#enviroment impacts
nyaatsuko · 5 months
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birthday gift for a friend !!!
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aeroplaneblues · 1 year
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Theory Testing😛🍃
Akademiya AU in which Cyno is adopted by Cyrus really early on when he is a child, he ran around the akademiya and met/played with Alhaitham. Instead of leaving to be homeschooled he stayed because Cyno intrigued him, they grow closer and start dating around their teen years. Nari and Kaveh are still their friends and closer to age so they all go to the akademiya together🥰
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empresariadraws · 1 year
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Aranara House Study, 20 hours of painting across 3 semesters later, it lives!
I hope you all have a wonderful day!
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silvkey · 10 months
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Backgrounds for illistrations i'm working on.
Drawing environments has always been my weak point, so I'm trying to learn it better
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https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dCQnMkyEim9PZXUtY6u_w7f8CFxb7_Xt5jF3Q4JHnIw/mobilebasic?safe=active <--- link to the toolkit ddayehunter created
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enevera · 26 days
in this meeting only barely paying attention bc most of it has fucking nothing to do with me
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harpsicalbiobug · 6 months
So. I'm taking a gardening cert class through an extension university. Really well written, great flow and presentation of content knowledge, concepts, as well as resources for where to read or how to find other knowledge sources. Great. Lovely.
Anyway it's supposed to run from Dec to March but I procrastinated badly and. I am doing it all in two weeks.
From an educator's perspective, the way I am completing this is Bad and Not Pedagogically Sound. I also just took the entomology quiz without reading any of the materials and got a 100% so :/
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darkwood-sleddog · 10 months
If you thought off leash dog camps were bad now I am seeing off leash dog camps where the handler is on a bicycle!
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cloverandstuff · 6 months
Do you think Ivan's love was really one-sided? This question is driving me insane, I need to know
Oh dear, first ask and its this-
TLDR: Ivan's love was one-sided until the very end but Till did have the potential to love Ivan back if their circumstances were much different.
Alright, the simple answer would be yes.
Ivan's love for Till was always meant to be tragic, desperate and unfulfilled in order to have the impact that it did.
This also lines up with a conversation he had with Sua about dying for the person they loved. He criticized Sua because her death would hurt Mizi because Mizi loved her, and Sua was a coward to try to run away from that fact.
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Ivan, on the other hand, did the exact same thing, because he knew that in his case, Till never loved him back so his death wouldn't hurt him. He died cause he knew he could so and not be a hypocrite.
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Till never shows Ivan in his flashbacks and Till never seems to look at Ivan unless instigated to. And even then, it's often briefly and barely. Till didn't love Ivan, not in the romantic sense...
Mizi loved Sua, Till loved Mizi and Ivan loved Till and it was always supposed to be this way.
BUT the thing about all these things is the love was borne out of finding solace and hope in another person. They were in an abusive, controlling and dull environment and looked to another person to find a will to live.
So that being said, while Till didn't love Ivan, I think there was potential for that love. Because I do think Till did care about Ivan to some extent.
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Maybe if they weren't in such a horrid enviroment, maybe if they were all free and allowed to do and love whatever and whoever, Till could've loved Ivan.
Because Till did hesitate when it came to running away with Ivan. Ivan never saw this, but Till looked almost guilty, nervous and scared before turning back.
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And when Ivan died, the reaction that Till showed was maybe of that of a person who cared. Who looked worried and confused. Of a persons who lost everything.
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In another universe, maybe Hyuna managed to save them both, and Till manages to learn to move on from Mizi, and Ivan's love for Till tones down, and Till can love Ivan.
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h0neyfreak · 9 months
helping “The Environment” as an individual is such a nebulous and ever changing concept and seems to be very much in the Discourse™️ at the moment so I just want to take a minute to shout into the void with some reminders I gave my enviro students when they got to the “oh dear god we’re all gonna die” phase of the class:
“Individual choices don’t matter” is like. true(?) for climate change (unless you’re a kardashian or CEO or something) but that just means you can’t reusable tote bag your way out of a private jet society. NOT that you can’t have any impact through community initiatives and activism. Advocate for municipal composting and public transit!! Get involved locally!!!!! Write weekly to your representatives! Do whatever you can to get unstuck and scrape together some modicum of hope.
Also on individual choices. There are some that “matter” but be very wary of outsized benefits promised for seemingly small choices (e.g. the straw debacle). An app is not the thing to save us from a hundred years of industry. Going out and collecting litter DOES have an impact even if that impact is just “this area of the world no longer has trash in it.” It’s not solving the issue of microplastics or whatever but it is helping local birds. And it’s helping YOU feel more connected to your local environment and getting you involved with the world and your community.
Finally, the best thing you can be is well informed, persistent, and kind. Be willing and able to help if you bump into someone who is open to the idea of not letting Shell and SHEIN pour toxic sludge directly into every river. It’s more people than you think. But most people only know how to buy things that are “better.” (Electric cars, reusable bags, expensive neutral clothing made of flax). They want to do SOMETHING but we’re all just kind of vibrating balls of anxiety all the time. Know what sort of things are going on around you and invite them! My go to’s are composting initiatives, textile recycling programs, and pollinator friendly/grass free gardens.
Again, it would be great if we were all willing to drag the Shell and Nestle CEOs out to account for their crimes but being paralyzed by fear is not gonna help. Neither is another ethical clothing brand selling $400 linen underwear (probably). I’ve found time and time again that people who have any amount of tangible connection to the world outside have a much more visceral reaction to billionaire super yachts than defeatist suburbanites who drive EVs and have a kitchen full of dubious organic snacks.
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snapscube · 8 months
do you think that theres anything kind of iffy ethically about using AI especially since its been proven how badly it impacts the enviroment? i'm genuinely asking in a non judgemental way, i just want to know what you think
Yes. My last ask abt Sonic Destruction is in reference to things that were made well before the current AI landscape and would not/will not be made in the same way they once were moving forward.
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thelonelysoulhome · 12 days
Moratorium by Omoinotoke
Moratorium is the original ost from the film "Saezuru tori wa habatakanai : the cloud gather"
This song is really beautyful and meaningful, feels like it was written for Doumeki and Yashiro and it gives again another layer to this masterpiece. So I wanted to share it here.
This is the oficial clip with the most accurate translation. The performance is also stuning :
(Click on the link, to see the translation)
"If the sky stops singing
Will you fly to the place you should come back to ?"
That feel like Yashiro's thoughts to me, his whole narrative about the fact that Doumeki is a lost baby bird and the fear that he could return to his 'home' when the storm calm down.
"If I speak out my voice
Will the rain that wet you stop falling ?"
I interpret those lines like Doumeki's wondering, if he express his feelings for Yashiro, would that help him get's better ?
"Locked, Unable to fly "
Yashiro is trapped in this bird cage. A bird that borned in captivity can't escape 'cause he don't know how to live otherwise, even if you open the cage for him, he won't go 'cause he won't survive in the outside world, he'll choose the familiar enviroment over the wandering of the unknown, even if he suffocates inside, hee'll stay 'cause nobody ever taught him how to fly.
Some time ago I came across this masterpiece animation created by TheOneWithBear, that was made with this song:
Very emotional, impressive, every time I see it , I cry, beautifully made,
this animation is just breathtaking, gives me shivers every time.
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The choke hold those panels have on me, literal goosepumps.
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That..that broke me 💔 Yashiro embracing his little self... The little boy that never had any sort of consolation...Forgive yourself Yashiro, forgive yourself my dear, none of it was your fault, none of it was his fault, at least do it for the little Yashiro..try for him, try to heal..'cause he deserve it.
It touched me on so many levels, I can't find words to explain how much of an impact that had on me. (I hope sooo much that we could come to something similar in the official story 'cause those panels are engraved in my mind and heart.)
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Yashiro needs to break down for good, he needs to cry..burst in tears, let out all the tears that were burried inside for too damn long.
He needs to have the courage and safety to accept that he deserves to get better, to accept that he always deserved better, that all of this was wrong...that he is not an unchanging livestock. He have to acknowledge and allow himself to mourn all the things he needed and deserved but never got, and let go the guilt and shame that never been his to carry. He is such a gentle soul, he deserve so so much, but his soul was so deeply wounded and mistreated that he can't see the light in within himself, febrile, hidden deeply inside him, it's weak but it's still there.
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A light that was revived by Doumeki.
Doumeki always been the key, but Yashiro needs to open up to let Doumeki gets in, 'cause it's only when HE will choose to be saved, that he could accept Doumeki's hand.
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Doumeki will never be free, not as long as Yashiro is trapped. They need each other to live.
Please, give them enough time to break free together...To end together...even if it's mean that they'll rest forever.
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ot3 · 11 days
image tag directory
clothes, fashion: more or less interchangeable because I often forget which one I use. in general, #clothes will have more practical and wearable articles, where #fashion is more likely to have couture or avant garde styles.
people: photography with a focus on human subject, ranging from candids, vintage photos, editorials, to just about anything else
enviro: exterior photography, primarily landscapes but plenty of urban locations too
interior: interior photography, rooms and whatnot.
vibes: general tag for anything i find aesthetically impactful/inspirational
color tags: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, pink, brown, black, gray, white, primaries
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fallenangelofsalt · 8 hours
Cursor Fauna HC
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Weird mix of bugs seals snails frogs and i dunno birds? Probably lobsters too.
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They start out as cell-like eggs with a thin slit. The liquid inside is too thick to get out through the slit, and the opening allows the larva inside to absorb data from the enviroment. The data it absorbs while inside the egg will greatly impact how it develops later on.
Over time the liquid will begin to thin, while a skin-like shell develops over the larva. Once the shell is thick enough, the larva will exit the egg through the slit.
A young cursor's shell is not completely hard, but it is very difficult to pierce through from the outside.
Cursors have no internal organs or bones, without their shells they are very similar to a water balloon. When they molt they become very vulnerable so it only happens a couple times over their lifetime. Of course, if their shell becomes too damaged they may molt anyway, but they can usually repair their shell without molting.
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Cursors have exactly 3 main features. Their mouth is self explanatory. Their wings aid in flying and general movement and while they don't always move in the process, cursors with damaged or missing wings will have slower movements and/or be unable to fly.
Their tail aids in collection of data from the enviroment. Not as a feeding method unlike during the egg phase but as a way to examine their surroundings. Their tail is their main sensing organ, and without it they are rendered deaf and colorblind.
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Cursors occupy most outernet habitats, and their sizes vary greatly. Depending on their enviroment they may adopt odd features.
The image above pictures an aquatic cursor, a moutain cursor and a cavern cursor.
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jokeroutsubs · 10 months
Joker Out frontman revealed what his fans gave him, one gift is special to him: "I always carry it with me in my bag."
"I even have it with me now because it really touched me", said the singer of the band, Bojan Cvjetićanin.
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Written by: Marija Pavić
From Poland to the Czech Republic then again to Croatia comes Joker Out as part of their tour this year. Although they have performed in Croatia five times this year (in Umag, Varaždin and three times in Zagreb), the Slovenian band will have their last gig in Croatia this year in Rijeka on November 24th in Pogon Kulture.
From Eurovision their fanbase has grown, and with that comes even more concerts, more traveling, and more gifts. Toys, sunglasses, bracelets with lettering, and bras are just some of the things that fly to the stage to the boys from Joker Out. And while fangirls are fighting for attention from one of the members, one succeeded.
"They throw letters for us on stage. Those are always lovely to read and they really write some things that have power and great impact, on me especially. In my bag I have one letter that I carry with me now because it really touched me", the frontman of the band, Bojan Cvjetićanin, told In Magazin.
Joker Out is experiencing what they once dreamed of when they were created. Gigs are held all across Europe so Bojan said that they learned what it means to not sleep, wake up at three in the morning to catch a train or flight, but also that they still have a lot more to learn.
For the single "Carpe Diem", they recieved a gold record in Finland, and Käärijä, the Finnish representative at Eurovision, joined them at their concerts. "At the beginning, he was supposed to join us only in Helsinki, but he offered to go with us on our trip around Finland and we had a great time, and he was a part of the band during those three days," explained Cvjetićanin.
The band is planning to move to London for a while, where they will work on new songs. They are planning a new album next year, in three languages. "We are going there to collect inspiration, we want to change our enviroment a bit, throw away our phones, have some space, some new chaos as well as new peace, so we will create new music and in the end record new music," said the singer of the band Joker Out.
Original article Written by: Marija Pavić for jutarnji list English translation by: IG @ itslublue_ Proof read by: TWT @klámstrákur
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anonzentimes · 4 months
i dont remember if the dr2 cast keeps their neo world memories but if they do then sometimes i think about how most of them know what it feels like to die now and how that impacts them post game....... if i got such an insane second chance at life with the trauma of legitimatly straight up fucking DYING itd fuck me up a lot i think. id start exercising and eating full meals n shit fkshdkebkf
theres also how being murdered by their classmates affects their relationships with said classmates, im sure some of them would be able to forgive and forget and consider how the incredibly stressful enviroment of the killing game affected their decisions during it but it would definetly be weird to be able to live daily life right next to your actual murderer
Okay, starting this off with a memory refresher for you, We actually do know that they keep their Neo World memories. After they're awakened they remember everything from before the Neo World Program and During it. How can I confirm this? Other than the fact it would be an awful writing decision, Nagito Komaeda never actually met Hajime Hinata. When he wakes up he identifies Izuru Kamakura and then Hajime Hinata. If he can identify Hajime Hinata that means he has his memories of the killing game :)
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Anyways I think about it a lot too, they all went through so much and it's so interesting to think about how they handle it. The guilt of being terrorists at a point, causing the death of thousands, experiencing death and by their own friends nonetheless, it's an insane amount of trauma. It's interesting to think about how it would impact their relationships as well, knowing somebody technically killed you at some point is insane.
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