enycjackieroberts · 1 year
open starter
location: coney island cookout - s’mores station 
After a great attempt at volleyball Jackie was trying to find some kind of snack, a reward of sorts. The day got even better when she saw a whole station for her favorite sweet treat. Quite determined to make a perfect one, over the years she’s got it down to a science. While trying to get everything together she glanced up and smiled at the person next to her. “Oh now you need at least one more piece of chocolate on there, treat yourself!” Jackie encouraged to the friendly face next to her, “it isn’t often you run into a whole s’more’s station.” 
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sidneycnorton · 2 years
open starter location: outside HYDRA after closing made w/beta
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it happened quite frequently that austin was one of the last to leave hydra when they closed for the day. not for any particular reason, but he took his time cleaning up the dj booth every night as well as making sure everything was set up how he wanted it for the next time he was coming in. then came just packing up the gear that belonged to him before getting out of there.. he pushed the heavy back doors open, just hearing them close behind him with a heavy thud. before the cold air from the outside hit his face as he opened the last door that lead to the back alley way.
turning on his heel started walking right until he reached the actual street where he'd soon get around the corner to continue his way to the closest subway station so that he could reach home.. but of course, luck wasn't always his best friend, so the very moment he managed to round the alley way corner, the short man walked straight into someone that else that came walking down the sidewalk, going in the opposite direction as he was going.. with the slippy ice underneath, he lost his footing, his arms flew out as he tried to catch and steady himself which couldn't have made him look any less dorky even if he'd tried..
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desturnoska · 2 years
Desislava glanced from her office toward the window about ten feet away. Snow was coming down hard in big fat flakes that stone white against the black night. It was just after 10 p.m. and she realized she had been in the office for more than 12 hours. It was time to go home but she wasn't ready to met the drama in the real life, the drama that haunted her lately but she couldn't spent the whole night working so she took her coat and she moved quickly to the elevators. She knew she had to call Alexander but she felt like she didn't need a protection or ride or anything from him right now.
Outside Des was met by a blast of snow and wind pummeled her in the face. At least ten other people were standinf on the curb, trying without any luck to hail cabs driving by, all of them occupied. "Great, just great" she mumbled to herself buttoning her wool pea coat not wanting to admit she had to call her husband.
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spencekozolv2 · 2 years
The holiday season was over and he was starting to get ready to get back to work. He wasn't that thrilled about it, since work was a part of life and he worked years in college to become what he was today. It was always the hard part of him going to a job that he didn't love but was part of his life. He couldn't be a disappointment with everything in his life so he was still working at his job. He was working less since he was in an office with other dentists, and it was not just himself that did help keep the load down. So he had time to audition for things and more time with his daughter.
But he was planning on going back soon and had to get that set up. Making sure appointments were still set and having the office send the reminders. That the staff was good and set to be back to working too.
He had gotten into it earlier today with his ex-wife about a few things, so he just wasn't in the best mood. He found himself on a bench to just sit and rest a moment, he sat down and closed his eyes as he looked up, just needed a moment.
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august--loverson · 2 years
tag dump
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aubreymorel · 2 years
"ok, before you say something or before you decide to object and sue me that I'm not a bartender here, I can calmly assure you that the bartender is my friend and I'm allowed to serve myself." aubrey said, two drinks in her hands. "and by the way, one drink is for you." placing it before them, she smiled.
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stupidxlamb · 2 years
The crimson minx had just finished her set for the evening, venturing back to the dressing room to find an outfit a bit more fitting for exploration of the club. Head held high, pumps clicking loudly against the floor, she slithers her way through the sea of tables, pausing from time to time to entertain a curious patron. Slow twilights were the bane of Valentine's existence, creeping dreadfully onwards until she'd be free to roam the night recklessly. But until then, she'd do her best to remain occupied. Setting her sights on the bar, she all but dances up to the bartop, drumming manicured talons along the mahogany. "Whiskey sour, pretty please, three cherries." The words fall from ruby lips like a purr, followed by a kittenish grin. Once served, she dives in for one of the plump sweets, plopping it in her mouth before turning to the nearest person with a tilted head and curious hues. "Penny, for your thoughts?"
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nate-jones · 2 years
where: any clothing store in NYC status: open @exclusivestarters​
Nate had no agents, no representatives, no stylists, nothing. He could have asked help from Rylan, but the two of them were nothing but friends as far as everyone else knew, so he was left to sort the calls and everything else out by himself. On a bright side, the volume was increasing, even if Nate had to be declining so many invites for interviews purely because they wanted to bug him about speculations.
The other disadvantage to all this was, naturally, clothes shopping. He wasn’t good at it, and he had to spend his own money on it, which really wasn’t helping him at all. The prices were eye-watering, but he had to find something, anything to play up the weird illusion that he was succeeding. “What do you think?” He asked the person nearby as he tried on a jacket, still doubtful- especially given the price. “You’d think something like that would come with... I don’t know, gold sown right into it? Or does that sound too desperate?”
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sidneycnorton · 2 years
open starter //  if there was anything nira would NEVER get used to about living in new york, it was and would continue to be the weather. she hated it with a passion, it was either too wet, too cold, too windy, too anything and everything.. and with the extreme amounts that had fallen the last little while.. she couldn’t handle it, and had for the most part stayed at her home, hoping it would melt but no such luck... she she knew she had to get out, and after hearing about the snow clean up, and need for things for the community, she did what she could, and managed to get a fair number of blankets made up which she figured she would hand over to shelters, or for someone to give away at the soup kitchen.. anywhere really... she did her best trying to pack them nicely before she got dressed the very best she could as well, though for the amounts of snow, what winter outwear she had, it wasn’t nearly enough.. but she had no choice.. so she made her way outside, and down the street a bit.. though carrying everything all while trying to not slip, fall and break herself became far too difficult. turning her head she saw something come walking behind her.. “-- pardon me.. you aren’t by chance going to the snow clean up at all--?” she asked, lifting the bags off the wet snow.
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mbaudelaire · 2 years
STARTER FOR. open | @exclusivestarters​. LOCATION. any restaurant in the west village.
Recently, Marie has found herself attempting to do things other than sleeping, breathing, and dancing. Her free time is often scarce, but when she does have it she usually spends time rehearsing or stretching or doing anything that might keep her skills in tip-top shape — though she has decided that will be no more. Marie has lived in New York for fifteen years and has barely had any fun at all, so now that she’s nearing the end of her career and trying desperately to find where she fits in the aftermath, she’s decided fun must be had. It’s how she finds herself sitting alone at a small hole in the wall bar a few blocks from her apartment, sipping on a small glass of wine as she reads and takes advantage of the generous happy hour and mood lighting. The person next to her has order something that smells absurdly delicious — and Marie, who has spent years denying herself life’s simply pleasure such as cheese, can’t help but fixate on the dish. “That smells wonderful.” She draws out, intrigue painted across her features. “May I ask what you ordered?”
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rhettmatthewsx · 2 years
Location: idk some street
To be quite frank, when Rhett returned to New York after being gone for a little over a month, he didn't know what to expect. Perhaps he thought it would be a whole lot better than what it currently was...which was being jumped at sun down when he was walking home from jam session with some local musicians. Rhett had truly been minding his own business when he was pulled into an alley, beaten and robbed.
The bummer for those guys was that he was truly broke so them stealing his wallet was truly no loss to him. What did hurt was them stealing his acoustic guitar. That guitar was his baby. He bought when he was just eighteen years old after saving up months working a crappy job and taking care of his six siblings. Rhett truly hoped whoever stole it pawned it immediately so he could buy it back somehow...
Sitting against the wall in the alley with blood oozing from his nose and temple with a large welt growing over his left eye, Rhett groaned loudly and gathered up a small pile of pebbles. Rhett chucked them with what little strength he had left out into the middle of sidewalk, hoping that maybe someone would see them or hear it. Something. He fell over onto his side immediately after and curled with with a cough and another groan.
What a homecoming.
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bea-torres · 2 years
—Open Starter @exclusivestarters​ Assume Connections!
“Today, I saw a puppy on the street, and I straight up just almost started crying.” She loved dogs, but this was like a whole new level. Work stress was wreaking havoc on her emotions. “Do you wanna go to the humane society with me?”
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franrusso · 3 years
open starter! location: some coffee shop in manhattan.
Walking into the coffee shop, Francine noticed right away the lack of open seats near a power outlet, which didn’t really help her dying computer full of papers that needed to be graded and work that needed to be done. After taking a quick lap around the spacious cafe, she noticed an outlet open in the corner, and approached the person who was sitting on the other end of the table where the outlet was located. “Is it okay if i plug this in here? I’ll sit a little farther away so I don’t crowd you. Lord knows this city doesn’t need that.” She grinned, setting her laptop down on the empty table next to the table in question. “I’d head back to my office, but they’re doing construction that doesn’t really make it efficient to grade public policy papers.” She mused, opening up her laptop and pulling out her charging cord.
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open event starter location: winterfest - Cafe Lalo Decadent Hot Chocolate and Coffee Station
“It’s been so long since I’ve had it!” And Nate sounded genuinely excited as he took a sip out of his cup. He was already freezing, having had just come out of the ice skating competition, and so far, he was really having fun. After all, so far, this had to be the best Christmas he’s had since he had moved to NYC eight years ago, and he was going to make it out. “Have you tried it already?” He turned to the person next to him, his enthusiam not going away. “I might be biased, but it’s worth every penny!”
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nxtthatxne · 2 years
TAY: are you bigshot69?
TAY: gotta have confirmation before you get your reward
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love-elijah · 2 years
ELIJAH: Hey you fantastical human, you, I need some models for a piece, and you don't even have to get naked if you don't want to.
ELIJAH: If you let me borrow your body I will buy you something... does that seem inappropriate? Because that's what I was going for.
ELIJAH: Say yes, please!
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