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jedidryad · 2 months ago
Something up, Luke?
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The more time I spend working on piecing together Mara and Lando's misadventures and sham relationship, the more surprised I am that this conversation never took place while Luke and Lando were off on Lando's courting mission (aka his wife hunt). Lando must have been biting his tongue so hard...
“Something up Luke?”
“Why?” Luke glanced over from his place in the co pilot’s seat where he had been staring, brow furrowed, out the viewport.
“You’ve been extra quiet. Like something is bugging you.”
The younger man flinched ever so slightly, a reminder that he had not always been a mysterious Jedi Master, “I’m just wondering if you’ve told Mara about this new mission of yours?”
Lando shrugged, “haven’t seen her much lately. I think you’ve spent more time with her than I have.”
“That seems unlikely. I haven’t seen her since Almania.”
Lando refrained from pointing out that had only been a couple of months earlier.
“Why would I discuss it with her?” 
“You have a past.” Luke’s tone was mildly rebuking,  “she might appreciate the heads up before you show up married.”
“Nah that’s long over, whatever it was.”
“Whatever it was? What does that mean?”
“It means I was just along for the ride.”
“Ride?” Luke sounded offended.
“What? Does it bother you that Mara might have been looking for some casual fun?”
“No.” Luke caught his raised eyebrow,  “of course not. It just, just didn’t seem like her style.”
“Sounds to me like it bothers you. You should ask her about it.”
“It’s none of my business.”
“Kind of sounds like you’d like to make it your business.”
“If Mara wanted it to be my business, she’d have talked to me about it.”
“She didn’t?”
“Not even when you asked?”
“I didn’t ask.”
“You didn’t?”
“No, it’s none of my business.”
“But you’re asking me now.”
“Well, now I know about your plan to get married. And I know Mara’s not big on surprises.”
Lando contemplated Luke for a moment, weighing his loyalties.
“She really didn’t tell you anything about us?”
“Not a word.” 
“And you really never thought to ask?”
“It’s not my business.” Luke was insistent enough that Lando fought hard to keep a straight face.
“Yes, you’ve said that, several times.” He took in his friend in silence a moment remembering the look on Mara’s face when Luke introduced her to Callista: a sort of frozen impassivity that revealed nothing of the frantic determination of the prior hour during which she’d altered hyperspace routes, and faced down armed Gamorreans to make sure the Jedi was safe.
Luke wore the same expression.
“So you think Mara would be upset that I’m hoping to marry someone else?”
“You were together a long time. I figured you’d wind up together.” If anything his face closed up further.
“Jade and me?” Lando laughed, "you think we made sense?
“You have connections in the same community. You know how to dance and which fork to use.”
“I do, but Jade’s not really all that into that.”
Luke blinked, “but you’ve spent years together.”
“Business. We had work together, a project that took a number of years. It was easier to let people think what they wanted.”
“She didn’t tell me that.”
“You already said you didn’t ask. She probably thought you didn’t care.”
Luke sucked in a breath and the impassivity seemed to drain out of his expression, leaving something unexpectedly agonized behind.
“You really thought we were together?”
Luke nodded. 
Lando smirked, “she really let you think that.”
“She would,” Luke murmured. “If she didn’t want me to know, she wouldn’t share.”
Lando looked away so Luke couldn’t see him roll his eyes. Stars, he was even worse at this than Mara!
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jedidryad · 6 days ago
This!! About Mara that is. I'm not particularly prepared to tackle the whole Grey Jedi concept except to say that if Grey Jedi are about recognizing that everyone encounters the dark side and one slip up isn't enough to make you evil forever (counter to Yoda's ESB thoughts) then I'm in. Jedi are not pure. I'm okay with that. But that if Grey Jedi are a step on the path to "there is no light or dark only what you do with it" or something like that, I'm out.
But Mara!! and that Mara's ambivalence to the Force and the Jedi is about her traumatic experience with the dark side as a child and young person is exactly what I'm about.
Mara's journey is just that: her struggle with her past and her eventual embrace of her Force abilities and the Jedi (both plural and singular <3). And her struggle is based in real issues and very valid.
She fought so hard to get away from Palpatine and is constantly hit with the consequences of her work for him. It's not as clear in the pro-fic where it gets mentioned and then glossed over, but, as I work through the memoir, she seems to be confronted with revelations and reminders at every turn, and there's no way those reminders wouldn't impact her when it comes to considering using the Force and becoming a Jedi. And she definitely takes the concept with the seriousness of someone who knows way too much about what she is getting into.
She is terrified of being fooled again. She gave her life to Palpatine and it was all a lie. Anything that looks like that is going to fill her with suspicion, and becoming a Jedi, especially with a brooding, isolated Luke at the helm, is going to look just a bit too much like her past for her to settle in easily. And, there's nothing simple about her relationship with Luke. There never was. She met him with preconceived notions of who he was, and an obsessive zeal about her plans for him. And he is so intertwined with the Jedi that I doubt she can see one without the other. It makes sense that she must sort out her relationship with the Force and becoming a Jedi before she can sort out her relationship with Luke.
local woman makes herself angry thinking about the idea of Grey Jedi
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ghostbuster30 · 3 months ago
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I was making art for the shadowpeach Bio parent takeover and I was listening to Epic, then I was like wouldn't it be crazy if. And the more I did it I was like they're kinda alike, like they both think they are monsters (one more than the other), both have red bandanas and miss their wives!
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They miss their wives
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yellos2 · 10 months ago
server nonsense no context
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snoota alien species belongs to @t34-mt
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ochiody · 2 months ago
chat pleasr do not send me requests for manwhore au. it makes me uncomfortable and i dont fw it personally. no hate to anni or other creators i just dont think going around asking people who havent explicitly engaged w the au is a great idea
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memelordotherblog · 5 months ago
How about i explode. They are brothers, your honor.
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Actually, i can see Oswald getting enviousness of Butch since he had the proper time over the years to bond with Mickey like a brother, while Oswald might regret being so hostile to him initially.
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Because even with epic mickey two, Butch had more experiences with Mickey, and that might get Oswald's skin, and he might feel like once again he's being replaced.
But also i think it would be funny the rivalry one-sided at first, with Butch seeing Oswald as another guy to take under his wing like he did with Mick.
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the-immortal-restless · 1 month ago
If I had a nickel for every time I was emotionally invested in a nine-part story where I was banking on two characters kissing for the first time in way too long, I’d have two nickels.
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squeebh8 · 8 days ago
someone said that they loved ancient greek yaoi and i said that one of my favorites was telemachus x peisistratus and they didnt know who peisistratus was??? fake ass homeric fujo
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ashmeertheimp · 3 months ago
Kyri45 are you listening to EPIC while making those comics
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(I'm not actually trying to summon her just making a joke)
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futurealchemy · 7 months ago
modern au odysseus except he has the worst internet safety known to man bc he canonly doxxed himself in front of a cyclops anyway
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jedidryad · 3 months ago
WIP Wednesday: I'm not a fan of theft, but this guy deserves to have his safe gutted
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Mara Jade will admit to many questionable acts in her life but petty theft just for the sake of it is not one of them. In VOTF, she explains to Luke that she gutted Vicebaron Sukarian's safe and wanted him to know it had been her who did it.
And, well, she needs a good reason to decide to steal his treasures. Here is an excerpt from my attempt to give her a reason - and to make him all the more detestable...
I kept up the act as we stepped into Sukarian’s office. I hung off Lando’s arm like I was intoxicated and responded to the Vicebaron’s inappropriate remarks with a disarming giggle.
We sat down in  the repulsor chairs across from his massive desk and, as I turned to set my eyes on Calrissian as though he were the only thing in the room, my gaze swept across a display shelf behind Sukarian’s desk.
Holding an obvious place of honour was a glowing crystalline polyhedron: it was unmistakably a holocron.
I fought to keep my gaze moving as though that particular object was no more interesting than anything else in the room. I plastered an admiring expression on my face as I took in the tapestry of H’drachi toiling in the fields. It made my skin crawl, but I could see by the way it draped to the floor that there was a storage safe behind it.
As Lando turned on the charm to try to work the name Jorj Cardas into the conversation about his spice dealings, I leaned back against him and started playing with the fringe on the cape he’d slung over his shoulder.
Sukarian seemed disinterested in discussing Corellia this afternoon. Maybe we should try to get him to talk about something else. 
“Aren’t you bored with this conversation, my dear?” He leaned towards me, belt straining across his belly as he moved in his chair. 
“Yes.” I agreed guilelessly, “but there are so many interesting things in your office.” I took the opportunity to run my eyes around the room again: one camera on the wall opposite the safe, outputs for motion sensors and security beams, and a control panel for all of it on the Vicebaron’s desk.
“I have many treasures.” His smile had a noticeably cruel edge, “is there anything in particular that interests you?”
“Yes.” I blurted out, “what’s that?” I pointed rudely at the Holocron.
Calrissian tugged my hand back into his and squeezed warningly. He’d also recognized the glowing object for what it really was.
“Ah, the young lady Zasia has noticed my holocron. It is one of my favourite possessions. I am a collector of Jedi antiquities. This device was used for communication purposes.
“Like a holocomm?”
He chuckled indulgently, “Of course not, my dear. The Jedi used their mysterious Force powers to make them work. I might have the last one in the galaxy. Isn’t that exciting?”
He spoke to me like I was about Jaina’s age so I gave a wide eyed nod, “it’s pretty.”
“I’m so glad you like it. Let me show you something else. He stood up and ushered me over to his display shelf. Calrissian reluctantly let go of my hand as I stepped forward and surveyed the other objects. They were all Jedi tools: a focusing crystal, wobble ball, training remote, even some components I recognized as being commonly used for lightsaber construction. 
He collected them and, considering his explanation of the holocron, he clearly didn’t have a clue what any of them actually were.
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grandboute · 2 months ago
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Überach de Noël - Papi Klintz
Ce qui est bien avec les bières de Noël c'est que c'est toujours encore un peu Noël !
#uberach #biereDeNoel #elsass #elsassBier #winachtsbier #sgelt #hopla #hoplagram #papiKlintz #alsace #bio #organic #epices #cannelle #biere #malt #brasserie #houblon #bier #brasseur #instabeer #beer #jusDeHoublon #brewery #frenchBeer #locale #artisanale #craftbeer #beerstagram #instamousse
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stardust948 · 18 days ago
Zutara Epic AU
[Lightning materializes into the Sky Fire god who looms over the ship]
Sky Fire god: Ah Firelord. We meet again.
Zuko: Your voice... You're the one who warned me about King Kuei's son.
Sky Fire god: Which you ignored, I see. Thankfully, Koh took care of that problem and other distractions.
Zuko: *Looks away guilt ridden*
Sky Fire god: Enlighten me, Firelord. If hunger is so great, then who shall bear the weight of all your suffering and past mistakes?
[Sky Fire god shoots lightning over their heads. Zuko kowtows lowly and the crew follows.]
Zuko: Please spare us, great one.
Sky Fire god: Choose.
Zuko: C-Choose?
Sky Fire god: Someone has got to pay, and you have the final say. You. Or your crew. *laughs* Why do I get the feeling they'll loose?
Zuko: Please don't make do this!
Sky Fire god: This is your final chance. Decide.
Sokka: Captain...?
Zuko: I have to see her. But... not like this...
Zuko, to the Sky Fire god: I'm the one to blame. Set them free and kill me instead.
Crew: !!!
Sokka: Zuko...
Sky Fire god: How dare you.
Zuko: *looks up confused and nervous* My lord?
Sky Fire god: HOW DARE YOU DEFEY ME ONCE AGAIN!!! *grabs Zuko*
Zuko: *screams in pain as the Sky Fire god's hand burns his skin*
Sokka: Zuko!!!
[He and the crew attack, but their weapons are useless against the god]
Sky Fire god: You have learned nothing! I expect more from my son!
Zuko: W-What?
Sky Fire god: From now on, no more distractions!
[He throws a huge lightning bolt at the ship, killing everyone on board]
Zuko: NO!!! *cries*
Sky Fire god: And for now on, suffering will be your teacher. I'm done with you.
[He burns the left side of Zuko’s face then tosses him into the ocean]
Zuko: *Sinks down among the remains of his ship. Sees Sokka’s necklace floating by and grabs it*
Zuko, thinking: Sokka. My brothers. Katara... I'm sorry... *blacks out*
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nerdygirl2023 · 5 months ago
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Scylla but it’s her heads are all these motherfuckers
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ilystars9 · 1 month ago
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⠀──── 𝓨 𝖾𝖺𝗁 , 𝗍𝗁ⁱˢ 𝗇𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝘀𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗽𝘀
𝓑ʳᵃᶜᵉ, y͟o͟u͟r͟s͟e͟l͟f͟ , 𝕿𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖆 𝖘𝖊𝖆𝖙
𝓓 𝗈𝗇'ᵗ 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖼𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝖺𝖻𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖾 ℭ𝖺𝗌𝗎𝖺𝗅𝗍𝗂𝖾𝗌, c͟a͟s͟u͟a͟l͟t͟i͟e͟s͟
'ℭ𝒶𝓊𝓈ℯ 𝗂𝗍'ˢ 𝗌𝖺𝖿𝖾 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗂𝗍'ˢ 𝗃𝗎𝗌𝗍 𝓨ᵒᵘ 𝖠𝗇𝖽 ℳᵉ,
𝖄ᵒᵘ 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝕸ᵉ . . . ㅤ۫ ㅤ۪ ㅤ۫  ♱࿚̟࣭࣭݊࣪݊࣪࣪
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karihighman · 5 months ago
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Can’t believe Shawn actually made his IG bio the OG internet boyfriend 🤣🙌 love it
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