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usnewsper-politics · 1 year ago
Alarming Decline: Flying Insects Vanish, Threatening Nature's Balance #Biodiversity #coauthors #consequences #conservationefforts #conservationists #decline #decomposition #decrease #diversity #ecosystem #ecosystemhealth #entomologists #environmentalissue #flyinginsects #foodsources #future #Germany #globalpopulation #habitatdestruction #habitats #insectabundance #insectpopulations #intensiveagriculturepractices #leadauthor #naturalhabitats #pesticideuse #policymakers #pollination #research. #species #sustainedmonitoring
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agra24 · 2 months ago
यमुना नदी पर जल संकट: आगरा नगर निगम से विशेष अधिवेशन बुलाने की मांग
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आगरा की जल समस्याओं और यमुना नदी के जल स्तर में लगातार गिरावट को लेकर सिविल सोसायटी ऑफ आगरा ने नगर निगम से इस मुद्दे पर विशेष अधिवेशन बुलाने की मांग की है। संगठन ने आगरा की जलापूर्ति व्यवस्था में खामियों और यमुना नदी की दुर्दशा पर चिंता व्यक्त की है। जल आपूर्ति में गंभीर कमी आगरा में गंगाजल की पाइपलाइन से आपूर्ति होने के बावजूद, हर नागरिक के लिए 135 लीटर प्रतिदिन जल उपलब्ध कराने का मानक पूरा नहीं हो पा रहा है। स्मार्ट सिटी परियोजना के तहत बनाए गए दस्तावेज़ों के अनुसार, शहर को 445.35 एमएलडी पानी की आवश्यकता है, जबकि वर्तमान में केवल 300 एमएलडी पानी ही उपलब्ध हो रहा है। सिविल सोसायटी ने बताया कि जीवनी मंडी और सिकंदरा जल शोधन इकाइयों के बंद होने से स्थिति और गंभीर हो गई है। जीवनी मंडी जलकल की 250 एमएलडी क्षमता के बावजूद अब यह यमुना जल शोधन के लिए पूरी तरह बंद हो चुका है। मथुरा-वृंदावन में जलमार्ग परियोजना पर सवाल सिविल सोसायटी ने यमुना नदी में जल संकट का एक बड़ा कारण मथुरा-वृंदावन में जलमार्ग परियोजना को बताया है। उन्होंने कहा कि मथुरा क्रूज लाइन्स प्राइवेट लिमिटेड द्वारा शुरू की गई क्रूज सेवाओं के लिए गोकुल बैराज से निर्धारित जल डिस्चार्ज में भारी कटौती की गई है। बैराज से 1300 क्यूसेक पानी डिस्चार्ज होना चाहिए था, लेक��न अब यह मात्रा बेहद कम हो गई है। इससे यमुना नदी में जल स्तर घट गया है, जिससे न केवल आगरा बल्कि नदी के डाउनस्ट्रीम क्षेत्रों में भी जल संकट गहराता जा रहा है। नगर निगम से विशेष अधिवेशन की अपील सिविल सोसायटी ऑफ आगरा ने नगर निगम कार्यकारिणी के उपाध्यक्ष रवि माथुर से मुलाकात कर उन्हें जल संकट की गंभीरता से अवगत कराया। संगठन ने मेयर से अपील की है कि नगर निगम सदन का विशेष अधिवेशन बुलाकर जलापूर्ति बहाल करने के लिए ठोस कदम उठाए जाएं। इस मुलाकात में सिविल सोसायटी के अध्यक्ष डॉ. शिरोमणि सिंह, सचिव अनिल शर्मा, राजीव सक्सेना और असलम सलीमी समेत कई सदस्य शामिल थे। जनता को जानकारी की मांग संगठन ने नगर निगम और जल संस्थान से मांग की है कि वे यमुना नदी के जल शोधन और जलापूर्ति की वास्तविक स्थिति पर पारदर्शी जानकारी साझा करें। उन्होंने ���ागरिकों को जानकारी देने के लिए वीडियो, तस्वीरें और बाइट्स भी जारी की हैं। Read the full article
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mayur1243 · 6 months ago
big billion tree
Visuals: https://growbilliontrees.com/cdn/shop/files/grow-billion-trees-plantation-1.jpg
Descriptions: Read about a bird that almost brought China to its knees just a few years back.
Links: https://growbilliontrees.com/blogs/knowledge/a-bird-that-almost-killed-mighty-china-yes-just-a-few-years-back
Hashtags: #BirdImpact #China #EnvironmentalIssues
Keywords: Bird impact, China, Environmental issues
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waostudy · 1 year ago
Pollution Essay in English: Informative Essay PDF
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Hello everyone! I hope you are feeling well. Today, I am so excited because I want to share some information with you about Pollution, Its types, and Its sources in an essay in English called "Pollution". Let's dive and explore pollution, its sources, and how to combat it.
Understanding Pollution:
Pollution happens when harmful substances contaminate the air, water, or land, making it challenging for humans, animals, and plants to live healthy lives. This PDF delves into the different forms of pollution, their sources, their unique dangers to our environment and health, and how to combat pollution.
Pollution Essay in English PDF:
In this PDF, you will find: - An essay on Pollution. - Types of Pollution include Air Pollution, Land Pollution, and Water Pollution. - Sources of Pollution. - Effects of Pollution on Health. - How to combat Pollution. Open in New TabDownload
How to Download:
To download the PDF about the Essay on Pollution and its types including Air Pollution, Water Pollution, and Air Pollution, click the "Download" button above.
Pollution is a significant threat to our environment and health. Still, by understanding its sources and effects, we can work together to combat it and ensure a cleaner, healthier world for future generations. Thank you for reading and taking the time to explore this article and PDF. I hope you got a lot of info about Pollution, its types, its sources, and how to combat it. So, don't forget to share it with your friends, family members, and everyone who wants to learn about pollution, and its types.
Our more PDFs.
We have more Valuable PDFs on Various Topics available, I hope you will enjoy them too. - Life in a Big City Essay Quotations. - Inflation Essay in English. - Courtesy Quotations. - My Favorite Personality Essay in English. - My Hobby Essay in English. Read the full article
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bettreworld · 1 year ago
Haphazard Response in East Palestine - Bob Bowcock
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theindiaenergyhour · 1 year ago
Rating India's climate action plan: Going beyond the headlines.
In conversation with India Energy Hour, Ulka Kelkar, Director of the Climate Program of World Resources Institute, takes a deep dive into India's climate action plans
The India Energy Hour
In a recent podcast discussion, Ulka Kelkar, an economist with a wealth of experience in climate and environmental issues, offered profound insights into India's climate action plans. While the headlines often focus on ambitious climate goals and large-scale mitigation efforts, this article delves deeper into Kelkar's discussion with Shreya Jai, exploring the broader context of climate change mitigation and adaptation, urban planning, the challenges faced by rural communities, and the path forward for India's climate policies.
Tune in to the full episode to find out more!
Available on  major podcast platforms and our website
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ladookhotnikov · 2 years ago
Vision of the Future by Lado Okhotnikov
The realm of futuristic trends consistently garners great interest and provides an exciting glimpse into what the future holds for us in various industries of business and finance. This article offers an analysis of technological advances and social shifts. Based on this, we can paint a vivid picture of what lies ahead, imagining the potential of artificial intelligence and automation.
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Additionally, the article touches upon the impact of blockchain technology on finance, demonstrating how it can disrupt traditional financial systems and create more transparent and secure transactions. Blockchain-based decentralized metaverses create spaces that cannot be influenced by external forces, not even their creators. They only obey the laws set by smart contracts.
My team is creating such a special digital space focused on business development. Meta Force allows you to manage your projects with complete protection from the outside world. It is impossible to deceive, block, or steal; only honest work is encouraged.
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mind-of-sanity · 2 years ago
Understanding Climate Change: A Simple Guide
Introduction:Causes of Climate Change:Greenhouse Gases:Deforestation:Effects of Climate Change:Rising Temperatures: Melting Ice and Rising Sea Levels: Extreme Weather Events: Ocean Acidification: Mitigating Climate Change:Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Reforestation: Energy Efficiency:Sustainable Practices: Accountability: Conclusion: Introduction: Climate change is a term we often hear in…
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tedwgraham · 2 years ago
Understanding Climate Change: A Simple Guide
Introduction:Causes of Climate Change:Greenhouse Gases:Deforestation:Effects of Climate Change:Rising Temperatures: Melting Ice and Rising Sea Levels: Extreme Weather Events: Ocean Acidification: Mitigating Climate Change:Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Reforestation: Energy Efficiency:Sustainable Practices: Accountability: Conclusion: Introduction: Climate change is a term we often hear in…
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thxnews · 2 years ago
Green Impact Accelerator: Transformative Startups Thrive
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  Empowering Green Startups for Environmental Solutions
The United States government has extended its support to twenty innovative startups, offering sustainable solutions to environmental challenges in Cagayan de Oro, Dumaguete, and Manila. In a groundbreaking move to promote environmental resilience and inclusive economic growth, the U.S. Embassy's American Spaces Philippines and The Spark Project recently concluded the Green Impact Accelerator boot camp. During this transformative five-month program, they fostered the growth and commercial viability of green startups through mentorship, networking, and crowdfunding matching.   Seeds of Change: Three Startups Emerge Victorious Out of the twenty visionary solutions presented, three outstanding startups have secured seed funding to develop, implement, and scale up their transformative projects. Among the winners is Cagayan de Oro's "Kids Who Farm," which introduced the Food Loop, an ingenious circular food system concept and technology that transforms household food waste into organic components for sustainable food growth. Dumaguete's "Plantsville Health" caught the attention with "Green LiveS," an AI-powered system that records and monitors Philippine cinnamon production, paving the way for smarter agricultural practices. Meanwhile, Manila's "Dewaste Solutions" stood out with "MARE!," a modular and portable materials recycling facility empowering environmental sustainability through education while generating employment opportunities for women in waste management.  
Fostering a Greener Future
"This accelerator program brings us immense excitement as it focuses on enterprises positively impacting the environment," said Patch Dulay, CEO, and founder of The Spark Project. "Through such initiatives, entrepreneurs and their businesses are not just elevated, but also connected to a like-minded community that earnestly supports their endeavors."  
U.S. Embassy's Commitment to Environmental Resilience
Assistant Cultural Affairs Officer Pauline Anderson reiterated the U.S. government's commitment moreover to support environmental resilience and foster inclusive economic growth. "The projects we witnessed in this program highlight the vibrant Philippine startup community and showcase how their ingenuity can build sustainable ecosystems and foster prosperity."  
Paving the Way for Future Investment
The Green Impact Accelerator teams, after their successful endeavor, will reunite in October for the highly anticipated American Spaces Angel Investing Seminar. This exciting event offers them a unique opportunity to connect with potential investors, taking their transformative projects to new heights. Additionally, the teams will also have the privilege of benefiting from seed funding opportunities, unlocking new possibilities for growth and impactful contributions in the realm of environmental sustainability.   Sources: THX News & US Embassy Manilla. Read the full article
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tmarshconnors · 2 years ago
Dissatisfaction with Justin Trudeau
As a concerned citizen, I feel compelled to express my deep dissatisfaction with the current Prime Minister of Canada. Despite being a nation known for its inclusivity, diversity, and progressive values, I believe that our esteemed leader has fallen short of delivering on the promises made during the election campaigns. In this post, I will outline some of the key areas where the Prime Minister's performance has left much to be desired.
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Lack of Transparency: One of the fundamental pillars of democracy is transparency, and regrettably, it is a quality that seems to be lacking in our current Prime Minister's approach. Key decisions are often made behind closed doors, leaving citizens in the dark about the rationale and motives behind them. The lack of openness erodes trust and weakens the very foundations of our democratic system.
Inadequate Economic Management: Despite promising a prosperous future for all Canadians, the Prime Minister's economic policies have failed to deliver tangible results. High taxes, excessive regulations, and burdensome bureaucracy continue to hinder the growth of small businesses and stifle innovation. The middle class, in particular, is feeling the squeeze, struggling to make ends meet while the cost of living steadily rises.
Ineffective Climate Change Strategy: Canada's commitment to combating climate change should be a top priority for any responsible leader. Unfortunately, the current Prime Minister's actions have not aligned with this urgent need. Rather than implementing bold and effective policies, the government has relied on symbolic gestures and empty promises. Our nation's greenhouse gas emissions remain high, and we continue to fall short of meeting international climate targets.
Neglected Infrastructure and Healthcare: Despite the pressing need for investment in infrastructure and healthcare, the current Prime Minister's administration has failed to prioritize these critical sectors adequately. Crumbling roads, outdated public transportation systems, and overburdened healthcare facilities are a daily reality for Canadians across the country. The lack of substantial action in these areas showcases a lack of vision and commitment to the well-being of the people.
Disregard for National Unity: Canada's strength lies in its diversity, and it is the Prime Minister's responsibility to foster national unity and inclusivity. However, divisive policies and rhetoric have only served to widen the rifts between different regions and communities. The neglect of certain provinces' concerns and the undermining of democratic institutions have created a sense of alienation among many citizens.
Conclusion: It is disheartening to witness the decline in Canada's leadership under the current Prime Minister. From a lack of transparency to economic mismanagement, ineffective climate change strategies, neglect of crucial sectors, and the erosion of national unity, the list of grievances is extensive. As citizens, we must demand better from our elected officials and hold them accountable for their actions. Canada deserves a Prime Minister who embodies true leadership, transparency, and a commitment to the well-being of all its people.
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usnewsper-politics · 11 months ago
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Takes on Climate Change for a Better Future in 2024 Presidential Election #2024presidentialelection #alternativetotwopartysystem #Americandemocracy #carbonemissions #CleanEnergyParty #climatechange #conservativepoliticalleanings #environmentalactivist #environmentalissues #independentcandidate #justandsustainablefuture #presidentialballot #renewableenergy #RobertF.KennedyJr. #signatures #utah #workingwithRepublicans
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manaljh-blog · 2 years ago
It’s time for businesses to take relevant actions to address environmental challenges.
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mayur1243 · 6 months ago
big billion tree
Visuals: https://growbilliontrees.com/cdn/shop/files/grow-billion-trees-plantation-1.jpg
Descriptions: Read about a bird that almost brought China to its knees just a few years back.
Links: https://growbilliontrees.com/blogs/knowledge/a-bird-that-almost-killed-mighty-china-yes-just-a-few-years-back
Hashtags: #BirdImpact #China #EnvironmentalIssues
Keywords: Bird impact, China, Environmental issues
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waostudy · 1 year ago
Pollution Essay in English: Informative Essay PDF
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Hello everyone! I hope you are feeling well. Today, I am so excited because I want to share some information with you about Pollution, Its types, and Its sources in an essay in English called "Pollution". Let's dive and explore pollution, its sources, and how to combat it.
Understanding Pollution:
Pollution happens when harmful substances contaminate the air, water, or land, making it challenging for humans, animals, and plants to live healthy lives. This PDF delves into the different forms of pollution, their sources, their unique dangers to our environment and health, and how to combat pollution.
Pollution Essay in English PDF:
In this PDF, you will find: - An essay on Pollution. - Types of Pollution include Air Pollution, Land Pollution, and Water Pollution. - Sources of Pollution. - Effects of Pollution on Health. - How to combat Pollution. Open in New TabDownload
How to Download:
To download the PDF about the Essay on Pollution and its types including Air Pollution, Water Pollution, and Air Pollution, click the "Download" button above.
Pollution is a significant threat to our environment and health. Still, by understanding its sources and effects, we can work together to combat it and ensure a cleaner, healthier world for future generations. Thank you for reading and taking the time to explore this article and PDF. I hope you got a lot of info about Pollution, its types, its sources, and how to combat it. So, don't forget to share it with your friends, family members, and everyone who wants to learn about pollution, and its types.
Our more PDFs.
We have more Valuable PDFs on Various Topics available, I hope you will enjoy them too. - Life in a Big City Essay Quotations. - Inflation Essay in English. - Courtesy Quotations. - My Favorite Personality Essay in English. - My Hobby Essay in English. Read the full article
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bettreworld · 1 year ago
East Palestine Toxic impact on Ohio River Watershed | Episode 2: The Pro...
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