#eonline exam
eonlineexams · 3 years
Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2021 Online Application Form राजस्थान तारबंदी योजना 2021
Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana 2021- Rajasthan Tarbandi Yojana Kya hai. राजस्थान सरकार द्वारा किसानों के लिए ये एक बहुत ही अच्छी योजना आरम्भ की है| इस योजना का लाभ राज्य में रह रहे किसानों को अपने खेत की बाड़ करने के लिए तारबंदी के लिए राशी दी जाती है|इस योजना में आने वाले कुल खर्चों में से 50% खर्चा राज्य सरकार द्वारा वहन किया जाएगा व 9% किसान को राज्य सरकार ने यह एक बहुत अच्छा कदम उठाया है जिससे किसानों को राहत मिलेगी|
राजस्थान तारबंदी योजना 2021
राजस्थान सरकार द्वारा राजस्थान तारबंदी योजना के तहत अधिकतम 400 रनिंग मीटर लंबाई तक एवं अधिकतम 1 किसानों को 40000 का अनुदान दिया जा रहा है या लागत मूल्य का 50% अनुदान दिया जाएगा 400 मीटर से कम तार होने पर pro-rata बेसिक के आधार पर अनुदान दे ही है|किसान इसके लिए आवेदन कर सकता है इस योजना में चयन पहले आओ पहले पाओ के आधार पर किया जाएगा इस योजना का पैसा सीधा लाभार्थी के बैंक अकाउंट में डाला जाता है|
Tarbandi Yojna in Rajasthan
इस योजना से किसानों को बहुत ही अच्छा फायदा होगा आवारा पशुओं से जो फसल को नुकसान होता था उसे से बचा जा सकता है| इस योजना के अंतर्गत राजस्थान सरकार द्वारा राज्य में अनुदान पर मिलने वाली तारबंदी से किसानों को बड़ा फायदा मिल रहा है तारबंदी में 50 % खर्चा किसान का रहेगा और 50 % खर्चा राज्य सरकार द्वारा वहन किया जाएगा इस योजना में अधिकतम खर्च राशि ₹40000 है जो सरकार द्वारा दी जा सकती है|इस योजना का अधिकतर लाभ छोटे एवं सीमांत किसानों को दिया जाएगा इस योजना के अंतर्गत अधिकतम 400 मीटर तक की तारबंदी के लिए ही सब्सिडी दी जाएगी|
किसानों को इस तरबंदी योजना हेतु पात्रता निम्नलिखित है
जो भी किसान आवेदन करेगा वह राजस्थान का मूल निवासी होना चाहिए
किसान के पास 0.5 हेक्टेयर कृषि योग्य भूमि होनी चाहिए
50 %तक की सहायता राज्य सरकार की तरफ से दी जाएगी
अगर आपने पहले किसी योजना के तहत तारबंदी लगवा रखी है तो आप इस योजना के योग्य नहीं होंगे
इस योजना के लिए आवश्यक दस्तावेज निम्न है
तारबंदी योजना के आवेदन के लिए निम्न दस्तावेज है
राशन कार्ड आधार कार्ड जमीन की जमाबंदी 6 माह से पुरानी नहीं हो हलफनामा
राजस्थान तारबंदी योजना 2021 ऑनलाइन एप्लीकेशन फॉर्म
सबसे पहले नीचे दिए गए ऑफिशल वेबसाइट के लिंक पर क्लिक करें वहां पर पूछे गए फोरम में सभी जानकारी फिल करें उसके बाद में सबमिट कर दें जल्दी ही आपको इससे योजना का पता लग जाएगा कि आप इस योजना में योग्य है या अयोग्य हैं
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dmitri-smerdyakov · 7 years
You're spreading misinformation. James was still interested in meeting up and having sex with her even though he knew she was 17. He still wanted to hook up with a person he knew was underage. He only backed off when she stopped responding and being eager. He doesn't "back out super bloody fast." He even says to her, "Don't tell." You can find the texts here: eonline. com/news/528026/james-franco-tried-to-pick-up-a-teenage-girl-on-instagram-what-the-actor-has-to-say-about-it-now
It’s not like I’m intentionally “spreading misinformation”, I’m going off what I know - or, rather, what I knew at 3-4 o’clock this morning.
(I’m putting it under a read more to avoid clogging up dashboards)
Just for the benefit of my followers, this was the two exchanges over Instagram and then text messages:
Franco: Hi
Clode: hi
Franco: Where do you live?
Franco: NYC?
Clode: Scotland
Clode: In a small town called Dollar
Franco: How long will you be in New York?
Clode: Oops sorry, um a few days it’s my 18th birthday present
Franco: You’re 18?
Franco: Who are you with?
Franco: Do you have a bf?
Clode: Nearly 18, my mum and not if you’re around
Franco: When is your bday?
Franco: Where are you staying?
Franco: What’s your #?
Clode: In May but I have exams then, just off of Times Square in Hilton, what do you mean #?
And then:
Franco: Can I see you?
Clode: As long as you are james Franco
Franco: I am
Franco: You’re single?
Franco: What’s the hotel?
Franco: Should I rent a room?
Clode: April fools was an hour ago though…
The Your Highness star then shared what appears to be a selfie.
Franco: It’s me
Franco: Yes or no?
Franco: Tomorrow or thurs?
Franco: Ok
Franco: Be well
Franco: X
Clode: I’ll come back when I’m 18
Franco: X
Clode: Well this is a story my Scottish friends will never believe
Franco: Don’t tell
Clode: I just want proper evidence that it’s you and I won’t
Franco: I gave it to you
Franco: If you don’t want to meet, then text me when you do.
Franco: Bye
Clode: You sound so dodgy though
Franco: Bye
Clode: One second, I will meet you if you write my name on a piece of paper then send it to me with your face also in the picture, please
Look, I was not privy to the conversation and I don’t know either of them. I’m not going to make anymore judgement about the text messages because, frankly, I’ll probably end up offending someone.
I will admit that it looks skeevy. But as I’ve said, she was a few days away from turning 18, he thought she was 18 or older, and in Scotland (where she’s from), age of consent is 16. I’m not sure if in New York it’s 17 or whatever, but still. 
Having said that, on Twitter there appears to have been an accusation from a supposed friend of the girl, and because of that I’m rather unsure of where to stand on the matter. If what the girl on Twitter - and this “Ally” woman I’ve never heard of - is saying is in fact true, then I completely agree that he’s disgusting and should be taken down in Hollywood. 
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morleybell · 7 years
rant about bellarke fandom noone asked about but after eonline polls n all the asks ive been getting (or my friends) n after all the posts ive seen during last month i gotta do it. read or not, whatever. so here we go
1. ask: “why are you voting for fandom instead of voting for other categories; why are you telling people to vote for fandom”
because as long as we kept antis on fandom they didn’t start antivoting as hard in other categories. and i was right because when they reach idn 20k or 30k vote gap in fandom they started downvoting us in i see u (not sexy because we had 50k gap there)
2. ask: why dont u make voting parties
ive made 128913 voting parties and yall dont give a single fuck i see always 3 notes and thats legit it
3. ask: tree deserved that win why you werent voting for icu n u have for fandom
because keeping them on fandom was the best thing we could do, if they started downvoting us a week before 50k gap for sexy wouldnt be enough and i have been voting for icu also all the time even tho i have exams n my life is failing apart bc of that
4. ask: you should vote for other categories too n not only for blarke ones we could win all
we did, we tried but there was no way we could make any significant gap with people who have been voting here or on twitter while we were being downvoted all the time. if legit 1/8 ppl who cared abt AMM voted for Eonline then we wouldn’t have a problem but yall don’t give a fuck. ive been voting for best fight too but when i had to pick i picked eliza’s fav scene which is i see u. doesn’t change the fact that i have been voting for devon for example too. also make your own account. make your account about polls n voting parties and tag me or other people and take care of that. im sick of organizing sth for yall n not getting any answer.
5. i wont vote for bellarke fandom because im not from the bellarke fandom and eonline only is using clicks from t100 fandom. im not gonna be petty like that and keep voting in this category (+meta for 2 pages about it)
legit the only reason i have been voting for fandom is because i wanted them to stay away from our other categories and dont downvote us there and i was right. if you dont wanna vote for fandom, then dont, noone is forcing you, no need to make 2pages meta about it. go vote then for something else - i see u, sexy, bob, eliza, devon, fight. whatever. make a gc with 10 ppl at least and talk when you vote for what and just do it. stop bitching n making problems  out of nothing.
also yall are from bellarke fandom. i dont care if u are a true north bellarker or only bellamy!stan or only clarke!stan or both cl n bc at the same time or whatever. i couldnt care any less. as long as u are on tumblr making gifs or reblogging it you are part of bellarke fandom. and it wasn’t about winning fandom “because omg our fandom is the cutest and deserves to win!!!” (when i tweet like every day i hate our fandom) but bc as long as we voted for fandom they didnt downvote us in another categories. and if you care abt bob/eliza getting award/interview or at least article u will get that. thats legit it, i cant believe yall cant get this shit. also winning fucking everything with blarke in it makes promo for t100 or bellarke - more interviews, more awards, more articles, more people talking abt bellarke. but ye dont vote at all because u dont like true norths.
6. i hate polls and i wont vote
ok??? legit noone is forcing you???? 3/4 of our fandom hates polls n doesnt give a fuck???? my best friends here dont vote at all because they hate polls even. just remember that winning eonline poll might get you a t100 cast interview or get them award or an article or whatever. so when i get a video of bob thanking for voting (like for AMM) dont go n make gifs of that saying “omg my baby!!!!! ive been voting non stop day n night for him to win!!!! he deserves it so much!!!!” just stay in your lane then and keep talking how much u hate polls, ye.
that’s it. cant wait for stalkers to take screens n post on twitter or getting hate here but i had to wrie it all.
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weareyourfoxes · 8 years
Ah I should have written this down when the Jehovas witness woke me up but today I dreamed.. There was a plane crash and I saw it happening and we went on the run, but I distinctly remember that even though we had to get away from where we were standing I went back to grab my MacBook and phone (yes I'm that person lmao) and then I had to run to reach the bus in time that would keep us safe. Somehow I ended up sitting across from William (you know, from skam) and it was really awkward and while we were traveling there was this sort of episode cut that went to these two people + this girl with superpowers (who looks like that girl Ulrikke dressed as for the yeah let's teach a 4 y/o bla) who was apparently Williams sister? But I woke up before I saw more than that. Then the second dream I had I was at Stanford and at first I was at the student housing or whatever and there were a bunch of people outside and I went to join them and ate those fish cookie thingies people in America give their kids as a snack and then I was going through some admittance procedure where I was taken to this room to fill in a sort of entrance exam and it had ridiculous questions like what is 7 + 15 and what is your opinion on failing and for some reason they kept changing while I was writing. Then apparently I got through to the next round and outside I ran into this girl who said that everything I was doing had no purpose because the program was already full and why bother? The next exam worked a little like the eonline poll lmao and I was one of the last 4 left and then the Jehovas Witness woke me up. I also had a third dream where I was at student housing with Vilde except it turned out our house was like a star wars ship and we had an alien on the loose while I was arguing about labeling food in the fridge with her
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eonlineexams · 3 years
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eonlineexams · 3 years
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How to Apply OIL India Recruitment Form Step by Step
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उसके बाद Oil India Recruitment 2021 for 120 Junior Assistant (Clerk-cum Computer Operator) Posts पर क्लिक करे
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Oil India Recruitment 2021 For 120 Junior Assistant Exam Pattern
OIL recruitment 2021
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