pomegranateruin · 3 months
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the fanged one, the sovereign of snakes: eolin, god of love
pantheon time … the gods aren’t Real but this is how they’re imagined by the ppl in my little world
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rei-does-stuff · 3 months
Some SaH ocs I’ve made with @sah-headcanons !!!!
Might be a little incoherent but I hope I’m making it a little clear <33
First up is Kaeleomel! (Meaning Caramel in Korean!)
So you know Guemsaegi’s unnamed sister we see in his whole dream sequence where we first see Bamsaegi, well we never see her again after this and why is that?
Wellllll we decided it’s because she’s a defector, moving to the SaH equivalent of Europe or something and not just that but she is married to a Weasel! Nampyeon! (Meaning husband, so creative right? /s)
Geumsaegi, obviously, does not like this! Like at all! Since y’know, I imagine leaving the country and marrying the enemy would probably be pretty frowned upon in Flower Hill—
Geum sees her once and calls her a traitor, refusing to acknowledge her existence or even that he had a sister (which is why she’s never mentioned!)
Kaeleomel and Nampyeon would have kids and Geum probably wouldn’t look at any of them favorably either. “Hopefully these things will have more sense than you.”
I’d like to imagine during an argument Geum would use Bamsaegi as a way to be like “Now he’s alone and YOUR fault” Bc of course we need to make Bamsaegi suffer more than he already has (my favorite pass time!)
Kaeleomel would try to reason with Geum at first but Geum just literally wouldn’t understand why Flower Hill is bad and why the Enemy aren’t bad, it would be a very frustrating conversation for sure
She still tries to convince Geum even now, she knows deep deep DEEP down he still cares about her so she’s desperately trying to get through to him
I imagine when she still was in flower hill they were very very close
If she ever got hurt Geum would probably send a letter saying that she has a home in flower hill, and that she should come back and that it’s “not too late for you” along with some chestnut cakes and of course a lily bell
Kaeleomel loves Bamsaegi, even if she’s pretty disappointed that he became a soldier, but would mainly pity him, esp if she learns that he basically gave up being a scientific career for it, and that Geum encouraged it alongside making Bam more paranoid of enemy attacks,
Bamsaegi, in turn, is very conflicted, since he cares about his sister but now that’s she’s directly involved with the enemy he’s mainly just confused on what to think, esp since Geum is basically his dad so at times it feels like he has to choose between them
Kaeleomel got word of Bamsaegi being send by Flower Hill on a mission where he ended up almost dying in a gas chamber and still being expected to fight, I think she’d be pissed
It would probably be the one time she’d try to go to flower hill, just to visit him
And what’s worse is that Bam would still be like “I have to go back, I have to fight” even if he’s literally in the hospital
(Which like, Geum basically did the same thing, father like son)
She’d loath commander Darami and Goseumdochi
They’d visit Bam in the hospital to congratulate him for trying to sacrifice his life for Flower Hill and telling him to go back once he’s recovered and Kaeleomel sees this and is “HES LITERALLY DYING???? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??”
Nampyeon we decided is directly related to Aekku, with them being brothers, just to add more sting to everything. He’s willing to keep his mouth shut only to keep his wife safe, of course. He doesn’t like Geumsaegi at all.
He’s a lot more pessimistic than Kaeleomel, thinking there’s no point in trying to convince Geum or Bam of anything since he doesn’t think they’ll ever listen
He’s also a therapist <3
Next is Eolin (which just means young in Korean)
She’s a little weasel girl! (The daughter of this unnamed weasel)
Geumsaegi meets her whilst undercover and since she doesn’t realize he’s a Squirrel and not a field mouse and thinks Geum and his dad are friends she tries to form a bond with him much to Geumsaegi’s dismay. He sees the kid constantly though, basically haunting his narrative that the enemy are all evil and horrible as the kid repeatedly tries to befriend him, he consistently has to interact with them and pretend to be nice but each time that mask starts to slip
The kid makes him drawings and other small gifts that at first Geumsaegi just throws away in secret but even he starts to keep one or two small things, he tells himself it’s because it can be used as evidence or something to use against the enemy but deep down he knows that’s a lie.
That is basically it <3
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getfast · 3 months
How to Solve a 3x3 Rubik's Cube: A Step-by-Step Guide
Solving a 3x3 Rubik's Cube is a fun and mind-bending journey that combines logic and patience. This guide walks you through the basic steps, focusing on rotations, algorithms, and methods to solve the cube. If you're eager to learn, this comprehensive guide is perfect for beginners. By mastering the techniques outlined here, you'll understand how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's Cube efficiently and effectively.
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Understanding the Cube
Before diving into the solution, it's essential to understand the structure of the Rubik's Cube. A 3x3 Rubik's Cube consists of three types of pieces:
Centerpieces: These six fixed pieces represent the color of each face.
Edge pieces: These 12 pieces have two colors and are located between the corners.
Corner pieces: These 8 pieces have three colors and are located at the corners of the cube.
What are the Basic Rotations of a 3x3 Rubik's Cube?
Understanding the basic rotations of a 3x3 Rubik's Cube is crucial. The cube is divided into three layers: top (U for Up), middle (M for Middle), and bottom (D for Down). The faces of the cube are denoted as follows:
U (Up)
D (Down)
L (Left)
R (Right)
F (Front)
B (Back)
Each face can be rotated in three possible ways:
Clockwise (denoted as the letter itself, e.g., U).
Counterclockwise (denoted by the letter followed by an apostrophe, e.g., U').
180 degrees (denoted by the letter followed by the number 2, e.g., U2).
Mastering these rotations is the first step in learning how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's Cube.
Algorithms of a 3x3 Rubik's Cube
Algorithms are sequences of moves that manipulate the cube in specific ways. Here are a few essential algorithms:
Cross Algorithm: This helps in solving the white cross on the first layer.
F2L (First Two Layers) Algorithms: These algorithms solve the first two layers simultaneously.
OLL (Orientation of the Last Layer) Algorithms: These algorithms orient the last layer's pieces so that the top face becomes a single color.
PLL (Permutation of the Last Layer) Algorithms: These algorithms position the pieces of the last layer correctly.
Familiarizing yourself with these algorithms is vital for efficiently solving a 3x3 Rubik's Cube.
Methods to Solve a 3x3 Rubik's Cube
There are several methods to solve a 3x3 Rubik's Cube. Here are the most popular ones:
Layer-by-Layer (LBL) Method:
Step 1: Solve the white cross.
Step 2: Solve the white corners to complete the first layer.
Step 3: Solve the middle layer edges.
Step 4: Create a yellow cross on the top layer.
Step 5: Position the yellow corners.
Step 6: Orient the yellow corners to solve the cube.
CFOP Method:
Cross: Solve the cross on the first layer.
F2L: Solve the first two layers simultaneously.
OLL: Orient the last layer.
PLL: Permute the last layer to solve the cube.
Roux Method:
Step 1: Solve the first block (1x2x3 block).
Step 2: Solve the second block (1x2x3 block).
Step 3: Solve the top edges.
Step 4: Solve the remaining corners and edges.
ZZ Method:
Step 1: EOLine (Edge Orientation Line) - orient edges and solve the DF and DB edges.
Step 2: F2L - solve the first two layers using block-building techniques.
Step 3: LL - solve the last layer using algorithms.
Learning how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's Cube using these methods will significantly enhance your solving skills.
Tips and Tricks for Solving a 3x3 Rubik's Cube
Practice regularly: The more you practice, the more familiar you'll become with the algorithms.
Learn the notation: Understanding the standard notation (R, L, U, D, F, B) is crucial for following algorithms.
Be patient: Solving a Rubik's Cube takes time and patience, especially when you're just starting.
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Common Mistakes to Avoid
Misalignment: Ensure that each move aligns the pieces correctly to avoid disrupting the solved parts.
Rushing through algorithms: Take your time with each step to avoid mistakes.
By following this step-by-step guide, you'll be able to solve a 3x3 Rubik's Cube efficiently. With practice and patience, you can master this classic puzzle and impress your friends with your skills. 
In conclusion, learning how to solve a 3x3 Rubik's Cube involves mastering rotations, familiarizing yourself with essential algorithms, and choosing a method that suits your style. Whether you prefer the Layer-by-Layer method, the CFOP method, the Roux method, or the ZZ method, each approach provides a structured path to solving the cube. Happy cubing!
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blisteringstar · 2 years
Prompt Sixteen: Deiform
[This happened earlier this year. Small spoilers for Dravanian Dragon details.]
There was little that could have prepared him for everything he would see after taking the pools back to the home world of the dragons. Inwa and his kin were different from The Dragons of Dravania, and this included having a different world of origin as well. Sancturia still stood, and Inwa hadn't moved from where he stood on the balcony overlooking the rest of the world since Angellos introduced him to the lay of the land.
He could have gone straight to The Forest of the Fae. Calling Talia would invoke her presence and she would guide him through Fairie and back to Etheirys if he wanted to go right back home. Yet his eyes couldn't turn away from the rest of the land and how far away it was from the 'home' of the dragons. Never before had Inwa felt more like a god observing his domain, but he also acknowledged that was partially the point. The Dragons were more than troublesomely powerful creatures. Here Inwa was more than just a miqo'te priest. Here he was the son of a god.
"Lord Grian, is there anything that we can help you with?" The voice of the elf that was sent to attend to him rang gently from behind his back. Inwa turned to look at the woman asking him the question. The elves tended to the dragons and their every need, Angellos told him this before leaving to elsewhere. Being finally greeted by one of those attending elves wasn't the surprising part. In all of his short years living in Hingashi and working as a priest of the kami, he was more used to being the polite attendant keeping their head down than the one who was being met with such reverence.
"Uhm," he stammered, ears folding backward. "No. I'm okay. Thank you. You… may go," Inwa spoke fast and then slowed down, unsure how to conduct himself in this new position. The woman merely smiled and bowed, turning away. She didn't go very far. Quite a few Elves remained in earshot just in case Inwa found himself wanting.
Inwa's attention turned back to the land far below. He wanted to go. He wanted to see this world and what it had to offer, but he couldn't go the way he was. Would this world have feline people like Miqo'te? Did he want to change it? With the way the magic flowed in this world compared to the aether of Etheirys, he could wield its majesty easier than the volatility of aether magic.
"There's no reason to wear the same identity in two worlds," inwa muttered to himself. Even as he looked at his hands, the mere thought of a change was causing a shimmering of magic over his skin. Without a form truly chosen, it was like a haze ready to transform flesh and cloth to suit his thoughts.
He spent all of his life as the miqo'te Sw'inwa Raen. With the opportunity at hand, shouldn't he experiment with what he truly was? Shouldn't he be Grian?
"Wake up. Wake up. Right. Now."
The unfamiliar voice caused him to stir. It had been a few suns since he started roaming Sancturia properly. When his eyes opened, he was greeted with the sight of a dark elf, sneering and reaching out to bat at Inwa's shoulder with the back of his hand. His striking eyes were settled firmly on the sleeping man who was pushing himself up to sit up and rub the sleep out of his eyes.
Inwa gave a look around. The sky had not yet spread hints of dawn in its blackened sky. Stars twinkled down through the boughs at him in constellations he couldn't identify. The tree he decided to stop and nap under continued to stand tall over him like a gently-rustling blanket. Even the gentle breeze that rolled over the grass lacked the scent of trouble. The world was at peace, except for the annoyed dark elf motioning at him with a small dagger as if he were trying to identify a bizarre-looking mushroom.
"I was going to loot your body for all of your valuables, but you've been found lacking. What kind of dumbass roams around these parts with nothing but their clothes on their back? Did you not notice the inn in the village?" The danger he motioned with went from waiving dangerously at Inwa's face to down the direction of a dirt road that lead back to the village in question.
"Oh," Inwa answered, blinking slowly and looking down the way that gleaming blade jabbed. "Yes! I saw the inn. The keeper got really mad when I didn't have any money, so I thought it best to spend my time out here. I'm sorry for inconveniencing you?" Although Inwa questioned the need to apologize to the highwayman trying to rob him, the dark elf's annoyance at the situation was clear as day.
"You didn't have--," the rogue groaned, throwing his head back and his hands up. He knew that already! "Why is someone who looks like you sleeping out here on the fucking ground?" The man's baritone was slow and clipped, enunciating every word as if he was dealing with someone too close to keep up with simple questioning.
The question drew Inwa's attention down to his clothing. He thought he picked a less ostentatious hanfu to wear, but upon further thought, maybe there really wasn't a way to dress down gold accents on a white and vermillion hanfu. Maybe the silk was too much, and he let his imagination get carried away despite thinking these were the perfect travel clothes.
"Uhhh…," Inwa mind was a blank. He knew he had forgotten something before he went along with this venture.
"Do you have a wife? Parents? Hells, a husband looking for you?" Inwa could have sworn he heard the man grumble about getting a reward for returning a lost family member, but it was hard to know if he was talking about that or food he wasn't going to be able to buy. Elf ears were a very different experience than the feline ears he had grown so used to.
"Uhm….," Inwa's looked away, searching the brush for something to save him from this conversation. He hated to lie, but the 'family' that he could be given back to were a time and a half to reach for a mere dark elf.
"Do you have a name?" He asked with a strain on 'name'. The need to get at least something from this little lordling was playing on his patience.
"Oh. Yes," Inwa sat up, lighting up with the new question. Finally! Something he could answer! "Grian…. Embersong. Grian Embersong."
The dark elf stopped, looking 'Grian' up and down, half expecting his question to have been met with another stall. No money, no family, but a name.
"That's a weird name for an elf," he finally said after what Grian could only expect was him committing the name to memory.
"Is it? It's pretty common I thought. What is your name, then?" Grian asked conversationally, pushing himself up to stand and regard his new friend.
"Are you stupid? I admitted to trying to rob you. Why would I give you my name?" Grian couldn't fault his contempt. The dark elf seemed to still be eyeing Grian up and down as if he were still assessing if this broke elf was worth the air they wasted talking to one another.
"Eolin Sithrig," Eolin finally offered to him, chin tipped up proudly. Grian gave a bright smile in return. No matter how the man came off, he still exchanged names with him.
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incorrectdol · 4 years
Shannon: You’re smiling, did something good happen?
Felix: I can’t smile just because I feel like it?
Vida: Robert tripped and fell during the Curia meeting today
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yueqqi · 6 years
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Some late night doodles featuring gay-ass Solavellan and Mahariel/Leliana to help relieve some anxiety.
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Segnalazione: Merawen. Il mistero di Eolin di Davide Napolitano
Segnalazione: Merawen. Il mistero di Eolin di Davide Napolitano
Buongiorno amici miei, oggi voglio parlarvi di un libro per ragazzi, ma è una lettura che tutti possono fare. Ciò di cui vi parlerò oggi è la storia che l’autore vuole regalare a ogni lettore, ha un mix perfetto di mistero, cose insolite, un pizzico di fantasia e qualche pezzo di world builing. Ebbene, vi dico anche che si parlerà di cose che nessuno parla, di atti nascosti e sentimenti taciuti e…
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eonlineexams · 3 years
Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2021 Online Application Form राजस्थान तारबंदी योजना 2021
Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2021- Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana Kya hai. राजस्थान सरकार द्वारा किसानों के लिए ये एक बहुत ही अच्छी योजना आरम्भ की है| इस योजना का लाभ राज्य में रह रहे किसानों को अपने खेत की बाड़ करने के लिए तारबंदी के लिए राशी दी जाती है|इस योजना में आने वाले कुल खर्चों में से 50% खर्चा राज्य सरकार द्वारा वहन किया जाएगा व 9% किसान को राज्य सरकार ने यह एक बहुत अच्छा कदम उठाया है जिससे किसानों को राहत मिलेगी|
राजस्थान तारबंदी योजना 2021
राजस्थान सरकार द्वारा राजस्थान तारबंदी योजना के तहत अधिकतम 400 रनिंग मीटर लंबाई तक एवं अधिकतम 1 किसानों को 40000 का अनुदान दिया जा रहा है या लागत मूल्य का 50% अनुदान दिया जाएगा 400 मीटर से कम तार होने पर pro-rata बेसिक के आधार पर अनुदान दे ही है|किसान इसके लिए आवेदन कर सकता है इस योजना में चयन पहले आओ पहले पाओ के आधार पर किया जाएगा इस योजना का पैसा सीधा लाभार्थी के बैंक अकाउंट में डाला जाता है|
Tarbandi Yojna in Rajasthan
इस योजना से किसानों को बहुत ही अच्छा फायदा होगा आवारा पशुओं से जो फसल को नुकसान होता था उसे से बचा जा सकता है| इस योजना के अंतर्गत राजस्थान सरकार द्वारा राज्य में अनुदान पर मिलने वाली तारबंदी से किसानों को बड़ा फायदा मिल रहा है तारबंदी में 50 % खर्चा किसान का रहेगा और 50 % खर्चा राज्य सरकार द्वारा वहन किया जाएगा इस योजना में अधिकतम खर्च राशि ₹40000 है जो सरकार द्वारा दी जा सकती है|इस योजना का अधिकतर लाभ छोटे एवं सीमांत किसानों को दिया जाएगा इस योजना के अंतर्गत अधिकतम 400 मीटर तक की तारबंदी के लिए ही सब्सिडी दी जाएगी|
किसानों को इस तरबंदी योजना हेतु पात्रता निम्नलिखित है
जो भी किसान आवेदन करेगा वह राजस्थान का मूल निवासी होना चाहिए
किसान के पास 0.5 हेक्टेयर कृषि योग्य भूमि होनी चाहिए
50 %तक की सहायता राज्य सरकार की तरफ से दी जाएगी
अगर आपने पहले किसी योजना के तहत तारबंदी लगवा रखी है तो आप इस योजना के योग्य नहीं होंगे
इस योजना के लिए आवश्यक दस्तावेज निम्न है
तारबंदी योजना के आवेदन के लिए निम्न दस्तावेज है
राशन कार्ड आधार कार्ड जमीन की जमाबंदी 6 माह से पुरानी नहीं हो हलफनामा
राजस्थान तारबंदी योजना 2021 ऑनलाइन एप्लीकेशन फॉर्म
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mclarensangel · 2 years
The Seal of the Dragon
Chapter Four: Enter if you dare
warnings: mentions of weight, AFAB character, mentions of female body parts, references to the weight of M/C, loosely based on my own research of the ancient Korean royalty system, bullying, loneliness, anxiety, money problems, mentions of how other people view characters body
message me if you feel I need more warnings
The anxiety that filled you, as you felt the palanquin get closer to the Palace, was unlike any anxiety that you had ever felt in your life. All of your feelings hit you at once, and you were unable to decipher which feelings were good and which feelings were bad. A small laugh was heard outside the moving carriage, making you poke your head out to see what was happening.
"Put your head back in woman, I can feel your eyes in the back of my head" Chan laughs, your eyes widen in shock, wondering how he felt your eyes looking at him, as you had barely looked at him. You were beginning to wonder why you and your family had put this effort in, you all knew that it wouldn't go far. You couldn't help but let out yet another deep breath, hoping that this breath would suddenly magic away all the anxiety that your body held. The lively voices of the men you had grown up with continue outside, each of them laughing occasionally, which would make a small smile appear on your face. Especially when Changbin laughed, the noise never failed to make you smile no matter how you felt.
You poke your head out again, trying to be subtle as you didn't want another scolding from your friend. "Y/N, what are you doing?" changbin questions. You close your eyes, grimacing at the fact that you were caught again. Chan laughs loudly. "I was just trying to look for Yeji's palanquin," you said, smiling slightly at changbin. He smiles at you, seeing the anxiety in your eyes before responding "She's in the one ahead of the one in front of us". a sigh of relief leaves your lips, knowing that your best friend was near.
A few more hours passed before you finally arrived at the Palace. You pull the small lilac fabric back slightly, eyes peering at your surroundings. A gasp leaves your lips, the sight before you leaving you feeling enchanted. The walls were high, and the gate to enter the Palace was made from bright red wood with a decorated top coloured with greens, blues, reds and even golds. There were cherry blossom trees lining the grey walls, the smell of them wafting gently through the air towards your nose. Guards were spaced out across the wall, but more guards were crowded by the gate, watching all of the participants enter the gates.
The guards wore hanboks in glorious red colour, with a belt in almost the same royal blue that you had seen the supreme Commissioner wearing a week before. It takes you a few moments to remember what the tall man's name was, it finally clicking when you think about that afternoon. Kim Seokjin was his name, it was quite fitting you thought. He was very handsome, so handsome that his aura felt ethereal to everyone who saw him. You wondered if you would see the man whose broad shoulders could clearly be seen under his hanbok.
Just moments later, you felt the dark box you were sitting in, come to a stop. Anxiety that you had briefly forgotten about when admiring the guards as they stood by the gate. A soft knock is heard on the wood next to you, making you jump in your spot. "We're here," Chan said, his voice low and almost authoritative, reminding you that you could only go onwards and couldn't run home like you wanted to. "Take a deep breath and come out eolin-i" Changbin adds. And that is what you do. Taking your skirt in your hands as elegantly as you can, you make to take your first step within the Palace grounds. A beautiful smell suddenly hits you once your full body was out of the uncomfortable box, almost reminding you of home. It was a scent that made you feel warm inside, it was the familiar scene of samgyetang, almost smelling just like how your mother at home made it. The smell makes a small appear from the corner of your lips. You catch eyes with Changbin, who knows what you're thinking as your mother frequently made it for the Bang clan with all the help they gave her and your family, and he smiles back at you.
'Maybe things will be okay' you think to yourself. Soon after a loud voice filled the open square. "Ladies, welcome" the voice began "Please move onto the squares that have been prepared on the floor and allow for your palanquin carriers to move it to your spot. The first test begins soon". You look around, seeing where everyone else was going, but during this you finally found Yeji, you subtly wave before taking your first step towards one of the biggest moments in your life. You take your place on a square almost directly in the middle of the square. You hear some people talking around you, and hoping it was Yeji or some of the nicer girls from town talking amongst each other, you try to listen into the conversation.
"Why is she even here, it's not like she'll even make it past the first test. The size of her would repel our Beloved King" one voice says. You feel your heart fall, your anxiety heightens and what once was a smile, turns into a frown. "Indeed, the poor Queen Dowager has to lay her eyes upon the elephant" another continues, making tears well up on your water line. Looking up to the sky, you try to blink away the tears, trying to ignore the two women behind you tearing down your self-confidence quicker than it took to light one of the Palace lanterns. "She's not even dressed to the right standard, how does she even think that she can even present herself in front of the Queen dowager. When I become Queen, I will put her in the dungeons, for committing such a crime to the Dowager" their hate continues, followed by a giggle of the other. Shock fills your system, making you wonder if she could actually do something like that.
Looking around, you noticed that every single other woman around you, Yeji included, was dressed to the best that their money could afford. Worry piles onto your already high pile of emotions that you were feeling. Would you even be allowed to enter the view of the Queen Dowager in your current outfit? But before you could stew on your thoughts even more than you already were, Chan and Changbin arrive next to you with your palanquin next to you, blocking you from the view of people on either side of you. The feeling of the men standing next to you made your anxiety ease slightly, but the feelings still piled high within your heart. You turn to look at the men and open your mouth to say something when another voice cuts you off.
"Welcome Ladies and manservants" the voice begins, this sentence making you turn to the boys and smirk at them slightly, letting them know that you would never let them forget what they had just been called. The giggle that was about to exit your throat, reminded you to look towards the front. And you were not disappointed when you did. Seeing the man that you had been thinking about earlier when you had begun your entrance into the Palace. "Today begins the beginning of the selection process for our King to find his future Queen. That lady being amongst the very people in front of me." He starts "To help me welcome you into the Palace, the Head Directorate Min Yoongi has joined me," he says and turns, his hand pointing towards the shorter man slightly behind him. Min Yoongi looked almost as ethereal as the Seokjin, He had long blonde hair, half tied up in a high ponytail, a black band wrapped around the top of his head. A long pink scar covered his right eye from above his eyebrow to just below his eye. The man was just as attractive as the broad-shouldered man and you knew that a part of him knew that he was attractive. Yoongi takes a step forward, places a small smile upon his lips, and bows slightly before taking a step back, putting him back into his previous position. Smiling, Seokjin continues "Now to begin the process" a pause fills the air "We will begin with the person on the left" he takes his hand and points to the woman to his left, smiling gently at her "You will begin, and the King would like you to announce your name, both family and your given name, your age and your family crest. Please begin".
The woman he had pointed to during his speech, takes a small step forward, bowing deeply to the Supreme Commissioner and Head Directorate, an elegant smile on her lips before announcing her name "Kim Si-Hyeon, 19, Wild Boar" she states, before bowing again and returning to her previous spot. This continues until it reaches you. You repeat the same process that all the women before you had done.
Take a deep breath.
Take a step forward.
Brightest smile.
"Seo Y/N, 22, tiger"
Bow again.
Step back.
Breathe again.
Once you had finished, you hear small giggles and scoffs from the hate-filled women behind you. You pay no mind to them and continue to listen to the women around you announce themselves. Your breath gets caught in your throat when it gets round to the women who had been spitting hatred at you, "Kim Seol-Hyun, 22, Rabbit", soon followed by "Kwon Eun-Bi, 22, Deer". The voices clashing straight into the memory of when you had attended the school in town to learn how to read and write. The voices that had moments ago filled your heart with hurt, were the same ones who had tried to bring you down when you were barely tall enough to reach the middle shelf in the town library. You feel your whole body freeze, before remembering that they can see you, and try to relax your body.
A few minutes later, all the women in the courtyard had announced their names, their age and their seal. Your anxiety peaked once again, as you remembered that the first test was about to begin. Seokjin stepped forward again, a formal smile graces his face, as he begins to say what the first test would be.
"Well, it is wonderful to meet you all. The first test is the Chogantaek. You will have to remove all your ceremonial robes, leaving you in your underdress', you must also remove ALL makeup and hair accessories. The only accessories allowed are Daenggi's and small headbands. Please also remove your shoes and beoseoh, then return to the spot that you are standing in. The Queen Dowager will arrive in a few moments and will be with her ladies, making her decision row by row. Once she has completed every row, she will confer for one hour with her ladies before announcing her selection. 15 of you will be going through. That is one from every row. On the rare occasion that the Queen Dowager makes a decision to have more than one from each row, we will process with them, however, know this rarely happens" Seokjin takes a step back, then nods his head towards a group of guards. The guards take their staffs, stomping them on the ground, yelling out and announcing the arrival of Queen Dowager.
The Queen Dowager enters, wearing the ceremonial red Wonsam. Her ladies in waiting also wearing their ceremonial clothing, the Dowager, however, stood out brightly among the rest. The sight of the woman took your breath away, your body subconsciously standing taller. The ladies surrounding the Dowager separated, moving to form a line behind the woman as she joined the Supreme Commissioner on the podium. Everyone bowed deeply before her.
"Good luck" was all she said, before moving off of the podium with her ladies. Moving to return to where she had previously stood. "Now ladies," Seokjin spoke, "Now is the time to enter your palanquins, remove your outer robes, accessories and jewellery and return to your spot". A moment is held in the air before the first women moved to their boxes, the rest following suit once the first had moved.
You move into your palanquin, leaving your hair braided with the daenggi tied in your hair. You undo the goreum, that held the two sides of your jeogori together, letting it slip off of your shoulders. You then take off your chima, before folding it and placing it on the seat that you had spent the last few hours sitting upon. A short anxious breath escapes from your lips before you leave your palanquin once again. You make eye contact with the boys standing near you, both of them throwing a thumbs up your way, making you feel slightly at ease.
More and more women entered back into the courtyard, standing where they once were. It only took a minute or two before everyone had returned. Another stomp is heard, along with the yells, before the Queen Dowager is standing in front of you all again. "As I stated earlier, we will be going row by row, starting with the first row." Seokjin states, before moving down the stairs at the front of the podium that you had not seen before, he turns, holding his hand up for the Dowager. She takes his large-looking hand, moving gracefully down the steps. The ladies who had come back out with her, moved in a row behind her, as the group moved to the woman who introduced herself first. The group began talking amongst themselves as they passed through each trio. Once they reached the end of each line, they would turn to each other, talking almost silently among each other, before turning back to Seokjin, mentioning something, he would write it down, and they would continue to the next row.
Your heart pounded inside your chest as she eventually reached your row. She began to the right of you, moving what felt both slow yet fast, closer and closer to you. She soon reached you. You bowed deeply to the woman in front of you, bowing as low as your body would possibly let you. "You may rise," she says, you bow your head, before returning to your standing position. "What is your name?" she asks you, staring into your eyes, making you feel nervous as you answer "Seo Y/N, Your Royal Highness" you respond. "Your age? And seal?" she questions "22, Your Royal Highness, and my seal is the tiger, My Queen" you finish. She lets out a small laugh, a sweet smile gracing her pink lips.
"Why do you want to become Queen?" The older woman continues her questions. You take a moment to respond, making the Queen Dowager raise her eyebrow slightly. "I want to make my family proud of me, to make a difference when and where I can" you answer finally. Your answer makes the woman smile. "A beautiful answer" she responds. Turning, nodding to her women, and continuing on to the woman next to you.
Around 15 minutes later, all rows had been gone through, and now was the moment of truth. You would find out if you made it through to the next stage of the first test.
"When I call your name, please step forward" Seokjin starts, then looking down at his list, he beings
"Row one; Kim Si-Hyeon, Row two; Ahn So-Hee, Row three; Bae Suzy, Row four; Cho Mi-Yeon, Row five; Nam Da-Won Row six; Jung Eun-Bi, Row seven; Go Woo-ri" He counts, announcing each girl "Row eight" hearing your row makes your heart stop and your body freeze. "Hwang Yeji" a short pause follows "and Seo Y/n". If your heart hadn't stopped before when hearing your row, it definitely would have, hearing your name falling from the plump pink lips of the Supreme Commissioner.
You. Had. Passed.
"Row Nine; Kim Seol-Hyun AND Kwon Eun-Bi, Row ten; Han Sun-Hwa, Row Eleven; Lee Ji-Eun, Row twelve; Jang Won-Young, Row thirteen; Kang Mi-Na, Row Fourteen; Kim Si-Jeong, Row fifteen; Lee Hye-Ri" He finishes his list of names before returning his vision to the crowd. "Thank you to those who did not pass, your marriage ban has lifted, and we humbly ask for you to return to your cities, towns or villages. Those who did pass, please gather at the front, we will have men escort your palanquins and manservants to your accommodations and they will meet you there, as they will be assigned by the Queen Dowager once you have completed the next test". You wait a moment, turning to Chan and Changbin behind you muttering a quiet "see you later" to them, before placing your hands together and moving towards the front. On your way, however, the women who you had identified as your childhood bullies, decide to bash their shoulders into yours, making you nearly fall to the ground, a small hand catches you, making you turn around. You see Yeji glaring at the women in front of you. Clasping onto her hand, you straighten yourself up, trying to ignore the pink flush that has risen to your cheeks in embarrassment.
"Wonder how fatty got through," the taller bully says to the shorter one, the other quickly responding "must have bribed her, there's no other way someone of her size would have gotten through to this second part"
"The same could be said about you, don't you think," Yeji says, speaking again before they could open their mouths "you must have had a pretty big bribe to get through, there's no way the Queen Dowager would allow someone as spiteful and rude as you through her walls otherwise". A short silence is held between the four of you before Yeji grips your hand and pulls you to the front.
"Congratulations on passing the first half" Min Yoongi begins speaking surprising you all. "The second half of the test begins in a few moments. We ask that you enter through that door, single file, to enter the smaller courtyard where the test is set up for you. Each of you will take a spot in front of a tray. Once you reach your tray, you will see a stick. Use this to right your father's name, before taking your stick, placing it next to it, and standing behind it with your tray. More instructions will follow". Smiling towards Yeji, you both let go of each other's hands, you stand just behind her as you walk to the door that the blonde-haired man had pointed to during his explanation. Close to the door, you saw the pot lid that you knew you would need to stand on. The sight of it, makes your stomach turn, anxiety spike and your fingers clasp at each other in anxiety. The first girl goes, and steps on it, it doesn't move, and she carries on. The process continues until it reaches you. You stand in front of it, place the middle of your foot on the handle, place as little weight on it as you can, and then place your other foot on the front side of the pan. To your surprise, the lid does not move. This makes you let out a small breath, with a quiet laugh of surprise. You carry on towards the smaller square that had been mentioned. Here you see another man standing on the podium, alongside the dowager and her women.
Taking a spot next to Yeji at the end of the row, you crouch down as elegantly as you could, trying to remember all the lessons your mother taught you on how to be as ladylike as possible doing things that most times aren't considered ladylike. Briefly looking up, you notice that most of the other girls are hesitant to crouch down as you were, especially Seol-Hyun and Eun-bi. The sight of this makes you smile slightly to yourself, picking up the stick that was on the tray. You're about to write your father's name, when you realised your tray was in the way, so you move it, before writing your father's name in hangeul. Then you take the tray that you had placed to the side, standing up and waiting for the next instructions.
Whilst the others finish writing their father's names on the ground, another young man who you don't recognise walks around with a piece of hanji in his hand and a long black writing brush in his hand, writing something down about the writings that had been finished.
"We will begin the next part of the test. I have had another person go around and write who completed their task first, and this test will be going in order of who finished it first. Once the name has been called out, that person will come to the podium with their tray, they will have a pot of tea, and six very special tea cups placed on their tray. You will need to take the filled tray to the Queen Dowager and her ladies and serve them tea. You are being judged on your basic etiquette. Once this is completed, you will return to your spot." the unknown man speaks. "Once everyone has completed this test. You will be assigned to the accommodations, that our gracious Queen Dowager has selected for each of you. Good Luck, let's begin. Seo Y/n"
As your heart pounds in your chest, you take your tray in both hands, keeping it as straight as possible, moving towards the podium. Once you reach the podium you wait at the steps, "you may enter the podium" the man who had given you instructions tells you. You knew more than anything that right now, you would need to rely on your manners and etiquette more than your style, hoping that these would shine through to the Queen Dowager. Taking one step at a time until you reached the top, you tried to remind yourself to breathe in and out. It takes mere seconds for you to reach the man at the top of the podium. You bow, again as low as you can, to the man in front of you He nods his head briefly back at you, before nodding to the men to the side, themselves holding teapots and teacups. They begin to come over to you, placing the teapot and teacups on your tray. You bow slightly towards them, careful not to tip the tray over. Once all the items were on the tray, you took a careful first step towards the Queen Dowager and her ladies in waiting. It took only a few steps before you reached their table. You tried to place the tray down on the table in the centre as you could before kneeling in front of the table. Bowing once more to the Queen Dowager, and then bowing slightly higher to the Queen's ladies, you took the teapot off of the tray, holding it with both hands, careful not to let any spill. You place it down, before moving to take the teacups. First the Queen Dowager, then the ladies next to her, slowly going out more and more until you reached the ladies on the end. Retaking the teapot, you pick it up before returning to the Queen Dowager "Would you like some tea, Your Royal Highness?" You ask. She nods her head slightly at you, letting you pour her tea. You make sure not to pour too much tea, but enough to fill the teacup to a reasonable standard, trying to remember all the lessons your mother had taught you growing up. You turn to the lady next to her, asking her the same question, repeating the process until each lady had a tea. After the final lady had received her teacup of tea, you return the teapot to the tray, bowing once more before you stand up. "Please enjoy your tea Your Royal Highness and her gracious ladies" you state. You take a step to the right before turning and moving back towards where the unknown man was standing.
Once you do, the man nods to the menservants to come back over, and they do, taking the teapot from you. "Please return to your spot," the man says, you nod and bow towards the man, descending the stairs and returning to your spot.
It took what felt like an age before everyone had finished, some spilling their tea on the floor in nervousness, one girl even breaking a teacup before she could even reach the Queen Dowager. However, worst of all was one of the ladies, whose name you found out to Jung Eun-bi, from the sixth row, spilt her tea and broke a teacup between the Queen Dowager and the lady next to her. It finally came to the time when it would be announced who would pass through to the next round. The square fell silent once again when the still un-named man spoke again.
"I feel that it is time for introductions into who myself and the other man are. My name is Jung Hoseok, the young man who was walking around earlier is Jeon Jungkook. Our jobs, respectively, are The Chief Councillor and High Councillor. The Queen Dowager and her ladies have come to the decision on the ladies she would like to pass through onto the next stage, which is called Jaegantaek, and those who passed will receive further instructions as to what it is. However, now is time to talk about the ladies who passed.". The other man who you could now identify as Jeon Jungkook, came forward "Those who did pass, please make a formerly line at the front. Those of you who have not passed, please return to your manservants and return to your homes. Your marriage ban has been lifted and we thank you for your cooperation within the process."
" Kim Si-Jeong" one.
"Bae Suzy" two.
"Cho Mi-Yeon" three.
"Hwang Yeji" four.
"Kim Seol-Hyun" five.
"Han Sun-Hwa" six
"Kwon Eun-Bi" seven.
Shit. That's seven. There was barely ever more than that. It was such an unheard-of occasion for it to actually be more than seven. And your name wasn't part of that seven. Do you feel relieved or happy? Yeji sends a small smile your way before moving into the line. Your bullies send you a smirk and walk smugly over to the line.
"And on a very rare occasion, we have an eighth candidate" Jung Hoseok lets the information fill the air, everyone taking a breath.
"Seo Y/n"
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mikuleroux · 7 years
Meet Eolin
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Eolin is one of the elite Kridlo Lidi, and a teacher.
She helped in the creation of healing through the use of essence- the source of Kridlo Llidi abilities which is also used in weapons. She owns a store of healing essence and holds classes.
She is the strongest in her area of expertise.
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pomegranateruin · 3 months
[ocs] devotion in consumption / trying to beat an old habit
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fekatsitra · 1 year
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Postknight fanart of the Pompon Village merchant, Carle! 😇✨
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I'm drawing his design back in PK1 and mixing it a bit with Pk2. The Eolin temple priest design is based on the Caldemount arc when we deliver knightmail to the South Temple. Based on PK2 chat, delivery quest, and event, we've learned that Carle is formerly an Eolin Priest but for some unknown reason quit at athe age of 33 years old. Though fellow priest/priestess seems to still try to persuade him to return?
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Also, Merchant Carle is forty years old as of year 1836 in the Postknight sequel Postknight 2. This old man has no right looking so cute and dorky 😤
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my-screaming-corner · 3 years
More Postknight 2 fanarts reposts!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
💜 Razielle, best girl
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The Winners of the postknight OC contest! They're all adorable!! ✨
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Plus Antoine, Aldor's merchant and a what-if design of what I imagined Pompon's merchant Carle looked like as Eolin's priest.
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2dfanficfreek · 3 years
Idolatry | PJM | 56
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𝑆𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦, 𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐿𝑖𝑠𝑡
I opened my eyes to see balloons surrounding me. At first, I was confused… but then I remembered…
“Saengil chughahae!!!”
It was my 26th birthday.
My members jumped onto my bed, singing to me as I clapped my hands together. I really did love the attention, and after the turbulent past few months, I was just happy to see them.
“Flower deliveries began as soon as the shops opened!” Gali grinned at me. “You are so loved!”
“Thank you,” I made sure to hug each one of them.
“We made food, let’s hurry before our schedule starts,” Yeoni grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs.
They were right; there were so. Many. Flowers.
A dozen pink roses were from JYP. A balloon bouquet was from Twice. A fruit basket was from my parents.
“JangMi-ya!” Eolin squealed as she read the card from a pot of marigolds.
I took the card and read it aloud. “The website said these were for October birthdays, and you can plant them. They are supposed to represent devotion and commitment, so they are definitely the flowers for you. I hope you have a very happy birthday. Harry!” I couldn’t help but squeal. “Harry Styles sent me flowers!” I jumped up and down as my sisters giggled and celebrated with me.
As great as that was, though, the amazingly huge bouquet of roses-every color imaginable EXCEPT pink- caught my attention. I immediately knew who they were from, and surprisingly it made my heart pound even faster than my note from Harry. I pulled out the card and read it, whispering under my breath, “26 Roses for my Rosie. Every time I see you, I fall in love with you all over again. Happy birthday, my beautiful girlfriend. Jimin,” my eyes widened. “He actually signed his name.”
“He’s so romantic,” Duri sighed over my shoulder.
“He is,” I couldn’t subdue the grin on my face.
“Okay, we need to get going,” Bora clapped her hands together. “We have a schedule today! Let’s eat and head out!”
A few days later, I found myself walking around an empty four-bedroom mini-mansion with a bright smile on my face. Yeoni and her sister YeongMi were arguing over the bedrooms they wanted on the west side of the place, but Lily and I knew exactly which rooms we wanted on the east. I stepped into the bedroom I liked the best and looked around before opening the door of the balcony. Grinning brightly, I pulled out my phone and dialed.
“Hey Baby,” he answered immediately.
“Are you home?”
“I just got out of the shower… why?” he hummed.
“Go to the balcony.”
“Okay,” he spoke slowly.
I watched, waiting as the door to the BTS dorm slid open and he peeked out to look around. “I’m here.”
“Look at the building to your northwest… second floor.”
His head slowly turned and then looked down, a bright grin gleaming from his face. “That’s my baby!” he waved at her.
“Is this close enough?”
“Are you buying it?!”
“We’re calling it the ‘Flower Garden’ because all of our names have flower meanings.”
“You have no idea how excited I am right now,” he placed his hand on his chest.
“Eunnie?” Lily called my name before joining me on the balcony.
“That’s my Jimin,” I pointed up to the balcony.
She looked up to see him waving.
“That’s convenient,” she giggled as she waved back. “I take it we’re not looking at the last place then?”
“Nope. Let’s sign the papers.”
“You’re going to be busy,” Jimin spoke up.
“I’m always busy,” I huffed playfully.
“I saw your vlive for your birthday. You looked happy.”
“That’s because I am.”
“Good,” he watched me for a moment. “My parents want to meet you. Can you come with me to Busan?”
“I need to work it with my managers.”
“Three days. We’ll fly out right after our concert and come back the day after my birthday.”
“I’ll try.”
“Okay. Let me know so I can reserve a plane.”
“Private plane?”
“It’s the safest.”
“That will make things easier.”
“Yes,” he agreed with me.
“Okay. I’ll let you know.”
“Okay,” he smiled down at me. “This makes me… very happy. I’ll be able to see you every day.”
“I know.”
Yeoni stepped out onto the balcony and looked around. “This side has a lot of trees,” she scanned the area.
I pointed up to Jimin as she burst into laughter.
“Oh! Priorities!” she waved at him. “I see now.”
He laughed as he waved at all three of us. “Such a beautiful flower garden!”
“So this is the one?” Yeoni turned to me.
“Of course it is.”
“Okay. Let’s speak to the agent.”
“Gotta go. I’ll text you later.”
“I’ll be waiting,” he stared at me as we spoke. “Love you.”
I made kissing noises into the phone as he threw his head back in laughter before ending the call. I waved one more time before walking back inside and closing the door.
This was it. My first adult decision and my first big purchase. It was exciting and scary at the same time, but it was necessary. Olympus was slowly crumbling and Yeoni and I were saving ourselves. Now… all I had to do was wait out our disbandment.
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incorrectdol · 6 years
Felix to Vida: Sherbourne has a problem with public displays of affection. I remember once at a New Year's Eve Party, stroke of midnight he high-fived me. Two problems with that. One, gays don't high-five. Two, gays don't high-five.
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yueqqi · 7 years
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Eolin Lavellan - With and without vallaslin. I expect to be drawing more of him later!
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