#ep. coup d'etat
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Conversion, Pt. 12
Weir sends out an alert on Sheppard having escaped his quarters, and it is likely her alert went only to the security personnel rather than on city-wide. We next find McKay in the command centre with Caldwell and Ronon, McKay seeming to spearhead the search for Sheppard by tracking him biometrically using the Ancient censors discovered during Sanctuary (S01E14), although now with an English interface that he has probably programmed himself. It takes Mckay no time at all to find Sheppard and lock onto him.
McKay: OK. I've got a lock on him.
We get to see the layout of Atlantis, and the biometric sensor still seems to have signatures in two different colours, reddish and yellowish. I wrote earlier about how the system is probably calibrated for the Ancients, so it would show the people who have the gene different from the ordinary humans because whether or not people have the Ancient gene is the most important biometric marker for their technology.
If we look at the cluster of signatures that I've pointed out with the circle who seem to be near the gate, we have one red and three yellow signatures, corresponding to the four figures we see in the next shot standing pretty much in the same configuration as the dots: McKay, Caldwell, Ronon and a marine. McKay is the only one of them that has the gene and hence we would expect to see him appear as a different colour. And we next see, as they lock on to Sheppard, that he is a bright red dot, the locking on seeming just to make his dot brighter rather than to change its colour. However, the dot seems to be acting unexpectedly.
Caldwell: That can't be him, it's moving too fast. Dex: It's him.
McKay is looking at Sheppard's dot intently, not removing his eyes from it even as he turns his head slightly toward Ronon when he says the words "It's him" in reference to Sheppard. It is as though McKay wants to see Ronon's face when he mentions Sheppard, wants to see the look on his face, but he cannot draw his eyes away even for that. Let us recall that the last time McKay was watching a dot that designated Sheppard, he was watching him fly to his death toward a hive ship strapped onto a nuke that McKay himself had prepared. It is safe to say that this is not his favourite activity.
He is doing this now because they need him to do it, because this is his job and his duty, but it is not easy for him by any means. McKay seems to speak only what is necessary and no more. He is once more clearly dissociating, he is on autopilot.
Caldwell: Alright. Four teams. Surround him and close in. I want him stopped. And gentlemen: use whatever level force you deem necessary. Move out. Weir: You will only use such force as a last resort. Caldwell: That's not Sheppard any more, ma'am. Weir: You heard me.
Caldwell gives the men now under his command the order to take out Sheppard using what ever level force necessary, and the US military has six such levels for the use of force. Caldwell, that is to say, authorizes his men to take Sheppard out using lethal force where necessary, to take him out at their discretion. While Weir does not precisely walk his order back, she impresses on the men that they should not jump the gun but be sure that there is no other way before trying to eliminate him using lethal force. They all know what they are talking about.
Note that while McKay still says nothing, he has no words to say, we see him do the thing with his thumb that has frequently been associated with Sheppard in the past. It is his own self-soothing technique. McKay is torn here. He wants to help Sheppard, he wants to protect Sheppard, he wants to see to it that nothing happens to Sheppard. And he does not know how to do any of those things. He is grateful to Weir for at least the fact that she reminded them not to shoot Sheppard on sight. Something rather interesting happens then.
Dex: You coming? Teyla: Yes.
Caldwell had ordered four teams to go after Sheppard and whether or not Ronon and Teyla were meant to be with these four teams, Ronon at the very least took it upon himself to make sure that they were among the people looking for Sheppard. He wants them to make sure that this thing stays under control and no one starts shooting up unnecessarily. All of them care about Sheppard and do not want to see him get hurt, but they also know that Sheppard himself would want them to stop him before letting him hurt innocent people. And so it is obvious to Ronon that they should be a part of this, and because it does not seem like Teyla is moving in to join them, he actually asks out loud if she is coming with. What takes?
Now, I know some people see this as a major "Teylabeth" moment and while I don't necessarily see anything between the two of them, there is certainly enough evidence over the years to suggest that Teyla herself swings both ways. In fact, at the end of this very episode, we see her real up close and personal with another woman. There is plenty of subtext to go around with Teyla. But she is not looking at Weir, here. She is clearly looking at McKay before turning to leave. She looks at McKay, they seem to exchange a rather lengthy glance, she nods and then takes off after Ronon.
It is because we see Teyla and Weir in the same shot after she gives this look that people somehow interpret her as looking at Weir but this, them placing either McKay or Sheppard out of framing of the shot where looks are being exchanged is something that the show has been doing since its inception. This is how they keep the subtext just at the edge of becoming maintext. It is clear that Teyla looks at someone, exchanges a look with someone. The direction to which she looks is where McKay has been standing the whole time. We do not see McKay answer her gaze. When the camera finally pans back to McKay, he is no longer looking at her. Weir looks at both Teyla and Ronon as they take off. Teyla gives one final look at McKay as they leave.
But why?
The thing is, Teyla did seem reluctant to leave. She was not sure that she should go with the teams, that she should follow Ronon. Some people are going to think that this is because she is still feeling uncomfortable about what happened with Sheppard earlier, that she does not want to be around him when all of that is still hanging unresolved between them. But that does not explain why she seems to need a permission--or what ever she was looking for from him-- from McKay to go. It is possible that she meant to communicate to McKay that they would take care of Sheppard, that they would see to it that nothing happens to him. But it still does not explain her initial reluctance to join the search party.
And it was not that Teyla did not want to go. It was that she was not sure she should leave McKay alone, without a security detail. Yes, Caldwell was there with a bunch of marines but they might not be enough to stop Sheppard. And Teyla seems to know, just as Ronon does a few moments later, what it is that Sheppard is looking for. In the middle of the command centre, McKay might be at the most secure place on Atlantis. But for some reason, all of them, Sheppard's whole team, seem to know that Sheppard is looking for McKay, that McKay is what he is trying to get to. And Teyla is momentarily unsure of whether there is even a point in leaving when what Sheppard is looking for is right here. We do not see what kind of a look McKay gave her but so satisfied, she does then take after Ronon and join the search party.
Weir: Lock down the stargate. McKay: Right.
As mentioned, when we do finally see McKay, he is no longer looking at Teyla and this is how the entire episode has been playing out. McKay's role is purposefully obscured. He seems peripheral to the story when he is, in fact, central to everything that happens. McKay sounds hoarse as he answers Weir's request, it comes out in almost a whisper. His eyes are awfully bright but we do not see him blinking away any tears because blinking would mean that he would have to take his eyes off of Sheppard's red dot to do that. McKay seems like he is just the computer tech here, executing commands given by the leaders. But he is the one whose heart is breaking.
We see Sheppard walk into a transporter, manhandling a lab technician of some kind out of his way. We do not know where he left from and where he was going precisely, but let us keep in mind the fact that while Sheppard had seemingly kept the same quarters the whole time they have been on Atlantis, for some reason he did not need to use the transporter to get there in the latter half of the first season, but after they returned from Earth, we have seen him have to take the transporter to get to his quarters several times.

Now, while there are probably a lot of places on Atlantis that look alike, the outside of the transporter here looks similar to where Sheppard was going at the end of Trinity (S02E06) when McKay caught up with him. McKay told Sheppard that he had been looking for him, so it would make sense if McKay had been hanging out somewhere en route to Sheppard's quarters, meaning that this may well be the transporter that Sheppard takes to get away from his quarters usually, and he may have been on his way out of his room when McKay caught up with him. And where ever Sheppard was going now, it was certainly closer to the central tower than where he had been originally.
But where ever Sheppard was going, he certainly seemed to be going somewhere. To emphasize this point: Sheppard is not "on the lam" here, as he clearly could have escaped his room when ever he wanted to; Sheppard is not trying to get away and avoid detection here. He is not just randomly hopping across Atlantis, he had somewhere to be. He has a destination. And where ever he transported to, McKay's eyes widen as he looks at the reappearance of Sheppard's dot.
Caldwell: I thought you said that he couldn't use the transporters. McKay: I said I doubted he was lucid enough. Caldwell: Well, shut them down. He's not going to do it again. McKay: Thus stranding your search teams.
This is an interesting tidbit of information. We did not get to hear Caldwell and McKay's earlier exchange over the topic but if McKay had been confident enough to tell Caldwell that he thinks that Sheppard is not in any shape to use the transporters, it means that he necessarily has to have some insight into Sheppard's current condition. McKay does not guesstimate or speculate, he must be basing his assessment on some data, on some personal insight he has into the state Sheppard is in. But as far as we know, McKay has not seen Sheppard since he had the splinter removed from his hand at the beginning of the episode. So how would he know? How could he possibly know how lucid Sheppard is? And let us recall that "lucid" is a term Sheppard had been using of himself several times, it was a word he used to describe his own condition. He was measuring his own well-being on a scale of lucidity, so for McKay to use this terms suggests that his source of information is Sheppard himself.
Regardless of the source of McKay's insight into Sheppard's condition, he seems to barely be able to keep himself together here. He is right at the edge of where he does not know what is going to come spilling out of his mouth next. He has to over-enunciate the words to keep his voice steady, and right at the end he seems to be holding back a sob, blinking rapidly. But he still does as he is told because he is at a point where he is just executing commands, running on autopilot. And so Caldwell informs the search teams of Sheppard's new whereabouts:
Caldwell: Bravo Team, you're on deck. Tango is right below you. Marine: You heard the man. Down the stairs.
Sheppard is given the designation "Tango" for "target," which is something that we see McKay use later on in the season, in Coup D'Etat (S02E17). He tells Sheppard, "One Tango, middle of the room," and the use of Tango for this purpose seems to be something that he learned right here from Caldwell.

There is nothing strange about this, it is perfectly appropriate military parlance. However, giving this designation specifically to Sheppard, calling Sheppard Tango, may contain an allusion to Ray Tango of Tango and Cash, the most homoerotic action film of all time. It is not unintentionally homoerotic because this level of subtext does not happen by accident. But it is still left to the subtext.

Given that we got to see the photograph of what was likely Sheppard's father in this episode, they may have started sketching out Sheppard's background in more detail at this time. Tango is the more upper class of the two characters, and where he does not need to fight crime due to financial reasons, being independently wealthy, he does it because he likes the action, because he wants to make a difference. And what is more, Tango has trust issues and his inability to trust becomes an issue between the two of them:
Cash: Seriously? You are one major mistrustful maladjusted human fucking being, you know that? Tango: Yeah, well. I love you too.
Tango's whole character arc is about learning to trust someone else through the trials and tribulations they undergo together, of Cash being there for him when the chips come down. Does that sound like any people we know? What is more, the film is connected to the franchise in that Kurt Russell, who plays Gabriel Cash, was the original actor for Jack O'Neil in the motion picture StargÅte that launched it all.
Regardless, for some reason we see Ronon part with the search party all of a sudden. When they hear Sheppard's new whereabouts from Caldwell, Ronon suddenly seems to have an idea of where he thinks Sheppard is going to be that he does not share with the others. McKay had suggested that they try using a diversion back in the iratus nest, and it looks like Ronon is going to try that now. He seems to know just the place to hide. He is not going after Sheppard, he is going to let Sheppard come to him.
McKay: Bravo Team and Sheppard are in the same room. Caldwell: Stay sharp. He should be right in there with you.
Note again McKay's use of "Sheppard" here. He is speaking to Caldwell, a military officer, so using Colonel Sheppard or just Colonel would be appropriate. But it is just not what McKay normally does, which makes the times that he does call Sheppard Colonel stand out all the more. And in this situation it is all the more striking because Teyla calls Sheppard Colonel as they seem to be very much on the clock, what with Sheppard having just told her to call him John when they are not at work.
Marine Anyone have a visual? Teyla: Above us! Colonel! Please, do not make me do this.
Sheppard advances on Teyla, and we cannot be sure what his intentions are. He might feel threatened and advance with the intention to take her out, or he might be enticed by his wraithess and advance with the intention of just taking her. Teyla herself seems traumatized enough by what had happened between them previously that she does not want him to come close to her.
But what is important to note here is that Teyla was not Sheppard's original target, was not Sheppard's reason for coming to this part of the city. Sheppard was not looking for her, and it was only after she called after him using "Colonel!" that he turned back and started advancing on her. Sheppard may well have been triggered by the use of the title, having specifically asked her not to use it. If Sheppard was even capable of rational thought anymore, running on pure instinct as he seemed to be, he had never felt further from being a Colonel than he did right now.
But note again that Sheppard does not have a death wish. He does not want to die. If he had wanted them to simply take him out, running into Teyla's warning shots would have been the easiest thing to do. He could have forced their hand into taking him out. But that is simply not what Sheppard wants, he never did. It is very clear that he has an objective, he has somewhere he needed to be and he has something he needed to do. And so he takes off as Teyla starts firing at his feet, not wanting to get injured. Getting injured would not help him achieve his goal.
Dex: Get the doctor down here. I have him.
And so Ronon takes him out, using his weapon to stun Sheppard. What is interesting here is that Ronon seemed to know where Sheppard was going, knew where he would be coming from. He knew this the moment Caldwell had informed them of where Sheppard had transported to. He used the rest of the team as a decoy, as a diversion, and waited for Sheppard to come to where he knew he was headed.
Where was he going? Sheppard took one transporter trip from where his quarters are to where he was headed. He was not looking for Teyla, having just run away from her, and he was not looking for Weir, having dropped her like a bag of potatoes on the floor earlier. It sure seems blue in the corridors of this part of the city that they were in just now. In fact, the same bluish light installation can be seen at the end of the corridor where Sheppard walks away from McKay in Duet (S01E04) and on the upper floors where Sheppard was doing his Spider-Man routine just now.

Anyway, it's a mystery. It does not seem to be a mystery to Ronon and Teyla, but it is a mystery to us.
Continued in Pt. 13
#sga#stargate atlantis#john sheppard#sga meta#sheppard is bi#rodney is gay#rodney mckay#mcshep#ep. conversion#cw: nudity#ep. duet#ep. trinity#ep. coup d'etat
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Latest Sparky fic roundup
and for my next trick, here is a shameless self-promotion of my three most recent Sparky fics 😃 all written for the Sheppard/Weir Ficathon 2024 fic exchange
After the Storm: post-ep for 1x10, The Eye
you're getting to be a habit with me: five times John and Elizabeth kissed, and one time......
Everybody Talks: post-ep for 2x17, Coup d'Etat

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putting together stuff for tonight's no love for ned on wlur at 8pm. you can catch a repeat of last week's show immediately after at 10pm to give you four solid hours of whatever it is i do on the radio. as is the new norm, last week's show is below and streaming on mixcloud for those of you with more exciting friday night plans!
no love for ned on wlur – july 21st, 2023 from 8-10pm
artist // track // album // label the certain someones // sad salvation // murderecords 7" singles 1993-1998 compilation // murderecords the edsel auctioneer // slouch // simmer // decoy cheerbleederz // cute as hell // even in jest // alcopop! guardian singles // pit viper // feed me to the doves // trouble in mind the ape-ettes // hearing protection // simply the ape-ettes // snappy little numbers the dad // 2nd best friends // 7 a.m. 7" // unread snooper // pod // super snõõper // third man dr. sure's unusual practice // carol // remember the future? live from the future // marthouse keel her // boner hit // with me tonight 7" // o genesis uppendix // desire's not the one // bliss is solipsis // discontinuous innovation famous mammals // comets for poets // instant pop expressionism now! // siltbreeze private lives // hit record // hit record // feel it andrew savage // thanksgiving prayer // several songs about fire // rough trade prairiewolf // sage thrasher // prairiewolf // centripetal force matthew sage // tilth dawn rustles // paradise crick // rvng intl. laraaji and kramer // ascension // baptismal // shimmy-disc anton lukoszevieze, alexander hawkins and heather roche // variations vii and ix (excerpt) // jack cooper 'arrival' // astral spirits carlos niño // brooklyn zoom, brooklyn zoom // international anthem at public records volume four, december 10th, 2022 // international anthem mike reed featuring marvin tate // call off tomorrow // flesh and bone // 482 music john coltrane // impressions // evenings at the village gate // impulse! napoleon da legend and giallo point // game plan // coup d'etat // fxck rxp billy woods and kenny segal featuring quelle chris // soundcheck // maps // backwoodz studioz kenny g featuring barry johnson // hi, how ya doin'? // g force // arista wendell harrison // the glamorous life // the carnivorous lady // rebirth snoh aalegra // be my summer // be my summer digital single // atrium bernice // underneath my toe // cruisin' ep // telephone explosion ivy // get out of the city // apartment life demos // bar/none bonne idée // it will be back // a dream of you 7" // cloudberry lily konigsberg // at best a #3 // the best of lily konigsberg right now // wharf cat u.s. highball // see you in hell // no thievery, just cool // lame-o the particles // driving me // 1980s bubblegum // chapter music
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G-Dragon has finally returned in a big way with the release of his new album, Übermensch. To celebrate this milestone, he has also released a riveting music video for the song Too Bad, which is joined by American artist Anderson.Paak and a cameo by aespa's Karina. This is a big moment for fans who have been waiting in anticipation for fresh music from the South Korean rapper and producer. This album is G-Dragon's third complete studio endeavor and his first significant release in seven years since his 2017 EP, Kwon Ji-Yong. It also marks a new era for his career, as it is his initial release under Galaxy Corporation and US-based record label EMPIRE after he parted ways with YG Entertainment in 2023. The label change has raised eyebrows about where his music would be heading and how he has developed as an artist. By Black Flower - https://www.flickr.com/photos/137240873@N07/36368088376/in/album-72157684593280154/, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=65303756 Discussing the album, G-Dragon said about the inspiration of Übermensch, "the title Übermensch means 'Beyond-Man' or 'Higher Man,' something symbolizing one person beyond one's self. The concept of the album is trying to showcase the best version of yourself stronger and tougher and put it in front of everybody. I want to convey that kind of power to my listeners through my songs." What he said here goes much deeper than an act of simply returning as there is this level of introspection about becoming more and creating anew. In addition to fresh tracks, the album also includes two of his previously released singles from 2024, Power and Home Sweet Home. The latter holds particular significance as it features his Big Bang bandmates, Taeyang and Daesung, rekindling the chemistry that made the group one of K-pop’s most influential acts. As part of his grand comeback, G-Dragon has unveiled two music videos—one for Drama and another for Too Bad. The latter is a big-name collaboration with Anderson.Paak, who not only brings his distinctive flair to the song but also appears in the highly visual video. To add to the buzz, aespa's Karina appears in the music video, adding an additional boost of star power to the venture. The collaboration of the artists has developed a special genre of music with a blend of G-Dragon's hip-hop experimental sound and Anderson.Paak's soulful energy as well as Karina's contemporary K-pop looks. The excitement for Übermensch does not end with the album and videos. G-Dragon is preparing for an immense world tour this year in 2025 as his first ever global tour after eight years. The tour should be a celebration of his musical heritage, as well as an exhibition of his current artistic progression. Along with the tour, he will be headlining 88rising's Head In The Clouds Festival in Los Angeles later in May. The show is being advertised as his "exclusive 2025 North American festival performance," and therefore, should not be missed by his global fanbase. G-Dragon's musical odyssey started way back in 2006 as the leader of Big Bang, a group destined to reshape the K-pop phenomenon. Throughout his career, however, his power did not reside within the confines of the group, for in 2009 he initiated his solo career as well with the release of his debut album, Heartbreaker. His follow-up releases, such as the EP One of a Kind and the album Coup d'Etat, yielded several top-charting singles such as Crayon, That XX, and Crooked. The songs solidified his position as one of South Korea's most creative artists, experimenting with genres and pushing boundaries. His influence transcends music, as he has also become a force to be reckoned with in the fashion world. Famous for his fearless and fashion-forward style, G-Dragon has partnered with big brands like Chanel and Nike, cementing his status as a cultural figure. His return to the music scene is predicted to again drive trends, not only in K-pop but across the global entertainment and fashion universe. With the release of Übermensch, G-Dragon has proven that he remains a powerhouse in the industry. The album’s themes of personal growth, resilience, and transformation reflect his journey over the past few years, both professionally and personally. As he embarks on this new era, fans can expect more groundbreaking music, electrifying performances, and moments that will further cement his legacy as one of K-pop’s most influential figures. For his die-hard fans who have been along for the ride, this comeback is not simply a return—this is a statement. A statement that G-Dragon isn't just back, but on his way to elevating his art to another level, and Übermensch as proof of his growth and ongoing reign as king of music. Read the full article
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(First of all want to say not trying to be argumentative and am genuinely enjoying discussion of perspectives)

I see what your saying and I admit I might be looking at it from a Clark color lense, but I can't see her words as her telling him to just be Clark.
Yes i admit yelled to be normal is an exaggerations and maybe I am being to harsh, but based on her attitude through the episode, the clear seeds of doubt growing in her mind I don't believe she is asking him to be just the guy she fell in love with and and just be "Normal Clark"
She can't trust him right now. She's having a hard time believing in him and the pure good his superhero self used to represent. Yes i think they are worried about him, but right now he is dead set on fighting a government organization, something she fears because most evil Clarks took over their worlds and fighting a government organization (in her words the US military) is one step from a coup d'etat, he is taking the law into his own hands. He is starting down the path everyone is telling her he will inevitably take purely because he is not normal, he can never be normal.
Maybe it was a poor choice of words, but she didn't tell him to go back to normal (as in the goofy clark that she knew) she told him to "just try being normal" which has a lot of weight behind it.
She can't trust the super side of him, not right now, not with all the things people said and what she saw swirling in her head. She is hurt by her slip up and I know that, but there is more behind her words that concern for his health. She had her moment of emotional vulnerability and I don't blame her for that, I'm understand your view of it and it is completely reasonable that Lois was simply overwhelmed by how haggard Clark was as he nearly destroyed himself and she just tried help but had a poor choice of words, and I will admit bias because as a viewer I am working with knowledge she doesn't have (the vision clark had during the other ep about the weight of being normal and being able to see how bad his head space is), I just can't say i am wholly convinced there isn't a bit of bite in those words that crawled out from the deepest part of her heart.
More MAWS rants because God it taking over my life
I hate how Lois is so quick to doubt Clark, yes it is absolutely terrifying to think about an evil superman, most of us have seen at least one world where he decides to not play by the rules, but why did she have to turn so quickly.
Like yes she doesn't know that most of the supermen (if we stick to the idea of it being lord -who is definitely confirmed-, overman, and superboy-prime) didn't have the same start as clark, and I'm glad she's thinking for herself but like i hate how we fix one problem then the whole world begins to hate superman.
She is one of the few Loises to figure out he is superman, she should be smarter than this, she is supposed to expect him and her whole 180 to "maybe he is a monster" and telling him to be normal feels wrong.
This will probably be a hurdle that results in them growing closer and letting her fully trust him but I just really wish this wasn't the turn the plot took.
Realistically if a man with superhuman abilities showed up I'm sure most of us would react the same, excited to be saved but scared for the day he makes one slip up and adoration turns to fear and resentment, but knowing how much Clark is giving up for these people is frustrating, watching him lose days, weeks of sleep to solve all their problems, ignoring the warnings of an invisible man on the street and chucking Clark's actions to him just randomly wanted to start a pileup???? It boggles my mind.
I don't hate Vicki, she is just as frustrating when you know how good Clark is but yes a way to get money is to jump on the cash cow that is defaming superman. If you want to get views, sadly in news like her's she is right, spilling blood will get you more. Lois tried the same thing, where they people most would consider evil? Yes, but she was still attempting to profit off their scandals and dirty laundry.
Overall, still love superman and i think the reactions of people (with maybe the accepting of lois because the whole not trusting clark after all this feels forced and irrational) are realist, society can turn on you in the blink of an eye. Enjoying myself just mildly frustrated.
#my adventures with superman#maws superman#maws#maws spoilers#please continue sharing thoughts#i really like talking to people about shows I watch and seeing people's different takes#also can definitely admit i am being bias with lois#just a little annoyed at how the show seems to keep making her the source of emotional discourse#first her thing about him not telling her he's superman and now it's immediately to “can i really trust superman”
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começou a se formar quando a YG Entertainment realizou testes dentro e fora da Coreia do Sul, procurando recrutas que fossem pré-adolescentes ou adolescentes, para criar um novo grupo feminino após o lançamento do primeiro grupo feminino 2NE1 em 2009. De acordo com as integrantes, ingressar na gravadora como trainees foi semelhante a se matricular em uma academia pop-star em tempo integral, com Jennie chamando-a de "mais rígida do que a escola" e Rosé comparando-a ao The X Factor com dormitórios. Para as integrantes que deixaram a vida fora da Coreia do Sul, o ritmo de treinamento junto com o choque cultural foi difícil, com Rosé lembrando de ligar para seus pais chorando.[20] Os preparativos para a estreia de Blackpink começaram em 2011, quando a YG Entertainment revelou em 14 de novembro de 2011 que o novo grupo feminino da gravadora estrearia no início de 2012 com pelo menos sete integrantes.[21] A partir de então, surgiram inúmeras notícias e rumores em torno do novo grupo feminino sobre o atraso de sua estreia, mas não houve informações oficiais.[22][23] Foi apenas até 18 de maio de 2016 que a YG Entertainment confirmou o novo grupo feminino, afirmando que as integrantes foram selecionadas por anos de competições acirradas e confirmando que a estreia seria em julho.[24] A gravadora mais tarde confirmou que Jang Hanna e Moon Sua, que foram apresentadas ao público como integrantes em potencial do novo grupo feminino, não foram incluídas na formação de estreia.[25][26]
Jennie foi a primeira integrante revelada a estar no grupo em 1 de junho.[27] Jennie ingressou na YG Entertainment como trainee em 2010, depois de voltar da Nova Zelândia para a Coreia do Sul.[28] Em 2012, ela foi apresentada ao público pela primeira vez por meio de uma foto intitulada "Who's that girl?" através do blog oficial da YG Entertainment em 10 de abril.[29] Jennie continuou a ser promovida como integrante do novo grupo feminino com várias colaborações, como estrelar o videoclipe de 2012 "That XX" de G-Dragon do EP One of a Kind e participar de "Black" do álbum Coup d'etat de 2013 de G-Dragon e "Special" de Lee Hi do álbum First Love de 2013.[30][31][32] Lisa foi revelada como a segunda integrante em 8 de junho de 2016.[33] Lisa foi a única pessoa entre 4.000 candidatos a passar no teste da YG Entertainment de 2010 na Tailândia, tornando-se a primeira trainee estrangeira a ingressar na gravadora em 2011.[28] Ela foi apresentada pela primeira vez em 2012 com um vídeo postado no canal oficial da YG Entertainment no YouTube intitulado "Who's That Girl ???".[33] Lisa também apareceu no videoclipe de "Ringa Linga" de Taeyang em 2013. Ela então começou seu primeiro trabalho de modelo em 2015 para a marca de moda de rua Nona9on, seguindo-se como modelo para a marca de cosméticos Moonshot em 2016.[34]
Em 15 de junho, Jisoo foi revelada como a terceira integrante. Jisoo se juntou à YG Entertainment como trainee em julho de 2011. Ela apareceu em vários anúncios e videoclipes em seus anos de pré-estreia, incluindo "Spoiler + Happy Ending" (2014) do álbum de estúdio Shoebox do Epik High e o videoclipe "I'm Different" (2014) de Hi Suhyun. Ela também fez uma participação especial no drama de 2015 The Producers.[35] Rosé foi revelada
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ACCA: Episode Summary (complete)
Episode 1: Chill
Episode 2: Chill
Episode 3: Chill
Episode 4: Chill
Episode 5: Chill?
Episode 6: Chill?
Episode 7: Chi-!?
Episode 8: FEELS!!!
Episode 9: Chill, no kill
Episode 10: Chills (the creepy kind)
Episode 11: Kill, no chill
#acca 13-ku kansatsu-ka#acca: 13-ku kansatsu-ka#acca: 13th ward observation department#acca#have you seen a coup d'etat or an anime this chill#stay tuned for ep 12 summary
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Wendy o Williams
While she never earned the critical acclaim of artists like Patti Smith, Siouxsie Sioux, or Exene Cervenka, for many Wendy O. Williams was the first female face of punk rock. As the lead singer of the Plasmatics, Williams proved a woman could dish out on-stage mayhem as well as any man -- hoisting a chainsaw or a sledgehammer, Williams routinely destroyed guitars, smashed televisions, blew up automobiles, and generally left a trail of destruction in her wake. Williams also blended sex with anarchy, often appearing on stage stripped to the waist with shaving cream or electrical tape covering her nipples as a towering Mohawk bloomed from her scalp, creating a vision of a wildly empowered outlaw woman whose echoes would be felt in music and culture long after the Plasmatics called it quits.
Wendy Orlean Williams was born on May 28, 1949, in Rochester, New York. Williams' parents were strict and straight-laced, and her earliest exposure to performing came from taking tap-dancing lessons and appearing in the Peanut Gallery on The Howdy Doody Show at age seven. After completing ninth grade, Williams let her independent side take over; she quit school and traveled through Europe and the United States, taking odd jobs to support herself along the way. In 1976, Williams arrived in New York City and met Rod Swenson, a Dada-influenced performance artist who was running an experimental erotic theater in Times Square as "Captain Kink." Williams became a performer in Swenson's shows and as he grew interested in the punk rock scene exploding in Manhattan and on the Bowery, they decided to form a rock band with Williams as lead singer. The band became the Plasmatics, who made their debut at CBGB in 1978; merging the simplicity of punk and the guitar attack of heavy metal, the Plasmatics were best known for the over the top destructive impact of their stage show as well as their forceful anti-authoritarian message.
New Hope for the Wretched By 1980, the Plasmatics had become a major draw in New York and were developing an international reputation after they signed a deal with Stiff Records and released their first album, New Hope for the Wretched. In early 1981, Williams made headlines when she was arrested following a show in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where police charged her with obscenity for miming masturbation on-stage using a sledgehammer. Following her arrest, Williams was beaten by the arresting officers (who claimed she attacked them), and her mug shot showed her bruised and battered. Several days later, Williams was arrested on similar charges in Cleveland, Ohio, though the police handled her more gently; she was cleared of all charges in both cities, though her lawsuit against the Milwaukee police for battery was unsuccessful.
Beyond the Valley of 1984 The publicity regarding Williams' legal problems had the unexpected consequence of raising her public profile considerably, and the Plasmatics found themselves making regular appearances on American television shows such as Fridays, SCTV, and Tomorrow, hardly common for an American punk band at the time. The year 1981 also saw the release of two Plasmatics records, the album Beyond the Valley of 1984 and the EP Metal Priestess, which put the group's metal influences into focus. Williams and the group continued to follow their new hard rock direction on their first major-label album, 1982's Coup d'Etat; that same year, Williams collaborated with Lemmy Kilmister of Motörhead on a duet single, covering the Tammy Wynette hit "Stand by Your Man."
W.O.W. After the commercial disappointment of Coup d'Etat, Williams and Swenson opted to make a Wendy O. Williams solo album for an independent label, and 1984's WOW featured several members of the band along with producer Gene Simmons. While the album earned Williams a Grammy nomination for Best Female Rock Vocal Performance, it failed to break Williams into the mainstream as a solo act, and her 1986 follow-up, Kommander of Kaos, fared little better. That same year, Williams took a stab at acting, appearing in the tongue-in-cheek exploitation film Reform School Girls, though Williams previously made a memorable appearance in Candy Goes to Hollywood, an X-rated feature released in 1979. The Plasmatics returned in 1987 with a sci-fi concept album, Maggots: The Record, but it proved to be the group's last hurrah, and after recording a rap album, Deffest! and Baddest! under the name Ultrafly and the Hometown Girls, Williams opted to leave the music business.
Put Your Love in Me: Love Songs for the Apocalypse While she made a few acting appearances -- including a role in the independent film Pucker Up and Bark Like a Dog and a guest shot on an episode of McGyver -- for the most part Williams and Swenson lived quietly in Storrs, Connecticut, and Williams devoted her energies to animal rehabilitation and promoting vegetarianism. On April 6, 1998, Williams, who according to Swenson had been suffering from a deep depression, committed suicide, shooting herself in the head in a wooded area not far from her home.
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The Coup d'etat - SW Ep. IX Imagine
I rewatched TLJ last night and had this really weird thought about Hux and the scene in the Throne Room after Rey escaped.
We all know Kylo and Hux don't like each-other, both were rivals in trying to gain Snoke's favor. Hux leading the army and Kylo interfering with it doesn't sit well with the General, more so that he's being treated more like a punching bag than the formidable military man he clearly is/has to be in order to lead military power like the First Order has.
Imagine if Ep. IX (beside maybe showing us more about the force bond between Kylo/Ben & Rey, the status with the Resistance and Leia...etc.) showed us the power play between Kylo and Hux.
Not directly per se. Hux wanted to kill Kylo when he found him unconscious in the Throne Room, I also highly doubt he bought Kylo's lie about Rey killing Snoke (since he tried opposing him up until Kylo had to force choke him in order to gain his reluctant compliance). They generally don't have a good relationship, a coup d'etat lead by General Hux isn't out of the question.
While Kylo might be a powerful Force user, Hux has his very own army of not-so-weak soldiers/stormtroopers. If he can convince them that Kylo is a unstable ruler unfit to be Supreme Leader, they just may overthrow Kylo's newfound rule.
Kylo also has his band of brothers: the Knights of Ren.
I don't know if they will show up in IX, but I doubt they won't, I mean they were shown in Rey's flashback vision, why show characters the show never planed on using at least once? There has to be some significant role they play later.
Maybe Kylo uses them to try and exterminate the last of the Resistance. Maybe he could use them in tandem to Hux's military might and strengthen the First Order.
Or for protection.
I think it was mentioned somewhere (or speculated) that the Knights of Ren may very well be Luke's former students that had trained in the Jedi temple. Ben had recruited the ones who agreed to join him in his quest to the dark side. Maybe they already existed as a group but Ben rose in ranks quickly and eventually became their leader (maybe also where the name Kylo Ren came from, as a honorable title gifted to the leader of the Knights). Or they were simply called "The Knights" or possibly "The Knights of the First Order" and Snoke, after Kylo rose in ranks, allowed him to lead them thus they gained a new name to them "The Knights of Ren."
Back to the 'protection' thought. If Hux really would plan a coup d'etat against Kylo, I think he would be prepared. He's not stupid, he demonstrated that when he cleverly tricked Snoke into thinking he was on his side while simultaneously planing his demise. So either he plans to flee after a big meeting or a invitation from Hux (who plans to ambush Kylo) and flees into a forested area with the Knights and plans his counterattack.
OR....he uses one of the Knights, who would honorably die for him, as a double.
It's said that Kylo Ren's mask would be repaired. His very own parents were masters in disguise. Combining that with his strategic mind, Kylo would use one of his Knights as a decoy while he escaped with the rest.
Maybe they'd even go to Jakku or try to locate the Resistance.
I wouldn't say they would outright join them. Maybe Rey would try to get through to him, maybe Ben would be indecisive about joining her or not. Maybe he would work alongside the Resistance, but as a independent unit (Knights of Ren) so long until he overthrows/kills Hux/the First Order.
Cue badass Reylo/Knights of Ren fighting scenes.
#Sw#star wars#star wars episode IX#imagines#knights of ren#kylo ren#general hux#i wish this could happen#sw thoughts
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Time to take down Miss Angela! Find out all about filming this HUGE cake fight scene from The Next Step's Isaiah Peck (Henry), Shelby Bain (Amy), Briar Nolet (Richelle), Julian Lombardi (Ozzy), Liam Mackie (Finn), Emmerly Tinglin (Kenzie), Myles Erlick (Noah) and more! Behind the scenes of #TheNextStep6 ep 4, "Coup d'Etat". Subscribe for extended dances, behind the scenes, music, interviews, and more: http://bit.ly/tnsyt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Follow The Next Step: • Instagram: https://ift.tt/1MM6hUB • Twitter: http://twitter.com/thenextstep • Facebook: https://ift.tt/2wsfAZF Get The Next Step Music: • iTunes/Apple Music: http://apple.co/2gO39oQ • Spotify: http://spoti.fi/2vPFdI4 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Next Step follows A-Troupe, a group of dancers who strive to win a series of dance competitions - all while dealing with their own drama and relationships. Watch on Universal Kids, Family Channel, CBBC, Vrak TV, Hulu, Teletoon+, Disney Channel Spain, Disney Channel Portugal, and Disney Channel Australia/ABCme, and HBO Asia! by THE NEXT STEP
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“It's no use, we can't defeat him separately. He's going to destroy the entire Earth, are you really going to let that happen? Vegeta, Buu has absorbed every person we've ever cared about. Krillin and Chi-Chi too. Even Bulma. Piccolo, my sons Gohan and Goten, and your boy Trunks, they're all trapped in Majin Buu. They're the reason for Buu's power, you can't fight him alone! If we lose, our friends and families died for nothing, is that what you want? To go out like countless victims just so you can keep nursing a foolish grudge? How do you want this to end, Vegeta?”
- Goku, Dragon Ball Z Kai (Ep. 153)
The Toonami Trending Rundown for March 3-4, 2018. Business as usual for the better cartoon show as Goku and Vegeta have to team up in an attempt to stop Buu, while McGillis unleashes his coup d'etat on the Gjallarhorn, and Gon and Killua try to get stronger after proving no match against Neferpitou, among other great moments.
On Twitter, every show successfully trended in some capacity during or after their respective East Coast airings. Meanwhile on Tumblr, Toonami would trend along with Dragon Ball Super and JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (including JJBA).
Finally, after being off the list for 7 weeks, Dragon Ball Super would once again make the list of Nielsen Social’s top 5 most talked about shows on the day with an estimated 95k total interactions between users on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. This is the 44th time a Toonami show has made it onto Nielsen’s top 5 rankings since we started recording this feat and the 30th time for DBS.

This week, Toonami showcased a music video by The Armed titled “Role Models”, featuring Tommy Wiseau of The Room fame. You can check it out below.
Some of the notable Toonami related news from this week include:
Some unfortunate news for Toonami fans in Southeast Asia, as due to flagging ratings and difficulty of getting new content, Toonami Asia will be shutting down at the end of March, with the Indian version also likely to follow suit. Production has also halted of the Bang Zoom dub of Super which was created for that market. While Turner Asia has noted that the Toonami brand may live on in some other form in the future, we send our commiserations to the fans in Asia for this unfortunate news.
For those wanting to add season 2 of Attack on Titan to their Blu-Ray and DVD collections, FUNimation has just released a Blu-Ray and DVD combo pack of all 12 episodes of the season on their site and among major anime selling retailers with the regular edition for a $49.98 MSRP. A limited collectors edition is also available which also includes a Digibook as well as an artbook containing content from the franchise, which retails with a $84.98 MSRP.
And for those who want to add the Universe 6 saga to their Dragon Ball Super Blu-ray and DVD collections, FUNimation has also released Part 3 of the collection with the Blu-ray retailing for $44.98 and the DVD retailing for $39.98.
Looking into the potential future, it has been announced that Part V of Lupin the Third is set to premiere in Japanese television on Tuesday April 3rd, the same day Tokyo Ghoul:re premieres in Japan as well. For those that want to see the subbed version in advance, the new season of Lupin will be simulcasted on Crunchyroll and Hulu.
This Saturday will be the start of Daylight Savings, and as the clocks jump from 2 am to 3 (unless you’re in non-Navajo Arizona or Hawaii) as with previous years, no show on the block will be pre-empted, instead Outlaw Star and Space Dandy will move to the 3am EDT hour, while Cowboy Bebop and Ghost in the Shell airing at 4, with the block ending at 5. Of course, next week will be a big one for Outlaw Star as the show showcases its penultimate episode. Until then, see you next week as always.
Legend: The shows listed are ordered based on their appearance on the schedule. Show trends are listed in bold. The number next to the listed trend represents the highest it trended on the list (not counting the promoted trend), judging only by the images placed in the rundown. For the Twitter tweet counts, the listed number of tweets are also sorely based on the highest number shown based on the images on the rundown.
United States Trends:
Toonami/#Toonami [#6]
#DragonBallSuper [#6]
#DBZKai [#6]
#BlackClover [#9]
#JoJosBizarreAdventure [#8]
#GundamIBO [#6]
#HunterXHunter [#6]
#Shippuden [#]
#OutlawStar [#5]
#SpaceDandy [#8]
#CowboyBebop [#6]
#GhostInTheShell [#5]
Tweet Counts:
Toonami [6,339 tweets]
#Toonami [3,128 tweets]
#DBZKai [1,344 tweets]
#JoJosBizarreAdventure [2,505 tweets]
#GundamIBO [1,203 tweets]
#HunterXHunter [3,155 tweets]
Tumblr Trends:
#dragon ball super
#jojo’s bizarre adventure
Notes and Other Statistics:
#GundamIBO: @WhoTrendedIT reported that @KyleMcCarley started the trend in the US.
#HunterXHunter: @WhoTrendedIT reported that @BrittanyLaudaVO and @DC_Douglas started the trend in the US.
#CowboyBebop: @WhoTrendedIT reported that @MaryEMcGlynn started the trend in the US.
Special thanks to @coreymbarnes, @jmb70056, and others I forgot to mention for spotting some of the trends on this list.
YOU ARE TEARING ME APART, LISA! Only Toonami on [adult swim] on Cartoon Network.
#Toonami#Adult Swim#Cartoon Network#Toonami Trending Rundown#Dragon Ball Super#Dragon Ball Z#DBZ#DBZ Kai#Black Clover#JoJo's Bizarre Adventure#Gundam#Gundam IBO#Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans#Hunter x Hunter#Naruto#Naruto Shippuden#Outlaw Star#Cowboy Bebop#Ghost In The Shell
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The Defiant One, Pt. 3
They reach the crashed hive ship. The whole way, they walk in two pairs. McKay does not leave Sheppard's side. And it's not (certainly not predominately) because he's looking for protection from Sheppard, it's just that it's where he wants to be. Walking and standing next to the Major.
If in the several previous episodes Sheppard was the one drawn to McKay, now it is very clearly Rodney that is being drawn to him. And once more they are creating their own insulated universe even when they are with other people.

Sheppard still seems to explain to McKay why to do things, he's not giving commands or orders. But McKay obliges him easily even when he doesn't personally see the usefulness of something. And Sheppard is still teaching him about military protocol, especially about it being better to be safe than sorry.
He can't hide that he's actually excited to be on this mission with Rodney as he turns to him and says: "Good! Let's go take a look."
The whole time Sheppard really seems to be talking only to McKay, not to all three of them. He doesn't really even react to the others or their comments. And he smiles to Rodney for the second time in very short order, and very obviously to Rodney alone.

They are like two giddy school boys on an adventure.
Entering the hive, they have perfect trust in each other. McKay trusts that Sheppard is going to keep him safe and Sheppard trusts that McKay will be able to warn him of potential dangers.
Rodney gets a little too close to him switching open his flash light, and Sheppard first makes to pull away but then pushes himself back toward him (he actually reacts to McKay drawing in a breath, before he's even had time to move, that's how attuned he is to McKay's physical presence). He both wants to keep the distance and he wants to get close. Outside, Dr. Gaul tells Dr. Abrams something that Sheppard might as well have just been telling himself: "Look, I know how you feel, but how many opportunities like this are we gonna get?"
The two pairs are contrasted. Abrams and Gaul have to verbally have a conversation that Sheppard and McKay don't even need to have, because they're automatically on the same page about this.
Also, where previously, before the Genii siege, we saw Sheppard constantly looking at McKay, here it's McKay that keeps looking at and to Sheppard. He's looking for confirmation, he's looking for reassurance, he's looking for guidance. Sheppard doesn't really look at McKay except to answer his half verbalized question ("It is..?") with a look. This shows us, again, how by now they know each other so well that they don't need actual words to communicate, they can have entire conversations just through looks and expressions. At this time, Sheppard doesn't look at McKay. In fact, there are a few times he seems to catch himself and tries to purposefully not look at the other man. But, like back in the jumper, they end up working terribly, terribly close:
They figure out that the hive was a wraith supply ship, coming across where a storage of human bodies used to be. It's interesting how Sheppard tells Abrams and Gaul what to do ("Gaul, Abrams, check it out, but be careful"; it's also pretty obvious that everything so far that he didn't precede with their actual names he has been saying to Rodney alone). He does not tell McKay what to do but instead, just assumes that the other man is going to accompany him to the ship's bridge, again using 'we' pronouns ("Maybe we can get some useful intel"; "We'll stay in radio contact"). He's speaking for the both of them but at no point does he tell McKay what to do. They're just... working as one.
Sheppard literally only gives McKay this quick look which is enough for McKay to understand his whole plan:
In fact, these kind of really quick glances seem to be the only ones he's able to give McKay at this time. Like if he does it real fast, it doesn't count.
It's notable that he clearly wants to keep McKay near him when splitting them up some other way would have made more sense as Gaul and Abrams have zero field experience, and McKay was just taking samples so leaving him to take samples e.g., with Abrams would have been the reasonable thing to do. But he's not being reasonable -- given the events of the past few episodes, he's not letting McKay out of his sight when there's potential danger. Not until there's actual danger, and it becomes better to leave him in a safe place.
It's also telling how, now that they're in a real situation, Dr. Gaul seems to be freaking out, doesn't want to be left behind by the Major, barely containing his "girlish fear" where McKay genuinely does not seem to fear anything, at least as long as Sheppard is with him. He tells Gaul "What's the problem? They're all dead." It just does not occur to him to fear anything, not when Sheppard is there. He runs after Sheppard having rubbed this in Gaul's face a little, but the skip in his step tells us that he's not doing it because he's feeling fear with Sheppard having gone ahead, but because he just wants to be with Sheppard that much. He wants to catch up.
But on the other side of the coin, Sheppard actually turns and walks backwards like his body just decided that a few yards was further than it wanted to be from McKay:
With no evidence to the contrary, I'm going to go on a limb and assume that this is the first time they have been alone together since before the Genii siege (let's just count the moment they had in Rodney's lab as a private moment, even though Weir was there; they definitely both seemed to forget she was there for a moment).
They immediately fall into rhythm: McKay is able to explain the science to Sheppard but Sheppard is quick in thinking things that McKay does not think to think. Working together, it takes them like five seconds to come to the conclusion that they might actually have a live wraith in the hive with them. They complement each other.

They started finishing each other's sentences back in Underground (S01E07). But now it's like, they don't even have to use whole sentences. They understand each other from half a word, never mind they seem to be able to do without words altogether. Twice now in this episode, Sheppard has only said McKay's name, and he perfectly understood his meaning. Given that in the episode, we have been told about the difficulty of radio communication three times by this point, it's really rather telling. They are communicating on so many different levels.
There is a marked difference in how they are alone together. McKay is talking in an excited, animated way where Sheppard lets his guard down, asking McKay really rather poignant questions rather than pretending he has all the answers or that he's in control. There is not a hint of any kind of bickering or bantering going on, they are both just so nakedly themselves.
There's a contrast in how Sheppard is being extra military with Dr. Gaul, I guess because the way he treated McKay earlier annoyed him. He's using military parlance ("Get a DV and a rough head count"; "Let's fall back to our point of ingress"). He has never done this with Rodney and actually seems to not even want him to do that. We see later, a bunch of times, McKay wanting to learn military slang and hand signs and Sheppard just... isn't having it.

It's not like knowing these things wouldn't be useful on missions. It's not like he shouldn't be teaching them to Rodney himself. He just... likes Rodney the way he is and doesn't want to see him becoming someone else. And probably also doesn't like to be reminded that McKay is technically (Cf. Harmony, S04E14) serving under him which, in Sheppard's mind, puts him in the danger zone.
The heroes that they are, they run toward danger together. Abrams, unfortunately, is the first to go. Before they go after Gaul, captured by the wraith, two things happen. Sheppard makes sure that McKay has extra protection (and, well, weapons are phallic symbols, so there's that; they're handling a weapon together):

And he alleviates the guilt McKay is feeling, believing it's his fault Abrams died:
McKay: I swear there was nothing alive when I scanned for life-signs. Sheppard: They don't show up as life-signs when they're hibernating. OK, let's go! [= it wasn't your fault, we couldn't have known]
Sheppard is teaching McKay pretty much all throughout this episode. It's starts with the flying lesson, ends with the shooting lesson, but there are small lessons scattered throughout. They run across some wraith weapons and while neither of them know what they are, precisely, he's teaching McKay strategy:
McKay: What's that? Sheppard: I don't know, but I don't have the ordnance I should have. It takes a lot to kill these guys -- I'll take any edge I can get.
Rodney McKay is an exceptionally intelligent individual. This is a source of pride for him to the point of arrogance. And yet he's not just willing to learn from Sheppard, he is eager. Just like Sheppard has been willing and eager to learn from McKay, as we saw in the previous episode where he displayed an understanding of engineering that could have resulted only from keenly observing the other man work. And no matter how tense the situation gets, Sheppard doesn't stop teaching him things that he hopes will serve to protect McKay, to keep him alive:
Sheppard: OK. Stay behind me. Shoot only when I tell you to shoot.
As it turns out, the fact that they stopped for this particular lesson cost Dr. Gaul several decades of his life-force. They find him cocooned by the wraith. This is when the weight of the events of the past few episodes suddenly come crashing down on the shoulders of John Sheppard.
Continued in Pt. 4
#stargate atlantis#sga#sga meta#john sheppard#sheppard is bi#rodney mckay#rodney is gay#ep. the defiant one#ep. underground#ep. echoes#ep. harmony#ep. coup d'etat
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no love for ned airs on wlur tonight from 8pm to midnight and we're sneaking a few last 90's halifax bands into our theme. you can also catch up with last week's show over on mixcloud, the setlist is below!
no love for ned on wlur – july 28th, 2023 from 8-10pm
artist // track // album // label les gluetones // reincarnated // trim crusts if desired compilation // cinnamon toast the molds // 1987 // the molds ep // (self-released) the sprouts // i want to be an idiot // eat your greens cassette // tenth court limbo district // encased // encased 7" // chunklet industries the 39 clocks // a look into you // pain it dark // no fun tuff bluff // poppies // poppies 7" // snappy little numbers cb radio gorgeous // the devil // 7" ep // thrilling living advertisement // cryin' wild // this is advertisement cassette // help yourself abi ooze // "nice" guy // julie's apartment (demos) cassette // (self-released) split system // alone again // volume two // goner rick white // doctor doctor // twenty golden hits of the sixties // (self-released) woods // be kind my love // reflections, volume one (bumble bee crown king) // woodsist alien eyelid // easy times // bronze star // tall texan connie converse // talkin' like you (two tall mountains) // how sad, how lovely // squirrel thing shannen moser // two eyes // the sun still seems to move // lame-o primitive motion // portrait i // portrait of an atmosphere // a guide to saints thomas strønen, ayumi tanaka and marthe lea // eyre // bayou // ecm alabaster deplume // child playing in the forbidden ruins // salty road dogs victory anthem ep // international anthem malcolm jiyane tree-o featuring grandmaster cap // we're not buying it (dennis bovell dub) // red hot and ra- the remixes compilation // red hot organization napoleon da legend and giallo point // soldier of truth // coup d'etat // fxck rxp phiik featuring lungs//lonesword // don quixote // another planet four // novelty el michels affair and black thought // i would never // glorious game // big crown vince howard // can't get enough // heart-soul and inspiration // tidal waves the undisputed truth // you got the love i need // the undisputed truth // gordy suep // in good health // shop ep // memorials of distinction present electric // imogene coca // present electric cassette // paisley shirt the palisades // knight in gale // a month too soon 12" // easter autocamper // never end // you look fabulous! cassingle // discontinuous innovation the oilies // touch me! change colors // (bandcamp mp3) // (unreleased) the occasional flickers // capitalism begins at home // capitalism begins at home 7" // cloudberry
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Music in December #iTunes #love #like #happy #vinyl #album #covers #records #CD #アナログ #音楽 #レコード #music #sounds #art #Alternative #Punk# Rock #Electronic #Dance #Experimental #Industrial #NewWave #Pop #Reggae #World #Gothic #Ambient #Noise #Jazz #NewAge #World (Grand Funk) Nubile A.T. Rhythm Anna莊啟馨 Augustus Pablo Augustus Pablo & Benbow Augustus Pablo Meets The Upsetter Barrington Levy Base Bernard Parmegiani / Joseph Maria Mestres Quadreny Bill Haley & The Comets Bim Sherman Black Eyed Peas Bobby Hebb Bongo Gene All Stars Bongo Gene Campbell Brigitte Bardot Bronski Beats Bruce Channel Children Coup d'Etat Chris Montez Cornell Campbell Deeder Zaman Dennis Brown Dillinger Dried Cell Elodie EP-4 EP-4 Unit3 Esplendor Geometrico Frank Alamo Gregory Isaacs Ijahman Levi Jacob Miller Jah Lion Johnny Hallyday Junior Murvin & Dillinger Kate Bush Ken Ishii Key Killing Joke Kodama And The Dub Station Band Lee "Scratch" Perry Lee Perry Linton Kwesi Johnson Lyricson Mahmut Bilki Mammy Man With No Name Masada Masada String Trio Massive Attack Meme Michael Galasso Michael Rose Mono Sexion Mute Beat Neo Museum Nine Inch Nails Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark Pablo All Stars Paul Blackman Personal Effects Only Public Image Ltd. R.N.A. Organism Ras Ibuna Rayray劉軒蓁 Richard Anthony Ricky Storm (I Kong) Rockers All Stars Rockers International Band Sadie Sads Salon Music Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs Sarasvati Shinobu Sly & Robbie/Bunny Lee Tafari Syndicate Tako Television The Damned The Durutti Column The Freedom Singers The Toy Dolls The Village Bunch Third World Timmy Thomas Uhuru (The Sound Of Freedom) Various Artists Vince Taylor et ses Play-Boys Xeroid Yellow Magic Orchestra アマリリス アリスセイラー グリム・スキップ ジューシィ・フルーツ のいづんずり ミハエル・ロマーノフ 阿蘭 郁采真 王藍茵 王艷薇 沖山優司 解偉苓 許仁傑 原子邦妮 原子邦妮 佐藤薫 佐藤薫 & 田中泯 脆弱少女組 鄭國鋒 桃井かおり 辺見マリ 李予溪 劉明湘 梁永泰 林育品 莊心妍
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YG said GD will be back with a full album but they just released an EP instead, does that mean a second part of the album will be released as another EP? (Like Lee Hi's Seoullite and GD's Coup D'etat)
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Oh wow! Matt Smith cast in Ep.9 too?!?OOHHH!!! Time travel in SW already confirmed = Time Lord confirmed DOCTOR WHO CAMEO CONFIRMED!!! 8D
Naaah I’m just kidding, I know everyone is giddy about the Knights of Ren and how he might be cast as one of them, hence the “key role” title, but my money is on that he’s probably gonna be Hux’s gossip friend AKA “time to plot a coup d'etat over at The Finalizar” lol. But HEY who knows! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
#shut it fuku#holy crap they keep getting names every week j.j are you gonna put 56 deleted scenes in there??
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