#episode 0003
yuujies · 5 months
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one piece episode 0003 ⨯ morgan vs. luffy! who's this mysterious beautiful young girl?
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wordsandrobots · 2 months
So I'm working a-pace on a new 'IBO reference notes' post and since it concerns the origins of the setting's current economic order, I decided to go back an take a look at the timeline that flashes on screen during Episode 4. Since I'm transcribing it anyway, I thought I'd pop it here with some quick commentary -- it's available on the Gundam Wiki's Post-Disaster timeline page anyway but there are a few things I thought worth annotating.
P.D.0001 – The nations of Earth and Mars accept the 'Vingolf Proclamation' issued by Gjallarhorn. The interplanetary war that has spread destruction through the Earth Sphere and the Outer Sphere comes to an end. This conflict, which has produced more casualties than any in history, is described by the proclamation as the 'Calamity War' and is thereafter known by that name. With the cooperation of Gjallarhorn, Earth is organized into four economic blocs in order to reconstruct the devastated Earth Sphere. These are the African Union, the Oceanian Federation, SAU [Strategic Alliance Union], and Arbrau. Earth begins its post-war recovery under this new world order.
So we have the date of the reorganisation of Earth's countries placed within a year of the war ending. I feel 'with the cooperation of Gjallarhorn' is probably doing a lot of work here, since the fact that they were going around issuing proclamations speaks to how much influence they wielded. They did have control of Ahab Reactor production, after all, which is a hell of a thing to hold over everyone's heads while they're getting back on their feet.
Also, I think the dates are almost always styled as three digits elsewhere in the show?
P.D.0002 – At the 'Malta Conference', the four economic blocs conclude a treaty to divide and rule Mars. At their request, Gjallarhorn dispatches a large force to recreate the Martian governmental structure from scratch. P.D.0003 – Gjallarhorn redraws Mars's national borders, and each city is place under control of one of Earth's economic blocs. The four economic blocs begin wholeheartedly interfering in Martian affairs, and Mars enters a lengthy colonial period.
This makes me wonder what Mars looked like prior to the War. It reads very much like Gjallarhorn swooping in to crush any chance of the Martians reorganising on their own. There are hints at the start of Season 1 that the War was caused by Earth having a lack of oversight on the Outer Sphere due to the Ahab interference caused by the Ariadne Network. Did it start as a conflict between Earth and Mars?
Either way, whatever was left standing, Gjallarhorn bulldozers in and rebuilds Mars as a directly-controlled colonial territory. Interesting but not unexpected that it's framed in terms of the cities: Chryse is a fairly concentrated population centre in the middle of nothing.
P.D.0205 – Arbrau's government grants limited autonomy to its Martian territories. P.D.0208 – The Oceanian Federation also recognizes the autonomy of its Martian territories. P.D.0236 – Last of all, the African Union also recognizes Martian autonomy. However, as Mars remains subject to harsh economic agreements, it is in fact entering an era of puppet governments.
Two things. First, why? What spurred the Earth blocs to grant the illusion of autonomy at this point? There's a story in that, methinks.
Second, does this mean the SAU didn't have Martian holdings, or are we meant to assume they acted similarly to the others in the twenty-eight year gap between the Oceanian Federation and the African Union entries? It's unclear but I'd err on the side of assuming the SAU *did* have territory there, since it's otherwise always implied all four blocs have a stake in the planet.
P.D.0312 – On Mars, a movement begins to protest economic disparities with Earth. P.D.0314 – In her speech at the Noachis July Assembly, Kudelia Aina Bernstein calls for economic independence from Earth, and cooperative movements emerge in every city.
So the second date here is total nonsense. P.D.0314 is a year before the very opening scene of the show, which is a flashback to Mikazuki and Orga as little kids in P.D.0315. For comparison, here is what Kudelia looks like when she appears before the Assembly:
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And here's how she appears in the end-credits imagery contemporary to kid!Mika and Orga:
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It's the same costume but I really struggle to believe the Noachis July Assembly took place nine years before the start of the show (P.D.0223). For one thing, she is explicitly *16* in Season 1, and I doubt a seven-year-old would could have given a speech that spurred a planet-wide independence movement into action.
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My guess would be that the mistake was made precisely because the opening scene is set eight years earlier than the actual action. In theory, that means we can extrapolate that the date is intended to be P.D.0222. Alternatively, if we take the 'second year at college' timeframe shown in the above screenshot as referring to the Japanese Upper Secondary School bracket, that probably places the Assembly a year prior, since it happened in July and Kudelia's birthday is 4 August. For her to have been in her second year of upper secondary, she must have been between 13 and 14, which is only possible if we take a date of P.D.0221 (that is assuming an April start to the school year as in Japan; obviously this calculation would change if you take a different month, or a different division of the school system).
Either way, we should probably also round up the preceding date, to P.D.0219 or P.D.0220.
Here's the visible text from the file on Coral's desk:
Name: KUDELIA AINA BERNSTEIN Age: 16 Birthday: 08/04 Gender: FEMALE Blood type: O Home town: CHRYSE Academic credentials: CHRYSE COLLEGE The daughter of Norman Bernstein, who represents the Chryse Autonomous Region. Her mother is Norman's second wife, Tomomi Bernstein. She has an excellent academic record, majoring in history and economics. In her second year, she visited Noachis as a representative of Chryse College, and made a speech calling for cooperation between the various regions seeking independence. After this Noachis July Assembly, the independence movements were stirred up, and she gain many followers among them. Continuous surveillance is required.
Interesting to know that Norman had a previous wife.
Now, back to trying to explain McGillis' . . . everything through the lens of capitalism, aristocracy, and blatant propaganda!
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whats-9plus10 · 1 year
Venture Bros Time Frame
Based on the Venture Brothers Wiki Timeline and what I could find in the show during my final rewatch before the movie. Like when I calculated Gary’s age, this is not an opinion piece. I pull straight from the source material. 
I am not starting from a specific year because we know Venture Bros references current pop culture based on the year each season was released. Various dates documented in the show fail to provide a cohesive timeline. Hence, my focus is on the time frame. I'll be keeping track by noting "Venture Bros Year _" when the series moves into the next year and by referencing years as "000(number of year)" while using dates. I suggest following along with your calendar open like I had to do while organizing this lol.
S1e11 Past Tense - Orpheus predicts that The Action Man will have a stroke in "2 years, 17 days." 
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We will start pretty late into the first year, Venture Bros Year 1
S1e13 Are You There God, It's Me, Dean - Takes place in late September 0001. 
The episode features Monarch's birthday, which is around late September 0001 when, according to him, "the leaves would be orange enough..." to build his Monarch wings. 
The Monarch butterfly migration and the leaves turning can begin around late September in New Jersey. 
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A Very Venture Christmas Special occurs on Christmas, December 25th, 0001, between season 1 and season 2. 
While the entire episode was a dream, it was still revealed to be Christmas time. Sally is shown to be pregnant with Rocket. This is important because it solidifies that this episode specifically took place sometime between s1e7 Ice Station Impossible and s2e5 20 Years to Midnight. 
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Venture Bros Year 2 
S2e2 Hate Floats - The boys celebrate their 16th birthday.
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S2e5 20 Years to Midnight - This episode takes place May 4th, 0002, "...in Rusty's 44th year." In s1e8 Mid-life Chrysalis, he states his age is 43. Rusty must have turned 44 last month on April 30th, 0002. This means a little over 7 months have passed since s1e13. Rocket was born to Sally Impossible during that time. 
This means the boys' birthday is between December 26th - May 3rd. I'm casting a wide net because, for all we know, the episodes in between could have happened just days apart from each other. They live chaotic lives. 
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S2e11 ¡Viva los Muertos! - Rusty promises the boys will receive something better than their clones as Christmas gifts. 
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S2e12&13 Showdown at Cremation Creek (Parts 1 and 2) - This episode spans a month between the Monarch's proposal and the wedding. 
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S3e4 Home Is Where the Hate Is - The boys state that they are still 16 years old "going on 17". That phrase usually indicates a birthday is approaching, but we can't assume anything definitive. What this does tell us is that a full year has not gone by since s2e2 Hate Floats, assuming the boys didn't die again off-screen.
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S3e5 The Buddy System - Billy says he is 35. Based on s2e12&13 Showdown at Cremation Creek (Parts 1 and 2), we know that he is 35 at least a month after May 4th, 0002. 
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Here's where it gets tricky
S3e8 Tears of a Sea Cow - Dean's newspaper is dated May 23rd. I will explore two possibilities. 
Possibility 1
Even though I don't feel like the date on Dean's paper is strong evidence as it could be a secondhand thought made up by the animators or a reference to how each season seems to occur in the year it airs, the month of May would line up as the boys had previously told Hatred they were about to turn 17 years old four episodes prior, indicating a birthday was near. If we say we are already in Venture Bros Year 3 and believe the date in the newspaper to be May 23rd, 0003, the boys would already be 17 during this episode because we know their birthday is before May 4th. However...
S3e13 The Family That Slays Together, Stays Together Part 2 - Hank says "...open my Christmas gifts early...." referring to the clones they discovered in s2e11 ¡Viva los Muertos!. Indicating that December 25th, 0002 has not occurred yet. 
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Possibility 2
What this could mean, other than an oversight, is that it was May 23rd, 0002. This would make the boys still 16 years old. And everything between s2e5 20 Years to Midnight and s3e8 Tears of a Sea Cow takes place all in one month... but that also doesn't work because s2e12&13 Showdown at Cremation Creek (Parts 1 and 2) spans about a month by itself and we see the Monarchs multiple times in various stages of their relationship throughout season 2. 
Because acknowledging the date in the newspaper would not work either way, I feel that it's safe to disregard it completely based on the current information we have. I feel more confident in trusting the writing that came directly from Doc and Jackson rather than the animation. 
S4e1 Blood of the Father, Heart of Steel - The Nazis give Rusty "8 months" to clone Hitler. During this time Hank grew out his hair, Brock got out of shape and back in shape, and Gary got dieseled. Somewhere during those 8 months, we moved on to…
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Venture Bros Year 3 
S4e2 Handsome Ransom - Billy says he is 37. If Billy wasn't lying or rounding up, this means at least a year and a day have passed since s3e5 The Buddy System. The boys must be 17 at this point. 
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S4e5 The Revenge Society - Documenting where this episode takes place for a later reference. 
S4e10 Pomp and Circuitry - Brock tells Hank "...you also have to be 18" to dissuade him from joining SPHINX. Confirming that two whole years have not passed since s2e2 Hate Floats.
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S4e12 Everybody Comes to Hank's - Hank asks Dean "How was your summer?" hinting that they are approaching the middle to end of summer. 
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S4e15 The Silent Partners -JJ is in space building Gargantua II. This is information for later reference.
S4e16 Operation: P.R.O.M. - In the commentary, Doc and Jackson use prom to symbolize the boy's unofficial 18th birthday, more specifically their ascent into adulthood. I did not take this to mean it was literally their 18th birthday. The latest their birthday can be is May 3rd and at this point, they are nearing the fall. 
S5e1 What Color Is Your Cleansuit? - Takes place the day after P.R.O.M. and spans 3 months. A Very Venture Halloween special takes place in the middle of it on October 31st, 0003. We see Gary raking leaves - Fall. Then the compound is covered in snow - Winter. The weather here is intentional to show the passage of time. It is unclear at this point if we have moved on to the next year. There is no mention of Christmas or New Year's. By the end of the episode, it could be as early as November 0003. 
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At this point, we are over 2 years and at least 1 month into the series. We started in September 0001 in s1e13 Are You There God, It's Me, Dean and are now sometime past October 31st, 0003. I am keeping in mind Orpheus' prediction of "2 years and 17 days". In the commentary Doc and Jackson state that the Action Man could have considered his health since the prediction which resulted in delaying his stroke. 
S5e3 SPHINX Rising - Gary says "Hank is an adult." I took this to mean he had turned 18 at some point. While their birthday may be at the end of December because we had cast a wide net for them earlier, I will assume we’ve moved on to…
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Venture Bros Year 4
Here’s where it gets tricky part 2
S5e4 Spanakopita! - This episode should take place in October. Team Venture attended the wedding of Aristotle Onassis and Jackie Kennedy which took place on October 20th, 1968. Another historical event mentioned was the Apollo 7 mission, which took place Oct 11, 1968 – Oct 22, 1968. In the flashback we see Spanakopita aligning with the Splashdown date, October 22, 1968. This is evidence that the dates are intentional. 
In this episode we see Hank in his strength suit, confirming that Spanakopita takes place after s5e1 What Color Is Your Cleansuit? and A Very Venture Halloween special. I feel it's unlikely that they intended for a full year to have passed between s5e1 What Color Is Your Cleansuit? and s5e4 Spanakopita!. I want to make this as accurate as possible so I'm going to entertain two possibilities.
Possibility 1
If we say that s5e4 Spanakopita! was not intended to take place in October specifically and it was an oversight, then I feel safe to assume the warm weather we see after s5e1 What Color Is Your Cleansuit? indicates that we've moved onto spring or summer, still in Venture Bros Year 4. 
S5e5 O.S.I. Love You - Hank’s limbs atrophied from wearing the strength suit he found in S5e3 SPHINX Rising for “weeks”. 
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S5e6 Momma's Boys - Hank tells Dermott “Last year…” and references the events of s4e5 The Revenge Society which took place in Venture Bros Year 3.
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S5e7 Bot Seeks Bot - This episode takes place in July 0004. We see a flashback in S7e3 Arrears in Science which took place the night before Thanksgiving, November 0004.
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S5e8 The Devil's Grip - Dean says a third of his age is 6 - indicating he is probably 18. 
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All This and Gargantua-2 - Monarch says Rusty “hasn’t paid his electric bill since June.” We know we are in July or August because s5e7 Bot Seeks Bot takes place in July 0004.
Season 6 starts in Venture Bros Year 4, August or September 0004 because we know Dean had applied and enrolled in the Fall Semester. The boys would be 18 years old—3 years since s1e13 Are You There God, It's Me, Dean. 
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S6e1 Hostile Makeover - Hatred says he's "been waiting to do that (hit Gary) for weeks”, assuming he is referring to the last time he saw Gary in either s5e8 The Devil's Grip.
S6e4 Rapacity in Blue - Takes place on October 7th, 0004. The timestamps are in the top right corner of the security camera videos.
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S6e5 Tanks for Nuthin’ - Takes place on October 8th, 0004 the morning after s6e4 Rapacity in Blue.
S7e1 The Venture Bros. & The Curse of the Haunted Problem - This episode takes place the in the days leading up to Thanksgiving, November 0004. We flashback 2 years ago to JJ discovering the Gargantua crash. This implies JJ made this discovery sometime in Venture Bros Year 2.
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According to The Art and Making of the Venture Bros. - Rocket is 3 or 4 years old now.
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Next, we have a clear time span thanks to s7e3 Arrears in Science. It's Thanksgiving, November 0004. 3 years and 2 months since s1e13 Are You There God, It's Me, Dean. 
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Time jump to the start of the Spring Semester in s7e4 The High Cost of Loathing, which starts in Venture Bros Year 5, January 0005.
S7e4 High Cost of Loathing - There is a "two months later" time jump at the beginning of the episode.
We are still in Winter Venture Bros Year 5 as of the final episode. In total making the time span from s1e13 Are You There God, It's Me, Dean to s7e10 The Saphrax Protocol 3 years and at least 4 months.
Possibility 2 
If we do say it has been another year and s5e4 Spanakopita! takes place in Venture Bros Year 4, October 0004, which means almost everything is pushed back a year. The boys would be 18 years old. 
S5e5 O.S.I. Love You - Hank’s limbs atrophied from wearing the strength suit he found in S5e3 for “weeks”.
S5e6 Momma's Boys - Hank tells Dermott “Last year…” and references the events of s4e5 The Revenge Society which took place in Venture Bros Year 3. That would mean this episode would need to take place between October 23rd, 0004 and December 31st, 0004.
Venture Bros Year 5
S5e7 Bot Seeks Bot - This episode takes place in July 0005. We see a flashback in S7e3 Arrears in Science which took place the night before Thanksgiving, November 0005.
S5e8 The Devil's Grip - Dean says a third of his age is 6 - Dean must be 19 at this point and have rounded 6 years and 3 months down to just 6. 
All This and Gargantua-2 - Monarch says Rusty “hasn’t paid his electric bill since June.” We know we are in July or August because s5e7 Bot Seeks Bot takes place in July 0005. 
Season 6 starts in August or September 0005, because we know Dean had applied and enrolled in the Fall Semester. At this point, the boys would have to be 19 years old. - 4 years since s1e13 Are You There God, It's Me, Dean. Overshooting the 2 years and 17 days prediction by a lot.
S6e1 Hostile Makeover - Hatred says he's "been waiting to do that (hit Gary) for weeks”, assuming he is referring to the last time he saw Gary in either s5e8 The Devil's Grip.
S6e4 Rapacity in Blue - Takes place on October 7th, 0005. 
S6e5 Tanks for Nuthin’ - Takes place on October 8th, 0005 the morning after s6e4 Rapacity in Blue.
S7e1 The Venture Bros. & The Curse of the Haunted Problem - This episode takes place the in the days leading up to Thanksgiving, November 0005. We flashback 2 years ago to JJ discovering the Gargantua crash. This implies JJ made the discovery sometime in Venture Bros Year 3 before S4e15 The Silent Partners.
According to The Art and Making of the Venture Bros. - Rocket is 3 or 4 years old now.
Again, we have a clear time span thanks to s7e3 Arrears in Science. It's Thanksgiving, November 0005. 4 years and 2 months since s1e13 Are You There God, It's Me, Dean. 
Finally, we have the time jump to the start of the Spring Semester in s7e4 The High Cost of Loathing, which would start in Venture Bros Year 6, January 0006.
S7e4 High Cost of Loathing - There is a "two months later" time jump at the beginning of the episode.
We are still in Winter 0006 as of the final episode. Making the time span in this possibility, from s1e13 Are You There God, It's Me, Dean to s7e10 The Saphrax Protocol, 4 years and at least 4 months. 
S1e1 Dia de los Dangerous - Presumably this episode takes place on Dia los Muertos, November 1st. Monarch states that he's in Mexico to find his foster parents. Butterflies arrive in Mexico around early November. Because this happened before Orpheus' prediction, it could be plausible that there is almost a year between the first episode and s1e13 Are You There God, It's Me, Dean. It is probably just as likely that Doc and Jackson were not considering keeping to a set time frame until much later in the series.
JJ did not appear in the season 1 Christmas Special. The boys are alive. Rusty was not on his journey running away from the boys' deaths. I wonder if this means s1e13 Return to Spider-Skull Island took place after Christmas. I am also not considering the weather as a determining factor here because I remember hearing about issues with animating different backgrounds in the earlier seasons. 
If it helps, I placed the boy’s birthday on the Ides of March (March 15th) to help me keep track of things. It’s both a significant historical date and a 70’s rock band. Plus I wanted them to be Pisces :)
I also stuck the Monarch's birthday on September 30th because that's when Don became Venturion. I think it's poetic.
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Doc and Jackson are phenomenal writers and I’m sure if they were to address this in the show they would find a way for it to make sense that we would all enjoy. I had a lot of fun doing this. I love digging deep into my favorite show and piecing together what I find 💛 Go Team Venture!
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how-to-be-a-grouch · 2 years
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it’s the beginning of a new day…
Sesame Street, Episode 0003 (November 12th, 1969)
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theradicalace · 1 year
i think one of the funniest bits that htf has is when they just put a character in an episode for like .0003 seconds just to kill them and they don't impact the plot at all
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afterthesequels · 1 year
Join us in just about 3 hours for our “Lovers Chat” discussing how love is essential in cinema and why it has been a common thread of connectivity in Star Wars.
We’ll have some of our amazing cast with us to talk about their roles, the love story behind their characters, and their takes on why it all works in Star Wars!
See you all at 3 PM Pacific / 6 PM Eastern. ❤️
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smbhax · 1 year
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Supermassive Black Hole A* episode 46, page 3: https://smbhax.com/?e=0046&d=0003
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pokeshipping · 1 year
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Watch "POA Talks with Andrew Cox & Garen Stanley | Episode 0003 | Joel Urshan - Unity" on YouTube
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PokéShipping analysis EP0003
If you’re interested in reading my previous PokéShipping analysis, there you go: EP001, EP002.
Disclaimer 1 (which applies to every other analysis I’ll make): I’ll be referring to Pokémon with the “they” pronoun, unless we know their gender (for example, we know that both Caterpie and Pikachu are male).
Disclaimer 2: I'm Italian, so I probably made some mistakes. Feel free to correct me anytime.
This episode is really important to me, because it beautifully displays character development for both Satoshi/Ash and Kasumi/Misty and it also marks the moment, in my opinion, in which Kasumi fell in love with him. This will be longer than the others, so please bear with me. 
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EPISODE 0003 (ポケモン ゲットだぜ! I’ll get you, Pokémon!)
In the very first minutes of the episode we have the proof that what I’ve been saying in my last analysis is true: Satoshi doesn’t mind being with Kasumi, he actually enjoys it. He has fun sharing his happiness and satisfaction with her, dancing around her, grabbing her harm to stupidly go round in circles like the kid he is. Her annoyed/shocked reactions are hilarious, honestly. He’s so enthusiastic of his very first catch, Caterpie, that he keeps telling that to Kasumi, who on the other hand hates Bug types and wants his Pokémon and his Monster Ball to stay away from her. Even though Satoshi has been making sarcastic remarks to her disgust, he isn’t mad or irritated (for now).
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When Caterpie gets out of his Monster Ball and sees Kasumi, he immediately likes her and decides to cuddle her, which Satoshi seems to be glad about, but Kasumi sure isn’t. She starts shaking and begs him to get Caterpie away from her, who largely prefers Pikachu over the other Pokémon. When she grabs Pikachu to pet him, Satoshi takes for granted that he will shock her, but he doesn’t—which he finds irritating, since it only took an almost death experience to make Pikachu like him. Still, he seems to enjoy Kasumi’s company and Kasumi likes his kawaii appearence. This is not only the beginning of Satoshi and Kasumi’s relationship, this is also the start of Kasumi and Pikachu’s.
I know Kasumi may sound unfair and rude toward Caterpie, but
a) she’s a child: you’re expecting her to be as mature as an adult, even though adults have phobias and flaws as well; 
b) she grows in the span of 20 minutes, which is really something.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, after Kasumi asks Satoshi to return Caterpie again, we have his very first sexist assertion: “Girls can be really selfish”. Can they? Sure, just like everybody else. I love the fact that Kasumi immediately fires up after his sentence and tells him that every human being has tastes, she just happens to hate carrots, capsicums and bugs. 
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I wanted to include this quote and her reaction, because it made me think. We don’t know anything about Kasumi’s parents. For all we’re told, she’s been poorly reaised by her older sisters. No parental figure was ever even mentioned. Which could be an explanation to why she doesn’t even answer to Satoshi’s question. I mean, she doesnt’t often do that: she likes to always have the final say. Why wouldn’t she respond to something as provocative as that? Maybe she never had a mother—or a father—to teach her not to be picky. 
This is their very first mutual disagreement and I’m surprised to say that I’m on Satoshi’s side on this one: I mean, he should have kept Caterpie away from her, because phobias are to be taken seriously, but she shouldn’t have insulted him, not that way, and Satoshi being his trainer and a caring one couldn’t let that pass. I get it, he’s not wrong.
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So he wants to leave her behind, Pikachu follows him (he may like her, but he still loves Satoshi more than anyone else), but she doesn’t want that to happen, so she follows them as well. Now, there is more than one reason for that: 
a) she doesn’t want him to “bug her off”: she doesn’t want it to be his decision where or when she is allowed to be; 
b) it’s not like she’s been doing anything before meeting him anyway: she left home to prove herself to her sisters, but it becomes clear as hell during the course of the seasons that she doesn’t really know how to; he intrigues her, she knows that maybe being with him she’ll be able to experience many different adventures, which is precisely what she wants—and what will eventually happen;
c) he owes her a bike: I know it’s a poor excuse and the way she brings that up makes it clear that it’s a lie, but it’s still a fact.
She keeps lying and tells him that it’s the shorter path to go where she wants to, but then ends up sleeping precisely where he does, which isn’t a coincidence by any means.
Before actually going to sleep, Satoshi says good night to Pikachu and Caterpie and tells them that the next day they will all work hard; Kasumi reveals her presence by saying “You should be the one working hard”, which is hilarious because he replies with an annoyed “I know that”. This is literally just the start of a relationship where one brings the best out of the other through annoyance. 
Pikachu doesn’t like them fighting. He literally makes a pretty sad face and sighs “Chaaaa”, with the same tone I use before studying for an exam, while looking at her. I mean, he doesn’t like fights, as a whole, we know he’s a very friendly, pacifist, cheerful little guy who always tries to keep tempers in check, but I find it really cute that he doesn’t want his trainer to argue with an almost complete stranger just because he likes her.
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Now listen to me, because things get complicated: Kasumi wakes up and finds Caterpie beside her, so she screams, awakening Satoshi and Pikachu as well. She exclaims that it was the worst morning of her 10 years of life and insults Caterpie pretty badly, to the point that he returns to his Monster Ball on his own. Satoshi gets really—and rightfully—mad and tells her that she has to apologize because Pokémon have feelings as humans do, then he speaks to Caterpie inside his Ball and says “Caterpie, we’ll show Kasumi someday”. When Satoshi yells at her she pretends she doesn’t care, but when she hears this her expression turns into a guilty, regretful one, proving once again to be a very nuanced character. It’s not like she’s heartless or cruel, she’s just ignorant and full of anger, which is shown in any situation that makes her scared or annoyed. She doesn’t really hate Caterpie: she’s just afraid and her natural reaction to fear is rage.
I like to highlight this because people misunderstand her a lot. She’s not just a whiney little girl who doesn’t like bugs: she’s a complex individual with flaws, who makes mistakes, but who doesn’t? This doesn’t make her a bad character, it actually makes her a very well-written character who knows how to redeem herself.
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Remember what I told you about Kasumi being able to bring the best out of Satoshi? When he tries to catch Pigeon (Pidgeotto), he doesn’t even try to fight them, he just throws a Monster Ball at them, failing; so she scolds him and reminds him that he was able to catch Caterpie like that only because he was a bit slow. Satoshi gets irritated at her insult to his Pokémon and tells her: “I’ll show you! I’m going to get them so spectacularly, you’ll be in awe!”, which is fun and cute at the same time, because he’s trying to prove her she’s wrong about him. 
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He manages to catch Pigeon but he still messes things up, which leads to her scolding him again and even slapping him in the face. I already explained how I feel about the two scenes in which she does that, so I won’t repeat myself; still, aside from the slap, I like how she gets fired up when Pokémon’s lives are in danger (ironically, Caterpie’s this time) and the way she questions his goal to become a Pokémon Master, highlighting that he can’t make it with just willpower. This is the first time in which a recurring theme in their relationship comes up: mind versus heart. Historically speaking, men have always been associated with mind and logic, while women with emotions and irrationality; Hélène Cixous (French feminist writer, poet, playwright, philosopher, literary critic and rhetorician) listed a series of binary oppositions upon which patriarchal systems of thoughts are based: activity/passivity, culture/nature, father/mother, head/emotions, logos/pathos and others; here, Kasumi’s the one telling Satoshi that he must use his brain, he can’t just act out of impulsivity, that technique, knowledge and type advantages are as important as—or even more important than—willpower. “It’s not just good enough to say that you love Pokémon!”, she tells him (is she really wrong?).
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Rocket-dan interrupts their arguing in their attempt to steal Pikachu. Something that bothers me a lot is that Kasumi and Takeshi rarely send out their Pokémon, due to the focus of the first seasons being merely on Satoshi. This pisses me off a lot, because instead of backing him up she just stands there, telling him to send out two Pokémon against Kojiro (James) and Musashi (Jessie)’s Pokémon (which he didn’t want to do because “it’s against the Pokémon League rules to send out two Pokémon at the time”). This isn’t her fault, though: it’s not like her character is purposely ignoring him, it’s just how the writing of the first seasons worked. So I won’t mention this again in the future: although it pisses me off a lot, it’s just one of those plot holes I referred to last time.
Aside from that, a very cute little moment is Satoshi entrusting Pikachu to Kasumi: he knows Pikachu is the one Rocket-dan’s looking for, so he wants him safe and he figures that she’ll keep him safe. It’s a nice scene because you can see the uncertainty on Kasumi’s face, who didn’t see such a responsability coming, but who still took Pikachu between her arms, accepting to protect him.
I really like this scene because Satoshi’s “I’m counting on you” makes it look more intimate and personal than a simple “Take care of him while I’m taking care of them”. Although they haven’t been in the best terms up until now, he still knows that she’s a genuinely good person and that he can trust her.
Fun fact: when Pigeon loses their match, Satoshi tries to punch Kojiro, running out of ideas. Kasumi screams his name twice, worried about him, which is cute. Something else that is very cute is the way Kasumi fondles Pikachu while he wriggles out in the attempt to fight and tells him he can’t battle in his conditions.
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When Satoshi sends out Caterpie, Rocket-dan immediately makes fun of him, even Satoshi is afraid due to his health, but Kasumi encourages him (Gambatte!). It’s the first nice thing she tells him and she does that in a moment where she has all the reasons to be skeptical and critical. 
After winning his very first battle thanks to Caterpie, Satoshi praises him and... Kasumi does too! She looks at him, smiles and says “You’re surprisingly strong, Caterpie!”. 
To this, Satoshi smiles too and says: “Now you see his power, Kasumi!” and proceeds to tell her to pet him and be friend with him; he adds that it’s only right to praise a Pokémon after they worked hard and she answers that she knows that, with a trembling voice; then, she raises her hand and comes near Caterpie’s head, swallows but doesn’t move away, on the contrary she goes closer and closer to him. Before she can actually pet him, Caterpie evolves into Metapod, scaring the hell out of her. Still, it doesn’t change the fact that she was about to put aside her fear, brave enough to face it and to do what is right. That is not simple at all: she could have just complimented him and told Satoshi to screw himself, but she didn’t. She was really trying, even though Bugs are one of her biggest fears. 
I also want to highlight that this was clearly important for Satoshi: he could have just ignored her, but instead he really wanted her to befriend his Pokémon.
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We’re almost over, my dear friends, and what better way to end this than to talk about the moment in which Kasumi fell in love with Satoshi?
While he’s having fun with his neo-evolved Pokémon, she looks at him, fingers intertwined, closes her eyes, smiles and says: “This kid really loves Pokémon. This is the first time I’ve seen him like this”; and, Arceus, the soft, tender voice tone she uses! Mayumi Iizuka really did an amazing job displaying her feelings in this scene. This moment is so important, because not too long ago she stated that loving Pokémon isn’t enough to be a good trainer and did nothing but criticizing him, pointing out his weaknesses and his mistakes; here, right now, she sees someone else: this is not the brat who stole her bike and who sent a Caterpie against a Pigeon, this is the caring, cheerful young boy who almost enabled her pet a Bug Pokémon, something she thought she would never do. They have so much in common, but they’re also very different, she being logical, rational and a bit caprious, he being impulsive, mindless and proud, but in this very moment she understands him, she accepts him, she likes him.
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The actual ending always makes me laugh: Satoshi brings Metapod near her, which scares her, and he sarcastically says that she evolves slower than Pokémon do; he also asks her if she forgot that they were about to become friends and she answers that she hasn’t, but then a Spia (Beedrill) comes out of nowhere, making her lose it. She wants to get out of that “gross forest”, but Satoshi wants to catch more Pokémon; he hands her her knapsack and tells her to hurry and to not get left behind; so, once again, now that she’s not insulting his Pokémon anymore, Satoshi doesn’t mind being around him and actually enjoys her presence.
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bravery-sought-a · 5 years
𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑻𝑼𝑺: secured starter w/ @guerintm 𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 𝐆𝐮𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧
His stump aches and yet  ,  he’s willing to ENDURE it. Sitting doesn’t help the soreness in his disadvantaged limb  ;  there’s still some pressure being applied. Running from an exploding alien prison had it’s consequences and it came in the form of muscle ACHES and PAINS for the next few days. Despite the being uncomfortable  ,  Alex waits  ,  busying his mind with events that occurred just this morning. His re-enlistment. His fingers fiddle with the sleeve of his black leather jacket  ,  like it’s itching against his skin that ( in fact ) covered by a maroon sweater. He’s still quite unsettled wearing a piece of clothing that seems to reflect his REBEL years in high school. 
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The sound crunching gravel underneath tires has his brown eyes casting in the direct of the origin. A familiar turquoise truck parks just outside the Airstream and Alex recognizes it instantly. A part of him is SHOCKED Guerin actually kept his word... while another half is relieved and PROUD of it’s correctness.
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spnshameblog · 3 years
please try and hear what people are saying to you. remember how most people were not fully aware of the extent of jensen's racism until a couple of weeks ago when he signed on to do walker? and how we all believed he'd gotten less homophobic until he started being publicly homophobic again at denvercon? and also how many people did not fully grasp the extent of problematic stuff misha's done until receipts were resurfaced at that same time? NOBODY is putting any blame on people for going to the charlotte con, we are well aware that they bought their tickets months in advance before any of that stuff broke. if anybody is blaming them for that, then yeah that would be shitty and unfair. what people are saying is that continuing to support FUTURE cons, despite everything we have learned over these past few weeks, would be pretty fucked up morally speaking. and no, people aren't hypocrites even if they did interact with con content before. because guess what?? people GROW AND CHANGE, based on NEW INFORMATION. if you feel morally okay going out of your way to give hundreds of dollars to these people (because your ticket costs don't just go to the smaller actors, they ALSO go towards paying jensen and jared to be there) then that's fine. yeah maybe the .0003 cents that go to WB every time someone streams an episode on netflix counts as complicity too, but you are orders of magnitude more complicit here. please do not claim to have any serious commitment to fighting racism in the future. (and PS-- the "i cAn sPeNd mY mOnEY hOw i wAnT tO" argument is VERY neoliberal of you)
ARE YOU OK. IM SORRY ARE YOU FOR REAL????????? my commitment to antiracism hinges on whether or not i publically chastise people for planning to attend cons in the future? Are you hearing yourself?????
Also im sorry if all that info is brand new to you, but it was readily available and i remember people getting backlash bc they didnt buy the "jackles changed and is now a heller warrior" stuff. The walker news have been there for a while now, at the very least before the last con when everyone was still kinda hype for his solo panel.
You CANNOT be serious. None of this information is new, literally none. J.2 have always been like this, the things misha has said are in part years old and get dug up all the time. You just werent bothered then for some reason.
Touch Grass. Please. Youre literally doing nothing, all this hot air is not helping one single person, youre literally wasting your energy on nothing and you think youre fighting a racist System by jcbfhxghg starting con discourse in the supernatural fandom and calling ME a fake antiracist for saying youre barking up the wrong tree.
Also the last sentence is just mwah. Youre hitting all the buzzwords. 'Neoliberal' bc i said you dont get to shame people into giving all their money away, thats just so fucking online. Are you like this to ppl irl too? If your mom orders herself some nice expensive shoes online, do you call her a class traitor for not giving those dollars to charity? Or are you just doing it for the sweet release of having a righteous reason to attack people online?
You dont know me, you know nothing about me, you dont know how many hours ive put into community support, and you dont get to know. Youre so terminally online that the only thing that counts is online optics and you dont even get how ridiculous it is thst youre doing this on spn tumblr.
Go save the world i guess. Block me please.
EDIT: i forgot to add, please dont reblog this, this really doesnt need to be spread around
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99creales · 3 years
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TV Show 64 Zoo Lane Season 0003 Episode 006 The Story Of Jamie The Littlest Puffin
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datacultaudio · 3 years
4 years ago this week, Data Cult Audio’s featured artist was Auger Shell aka @patcallow. Direct link: http://datacultaudio.com/data-cult-audio-0003-auger-shell/ New auger shell: https://soundcloud.com/auger-shell/sancta-coil https://soundcloud.com/auger-shell/mercury-tarantella-mix You can also tune in here: Site: http://datacultaudio.com/episodes/ iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/data-cult-audio/id1234835844 SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/datacultaudio FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/DataCultAudio/ About: auger shell is the project of Detroit-born, outskirts-of-Atlanta-based musician and producer Patrick Callow. The music is impulsive and improvised, relying heavily on real-time processing via modulation, filtering, time-shifting and spatial placement of sounds sourced from electric guitar. auger shell music seeks to capture the alchemy of devices, instrument and impulse in the moment. auger shell released a collection of sets in 2017: https://soundcloud.com/auger-shell/sets/fall-2017 a special cassette release for the vidlings and tapeheads 2018 film festival: bit.ly/tapehead #datacultaudio #electronicmusic #modularsynth #experimental #music #noise #podcast #techno #industrial #ambient #drone #idm (at The Moon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN2yuC6B3aC/?igshid=1s7p26zpyvpek
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angel-archivist · 4 years
Wait there are transcripts? I can read this shit like a book as sad violin music plays in the background? Gimme gimme
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smbhax · 1 year
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Supermassive Black Hole A* episode 46, page 3, detail 2 = P - https://smbhax.com/?e=0046&d=0003
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