#episode 7.09
h50europe · 2 months
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9-1-1 Buck/Tommy - Cake And Honorable Intentions
My take on some additional scenes after Tommy's "interrogation" by Hen and Karen in episode 7.09, including a cozy bathtub scene and a pillow fight...
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thefrsers · 4 months
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requested by Anon: the parallel of athena telling bobby he already saved her in 7.02 with bobby physically saving her in 7.09
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ghostsmp3 · 4 months
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9-1-1, 7.09 "Ashes, Ashes"
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renalovestowrite · 4 months
The heartbreak of last night.
Oh my god....just *screams*!
The moments shared between Bobby and his family are so precious. Passing the torch (Hen), reminiscing (Chimney), teaching the tricks of the trade (Ravi), giving away a memento (Eddie), and expressing pride in accomplishments (Buck). Bobby is such a dad to each and every one of his firefighters and it shows.
I really need his family to be there for him more than he lets them. He needs them so much in these trying times that it is not even funny. Athena tries her best, but this is Bobby we are talking about. His stubbornness is legendary...and with this last scare, I am bawling.
And Eddie...oh, Eddie. I cried tears for you. I felt your heartbreak through the screen. You needed closure so damn badly and you didn't even know until you saw Shannon through Kim. I can only see more pain in your future until you are able to live freely at 100% and zero restraint. You are such a strong and caring individual, but you need to remember to love yourself and give yourself a chance to heal. I hope this is what helps you move past and are able to mourn Shannon completely.
Hen--If my heart broke for Eddie, you and your family have completely shattered what was left. I have never disliked someone more than the person causing you and your family such callous pain. Yes, she lost a son, but do not take your grieving pain out on the wrong person. Heartbreak is heartbreak and no one deserves it. To break up a family...I hope all the best for you Hen.
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drunkeddiediaz · 11 days
But buck isn't the savior, he's gerrard's new victim in this case? And the only one "left" tbh to make it interesting cause chim and hen have already successfully fought gerrard
I’m gonna have to ask you to reread your ask one more time…….
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eddiediaaz · 14 days
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eddie diaz in every episode ↳ 7.09 - ashes, ashes
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spacedean · 8 months
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DEAN WINCHESTER in one random episode per day ‣ 311/327 7.09 HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE MONSTERS
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freewayshark · 4 months
Btw the stills this season haven’t been true to the lighting of the final product so trying to pick out time of day from these stills is a fool’s errand. The lighting was completely different in both the stills of Eddie at the loft in 7.05 and the stills of Marisol and Christopher at the door from 7.09 vs what the lighting was in the episodes
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tevanbuckley · 4 months
okay I think I’ve tracked down the “source” for the under a minute of screen time for tommy claim (rip my fucking twitter fyp)
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now I’m sure I saw something a couple days ago about a someone who’d actually seen a screener for the episode saying tommy was only in one scene/has less screen time than 7.09 but going back through this person’s posts I can’t see anything that looks like that source (doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist)
even someone in the replies was asking if the “55 second” thing was confirmed and so far there’s no response either way yet.
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h50europe · 4 months
Reposted from @911onabc A celebration of honor. 🥂 #911onABC
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justablanketreally · 9 months
does morty even know how much rick has changed and is still changing, making a quiet effort to change, in fact? it’s obvious to the audience, who can rewatch old episodes and see how comparatively cruel rick was with him, physically and mentally, but now? he’s still not amazing, but he’s trying. even in 7.09 when he and morty’s argument is escalating, when morty weakly goes “i said i was sorry,” rick backs off and even reassures morty that he will get them back home, no punishment. but like. does morty expect that? or is he still waiting anxiously for the moment he’ll do something that causes rick to snap and pull another vat of acid or black eye scenario
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tommykinardslair · 4 months
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9-1-1 being honored in episode 7.09
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spngeorg · 9 months
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Episode 137 - 7.11 Adventures in Babysitting
Sam and Dean each try to cope with Bobby's death and honor him in their own way-- Sam by helping a young girl asking for Bobby's assistance, and Dean by obsessively trying to decode the numbers Bobby died to give them. It's all not particularly healthy, but they all learn something by the end.
Sam learns that Vetalas usually hunt in pairs, and Dean learns that if he doesn't want to quit, to walk away from hunting entirely, he should convince himself he'll be fine until the end of the week and then paste on a smile and be a professional. Thanks for that helpful advice, Frank!
Have I mentioned I kinda love that guy? I mean... the advice itself is kinda horrifying, but it reveals new hidden depths in Frank. Plus we meet Krissy and her dad, who I always wish had been truly able to free themselves from hunting. But this is Supernatural, so you know how that goes...
The Superwiki page
My tag
My rewatch notes from May 2017 (where two is better than one)
A reminder of lizbob’s Dean and Cas are In Love series post from 7.09 (which will also be relevant in 7.12)
My rewatch notes from July 2019
Listen now on Spotify, or wherever you enjoy podcasts!
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askandsmile · 1 year
"varchie didn't get anything for 10 episodes and suddenly Archie needs to make a choice??" Oh how the world keeps spinning
do you mean, perhaps, that from episode 5.08 to episode 5.19 b*rchie didn't get a single crumb and they swerved directions out of now-[gunshot]
no, because let's talk about it.
they pretended not to see the (confirmed btw) shift in the writing of s5 because it went in their favor. in that episode that they love to misinterpret, archie promised betty to be her friend and after that he wasn't there for her at all, didn't help her with polly, or with whatever she was going through, they simply didn't write them in, didn't give them a single longing look (that stupid 515 one can't count when he was bored out of his mind drinking coffee lol), or an acknowledgement, or anything. and still they ended the season together, right after veronica dumped him for reasons still very unclear (a choice, she said in s6, that she never presented him with in s5 but we move).
but then now in s7, they say varchie didn't get anything, but we can break it down:
7.01 - he was hit by a thunderbolt when he saw her. actual canon lines. he never felt like he'd met the right girl until he met her. even though he's known a certain someone his entire life.
7.02 - is completely infatuated with veronica, but goes to betty for advice. actually, you won't see me saying anything bad about this episode. it was good for both ships and highlighted their strengths and flaws. but! you can't deny that archie was falling for veronica, and got very hurt when apparently she didn't feel the same and wanted to play games. his first poem ever is for her. and it's a poem about how he dreams of her.
7.03 - after the whole dance fiasco, he does say veronica is too much for him and that they don't match, but he still is making eyes and very eager to kiss her in the same episode.
7.04 - he's told to look at betty. it's not something he does himself. it's not spontaneous. he goes to betty for advice, doesn't listen to her, and it's only when cheryl points it out that maybe the girl for him is next door. he writes her a poem too and never gives it to her, it is forgotten in the land of forgotten things. we learn that he dreams of living in california.
7.05 - fiction, but jughead writes about archie being torn between both girls and they end up teaming up to kill him. content is the same for both pairings.
7.06 - veronica is absolutely still into him even though he's now into betty. as usual, she lets them be and doesn't say anything. he's hell bent on seeing betty naked instead of, I don't know, giving her his poem! that he intended to do just the other day, archie invites betty to a peep show date. but okay, teens with hormones. there are varchie crumbs for veronica's side.
7.07 - betty's life is lowkey ruined by what they did and he doesn't defend her even though he feels bad about it. they do remain friends though because they've never not been friends. there is a little varchie crumb in the episode too (hey, crumbs are crumbs, remember when ba got zero in s5?)
7.08 - both betty and veronica watch archie be a loser. both betty and veronica (and archie) are into reggie. they give beggie more scenes than ba then.
7.09 - he's definitely eyeing veronica in the locker room. doesn't want to help her until reggie says he will, and sure some have interpreted it as "archie hates her", but i could say he was a bit bothered by reggie being so willing to help her.
7.10 - oh, not the double date episode. but let's talk about varchie. archie, still seemingly annoyed that reggie would want to date veronica, still seemingly annoyed that she keeps playing after what happened to him. doesn't pay attention to a single word betty says on their first date.
7.11 - their fanfic episode! childhood memories! porch scene! kiss! still, at the beginning of the episode we've got a couple of very pointed archie looks towards veronica. crumbs, right?
7.12 - after they kissed, archie was so worried with himself and reggie that he didn't go looking for betty, didn't pursue anything else with her, actually wrote about feeling like a ghost, and well, betty definitely was also not so thrilled about that kiss. and she was about to kiss veronica.
7.13 - archie watches veronica leave with the fbi. is it shocking, at the point, that he's always looking at her? anyway, his poem brings her to make a decision about her father and just the minimal display of "real" veronica and not the one that plays games, has archie twirling his feet. he doesn't think about betty in that moment. tunnel vision for each other, is the words the director used. when he realizes they did kiss, he's left all confused.
7.14 - archie seems to be torn between the girls again although that's not the main dilemma in his life, and he chooses himself instead of them, who choose each other over him (friends and a little more?).
so, maybe they didn't pay attention, but varchie did get crumbs. almost continuously throughout the season.
for people who claim ba had amazing buildup in S5B, S7 is almost a full meal for va compared to that?
mind you, all this happened while archie had (perhaps? do we believe it?) the emotional memory of being engaged to betty. and he still wanted veronica as well! lol
and just because it's 3am and I need to go to bed, let's just talk about the arguments
"he cheated on veronica and wrote betty a song, she rejected him!" and after realizing what he had done archie felt flaky, unsteady, unsure, and still chose to tell veronica that he loved her as he left town. seven years later, he was still holding on to their interrupted relationship.
"he wanted to have sex with betty since high school", yeah but then when they did it he wanted to keep it on the low and was happy being just her fuck buddy.
"betty didn't want more with him" he also didn't want more with betty and he felt like he should tell about his feelings for v before things got more confusing between them.
"he was unhappy with veronica" when? because he slept in the fire department once when he was a firefighter? lol veronica was unhappy with him not wanting to move on from riverdale. she walked out on him. he was drinking in a bar sad and alone after being dumped when he thought about betty again.
"he asked betty to marry him / betty was in his heaven", yes, he loves betty, and im not afraid to admit it. what i also know is that he never learned about veronica's lingering feelings for him. had he known, could it be different? we don't know. tabitha said she could grab her romantic future with him if she wanted. she didn't do anything. so who's to say they wouldn't end that in another BAV open thing? or change their minds again?
ANYWAY, this triangle hasn't been resolved in anywhere but vale. and vale was written in a loop by power source writer jughead. not much room for choice either.
tl;dr: they can say they swerved the direction of the season all they want but varchie was not NEARLY as forgotten as ba was in 5B, so nothing about this is surprising or crazy. archie loves both girls, always has, always will, and we will decide who he loves more. not him.
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Mr. Feeny bans Cory and Shawn's radio show, so they start a private station; Eric is convinced he will win millions.
Cory and Topanga have trouble finding a place to live and end up in the married students dorm.
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bibellebibuck · 4 months
One thing I'm confused about is why people are offended that Tommy is a plot device like it's a surprise???? They literally said in interviews before 704 that he was sticking around for a few episodes but not permanently???? Idk if I'm remembering incorrectly
I think it’s just typical ship-wars causing bad blood, they are taking facts as personal attacks. We don’t need more mains in the cast (Rabi you’re the exception ily), Tommy was introduced in a negative way, he’ll never be made a main, it’s painfully obvious he’s just back for Bucks Bi Awakening arc.
Though I don’t know what interview/s you mean where they explicitly said he isn’t staying permanently? I saw the interview with Lou & Oliver before 7.09 where Lou spoke about how the Bt relationship is in “a good place right now”
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