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travellerthoughts · 6 years ago
I don't care if feminism "isn't sexy". I rather be the most distasteful thing to you than just sit there, look pretty and let you insult me.
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undressjess · 6 years ago
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Good morning! I dunno what I’m doing with my arm here🤷🏻‍♀️but my message is clear! #raisegirlsandboysthesameway 📸 shot by my beautiful friend @foreverrgolden of @stateofmindphotography #equalityofthesexes #letboysplaywithdolls #letgirlsplaywithmorethanbarbie #letgirlsbemasculine #letboysbefeminine #genderisaspectrum #genderisasocialconstruct #genderfluid #genderisover #standforsomething #photooftheday #evansvilleindiana #takeastand #saturdaymorning #saturdayvibes (at Evansville, Indiana)
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bloodygirlgang · 6 years ago
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The notion that "women's rights are human rights" was first expressed with different phrasing by the abolitionists and proto-feminists Sarah Moore Grimké and Angelina Grimké Weld in the late 1830s. In her series of Letters on the Equality of the Sexes, Sarah Moore Grimké writes, "Consequently I know nothing of man’s rights, or woman’s rights; human rights are all that I recognize". A similar expression is used by her sister, Angelina Grimké Weld, in her speeches and personal letters. In a letter to her friend Jane Smith, she writes, "whatever is morally right for a man to do is morally right for a woman to do. I recognized no rights but human rights." ⠀⠀ Removable 🖕🏿🖕🏾🖕🏽bumper stickers, anyone? . . . #womxnsrightsarehumanrights #womensrights #inclusivitymatters #intersectionality #humanrights #womxnarehuman #womxnofcolor #equalityforall #fuckgendernorms #womenarehumans #bumpersticker #feministsticker #diversityandinclusion #womenrightsarehumanrights #womensupportwomen #intersectionalfeminism #equalityofthesexes #protofeminism #freethenipplemovement #unevenboobs #bodypositivemovement #feministart #artistofcolor #browngirls #woc #stickerlady #allboobsaregoodboobs #girlswhodontgiveafuck #supportyourlocalgirlgang #bloodygirlgang (at San Francisco, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwU0kW0BgbY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wwj2b5gvpe9f
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submissive-dreamer · 8 years ago
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In celebration of #internationalwomensday on Saturday #feminist #feminism #equalityofthesexes #equalityforeveryone
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kapaka · 8 years ago
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sailorsketch · 10 years ago
“I’m not feminist, I’m humanist”
Okay, let me start off by saying how flawed this statement is.
It only downplays the fact that women, across the globe, are unsafe and are subject to being objectified and forced into submission by men. Yes, even in “developed” countries such as the United States. It happens in not-so-severe ways such as catcalling, focusing first on a woman’s appearance, not taking a woman seriously in a conversation, and telling a woman to leave the dirty work to men. This, of course, leads to bigger and worse problems.
*Cough cough* Little representation of /half/ the population in government. *Cough cough*
People also seem to be forgetting something - women, in the vast majority of cultures, have been the oppressed sex and seen as lesser than men. Heck, our periods were once seen as proof of the sexist belief that women are failed men.
Why do you think we have the 19th Amendment? Women’s movements? Because without it, women would not be considered human beings. Women would be property, a pretty face, a trophy, and a sex toy (not that there’s any shortage of sexism in other parts of the world).
/Nobody/ should have to gain their rights. You are born with them.
We cannot grow as a society without realizing this.
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nonyalv · 11 years ago
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YES #nice #femenistdad #truth #equalityofthesexes
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scr1bblescr4bble-blog · 11 years ago
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This past week i have been noticing how its 2014 and girls still need to cover their nipples.. I just find it odd & think its time we all get over the fact that a womens chest is natural just like a mans chest and they shouldnt have to feel so pressured to wear a shirt/cover their nipples.. I mean think about this.. many girls wear cropped tops wearing their bras and have alot of cleavage/showing of their breasts anyways so what are we trying to hide? A nipple is a nipple..A nipple is different and varies on man to man and yet they dont need to cover them, but when it comes to a womens, who's nipples vary from women to women, they are told to cover them up.. Also, We have all seen a nipple!! so why do women and why does society have this view of conserving women in this way? just because they have more skin showing? or because they are used for nursing? Either way it makes no sense to me, its just a freakin nipple!!.
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thebeautifulbranches · 11 years ago
How To Tell if You're a Feminist (in one easy step)
Rebecca Searles: "I get tired of hearing teen role-models...misuse and reject the term 'feminist.' It perpetuates the myth that feminists are a bunch of bra-burning man-haters, and that's just not true. Misusing the label and sounding like an idiot isn't good for anyone. So, I made a simple flowchart to make it easy on you."
(originally found on: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rebecca-searles/how-to-tell-if-youre-a-feminist_b_4185742.html)
Feminism isn't about rejecting or hating men, it's about believing that both men and women have a place in this world and should have equal rights and protection whatever their geographical location. It's the belief that we are not and should not be second-class citizens in the eyes of the law or the eyes of society. That doesn't negate the fact that we often play different roles or that we were created to be different, but that our differences are to be acknowledged and that each gender is recognized to have inherent value. 
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jadeeclipse · 12 years ago
Sex equality rant...
There are so many posts/pictures about how the girl who smiles the most has been through the most pain. About how women showing a strong face are dying inside. What about the men? What about what we go through? Sure there are some "player" guys who don't give a crap, but there are "player" girls who don't give a crap, too. There are guys who have been walked over, pushed, shoved, and taken advantage of, too. But no one pays us any mind. We're guys, so we're supposed to be able to handle it? Sex equality? Then, girls, if you want recognition for your "hidden strength," recognize it in men, too. It's there. We're hurting. We're NOT talking about it JUST like you aren't. But no one ever cares to think about the misused and abused guys. Because, you know, that only happens to women.
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