#Parker King (oc)
sadsoftserve · 5 months
Oh no, they've been Anime Campaign'd, whatever will I do??
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I also did some for my friends @soupghetti @oddball-artz and @imlivinginyourtrashcan
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These were fun to do 🩷
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Your Boyfriend is my fave otome game!
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trangtravishere · 10 months
We're gotta go bald, son
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octobers-snow · 1 year
Elvis Masterlist
The King and I (Elvis x KaceyMusgravesInspired!OC)
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🌹🌻🌸 💐🌼🌷🌹🌻🌸 💐🌼🌷🌹🌻🌸 💐🌼🌷🌹🌻🌸 💐🌼🌷🌹🌻🌸 💐🌼🌷
Summery: Magnolia aka Maggie Martinez, a retired army nurse, aspiring singer, and the wife of the legendary Elvis Presley. This is the story of their life together, beginning from when they first met.
Begins in the late 1960s into the 1970s. A fix-it fic for those who wished they could of saved Elvis.
🌹🌻🌸 💐🌼🌷🌹🌻🌸 💐🌼🌷🌹🌻🌸 💐🌼🌷🌹🌻🌸 💐🌼🌷🌹🌻🌸 💐🌼🌷
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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arospecbandgeek · 7 months
blood, sweat, tears, and a ridiculous amount of keyframes just for a shitpost
@sadsoftserve @oddball-artz
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god-mouths · 1 year
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inktober tommorrow? dont worry about it! fully colored and shaded throwaway meme (PRONOUNS LIGHTNING ROUND LEFT TO RIGHT TOP ROW she/her| he/him |she/her| she/they/he/xe BOTTOM ROW she/her | she/her | he/him
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megslittlespiders · 2 months
Sometimes, I like to fuck around and draw my characters in random ass scenarios
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I just wanted to get silly with lighting 🤷🏽
It's not perfect, but I'm learning. And that's what's important
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bog-teeth · 3 months
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the blood + bone kids.
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wildbanana · 7 months
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Erm, finally drew Gin Parker in drag ☝🏻🤭
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maddieautobot273 · 1 year
Silk & Cologne (37)
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A Miguel O'Hara x OC Series - Link to AO3 (X)
Chapter 37 - Compromised - previous chapter (X)
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Female OC
Words: 3.8K+ words
Warnings: PG-13 for violence and fight sequences, implied torture, forced injection
Summary: Lisa ventures further into the manor in search of Harry.
The hallway was quiet and cold compared to the warm and lively contrast of the ballroom on the other side of the doorway. When I didn’t see anyone else in the hall, I was tempted to go back out merely due to the ominous silence sending a wicked chill down my spine. But I willed myself to carefully and quietly shut the door behind me and ventured further down the hall. 
I recalled Miguel’s training, and Spider-Noir’s advice when he popped in for a quick visit yesterday when Miguel asked him to provide some insight. Hug the wall, always check your corners. Don’t move unless you know for sure you can proceed to your target. So that’s what I did. 
I followed his advice, hugging the wall and peering around the corner once I reached the end of the hall. The cost was clear. No guards in sight, much less security cameras. Odd. 
Don’t overthink it. It’s not getting easier. Don’t get overconfident. 
I reached into my pants pocket, pulling out a spare smoke grenade. I crouched down, pressing the trigger button before gently rolling the grenade across the floor. A soft hiss echoed from the grenade as the familiar pink, glittering smoke covered the hall. When it dispersed, I quickly realized why there weren’t any guards. 
Not a bad trick, King Pin. I was almost impressed. He had that much confidence that no one would be stupid enough to follow him out here?
Correction; That stupid someone was me. 
After making sure my smoke grenade didn’t alert anyone to come snooping around, I stepped out of my hiding spot at the corner of the hall. I studied the layout of the lasers, mapping out a route in my head. I jumped, sticking my hands and feet to the ceiling and started to crawl. 
I maneuvered my way down the hall, occasionally parkouring to other sides of the walls and floor to avoid getting my uniform singed from the intense heat of the lasers. When I made it to the clearing, I jumped down to my feet, finding a switch as I flicked it with my finger and the laser grid slowly vanished. 
“I’ll take five, be right back,” A voice spoke up as a door opened. 
I pressed my back against the wall, glancing over to see a grunt walking towards me from the corner. Not King Pin or Harry, thank goodness for that. But I couldn’t exactly get compromised either. 
I looked over to the door beside me, noticing that it appeared to be a broom closet. I peeked inside, making sure it was big enough for me to slip inside, and to potentially rope someone else in with me. I closed the door, but made sure to leave a small crack of an opening, allowing me to peek outside. 
I listened for the grunt’s footsteps as he proceeded down the hall, passing by the door of the broom closest. He paused, pulling out his phone to shoot a text message before he glanced over to the wall, noticing the switch. The laser security switch. 
“What the–?” He turned to look at the switch, noticing it was switched off. “Who shut it off–!”
I didn’t even give him time to finish his sentence as I pushed the door open, caught him with a web sling and yanked him inside the closest as the door swung shut after him. The small room was nearly pitch black as I gripped my arms around him, fighting to contain him as he tried to struggle out of my grasp. 
“Hey, who the hell–!” He snarled. 
I flexed my fingers, blobs of web fluid staining his body before I opened my mouth and quietly sang a soft melody. 
“Ah, ah, aaaaah, ah ahhh, aaaahhhhhh~” 
The webs glowed their golden hue and soon the grunts' struggles diminished as the pupils matched the webs glow. He passed out in my arms, falling asleep. I sighed in relief as the thundering flutter of my heart calmed down, the adrenaline of the moment subsiding. 
“That was way too close. . .” I muttered softly as I carefully set the grunt down on the floor. “No hard feelings tough guy,” 
I found a large paper towel roll, quickly adjusting the grunt’s head to place the roll under him so he could use it as a pillow. Once he was settled, I discreetly stepped out of the broom closet and shut the door behind me. I looked around the hall, and it appeared no one had heard the grunt’s sudden cry. 
“I should cover my tracks,” I mumbled softly as I flicked the switch and the laser security grid turned back on. 
If I needed somewhere to run and come back the way I came, I now knew where the switch was so I could quickly shut it off and make a speedy get-a-way. Maybe I could hang back and shoot some web fluid at it to turn it back on if there are some henchmen chasing me down later? Hypothetically speaking of course. 
I proceed further into the hall, sneaking by the doorway the grunt had previously come out of to now draw attention to myself. When I made it to the end of the hall, I passed through the door and arrived in a grand foyer. It had the same architecture of the ballroom, more warmth in it than that asylum looking secret hallway I was just in. 
Now, which way did they go? Up the stairs or through the grand oak wood doors on the other end of the room?
“Hey, you!” 
I froze instantly. Shit! 
I turned around to see three henchmen approach me. I was so focused on figuring out which direction King Pin may have taken Harry, I didn’t notice these guys guarding the room. If I make it out of this Miguel was going to kill me for letting my guard down. I had to think of something quick. 
“What are you doing out here?” One of the guards questioned me. “All service workers for the gala are to remain at the event,” 
“Oh, uh, my boss said that Mr. King Pin had requested drinks for him and some of his guests and, uh–” I tried to stay calm as my brain fumbled for an excuse, fiddling with my fingers behind my back. “Sent me to check what they wanted,”
“I haven’t heard anything like that from the boss,” The leader of the trio shook his head as he glanced at his partners. “Have ya’ll heard anything?”
They both shrugged, looking at each other in confusion. 
Their leader gave me a hard stare as he pulled out a walkie talkie. My heart sank into my stomach, thankful that it wasn’t a weapon he brought out. “Mind if I call to confirm?”
A faint drop of sweat streaked down my forehead as I managed a polite smile. “Not at all,”
He nodded before he glanced over at his partners, motioning his head towards me. “Keep an eye on her, aight?”
The pair nodded as they stepped forward, circling me like hawks as they covered my flanks on either side of me. Their leader turned his back to me, the static of the walkie talkie going off as he pressed a button to activate it. 
“Yo, Marco, can you check with Antonio if the boss requested drinks for his meeting? I got one of the servers here saying she was sent to take an order for the boss,” 
I couldn’t pick up the full sentence that came out of the radio and it’s horrendous frequency, but I at least picked up the phrase, One second. That bought me some time, although I had no idea how long. 
The four of us stood around in awkward silence. Although from their perspective, I was certainly the awkward one. I kept telling myself I was just playing an act. The role of an innocent bystander just trying to do their job and not wanting to cause any trouble. I repeated that story over and over again in my mind to try and calm my nerves as I could feel my palms start to sweat. 
The walkie talkie went off again, the static sparking through the speaker as a response came out. 
“Say again?” The leader of the henchmen asked for clarification. 
The static went off and I could feel the gaze on me coming from the two flanking henchmen hardening. More sweat dripped down my forehead. The jig was up. 
“We didn’t hear anything about the boss wanting– AH!” As the leader of the henchmen was turning to further prove his claim, I flexed my hand out, shooting a ball of web fluid into his face. 
He recoiled, screaming as he fell to the floor. He frantically clawed at the web fluid, pulling the sticky substance off his face as his buddies squared up. My shoulders tensed as I shifted my gaze between the pair, waiting to see who would react first. 
The one on my right moved in first, charging me. I swerved out of the way of the charge, my body spinning as I bashed my knee into his back. He bulldozed into his friend who took the brunt of the hit and they both collapsed to the floor, their skid marks staining the expensive red carpet 
A snarl caught my ear as I turned, facing their leader who was at least free of the mess I threw at his face. He reached for his back again, whipping out a black baton. I could feel my knees start to buckle, but I didn’t budge. 
Remember what Miguel taught you. It’s the brutes you’ve got to watch out for. 
I quickly evaluate my options, glancing around us. I see an opening as he charges. I shoot two web slings upward and once they stick to my target, I pull on them hard with as much strength as I can muster. My arm and bicep muscles twitch and burn as I yank down the chandelier from the ceiling and it lands on top of the henchmen with a loud ‘CRASH’ as I leap out of the way of the debris. 
When the smoke cleared from the impact and the glittering jewels on the lights stop shaking, the brute is alive and well, merely shaken up as he realizes that he’s trapped within the inside of the chandelier and is too big to squeeze past the iron bars. His walkie talkie is smashed as well. 
“Sorry, like I said, got a job to do!” I chuckled softly, offering the brute a showful bow before taking off up the grand stairway to the second floor. 
I had no idea if I was even going the right way, but I needed to put some distance between myself and that mess downstairs. But if others go looking for their friends, they’d tell them what I’d look like. Thankfully I’m packing more than one costume. 
As I pushed open a doorway and continued running down the hall, I felt a sharp buzz in my head. My spider-sense. Something was wrong. 
I could see it coming as someone whipped their arm out, attempting to neck slam me. But I fell to my knees, sliding across the floor and under the arm before my body sprang up and whipped around to meet my advisory. 
A tall man chuckled darkly as he stepped in front of me. He wore a dark navy blue suit with a black button up dress shirt, had pale white skin on his hands but as far as his face goes, I could make out his brown eyes. The rest of his face was covered with a white metal mask. 
“We meet again, Miss Lisa,” the man greeted me with a thick Russian accent.
“Do I know you?” I raised a brow at the man as I kept a good distance away from him. 
The man shook his head and I could see the playful glimmer in his eyes through the mask as he fixed his cufflinks. “Surely you remember me? It’s me,” He spoke almost gently before his lips twitched and curled into a devilish smile, and his voice changed. “Mi vida,” - my dear 
My jaw dropped to the floor. My heart dropped to my stomach as I felt like I was going to collapse right there and then. It was him. Not my Miguel. 
“You!” I snarled, my teeth grinding as I squared my fingers into tight fists. “You’re the imposter that attacked me!” 
He applauded me, the playful glimmer in his eyes never fading. “Very good, Lisa,” his voice shifted back into a Russian accent. “I take it by now you know who I am? Who I truly am?”
“You’re the Chameleon,” I glared at him, piercing daggers into his very soul. 
 “Please, after what we both went through together, I believe we’re on a first name basis now,” I could hear his grin from under the mask as he offered me a bow, “Call me Dmitri,” 
“Like hell I will,” I growled. I fired a burst of web fluid, sticking his body to the nearby wall. “Stay away from me,”
“Ah, ah, ah,” Chameleon clicked his tongue in a disapproving manner. “Don’t be so hasty now, I was just on my way to fetch you,”
I watched as Chameleon’s fingers glazed through my webs like they were nothing. Tearing them apart like they were paper and his fingers were as sharp as scissors. My eyes widened at the sight, taking a step back. 
“I didn’t just duplicate Miguel’s voice, you know,” He purred, daring a step closer towards me. 
I took another step back. Followed by a hard hit to the back of the head. I collapsed to the floor, my body screaming at me to stand as I zoned in and out of consciousness, black and white spots covering my vision. I struggled to push myself up right as I glanced over, seeing Chameleon take a few steps towards me, kneeling beside me. 
He cupped my chin with his fingers, studying me with a sultry grin before glancing up at whoever knocked me down. “Take her to the boss,”  
Miguel’s P.O.V. 
The gala was bustling with lively people as chatter and live music filled the space. Miguel adjusted his tie with one hand while with the other he held a sleek glass of champagne. He glanced over, his eyes scanning the crowd. He spotted Jessica wearing a beautiful glistening red dress that hugged her baby bump just right, with a fur coat overtop her shoulders. 
Their eyes met briefly. They had to pretend they didn’t know each other for the sake of their cover. Miguel was reaching for his ear to effortlessly adjust his earpiece communicator when he heard Jessica’s voice. 
“Hanging in there?” 
Not through the earpiece, but through his mind. 
Miguel’s hidden power as he called it. He wasn’t aware he possessed such an ability until started recruiting more Spiders into the Society. The ones he became relatively close with, or tolerated as he called it, somehow developed a psychic bond that allowed them to communicate telepathically if they were close enough. 
So far he had developed this connection with Jessica, Peter B., and there was a brief flicker of a connection with Gwen when they were fighting the Vulture anomaly in her dimension just over a month ago. No one else has managed to connect to his bond, not even cute little Mayday Parker, much to his chagrin, although he’d never admit it to him.
How that mixed in with the DNA splicing, he had no idea, and didn’t have the time to properly look into it. This ability had saved his skin many times, so he figured if he could use it to his advantage, he wouldn’t budge on it. There were more important things at stake.
“Trying to,” He sighed deeply, taking a sip of the champagne to try and keep himself calm and distracted. 
“She would have said she needed back up. You know this,” Jessica spoke through the bond with a calming tone while physically she was laughing at another guest's horrible joke as she mingled with a small group, meanwhile Miguel had to politely turn down multiple flirty advances on him. She was always the more social one between the pair. “Trust her to find Harry,” 
Miguel’s fingers tightened their grip on the champagne glass ever so slightly. “I do trust her. I’m just. . . anxious. It’s been a while since her last message,”
“I believe the phrase the youngsters use nowadays is ‘hot minute’, though it’s actually been about 10 minutes or so, give or take,” Peter B.’s voice suddenly filled the space of Miguel’s mind, and the Spider-Society leader willed himself not to snarl in annoyance. 
“Peter. . .” 
Of course he would hear us and chime in. Well. . . it would be more discreet than the communicators.  
“Cat’s not out of the bag yet. King Pin’s goons haven’t stormed the joint. Until we hear back from her, all we can do is wait. Maybe we’ll find something else of use while we’re here,” Peter B. reasoned before it sounded like he was stuffing his face at the buffet table. Again. “Use that big brain of yours, Miguel!” 
Miguel rolled his eyes before venturing elsewhere in the crowd, glancing over towards the stage as the audience applauded the band as they wrapped up their current song and adjusted for a new set. 
If she needed me, she’d call. 
She’d call.
Lisa’s P.O.V. 
"Boss, we caught this one lurking around,"
I could feel myself coming to again. My vision cleared and I found myself in a secluded room, on my knees with rope tightly knotted, keeping my wrists tied together and pressed to my lower back. My disguise was gone and I was stuck wearing my spider-suit. Two henchmen were at either side of me, and out of the corner of my eye I could make out Chameleon leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest, looking at me. 
But my focus wasn’t on him. It was on the two most powerful men in the room. 
King Pin was a large man with an intimidating stare. He gripped his cane tightly as he lounged on his luxurious sofa chair. Beside him, Harry Osborne stood up from his seat, hands stuffed into his suit pockets as he stared at me down. 
Now that I got an actual good look at him, Harry looked to be about the same age as Miguel, late twenties, early thirties, maybe a tad older than him by a year or so. I couldn’t deny it, Harry Osborn was quite handsome, like a cross between Chris Hemsworth and Robbie Amell. In a villainous billionaire sort of way.
In between us was a small table with an open briefcase. Inside the briefcase I could just barely catch what looked like to be metal collars? They were a sleek gunmetal gray with green fluorescent glowing lights. 
I could see the look on Harry’s face as he studied me. Recognition. His lips curled into a smile. “Lisa Kendrick, at last we finally meet face to face. Although I wasn’t expecting to see you so soon,”
“Harry,” I uttered his name, growling in greeting. 
"She one of the other Spider's you were talkin about?" King Pin looks over at Harry, a stern yet intriguing look on his face.  
“The very same,” Harry mused with a nod of his head. 
“She made a mess in your foyer, King Pin,” Chameleon shook his head like he was disciplining a child. “Ruined a perfectly good chandelier,” 
“Eh, I’ve seen prettier,” I shrugged my shoulders, trying to nudge the henchmen away from me but they gripped my shoulders tightly with their fingers. “What’s your endgame, Harry? Why are you siding with scum like King Pin?”
“If I told you that, then that would ruin the surprise, now would it?” Harry leaned forward, his wicked grin sending a chill down my spine. 
“If you’re here, then I assume more of your other spider friends are lurking around in my manor as well?” King Pin surmised as he tilted his head, lighting a cigar. 
I didn’t give him an answer. 
"It would appear I have been made," Harry sighs as he pulls something out from his pocket. "As much as I want to bring you in now, the stage is not set quite yet, my dear, at least not my stage,"
It’s not until he starts walking towards me when I notice what he’s holding in his hand. A syringe. The pointy end of it flashed in the low lighting of the room as I tried to shuffle back, but the guards kept me still as the CEO of Oscorp came before me. 
“Get your hands off me!” I growled. 
Miguel warned me. He warned me that something like this would happen and I still insisted on doing this. Have you forgotten already that Harry could still be seeking you out for your powers?
“Now, now, I’m not going to hurt you, Spider-Muse,” Harry chuckled as he knelt beside me, his fingers gripping and brushing the neck sleeve of my spider-suit down to expose my neck.  
Harry injected the syringe into the crock of my neck, forcing a blood sample from me. I felt the prick of the needle and hissed as the tiny metal tip pulled out from my body. I recoiled out of his touch, baring my teeth at him.  
"I'll have need of you later,” Harry spoke as he stood back up to his feet, handing the syringe to Chameleon who put the medical device in a case, locking it. Harry glanced over towards King Pin. “In the meantime, I'll leave her in your capable hands. Feel free to use my gifts as a token of our partnership,"
“Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Osborne,” King Pin chuckled as he blew a whiff of his cigar, the dark smoke fluttering in the air. 
“What are you talking about?” I sent an accusing glare towards Harry. 
He ignored my question as his gaze briefly went to the contents inside the briefcase before he gave me a wink. He motioned over to Chameleon. “Let’s move along, Dmitri, we’re done here,” 
He’s not going to. . . use that thing on me is he?!
Harry pressed a button on his watch and I watched in awe as his own inter-dimensional portal appeared. This one was blue and purple compared to the orange and red contrast of the portals used by the Spider-Society. 
“See you later, Prekrasnyy,” Chameleon snickered. - Lovely 
“Until we meet again,” Harry waved at me before he and Chameleon stepped through the portal and disappeared from the room, from this dimension. 
The portal closed and within seconds, King Pin snapped his thick fingers, grinning at me. “Prep her,” He commanded. 
The next thing I knew, I got smacked into the back of my head again. Darkness quickly followed. 
Leave a like or comment if you want to be added to the tag list!
Tagged: @0eye0​, @sadgurlstar , @uhnanix​ , @r1dd1kulus​,    @kirablommuwu @kenacole​ @kuinnoa​,   @devotedlyatomicdeer  @hltendo , @r0sib3lleeditx @noahspector​​    @senicrile    @ahoeformyself
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sadsoftserve · 6 months
I updated their fuck ass sprites
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A great take from my friend lmaooooo
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Y/N in wonderland! i think Peter would be Cheshire Cat <- don’t have the energy to draw that haha :0
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uh ohhh peter your boyfriend just won’t give up !!!
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coloradohqconnections · 11 months
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ANGELO CORTES ESTRADA (MIGUEL GOMEZ) is looking for THEIR HIGH SCHOOL EX. they’d like the faceclaim to possibly be someone along the lines of AJA NAOMI KING, BRENDA SONG, JESSICA PARKER KENNEDY, JANET MONTGOMERRY, CHARLES MICHAEL DAVIS, MANNY JACINTO, OLIVER JACKSON COHEN, NICO TORTORELLA, ANY FC 36-39, but you must reach out to DADIISM to find out more! (these two dated back in los angeles in high school, angelo was the typical bad boy. i could definitely see their relationship being like the bad boy/good boy or girl. they likely split after graduation when your muse went off to college and angelo moved to boulder shortly after. after a drunk driving accident he was sent to prison for 20 years and was recently released. how or why your muse ended up in denver can be utp, maybe they got in contact while he was in prison or maybe it’s a surprise when they run into each other now, i’m open to plotting/discussing!)
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marvels-bitch-boy · 1 year
The Scarlet Spiders:
Word Count: 2.9k
A/N: I was gonna wait until I had the 10th chapter finished but I couldn't wait to give you guys more
Masterlist , Chapter 4: Something Amiss
Chapter 3: Cracks In A Web
Just to end everyone's overwhelming concern...-just pretend to be- I made it back to the city unscathed. I refuse to go back to Feast. I did however find some access to a laptop... hack some stuff and was able to confirm a transfer spot into the Queens High School for the Sciences, had to at least get my spot back.
- - -
Walking into a school office he once knew made Degan feel empty. He didn't have any connections he once had, he was alone in a place that he felt was his second home. Sitting in a chair outside a principal's office he'd never met before. Staring at kids who wore uniforms he'd never even seen before. His knee bounced up and down as though it was a perpetual motion machine. One of the shortest questions Degan has heard in his life snapped him out of his head. "Mr King?" his head spun towards the voice and he scanned the man's face as fast as he could and produced a smile. "Sir, it's nice to meet you Mr Morita" he held out his hand for the man. This took the man aback for a moment before he produced a smile of his own and took the hand, opening the door even wider for the boy to enter. "Mr King, your record so far looks impeccable." he closes the file in front of him and looks at the boy curiously "I do have to ask why you suddenly decided to transfer?"
Taking in a large breath he racked his mind, thinking over the following days "I realized I wasn't being challenged enough at my last school, science is my passion and I want to make sure I'm at the best place for it" giving a nonchalant smile he turns his head towards the window that looks out at the hallway with students walking around. "It already feels like I belong here" Principal Morita gives him a warm smile before getting up and making his way to the door. "Well, I'm glad." the door opens and a smiling face greets Degan from the doorway "Hopefully you'll feel even better once you get a tour," gesturing to the girl smiling "this is Chrissy, one of our welcome members on the student council".
"Hi! You must be Degan!" she waves and he feels his eyes widen and brows raise. This was not something he expected. "You don't have a uniform yet, but that's the first stop." Degan opens his mouth to object but is quickly shut down by the bright girl shining her smile at him "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll look great" getting up he hesitantly followed the girl.
- - -
Shit Shit Shit. Not only do I now need a uniform but I also have to get a tour and talk to someone... something I hate. She kept smiling and waving to people. So much friendliness.
- - -
Stepping out of the changing room he begrudgingly put on the navy blue blazer. Catching his reflection he felt like he was seeing a stranger, his wavy hair had begun to straighten itself, and his eyes felt sunken in more than they usually did. He tugged on the collar and forced a smile once his tour guide turned to him. She squealed and his face went from uncomfortable to eyes wide in fear. "You look perfect. Like actually perfect" She stood up and opened the door out into the hallway and beckoned him to join. "C'mon, You have Wells for your first class." walking to the door in the most uncomfortable shoes possible, in a tie that feels more constricting than any time he's been choked by Scorpion. Stepping into a hallway he's walked a million times felt like amnesia, the colour of the lockers was the same, and the student's faces passed by unlike any he's seen before. As he walked he felt a spidey sense go off in the smallest of proportions he thought it was simply a phone vibration. Taking one step forward he then collided with a flurry of dirty blonde hair that almost fell backwards. Catching her by her arm he just stared at her and helped get her back up to her feet. Not saying a word and just avoiding her gaze he continued on with his tour. Scurrying away he could only hear a small "thanks" as her voice left his ears.
"Here's your locker, you can put your clothes in for after school" focusing back on the face of the girl in front of him, he noticed more of her appearance. She had fluffy brown hair that matched that of cocoa, and dimples that flashed every time she spoke and smiled... so they seemed to appear often.
"Thanks" shoving the pile he had tucked into his side now into the large metal locker. Turning around he found the girl with dirty blonde hair eyeing him up like a prize at a county fair. She had a smile on her that was skewed to one side, her eyes were green and they held a certain glint to them. Degans eyes followed up and down as she surveyed him too, seemingly understanding what was happening as they kept the focus on each other. "Okay, well I'll save you a seat...in room 9" his attention was now on the brown eyes that followed the smile and dimples as they turned and walked away. Looking back at the blonde, he found her to be making her way towards him. The smile on her lips didn't change at all and the glint in her eyes only seemed to get brighter.
"Where did you drop in from?" her voice was one that screamed mischief from a rooftop. Degan only cocked a brow and turned back to his locker. she leaned against the lockers next to him and stared intently into his eyes. "C'mon, let me thank my hero somehow"
"I'm okay, I'd rather you pretend I don't exist" closing his locker and walking away he could feel her eyes tied to him as he walked.
Keeping his head down he didn't even need to ask for directions on the way to his first class, he'd already memorized the layout on his first day... his other first day.
His head perked up for only a moment when a voice pierced his ears. He knew who it belonged to from before he even saw the back of her head. Before he saw her giant curls of chestnut hair. Before he saw her turn around and face him with a smile that he had missed for ages. It was the smile that he was greeted with after almost every patrol, the smile that he found himself wanting to be near every day after resenting it for over a year. A small smile perched at the corner of his lips before this reality came crashing down on his brain as it seemed to always do. "Pete!" she called out. Fuck. His head fell and his lips almost crumbled off his face onto the linoleum floor beneath his feet that propelled him forward. He continued until he almost bumped into the blonde from earlier. She caught his hand as she manoeuvred around him. How is she doing this? They landed in a position that interlocked their hands and ended with him leaning against a set of lockers that decked out the hallway. "Look who it is...," her voice purred in his ears, she looked down at his hand with that mischievous glint and gave it a small squeeze "you sure you want me to pretend you don't exist?" pairing her eyes with a smirk it was almost difficult for him to break away from her. Almost.
Tearing his hand from hers he had a thought 'What if MJ saw?'. That was before he forced himself to remember the situation, she would never see. She would never see him here. She no longer thought of him. No longer searched a crowd for his face, never searched the police scanners to hear if he was alright, never texted him about a new recipe for date nights, and never was a part of her world. He found his eyes drifting away from the blonde in front of him back to the sandy brown and matching curly hair girl who he just so happened to also catch her eye. "No, no lover boy, that's Parker's girl... more like Parker's her boy actually. Either way, she's off limits..." Using one of her fingers from her perfectly manicured set to shift his gaze back on her with the smile she gave him when they first locked eyes. "Me on the other hand...I'm Felicia," taking his hand once again she practically dragged him off and through the door, he was just heading towards. "You'll be next to me" she took a seat that wasn't too far away from the front to not appear like she wasn't paying attention, but not too close as to draw too much attention to herself. She motioned for the seat next to her but instead, he rolled his eyes and moved to the seat directly in front of her. If he was going to last here without MJ he would need someone assertive but he also wasn't going to let her boss him around like he was her toy.
A few seconds later Chrissy walked in with a binder that had papers sticking out of it like a mad scientist had been the previous owner. Taking notice of Degan she huffed and picked up all the items that had been organized on the desk 3 rows over and sheepishly moved them to be next to him. "I told you I'd save you a seat..." she seemed rather embarrassed and blue. The sound of a small laugh coming from behind him caused Degan to shoot a rather testy look at Felicia. He turned back to the bright-eyed girl who seemed to be trying her best to make him comfortable and welcomed -in her mind, he'd never faced the horrors of a new york magnet school...- he softened his eyes and gave her an apologetic smile "I'm sorry, this bobcat seemed to be gunning for me and pulled me here," he snuck a glance at the blonde and then back at dimples that now seemed to appear with a grateful smile "Don't worry, she only looks like a bobcat... inside she's a little tabby" Felicia didn't have to say anything but the roll of her eyes themselves was enough.
During this interaction, other students had been slowly trickling into the room. Degan kept his head only slightly up as he waited for class to start and his eyes caught the same hair from the hallway, the same smile and eyes that used to be so familiar. She took a seat near the back, and the boy who she was smiling at in the hallway took the seat in front of her. She'd never let him do that, he'd always sit next to her or behind her.
- - -
What the fuck, who is this Felicia girl? Why the hell is she so interested in me and forcing me to be her friend? Also, my teacher already gave me a giant packet of work to do... not that I can't do it but it's not science, it's god damn AP World History. I'm great at it but I hate doing the work... Anyway now though I have a second class of the day and that is mathematics -specifically calculus. I can sit in the back and figure out the whole reason I'm here, or even how I got here. Finally peace.
- - -
The fluffy brown hair appeared in his peripheral vision and placed itself right next to our spider. Keeping to himself Degan had chosen a seat all the way in the back, he knew it would put him at risk of losing any class participation but he could ace this class in his sleep. He wasn't worried. As the sound of his music beats on in his head, he began to think about the words that Bruce had said
"I'm sorry to say this but we currently have no way of getting you home. The only theory right now is to wait for another one of those multiversal sinkholes... to well open up again. I'm sorry"
"No way of getting you home."
The greatest mind he's ever known doesn't even think he can get home. The man who taught him pretty much everything he knew was left with no answers. This whole experience was starting to feel like some kind of cosmic joke on him. He was finally happy with MJ, they were talking about colleges, possibly even a full-time Avengers spot. But that was all gone now. The chances of them coming back were almost slim to none. The music in his head began to fade as he thought for longer. It seemed to mould into his thoughts.
"You have lunch?" Degan felt his consciousness fling back into his body like a slingshot. Looking at the brown-haired girl with confusion he shook his head no. "you can have some of mine, we can sit together" he seemed to be deliberating this option in his head and as Chrissy waited for a response she brought out her packed lunch and set it on the table. "Doesn't have to be in public, just here if you want?" This made a small smile appear on degans face for the first time since getting here, the other smiles were all for appearance, this one was as real as a soldier trapped in time. The two of them sat there for a moment and she began to open the bag and spill the contents across the small desk. There was a sandwich cut in half, a bag of chips, Oreos, and two granola bars. She handed Degan one-half of the paper bag and placed exactly half of the meal on it. Neither one of them had more or less than the other.
"So, tell me about yourself. What do you do for fun?" she took a bite of her sandwich and stared at him with interest. He felt like he was being interviewed for one of the lamest talk shows. "I like to watch movies, see art, and sometimes I like to cook," he hesitantly took a bite of his own food "Not really a lot to talk about". He could tell by the look on her face that it was indeed a lot to talk about. "Excuse me! You can cook and you like art?" he nodded at her question "Would you cook for me someday?" he let out a small chuckle at her request.
"No -sorry I don't cook for other people..." he thought of the nights he'd spend hours perfecting the recipes that MJ would send him, sometimes they tasted awful but that was part of the fun of it. "What about you? What do you do for fun?" shifting the conversation away from himself he decided to get to know his new friend. Her eyes lit up when he asked her and she had to straighten her posture before speaking "I love to just lay on the floor sometimes, staring at the ceiling," it was obvious by how she was answering that she doesn't get asked this a lot "it helps me think... -especially when I get stuck on homework".
Degan didn't mind listening to her, he didn't mind if she was the only one who talked. He hated talking. Except when he was patrolling, that's when he was his happiest. Swinging around the city his mind was free, and he gets to think. It's his variation of laying on the floor. He understood what it meant for her, especially finally having someone to talk to about it. So he let her. She ended up talking for the rest of lunch. When the bell rang she quickly finished her food and said her byes. Degan stood and gathered his bag, leaving the room he walked down the hall and felt a pair of eyes stuck on him. Looking around he couldn't find the eyes until he made a complete one-eighty and his eyes landed on a pair of brown eyes that he once recognized but still carry a warmth that will forever hold a place in his heart. Seeing her, he found himself stuck in place unable to move his heart began to speed up, and the pace that his mind reached felt inhuman. She wasn't his and she had never been his here, she averted her eyes from him and went back to talking to the shorter boy in front of her. Degans eyes focused now on the boy, taking in his stature and the way he comfortably talked to the girl in front of him. He seemed like a friend.
- - -
Maybe if I had been born in this universe he would be my friend... Maybe I'd actually have friends. To be honest, MJ was one of my only friends. I had one other though... his name was -well I think you know his name, currently, he goes by "Nova". Sometimes he's a prick and can't tell when someone hasn't spoken in hours because he's too busy talking about food or some kind of sport. Now that I think about it... he's a lot like Chrissy but less sweet and she can't blow up a whole RV by accident on the annual road trip... I AM STILL NOT OVER THAT!!
-sorry. Too emotional but I can't help it. I don't exist in this universe... honestly what if I don't exist in any other one but my own. I hope I do... I hope I'm different in them. I hope that she's with me, I hope that I'm not alone.
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arospecbandgeek · 8 months
I'm baaacccckkkk with a doodle and questions.
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Teehehe I gift my silly drawings to people
1- What's her Music taste?
2- Is she only scared of Bonnie because shes a juvie convict? Or is she scared of all convicts in general?
3- Do you think that the cheerleaders, and Color Guard would have sleepovers after the performances/games? And if so, would the two be separate? Or would both teams be together?
4- Favorite animal and food?
5- Is she scared of cops? Like she knows she's a banzai blaster, so when she sees a cop or Percy (or even someone related to Percy *cough* Parker *cough*) does she get anxious like Carcrash does?
6- Any info on Blaries family? Any siblings? Is she close to anyone in particular?
7- Have you been hit by the square anon yet?
Again, I lurk and I love OC development so I'm gonna be here. Feel free to like, not answer. And don't be afraid to like ask me abt my characters. Again, I like talking Abt them and hearing ppl talk abt theirs.
thanks for the doodle! length warning again.
1- What's her Music taste?
Mainstream rap (90s - Now) and alternative pop (Basically the in-universe equivalents to Lana Del Ray and Florence and The Machine).
2- Is she only scared of Bonnie because shes a juvie convict? Or is she scared of all convicts in general?
Yes and no. She’s afraid of Bonnie because she could be a threat, her being an ex-convict is the main part of her reasoning, though. She knows that people go to jail for many different reasons, even if they aren’t violent, it’s just that Bonnie is a mix of both which makes her worried.
3- Do you think that the cheerleaders, and Color Guard would have sleepovers after the performances/games? And if so, would the two be separate? Or would both teams be together?
Yes. Note that I plan on showing other OCs that are cheerleaders later (I’m working on Monica, the head cheerleader, but I draw slow as hell so I’ll probably be done days from now), and I feel like they would have sleepovers. I can’t speak too well for the color guard, since they’re not my OCs, but I think they would too.
I don’t know if they’d mix sleepovers, but it would honestly be funny if they did. Like going from bickering over a practice field on Friday to watching a movie and eating ice cream the immediate day after.
4- Favorite animal and food?
Unicorns and vanilla ice cream. Unicorns because she’s an avid MLP (or equivalent) fan. She keeps that a secret though because it would be “lame to like a kids show”. She likes vanilla ice cream because it’s sweet but simple.
5- Is she scared of cops? Like she knows she's a banzai blaster, so when she sees a cop or Percy (or even someone related to Percy *cough* Parker *cough*) does she get anxious like Carcrash does?
If this AU takes place before the redwood run arc, then no. If it takes place after, then only Percy. She also wouldn’t be afraid around Parker after finding out who her relatives are, but just makes sure not to do anything illegal around her.
6- Any info on Blaries family? Any siblings? Is she close to anyone in particular?
She’s an only child with two parents named Isabella and Daniel who are (un)happily married. Blaire isn’t that close with either of them, with Isabella being a borderline neglectful wine mother who cares about business more than her kid, and Daniel being an enabler.
7- Have you been hit by the square anon yet?
The who? /gen
Again, I lurk and I love OC development so I'm gonna be here. Feel free to like, not answer. And don't be afraid to like ask me abt my characters. Again, like talking Abt them and hearing ppl talk abt theirs.
No, you’re fine. If anything I actually kinda appreciate these asks. I genuinely have nothing better to do right now. 😭 By the time the weekend’s over I’m obviously not gonna respond this quickly, but I still probably will.
I’ll ask about your OCs too, I’m just idea bankrupt right now.
thanks for the ask! 💞
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god-mouths · 1 year
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new guys (she/her and he/him left to right :+1:)
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