#episode 7x09
rodpower78 · 1 month
I'm worried about you.
Evan 'Buck' Buckley
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911bts · 2 months
7x09 title has been changed to "Ashes, Ashes"
7x10 (the finale) title is "All Fall Down"
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tvuniverse · 1 month
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9-1-1 → 7x09 Ashes, Ashes
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neverevan · 1 month
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9-1-1 SEASON 7: FAVORITE MOMENTS ↳ part 29/?
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captainsavre · 1 month
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Maya and Carina || STATION 19 ↳ All kisses (Season 7)
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mayabishopgold · 1 month
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Maya Bishop | Station 19 - 7x09
You said yourself, it is too early to tell from an at-home test.
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sebbyomg · 1 month
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You know, I always knew that there was a part of you that I could never touch. That pain of losing your family. I could imagine what it must be like, but I can never really understand it. The best I could do was to love you and hope that that was enough to keep you here.
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mustbebunnys · 2 days
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Hey, you did great work, but you should be with 19...with Maya, please. Carina DeLuca, STATION 19 | s07e09, How Am I Supposed to Live Without You?
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dangerpronebuddie · 1 month
Bobby wanted to go knowing Buck has it handled, and found the proof he needed by having him cook dinner for the family they both chose.
Buck chose the kitchen door to talk about a wound he and Eddie both know is still hurting.
Henren and Madney discussed their worries in the dining room over cookies with their kids.
Bobby didn't want Athena near his past but she stepped in with him and she accepted that past even if he didn't want her to, and told him so at their dining table.
Love is stored in the kitchen.
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littlespoonevan · 1 month
911 season 7 episode 9, aka the episode where I kept thinking things were a dream that were NOT in fact a dream
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cosmicqvake · 9 months
I just wanna know how 7x09 goes from being this goofy, hilarious take on Groundhog Day, with moments like Daisy and Jemma casually DYING on the floor, with Deke proceeding to have a mental breakdown over it (because HELLO he just watched Daisy and his nana dramatically drop dead on the floor), while Coulson groans with annoyance about how much of a pain in the ass it is. And, of course, “phlebotinum”, and Enoch casually destroying everybody, and Coulson slowly but surely losing his mind, some cute Dousy moments too, among other absolute gems.
Then you get straight up gut-punched by conversations like Daisy and Coulson’s, about the irony of the time loop being a metaphor for his fear of the inevitable future where he will have to watch every single person he cares about die because someone “decided he should.”
Like wow. Hit me right where it hurts, why don’t you? (I could make a whole post about that conversation alone.)
Not to mention the power of Enoch’s last scene:
“Does it hurt?
It does, a bit. But it's not the physical pain that troubles me. I am acutely aware that in my thousands of years observing humans, I never used to feel lonely. I've been alone many times. To be candid, I preferred it, but it wasn't until I met this particular team of SHIELD agents that being alone meant feeling lonely. And I don't care for it. So, I am feeling, as you might expect, some anxiety now…
You don't have to. You're not alone. Daisy and I will stay with you right up until the end.
That is very kind of you. But, it's that last part, isn't it? You can stay with me up until the end, but you cannot come with me at the end. I will have to leave you and I will have to do that alone and I can't help wondering when that happens, will I feel lonely?
I can say with some authority that you're not wrong. Dying is lonely. But the feeling is temporary, at least for the person dying. The ones who are left behind… less so. I guess that's the one advantage to going first.
Yes. It's different watching your friends go before you, isn't it? I've been through that as well. It can be harder to stay than to leave. I'm sorry, Philip J. Coulson.
Enoch, the team will carry on the mission. We will survive because of you. Thank you.
You are most welcome. But Agent Johnson, while your friends will indeed survive, the team will not.
What do you mean?
I have seen the future. Carry on this mission and cherish it for it will be your last mission together.
That's not possible. Enoch, this is my family.
Of course. Yet, this is the nature of families. I have seen it countless times on countless worlds. People arrive, so we celebrate, and people leave us, so we grieve. We do what we can with the time in-between but the cycle is always there. No one escapes it. Not even me.
Which means you are not alone. You are apart of that cycle.
Like every other living thing.
Fitz... he was my best friend.
And you are a good friend to Fitz. You are a good friend to all of us.
As I have always...”
Like holy SHIT, man. I am on the FLOOR. It never fails to get me each and every damn time. I resonate on such a deep level with that entire scene, and it honestly affects me so greatly, even to this day. The emotional chokehold that it has on me is unmatched. Someone put the entire thing on my grave tbh.
I could go on about it forever, but basically, 7x09 is just my favourite episode of television ever, and I can say that wholeheartedly. Hats off to everyone who worked on that episode (and every episode let’s be real) I swear. It will forever hold such a special place in my heart.
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literatus-ao3 · 2 months
so bobby's alcoholism and addiction issues didn't stem from his chronic pain, though they were certainly exacerbated by it, but rather from the generational addiction that swept his father up and he turned to alcohol because that was the only way he had seen adults deal with their problems when he was a baby boy and i'm expected to be okay with that?
just go about my life with that knowledge?
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need someone to make a gif of the opening scene of 7x09 where everyone gets their awards and it cuts to the person who's proud and for buck it just cuts to eddie im normal i swear
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lavenderleahy · 1 month
bobby being in denial about why he is saying goodbye to his team and giving away his prized possessions
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eddiediaaz · 2 months
hiiii just making this little post to say that i'll be on vacation/traveling for the next 17ish days so i won't be online much! i'll go through my tracked tag when i'm back so feel free to tag me as usual, and i'll have a queue running 🥰 i apologize in advance if you send me messages/asks/tag me and i don't reply until i come back
about the 2 anon gif requests in my askbox, i'm sorry i wasn't able to get to them before leaving, but i will get on it when i'm back at the end of may! 🫡
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captainsavre · 1 month
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I'd rather focus on my hot... hot... hot wife. Hot. She's hot. Maya and Carina || Station 19 - 7.09 “How Am I Supposed to Live Without You?”
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