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seemabhatnagar · 2 years ago
Umiam Lake needs urgent attention for its cleanliness
In re Cleanliness Umiam Lake v. State of Meghalaya PIL10/2019 before Meghalaya High Court Heard by Hon’ble Mr. Chief Justice Sanjeeb Banerjee J & Hon’ble Mr. Justice W Diengdoh J Umiam Lake in Meghalaya is often compared with the beautiful lakes of Scotland. It is a vast and beautiful lake that attracts a large number of tourists from across the country. It is surrounded by the lush and lofty East Khasi Hills. Moreover, there are small islands that rise from the water that look exceptionally beautiful and when seen from Union Christian College Peak, the lake emerges in all its beauty and splendor.  It is sad that rapid urban growth has transformed Umiam into a sink for Shillongs waste and natural streams/rivers feeding the lake into open drains. A PIL was filed in the year 2019 concerning seeing the level of pollution at Umiam Lakes cleanliness before the Meghalaya High Court and hearing is continuing. The matter was listed on 19.07.2023 and State submitted Preservation and conservation guidelines 2023 by way of an affidavit. Observation of the Court with respect to the Report 1.   The guidelines of 2023 published by the State appear to be more of a formality than addressing the real issues. 2.   The guidelines introduced by the State as disclosed in the affidavit fall woefully short of the expectations or the measures necessary to protect the waterbodies, particularly the Umiam Lake. 3.   In the absence of any other employment opportunities and in the name of promoting tourism, the natural beauty of the State should not be destroyed and the State should be alive to the problem. 4.   The State must indicate the measures taken by it to arrest deforestation, as stretches along the highways all over the State reveal felling of trees and more and more of the mountain being chopped off for construction purposes. 5.   Though, State claims that more than 72 per cent of its total area is covered by forest, it would be interesting to ascertain whether any recent survey in such regard has been conducted, if conducted, such report be placed before the Court. 6.   Several of the rivers, including the Umkhrah in Shillong itself are carrying such contaminated water that they may not be fit even to step into. 7.   Elsewhere, rivers and streams which are not perennial carry so much filth and dirt that people living downstream are deprived of the use of the water altogether. 8.   There has to be a more wholesome approach undertaken by the State and it is hoped that the setting up of an expert body with suggestions from knowledgeable citizens possessing qualifications in such regard would go a long way in the State preparing an action plan and persuading the District Councils to abide by the same. Seema Bhatnagar
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vaccumsforcars · 3 days ago
Causes & Effects of Water Pollution + Low Cost Solution We know that polluted water is a problem and that it affects our
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waterlesswashwarehouse · 7 days ago
Causes & Effects of Water Pollution + Low Cost Solution We know that polluted water is a problem and that it affects our health and the health of the planet, but how exactly? What are the Causes of Water Pollution? Some of the top causes of water pollution include industrial waste that contains toxic chemicals, marine dumping, sewage, chemical fertilizers and
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agra24 · 2 months ago
आगरा में गंगाजल की आपूर्ति को लेकर सिविल सोसाइटी की नई पहल
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महानगर की जलापूर्ति व्यवस्था को सुचारू करने के लिए नगर निगम कार्यकारिणी समिति के उपाध्यक्ष रवि माथुर ने गंगाजल आपूर्ति को लेकर नई रणनीति की आवश्यकता पर जोर दिया है। उन्होंने बताया कि मांठ ब्रांच से आवंटित 150 क्यूसेक गंगाजल को बलदेव राजवाह के छिबराऊ एस्केप से डिस्चार्ज कर जीवनी मंडी और सिकंदरा जल शोधन इकाइयों को उनकी पूरी क्षमता पर संचालित किया जा सकता है। इससे न केवल आगरा की जल समस्या का समाधान होगा बल्कि यमुना नदी क�� बहाव स्थिति में भी सुधार आएगा। पेयजल संकट और 'अमृत काल' में जल आपूर्ति रवि माथुर ने सिविल सोसायटी ऑफ आगरा के प्रतिनिधियों के साथ चर्चा करते हुए कहा कि आगरा-मथुरा के लिए पाडला फाल (बुलंदशहर) से गंगाजल की पाइपलाइन के जरिए 150 क्यूसेक पानी उपलब्ध है, जिसमें से 140 क्यूसेक आगरा को मिलता है। बावजूद इसके, शहर की पानी की जरूरत पूरी नहीं हो पा रही। अगर सिकंदरा और जीवनी मंडी जल शोधन इकाइयों को पुनः सक्रिय किया जाए, तो आने वाले दशकों तक जलापूर्ति में कोई बाधा नहीं होगी। यमुना नदी की स्थिति में सुधार की उम्मीद श्री माथुर के अनुसार, छिबराऊ एस्केप से डिस्चार्ज किया जाने वाला गंगाजल गोकुल बैराज के डाउनस्ट्रीम और सिकंदरा जलकल से 5 किलोमीटर अपस्ट्रीम में मिलेगा। इससे न केवल जल शोधन इकाइयां सुचारू होंगी बल्कि यमुना में बहाव की शून्य स्थिति समाप्त होगी। यह व्यवस्था ताज बैराज जैसी योजनाओं के लिए भी सहायक सिद्ध होगी। प्रदूषण और जलशोधन की चुनौतियां वर्तमान में गोकुल बैराज से 1300 क्यूसेक पानी डिस्चार्ज करने का प्रावधान है, लेकिन यमुना में पानी की कमी और बढ़ते प्रदूषण के चलते इसका शोधन कठिन हो गया है। जीवनी मंडी जल शोधन इकाई 260 एमएलडी पानी उठाकर 180 एमएलडी शोधित जल उपलब्ध कराती थी। इसी तरह, सिकंदरा इकाई 158 एमएलडी पानी लिफ्ट कर 90 एमएलडी शोधित पानी देती थी। फिलहाल, ये इकाइयां अपनी पूरी क्षमता पर संचालित नहीं हो रही हैं। नई जलराशि आवंटन की संभावना नहीं जल विशेषज्ञों के अनुसार, आगरा की पानी की जरूरत पूरी करने के लिए यमुना नदी पर ही निर्भर रहना पड़ेगा। नई जलराशि आवंटन की संभावना नहीं है। मांठ ब्रांच और पाडला फाल से उपलब्ध गंगाजल ही शहर की मुख्य आपूर्ति का आधार बना रहेगा। पेयजल संकट पर जनता की राय सिविल सोसायटी ऑफ आगरा के सचिव अनिल शर्मा ने बताया कि यमुना में जल की कमी और प्रदूषण के कारण आगरा में पीने के पानी की समस्या गंभीर हो गई है। राजीव सक्सेना और असलम सलीमी ने भी जल समस्या के समाधान के लिए नगर निगम और राज्य सरकार से ठोस कदम उठाने की अपील की। यमुना जल संकट की वजह आगरा में यमुना नदी का जल स्तर लंबे समय से कम बना हुआ है, जिससे न केवल जल शोधन प्रभावित हुआ है, बल्कि शहर की जलापूर्ति पर भी गहरा असर पड़ा है। पानी की गुणवत्ता में सुधार और पर्याप्त मात्रा में पानी की उपलब्धता के लिए गंगाजल योजना को प्रभावी ढंग से लागू करना जरूरी है। Read the full article
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idea-explorer · 4 months ago
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klikomo · 5 months ago
#news | Oct 23, 2024
Follow me for more interesting facts and what's trending around the world 👍
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taknikinc · 5 months ago
Taknik Inc Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) is an advanced wastewater treatment approach designed to eliminate liquid waste from industrial operations by recycling water and......Read more !!!
Contact us :
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heather-moore-blog1 · 7 months ago
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colitco · 8 months ago
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dyanamic · 8 months ago
Revitalized River Seine: A Clean Slate for the Paris Olympics
The River Seine has been meticulously cleaned up just in time for the upcoming Olympics, ensuring a pristine and picturesque backdrop for the world-class event. The efforts to improve the water quality of the iconic river demonstrate a commitment to environmental sustainability and the well-being of both athletes and spectators. With its revitalized beauty and renewed vitality, the River Seine is poised to enhance the overall experience of the Olympics and showcase the city of Paris in its best light
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swiftgreenfilterindia · 8 months ago
Polluted Waters: A Global Crisis
The process by which dangerous materials, also referred to as pollutants, are discharged into the environment is known as pollution. Pollutants include plastics, smoke, chemicals emitted by industry, volcanic ash, and rubbish. 
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Many natural and human-caused processes can lead to water pollution, which is a serious environmental problem.
Industrial Discharges
 Industrial discharge contains a large number of hazardous chemicals. It discharges these chemicals directly into the rivers, lakes, or nearby water bodies. These highly toxic chemicals may harm aquatic animals and human beings.
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Urban Runoff
Common runoff pollutants include oil, paint, household cleaning supplies, sediment, pesticides, fertilizers, trash, yard waste, and pet waste. The everyday activities we do around our businesses, homes, and yards can impact the quality of the runoff that drains into our waterways.
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Agricultural Practices
Bad management practices include poorly managed animal feeding operations, overgrazing, plowing, fertilizer, and improper, excessive, or badly timed use of pesticides. Pollutants from agriculture greatly affect water quality and can be found in lakes, rivers, wetlands, estuaries, and groundwater.
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Wastewater and Sewage Disposal
Domestic households, industrial and agricultural practices produce wastewater that can cause pollution of many lakes and rivers. Sewage is the term used for wastewater that often contains feces, urine and laundry waste. There are billions of people on Earth, so treating sewage is a big priority.
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Mining Activities
Water pollution may be caused by direct discharge of mine water to the water stream and due to erosion and wash off from the mined out area and waste dumps. The water may be acidic, alkaline, charged with dissolved chemicals and toxic substances or suspended solid particles.
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Marine Dumping
Trash winds up in the ocean due to littering, illegal dumping, poor waste disposal practices, storm water discharge and extreme natural events like tsunamis. It’s not always intentional, but the debris comes from people with a majority of it originating on land first.
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By Kate pickles should have been free to roam the seas for decades to come. Instead, this pilot whale endured a long, agonizing death, unable to hunt food because his stomach was filled with more than 80 plastic bags. The creature was found in a canal in southern Thailand, surrounded by plastic he had regurgitated after mistaking it for food.
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Imbalance Ecosystem
Polluted water can lead to a decrease in biodiversity, as it may contain harmful substances that can kill plant and animal species, disrupt their reproductive patterns or alter their habitats. This can disrupt food chains and overall ecosystem stability.
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Climate Change
Water quality is also affected by climate change, as higher water temperatures and more frequent floods and droughts are projected to exacerbate many forms of water pollution – from sediments to pathogens and pesticides (IPCC).
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Biodiversity Loss
Water pollution has significant negative effects on biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems. Pollution from various sources, including illicit drugs such as cocaine, leads to changes in the morphology and activity of aquatic organisms, impairing their reproduction and causing population decline.
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Unwanted Diseases
Contaminated water and poor sanitation are linked to transmission of diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid and polio.
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Reproduction Disorders
These environmental chemicals now became a major public health concern given that exposure to them, particularly during the sensitive windows of human reproduction, could cause adverse reproductive outcomes (both structural and functional), especially that some have endocrine-disrupting properties.
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Global effects:-
A recent study by the nonprofit watchdog organization Environmental Working Group (EWG) asserts that millions of Americans are drinking water containing carcinogens (including Tobacco smoke, Radiation, Sunlight and Alcohol) and that the contamination may be responsible for more than 100,000 cases of cancer.
Only 0.5% of water on Earth is usable and available freshwater – and climate change is dangerously affecting that supply. Over the past 20 years, terrestrial water storage – including soil moisture, snow and ice – has dropped at a rate of 1 cm per year, with major ramifications for water security. (WMO, 2021)
Tackling water pollution is crucial for preserving ecosystems, public health, and ensuring a sustainable future through collective action and awareness of our environmental impact. To maintain a healthier lifestyle and prevent diseases use Swift Green water filters in your home and workplaces.
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toxicchemicals · 9 months ago
The True Cost of Clean: Why Toxic Cleaning Products and Skincare Are Damaging Our World ..
We all desire a clean home and glowing skin, but at what cost? Many of the cleaning and skincare products we use daily contain toxic chemicals that can have severe repercussions for our health and the environment. It’s time to uncover the hidden dangers lurking in these products and discover safer, eco-friendly alternatives.
The Hidden Threats in Everyday Products Health Hazards
Most commercial cleaning products and skincare items are loaded with chemicals such as phthalates, sulfates, and synthetic fragrances. These ingredients can cause a range of health issues, including skin irritation, respiratory problems, hormonal imbalances, and even cancer. For individuals with sensitive skin or allergies, these products can be particularly harmful, leading to chronic conditions like eczema or asthma.
Environmental Degradation
When we use these products, their toxic components often end up in our water systems, leading to significant water pollution. Chemicals like triclosan and phosphates can harm aquatic ecosystems, disrupting the reproductive systems of fish and other marine life. This pollution not only affects biodiversity but also compromises the quality of our water resources.
Impact on Soil and Plants
The environmental damage doesn't stop at our waterways. Toxic chemicals can leach into the soil, affecting its fertility and the health of plants. Contaminated soil can lead to stunted plant growth, reduced agricultural yields, and a disruption of natural ecosystems. This soil degradation ultimately affects the entire food chain, including humans.
An Eco-Friendly Solution Amidst these challenges, a beacon of hope emerges: Anagha Cleaners, founded by Abhishek Kumar. Anagha Cleaners is committed to producing natural, non-toxic cleaning products that are safe for your family and the environment. Their innovative approach ensures that cleanliness and sustainability go hand in hand.
Making the Switch: Benefits and Impact Switching to Anagha Cleaners is not just a choice for a cleaner home; it’s a commitment to a healthier lifestyle and a greener planet. By choosing natural, non-toxic products, you reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals and help protect the environment from further degradation.
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Join the revolution towards a cleaner, healthier world with Anagha Cleaners. Let’s make informed choices that benefit not only our homes but also our planet. Make the switch today and experience the true meaning of clean.
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#ToxicCleaningProducts, #EcoFriendlySkincare, #WaterPollution, #SoilContamination, #NaturalCleaningSolutions, #AnaghaCleaners, #AbhishekKumar, #SafeCleaningProducts, #ChemicalFreeSkincare, #EnvironmentalSustainability, #GreenCleaning, #PlantGrowthSupport, #HealthRisksOfChemicals, #EcoConsciousLiving ,#AnaghaCleaners #Eco-friendly #Sustainablity #Motherearth
#Plasticwaste #india #Cleaningbrand #Floorcleaner #Naturalcleaner
#safeforbabies #safefornature
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waterlesswashwarehouse · 2 months ago
Causes & Effects of Water Pollution + Low Cost Solution We know that polluted water is a problem and that it affects our health and the health of the planet, but how exactly? What are the Causes of Water Pollution? Some of the top causes of water pollution include industrial waste that contains toxic chemicals, marine dumping, sewage, chemical fertilizers and
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ecoviolations · 10 months ago
Microplastics in Our Water: A Hidden Danger from Everyday Clothing
Repost from Dankazhh on Instagram
Environmental scientist Dankazhh's Instagram post reveals a shocking source of microplastic pollution: our clothes. As part of her master's research in Environmental Science, she has uncovered the significant impact of synthetic fibers on our waterways. This revelation highlights the urgent need for awareness and action to combat this often-overlooked environmental issue.
"I studied microplastics in wastewater for two years, and the shocking truth is most of them come from our clothes! At least 65% of all clothes are made from synthetic fibers like polyester and polyamide, also known as plastic. Every time you wash these clothes in the washing machine, small particles end up in the wastewater. There aren't any specific requirements on how many microplastics should be removed before discharging it into our oceans and rivers. In the end, they pollute our oceans, harm marine life, and even end up in the food chain."
This post underscores the urgent need to address the environmental impact of our clothing choices. The prevalence of synthetic fibers in our wardrobes means that every wash cycle contributes to microplastic pollution. As we strive to live more sustainably, it’s crucial to consider not only the materials we purchase but also the downstream effects of their use.
How can we mitigate microplastic pollution from clothing?
To mitigate microplastic pollution from clothing, we can:
Choose natural fibers like cotton, wool, and hemp.
Use microfiber filters or laundry bags designed to capture microplastics.
Wash synthetic clothes less often and at cooler temperatures.
Advocate for stricter regulations on wastewater treatment.
Raise awareness about the impact of synthetic clothing and promote sustainable fashion choices.
By taking these steps, we can reduce the microplastic load in our waterways, protect marine ecosystems, and ensure a healthier environment for future generations. 🌎🌊
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huongworki · 10 months ago
Talk about water pollution – Speaking sample & vocabulary
“Nước là nguồn tài nguyên quý giá, nhưng ô nhiễm nước đang đe dọa nó!” - Bạn muốn trình bày quan điểm này trong IELTS Speaking nhưng chưa đủ tự tin? Hãy tham khảo ngay "Talk about water pollution – Speaking sample & vocabulary" để có cho mình đầy đủ kiến thức và kỹ năng để tự tin trình bày topic này trong kỳ thi. 
 #IELTS #Speaking #WaterPollution #IELTSSpeaking
Cùng mình xem ngay bài viết chi tiết nhé: https://www.ieltsvietop.vn/blog/talk-about-water-pollution/
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