#epithet fanfiction
sadsoftserve · 9 months
I have to go back to school today 😡😡😔
Take this bit of fanfic I worked on a bit
The night sped by, and soon enough Sabrina was in bed, alone. Only her thoughts entertain her. She got to thinking. “Okay. I know it's not Parker, she's straight. Bonnie's aroace. Aiko… no, she's not… that's mean. Uh, Definitely not Lorelai or Destiny. Micah? No, he's into parker. That only leaves…” She sat up instantly. Was she…?
“It's Fucking Dalia.” She said to herself as she blinked and sighed. “Oh my God… I'm an idiot.” Sabrina was silently bearating herself. Sabrina has a crush on her of all people, sure she looked nice, and smelt like lavender… her hair… was pretty, Sabrina liked the purple. Sabrina plopped back on the bed, completely helpless, and confused. Was she allowed to feel like this? Towards a girl? Hell she didn't know… it felt like some sort of identity crisis.
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epi-embraced · 2 years
Epithet Embraced
By: Discord User Lullabye#7785/Tumblr User Epi-Embraced
Disclaimer: This is a fanworks based on JelloApocolypse’s Epithet Erased series. I am not affiliated with, and I do not own Epithet Erased. This fanworks contains copious amounts of cussing (i.e. shit, fuck, damn, bitch)
Prologue: Verbilia
The violet city skyline stretched unto infinity, bits of smog clouding the air like cigarette smoke in an apartment without an open window. Neon adverts swung; akin to a hypnotizing pendulum, promoting an amount of freedom that most who lived here knew was a bold-fonted lie. While it may have been a claustrophobic prison cell for many of the citizens, the city of Verbilia was like opening a brand new book for someone like Pastiche Artisan.
Pastiche was a small teenage girl, looking possibly an entire year younger than she actually was. She had big floofy hair which appeared dense enough to smash concrete to rubble if she swung her head around too fast. She skipped through the dystopian streets in a skirted pair of messy, handcrafted overalls, coated in a rainbow of paint which had been there for far too long for her to ever hope to have a chance at it washing out.
Verbilia was a lot louder than her small country home, a lot more dangerous too, but she didn’t mind! Ms. Artisan had an Epithet after all. A strange ability which only few are lucky enough to be born with. With a word attached to their soul, the ones with Epithets; The Inscribed, were capable of performing amazing feats. Jets of fire, breathing underwater, remembering every pokemon's name; the possibilities for what an Epithet granted its Inscribed were boundless. The young teenager’s particular Epithet was called “Replica”, allowing her to make a copy of anything she’s recently seen and could thus picture in her head. Not as if anyone would have to know; usually just being Inscribed (or bluffing about it) was enough to keep villains away.
Speaking of villains, this entire complex was filled to the brim with violence! The county girl skipping along like a doomed Little Red Riding Hood proved as an astonishing contrast to the multiple EFs (Epithet Fights) which consumed the sidewalks. Suddenly—a tacky, pink car zoomed past her, kicking up a dusty whirlwind which blew her hair back! And then another! Zip! Zip! Zipp-zip-zip! One after another, more; similar looking cars trailed behind the de facto leader. Pastiche smiled widely at the interruption, her rose gold eyes shining like polished porcelain in the opportunistic light.
“So this is Verbilia? I can’t wait to meet my new friends!” She lept in the air with her exclamation, as if expecting opening credits to roll at the apex of her leap, and not the reality that she’d fall and hit her butt on the sidewalk. She winced, but the pain of her tailbone against stone wasn’t nearly enough to deter the girl from wandering in a dangerous part of the world in search of friendship. Pastiche came from Verbilia’s lesser cousin, the one not invited to all the fancy family dinners or piano recitals; Mackentire. Verbilians joked that the place still wasn’t out of the dark ages, and it hadn’t even reached the industrial revolution…which was only a slight exaggeration of Mackentire’s current condition. But Mackentire was sparse of humans, and, in an impulsive fit of loneliness, Pastiche left her cozy, school-skipping life behind in favor of Verbilia, with nothing but her hand knitted, drawstring bag (which she promptly forgot at the train station). Pastiche shook her head and bounced up, like a toy popping back into place after being bent by an unruly child. Suddenly, the girl’s ear twitched, hearing a scuffle nearby. She knew that it’d probably be safer not to investigate, but…
“Curiosity killed the cat…” she thought, remembering the old proverb her mother berated her with, most commonly when she went wandering into the woods. “Well, I’m not a cat! SoI’m like, immune to curiosity-based damage!” She somehow rationalized. Pastiche may not have been an olympian, but her mental gymnastics could’ve won a gold medal. She poked her head into the alleyway of which she heard the noises come from, yet by the time she looked, any shrieking was gone. She was now gazing upon what can most accurately be described as “A teen clown examining a shaking office worker’s wallet”
“Eep! Killer clown!” The country girl thought, ducking her head out of the alley and pressing herself against the wall like a 1970s Scooby-Doo scene.
“Lord have mercy, I thought a guy with this stature would have more than 40 bucks on him at a time.” The clown scoffed, like a spoiled child not getting the right color of Porsche. They left the alleyway after ripping the money from the leather wallet and throwing the alligator skin back to him with little grace.
Pastiche looked to her right in horror, seeing the mugger staring right at her with a vacant expression, as if they were daydreaming. She could now get a full view of the assalent. A teenager, not much taller than herself, with ripped off sleeves and the baggiest pants known to man. Their hair was a messy navy blue color, and their shirt had the words “Not Funny” written on it in sharpie. But the strangest thing about this person was their face. The stranger’s skin was completely white, almost like snow, and two large red spots were on either cheek. It looked like some kind of makeup. The person steps forward and stares down Pastiche.
They pause, examining her closely. “I love your aesthetic.” They say, monotone, as if reading off a script of a play they didn’t want to be a part of. Or perhaps in a way in which it was an objective and irrefutable fact which Pastiche just had to go on accepting. Not that she wouldn’t accept it. She didn’t fully understand what the word “Aesthetic” meant, but apparently hers was great! That was good, Pastiche liked having her positive qualities pointed out. But before Pastiche could reciprocate the compliment with one of her own, she was cut off by a shiny sports car screeching to a halt next to them, the driver stomping on the brakes so hard that the vehicle seemed to stop out of fear rather than mechanical obligation. The window rolled down and they were greeted by a blonde haired girl with bright pink sunglasses obscuring her eyes, but her mouth was in a shocked sneer.
“Ollie, what the fuck?” She yelled at them in a tone akin to when your dog throws up on the new carpet. “I say we need cash for ice cream and your first instinct is to rob someone?”
“Your own fault for forgetting your wallet.” The clown replied, matter of fact.
“You robbed a man…for ice cream?” Pastiche questions, wanting to ensure that she fully understands what she just witnessed. She blinked, shocked.
“Hm?” This was the first that the driver noticed Pastiche standing there, she was shaking timidly, like an autumn leaf in the wind. “And whatsittoya?” The driver spoke in a single breath, extraordinarily defensive over her acquaintance’s behavior. “You got some kinda problem with it? Do you know who I am?” She rapid-fired questions, not making it clear if they were rhetorical or not. She was nearly punching the car’s horn in white hot anger.
“W-well” The small girl stammered. Ollie looked at her, expectantly. “that's not a very nice thing to do and I think you should give him his money back!” She half expected laughter in response, and she half expected to be beat up in the nearby alley.
The blondie didn’t laugh. She didn’t even speak. She slowly removed her technicolor sunglasses and a giant ugly grin creeped onto her face. Her eyes stared into her soul with utter shock and awe, like she had just found bigfoot. “You’re not from here, are you?” The driver asked in a mocking tone. Ollie had disappeared by now. “Oh that's gold, that's utter gold.” She cackled like a witch “Here's a verbilian tip shortstack, you don’t get anywhere here by being nic-“
“Yo Erin I gave him his cash back” The clown reappeared
“-wha…Ollie you can’t undo a robbery!” Erin, the driver’s name, fired back assertively
“Just did.” Ollie stood their ground, crossing their arms “Sorry fam. Sucks that we don’t get ice cream though.”
“Oh gosh, I think I have a 20, if this is all about ice cream…” Pastiche offered kindly, reaching into the front pocket of her overalls and pulling out a crumpled up 20 dollar bill. Ollie swiped at the paper.
“Hey!” She held it away from the thief. “On two conditions. One, you don’t rob anyone else.” Erin blows a raspberry at this, and mumbles something about dogs. It's not like it was her idea to rob someone for ice cream money. With that kind of behavior, it was almost as if she wasn’t driving a car which cost more than half the apartments in this city. “And two…I get to come and get ice cream too!” The artist bounced in place with a gleeful smile, seeing this as a wonderful chance to make new friends.
Erin sighed “Ollie, a word?” She beckoned her companion over, trying with all her might not to yell. Like when you’re annoyed at your baby sibling but don’t want to make them cry. The clown was walking with no bounce in their step, almost as if they were a ghost gliding over the concrete. It was heelys. They were wearing heelys.
“What? We get free ice cream, and we don’t need to speed back to your shitty house to get your shitty wallet.”
“My house and wallet are both gorgeous, thanks. Are you really about to let that…” She peeks up from the huddle like a rich, pompous gopher, spotting Pastiche waving to her. “…bumpkin into my car” she poked the car’s exterior for emphasis, as if Ollie didn’t hear this conversation any time the smallest particle of dirt was found on the custom-interior. The entire vehical could’ve been mistaken for a chariot forged by gods from the stars. The paint job was flawless, the speed incredible, and the seats meticulously cleaned. At Least that's what Erin says to anyone who shows the smallest bit of interest in it. But nobody did. Cause they didn’t care about her car. And Ollie didn’t particularly care either, but it's not like they had much of a choice but to negotiate with this rabid eel of a woman.
“Ah c’mon shes not a bumpkin. Im sure her outfit she got from Fleaced” Fleaced is the hottest hipster fashion store in Verbilia. Their torn jeans are ‘Mathematically proven to make you look adventurous’. Not to mention it was incredibly expensive. Ollie could only afford clothes that they bought from there because they were friends with The Eon family. Erin’s high class household which paid for her expensive habits and had a reputation for being ‘Absolutely fucking insufferable’. “C’moooon Eriiiiin.” They taunt.
Erin let out the longest groan of her 1st world life, nearly slamming her head onto the car horn, before letting out the tiniest “Fine”
“Hell yeah, ice cream. Cmon overalls! The council has spoken, and it's a yes!” They called over the bumpkin.
“Woo! Oh and uhm, its Pastiche.”
“Ollie!” Ollie said.
“Erin.” Erin groaned.
“Great to meet you! We’re gonna be great friends!” Pastiche clapped like a seal. Her first friends, she was so happy.
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furbtasticworksofart · 9 months
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I didn’t have a better pose idea so this is the “you got games on your phone?” pose
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zombiemollusk · 2 months
"let's invent a variation of the word 'brunette' for this hair color so we don't have to say the character's name" <- this is the devil speaking
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aspenispoplar · 8 months
When the silent, analytical character has trauma:
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incomingalbatross · 27 days
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floofyboi57 · 1 year
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I love posting WIPS out of context
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kranagok0 · 4 months
oh shit, here go again
@blaithnne ...Girl, I sincerely hope Lauren knows some fighting techniques or at least some personal self-defense. because this is serious
and I am very sorry for what I am going to do, but there are not many Hilda's sisters who enter this race (in fact, I don't know any others)
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Lolerai Blyndeff VS Lauren
place your bets people
The fight will begin in a small hospital after the fight that Hilda and Molly had.
so vote
Lauren is a OC the @blaithnne
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epithetemporium · 9 months
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Did a quick doodle for the Sassy Molly fic by my friend @neowollymoxie
I might do a more cleaner version of this as I'm REALLY in a messy scribbles mood lately but I still hope you like it!
Also the original design belongs to @fizzyfazstudio as well as the color palette as I didn't want to mess around too much with the creative work put into this
(actually I really don't know that much about the original source because that is a mess of a story as it seems? Well anyway) I only added a few small changes such as giving Molly's puts little fluffy tails, making the belt in more of a wrap around style to make them slightly seem like bunny pawy, made the ribbon around her collar have an orange piece to make it resemble a carrot and I gave her skirt a little bit of layer with the green....lace thingy? I actually don't even know what that's supposed to be
Also I know that the ribbon in her hair is supposed to be bunny ears but I put the same theme into her hair. Kinda wanted it to look like her hair has these floppy ears why the ribbon has the ears stand up. Like some sort of interpersonal conflict
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missuspairo · 11 months
I read your Zora fic recently and thought it was very good! Would you be willing to write a hurt/comfort or whump scenario with her, maybe?
wrote this super fast since i liked the idea so much… its not the best or most lengthy but i think its alright for my first hurt/comfort fic idfk how to write
cw: blood and stitches
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You worked as a nurse at Bliss Ocean, responsible for patching up and caring for the bounty hunters after their perilous missions. Your medical office was in disarray, tools and equipment strewn across tables, and machines humming in the background. You were in the midst of tidying up when an unexpected visitor arrived.
Today was your lucky day: Zora Salazar stood before you with a deep cut on her arm, blood dripping onto the floor, staining the once-pristine tiles. Her poncho did little to contain the crimson flow.
"Jesus, are you okay?" You asked, genuine concern in your voice as you approached to inspect her wound.
Dealing with bounty hunters always made you nervous, especially someone as formidable as Zora. The reputation of these ruthless individuals and their potential use of epithets on those who crossed them weighed heavily on your mind.
"I'm fine. Can I just get a bandage or something?" Zora replied, her voice tinged with a smooth, Southern drawl.
"No, you clearly need stitches," you insisted.
"Dang it," she muttered, glancing away.
As you began to tend to her injury, you couldn't help but notice the blood pooling on the floor. With a hesitant chuckle, you looked up at Zora and remarked, "You know you're getting blood all over the floor, right?"
"Yeah, I know," she replied, somewhat nonchalantly.
She eventually sat down in a nearby chair, crossing her legs and leaning back as if she weren't bleeding profusely.
"So, how did this happen?" You inquired as you rummaged through the cupboards for gauze bandages, tape, a suture needle, and thread.
"Oh, well, things got a little heated during the mission," Zora sighed, extending her arm. "We had a run-in with some bandits. Let's just say one of them was quite the fighter."
As you worked, you assured her, "It might sting a bit, like a pinch."
"Fine," she replied.
As you stitched her wound, Zora winced in pain. For a moment, your eyes met, and a connection sparked.
"You know, I haven't seen you around here before. What's your name, hun?" Zora asked.
"It's Y/N," you replied.
"Y/N," she repeated, the name rolling off her tongue smoothly. "Have I heard of you before?"
"I used to be a bounty hunter myself before I decided to take on this nursing role," you explained.
Zora smiled, brushing a stray hair from your face. A blush crept onto your cheeks.
"What's that for?" you asked.
"Just felt like it," she said.
With the stitches complete, you wrapped her arm in gauze and taped it securely.
"All better," you declared.
Zora examined her bandaged wound with a curious expression. She then reached over, ruffling your hair, and both of you shared a laugh.
As the laughter subsided, Zora's gaze softened. "You know, I usually take care of myself, but having you around wouldn't hurt."
You were taken aback by her statement but responded with a smile. "Yeah, just don't get into more trouble during your work."
She leaned against the doorframe with a smirk. "Maybe I will. Who knows?"
With that, Zora left the office, leaving you with a feeling that this encounter was only the beginning of more interesting interactions to come.
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sadsoftserve · 9 months
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Sneak peak at the fanfiction, it's Parker and Percy centric :)) plus the rest of the Quintuplet :)))
Sneak peak under cut!!!
Bonnie,” Parker said with a twinge of cringe. “What are you on about?”
“Coke probably,” Bonnie replied with a shit-eating grin as the three girls in front of her mentally facepalmed. “Anyway, why are we talking about me, when we need to be talking about Parker? Her aunt is holding her hostage!”
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smilesthroughfandoms · 4 months
With the Monkie Kids finally reunited, it's time to put a stop to The Not-Mayor's wickedness once and for all. But one of PB's most deadly creations falls into his clutches, leading Sun Wukong to make an uneasy alliance with the precocious newcomer in hopes of saving the day.
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anthony7612 · 4 months
Those screenshot edits + mockups have been leading up to this! Ladies, gentlemen and everyone else...
This is my first Epithet Erased fanfic. There's a chance i might rewrite it sometime in the future.
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alpydk · 1 month
Snippet Thursday
Thanks for the tag @coreene.
You're all going to get a part of Red on You because this is my ZhentWeave baby and, like any parent, I'm going to flood you all with it whether you like it or not. (With the WIP posts and then me just sharing in general, you'll read it through osmosis)
Rugan lifted his glass, tilting it in Astarion’s direction. “You ever meet that sweet lass who worked in the Elfsong? Halfling bird, she could do that thing where she bent her leg up around her-” “Gabby, Gabriella… Oh, what was it? I know who you mean. With the cherries.” “Yes, that's the chickadee. Gloria?” Astarion concentrated, his pale brow furrowed. “No, it wasn’t Gloria…” Two hundred years of skulking Baldur’s Gate. He couldn’t be expected to remember the name of every barmaid. “Isabella.” Gale interjected, wanting the topic to move on. Rugan looked up with a grin on his weathered face. “Isabella. Gods, she was a pretty sight. Surprised you knew her name, though.” “Oh, Gale here has always been quite the charmer. Isn’t that right, love?” “Learning a person’s name is the least one can do.” Gale answered, scowling at them both as they smirked, their minds clearly trawling the gutters they would soon find themselves in.
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aprilbrowines · 24 days
Scp erased chapter 9: MTF Alpha-13 vs. Scp-682
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Summary: The unofficial mobile task force Alpha-13 (Lost boys) look for the destructive scp-682, unfortunately it found them.
Inside the armored van, Giovanni and his MTF crew the lost boys were being debriefed on the dangerous anomalies they were about to face.
“So 682 is a giant reptile?”
“It’s not just a giant reptile, it’s a misanthropic reptile who’s hard to destroy.” Dr. Clef explains “We’ve been trying to kill it for years but its adaptability and mutations have made it a challenge. Giovanni’s eyes widened in awe.
“Woah…that’s so cool.”
“That’s terrifying, which is why we have to…”
Before he could finish his sentence the van swerved to avoid an incoming fire hydrate flying toward them, in front of them was scp-682 causing chaos and destruction. People ran away in fear as it swung its tail in defense.
“Get ready you guys!” Clef said as the van stopped in front of the monster. The lost boys and Percy popped out of the van facing scp-682, the beast growling at the pathetic humans. Percy summons a wizard tower aiming her sword at the reptile as lighting shoots toward 682, its flesh burned as it absorbs the electricity.
It started to glow taking in more of the electricity until it opened its maw and blasted a powerful lighting blast at the group, they jumped out of the way of the attack. 682’s fur crackled with static as it charged up for another attack.
“What do we do!? WHAT DO WE DO?!” Ben said, panicking
Giovanni rips the knife off the bat and hits it at 682’s eye, oozing blood and aqueous humor as it pierces the sclera. Roaring in pain it rushes towards Giovanni as he runs from the monster.
His heart was beating a hundred miles an hour, dodging lightning bolts left and right. Just as 682 was on Giovanni’s tail Crusher threw a trash can at it, letting Giovanni escape.
“Disgusting humans.” 682 growls, seeing the group scatter.
Wings sprouted from its back as it flew upward into the sky, getting a bird’s eye view. It chases down Giovanni and the lost boys like a hawk. Spike and Crusher were shooting at the reptile who was dodging the bullets left and right. Percival king was holding Molly close to her body.
“We need to neutralize 682 and get it back to the site!” Dr. Clef said, shooting at the beast.
682 landed in front of Percy, Molly, and Dr. Bright. It eyed the trio with the desire to rip them apart, Percy placed Molly behind her as she brandished her sword while Bright used a chainsaw. They both lunge at the monster, Percy swinging her sword at the 682’s tail who started to fight back.
As the two adults fight tooth and nail with the misanthropic monster, Molly tries to crawl away. 682 noticed this and threw them off before grabbing Molly by the scruff of her bear hoodie.
“Ms. Blyndeff!”
The girl stares at 682 in horror. She tried to wiggle out of its grasp but it was too strong, as it opened its mouth wide to bite down on her skull Molly closed her eyes as she used her epithet. She braced herself for the painful demise…but it didn’t come, instead a droplet of drool landed on her as 682 was dazed in a stupor, mouth still open.
“Miss Blyndeff!” Percy said, grabbing the young sprog away from danger “Are you all right?”
“What…did you do to scp-682?” Dr. Bright asks, getting in front of the reptile. He snapped his fingers in 682’s face but it didn’t even flinch.
“I used my epithet on it,” Molly said “I didn’t think it would work but…i guess it did.”
Percy holds her too closely, too tightly, but Molly doesn't mind. Jack called for Clef to contain 682 as it stood there. Pondering for a moment a grinch-like grin grew on his face as he thought of an idea.
“Hey Molls, can I ask you a favor?”
— Giovanni, Dr. Clef, and the lost boys ran to the location where scp-682 was, as the group came they were stared down by 682. He raises his shotgun but before he could get a shot in, the reptile pounces on him, tails swaying left and right.
Giovanni closed his eyes as his boys had looks of terror on their faces. But instead of the sounds of bone snapping and visceral demise it was more sloppy and wet. Opening his eyes they all saw the monstrous lizard licking dr. Clef’s face like that of a dog welcoming their master back home.
“Gah get off me!” Clef growls trying to push 682 off but to no avail.
Suddenly they hear laughter as they look to see Jack bright laughing, wiping a stray tear from his eye. Molly and Percy were with him safe and sound.
“Oh man, I didn’t think it would work but it did.” He said, taking a few pictures of the scene. Giovanni hugs Molly tightly.
“Bear trap, what happened?” Giovanni asked “I thought that 682 was a killing machine!”
“It was,” Molly replied “That is until I used my epithet on it.”
He looked at Dr. Bright, playing with a dull minded 682 who barked excitedly. The reptile jumped up and down, wagging its tail.
As 682 was being driven back to site 19, The lost boys celebrated looking at the coordinates to the next anomaly. From a rooftop afar a familiar face noticed the scene from below and with a smile she tells her boss about the discovery.
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wander-wren · 10 months
lrb ACTUALLY let’s talk about epithets have i done that yet? if i have you get to hear it again.
so the main rule is to simply avoid epithets at all costs if you know a character’s name. i promise it’s not as noticeable as you think it is. just use the name. it’s okay. even if i DO notice i vastly prefer that to “the black-haired man” every two paragraphs.
but if you must use them, avoid comparative ones (the older woman, the shorter man) because not everyone remembers a canon birthday calendar or height chart—and it’s worse when people use their own headcanons for that sort of thing. confusing all around. stop it.
also, avoid anything longer than 1-2 syllables to help the epithet blend into the prose. “he looked over at his partner,” when we know his partner’s name is Morgan, feels way more natural than “he looked over at the blue-haired woman.”
on that note—in general, go for relationships before appearance, job, etc when picking epithets. you can use this as a way to develop characters! referring to Morgan as “his partner” implies a close, trusting relationship. it could also imply a certain level of possessive/protectiveness, or shock/insecurity (she’s really my partner…wow). all depends on the context and framing. on the other hand, if we chose to refer to Morgan as “the stubborn asshole” (that’s kind of long, but lets assume we only need to use it once and it fits the tone), that implies they might be working together against their will, and this is not at all a close partnership. but it can also be affectionate! again, context.
going for things like appearance or job (unless the character whose pov you’re in has a good reason to care about those things) is just kind of a waste of words when you could be using them to emphasize something else.
and once you’ve realized that you will forever be annoyed at how many fics decide to throw “the powerful blonde” or what-the-fuck-ever into the middle of a passionate romantic scene between a couple that’s been dating for like five years. what’s all this emotional distance? the love of your life just gets a generic adjective and a hair color on your anniversary? rude.
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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