#ennie's potatoe
enniewritesnsk · 2 years
𝕎𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕤𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕥 𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤
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Hoseok is an unmate omega who is still looking for his soulmate whose scent he has spotted during the first day at uni.
But how can he find him back when the rules of their society is to wear scent blocker outside of your private circle?
The soulmate story you didn't ask for 💜
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epilogue: return of the power couples
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daryldixonsjizzrag · 7 months
Loving that scene in brokeback mountain when Jack is peeling potatoes and Ennis is washing his dick in the background, ass naked in the woods
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ariainstars · 3 months
A Love Story Needs a Happy End to Be Good
„You have no idea how hard it is to live out a great romance.” (Wallis Simpson)
The real story of the American socialite Wallis Simpson and English king Edward VIII who abdicated in 1936 to marry her is almost universally well-known and popular. And yet Wallis’ ultimate, resigned judgement of their marriage is largely unknown.
At the time, Edward could not marry a divorced woman due to conventions (Wallis was a divorced woman), which led him to give up the throne because, in his words, „I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as king as I would wish to do without the help and support of the woman I love.“
Edward had not spoken to Wallis about this enormous decision, let alone asked for her opinion about it; she learned about it from the radio. Their marriage skipped many of the stress factors couples usually face: they never had children, and being very rich they never had to bother about peeling potatoes, job loss or a bill they couldn’t pay.
And yet, given Wallis’ words, it was not sunshine and roses after they had had their (alleged) happy ending. Although it is commonly seen as one of the greatest romances of the 20th century, it was a strange relationship to say the least.
Romance in Fiction
„Others find peace of mind in pretending; couldn’t you, couldn’t I, couldn’t we?” (Show Boat)
Where does the oh-so common adage come from that to be really good, a love story should end badly?
From a narrative point of view, adding drama gives (or seems to give) depth to a story. And since there is a lot of drama in books and on screen, we all but grow up with the adage that “love conquers all”, i.e. that a couple will continue to love one another even if all odds are against them. The possibility that if they had so much as moved in together, they might have started to throw dishes within a twelvemonth is hardly ever mentioned.
We live in a culture that idolizes the idea of „love”, by which we mean the blissful period of a relationship when two people live in the dream of a much better future than the life they have now. We all but worship the inspiration it triggers, the changes it kickstarts.
We do not like to be confronted with the triviality of what might come afterwards. „Tragic” love stories seem to offer a way out: we are supposed to believe that things would have been wonderful for these two… if it hadn’t been for that thing called reality.
So many stories invite us to sigh, „They could have been so happy together if…“
If Romeo had not believed that Juliet was dead. (Romeo and Juliet)
If Richard and Elise hadn’t been born eighty years apart. (Somewhere in Time)
If Francesca had gone with Robert instead of staying with her family. (The Bridges of Madison County)
If Satine hadn’t died of consumption. (Moulin Rouge)
If Ann hadn’t been a crown princess. (Roman Holiday)
If the society Ennis and Jack lived in hadn’t been homophobic. (Brokeback Mountain)
If the Titanic didn’t sink causing Jack’s death. (Titanic)
If Anakin Skywalker didn’t fall to the Dark Side. (Revenge of the Sith)
If Pater Ralph hadn’t been a priest. (Thorn Birds)
etc. etc.
It seems „so unfair“ that they can’t be together. When actually, all we learn is that two people had romantic / erotic feelings for one another. They never went beyond the first phase of a relationship to the moment when the soap bubble they were in would burst, and they would have to realize that they’re not actually with the person their imagination provided, because
1 said person doesn’t exist in the first place and
2 even the kindest and most attentive lover is only human.
Romantic Love is a Fantasy
„How can you know what you want till you get what you want and the see if you like it?” (Into the Woods)
Why does „love” often strike so quickly and unexpectedly, both in reality and in fiction? Why are people suddenly convinced to „love” someone who is basically a stranger, before they know what is actually going on inside that person’s head?
Hold on. It’s simple.
Because that person happens to correspond to a dream, a hope they have cherished for a long time already, unconsciously or consciously. We dream someone up because we see in them a better future.
Both in reality and in media, people we fall in love with are usually young, good-looking, charming, cool or have other positive qualities. We naturally will much easier feel attracted to someone who triggers our fantasy than with someone who doesn’t show all his goods in the shop window.
Maybe we fall in love with who has characteristics we don’t, e.g. with someone handsome and charming because we were often teased about allegedly being unattractive and awkward.
Maybe we know someone who never wants for admirers due to their looks and personality, and, feeling shyer and less appealing, we envy and desire them; but there is a difference between winning the object of everyone’s desire and actually sharing a life with them. The more someone is charming, the more it is possible that they are used to relying on their charms instead on their own intelligence and application.
Or maybe we fall into the trap of a manipulator, who will do anything in their power to nurture the feeling of amorousness in their victim, at the beginning of the relationship or later, when first doubts come up; not with the intention of making the other happy but to manipulate them. Sly people use their attractiveness and trigger other people’s insecurities on purpose to win their love because they want something from them - attention, sex, money, help with certain projects, you name it.
Another alternative is that you fall for someone who has the same inner wound as you do; that person feels like a kindred spirit because they actually are. But I’m sure I need not tell you that it’s not a healthy kind of love because it’s based upon the pain you share. You might be able to heal these wounds together; but such relationships often fail because one of the two doesn’t really want to heal (in the worst case, both), believing their wound to be something special that entitles them to feel superior and to hurt other people, starting with the partner.
The person we fall in love with is not a dream; they have a free will, they have a past, they have dreams, they have countless experiences and feelings and thoughts that we don’t and never will share. They were not born with the explicit purpose of making us happy, or to fill in some gap or solve some problem that we can’t cope with on our own.
Happy Ever After…?
„Yes, Herbert Woodruff is my husband.” „So, you married him and lived happily ever after?” „I married him.” (The Prince of Tides)
Most couples get together on the spur of the moment: they date, have sex, move in, get married, often not knowing what they’re getting into. The reality of life with all its struggles, living together 24/7 is a wholly different matter than the start of a relationship. It can be a very good reality, yes; but it’s not what the couple imagined when they fell in love in the first place.
A relationship has to stand the test of real life. After the initial high, sooner or later the couple will unavoidably clash with family and friends, everyday life, stressful situations. And if a love story ends badly, we will never know how that turned out because they didn’t have the chance to try.
The irresistible pull you sometimes feel towards another person for a while is not Fate, it’s human nature; and nature does not want anyone to be happily ever after. Nature wants us to grow. Which is also why it can be important to learn how to let go of a person once you realize that you’re not good for each other, no matter how much you loved (or believed you loved) them for a while.
A sad ending to a love story may be necessary, e.g. the purpose of both the love and the death of Romeo and Juliet is to finally bring the two enemy families of Montague and Capulet together. In The Prince of Tides, romantic love helps the protagonist overcome his trauma and restore his self-esteem, while his female counterpart leaves her dysfunctional marriage.
However: since the couple never get to actually share their lives, there is no way for the audience to know if Their Love Was True, or if it only was a fantasy.
If a relationship fails in real life, usually it’s because two people are either too immature for a relationship or were not compatible in the first place, which sounds banal and unromantic after the magic sparkles of the beginning. It sounds much better to think that „Things would have gone great if…”
Yes, maybe. Who knows.
Married Life is Reality
„No matter how much we fought, I always hated watching you leave.” (The Force Awakens, Star Wars episode VII)
Viewers may have been disappointed on learning that Han’s and Leia’s marriage wasn’t quite happy; that they argued often, even if they never stopped loving one another. But that is only realistic given how different they are, and I’m glad the Star Wars sequels didn’t sugarcoat how their love story eventually turned out.
Media lull us into the belief that you have to fight for your love, that it’s a good thing to desire what is or seems unattainable. They rarely ever show us what actually makes a relationship happy, and, most of all, lasting.
Being convinced of having found one’s soulmate is, in my opinion, even less of a choice than an arranged marriage, because it takes for granted that Fate made them meet Someone and that therefore, their feelings for this person are inevitable.
Love must be a choice. There is a reason why during the wedding both partners say out aloud in front of all of their friends and family that they agree to spend the rest of their lives with one another.
As much as our culture idolizes the idea of obsessive love, bonus if with a total stranger, we are supposed to be blind to the possibility that it might be the gateway to an unhealthy relationship.
Many „love stories” that are coded as romantic are stories about stalking, emotional blackmail, manipulation, obsession, emotional terror. There is nothing nurturing and loving about them, on the contrary. But even so we are supposed to cry buckets over them and to think „these two deserve a chance on happiness.”
If a person is helpless before their own feelings for someone and they could not live without them, it’s not a sign of True Love but of weakness and dependence. In particular love stories that happen in action movies and / or dramas are actually trauma bonding. And if they end badly, the couple skips the inevitable everyday life that they would have faced otherwise, where things would have felt much differently.
„And if the things we dream about don’t happen to be so, that’s just an unimportant technicality.” (Show Boat)
An arranged marriage (arranged, not enforced) can turn out very happy; a relationship that started with the greatest feelings of passion and tenderness can end up as a total disaster. But if a relationship fails that started with love, the couple only have themselves to blame. And since that seems so disappointing, we prefer to see this or another drama as the actual reason for their failure.
How often have we, in our real lives, thought that we might have been happy with this or another person if it hadn’t been for „circumstances”? And how often were we, consciously or unconsciously, influenced by the countless stories which bring up some kind of tragic, ill-fated ending for this or another couple?
It is easy to fall in love with someone who is or seems unreachable and to draw inspiration from the idealized vision of that person. It must not necessarily be a bad thing. But reality will always take over in one way or another - either that person becomes available and you must accept them for being human with all of their flaws, or the constant longing turns into a never-ending pain.
We idealize the idea of a honeymoon phase that never ends and are ready to accept all sorts of reasons if it didn’t. But you only know that your love is true and your relationship healthy if you actually have the chance to be with someone, get to know them for who they really are, and to test whether the dynamics between you make both of you stronger and happier or not.
There is nothing wrong with dreaming together. It becomes wrong when you believe that you can build your entire life and future entirely on a dream.
Being in love feels great and inspiring. It can motivate you to become a better person, to change your entire life for the better. However: if the ecstatic feelings of the beginning don’t last that doesn’t mean that „it wasn’t real love after all”. You can’t be in love all the time any more than you could be high on drugs all the time: sooner or later your senses go into overload and deflate. When the initial high ends and doesn’t turn into another intense feeling like hurt and despair, it doesn’t mean that the feeling of love wasn’t real.
Falling in love for the first time means having met someone who matters more than the family one comes from; it means being ready to leave one’s home and to found a home of their own with someone you chose. It’s a sign of maturity and that makes it a good thing, even if you will not stay with this person for the rest of your lives. (Which is why I believe many people say that you can love only once in your lifetime. You can love more often than that, but you only become adult once.)
Now, Bring Me That Horizon
All of this is why I insist that a good love story needs a chance to continue. To back out by means of this or another tragedy or „circumstance” feels like cheating on what a relationship is actually about: growing and maturing together.
Love stories that end tragically take for granted that a couple is drawn apart by things beyond their control. Had they had a chance, they might have experienced that their relationship failed due to things they actually would have had in control, and that they weren’t mature enough to handle it. Both in stories and reality, we are much more inclined to accept some calamity than our or other people’s inner lack.
After having seen so many of them, I now avoid watching movies or reading books about love when I already know that the couple will not stay together. Too often it feels like the purpose of the drama is avoiding the possibility that the actual tragedy might have started once the lovers stayed together. I daresay many “star-crossed” couples got lucky because they escaped a relationship that would never have worked; but since they didn’t give it a try, neither they nor we as the audience will ever know.
„You know, it could be like this, just like this, always.” (Brokeback Mountain)
Would it? Give it a try and find out.
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mareenavee · 11 months
Uphold the Light
Phew! Okay @kookaburra1701 here is Mara looking after her champion, Ennis. (: Against...what? I wonder... >:}
HUGE SHOUTOUT to @gilgamish for the beta and the HYPE!!! Ah I loved writing this one!
Tagging @paraparadigm, @polypolymorph, @thana-topsy, @changelingsandothernonsense, @dirty-bosmer and @throughtrialbyfire for the weird god voice fic things <3
Without further ado:
Uphold the Light
You have stood tall in fields rife with crops all your life, and I have kept close by, though you cannot see me. You call yourself Ennis of Rorikstead, but I have always carried your true name in my hands—a knotted rope of a thing, complicated in its simplicity, the sound of it music to the soil beneath your feet. You do not know it like I do. Each seedling that sprouts and reaches toward the sun holds the syllables; each harvest becomes another title.
You are, however, aware of a certain darkness. The kind that creeps in shadows sent flying from the setting sun, rays hidden behind mountains and buildings. This is the same shade which has pulled my hands from yours, and continues to keep us separate, hiding under the guise of answered prayers. And yes, things will grow in soil devoid of my touch—but you have long suspected I had been here, once, and was forced away. You see it in the strange paleness of newly sprouted plants, and in the dark spots of blight on freshly pulled potatoes. You do not voice your concerns. Instead, as autumn encroaches on your land, you work and you pray and you wait to see when dawn will break again. You have always felt closest to me in the earliest sunlight. The night, we both know, is another story entirely.
Under murk as thick as mud in riverbeds, twisted between the roots and rocks, pestilence sleeps. They feed it—your kin, your neighbors, your leaders—with the souls and limbs of my daughters. Their bones sink into soil, once barren, and my gifts upon them are returned to Nirn. Their souls, however, are lost. I do not hold them in my arms. I was not granted the final embrace. The thing which calls itself the savior of this barren ground keeps them in constant torment, fueling His realm. The exchange for their suffering is the prosperity of your people. You understand there is something amiss. In tilling the fields, you’ve found the bits of bone devoid of marrow, the teeth, the nails. Reldith implores your ignorance, insisting all fields are the same, and heavy is the burden of a farmer turning soil which has been home to ghosts of bygone ages.
You know, deep down, there is more to this than she insists. You do not speak your apprehension at her statement, though you have toiled with the worry sprouting in the back of your mind.
I cannot take these fears from you, or to protect you from the tremors of this deal—or what it would mean for the pact to end. -> Read the rest on AO3.
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katiebug586 · 2 years
Stuart: Orange juice is the superior beverage because it makes your tongue feel like you ate a bunch of ants which reminds me of my childhood when I would put ants in my mouth and eat them except this time it tastes good too.
Miracle: Hey, Stuart, I think you’re probably allergic to citrus?
Ennis: Is this not what oj is supposed to make your tongue feel like-
Andrew: Every time I tell someone about my potato allergy they go “oh that sucks I can’t imagine not eating fries or mashed potatoes!” and im like oh rest assured nether god nor the devil himself could stop me from trebucheting hot spoonfuls of starchy face-swelling throat-itching good shit into my dumb as hell gaping potato receptacle.
Helen: Andrew, I’m still not over the fact that you thought the potato sweats were A Thing.
Andrew: I simply assumed we were all willing to suffer for our passions.
Miracle: Did you know that if your mouth itches when you eat kiwis, it is not from hairs left over on the fruit after you peel it? I didn’t until I was about 26 or so!
Helen: Confusingly, pineapple is supposed to feel like that, the damn thing is attempting to digest you right back.
Ennis: Numb lips are not part of the intended experience of peanut butter, apparently.
Sue: yALL-
Larry: Are we just gonna ignore the part where Stuart says he ate ants?
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cecexwrites · 1 year
Hiya, how are you doing today?
Please and thank you!
I am doing great, I have a meatball sub on the way to me and I get to spend some time writing!
“I told you that bets are childish.”
“And yet, children aren’t allowed in casinos,” Eden argued, dragging Isaac towards the vault. Deucalion nodded at Ennis who opened the vault for the pair, and Eden got 3 steps in before unceremoniously dropping him like a sac of potatoes. The pretty boy groaned but didn’t open his eyes. 
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realizashuns · 5 years
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ive been so unhappy with the design of my room the walls on the sides aren’t even walls it’s like storage without any walls so I’ve had to put up tapestries but now I got some nice ass linen plain white tapestries to sort of make into a canopy vibe above my bed and just hang one on the other so I also had to get rid of my ugly basic blinds so I got the curtain rod and sheer curtain from amazon lol it’s cheap and it already looks SO much nicer and I don’t feel ducking sad when I’m in here because it was so ugly before.... and this is only changing the curtains and adding a fucking stick above the fucking windows and here’s my dog wondering when her husband will return from war
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monologuerhead · 3 years
[“They had a high-time supper by the re, a can of beans each, fried potatoes, and a quart of whiskey on shares, sat with their backs against a log, boot soles and copper jeans rivets hot, swapping the bottle while the lavender sky emptied of color and the chill air drained down, drinking, smoking cigarettes, getting up every now and then to piss, relight throwing a sparkle in the arched stream, tossing sticks on the re to keep the talk going, talking horses and rodeo, roughstock events, wrecks and injuries sustained, the submarine Thresher lost two months earlier with all hands and how it must have been in the last doomed minutes, dogs each had owned and known, the military service, Jack’s home ranch, where his father and mother held on, Ennis’s family place, folded years ago after his folks died, the older brother in Signal and a married sister in Casper. Jack said his father had been a pretty well- known bull rider years back but kept his secrets to himself, never gave Jack a word of advice, never came once to see Jack ride, though he had put him on the woollies when he was a little kid. Ennis said the kind of riding that interested him lasted longer than eight seconds and had some point to it. Money’s a good point, said Jack, and Ennis had to agree. They were respectful of each other’s opinions, each glad to have a companion where none had been expected. Ennis, riding against the wind back to the sheep in the treacherous, drunken light, thought he’d never had such a good time, felt he could paw the white out of the moon.”]
Annie Proulx, Brokeback Mountain
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caramelcal · 4 years
Sparks Fly
Word Count: 1.26k
Ship: Aiden Steiner x Hale!Reader
a/n: So basically, the soulmate au sort of thing I chose for this was the one where when you’re close to your soulmate (you have to be very close) sparks literally fly. It shocks everyone around you but it feels very recharging for you and your soulmate. I hope this is okay and as always, requests are open and enjoy ! :)
Request:  The reader is in the woods but doesn't know that the alpha pack is in the woods as well. The reader bumps into them and the reader is a beta. They don't kill the reader because Aiden finds out that the reader is his soulmate (this isn’t the full request as I asked for a further plot line due to lack of ideas, sorry)
Warning: There is one swear word (sorry!)
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You already knew that Derek was going to be seething with anger when you arrived back at the loft but right now, you didn’t care. All he had been doing for days, weeks even, was complain and grumble about the alphas. You could barely breathe in there without being the victim of Derek’s grumbling.
That’s what led you out here. You weren’t annoyed at Derek for being concerned, but you just needed some quiet, and not being constantly riled up by him. However, the Beacon Hills Preserve probably wasn’t the best place to be by yourself at night, but you could hold your own, you had faced enough things in your life so far.
However, the silence you had been enjoying was disrupted when you heard twigs and sticks break from underneath someone’s foot. Your breath got caught in your throat as you hid behind the thick tree you were currently at, claws out and ears listening in to see who it was.
“Patience,” A strong British accented man called out calmly, his voice monotonous. It was the alpha pack. Staying quiet, you tried to figure out how many of them there was behind you by counting heartbeats.
You counted four. However, if you remembered correctly, there were five alphas in the pack. Deucalion, the British man, and Kali, the girl were people that you had unfortunately met before but your brother had told you about Ennis, the extremely muscular man, and the twins. So who was missing?
It was at that moment where you found out, a hand gripping your neck and holding you up, swinging you around the tree and slamming you into the bark. The rough bark pierced your skin as the hand dragged you up the tree. You looked down at whoever it was: Kali. Of course it was her.
The rest of the alpha pack advanced slightly as Kali sneered at you. You would have given it a go, trying to fight off Kali but she was an alpha and you were simply a beta. Plus, she wasn’t alone and clearly had the upper hand here, you’d be surprised if they even spared your soul never mind leaving here unscathed.
“If it isn’t y/n Hale,” Kali scowled, her eyes turning the alpha red color, “I’m seeing the resemblance, honestly. Both you and your brother have the scowl perfected now, don’t you? Did that happen before or after the fire?”
You could feel the anger bubbling in your stomach but your face remained the same, e/c eyes never leaving Kali’s. You wouldn’t tear your eyes away from hers, because that was a sign of submission and there was no way that you were letting this thing have the upper hand over you more than she already does.
Noticing that she wasn’t going to get a response for the deep-rooted childhood trauma you had endured, she continued, “Speaking of your brother, why don’t we get him down here? Let him finish off the initiation to the pack right here right now?”
It was clear that she was just trying to get to you, everyone here knew that Derek wouldn’t kill a member of his pack, let alone his little sister. You struggled to talk due to Kali’s ridiculously long claws digging into your neck, faintly drawing blood.
This time, you decide to reply to the woman. You expect her to get riled up and you know it’s a bad idea but you do it anyway, “Oh Kali you know my brother won’t kill me. He won’t get all jittery and kill his pack because someone asks him like you. He isn’t a little bitch.”
Shortly after you said that, you realized just how bad of an idea that was. You’ve been spending far too much with Stiles and now can’t keep your mouth closed, good job y/n. Kali clenched onto your throat harder and pulls you away from the tree, throwing you like a sack of potatoes onto the grass several feet away from her.
You tumble as you land but ultimately land on your feet, a hand on the grass as you turn, growling. You had briefly contemplated howling but you knew that was exactly what Kali wanted, she wanted your brother involved. But she also knew the deal, that she wasn’t allowed to touch a single member of Derek’s pack until the next full moon and that deal was now null in void.
Deucalion was angry at her; you could feel it and you knew that at the end of the day, even if you were bloody and bruised, she wasn’t going to be left unscathed either. That brought a smirk to your face as she advanced, you doing the same. Pain filled your face as you felt her claws dig deep into your cheek, you subsequently taking yours right down her stomach.
“Kali!” Deucalion shouted but Kali didn’t pay attention as she punched you in the face, making you fall to the ground, but in the split of a second, you were standing above her and she was on the ground; electrocuted.
In fact, most of their pack was now on the ground, but a feeling of rejuvenation filled your body. It was empowering and unlike anything you had ever felt before. It was like you were high, and nothing that anyone would do would affect it. Your eyes didn’t stay on the members of their pack that were on the ground, but instead noticed that there was one that was still standing up; staring at you.
His eyes were turned red, but it wasn’t because he was engaged to attack you and that was when you realized exactly what was going on. Your fangs were protruded with your mouth open, letting out heavy breaths, feeling high on adrenaline. It was one of the twins, they were your soulmate. He made his way towards you and suddenly, you didn’t feel the need to back away, he wouldn’t hurt you, right?
He stood about a foot and a half away from you, looking down at you with his red eyes. Kali stood up with a growl, clutching her side as she spoke, “I’m going to kill you.”
Yet, when she went to lunge at you her arms were caught by Aiden, his grip almost being strong enough to crush her bones as he growled menacingly, “You aren’t going to lay a finger on her.”
Kali stared up at Aiden, growling ever so slightly before realizing that she wouldn’t manage to get him to step down. She might have been a lot older than Aiden and had a lot more experience being an alpha but right now he was a lot strong than her due to the strengthening of his powers and weakening of hers because he found his soulmate.  
Disregarding her, he turned back to you with a grunt to which you nodded your head in reply, a form of gratitude that only you two seemed to pick up on. As the alpha pack retreated, you were left to your thoughts, Hales were not normally big on soulmates, Cora hadn’t found hers and Derek had been forced to kill his, so you hadn’t had much hope to find yours. Yet, when you met him there seemed to be a formidable bond between the two of you like a promise that neither of you would break; he would see you again soon, you just knew it.
But as you began to walk back to the loft you thought, "oh no, how the hell am I supposed to explain this to Derek?"
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loveleftbehind · 2 years
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Ennie lays on the floor, arms wrapped around the large body of Bagel and burying his face in their fur.
He could joke about the holiday all he wanted, but that box sitting not too far from him would always be stuck in his mind. What was usually closed and pushed to the back of his closet was opened, some of the contents littered around it.
He knew it was a bad idea to go looking in there again, promising himself every year that he would stop, but every time father day reared its ugly head, he couldn’t help himself. Carefully picking through the box. Looking over that picture. That smaller box he was going to give as a gift.
The janitor sniffed, puffy red eyes looking at that special shoebox once he lifted his head. He knew he’d have to face it again to put it all away, but part of him didn’t want to. Part of him wanted to hold the box tight and wail over what could have been.
He rubbed his eyes, going to scoop up that familiar black and white picture, despite how much he hated the name in the corner, he couldn’t deny that i was once him.. And the picture contained what was once his. So small. ‘Potato looking’ he’d said at the time, laughing and giddy with joy and nerves.
Ennie swallowed, placing it back inside its special box, sitting snuggly next to that white little test, still displaying a plus sign even after all this time. 
The time had come for him to put those memories away, rubbing his eyes once again as he scooped up the box, securing the lid and taking it back to its home in the back of his closet.
In silence, he pressed his lips to the top of the lid, before sliding it back into the dark. Where he could pretend it didn’t exist, and where he didn’t have to read the name scrawled so messily on the side.
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enniewritesnsk · 2 years
Hᴇᴀʀᴛ Sʜᴀᴘᴇᴅ Cᴏɴғᴇᴛᴛɪ
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Hoseok and Namjoon are going to Vegas for the Bachelor Party of their respective friends. They met and like each other, a lot. Then they're left alone for one day.
Chaos ensues then...
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callsigntitan · 3 years
The engineer... Luca. He says he can find potato chips for you, Caro.
Go find him in the cargo bay.
Ennieeeeee I will owe everything if you're the reason I get my mouth on a crunchity crispity potato chippity 🤣 I AM SO EXCITED ENNIE THANK YOU ❤❤❤❤❤❤
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sztupy · 2 years
Boris Johnson szólt már, hogy a krumplit lehet nyersen is enni?
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badass-at-fandoming · 3 years
Oh Book-Reader and Lore-Librarian: what the hell is The Seduction of Goratrix? (I didnt think it was real at first 😅) Have you read it? Is it really gay magic vampire "Fifty Shades of Gray of the World of Darkness" like one review I found said? If it is how the hell has vamblr not has a hey day with it like it did Eternal Hearts?
Sincerely, a very gay neonate
(PS Happy Pride 🏳️‍🌈)
Excuse me what--
It's real???
Nessy, @nessynoname you sent me on A Journey. Here I was, innocently reblogging bullshit and trying to find that one fan art of Beckett in heelies at 2am on a Saturday when my brain record-scratch careens into the road divider because The Seduction of Goratrix is NOT just a funny photoshop but a canon book for the World of Darkness.
After some Internet searching, I found some sort of origin tale. The Seduction of Goratrix is, indeed, an erotica novella about Goratrix and Tremere fucking their way into undead society. The story has a frame narrative about how this account of the Tremere Clan's founding was discovered by an Anarch Tremere, Owen Liakos, which is why "Owen Liakos" is listed as the author. Rex Antilles is the Baron of Ithaca, New York, and published the story in order to embarrass the Camarilla.
It seems like same author wrote The Sword in the Tower. It's listed as the same contributor on DriveThruRPG. It's described as a "tell-all exposé of the romantic tryst between Scooter, Sabbat Malkavian Antitribu, and Maxwell Edison, Primogen of Clan Tremere of Buffalo, New York." Here the author is "Michael Flatz," and since I can't find any record of a Michael Flatz author on Amazon, GoodReads, Twitter, or Google, I think that's another pen name. Rex Antilles is mentioned again in the book description.
BUT NOW FOR THE PART THAT THREW ME. These are all some fans just like, manifesting???
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Jamey is a writer in their own right as well. Their story appeared in the Ennie Award-winning Uncaged Anthology, vol 3, which, because the world is the size of potato, also has Ivory aka my favorite game writer in it???
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Here is a little tweet about Owen and his husband that Jamey made for #VamilyPride, which is A Thing and probably how World of Darkness: Stories is getting their Pride series material.
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I'm guessing vamblr hasn't lost their marbles over this because
it's new-ish. 2019 is the earliest tweet date I could find. Eternal Hearts was published in 1999 to a huge, LOUD amount of controversy and it's infamy continues to this day.
the people involved run in circles that don't seem to overlap with tumblr much. They seem more LARP and pen-and-paper focused. Tumblr talks about those activities too, but a bigger chunk focuses on the video games, particularly Bloodlines.
There was little to no marketing. Both titles are only available on DriveThruRPG. They're not listed on GoodReads, which is a feat because I can find the most obscure manga or not-officially-translated-to-English Chinese gay novel on GoodReads. They're not for sale on Amazon, or Gumroad, or Barnes & Noble, or fucking. Google Play.
The Seduction of Goratrix on DriveThruRPG: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/267327/The-Seduction-of-Goratrix
The Sword in the Tower on Drive Thru RPG: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/290060/The-Sword-in-the-Tower
Screenshoted Twitter thread: https://twitter.com/jameybash/status/1099058349059002368
#VamilyPride Tweet: https://twitter.com/jameybash/status/1399774062382141451
Jamey's blog post about being in Uncaged Anthology: https://jameybash.com/2020/09/21/uncaged-accolades/
Uncaged Anthology, vol III: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/290973/Uncaged--Volume-III
Ivory's playable Medusa race, which I have been assured is chock full of lesbians: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/264180/Mistresses-of-Stone-A-Playable-Medusa-Race-for-Ravnica
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iso-polo · 3 years
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strange out of place lines aside, i heard we making dsmp sonas so :-) here is mine !! template made by @// 0kinotori on twt! blank and image id below the cut hehe (but this is a really dense image so I’m sorry that the ID is so long!)
Image ID: a character reference chart. There are two boxes to the right for a drawing of you and your pet, and to the right of that are blanks to fill in general information. Their name is Crow, they are in their late teens, they are 5 feet 8 inches tall, they’re pansexual and use he/they pronouns, and their species is a shapeshifting fox hybrid. The drawing shows a person with shorter, light green hair pulled back in a small ponytail, and green eyes. There’s an arrow pointing to their head that reads “can hide most fox features (tail slips out lol). They have an iron chestplate and shoulder armor, as well as iron vambraces that have an eye motif at the center. He has a purple undershirt and a half-cape that covers his shoulder, with a wooly exterior and a dark blue exterior. There’s a circle motif on the shoulder of the pan flag. They have a sword at their side, a bag strapped between their belt and their thigh, and loose black pants. Knee armor can be seen before the box cuts off, and their tail peeks out from behind them. It’s light grey, and fades towards a darker grey/black at the tip. To the right of the drawing is a chart with 5 rows labelled Combat, Redstone, Navigation, Building, and Parkour; there are also 10 columns that are colored in to show their skill. They have 6/10 in combat, 5/10 in redstone, 3/10 in navigation, 7/10 in building, and 2/10 in parkour. Below that is a line labelled “Faction/Associate”, where I’ve written “Eret”. Below the drawing of Crow is a drawing of a small, light brown cow with white patches all over. On one ear she has a light blue earring that matches one of Crow’s, and on the other she has a simple gold ring. She has a “crown” of a gold chain with little bits of lapis hanging off of it, and she has a light purple collar with a big bell on the front and heart and flower-shaped charms on one side. She has a small brown bag strapped around her middle and has a green strip of cloth around one ankle. A line is drawn from her head to her feet labelled “about 3 feet” and there is a note that says “I have never drawn a cow in my life”. To the right of the drawing is a table of information. The pet’s name is Enni, who uses she/her and is generally a genderless being. Her species is a cow (but she’s shockingly small and fast?). Enni’s favorites include fruit which she really loves, but she’s not fond of sweets; veggies are ok, and she really likes potatoes. She just jingles around and if she sees someone she doesn’t recognize, she runs full speed at them and rams into them. There is a bar that shows a range between “stinky” and “baby”, with Enni solidly in the middle but leaning slightly more towards baby. The note below it says that she only really listens to Crow, and bullies others while they aren’t looking, but they don’t know that. At the bottom of the page there are two boxes. The one on the left contains “Likes” and “Dislikes”. Crow likes fruits and sweets, exploration, farming, studying strange topics, and following Eret around like a lost child. Crow dislikes loud/grating noises and explosions, going to bed early (i.e. before 3-4 am), the Egg (Eret told him it was bad so it must be!), and being too far from Enni. On the other side is a box labelled “Extra Info!”, with bullet points inside. “They used to spend a lot more time in fox form, spends a lot more time in human form since becoming a knight. He doesn’t do much lore-wise, but collects materials from Eret and tries to dissuade people from stealing from her; they generally just do whatever Eret tells them to lol. Not very social, other members scare him lol loser.” End ID.
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