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mfrcristino · 3 years ago
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#neveragain #martiallaw #epaphotos https://www.instagram.com/p/CUHFagAh2O7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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veganlogicdinamo · 5 years ago
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Pictures show me posing with a mask made of cabbage to draw attention to viruses spread by infected animals and the consumption of animal products. Viruses, like covid19, SARS and MERS, believed to be originating from eating or being close to infected animals. Vegan movements around the world aim to draw attention to #veganism as a solution to prevent animal viruses from spreading further. The global vegan food market value is estimated to reach around USD 24.3 billion by 2026. #photojournalism #epaphotos #covid19 #vegan #mask @epaphotos @sedatsuna Photo by Sedat Suna/EPA-EFE https://www.instagram.com/p/CABFUxEg3zM/?igshid=idoq73vcmlw9
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raynerpenar · 2 years ago
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Un hombre vestido de Santa Claus carga una bolsa de regalos durante la iniciativa @unjugueteunabuenanoticia, el 17 de diciembre, en la zona del Cementerio General del Sur en Caracas (Venezuela). Un Santa Claus y varios voluntarios -la mayoría periodistas- entregaron este sábado regalos a 350 niños de una comunidad de Caracas, gracias a donativos del gremio y de particulares, durante la iniciativa llamada "Un juguete, una buena noticia", que un grupo de trabajadores de la prensa desarrolla desde 2017 con el objetivo de arrancar sonrisas a los pequeños. EFE/ Rayner Peña R - A man dressed as Santa Claus carries a bag of gifts during the "A Toy, Good News" initiative, today, in the area of ​​the General del Sur Cemetery in Caracas (Venezuela). A Santa Claus and several volunteers - most of them journalists - delivered gifts to 350 children from a Caracas community this Saturday, thanks to donations from the union and individuals, during the initiative called "A toy, good news", which a group of press workers has been developing since 2017 with the aim of making children smile. EFE/ Rayner Peña R #Caracas #ElCementerio #Venezuela #photo #EfeFotos #Epaphotos #CCS #canon #Stnicolas #everydaylatinamerica #SantaClaus #SanNicolas #Navidad #decembrina #diciembre #regalos #entregaderegalos #RaynerPenaR (en Cementerio General del Sur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmUvTDrvt4G/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thesimplegraphy · 5 years ago
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Preparing the outlet for selling to customers #market #photography #streetlife #huntingpasar #epaphotos #streetstyle #streetfindercontest https://www.instagram.com/p/CEcdVyihwsY/?igshid=f5ol8zabdgqi
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yourfotofeed · 5 years ago
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Photo of the day 172 by @gui_rodrigues1 · Na bruma leve das paixões que vem de dentro · #photooftheday #photography #nature #bbctravel #bbcbrasil #bbcearth #afpphoto #epaphotos #artgallery #fineartphotography #artofvisuals #art #artist #travel #gooutside #global_hotshotz #getlost #magnumphotos #yourshotphotographer #yourfotofeed #nationalgeographic #natgeo #yellowkorner #urbanarts #instatravel #instagram #natgeotravel #ig_masterpiece #ig_myshot #worldshotz https://www.instagram.com/p/B7goCV2oZfF/?igshid=12vgynd57lp87
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tc-expo · 5 years ago
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@epaphotos (@tc_expo A make up artist prepares a model's hair and face during the 'Interstyle-2019’ beauty competition in Minsk, Belarus. 📷 epa-efe / @tatzenkovich #Fashion #Interstyle2019 #Minsk #Belarus #epaphotos https://www.instagram.com/p/B4nblqmnN5L/?igshid=36fsdql9piw7
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This Video Of A Trump EPA Nominee's Response To Scientific Data Will Enrage You
If you cannot assess the information in front of you except by militantly refusing to acknowledge it, you’re not qualified to run a department. You’re not even qualified to run a food cart.
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mfrcristino · 4 years ago
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Labor Day #epaphotos #fuckthewarondrugs #laborday https://www.instagram.com/p/COXrhzQBSgW/?igshid=i4ra5jb1d6m9
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veganlogicdinamo · 5 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @sedatsuna A combo picture shows Turkish vegans posing with masks made of vegetables to draw attention to viruses spread by infected animals and the consumption of animal products, in Istanbul, Turkey. Turkish vegan activists pose with masks made with vegetables to draw attention to different viruses, like covid19, SARS and MERS, believed to be originating from eating or being close to infected animals. Vegan movements around the world aim to draw attention to the vegan lifestyle as a solution to prevent animal viruses from spreading further. The global vegan food market value is estimated to reach around USD 24.3 billion by 2026. #photojournalism #epaphotos #covid19 #vegan #mask @epaphotos Photo by Sedat Suna/EPA-EFE https://www.instagram.com/p/CABE6VrAXP0/?igshid=1qe24mbm58cvt
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raynerpenar · 4 years ago
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La maestra Jasmín Castro escribe en una pizarra durante una clase en su casa, el 20 de agosto de 2021, en Petare, Caracas (Venezuela). Maestras y Zona de Descarga (@zonadedescargaoficial) preocupados por la educación de los niños que habitan en Petare, abrieron las puertas de sus casas para educar a los chicos en medio del cierre de escuelas, empujado por la covid-19, que ya suma más de un año. EFE/ RAYNER PEÑA R. Hasta el momento, unos 14 hogares funcionan como centro educativo o reforzamiento pedagógico en Petare y unos 153 niños se ven beneficiados. Zona Descarga planea crear una red de casas de este tipo, a las que ayudan con donaciones de libros, materiales de papelería, muebles o pinturas. La mayoría de ellos usados. - Teacher Jasmín Castro writes on a blackboard during a class at her home, on August 20, 2021, in Petare, Caracas (Venezuela). Teachers and the Download Zone concerned about the education of the children who live in Petare, opened the doors of their houses to educate the children in the middle of the closure of schools, pushed by the covid-19, which already adds more one year. EFE / RAYNER PEÑA R. So far, about 14 homes function as an educational center or pedagogical reinforcement in Petare and about 153 children have benefited. Download Zone plans to create a network of houses of this type, which they help with donations of books, stationery materials, furniture or paintings. Most of them used. Foto: @raynerpenar - @efe_noticias @efeamerica - @epaphotos #Educación #Venezuela #Caracas #petare #everydaylatinamerica #dailylife #estudiantes #miranda #sucre #quarantine #pandemic #covid_19 #canon #photo #efesiempreestá #EfeFotos (en Petare) https://www.instagram.com/p/CS-VrhqACDU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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reduxpictures · 8 years ago
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ReduxStock: Photo by EPA photographer Roman Pilipey of a candlelight vigil to support Chinese patriotic democratic movements in Hong Kong, in World Magazine, August 5, 2017.
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thesimplegraphy · 5 years ago
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Sustainable energy and healthy earth #energy #sky #hipaae #epaphotos #instasunda #photooftheday #picoftheday #pictureoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CD-aOLchD_r/?igshid=1hej6ofnm0pje
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nepalphotoproject-blog · 8 years ago
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Photo by @narenphoto ・・・ Female farmers in a paddy field during National Paddy Day at Jeetpur village, on the outskirt of capital Kathmandu, Nepal. 29 June 2017. Nepal is celebrating National Paddy Day with various event on 29 June 2017. On this day, known as Asar Pandra, farmers begin the annual rice planting season and mark the day with various festivities such as preparing rice meals with muddy water, mud being a symbol for a prosperous season. The agricultural sector contributes about 28.9 per cent to Nepal's gross domestic product (GDP). #epaphotos #agricultureforlife #nepalphotoproject #Nepal
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kvnkshv · 3 years ago
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mohammedbadra · 6 years ago
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دوما منذ ثلاث سنوات #Douma three years ago #epaphotos #photography #photoshoot #photojournalism #photographyoftheday #pictures #hospital #photo #children #childhood #father https://www.instagram.com/p/BrWStEYhOFt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m4dgtq3n8c1g
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sexydeathparty · 3 years ago
Ramadan Prayers Are Being Performed In Iconic Locations And People Are Loving It
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Ramadan has kicked off for the Muslim world, with believers around the globe abstaining from food and drink from sun up to sun down. 
As part of the holy month, Muslims also amp up worshipping efforts, offering daily Qur’an recitations, charitable donations, and extra nightly prayers. 
The Ramadan prayer – Taraweeh – is a long supplication that Muslims often perform in congregation. And for the first time in a long time (thanks to the pandemic), worshippers are able to gather once again and pray shoulder to shoulder.
Some have even congregated at iconic spots around the world to stand together and pray. Here are some of the locations around the world abuzz with worshippers.
1) Times Square, New York
First taraweeh prayer to take place in Times Square, New York. pic.twitter.com/HxuEDGeDIq
— AMEER AL-KHATAHTBEH (@Ameer) April 3, 2022
Heartwarming scenes of Taraweeh prayers taking place in Times Square, New York. pic.twitter.com/hltK4dtKgu
— Kahlissee (@Kahlissee) April 3, 2022
For the first time ever, Times Square was recently bustling with Muslims as they headed to the iconic New York tourist spot to perform Taraweeh. 
A screen and speakers in front of the worshippers played the adhaan (call to prayer), while a priest presided over the prayer, reciting Qur’anic verses and prayers aloud. Non-Muslims and tourists alike enjoyed watching the occasion and many took pics.
Muslims take over Times Square NYC for Taraweeh prayer 😍 This is the first time that Taraweeh prayers are held in the middle of the iconic location. IG/queensnewsjunkie pic.twitter.com/jAwMX796Wa
— Muslim Girl (@muslimgirl) April 3, 2022
 2) Hagia Sophia, Turkey
Blessed to have been able make taraweeh prayers at Hagia Sophia. This is the first one in 88 years, not for me but the mosque. Wasn’t a walk in the park, but I made it in. pic.twitter.com/42RXxb9w1y
— Khairul Asyraf (@__KhairulAsyraf) April 1, 2022
A former cathedral and mosque, the Hagia Sophia, was reverted into a mosque in 2020 but couldn’t enjoy Taraweeh prayers due to the pandemic.
The iconic building was built 1,500 years ago as an Orthodox Christian cathedral but later converted into a mosque after the Ottoman conquest in 1453.
But in 1934, it became a museum and is now a Unesco World Heritage site. So after 88 years, Taraweeh prayers returned to the Hagia Sophia.  
The Ramadan night prayer (Taraweeh) took place in Hagia Sophia in Istanbul for the first time in 88 years SubhanAllah how amazing it would be to experience prayer there! #Ramadanpic.twitter.com/VCmbbAX7Ku
— Spag (@SpaghettiRip) April 3, 2022
3) Putrajaya, Malaysia
Malaysian Muslims maintaining social distance and wearing protective face masks attend first #Taraweeh prayers on the eve of #Ramadan in #Putrajaya, #Malaysia. 📷 epa / Fazry Ismail#epaphotos#visualizingtheworldpic.twitter.com/x0yMKYVWs3
— european pressphoto agency (@epaphotos) April 12, 2021
For the last few years, Malaysia, much like other countries, has had to limit its Taraweeh prayers due to social distancing rules (see pic above). 
But as of April 1, social distancing measures in the country were lifted meaning people could once again pray side by side with one another. 
4) Al Aqsa Mosque
Taraweeh prayers at Al-Aqsa today #Ramadanpic.twitter.com/eI8spfhy7p
— Muhammad Smiry (@MuhammadSmiry) April 1, 2022
Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque is the third holiest site for Muslims as it’s believed to be the place Prophet Muhammed ascended to heaven.
After the compound was closed off during previous years due to the pandemic, Al Aqsa has once again opened to Palestinians, albeit under much surveilance.
The first Taraweeh prayers were performed at the revered mosque peacefully.
01 Ramadan 1443 Taraweeh scenes from Masjid al-Aqsa al-Mubarak #Ramadan#MasjidAlAqsa#Palestine#Jerusalem#AlQuds#BaytAlMaqdispic.twitter.com/PgVJqfUU8K
— Masjid al Aqsa (@firstqiblah) April 2, 2022
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As Ramadan Begins, Here's How To Stay Fit While You're Fasting
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Half Of UK Muslims Are Struggling To Afford Iftars, Here's Where To Find Halal Food Banks This Ramadan
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I’m A Muslim Burial Expert. Two Years Of Covid Have Changed Me Forever
from HuffPost UK - Athena2 - All Entries (Public) https://ift.tt/UBWIAL4 via IFTTT
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