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princess-of-thebes-1995 · 11 months ago
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grimlocksword · 1 year ago
Climate Activists Reveal Their IQ
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mannytoodope · 1 year ago
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phonification · 26 days ago
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i love yaoi
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just-an-enby-lemon · 5 months ago
Obcessed with this amazing video of Ford insulting capitalism and talking about how brazilian huge landowners are destroying the enviroment.
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maxwell-grant · 1 year ago
Was kinda interesting watching Aquaman 2 do that thing Hollywood movies do where a villain barks orders in an non-English language to signal to the American audience that they're foreign and scary, except this time the actress doing it was speaking portuguese so I actually understood everything she was saying and it was just weird and abrupt. I guess they just told her to translate and say the lines in her own language but didn't direct her how to adapt the dialogue accordingly, so she ends up just telling the henchmen to pick up a guy in a very stilted formal factual manner while everything's exploding around them, that was kinda funny.
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elbiotipo · 1 year ago
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Okay she's my fav now
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ald3r-wolfcak3 · 2 years ago
There is that one shared moment with the horse appetite and everytime I choose the vet option while I using a jwh I have this dumb scenarion in my head;
Vet: "What you give your horse usually?"
Alder: "Mostly ham and chicken, but time to time they catch a rabbit"
Vet: "What?"
Alder: "Yeah, so it was a dumb joke about how people make their dogs and cats "vegetarian" like in a reversed universe people would make their horses "carnivourous"....hahaha"
Vet: "Yeah, this is why I don't like you"
(Ofc if any of Alder's meat eating friend got sick he would run to wildwood and ask for help for some magical, healing herbal potion or something)
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slashdementia7734 · 2 months ago
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snappysprinkledog · 1 year ago
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lightofunova · 2 years ago
🎉 Viridium?
took me a sec to look up which pokemon this was XD
Virizion, one of the swords of justice, is hardly seen by humans, much preferring the company of pokemon more. As such, a large portion of the Unovian population is unaware of the story of the three swords, and their contributions to saving pokemon. Those who do know celebrate in secret, often quiet gatherings deep in the forest where they let their pokemon roam and have a small picnic. They eat, chat, discuss old forms of text about the swords, and pack up quickly leaving no litter behind. What they do leave is an offering of food for her, mostly natural and home grown. This has been one of the most effective ways of celebrating the deity, as a larger form celebration would do more harm than good.
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elafranco2024 · 2 years ago
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Love and respect for our Planet, our Nature, our Animals.
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vaspider · 4 months ago
Spider, do you have any advice on voting when the options are basically the same? I'm not talking Trump vs. Harris, they are definitely not the same. But my local elections are all "absolutely ghoulish republican who's running on Christian Fundamentalism and opposing the Radical Left, is an anti-enviromentalist, and brags about in their previous term in public office where they legally punished a bunch of homeless people for being homeless" vs "[the exact same fucking thing]". Yes, one of the races, they're both running on how they empowered police to break up homeless camps and arrest them for illegally camping. And it's like the whole local ballot that's like this. Granted, this isn't my first election, and the area where I live has always been very Like That, but it's getting worse year after year.
(People are always like "it must be nice living in California since everyone is so accepting over there" but no, that's mostly on the coast. When you get inland enough, it's not that different from what people think of when they talk about rural Texas (lots of people here are descended from the Okies and the Arkies and the like that came during the Dust Bowl, including my own family)).
[Running for office is not an option for me, I'm not even a functional human being at it is.]
I think that either you pick things apart until you find one thing that is slightly less shitty about one of the candidates, or you skip that specific race. Those are really your only two options, you know? You can't create another candidate at this stage, and you don't want to skip voting entirely, so... it's okay to skip one race if you really fucking hate both candidates.
I mean, what else are you gonna do?
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dontyoulistentome · 1 year ago
"I speak for the trees." A.S.S turns to the camera. Smugly now, "The Lorax, 2012".
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overflowingteacupoflove · 4 months ago
Don't Ya Wish U Were Us? ◇◇ Elementals. ⋆·˚ ༘ *
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Chris Sturniolo "One time he set off the fire alarm because he had a science quiz that day. It turned into an actual fire."
Freshman. Youngest Triplet. Fire is his thing. Engineering major. All he craves is to join the Phoenix's. Not the sharpest tool in the shed, he's got some kickass abilities though. "Where ya going?" "Guitar practice!"
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Matt Sturniolo "He froze his pen by accident one time and Chris tried to thaw it out- pen ink everywhere."
Freshman. Middle Triplet. Water powers. Gets into a lot of fights by accident. Physics major. On the hockey team. He's pretty chill (get it?) "Matt the waters cold in the shower.." "yeah, i got it, hold on."
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Nick Sturniolo "He tied himself to a tree in the courtyard they were trying to chop down- big enviromentalist y'know?- anyway he couldnt untie himself and they had to chainsaw him out."
Freshman. Oldest Triplet. Earth powers. He has a whole green house out back (that the dean doesn't know about and doesn't need to know about). Earth Science major. "Did you know that Tulip bulbs were more valuable than gold in Holland in the 1600's?" "S'too early for this Nick."
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Nathan Doe "Hes on field and track- which he shouldn't even be on because it's totally cheating with his power!"
Freshman. Field and Track scholarship, but he has a journalism major. He's whole thing is air, y'know like aang from avatar the last Airbender. People watcher. He runs the school paper. The triplets add on. "Nate, can you please interview us for the paper?" "Cant- not enough room. Sorry Girls."
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lowkeiloki · 6 months ago
been having a lot of fun with blockbench in the past few days, i made a few animals i wish were in minecraft (im not good at colouring in mc style so they remain flat coloured)
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some info abt the mobs under the cut
so we know minecraft is an enviromentalist game and has been prioritizing interracting with mobs without killing them and i feel like tumblr is the only safe space where i can say i agree with that, so no useful loot dropped upon killing any of them, youre gonna have to be nice
River otter
neutral (will only attack back once like pandas)
spawns in small groups in rivers
can be bred with eggs
sometimes spawns holding a nautilus shell which it will happily trade for some salmon
hostile to tadpoles, baby turtles and drowneds
definitively tied to an achievement that has a cheesy "otter" pun in its title
African penguin
spawn in groups on stony shores
can be bred with raw cod
will lay eggs as blocks like turtles, always lay two eggs
occasionally will dig through a gravel block if they find any nearby, pulling out an item, it's mostly something unamusing like sticks or flint, but rarely they might find pottery sherds or iron nuggets
out of the existing biomes, i think stony shores would be most fitting for them to spawn in, but i'd like to propose a new biome, cliffside (tall steep mountain right by the sea) it would look something like this
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also would like to propose a new fish, sandeel (might make a model of them) which can be fed to puffins to breed them
if fed enough raw cod or salmon, the puffin will sit on players shoulder
when sailing with a puffin on shoulder, the boat speed will increase, regardless if in water, on land or on ice (thought that might be a more practical version of the proposed penguin function)
Pine marten
a rare mob that spawns in old growth taigas
passive, will run away from the player on sight
can be made trusting by feeding them apples, trusting martens will not run away and will follow a player holding apples or either kind of berries (which they can also be bred with
bringing a trusting pine marten to a village will increase the amount of emeralds gotten in a trade (this may sound random, but its actually a reference to their cultural significance in croatia)
hostile to chickens, rabbits and baby turtles
Red panda
spawns in bamboo jungle
can climb bamboo and doesnt take fall damage
hurting a red panda near villagers will make them do angry particles like with giant pandas
can be bred with bamboo
by this point i had a hard time thinking of a function, but aparently they need to have one or else minecraft players get angry (because cuteness and whimsy is not enough APARENTLY /j)
will occasionally break a bamboo block theyre holding onto, but they never break the bottom block so the bamboo keeps on growing (could be used for bamboo farming)
spawns in small groups at treetops in jungles
hostile to any kind of illagers and scare off ravagers
can be bred with pumpkin pie
dance to music discs (i mean obviously)
spawn rarely over cold and frozen oceans
if fishing with an albatross flying nearby, the player will get a status effect that increases their chance of finding rare loot (it stacks with luck of the sea)
can't be bred
Whale shark
i can somewhat understand mojang not wanting to add sharks because they dont want to encourage kids to kill it by making them hostile, nor to encourage kids to interract with sharks by making them passive, but a whale shark is RIGHT THERE
spawn in deep warm oceans
will consume any floating item they encounter
after consuming a certain amount of items, they make kelp, seagrass and corals around them grow
can't be bred, but might spawn as pups
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