mad3lyncline · 2 months
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notbecauseofvictories · 9 months
A number of years ago, I was sitting at the kitchen table with my parents. (I think it was lunch? lunch-ish? but I can't really remember.) Anyway, my father kept insisting that if you have hobbies, you should hustle and turn it into a blog, a podcast---something that would use that expertise, and share it with others. But my mother pushed back; she insisted that doing something is an end in itself. You can just read a book. You can think about what you read, turning it over in your head. Maybe talk about it with your local book club! But you don't need to start a LIT CHICKS podcast and read books every month and offer Blue Apron discount codes during commercial breaks, etc. etc.
You can just read the book.
I find myself thinking about that exchange a lot. I can just take a butterfly pinning class, or a foraging class, or a historical walking tour, and that's enough. The world is for doing things in, learning and meeting and seeing---you do not have to turn that into shareable content or a life's passion to give it worth.
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hcnnibal · 2 months
went to ao3 to search for homeward and found nothing. extremely disappointed. the brainworms are unhappy
u heard them, get on it team!!!
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2001hz · 2 years
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The Epicurean 'concept dining' restaurant Location: Nagoya, Japan Designed By: Yoshinori Torii (2006)
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torturingpeople · 1 month
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@capn-twitchery twitch and edison are really good friends guys i swear
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enlitment · 4 months
I genuinely think that society would improve if we managed to somehow replace all of the 'Stoicism Daily: Repress All Your Feelings in 5 Easy Steps' type podcasts with someone reading passages from Epicurus or du Châtelet's Discourse on Happiness
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jtl-fics · 1 year
I have done nothing but listen to Steve1989MREInfo for the last two days and now I just can’t get the thought of Neil and Kevin making a Youtube channel about MREs.
Kevin talks all about the history, what went into the decisions on what was included in the MRE, how some MREs were specialized for the climate of where combatants were, food supply chains during the war, preparation methods used during the period, soldier testimonies about particular MREs, and just in general a very thorough and maybe a little boring (if you’re not into that shit but I AM) history lesson.
Then it cuts to Neil’s part which is just him testing his iron stomach and talking about how it tastes.
These recordings need to be supervised after Neil came down with a bad case of food poisoning and now the channel sometimes includes Andrew, Aaron, or Nicky slapping food out of Neil’s hand because it is definitely FULL of botulism.
Most people come for the threat of watching one of Exy’s darlings get botulism if their friends aren’t fast enough and stay for the surprising amount of history surrounding MREs and other military rations throughout the ages.
They also stay to hear Andrew Minyard rip two of Exy’s darlings a new asshole once in a while.
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fluentisonus · 3 months
every so often I run into the word epicurean in its modern hedonistic sense unconnected to the ancient philosophical school & it's always so crazy. girl [the word epicurean] what did they do to you
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philosophors · 1 year
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// Art: “Partenkirchen in Bavaria at Sunrise” by Carl Millner
“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.”
— Epicurus, “Letters”
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webby-mogai · 9 months
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[pt: autocannibal /end pt]
[pt: autocannibalism /end pt]
the practice of eating parts of one's own body.
A gender connected to the practice or concept of autocannibalism. This could be in a literal or metaphorical sense, involving aspects of self destruction, self devourment, impulse, hunger, etc.
[id: a rectangular with 13 horizontal lines. the 1st, 2nd, 12th, and 13th line are triangular. the 4th and 10th line are wavy, and the rest are straight. line sizes in this order from top to bottom: 2 thick, 9 medium, 2 thick. the 4th line has been made to look like it is dripping from multiple spots. colors in this order starting from the top and reflected after the last listed color: maroon, a rich red, a more desaturated red, bright red, mustard yellow, yellow, and a pale yellow. in the center of the flag is a pale yellow symbol outlined in a darker yellow. the symbol is of a smiley face with a bite taken out of the top right of it. /end id]
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[pt: gustacannibal /end pt]
gustatory cannibalism
[pt: gustatory cannibalism /end pt]
the practice of consuming human as a supplement to a regular diet. consuming human flesh as if it were any other kind of meat.
A gender connected to the practice or concept of gustatory cannibalism. This could be in a literal or metaphorical sense, involving aspects of human consumption, regular consumption of human flesh, food preparation, hunger, etc.
[id: a rectangular with 13 horizontal lines. the 1st, 2nd, 12th, and 13th line are triangular. the 4th and 10th line are wavy, and the rest are straight. line sizes in this order from top to bottom: 2 thick, 9 medium, 2 thick. the 4th line has been made to look like it is dripping from multiple spots. colors in this order starting from the top and reflected after the last listed color: maroon, a rich red, a more desaturated red, bright red, bright orange, orange, and a pale orange. in the center of the flag is a pale orange symbol outlined in a darker orange. the symbol is of a smiley face with a bite taken out of the top right of it. /end id]
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[pt: epicurecannibal /end pt]
epicurean cannibalism
[pt: epicurean cannibalism /end pt]
the practice of consuming human purely for taste or enjoyment.
A gender connected to the practice or concept of epicurean cannibalism. This could be in a literal or metaphorical sense, involving aspects of sadism, the enjoyment of human flesh, satisfaction from consuming human meat, hunger, etc.
[id: a rectangular with 13 horizontal lines. the 1st, 2nd, 12th, and 13th line are triangular. the 4th and 10th line are wavy, and the rest are straight. line sizes in this order from top to bottom: 2 thick, 9 medium, 2 thick. the 4th line has been made to look like it is dripping from multiple spots. colors in this order starting from the top and reflected after the last listed color: maroon, a rich red, a more desaturated red, bright red, bright pink, pink, and a pale pink. in the center of the flag is a pale pink symbol outlined in a darker pink. the symbol is of a smiley face with a bite taken out of the top right of it. /end id]
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[pt: medicannibal /end pt]
medical/medicinal cannibalism
[pt: medical/medicinal cannibalism /end pt]
the practice of consuming human to treat, cure or prevent disease.
A gender connected to the practice or concept of medical or medicinal cannibalism. This could be in a literal or metaphorical sense, involving aspects of healing, medical iconography, disease, faith, etc.
[id: a rectangular with 13 horizontal lines. the 1st, 2nd, 12th, and 13th line are triangular. the 4th and 10th line are wavy, and the rest are straight. line sizes in this order from top to bottom: 2 thick, 9 medium, 2 thick. the 4th line has been made to look like it is dripping from multiple spots. colors in this order starting from the top and reflected after the last listed color: maroon, a rich red, a more desaturated red, bright red, dark blue, a desaturated medium blue, and a light blue. in the center of the flag is a light blue symbol outlined in a navy blue. the symbol is of a smiley face with a bite taken out of the top right of it. /end id]
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[pt: innocannibal /end pt]
innocent cannibalism
[pt: innocent cannibalism /end pt]
the practice of unknowingly consuming human.
A gender connected to the practice or concept of innocent cannibalism. This could be in a literal or metaphorical sense, involving aspects of innocence, a loss of innocence, hunger, etc.
[id: a rectangular with 13 horizontal lines. the 1st, 2nd, 12th, and 13th line are triangular. the 4th and 10th line are wavy, and the rest are straight. line sizes in this order from top to bottom: 2 thick, 9 medium, 2 thick. the 4th line has been made to look like it is dripping from multiple spots. colors in this order starting from the top and reflected after the last listed color: maroon, a rich red, a more desaturated red, bright red, light blue, a lighter blue, and a pale blue. in the center of the flag is a pale blue symbol outlined in a darker blue. the symbol is of a smiley face with a bite taken out of the top right of it. /end id]
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[pt: survicannibal /end pt]
survival cannibalism
[pt: survival cannibalism /end pt]
the practice of consuming human out of necessity for survival.
A gender connected to the practice or concept of survival cannibalism. This could be in a literal or metaphorical sense, involving aspects of fear, desperation, necessity, hunger, etc.
[id: a rectangular with 13 horizontal lines. the 1st, 2nd, 12th, and 13th line are triangular. the 4th and 10th line are wavy, and the rest are straight. line sizes in this order from top to bottom: 2 thick, 9 medium, 2 thick. the 4th line has been made to look like it is dripping from multiple spots. colors in this order starting from the top and reflected after the last listed color: maroon, a rich red, a more desaturated red, bright red, forest green, a more desaturated lighter green, and a pale green. in the center of the flag is a pale green symbol outlined in a darker forest green. the symbol is of a smiley face with a bite taken out of the top right of it. /end id]
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[pt: aggricannibal /end pt]
aggressive cannibalism
[pt: aggressive cannibalism /end pt]
the practice of consuming human as a form of terror or revenge against an enemy.
A gender connected to the practice or concept of aggressive cannibalism. This could be in a literal or metaphorical sense, involving aspects of anger or rage, vengeance, violence, war, etc.
[id: a rectangular with 13 horizontal lines. the 1st, 2nd, 12th, and 13th line are triangular. the 4th and 10th line are wavy, and the rest are straight. line sizes in this order from top to bottom: 2 thick, 9 medium, 2 thick. the 4th line has been made to look like it is dripping from multiple spots. colors in this order starting from the top and reflected after the last listed color: maroon, a rich red, a more desaturated red, bright red, dark red, red, and a bright red. in the center of the flag is a bright red symbol outlined in a dark maroon. the symbol is of a smiley face with a bite taken out of the top right of it. /end id]
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[pt: sacricannibal /end pt]
sacrificial cannibalism
[pt: sacrificial cannibalism /end pt]
the act of consuming human as a form of sacrifice or ritual.
A gender connected to the practice or concept of sacrificial cannibalism. This could be in a literal or metaphorical sense, involving aspects of sacrifice or ritual, tradition, mythology, magic, etc.
[id: a rectangular with 13 horizontal lines. the 1st, 2nd, 12th, and 13th line are triangular. the 4th and 10th line are wavy, and the rest are straight. line sizes in this order from top to bottom: 2 thick, 9 medium, 2 thick. the 4th line has been made to look like it is dripping from multiple spots. colors in this order starting from the top and reflected after the last listed color: maroon, a rich red, a more desaturated red, bright red, dark grey, a reddish grey, and black. in the center of the flag is a black symbol outlined in white. the symbol is of a smiley face with a bite taken out of the top right of it. /end id]
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[pt: mortucannibal /end pt]
mortuary cannibalism
[pt: mortuary cannibalism /end pt]
the practice of consuming human as a part of mourning or honoring the dead
A gender connected to the practice or concept of mortuary cannibalism. This could be in a literal or metaphorical sense, involving aspects of mourning, reverence for the dead, celebration of the dead, love, etc.
[id: a rectangular with 13 horizontal lines. the 1st, 2nd, 12th, and 13th line are triangular. the 4th and 10th line are wavy, and the rest are straight. line sizes in this order from top to bottom: 2 thick, 9 medium, 2 thick. the 4th line has been made to look like it is dripping from multiple spots. colors in this order starting from the top and reflected after the last listed color: maroon, a rich red, a more desaturated red, bright red, dark grey, grey, and a light grey. in the center of the flag is a whitish grey symbol outlined in black. the symbol is of a smiley face with a bite taken out of the top right of it. /end id]
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"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then from whence comes evil?"
Theodicies are developed to answer the question of why a good God permits the manifestation of evil, thus resolving the issue of the problem of evil.
In science, when an idea is falsified, it's either thrown out, or withdrawn and revised. In theology, you invent an entire bogus domain to pretend it's still true. Theodicy is that domain. The entire reason it exists at all is because the Problem of Evil shows the god claim doesn't work, but they won't admit it.
Isaiah 45:7
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.
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mad3lyncline · 2 months
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𝑴𝑨𝑫𝑰𝑺𝑶𝑵 𝑩𝑬𝑬𝑹 . Spinnin' Tour , Milan ( x ) .
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lost-carcosa · 1 year
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Sheldon Comics: Tune in next time when The Riddler works on the trolley problem
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buggbuzz · 5 months
hey guys taking an ancient western history class. please tell me the greek philosophy fandom has already agreed that epicurus would've LOVED weed.
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annoyingthemesong · 6 months
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A contender for best food movie of all time along with Tampopo, Big Night, Babette's Feast.. The movie opens with an almost 30 minute sequence preparing the most delicious meal you've never had. I was mesmerized.
Binoche is beautiful. This is a classical, beautifully made movie. Vietnamese director Anh Hung Tran captures it all splendidly - it's an epicurean feast for the eyes and mind.
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torturingpeople · 3 months
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trying to pull myself out of artblock i drew @capn-twitchery's twitch. this was meant to be a silly doodle. then i thought of giving them a rapier and it was no longer a silly doodle
(do they use a rapier? i hope so because that handle gave me grief to draw. plus the rapier looks cool)
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