blk-chauvinist · 1 year
Painful Observation: 
 There is a reason the military lowers the physical fitness standards for all women...not just the "strong ones;" you can't do what men can do. 
 And no, the exceptions don't invalidate this fact.
We’re naturally different, not naturally “equal.”
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mirabella96 · 2 years
A boss and a babe ep2
Is there like a big mistery why boss do not like whipped cream?
Since some time all of the BL shows has sth about marriage equaity all of them.
Oh, I really like the boss suit!
that escalated quickly
It would be nice if Force eyelashes were not so distracting XD
But I am wondering about what exacly is this show and where it is going
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unity4equality-blog · 3 years
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Great evening everyone and happy Friday. Today we are honoring international human rights day. Us as an organization we honor everyone no matter what is the skin complexion and The ethnicity the person is. We're integrity and morals. 
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everydaysagreatday · 5 years
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endlessworld246 · 5 years
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shamballalin · 2 years
The Solution is Equity ~ Not Labels ~ Not Division
The Solution is Equity ~ Not Labels ~ Not Division
Bantering labels, discussing differences, and pointing out divisions, plus what has not worked in the past, is not the way to build bridges, nor get things done. Equity is finding solutions that begin right where you are, finding common ground, and working for the benefit of all of humanity regardless of race, color, creed, age, gender, and every other unique human trait that makes each one of us…
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jinstantnoodle · 6 years
when there is equal line distribution and screen time during a comeback
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jesimahcah · 7 years
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robogardencoding · 5 years
Top Female Programmers and Coders Around the World
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Let’s build gender equality! We should all agree that women have failed to gain equality, there is no country in the world that achieved gender equality and that’s why we should all be calling out for a world where men and women are treated in exactly the same way, where they both are equal. Men and women are both parts of the whole, the world could not keep moving without any of them, but women should be treated equally when it comes to education, work, sports, wealth, health, and every other aspect that is building the personality of a person.
#EachforEqual is the theme of International Women’s Day 2020 and since this is a whole month dedicated to women, their achievements, and their movements to gain their rights, we decided to shed the lights on the top female programmers and coders in the world.
Here are some of the famous female names who managed to do great achievements in the world of programming and coding.
- Ada Lovelace
Did you know that the first computer programmer was a woman? A lot of people are unaware of this piece of information, they believe that men were the ones to start it all. Ada Lovelace was the first female programmer in the world, she was a mathematician in Victorian Times and known for her contributions to the mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine created by Charles Babbage.
Ada Lovelace was also the first person to realize that Analytical Engine could be used for more than just calculations and that’s why she wrote an algorithm to compute Bernoulli numbers using the Analytical Engine, and this made her the first computer programmer in the world.
- Margaret Hamilton
If we decided to look at the numbers then definitely, we will find that men are dominating the world of programming, but according to what has been done in the field, women have done great achievements that made them equal to men. Margaret Hamilton was the director of Software Engineering Division at MIT who wrote the code for Apollo Guide Computer (AGC) from scratch, this led to the first moon landing possible and spawned a new industry. Since then, Hamilton became an expert in systems programming. Hamilton also created the Universal Systems Language and founded a company for that called Hamilton Technologies Inc.
For her achievements, Margaret Hamilton was also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by US President Barack Obama in 2016, which is considered the highest civilian honor in the United States.
- Grace Hopper
She was known as the “Queen of Software'' for the way she decided to make code easier to read by humans. Grace Hopper is an American computer scientist and a Rear Admiral in the United States Navy who was behind the creation of COBOL back in 1959, which is one of the high-level programming languages still used today. Hooper believed that opening up computing to business and non-scientific applications required simpler programming languages and that’s why she developed a means using words rather than numbers, COBOL the most known of them which stands for Common Business Oriented Language.
- Joan Clarke
Joan Clarke was an English cryptanalyst who was well known for her role as a code breaker during the Second World War and who was the only woman there to work on decrypting the German Enigma messages. Did you know that regardless of all this, Clarke was getting paid less than her male coworkers?
During her time, there was no policy in place for a senior cryptanalyst who was a female and that’s why she was eventually promoted to a linguist so that she might get a pay-raise, even though she didn’t know any other languages.
- Marissa Mayer
Even though her name might be always linked to Yahoo, since she has been known as the CEO of Yahoo before the company was sold, Marissa Mayer contributed to other work that made her name recognizable as well in the world of programming and coding. Mayer worked for Google, she was the company’s twentieth employee and the first female engineer who helped in creating products for Google, such as Google Maps, Google News, and Gmail.
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bitesbitesbites · 5 years
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Lenovo's Microsoft Word Plug-in Spell Checks Workplace Equality
Wunderman Dubai introduced 'Equality Spell Check' for International Women's Day to challenge perceptions of women in the workplace
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fandomforward · 3 years
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Help with one of our Action items from Camp GLA by signing this petition to advocate for immigrants! https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/biden-undo-the-harm-inflicted-by-trumps-workplace-raids/
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patatadeacero00 · 7 years
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spokanefavs · 3 years
Ten years ago this month, Washington state passed a law legalizing gay marriage. FāVS Editor Tracy Simmons writes about it today saying as a kid she wouldn't dress up in a wedding veil like her childhood friends did, because she couldn't envision what a wedding for herself could look like
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digital-bud · 3 years
Beyond Reason – Beyond Emotion – Beyond Religion –  Brother-hood Bonding – Oneness – Binding of Human Values Hai Readers, We have seen multiple news and insights on the recent inauguration of the World’s first Statue of Equality. Just sparked a thought to put some interesting information on the same for you. Where do I start for you to be more interesting? Ok. Let me start with; a question to…
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This has been a hell of a year, but everytime I remember that Kamala Harris was elected vice president I just smile :)
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easybrandon · 4 years
Unity Introduced
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We are in deep need of unity and Equaity for all.
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All my friends share my dreams❤ In life we need to remember that love is for All.
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