#epic winter faybelle
cometblaster2070 · 4 months
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i think a cool detail from the epic winter song other than giving us MAJOR ship fuel for these two is how faybelle's wings look.
like these are what her wings normally look like:
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and they're meant to evoke the feeling of her being the next dark fairy and they contrast with the more 'good' look of the wings of other characters like farrah and just emphasize how she's evil and whatever; you all get it.
i just think it's interesting how in the epic winter dream after she's saved briar from pricking her finger her wings look a lot more softer and less evil; even more angelic in a sense if you get what i mean?
a friend also said that to them it seemed like in the dream faybelle's wings seemed to open and unfurl almost after she helped briar and i thought that was also a really cool way to look at it.
anyways, bribelle for the win overall.
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athena-xox · 5 months
Changing the characters featured in each special without doing any research (it’s been like 2 weeks since I’ve proper watched eah).
True hearts day - chefs kiss it’s perfect
Thronecoming - I like the characters with their side plots but specifically for those going into the storybook of legends I would change blondie and cedar. Blondie would be at the game, it makes no sense why she was there (unless she followed them but she would have to be covering the game anyways so??) and cedar because I feel like they either should have focused more on her being able to lie or just cut her. I would replace them with 1 kitty because she could cover both the plot points that blondie n cedar bring (aka finding out where to go and how to get in) because I think definitely smth could be worked out with her going into the in between. And then I’m in between Ginger and Holly for the 8th girl. I feel like Ginger just because she’s important for spring unsprung so it would make sense to meet her earlier, but also then the focus would be less on raven + briars horrible destinies and on gingers. And I think that Hollys destiny makes a lot of sense for a quick little montage but then that brings the question on if it should be poppy instead or if the sbol they go into is a fake or not.
Spring unsprung - for the girls who get outfits from Lizzie I’m not going to switch them for Maddie and Kitty even tho it would make sense for Lizzie to make the outfits for them (but then again I’m pretty sure the og queen of hearts doesn’t even know who the Cheshire Cat + Mad Hatter r) so the only one I’ll switch is Holly. Just because I didn’t commit to her for the thronecoming arc and so I feel like she doesn’t really need to be there. I would switch her for Farrah (ik she didn’t exist yet but do I look like I give a fuck?) because in the diaries her cedar and Lizzie design together. And briar and cerise can stay because they’re featured and they are like main characters. The others in this special make sense tbh
Way Too Wonderland - ok yeah it makes sense for the 6 girls. The 3 wonderlandians who left pre curse that makes sense. Briar who is literally the catalyst for all these events. And the two main characters. If I could add someone I’d add cerise because her parents got married in wonderland, which could create an interesting plotline, and after spring unsprung her character was kinda discarded which is too bad. The others (the charmings + bunny and Alistair can stay too). Mm honestly I’d remove faybelle. It makes sense for her to be there just to establish her character before dragon games + epic winter but she wasn’t needed. Honestly could switch cerise with her.
Dragon Games - now here’s where I start to actually dislike the line up not just in a nitpicky way. Okay so off the top of my head the ones who compete in the dragons games are Melody, Lizzie, Poppy, Darling, Holly, Apple, Ashlynn, Maddie and Raven. I’m sorry what?! No briar?! Or cerise?! Immediately cutting Lizzie and Melody for those two. And I feel like Ashlynn could be replaced by Jillian, Cupid, Ramona or Nina. And then for those who go to the forest originally are Raven, Darling, Maddie, Ashlynn, Poppy, and Holly. Definitely adding Briar because that just makes this so much more interesting / briar’s rebel arc could have happened!! I’d either just add her to the existing group or if cut the O’Hair twins and also add cerise because cerise is close friends with raven and is seen with darling lots.
Epic Winter - so if you know me yk were cutting rosabella. I’m very tempted to just add Lizzie but we will resist the temptation. I’ll definitely be changing this one a lot. So the crew is Briar, Faybelle, Ashlynn, Blondie, Rosabella, Daring and Crystal. Cutting Blondie & Daring and adding Poppy and Duchess. Okay that might not look like a big change but im changing who gets which arc. Those with flowers are now Briar, Rosa, Poppy and Crystal. Ashlynn is just there because she’s friends with Crystal not because of the flower. Faybelle is there for the same reason. Rosabella is just there because of her flower, of course she becomes friends and stuff but the whole ‘I can fix him’ thing is gone. Instead this is poppy and duchess. Whether or not it’s seen as a ship or friendship Duchess is the one who needs redemption not Daring. Also I just found the blondie wanting a real story arc to be stupid
Forest Fest - I forgot this is considered a special? Is it considered a special? Anyways I think it’s fine I found it annoying how raven and dex had to be the ones to save the girls it could literally be anyone else. I found Poppy kinda a random choice for blondie to take, like just for the hair?? Maybe Ginger instead because she also has a show and they could be going together.
Tbh I want to make another post with in depth analysis
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dumbdolphin333 · 3 months
Does anyone else find it weird that at the end of Epic Winter Daring’s final act to prove he’d changed was getting Faybelle out of the contract? It just felt kinda unnatural and weird, Faybelle and Daring aren’t good friends or anything. And this was RIGHT AFTER Faybelle betrayed them and told them that the only reason she helped them was to get out of her contract with the fairy mafia (that’s still so funny to me one of the best parts of epic winter). Which she only had to get out of cleaning the school. That she helped destroy. And I haven’t watched Dragon Games in a while, but didn’t she also lead to Apple’s poisoning?
Daring quite literally has EVERY right to not help her. It’s not like she ever even did anything for him? And maybe that’s the point that he helped someone who had never once done anything to him, but she literally screwed him over so many times😭😭😭 like do we really want to teach kids “if you don’t help someone that has been working against you and literally ten seconds ago betrayed you then you’re selfish!!!!”
And don’t get me wrong, I literally love Faybelle. I’m so happy that she got out of that contract. But like from Daring’s perspective? Bro did not need to do that. You don’t have to suffer for literal centuries to help someone that screwed you over and betrayed you.
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blackbirdsnonsense · 6 months
I know a lot of people don't like Epic Winter on here, and fair it does have it's problems, but I do love the awkward energy in this scene.
Plus it has more Faybelle and that's never a bad thing.
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silverthelovebug · 7 months
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Faybelle will never hear the end of it
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theyapper0 · 5 months
OKAY!!!!!! This is my rewrite of EAH Epic Winter!!!!!! It's a LITTLE MESSY and just a BIT disorganized but you'll be able to get the general idea!
If there's any confusing parts, feel free to ask me questions!!! (•◡•)
I was originally gonna draw out like,, the entire thing like how I did w Dragon Games BUT IT WAS A LOT?? Like there's WAAAY more that I changed in Epic Winter (sorry but the whole thing had to go, I BARELY stuck with cannon LOL)
But I drew SOME of it ^^
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smileyfacemojisworld · 5 months
Epic Winter Rewrite?
Replace Rosabella with Cupid-IM SORRYYY😭
Like what if, after Cupid finally accepted her destiny to not find True Love(Idk, maybe a Monster High curse, like Faybelle’s with parties?) and decides to help out others again and when Daring and Apple broke up, he gets depression… yadda yadda yadda… trauma dumps on Cupid… yadda yadda yadda… Cupid helps…him get with Lizzie cuz we need the Wonderlandians :))
I need opinions. Badly.😭💔
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xbomboi · 5 months
thoughts about Epic Winter, & reconciling its place in Ever After High’s story as a whole
i wanna talk about epic winter because it—arguably more than any other aspect of the franchise—is definitely ever after high’s ‘ugly duckling’ piece of media, so to speak.
now obviously, a lot of it has to do with being the final big installment in eah’s main story, its premise being a side quest that sidelines the main protagonists in favor of new characters who are comparably far less compelling as the show’s actual leads, leaving the audience without any actual closure to the story which they were following.
in isolation, epic winter isn’t that terrible (though i think most would agree its better parts are the ones centered around already-established characters as opposed to the new ones), but in context it leaves a sour taste.
i entirely understand why anyone rewriting the series would either heavily rework it, only keep more important story beats such as daring’s arc & faybelle’s side plot, or completely remove the outing altogether.
in my case, however, deleting epic winter isn’t an option; my intentions are to continue where ever after high left off, and organically finish what they started. that means epic winter stays in tact, sanity be damned.
with that writing handicap, i can’t edit any pre-existing media in the ever after high animated lineup, which has forced me to brainstorm ways to recontextualize the purpose for epic winter’s place in the story and make the time spent on its story retroactively feel, at the very least, a little more worth it.
and the solution i found comes from viewing all that is introduced in the special through chehkov's gun.
(if you're unfamiliar, chehkov's gun is a narrative rule that everything introduced in a story must be done so with a purpose to serve. i.e. if you give a character a gun, they must shoot it.)
what's done is done; if we have to go on this detour following crystal winter and the top of the world, so be it. but let's pocket it like a tool that can be used later.
so here's my idea: bring crystal and the winter kingdom back into the story later down the line when the events of the story have reached a far more grandiose scale.
basically, i think the best way to use crystal would be when the story reaches a point of confronting and opposing the ruling powers in the fairytale world. having become the new snow queen, naturally, she'd be included in a gathering of the rulers of the kingdoms in the fairytale world.
i want there to be a moment in the story where the ruling powers gather together, and we see familiar faces return (including ones that we'd be introduced to after epic winter but prior to this), such as snow white, king charming, the queen of hearts, and of course, crystal.
with her outlook that would most reasonably be more aligned with the students at ever after high, she could end up being one of-if not the sole person-those present to voice opposition to whatever unfavorable verdict the rest of the rulers have made, as it would serve as direct conflict for the protagonists. she'd find herself outnumbered and ultimately her voice holding little to no power to sway the decision (especially being disregarded for her rather young age). afterwards we'd see her reflect on her frustrations with her colleagues and their rule of the system, thinking about it in terms of what kind of ruler she wants to be, before seeing her find determination towards something, though we aren’t yet shown what she actually decides to do.
the next time we'd see her would then come a little later, the conflict reaching the most dire circumstances. all hope is lost for our heroes; raven, apple, and co. would be down on their luck against odds they're unable to overcome. and that's when crystal would show up to offer her support, providing the numbers of her kingdom as allies to help better the odds. (she wouldn't be the only ally to show up, as this would be a 'getting help from all the friends we made along the way' ordeal. she would simply be one of said friends.)
crystal's help would ultimately play a part in winning the conflict. and because the audience would be familiar with crystal and the winter kingdom to a decent extent way prior to that point, the inclusion of it in the present fight at hand wouldn't feel like an ass-pull or a deus ex machina of sorts; it would make sense and feel earned for the most part.
and i think that's honestly the best thing to be made of epic winter's main adventure. we can't change it or fix it as it is, but we can create a payoff for it all later down the line. think of it like begrudgingly doing chores that lack any enjoyment factor, only to find that afterwards, you're glad you did.
so, yeah, that's my idea for how to give epic winter a genuine purpose. but i'm just spitballing.
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spittyfishy · 2 years
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I got called in to be the pinch hitter for @maddie-zylophone-hatter ‘s present in the @eah-exchange secret Santa today! I saw that Faybelle was one of their favourite characters so I drew her in her epic winter outfit since it’s such a nice design!
I hope you like it and had a great holiday!!❄️
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hothotmiso · 2 years
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shuturmouth09 · 2 months
Today i watched 3 trolles movies,dragon games and epic winter but I started to have a headache after epic winter I think that means something
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athena-xox · 3 months
Do y’all ever think how weird it was like Rosabella was like “for once you’re thinking of others” when daring at SIXTEEN GAVE UP THE REST OF HIS LIFE + LIKE OVER HUNDRED YEARS AFTER HE WOULD BE DEAD TO DO HARD LABOUR FOR A GIRL WHO HE BARELY KNEW WHO WAS CONSTANTLY TRYNA SABOTAGE THEM SAVING THE WORLD?!?!?!
Like by all means ship darabella
But atp I might not just be a darabella hater I’m actually a Rosabella hater because what the fuck
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wildflowercryptid · 1 year
as much as i like rosabella and daringbella, i can agree that it was a poor writing decision to spotlight her and their potential relationship in epic winter before either had any actual development beforehand.
like i think making daring the beast is a really interesting choice, (it fits well since the reason why the beast was cursed in the first place was due to his vanity and refusal to help others in need,) but they really needed to give rosabella some more characterization moments before plopping her into a romance subplot. before epic winter, she only really featured once or twice in the webisodes and the only charming we got to see her interact with was darling. i can get why people get a little frustrated over daring ending up with her when he already had established chemistry with other characters.
i also feel like rosabella had the potential to be a really cool character, (i always love seeing characters w/ nerdy aesthetics that don't fall into the meek wallflower trope,) but considering the common writing tropes of the time and that eah was already heading towards its twilight years by epic winter, i can't really say i'm surprised that they dropped the ball with her.
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blackbirdsnonsense · 19 days
Took only ONE DAY for me to get this done once I had all the specials! That's how much this video has planned in my head!
So I REALLY hope people will like, share & comment on it.
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silverswiss · 2 years
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Not my art! I just randomly found this on Pinterest and it is obviously Prince Ivy but never saw it on his blog :(
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