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the-world-of-enterra · 2 years ago
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I dunno if any if you actually remember the old version of this, but I redrew an old image with updated designs for Vherra and Hornet. Vherra is, as usual, being a sassy bitch. Hornet is not at all amused. Not at all. That half-spider boutta bite a bitch. xD
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the-moth-and-the-warden · 2 years ago
Brine and Jewealvyn (@asktheminecraftians) decided to take a walk into a nearby village, seeing many of its residents trading inside the small settlement. Brine could Jewealvyn was genuinely enjoying their conversation, not really getting out much afterall.
However, as the two talked, Jewel's eyes moved up to see a large moth-like creature? They walked on two legs, and they seemed to be trading with the villagers in front of them. Jewelavyn's eyes seemed to light up and she whispered to ask something of Brine. He nodded and she walked forward, being careful not to startle the moth.
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When she reached the moth-like being, she clasped her hands and started with, "Excuse me? I did not mean to stare, but, you do not seem to be of this realm. I do not believe I have met someone like you before." Jewelavyn bowed her head. "I am Jewelavyn, I go by Jewel. May I ask your name or title?"
[Hiiii, Artha, it's Helios! I wanted to send Jewel and Brine to meet Tiavel! No rush to answer! :D
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The eery white eyes make every hair on Tiavel's body puff up to stand on end, thanks to a set of white eyes he'd seen from time to time, though he regains his composure very quickly. He has a rather odd scent about him, a scent that smells fungal, and dangerous. He finally figured out the reason for the warden gooping his mane. He managed to extract the scent, which he has in a little bottle in a necklace hidden beneath his mane. It makes him smell strange. At least it makes it so he doesn't have to wash the warden's goop out of his mane every time he visits. The little moth has a large basket full of bread. Far more than any person their size would eat. After greeting them back, he gives them a sheepish smile. "Sorry for my initial startled reaction." he says with a flick of his antennae. "Your white eyes gave me a bit of a spook." Though he has to laugh. Two fairly normal looking folks with white eyes gave him a spook, and yet he was about to go willingly visit the most dangerous creature known to this reality he'd landed in...
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the-border-outpost · 2 years ago
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Thane isn't the only Warbred to have gotten a bit of bruising from that failed hunt! Poor Areto got kicked under the tail... which is the equivalent of a nutshot. Poor boy got kicked in the nards, has a bruise, and is very ouchy! His sister's trying to make him feel better, but she can't help but be a bit amused by his rather painful predicament. Look at that pout and those sad puppy eyes... poor Areto's gonna be sitting on an ice pack for a while!
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dtpnews · 11 days ago
Kelly O'Donnell, da NBC, enterra o lede enquanto politizava disparos na FAA
O esforço contínuo para manchar o Departamento de Eficiência do Governo (DOGE) e seus cortes federais de empregos relacionados girou oficialmente para os ridículos. Em uma peça exagerada para NBC Nightly News, A correspondente sênior da Casa Branca, Kelly O'Donnell, politiza os disparos enquanto enterra completamente o lede. Assista à medida que o relatório é aberto, ligando frágilmente as…
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sinerjiportfoy · 12 days ago
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fever-hood · 2 months ago
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Slowly working on maps for Enterra's continents. This is Parvel, the northernmost continent, full of trees on one side and a desolate cold hellscape on the other. The bottom third is pretty normal actually
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useless-catalanfacts · 11 months ago
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Procession of the Holy Burial (Processó del Sant Enterrament in Catalan). It's celebrated annually on Holy Friday in the city of Tarragona, Catalonia. Over 4,000 people take part of this procession. The oldest written document that talk about this procession being done in this part of the city dates from 1550.
Photos from Tarragona Turisme.
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diabolus1exmachina · 2 years ago
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Enterra Vipre
The Enterra Vipre was developed in the mid-1980s by a group of waiters at the Keg Restaurant on Vancouver’s Granville Island. Somehow they managed to secure a grant from the Canadian Scientific Research Council for $10 million CAD, and perhaps not surprisingly it all went wrong shortly after.
Whoever these waiters were they were astonishingly adept salesmen. Not only did they talk their way into that $10 million CAD government grant, but they also talked General Motors into selling their cars in the USA right out of Pontiac dealerships – with a full manufacturer’s warranty no less.
Exactly how a group of waiters came up with the idea of starting their own car company may be lost to history, but we do know that in the early-to-mid 1980s the waitstaff at the Keg Restaurant on Vancouver’s Granville Island hatched a plan to launch their own custom car brand and call it Cymbria.
Rather than building a car from scratch as Bricklin has done a decade earlier before collapsing into bankruptcy the team at Cymbria decided too instead base their car on a preexisting production sports car to save time and money.
The car they chose was arguably the hottest American sports car of the time, the Pontiac Fiero, an affordable mid-engined car with a lightweight fiberglass body. Cymbria developed their own custom bolt-on fiberglass body for the car, then they developed a more luxurious interior, they doubled the sticker price, and put their car on the market.
By the time the initial problems with the body moulds and ill-fitting panels had been rectified it was 1986 and the company had changed its name to Enterra, possibly as a way to leave some space between themselves and the negative press that the earlier 1984 Cymbria prototype had attracted.
The styling of the Enterra Vipre was perhaps a little misleading. It looked like a mid-engined supercar that was doing 200 mph even standing still. In reality it was powered by the standard 2.8 liter Pontiac V6 making just 140 bhp and 170 lb ft of torque.
When the Fiero was still new and exciting back in 1983 and 1984 many kit car and low-volume automakers hailed it as their savior. Its steel spaceframe chassis, mid-engined layout, and easy-to-remove fiberglass outer body panels made it ideally suited to modification. Countless Ferrari replica kit cars were based on the Fiero, there were also Lamborghini kits, and kits replicating other models. Interestingly one of those Ferrari replica designs was the Pontiac Mera – it had a bodykit designed to emulate the Ferrari 308 GTS which was being used in the popular Magnum P.I. TV series in the 1980s. 159 of them were made and sold through Pontiac dealers in the USA before the Ferrari lawyers got involved and shut the operation down. The Canadian answer to this Fiero phenomenon was the Enterra Vipre. Its design was clearly influenced by the Ferraris of the time including the F40, though it was carefully designed so as not to be a replica of any single model – therefore resistant to the famously litigious Ferrari legal representatives in the United States.
The first prototype was built in 1984 as the Cymbria Vipre, however the poor fitment of the fiberglass body panels and overall build quality left a lot to be desired. The moulds had to be completely redone, by the time they were ready it was 1986. The car was relaunched, now as the Enterra Vipre, with a price of over $30,000 USD – the equivalent to $71,277 USD in 2023 and roughly double the cost of a standard V6 Fiero.
Despite the fact that the car was being sold through selected Pontiac dealerships in the USA it was a complete flop. The lack of brandname awareness for Enterra coupled with the high price and the fact that the car had slightly worse performance than the stock V6 Fiero (due to to the larger/heavier body) resulted in dismal sales.
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mysterypuppy · 4 months ago
tomorrow i will call the gastroenterologist
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anditwentlikethis · 9 months ago
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"está a trabalhar há 3 semanas" lmfao ok ouviram besties se quiserem ir à seleção é começarem a mexer o rabo 3 semanas antes da convocatória. Os outros 10 meses da época são irrelevantes, desde que 3 semanas antes consigam correr têm hipóteses (condições limitadas dependendo do empresário)
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selfsabvtage · 1 year ago
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ei, aquele ali é NICO HIRAGA?     não, é só ALEXANDRE “XANDE”, um personagem CANON de ORDEM PARANORMAL: SINAIS DO OUTRO LADO.     ouvi dizer que ELE tem VINTE E DOIS ANOS, mora em aspen cove há UM ANO E MEIO e é um ENTREGADOR DE PIZZA em CAFÉ’S PIZZARIA.     ele NÃO TEM suas memórias, o que pode justificar o fato dele ser um pouco ALTRUÍSTA e AVOADO sempre que o vejo andando pela cidade. 
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the-world-of-enterra · 2 years ago
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Anshiga also has been through some design updates as well... Posting this here with the flurry of updated character references! xD
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negreabsolut · 7 months ago
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La tomba de l'heroi atlanteu.
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the-border-outpost · 1 year ago
Any luck with food or new updates?
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Ariki caught something! Though it's small. But it's something! Unfortunately, they still haven't received any word from the Capitol, but a few small catches by Ariki has helped a bit. In fact, the others have managed to make small catches too. Focusing on lots of small catches has been more successful than trying to hunt down larger beasts.
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rosesandthorns44 · 1 year ago
Feeling this extra right now because my body reminded me I am doomed to need surgery every three or four years for the rest of forever 🙃
(If someone could please invent wireless charging for Enterra devices, that would be sexy as hell)
That chronic illness feeling where you don't want to die soon, but the idea of spending another 60 or so years in this body makes you want to scream.
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sinerjiportfoy · 4 months ago
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