#epon answers
eponymousfics · 3 months
Ooo monster alternate universe ? 👀 I mean, there's beyond just a few AUs with them as monsters/mythical creatures but what do you personally view as 'most fitting' for each brother ... ?
This. Um. This answer spiraled and really got away from me. Sorry it took so long to get to it >_>
But here's some visual aids:
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(The rest is going under a cut bc the explanations get long. because i'm incapable of shutting up lol)
OK so roster of sextuplets as monsters according to their personalities and most "monstrous" traits:
I went with a kind of tanuki yokai thing because they're associated with trickery, laziness, crassness, and shapeshifting. Also drinking lol
The idea is he's pretty low-level and weak compared to other yokai but he still has magic, which is more than can be said for any human he comes across, so that inflates his ego and emphasizes his absolute worst traits.
He'd be kind of a devil figure, someone who makes underhanded and twisty deals where whatever service he provides you either sucks or only lasts long enough for him to get his payment and book it.
If you run into him in the woods he will follow you and pester you until you agree to a shitty deal.
But he's also not that bright so if you're careful you can wriggle out of the worst consequences, get away with just a lot of wasted time.
Classic werewolf, to emphasize his two-faced side. I think he would try his best to blend in among humans, and Kara is Kara so that involves trying to be a cool biker guy to varying degrees of success.
I think he's lonely and subconsciously looking for a pack, but he's also got some "no babe, i'm a monster, i'll hurt youuuu" kinda angst working against him. I think his wolf transformations are a toss up between Slavering Eldritch Wolf Beast that will kill indiscriminately and completely harmless doggo who will beg for treats incessantly
He can be very protective and kind and loving but he is also a monster, he can be petty and vicious and violent, and I think the melodrama of werewolf transformations and symbolism (especially the animal instinct vs. humanity thing) fit him pretty well. Of the brothers, I think he'd be doing his best to actually integrate with human society, not just prey on it or play with it.
He's an evil ghost. He looks innocent at first glance, some quiet young man who asks for some innocuous help or offers to do a small kindness for you, like walking an old lady across the street.
But the moment you accept his offer or ask him for anything, he's bonded to you and starts to slowly leech your life force for himself.
He's very polite the whole time, and while his requests might get more and more demanding as you grow weaker, his pointed smile never wavers. It gets harder and harder to say no, until you finally fade away yourself, and he moves onto the next sucker.
However, if you decline his request he won't ask again out of sheer embarrassment, so as long as you cotton on to the fact that he isn't human at the start, you're fairly safe.
Wherever he's standing, for some reason, there always seems to be a huge flat expanse of nothing stretching out behind him, partially obscured by fog.
He wants and he wants but he only knows how to take, never how to give or reciprocate beyond the shallowest, lowest-effort means.
I picked boogieman, but specifically the Discworld variety, where they're always hiding behind doors or under beds and scare children simply because children believe they're real, and therefore they are. They can be defeated with a blanket over their head, because everyone knows that boogiemen disappear if you put your head under a blanket, therefore if you put their head, the boogieman believes that he doesn't exist.
Which is very distressing for the boogieman.
So he's fairly easy to defeat, but I think he'd have a great time scaring the shit out of people and hiding/lurking in dark places. Rifling through people's private closet stashes, whatever they are.
He's potentially befriendable if you see him but show you're not scared. You can try offering a glass of milk. He loves scaring people but is also curious and lonely.
Anthropomorphic personification of destructive fire.
He's an unstoppable force of nature, and while he isn't malicious, he has so much energy. And unfortunately, it burns everything to ash. He can do his best to rein himself in, but it doesn't change the fact that to touch him is to burn.
He's very cheerful though, definitely a lot of elements of Calcifer in him, but he also revels in fulfilling his purpose: burning shit to the ground.
He can be tamed, briefly, in campfires and hearths, but requires constant supervision. He can be everywhere at once in a breath, and you'll die sucking down his smoke.
He likes people. They give him so many places to live, and so much to eat. He wishes they would last a little longer when he comes around to visit.
Fae, but specifically using a glamor to make himself look nice and princely. Underneath he's something more like a lich, and his pretty persona is there to lure you in.
He likes toying with people. He likes tricking them and pulling the wool over their eyes, both visually and in the twisty deals he makes with them.
Which he never refers to as deals, they're just pinky promises. That's not threatening, right? It's just a little promise. Don't worry about it. Don't look beneath the glitter.
Like Kara, he's extremely two-faced, but unlike Kara, he doesn't really care about humans or being part of their society. He'll take what he wants from people (which doesn't always cost them their lives) and disregard the rest. He needs to eat, after all.
SO that's my serious personality-based answer, I also have alternatives though because I love monsters. These are like, if I were picking monsters specifically for more wholesome or romantic AUs. The above ones would technically be romanceable, but the genre would probably be more horror and angst, vs the following are for lighthearted fun.
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(you can tell which set i drew first lol)
Classic incubus/devil, the transactional and non-commitment based nature of it works for him. He could be persuaded to fall in love with someone, maybe, but he lovessss sleeping around with no strings attached.
Once again, being a monster gives him actual powers, so he winds up being insufferably smug. You can tell that I don't like drawing feet lol
Like a satyr but with bull parts instead of goat? I'm not sure what to call those. I'd say minotaur, but that's specifically with a bull's head and human body, not this way around.
But similar to the Greek Minotaur, he's kinda isolated and lonely, too big and too awkward to fit in with normal society. He tries to make himself small and quiet and appealing by learning music and things like that. Kind of a gentle giant thing.
Frog prince, but caught in between. He's like a half-metamorphosed tadpole, with the arms and legs, but still with a tail. Idk I just wanted him to be slimy and awkward.
I'm not sure why I keep choosing washed out colors for Choro as a monster, maybe because I think he'd be the most self-conscious or distant about it? Like, most of the others would revel in or embrace their monster status, but I think Choro, while fulfilling his "job" as a monster, would always hate that he was one deep down.
A simple kiss probably won't break his curse. In the original fairy tale, the princess needs to learn to look past her disgust at having a frog husband, but in this case Choro needs to learn to look past his own sliminess and find worth in himself and others.
Blobby shadow monster, idk what to call it. He's got a bit more substance and weight than mere darkness, it's a bit more drippy and fluid.
But like the boogieman version, he can hide and blend in shadows and scare people, although he mostly chooses to watch. I think he's an accretion of the misery of the isolated, and goes to keep them company as they die. Or get help and get better. In the former case, their souls become part of him. In the latter, he just leaves.
In some ways, he wants to help. But he doesn't think there's anything he can do but be a witness. So he watches.
Cyclops/oni thing, absolutely huge and cheerful and unfortunately clumsy. He does his best but he breaks things all the time. People still like him though, they just have to be very very careful. Luckily he has amazing hearing so he's so far managed not to step on anyone.
He could act as a guardian for a city, or as a transport service between towns. He can also rip up trees and deposit them directly in lumberyards for people to start chopping up. He's very useful.
But he does get a bit lonely. People are always happy to see him, but it's usually because they have a request. No one every wants to hear about this fun new game he invented using boulders and his club.
His laughter often causes avalanches on nearby mountain ranges.
Classic vampire, because at least one of them had to be. I think it's fitting for Totty, who once again can use his appearance to lure people in and get what he wants from them.
Only, of course, most people nowadays are quite happy to have the attention of a vampire, even if they know where it's going. And he loves getting to dress up and be fancy.
He's arrogant and entitled, but less malicious than his fae persona.
ANYWAY I'm SO SORRY this spiraled so hard, I was just typing up a reply and then next thing I knew I was hunched over my drawing tablet and it'd been six hours. I might need to write some monster AU one shots now please fucking shoot me
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girldraki · 2 years
🌱 - share a picture (drawing, icon edit, picrew etc.) of urself in headspace!
as. our answer below shows front is Little A Crowded rn relatively speaking so you just get me (epon) cause i love doing stuff like this and don’t post it much and mom (celeste) cause she has eight billion of these things and we need to work through the backlog anyway. and also because we can’t find a picrew with dianas hair to save our life and alison has similar problems. x, x
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☔️ - favorite thing about being plural?
we are terrible overwrought saps but that heaven is each other quote sums it up pretty nicely. i think every one of us would give a slightly different individual answer but a lot of it boils down to being able to just exist as individuals and together
🎃 - who is fronting/close to fronting rn?
hmmm celeste and clef are around front which is extremely typical lol (they’ve been having Extremely Sustained Fronts lately due to sleep schedule deterioration). i, epon, am Fronting and díana and alison are also here in proximity to me and díana respectively. there might also be some daydream sibling in here based on the feedback we got from the last question, which ranks as slightly less surprising than my moms being here lmao
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cryptidcalling · 4 years
So! I’m giving Fyrah a sorta foe named Epon! But to explain their dynamic and why it is that way I need to talk about their Deities and powers, and to an extent the world they live in. 
Before I get into Fyrah and Epon’s dynamic, I want to explain the differences, in my world specifically (so it may be different from other D&D based worlds), between warlocks, clerics, and paladins. 
In basics, they are all somewhat the same type of thing. All three are people who get their powers, typically magic but in other cases they can also gain knowledge and/or physical strength as well, from deities. It’s the relationship between deity and the person receiving the power that defines what their class is. 
Warlock: The recipient has asked the deity for power, and in return for this power they are required to do the deity's bidding at its will. Typically, this is not a kind or close bond. Once the warlock is no longer useful to their patron/patroness the powers will be unceremoniously taken away with no warning.  Example of a warlock: Fyrah
Cleric: The recipient works in service of their deity as a member of the clergy. They devote themselves to their deity, and are a loyal follower to the faith. In return to their service and devotion, they are given powers to act upon the morals and goals of their deity. Typically, clerics are known for being good and generous, carrying out good acts and charity in service of their deity. However, there are some deities that have bad intentions, and their clerics will act upon such. However, these clerics often have to work far more secretly. Example of a cleric: Caspian
Paladin: The recipient works in partnership with their deity to carry out a cause that aligns with the goals of them both. The paladin takes an oath to carry out this goal, and in return the deity grants them powers. If the paladin breaks the oath their powers will be taken from them. Paladins are often members of their deity’s church, but it is not necessarily a requirement. However, it tends to be a very useful thing. Unlike the warlock (where trust doesn’t matter) and the cleric (where the deity gives powers to an already trusted member of their faith) the paladin often needs to build trust with their deity in order to gain more powers.  Example of a paladin: Epon
Fyrah serves a goddess named Grau. Grau is a goddess of trickery and mischief, and loves causing disorder and toying with mortals. Fyrah has power over shadows, being able to bend them to her will and make them into physical objects like spikes, walls, and any other things she wants. She also no longer has to eat or drink, but instead survives by consuming the life energy of other people. However, life energy can be very difficult to force away from a person, even for a person with deity given powers. So instead, Fyrah manipulates and tricks her victims into trusting and even loving her. She is very attractive, and uses that to her advantage to manipulate desperate and lonely people. With their trust, it makes slowly draining their life energy from them easier. Eventually they are left as a weak husk of a person, often times dying after Fyrah has abandoned them to find their next target unless they are found by someone who can heal them and eventually bless them, which will slowly help their life energy return.  Grau and Fyrah do not have a close relationship. They certainly don’t dislike one another because they both enjoy what the other does for them. However, it’s nothing more than a business relationship.
Epon serves a goddess named Urik. Urik is a goddess and guardian of the dead, and rules over the spirit realm. Epon has the ability to create and summon light. He can condense light into hot, bright spheres that can blind or burn when others touch it. The more condensed the light is, the more bright and hot it becomes, so loosely condensed light can be used to light up darkness and warm the cold. He can control where these spheres go by will, though if they get to far away he will lose control of them. Once he loses control they will disperse.
Epon and Urik have a very close relationship. Urik pampers and preens Epon, treating him almost like a prized show dog or even her own son at times. Epon is one of her most trusted and powerful paladins. His goal is to stop those who disrupt the cycle of death or tamper with souls, which are made from a person’s life energy. He is not akin to a grim reaper, as he has no role in guiding souls or collecting them. Instead, he enforces the rules of death, punishing those who break them. He is very loyal to Urik, and revels in the attention and trust she gives him. He is dedicated to both her and his goal, and it would take something very severe to get him to break his oath to her. 
This is where their hostility and competition against one another comes in. Fyrah consumes life essence to live, which is essentially eating little bits of soul. Once a person dies from this their soul is gone forever, and thus can’t go to the spirit realm to live its afterlife. So, it’s Epon’s goal to fight and kill her as punishment for disrupting the cycle of death. However, Fyrah is very strong, and their powers both lend to and challenge one another. When light is created it both gets rid of and creates shadow. So while Fyrah might have to readjust her attacks, she doesn’t run out of shadows to use. Typically their battles will go on for hours until they’re both too weak and exhausted to keep going. It’s always Urik that calls for the fighting to end. She can summon Epon to her at will, and once he’s too weak to protect himself she will summon him back to her to protect him. She is never angry with him, because she knows how hard he fights and how difficult of an opponent Fyrah is. Instead, she pampers and coddles him until he is properly nursed back to health. Meanwhile, Fyrah is left on her own to help herself, and Grau us often quite irritated with her when she loses.
Fyrah and Epon’s first meeting was when Epon pretended to fall in love with her in order to lull her into a sense of security. When he could feel her trying to drain some of his life energy he attacked, and he managed to get a very painful burn on her hip. But this battle eventually ended in a stalemate, with Epon himself earning a large number of painful cuts and gashes. After this encounter they would keep running into one another. Epon would follow the trail of her tampering, and would always be furious to find her. Eventually it grew into familiarity, with every battle meant to be the final rematch but always ending the same.
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pandora-blackstone · 3 years
Character List and Rules
Of course, this blog is still a WIP so more characters will be added.
The Scarlet King
The Hanged King
Death Brothers (Small Death, Great Death, All Death)
Lord Goran
Isabel Wondertainment (including all Little Misters)
Grand Karcist Ion
Klavigar Nadox
Klavigar Lovaatar
Klavigar Orok
Klavigar Saarn
Robert Bumaro
Dr. Sophia Light
SCP-166 (Meri/Epon)
No NSFW (gore and stuff like that), I want my blog to be for everyone.
No homophobia or transphobia.
Be respectful when sending me an ask.
Don’t be scared to spam my ask box, I’m very happy to answer.
Spam likes or reblogs are okay too.
Don’t be sad when I don’t awswer your ask right away. Have patience, I am the only person running this blog. And I am awfully busy nowadays.
You can follow the character list, but I can sometimes answer asks about other gods or characters from the wiki. (like Cain and Abel etc) But I am allowed to not answer your ask if it doesn’t follow the list.
Do not ask personal questions about me. (like my sexuality, home life etc) This is a blog about Gods, not me. Asks about how I feel about characters are okay.
Any asks that make me uncomfortable or anything else will be deleted.
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seraphiixa · 4 years
In depth character questions. anon said:  For the character question meme: 1, 3, 20
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1.  Death is an inevitable part of life. What is your character’s experience with death? Have they had someone close to them die? Have they ever killed someone? How did these events affect them? Have they been able to move on? What do they believe happens to people when they die? And why? How does your character feel about death? Do they feel at ease, or uncomfortable with the idea of dying?
     Most of Lyra’s family is still alive, thank goodness. Her grandparents all passed away in peace during her childhood due to natural causes, and her parents and her siblings are all still alive. She has, however, removed quite a few people from this world. Due to her extremely cold upbringing, she was taught to regard criminals very harshly, and so if she was unable to capture a pirate or criminal and was forced to neutralize them instead, she did so without hesitation or questioning. It’s part of her job; every soldier in any branch of any military cannot question their actions with the enemy, or else they’d never step foot on the battlefield. Frankly, she doesn’t think about it too much. It’s just a part of her life.
     Lyra thinks there is an afterlife, though she isn’t sure what it’s like. She imagines clouds and light and reunions and happiness. Lyra isn’t afraid of dying, but she is afraid of leaving her life behind. She has a daughter and does not want to leave her alone in the world; she’s also afraid of what parts of history that have not yet come to pass that she will miss out on.
3.   Religiousness is the ritual act of spirituality, it refers to devoutness and piety. Is your character religious? Are they part of a large, organized religion, or a smaller, more personal one? How do they express piety and devotion? is this important to them? Or do they do it out of obligation. When did they begin their habits and why? Is it something they were raised in or something they learned as they grew older?
     Lyra is not religious. Her home island has a minority of residents who believed in the ‘old gods’, which are highly reminiscent of what we know in our world as the Hellenic deities, and Lyra is very familiar with them and celebrates the islands’ festivals with them, but she doesn’t take it very seriously. She doesn’t mind recounting stories and talking about it, but this religion has not been widely practiced on her home island in many hundreds of years. She thinks most people just do it to keep up with tradition.
20.  Not all relationships are healthy, or are even good for us. Has your character ever had any unhealthy, toxic, or abusive relationships? How did your character know the other person in the relationship? If and when did your character realize that this relationship was unhealthy? Was the toxicity mutual, or one-sided? What sort of behaviors, from one, or both parties, defined this unhealthy relationship? Has your character been able to move on from this relationship, or are they still ‘stuck’ in it? If they are past the relationship —or writing from a perspective where they are past it— talk about how your character reflects on it. Is there regret? A sense of satisfaction? Or have they not allowed it to affect them? Could they or would they make amends, if possible?
     Violence, emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse under the cut. 
     Lyra’s marriage was extremely toxic. Her husband was violent, emotionally abusive, sexually abusive, and physically abusive to her. It was somewhat of a quasi-arranged marriage; her parents had insisted she come home to Heraklion Island to meet a young Lieutenant who was stationed there with the intentions of the pair marrying. Lyra did so, at age 22, and they were married for two years. Her former husband’s abuse began only a few weeks after they got married. 
     It was small at first, like most abusive relationships. He contradicted her constantly, belittled her, and tried to make career decisions for her. He routinely gaslighted her, manipulated her, and tried to embarrass her in front of her family. He regarded her in a highly misogynistic way, fully expecting her to stay home and be a trophy wife so he could remain in the Navy, telling her they needed to have children even though she didn’t want any kids. When she made it clear she was not getting out of the Navy nor did she plan on reproducing, the physical abuse began. 
     Her former husband never beat her (or so, that’s what Lyra would claim) but he did very often push her around, shove her into walls, grab her roughly enough to leave bruises, and pull her by her hair to shout into her face. He broke her wrist on one occasion, and gave her a black eye on another when he pushed her face into the railing of a stairwell. This violence always came about when they were in the middle of arguments, so Lyra would make excuses for him and take on the blame for it --- saying she shouldn’t have shouted at him, that she started it, etc etc. She would avoid going to the hospital at all costs in case it raised questions. After all, she was an upstanding Lieutenant in the Navy; she didn’t want anyone to think that she was weak or needed help. She stayed because she was content... It was always the same answers when her friends asked her why she stayed: ‘... It could be worse, it’s not like he beats me, I don’t want to have to start all over, I don’t want to admit that I failed, it’s not as bad as some other marriages, it could be worse...’
     Due to the stress of having to live in a marriage that was failing on all fronts, Lyra lost all sex drive. He would pressure her constantly for sex until she finally gave in, oftentimes just laying there and letting him do what he wanted to get him to stop asking. This went on for months. One time that this happened, Lyra was on top, listless and doing the bare minimum, until he said he was about to ejaculate. She tried to get off of him in order to not get pregnant (because she knew for sure at this point that she did not want a child with him), and he grabbed her hips and held her down on him, forcibly ejaculating inside her. 
     That was how Epone was conceived --- against Lyra’s will. 
    She spent the night screaming at him over it, throwing his things and demanding that he GET OUT of her house, to which he threw things at her and shouted obscenities, as well. She demanded a divorce. He refused to leave. A few weeks later, after not speaking to each other in the house, Lyra went to the doctor because she felt strange and somewhat nauseated. She learned she was pregnant and made nice with her husband that afternoon. She knew she couldn’t leave now. At not until the baby was born. 
     When Epone was born, Lyra fell into a deep and severe postpartum depression. She spent a few more months at home with a husband she didn’t want and a baby she didn’t want, and finally went to the courts to forcibly divorce her husband when Epone was seven months old. She left, leaving Epone in his care, and very rarely goes back --- and only to see Epone. She has a bittersweet relationship with her daughter; she barely knows her because she is gone most of the time, and Epone is a physical reminder of the night her husband raped her and forcibly impregnated her.
     Lyra only realized a few months into the abuse what was happening. Things like this don’t start out all at once; she thought that maybe she just didn’t know him well enough when they got married, but then she realized he was a completely different person than how he presented himself. She wanted a divorce long before she ever vocalized it. There were so many reasons she didn’t divorce him immediately. She was afraid to be alone. She was afraid to admit she failed. She thought that perhaps she didn’t have a good enough reason to divorce him. She was afraid to let her parents down.
     Lyra is not past this. She has not processed it. As soon as they were officially divorced and she returned to the Navy, she gave extremely little thought to it and threw herself into work. She does not want to think about it; she wants to pretend it never happened. Which, admittedly, is not healthy in the slightest. Lyra does not reflect on it, think about it, or have any opinions about what happened, she just wants to carry on as though ages 22-24 never happened for her. 
     She does not want to make amends with her former husband. All he is to her is the father of her daughter; Lyra acknowledges that he is, at least, a good father. Epone is happy, healthy, and loved, and that’s all that Lyra needs. 
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chitrakullkarni · 3 years
Passive Optical Network (PON) Market Product benchmarking & Competitive Landscape
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Structure Outlook:
Component Outlook:
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ekebolou · 6 years
New Book Prelude: The Armistice
Haha, had to turn safe mode on.  Didn’t realize I didn’t have that already selected.
This could be a better blowjob scene, I think - there’s some right tropey stuff in there - but hey, it is what it is for now. 
Part One
Part Three
The Armistice: Part Two
Rev was so angry he was blind, and the better for it – for had he been able to see anyone it may well have spelled the end of the armistice and his life.  Soldiers like Rev were known the world over, but in theory, it was only a special, well-disciplined few that were invited to the signing.  Specifically: those who could be trusted not to start (uncalled for) fights and to be obedient.  Which was not Rev.
Why Rev was at the signing was a question that had no answer, though, indeed it was a question often asked.  Rev himself asked it many times – then again, it was with a certain grimness he realized it was always him.  That only made the question larger, though.  Why him, always?  Always the one there, always the one present, always the one left, always the one next to the dead and not dead, always the one shivering and standing alone, and stomping through the dark, and standing in the ditch, and huddled in the tent, and not dead, never dead, alone with the dead...
Rev had stalked into the dark that waited at the edge of the armistice camp; the dark was always close, but never so near it swallowed the violent merrymaking of the camp whole.  The dark was also a good place for tripping over hidden lovers.  Ever was he stuck in places both violent and loving.
“Siver!  Wait!”
Rev stopped, if for no other reason than he was seriously in danger of losing his footing and dying in some non-descript bog.  Or worse, the latrine pits of the Baathians.  One couldn’t wander out into the dark – there might be any number of shit piles to fall into, wild and military.
The Baathian didn’t touch him, but Rev felt his presence all the same. If he hadn’t come out here to fight, he was going to be sorely surprised.
Turning on his heel, Rev faced him with his darkest glower – but maybe it was too dark to see?  He must see – or the Baathian just had the good sense to recoil a bit – but then he ambled to a stop.  
“Siver,” the Baathian began, then had to stop to catch his breath, and/or get the proper words of Sivery together in his head.  “Archers,” he finally continued.  “They will think you desert and shoot you.”
Confusion bowled over Rev’s supposedly staunch anger like a wolfhound puppy.  “What the fuck?  Nobody is fighting anymore!  Nobody is deserting!  Nobody is killing deserters anymore!  What the fuck is wrong with you Baathians!?”
The Baathian glanced about somewhat uncomfortably, then shrugged and shook his head, as if the explanation would require longer than either of them had to live.  “Liberty or death,” he muttered the Baathian battle-cry, then amended it, “or death and liberty.”
Rev could say nothing to this, so plainly nonsensical was it, and so found himself merely throwing his hands out, as if he might grab some sense to put into it, or perhaps merely to corral the nonsense by dividing the Baathian camp from the rest of the world in his visual field. 
“I’m sorry for your friend,” the Baathian said. 
“Me, too,” Rev replied, scowling. 
A smile lit the Baathian’s dark face like a spark over polished steel. “No, I mean, you should not be mad at him.”
This was a good excuse to punch him, Rev thought.  He was telling Rev how to treat his own friends!  For whatever reason, Rev chose to ignore this opportunity.  Probably because he had smiled that way.  Rev comforted himself with the fact that he could conjure up any number of reasons to punch the Baathian later, if only because he was Baathian. 
The Baathian seemed to notice these thoughts passing through Rev’s mind, or, at the very least, watched Rev like one watches a man who might punch you at any second.
“Why not?” Rev asked.
“Because,” the Baathian said, and tore his gaze away, perhaps as some gesture of trust, before locking it once again on Rev.  “He so clearly cares for you.”
“He cares for his ability to bring home irritating lovers.”
“He cares for the peace of his tent, yes,” the Baathian returned, and again that smile!  “But he has traveled to the far end of the armistice camp to attempt to find peace for you, which is much more than any other tentmate would do.”
Rev scowled.  It wasn’t that the armistice camp was so big, as much as it was they were sick of marching – the Sivery in particular, who had marched farther than anyone except perhaps the Felanese, and they were mostly cavalry, so fuck them.  It was something of a point that Boera had gone to some lengths to secure safe passage to, and welcome in, the Baathian camp. Anything could happen in the middle ground between camps, but to go right into the heart of another nation’s camp, when they were not your allies during the war, was to court a rather high chance of ‘accidents’.  Rev decided he hated the Baathian for having a point.
This was another good chance to punch him.  But the Baathian did that smiling thing again, and again watched as if he could see the thoughts pacing slowly through Rev’s half-drunk mind.
“Why do you not take your own lovers?” the Baathian asked.
Oh, Rev could hit him!  He made a fist, even!  He thought of putting that fist firmly in that steel-flash smile and took a step back.
Rev dropped his brows together, lifted his chin – canted one hip out as if to give himself a better, more encompassing view of the Baathian, which elongated his torso, made evident the hard-won muscle of stomach and chest. He turned his head just a little, to its finest angle.  (Oh yes – he practiced this).
“Because,” he said, and tore down the whole view of himself to bring the Baathian to an intimate nearness, “no one lasts long enough.”
It was also a threatening nearness – oh how Rev loved that! – but the Baathian didn’t flinch.  He still had eyes locked on Rev’s eyes as if the whole of his physique was only attendant to his mind.  This was patently ridiculous, as all soldiers were sensualists.
It was a nearly physical shock to Rev when the Baathian broke this gaze, knit his brows, and cocked his head like a dog.  “Why?”
Rev almost did hit him.  His mouth dropped open, presumably expecting to issue his witty reply, only to toil with empty air for a while.  He finally mustered enough fricative force to say, “Because of me!”
“Because you’re a ‘tease’?”  The Baathian raised his brows doubtfully, and only evaded being hit in the face because he glanced back at the tent, jerking a thumb in its direction (Rev couldn’t hit him in the face if his face was turned away).  “Your friend said some rather unkind – or maybe too kind – things about your skills at making men come before they ‘get to’ fuck you.”
He turned back, nonchalant, sticking his thumbs in his belt loops and looking Rev up and down as if noticing he had a body for the first time.  “I found it rather doubtful, but I’ve known plenty of men who preferred other means of getting off than straightforward fucking, and figured you’d just made a story of it to enhance your prowess.  No shame in that – especially if one is looking for easy lovers during the armistice.  It is maybe not the same in Baath as Sivery – maybe we care less for what is straightforward than what is loving.”
“To Sivery, both are arts!  Arts we do well – certainly better than a Baathian,” Rev growled.
The Baathian nodded, a distracted look on his face; he was no longer looking at Rev, at any rate.  “Should I be saying it like that?  ‘Sivery’? I thought with just a person it was ‘Siver’?”
A second time taken aback, Rev could think of no better retort than an answer.  “It depends on if you know where they are from.”
“They are from Sivery,” the Baathian said, proud of himself, or uncertain of Rev, it was hard to tell.
Rev sighed and shook his head.  “No – Sivery is a big place.”
“It’s much smaller than Erro – certainly smaller than Felan!”
“What do I know?  I’m just soldier – a Sivernisat soldier!”  Rev said.
“That sounds much nicer,” the Baathian said, smiling at him – not the steel flash smile, but a pleasant, ember-like smile, warm and persistent. “What a beautiful word.”
Rev let out a slow breath, mollified.  “It is this way,” he said, “Sivery is the many nations that joined forces thousands of years ago, a person of Sivery – or Sivery – is someone whose homeland you don’t know.  I am from the Nisa province, by the sea in the south, whereas Boera is from the mountains in the middle of the eastern island, which is divided into high and lowlands called Epone and Egre.  So I am Sivernisat, he is Sivereponet, and should you know one of those lowland horsefuckers you could call them Siveregret.”
The Baathian nodded slowly for a time, taking this in.  Again, he wasn’t looking at Rev, which Rev had decided was something he didn’t like. 
“Thank you,” the Baathian said, “though it strikes me as awfully complex for a bit of islands.”
“What is the name of your current government again?”  Rev shot back.
The Baathian – if Rev was interpreting his expression right – pouted. “The Fifth Directory.  Five isn’t so bad.”
“Perhaps, if they’d all been directories,” Rev snapped, “and if it weren’t a pathetic attempt to make Baath into a second Sivery.”
“So pathetic that after a thousand years, we have finally banned slavery within all provinces of Baath.”
“Which Sivery banned a half-hundred years ago.  Let’s see if in Baath it outlasts the armistice – I’m sure you’ll miss yours after a week or so of doing your own work.”
Rev had taken his eyes off the Baathian to facilitate conversation; it was too distracting the way he grew peevish when he noticed the Baathian wasn’t looking at him, and overly calm when he was.  Perhaps that’s why the Baathian so smoothly insinuated himself into Rev’ view again.  Rev scowled at him, but Rev’s scowl seemed only to make him smile. 
“I always do my own work,” he said, but not boasting or offended, but as if he couldn’t care less – replying to Rev’s taunt was only a cursory explication of his character.  A small dodge of his head, and he had Rev’s eyes again, caught in his. 
“Is it only your tentmate then?”
Rev was silent a moment longer than was strictly necessary. “What?”
The Baathian smiled again.  “Is your tentmate your only lover?”
“I don’t know what arrangement you have, but it is a shame you are mad at someone who so cares for you.”  The Baathian, turned slightly away, kicking at a pile of dirt like a bashful child.  “Finding you both agreeable, I would hate to come between you, unless by doing so I could help.”
Rev could only stare, open-mouthed, as he processed what exactly that implied.  The Baathian, glanced at him from the corner of his eye, not in a bashful way at all, but as a wolf marks the prey he will eat next.  This, perhaps, knocked loose Rev’s tongue – or, it could have been the warmth in his blood. 
“Did that Epone mizera tell you he was my lover?”
The Baathian raised his brows.  “No.  Only lovers could possibly get so angry at each other so quickly.”
“What do you know about it?”  Rev shouted and threw his hands up in a way alarmingly like Boera.  “Did you listen at all?  I told you I have no lover, I have taken no lover in years! And I shall be taken as no one’s lover for years yet!”
The Baathian squared himself to Rev, by necessity stepping much closer, a lopsided grin spreading across his face until it became a light smile. “Why?”
He’d led Rev back here, their little loops nothing but tactical diversions to prompt Rev into answering the question he didn’t want to answer. 
“I told you–”
“You told me,” the Baathian interrupted, “that you enjoy the many things adjacent to fucking, and find yourself quite skilled.  Your tentmate told me that you go stir-crazy without the occasional roll in the hay.  So why do you drive yourself stir crazy, and seek fights instead of fucking?”
Part of the problem was that this was an entirely reasonable question. Rev rarely recognized himself as an entirely reasonable creature however, and decided to blame his angry speech tumbling to a halt on that. 
“Or,” the Baathian went on, gazing thoughtfully down, “why do you intend to be stir crazy for ‘many years yet’ when you find it so easy to entice lovers?  That is a better question.”
“Ease is no attraction,” Rev spat.
“Yes, but you clearly enjoy enticing them as well,” the Baathian said, smiling as if this were an odd hobby, rather than a sign of madness.
“What’s not to enjoy in sex?”
“Plenty of things,” the Baathian said.  “Anyway, you don’t have sex – that’s what you say, isn’t it?”
Rev had to stop himself; he’d started to pace.  He was revolving around the Baathian like a bird on a string. It was his specialty to make others revolve around him, which the Baathian staunchly refused to do.  The stiff thump of Rev’s heartbeat was becoming louder than his anger.  It was deeply confusing.
“I’ve said nothing to you about it,” Rev baldly lied.  “And owe you no answers.”
The Baathian just shrugged, he took a few steps, hands clasped behind his back, as if consoling Rev.  “Nothing of substance, yes – and yet we have covered the subject well.  I find you interesting, and wish to know why you feel the way the way do, but you are in no way obliged to continue talking.”
It was difficult for Rev to work with people that agreed with him. Left with nothing else to do, Rev scowled at him and stalked towards the camp again.  The Baathian turned smoothly on his heel and trailed after.  He caught up and fell into step with Rev. 
“Let’s go back, and continue drinking, so I can fuck your tentmate.”
Rev stopped, balled his fists, and turned on that smiling Baathian bastard.
He busted his lip on the Baathian’s teeth, but the Baathian’s mouth responded quickly to the push of his tongue, opening as if he’d expected to be kissed from the start.  First with one hand, and then the other, Rev brushed palms lightly up the Baathian’s neck to cradle his jaw, gentling his kiss to match the gentility of his gesture. He pulled away like the fading of a breath. 
Opening his eyes, the Baathian waited until Rev was looking back at him, all of the jesting gone from his expression.  Rev touched his split lip with the tip of his tongue, just to feel how it bled, then obliged the Baathian with a returning look.
Ignoring the split lip, or the obvious move of a retaliatory kiss, the Baathian reached out the way a man would to a dog that might bite him.  He lifted Rev’s chin, looking him square in the eyes in a way that would have been mesmerizing had he not broken into a soft smile.   First one step, then another, and he was close enough to kiss Rev softly on the neck. The kisses trailed up to his jaw and back to his neck, agonizingly slow and gentle –
Or they would be, if Rev would allow himself to be agonized by such ridiculous gentility.  Such play was for lovers, and fools, and then Baathian blew gently on a spot under Rev’s ear he’d wetted with his tongue, and Rev’s eyes found themselves shut, face pointed skyward.  Then, with precisely proportional ferocity, bit the lobe of Rev’s ear.
Rev was forced to make a noise.  However quiet and strained it was, the Baathian, pressing so close to Rev’s throat, surely heard it.
Shoving him away, Rev’s scowl matched the Baathian’s smile.  The weight of that smile was such that Rev thought, even if he punched him now, the Baathian would keep smiling at him.
Lunging forward, Rev started pulling open the Baathian’s jacket, at the same moment the Baathian started laughing – laughing and yanking his arms out of the jacket so he could put his hands on Rev in return.
Rev still had a point to make, though.  Blocking with a forearm, Rev swept his hand around the Baathian’s hip, sliding down to the seat of the Baathian’s pants.  With his other hand, Rev slid his hand under the Baathian’s shirt and to his chest, putting himself side-on, so the Baathian could only awkwardly put hands on him in return.  Leaning down to kiss Rev, the Baathian instead reached to remove his own already-circumvented shirt, only to have Rev twist his hand in the collar, preventing it.
He broke his kiss, staring down at Rev in confusion.  Rev squeezed hard on his ass – eliciting more of a wince than a sexy look – rolled his weight around using his double grip to twist the Baathian about.  With his thigh undermining the Baathian’s balance, it was easy for Rev to fling him over his knee to the ground.
The ground, churned soft by the endless task of camp-making, gave up a little puff of dirt, like the sigh of a pillow.  Rev was on top of the Baathian before he could catch his breath, knees snug beside the Baathian’s chest.  The Baathian’s hands went to Rev’ hips automatically, his laughter undermined by the need to receive more of Rev’s kisses.  Scooting back to work under himself, Rev unbuttoned the Baathian’s pants – which, despite the distraction of kissing, the Baathian surely noticed.  Letting his weight down, hips gently rocking, Rev let the Baathian push him back further, enticingly close to his cock, his clothes only brushing it.  Rev stopped him, as if reluctant to be moved to a point where his kisses might be any less deep, or consuming. 
The Baathian dragged fingers up Rev’s back, interrupting the kissing by drawing off Rev’s shirt.  Once they began again, he first put hands at Rev’s shoulders, felt at the muscles of his arms, his chest, dragged slow and light against the curve of his stomach, then ended their wandering at the soft flesh that guarded his hips.  Still as he explored, Rev kept kissing him, drawing in and out of his mouth as if by doing so Rev could replace the rocking of his hips against his cock.  The Baathian’s hands at first squeezed, then rubbed contemplatively at his hip bones.  Then – after a moment’s hesitation – kept pushing Rev towards his cock. 
This was going to be easy.
Rev could already feel him growing even against the rough cloth of his pants, and as Rev gave in to the push, sliding further down his body, he only grew harder.  Quite literally, Rev let this drag on until he was sure the Baathian was fully hard. Laying his palms over the Baathian’s jutting collar bone, Rev lifted his hips and shoved his body over and down such that he rested one the Baathian’s thighs, dragging kisses down the Baathian’s neck, lingering at his chest.  He stayed close enough that when he pulled away from the Baathian’s cock, the Baathian stretched and quietly moaned as cold air replaced the warm.  Slow as an oak bending to the wind, Rev began kissing his stomach, then moved down to his hips as if he he’d lost the way to the Baathian’s cock.
Looking up, Rev reflected on how well he’d marked the Baathian. From the moment he’d laid eyes on him – which he did again, now, from so near the Baathian’s cock  he could feel the tip touching his collarbone – he’d known him to be a man of command.  As the Baathian’s hands trailed up his shoulders, traced gently at his neck and jaw, touched once against his cheek, Rev gave no sign of either surprise or objection, even when his fingers gently tangled themselves between the locks of Rev’s hair and grew more firmly guiding. 
Removing his hands to brace himself against the ground, Rev let the Baathian put him into position, yet, on the way there, never left him untouched.  The head of the Baathian’s cock brushed his neck, then more gently against the stubble of his jaw.  He brought it enticingly close to his lips, twisting his head, only to turn away again to wet his lips.  The Baathian’s hands clenched in his hair, eager to push down but unwilling to be so needy as to rush him.  His wet bottom lip grazed the head of the Baathian’s cock, then he twisted again, pushing the tip of his tongue up against the bottom of his cock. 
Groaning quietly, the Baathian guided him down to do it again, and this time Rev brought his hand up to hold it still.  Listening carefully to the Baathian’s hands – noting their minute twitches, whether they moved with without his voice, when they tightened and when they loosened – Rev demonstrated his mastery of this art. 
One cock tended to feel very much like another, to the hands at least. The tongue was the finer instrument of touch in this case.  Never having had a Baathian, Rev had the brief thrill of wondering how different he would taste, but of course, once he closed his mouth over the head of the Baathian’s cock, beyond the background of what-all-cocks-taste-like, he knew more the taste of the man than anything.  Rev’s mouth was not particularly wet, and by swiping his tongue up the slit in the head, he could get some notion of what the complete taste would be.  The Baathian’s cock was pleasingly quick to weep, and there was the tang of metal, mingling with the copper taste of the blood from Rev’s split lip, as well as a curious bitterness.  As Rev passed the rougher center of his tongue hard against the head in taking more into his mouth, it was almost like salted, smoked meat. 
Rev had to keep himself from smiling; smiling ruin would the enclosing pressure of his lips against the shaft.  So early in the Baathian’s rising, he could feel the beating blood still bringing his cock to a firm stand, almost as if it were fighting to free itself.  Rev really couldn’t help smiling then, and felt the Baathian’s hands tighten their grip pleadingly.  Closing his mouth, Rev drew back, punishing the Baathian’s doubt with the lightness of his lips, the playing of his tongue around the very tip.
The Baathian pushed then – or pushed as much as he dared.  Drawing back his tongue, Rev gave just enough resistance to make him stop.  On the heels of the pressure relenting, in perfect opposition, Rev, laying his tongue flat against the bottom of the Baathian’s cock, sank him unto the very edge of his throat.
The Baathian almost lost his grip.  His hands move down, closer to the sides of Rev’s head, begging by their positioning he would draw up and down so again.  That was real cock-sucking though, and Rev had no intention to so waste this experience, or so gratify the Baathian’s needs.  Though still ostensibly sucking, he kept his movements slow and playing, alternately hard for the briefest moments before going slack again. 
Just because Rev could make a man come quickly, didn’t mean he always would.  This was only the first step, and he could feel the Baathian’s growing tension.  He would come at the second. 
Pulling back, Rev earned himself a high and needy sigh from the Baathian by withdrawing the warmth of his mouth.  Fingers fisted as tight as they dared in his locks.  Rev let his breath be sold and harsh, watching the shying wilt even a moment’s worth caused, before he brought the warmth of the air deep in his chest down around and sealed his mouth again. 
He kept having the urge to smile, and having it canceled by the want to fill his mouth wholly with the Baathian’s cock.  The curious flavor of his first, expectant beads of come filled Rev with the urge to find out what the real moment would taste like. Baathians were always noted for their cleanliness, and he wondered if the smoke and leather scent of his skin was some particular Baathian way of cleansing.  His cock, its sheath of skin and all, were clear of anything but the sweat Rev’s temptations had caused.  Rev allowed himself a moment’s diversion to bring his hand down, acting as if he would massage the Baathian’s balls, to swipe at his thigh, picking up a trace of sweat he then rubbed against the shaft.
It was salty as he sank his mouth again.  All sweat was salty.  To make up for his experiment, Rev touched lightly at the Baathian’s balls only to feel him jump, too sensitive to take much touching there. All the better – Rev could focus on his favorite part. 
As practiced as he was, Rev knew by the set of his jaw that the thickness of the Baathian’s cock would make him tired.  He already was.  Hell, he’d played so long, pushing first to one side, then the other, his tongue was starting to know the shape of it like it did his own teeth.  It was a shame Rev took no lovers, because he liked it; it was pleasingly thick, the taste almost made his mouth water, and pushing it up to the threshold of his throat left a length still free that would be intimidating to a lesser artist.
Rev hadn’t lied.  He was a great artist. 
It was time, though, to prove it.  The Baathian’s head was back, muttering something Rev could only interpret as curses.  Pulling back until he held the head at his lips like a holy relic, Rev cast his eyes up the Baathian’s body, and waited.  The Baathian twisted and sighed, and finally brought his head up, but looking down at Rev was a bit too much.  He lay back, and swallowed, seeing his own demise.  Casting his eyes to heaven one more time, the Baathian brought one hand down, so the crook of his thumb pressed around the base of his cock.  The other hand closed tighter in Rev’s hair, and pulling his stomach tight, he drew himself up again so he could watch himself pushing his cock into Rev’s mouth.
A man of command.  Only a sense of duty kept Rev from grinning.
He cast his eyes back down, focused on the task at hand.  His own heart beat faster, yearning to spend more time with his taste and his filled mouth, but this would be better – as close as Rev ever came these days to being filled himself. 
Pushing back to slow the Baathian’s insistence, Rev dawdled with each measure until he could see the strain in the shaking of the Baathian’s muscles to hold himself up.  At the edge of Rev’s throat, the Baathian allowed himself a deep breath, so it was then Rev opened his throat and took him in. 
Rev had been almost certain he’d come at the moment, but wasn’t at all disappointed to get more time with his cock so deep.  Rev had no trouble with holding him in his throat – he’d taught himself too well to do it – but the Baathian still pushed at his limits of comfort.  Going slowly, his lips met the taught, whitened knuckles of the Baathian’s hand at the base of his cock.
Rev shut his eyes; it had been some time since he’d done this. Ready to swallow at a moment’s notice, he drew back just enough to give himself space to work the muscles of his throat around the Baathian’s cock.
The Baathian cursed, his body desperate to writhe but held in check by an admirable force of will.  Moving himself over roughly an inch of the Baathian’s cock, Rev began a steady, in-and-out rocking, pausing periodically to kiss those knuckles again and work his throat.
Long since Rev had taken him in his throat, the Baathian’s hand had moved from his head to dig hard on the soft dirt at his side.  At first, Rev watched it with some curiosity; he could hold his breath quite a while (he was a Sivery after all – born of the sea, they said).  The Baathian was quite thick.  He filled Rev’s throat admirably.  Rev couldn’t hold him at full depth quite as long as he liked.  He pushed himself to do it for as long as he could, listening to the meaningless Baathian curses, watching the muscles of his torso quiver, sweat bead, and hand clench.  The in-and-out began to tire him, and he contemplated his well-tuned skill.
It was starting to annoy him to have to use it. 
Every bit of the Baathian’s body was taught.  Rev had to shorten his depth, abandon the periodic massage of his throat.  The Baathian seemed to have stopped breathing as well as cursing.  Rev’s breath was getting short.
Why the fuck hadn’t he come yet?
This was well beyond what Rev usually did to tease a lover into coming; it was his special gift, his best skill.  He could do this ages longer and with greater patience, depth, and finesse than anyone he’d ever heard of, or received it from. 
And if it annoyed him to have to use it to its fullest extent, it annoyed him even worse to have to relent.  Too proud to choke, Rev let the Baathian’s cock out of his mouth, to draw a deep breath.  It was a bit hastier an exit than Rev would have liked.  Then again, Rev would have liked the sliding of the Baathian’s defeat down his throat. 
As Rev left him, one of the Baathian’s hands closed around his own cock, while the other untangled itself from the ground.  He touched Rev’s jaw, thumb stroking at his cheek.  He lifted himself up like a man who’d been beaten with sticks, wincing and sighing, until he sat, hand still protectively over his cock. Rev had to rear back on his heels to scowl at him properly, which scowl the Baathian only softly touched with his thumb.
“Your not-lovers have been right,” he said, his tone casual but his voice rasping.  “You are pretty good at that.”
Rev almost hit him, but instead had a better idea.  He leaned forward and kissed him, feeling that delightful give, followed closely by having the Baathian’s tongue deep in his mouth as he pushed back.  Rev hoped he could taste his own cock in Rev’s mouth even without the come, as for some that was as important as sucking it – apparently the Baathian among them.
The Baathian started to put hands up, and Rev laid his hands on the outside of his thighs in response, moving slowly up...
With a pained grunt, the Baathian broke the kiss; Rev finally got to see him grimace a bit, though why he would Rev couldn’t imagine.  Casually, he pushed Rev’s hands off. 
“So,” he said, “will you come to my tent now?”
Rev flinched, drawing back.  Hastily, he tried to cover it by matching the Baathian’s coolness. “Why?  Clearly you don’t like me very much.”
The Baathian ignored this like he knew the feint that it was.  “Not to fuck, if you don’t want to.  I am just not so interested in continuing outside.” He shuddered slightly, looking around. “I don’t mind an audience too much, but the tent is much more comfortable.”
“No,” Rev said, scowling as he pushed himself to his feet.  He was a bit unsteady, his groin felt a bit tight. Maybe that was why he didn’t feel very much like scowling for long.  “What makes you think I would fuck you now?”
The Baathian rose with him, and shrugged, brushing the dirt off himself.  There was quite a bit of dirt.  Now that he was standing, and softening, Rev could get a real look at his length.  It wasn’t he longest Rev had ever seen, but even Rev was impressed he managed to get it all down.  “Unwilling to admit defeat?”
Rev bristled.  “I am not defeated.”
“I didn’t come,” the Baathian reminded him.
“I know,” Rev snapped, but then couldn’t think of how to follow it up. He folded his arms, and tried not to watch as the Baathian picked up their scattered clothes.
“Well,” the Baathian sighed, handing Rev back his shirt, “please don’t misunderstand – it was very nice.”
“Oh, fuck you,” Rev replied. 
The Baathian smiled at him.  Rev resisted the urge to make his insult literal.
“If you change your mind, come by my tent.  I am called Anik – any of the Baathians should be able to direct you.”
Rev snorted.  “Enter the Baathian camp again?”
“I don’t fancy my odds in the Siveric camp, certainly,” the Baathian replied raising his brows.  He stuck out his hand to clasp wrists.
Rev’s mouth fell open for only a second, but it was a second more than he liked.  Who ended having his dick sucked with a handshake?  Who ended having his dick sucked by Rev with a handshake?
“May I know your name?”  Anik asked, still holding his hand out.  “I enjoyed your company; I would be saddened not to know it, for I couldn’t ask after you.”
“My name is Rev,” Rev stepped in threateningly, “and I don’t shake hands with Baathians.”
He turned on his heel – it had worked before – and stalked in the direction of the Siveric camp.  If Anik followed this time, Rev would make sure he came.  If he didn’t, what was the loss of a Baathian’s company?
“Farewell, Rev,” the Baathian said, sounding not in the least distressed.  “I’ll let your tentmate know you’ve gone back.”
Rev almost turned back around – almost.  Instead, he forced his feet in the direction of the Siveric camp so hard he swore he could feel the earth crumble under them. 
Part Three
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workrockin · 5 years
Technology for fiber optic internet in your home
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Since optical fiber cables (OFCs) can carry much more data than copper cables they are being preferred for last mile internet connectivity in homes. As OFC’s are new we’ve found that there’s a lot of confusion among consumers on how internet is actually going to be used by them.
Will they need new equipment? Will they need new internet lines? How much will it cost them? We try to answer these question as best as we can.
This post only deals with the home connectivity for fiber optic internet. The functioning of long distance cables and understanding the difference between copper and fiber optic cables is beyond the scope of this article. All we need to understand here is how the fiber internet gets in our home. However there are still a few things we need to be familiar with before we can talk about the fiber optic set up.  So lets get to it one by one.
The Next Generation Access
Fiber optic cables are key to drive Next Gen Access (NGA) connectivity, which is internet with a download speed greater than 24 Mbits/s.
Optical fiber cables with terabit speeds are already being used in undersea deployments to provide global internet backbone. And since their efficiency is found to be greater than copper cables it is determined that they can also be used in the last mile connectivity. And as such they’ll be driving the NGA adoption.
Traditionally upgrades to internet speed involved replacing the underlying cabling infrastructure. However this is costly. With OFC’s the cables themselves will no longer be a bottleneck. Speed can then be upgraded by upgrading the terminal connectors.  In that respect they are more adaptable.
Passive Optical Networks (PON)
A PON is the technology that delivers fiber to our home.  A PON consists of three components
OLT or optical line terminal which is the “backhaul”  to the core network. This is the place from where the user traffic is routed to the global internet and internet traffic is routed to the home of the user.  
ONT or optical network terminal is the point from where the user gets his internet. This is the place from where the internet comes to your home. Each home will have an ONT.
OLT and ONT are connected with wires and splitters which together form what is known as an optical distribution network.
The cost of ONT will be included in the deployment price by your ISP. So it will vary from provider to provider.
Ethernet Passive Optical Network
Now there are many types of PON’s. EPON or Ethernet Passive Optical Network is the most common form of deployment. If your service provider uses EPON then you’ll be able to use fiber optic internet without any modem.  EPON connections work over Ethernet and with the help of a simple router you’ll be able to distribute your network wirelessly or over a wired Ethernet connection.
Gigabit Interface Controller GBIC
Fiber optic connectors are different from the typical RJ45 connectors that are found in LAN cables. However most of the desktops/laptops/routers are compatible with RJ45 connections. GBIC serve two purposes. First it converts optical signals to electric signals. Second it allows Multi Mode Fiber Optic cables to be used with the same ethernet ports that you have in your computer.  
Additionally  you can purchase fiber optic network cards that directly accept fiber optic cables without need for any transceivers in between.
If you already have an OTN you should be able to use ethernet cables to your existing routers as well as desktop PC’s.If not your ISP will provide an OTN to you.
If you’re an ISP you’ll need to purchase equipment that implements fiber to Ethernet transition in the subscribers home.  
The best way to distribute your fiber optic connection is wirelessly. A single interface handles the connection for the fiber optic cable where as rest of the devices in your home accept the connection over wifi. For this purpose a fiber optic wireless router may be used. Its just like a normal router except that it can access fiber optic cables as input.  The wireless router connects to your OTN via an Ethernet cable and then distributes the network wirelessly. Range extenders may be used to distribute your network to the farthest corners of your house.
Client devices
Finally the client devices will actually allow you to access the internet. If your set up is wireless, you simply have to connect the devices to an access point. For wired devices, once more you’ll need to take into account the compatibility with fiber optic cables.
Generally as a subscriber the only cost that you need to consider is the cost of OTN. Which is simply a fiber optic modem in your home. This will be provided by your ISP however they may charge an extra fee for the equipment. Once OTN has been installed your fiber optic setup would be no different that your DSL or any other internet setup.
Workrock provides network equipment for last mile fiber optic connectivity.  Our small form factor OTN’s can be deployed into homes for providing FTTH internet.
Workrock’s Tiny Wireless Internet Gateway or TWIG is a pocket sized powerful router that needs only 18W of power  to run. Just about the same as an LED bulb. TWIG can provide  802.11 ac wifi in the vicinity and can be used to distribute fiber optic internet in home.  TWIG can run background application services to provide CRM, IM and ERP facilities for businesses. TWIG meets PCI DSS wireless LAN safety requirements so it can be deployed safely in environments where extreme data security is required.
Workrock Wireless range extenders can help you eliminate dead spots from your home or provide a free roaming wifi experience in your hotel/office. We are always happy to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to write to us on
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karonbill · 3 years
Huawei HCIA-Access V2.5 H35-210_V2.5 Training Material
If you want to achieve your HCIA-Access Certification, you can choose H35-210 V2.0 or H35-210_V2.5 exams to take,H35-210 V2.0 exam will be no longer to take on July 29, 2021. PassQuestion new cracked Huawei HCIA-Access V2.5 H35-210_V2.5 Training Material which cover all the questions that you will face in the Exam Center. It covers the latest pattern and topics that are used in Real Test. By using our Huawei HCIA-Access V2.5 H35-210_V2.5 Training Material, you will be able to clear your HCIA-Access Certification H35-210_V2.5 exam on the first attempt.
Huawei HCIA-Access V2.5 Certification Exam
Holding HCIA-Access certification helps you master the basic principles and service configurations of access networks. Have the ability to commission Huawei access network devices and configure basic services, plan ODN networks, and troubleshoot basic faults.You will learn the knowledge of Access network overview, xPON principles, Network communication principles, Data service configuration, ODN engineering implementation and maintenance, and NMS basics.
Certification Exam: HCIA-Access Code: H35-210 Exam Name: HCIA-Access V2.5 Language: ENU/CHS Exam Format: Single answer, Multiple answer, True-false question, Drag and drop item Exam Cost: 200USD Exam Duration: 90 mins Pass Score/ Total Score: 600/1000
Exam Contents
1. Access Network Overview 3% 2. Network Communication Basics 18% 3. xPON and xDSL Principles 27% 4. Service Implementation Basics 21% 5. Data Service Implementation 16% 6. ODN Basics 10% 7. NMS Basics 5%
View Online HCIA-Access V2.5 H35-210_V2.5 Free Questions
What does the long ONT PON indicator light mean? A. ONT light is abnormal B. ONT tries to establish a connection with the OLT C. ONT and OLT have established a connection D. ONT receiving optical power is lower than optical receiving sensitivity Answer: C
Which of the following belongs to the management protocol between the OLT and MXU in the GPON network? A. OAM B. DHCP C. SNMP D. IGMP Answer: C
What are the network side (uplink) interface types provided by MA5600? A. STM-1 B. IMA C. GE D. FE Answer: C,D
Which of the following boards does not belong to the narrowband service board of the UA5000? A. A64 B. A32 C. DSLD D. ADRI Answer: D
In the 802.1Q tag header, how many digits is the VLAN ID field, and how many VLANs can be specified in total? A. 12;4096 B. 8;256 C. 4;16 D. 10;1024 Answer: A
In the Solaris environment, which of the following commands (parameters) is used to unconditionally terminate the process? A. kill -7 pid B. kill -8 pid C. kill -10 pid D. kill -9 pid Answer: D
In the EPON network, in order to avoid data conflicts and improve network utilization efficiency, the downstream direction adopts TDMA multiple access mode and arbitrates the data transmission of each ONU. A. False B. True Answer: A
In the template mode of MA5680T, where is the configuration of tcont and gemport integrated? A. ont-lineprofile B. ont-profile C. ont-srvprofile D. dba-profile Answer: A
What is the role of the integrated access device UA5000 in the NGN network? A. TG B. MG C. MGC D. UG Answer: B
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devmrsf-blog · 4 years
Passive Optical LAN Global Market Segmentation, Application, Technology & Market Analysis Research Report to 2022
Passive Optical LAN Global Market   - Overview
POL or Passive Optical Lan is a network solution which is widely being used in several industries and helps to make the strengthens the network system. Passive Optical LAN helps various service industries such as governments, hospitals, hotels, real estate developers, and universities by reducing their infrastructure cost and following single network module. This helps the business to enhances the overall efficiency of the network and the process. POL also helps in improving the mobile connectivity of the business process and all the associated users. Traditional networking solution such as LAN which is still being used by majority of the industry is lacking with several benefits. Increasing the number of users is putting heavy traffic on the traditional LAN infrastructure where passive optical LAN has proven to be an efficient solution and alternative to traditional LAN solution.
Passive optical LAN uses optical splitters at place of workgroup switches which helps the business to reduce the cost of energy and act as a cost-efficient option for the overall network segment. Also, adoption of optical splitters will help the business to minimizes the non-renewable electrical equipment’s and reduce the carbon footprint. Passive optical LAN has also proven to be more reliable when any data exchange between two systems is happening. It also helps to reduce the downtime and disconnection which happens more frequent with the traditional cable network.
Browse Full Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/passive-optical-lan-market-2165
Key Players:
Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. (China), Ericsson Inc. (Sweden), Alcatel Lucent SA (France), TE Connectivity Ltd. (Switzerland), ADTRAN, Inc. (U.S.), ZTE Corporation (China), Verizon Communications Inc. (U.S.), 3M Company (US), Tellabs Inc. (US), and Zhone Technologies Inc. (US) among others are some of the prominent players profiled in MRFR Analysis and are at the forefront of competition in the global Passive Optical LAN market. Manufacturing, BFIS, Education, Healthcare and Government are the major industries where passive optical LAN is being widely deployed.
Industry News
September, 2017, Deviser Instruments, Inc., a manufacturer of high-quality, feature-rich network field-test solutions for communications service providers (CSPs) and equipment manufacturers worldwide, today announced the launch of the AE2200 FTTx Multi-Function Meter, a validation tool that combines cable TV analysis, fiber and metallic testing capabilities for the installation of FTTx, RFoG and RF PON networks. As demand for reliable, multi-gigabit throughput continues to soar, CSPs face the challenge of deploying high-speed fiber into the network, deeper than ever before. Efficiency, speed, accuracy and reliability are quickly becoming the de facto KPIs against which workforce productivity and profitability are measured. CSPs require a future-proof solution of advanced features, high performance, and exceptional value to simplify the installation and validation of next-generation Fiber-to-the-X (FTTx), RF-Over-Glass (RFoG) and RF Passive-Optical Networks (RF PON) technologies.
September, 2017, CommScope, Inc., a global leader in infrastructure solutions for communications networks, has evolved its optical access network products by offering a new PON (Passive Optical Network) solution to the industry that is flexible to accommodate both EPON (Ethernet Passive Optical Network) and GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network) technologies. The industry has recognized this technology standard as important to delivering IP and Ethernet services and business communications. A completely scalable end-to-end PON system, such as CommScope’s new PON solution, provides operators with the bandwidth and additional service options their subscribers have come to expect.
Passive Optical LAN Global Market   - Segmentation
Segmentation by Components: Optical Cables, Coupler, Power Splitter, Connector, Amplifier and Trans-Receiver among others
Segmentation by Type: Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Networks (GPON) and EPON
Segmentation by Application: Loop Feeder, Synchronous Optical Network, Hybrid Fiber-Coaxial Cable and Synchronous Digital Hierarchy among others
Segmentation by End-User: Manufacturing, BFIS, Education, Healthcare and Government among others
Passive Optical LAN Global Market   - Regional Analysis
Asia-pacific is leading the market for Passive optical LAN. The growing demand for the high-speed internet in the emerging countries like China and India is boosting the market in this region. Also, industrialization and growing industries as BFSI, manufacturing, IT and Telecommunication in the region is also playing major role in the market growth. Growing economy and immense opportunities in Asian countries is attracting global players of POL in the region leading to high demand and consumption of optical fibre. North America stands as second largest market for Passive Optical LAN due to technological advancement and growing IT and semiconductor industry. The region is also home to some of the key players of Passive Optical LAN system. Europe on the other hand stands as third biggest market for Passive Optical LAN. Rich BFSI and automotive industry in European countries are some of the major factor which is driving the market of optical LAN in the region. Also, presence of developed countries such as Germany, France, Italy and UK is also driving the market in the region.
About Market Research Future: At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Edibles. MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by products, services, technologies, applications, end users, and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions. In order to stay updated with technology and work process of the industry, MRFR often plans & conducts meet with the industry experts and industrial visits for its research analyst members. Contact: Market Research Future 528, Amanora Chambers, Magarpatta Road, Hadapsar Pune – 411028, Maharashtra, India Email: [email protected]
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eponymousfics · 25 days
I forgot to turn anon on OOPS well now there's the account behind music suggestions 😭
Your secret is safe with me 😘
I'll paste in your last message here:
"I guess I'll call myself Music Anon atp.. it's really all I go on here for anymore anyways
But Slow Motion by Never Ending Fall for TSP...? Definitely should be a much more peppy mood for this one PFFTT"
Anyway I'm flattered/apologetic to be your one last tie to tumblr 😂
But thanks! Like I said, I'm enjoying the music recs.
This one is getting added! I put it at the end of the playlist bc it kind of has end credit vibes to me, like this is what should be playing as you're leaving the theater if TSP was a movie :)
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girldraki · 3 years
two scp questions: 1) i would LOVE to know more about the díana/claire iii/alison roommate dynamic, and 2) you mentioned once that díana is the only one of the meri's that has enough awareness to know the details about the other two, and that she has mixed feelings "in two different directions" about them - could you elaborate on that?
“they’re all best friends” is such a cheap answer but. they’re all best friends… really… alison is the first person díana met who didn’t actually care much if at all about her and that was like. the biggest thing by FAR that made her interested in befriending her. claire was the first person to listen to alison when she walked into a serpents hand branch meeting and shouted “i want to destroy the scp foundation” and alison is therefore ride or die for her. claire suffers from knowing way too much about how everything is going to happen, which diana deeply sympathizes with. like, they’re not quite a polycule because they’re all verying shades of aspec and diana is vehemently opposed to partnership as an institution for obvious reasons, but they’re best friends who love each other and want to destroy the foundation together and live in one studio apartment together that’s kind of awkwardly small because none of them really have jobs
díana only has information on the other two that she receives via dreams, but she’s been pretty strongly able to infer epon’s and meri’s anomalies through information from those and context clues. we’ve mentioned this separately, but meri’s anomaly is so strongly incongruous to the other two that she’s pretty sure it was almost certainly altered, likely from something very similar to hers or epon’s, and she doesn’t really know what to do with that or the things it implies about what they are. she doesn’t want to tell meri, definitely, but she has no clue who to talk to about it, if anyone— she doesn’t like talking about her own anomaly, forget “the other two girls in my dreams who seem to be splinter variations of me”. … in terms of epon, her anomaly is very much active, and she is constantly being impacted by what she went through, and this is obvious, and even though díana was technically in a similar place for a very long time she has no idea how to deal with it. diana in general coped and copes with what she was by reframing it in a very deliberate way that gave her some modicum of power over the situation, and meri and epon do not have that degree of control, and the awareness that they were slash are trapped in similar situations to hers and do not have the power she has is deeply uncomfortable to think about. she tries not to focus on it for too long.
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hilarionzuyev42 · 6 years
Global Passive Optical LAN (POL) Market to Incur Rapid Extension During 2019-2024
Global Passive Optical LAN (POL) Market brings a systematic perspective of the market execution in worldwide and additionally the regional situation. In a detailed sections shrewd arrangement, the Passive Optical LAN (POL) contemplate that make sense of different perspectives relating to the global market. To begin with, the Passive Optical LAN (POL) market definition, applications, arrangement, and industry esteem chain structure are incorporated into the answer, to target gathering of people on restricting Passive Optical LAN (POL) market elements including drivers, limitations, openings, patterns, applications, topographical/local Passive Optical LAN (POL) markets, and aggressive scene.
Global Passive Optical LAN (POL) market 2019 report introduces the detail investigation of this parent market-based on top-notch players, present, past and innovative data that will function as a valuable guide for several of your Passive Optical LAN (POL) industry competitions.
Request PDF Report at:https://market.biz/report/global-passive-optical-lan-market-gir/31177/#requestforsample
Passive Optical LAN (POL) market rivalry by top makers/players, with Passive Optical LAN (POL) deals volume, Value (USD/Unit), Revenue (Mn/Bn USD) and market size for every producer/player; the significant players include:
Huawei, Cisco, Tellabs, Zhone, ZTE, Commscope and Alcatel-Lucent
Based on Type, Passive Optical LAN (POL) market report shows development rate of each type, covers:
End clients/applications, Passive Optical LAN (POL) market report centers around the status and viewpoint for best applications/end clients, development rate for every application, this can be isolated into:
Education Healthcare Government Industry
Passive Optical LAN (POL) Market Fragment by Areas, territorial examination covers
South America, The Middle East and Africa, North America, Asia-Pacific and Europe
Our Report Offers:
* Market Review
* Examination by type
* Investigation by Application
* Examination by District
* By Players
* Players Analysis
* Forecast Estimate by Type, Applications, and Leading Regions
Have any unique prerequisite on above Passive Optical LAN (POL) report? Ask to our Industry Specialist at:  http://emarketresearch.us/global-passive-optical-lan-pol-market-2017-2022/#Inquiry-Before-Buying
TOC Depiction of Global Passive Optical LAN (POL) Industry:
1: Passive Optical LAN (POL) Market standpoint include various segments, Leading Countries, Market Flow, Limitations, Hazard, Openings and so on.
2: Passive Optical LAN (POL) Industry Chain Examination portrays material suppliers, driving business sector players, and cost structure. Additionally clarifies the assembling procedure, Passive Optical LAN (POL) channels, and major downstream purchasers.
3: This part includes the development rate, Passive Optical LAN (POL) income esteem and cost examination by Types.
4: Later it delineates the Passive Optical LAN (POL) share overall industry attributes, consumptions by Application.
5: Next delineates Passive Optical LAN (POL) generation volume, income estimation, value structure, and gross edge by Countries and Regions.
6: Moreover break down consumptions by Regions.
7: In this part SWOT and PESTEL and PORTER Five Force Analysis are clarified in detailed of Passive Optical LAN (POL) market globally.
8: Passive Optical LAN (POL) competitive scene, organization profiles, and regulation status by players is revealed precisely.
9: Thorough investigation of Passive Optical LAN (POL) industry by different sections like Type, Application, and Regions (2019-2024).
10: Likewise features the primary driving elements and Passive Optical LAN (POL) resource reachability ponder.
11: Conclusion and Passive Optical LAN (POL) Informative supplement.
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Epoxy Curing Agent Market 2018: Key Players, Development and Opportunities by Forecast to 2023
Market Research Future Published a Half Cooked Research “Global Epoxy Curing Agent  Market Research Report - Forecast to 2023” - Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and Forecast up to 2023.
Evonik Industries AG (Germany), BASF SE (Germany), Huntsman International LLC (US), Cardolite Corporation (US), Kukdo Chemical Co., Ltd. (South Korea), Aditya Birla Chemicals (India), Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation (Japan),  Momentive Specialty Chemicals Inc. (US), The Dow Chemical Company (US), and Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. (US), among others are some of the prominent players at the forefront of competition in the Global Epoxy Curing Agent Market and are profiled in MRFR Analysis.
Epoxy Curing Agent Market – Market Overview
Epoxy is a colloquial name used for epoxide functional group. Epoxy Resin is polymeric chemical compound consisting two of more epoxide groups. Curing agent is an additive that helps in toughening or hardening of a polymer material by cross-linking of polymer chains, brought about by electron beams, heat, or chemical additives. After curing, Epoxy Resin has excellent properties on mechanical strength, chemical resistance, and electrical insulation. The different types of curing agent available in the market are Amines, Polyamide, Imidazoles, Polymercaptan, Anhydrides, and Polymercaptan, among others.
The major applications of Epoxy Curing Agent can found in coatings, construction, adhesives, composites, wind energy, electrical & electronics. The growth of the market is primarily driven by the growing construction activities, rapid urbanization and robust growth of composites market around the world. The emerging economies are investing significant share of their GDP in the infrastructural development, defence and marine sector. Coating is the largest application of Epoxy Curing Agents with its major use in numerous industrial applications in order to protect the metal from corrosion and other harms.
Increasing global trade has fuelled the growth of transportation sector, which is anticipated to boost the demand of Epoxy Curing Agent in automotive, marine and aerospace industry. Consumer electronics has witnessed exponential rise in recent decade and is expected to retain the same growth trajectory during the forecast period on account of growing penetration of telecommunication devices and rapid digitization. This is projected to help push the demand for the product in electronics industry. The light weight vehicles in automotive industry is likely favour growth of the market and the trend is expected to remain same during the years to follow. Increasing research & development activities along with growing focus on technological innovations expected to provide fuel for the growth of this market over the review period.
Request a Sample Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/3133
Epoxy Curing Agent Market- Competitive Landscape
The Global Epoxy Curing Agent Market is a matured market driven by flourishing growth in transportation sector, automotive industry, along with the building & construction industry.  Evonik Industries AG, BASF SE, Huntsman International LLC, Cardolite Corporation, Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation are the leading players in this market. Majority of these key market participants are adopting he expansion and acquisition tactics in order to strengthen their market position. They are substantially addressing the product needs automotive, defence, marine, and construction industry to enjoy the profitability of this market. Taking into account these trends, the Global Epoxy Curing Agent Market is likely to witness considerable growth and competition over the forecast period of 2017-2023.
Industry/ Innovation/ Related News:
July 1, 2017- Evonik Industries AG has combined its isophorone chemistry and Epoxy Curing Agents business in the new Crosslinkers Business Line. This newly formed Business Line will be the part of the Resource Efficiency Segment. Crosslinkers Business Line offers a broad range of products and competences for coatings and adhesives, civil engineering as well as for high-performance elastomers and composites. This is projected to expand epoxy curing agent business and technology platform of the company.
September 12, 2017- Hexion Inc. has developed a new Epoxy Resin Curing system which exhibit low fire, smoke and toxicity (FST) properties. This new product will provide manufacturers with a novel, homogeneous material for use in composite parts for aircraft interiors as well as marine, rail and architectural applications. The new epoxy resin system, EPON™ FlameX Resin 9600 / EPIKURE™ FlameX Curing Agent 9700, is halogen and phenolic free. It can be applicable in commercial aviation applications in cargo areas, seat interiors, lavatories, galleys or anywhere not requiring heat release compliance.
February 7, 2017- BASF and Gustav Grolman GmbH & Co. KG entered into an agreement to strengthen their collaboration in Europe for marketing amine-based curing agents for the professional processing of epoxy resins. Grolman expands the marketing of the BASF specialty chemicals under the Baxxodur® brand to France, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark, specifically for use in epoxy resin based applications. This development will boost the sale of the Epoxy Curing Agents in Europe by leveraging upon expertize and diversified know-how of Grolman GmbH.
Access Complete Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/epoxy-curing-agent-market-3133  
About Market Research Future: At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.
MRFR team have supreme objective to provide the optimum quality market research and intelligence services to our clients. Our market research studies by Components, Application, Logistics and market players for global, regional, and country level market segments, enable our clients to see more, know more, and do more, which help to answer all their most important questions.
Contact: Market Research Future +1 646 845 9312 Email: [email protected]
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seraphiixa · 4 years
Fear induced headcanons. @spiral-chronicler asked:  ┖❝ˢᵖᶦʳᵃˡ ᵗʳᵃⁿˢᵐᶦˢˢᶦᵒⁿ❞┚ ★★—fear-themed headcanon questions: Closet Monsters, Death, Boogeyman, & Falling!
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Closet Monsters: Does your muse hide any aspects of their personality/life from others?
      Lyra is a professional at keeping her personal life PRIVATE. She believes in firm boundaries between work and her personal life, and therefore she doesn’t share information about her family, her history, or her relationships with other Marines --- and furthermore, she finds it unprofessional when they prompt her for this information and will always lecture them on disciplined interpersonal relationships in the workplace when this occurs. When it comes to civilians, she can understand their undisciplined curiosity, but she deflects, dodges, and outright neglects to answer questions. Personal information about Lyra is absolutely no one’s business but Lyra’s.
Death: Name one thing your muse has lost that they wish they could get back.
     Lyra has a great amount of anxiety circling around her relationship with her daughter. At times, she would like to go back and be there for Epone throughout her childhood, but she knows it is simply not feasible. She would like that time back and receive a second chance to be a half-way decent mother, but it is impossible.
Boogeyman: What position does your muse sleep in?
      Lyra sleeps neatly on her back, one leg crossed over the other, with one arm behind her head. It is a behavior leftover from her younger and more carefree days, sleeping when she could onboard battleships as a junior Marine when peace and quiet was an exceedingly rare commodity. By morning she wakes up on her side, having tossed over in the night.
Falling: What does your muse think about falling in love or commitment?
     Lyra, for all her austere professionalism, has a stifled romantic heart. She thinks it would be nice to fall in love one day and to know what love is, but she believes that such a thing cannot come to pass for her. She is never in one place long enough and every person she interacts with is either an enemy or a Marine, neither of which are suitable partners. She is also fearful of commitment because she has failed at all near-relationships she has had in the past and does not want to waste anyone’s time --- because inevitably, she will fail again. Some people just aren’t meant to find someone. She is comfortable being alone.
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eponymousfics · 5 months
From a completely different fandom: like. You'd never guess. And I was boutta head to sleep when I started scrolling through Ichi shit. Now I've pulled an all nighter reading ya Ichi x Reader fic and THIS HAS MADE ME KICK MY FEET N ROLL AROUND AND??? LIKE. YOU DONT UNDERSTAND.
Doodled this cos of the catboy line from wayy earlier chapters thooo
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(I apologize for the odd looking Ichi I haven't figured out a HC design I like for him yet 💀)
ahhhh i'm sorry for your sleep deprivation but thank you?!?! your Ichi looks great!! i love these colors too, really fits the color palette i have vaguely assigned to the vibes of the fic lol
thank you so much again! this really makes my night 🥰💜🥰🧡
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