with the typical group of Mutant-hating humans, hearing a car approaching before a gun went off. Second being that someone was talking on the other side of the door, presumably with a member of staff.
“You know who he is, don’t you? He’s Erik Lehnsherr, Magneto.” One voice said.
“I know, and I don’t care. And neither should you. You’re supposed to be focusing on making him better.” A second voice responded, and he immediately heard the strong German accent. Suspicion was now added to the mix before the door opened, and he was greeted by the face of a stranger. Behind was the nurse, who looked frightened at his conscious and rushed off, while you stepped in, sending a comforting smile. “Welcome back Mr Lehnsherr, how are you feeling?” You asked, your accent not helping in calming him in all honesty. Even after all these years he associated that language to the people who killed his childhood.
“What does it matter to you?” He asked rather coldly. You sat on the edge of his bed, not breaking eye contact. You were… calm. At least on the surface. He could see the light healing bruise on the top of your head and several small almost invisible scars littered your face in a way that was only evident so close and in the bright lights.
“I’m Y/N, I’m the one who got you here after you were shot. I was aiming to get there before hand, but unfortunately I didn’t get there just quick enough… Do you feel well enough to move around, at least to get into a wheelchair?” You asked, glancing to the corner of the room, landing eyes on said chair.
“…Yes.” He answered finally. Now he was curious. You were plotting something- he could sense it. You stood up, getting the wheelchair to the side of his bed, and passing him a large jumper over one of the chairs.
“We need to get you out of here before that nurse gets back with the police. I’ve managed to talk to the Brotherhood through some friends of mine, I can drive you to the meeting point.” You explained, helping him get in the chair, before laying a blanket on his lap. “Just keep your head down.”
He did mostly as told as you wheeled him through the hospital, whistling, even talking to him in German in a sweeter voice when passing people, clearly pretending to be a relative looking after a sickly family member. You got him out the hospital and to your car, where you helped him in before starting to drive.
“Why are you helping me?” Erik finally asked. The Hospital was long gone, and there was no noise, not even the radio was one. “What do you have to gain from it?” He asked. Were you a mutant? It would make sense since humans tended to hate him.
“Nothing, really. I do it because… well, I care.” You answered. Erik looked over at you, and you caught his eyes, and you knew he wanted more than that for an answer. “I started doing this back in high school. A friend of mine’s mutation kicked in and I helped them get the money to skip town so they wouldn’t be hunted down. After that, I found a way to make it a sort of job. Not much gain in the actual pay most of the time, but it’s worth it. I escort mutants to where they need to go so they’re not attacked. People are less likely to shoot when someone who isn’t a mutant is using themselves as a shield.” You shrugged.
Erik’s mind seemed to struggle to fathom what you had told him. You weren’t a mutant. You were a normal human being, but every day you risked your life just to help mutants. You helped mutants. You helped him. You knew he had a bad reputation but didn’t hesitate to continue to defend, protect and help him
“What does your family think of all this?” He asked. You chuckled almost bitterly.
“Family? I lost that when I helped my friend. All my friends are mutants who I’ve saved in the past.” You explained with a bittersweet smile that showed some scars. He knew every scar and the bruise on your head was more than likely from helping.
“Those… people who shot me, what did they do to you?” He asked.
“Called me a traitorous bastard, spat at me and threatened to shoot me, but I shot first.” You responded, focusing on the road as you started to slow down. Erik focused forward, seeing a handful of his group standing and waiting. You jumped out the car, grabbing the wheelchair and helping Erik out. “You guys got everything you need? You’ll need to book it out of state for at least two months.” You told them. Erik could tell his group was hesitant to talk to you, so Erik responded.
“I’ll think we’ll be alright. Now before we go, I’d like to offer something to you for your bravery and assistance to not only the Brotherhood but to all mutants.” Erik explained, and you came around so he could see you. “Since you help us so much, I want to offer you the protection of the brotherhood, and more importantly… a family. A safe place.” Erik offered. He saw the surprise in your face, before joy over took your face.
“I like the sound of that… thank you Erik.” You thanked him, sharing a small and historical moment. The moment that Erik accepted a non-mutant into the Brotherhood.
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in! 
*Not my gif
TAGS: @imbuckypositive  @klanceiscannon14 @waywardemo  @gayasfridge @courtneychicken  @graysonmalfoy @bellero @captain-peanut-at-your-service @likiyoshi-lijie @aesthetjic @originalpottervengerlock @supernatural-pan @esoltis280 @lena-stan-xavier @lady-of-lies @sebstanismylife
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kat-thepoet · 2 days
Invisible string
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A/N: I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in a week, I had the flu and I didn't feel well enough to write. But i'm all better now! Anyways, enjoy!
Previous chapters: CHAPTERS
Word count: 4313
After spending the afternoon immersed in my thoughts and ideas, I finally had a rough outline of how I wanted to approach the lessons. I decided to start with something simple—introducing the students to the world of literature. It was the only way I gained knowledge of the world since I'd barely stepped outside the orphanage, let alone out of town.
I sat back in the chair, feeling a sense of accomplishment, though a little nervous about how it would all come together. The room was quiet, the late afternoon light casting long shadows across the floor. I hadn't realized how much time had passed until I heard a soft knock on my door.
I blinked, glancing at the clock—dinner time already?
"Come in," I called, and the door creaked open to reveal Hank, standing there with his usual kind, slightly awkward smile.
"Hey, Flora," he greeted. "Just wanted to let you know it's time for dinner."
I smiled, feeling a bit guilty for losing track of time. "Thanks, Hank. I didn't realize how late it was. I guess I got a little carried away with planning."
Hank stepped inside, his hands in his pockets. "It happens to the best of us. We tend to eat around the same time every evening, but, uh, I figured I'd come grab you, just in case."
I stood up, stretching a bit after sitting for so long. "What time do you guys typically eat? I feel bad that someone has to come look for me."
Hank chuckled softly, shaking his head. "No worries. We usually eat around six, but we don't mind checking in on each other. You'll get used to the routine soon enough."
I nodded, appreciating his thoughtfulness. "Thanks, Hank. I'll try to be more mindful next time."
He smiled warmly, his demeanor gentle and understanding. "Don't worry about it. We're all still getting used to things around here in one way or another."
As we walked together toward the dining area, I found myself wondering how dinner would go tonight. Last night had been... tense, mostly because of Erik's presence, and I couldn't shake the feeling that his dislike of me was somehow affecting the atmosphere for everyone else too. I hoped tonight would be different, but a part of me doubted it.
When we entered the dining room, the familiar scene unfolded: the long table set with dishes, the soft hum of conversation as everyone settled in. Storm, Scott, Jean, Raven, and Charles were already seated, and I noticed Erik once again at the far end of the table, his expression as unreadable as ever.
I took my seat next to Raven, offering a polite smile to the others as they welcomed me with nods and small greetings. The food smelled good, but my stomach twisted with unease.
"So, how did the planning go?" Storm asked, her tone casual but friendly.
"It went well," I replied, trying to focus on the positive. "I think I have a good starting point for the lessons. Tomorrow's going to be interesting, though."
"You'll do great," Jean chimed in with a reassuring smile. "The kids are going to love learning from you."
I smiled back, grateful for her support. "Thanks, I hope so."
As dinner continued, I glanced down the table and noticed something odd—Erik wasn't completely silent tonight. He was speaking with the others. Not much, but enough to make it clear he wasn't completely withdrawn. He commented on something Scott said, and even exchanged a few words with Storm about the training schedule for the week.
It took me a moment to realize that while he was talking to the others, he hadn't said a single word to me. Not a greeting, not a glance—nothing.
I tried to shake it off, telling myself it didn't matter. He didn't owe me anything. I was the newcomer, and Erik had made it clear that he wasn't interested in getting to know me. Still, as I listened to the quiet conversations around me, the fact that he was ignoring me entirely started to gnaw at me. It wasn't like he was cold to everyone—just me.
I shifted in my seat, my fork pausing over my plate as I tried to focus on the conversation with Raven and Jean.
"Everything's ready for your first class tomorrow, right?" Raven asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah, I've got it all planned out," I replied, forcing a smile. "I'm hoping the students will connect with it."
"They will," Raven said confidently. "You've got this."
I nodded, trying to hold on to that positivity, but my attention kept wandering back to Erik. Every time I glanced his way, he was speaking with someone else, completely avoiding even acknowledging my presence. I wondered if anyone else had noticed—or if I was just being overly sensitive.
"Don't let it bother you," Raven whispered suddenly, leaning in as if she could sense my discomfort. "He's always like this."
I gave her a quick nod, trying to brush it off. "I know. I'm fine."
But the truth was, it did bother me. Everyone kept telling me that Erik would eventually warm up, that it was just his way of dealing with new people. But how much time was I supposed to give him? And what if they were wrong? What if he didn't warm up to me at all?
I tried to shake off the frustration as dinner wore on, focusing on the others' conversations and ignoring the tightening knot in my stomach. I had a lot on my plate already, with the first lesson tomorrow, and I didn't need to waste time worrying about Erik's attitude.
But as the meal continued, and Erik's voice mingled with the others', his silence toward me felt more and more deliberate. I forced myself to smile and laugh along with everyone else, pretending that it didn't bother me at all.
By the time dinner was over, I felt drained, not just from the conversation but from the effort of pretending that Erik's coldness wasn't affecting me. Everyone else seemed oblivious, and I didn't want to make a big deal out of it.
But as we cleared the table and said our goodnights, I couldn't help but wonder if I was the only one noticing how hard Erik was working to keep me at arm's length.
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It was well past midnight, and no matter how hard I tried, sleep just wouldn't come. I tossed and turned, my mind running in circles—half of it filled with nerves about tomorrow's lesson, the other half consumed by thoughts of Erik.
He was a jerk, plain and simple, but I couldn't stop wondering why. Everyone had told me he would eventually warm up, but so far, he seemed determined to keep me at a distance. His behavior at dinner—the way he deliberately ignored me while talking to everyone else—stuck with me like a thorn I couldn't pull out. What was his problem? Why did he go out of his way to avoid me?
With a sigh, I gave up on sleep. I was too restless, too wound up to lie in bed any longer. Maybe some water would help calm me down.
I swung my legs out of bed and stood up, glancing down at my outfit: a small tank top and even smaller shorts. Definitely not nun-approved, but I wore them anyway, glad for the comfort and cool air on my skin. It didn't matter—it was late, and I wouldn't run into anyone.
But as I stepped out of my room and into the hallway, I quickly remembered one crucial detail: Erik was my neighbor. Of all people, it had to be him.
For a brief moment, I stood frozen, listening for any signs of movement from his room. The last thing I needed was to run into him in the middle of the night, especially dressed like this. The hallway was quiet, save for the soft hum of the air conditioning, and I hoped he was fast asleep, completely unaware of my presence.
Just in case, I turned invisible. With a deep breath, I started making my way toward the kitchen, walking as quietly as possible down the hallway. Each step felt louder than it should have, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of paranoia, like I was being too loud—too noticeable, even though I was invisible. The door to Erik's room loomed as I passed by it, and I quickened my pace, desperate not to linger near it for too long.
"Of all the people in the world," I muttered under my breath, "he had to be the one next door."
When I finally reached the kitchen, the soft glow of moonlight spilled through the windows, casting long shadows across the floor. The stillness of the night had a calming effect, and for a moment, I let out a sigh of relief, thankful for the quiet.
I made my way to the sink, filling a glass of water, and leaned against the counter, trying to gather my thoughts. Tomorrow was a big day—my first lesson with the students. I needed to focus on that, on giving them the guidance they needed. But Erik's face kept creeping into my mind, his cold, indifferent expression at dinner, the way he acted like I didn't even exist.
I took a sip of water, letting the cool liquid soothe my throat, but it didn't do much to settle the knot of frustration tightening in my chest. Why couldn't I stop thinking about him? He clearly didn't care about me or what I was doing here, so why was I letting him get under my skin like this?
I set the glass down with a little more force than I intended, the clink of it hitting the counter louder than expected in the quiet kitchen.
"Just let it go," I whispered to myself, running a hand through my hair. "He's not worth it."
But even as I said the words, I couldn't help but wonder if I'd ever get an answer to the question that had been gnawing at me since I first met him—what was his problem with me?
I took another sip of water, trying to push Erik from my mind. But the quiet creak of the door behind me shattered the moment of peace. I turned, and there he was—Erik, of all people, standing in the doorway, looking every bit as unbothered as always.
His eyes briefly flicked over my outfit—small tank top, shorts that would make any nun faint—but he didn't linger. His expression was unreadable, as always, but I could tell he noticed.
"You're up late," he said, his voice low and calm.
I swallowed, trying to keep my own voice steady. "Could say the same to you."
He stepped further into the kitchen, heading for the fridge. "I'm always up late."
Of course he was. I glanced away, pretending to focus on the water in my glass. The silence stretched between us, and I couldn't help but wonder if he'd keep ignoring me like he had at dinner. Just when I was about to slip out of the kitchen unnoticed, he spoke again.
"That's an interesting choice of sleepwear."
I stiffened, glancing down at my tank top and shorts. So, he had noticed after all. "It's comfortable," I replied, my tone sharp. "Not that it's any of your business."
Erik unscrewed the cap from a bottle of water, his eyes narrowing slightly as he leaned against the counter. "Just making an observation."
I huffed, trying not to let his comment get under my skin. "Is that what you do? Make observations and throw judgment around?"
He didn't answer right away, just took a long drink of water before looking at me again, a small, infuriating smirk playing on his lips. "Only when it's worth mentioning."
I could feel my patience slipping. "You know, if you don't have anything nice to say, maybe just... don't say anything?"
Erik raised an eyebrow, the smirk never leaving his face. "That's rich, coming from you."
I blinked, caught off guard by his remark. "What's that supposed to mean?"
He shrugged casually, like this whole conversation was a game he was winning. "Just that you've been tiptoeing around, acting like you belong here, when clearly, you don't know what you're in for."
My temper flared. "I belong here as much as anyone else does. I'm doing my best, and if you've got a problem with that, maybe keep it to yourself."
Erik set his water down on the counter with a deliberate slowness, his eyes locked on mine. "Keep telling yourself that, Flora."
His voice was smooth, cutting in the way that made it hard to tell if he was mocking me or just stating the facts. Either way, it grated on my nerves.
I crossed my arms, refusing to back down. "You don't even know me."
"And I don't need to," he shot back, his tone as cold as ever.
We stood there in tense silence, the space between us feeling charged with unspoken words, snarky comebacks, and a mutual dislike neither of us was willing to back down from. I hated how much he got under my skin, how much his stupid, smug attitude made me want to argue with him even more.
"Whatever," I muttered, grabbing my glass and turning toward the door. I was done with this conversation.
But as I reached the doorway, Erik's voice followed me, sharp and mocking. "You'll need thicker skin if you're going to last here, Flora."
I froze for a second, his words hitting harder than I wanted them to. Without looking back, I muttered, "Maybe you should try using less of it."
And with that, I walked out of the kitchen, leaving Erik behind, still infuriatingly unbothered, while I felt my pulse race with the tension from our exchange.
As I made my way back to my room, I couldn't help but wonder why he had to be like this. Why he had to push every button I had, and why I kept letting him get to me.
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The next morning, the soft light of dawn filtered through my curtains, and I woke up earlier than usual. I felt a mix of nerves and excitement—today was the day I'd officially meet the students and start teaching. There was a lot to prepare, and I wanted to make sure everything was perfect.
After taking a moment to gather my thoughts, I got out of bed and glanced at the clock. It was early enough that most people were probably still asleep, which gave me plenty of time to set up the classroom without interruption. I felt a little relieved at that thought—I could use the quiet to calm my nerves.
I headed into my bathroom, grateful that I didn't have to share it with anyone else. The warm water of the shower helped relax the tension I hadn't realized had built up in my shoulders. As I stood under the spray, I reminded myself that this was what I'd come here to do—help the younger students and create a space where they felt safe to learn and grow.
After my shower, I dressed quickly in a pair of jeans and a crisp white dress shirt, feeling a little more professional, yet still comfortable. I wanted to make a good impression, but I also wanted to be myself.
Once I was ready, I grabbed a few supplies and headed out of my room, eager to get to work. The hallways were still quiet, the early morning light casting soft shadows through the windows. As I made my way toward the classroom, I found myself thinking back to last night—specifically, my encounter with Erik. The way he mocked me, the way he always seemed so detached and indifferent. I shook my head, trying to push the thought of him aside. Today was about the students, not him.
When I reached the classroom, I unlocked the door and stepped inside. The room was just as I'd left it yesterday—bright, airy, and full of potential. But it needed a little sprucing up. Dust clung to the shelves, and the desks were slightly out of order. I spent the next hour cleaning, dusting the surfaces, and using my telekinesis to arrange the desks into a neat semi-circle so the students could easily interact with one another.
By the time I finished setting up, the classroom looked inviting and organized. The dust was gone, the desks were perfectly arranged, and I'd even placed a few potted plants around the room to add a touch of nature. I stepped back, admiring my work with a sense of satisfaction. This was it—my space, my classroom.
I checked the clock and realized it was almost time for the students to arrive. My heart fluttered with a mix of anticipation and nerves, but I reminded myself that this was just the beginning. I could handle it.
I was just about to take a deep breath and gather my thoughts when there was a soft knock at the door. I glanced at the clock—it was a little early for the students to start arriving, but maybe someone was eager to get to class.
Curious, I walked over and opened the door to find a small child standing there. She couldn't have been more than six or seven, her wide eyes peeking up at me through a curtain of curly brown hair. She held a stuffed animal—a well-loved rabbit with floppy ears—tightly in her arms. The girl looked a little nervous, shifting from foot to foot as she glanced up at me.
"Hi there," I said gently, crouching down to her level with a warm smile. "You're here a bit early, aren't you?"
She nodded shyly, hugging her stuffed rabbit closer. "I like to come early sometimes," she whispered.
I smiled, touched by her sweetness. "Well, you're welcome to come in and get settled," I said, stepping aside to let her in. "I'm Flora, by the way."
The little girl walked in slowly, her eyes wide as she looked around the room. "I'm Lucy," she said softly, her attention fixed on the plants I had placed around the room. "I like your plants."
"Thank you," I replied, watching as she walked over to one of the potted plants near the window. "Do you like plants?"
She nodded again, her face lighting up a little. "They're pretty. I talk to them sometimes."
I smiled at that, feeling a warmth spread through me. "You know, I talk to plants too. They don't answer, but I think they listen."
Lucy giggled, a soft sound that made me feel like I was already connecting with her. She looked at me with a little more confidence now, her eyes sparkling as she hugged her stuffed rabbit a bit tighter.
"Do you want to help me with something?" I asked, standing up and gesturing toward the small stack of books I'd brought to hand out to the students. "I was just about to put these on the desks. Maybe you could help me?"
Her face brightened at the suggestion, and she nodded eagerly. "Okay."
I handed her a few books, watching as she carefully placed one on each desk, her small hands working with focused care. She seemed to relax as she worked, and I could see that the quiet early morning had been exactly what she needed.
"You know," I said as we worked, "I think you're going to be a big help in this class. You already know how to make things look just right."
Lucy beamed up at me, the last traces of shyness melting away. "Thank you, Miss Quinn," she said quietly, her voice a little stronger now.
By the time we finished, the classroom felt even more ready than before, and Lucy looked like she'd found a bit of confidence in helping set things up. I couldn't help but feel that this was exactly the kind of connection I wanted to create with the students—trust, comfort, and a safe place for them to be themselves.
As more students trickled into the room, filling up the desks, I felt a slight flutter of nerves. I glanced at the clock and then at the door, waiting for Charles to show up and introduce me to the class as we had planned. But the minutes ticked by, and there was no sign of him.
The students settled in, chatting quietly amongst themselves, and I started to feel a little anxious. I had been counting on Charles to ease me into this first lesson, to give me that little boost of confidence in front of the students. But as the clock ticked closer to the start of class, I realized I couldn't wait any longer.
Taking a deep breath, I decided to take matters into my own hands.
Standing at the front of the classroom, I gave a small, encouraging smile to the students, trying to project more confidence than I felt. Lucy gave me an eager wave from her seat, and it gave me a small boost of reassurance.
"Good morning, everyone," I began, raising my voice slightly so that all the students would hear. The chatter died down, and the kids turned their attention to me, their young faces full of curiosity. "My name is Flora Quinnell, but you can all call me Miss Quinn. I'll be your elective teacher from now on."
The room was quiet as the students watched me, some with wide eyes, others with a little hesitation. I could tell they were waiting for me to explain who I was, and more importantly, what I could do.
"I know this is probably a little new and maybe even a bit scary," I continued, meeting their gazes. "But I want you all to know that this is a safe place for you to learn and grow. We'll be talking a lot about literature, books, and all of that good stuff, but more importantly, I'm here to help you understand your powers and how they can connect with the world around you."
A few of the students exchanged looks, intrigued but still a little unsure. I could sense their curiosity, though. That was a good sign.
"Now, some of you might already know a little bit about me," I said, glancing over at Lucy, who was sitting up straight in her chair, her stuffed rabbit still tucked in her arms. "But for those of you who don't, I have a few abilities of my own. I can turn invisible, I can move things with my mind, and I can change moods."
There was a collective gasp from some of the students, their eyes widening in amazement. A few of them whispered to each other, clearly intrigued by the idea of someone who could turn invisible.
"To give you an example," I said, feeling more confident now as I stepped forward, "I'll show you a little bit of what I can do."
I closed my eyes for a brief moment, focusing on the familiar shift in my body. A few seconds later, I turned invisible, leaving only my clothes visible.
The students' reactions were immediate—wide-eyed stares, excited whispers, and a few amazed giggles. After making my way around the classroom, I returned to the front, shifting back into my visible form. The students erupted in excited chatter and applause.
"That's so cool!" one of the kids exclaimed, their excitement contagious.
I smiled, feeling the tension ease away. "Thank you. And just like how I've learned to understand and control my abilities, we're going to work together to help you understand yours. Everyone's power is different, but each one is special."
The students seemed more at ease now, their initial hesitations replaced by curiosity and excitement. I could feel the atmosphere in the room shift—this was exactly the kind of connection I had hoped to make.
As the class settled into the lesson, I felt a sense of pride. Even without Charles's introduction, I had found my footing. The students were already starting to trust me, and that was the most important part.
Just as I began guiding them through the day's activity, the door creaked open, and Charles finally appeared, a small smile on his face as he quietly came inside.
I gave him a quick nod, letting him know that everything was under control. He returned the nod, looking a little impressed, but he didn't interrupt. He took a seat in the back of the room, watching the class unfold as I continued.
With Charles seated quietly in the back, I continued the lesson, guiding the students through a simple activity.
As the lesson wrapped up, the students gathered their things, chattering excitedly as they headed out of the classroom. Lucy gave me a shy smile as she left, clutching her stuffed rabbit tightly.
Once the last student had gone, Charles wheeled himself over to me, his expression warm.
"You did well, Flora," he said, his voice calm and encouraging. "The students responded to you, and that's not always easy on the first day."
I smiled, feeling a sense of relief. "Thank you. I was a little nervous, but I think it went okay."
Charles nodded. "You have a natural way with them. That's a gift, and one that will serve you well here."
I felt a swell of pride at his words. It meant a lot to hear that from him, especially after the uncertainties I'd had about fitting in at the school.
As Charles turned his wheelchair to leave, he paused at the door. "Remember, Flora—what you're doing here isn't just about teaching them to control their powers. You're helping them understand who they are. That's a responsibility not everyone can handle."
His words hung in the air long after he left, filling me with a renewed sense of purpose. Today had been just the beginning, but it felt like a good one.
I tidied up the classroom, my thoughts still lingering on Charles's words. It was strange how quickly I had come to care about these students, how much I wanted to help them succeed. As I wiped down the desks, I couldn't help but think of Erik's sharp comments last night. His coldness, his distance—it all seemed so unnecessary.
And yet, despite his harshness, I couldn't stop thinking about what he had said. Or maybe it was the way he had said it—like he knew something I didn't. Something I needed to learn the hard way.
🏷️ @nizem8 @maximumchilddreamland @mostlymarvelgirl
Chapter: FOUR
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juniperwoodwell · 2 years
Prompt List!
What's a prompt list? Well, it's a list of dialogue or idea prompts for different characters.
•In my prompt list you can choose any prompt you like for a character then send me a request for it, This is to help me get more stories out there for you guys and help motivate me to get them out quicker!
•All Prompts can be used multiple times, I won't be crossing them out but will be linking any posts I make with the prompt.
•You can also include what genre you'd like, Romance, Angst, Fluff, etc. (excluding smut)
(I will be frequently updating the list so don't worry about how short it is right now)
•If you have any prompts or suggestions let me know!
•The General section is for any character (ones I write for) of your choosing. You can use these for multiple characters.
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•1: "Call me that one more time, see what happens."
•2: "Wait a minute, are you jealous?"
•3: "I never thought you'd be the one to break my heart."
•4: "I wish I never met you"
•5: "In Truth you like the pain, You like it because you believe you deserve it."
•6: "Say it. Say you'll marry me and I'll do it, I'll get the paperwork and a judge. We'll be married by morning."
"What are you even saying?"
"I'm proving to you that there is no one else in this entire world I want more than you. You're everything I've ever wanted and if you say you want to marry me right now then let's get married. I love you."
"You better start making some phone calls then baby, because I love you too."
•7 "What else are you going to steal from me?"
"What? I haven't stolen-"
"First you steal my Hoodies then you steal my heart, what's next. My last name?"
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•1: "Don't patronize me for something you were too scared to do!"
•1: "I didn't say 'I love you' to hear it back, I said it to make sure you knew."
•2: "Did we mean nothing to you? Did I mean nothing to you?"
•3: "Don't patronize me for something you were too scared to do!"
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•1: "I'll protect you, They're never going to touch you again."
•2: "Don't mess with that, You'll hurt yourself."
•3: "I'm not the good guy here."
•4: "You're not a bad guy."
•5: "I'm tellin' ya sweetheart, you don't want me. The blood on my hands..It don't wash off."
•6: "Your bullshit has a body count"
•1: "I screwed up, Alright.? But I never lied to you. I've done a lot of shit in my life, but loving you is different."
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•1: "I screwed up, Alright.? But I never lied to you. I've done a lot of shit in my life, but loving you is different."
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•1: "I screwed up, Alright.? But I never lied to you. I've done a lot of shit in my life, but loving you is different."
•2: "If you want something, I'll buy it for you. It doesn't matter what it is as long as you are happy with it."
"But what if it's super expensive??"
"Honey, do you think money is really an issue for me?"
"Oh... well I guess not."
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•1: "I'm very certain that the human body isn't supposed to bleed this much..."
(Coming soon)
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•Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
•1: "I came back for you, I promised I would and I did."
•Jake "Hangman" Seresin
•1: "Your bullshit has a body count."
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•1: "Your stitches ripped"
•2: "I broke my rules for you"
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•Steven Grant
(Coming soon)
•Marc Spector
•1: "You have no idea how to make toast?"
•2: "Hey! Would you stop stealing my damn fries!"
•Jake Lockley
•1: "You're losing my interest, that's very dangerous."
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•1:"Do you realize what time it is?"
•2: "I came back for you, I promised I would and I did."
•1: "I love you too much to leave you like this.."
•2: "I think someone needs a nap."
•3: "This is why I fell in love with you"
(Coming soon)
•Poe Dameron
•Damon Salvatore
•JJ Maybank(OBX)
•Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
I'm also starting a taglist, so let me know if you want to me tagged for any of the characters I write for.
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cinebration · 4 years
Requests! *Open 48 Hours*
To celebrate reaching 600+ followers, I am open for requests for 48 hours! *Requests close Wednesday, December 2nd, 4:30pm PST (12:30am GMT)*
Send to my ask box! Please keep in mind that these requests are meant to be one-shot drabbles.
No smut. No pregnancy fics or A/B/O fics. No crossover fics. No actor x reader. Other AUs acceptable.
Identify the gender of the reader if you want something other than female.
Because I try to remain as true to character as possible, I reserve the right to reject or tweak requests to keep the characters in character.
Below are character lists divided by actors and fandoms.
By Actor
Henry Cavill: Napoleon Solo, August Walker, Captain Syverson, Geralt of Rivia, Sherlock Holmes
Ewan McGregor: Roman Sionis, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Camerlengo Patrick McKenna
Christian Bale: Bruce Wayne, John Preston, Patrick Bateman, Alfred Borden
Tom Hardy: Eames, Eddie Brock, Alfie Solomons, James Keziah Delaney, Bob (The Drop), Forrest Bondurant, Tuck, Tommy Conlon
By Fandom
DCEU: Roman Sionis, Victor Zsasz (BoP), Dr. Crane/Scarecrow (Nolan’s Batman trilogy), Ra’s al Ghul (Batman Begins/Gotham), Arthur Curry, Dr. Shivana
MCU: Loki, Clint Barton, Ulysses Klaue, Doctor Strange, Quentin Beck, Thor
X-Men: Charles Xavier, Erik Lensherr, Logan/Wolverine, Remy Lebeau/Gambit
Star Wars: Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Kylo Ren, DJ
Misc: Illya Kuryakin, Lestat, Herbert West
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thatfanficstuff · 5 years
Fic/Request status
Writing this out was...wow. Anyway. Here’s where we stand. I have plans. And secret things I am working on but I can’t post until this all gets done. I’m also pushing to get The Light in my darkness and Strange Fates finished ASAP. Just cuz. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. 
Pending Fics/Requests
Star Trek
·       Spock – Combining a request for a wife reader and a hurt comfort fic. Status: Plotted
·       Khan – With Spock’s human half-sister. Spock is going to lose his mind. Status: Think mode
·       Bones x injured reader Status: semi-plotted
·       Kirk x female captain (native American reader) Status: will probably pull a plot idea from my list
·       Scotty x space pirate – um…yes please. Status: No idea but it will be epic.
Not doing:
·       Spock w suicidal/depressed reader – too sad for me right now.
·       Jealous Spock – already have one and don’t feel I could do another justice.
·       Spock x daughter – no idea what I would write for this.
 Lord of the Rings
·       Thorin w/ half dwarf/half hobbit reader. I have the best idea for this one. So fluffy. Status: Plotted
·       Legolas x Elf reader – FLANGST. Damn it Leggy. Combining 2 requests that both wanted slightly diff flangst. Not using requested parentage. Status: Plotted
·       Eomer x female rider of rohan status: thinking stage
·       Thorin x elf reader – making reader slightly less kick ass than requested Status: Plotted
·       Dwalin song fic with This is Me Status: Thinking stage
Not Doing:
·       One with Thorin and reader and the moon because it was sad as hell and just no.
·       Gabriel – love confessions Status: semi-plotted
·       Dean x reader – Status: Plotted
Not Doing
·       Super specific request about AU Cas and Winchester sister. I haven’t caught up with the show and won’t be able to write this. Sorry.
·       Steve x wife reader. This one is going to be awesome. Status: Plotted
·       Avengers w self harming soulmate – Making this Flangst, not angst and narrowing down the soulmates to like 1 or 2 Status: Thinking mode
·       Clint x Latina reader – cute drooly clint. Hehe Status – Plotted
·       Bucky Barnes x chubby reader. Flangst. Status – Plotted
·       Jealous Steve Status – Plotted
·       Bruce Banner Status: Plotted
·       Steamy Erik Lensherr – um…yes please Status: Plotted
·       Dr Strange Hurt/comfort Status: Semi-plotted
·       Black Widow x Xmen male Reader x Maria Hill – flangst Status: Plotted
·       Gamora x male reader – changing plot a bit to fit my style Status: Plotted
·       Parker x reader and Steve x reader: I’m twisting the story a bit here but still doing Status: Plotted
·       Erik x reader x Charles Status: Thinking stage
·       Scott Lang x ex Reader – Status:Plotted
·       Sunday Brunch Part 2 – Status: Plotted
·       Billy Russo coffee shop AU Status: Plotted
·       Eddie Brock/venom x chef reader – Status: Plotted
 Teen Wolf
·       Peter soulmate au – making reader older than requested because Peter ain’t no pedo. Status: semi-plotted
·       My Favorite Weapon – final part – Status: Plotted
Not Doing
·       Halwyn x reader – I quit watching the show before it got to this point so I don’t know who this is. I was going to try to do it anyway, but I don’t have the time or energy. Sorry.
 Criminal Minds
·       Hotch x short reader – may not follow plot asked for exactly but I’ll get you covered Status: thinking mode
·       Hotch x reader with everyone – a trip to Asylum 49 Status: Semi-plotted
 The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
·       A marcel gif request that has been in my box for a year. I suck I’m sorry. I am doing it though. Status: way, way, way overdue.
·       Klaus x wife reader and meddling Kol – Status: Plotted
·       Klaus x reader that helps him against Mikael. This one is in think mode. Thinking of doing a 20s thing maybe.
·       Gibbs Status: Plotted
 The Walking Dead
·       Negan x adopted daughter; Daryl x daughter – Changing request a bit but still doing Status: Plotted
·       Rick x reader – Status: Plotted
 True Blood
·       Eric x Reader x Godric Status: thinking stage
 Peaky Blinders
·       A Condition Part 2 (maybe 3) – Status: Plotted
 Jurassic World
·       Be Prepared Part 3 and 4 – Status: Plotted
·       Spike x reader – Status: Plotted
·       Spike x xander’s sister reader – Status: Semi-plotted
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imaginesfor-thesoul · 7 years
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title: Falling and Falling (Charles Xavier Imagine)
characters: reader x charles xavier, sister!reader x erik lensherr,
word count: 1,292
warnings : swearing (are you even surprised at this point?)
:: :: ::
You and your brother Erik were never very close. Ever since Auschwitz, when Erik bent the gate and you attempted to stop the guards using your mutation, you had no choice but to grow up separate. After the Red Army liberated the two of you from the camp in ‘45, you drifted to and from one another. At the end of the day, he was still your big brother.
:: :: ::
It had been around six months since Erik Lensherr met the infamous telepath, Charles Xavier. The duo worked well together and along with Raven, built up an incredible mutant team. The X-men. 
“Moira knows where Shaw is?” Erik had asked Charles, not believing his ears. 
Charles nods in agreement, but not before following up. “Yes, but I do not believe that our team is ready for this. They haven’t been training for two ling and that helmet? Most of our powers will prove useless.” His words are hesitant, yet sincere. 
Erik understands, and the idea of trying to fight solo floats through his mind, not before Charles hears the idea and immediately shuts it down. “There is no way i’m letting that happen. Now, unless you have any way that we can get this to work and...kill Sebastian Shaw, then I suggest we leave it alone for now, until we are more properly prepared. “
Erik suddenly gets an idea. The chances of it working are high, but the chances of it not working are higher. “I know someone. A mutant. She has the ability to warp reality to whatever she wants, or in our case, whatever will help us thrive to the end of Sebastian Shaw.” He proposes.
Upon hearing her abilities, Charles is intrigued. “Who is this mutant?” He asks.
“My sister.” 
:: :: ::
With a hell of a lot of help from Cerebro, the duo managed to locate (y/n) Lensherr in Chicago, Illinois. Erik wasn’t going to lie, he was nervous about meeting up with his kid sister. He did miss you dearly, but he wasn’t sure if you returned the feelings. After an hour and a half jet ride, and a twenty minute taxi ride, Erik and Charles end up in front of a run down, falling a part, rickety motel. 
“A motel?” Charles questions but Erik just odd knowingly. 
“Come on, lets go.”
They reach the reception desk. “Hello sir, we are looking for a girl.” Charles tells the man behind the counter, who is currently invested in an edition of PlayBoy magazine.
“Well, you see, she looks like a younger, more...female version of me.” Erik tries to explain, but without looking up from the magazine, the receptionist says,
“Haven’t seen her.” Erik slams down the magazine from his hands, earning a worried look from Charles.
“I don’t have time for this shit, (y/n) Lensherr, have you seen her or not?” He sternly questions the man he is now holding by the collar. 
Quaking in his boots, the receptionist sputters out “oh, y-yeah, I, um, I remember now. She’s i-in room, uh, t-two seventeen. She seemed kind of weird though, i’d be careful.”
Erik drops the man back into his chair before striding down the halls, following the signs to 217. Charles struggling to keep up, they eventually make it to the big, green door.
Raising his hand up to knock, Erik is hesitant. “Jesus christ mate, fucking knock already.” Charles teases. 
It all happened so quick.
The door swings open to reveal a more mature looking (y/n) than Erik remembers.
:: :: ::
Charles is at a loss for words. She is stunning. He can’t even hear anything, the only clue that someones talking are her lips moving in an exquisite form. He examines her, not caring about subtlety. The way her eyes shine bright, behind the tired bags under her eyes. She’s not traditionally beautiful, but in Charles’ eyes, she’s the most perfect you can be in this world.
“Fine.” She says, cutting Charles’ thoughts short. “I missed you.” (y/n) admits to her older brother, in which he responds with a rushed hug. 
Looking over her older brothers shoulder she finally sees Charles. (y/n) releases from her brothers death grip. “Who’s this?”
“This is Charles,” Erik motions to the british man. “It’s his team that needs your assistance to end Sebastian Shaw once and for all.” Charles raises his hands up in a slight wave, to which (y/n) returned with a smile.
:: :: ::
“I’m not wearing that.” (y/n) objects to the bright yellow and blue outfit.
“Yes you are, and you are going to enjoy it? You understand?” Erik sternly tells her. Sighing in defeat she goes to change into the dreaded clothing. 
“We are meeting Charles and the others at the plane, let’s go.”
:: :: ::
Upon arrival, (y/n) had noticed two things. One, everyone else was matching in the horrible spandex. Two, she was getting more and more excited for the end of her childhood tormentor.
All in a line, from right to left, A blue girl with gorgeous red hair. (y/n) Lensherr, Erik, a skinny kid with short blond hair, a skinny kid with long blond hair and Charles. Also, a blue fluffy guy with glasses came out of the shadows. “What the fuck is going on?” (y/n) whispers to her older brother to which he just responds with a chuckle.
The team all board the plane. (y/n) is seated next to Erik and Raven, and across from Charles. This is the first time (y/n) got a real look at the telepath.
Holy shit, he’s gorgeous. (y/n) can’t help but think. 
Thank you love, you look quite smashing yourself. A british voice echoes through your brain.
(y/n) looks around frantically, for sure looking insane to every one else, but she didn’t care, she was just horribly confused. Her eyes darted everywhere, until they landed on a certain telepath with his hand to his temple.
It all clicked. 
Blushing deeply (y/n) sunk further into her seat. Erik looks at her odd but Raven understands. In attempt of saving her newfound friend, raven poses the question that everybody has been itching to ask.
“Can we see your mutation?”  All heads in the aircraft shoot up in curiosity. 
“Um, sure?” (y/n) says before closing her eyes. Suddenly, everything around them became the scene of a snowy mountain, then shortly after, a summer beach, then a busy city. 
Everyone started getting riled up. “That is so cool! Can you do a rainforest?” Alex asks.
Within a matter of seconds, the seats they were strapped to, turned to smooth rocks, the ground became grassy and seemingly endless trees grew through the ceiling. The sound of birds chirping could be heard and the warmness of the humid air was setting in. 
“Allright (y/n), I think that’s enough for right now.” Erik hints at her, knowing that using her ability wears the young girl out, and she needs all the energy she’s got for what’s coming up. She looks up at a beaming Charles.
“That was absolutely fantastic!” he exclaims, causing her to smile ear to ear. He maintains her gaze for a little while before (y/n) breaks it to engage in conversation with her older brother about the plan of action. 
Charles takes this opportunity to go into Ravens mind.
‘I think i’m falling in love with (y/n)’
‘What?’ Raven looks up at Charles quizzically. ‘Didn’t you only meet her yesterday?’
‘Well yes but I can’t help it, I just keep falling and falling.’ Charles looks up at (y/n) only to see her smiling at her brother. Just her smile alone makes Charles go out of his mind.
He almost forgot about the mission. If only he knew what was coming next.
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